The weekend beckons and this is timely. I was just thinking to myself that as Corbyn makes Labour increasingly irrelevant from an electoral point of view the BBC becomes the main opposition to the Conservative Government. In itself, that shows the danger of this most biased of broadcasters.
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All day I’ve listened to the BBC blather on about the Talk Talk cyber attack….But never once have I heard them reveal that it was Jihadis doing the “attacking”…I wonder why?
ITV reported it on their 6.30 News.
CEO Dido Harding looks like a generic lefty Common Purpose placement to me, if I were a share holder she wouldn’t inspire confidence.
Heh, that was my first thought upon seeing her too, from quite a distinguished military family all the same though, her grandfather in particular.,_1st_Baron_Harding_of_Petherton
They are still not reporting it. Instead, they were looking disappointed in Mexico at zero loss of life over the large storm (hurricane Patricia, which made landfall overnight. They had been hyping that storm all day yesterday, looking forward to presenting devastating climate porn. Anything to link lots of deaths to climate change.
Downgraded from a Category 5 to a Category 2.
Didn’t stop Sarah Montague on Today calling it one of the biggest ever storms to hit Mexico and I’m sure, at one point, slipping in ‘THE biggest storm’. But her conversation with beeb-bird in Mexico was an absolute hoot, all the while trying to big it up with her questions but every answer bringing disappointment, especially the fact no-one had died. An example (paraphrased):
‘And I believe the whole of Mexico has been in lock down’
‘Well, yes, I’m 5 hours away from the where the storm hit and we were advised to stay indoors but all we’ve got at the moment is a bit of drizzle’.
Never mind, as long as Western Governments keep spending $100 billion a year of our taxes and our borrowings on ‘mitigating actions’ (aka Agenda 21) we can all go to bed feeling a little bit safer and a little bit more virtuous.
Found this little gem on the BBC:
A rare treat and a reminder of how good the BBC can be…sometimes.
There were a number of Polish families in the village I grew up in. They were extremely generous and warm-hearted people, despite their suffering during WW2, and managed to keep their own culture alive whilst assimilating completely.
I don’t think the BBC reporter got the answer he was hoping for from Mr Stereki regarding the use of an airfield for Syrians. Mr Stereki’s response contained more common sense in approx. 10 seconds than the last 6 months of the BBC’s coverage of the EU’s self-generated refugee crisis.
Mr Stereki ” No they’re not refugees, they’re young men fleeing from their own countries, whether it’s Syria, Afghanistan or Nigeria, who want a better life in Europe,” That’s it in a nut shell.
A better life — at someone else’s expense, he could have added.
Wonder how long it will take the BBC to consign it to the Memory Hole…
Well I’m slightly flabbergasted..I’ve just seen the first episode of ‘The Last Kingdom’ on iPlayer and..
It’s not terrible! Fairly entertaining even. Of course it’s not as good as Vikings (even though that show is rather silly) and the dialogue is pedestrian, acting ‘s not great but at least the Beeb seem to have spent some money on it.
Best of all they haven’t insulted my intelligence by having 9th century Northumbria populated by ethnic minorities (except the Danes I suppose).
Whatever next – a politically balanced audience on Question Time?
Read a review in tonight’s ‘standard’ ,don’t worry you’ll be getting the sermon soon
Yep I may have spoken too soon, only episode 1 of 8. We shall no doubt see feminist, global warming and pro EU narratives shoved in there somehow!
Can’t recall the author’s name, but I think he’s been quoted as saying ‘We’re a nation of immigrants’.
So there’s one agenda to look out for.
And the series will have to end before the onset of the Medieval Warm Period….
Written by Bernard Cornwell, author of the Sharpe novels.
(BTW, to admin/moderators – when I tried to click on reply to johnnythefish’s post I clicked on “report comment” by mistake and a message popped up saying you will look into it. A genuine error and I shall now empty my glass and go to bed before I click on the wrong thing again!)
Found it:
Cornwell said the BBC was interested in the story because it had echoes of today.
“That’s why they [the BBC] picked it”, he said. “I do see something modern in it – that we are all immigrants.
The second episode was a bit of a stinker though. Mercifully still fairly lacking in PC stuff though.
What’s Gideons game regarding new mayors?
Part of the firming up of the regionalisation of the UK. The canny Geordies knew years ago that it would a waste of money and said ‘No’ but since when has our Government (of any political colour) been really, truly concerned about not wasting our money?
Regionalising England has long been on the EU agenda in preparation for direct government* from Brussels.
*Still unelected, of course.
I have been thinking and wonder if one of the main reasons for the behaviour of our liberal elites is the fact that the percentage of them who have children and in particular grand children is lower than in the population at large.
This might apply to the media even more so and it would in instructive to know the figures
Once you have descendants the vast majority think differently and want different things. This is the way of the world and however much the metrosexuals and liberals decry it it remains true.
Europe is entering a dangerous time despite the best efforts of the elites to deny it or confuse us. Maybe existential days are ahead. Who really knows. The BBC and the EU media along with much of the US media is in denial about the threat to the continuence of Western civilisation. That much is clear and seems clear to Putin’s Russia as well as the resistance in Europe.
So many of us have started to become fearful and this number is growing. We look at our children and grandchildren and worry about what the future holds and this is a very powerful force indeed. It is ignored by liberalism and the elites. It just does not exist as far as they are concerned. This will prove to be a catastrophic error Maybe not immediately but some time soon.
I once knew a junior IDF officer who took part in the Yom Kippur war. He said that he was able to ask his men to take the most extreme of risks and be obeyed instantly. He said that for them defeat was unthinkable as behind them and completely reliant on their courage were their children and parents and others who would die if they weakened.
Such an attitude is foreign to our liberal elites and I really think that they cannot begin to understand it.
If Europe really starts to crumble and our civilisation ( for which read our families) is in danger then there will be enough men and women who will do what has to be done .
The liberal fantasies of the last years are exactly that and by trying to impose a new culture and even a people upon us they are playing with forces that few of us understand.
The true conservative knows that civilisation depends on reality and caution .When you listen or watch the BBC in particular you know that these qualites are absent nearly all the time.
Perhaps that is why, Dave S, the barren Frau Merkel has no compunction about destroying Germany, for the future generations of the descendants of her fellow countrymen.
Also – didn’t that cretinous c**t give a speech some years back, stating that multiculturalism had failed? It is certainly an extremely odd way, she has chosen, of addressing that failure.
As I don’t have any children and am not likely to be around long enough to see the full extent of “enrichment and rejuvenation” in the area where I live, I have been asking myself why people with children seem so content with the future their children and grandchildren will have as mapped out by “progressives”. You would think your assessment would be correct, after all the familiy is the mainspring of cultural transmission. If what the German medua says is true, the majority of Germans seem intent on doing everything to hasten their cultural suicide. Enthusiastic shouts of “Wir schaffen das” without any clue as to what “das” might be.
I simply cannot work out why the liberal elite, particularly those at the BBC, has such a fetish for Islam. Surely they have the intelligence to realise that minutes after sharia law comes into effect in this country, the likes of Eddy Mair, Evan Davies, Sandy Toksvig, Susan Calman, Sue Perkins, Stephen Fry, Graham Norton, Stephen K Amos, Matt Lucas, John Barrowman, Jane Hill (etc etc you get the idea) will all be marched off the highest roof to the cheers of an all male crowd below.
I can only think that, as they live apart from mainstream society and are thus insulated from the true effects of multiculturalism, they are able to enjoy a frisson of excitement by brushing up against danger whilst having an escape route. Problem is, at some point their special friends will be knocking down the gates of their gated communities and inviting themselves in.
The BBC’s attitude to Islam is incomprehensible. The Kingdom has been on the BBC’S naughty step recently for the beheadings, hackings and floggings, attitudes to women, etc., but Sharia law is never mentioned, as if the authorities were performing random acts of sadism and cruelty. But Sharia law is the reason why these barbarities are carried out. In Britain, the BBC would have us believe the promotion of Sharia law is some benign form of cultural expression.
Yes, they really need to join the dots. It is very simple. Saudi cruelty comes from Sharia law which comes from the Koran and Islamic law which comes from the Muslim religion.
100% correct DB.
As night follows day.
We do not need or want these aliens in Europe.
Their function here is as a disease.
Time to give them the smallpox treatment.
“I simply cannot work out why the liberal elite”
i simply cannot work out why anyone on BBBC calls these dregs of the planet traitors, elite,
i wish you would all stop it.
I also wish you would also stop referring to them as liberal, they are about as tolerant as Ghengis Khan to those with views similar to the ones I express on BBBC.
BBC d e,
You are absolutely correct. I was being lazy and using a term they have given themselves and to which they are definitely not entitled. I am sure this forum can come up with suitable alternatives.
“The liberal fantasies of the last years are exactly that and by trying to impose a new culture and even a people upon us they are playing with forces that few of us understand.”
Indeed …
As someone mentioned last week, the likes of Kipling and Chesterton seemed to know our present rulers better than we know them ourselves:
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
Sweden school killings: Attacker ‘had racist motives’
I suppose he did. I just wish the BBC would be honest about the motives of the far more numerous Muslim killers.
The one common denominator of all Muslim terror attacks is that it is nothing to do with Islam. Did you not get the memo?
Yes Rob, I believe Mr Cameron has mentioned this now and again, and again, and again, and again.
If an “Islamogroveller Of The Year” award was to be held I reckon he would have a great chance of winning. That is if the BBC didn’t submit a group entry.
Anyone got any other nominations?
It will be hard to beat Cameron as Islamogroveller of the year. But a close second is the new Prime Minister of Canada. Here celebrating his election victory with men – at least I cannot see any women.
Looks like the bloke in the suit has put his foot in it, whatever it is.
Here is the “shiny pony” in full effect
Couldn’t bear more than a minute of that video.
One of the most submissive, sick-making, freedom-sacrificing examples of virtue signalling I’ve seen from a politician.
Good luck, Canada – you’re sure as hell going to need it.
That is a way for liberal progressive hypocrites to indulge in naked sexism, misogyny, homophobia and racism, and feel a sanctimonious, ‘holier than thou’ high from it
What a fucking tool.
I concur with R i C – this creature and his speech fall within the same category as Obama and his “Muslims helped build America” b@ll@cks.
How civilized…..sat on the floor eating….savages. Wonder if any BBC staff are annoyed by security snarl-ups at airports, removing belts, shoes, liquids and sharps confiscated, toothpaste for pete’s sake, and grumble?…who’s fault? The reason ? MUSLIMS.
There’s a very alarming and dangerous claim in the article as well deegee,
“The febrile debate about refugees – in mainstream politics as well as online – is probably what pushed 21-year-old Anton Lundin Pettersson to launch his attack, academics say.”
No debate then? I would dearly like to see an unbroken chain of evidence supporting that almost hysterical claim, this tragic event should not be used as a mechanism to stifle debate. Though if so it may well prove that panic is starting to take root among the technocrats. It’s looking more likely that the whole EU experiment is a bit like a runaway train with only the illusion of control, our leaders are out of their depth and are being found wanting over this whole, manufactured?, immigration “crisis”.
Of course they are out of their depth, at least in Western Europe and they always have been. Not a hint of backbone anywhere, letting thousands upon thousands of useless backward and possibly hostile hordes walk into the country to demand benefits. Which they will be on for generations. What kind of leadership is that? The answer to to this crisis is to have endless meetings apparently, they are a joke and our own leaders are little better.
The EU is a tottering pack of cards ready to collapse, an idiotic talking shop. Soft power is hugely overrated, give me a proper army, navy and airforce any day! And big walls and razor wire for God’s sake.
You mention benefits. Consider, western Europeans have an insurance policy for their old age, etc. IE, state pension. Muslims don’t – they have 7 or 8 children…..
Cheers for the link very instructive. I used to visit Frontpagemag a lot years ago, then it went through some sort of libertarian vs tradcon internal crisis (can’t remember what exactly). Or was that Littlegreenfootballs? Anyway just goes to show that some right leaning sites can suffer from the ‘Judean People’s Front’ type bickering.
Regarding their insurance policies (7 or 8 kids)…..too true, and of course, nothing can go wrong with that….,
Well, consider Ethiopia….pre-1984….famine, drought, disease, etc.means that mortality rates in kids is sky-high – that’s why many black African countries play the odds and have so many kids… one or two are likely to survive into adulthood to look after their parents…
Cue a drought in 1984, and Band Aid, Mr Geldof et al. Cue attempts to shame the West into sending shed-loads of money and aid to Ethiopia for a few years. Cue dramatic drop in mortality rate for children…cue explosion in population growth…do NOT cue consideration of contraception and abandoning historic customs of having large families….cue Ethiopia’s population grows beyond its capacity to ever feed itself again…and continues to grow….cue perennial and growing need for ever more aid in Ethiopia.
What a result, eh, Sir Bob ? But never mind, you’ve moved on to ranting at the West about accepting ever-increasing numbers of migrants from…oh, northern African states like, Somalia, Ethiopia, etc., who are ‘swamping’ the real refugees from places like Syria.
When you throw a boulder in a pond, there will be ripples, and they will have effects at some distance from where the boulder was thrown… and you are likely to get your feet wet as an unwanted consequence. But not you. Sir Bob… oh no, you’ve now even moved on from your ‘commitment’ to house some of these migrants….
Hypocrite…. and worse.
I don’t know if this information is correct, but I’ve seen on a couple of other sites that the killer doesn’t fit the profile for a far-right racist. He was gay/bi, atheist. pro abortion, and had a few other views not normally associated with neo-nazi nutters. Apparently he did have an interest in WW2 German arms and armour but not in a political way.
It’s more likely he became horrified at the Islamisation of his home country, had a brainstorm and went “postal” in protest. The school he attacked had a reputation for under-achieving and is sited in an area that’s 95% Muslim. Of course the Swedish authorities have control of the narrative so be prepared the killer to be portrayed as a neo-nazi. Amazing the publicity the Swedes gave to this incident is in direct contrast to their reluctance to discuss the beheading of a woman and her son in Ikea by Eritrean Muslims some months ago.
Paranoia deepens wedge between Israelis and Palestinians
It isn’t paranoia when someone is really trying to kill you.
There are many dubious points, as always, in anything Connolly reports.
They are united by their fears for the dangers their families might face and by the deep urge that’s within all of us to keep our children safe. I guess Connolly never met a Palestinian mother celebrating her son dying as a shahid (martyr) Palestine media watch shows 48 examples of this that Connolly missed. OTOH I’m sure Connolly never met a Jewish mother celebrating the martyrdom of her children.
If the Arabs have the same fears for their children as the Jews we have to take it on trust because not one of the Arab interviewees even mentions it.
They do mention a disparity of services without mentioning the salient fact that most of the Arabs in Jordanian Jerusalem (1948-67 that’s what it was) do not take citizenship and don’t vote or stand candidates on the ground that would be recognising Israeli sovereignty. Is it such a surprise that those who do take part in the system gain most of the budget?
There is an Israeli checkpoint at the main entrance to the village. The local people say that if anyone throws stones at the soldiers who man it, they close the road and force commuters returning from Jerusalem to wait in their cars for anything up to an hour.
I guess the answer to that one is clear. People who live in houses built of anything shouldn’t throw stones.
Approaching this article from a different angle.
BBC News tells audiences Israeli fears of terror attacks are ‘paranoia’
During the first three weeks of October 2015, ten Israelis were killed and 112 wounded – eleven of them seriously – in forty stabbing attacks, four shootings and five vehicular attacks which took place throughout the country.
On October 23rd, however, BBC News told its audiences that Israelis are suffering from either a collective psychosis ‘characterised by delusions of persecution’ or ‘unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people’ – depending on which definition of the word paranoia BBC editors intended their headline to communicate.
The BBC news says the Chinese president told the spiv Cameron that he wants Britain to stay in the EU .
Why ? For Britain’s sake , for China’s sake ?
Was this the most pressing desire of the president or middling desire or a throwaway desire ? What other desires did he have .?What did the president think would happen if we did leave , what would he do if we did ? Does he know what the EU is ?
Does it strengthen Britain’s hand in dealing with China’s human rights issues , if so why would the president want it ?
Does it weaken the influence that our politicians like ?
What did the spiv Cameron ask the Chinese to remain or become a member of ? Was it all one way ?
What if the Chinese expressed a desire that we should LEAVE ~~the UN Security Council?
No questions and no analysis from the Beeb about this . Just the usual somebody somewhere wants Britian in the EU . Of course if anyone says we are better off leaving that is never reported
LBC, the BBC, the MSM in general have followed a narrative that is factually untrue, pulled out liberal Uni bods who follow said narrative, and swamped the airwaves with this garbage, I ve tried to get on live myself to correct such bilge after a Jewish lady was mercilessly ragged, cut off then ridiculed on the MSM.
If these pavlovian asswipes had checked out The Trial of Adolf Eichmann – Session 50, or the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al -Hussein after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, as the Mufti himself led an ethnic/religious cleansing campaign of Palestine including Jews, decades before Israel was established, or testimony from SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Dieter Wisliceny, a close collaborator of Adolf Eichmann. Wisliceny said that “the grand mufti, who had been in Berlin since 1941, played a role in the decision of the German government to exterminate the European Jews the importance of which must not be disregarded. He had repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with whom he had been in contact, above all before Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, the extermination of European Jewry. He considered this as “a comfortable solution of the Palestine problem”.
These cocksure ignoramus s have played into Bibi s hands, no one unless history buff or Islamic Jewhater had heard of Al Husseini for years … well they have now … I m sure he may wind it up even more
… then if anyone makes even a cursory check, they ll find Arab Jew hatred on page one, and the plan for Jew extermination.
“It is absurd. I had no intention to absolve Hitler of responsibility for his diabolical destruction of European Jewry. Hitler was responsible for the Final Solution to exterminate six million Jews.
He made the decision. It is equally absurd to ignore the role played by the Mufti, Haj Amin al -Husseini, a war criminal, for encouraging and urging Hitler, Ribbentropp, Himmler and others, to exterminate European Jewry. There is much evidence about this, including the testimony of Eichmann’s deputy at the Nuremberg trials, not now, but after World War II. He said:
‘The Mufti was instrumental in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The importance of his role must not be ignored. The Mufti repeatedly proposed to the authorities, primarily Hitler, Ribbentropp and Himmler, to exterminate the Jews of Europe. He considered it a suitable solution for the Palestinian question’.
Eichmann’s deputy, added:
‘The Mufti was one of the instigators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and was a partner and adviser to Eichmann and Hitler for carrying out this plan’.
The attempt by certain scholars and people to be apologists … for the key and important role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, is clear.
Many other researchers cite this testimony and others regarding the role of Haj Amin al Husseini.
My intention was not to absolve Hitler of his responsibility, but rather to show that the forefathers of the Palestinian nation, without a country and without the so-called ‘occupation’, without land and without settlements, even then aspired to systematic incitement to exterminate the Jews.
Unfortunately, Haj Amin al-Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian society, he appears in textbooks and it is taught that he is one of the founding fathers of the nation, and this incitement that started then with him, inciting the murder of Jews – continues.
Not in the same format, but in a different one and this is the root of the problem.
To stop the murders, it is necessary to stop the incitement.
What IS important is to recognize the historical facts and NOT ignore them … not then … and not today”.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu, like many Israelis, deals with the world as it is. They face the reality of anti-semitism. The survival of Israel infuriates the anti-semites.
Although Netanyahu is mainly wrong on this issue, some of it is true. The Mufti was responsible for murdering Jews before Hitler and no doubt he called for their wholesale liquidation. But, for once, Merkel is right in saying that the Germans bear full responsibility for it.
Oddly, the war might have had a different outcome if Hitler had expelled the Jews to Palestine rather than squander resources to murder them. Britain would have to have had a far larger force in Palestine to deal with the unrest if the Jews were there in such a large number as the Arabs would have committed murder on the same scale as today. Britain was the country in the position that would have had to deal with it.
So, Britain would have a lot fewer resources to fight the Germans, but the Germans would have had a lot more as the concentration camp guards etc. would be soldiers, and all the materials to build the camps and all the infrastructure needed to operate the final solution (eg railways) would be used on the war.
Yes ,but the British Mandate had a policy of refusing Jewish immigrants to Palestine whilst unofficially allowing Arab immigrants and this is fully documented in Joan Peters ” From Time immemorial” It is a large book but if you are interested in finding out the facts and not the fiction of any of the details of the history of the Arab Israeli conflict this is the best book to dip in to.
I posted this mid week but I think it is worth re-posting in this context .
Netanyahu was trying to show that there for incitement focusing on rumours about the temple Mount. al-Husseini used the “Temple Mount libel” to drive the 1929 Arab massacre of Jews in Hebron. But the concept of incitement is something that the BBC cannot seem to grasp.
The spiritual leader of Palestine’s Muslims, the mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, incited Arabs in Palestine against their Jewish neighbors by arguing that Islam itself was under threat. (al-Husseini would later become one of Hitler’s most important Muslim allies.) Arabs took the lives of 133 Jews that summer; British forces killed 116 Arabs in their attempt to subdue the riots. In Hebron, a devastating pogrom was launched against the city’s ancient Jewish community after Muslim officials distributed fabricated photographs of a damaged Dome of the Rock, and spread the rumor that Jews had attacked the shrine.
The current violence of the Palestinian Arabs stabbing , shooting, firebombing , and deliberately running down pedestrians Jews —is prompted in good part by the same set of manipulated emotions that sparked the anti-Jewish riots of the 1920s: a deeply felt desire on the part of Palestinians to “protect” the Temple Mount from Jews.
Excellent post Nogginator, which I will read and re-read. Thank you.
You are welcome, if the BBC wanted to do some real journalism a factual story on this issue.
They might want to report how Al Husseini evaded Nuremberg, (saved by de Gaulle) and how his close associate set up the poisonous political threat the Muslim Brotherhood, and one more little addition how Al Husseini SON has been a guest to Obama’s White House.
Further … according to testimony at the Nuremberg trials
“the mufti was a bitter arch enemy of the Jews and had always been the protagonist of the idea of their annihilation. This idea the mufti had always advanced in his conversations with Eichmann.”
Eichmann the man in charge of the original efforts to deport the Jews from Europe. The Mufti also helped set up a Muslim SS division, (the largest one, due to high numbers of Muslim volunteers)
wrote a pamphlet, Islam i Zidovstvo (Islam and Judaism) which closed with the quotation from Bukhari-Muslim that states:
“The Day of Judgement will come, when the Muslims will crush the Jews completely: And when every tree behind which a Jew hides will say: ‘There is a Jew behind me, come and Kill him!”
Documents, such as the testimony of Fritz Grobba,, confirm that an associate of Al-Husseini’s, together with three associates of the former Iraqi Prime Minister certainly did visit the Sachsenhausen concentration camp as part of a German secret police “training course” in July 1942.
At the time, the Sachsenhausen camp housed large numbers of Jews, but was only transformed into a death camp in the following year.
In 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, Al Husseini said:
‘Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them.
This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honour. God is with you
Look this is all freely available, easy to find on the net … factual history, we have to use it, as much of it as we can it as obviously, the Nazi s didn t want to leave us a paper trail.
After reading much about the Grand Mufti of Palestine, and seeing the pro-Nazi Palestinians today parading with Swastikas and openly praising Hitler, I now consider all those supporting Palestinians today to either be knowing, or at least, ignorant Nazi sympathisers. That, of course, includes Corbyn and all his Nazi terrorist loving acolytes.
Excellent posts Nogginator. If only a fraction of the actual history could penetrate the thick skulls of those brainwashed worthy idiots with their “Free Palestine” badges.
According to Al Beeb the ‘government have confined this petition to the dustbin’ despite nearly 200,000 signatures …………………
Well it just goes to show that our MPs are not listening. That is what is wrong with British politicians, they continue to lecture us but they do not listen to the electorate . A recipe for disaster.
Vote UKIP , they will listen .
I can’t find any reference on al-Beeb to the debate which took place last week in Parliament but I did read some of it on the Government Website. No surprises really it was such a badly worded petition it was easy for anyone to pick holes in it. Maybe it would be better next time if we had a more articulate petition rather than one worded like a pub banter. It did us no favours at all and the Government can now refuse to allow petitions under the guise of having been previously debated.
Possibly the government has learned well from the BBC, who have an uncanny knack of inviting on spokespeople from certain quarters who are not the best representatives of what is being advocated.
So the government should only pay attention to the articulate minority of the electorate? If a person is hard working, productive, law abiding, tax paying, yet cannot place their genuine, heartfelt and reasonable fears down in writing in an articulate way, their concerns must be ignored, or belittled?
Is that your position?
Geyza, that is exactly what happened. If you read the transcript of the debate you will see that the number of exclamation marks were highlighted and belittled. The wording of the petition was commented on and used against the argument.
In an ideal world politicians would remember that they are elected to represent the people of their constituency but so rarely does that happen these days with career politics and MPs who have never had any experience of life outside Westminster.
And of course in that ideal world we wouldn’t need petitions as our views would be represented.
Anne Main, Conservative MP about 10:00 min in
BBC Weather map shows temperatures overnight will get down to 5 degrees and we will have a widespread frost so shouldn’t the map have 0 degrees all over it or am I missing something.
No, it’s just the BBC insisting that it’s much warmer than you think it is. I see that the worst, strongest, most awful, most powerful hurricane in the history of the world has sort of fizzled out, a bit.
Yeh they were gutted this morning OG couldn’t quite manage to get the climate change meme going
They were looking forward to broadcasting as much climate porn as possible.
Yes, that downgrading has rather p*ssed on the BBC’s global warming parade. No doubt Harrabin (English, St Catherine’s, Cambridge) will be on hand to explain why global warming is to blame.
Bet your life he won’t be gleaning his information from here…
Luckily, Classic FM’s Global Propaganda was on hand to shoehorn in that it was ‘strongest evva’… albeit only for a moment, nowhere serious, measured to extra degrees of accuracy by technology that didn’t exist when such unprecedented events happened before.
Meanwhile, Al Gore is digging out his Spirograph for the sequel…
SkyNews had climate sceptic Piers Corbyn, in his role as meteorologist, in the studio last night to explain Hurricane Patricia. When asked why the hurricane was predicted to be so powerful he said it was due ” to solar activity and an unusual movement of the jet stream.” He also said that it would fizzle out when it went inland. I don’t think he gave the answer Sky wanted. It was in contrast to the assorted doomsayers they had later in the programme who all predicted the end of the world as we know it. Once again the climate sceptic was proven correct by events.
Corbyn is a sensible man. A sentence I never thought I’d be writing.
Is the BBC reporting on Tax Credt reforms and job losses in the steel industry or is it actively campaigning as an Opposition to the government? Tricky question.
How many people who rely on the BBC will remember or know this from 14/10
‘Comparing June to August 2015 with March to May 2015, the number of people in employment increased by 140,000 (to reach 31.12 million), the number of unemployed people fell by 79,000 (to reach 1.77 million) and the number of people aged from 16 to 64 not in the labour force (economically inactive) fell 4,000 (to reach 9.01 million).’–october-2015.html
‘The UK labour market is going from strength to strength, with the proportion of people in work now at a record high of 73.6%.’
The BBC wouldn’t want to mislead people over the state of the jobs market would it?
Good point. One thing I do not understand….. Why are there 1.77 million unemployed? And yet we need immigrants to fill vacancies in the UK…..? Yes, I know, there are always those who will no get off their backsides unless they are paid £50/hour…. But, surely, a lot of unemployed should be able to be trained, if necessary, to fill vacancies…..
The Japanese don’t have that problem, their government has a revolutionary idea, they train their own people to do the jobs in their own country instead of importing gimmiegrants. I know it’s a bonkers idea and it’ll never catch on in Britain.
But you cannot train any indigenous unemployed to work in “Indian” restaurants, so we must have a continuing flow of immigrants from Bangladesh to fill these ultra-skilled posts.
Whilst in Singapore a couple of years back, I was having dinner with a group of Singaporeans who were aghast at the benefits system in the UK. Their system starts in school… if you are absent from secondary/tertiary education for any length of time, with no known reason, you will be visited to find out why you are neither in education nor employment, and you will be ‘encouraged’ to do one or the other. After leaving the education system, you will be considered personally responsible, barring exceptional circumstances, for ensuring that you have a job (i.e. the choice will not exist for you to sponge off the taxpayer for the rest of your life).
In 1965, immediately after gaining independence, Singapore didn’t have much going for it… today it is one of the wealthiest nations in the world…. I wonder why ? Well, there are lots of reasons – but I’m willing to bet that the country’s work ethic – very similar to the one we used to have in the UK – is a bedrock on which its prosperity stands.
If only our electricity wasn’t so expensive we would have even more people in work, some of them making steel.
Not the BBC, but seen via BBC web-site with their newspaper of choice – today it’s The Guardian – offering a list of the Top Fifty Restaurants.
Those low paid, struggling workers on the left of the Left, do like to live well, don’t they?
Is it me? What’s with all the bloody media hype over Adele?
Her new record was aired on both BBC Breakfast shows, headline news in the papers and features on TV news.
As far as I can see she’s another singer who sings morose tuneless songs, performing vocal gymnastics using five notes when one would do.
It was the same with the new bond song last week. As far as I can ses she’s an average singer who speaks like a navvy.
Bread and circuses?
I don’t recall Kenneth Kendall on the 9 O’Clock News telling us about new releases by the Jam, Police or Slade…
Heard Adeles song on Chris Evans yesterday.
Banal, but the whooping and hollering was very Bono…tie it all in with Bonds new film and you get the clear idea that the BBC is very much part of the global tie-in.
And well-rewarded for it all, now-or upcoming sweetheart arrangements..
Very much a one party monoculture of a culture now as far as the BBC are concerned.
Like their puffing up of Tom Robinson and the Slits by way of “BBC Punk History”…whereas the likes of Crass and Rat Scabies are-well, a bit “off message” for them nowadays.
NIna Nanny…the Gompertz boys…THIS is what cultural commentators now are-and add Frank Kermodes lad-Alistair Milnes son too-as proof that the BBC are a nepotistic old boys network for fey Oxbridge types…THIS is of more concern to me than the piss-stained irrelevance of the Bulingdon.
Adeles song is only less useless as Sam Smiths Godawful “Bond Theme”.
There-I “went there”-we`ll not be free to say that in a few years time will we now?
Geoff, the BBC are not allowed to advertise but they seem to do a very good job of it if it is one of their favoured performers, writers, artists, etc..
Kate Bush and Prince were both plugged endlessly on Radio4 prior to and during the first concerts of recent UK tours. Adele is now added to their number. It’s rather foolish of the BBC because they are inadvertently demonstrating that the Licence Fee, at least at its present extortionate level, is quite unnecessary. They could easily charge these people for any more coverage other than one pure news item and one review (on each station or channel of the BBC) and offset that against the Licence Fee.
A great item here showing Corbyn and the Labour party going from strength to strength:
Here are some quotes.
‘Lord Grabiner said Labour was now in “disarray” and that he could not “square [staying] with my conscience”.
He added: “I have nothing in common whatever with Mr Corbyn and I don’t believe we are ever going to win an election.”‘
A Labour spokesman said of the peer: ‘…and we of course understand his decision to relinquish the Labour whip”. ‘
So the Labour spokesman agrees with Lord Grabiner that Corbyn is unelectable. Not sure that is the message the BBC was trying to convey, or maybe they were.
By the way, Lord Grabiner sounds like a Carry On character’s name.
Note that the Telegraph tells us that Seamus Milne-Corbyns new spin doc-Guardian/son of Ex Head of BBC-usual blue collar type that the Labour Party now favours-sent hi OWN two kids to far-flung grammar schools.
Very Falconer, very Abbott, very Kelly, very Harman, Blair etc.
If the Tories were any good they`d nail this commie foreskin with this.
But they`re not-are they?
Seamus Milne is of course the son of the former BBC Director-General Alastair Milne.
I first came across Seamus’s name at the website Harry’s Place – which always seemed a decent leftie forum. They vilified Seamus time and time again when he was running the Guardian’s opinion page. A nasty piece of work.
Meanwhile the core of Corbyn’s leadership seems to be increasingly far-left – lots of Trotskysist, SWP etc types. It looks like there is a lot of what we used to call “entryism” going on at constituency level, with aims to de-select major “moderate” Labour figures like Hattie Harperson and the elegant young Chukky.
Of course the BBC are keeping us up to date with all the internal shenanigans under Corbyn, some of them very distasteful ! We are so lucky to have such an impartial BBC !
The tories are in a bit of a disarray about how to deal with Corbyn. Do they nail his ballsack to a wall? Which would be easy and entertaining, but risk labour electing a relatively capable replacement from the Bliarite wing? Or, do they protect him, which feels instinctively wrong, but ensures a large tory win in 2020?
I hope the Tories protect him for two reasons. Firstly, as you say, it will stop Labour getting the keys to No10 in 2020. Secondly, it will be so enjoyable watching Chaka Umuna (apologies for any spelling mistakes) et al desperately trying to get rid of Jeremy as they watch their political careers go down the pan as Labour becomes an ever more toxic political brand.
Sort of Lord Carry-biner then?
Couldn’t resist that one. I’ll get my coat.
BBC – Dumb and Dumber. Did anyone notice that on whatever they call that moving strip on the bottom of our screens, they were stating on the NewsChannel that we should be putting our clocks forward 1 hour this weekend? It ran for quite some time. They sure do employ some bloody stupid people.
Given their love of Islam it would appear the BBC would like us to put our clocks back about 700 years.
The BBC are not the only ones who are at it
The corporate world also are busily pumping out the multi-cultural propaganda – I wonder wether they are worried that it’s wearing a bit thin or alternatively do the liberal elite believe they now have a clear run?
Tesco leaflet my home this morning with a “Happy Diwali” special offers booklet, whilst on the tv Halifax pump out probably currently the most gratuitous example of miscegenation in advertising – that one with the black kids soccer coach out in all weathers and evetually his very heavily pregnant white wife/girlfriend turns up to meet him to go mortgage shopping – “We Salute You”
I had to laugh in Cooperative food Canning Town today. They had the reduced price Tray Bake Richmond sausages next to the Halal Chicken!
Most adverts now have mixed race couples at the forefront. The worst examples of multi-culti propaganda being aired are the ads for Facebook. I now despair when I see a TV commercial. There are so many black and Asian characters heading the primary shots that I feel like an ethnic minority in my own country. Even my wife, who usually ignores TV ads – even to the point of pressing the mute button on the remote – has commented on the over-representation of ethnic minorities in TV ad-land.
I heard that the political correctness could be damagingly counter productive advertising, with both a famous furniture store closing down, and falling sales of the cereal frosties, due to both white and black people showing a tendency towards blackballing the products and services that are advertised.
I wonder if the people commissioning the adverts are locked in a Politically Correct death grip with the advertising industry, due to the fact that nobody in the room wants to be called racist, even if the customer is blackballing your product due to your adverts.
Campbells Soup Advert, spot the agenda
‘Campbells Soup’
Well, I suppose Andy Warhol was no longer available
Not content with having effectively deposed a legally elected prime minister (in Greece) the EU has now committed an even greater outrage or, rather, one of its stooges has. The President of Portugal (who clearly learned his politics during Portugal’s lengthy and recent period as an outright dictatorship) has decreed that, despite being constitutionally within their rights to do so, Left wing parties in that country are not going to be allowed to form a coalition government.
Why? According the Portugal’s comedy President, Anibal Cavaco Silva: ““In 40 years of democracy, no government in Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces, that is to say forces that campaigned to abrogate the Lisbon Treaty, the Fiscal Compact, the Growth and Stability Pact, as well as to dismantle monetary union and take Portugal out of the euro, in addition to wanting the dissolution of NATO.”
And where do we learn about this? Why, from Breitbart London, or perhaps the Telegraph, which also has the story.
The BBC, on the other hand, in keeping with its lickspittle EUrophile mission, has nothing at all about this latest illegal action by an EU puppet on its front page, preferring to offer us stories about a hurricane in Mexico, the resignation of a Labour peer, a days old story about hacking and various other items so stale even the worst village shop would stand aghast.
And we pay how much to keep this pack of liars in business?
This is not about banning left or right wing parties. It is about banning anti-EU parties. The party banned from power in Portugal is identical to Corbyn’s except that they have lived with being in the Euro and want to exit the single currency. Just like Corbyn’s party they are opposed to the consequences of their own policies… Sorry. They are opposed to “austerity”.
You might think that banning an anti-austerity party from power on behalf of the EU, might make Corbyn’s voters wake up. Still, there’s time yet.
Portugal are our oldest allies. It would be great if they brought back the escudo and maybe even their monarchy. Here’s to the House of Braganza!
This is a major story how can the Beeb not report this!
Also in the FT today they lead with
” Germany rushes through tougher laws to stem flow ”
Again nothing to be found on the Beeb website
It demonstrates the paradoxical superiority of a constitutional monarchy as defender of democracy (at least, some of the time). Our coins should have ‘Def Dem’ on them.
“… Look away now”
Botties clunched tight on the very edge of the BBC red sofas this morning in anticipation of this stoncker in the Mirror
‘England player and another Premier League star set to come out as gay’
David Davies was doing the paper round up – I’m confused, it wasn’t that outspoken Tory MP, you know, the one with a crush on our Shami Chakrabarti (CBE). Mind you, I’m not the only one to be confused about this…
‘Members of the National Black Police Association (NBPA) probably did not expect the keynote speaker at their annual conference to suggest the organisation might be guilty of racism. But that’s what happened when an invitation mix-up led to the wrong MP addressing the event.’
Oh dear, the ‘racist’ cops club booked David Davis by mistake, they thought they were getting David Davies or vice versa?
Now this morning I think it might have been this chap, with either a hair transplant or a very clever comb-over
Ah…. ‘ the BBC years’ …’David began his journalistic career briefly in Belfast before joining BBC Wales as a reporter in 1971.’
‘From 1989-1994, he served as a correspondent and occasional presenter of the BBC’s biggest sports programmes, Match of the Day and Grandstand. It was during this period one Saturday night that he is widely believed to have coined the phrase on the Saturday night news preceding Match of the Day “If you don’t want to know the score, look away now”
Or perhaps nowadays it will soon have to be “Oooo, look at you, wondering what’s the score, ooo er!”
As de-closeting seems the de rigueur rite of back passage for any sportsper.. human now, with even heterosexual serial adulterers running an exchanged look with a BFF in the school corridors past their agents as a possible sign of potential coverage, might there be a point at which it becomes ‘not news’ (c) A. Tealady Who Gives A Rat’s Pitootie?
THIS IS A HEALTH WARNING! If there are any of you of a delicate dispostion, ticker trouble, a tad under the weather, or simply not a fully signed up member of the socialist party, then please give The News Quiz a very wide berth. It’s repeated in a few minutes but I heard it last night and It was atrocious. Jeremy Hardy was allowed a full ten minutes to harangue us with his puerile opinions on George Osborne, the “evil” Tories and anything else this ghastly little runt could lay his foul tongue on. The audience, who cackled inanely like twelve year olds, loved it. The News Quiz is supposed to be comedy, not a narrow political rant where ALL members of the panel and the chairman agree with each other. There is no attempt at balance whatsoever. We are permanently paying the wages of politically illiterate creeps like Hardy to inflict their juvenile bile upon us.
Many years ago I was waiting for a train at Balham tube station. It was mid morning and there was only one other passenger. I recognised the scrawny little bloke immediately. It was JH. The platform was empty other than us two. He stood close to the edge. It will always be one of those moments in life when I think;
If only…
Tuned into bbbc breakfast this morning.ffs-women footballers “coming out”. Id personally be more shocked if there were any “wimmins” football players who wernt queer.still,nice way to start the day,its not like there is much else going in the world,good to know the licence fee isnt wasted after all.
Some are men. Iranian women’s team are mostly men. It is probably both racist and sexist to complain or snigger.
You have to be some form of masochist in a muslim country to move from an all powerful male to a subservient female!
You may not have a choice! The Telegraph article states that homosexuality is illegal in Iran (correct) and that so-called sex change operations are legal (also correct). What it does mention is that a sex change is the official ‘cure’ for homosexuality – if a man acts like a woman (as they see it in their terms) then he is often compelled to become one. Iran performs more sex change operations than any country other than Thailand (where there is, so to speak, commercial reasons for it) and the government pays for it. There was a documentary made about it some years back, shown on the BBC or Channel 4 in this country.
Shades of the East German Olympic team but not exactly BBC bias.
I call BS on this one. Does no one think the meat and two veg straining against the track suit bottoms might be a giveaway?
That said, what do people think about men after full surgical reassignment playing in women’s sports? They take massive doses of hormones to keep their secondary female sexual attributes (breasts) and eliminate their male attributes (beards). That should reduce the strength advantage males have over females.
Renée Richards, a transvestite tennis player competed as a woman to reasonable success. Richards has since expressed ambivalence about her legacy, and came to believe her past as a man provided her with advantages over her competitors, saying “Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I’d had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I’ve reconsidered my opinion.”
I listened to The News Quiz last night, and can barely recognise the episode I listened to from the inaccurate summary you provide. Yes, Hardy and others took a sideswipe at the government, but I’d hardly expect a satirical programme about politics to do anything else. And as for no attempt at balance, you didn’t mention that one of the other guests was a leader writer for the Telegraph.
I’m not sure Biased BBC is the best place to talk about political illteracy, from what I’ve read over the past few days. I came here thinking that this is a site about bias on the national broadcaster, but it seems to be more about willy-waving from a few people who are obsessed with Muslims.
“I’m not sure Biased BBC is the best place to talk about political illteracy”
If you are going to call somebody illiterate at least try to get the spelling right.
It’s also perhaps a good idea with one’s debut to talk about bias on the national broadcaster rather than launching straight into a generic diatribe about other posters in guise of ‘Disappointed of Tunbridge Wells’, as that seems… familiar.
Still, Troll Regina has at least 3 fans, a number that also seems to ring some bells.
I think “Troll Regina” is supposed to be aimed at me.
I posted several days ago, and had every intention of contributing since then. But I have no desire to engage with some of the souls on here, who seem obsessed with Muslims in ways that are irrational, inaccurate and downright stupid. So I’ve decided to steer clear of those topics, as it’s clear that they won’t lead to constructive discussions about the BBC, but just encourage the sort of white men who think that their skin tone places them above the rest of us.
No idea what the “3 fans” comment means, though. Could you perhaps explain?
I don’t think I have an obsession with Muslims but it is the bias of the BBC in reporting news that annoys me. The BBC have taken it upon themselves to denigrate Christianity at every opportunity and promote Islam at the expense of all other religions. The same is true of the BBC’s approach to the migrant crisis. More than any other media, the BBC has been relentless in publishing photographs of Muslim women and babies and presenting the situation as very different to what it really is. Only on the very ‘back’ pages of the world section of BBC news will you find the story of Muslim men in Netherlands being ‘married’ to girls as young as 12 wanting to remain with their ‘wives’. You won’t find on the BBC any stories about the extent of bad feeling in Germany.
Yes, I made a typo. Sorry. Thanks for pointing it out.
‘Yes, Hardy and others took a sideswipe at the government, but I’d hardly expect a satirical programme about politics to do anything else.
Except when Labour are in power.
Oh, I guess you’re a newcomer.
Well, I’ve been a listener to the News Quiz since Barry Took was the chairman. What’s your point?
In your opinion, has the News Quiz changed at all since Barry Took’s day?
I think it’s less respectful of politicians in general, in keeping with a changing society. And the news clippings seem to be far smuttier than they used to be, although that may be down to some of the innuendos going completely over my head when I was a youth.
I like Miles Jupp in the chair, but then I liked Sandi Toksvig and simon Hoggart before him as well.
My point is pretty clear. Do you not understand English? Read it again, but if you’re really struggling, I’ll explain it in words of one syllable for you.
Thanks, an explanation would be nice. Without the patronising overtones of that reply, if at all possible. Thanks!
“I’m not sure Biased BBC is the best place to talk about political illiteracy, from what I’ve read over the past few days. I came here thinking that this is a site about bias on the national broadcaster, but it seems to be more about willy-waving from a few people who are obsessed with Muslims.”
The de haut en bas snobbery of middle class virtue signaling egalitarians is très amusant but not entertaining as watching Leftists attempting to be reasonable. So Mr TR if you think you are a reasonable man, is the BBC the broadcasting arm of the bien pensant Guardian reading Left or not? Is its media dominance healthy or not? Is its license fee justified or not? Do you detect any examples of agenda pushing by the BBC? Does a reasonable man such as yourself (as opposed to us willy waving license fee paying Muslim despising anti_European peasants) detect any self-serving political bias, or do you think it gets it just about right (or should I say left) for your tastes?
I’ll give up the patronising tones if you give up the faux ignorance.
So TR, why exactly did you visit Biasedbbc ?
Taffman – TR is not a newcomer, I recognise his style which is to pretend he’s come on here because he’s interested in BBC bias but then has a go at the site because in his view it’s obsessed with other issues – you know, like BBC bias on Islam, the EU, global warming etc etc.
I might have a look through the archives to see if I can find his previous aliarses.
Oh, and one of his other traits is to avoid awkward questions.
johnnythefish you mean something like this ? ……………………………….
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.”
Brilliant spot, Taffman, almost word for word.
Time for an ‘outing’….
A new alias is like a burka, very good for hiding the miscreant’s identity.
“a few people who are obsessed with Muslims”
Well the BBC seems to be obsessed with them, just as a disturbing number of Muslims seems to be obsessed with bringing our country into line with what they want.
Call our concerns an obsession if you wish, but the news on BBC (and SKY) seems to have been full of Muslim shenanigans from various parts of the world for some time and many of us are sick of it.
Perhaps we might address the problem of the few obsessed with moslems. Most people here note BBC bias in the broadcaster’s obsession with Moslems, whether they feature in cake competitions, in sport, politics in the numerous reports of Moslem migrants, or merely combating evil Jews in the Middle East. As the denigration of Christianity and promotion of Islam is so central to the BBC’s output one expects concern here. There are some people here that express concern with climate change – now I wonder what that has to do with BBC bias?
‘Runt’? The letter you want is 2 lines lower on your qwerty keyboard, Jeff.
Jeff, I listened to the News Quiz as well and it seems to have returned to to the endless left wing bias. It’s a great shame really because years ago there did seem to be a semblance of balance with Ingrams and Coren. I have to admit I loved BBC Radio 4 comedy, especially Just A Minute, I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue and The News Quiz. Sadly all the guests on these shows are from a small left wing and feminist pool; I’m thinking of Calman, Brigstocke, Toksvig, McElvoy, Pascoe, Perkins et al.
It did seem recently that the bias on these shows was beginning to be moderated, presumably because of the BBC Charter renewal but it seems from the recent offerings I was mistaken. I really do wish that the BBC would be taken away and put out of it’s misery.
I agree there, did seem to be a lifting of the bias for a while but that it has sunk back to its old witless soft left leanings.
However, *sound the trumpets, ring the church bells, alert the coastguard* Miles Jupp is actually a funny, witty guy who does seek to balance the witless, lefty nonsense. Double his pay packet immediately and sign him up forever.
Miles Jupp needs to tread carefully. I have heard him come out with quite a few barbed, and very funny, comments about the Labour Party and various other BBC sacred cows. Interestingly, the audience found them very funny as well.
Surely part of the problem at the moment is the Labour Party policies.
How can you take the piss out of them when nobody seems to know what they are!
Al Beeb don’t do comedy – they have not done for years . Its all because of Politicly Correctness, they invented and promulgated it .
How times have changed. Over ten years ago a tv host was axed from his daytime programme on the BBC for calling Arabs ‘women repressors and suicide bombers’ in a newspaper column. Some of you may be too young to remember, but others will know the name immediately……………. Robert Kilroy Silk. The full article was on the BBC website, but here is a segment…..
“It was a career that saw him brush with controversy on more than one occasion, most famously in his Sunday Express column describing Arabs as “suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors”.
While he insisted he was a right to express his views and claimed to have widespread public support, the comments saw his show axed and him leave the BBC.
The row was not the first time the TV host has been accused of racism or xenophobia.
He has attracted criticism for comments about asylum seekers ”
Whatever he is doing now, he must be laughing his head off at being proved right. But I really wonder what state we will be in, in another 10 years time, and the thoughts being expressed today will cause much handwringing in years to come.
The BBC is cock a hoop,
Trudeau, Liberals back on top
complete with a picture from an audition of Canada s got talent
“I could tell you many stories, but I want you to remember this one”
Yes … but my hair is shiny … yay go “shiny pony” go.
I know next to nothing about Justin Trudeau, but I make this prediction; the BBC love him so his legacy for Canada will be almost wholly bad. The Left will then move onto another champion, until such time there is nothing left to save.
Nothing on al-beeb about the clocks going back tomorrow morning! Probably too busy finding a genuine refugee. It mind sound trivial but the reminder to change your clocks is useful and saves the country millions in lost productivity. I guess that’s far too right wing for our Marxist friends in Salford.
I noticed that too ! although they do tend to mention the fact nearer midnight when everyone’s gone to bed, – too late then ! Perhaps the youngsters in charge only refer to their iPhones for the time unlike us old watch wearers !!!
Germaine Greer says the bleedin obvious
What caught my attention was the sly link in the “read more” list, bit of BBC spite or ageism? second link down. I don’t think
we become more prejudiced as we age, instead our experience allows us to more readily identify bullshit when we are being told it.
The BBC says that transwomen(or geezerbirds as they used to be known) are not real women.
But this is only “the opinion” of Germaine Greer.
Who-for all her faults-ought to know, she herself being a real woman.
Periods, breastfeeding, pregnancy-and a lifetime of cultural conditioning from crib, through school and university.
So she ought to know ought she not?
Sadly, no-if Rachel Dolazal can be “black”-then obviously any bloke in his ex wifes knickers can be a woman-if that is what they wish to be that day.
Poor old Germaine is being blacklisted by Cardiff Uni for her stating the bleeding obvious-real irony here, given that Greer herself is midwife to so much of the madness she now sees .
As do Burchill, Moore, Bindel too.
Well deserved-but the gutless Wimmins Hour pinkoes will cast their former pioneering sisters(real women all) to the wolves.
Hate to upset Laurie Penney eh?
Stay with the link to Germaine Greer, which is directly followed by a transgender thing in a women’s dress and voice for a New York Taxi Driver, getting a standing ovation. BBC backs transgender.
The most relevant indication of gender is seen in these symbols for men’s and women’s #bathrooms as seen outside the #pertosaaulettacaves near #Polla #Italy #southernitaly
Is somebody farting in that poor girl’s face?
BBC really pushing the boat out with its new cop drama “Cuffs”. If I didn’t know any better I would think it’s a parody of PC drama so favoured by the Beeb. Main character is a tough street plod who’s black. In the first story his new partner is a rookie cop who’s gay. Other characters are Muslim and lesbian, and it’s set in Brighton! There’s even Eurasion female character. Oh yes, a female DS is played by Martin ( vote for Ed Miliband) Freeman’s missus.
Is this another of Danny Cohen’s confections before he moved on? Is the BBC taking the piss? Who really wants to watch this Common Purpose crap?
New Police TV Series 😉
Please meet Detective Inspector ‘Bockstick’ and Detective Sergeant ‘Boqstique’. Both are teamed with Detective Constable ‘Boggstikk’.
They are supporting Operation ‘Pokks-Tikk’, which is targeting the misuse of television plots in fraudulent furtherance of political propaganda at the expense of lawful tax payers via a scam known as the ‘TV-Licence’.
The plot centres upon a gang of con-people operating in the areas of West London and Salford. The gang have the street name of the ‘Pay-up-or-else-people’ and have an extensive nation wide team of enforcers to harass the elderly and poor for not paying their demands. Penalties are harsh.
Resistance movements, such as the famed Biased-BBC underground organisation, fight for honesty, political integrity and an end to the Demanding Money With Menaces activities so favoured by the gang.
Andy S
Christ! They’ve forgotten to resurrect Chief Ironside – they could have had the full house.
Mrs Freeman, Amanda ‘fuck the Tories’ Abbington
No trace of this when I Google ‘BBC sharia 20 children’:
Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 children each because of polygomy* and the rise of “religiously sanctioned gender discrimination” under Sharia Law, peers have warned.
Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, highlighted a series of “shocking” examples of the impact of Sharia law on Muslim women in Britain as she called for them to be given greater protection under equality legislation.
(*The Telegraph’s spelling, not mine.)
And why doesn’t she add:
Gender segregation
Arranged marriages
Honour killings
All-over black body shrouds
Walking several paces behind your fella (him, the Bin Laden dress-alike)
Because, folks, it’s all too effing late…
So this makes the news: “Fake monk Damon Kelly spread gay hate leaflets”.
No mention of the hate preached in every mosque in Britain though!
Followed your link and found this line very funny indeed
“Many people have reported him to the police after being upset and offended by them” (the leaflets I imagine)
The values he extols (albeit a little eccentrically) were not too far from the norm once, and as for the many people who were upset and offended did you not think to stop reading at some point? What a bunch of crybabies.
Don’t renew your TV licence – and keep the door shut!
Poor old BBC. They were wetting themselves this morning. South Africa were playing rugby. The BBC managed to mention the name of Saint Mandela twice in so many minutes. Now that South Africa have lost, they must be heart broken.
Just a note for the BBC. Almost all the South African team were white.
Saw Namibia v New Zealand at the Olympic Stadium ,13 out of 15 players were Hideously White .
Noted no blacks in the Scottish rugby team.
Does Nicola Sturgeon have a view on her hideously-racist country?
Alex Ferguson once referred to the Scots as ‘The Master Race’.
Tells you all you need to know about a certain Little Scotlander mentality.
Where are all the child protection agencies when you need them? Coming to a county near you soon enough if not already:
(Warning: adult site with adult content)
Hurricane Patricia, a bit like one of those mind blowing orgasms you think that you are going to get and…well..misfires and you are left hanging only to end up frustrated and wondering what next?
The BBC don’t care about the result. They just want to publicise the ‘threat’ in the name of the religion of Global Warming.
A couple of weeks ago it was a hurricane in the Philippines
This morning I posted about the BBC’s latest bias by omission – its refusal to reveal the illegal activity of Portugal’s President, who is refusing to allow an anti-EU coalition to form a government… simply because it is anti-EU.
Tonight the Corporation is at it again. Currently, the front page lead on the Mail is ‘The Battle of St Pancras’ – with images showing anarchist morons from a group calling itself ‘No Borders’ storming the Eurostar terminal at St Pancras, demanding Britain throws it doors open to the flotsam and jetsam of the Middle East… because it says so.
The BBC’s coverage of this violence? So far, nothing at all.
Well, I did warn Deborah last week, and fair play to the BBC for reporting it, but Scotland has just had snow. Nothing really unusual for October especially on the high peaks, but snow nevertheless. Across the U.K., so far for October, the C.E.T. for the month is recording BELOW average. The BBC will, I’m sure, be telling us that October was the “hottest eva” what with Paris coming up next month. Sigh.
The BBC have a Biased view on news.
The following words are repeatedly used by the BBC to introduce their favourite topics:
Many scientists say…
It has been said…
There are concerns that…
There are those who say…
Support from many quarters states that…
There’s little dispute that….
All non attributable, but very powerful as regards influencing the viewers/listeners stance. (They hope!).
The purpose of a BBC seminar would be to issue advice on removing any reported facts by a journalist, embarrassing to the attendees of a BBC seminar. So for instance, an investigative journalist attributing the true source of the information provided to the BBC with the word “Environmentalist” would be taboo. Therefore remove the BBC taboo, and we have
Many environmentalists say…
It has been said by environmentalists…
There are concerns by environmentalists that…
There are environmentalists who say…
Support from many environmentalists states that…
There’s little dispute by environmentalists that….
Right with you there Dover and Richard!
Whether its “green crap” or “asylum seeking bollo”-“tax credits” or “fracking/nuclear”-EU or supermarket cons…the BBC invariably use these weasel phrases to “set the narrative” for all consequent drivel and mudchutes that follow.
“Some Might Say” indeed-oh, and here`s Plane Stupid, FoE, Greenpeace, PETA, IPPR, Corbyns crocheted spongiforms to tell us EXACTLY what “people are saying”.
Yes, people who work for Labour, for the Guardian, EU, CAB, Quangos, KidsCo on fat public sector virtuous peace work rates-and let the great grandkids pay the jizya for the priviledge of letting a Will Straw or a Pessary Prescott tell us just what people in Owen Jones `Tardies are “saying”.
Not only that-but howling feedback, no-platforming and halls of mirrormen will amplify the massage.
WE all know that the number of spoons of sugar in fizzy drinks is the only issue that Islamic State is bothering our heads with…let `em roll!
Sharia Courts …. No 10 is going to look at it ?.
BBC Daily Politics, BBC plant – Sharia is not discriminatory?
Baroness Cox – “Suffragettes would turn in their graves if they could see this happening”
“it was not that long ago that women were unequal before the law.
“We cannot afford to go backwards and tolerate a situation where any woman is living in fear and isolation.
“More needs to be done”
3 simple stages
1/. NO Sharia Law
2/. NO polygamous marriages
3/. NO Madrassas
That s a start, the strong message ……. Anyone got backbone in No10?
after all … they can motivate themselves to hammer the poorest most vulnerable with immediate effect, why not this?
I look forward to the unbiased reporting by BBC Inside Out East Midlands.
Inside Out East Midlands
Should sharia councils be banned? A rare glimpse inside the inner workings of Islamic justice in the UK. Also, as arts funding shrinks, where can regional theatres find a new audience?
“A BBC spokesman said: “BBC Media Action is an independent charity which works to support free and fair journalism and reduce poverty around the world.
“Its work has absolutely no bearing on the BBC’s editorial decisions. The BBC’s editorial remit is to deliver fair, balanced and impartial coverage and we are satisfied that our coverage of the European Union does just that.”
The BBC seems to think these two ‘tell it often enough’ template paragraphs will continue to work their magic with its credibility.
Outside of W1A, this is doubtful.
I got as far as this in the article….
….the charity receives hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of donations from the licence-fee funded BBC each year, while the broadcaster continues to appoint the majority of the charity’s trustees.
Jeez – in that case, the ‘1922 Committee’ should be on the BBC’s speed-dial list of ‘independent’ political commentators.
The BBC clearly thinks the population as a whole is imbecilic – I mean, it’s not as if we might just pick up a clue as to the likelihood of the organisation’s independence of the BBC from its title…. ‘BBC Media Action’
BBC Media Action has been allocated £90m by DfID over four years. Yes £90m. The EU £9m is trivial by comparison.
DfID gives examples of activity justifying this huge whack of money (which we have to borrow) as: “In Bangladesh, 60 per cent of people thought the “Question Time” programme had made politicians and officials more accountable. In Cambodia, the health programme increased the number of people using condoms, the number of women going to antenatal checks, and the number of people washing their hands. “Lifeline” programmes are reaching people in emergencies with information that is critical to their survival. A young woman’s comment on a Darfur programme was that “when you listen to this programme you feel that it is the only link between you and the outside world”. The existing programmes being rolled into the new grant are:
a) “A National Conversation” focusing on governance in Tanzania, Angola and Sierra Leone; b) “Climate Asia” in seven countries across Asia; and c) a health programme in India.”
Yes a pointless waste of our (borrowed) money enriching the very few here and abroad.
‘In Ethiopia people said they were grateful the BBC had not interfered in its continuing population explosion…’
There’s no chance here that Sharia law will be banned. It would be too politically complicated and confrontational.
The Tories won’t confront it and those who support sharia law (including the BBC) know it.
Ironically, the only opponents will be lawyers, who stand to loose money because of the ‘free’ sharia courts.
Now there’s a thought…..
I give all joy of the day
Always think of BBC when I hear – ‘when thousands more will weep than did laugh at it’
At 11am the next morning, St Crispin’s Day, 1415, it rained again, but this time it rained arrows, thousands upon thousands of them, from the longbows of English and Welsh soldiers………………
What will AlBeeb have on this day ?
Good question Taffman. I fear it would go something like
” On Crispians day in 1415 A large group of British youths armed with weapons including many bows and arrows descended on an innocent crowd of French picnickers who were forced to retreat in the face of such uncalled for violence. Eye witnesses say members of the aristocracy and were involved including many Dukes and Earls who appeared to have leading positions within the mob which inflicted many casualties. One report said that Prince Harry played a significant part in working the mob up into a frenzy. Which brings into question the role and relevance of the monarchy… etc ”
Or am I a tad cynical?
Good but you missed out the BBC diversity agenda bit. I am unsure how they would work this in . Perhaps something like , ‘ There were numerous black English and Welsh hoodlums, who it is thought were coerced into taking part by their brutal white masters after being forced to become soldiers or face being deported back to their homelands’
I also think that reference to the French women and children being of Algerian heritage wouldn’t go amiss.
Finally, a timely reminder to the ‘British’ BBC ……..
Norman Smith’s puff piece for the Corbymistas has a not too surprising link back to the B-BBC;
Steve – a self confessed “middle aged, BBC Radio 4 addict”- says he joined the Labour Party “about 20 seconds” after Mr Corbyn’s victory.
I always knew the Militant Tendency would return. Norm and the Beeb know the far left is as unpalatable to the public as the, currently almost non-existent, far right in this country and know they must play down Labour’s swing to the far left. There is civil war coming in the Labour Party and it will be a joy to watch.
Wow you really should listen to this when it becomes available, because it’s not very often the BBC broadcasts something like this!
A Point of View with Roger Scruton (Will Self must be ill!)
Roger Scruton argues that the law on freedom of speech ought to protect those who express heretical views and not be used to close down debate.
“Free speech is not the cause of the tensions that are growing around us, but the only possible solution to them.”
Producer: Sheila Cook.
Scruton expresses all the opinions which we share here on these pages, and although it’s only 10 minutes long it really is a Must to make time to listen to it.
Thanks for the link, Thoughtful.
An extract:
Free speech-
“”Of course, we have moved on a bit from the Middle Ages. It is not the man who is assassinated now, but only his character. But the effect is the same. Free discussion is being everywhere shut down, so that we will never know who is right – the heretics, or those who try to silence them.””
Roger Scruton omitted ‘Fatwas’, which indeed take us back to the middle-ages.
I was about to post a comment on Roger Scruton’s ‘Point of View’ this morning on Radio 4 at 0845, but will simply say that it is one of the most important pieces on free speech for many years. I hope that every reader will listen to it. Doubtless, the BBC will take it down quite quickly from ‘Listen Again’, but hopefully the transcript will appear on Roger’s blog in due course.
Yes, it was an excellent Point of VIew … If only this type of contribution were given more than 1.5 per cent of key BBC air-time.
Thank you . It was as good as you suggested.
Yes, Scruton is indeed the last of the independents.
He was a lone voice in the Thatcher years as the universities hunted and hounded his heresies.
He`d only been instrumental in underpinning students in ex-Communist satellites like Czechoslovakia and Poland…which put him beyond the lefty pale…and he`s never been forgiven for being fearless, right and courageous.
A one-man Malmesbury Think Tank that is despised by the Left and the fey liberal pretenders.
The likes of Douglas Murray owe him big time-and they are gracious enough to say so.
The last reasoned redoubt of philosophical authority in this country-which is why the BBC etc suck up to thick cretins like Warnock, Sartre piss samples like Piketty and Chomsky.
Roger Scruton is a giant-and he proved it again today…don`t be surprised if those he collared go rushing to the BBC Trust, Baghdad imams or Twittertwats like Hasan or Abbott.
Enjoy this great man while we still can do so.
Thanks for posting the link, a quite superb analysis. The book by Scruton ‘The West and the Rest’ is a great read.
To hear the expression of such views on Al Beebus – is like seeing a beacon in a sea of darkness.
A sea of BBC enforced darkness. How many times do you see Scruton on TV offering his opinions as opposed to say Owen Jones or Simon Schama? How often do you see any right wing intellectual for that matter being given a platform on TV to express their opinion about say migration or government spending as a proportion of GNP?
Should that be ‘…like seeing bacon in a sea of darkness’. Coat on and heading for the door!
Thanks. That was excellent.
Here is the associated article:
It must be Irony Day at the BBC.
Bias? Possibly.
I will not spoil it for those who do not know who leaves Strictly “this evening”, but once again the dance off does not contain the “worst”.
This, to my mind, is largely the result of a weightings bias. Last night the person finishing last got 5 “points” rather than the one he should get as a result of the situation where if say 2 tie at the top and get 12 points each the next best gets 11 rather than 10, and so on down.
This results in those at the bottom being much closer in judge “points” to those in the middle. It is most unlikely that the public vote contains any ties so points would be awarded 12 to 1 on that part, so adding the two together produces many “strange” outcomes.
Until the weightings bias is removed better dancers will continue to lose out in the early rounds.
I have a suspicion that many devices are used to get rid of whoever the producers want off the Strictly.
Just for starters Joanne Clifton was removed as a pro to make way for a black female – maybe the producers thought 3 Cliftons in a show was one too many but the ethnicity of her replacement was predictable.
Watch the reprise of the dancers at the end of the programme – those the producers want to keep the clip is from the best part of their performance, those they want rid of and what you see is the weakest part of their dance. As I watch the run through each week, I say to Mr D ‘they want rid of X, Y, and Z’.
I guess the judges have seen the dances in practice (and planned their comments), allowing the judges scoring to produce several at the bottom of the leader board, all needing the viewers’ votes to keep them in the competition. Every season there is always one ‘shock’ in a week or two for one couple to be in the dance-off (although the judges know to keep them in) – to try and keep the voting numbers up.
We are never told how many votes any of the couples receive – do we even know if they are honest?
I am waiting for a series where there is a dancer in a hijab (but watch what extra effort goes into the choice of competitors from ethnic minorities and the generosity with their scoring in the early rounds). I also assume that choice of partners has also less to do with height and ability and more to do with which professionals they want in the latter stages of the competition. And yet everybody likes Kevin in spite of him not fitting the ‘hunky’ image the programme likes to promote.
I do know who is knocked out this evening (thanks Abigailsmum) but watching the manipulation by the producers keeps the entertainment value.
“Just for starters Joanne Clifton was removed as a pro to make way for a black female – maybe the producers thought 3 Cliftons in a show was one too many but the ethnicity of her replacement was predictable.”
Do you count the number of non-white faces wherever you go, or is it just the BBC that activates your desire for seeing the world through racism-tinted spectacles?
“allowing the judges scoring to produce several at the bottom of the leader board, all needing the viewers’ votes to keep them in the competition.”
I’m sure they do watch the final rehearsal (I’d suspect some of their lines were fed to them by writers, except they’re usually so bad I don’t think any writer would own up to that). But the number of people near the bottom of the leader board is always the same – it’s a leader board and will always have people near the bottom.
I think the judges’ voting this year, last night especially, has been all over the place, but my objections are nearer the top of the board, where mildly entertaining but technically poor dances get the same score, or higher, than dances which seemed better to me. But then having been in the TV studio audience in past years I noticed that you can get a very different impression of a dance when it’s live, so it doesn’t worry me all that much.
Even better give the licence payer something decent on a Saturday night, not a load of telly tax payer funded Z listers prancing around and an opportunity for hasbeens to plug their latest ‘release’ and a pretence for a live Sunday night show.
You really don’t like it, do you, Geoff? That’s okay buddy. Not everyone can like everything. I’m not all that keen on football tbh – but you won’t catch me whining about Match of the Day, because I recognise that loads of people do like it.
And there are loads of licence fee payers who DO like Strictly on a Saturday night – and, as we discussed on a previous week, don’t have your hang ups about the Sunday show being recorded.
I hate Match of the Day as well, but that doesn’t stretch to 6 hours over seven days a week of Iicence payer funded bread and circuses diverse mind numbing tosh and deceit.
I like Formula 1, but that was cut in favour of such tosh and The Voice.
The fact you like Strictly proves just how easily pleased and unquestioning you are. Enjoy Ainsleys departure tonight…
“I am waiting for a series where there is a dancer in a hijab (but watch what extra effort goes into the choice of competitors from ethnic minorities and the generosity with their scoring in the early rounds).”
CRH has confidently predicted a gay couple soon.
What I want to know is how they will decide who will wear the dress and who will do the lifts!
In the Austrian version they had a gay couple but not only that, one was black, the other one was white, so you had the miscegenation angle.
It will have to be a trio next, male, female, transsexual,. We can have an asian, an arab, a black! Sikh, Muslim and Rasta. No room for a heterosexual, British white Christian couple though.
Apart from all the white couples that have been in it for the last 11 years and will continue to be in it?
And I don’t care whether they’re heterosexual or not. They’re not likely to be doing it on stage, so I don’t share your obsession with their sexual preference.
You completely miss the point again TR. It is the BBC’s obsession with showing Britain as they want it to be and not as it is that is the problem. I did not elect the BBC and they should not be creating a society to reflect their views. I am married to a transsexual asian immigrant so make of my obsessions what you will but you fell right into the proverbial with both your size 12s.
What I want is a BBC that reflects the Britain that exists where I am the exception not the norm
How do you think two males or two females dancing together on SCD will go down with the majority of the population who are obviously less enlightened than you and may even subscribe to papers other than the Guardian.
Probably as well as an episode of Eastenders with not a word of English spoken but do you really think the BBC will reflect reality?
Wasn’t the celebrity Alfons Haider (an Austrian who had previously been a presenter on the show)? His partner was Vadim Garbuzov.
Not that it matters, but both are white. I think your hang-ups about race might be playing heck with your ability to recall facts.
TR, you haven’t told us why you are ‘contributing’ to this site?
He is fighting for social justice.
Sorry, did you ask before? Apologies if I missed that.
I came looking because I’m interested in the BBC charter review process, and wanted to explore impressions of its news coverage from further afield than the mainstream media. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of civil conversation around that topic on here – but I’m enjoying the Strictly chatter.
How about you?
So how do you think the BBC is doing?
Same here , having been completely disillusioned by AlBeeb and its bias over the years, I would like to see the complete abolishment of the TV licence.
Al Beeb could then earn its living and fund itself by ‘pay for by subscription’. In my opinion it does not represent Great Britain or the nation’s interests any more, yet I am forced to pay for it by law despite the fact I watch other channels for far more hours .
How strange. You have now made several posts on here and the only issue you choose to engage with – and at some length – is Strictly Come Dancing.
Oh, and by the way – welcome back, Mr Omniclap.
I too know the result, shouldn’t it be the case that the public only get to vote for the bottom three or four?
I don’t think in reality the BBC would be too happy with last nights public vote…
If the public only voted for the bottom few, then you’d get people online moaning of judges’ favouritism. People will moan whatever voting structure is in place, and the current system is an improvement on previous years – I think it was Tom Chambers that got into a situation where he was guaranteed to be in a dance-off whatever the public vote said, even though that was down to other dancer(s) dropping out of earlier stages meaning there were fewer competitors in the semifinal than intended, and that was what caused the changes to points that is in place right now.
What would be good, I think, is if the BBC followed ITV’s lead and released the full voting results after the end of the series, just as The X Factor does. Although personally I’d just prefer it if they told us who came 2nd and 3rd in the final – in recent years they only tell us how wins out of the final three.
You seem to be in a privileged position TR – being in the audience in past years !!
I find other aspects more intriguing of the show – like who the hell chooses the awful music they have to dance to ? a quick step to some heavy metal, or a tango to a boyband offering, never quite cuts the mustard.
The judging has always been less than fair to all contestants; should do this, not enough of that ; when as Du Beke quite rightly said a week ago, its the Pro’s who decided the choreography, so the slebs shouldn’t be judged on something they have no control over, but nearly always are.
I would vote for a dog with 4 wooden legs before letting Peter (Mr Wet) Andre get his mitts on the trophy.
A privileged position? Hardly. Tickets are free and given to members of the public: they introduced a ballot system a few years ago now, and so popular that there’s next to no chance of getting them – but I stopped even trying when the show moved to Elstree.
I believe it’ll be returning to TV Centre once the new owners have finished all the conversions and the revamped TV studios have opened. If that’s the case, we may try getting tickets again.
Anyone catch Marr “interviewing” terrorist sympathiser JohnMcDonnell this morning?
Has there ever been a more softly, softly, light touch, pinko political “interview” ever? Was like two best mates chatting in the boozer.
Left wing bias? What left wing bias?
The Beeb seem to be struggling to find left wing guests – or – are they just being a bit lazy. Ken Livingstone appeared on the Sunday Morning Live as a special guest and then in the following programme he was also the special guest on Sunday Politics.
Ken Clarke was also a guest again on Sunday Politics, he might as well have his own television programme The Ken Carke Show he’s on so often!!
I thought the Beeb believed in diversity!!!!
Yes, I saw most of it – and noted Marr, who did take a soft line, as a friend with similar views would, but saying at one point to MacDonnell that he has spent his political life being an ardent Socialist and a hater of the Tories, and now he was coming across all reasonable. Had he changed his mind, or was he hiding his real views? He didn’t press this much as he should have done.
It struck me that MacDonnell was coming over all ‘Uncle Joe Stalin’ like. Pretending to be likeable and everyone’s reasonable friend, while his thugs were out on the streets purging rivals. That is what is being planned now, in spite of MacDonnell saying no purges would happen and rules would be followed. He went on to say that at heart he was still a true Socialist, and one day the Labour party will become truly Socialist too with himself and Corbyn in charge. That’s what Socialists/Marxists do – eliminate their opponents in whatever way they can.
Be warned.
As a political reporter Andrew Marr was so far up New Labour’s arse he was known as tonsil tickler.
Of course they appointed him to balance out all Tory loving journalists the BBC appointed under Thatcher and Major. They just couldn’t stop extolling the virtues of the free market. There were so many BBC documentaries exposing the inefficiencies of the public sector it was monotonous. If only they could have had just one programme putting the New Labour point of view.
The BFI are showcasing old British film footage at railway stations around the UK. The footage depicts vanished landscapes, urban and rural communities and people at work and play.
What picture does the BBC use as the header picture on their newspiece about this story?
1920s Soho? 1902 Great Yorkshire Show? Peak District in 1951? The Festival of Britain?
Nah they use this…
This of course implies that Britain has always been such, drip drip, drip.
A bit like this picture of daily life in Africa:
Why don’t my pictures ever work? Forget it.
Right click on the picture you want to use and copy the picture URL.
Then when composing your message here hit the link at the bottom which says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here” and paste the URL of the picture.
I did just that. The URL was shown with the image hyperlink code but the picture wasn’t displayed.
Some sources work, others don’t.
Not BBC bias but the sort of thing they do. When is a Brit not a Brit? From The Daily Mail who should know better but as we all know, they piss in the same pot these days.
Suicide bomber described as ‘British’ even though he is Yemeni/Somali.
Another suicide bomber described as ‘British Kosovan’.
Actual British couple described as Irish in the headline.
Woe betide you pointing out these terrorist twats are anything but British because you’ll be modded.
I don’t think the BBC are likely to cover the suggestion that Teresa the Appeaser might lead the Brexit campaign. I though it was a piece in the Onion, but it is the Spectator, for God’s sake. Surely not even Cameron would pick Teresa to destroy the EU No campaign from within.
If you really want a Brexit, forget ‘Teresa the Appeaser’. You should look for someone with over 15 years of experience as a Member of EU Parliement, some one who knows what they get up to in the manufactured and prefabricated ‘State’, someone who can run rings around them and someone who has had a real job in his life .
Any ideas ……………….?
Why does Al Beebus, appear to feel the need to seek to permit wee Jimmy Krankie to voice her opinions on (seemingly) any issue which affects Britain; even though she isn’t even a member of the U.K. parliament and holds no position whatsoever in the official party of opposition?