Roger Harrabin. What to make of him? Liar, fraud, dishonest, untrustworthy, propagandist, in the pay of the climate lobby? You decide.
Harrabin has just broadcast the first of his alarmist tracts on climate change designed to soften the listener up to accept, if not demand, action on climate change from politicians at the Paris climate talks. The tone of the programme was every bit as insidious, malignant and dishonest as you might have expected from the BBC’s climate propagandist.
First, perhaps he reads this site….I have consistently reminded people that Harrabin is a climate change campaigner and not a science journalist, and definitely not a scientist….The most obvious evidence to use is what comes out of his own mouth…
‘I have spent much of the last two decades of my journalistic life warning about the potential dangers of climate change’
However today he changed that to…
‘A topic I have reported on for more than 1/4 of a century’
Like to think we have at least a small effect on his reporting…even if it is only to hide his own propensity for pro-climate change propaganda.
Interesting that the first programme was about ‘the science’…a subject that Harrabin and his climate lobby chums previously decided was settled and that the only question was how we should deal with the consequences of climate change. So why the change, why does he now want to look at the science? Well, he doesn’t. There was no evidence whatsoever put forward to prove climate change was man-made…what we got was a definite statement from Harrabin at the end that ‘the world is warming and it is largely driven by man’.
Harrabin started with a cheap shot by trying to paint sceptics as idiots, uneducated, ill-informed and religious, right-wing nutters having selected, as an example of a ‘denier’, a US Republican who didn’t believe in ‘Evolution’…thus proving her intellectually incapable of understanding the science….the science that Harrabin himself studiously avoids. Are there any climate alarmists who don’t believe in Evolution? Harrabin didn’t tell us, picking his targets carefully to bolster his own narrative. Could have chosen the current Pope of course…pretty certain he believes in God’s creationism…
Pope Francis has given the climate movement just what it needed — faith
What a nutter…obviously can’t believe a word he says….jut so lacking in credibility.
Then again belief in man-made climate change does seem to be more about ‘faith’ that fact.
Interesting that Harrabin feels able to use the words ‘denier’ and ‘denial’ throughout the piece in relation to sceptics, and the phrase ‘Lukewarmers’ uttered with a sneering condescension….loves the term ‘mainstream scientists’ though….uses it like a weapon or Kryptonite, perhaps even Holy Water, to vanquish all foes.
We were supposed to learn about the ‘science’ of climate change from wine and the effects of a changing climate upon it…but of course all that tells us is that the climate is changing, at least short term. What it doesn’t tell us is why and by who or what.
Harrabin had on Matt Ridley who is in the moderately sceptical camp…but only to dismiss every thing he said….Harrabin let him speak and then wheeled in the ‘mainstream scientists’ to dismiss him out of hand….one told us Ridley was ‘a good story teller’….another suggested that his assertion that 1.5 degrees was a possible limit to warming was not at all viable (despite 1.5 degrees being in the IPCC’s own range of predictions)…he then came up with his own ‘viable’ possibility…of 6 degrees.
Harrabin denied there was a ‘pause’ in warming insisting that the heat had vanished into the oceans….question…why now all of a sudden, why not before 1998 then? What suddenly made the oceans start absorbing all that heat…and where is the increase in water vapour that that would produce?…the BBC tells us there is no discernable increase….water vapour being the most effective planet warmer…so why the pause? Logic suggests that the oceans, if they are warming, are doing so at the same rate as ever, and that the ‘pause’ must be caused by something else other than heat absorbtion into the oceans.
Harrabin moans that the IPCC’s remit wasn’t to predict short term climate…and so they missed the pause….so how can they attribute current warming, short term, to any cause and claim that it as a long term scenario?
Harrabin contrarily then told us that the planet is subject to natural, short term fluctuations (unpredictable presumably?) that meant scientists missed the pause….how then can he attribute the pause to heat being ‘hidden’ by ocean warming if the ‘pause’ is the result of natural fluctuations such as solar energy increases?
He also dismisses the rise in ice in the Antarctic as the result of global warming producing more snow. Neat how it all works out.
Harrabin declares we will definitely be getting 2 degrees plus warming and, cue the sad music, the poor will be suffering from extreme weather, they already are apparently…despite there not being an increase in extreme weather. Don’t let the facts spoil a good story Roger.
Harrabin is quite happy to accept the ‘most scary scenarios’ or at least push them as a possibility despite there being no evidence.
I find Harrabin entirely untrustworthy and unconvincing. This wasn’t about the science, it wasn’t journalism, it was a pro-climate lobby message. Nothing new then from him.
BBC’s Six-Year Cover-Up Of Secret ‘Green Propaganda’ Training For Top Executives
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Just when you thought the looney left progressives had maxed out on stupid
Beyond parody.
It reminds me that Karl Kraus, the Viennese satirist, found that the Nazi reality was more absurd than his fiction.
HuffPo is about as loopy as they come. No wonder BBC favourite Mehdi passed through there so effortlessly, like a prune muesli purgative.
Meanwhile, not content with this idiocy, we are treated to a special from the in no-way equally deranged Ecologist (with a cute BBC ‘might have been’ disclaimer in case it is all utter pants):
Bet ‘Oribble ‘Arabbin’s Histories are on it as we speak.
Oh, and this bit of ‘news’…
Analyse that with your ouji board, chicken bones and copy of the Graun’s opinion section, Rog.
French politics seem to have the same problem as the Tory party when it comes to female politicians. All the best female politicians are older than Cameron, but in local government. While all the ignorant immature dolly birds are younger than Cameron, and senior Members of Parliament.
Today there is a very good article on WattsUpWithThat on the money behind the climate scare.
As an example of what you’ll never hear on the BBC:
“One is Ward McNally, great-great-great grandson of the founder of Rand McNally maps. He and 11 other billionaire families created the Green Tech Syndicate in 2010. So far they have invested $1.4 billion in green schemes – for a greener environment, but mostly to put still more green in their bank accounts. “
I won’t listen to Harrabin’s tired, well-worn pro-CAGW propaganda. His is the voice of the eternally sneering, smug left-wing ballsack who knows – for now – that speaking from within the nation’s biggest broadcaster he can control, misinform and distort the message to suit his filthy agenda.
Harrabin – nothing more than a third-rate political activist posing as a journalist – is untouchable for now. The BBC cannot last in its present state for ever. When it finally has to confront the realities of broadcast in a digital age and the iniquities of the hateful license fee I will be there to watch this scumbag and all his bottom-feeding cronies collect their P45s.
If Colin Tregear is reading this:
It looks like we got you, and your gang. But it doesn’t end there if you Harrabin and the gang stay at the BBC.
‘I have spent much of the last two decades of my journalistic life warning about the potential dangers of climate change’
Obviously hasn’t seen any real warming during that time then, given the pause.
The public are starting to wise up to this bullshit.
‘Journalistic life’
All uniquely funded by the licence fee payer, plus very comfortable pension, topped up as needed if the investments in renewables don’t deliver.
I wonder if the BBC has diesel back-ups ready to kick in to keep him on air should the grid fail?
Harrabin denied there was a ‘pause’ in warming insisting that the heat had vanished into the oceans….question…why now all of a sudden, why not before 1998 then? What suddenly made the oceans start absorbing all that heat…
Kevin Trenberth, prominent alarmist and all-round arrogant twat, in 2009: ‘The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.’
So, nothing in those infallible ‘settled science’ models then?
T’ would appear not.
And bear in mind Gavin Schmidt’s justification for massive government spend on the Argo Project (a network of temperature buoys across the world’s oceans) was ‘So we can begin to understand the effect that oceans have on the world’s climate’. This project completed implementation in 2004.
And then they come along 5 years later and tell us, despite what the brilliantly clever Trenberth said in 2009, despite the fact there is no reliable historic temperature records for the world’s oceans (Schmidt admitted for the Southern Hemisphere they were virtually non-existent) – that all the warming has been absorbed by the oceans.
In repeating this fantasy, which is effectively another hypothesis being used to prop up the bigger failed hypothesis, the BBC is not only failing it’s duty to be impartial and informative, it is lying to its listeners.
When will somebody get a fucking grip of this filthy, agenda-ridden pool of eco-socialist putrescence?
Johnny, A bunch of Leftie, luvvie, arty-farty journalists commenting on science matters which they do not have the intellectual capacity to understand . Morons
For the thermal lag of the Earths Oceans, Astronomers were shown a scientific paper on Oceanic thermal inertia in the deep Oceans of 800 to 1,000 years based on studies just off the Chilean coast. But I am still sure that Oceanographers know more about this than Astronomers.
And Harrabin’s University degree is…. English. he has no background in science . Typical BBC journalist. All mouth , no trousers.
Haribo should, put his life where his mouth is.He could go on a one-way trip to the Swiss gaff for “Termination “.He must be consuming loads of scarce “Resources “, in constantly jetting round the world, breathing & eating etc. His body could be used for fertiliser in some 3rd world shithole, or thrown into a bio incinerater, that makes leccy. That would give the world, about 5 mins of free power. Sorted.
Essexman, I first read that as “put his wife where his mouth is “. Come to think of it , not necessarily a bad idea !
Ha,ha,he is probably gay anyhow, but a total prick along with Mark Easton.
The only formula that works for calibrating carbon dioxide warming on Venus, Mars and the Earth, is that obtained from the Poisson formula in the (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011)
Using the 0.4 millibar equivalent of 400 parts per million of Co2 in the Earths Atmosphere. At one bar, we have a Poisson formula calculation for about 0.007 Kelvin for the 100ppm or 0.1 millibar increase in CO2. But with isotopic evidence showing a maximum of 5 percent for man-made CO2, or 20ppm of CO2. The 20ppm is 0.02 millibars, but because the two Oxygen atoms are obtained from the Atmosphere, then we have only the one Carbon atom that is added by Man-made sources. So one third of 0.02 millibars is 0.007 millibars which equates to 0.0005 Kelvin for the 20th Century Man-made warming. But Piers Corbyn told me that radiation loss from the top of the Atmosphere to the bottom of the atmosphere causes an equally immeasurable cooling greater than 0.0005 Kelvin.
It is time this nonsense was dragged into reverse & the likes of the BBC stop feeding us terrifying propaganda without scientific evidence. ‘Evidence’ that at best scares us, at worse sets government taxation that cripples poor folk & their fuel bill or bankrupts a steel industry (well there was a bit of help in the latter from Chinese dumping I admit).
The fear of CO2 is irrational, yet genuine things we ought to be concerned about hardly or never get mentioned as a threat on the BBC. World over-population one of them, the fact we are running out of antibiotics another, the antibiotics & other drugs that leech into the oceans or our water supply, the micro particles of plastic or just junk plastic in the oceans etc. etc. But perhaps the biggest threat to life in Europe is Muslim mass immigration, the pie-in-the-sky worrying about ‘climate change’ is nothing in comparison to the bloodshed to come that has already started. Of course the BBC would never seriously discuss such a danger.
But perhaps the biggest threat to life in Europe …
In other words, Phil, civilised life.
Let’s have some science, some thermodynamics perhaps. What is all this rubbish about the oceans absorbing all the heat. Thermodynamically this is not possible. If the oceans were absorbing the heat their temperatures would rise. this would then result in a flow of heat to the cooler land, because, as every physicist knows, heat
The real nonsense is that they say that the missing heat is in the DEEP of the oceans. But hot water, like hot air, rises – so it could not be deep !
Yes, it really doesn’t matter where this heat is, it still conducts, convects & radiates. I don’t think Harrabin passed ‘O’ level physics, or if he did it just shows what a shambles our modern education system is. Perhaps he should stick to English & not try to enter areas in which he is not qualified to speak. After all, I would not dream of pontificating in his field, that of English.
John,yes. Impossible to know where to stop with this. The missing heat has gone to the moon ! Wankers like Harrabin remind me of nodding dogs in car windows or cushions who have the impression of the last arse who sat on them. Martin Pinder, Yes, You make the point exactly !
Please ignore the incomplete comment above. I am having computer trouble. Start again. Ok Harrabin, let’s have some science then, some thermodynamics perhaps. What is all this rubbish about the oceans absorbing all the heat? Thermodynamically this is not possible. If the oceans were absorbing the heat their temperatures would rise. This would then result in a flow of heat to the cooler land, because as every physicist knows, heat flows from a place of higher temperature to a place of lower temperature. the temperature of the land would rise therefore indicating that it had absorbed some of the heat as well. Therefore, the oceans cannot be the sole culprits as heat absorbers. The only way for Harrabin’s theory to work is for the land & air (& the rest of the planet) to be thermally insulated from the oceans (& from the sun). We all know that this is not the case! In the case of the land being warmer than the oceans, a rise in ocean temperature would result in a reduced flow of heat from the land to the sea with a corresponding rise therefore in the land temperature. Hence again the overall effect of the land would still be to absorb some of the heat from the global warming. Harrabin has obviously not heard of the phenomenon of thermal conduction, convection or radiation.
The Pinder Clan out in force tonight , wonder if there`s more.
I don’t understand Martin Pinder’s post, he must be better informed than Piers Corbyn, or a part educated moron, part doppelganger, employed by the BBC. It could even be Harrabin himself.
I hope so, I enjoy reading their posts.
‘In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible’.
(IPCC 2001 Working Group 1 Report.)