Posted this on the old thread just as the new one came online- apologies for multiple posting.
This interview on BBC3 has resulted in the interviewer losing his job, deservedly so imho. Very aggressive I thought, and not really compatible with most reasonable interviewing techniques.
BBC3 – Next hours interview, taking exactly the same tone, homosexuality, apostasy, inherent Jew hatred, and deliberate murder of non Muslims with the Muslim Council of Britain?
no … why ever not
Overly aggressive, overtly rude, inflammatory queers r us attitude … good riddance
PS Ian Dale .(shudder) .. sheesh! kid do you need to get out more
This gobshit must have been recruited from the BBC’s list of potential Socialist Worker Party candidates for journalism. Ignorant with no knowledge of the matter he is supposed to be covering and no ability to extract information about the case that was supposed to be the main subject.
Remember only Christians and UKIP supporters can be bigots, again reverse the interview, had this been a follower of the Quran and been arguing the toss about the same thing, Lee would have definitely got the sack, although I doubt he would have been brave enough to use the word bigot.
For once I’m with the BBC on this, they’ve called out one of their own self righteous lefty twats, fairs fair.
Is there really any point in listening to UK radio phone ins in the expectation of an unbiased view?
If you have not already, I urge you to read George Orwell’s essay, ‘Inside the Whale.’ In it he expertly dissects the human desire to take intellectual refuge behind slogans and dogma. Things are no different today than they were when he wrote it in the 1940s. Shouting ‘Bigotry’ is so much easier than attempting to understand an opposing argument.
Talking of Iain Dale nofan
“The BBC treatment of @IainLee is a disgrace.
If I had said what he did … and stood up to bigotry
LBC would have praised me, not sacked me.”
Iain Dale
Standing up to bigots? … easy tiger 😀
… get down the Mosque after Friday prayers, this “religion” kills homosexuals, preaches hatred of them.
Show them your angst, take “brave” P Tatchell with you, if he can pull himself away from Tell MAMA.
Dale is a complete see you next Tuesday. He is the apotheosis of Media World’s idea of a right-winger, therefore a total fraud, and very much Cameron-lite. I’m baffled why the normally sensible Breitbart London gives him a platform, and I only wish that dog had give him the rabid gnawing he deserved, but then again the barsteward would have probably enjoyed it.
I have no doubt that the BBC was quite content with his bashing of Christianity and the real reason he was fired is here at 6:40 min in:
…What he’s preaching is hatred and we don’t like hate preachers if they’re brown and they’ve got a god that comes from a different religion …
In today’s dhimmi Britain, people have been jailed for raising their voices against the Religion of Peace and Lee compounded his error by (shock, horror) mentioning the skin colour of the majority of Muslims.
That was unforgiveable and he had to go.
There is a certain irony to it. There he was being blindly intolerant and blind intolerance rebounded on him.
Gosh, that was an ‘interesting’ (in the Chinese Times sense) piece to live through.
The lady was rather between a spinning fan blade and a shit place, but she had hitched herself to that wagon. Seemed to keep her cool, so kudos for that.
Mr. Lee however… yes, well, I have learned what ‘we all know’, that free speech is dead if he says so, and language has ‘evolved’ into his preferred new version if he says it has. What a gay day, Larry.
Amongst a few other things.
Not sure even the BBC could get that one about right.
So he has lost this job, eh? Hosting HIGNFY next? Seems the SOP.
Having listened to this “interview” I am not surprised he got canned. Firstly he is not a lawyer or a Judge and therefore he cannot pronounce on law period.
He classifies sections of the Bible as hate speech. This in itself places the BBC in very difficult territory. Since these sections of the Bible have not been tested in a competent Court and a definitive ruling given by said court they cannot be defined as “hate speech”. By defining the interviewee as a bigot the BBC could find itself on the wrong side of a defamation case.
She was very tolerant, but could have stopped Lee and his sixth form hectoring in his tracks with the simple retort that disapproval does not equate to hatred, and Christianity disapproves of many types of sexual proclivity and activity, so does not concentrate on homosexuality. Furthermore, he if he really does want to see hatred, he might turn his progressive gaze to those un-Christian types lobbing gays off tall buildings.
Iain Lee was last spotted on some bit of shit on “yoof TV” alongside some Daisy Donovan, as I recall.
Amazing that this unfunny piece of shit gets a platform on national radio, paid for by us.
This legal woman is crap as well-but Lee is utter scum…and personnifies the Yoof culture that the BBC have long been feeding with their liberal lying shit.
Ross/Brand…Savile and Rotherham…Lee failed in his chosen career as a “comedian”-where he was a Brand-type of funnyman( i.e-not as funny as Tom O Connors toothbrush on a bad night)-so got the BBC gig.
I`d not have known we employed such dangleberries on the BBCs cancerous rectum, had I not heard this.
Detestable twat…probably become a paper reviewer next, or Bonnie Greers white stick for the blind( funny how white sticks aren`t “racist”…we just give them jobs on the BBC0
Yes, that Iain Lee: the least successful member of the 11 o’clock Show team. I thought he was a twat even back then. It looks like he is hosting 4Xtra’s Comedy Club this week.
Given the BBC’s track record on ‘sackings’ it won’t be long before he is back. I believe also he’s a favourite of SKY tv who have him on reviewing the newspapers. It will be interesting to see if he continues his job with them. I’ve always thought when seeing him on that that he was a ‘wrong ‘un’.
Lee is entitled to his view, which many share, and he put it well and Libby responded well. What I object to is;
a) the telly tax payer is forced to subsidise him having a platform for his prejudice and propaganda
b) there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of the BBC giving a similar platform to a dissenting view
The BBC interviewers are all robots. They all have a very limited vocabulary (islamophobia, homophobia, racist, LGBT, diversity, multiculturism, etc). None of them would pass the Turing test.
Fair play to the BBC for sacking Iain Lee. Any decent journalist would have ‘cross-examined the witness’ by asking questions about taking scripture out of context, and whether Christians should obey the spirit or letter of the law, and whether an individual should have the freedom to express an opinion if it is considered detrimental to the greater good of society, etc etc. The problem is that in order to do this, you have to be a reasonably circumspect, informed person with an understanding of logical fallacy, debate etc. A lefty stand up comedian from the 1990s isn’t really cut out for the job.
We ve had the hashtags, I note while all the bodies are yet to be identified, the BBC is broaching islamofauxbia victim narrative already.
The LA Times: Muslims in France fear reprisals after Paris jihad massacre … oooh brother
Is M Abbas, going to solemnly stroll with Hollande in Paris, a walk for peace? as the Jew hating incitement monger did showing the he was “Charlie” after the last terrorist mass murder … or … is that “old news” these days?
“After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, nothing changed. Unlimited, unscreened Muslim migration continued — including the arrival of three new Muslim “refugees” who participated in the terrorist attacks. At the Place de la Republique, a crowd of perhaps 1,000 gathered. They crowd chanted, “love is stronger than hate”. But Friday night proved that’s not true. And it won’t be true after the next attack, either.”
“Great piece by @iburrell in today’s Ipaper about the under-representation of young Muslims in western media.”
Can somebody please explain to this prick what Al J is. That the bBC has loads of Muslims within in ranks, I mean did a certain Mr Gardner tell the locals in Saudi Arabia as he lay bleeding, that he was a Muslim and so they should help him.
Who are these British Muslims and from around the world describing such as ‘aborrant’ ? I haven’t heard many if any, I’m sure the BBC would have found plenty by now, if they could…..
Her ‘nothing to do with Islam’ remark should raise serious questions about the quality of intelligence she is receiving from either MI5 or 6. I wonder who they suspected with regard to the umpteen plots they have averted?
Perhaps Smiley’s people are looking in the wrong direction – like up their own backsides.
How on earth can any sensible person say, after a jihadist attack such as the one in Paris, that it has NOTHING to do with Islam?
Don’t they realize how utterly foolish and naive it makes them appear?
I was hoping that on this occasion this familiar, vacuous phrase would not rear its head, Cameron having not used it thus far this time around; but old Mother Theresa doesn’t like to disappoint her Mohammedan friends, or the Guardian blindfolded do-gooders who infest our nation.
It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist, not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorise, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left such as the odious BBC, and the idiotic Theresa May in their endless capacity for masochism and self-loathing, have attempted to shift blame inwardly not only onto themselves, but more so onto the political right thinking people in their lands, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.
It’s like a bad Monty Python sketch:
“We did this because our holy texts exhort us to do it.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Wait, what? Yes we did…”
“No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons because capitalism is so evil.”
“WHAT!? Did you even read our official ISIS statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, kuffar, blasphemers, and disbelievers.”
“No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so.”
“Huh!? Who are you to tell us we’re not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being.”
“Nope. We the evil capitalist West created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that’s why you did this. We’re sorry. Punish us some more”
“What? Why are you apologizing? We just slaughtered you mercilessly in the streets. We targeted young unwitting civilians – disenfranchisement doesn’t even enter into it!”
“Listen, it’s our fault. We don’t blame you for feeling unwelcome and lashing out.”
“Seriously, stop taking credit for this! We worked really hard to pull this off, and we’re not going to let you take it away from us.”
“No, we nourished your extremism. We accept full blame.”
“Allah Akbar, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?”
For front bench duty this is not a requirement so long as other criteria can be shown to the panting media pack via high heels and plunging necklines (plus on some of the women Ministers).
What with the clueless quislings in No10, the Al BBC … can t LBC get a look in?
“A British Muslim woman tells Shelagh Fogarty about her fears at being out in public now, saying she was told to stay indoors after the Paris Attacks.”
Meanwhile business as usual
Tory dipsh-t Osborne wants to see Transport spending cut by 30%.
….. easy, scrap HS2 moron
I haven’t listened to this extended release of flatulence from Theresa, but I would predict that there was something along the lines that “we must not let a perversion of Islam divide our multicultural and diverse society” Stirring Churchillian stuff. Would she dare to actually use the words “Islam is a religion of peace”. This has become more of a comedy catch-phrase as used by old school comedians and anyone who used it would indeed be a clown.
Long live clichee “Unity through diversity”
I watched the debate about the Paris murders in the House of Commons yesterday and was appalled at the number of references to ‘nothing to do with Islam’, and the support this got from the Home Secretary ‘I was at a mosque only last month, and got a warm welcome etc..’ and many of the others there, although not all.
In the same debate at the same time there are references to the dangers of radicalisation in schools, prisons and elsewhere here. Who is carrying out the radicalisation? Muslim clerics of course, how is this terror therefore nothing to do with Islam?
Sadly the cancer of political correctness and the desperation to sound ‘reasonable’ and to avoid any appearance of causing ‘offence’, is so deeply embedded in government and elsewhere that they have invented a perverted answer, that these people are not Muslims and not Islamists, merely members of a death cult, as if there is no connection with the religion. The answer is palpable nonsense and sickening.
Until our leaders and representatives get their heads out of the sand and start accepting reality and the truth we, the ordinary people, will remain in grave danger.
Following this, this morning on the BBC Newschannel we had Graham Satchell in Paris ‘interviewing’ Muslim men. I put the word interview in quotes as it was no such thing. All he did was put words in their mouths in pursuit of the BBC’s agenda that these people are victims. And guess what, the police pulled over a couple of mean nearby ‘happens all the time’ it was agreed all round. Does it? I wonder why, remind me who carried out the murders? Where do these killers and their supporters live?
There was absolutely no searching questions from Satchell. I suppose he has now got a nice fuzzy glow, that he has helped the cause, and his friends and colleagues will think he is such a liberal hero.
It is truly depressing that the Home Secretary can come out with such nonsense. It does us all great harm and prevents us from realising the peril this Europe of ours faces.
To a logical mind there can only be three reasons for May’s speech.
1. She is trying to preserve what she believes as social harmony.
2. She is deliberately lying.
3. She is just plain ignorant of the motives and beliefs of Isis.
No doubt the liberal media will continue to parrot her line.
It is wrong of her to do wehat she has done and it imperils us all.
Do Home Secretaries get information and briefings from the Intelligence Community?
If so – 1. They are a bunch of cretins.
or 2. She ignores what they are saying
Conclusion. We are in serious danger.
When someone who follows the Qu’ran murders folk, and screams “Allahu Akbar” (My God is greatest) as he/she does so, I am pretty sure it has an awful lot to do with the religion of Islam…end of debate.
When there are 53 passages of the Qu’ran dedicated to the murder of infidels/non believers, I am absolutely sure it has plenty to do with the religion of Islam.
I hate mealy mouthed politicians, we know they lie, but this lie protects a repugnant death cult, a cult, whose disciples that these very same politicians have invited into our midst.
Don’t think so, I was a Thatcherite, during the blessed Maggie ‘s time, of who the BBC hated..Cam is the PM, you don’t like it, too bad.I am sure you would prefer Corbyn, who would have all of Africa move hear tomorrow, if he had his way. A lot of your hatred of the Conservatives, makes you seem ideal bedfellows of the SWP.
Essexman, if the Tories had had the sense to elect David Davis instead of Cameron we’d all be on the same side, and there would have been thumping Tory majorities in 2010 and 2015 because of their intelligent policies. Going with the “heir to Blair”, who has no time for real Conservatives and wouldn’t know an intelligent policy if it bit him, was the mistake.
Now back to looking at what lies the BBC have been telling us this evening.
Cameron in my opinion is an ‘used car sales man’ of no other experience .
He is spending ‘big bucks’ now on home security and now says he’s ‘deadly serious’ about the EU.
We need another stable door . Please be serious Essexman-troll .
A very good point RJ. It was obvious at the time of the Conservative leadership election that the BBC and other media were behind Cameron. Davis gave a decent enough speech at the conference, I know because I heard it, but when it passed through the BBC reality filter it became a disaster. Cameron came out with guff about flowers and sunshine, and suddenly he was a statesman. I found it all very suspicious at the time, and I still do. It seemed like some sort of media manipulation to get the result they wanted.
I was too a Thatcherite, and Cameron is not fit to walk in her shadow. Farage is 10 times the leader and statesman of Cameron, and even he is a poor imitation of Thatcher.
Can you not accept that just because we cannot stand the pale imitation of Tony Blair who currently leads the conservative (in name only) party, it does not mean we support the utterly delusional and incompetent labour party.
No apologies for posting this again
Now over 400,000
If you haven’t singed -sign it if you haven’t forwarded it do so – and post it on any forum you have accesses to
Will the government act? no. will the BBC even acknowledge it ? of course not,but we can at least make them work for their lies by shouting as loudly as possible
Interesting piece on Radio 4 PM about the Molenbeek Mosque in Belgium where nearly every European jihadi has visited or stayed prior to launching their attacks.
Interesting for another reason too. It was featured in the Weekends Grauniad – more evidence that the BBC does get its stories from there !
Worth a read though, because it raises far more questions than it answers, the main one being why hasn’t the Belgian government taken some more robust action !
The Belgian police couldn’t even arrest Marc Dutreux even though they spoke to him in his house when he had kidnapped children in the cellar. They are truly useless. They have allowed a hotbed of Islamic terrorism to develop in their country and have done nothing. Belgium is a joke country and a fitting home to the EU project.
Thoughtful, here’s a statistic or two to help you with your last question.
World War One fatalities
UK 750,000
France 1.1 million
We might add Germany 2 million. And then….
Belgium, errr. 38,000. You know the country of Ypres, Paschendael, Messines, and others
I think the policy is called “do nothing, pretend it’s not happening and hope it goes away or someone else will sort it out”
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose, as they say in Walloon.
Gang jailed for trafficking a woman from Latvia for a sham marriage, but just look at the names. I’m afraid it’s the usual suspects, at it again and of course not on the BBC.
She’s a Russian. An ugly one too. Thoughtful, you’re from my area – how many of Men’s stories involve our brown eyed boys? 50%, 70%? It seems every story these days involves them lot whether it’s trafficking, drug smuggling, assaults, rape etc. Of course, they’re apparently, an ‘asset’. (hollow laugh)
“It’s a little odd that Oisin Tymon could have worked for close to ten years on Top Gear, and then suddenly find his lead presenter might occasionally use strong languge that some find offensive.”
“Introducing himself in a style worthy of some one-party state broadcaster”
“Botney is dead, long live…”
“Losing Iain Lee on Three Counties breakfast makes that ambition look like a dead duck’
One person’s loss is the rest of the nation’s gain.
“In 2011, Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the third year in a row. Over 5,700 incidents were committed by Sunni Muslims, responsible for nearly 56 percent of all attacks and about 70 percent of 12,533 fatalities.*
Another 24 percent of the fatalities are on Shi´a Muslims. So in 2011, Muslims were responsible for 94 percent of the fatalities in terrorist attacks. Since 2011, with ISIS on the scene, the number of the fatalities –victims of the Muslim terrorist attacks- sharply grew, together with Muslims´ share in the world terrorism that is steadily closing in on 100%.
In 2013, according to the US Department of State, a total of 9,707 terrorist attacks occurred worldwide, resulting in more than 17,800 deaths and more than 32,500 injuries. In addition, more than 2,990 people were kidnapped or taken hostage. Information about perpetrators was reported in source materials for 32 percent of terrorist attacks in 2013.
And of these 32 percent, or 17,800 deaths, only three Muslim terrorist groups, namely the Taliban, ISIS and Boko Haram, were responsible for 5,655 fatalities, or for 31.76 percent! That means that 31.76 percent out of the 32 percent of terrorist attacks which had reported information about the attackers were perpetrated by only three Muslim terrorist groups, out of a good 50 more that exist in our turbulent world!
Muslim terrorists can be proud: their share in world terrorist attacks is now close to 100%.”
and that was 2 years ago, so Islam s contribution to peace means its down to 2% ?
means that we must all feel incredibly safe, non! ………. no wait!
It only work if you believe that a terrorist, by definition, cannot be a proper Muslim: and so by becoming a terrorist he/she has rejected true Islam. On the other hand I seem to recall that the leader of ISIS had a PhD in Islamic studies and so knew a damn sight more about the teachings and meaning of Islam than a BBC presenter – and there’s a bit of a clue in the name “Islamic State”.
Looking at this list I’d say 99% of attacks in 2015 were carried out by Muslims.
I leave, for now, with a smile on my face (shared by many BBC FaceBook veterans). Actually, I may have to stay on the floor to compose myself before dinner:
BBC News
How do you tell your children about the #ParisAttacks?
I was at a mate’s house last night. He has a few guns and we were firing them off in his house (we were drunk) trying to hit a cup balanced on a basket. I’ve not seen him for years but we were mates at school from way back. He was always a nutter but he’s the sort of person you want on the barricades with you. He’s a bailiff. I ask him how many are Paki’s. About 80% he says.
I digress. I’ve refrained from commenting on Paris until my anger has subsided. It’s still there though. I would have machine-gunned that twat Hugh Edwards if I’d been there the other night. No mention of the ‘i’ or the ‘m’ word and even then, about 10 minutes in, it was the weaselly ‘Islamist’.
I knew the narrative it would take on the night of the massacre. A French-’Algerian’ journalist i.e. a muslim was talking about the lack of ‘integration’. Not their integration but OURS, ffs. They choose to live among their own kind and it’s our fucking fault. Straight away, it was we haven’t got any jobs because no one will employ us. Cry me a river. Who’s going to employ someone who takes 5 fucking prayer breaks a day. They just want everything on a plate for them. Add to this, the ‘Islamophobia’ angle and the ‘right wing backlash’ and it had me reaching for my dock martens to kick the TV in. It’s not as if it’s just the BBC either, they were all at it. You’d think Marine Le Pen had pulled the frigging trigger. It’s never their fault, they never take any responsibility for their actions and it’s always OUR fault. You bend over backwards for them and it’s OUR fault.
The most vomit inducing is this laughable twitter bollocks that seems to be the answer to everything these days. That’s it. No concrete action but a twatter campaign and lighting up the Sydney Opera House. Even my friends on Facebook are at it, changing their photo’s to the French Tricolore. That will achieve precisely nothing. The politicians will continue to hand-wring, the lefties will deflect and we’ll continue down the unstoppable path to self destruction.
If I had the money, I’d be gone from this dump. The trouble is, no one wants us anymore. Being a blond, white anglo-saxon protestant these days is the equivalent of being handed the black spot in life’s lottery. I heard the other day that New Zealand doesn’t want us anymore because they want to be diverse. Jesus, what was so un-diverse about a society comprising of Maoris, Pacific Islanders, Anglos, Micks, Jocks, Taffs and the fucking French. (Yes, they were there too)
Anyway, coming back to my mate. He’s the sort of person you need by your side because as sure as night following day, things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better. If I’m still around I’ll be there with him. Hopefully, it’ll happen while I’m relatively young and fit.
I’m still at the stage of – if want to be a part of the winning team then you’re welcome. However, a bit more of this shit and they ALL have to go. Lock, stock and barrel. You just can’t take the chance, anymore. The thing is – this is my country. It’s not for Cameron or Blair to give away. If you’re here, then you’re here on account of my goodwill. This can be revoked at any time.
I’m sick of seeing a bunch of uneducated morons preaching multiculturalism on social media.
I wouldn’t mind if they’d done any kind of research on Islam, but they’re honestly just regurgitating the same old lies that the BBC continue to spout.
A Facebook post went viral yesterday, gaining thousands of likes in the process. Something along the likes of: “Mr.Islam who runs your corner shop isn’t a terrorist. Mrs.Islam who lives next door isn’t a terrorist. Miss.Islam who takes your order isn’t a terrorist.”
Basically, the post was implying that not all Mulims are bad. Erm, no shit!
It’s this kind of patronizing, self-indulgent posting that really infuriates me.
Of course there are good Muslims, but that misses the point entirely.
What the people of this country desire is an open debate about Islam. We want ‘moderate’ Muslims to condemn the savagery committed in the name of their God. As we all know, to even dare suggest such a thing would be classed as ‘Islamaphobia’.
And for that very reason, we will NEVER come to a peaceful solution. Hell, we’ll never even get to the stage of negotiation, never mind a solution.
Tensions are rapidly increasing within Europe, and even though we’re governed by traitorous filth, the patriots of this country will rise tallest in the end.
An unedifying and brutal solution is unnecessary. However, given the way things currently stand, I imagine it’s only a matter of time before violence breaks out
Get tooled up, Ventilator. I’m 41, I lift weights every other day and I know I’t’ll be needed some day. I’ll carry on practicing because I know, deep down, we’re fucked.
Brilliant entertainment. Next time the BBC invite George Monbiot to give us one of his unopposed global warming monologues, why don’t they ask Mr Steyn along too?
Quote: ‘Mann produced his Hockey Stick using a proxy reconstruction. There were only two things wrong with that: ‘proxy’ and ‘reconstruction’.
My mrs is equally blind to the bias, but even she shouted me to come look at this. Obviously it was filmed within the last few days and squeezed into the plot.
BBC news in Paris tonight – still in damage limitation mode I see – all the black and ethnic minority reporters have scattered to the 4 winds. Whites only until the coast is clear eh Huw ?
I see that your tactless, clueless comments on Sunday about the murdered Innocenti brothers and no one knowing when the restuarant will re-open have been cut from the iPlayer version?
Perhaps they could have a massive demonstration of millions of Muslims saying ‘not in our name’ simultaneously thought Paris, London, New York?
Or do they know only a handful would show up?
Great article, McKinstry is one of the few writers who really understands the problem of Islam in the West and is willing to write about it. His take on Corbyn’s comments after the Paris atrocities is spot on too.
If I can make an analogy about the situation we face today in Europe with Islamic Jihad, and the Muslim communities.
It is like a jar of sand where some of the grains are lethally radio active. They make the other grains near to them also radio active and this extends from them.
Our governments current policy might be described as attempting to pick these particles out of the jar without disturbing the sand, the ones it removes it keeps in a different jar for a while, and then releases them back in to the jar of sand after a while.
It doesn’t know where the radio active particles are, nor how many there are, it only seems to recognise them when they cause damage .
The only sure fire way to protect people from the danger would be to dispose of the entire jar – which is something the government don’t seem to want to contemplate.
A delight to hear Emily Maitlis hearing all the wrong things from Rashida Daesh( or something similar) on her Newsnight “inquest” into les evenements of Friday night.
Therefore they bring in some Le Heseltine type who did f***all under Lionel Jospin(no, me neither).
Emily reassured-reassuringly expensive solutions from the Euro elite!
Back to your lives citizens-now let`s play you the IS-compliant dirge that The Marseillaise” now becomes when Corbyn Hollande types require for the Islamic State CD.
The West defeated, reduced to a pipsqeak dirge from self-loathing lefty scum who long ago used their Charlie Hebdo to line the budgie cage.
1. No refugees unless they can quote their bibles to “Koranic standards”…no Muslims whatsoever.
2. BBC blackouts-their every utterance puts another faggot onto the funeral pyre for this country-IS must love the sound of Mark Mardell struggllng to get up onto his feet after thinking he`s snooping under the barbed wire at Belsen…whereas he`s only hoping to lick a few bits of puff pastry up from a bar where some girl is scared of fireworks(TWATO today, 1.25-for as long as you like).
. The BBC need to go-best not any of the lazy fuckwits back into the country whilst they`re sniffing for Semtex as they do some early Xmas Shoppinge-while pretending to be journalists…France had the Occupying forces in 41, why do we let Snow and Maitlis do the very same on French soil…they`ve suffered enough.
But as ever-blame “security glitches, not letting in enough Muslims,removing Jihadi John”-ANYTHING but F***Islam.
I myself think it`s Muslims natural anger at us all not drawing Muhammad cartoons…when we draw Jesus and Buddha…Islamophobic eh?
3. Frankie-Hollande-Howard?…he`ll be Tito when or if we ever get Corbyn into power.
But look-Emily`s meeting someone who will hug you in Paris-take THAT Isis!
Next week-free shaves with cut-throats from Isis-ah Allah Akbar( Islam for Bless!)
Emily doesn`t want Schengen questioned though-but maybe the sentiment needs reflection…her words…
What WOULD Islam actually HAVE to do before the BBC tells us that Muslims are a problem? is that dirty bomb the pink alert?
Amused that Newsshite is mentioning Molenbeek. It was mentioned on German TV a day or so ago. I had no idea what the significance was. I Googled it and landed at a site that describes the most dangerous tourist destinations in the world. It listed areas of Brussels like Andrecht and Molenbeek as highly dangerous. At first, it seemed fanciful that you could live that dangerously in Brussels. But tourists without a political axe to grind say that men walk around in broad daylight with AK-47s and automatic pistols. Tourists that stray into the area are beaten up and robbed and when they complain to the police, they openly admit that the area is too dangerous to patrol. So Newsshite claims that Muslims in the area are harassed by police are nonsense. If you look a little further you find that local politics are Jihadist and Jihadist parties stand for election.
“Radicalisation” in Molenbeek is supposedly the fault of the internet and the prisons. Why is it then that only people with a Muslim background are “radicalised”. Anyone with a religous turn of mind will, of course, want to deepen their faith, this is not radicalisation. Unfortunately, living one’s faith as a pious Muslim in Britain is dangerous for the rest of the population. At the most basic level Islam means theocracy or in practice rule by those who interpret the holy texts. This is not compatible with democracy. The wishy washy C of E with its soporific platitudes means that most
of the indigenous population with religious propensities have no idea what extremes religious fervour can reach.
After the footy on Friday evening, I received the emerging news from ITV of the terrible events in Paris. I switched to (b)BBC News 24, as is my habit, to see how it would be informing the public. Tim Wilcox was on. Bad timing for Tim. I stomached his reporting in January, when Muslims murdered cartoonists, Jews and police officers, (for being cartoonists, Jews and police officers), who all had it coming (especially the Jews). My blood temperature went up, so I tuned in to LBC radio instead – and after some clear expressions of concern regarding Islam, those ‘moderate Muslim’ voices soon filled my ears with silky taqiyya.
I couldn’t face up to receiving reporting from the BBC, who no doubt had a ban on the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ – on account of the young Muslims (that’s them guys who submit to Islam by the way BBC) in Paris murdering people rather than engaging in the baking of a Chocolate Pecan Tart or a batch of Mokatines. Instead, I reviewed the comments section of Breitbart and Guido Fawkes, where a variety of links to a variety of sources of information can always be found. The avoidable, predictable tragedy of a human catastrophe on the soil of a once civilised country – France. Immeasurable pain and suffering.
Before 1.30 in the morning this offering from the Guardian was rushed out:
The mind-set of the Guardian in its adherence to the doctrine of Multiculturalism has morphed into ambivalence to human life. This is also obviously reflected in their reporting on Israel. Whilst those who regularly criticise the BBC and Guardian, scrutinise the consistency and humanity in their own positions as well as those they criticise, the same cannot be said of the Guardianistas. It appears that the flawed self-righteous populist arrogance of ‘the Left’ which sustains their appeal to a significant minority of voters is exposing its essential immorality. The inability of the leftist’s insulated mind-set to doubt themselves (Descartes), to scrutinise their own argument (Aristotle), to accept empirical evidence (The scientific method) has led them to perceive all those who disagree with them on Multiculturalism; on Climate Change; on Islam’s peaceful nature; on feminism, on gay ‘marriage’, as not having a valid opinion which may have merit. This (their compounded inabilities) is achieved through branding those who have a different opinion (often a rational and reasoned opinion informed by evidence, facts and a functioning moral compass) as ‘far right’, or one of an extensive compendium of words ending in ‘ist’. Thus, the insulation of their intellectual development from a wider pool of thought has led them to their current closed loop of thought, like a cat chasing its own tail.
So soon after hundreds of young people, out to enjoy their Friday night in Gay Paris, end up in hospital, or in body bags, Natalie Nougayrede gets out a ‘piece’ subtitled Muslims will increasingly fear being associated with terror; far right groups may fuel more hatred . Such moral relativism could be construed as a disease – an inability to understand that an ideology that not only advocates, but actually does: murder people; rape women; rape girls; rape boys; stone women; behead apostates; execute gays and on Friday 13th November 2015, execute young people in Paris – is wrong, (or ‘left’?), and that those who wish for their communities (and countries) to be devoid of such activity are right. Yes, this Moral Relativism pervading the BBC and the Guardian is a mental disease I suggest.
For an insight into some sobering statistics I would point you to this offering from Stefan Molyneux, who is an acquired taste (I like him and give him a pittance for his work), but I highly recommend that this be viewed from start to finish even if you don’ like his style. You will be armed with more facts and a greater ability to understand what we all need to do in the UK – elect different politicians. Otherwise, the futures of our children and grandchildren look grim.
“….Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’. Bob Dylan.
And Carswell’s right too. Again. Wisely chosen words:
UKIP have answers, because they confront the questions. Vote Leave, Vote UKIP, join UKIP, and get involved in our domestic politics. That’s of course if you give a damn!
I am sorry, I must be reading something wrong somewhere, but after such an eloquent and erudite passage of exquisite truth, I see that it ends with support for UKIP… I was sure, (because the intellectual giants of the Guradian and BBC who comprise…, how did you phrase it, “the leftist’s insulated mind-set to doubt themselves (Descartes), to scrutinise their own argument (Aristotle), to accept empirical evidence (The scientific method)” keep imploring us all to believe that UKIP supporters are thick, unqualified simpletons.
Funny how I have never found any recent examples of such beautifully written prose, filled with so much self-evident truth, from any of the left wing “opinion framers and taking heads” as I have found in your extraordinarily satifying comment.
The BBC have some nerve. They, alongside the treacherous, gullible and incompetent EU leaders have been the cheerleaders for open borders, and now they scratch their heads. Pathetic.
Just saw news clip by BBC about how these mass murderers may well be pretending to Syrian refugees! My word who’d have thunk it? All the left/medias bogeymen have been saying as much Orban, Le Pen and Farage. Even the those clowns, you know, you and me…The general public have been trying to tell our elite. But we are all of course reactionaries and racists. We are all a bit thick.
And even as 130 people lie in mortuaries the Left are beginning the narrative about “Right wing backlash” and “how could it have been prevented?”
Beyond Belief.
And holding hands, tricolor screens and lighting candles does not stop these creatures.
Yes, the “spontaneous outpourings of grief” and trite expressions of solidarity are beginning to wear a bit thin so soon after the last “spontaneous outpouring of grief” and “Je suis Charlie”-ism. No one I’ve heard interviewed ever seems even slightly angry about this grotesque atrocity . It’s as if a “collective battered wife” syndrone has been induced. People seem compelled to “kiss the fist that punches them”. I was late with John’s dinner and he smashed me in the face. I deserved it. I know he really loves me. I suppose expressions of rage, anger or hate are considered to be too vulgar and unnuanced by Beeboids. Frank Gardner’s response is the one expected by the BBC. You were shot by Jihadists weren’t you Frank? Yes but I have no anger towards Muslims in general.I’m much better than that. That kind of primitive emotion is beyond me.
The BBC is worried about the “right wing backlash”. But all the real neonazis are at home, drinking beers, wearing their SS uniforms in front of the TV watching the BBC do their “radicalisation” for them. The BBC ROP pudding is so overegged that no one can taste it without vomiting.
Iain Lee got sacked, sorry, I mean resigned from BBC Radio WM in the West Midlands about six months ago (probably the worst local radio station in the country). He’s not as right on as he likes to think he is, judge for yourself from this report in The Guardian in August 2014, when he got into trouble for his comments then.
“The BBC has apologised after the local radio presenter Iain Lee told his producer to “go and do the black and Asian show” during a spoof on-air row.
Lee, the former presenter of Channel 4’s 11 O’Clock Show, had what appeared to be a heated six-minute on-air exchange with his producer on the BBC’s Three Counties Radio breakfast show, which airs in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
The row ended with the producer walking out of the studio and Lee telling him: “Go on, go and do the black and Asian show. Bye bye.”
The BBC later described the row as banter, but said Lee’s comments had been unacceptable.
Last Friday, PM David Cameron issued a statement regarding a US air-strike against a vehicle in the IS held city of Raqqa, that is believed to have killed the notorious “Jihadi John,” British citizen Mohammed Emwazi, who was responsible for the beheading of at least 7 known western hostages, including 3 Britons, two Japanese and two Americans, who were mainly journalists and aid workers. This “targeted killing” will be applauded in the West, although when the same approach was used, and indeed pioneered, by Israel, it was widely criticized as “extra-legal killing.” What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander, when it suits their purpose the British and Americans are quite happy to use this method to rid the world of their terrorist enemies. Let not the BBC and others from the left criticize Israel when it does the same.
That was the BBC’s Graham Satchell in Paris for Breakfast tv this morning
Did he get in a tangle with his lines, come over all light-headed for lack of breakfast and a late night? – or as our Bill Turnedball in the studio would have us think as he covered for his pal – was he just choked up with the hard work and the emotion of it all?
Our Graham had shown us his day’s work – he had been busy on the streets ‘meeting young Muslim men’ (not me gov!) and was then keenly expaining to camera how the CND logo on some street tribute was in fact ‘the symbol of peace’.
Graham now tried to sum up with a description of the Eifel tower in national colours and how this was a sign of hope – and that was when the poor chap corpsed. He then edged away from the camera – and either threw up or feighted clean away?
If this is the calibre of the guys, then bring on the girls. Laura K not only looks like a zombie – it would take a head shot to stop her.
Weren’t these blokes brought up on dreams of speaking truth to power and dodging the Kong in Nam whilst filing a report?
Give our Graham the Princess Di Award for reportage – a statue of a golden tear drop
Perhaps that’s how the BBC should go out – not with a bang but with a whimper.
Could some sort of cash prize fund be created, to be won by the first TV interviewer in Paris to ask his young, oppressed and paranoid muslim audience, ‘Just what is al-Taqiyya?’
I have asked many Muslims on online what it is. They instantly say that they have never ever heard of it. Then when reminded of both Taqiyya (blatant lies) and Kitya (the ommision of truth), they suddenly remember, but claim it is not their sect, its the work of some other Muslims. They engage in Kitya first, and then overt Taqiyya to deny takiyya.
Labour MPs have criticised their leader Jeremy Corbyn after he said he was “not happy” with a police policy of “shoot-to-kill” during a terror attack.
At a party meeting one MP accused him of ” misunderstanding” the threat, while another called him a “disgrace”.
Labour MP John Mann asked Mr Corbyn if he was saying “terrorists with Kalashnikovs should not be shot by security forces in such situations”.
The TOADY programme (R4, 17/11/15) is not good for the heart, ears or brain.
Poor old Geeever Hoffstat, I feel sorry for him every time he is pismronounced onto the BBCeeeeeb. A distinct lack of respect. My sympathy wanes when he demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of Syria and ISIS & Islam.
Ed Davey? I never feel sorry for him. He gets far too much respect. As Energy Minister in the Coalition Government he was responsible for our electricity & gas bills increasing by £120 by 2017. The total idiot was complaining that the Conservatives – six months into government – were a complete disaster on energy and renewables and that “our bills will go up”. Well, Ed, you would know about being a total disaster, would you not?
A Life Scientific (R4, 9 a.m.) may be – yet again, often is – a good listen.
I don’t suppose Idiot Davey mentioned the total lack of investment in our energy supply infrastructure during Brown’s 13 year Treasury misrule or his having sold off our nuclear plant production capability so that we are now obliged to pay over the odds for France and our new best friend China to do it for us.
He certainly didn’t, PG. He probably thinks that if he could add some fairies flapping their wings at the bottom of his garden generating electricity then the LibDims policy of depriving us of nuclear energy & doing nothing to reverse Brown’s total mismanagement will not mean the lights eventually going out and trains stopping halfway between stations.
And definitely no tough questions from the TODAY presenters to provide answers that listeners want. Poor old Nick Robinson missed a killer question opportunity yesterday and Mishal is probably not in the same interrogator league.
The BBC has placed a lot of emphasis on how Muslims are in solidarity with the rest of us over the Paris mass murder. We get endless quotes from this community leader and that imam. But if you look at the things the “moderate” Muslims actually say it’s pretty disturbing. Not one that I’ve heard actually admits that there might be some tinsy winsy thing wrong with Islam. This fact is really taped here:
Hilary Benn on Toady this morning talking about Corbyn’s opposition to any shoot-to-kill decisions.
One minute Benn acknowledges that these decisions have to be split second ones. The next he goes on about how these decisions need to be fully investigated by committees. A relaxed time span luxury the police or army in the front line don’t of course have.
So maybe Corbyn’s pacifism on shoot-to-kill will come to fruition in the form that our guys with their finger on the trigger will be faced with so many possible tribunals, reviews, and committees (probably chaired by someone from ‘Stop the War’) to justify any action that he might not bother and just let the slaughter continue. A bit like the fire service not helping drowning people in lakes because of the need for a proper safety assessment first, “it’s more than my job’s worth”
Al-Beeb of course didn’t spot or didn’t choose to spot any of these inherent contradictions and logical outcomes and just gave Benn the usual easy ride.
The reality in Paris
“Our world seems atrophied. Kathy Shaidle describes the scene at top right as “why Paris is doomed, in one image”: a man drags his piano, decorated by a “peace” symbol, by bicycle to the Bataclan theatre, and proceeds to play John Lennon’s “Imagine”.
What kind of parochial solipsist would think that an appropriate response a day after mass murder?
Answer: Apparently everyone in the western world … because, of course, it “went viral”.
It is somewhat reassuring that most of those standing around him are media hacks desperate for something to photograph. One would like to think that, were a crowd of survivors and grieving relatives present, they would smash the piano into kindling, save for the peace-symbol lid, which they would thwack the pianist over the head with.”
These Canadian commentators, such as Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant and Gavin McInnes, are absolutely brilliant at summarising the woeful position of the West in relation to the RoP, such that they would NEVER be invited onto AlBeeb to expound their views uninterrupted.
I enjoyed the point in the Gavin McInnes interview that the French Moozlems were keen on Equalite, but didn’t care for Egalite or Fraternite.
And the reference to the 4 ‘P’s being in charge i.e. the Politicians,the Press(read media/AlBeeb), the P olice, and the Professors (read educashun) ,and the fact that they can never learn from experience or deny the utter failure of their Multi-Kulti dreams.
These Canadian commentators, such as Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant and Gavin McInnes, are absolutely brilliant at summarising the woeful position of the West in relation to the RoP, such that they would NEVER be invited onto AlBeeb to expound their views uninterrupted.
I enjoyed the point in the Gavin McInnes interview that the French Moozlems were keen on Equalite, but didn’t care for Egalite or Fraternite.
And the reference to the 4 ‘P’s being in charge i.e. the Politicians,the Press(read media/AlBeeb), the P olice, and the Professors (read educashun) ,and the fact that they can never learn from experience or deny the utter failure of their Multi-Kulti dreams.
Noggin, well spotted. This ‘viral’ thing is interesting. An ISP/Internet news provider appears to have stepped up selling click-bait items and started tagging these items ‘viral’.
If anyone has loads of money and wants to fund me, then I’ll offer to do a Masters at the University of Polytechnia in Huntingdon, or somewhere, to study ‘Viral’ and regularly appear on Radio 4 to pronounce ever-after.
We (collectively) are lost. Futile. No hope.
Thus, these huggy-feely gestures bring a fleeting hint of warmth before the icy blast of reality strikes again.
(thrown out, racist! … zenophobic! … abuse of freedom of expression!, consult Paris Senior Imam to decide where to position “red line”).
Apparently the BBC does not sell DVDs of Till Death Us Do Part – which used to have audiences of up to 16 million, great comedy. But it sells DVDs of the unfunny “comedians2 / leftie PC merchants :
“In other words, the BBC high command justified the programme only because it was ‘anti-prejudicial’. In the Corporation’s world, then – as now – their mission to ‘educate’ (as well as to inform and entertain) was interpreted to mean that their comedy was acceptable only if it rammed down people’s throats liberal views.”
One thought occurs concerning the BBC (and the rest of the MSM) coverage. Where’s the anger?
Sure “we” are all appalled and, if this thread’s anything to go by, the contributors here are angry. But on the BBC? AFAIAA, the only angry reaction transmitted was in one of Huw’s live vox pops on Saturday night. When interviewing a couple the man said very angrily “F***k all religion” (or “this” religion). Huw quickly apologised for the language and moved in, cutting the man from the picture – and the interview – and talked at boring length to the woman whose heartwarming message was, IIRC, that it’s all horrible but Paris will survive etc etc. The man was re-interviewed for the last 5 seconds of the item and, basically, uttered a few bromides agreeing with his girlfriend (I wonder what he’d been told by Huw’s minders)
AFAIAA that’s the first – and last – time real anger was shown in all the BBC coverage. The lesson for the BBC is not to broadcast interviews live – you might get an honest reaction. OTOH there’s a lot of Moslem anger shown or explained: as if you didn’t know it’s all our fault. Frankly I can do without the endless “cry me a river” reportage. It reduces what has happened here to the level of an unfortunate but fairly serious road accident on a foggy day on the M6: the fault lies with the fog. The drivers causing the mayhem were helpless. They couldn’t or wouldn’t slow down because they were incandescent at the news of corruption in VW’s emissions testing regime.
The obvious is studiously ignored by both the media – particularly the BBC – and the politicos. Islamic terrorism isn’t a reaction to poverty or non-integration. To the contrary violence and thuggery is the apotheosis of Islam. Murder of the infidel and (as a bonus) raping his women is in the very warp and weft of Islam. This is a religion which started in ignorance and violence, was spread by violence and was and is maintained by violence. Until our politicians – and the BBC – admit this (or even admit its possibility) we’re doomed to endless repeats of the events in Paris. Of course, the BBC won’t tell you this or allow anyone near a microphone to tell you this. On the contrary, it is “nothing to do with Islam”. So, dear reader, forget these distressing scenes and, as Harrabin’s lies seek to persuade us daily, concentrate on the upcoming triumph of next month’s Nuremberg climate change rally in Paris. What’s the betting that the cobbled-together agreement to impoverish the West will be dedicated to those tragically murdered last Friday? That’ll get our minds off Islamic murder – until the next time.
“Solidarity” with Paris and singing the Marseillaise at Wembley is all very well but, as my late mother used to say “fine words butter no parsnips”. Tower Bridge and the Sydney Opera House flooded in red, white and blue lights does what exactly? Does it make the French feel better about the slaughter and (what nobody in the media mentions) the public humiliation. Personally, it doesn’t make me feel better. Actually it makes me feel a bit worse: it’s a tribute to and confirmation of the impotence of the West. Flowers outside the French Embassy, the odd tricolore on railings outside French restaurants in London and saying to French friends “I feel your pain” is useless in the absence of some plan to do something about Islamic terrorism (both violent, as in Paris, or psychological as enabled by the BBC every day).
I don’t expect the mosques of Britain to be flying the French flag. Forgive my cynicism but IMHO that would just be another aspect of taqquia. Oddly, I prefer the manifest hypocrisy of Dr T Hargey, Director, Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford and imam of the Oxford Mosque (a BBC speed-dial favourite, I think) in his letter to the Times this morning [paywall] who, in the time honoured Islamic way blames us for the Paris atrocity, viz: “While the Paris slaughter should be denounced unreservedly, France and other ex-colonial nations must be held accountable for their mendacious foreign policy in the rise of radicalism in the Middle East”. You see, it’s really all our fault. The boys from ISIS were a bit . . er . . over-enthusiastic but we’re the real villains, the real murderers.
The Diana-fication of the French victims continues apace, it’s so easy to virtue signal sympathy by changing your avatar on Facebook, but half the people doing just that, then throw a hissy fit if someone in “authority” looks the wrong way at a Muslim.
They still don’t get it, we have reached the point of no return, and so called moderate Muslims, should not take offence if they are profiled at the airport or in the streets.
The people to blame are their fellow Muslims, if you don’t like being looked at with suspicion, blame the other ROP-ers.
Most of my crowd are traditional working class, some of them would probably vote a donkey in if it had a red rosette on but that’s historic around here. Most are largely lacking academic qualifications unless trade or work related, some of them sharper than tacks and some not so. I’m pleased to say that not one of them has been taken in by the BBC damage limitation exercise regarding the Paris attacks, maybe the chattering classes are taking some succour from the BBC but round here it doesn’t wash.
Working class instincts are as sharp as anybody’s. Unfortunately, some of them tend to express their views in terms which do not resonate with middle class sensibilities and the message gets lost. This lack of a voice leads to frustration and anger and support for organisations like the NF and, more recently, the BNP, because they feel they have no alternative. These organisations also attract highly unsavory types and consequently their warnings are ignored. The fact that organisations like UAF are probably worse goes unnoticed.
The NF was a failure, obviously, but the instincts of many of its supporters were sound. They knew that large scale immigration was a bad idea but it wasn’t well articulated. But if people had taken a little more notice of them, like a dead canary in a coal mine, and tried to understand what was really going on, we wouldn’t have to face the multicultural mess we have today.
But your “crowd ” will still vote Labour & Corbyn, regardless of the facts. That’s why, in England & Wales, it will always be between Labour & The Conservatives, Kippering does not appeal to dye in the wool Labourites, apart from a few converts. Oldham will stay Labour, in the bi election for sure.
Just watched The Daily Politics on BBC2. They had a tame Moozlem on (obviously a ‘good’ one ) and Yvette Cooper , now just a Liebore backbencher. Not once ,did she use the M or I words but referred constantly to ‘terrorists’…….as if these jihadists exist in a vacuum and do not have the tacit support of a sizeable number of their fellow co-religionists.
Sheepish liberal apologists who can’t wait to ‘move on’ and discuss how we’re all going to die when the sky falls in due to Climate Change!
……Then, we have extracts from Farage’s speech last night, with rational, reasoned and statesmanlike comments from the excellent Peter Whittle UKIP.
Then a JoCo has discussion with three Musims of ‘Authority’ – A Tory MP, a member of the MCB and a Crown Prosecution guy. Nothing to do with Islam or course. No, non, nein. N T D W I. Theresa May says so…
Oh … The MCB that have meeting s with K Vaz
No matter, what happens at large … at all times like some insidious virus, with the capitulation of Parliament traitors
working against our nation.
“A MCB conference held in London on Wednesday, entitled ‘Terrorism and Extremism – how should British Muslims respond’, also heard debate over potential blasphemy laws in the United Kingdom.
Britain’s ancient laws of blasphemy were abolished in 2008, although had largely fallen into disuse by then, given that the last successful prosecution was in 1977.
But the issue has resurfaced in the wake of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, and the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims deem offensive.
Keith Vaz MP, the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, told Al Arabiya News that he would have “no problem” with blasphemy laws being reintroduced, under certain conditions.”
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.
“Muslim communities need to be able to respond to accusations Muslims, or against the Prophet, in a more effective way,” he said. “Whether there should be legislation is something that really is a more complicated question.”
Well away from the No10 traitors and the Al BBC … President Hollande now proclaims to have no ‘pity’ & will retaliate.
Well … Maybe eliminating over 50 no-go zones for the non Islamic would be a fine start?
… or maybe get the old piano out, and play “imagine” outside the Bataclan theatre.
Laughter at the No10 Tory traitors, starts getting louder
UK Home Secretary Theresa May: the Paris jihad attacks ‘have nothing to do with Islam’
“Clearly Theresa May, who is much more concerned with banning foes of jihad from entering the country than she is with combating the actual jihadi s, is among those who do not “wish to take heed” of the Islamic State’s warning. When a Paris-style attack hits London, she will bear a great deal of the responsibility for her role in misleading the British people about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat.”
Listening to the Toady programme this morning, I was appalled by the number of times the word Islamophobia was used, for anyone or any comment that was not ‘On song’ for the ROP. Using this as a yardstick I wonder if the BBC will have someone on condemning the item below as Islamophobic; or at least over reaction! Doubtless anyone else fearing for their lives, culture, country and daring to mention the M word will be similarly branded!
Islamist terrorists are plotting to use they internet for “evil” by launching deadly cyber-attacks which could cripple Britain, George Osborne will warn on Tuesday.
The Chancellor will use a speech at GCHQ to warn that Isil poses a significant “cyber threat” amid concerns that it could kill innocent people by attacking power stations, the National Grid and hospitals.
He will say: “Isil are already using the internet for hideous propaganda purposes; for radicalisation, for operational planning too.
Daily Politics is now waffling on about “deradicalisation”. The very idea that you have to exspend vast resources in a vain attempt to persuade Muslims not to murder their “fellow” citizens is a ridiculous proposition There is no Muslim terrorism in Japan because there are only around 50,000 Muslims who clearly understand their role in Japanese society. Stopping mass Muslim immigration now would at least prevent the problem from getting any worse. It is also ridiculous that vast amounts of man power and money are wasted playing hide and seek with hundreds of returnees from Syria. The BBC is so deluded as to think that a Jihadist who styles himself Abu Ben Bashir Al-Britani, is identifying himself as a loyal and proud British patriot. No doubt he has a Britisn passport, but as he wiould say himself this is just a useful travel document. The constant talk of “home-grown” terrorism to suggest some defect in British culture is also ridiculous. Simply being born in a country does not magically imbue you with the culture of that country. The antecedents of the “home-grown” terrorists who arrived in Britain from the Islamic world are the propagators of this Islamic worldview.
Oh it`s the BBC, so what else will they be ringing around at the mo if not ” house trained slipper sniffing cringing Mozzies”…for the next news cycles duration anyway?
Until the “Muslims fear the backlash, Islamophobia in a smoky bacon crisp packet left floating by Regents Park” kind of stories they`re inevitably setting up for us now for the baggage carousel/sushi belt/Generation Game conveyor belt with cuddly Muhammad teddy bear circling,unwanted and for ever.
Muslims-either at your feet or at your throat…unless its virginal brides of tomorrow in council “care” and somewhere northern-in which case they reach historic compromises inbetween as we thank them for seeing reason.
Saw the Farage clip earlier-at 6.37 or so he says CHURCHES should have to declare their sources of income-presumably so the east London Mosque don`t get hissy….Farage is a fool!
Actually, the idea that Mosques should have to declare their income is an excellent idea. Providing of course the records are not audited by a member of the Mosque or anyone with a connection; so independent auditors checking the sources of income each month will serve several useful purposes.
1) Those on benefits giving the usual 10th of income will be identified and can have 10% deducted from benefits.
2) Only about 35-50% of income from customers using Asian restaurants (that is all of them not just Muslim owned and run ones) is declared, thus Mosques and temples etc. are used for money laundering. Money ‘donated’ to the Mosque can be loaned to other members of the community to set up businesses etc. without payment of interest.
Identifying this income will lead to a huge increase in tax revenue and VAT and hopefully to many prosecutions for tax and benefit fraud. Employees and family members will have a declared income in the books with the rest in off record cash, thus enabling them to claim work related benefits.
Having churches do the same thing is a nuisance but well worth the trouble.
Well said Chris H, but others here regard him as the” Messiah ” so you have now “blasphemed,” like I do here on a regular basis, but, I don’t care I know the way the wind is blowing, & Mr F, is all hot air & hollow promises, that will never happen.
How can you be so keen on Camoron if you (judging from your post above) don’t like “hot air and hollow promises”?
When has Camerloon EVER delivered as truthful a speech about failed multiculturalism and Islam in Britain, as the one Farage just has?
I’ll answer that for you, as you’ll probably indulge in your usual trick of avoiding any tricky questions, it is – never; he has his head too far up Saudi Arabia’s fundament to ever do so either.
‘Daily Politics is now waffling on about “deradicalisation”’
Please tell me Andrew Neil was nowhere near this?
It’s like suggesting to the USS Enterprise off Okinawa that maybe having a Tokyo Rose agony aunty on the blower in flight control could talk those kamikaze chappies down to land gently on the deck, and no need for those nasty AA-guns.
It is no excuse the BBC is merely mirroring Bin There, Hugged That Dave, Theresa the Appeaser, and Don’t Shoot, I’m a Muslim! Corbo.
I was just out on some errands and chatting with several folk in shops. We’re in the heart of SAS country.
More common sense in these ordinary Joe and Janes’ little fingers than the entire Pallywood of Westminster and the Market Rate Bolly floors of W!A.
The big idea is £3B worth of extra cannon fodder to patrol here is it?
All told to defend at all costs but don’t risk a nasty look or compo claim from any quarter.
Our armed forces are deployed with every limb stapled behind their backs already, and the judiciary operates on a £1M compo start point no matter what, even if the perp was running down the street with a ‘Death to Infidels’ banner with a spike on top.
All on top of a military now trained to kill but tasked to preserve the life of even the most heinous threat to self or those being protected.
Yet who they are up against is brought up from the womb to seek self-termination with as many of the host county surrounding them as possible.
SNAFU & FUBAR mashed up and brought to you from Westminster via a twitter hashtag on BBC trending.
Temped to mirror John Oliver’s rant to the Paris Jihadis, if perhaps without any baggage in tow.
‘Thankfully, we have John Oliver to straighten things out’
Surely the all encompassing multiculturalism (as promoted by the BBC) means we all live according to our own culture, so that White British get the protection of the Common Law, immigrants from Eastern Europe can have confessions beaten out of them and those from the Middle East can be shot while attempting to escape.
Or does multiculturalism mean something else to the BBC – where the White British have to make all the concessions?
Yesterday’s BBC Radio Wales Morning Call discussed the French attacks.
A caller pointed out that when he, in the course of his job, visited Muslim households in an area of Cardiff they were all playing video games killing British soldiers.
The BBC host couldn’t see a problem with that. The caller was perplexed so the host went to another caller for a second opinion. Apparently Sadat didn’t see a problem with households in the UK entertaining themselves by killing British soldiers either.
Oh, btw, according to the majority of the callers the only problem with the attacks is the west not over reacting to them and us understanding why they took place.
“A caller pointed out that when he, in the course of his job, visited Muslim households in an area of Cardiff they were all playing video games killing British soldiers. The BBC host couldn’t see a problem with that. The caller was perplexed so the host went to another caller for a second opinion. Apparently Sadat didn’t see a problem with households in the UK entertaining themselves by killing British soldiers either.”
The Left long for our destruction. They are the sort of people who wanted us to disarm when the USSR threatened us with nuclear destruction.
The BBC has initially stood behind, sort of, M. Hollande, Socialist Prime Minister of France (compare that to the disdain in which they hold ‘conservative’ equivalents throughout Europe, trying to protect their own countries). But the trending in BBC reporting is straight-line towards justifying/defending the actions of, if not outright siding with, the terrorists, and their supporters – i.e. those of the same religion NOT condemning outright and wholeheartedly the latest Muslim massacre.
So – how long do you think the BBC will allow any lee-way to M. Hollande and his Air Force, before starting to condemn the ‘disproportionality’ of the French bombing response to ISIL, and the commencement of the wailing and gnashing of BBC teeth at the loss of the lives of ‘innocent’ by-standers, the deaths of women, children and ‘innocent’ Syrians in the ISIL strongholds ? You know, exactly the same criticisms that are constantly lobbed at Israel, which is also defending itself from a bunch of murderous terrorist supporters of a certain Middle Eastern ‘Prophet’.
It will be interesting to observe the hypocrisy in the BBC as they try to wriggle their way out of this conundrum – not that anyone will be allowed to call them out on it.
The BBC has broadcast many speeches from the usual culprits proclaiming that the jihadists will not divide our society.
The trouble is, the society which they imagine we have, has never been united.
“Has anyone seen any coverage on the BBC of Nigel Farage’s speech last evening? ”
No, but did you know Charlie Sheen has HIV? Come now get your priorities right!
On the one hand we have someone who gets paid lots of money to pretend to be someone else and, I would wager, someone most people couldn’t care a f*** about.
On the other we have someone who’s main purpose in life is trying to save Great Britain.
Read all about it.
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Posted this on the old thread just as the new one came online- apologies for multiple posting.
This interview on BBC3 has resulted in the interviewer losing his job, deservedly so imho. Very aggressive I thought, and not really compatible with most reasonable interviewing techniques.
Ian Lee is an ignorant, idiotic, hypocritical, prejudiced, tosspot bigot. I won’t waste any more of my time writing about him as he is not worth it.
Judge and jury as well.
BBC3 – Next hours interview, taking exactly the same tone, homosexuality, apostasy, inherent Jew hatred, and deliberate murder of non Muslims with the Muslim Council of Britain?
no … why ever not
Overly aggressive, overtly rude, inflammatory queers r us attitude … good riddance
PS Ian Dale .(shudder) .. sheesh! kid do you need to get out more
This gobshit must have been recruited from the BBC’s list of potential Socialist Worker Party candidates for journalism. Ignorant with no knowledge of the matter he is supposed to be covering and no ability to extract information about the case that was supposed to be the main subject.
Remember only Christians and UKIP supporters can be bigots, again reverse the interview, had this been a follower of the Quran and been arguing the toss about the same thing, Lee would have definitely got the sack, although I doubt he would have been brave enough to use the word bigot.
For once I’m with the BBC on this, they’ve called out one of their own self righteous lefty twats, fairs fair.
Is there really any point in listening to UK radio phone ins in the expectation of an unbiased view?
If you have not already, I urge you to read George Orwell’s essay, ‘Inside the Whale.’ In it he expertly dissects the human desire to take intellectual refuge behind slogans and dogma. Things are no different today than they were when he wrote it in the 1940s. Shouting ‘Bigotry’ is so much easier than attempting to understand an opposing argument.
Yes that’s correct. Gordon Brown told me whne he came to visit Rochdale
Talking of Iain Dale nofan
“The BBC treatment of @IainLee is a disgrace.
If I had said what he did … and stood up to bigotry
LBC would have praised me, not sacked me.”
Iain Dale
Standing up to bigots? … easy tiger 😀
… get down the Mosque after Friday prayers, this “religion” kills homosexuals, preaches hatred of them.
Show them your angst, take “brave” P Tatchell with you, if he can pull himself away from Tell MAMA.
Dale is a complete see you next Tuesday. He is the apotheosis of Media World’s idea of a right-winger, therefore a total fraud, and very much Cameron-lite. I’m baffled why the normally sensible Breitbart London gives him a platform, and I only wish that dog had give him the rabid gnawing he deserved, but then again the barsteward would have probably enjoyed it.
I have no doubt that the BBC was quite content with his bashing of Christianity and the real reason he was fired is here at 6:40 min in:
…What he’s preaching is hatred and we don’t like hate preachers if they’re brown and they’ve got a god that comes from a different religion …
In today’s dhimmi Britain, people have been jailed for raising their voices against the Religion of Peace and Lee compounded his error by (shock, horror) mentioning the skin colour of the majority of Muslims.
That was unforgiveable and he had to go.
There is a certain irony to it. There he was being blindly intolerant and blind intolerance rebounded on him.
Gosh, that was an ‘interesting’ (in the Chinese Times sense) piece to live through.
The lady was rather between a spinning fan blade and a shit place, but she had hitched herself to that wagon. Seemed to keep her cool, so kudos for that.
Mr. Lee however… yes, well, I have learned what ‘we all know’, that free speech is dead if he says so, and language has ‘evolved’ into his preferred new version if he says it has. What a gay day, Larry.
Amongst a few other things.
Not sure even the BBC could get that one about right.
So he has lost this job, eh? Hosting HIGNFY next? Seems the SOP.
Winning smile the lad has.
I haven’t listened to the interview yet but I can’t believe the BBC would fire someone for being rude to Christians as that is standard BBC practice.
Must be another reason.
Having listened to this “interview” I am not surprised he got canned. Firstly he is not a lawyer or a Judge and therefore he cannot pronounce on law period.
He classifies sections of the Bible as hate speech. This in itself places the BBC in very difficult territory. Since these sections of the Bible have not been tested in a competent Court and a definitive ruling given by said court they cannot be defined as “hate speech”. By defining the interviewee as a bigot the BBC could find itself on the wrong side of a defamation case.
She was very tolerant, but could have stopped Lee and his sixth form hectoring in his tracks with the simple retort that disapproval does not equate to hatred, and Christianity disapproves of many types of sexual proclivity and activity, so does not concentrate on homosexuality. Furthermore, he if he really does want to see hatred, he might turn his progressive gaze to those un-Christian types lobbing gays off tall buildings.
Iain Lee was last spotted on some bit of shit on “yoof TV” alongside some Daisy Donovan, as I recall.
Amazing that this unfunny piece of shit gets a platform on national radio, paid for by us.
This legal woman is crap as well-but Lee is utter scum…and personnifies the Yoof culture that the BBC have long been feeding with their liberal lying shit.
Ross/Brand…Savile and Rotherham…Lee failed in his chosen career as a “comedian”-where he was a Brand-type of funnyman( i.e-not as funny as Tom O Connors toothbrush on a bad night)-so got the BBC gig.
I`d not have known we employed such dangleberries on the BBCs cancerous rectum, had I not heard this.
Detestable twat…probably become a paper reviewer next, or Bonnie Greers white stick for the blind( funny how white sticks aren`t “racist”…we just give them jobs on the BBC0
Yes, that Iain Lee: the least successful member of the 11 o’clock Show team. I thought he was a twat even back then. It looks like he is hosting 4Xtra’s Comedy Club this week.
Has he really been sacked?
Given the BBC’s track record on ‘sackings’ it won’t be long before he is back. I believe also he’s a favourite of SKY tv who have him on reviewing the newspapers. It will be interesting to see if he continues his job with them. I’ve always thought when seeing him on that that he was a ‘wrong ‘un’.
Lee is entitled to his view, which many share, and he put it well and Libby responded well. What I object to is;
a) the telly tax payer is forced to subsidise him having a platform for his prejudice and propaganda
b) there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of the BBC giving a similar platform to a dissenting view
Roger Harrabin droning on in first of a three parter on Radio 4 tonight from 8.00 on climate change.
It’s not even subtle how, shortly before each of these climate jamborees, the BBC does a Climate Scare of the Day.
The latest in the series is Society ‘to be hit by climate change’.
I haven’t bothered reading it. It isn’t worth doing so as it’ll be stuffed full of misinformation and cherry-picked data. And barefaced lies.
The BBC interviewers are all robots. They all have a very limited vocabulary (islamophobia, homophobia, racist, LGBT, diversity, multiculturism, etc). None of them would pass the Turing test.
Fair play to the BBC for sacking Iain Lee. Any decent journalist would have ‘cross-examined the witness’ by asking questions about taking scripture out of context, and whether Christians should obey the spirit or letter of the law, and whether an individual should have the freedom to express an opinion if it is considered detrimental to the greater good of society, etc etc. The problem is that in order to do this, you have to be a reasonably circumspect, informed person with an understanding of logical fallacy, debate etc. A lefty stand up comedian from the 1990s isn’t really cut out for the job.
I’m not sure they ‘sacked’ him. All the reports say he left, and I’m not going to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt that they even encouraged him.
Is this Iain Lee or Owen Jones?
He’s out of shot. But in there somewhere. Apparently.
We ve had the hashtags, I note while all the bodies are yet to be identified, the BBC is broaching islamofauxbia victim narrative already.
The LA Times: Muslims in France fear reprisals after Paris jihad massacre … oooh brother
Is M Abbas, going to solemnly stroll with Hollande in Paris, a walk for peace? as the Jew hating incitement monger did showing the he was “Charlie” after the last terrorist mass murder … or … is that “old news” these days?
“After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, nothing changed. Unlimited, unscreened Muslim migration continued — including the arrival of three new Muslim “refugees” who participated in the terrorist attacks. At the Place de la Republique, a crowd of perhaps 1,000 gathered. They crowd chanted, “love is stronger than hate”. But Friday night proved that’s not true. And it won’t be true after the next attack, either.”
Maybe Mr. Burrell could do a piece on BBC articles and those bylined.
Good luck with the FoI, Ian.
“Great piece by @iburrell in today’s Ipaper about the under-representation of young Muslims in western media.”
Can somebody please explain to this prick what Al J is. That the bBC has loads of Muslims within in ranks, I mean did a certain Mr Gardner tell the locals in Saudi Arabia as he lay bleeding, that he was a Muslim and so they should help him.
Paris Attacks, Gov Statement Home Secretary Rt Hon Terppeaser May MP
(listen @38 seconds) .. all the bodies are not even identified yet!.
Who are these British Muslims and from around the world describing such as ‘aborrant’ ? I haven’t heard many if any, I’m sure the BBC would have found plenty by now, if they could…..
May ! She is part of the problem . British people, please get rid of this dirty woman !
Dear god do they not sicken at repeating the same lies? They surely do not believe their ‘nothing to do with Islam’ myth
To aid the Al BBC and the enemedia in erm a little “clarification”
Her ‘nothing to do with Islam’ remark should raise serious questions about the quality of intelligence she is receiving from either MI5 or 6. I wonder who they suspected with regard to the umpteen plots they have averted?
Perhaps Smiley’s people are looking in the wrong direction – like up their own backsides.
Fucking hell. this cunt even looks like Mad Merkel. I have never used bad words on this site. But I am fucking angry now !
The good news is that she looks sick. And so does bitch Merkel. Fuck them both !
Stay classy. Both are elected. Well, for now.
And the results of positive discrimination in positions of establishment power are ever more embedded.
Danny Cohen must be wiping a tear from his eye. Unless that’s just Hugs using tear gas to get him out the building.
Guest Who, wish i shared your hope. It is the abuse of democracy which I hate !
How on earth can any sensible person say, after a jihadist attack such as the one in Paris, that it has NOTHING to do with Islam?
Don’t they realize how utterly foolish and naive it makes them appear?
I was hoping that on this occasion this familiar, vacuous phrase would not rear its head, Cameron having not used it thus far this time around; but old Mother Theresa doesn’t like to disappoint her Mohammedan friends, or the Guardian blindfolded do-gooders who infest our nation.
What a f*****g thick c**t.
It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist, not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorise, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left such as the odious BBC, and the idiotic Theresa May in their endless capacity for masochism and self-loathing, have attempted to shift blame inwardly not only onto themselves, but more so onto the political right thinking people in their lands, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.
It’s like a bad Monty Python sketch:
“We did this because our holy texts exhort us to do it.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Wait, what? Yes we did…”
“No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons because capitalism is so evil.”
“WHAT!? Did you even read our official ISIS statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, kuffar, blasphemers, and disbelievers.”
“No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so.”
“Huh!? Who are you to tell us we’re not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being.”
“Nope. We the evil capitalist West created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that’s why you did this. We’re sorry. Punish us some more”
“What? Why are you apologizing? We just slaughtered you mercilessly in the streets. We targeted young unwitting civilians – disenfranchisement doesn’t even enter into it!”
“Listen, it’s our fault. We don’t blame you for feeling unwelcome and lashing out.”
“Seriously, stop taking credit for this! We worked really hard to pull this off, and we’re not going to let you take it away from us.”
“No, we nourished your extremism. We accept full blame.”
“Allah Akbar, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?”
The key is ‘sensible’.
For front bench duty this is not a requirement so long as other criteria can be shown to the panting media pack via high heels and plunging necklines (plus on some of the women Ministers).
What with the clueless quislings in No10, the Al BBC … can t LBC get a look in?
“A British Muslim woman tells Shelagh Fogarty about her fears at being out in public now, saying she was told to stay indoors after the Paris Attacks.”
Meanwhile business as usual
Tory dipsh-t Osborne wants to see Transport spending cut by 30%.
….. easy, scrap HS2 moron
Theresa may a Dirty Woman? The lazy cow always leaves the bog seat up.
I haven’t listened to this extended release of flatulence from Theresa, but I would predict that there was something along the lines that “we must not let a perversion of Islam divide our multicultural and diverse society” Stirring Churchillian stuff. Would she dare to actually use the words “Islam is a religion of peace”. This has become more of a comedy catch-phrase as used by old school comedians and anyone who used it would indeed be a clown.
Long live clichee “Unity through diversity”
“A perversion of Islam”. How can you have a perversion of something that is already perverted?
How could a religion founded by a child rapist and murderer possibly go wrong?
I watched the debate about the Paris murders in the House of Commons yesterday and was appalled at the number of references to ‘nothing to do with Islam’, and the support this got from the Home Secretary ‘I was at a mosque only last month, and got a warm welcome etc..’ and many of the others there, although not all.
In the same debate at the same time there are references to the dangers of radicalisation in schools, prisons and elsewhere here. Who is carrying out the radicalisation? Muslim clerics of course, how is this terror therefore nothing to do with Islam?
Sadly the cancer of political correctness and the desperation to sound ‘reasonable’ and to avoid any appearance of causing ‘offence’, is so deeply embedded in government and elsewhere that they have invented a perverted answer, that these people are not Muslims and not Islamists, merely members of a death cult, as if there is no connection with the religion. The answer is palpable nonsense and sickening.
Until our leaders and representatives get their heads out of the sand and start accepting reality and the truth we, the ordinary people, will remain in grave danger.
Following this, this morning on the BBC Newschannel we had Graham Satchell in Paris ‘interviewing’ Muslim men. I put the word interview in quotes as it was no such thing. All he did was put words in their mouths in pursuit of the BBC’s agenda that these people are victims. And guess what, the police pulled over a couple of mean nearby ‘happens all the time’ it was agreed all round. Does it? I wonder why, remind me who carried out the murders? Where do these killers and their supporters live?
There was absolutely no searching questions from Satchell. I suppose he has now got a nice fuzzy glow, that he has helped the cause, and his friends and colleagues will think he is such a liberal hero.
It is truly depressing that the Home Secretary can come out with such nonsense. It does us all great harm and prevents us from realising the peril this Europe of ours faces.
To a logical mind there can only be three reasons for May’s speech.
1. She is trying to preserve what she believes as social harmony.
2. She is deliberately lying.
3. She is just plain ignorant of the motives and beliefs of Isis.
No doubt the liberal media will continue to parrot her line.
It is wrong of her to do wehat she has done and it imperils us all.
The only logical conclusion I can come to is that its is all about the economy, ie oil, absolute fucking lunacy if not!
Do Home Secretaries get information and briefings from the Intelligence Community?
If so – 1. They are a bunch of cretins.
or 2. She ignores what they are saying
Conclusion. We are in serious danger.
When someone who follows the Qu’ran murders folk, and screams “Allahu Akbar” (My God is greatest) as he/she does so, I am pretty sure it has an awful lot to do with the religion of Islam…end of debate.
When there are 53 passages of the Qu’ran dedicated to the murder of infidels/non believers, I am absolutely sure it has plenty to do with the religion of Islam.
I hate mealy mouthed politicians, we know they lie, but this lie protects a repugnant death cult, a cult, whose disciples that these very same politicians have invited into our midst.
One for Mr Essex
All signed by Labourites & Kippers , a Holy Alliance , or unholy more like , you will get on well with your new SWP Comrades.
I think “Essexboy” ia a BBC troll !
Don’t think so, I was a Thatcherite, during the blessed Maggie ‘s time, of who the BBC hated..Cam is the PM, you don’t like it, too bad.I am sure you would prefer Corbyn, who would have all of Africa move hear tomorrow, if he had his way. A lot of your hatred of the Conservatives, makes you seem ideal bedfellows of the SWP.
Essexboy, give the waccy baccy a break and sober up !
Essexman, if the Tories had had the sense to elect David Davis instead of Cameron we’d all be on the same side, and there would have been thumping Tory majorities in 2010 and 2015 because of their intelligent policies. Going with the “heir to Blair”, who has no time for real Conservatives and wouldn’t know an intelligent policy if it bit him, was the mistake.
Now back to looking at what lies the BBC have been telling us this evening.
Cameron in my opinion is an ‘used car sales man’ of no other experience .
He is spending ‘big bucks’ now on home security and now says he’s ‘deadly serious’ about the EU.
We need another stable door . Please be serious Essexman-troll .
Farage sets the pace while Cameron follows , please do have a watch and listen Essexman from about 17 min ………….
A very good point RJ. It was obvious at the time of the Conservative leadership election that the BBC and other media were behind Cameron. Davis gave a decent enough speech at the conference, I know because I heard it, but when it passed through the BBC reality filter it became a disaster. Cameron came out with guff about flowers and sunshine, and suddenly he was a statesman. I found it all very suspicious at the time, and I still do. It seemed like some sort of media manipulation to get the result they wanted.
David Davis, in my opinion, is no bloody good either.
Good politicians are thin on the ground. I’d like to get Tebbit out of retirement.
At the moment Farage is head and shoulders above the others, he’s good but it doesn’t say a lot about the rest.
I was too a Thatcherite, and Cameron is not fit to walk in her shadow. Farage is 10 times the leader and statesman of Cameron, and even he is a poor imitation of Thatcher.
Can you not accept that just because we cannot stand the pale imitation of Tony Blair who currently leads the conservative (in name only) party, it does not mean we support the utterly delusional and incompetent labour party.
hear?Auditory invaders.
here, the Olduvai Gorge, the unwanted pre-hominids.
No apologies for posting this again
Now over 400,000
If you haven’t singed -sign it if you haven’t forwarded it do so – and post it on any forum you have accesses to
Will the government act? no. will the BBC even acknowledge it ? of course not,but we can at least make them work for their lies by shouting as loudly as possible
Interesting piece on Radio 4 PM about the Molenbeek Mosque in Belgium where nearly every European jihadi has visited or stayed prior to launching their attacks.
Interesting for another reason too. It was featured in the Weekends Grauniad – more evidence that the BBC does get its stories from there !
Worth a read though, because it raises far more questions than it answers, the main one being why hasn’t the Belgian government taken some more robust action !
Makes you wonder if the Grauniad staff have been reading Breitbart which ran a similar article just 5 days earlier:
Molenbeek – surely no more than a few k’s away from our hallowed EU parliament.
Useless fools.
The Belgian police couldn’t even arrest Marc Dutreux even though they spoke to him in his house when he had kidnapped children in the cellar. They are truly useless. They have allowed a hotbed of Islamic terrorism to develop in their country and have done nothing. Belgium is a joke country and a fitting home to the EU project.
Thoughtful, here’s a statistic or two to help you with your last question.
World War One fatalities
UK 750,000
France 1.1 million
We might add Germany 2 million. And then….
Belgium, errr. 38,000. You know the country of Ypres, Paschendael, Messines, and others
I think the policy is called “do nothing, pretend it’s not happening and hope it goes away or someone else will sort it out”
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose, as they say in Walloon.
Come on Sluff, be reasonable. They can work wonders with a few bits of paper and a handful of paperclips.
Gang jailed for trafficking a woman from Latvia for a sham marriage, but just look at the names. I’m afraid it’s the usual suspects, at it again and of course not on the BBC.
Bloody Buddhists !
She’s a Russian. An ugly one too. Thoughtful, you’re from my area – how many of Men’s stories involve our brown eyed boys? 50%, 70%? It seems every story these days involves them lot whether it’s trafficking, drug smuggling, assaults, rape etc. Of course, they’re apparently, an ‘asset’. (hollow laugh)
Doyle, surely you can feel the Enrichment! We are truly blessed!
And in other news…
Feeeeeel the transparency.
Meanwhile, there’s also Trust:
W1A had a Director of MORE didn’t it?
Makes you proud the BBC is there to fly the red, white and blue avatar…
A team of crack reporters boarding for JFK as we speak.
One from the ‘you can no longer make it up; they do it for you’ dept.:
The BBC steering polls so much even the glee club blushes? Awesome.
To be fair, even as a smitee (he is a pensioner), he does ask questions the BBc has Hugs & FoI teams to avoid:
“It’s a little odd that Oisin Tymon could have worked for close to ten years on Top Gear, and then suddenly find his lead presenter might occasionally use strong languge that some find offensive.”
“Introducing himself in a style worthy of some one-party state broadcaster”
“Botney is dead, long live…”
“Losing Iain Lee on Three Counties breakfast makes that ambition look like a dead duck’
One person’s loss is the rest of the nation’s gain.
On bbc radio Newcastle morning show between 9-10 this morning (Monday), presenter Charlie Charlton said that Islam accounts for 2% of terrorism.
Lies, damn lies and BBC News?
Was there any context of qualification?
“In 2011, Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the third year in a row. Over 5,700 incidents were committed by Sunni Muslims, responsible for nearly 56 percent of all attacks and about 70 percent of 12,533 fatalities.*
Another 24 percent of the fatalities are on Shi´a Muslims. So in 2011, Muslims were responsible for 94 percent of the fatalities in terrorist attacks. Since 2011, with ISIS on the scene, the number of the fatalities –victims of the Muslim terrorist attacks- sharply grew, together with Muslims´ share in the world terrorism that is steadily closing in on 100%.
In 2013, according to the US Department of State, a total of 9,707 terrorist attacks occurred worldwide, resulting in more than 17,800 deaths and more than 32,500 injuries. In addition, more than 2,990 people were kidnapped or taken hostage. Information about perpetrators was reported in source materials for 32 percent of terrorist attacks in 2013.
And of these 32 percent, or 17,800 deaths, only three Muslim terrorist groups, namely the Taliban, ISIS and Boko Haram, were responsible for 5,655 fatalities, or for 31.76 percent! That means that 31.76 percent out of the 32 percent of terrorist attacks which had reported information about the attackers were perpetrated by only three Muslim terrorist groups, out of a good 50 more that exist in our turbulent world!
Muslim terrorists can be proud: their share in world terrorist attacks is now close to 100%.”
and that was 2 years ago, so Islam s contribution to peace means its down to 2% ?
means that we must all feel incredibly safe, non! ………. no wait!
i have complained about this to the AlBeeb, I await a response.
Do share, if and when it arrives.
That of course depends on the definition of ‘terrorism’ you’re working to !
It only work if you believe that a terrorist, by definition, cannot be a proper Muslim: and so by becoming a terrorist he/she has rejected true Islam. On the other hand I seem to recall that the leader of ISIS had a PhD in Islamic studies and so knew a damn sight more about the teachings and meaning of Islam than a BBC presenter – and there’s a bit of a clue in the name “Islamic State”.
Looking at this list I’d say 99% of attacks in 2015 were carried out by Muslims.,_2015
Someone else posted this link on another thread, but I’m reposting it because it need to be seen as widely as possible.
It won’t include anything by Hamas or any of the knife-wielding ‘Palestinian’ Arabs, that’s for sure.
EG – He must have missed out the “all but” before the percentage.
On bbc radio Newcastle morning show between 9-10 this morning (Monday), presenter Charlie Charlton said that Islam accounts for 2% of terrorism.
Ah but you left out:
“At the North pole”
He is very mistaken. What he means is that only 2% of world Muslims actually commit the hundreds of terrorist attrocities which take place each year.
BBC News 24:
“”Protests in Minneapolis after police shoot black man””
“” The deceased, Mr Clark has convictions for making terroristic threats, aggravated robbery and possessing a small amount of marijuana.””
Not covered by Sky News.
What about the 7 year old white boy and his father shot by black police officers? No demonstrations, no marches of indignation there.
BBC/Left. Biased against the police. Biased in favour of black lives against white lives.
It’s clear the BBC believes “White children’s lives don’t matter”. Why is this Jason?
Demon , Strange that Jason boy has been quite recently. Bloody terrorists interrupting his coke supply ?
Quiet !
Coincidentally came across this on YouTube
A cops version
I leave, for now, with a smile on my face (shared by many BBC FaceBook veterans). Actually, I may have to stay on the floor to compose myself before dinner:
BBC News
How do you tell your children about the #ParisAttacks?
Advice if you’re upset by the news
I was at a mate’s house last night. He has a few guns and we were firing them off in his house (we were drunk) trying to hit a cup balanced on a basket. I’ve not seen him for years but we were mates at school from way back. He was always a nutter but he’s the sort of person you want on the barricades with you. He’s a bailiff. I ask him how many are Paki’s. About 80% he says.
I digress. I’ve refrained from commenting on Paris until my anger has subsided. It’s still there though. I would have machine-gunned that twat Hugh Edwards if I’d been there the other night. No mention of the ‘i’ or the ‘m’ word and even then, about 10 minutes in, it was the weaselly ‘Islamist’.
I knew the narrative it would take on the night of the massacre. A French-’Algerian’ journalist i.e. a muslim was talking about the lack of ‘integration’. Not their integration but OURS, ffs. They choose to live among their own kind and it’s our fucking fault. Straight away, it was we haven’t got any jobs because no one will employ us. Cry me a river. Who’s going to employ someone who takes 5 fucking prayer breaks a day. They just want everything on a plate for them. Add to this, the ‘Islamophobia’ angle and the ‘right wing backlash’ and it had me reaching for my dock martens to kick the TV in. It’s not as if it’s just the BBC either, they were all at it. You’d think Marine Le Pen had pulled the frigging trigger. It’s never their fault, they never take any responsibility for their actions and it’s always OUR fault. You bend over backwards for them and it’s OUR fault.
The most vomit inducing is this laughable twitter bollocks that seems to be the answer to everything these days. That’s it. No concrete action but a twatter campaign and lighting up the Sydney Opera House. Even my friends on Facebook are at it, changing their photo’s to the French Tricolore. That will achieve precisely nothing. The politicians will continue to hand-wring, the lefties will deflect and we’ll continue down the unstoppable path to self destruction.
If I had the money, I’d be gone from this dump. The trouble is, no one wants us anymore. Being a blond, white anglo-saxon protestant these days is the equivalent of being handed the black spot in life’s lottery. I heard the other day that New Zealand doesn’t want us anymore because they want to be diverse. Jesus, what was so un-diverse about a society comprising of Maoris, Pacific Islanders, Anglos, Micks, Jocks, Taffs and the fucking French. (Yes, they were there too)
Anyway, coming back to my mate. He’s the sort of person you need by your side because as sure as night following day, things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better. If I’m still around I’ll be there with him. Hopefully, it’ll happen while I’m relatively young and fit.
Solid post Doyle.
Everyone I have spoken to since Friday thinks the same about Muslims here in the U.K. and the West: they need to go.
I’m still at the stage of – if want to be a part of the winning team then you’re welcome. However, a bit more of this shit and they ALL have to go. Lock, stock and barrel. You just can’t take the chance, anymore. The thing is – this is my country. It’s not for Cameron or Blair to give away. If you’re here, then you’re here on account of my goodwill. This can be revoked at any time.
Great post, Doyle
To preserve Western Culture, all muslims must be kicked out. And all Beeboids too !
Nice post, Doyle.
I appear to share a similar outlook on life.
I’m sick of seeing a bunch of uneducated morons preaching multiculturalism on social media.
I wouldn’t mind if they’d done any kind of research on Islam, but they’re honestly just regurgitating the same old lies that the BBC continue to spout.
A Facebook post went viral yesterday, gaining thousands of likes in the process. Something along the likes of: “Mr.Islam who runs your corner shop isn’t a terrorist. Mrs.Islam who lives next door isn’t a terrorist. Miss.Islam who takes your order isn’t a terrorist.”
Basically, the post was implying that not all Mulims are bad. Erm, no shit!
It’s this kind of patronizing, self-indulgent posting that really infuriates me.
Of course there are good Muslims, but that misses the point entirely.
What the people of this country desire is an open debate about Islam. We want ‘moderate’ Muslims to condemn the savagery committed in the name of their God. As we all know, to even dare suggest such a thing would be classed as ‘Islamaphobia’.
And for that very reason, we will NEVER come to a peaceful solution. Hell, we’ll never even get to the stage of negotiation, never mind a solution.
Tensions are rapidly increasing within Europe, and even though we’re governed by traitorous filth, the patriots of this country will rise tallest in the end.
An unedifying and brutal solution is unnecessary. However, given the way things currently stand, I imagine it’s only a matter of time before violence breaks out
Get tooled up, Ventilator. I’m 41, I lift weights every other day and I know I’t’ll be needed some day. I’ll carry on practicing because I know, deep down, we’re fucked.
Mark Steyn nails the Hockey Stick.
Brilliant entertainment. Next time the BBC invite George Monbiot to give us one of his unopposed global warming monologues, why don’t they ask Mr Steyn along too?
Quote: ‘Mann produced his Hockey Stick using a proxy reconstruction. There were only two things wrong with that: ‘proxy’ and ‘reconstruction’.
Don’t expect to see this chap interviewed on Al Beebus anytime soon.
First Jihadist: ‘Another insult! How can Obama say we are not as great a threat as global warming? For a start, we don’t pause!’
Second Jihadist: ‘And we execute our deniers!’
Just caught a couple of minutes of eastenders. Good to see al beeb shoehorning a piece about how islam is”kind” . Not subtle but what do we expect eh?
That was a new low even for the bbbc. Even my misses was disgusted who up until now was oblivious to the bias.
My mrs is equally blind to the bias, but even she shouted me to come look at this. Obviously it was filmed within the last few days and squeezed into the plot.
BBC news in Paris tonight – still in damage limitation mode I see – all the black and ethnic minority reporters have scattered to the 4 winds. Whites only until the coast is clear eh Huw ?
I see that your tactless, clueless comments on Sunday about the murdered Innocenti brothers and no one knowing when the restuarant will re-open have been cut from the iPlayer version?
Huw is one of the most vile ob Beeboids. A disgusting creature !
Leo hits the nail on the head in this great article:
I do enjoy the Daily Express.
Perhaps they could have a massive demonstration of millions of Muslims saying ‘not in our name’ simultaneously thought Paris, London, New York?
Or do they know only a handful would show up?
Great article, McKinstry is one of the few writers who really understands the problem of Islam in the West and is willing to write about it. His take on Corbyn’s comments after the Paris atrocities is spot on too.
Thanks for posting Alex.
If I can make an analogy about the situation we face today in Europe with Islamic Jihad, and the Muslim communities.
It is like a jar of sand where some of the grains are lethally radio active. They make the other grains near to them also radio active and this extends from them.
Our governments current policy might be described as attempting to pick these particles out of the jar without disturbing the sand, the ones it removes it keeps in a different jar for a while, and then releases them back in to the jar of sand after a while.
It doesn’t know where the radio active particles are, nor how many there are, it only seems to recognise them when they cause damage .
The only sure fire way to protect people from the danger would be to dispose of the entire jar – which is something the government don’t seem to want to contemplate.
A delight to hear Emily Maitlis hearing all the wrong things from Rashida Daesh( or something similar) on her Newsnight “inquest” into les evenements of Friday night.
Therefore they bring in some Le Heseltine type who did f***all under Lionel Jospin(no, me neither).
Emily reassured-reassuringly expensive solutions from the Euro elite!
Back to your lives citizens-now let`s play you the IS-compliant dirge that The Marseillaise” now becomes when Corbyn Hollande types require for the Islamic State CD.
The West defeated, reduced to a pipsqeak dirge from self-loathing lefty scum who long ago used their Charlie Hebdo to line the budgie cage.
1. No refugees unless they can quote their bibles to “Koranic standards”…no Muslims whatsoever.
2. BBC blackouts-their every utterance puts another faggot onto the funeral pyre for this country-IS must love the sound of Mark Mardell struggllng to get up onto his feet after thinking he`s snooping under the barbed wire at Belsen…whereas he`s only hoping to lick a few bits of puff pastry up from a bar where some girl is scared of fireworks(TWATO today, 1.25-for as long as you like).
. The BBC need to go-best not any of the lazy fuckwits back into the country whilst they`re sniffing for Semtex as they do some early Xmas Shoppinge-while pretending to be journalists…France had the Occupying forces in 41, why do we let Snow and Maitlis do the very same on French soil…they`ve suffered enough.
But as ever-blame “security glitches, not letting in enough Muslims,removing Jihadi John”-ANYTHING but F***Islam.
I myself think it`s Muslims natural anger at us all not drawing Muhammad cartoons…when we draw Jesus and Buddha…Islamophobic eh?
3. Frankie-Hollande-Howard?…he`ll be Tito when or if we ever get Corbyn into power.
But look-Emily`s meeting someone who will hug you in Paris-take THAT Isis!
Next week-free shaves with cut-throats from Isis-ah Allah Akbar( Islam for Bless!)
Emily doesn`t want Schengen questioned though-but maybe the sentiment needs reflection…her words…
What WOULD Islam actually HAVE to do before the BBC tells us that Muslims are a problem? is that dirty bomb the pink alert?
I hear that Mosques will be illuminated in red, white and blue lights in solidarity with Paris.
Presumably red from the flames, white from the steam off the water hoses, and blue from the lights of the fire engines?
We can live in hope.
Amused that Newsshite is mentioning Molenbeek. It was mentioned on German TV a day or so ago. I had no idea what the significance was. I Googled it and landed at a site that describes the most dangerous tourist destinations in the world. It listed areas of Brussels like Andrecht and Molenbeek as highly dangerous. At first, it seemed fanciful that you could live that dangerously in Brussels. But tourists without a political axe to grind say that men walk around in broad daylight with AK-47s and automatic pistols. Tourists that stray into the area are beaten up and robbed and when they complain to the police, they openly admit that the area is too dangerous to patrol. So Newsshite claims that Muslims in the area are harassed by police are nonsense. If you look a little further you find that local politics are Jihadist and Jihadist parties stand for election.
“Radicalisation” in Molenbeek is supposedly the fault of the internet and the prisons. Why is it then that only people with a Muslim background are “radicalised”. Anyone with a religous turn of mind will, of course, want to deepen their faith, this is not radicalisation. Unfortunately, living one’s faith as a pious Muslim in Britain is dangerous for the rest of the population. At the most basic level Islam means theocracy or in practice rule by those who interpret the holy texts. This is not compatible with democracy. The wishy washy C of E with its soporific platitudes means that most
of the indigenous population with religious propensities have no idea what extremes religious fervour can reach.
After the footy on Friday evening, I received the emerging news from ITV of the terrible events in Paris. I switched to (b)BBC News 24, as is my habit, to see how it would be informing the public. Tim Wilcox was on. Bad timing for Tim. I stomached his reporting in January, when Muslims murdered cartoonists, Jews and police officers, (for being cartoonists, Jews and police officers), who all had it coming (especially the Jews). My blood temperature went up, so I tuned in to LBC radio instead – and after some clear expressions of concern regarding Islam, those ‘moderate Muslim’ voices soon filled my ears with silky taqiyya.
I couldn’t face up to receiving reporting from the BBC, who no doubt had a ban on the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ – on account of the young Muslims (that’s them guys who submit to Islam by the way BBC) in Paris murdering people rather than engaging in the baking of a Chocolate Pecan Tart or a batch of Mokatines. Instead, I reviewed the comments section of Breitbart and Guido Fawkes, where a variety of links to a variety of sources of information can always be found. The avoidable, predictable tragedy of a human catastrophe on the soil of a once civilised country – France. Immeasurable pain and suffering.
Before 1.30 in the morning this offering from the Guardian was rushed out:
The mind-set of the Guardian in its adherence to the doctrine of Multiculturalism has morphed into ambivalence to human life. This is also obviously reflected in their reporting on Israel. Whilst those who regularly criticise the BBC and Guardian, scrutinise the consistency and humanity in their own positions as well as those they criticise, the same cannot be said of the Guardianistas. It appears that the flawed self-righteous populist arrogance of ‘the Left’ which sustains their appeal to a significant minority of voters is exposing its essential immorality. The inability of the leftist’s insulated mind-set to doubt themselves (Descartes), to scrutinise their own argument (Aristotle), to accept empirical evidence (The scientific method) has led them to perceive all those who disagree with them on Multiculturalism; on Climate Change; on Islam’s peaceful nature; on feminism, on gay ‘marriage’, as not having a valid opinion which may have merit. This (their compounded inabilities) is achieved through branding those who have a different opinion (often a rational and reasoned opinion informed by evidence, facts and a functioning moral compass) as ‘far right’, or one of an extensive compendium of words ending in ‘ist’. Thus, the insulation of their intellectual development from a wider pool of thought has led them to their current closed loop of thought, like a cat chasing its own tail.
So soon after hundreds of young people, out to enjoy their Friday night in Gay Paris, end up in hospital, or in body bags, Natalie Nougayrede gets out a ‘piece’ subtitled Muslims will increasingly fear being associated with terror; far right groups may fuel more hatred . Such moral relativism could be construed as a disease – an inability to understand that an ideology that not only advocates, but actually does: murder people; rape women; rape girls; rape boys; stone women; behead apostates; execute gays and on Friday 13th November 2015, execute young people in Paris – is wrong, (or ‘left’?), and that those who wish for their communities (and countries) to be devoid of such activity are right. Yes, this Moral Relativism pervading the BBC and the Guardian is a mental disease I suggest.
For an insight into some sobering statistics I would point you to this offering from Stefan Molyneux, who is an acquired taste (I like him and give him a pittance for his work), but I highly recommend that this be viewed from start to finish even if you don’ like his style. You will be armed with more facts and a greater ability to understand what we all need to do in the UK – elect different politicians. Otherwise, the futures of our children and grandchildren look grim.
“….Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’. Bob Dylan.
And Carswell’s right too. Again. Wisely chosen words:
UKIP have answers, because they confront the questions. Vote Leave, Vote UKIP, join UKIP, and get involved in our domestic politics. That’s of course if you give a damn!
I am sorry, I must be reading something wrong somewhere, but after such an eloquent and erudite passage of exquisite truth, I see that it ends with support for UKIP… I was sure, (because the intellectual giants of the Guradian and BBC who comprise…, how did you phrase it, “the leftist’s insulated mind-set to doubt themselves (Descartes), to scrutinise their own argument (Aristotle), to accept empirical evidence (The scientific method)” keep imploring us all to believe that UKIP supporters are thick, unqualified simpletons.
Funny how I have never found any recent examples of such beautifully written prose, filled with so much self-evident truth, from any of the left wing “opinion framers and taking heads” as I have found in your extraordinarily satifying comment.
Thank you for commenting, from a fellow UKIPPER.
The BBC have some nerve. They, alongside the treacherous, gullible and incompetent EU leaders have been the cheerleaders for open borders, and now they scratch their heads. Pathetic.
Just saw news clip by BBC about how these mass murderers may well be pretending to Syrian refugees! My word who’d have thunk it? All the left/medias bogeymen have been saying as much Orban, Le Pen and Farage. Even the those clowns, you know, you and me…The general public have been trying to tell our elite. But we are all of course reactionaries and racists. We are all a bit thick.
And even as 130 people lie in mortuaries the Left are beginning the narrative about “Right wing backlash” and “how could it have been prevented?”
Beyond Belief.
And holding hands, tricolor screens and lighting candles does not stop these creatures.
Yes, the “spontaneous outpourings of grief” and trite expressions of solidarity are beginning to wear a bit thin so soon after the last “spontaneous outpouring of grief” and “Je suis Charlie”-ism. No one I’ve heard interviewed ever seems even slightly angry about this grotesque atrocity . It’s as if a “collective battered wife” syndrone has been induced. People seem compelled to “kiss the fist that punches them”. I was late with John’s dinner and he smashed me in the face. I deserved it. I know he really loves me. I suppose expressions of rage, anger or hate are considered to be too vulgar and unnuanced by Beeboids. Frank Gardner’s response is the one expected by the BBC. You were shot by Jihadists weren’t you Frank? Yes but I have no anger towards Muslims in general.I’m much better than that. That kind of primitive emotion is beyond me.
The BBC is worried about the “right wing backlash”. But all the real neonazis are at home, drinking beers, wearing their SS uniforms in front of the TV watching the BBC do their “radicalisation” for them. The BBC ROP pudding is so overegged that no one can taste it without vomiting.
Iain Lee got sacked, sorry, I mean resigned from BBC Radio WM in the West Midlands about six months ago (probably the worst local radio station in the country). He’s not as right on as he likes to think he is, judge for yourself from this report in The Guardian in August 2014, when he got into trouble for his comments then.
“The BBC has apologised after the local radio presenter Iain Lee told his producer to “go and do the black and Asian show” during a spoof on-air row.
Lee, the former presenter of Channel 4’s 11 O’Clock Show, had what appeared to be a heated six-minute on-air exchange with his producer on the BBC’s Three Counties Radio breakfast show, which airs in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
The row ended with the producer walking out of the studio and Lee telling him: “Go on, go and do the black and Asian show. Bye bye.”
The BBC later described the row as banter, but said Lee’s comments had been unacceptable.
Last Friday, PM David Cameron issued a statement regarding a US air-strike against a vehicle in the IS held city of Raqqa, that is believed to have killed the notorious “Jihadi John,” British citizen Mohammed Emwazi, who was responsible for the beheading of at least 7 known western hostages, including 3 Britons, two Japanese and two Americans, who were mainly journalists and aid workers. This “targeted killing” will be applauded in the West, although when the same approach was used, and indeed pioneered, by Israel, it was widely criticized as “extra-legal killing.” What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander, when it suits their purpose the British and Americans are quite happy to use this method to rid the world of their terrorist enemies. Let not the BBC and others from the left criticize Israel when it does the same.
Overpaid, overwrought and over there
That was the BBC’s Graham Satchell in Paris for Breakfast tv this morning
Did he get in a tangle with his lines, come over all light-headed for lack of breakfast and a late night? – or as our Bill Turnedball in the studio would have us think as he covered for his pal – was he just choked up with the hard work and the emotion of it all?
Our Graham had shown us his day’s work – he had been busy on the streets ‘meeting young Muslim men’ (not me gov!) and was then keenly expaining to camera how the CND logo on some street tribute was in fact ‘the symbol of peace’.
Graham now tried to sum up with a description of the Eifel tower in national colours and how this was a sign of hope – and that was when the poor chap corpsed. He then edged away from the camera – and either threw up or feighted clean away?
If this is the calibre of the guys, then bring on the girls. Laura K not only looks like a zombie – it would take a head shot to stop her.
Weren’t these blokes brought up on dreams of speaking truth to power and dodging the Kong in Nam whilst filing a report?
Give our Graham the Princess Di Award for reportage – a statue of a golden tear drop
Perhaps that’s how the BBC should go out – not with a bang but with a whimper.
Could some sort of cash prize fund be created, to be won by the first TV interviewer in Paris to ask his young, oppressed and paranoid muslim audience, ‘Just what is al-Taqiyya?’
I have asked many Muslims on online what it is. They instantly say that they have never ever heard of it. Then when reminded of both Taqiyya (blatant lies) and Kitya (the ommision of truth), they suddenly remember, but claim it is not their sect, its the work of some other Muslims. They engage in Kitya first, and then overt Taqiyya to deny takiyya.
The problem is, that the BBC would believe them.
Absolutely unbelievable !
Labour MPs have criticised their leader Jeremy Corbyn after he said he was “not happy” with a police policy of “shoot-to-kill” during a terror attack.
At a party meeting one MP accused him of ” misunderstanding” the threat, while another called him a “disgrace”.
Labour MP John Mann asked Mr Corbyn if he was saying “terrorists with Kalashnikovs should not be shot by security forces in such situations”.
I think even the BBC are a little lost for words over this one !
Guessing Newsnight may suddenly suffer lack of time, or space again to mention this one?
BBC Online News:
“”Former French justice minister: Merkel ‘error of judgement on migrants'””
“”She said there needs to be controls on exterior borders of Europe: “If there is no security there can be no freedom.””
Well, well! Cracks are showing.
The crack in Merkel’s entire brain pan making her ongoing position of power all the more intriguing.
The TOADY programme (R4, 17/11/15) is not good for the heart, ears or brain.
Poor old Geeever Hoffstat, I feel sorry for him every time he is pismronounced onto the BBCeeeeeb. A distinct lack of respect. My sympathy wanes when he demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of Syria and ISIS & Islam.
Ed Davey? I never feel sorry for him. He gets far too much respect. As Energy Minister in the Coalition Government he was responsible for our electricity & gas bills increasing by £120 by 2017. The total idiot was complaining that the Conservatives – six months into government – were a complete disaster on energy and renewables and that “our bills will go up”. Well, Ed, you would know about being a total disaster, would you not?
A Life Scientific (R4, 9 a.m.) may be – yet again, often is – a good listen.
I don’t suppose Idiot Davey mentioned the total lack of investment in our energy supply infrastructure during Brown’s 13 year Treasury misrule or his having sold off our nuclear plant production capability so that we are now obliged to pay over the odds for France and our new best friend China to do it for us.
He certainly didn’t, PG. He probably thinks that if he could add some fairies flapping their wings at the bottom of his garden generating electricity then the LibDims policy of depriving us of nuclear energy & doing nothing to reverse Brown’s total mismanagement will not mean the lights eventually going out and trains stopping halfway between stations.
And definitely no tough questions from the TODAY presenters to provide answers that listeners want. Poor old Nick Robinson missed a killer question opportunity yesterday and Mishal is probably not in the same interrogator league.
The BBC has placed a lot of emphasis on how Muslims are in solidarity with the rest of us over the Paris mass murder. We get endless quotes from this community leader and that imam. But if you look at the things the “moderate” Muslims actually say it’s pretty disturbing. Not one that I’ve heard actually admits that there might be some tinsy winsy thing wrong with Islam. This fact is really taped here:
Hilary Benn on Toady this morning talking about Corbyn’s opposition to any shoot-to-kill decisions.
One minute Benn acknowledges that these decisions have to be split second ones. The next he goes on about how these decisions need to be fully investigated by committees. A relaxed time span luxury the police or army in the front line don’t of course have.
So maybe Corbyn’s pacifism on shoot-to-kill will come to fruition in the form that our guys with their finger on the trigger will be faced with so many possible tribunals, reviews, and committees (probably chaired by someone from ‘Stop the War’) to justify any action that he might not bother and just let the slaughter continue. A bit like the fire service not helping drowning people in lakes because of the need for a proper safety assessment first, “it’s more than my job’s worth”
Al-Beeb of course didn’t spot or didn’t choose to spot any of these inherent contradictions and logical outcomes and just gave Benn the usual easy ride.
The reality in Paris
“Our world seems atrophied. Kathy Shaidle describes the scene at top right as “why Paris is doomed, in one image”: a man drags his piano, decorated by a “peace” symbol, by bicycle to the Bataclan theatre, and proceeds to play John Lennon’s “Imagine”.
What kind of parochial solipsist would think that an appropriate response a day after mass murder?
Answer: Apparently everyone in the western world … because, of course, it “went viral”.
It is somewhat reassuring that most of those standing around him are media hacks desperate for something to photograph. One would like to think that, were a crowd of survivors and grieving relatives present, they would smash the piano into kindling, save for the peace-symbol lid, which they would thwack the pianist over the head with.”
Imagine … There’s No …Imagination
These Canadian commentators, such as Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant and Gavin McInnes, are absolutely brilliant at summarising the woeful position of the West in relation to the RoP, such that they would NEVER be invited onto AlBeeb to expound their views uninterrupted.
I enjoyed the point in the Gavin McInnes interview that the French Moozlems were keen on Equalite, but didn’t care for Egalite or Fraternite.
And the reference to the 4 ‘P’s being in charge i.e. the Politicians,the Press(read media/AlBeeb), the P olice, and the Professors (read educashun) ,and the fact that they can never learn from experience or deny the utter failure of their Multi-Kulti dreams.
It’s a sad reflection
These Canadian commentators, such as Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant and Gavin McInnes, are absolutely brilliant at summarising the woeful position of the West in relation to the RoP, such that they would NEVER be invited onto AlBeeb to expound their views uninterrupted.
I enjoyed the point in the Gavin McInnes interview that the French Moozlems were keen on Equalite, but didn’t care for Egalite or Fraternite.
And the reference to the 4 ‘P’s being in charge i.e. the Politicians,the Press(read media/AlBeeb), the P olice, and the Professors (read educashun) ,and the fact that they can never learn from experience or deny the utter failure of their Multi-Kulti dreams.
Brietbart – If you aren’t watching this,
you aren’t watching the best political speech in Britain in years:
Thanks Mr Farage.
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin
I want my country back.
Geoff Ager
Noggin, well spotted. This ‘viral’ thing is interesting. An ISP/Internet news provider appears to have stepped up selling click-bait items and started tagging these items ‘viral’.
If anyone has loads of money and wants to fund me, then I’ll offer to do a Masters at the University of Polytechnia in Huntingdon, or somewhere, to study ‘Viral’ and regularly appear on Radio 4 to pronounce ever-after.
We (collectively) are lost. Futile. No hope.
Thus, these huggy-feely gestures bring a fleeting hint of warmth before the icy blast of reality strikes again.
(thrown out, racist! … zenophobic! … abuse of freedom of expression!, consult Paris Senior Imam to decide where to position “red line”).
Apparently the BBC does not sell DVDs of Till Death Us Do Part – which used to have audiences of up to 16 million, great comedy. But it sells DVDs of the unfunny “comedians2 / leftie PC merchants :
Censorship, pure censorship.
1986 Christmas special of the follow up to ‘Til Death, In Sickness And In Health, just 29 years ago, this would not get a repeat on the BBC today…
“In other words, the BBC high command justified the programme only because it was ‘anti-prejudicial’. In the Corporation’s world, then – as now – their mission to ‘educate’ (as well as to inform and entertain) was interpreted to mean that their comedy was acceptable only if it rammed down people’s throats liberal views.”
Alf Garnett May Have Been A Bigot But We Laughed With Him A Well As At Him
One thought occurs concerning the BBC (and the rest of the MSM) coverage. Where’s the anger?
Sure “we” are all appalled and, if this thread’s anything to go by, the contributors here are angry. But on the BBC? AFAIAA, the only angry reaction transmitted was in one of Huw’s live vox pops on Saturday night. When interviewing a couple the man said very angrily “F***k all religion” (or “this” religion). Huw quickly apologised for the language and moved in, cutting the man from the picture – and the interview – and talked at boring length to the woman whose heartwarming message was, IIRC, that it’s all horrible but Paris will survive etc etc. The man was re-interviewed for the last 5 seconds of the item and, basically, uttered a few bromides agreeing with his girlfriend (I wonder what he’d been told by Huw’s minders)
AFAIAA that’s the first – and last – time real anger was shown in all the BBC coverage. The lesson for the BBC is not to broadcast interviews live – you might get an honest reaction. OTOH there’s a lot of Moslem anger shown or explained: as if you didn’t know it’s all our fault. Frankly I can do without the endless “cry me a river” reportage. It reduces what has happened here to the level of an unfortunate but fairly serious road accident on a foggy day on the M6: the fault lies with the fog. The drivers causing the mayhem were helpless. They couldn’t or wouldn’t slow down because they were incandescent at the news of corruption in VW’s emissions testing regime.
The obvious is studiously ignored by both the media – particularly the BBC – and the politicos. Islamic terrorism isn’t a reaction to poverty or non-integration. To the contrary violence and thuggery is the apotheosis of Islam. Murder of the infidel and (as a bonus) raping his women is in the very warp and weft of Islam. This is a religion which started in ignorance and violence, was spread by violence and was and is maintained by violence. Until our politicians – and the BBC – admit this (or even admit its possibility) we’re doomed to endless repeats of the events in Paris. Of course, the BBC won’t tell you this or allow anyone near a microphone to tell you this. On the contrary, it is “nothing to do with Islam”. So, dear reader, forget these distressing scenes and, as Harrabin’s lies seek to persuade us daily, concentrate on the upcoming triumph of next month’s
Nurembergclimate change rally in Paris. What’s the betting that the cobbled-together agreement to impoverish the West will be dedicated to those tragically murdered last Friday? That’ll get our minds off Islamic murder – until the next time.33 likes
Has anyone seem any Islamic landmarks daubed in red, white and blue to show “solidarity” against the Paris massacres?
I haven’t either.
“Solidarity” with Paris and singing the Marseillaise at Wembley is all very well but, as my late mother used to say “fine words butter no parsnips”. Tower Bridge and the Sydney Opera House flooded in red, white and blue lights does what exactly? Does it make the French feel better about the slaughter and (what nobody in the media mentions) the public humiliation. Personally, it doesn’t make me feel better. Actually it makes me feel a bit worse: it’s a tribute to and confirmation of the impotence of the West. Flowers outside the French Embassy, the odd tricolore on railings outside French restaurants in London and saying to French friends “I feel your pain” is useless in the absence of some plan to do something about Islamic terrorism (both violent, as in Paris, or psychological as enabled by the BBC every day).
I don’t expect the mosques of Britain to be flying the French flag. Forgive my cynicism but IMHO that would just be another aspect of taqquia. Oddly, I prefer the manifest hypocrisy of Dr T Hargey, Director, Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford and imam of the Oxford Mosque (a BBC speed-dial favourite, I think) in his letter to the Times this morning [paywall] who, in the time honoured Islamic way blames us for the Paris atrocity, viz: “While the Paris slaughter should be denounced unreservedly, France and other ex-colonial nations must be held accountable for their mendacious foreign policy in the rise of radicalism in the Middle East”. You see, it’s really all our fault. The boys from ISIS were a bit . . er . . over-enthusiastic but we’re the real villains, the real murderers.
Guessing Lighting Director for sad face monuments is a thing now?
Must be tricky getting the red, white a blue just right on the verticals and horizontals between France, GB, USA and Russia.
That latter… will the son et lumiere switch now the cause appears confirmed and the body count in the desert on par?
Or do Mishal’s Rules apply with women and kids foolish enough to be represented by Putin?
Still, at least the Graun is again here to speak on ‘our’ behalves and really put in all in context:
Mind you, looking at the comments, even the home crowd seem to have their doubts. The BBC will likely call this ‘opinions being split’.
The Graun also has a ‘how to’ piece for the hard of thinking across North London’s creches, to complement the BBC one from last night.
guardian: How to talk to your children about the Paris attacks | Anne Perkins
Bless. No..really. So much… Bless.
The Diana-fication of the French victims continues apace, it’s so easy to virtue signal sympathy by changing your avatar on Facebook, but half the people doing just that, then throw a hissy fit if someone in “authority” looks the wrong way at a Muslim.
They still don’t get it, we have reached the point of no return, and so called moderate Muslims, should not take offence if they are profiled at the airport or in the streets.
The people to blame are their fellow Muslims, if you don’t like being looked at with suspicion, blame the other ROP-ers.
Most of my crowd are traditional working class, some of them would probably vote a donkey in if it had a red rosette on but that’s historic around here. Most are largely lacking academic qualifications unless trade or work related, some of them sharper than tacks and some not so. I’m pleased to say that not one of them has been taken in by the BBC damage limitation exercise regarding the Paris attacks, maybe the chattering classes are taking some succour from the BBC but round here it doesn’t wash.
Working class instincts are as sharp as anybody’s. Unfortunately, some of them tend to express their views in terms which do not resonate with middle class sensibilities and the message gets lost. This lack of a voice leads to frustration and anger and support for organisations like the NF and, more recently, the BNP, because they feel they have no alternative. These organisations also attract highly unsavory types and consequently their warnings are ignored. The fact that organisations like UAF are probably worse goes unnoticed.
The NF was a failure, obviously, but the instincts of many of its supporters were sound. They knew that large scale immigration was a bad idea but it wasn’t well articulated. But if people had taken a little more notice of them, like a dead canary in a coal mine, and tried to understand what was really going on, we wouldn’t have to face the multicultural mess we have today.
But your “crowd ” will still vote Labour & Corbyn, regardless of the facts. That’s why, in England & Wales, it will always be between Labour & The Conservatives, Kippering does not appeal to dye in the wool Labourites, apart from a few converts. Oldham will stay Labour, in the bi election for sure.
A bi election? Not in Oldham, surely. They don’t like that sort of thing up there.
Just watched The Daily Politics on BBC2. They had a tame Moozlem on (obviously a ‘good’ one ) and Yvette Cooper , now just a Liebore backbencher. Not once ,did she use the M or I words but referred constantly to ‘terrorists’…….as if these jihadists exist in a vacuum and do not have the tacit support of a sizeable number of their fellow co-religionists.
Sheepish liberal apologists who can’t wait to ‘move on’ and discuss how we’re all going to die when the sky falls in due to Climate Change!
……Then, we have extracts from Farage’s speech last night, with rational, reasoned and statesmanlike comments from the excellent Peter Whittle UKIP.
Then a JoCo has discussion with three Musims of ‘Authority’ – A Tory MP, a member of the MCB and a Crown Prosecution guy. Nothing to do with Islam or course. No, non, nein. N T D W I. Theresa May says so…
Play it safe.
Vote UKIP.
Oh … The MCB that have meeting s with K Vaz
No matter, what happens at large … at all times like some insidious virus, with the capitulation of Parliament traitors
working against our nation.
“A MCB conference held in London on Wednesday, entitled ‘Terrorism and Extremism – how should British Muslims respond’, also heard debate over potential blasphemy laws in the United Kingdom.
Britain’s ancient laws of blasphemy were abolished in 2008, although had largely fallen into disuse by then, given that the last successful prosecution was in 1977.
But the issue has resurfaced in the wake of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, and the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims deem offensive.
Keith Vaz MP, the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, told Al Arabiya News that he would have “no problem” with blasphemy laws being reintroduced, under certain conditions.”
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.
“Muslim communities need to be able to respond to accusations Muslims, or against the Prophet, in a more effective way,” he said. “Whether there should be legislation is something that really is a more complicated question.”
Well away from the No10 traitors and the Al BBC … President Hollande now proclaims to have no ‘pity’ & will retaliate.
Well … Maybe eliminating over 50 no-go zones for the non Islamic would be a fine start?
… or maybe get the old piano out, and play “imagine” outside the Bataclan theatre.
Oops, I meant to say that the Moozlems were keen on Egalite, but didn’t care for Liberte OR Fraternite.
I thought they were quite keen on fraternising with white, under age girls.
Laughter at the No10 Tory traitors, starts getting louder
UK Home Secretary Theresa May: the Paris jihad attacks ‘have nothing to do with Islam’
“Clearly Theresa May, who is much more concerned with banning foes of jihad from entering the country than she is with combating the actual jihadi s, is among those who do not “wish to take heed” of the Islamic State’s warning. When a Paris-style attack hits London, she will bear a great deal of the responsibility for her role in misleading the British people about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat.”
Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated.
US … Now 24 governors have refused to take any Syrian refugees
Liberal Canadian government drops niqab case appeal
The Liberal government in Canada has abandoned any legal challenge that sought to require women to remove their niqabs or face coverings during citizenship ceremonies.
Listening to the Toady programme this morning, I was appalled by the number of times the word Islamophobia was used, for anyone or any comment that was not ‘On song’ for the ROP. Using this as a yardstick I wonder if the BBC will have someone on condemning the item below as Islamophobic; or at least over reaction! Doubtless anyone else fearing for their lives, culture, country and daring to mention the M word will be similarly branded!
Islamist terrorists are plotting to use they internet for “evil” by launching deadly cyber-attacks which could cripple Britain, George Osborne will warn on Tuesday.
The Chancellor will use a speech at GCHQ to warn that Isil poses a significant “cyber threat” amid concerns that it could kill innocent people by attacking power stations, the National Grid and hospitals.
He will say: “Isil are already using the internet for hideous propaganda purposes; for radicalisation, for operational planning too.
Daily Politics is now waffling on about “deradicalisation”. The very idea that you have to exspend vast resources in a vain attempt to persuade Muslims not to murder their “fellow” citizens is a ridiculous proposition There is no Muslim terrorism in Japan because there are only around 50,000 Muslims who clearly understand their role in Japanese society. Stopping mass Muslim immigration now would at least prevent the problem from getting any worse. It is also ridiculous that vast amounts of man power and money are wasted playing hide and seek with hundreds of returnees from Syria. The BBC is so deluded as to think that a Jihadist who styles himself Abu Ben Bashir Al-Britani, is identifying himself as a loyal and proud British patriot. No doubt he has a Britisn passport, but as he wiould say himself this is just a useful travel document. The constant talk of “home-grown” terrorism to suggest some defect in British culture is also ridiculous. Simply being born in a country does not magically imbue you with the culture of that country. The antecedents of the “home-grown” terrorists who arrived in Britain from the Islamic world are the propagators of this Islamic worldview.
Oh it`s the BBC, so what else will they be ringing around at the mo if not ” house trained slipper sniffing cringing Mozzies”…for the next news cycles duration anyway?
Until the “Muslims fear the backlash, Islamophobia in a smoky bacon crisp packet left floating by Regents Park” kind of stories they`re inevitably setting up for us now for the baggage carousel/sushi belt/Generation Game conveyor belt with cuddly Muhammad teddy bear circling,unwanted and for ever.
Muslims-either at your feet or at your throat…unless its virginal brides of tomorrow in council “care” and somewhere northern-in which case they reach historic compromises inbetween as we thank them for seeing reason.
Saw the Farage clip earlier-at 6.37 or so he says CHURCHES should have to declare their sources of income-presumably so the east London Mosque don`t get hissy….Farage is a fool!
Actually, the idea that Mosques should have to declare their income is an excellent idea. Providing of course the records are not audited by a member of the Mosque or anyone with a connection; so independent auditors checking the sources of income each month will serve several useful purposes.
1) Those on benefits giving the usual 10th of income will be identified and can have 10% deducted from benefits.
2) Only about 35-50% of income from customers using Asian restaurants (that is all of them not just Muslim owned and run ones) is declared, thus Mosques and temples etc. are used for money laundering. Money ‘donated’ to the Mosque can be loaned to other members of the community to set up businesses etc. without payment of interest.
Identifying this income will lead to a huge increase in tax revenue and VAT and hopefully to many prosecutions for tax and benefit fraud. Employees and family members will have a declared income in the books with the rest in off record cash, thus enabling them to claim work related benefits.
Having churches do the same thing is a nuisance but well worth the trouble.
Well said Chris H, but others here regard him as the” Messiah ” so you have now “blasphemed,” like I do here on a regular basis, but, I don’t care I know the way the wind is blowing, & Mr F, is all hot air & hollow promises, that will never happen.
How can you be so keen on Camoron if you (judging from your post above) don’t like “hot air and hollow promises”?
When has Camerloon EVER delivered as truthful a speech about failed multiculturalism and Islam in Britain, as the one Farage just has?
I’ll answer that for you, as you’ll probably indulge in your usual trick of avoiding any tricky questions, it is – never; he has his head too far up Saudi Arabia’s fundament to ever do so either.
‘Daily Politics is now waffling on about “deradicalisation”’
Please tell me Andrew Neil was nowhere near this?
It’s like suggesting to the USS Enterprise off Okinawa that maybe having a Tokyo Rose agony aunty on the blower in flight control could talk those kamikaze chappies down to land gently on the deck, and no need for those nasty AA-guns.
It is no excuse the BBC is merely mirroring Bin There, Hugged That Dave, Theresa the Appeaser, and Don’t Shoot, I’m a Muslim! Corbo.
I was just out on some errands and chatting with several folk in shops. We’re in the heart of SAS country.
More common sense in these ordinary Joe and Janes’ little fingers than the entire Pallywood of Westminster and the Market Rate Bolly floors of W!A.
The big idea is £3B worth of extra cannon fodder to patrol here is it?
All told to defend at all costs but don’t risk a nasty look or compo claim from any quarter.
Our armed forces are deployed with every limb stapled behind their backs already, and the judiciary operates on a £1M compo start point no matter what, even if the perp was running down the street with a ‘Death to Infidels’ banner with a spike on top.
All on top of a military now trained to kill but tasked to preserve the life of even the most heinous threat to self or those being protected.
Yet who they are up against is brought up from the womb to seek self-termination with as many of the host county surrounding them as possible.
SNAFU & FUBAR mashed up and brought to you from Westminster via a twitter hashtag on BBC trending.
Temped to mirror John Oliver’s rant to the Paris Jihadis, if perhaps without any baggage in tow.
‘Thankfully, we have John Oliver to straighten things out’
Guest Who,
Surely the all encompassing multiculturalism (as promoted by the BBC) means we all live according to our own culture, so that White British get the protection of the Common Law, immigrants from Eastern Europe can have confessions beaten out of them and those from the Middle East can be shot while attempting to escape.
Or does multiculturalism mean something else to the BBC – where the White British have to make all the concessions?
I’ve had enough of BBC liberal guilt.
Yesterday’s BBC Radio Wales Morning Call discussed the French attacks.
A caller pointed out that when he, in the course of his job, visited Muslim households in an area of Cardiff they were all playing video games killing British soldiers.
The BBC host couldn’t see a problem with that. The caller was perplexed so the host went to another caller for a second opinion. Apparently Sadat didn’t see a problem with households in the UK entertaining themselves by killing British soldiers either.
Oh, btw, according to the majority of the callers the only problem with the attacks is the west not over reacting to them and us understanding why they took place.
Only on the BBC.
“A caller pointed out that when he, in the course of his job, visited Muslim households in an area of Cardiff they were all playing video games killing British soldiers. The BBC host couldn’t see a problem with that. The caller was perplexed so the host went to another caller for a second opinion. Apparently Sadat didn’t see a problem with households in the UK entertaining themselves by killing British soldiers either.”
The Left long for our destruction. They are the sort of people who wanted us to disarm when the USSR threatened us with nuclear destruction.
Well, it won’t be long now, I guess.
The BBC has initially stood behind, sort of, M. Hollande, Socialist Prime Minister of France (compare that to the disdain in which they hold ‘conservative’ equivalents throughout Europe, trying to protect their own countries). But the trending in BBC reporting is straight-line towards justifying/defending the actions of, if not outright siding with, the terrorists, and their supporters – i.e. those of the same religion NOT condemning outright and wholeheartedly the latest Muslim massacre.
So – how long do you think the BBC will allow any lee-way to M. Hollande and his Air Force, before starting to condemn the ‘disproportionality’ of the French bombing response to ISIL, and the commencement of the wailing and gnashing of BBC teeth at the loss of the lives of ‘innocent’ by-standers, the deaths of women, children and ‘innocent’ Syrians in the ISIL strongholds ? You know, exactly the same criticisms that are constantly lobbed at Israel, which is also defending itself from a bunch of murderous terrorist supporters of a certain Middle Eastern ‘Prophet’.
It will be interesting to observe the hypocrisy in the BBC as they try to wriggle their way out of this conundrum – not that anyone will be allowed to call them out on it.
I’m sure a wedding party will shortly be hit by a French missile.
But the age(s) of the bride(s) will be carefully omitted from the report.
“I’m sure a wedding party will shortly be hit by a French missile..”
Here’s a film they prepared earlier.
The BBC has broadcast many speeches from the usual culprits proclaiming that the jihadists will not divide our society.
The trouble is, the society which they imagine we have, has never been united.
Looking forward to the BBC showing this portion of Hussein Obama’s speech. We Muslims eh. Didn’t Trump get slammed for calling him a Muslim?
Obama is clearly saying what Muslims ought to say, not what he as a Muslim believes. Obama does not need to be a Muslim to hate the West.
Anybody who supports the global warming agenda is an enemy of the West.
Has anyone seen any coverage on the BBC of Nigel Farage’s speech last evening?
“Has anyone seen any coverage on the BBC of Nigel Farage’s speech last evening? ”
No, but did you know Charlie Sheen has HIV? Come now get your priorities right!
On the one hand we have someone who gets paid lots of money to pretend to be someone else and, I would wager, someone most people couldn’t care a f*** about.
On the other we have someone who’s main purpose in life is trying to save Great Britain.
Read all about it.