The BBC is actually starting to look a bit isolated in the global warming debate (apart from their print arm at The Grauniad) judging by the number of lukewarm and sceptical articles that are starting to appear in the MSM. Underling Matt McGrath has even had to go into print to inform us that public concern about global warming has declined since Copenhagen. No sh*t Sherlock.
Roger Harrabin must be getting very annoyed that an ungrateful public appears to be ignoring his propaganda machine. At what point will the BBC realise it is time to cut and run? As the jobs of the entire staff of the BBC’s climate department(science qualifications almost nil) depend on scaremongering it might still be some time before Harrabin and co are asked to leave quietly but it must surely happen.
They will not be missed.
Unfortunately, there is far too much dosh to be made on the global warming bandwagon for it to just fizzle out.
There’s another round of pointless grandstanding due to start next week, where no doubt there will be more calls for penalizing taxes in Europe (‘cos we’re white and colonialist and stuff..).
Take a look at this mean-looking old cow. Typical product of the bent UN..
Sadly, while it is partly about money, it is probably even more about enforcing an deluded, romantic, pastoralist version of socialism on the world. The Hobbit meets Das Kapital.
As long as the UN, the EU, the vast majority of world leaders (including our own – so much for common sense Conservatism), ruthless propaganda machines like the BBC, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc., entire education systems and university research bodies, scientific institutions (including our own Royal Society) and hidden-from-view subversive organisations such as Common Purpose and The Club of Rome, are determined to ram the ‘climate change’ agenda through to its catastrophic conclusion (with their arrogant self-certitude growing daily beyond measure), what chance does anybody else stand?
Whittingdale has launched an independent review of the BBC’s governance and regulation by Sir David Clementi. Sir David has been asked to make proposals, taking account of the responses to the BBC Charter Review consultation, in relation to the model of governance and regulation of the BBC, the specific mechanisms of governance, regulation and the way in which the BBC engages with complainants. It will issue the report in early 2016.
Initial Investigations into the Editorial Complaints Unit of the BBC show that Colin Tregear, the Editorial Complaints Unit, Complaints Director was appointed by the BBC because it needed an expert to combat a barrage of complaints about its censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, Tregear was once the Project Director at the BBC Weather Centre.
As for the BBC being “isolated in the global warming debate”. One of the most bizarre pieces of evidence for this isolation from the influence of causational climate scientists, that Lord Hall would dread being asked about, is this observation.
“Surprisingly the most blatantly biased statement by the BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact”; the IPCC using an assumption says ‘likely’ and the BBC, which claims to be impartial, says ‘fact’. This also does not come from the Royal Society. This evidence proves that the BBC takes a more extremely biased view than the IPCC or the Royal Society and conflicts with the BBC Trusts claim that impartiality is important.”
Richard as one of few sane scientists we see criticizing this insanity is it not time that the many highly qualified among you launched a campaign to counter this.
Ashley Walters has denied calling a hotel receptionist a ‘white bitch’.
The TV star and former So Solid Crew member has been accused of racially abusing the Hilton Islington staff member and threatening her manager.
Walters, who currently plays PC Ryan Draper in the BBC drama Cuffs, appeared at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on three charges of using threatening, abusive or insulting language with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress.
A BBC on-line search only brings up a guest appearance on the One Show, the episodes of Cuffs and at the bottom of the BBC page a few coy links to the story from other outlets – dismissed at not news with the rather disclaiming phrase ‘elsewhere on the web’
I reckon that if the situation had of been reversed and one, of the lets say ‘more indigenous’ ‘stars’ had said the reverse to a ‘non indigenous’ staff member, the BBC would have the series pulled, or the very least his scenes edited out and it would be career over for said ‘star’.
I actually thought cuffs was a spoof programme like the office.
In the first episode ALL the bad people were whiteys, the thugs on the beach, the gang attacking the Pakistani lad and all the other baddies.
ALL the victims were our enrichers.
They have gays, (white) paedophile, Moslem female policewoman, white detective with dirty secrets, unfit white cop, super fit enrichers cops.
I didn’t spot a disabled character but all the other boxes were ticked.
The overbearing message was white is everything bad, the rest were angelic.
I put this on the bbc points of view board but it was censored and hidden almost immediately.
Ashley Walters ends up in court on 3 charges of assault and abusive behaviour. BBC does nothing.
Ola Jordan reveals a few home truths on the producing of Strictly, and is booted off the programme with the promise she will not darken the doors of the BBC again, EVER.
I never read the Guardian-but this is breathtaking.
And sums up in total all that the scummards of the Left think.
Note the Swedish Green Party(Asa Romson)…think that the Paris murders of 130 would only make the job of the Climate Change nutellas “that much harder” in the coming week.
Poor Andrew is happy to consign Sweden to the fires of heel, as long as he can imagine no borders and social justice for all.
Sorry you Godless oaf-Acts 17.26 ordains borders as Gods creation-not to be removed by the f***in liberal elite like Monnet, Macmillan, Heath, Heseltine and Clarke.
Benn, Powell and Crow were united in THAT anyway-sod the EU.
Wouldn’t it be great if this site actually worked? Nearly 100 attempts to open this page ! If it’s not coming up with proxy issues, it’s site programming errors !
And before anyone tells me it’s a problem at my end, this is the only site I use which does this.
Honestly Thoughtful, I access this site both using my iPad and my aged Toshiba computer with Windows 2007 and Chrome and I don’t have a problem. Now Notasheep’s blog is a different matter where on the iPad it crashes after about 20 seconds (improves my speed reading no end).
Can’t say I have any problems, from a variety of devices. But Breitbart… that’s another matter. Especially on a tablet where Android seizes up completely on occasion.
Sometimes, very rarely, this site crashes, but it works well on Google Chrome. But you are right about Breibart, which seizes up and gets filled with ads.
To be fair to Pienaar he pulls no punches as to how far up shit creek Labour is – “no certainty whatever”, “look at the state of Labour”, “can they hang on?”.
But before us Kippers get our hopes up, best have a quick word with Alex Carey, a reporter with the Oldham Chronicle.
Whilst he assures us it will be close and the majority will be slashed, Pienaar goes on to remind us that there is a big “Asian” presence in Oldham and a good many Muslim voters;
And Carey is in absolutely no doubt what that means;
And there, good ladies and Gentlemen of England, is a taste of many, many elections to come.
And this is where Corbyn’s reluctance to bomb Isis will secure a Labour victory in Oldham. The imported Labour voters don’t want their comrades in Syria bombed.
This is why I sincerely believe that the Labour Party is an organised conspiracy against the British people. The Krays died in prison, and they didn’t cause a tiny fraction of the damage the Labour Party has done to Britain over the years.
Jaw dropping insight into the lunacy of Swedens Political elite. As their cities burn and their women are raped, the Swedish deputy Prime Minister actually cries that she can’t impose more of her lunacy on her people.
It’s really shocking that she just cannot accept what she has done has been an unmitigated disaster, and as I said, even were she to be dangling upside down from a lamppost she still wouldn’t have the slightest doubt she might be wrong.
The only place for people like that is in secure hospitals.
The changes announced on Tuesday were particularly difficult for the Social Democrats’ junior coalition partner, the Green party, seen as the most refugee-friendly of Sweden’s main political parties. The Greens’ deputy prime minister, Åsa Romson, broke into tears as she announced the measures.
What the Guardian chooses to omit is the fact the Green Party is the most refugee-friendly of any party in ANY COUNTRY, and that includes the UK. In fact it’s worse than that, they favour the complete dismantling of borders – EVERYWHERE.
I do wonder about the mental state of these people. Why do they think that Sweden is Sweden, and Syria is Syria? Do they think that if the population of Sweden becomes increasingly Syrian, the Syrians will behave like Swedes? Why should they, and anyway, wouldn’t that be culturally imperialist? So logically, one must conclude that they hate their own country so much that they want it to be like Syria. It’s an old saying, but never truer: the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Watch out for a youngish German- Bjorn Hocke. In the old East. He is a superb speaker and to my mind one of the new men we neeed in Europe. His latest speech in Erfurt is excellent.
Dangerous times alwys bring new people to the fore.
What a shame his total twat of a brother, Jeremy Vine, still receives close on a million pounds a year to broadcast his biased, left-wing garbage every weekday on Radio 2 (apart from school holidays of course, when he is given paid holidays with his family and has fatty Vanessa Feltz doing an admirable job of sitting in for him and broadcasting biased, left-wing garbage)
I’ve obviously told one home truth too many because my comment didn’t even appear before “awaiting moderation” while others piled on in front. Looks like I’m on the naughty step.
How the Fascists manage to tie themselves in knots of their own making and then when exposed, lie about what they’ve done, because they’re embarrassed by their own stupidity.
Like Germaine Greer with her ‘transgender’ views, like the lefty comedienne who has been banned from the ‘safe space’ of a university because of her opinions on ‘sex workers’, the schaudenfraude is joyously overwhelming when these people get a dose of their own lefty medicine.
Don’t they understand the principle of ‘Freedom of speech and expression as long as they fit with my world view’ that the Left in general and activist zealots in particular thrive on?
The experiences they complain about are simply the inevitable progressions of that principle. Now they know how UKIP, Gert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Nigel Lawson, Jim Davidson, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy, Robin Page etc etc etc feel.
“cultural appropriation”
**** them.
Nobody seems to have a problem appropriating Western technology, industry and science.
Time for some very large reparation claims.
A short while ago I included in a post – on a discussion about payday loans, I think it was – how the BBC are very clever at inviting proxy agenda-pushers into the studio. One of the examples I gave was some charity woman who forcefully opined that we should not ‘sit in moral judgement’ of a single mother who had borrowed £1000 (which she didn’t have a cat in hell’s chance of repaying) so that she and her children could have a ‘fantastic’ Christmas, which included her own Christmas ‘dos’.
This agenda of ‘non-judgementalism’, which helps fuel not only the Left’s target culture of nobody ever being responsible for their own actions (they can only ever be victims) – unless they are bankers, greedy capitalists or holders of right-wing views – but also an ‘anything goes’, 68-er ‘progressive’ view of parenting, is aired regularly on the BBC with scarcely a challenge. It will be familiar to any long-term observer of BBC bias and narrative-pushing.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I read this morning that parents’ concerns that a proposed 9pm finish time for Cbeebies could disrupt the evening bedtime routine of their children, the BBC respond sharply by pointing out that it’s a parental responsibility to hit the ‘off’ switch on their TV at the time they think is appropriate for their kids.
Well, to most of us that might be straight out of the Common Sense Guide to Parenting (Not BBC Publications) but it’s a little bit rich coming from the BBC, especially when it’s plainly in defence of a commercial proposition. A double dose of hypocrisy, in fact.
The Left and BBC used to criticise Mrs Thatcher’s government for its ‘Victorian values’, but the Blair & Brown regimes put the clocks back decades and in some instances centuries. The rise of the pay day loan companies – who makes the loan sharks of previous generations look like philanthropists – is but one example. There was also the Gangmaster legislation, like something straight out of the 19th Century, designed to address problems associated with that century that they had reintroduced (Morecambe cockle disaster). To say nothing of industrial-scale sexual exploitation of young girls in Rotherham and elsewhere – another throwback to Victorian times. Perhaps the BBC considers these things to be examples of ‘progressive thinking’. Or there again, maybe they are hoping that poor single mothers can be persuaded to take out loans to pay for the TV licence.
Back in the early 70’s (when you had to know your valuing ‘stuff’, and in the days before the white sock brigade took over) – I was an estate agent. Right to Buy your council house was the order of the day, and in their tens of thousands, many did. Despite being ‘in the business’ I went against the grain of buying council homes, because the councils never replaced them ! I foresaw the time back then, when future generations would never have a home to live in because of this new ‘Right’. Guess what, it came true. On the continent there is less of a ‘home owning psyche’ than we Brits have, – I know of a Consultant in a Swiss Hospital who rents, and never considers buying his own home; the same with French friends too; why we have got this home owning mentality defeats me, if we didn’t it would ensure every generation had a roof over their head.
The BBC have allowed a scathing attack on multi-culturalism. It consists of a critical examination of Belgium, which has been revealed as a major hub of Islamic extremism in Europe and the home to many of those wanted in connection with terrorist attacks. A number of factors are cited, but the failings of multi-culturalism are to the fore: Belgium has seen the creation of a complex accumulation of institutions, because of a series of compromises between its two main language groups and also as a result of political parties catering for their own interests.
The Belgian federation is composed of communities and regions. The three communities correspond to the country’s language groups – the Flemish community, the French community and the German-speaking community. Then there is the Flemish region, the Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon region.
In other words, what results when the concept of nation is replaced by the concept of ‘community’. Although a reasonable article, it doesn’t mention the other factor: Belgium is home to the crazed Eurocrats, who do not care for nations at all but the bogus concept of the European supra-national ‘state’ – people who pose far more of a threat than the nut-jobs being lined up as cannon fodder for Russian bombers in Syria.
“Belgium has seen the creation of a complex accumulation of institutions, because of a series of compromises between its two main language groups and also as a result of political parties catering for their own interests.”
I may be over-analysing here but I see this as a critique of the mode of its implementation rather than a critique of multicult per-se….
Maybe the BBC could dig a little bit deeper than this
“There is also the simple fact that a quarter of the electorate in Oldham West and Royton is largely Pakistani and Bagladeshi in origin, communities that have a long tradition here of voting Labour.
Even the Tories admit these groups are efficient at organising their postal votes and getting their people out to polling stations on the day.”
UKIP will at least shock Labour – odds for UKIP have narrowed from 8 to 1 a fortnight ago to almost 2 to one now. The Tory odds have widened to 150 to 1 indicating a lot more ex-Tories voting for UKIP UKIP’s campaign is focussed heavily on Corbyn – they have now produced a “Wanted – Dangerous” leaflet with his mugshot and a warning that he poses a danger to us.
The trouble is, a really bad result for Labour might precipitate immediate revolt in the Parliamentary Labour Party against Corbyn – he is seen as toxic. But I would prefer Corbyn soldiers on, digging Labour deeper into the mire.
I hate Labour with a passion. But I want them to win in Oldham.
If UKIP win that Labour safe seat, Labour will surely have an internal coup and rid itself of JC. I don’t want to see that. At least not yet.
Jez is doing a great job of destroying the Labour party from within, along with his front bench cohorts of seventies spartists like Abbott and McDonnel and second raters like Powell, Burnham, Eagle etc (actually Diane Abbot is a seventies spartist AND second rate…way to go girl!).
A tight win for Labour with UKIP’s moral boosted by a close second. That’s what I want.
I genuinely believe it was and is the best £3 I ever spent! I’ve been invited to the local Labour party’s barbecue!
A dismaying number of voters I met in Oldham today can’t speak English despite living there a decade or more. But they’re voting Labour.
Perhaps Labour were ahead of the game and provided a translation service for their manifesto, or even interpreters at gender-segregated political rallies.
“Even the Tories admit these groups are efficient at organising their postal votes ”
Typical naivety on behalf of Lazy Davy who MUST know about the problems with the postal vote system reducing Britain’s ‘democracy’ to that of a Banana republic, but who is simply too lazy and ineffective to do anything about it.
In Oldham it is not Tory naivety. They do not have a chance, and as far as Dave is concerned it is better to have a pro EU Labour victory than UKIP. Hence, the postal voting is best left alone to secure a Labour victory
Note that Roger Boltons liberal guilt-fest ” Feedback” is digging up the case of Iain Lee, who attacked some Christian pastor for daring to read from the bible in a prison chapel, in connection with Gods views on homosexuality.
Lee`s “interview” of the pastor, and the solicitor from Christian Concern were a disgrace-abusive, ignorant and bullying know all Lee was totally clueless re the Bible…but that didn`t stop him abusing and shouting over his “guests”
And this was a local radio piece of nastiness, so hardly a national cause is it?
I mean…Luton and Tommy Robinson and the Islamic terror arising doesn`t make Boltons sandbox does it?- why then does he raise THIS case again?
Anybody else see a hope that they`ll be the “Wind Beneath His Wings”?…and “Raise Him Up?”…as they did for Jools Holland, Russell Brand and other nasty “bad boys in the right cause”?
Like Huhne/Pryce-Yentob, Batmanghedghli and Savile for that matter?
Boltons puff piece was crap-as per-but it`s the fact that they highlight THIS virtuous shaft at the Church…but leave Islam out of it of course…but there was no Bolton Resurrection Hopes for Alex Dyke at Solent a few months ago..or the old cove who plaayed the “racist” Sun has got his hat on” on Radio Devon.
Funny that- a breast feeding bit of nonsense or a racist word in the fifth verse are hanging offences-and no reprieves-but Lee was shafting Christians…which the BBC and Feedback lickspittle rather approve of.
Agenda sitting and liberal squatting and grooming from the BBC..Blowback, Blowhard, Feedbag, Flaghag?…take your pick…but I only wish we could bring in Robert Robinson and the combover smarmies-or even the appalling Barry Took (Cyril Fletcher with extra velvet oil)-over Roger the Bodger Belchup.
I heard that, and the worst part of it was that all Iain Lee wanted to do was to attack the Christian interviewee. He never listened to the answers, was rude bullying intimidating and overbearing – a typical Fascist. I can bet if challenged his forthright condemnation of the Bibles mild condemnation of the homosexual act (amongst others) and pointed out that Islam demands the death of Gay people outright, Lee would have clammed up and refused to condemn Islam – knowing he would have been instantly sacked if he had.
This is waysicm it is Fascism and it is unacceptable.
Well as a veteran of live music events since 1977 what a load. Unless they are playing in a telephone box which is fairly likely judging from this You won’t see much in a crowd from the stage. In all the years and the hundreds of bands I’ve never seen any gropeing or heard anyone complain about it most of the years my partner has been with me. “They stop if something is happening in a crowd” again I’ve seen very few physical conflicts most involve a bit of shoving. Exactly why these talent vacuums have had newsround pick them up I’m unsure they seem to be from the Zodiac Mindwarp & the Love Reaction school of songwriting. If you don’t get that reference basically it means everything they do sounds the same ok start shouting on 3 1..2..3..
That’s a blast from the past. I bought the singles for ‘Prime Mover’ and ‘Backstreet Education’ while back at school. I was probably about 13 at the time. The other thing I will always remember was that the guitarist was called Cobalt Stargazer which was kinda cool. Zodiac was from somewhere like Bradford but for some reason spoke in an American accent. I think I might dig them old singles out and give em a spin.
Zodiac Mindwarp
Flash Bastard
Cobalt Stargazer
Trash D Garbage
Slam Thunderhide
Saw them support Motorhead when Zodiac wore a Paisley Patterned Nazi Helmet and a Fox Stole sewn onto his black leather jacket.
Hmmm I wonder as well. Maybe if I think about it an answer may come to me. There are certain places where I leave more than a normal distance between myself and other cars especially if I spot certain persons driving just in case they randomly jam their brakes full on as happened with a transit in front of me not that long ago.
I think there might be two explanations behind these ‘hot spots’ but the BBC would need full time journalists and a news budget to have any hope of finding out.
A friend who works in insurance told me his company became suspicious when they had a raft of whiplash claims from Blackburn, all the claimants seemed to live in the same corner shop in one of the more culturally enriched parts of town. Odd that. It’s almost as if Muslims despise us, and consider insurance fraud part of the jizzya the dhimmis must pay their overlords. Surely not? A multicultural society is vibrant and exciting, I’m sure David Cameron told me that from behind his ring of armed guards.
Will Self has been straying dangerously off message during his ‘Self Drives’ series. As a physics graduate I have tuned in to his programme about James Clerk Maxwell in the hope of hearing an intelligent discourse about a scientist whose achievements receive far less credit and attention than they deserve. The programme is quirky but contains very little scientific meat. However, what I have enjoyed is Will Self’s criticism of the Tesla Volt car that has been used as the mode of transport. Scathing doesn’t come close to describing what he has said. Apparently, out of a journey of over 600 miles, the hybrid piece of crap managed one mile on battery power. Oh dear, would that be this Tesla Volt:
I think young Master Self will be getting a summons to Headmaster Harrabin’s office.
Still, he did manage to find time to reinforces his position as the most pretentious broadcaster in Britain. Though I suspect he will only achieve runner-up status in ‘The Ugliest voice on radio’ to the vile Jo Brand.
The BBC News says that the Kiwi Queen (Lowell Goddard-strange name for a Sheila eh?) will be investigating 12 Institutions involved with the Child Abuse Enquiry.
Let`s hope that the BBC and the NHS are two of them, given that Savile was running amok in both-and plenty BBC staff were happy to wipe the prints in return for a salary.
And for the real and present danger of Islam-any chance of the Mosques and Multiculti officers getting a visit ?
Or will we be looking up George Bells long-pegged out cassock, or if Pope Pauls handbag holder had DBS clearance instead?
Pound to apenny that Islam, the BBC and NHS will not be included-but Cliff Richards old church elders will be feeling the full force of a stable door closing to protect the REAL perps…most of who are in the three “Institutions” that Noelle Gordon will turn a selective eye away from.
We need a cheaper Savile Enquiry don`t we?
It’s amazing, isn’t it, that plod can turn up mob handed because a bloke’s making a speech and yet thousands of girls are groomed and raped and it’s “um, no sorry, we didn’t see anything”.
Freedom of speech used to be one of the great tenets of British democracy. I remember the old adage, “I disagree with what you say but I shall defend to the death your right to say it”…or words to that effect. Nowadays it’s “Not only do I disagree with what you’re saying, I’m also going to stop you saying it.”
It’s unhealthy and it’s certainly undemocratic.
Just had R4 Now Show on while making tea, not heard it for a while. Why are they so obsessed about the Daily Mail? Trying to mock it for things they can imagine it reporting, rather than what it has actually reported.
Obsession with the Daily Mail seems to be a leftie trait, why is that?
The Now Show is unusual for BBC comedy in that it hasn’t suffered the drop in quality of just about every other BBC production. It started off as wholly unfunny lefty ranting sh*te and been consistent in its output ever since.
The Now Show is obsessed with the DM because, secretly, they like it. Just like Toksvig, Calman et al slagging off Sarah Palin while harbouring a secret desire to perform acts of gross indecency on her.
Here we have a doctor whose nationality is not given, working not just as an NHS doctor, but also with the Police. After 13 year in the UK he still hasn’t even a basic command of English, which was so bad a colleague reported him to the GMC.
The big question is why no one else reported it earlier, and was it the fear of being accused of being ‘waycist’?
Not only that, but how much is the 18 months of clinical supervision and mentoring going to cost?
The article says he qualified in Rome, and if he is an EU citizen, the NHS cannot insist he speaks English to any standard.. Yet another reason for leaving.
Remember the German doctor temporarily working in the UK?
The one who killed someone by injecting 10X the standard dose?
The one who got off scot free in the UK despite being found guilty of unlawful killing?
The one who after investigation was still allowed to practise medicine in Germany?
The one who threatened to sue the son of the deceased who complained about the decision?
The doctor whose name was Daniel Ubani, was born in Nigeria and was about as German as Obama?
The unwanted not only f’up our NHS in their millions by requiring treatment, they cause most of the mistakes.
Get rid of them.
This is quite amusing, as this feminist can’t believe what he says to her; I don’t expect him to be invited onto any Al Beebus programmes anytime soon.
News organisations – and the BBC – are reporting the shooting incident in Colorado inside a “Planned Parenthood” clinic. The name will be unfamiliar to most UK readers – it is actually the largest abortion provider in the USA, providing 325,000 abortions in 2013 and has a revenue of $1.3 billion, of which more than 1/2 billion is provided by the US government (covers other related services in addition to abortion). In UK terms, think of the equally misnamed BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service). Oddly, the BBC report gives no indication as to what Planned Parenthood does. See
They’ve added a description now at the end. Although this is an organisation which the BBC supports I’m sure they won’t jump to any conclusions over who the shooter is, or try to implicate any group or organisation or religion.
OMG! There’s Jeremy about to cause the most massive implosion in UK political history, there’s the annoying little Syrian bombing issue, there’s Turkey, farcically warning the Russians ‘not to play with fire’, there’s the Oldham bye election, there’s this, there’s that – but wait, what is the most pressing, the most outrageous, the most scandalous topic for Newsnight to lead off with tonight? Yes, it’s Emily Maitlis in full sepulchral mode interviewing the understandably grieving father of a lad purportedly bullied into suicide by one of those beastly Conservatives, with collusion in burying the facts ‘right at the top’. Our Em, close to tears, allows her interviewee to close with a series of increasingly serious but unsubstantiated claims, and there’s no time left to investigate or discuss. Well done Emily, priorities sorted, job done.
Note to Ian Katz: Remember to send transcript of interview to Guardian, should make first editions, with luck.
Sadly bullying in high places is prevalent, if now higher profile as control slips from those who were more used to ensuring information stayed need to know. By them only.
In such cases investigation is warranted so accountability can be accorded.
But yet again, a Craig-like fisking is required to see what the BBC considers news, and ‘not news’, via either FoI-guarded mystery editorial integrity or simply time or space ((c) One. Ian Katz, ironically).
Then the relative excitement of Newsnight (no stranger to pursuing claims it likes) here can be compared to activities elsewhere, such as the SWP, or closer to home at the BBC, with another sad death.
The MoS has been pushing that story for a while, last weekend the front page was devoted to it – quite incredible when the Middle East is in flames and the Islamic presence in Western Europe is now forcing the indigenous citizens to reshape how they conduct themselves and their everyday lives, to a degree unknown even 5 years ago; Al Beebus I can understand peddling this tale for all they are worth – but the MoS? WTF?
Yes, this essentially fact-free confabulation was the lead item on R4’s 8.00 news. “Alleged suicide”. “It is believed that”, “Possible abuse, bullying” “Accused claims innocence (‘corse he would)”. “Enquiry could be white-wash”, “”no personal grievance” Warsi states”. Grieving parent exploited to give credibility to political attack. Wasn’t the same tactic used in the de Souza suicide? Guardian conjecture cited as “reliable journalism”. It never ends.
Just after 8.30 this morning on the Toady programme the Corbynutta MP Clive Lewis accused Al Beeb of asking ‘leading questions’ in a vox pop piece from Sluff. I heard the vox pop piece and it was about as fulsome of praise for the Corbynutter himself as could be imagined!
I await more accusations of anti Leftist/Corbynutta bias from Corbyn’s nutter followers. Misinformation, lies and arrant bullying is what hard-line Leftoids are about.
I have the misfortune to reside among those who thought it a good idea to elect him.
He has recently accused the BBC of denying him promotion, “Cos I is black”.
I think any BBC executive would be well aware of his political views, which could quite likely make him too far to the left, even for the BBC, to move him up the reporting ladder!
When he was selected as a candidate the BBC moved him to driving the satellite truck.
I have always wanted to ask him for his BBC and personal views of Margaret Thatcher.
It’s like my Labour MP, Rachel Reeves, was an economist inside the Bank of England when Gordon Brown was Chancellor, that was a pretty useful connection to have for both of them.
Now she is married to Nick Joicey who is a Director General of DEFRA. An MP married to a Civil Service Director, another very useful connection. What do they talk about over the dinner table then?
This mornings “Today” was interesting on this subject. At 7 o’clock the news headlines were about the mess Labour are in over the Syrian vote and the Conservative Party story around third subject. However, by the time they did paper review at 7-40 the Tory story was number one. Then, low and behold, the 8 o’clock news has the Tories at number one!!! How strange that the mess in Syria and Labour was relegated….who would have believed it.
And the second most important story in world news? A shooting in Colorado Springs (who has heard of the place?). You could say all the killings in the rest of the world are non-news, “Dog bites man” stories, but surely an American shooting should be the same. Perhaps “unarmed black teenager” or, in this case, “abortion” make it major world news.
As soon as I saw the position of this report at the top of its headlines slot on albeeb breakfast, I knew there were special circumstances, and of course there are.
The perp was white
Albeeb was able to show his whiteness in pictures of him being arrested.
He wasnt muslim
The link to abortion campaigns nails it.
Latest news from Colorado Springs is that there is no news, other than the police officer was shot outside the clinic and it seems that the shooter took refuge in it. The absence of news has not stopped the BBC and US left media from turning the narrative into a gun control frenzy and attack on right wing anti abortionists . And of course the BBC need to promote their pro abortion campaign
Long term we have to expel all Muslims.
Meanwhile there needs to be control, no Muzzienutters in Military or Police.
No Muzzienutters in MOD.
No Muzzienutters in nuclear power.
No Muzzienutters in airline industry.
No Muzzienutters in food industry or water production/management.
No Muzzienutters in Border Agency.
No Muzzienutters in Gas, electricity or other power generation.
I am sure I have forgotten some.
Oh, and stuff their non-human rights.
To true. In the modern world we are exceptionally vulnerable to anyone who wishes to create mayhem and multiple deaths. We will see more and more attacks in the services you outline above. Perhaps only 1 or 2 % of Muslims are prepared to act in this way , although it could be a higher % of course, but 1 or 2 % is an enormous number across Europe and what havoc and thousands and thousands of deaths they will create. The liberal left will no doubt stick to their worn out mantra that its nothing to do with the ROP and that we can’t tar all Muslims with the same brush ( is tarring still an acceptable phrase?). All very well the majority will reply but how else do we defend ourselves other than to suspect and control all Muslims? Of course the Muslims could cast out all those they suspect of evil intentions , after all they know them best, but they seem strangely reluctant to do so.
Not a threat? The fact they withhold the translation and the fact it was found close to fuel tanks is a bloody big cause for concern when flying Easyjet or otherwise.
5th columnists are infiltrating everywhere aided and abetted by the cancer that is political correctness.
You know how short and thin the “Thin Blue Line is, well, Mr Cameron (is he still P.M.?) has decided to send a couple of million quid of our borrowed money to the Caribbean to help the little fishes which will put an end to “Climate Change”. Are all the nut jobs in this country in politics? Here we all are facing the biggest threat to this country since Hitler and our P.M. is looking after little fish half way round the other side of the World instead of having more security services on our streets. The bloke is barmy and must surely belong in the mad house and to keep quite a few from the BBC, company?
Is just Nick Robinson’s view or the BBC’s in general . Either way it’s a big problem . How can there be impartiality about this issue if a presenter can say that on air without being disciplined ?
At the end Robinson bottled it. He had time for another question, but he knew that the answer would be one he didn’t want to hear, so he waffled until they ran out of time.
I mistakenly went to 11.58, to find Nick really cranking up (he really is a weasel) this blogger suicide as being enough to end the Tory party for ever.
Sad, and worthy of of some inquiry and maybe accountability if management failed, but a person doing such a thing because another was beastly online is not that new, rare, or easy to see as anything other than tragic.
Quite how it equates to Russell Joslin, who knows? These things can take a while.
I listened to Lord Tebbit being interviewed on Toady via iPlayer – that’s what a real Conservative sounds like up against a BBC drone; I hope Essextroll takes note and realizes how weak Camerturd appears in comparison.
I thought Tebbit was in excellent form, despite his advanced years, and was well able to deal with all Nick Robinson’s nonsense.
I especially liked his (absolutely correct) description of those who injured him, his wife and murdered Ian Gow and Airey Neave; as “Irish Republican terrorists” I can’t recall when I last heard such an epithet applied to that scum on Al Beebus – it certainly wasn’t by a Beeboid and one would certainly never hear it pass any of their lips now.
His thoughts on the EU referendum and Camerloon’s role within it were fascinating too, “a leap back into the light of 1000 years of independence.” What a great line and then managing to put the boot into Kommisar Corbyn’s unfittedness to ever be PM, great stuff – well worth a listen from 1h54m.
I always find it worrying when people say they will follow a political party regardless of policy or leadership.
Would you still be a Tory if they had a policy of gassing the Jews?
We can roll it back from there to see just what extreme policies you would support until you decided enough was enough.
If you are a Conservative: “just like Norman is”, why do you have such a blind allegiance to Camoron, who is in no way a Conservative “just like Norman is”?
Can’t you see the contradiction there? That is why (unfortunately) you are viewed as something of a joke by many contributors here.
You cannot be a Norman Tebbit Conservative and a David Cameron Conservative simultaneously.
Tebbit’s view on the EU is far closer to that of Farage and UKIP than it is to Cameron and his version of the Tory party.
Despite his election promise of controlling and reducing immigration, ‘Car moron’ has failed yet again. Or is he treating the British people with contempt and ‘turning a blind eye’?
Is he nothing better than public school educated car salesman?
Once again, over to you essexman ……………………….
See you keep ,putting up BBC stuff , to make your point, the shower we all hate. You can`t want them terminated ,if you keep showing their so called “news”. How very strange. Our Norman does not vote Labour or Ukip either , he has a different take on today`s party , but we are in different times.
No , the Conservatives are a broad Church , all views are welcome . Unlike other parties , obsessed with , green stuff , the EU , & being PC , you can guess which parties favour those subjects.
I admire Sir Norman, I also admire Essexman for his tenacity in defending the Tory party, but they are both blindly following something that is no longer what they think it is.
Akin to driving a Jaguar, Bentley, Rolls Royce or MG thinking they are driving something resoundly British, when in reality they’re driving something Indian, German or Chinese….
As I have been saying for quite sometime (re’ article linked), but to pinch the famous BBC Radio 4 line, “some have been saying that this year in G.B. it has been the hottest ‘eva”, well maybe not BBC!
Maybe the BBC mean “Hottest year ‘eva” at a position 25 meters from the north side of runway 09L at Heathrow when an A380 powers up to clear the end of the runway? Yeah, that’ll do it!
The usual fusillade of clichee and platitude on Any Questions. Bombing alone is futile. Recruiting sergeant. Plan. Blah blah
I suppose not bombing Germany from the outbreak of war until the D-Day Landings was part of the cunning master strategy.
Imagine anyone, let alone politicians, coming out with the “bombing won’t work” shtick. They would have been locked up in a loony bin.
George Bell, Bishop of Chichester opposed the policy of bombing Germany. He was supported by a couple of Labour MPs, Richard Stokes and Alfred Salter. Luckily for the rest of us they were ignored.
Of course if the employees of the wartime BBC had the same mindset as the current lot there would have been daily broadcasts of interviews with Bomber Command crews asking them if they felt safer because they were going out night after night to bomb targets in Germany. The words “For your tomorrow we gave out today” have no meaning for the BBC of 2015.
Having done their bit for Obama’s gun control objective and hinted at a link between the anti abortion campaign and the Colorado shooting the BBC may back off this story which, if what is emerging can be verified.
It seems that the shooter has a record of traffic violations, cruelty to animals, and was registered as a woman.
This is not going to sit well with the BBC.
Like the left media in the US the BBC might have been too quick off the mark
It was coming up for half five so I turned the goggle box on to catch up on the news, in a moment of madness I selected BBC news. The very first item I see is about a young black female bi sexual boxer, what, couldn’t make it up? Straight off again. Somebody must be trying to ruin the BBC, or are they just pushing their luck to see how much people will take?
Remember I the Friday before last I asked the BBc if they had verified the story about abuse to a member of the cult of peace and understanding what I thought would be a fairly simple exercise… “Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.
In order to use the licence fee efficiently we may not investigate every issue if it does not suggest a substantive breach of guidelines, or may send the same reply to everyone if others have complained about the same issue. You can read full details of our complaints procedures and how we consider the issues raised in feedback at In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints team” I’m still waiting for a response
Some Labour moderates now believe a Ukip win in Oldham West and Royton next Thursday would be for the best – because it could force a leadership coup
The headline journalists will be looking for in next week’s Oldham West and Royton by-election is a Ukip victory. Such a catastrophic failure by Jeremy Corbyn to pass his first test at the polls would be a political commentator’s dream come true.
Labour figures who know the constituency agree two things will secure them victory in Oldham: support within the area’s Pakistani and Bangladeshi community and, in Jim McMahon, a well-known local candidate with no Corbyn connotations.
So in other words Labour is relying on its gerrymandering through mass immigration ! You can bet despite the Mirror Group Newspapers reporting this the BBC which is even further to the left will not do.
UKIP opened at 5-1 a few weeks back for Oldham West and Royton – and where-by now they’ve been shortened to 9-4 and 2-1, they’re still not really close enough, because of the high Islamic saturation of Oldham West……Labour/Islamic win…Corbyn slithers on I reckon – and the Comrades of the BBC breathe a sigh of relief..
Nothing returned for a BBC search on Robert Barnes the murdered man in the article, the US press side steps any mention of the race of killers and victim, a cynic may suggest that there are an awful lot of coincidental reporting omissions, worldwide, whenever this type of incident happens.
SF: “Balzac said a man should weaken the will and strength of a woman by tiring her out under the load of constant work so that she has no energy left to cause trouble.”
Bill Bailey: “he was an early founder of UKIP.”
Fuck me, that’s tired. Maybe, he should have a word with Suzanne Evans or Diane James. Of course, this being QI there’s already been an anti-Thatcher reference and an anti-Tory one and we’re barely halfway through. I’ll report back if there’s an anti-Labour reference. I don’t expect to be reporting back.
Lefty historians have seen to it that they’ll still be slagging off Thatcher in 2079, yet the shit that happened between 1997 and 2010 will be conveniently forgotten…
Looks like the 2 degree mantra is going to be pushed in a similar fashion to the quasi scientific bollocks that produced the “5 a day” marketing scam, keep repeating ad nauseum and hey presto it becomes a scientifically proven fact.
And easily excused by a patently absurd attempt at claiming all sides are equally upset, so they must be on average getting it about right. Apparently.
“”Observers say that the recent terror attacks on the French capital will increase the chances of a new agreement””. (Who’s an Observer? Some say? There are those who say?).
“”While many leaders including Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping were always set to attend this conference, the recent violent attacks in Paris have encouraged others to come in an expression of solidarity with the French people”” (Why should solidarity with terrorism create agreement on Climate Change??).
“”Delegates are in little doubt that the shadow cast over the city by the attacks will enhance the chances of agreement”” (Where’s the evidence for both this statement and Climate Change?).
“”A former UK government adviser on climate change and now chairman of environmental think tank E3G, Tom Burke, believes that some leaders will push the line that, by tackling rising temperatures, you remove one of the causes of terrorism” (Ok…so, as the world gets cooler, guns will be put down and we all become friends and lovers. I now get it. Silly me for being so slow).
What an absolutely lazy piece of unsubstantiated journalism. Oh, it’s the BBC. Left Wing and supportive of Climate Change. And no questions asked. Not even…there are those who say that the evidence against Climate Change contradicts those claiming vast salaries and and equally vast subsidies.
As a supposedly professional media organisation these practices need to have the spotlight shone directly at them.
The headline and entire premise is based yet again on a BBC reporter’s Santa wish list converted into ‘news’, backed by BBC mystery sources that an FoI would doubtless find were protected by ‘purposes of’ exemptions. ‘Observers’ doubtless currently making a brew in the rec room down from the cubicle gardens.
Yet it seems now to form the basis of the BBC bringing truth unto power.
The propaganda is very crude, but as was the case in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany can still be very effective. The dilemma facing the globalists is thus: having determined a solution (world government) it is then necessary to produce a problem to justify it. For much of the 20th Century the problem was the threat of war; however, the disadvantage of this is that it is a rather negative subject, inherently unpopular, plus ultimately war is very good as business and for business. The replacement ‘problem’ is bogus environmentalism, first suggested in the Iron Mountain report of 1967 (see and which happily dove-tailed into the hippy counter-culture of the 1960s. The rest, as they say, is history.
That’s an interesting interview DS.
My take on it…..apart from being able to inform KL that Nigeria is already part of the coalition ( is it? Really?)
All he did was talk over Ken’s attempts to answer the Q’s.
Now I dont for one second think that Ken’s motivation has much to do with the future of a UK as it is now, he’s a slippery traitor, in so many respects as we all are aware.
But, and it’s a big but, in this interview he states the truth.
Boulton simply trots out the liberal lefty mantra that fits almost all the MSM today.
He sees the FSA as a benevolent movement fighting for truth and democracy…some kind of male WI …
Kens view being that all of those groupings being just as savage as ISIS.
I’d recommend Boulton pokes his fat arse out amongst some of them in Western Syria and see how long his head remains attached.
The following is a copy of a letter that appeared in the Independent…
To the people of Europe and the world: welcome to the reality that we in Israel have been dealing with for a very long time, the scourge of Islamic terrorism.
You will have to get used to guards at the entrance to every restaurant, concert and public venue. At every bus and train station there are armed guards to check all luggage and pat people down and ask questions: “Where are you from? Where are you going?”
And at great expense we have had to build a security fence (mistakenly called a “wall”) that encircles the so-called West Bank, in order to stop the easy access of Arab terrorists. Some European countries (Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria) have done the same to stem the flood of Muslim migrants fleeing from the Syrian civil war and from camps in Turkey and Lebanon.
Yet, we in Israel have managed to retain a vibrant and active democracy, effectively under war conditions. This international threat of Islamic terrorism will have to be faced. The UN Security Council resolution introduced by France and passed unanimously, calling on all countries to cooperate in that fight, is a step in the right direction. But, where is the leadership of the USA? Sadly it is lacking.
Latest strategy by Muslims to bypass immigration quotas. They claim Indian Restaurants (not many are) are having to close down because of a lack of chefs. They want the Government to change the rules so more chefs can be brought in from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Well how many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are unemployed and claiming Benefits? How many of their women work in the restaurants? They have to use the over supply of that resource already in this country and train these people. It does not take long to learn to cook restaurant curries.
Bringing in endless numbers of Bangladeshi “chefs” is a scam that has been running for decades now. Most of them are not chefs anyway – but the papers can be fiddled. Most of the people who have been admitted are only fit for kitchen-porter work.
Why doesn’t Theresa May order a check on exactly how many have been admitted so far ? There have been enough of them to staff every “Indian” restaurant many times over ! And the count of unemployed male Bangladeshis in Tower Hamlets, for example, would hugely exceed the number of current vacancies right across London. That’s before counting the abysmally low economically-active female population. Let alone the monstrous idea of employing/training white staff for the “Indian” restaurant industry, which runs the most effective racial discrimination practices imaginable.
Exactly, are ‘Indian’ restaurant owners incapable of training their own chefs? Isn’t it racist to make ethnicity a requirement for employment in our multi-culti paradise? Even with the most ‘liberal’ interpretation of a restaurant’s employment requirements for a chef then there must be many candidates available locally. Are these jobs that unemployed moslems living in Britain don’t want to do?
It’s also a case of supply and demand. Less people are eating in ‘Indian’ restaurants these days as other sources of Indian food are available viz. ready made meals are available in supermarkets and the raw ingredients are far more readily available in urban areas for home cooks. There is also increased competition from other restaurant types such as Thai and large Italian-style chains. It’s a classic case of over-supply and shrinking demand.
Our patronage of certain establishments has certainly been governed by health and safety, hygiene and other grounds, ironically many pumped out by the BBC.
The folk who concoct the ordure served up in most “Indian” restaurants shouldn’t be described as “chefs” anyway, whether they were bred here or are imported from the Third World.
Yes, basically the bulk of the cooking in a typical “Indian” restaurant is a set of large pots kept hot – with the standard dishes – all of which are essentially curry-flavoured stews, all the ingredients mixed together. And the menu stays the same, year in, year out. There is very little real skill compared to, say, a kitchen in an Italian restaurant where the fish or meat items are cooked individually to order.
Keith Vaz has tried that one twice. Claimed a shortage of 30,000 Bangladeshi chefs; problem for him was the unemployment figures showed about that number of unemployed Bangladeshis were registered as chefs!
Most of them work either wholly or partly off the books anyway; those on the books will receives recorded wages up to a certain level, be paid the rest in cash and claim benefits!
Only about 50% on average of restaurant receipts will go through the books. If you have paid VAT on your bill and it is not declared then that is theft.
Osborne is determined to close some 1700 local tax offices, there go the eyes and ears of local staff who are more likely to know the fraudulent businesses in their own area and be able to act, than someone in an inner city office 100 miles away.
Hopes are raised for the Paris deal, says the BBC headline. Whose hopes? Along with many others throughout the world I don’t want a deal. I want them to come to their senses. My main hope is that the mad muslims do not initiate violence, and that it pisses down with rain on the Green protestors outside.
What a mixed up and scewed world the BBC live in.
All doom and gloom on climate change but nothing on the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet.
Promote law and order but bash the police for stopping and searching blacks but nothing on the colour of people who commit most crime.
Conveniently ignore the correlation between London Boroughs with the most crime and those with the most BAME.
Bash the government for addressing immigration but actively promote and champion those who illegally enter our country.
Bleat on about endangered species but ignore the blacks who eat them all.
Bash the Mayor of London because he is not black like all the rest of London council members.
Promote women and women’s rights but at the same time promote and support muslim terrorists who rape and enslave them and ‘ordinary’ muslims who want Sharia law in the UK.
Bleat on about female genital mutilation but support the muslims who practice it.
You only have to look at one episode of Eastenders to see what a depressing view the BBC have of life.
And another thing.
If it’s going to rain or be windy, just say so. Ordinary people will understand.
There is no need for yellow warnings or any other colour for that matter.
We know what wind and rain looks like.
Thank you nanny beeb.
Interesting who all media, usually so keen to follow up on deeds behind words, have gone very quiet on various vocal claims by various pols and luvvies in this regard.
Don’t know what the delay is, but if one ever does decide to do so, one can bet the vetting process will be long, arduous and thorough, and see one single mother doctor and her aspiring footballer daughters eventually on a one month trial period whilst the nanny is away and her rooms can be used.
I love that, that is really funny.
On a more serious note, there is a big difference between housing a family of refugees and paying ALL their ongoing expenses and costs for say 10 years.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
The BBC is actually starting to look a bit isolated in the global warming debate (apart from their print arm at The Grauniad) judging by the number of lukewarm and sceptical articles that are starting to appear in the MSM. Underling Matt McGrath has even had to go into print to inform us that public concern about global warming has declined since Copenhagen. No sh*t Sherlock.
Roger Harrabin must be getting very annoyed that an ungrateful public appears to be ignoring his propaganda machine. At what point will the BBC realise it is time to cut and run? As the jobs of the entire staff of the BBC’s climate department(science qualifications almost nil) depend on scaremongering it might still be some time before Harrabin and co are asked to leave quietly but it must surely happen.
They will not be missed.
Unfortunately, there is far too much dosh to be made on the global warming bandwagon for it to just fizzle out.
There’s another round of pointless grandstanding due to start next week, where no doubt there will be more calls for penalizing taxes in Europe (‘cos we’re white and colonialist and stuff..).
Take a look at this mean-looking old cow. Typical product of the bent UN..
Sadly, while it is partly about money, it is probably even more about enforcing an deluded, romantic, pastoralist version of socialism on the world. The Hobbit meets Das Kapital.
I wish I could share your optimism, SJ.
As long as the UN, the EU, the vast majority of world leaders (including our own – so much for common sense Conservatism), ruthless propaganda machines like the BBC, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc., entire education systems and university research bodies, scientific institutions (including our own Royal Society) and hidden-from-view subversive organisations such as Common Purpose and The Club of Rome, are determined to ram the ‘climate change’ agenda through to its catastrophic conclusion (with their arrogant self-certitude growing daily beyond measure), what chance does anybody else stand?
You are probably right. Ah well, we all have our dreams.
Whittingdale has launched an independent review of the BBC’s governance and regulation by Sir David Clementi. Sir David has been asked to make proposals, taking account of the responses to the BBC Charter Review consultation, in relation to the model of governance and regulation of the BBC, the specific mechanisms of governance, regulation and the way in which the BBC engages with complainants. It will issue the report in early 2016.
Initial Investigations into the Editorial Complaints Unit of the BBC show that Colin Tregear, the Editorial Complaints Unit, Complaints Director was appointed by the BBC because it needed an expert to combat a barrage of complaints about its censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, Tregear was once the Project Director at the BBC Weather Centre.
As for the BBC being “isolated in the global warming debate”. One of the most bizarre pieces of evidence for this isolation from the influence of causational climate scientists, that Lord Hall would dread being asked about, is this observation.
“Surprisingly the most blatantly biased statement by the BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact”; the IPCC using an assumption says ‘likely’ and the BBC, which claims to be impartial, says ‘fact’. This also does not come from the Royal Society. This evidence proves that the BBC takes a more extremely biased view than the IPCC or the Royal Society and conflicts with the BBC Trusts claim that impartiality is important.”
Richard as one of few sane scientists we see criticizing this insanity is it not time that the many highly qualified among you launched a campaign to counter this.
In the last open thread was a report from a Texas conference;
These are “real scientists” unlike the glorified geologist Jones from the nothing UEA.
This little lark is already starting to do serious damage to the West and when the lights go out the game is up. Its time for you to raise your voices in opposition to dispute this insanity with facts.
I’ve never watched it but I know ‘Cuffs’ has had some luke warm (to put it mildly) reviews hereabouts
Can’t say I’ll bother to find out, however, I would be fascinated to see how the BBC cover this story
Ashley Walters has denied calling a hotel receptionist a ‘white bitch’.
The TV star and former So Solid Crew member has been accused of racially abusing the Hilton Islington staff member and threatening her manager.
Walters, who currently plays PC Ryan Draper in the BBC drama Cuffs, appeared at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on three charges of using threatening, abusive or insulting language with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress.
A BBC on-line search only brings up a guest appearance on the One Show, the episodes of Cuffs and at the bottom of the BBC page a few coy links to the story from other outlets – dismissed at not news with the rather disclaiming phrase ‘elsewhere on the web’
Oh, there’s also his “BBC Artist” page, enjoy
I reckon that if the situation had of been reversed and one, of the lets say ‘more indigenous’ ‘stars’ had said the reverse to a ‘non indigenous’ staff member, the BBC would have the series pulled, or the very least his scenes edited out and it would be career over for said ‘star’.
And of course the Twitterati would be baying for his blood.
And there was me thinking the gun toting gangsta was such a nice boy.
I actually thought cuffs was a spoof programme like the office.
In the first episode ALL the bad people were whiteys, the thugs on the beach, the gang attacking the Pakistani lad and all the other baddies.
ALL the victims were our enrichers.
They have gays, (white) paedophile, Moslem female policewoman, white detective with dirty secrets, unfit white cop, super fit enrichers cops.
I didn’t spot a disabled character but all the other boxes were ticked.
The overbearing message was white is everything bad, the rest were angelic.
I put this on the bbc points of view board but it was censored and hidden almost immediately.
Ashley Walters ends up in court on 3 charges of assault and abusive behaviour. BBC does nothing.
Ola Jordan reveals a few home truths on the producing of Strictly, and is booted off the programme with the promise she will not darken the doors of the BBC again, EVER.
That’s odd, I could have sworn I googled ‘BBC Executive Level’.
I never read the Guardian-but this is breathtaking.
And sums up in total all that the scummards of the Left think.
Note the Swedish Green Party(Asa Romson)…think that the Paris murders of 130 would only make the job of the Climate Change nutellas “that much harder” in the coming week.
Poor Andrew is happy to consign Sweden to the fires of heel, as long as he can imagine no borders and social justice for all.
Sorry you Godless oaf-Acts 17.26 ordains borders as Gods creation-not to be removed by the f***in liberal elite like Monnet, Macmillan, Heath, Heseltine and Clarke.
Benn, Powell and Crow were united in THAT anyway-sod the EU.
Wouldn’t it be great if this site actually worked? Nearly 100 attempts to open this page ! If it’s not coming up with proxy issues, it’s site programming errors !
And before anyone tells me it’s a problem at my end, this is the only site I use which does this.
Honestly Thoughtful, I access this site both using my iPad and my aged Toshiba computer with Windows 2007 and Chrome and I don’t have a problem. Now Notasheep’s blog is a different matter where on the iPad it crashes after about 20 seconds (improves my speed reading no end).
Can’t say I have any problems, from a variety of devices. But Breitbart… that’s another matter. Especially on a tablet where Android seizes up completely on occasion.
Agreed, Bretibart’s awful. Shame, as I’d quite like to use it more.
Sometimes, very rarely, this site crashes, but it works well on Google Chrome. But you are right about Breibart, which seizes up and gets filled with ads.
I use Firefox and never a problem with anything. Mind you I only use a PC.
Five Live this morning and John Pienaar discusses the Oldham by-election and the chances of UKIP winning it from the Trots.
From 02:44.30
To be fair to Pienaar he pulls no punches as to how far up shit creek Labour is – “no certainty whatever”, “look at the state of Labour”, “can they hang on?”.
But before us Kippers get our hopes up, best have a quick word with Alex Carey, a reporter with the Oldham Chronicle.
Whilst he assures us it will be close and the majority will be slashed, Pienaar goes on to remind us that there is a big “Asian” presence in Oldham and a good many Muslim voters;
And Carey is in absolutely no doubt what that means;
And there, good ladies and Gentlemen of England, is a taste of many, many elections to come.
Who votes Labour?
Those on benefits, public sector workers, non-whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive and the counter productive.
Which is why the treasonous new Labour scum imported the loveable Koranic crackpots in their millions.
And this is where Corbyn’s reluctance to bomb Isis will secure a Labour victory in Oldham. The imported Labour voters don’t want their comrades in Syria bombed.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
The BBC should indeed be destroyed – the sooner the better
This is why I sincerely believe that the Labour Party is an organised conspiracy against the British people. The Krays died in prison, and they didn’t cause a tiny fraction of the damage the Labour Party has done to Britain over the years.
Jaw dropping insight into the lunacy of Swedens Political elite. As their cities burn and their women are raped, the Swedish deputy Prime Minister actually cries that she can’t impose more of her lunacy on her people.
It’s really shocking that she just cannot accept what she has done has been an unmitigated disaster, and as I said, even were she to be dangling upside down from a lamppost she still wouldn’t have the slightest doubt she might be wrong.
The only place for people like that is in secure hospitals.
I completely agree with your diagnosis. Stark, staring mad.
Here’s the key:
The changes announced on Tuesday were particularly difficult for the Social Democrats’ junior coalition partner, the Green party, seen as the most refugee-friendly of Sweden’s main political parties. The Greens’ deputy prime minister, Åsa Romson, broke into tears as she announced the measures.
What the Guardian chooses to omit is the fact the Green Party is the most refugee-friendly of any party in ANY COUNTRY, and that includes the UK. In fact it’s worse than that, they favour the complete dismantling of borders – EVERYWHERE.
I do wonder about the mental state of these people. Why do they think that Sweden is Sweden, and Syria is Syria? Do they think that if the population of Sweden becomes increasingly Syrian, the Syrians will behave like Swedes? Why should they, and anyway, wouldn’t that be culturally imperialist? So logically, one must conclude that they hate their own country so much that they want it to be like Syria. It’s an old saying, but never truer: the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Watch out for a youngish German- Bjorn Hocke. In the old East. He is a superb speaker and to my mind one of the new men we neeed in Europe. His latest speech in Erfurt is excellent.
Dangerous times alwys bring new people to the fore.
Dave S – Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
In much the same way a stopped clock is right twice a day, here is an example that even the BBC can still sometimes broadcast funny and apolitical comedy
What a shame his total twat of a brother, Jeremy Vine, still receives close on a million pounds a year to broadcast his biased, left-wing garbage every weekday on Radio 2 (apart from school holidays of course, when he is given paid holidays with his family and has fatty Vanessa Feltz doing an admirable job of sitting in for him and broadcasting biased, left-wing garbage)
He’s not funny.
Ta for this-Tim Vine is great IMHO.
A Doddy for the new generation…how his brother got to be such a plinth, I don`t know…
Is the European project falling apart?, asks Gavin Hewitt. Rather bravely, it’s been thrown open for answers. Do go ahead.
I’ve obviously told one home truth too many because my comment didn’t even appear before “awaiting moderation” while others piled on in front. Looks like I’m on the naughty step.
Never mind, Roland, there’s quite a few of us already on the BBC’s naughty step!
I have noticed that they have dropped ‘The Editors Choice ‘ for HYS.
The BBC commitment to trust and transparency writ large… so long as you are on the correct list?
A unique form of integrity indeed.
First they moderate you…
Then they expedite you…
Dubious precedent.
I see I eventually got off the naughty step. Not before my comment was several clicks away, so job done I guess.
Amazingly, considering the top rankers, still active.
How the Fascists manage to tie themselves in knots of their own making and then when exposed, lie about what they’ve done, because they’re embarrassed by their own stupidity.
Like Germaine Greer with her ‘transgender’ views, like the lefty comedienne who has been banned from the ‘safe space’ of a university because of her opinions on ‘sex workers’, the schaudenfraude is joyously overwhelming when these people get a dose of their own lefty medicine.
Don’t they understand the principle of ‘Freedom of speech and expression as long as they fit with my world view’ that the Left in general and activist zealots in particular thrive on?
The experiences they complain about are simply the inevitable progressions of that principle. Now they know how UKIP, Gert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Nigel Lawson, Jim Davidson, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy, Robin Page etc etc etc feel.
But then again, probably not.
“cultural appropriation”
**** them.
Nobody seems to have a problem appropriating Western technology, industry and science.
Time for some very large reparation claims.
A short while ago I included in a post – on a discussion about payday loans, I think it was – how the BBC are very clever at inviting proxy agenda-pushers into the studio. One of the examples I gave was some charity woman who forcefully opined that we should not ‘sit in moral judgement’ of a single mother who had borrowed £1000 (which she didn’t have a cat in hell’s chance of repaying) so that she and her children could have a ‘fantastic’ Christmas, which included her own Christmas ‘dos’.
This agenda of ‘non-judgementalism’, which helps fuel not only the Left’s target culture of nobody ever being responsible for their own actions (they can only ever be victims) – unless they are bankers, greedy capitalists or holders of right-wing views – but also an ‘anything goes’, 68-er ‘progressive’ view of parenting, is aired regularly on the BBC with scarcely a challenge. It will be familiar to any long-term observer of BBC bias and narrative-pushing.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I read this morning that parents’ concerns that a proposed 9pm finish time for Cbeebies could disrupt the evening bedtime routine of their children, the BBC respond sharply by pointing out that it’s a parental responsibility to hit the ‘off’ switch on their TV at the time they think is appropriate for their kids.
Well, to most of us that might be straight out of the Common Sense Guide to Parenting (Not BBC Publications) but it’s a little bit rich coming from the BBC, especially when it’s plainly in defence of a commercial proposition. A double dose of hypocrisy, in fact.
The Left and BBC used to criticise Mrs Thatcher’s government for its ‘Victorian values’, but the Blair & Brown regimes put the clocks back decades and in some instances centuries. The rise of the pay day loan companies – who makes the loan sharks of previous generations look like philanthropists – is but one example. There was also the Gangmaster legislation, like something straight out of the 19th Century, designed to address problems associated with that century that they had reintroduced (Morecambe cockle disaster). To say nothing of industrial-scale sexual exploitation of young girls in Rotherham and elsewhere – another throwback to Victorian times. Perhaps the BBC considers these things to be examples of ‘progressive thinking’. Or there again, maybe they are hoping that poor single mothers can be persuaded to take out loans to pay for the TV licence.
At least the Victorians put up decent buildings. We just have rubbish like the Walkie-Talkie and the Cheesegrater.
And Buy-to-Let, which exploded under Labour, which creates a big property-owning landlord class that exploits a tenant class.
Back in the early 70’s (when you had to know your valuing ‘stuff’, and in the days before the white sock brigade took over) – I was an estate agent. Right to Buy your council house was the order of the day, and in their tens of thousands, many did. Despite being ‘in the business’ I went against the grain of buying council homes, because the councils never replaced them ! I foresaw the time back then, when future generations would never have a home to live in because of this new ‘Right’. Guess what, it came true. On the continent there is less of a ‘home owning psyche’ than we Brits have, – I know of a Consultant in a Swiss Hospital who rents, and never considers buying his own home; the same with French friends too; why we have got this home owning mentality defeats me, if we didn’t it would ensure every generation had a roof over their head.
BBC attacks multi-culturalism!
The BBC have allowed a scathing attack on multi-culturalism. It consists of a critical examination of Belgium, which has been revealed as a major hub of Islamic extremism in Europe and the home to many of those wanted in connection with terrorist attacks. A number of factors are cited, but the failings of multi-culturalism are to the fore:
Belgium has seen the creation of a complex accumulation of institutions, because of a series of compromises between its two main language groups and also as a result of political parties catering for their own interests.
The Belgian federation is composed of communities and regions. The three communities correspond to the country’s language groups – the Flemish community, the French community and the German-speaking community. Then there is the Flemish region, the Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon region.
In other words, what results when the concept of nation is replaced by the concept of ‘community’. Although a reasonable article, it doesn’t mention the other factor: Belgium is home to the crazed Eurocrats, who do not care for nations at all but the bogus concept of the European supra-national ‘state’ – people who pose far more of a threat than the nut-jobs being lined up as cannon fodder for Russian bombers in Syria.
Still, it’s a start, BBC. See
Read Michel Houellebecq’s ‘Submission’.
Absolutely a ‘1984’ for our times.
“Belgium has seen the creation of a complex accumulation of institutions, because of a series of compromises between its two main language groups and also as a result of political parties catering for their own interests.”
I may be over-analysing here but I see this as a critique of the mode of its implementation rather than a critique of multicult per-se….
Few here will be surprised by these tweets
but see who they are by.
Maybe things can get better?
Maybe the BBC could dig a little bit deeper than this
“There is also the simple fact that a quarter of the electorate in Oldham West and Royton is largely Pakistani and Bagladeshi in origin, communities that have a long tradition here of voting Labour.
Even the Tories admit these groups are efficient at organising their postal votes and getting their people out to polling stations on the day.”
Are we fooling ourselves that UKIP can win? Expect a Labour win with a 110% postal vote turnout.
UKIP will at least shock Labour – odds for UKIP have narrowed from 8 to 1 a fortnight ago to almost 2 to one now. The Tory odds have widened to 150 to 1 indicating a lot more ex-Tories voting for UKIP UKIP’s campaign is focussed heavily on Corbyn – they have now produced a “Wanted – Dangerous” leaflet with his mugshot and a warning that he poses a danger to us.
The trouble is, a really bad result for Labour might precipitate immediate revolt in the Parliamentary Labour Party against Corbyn – he is seen as toxic. But I would prefer Corbyn soldiers on, digging Labour deeper into the mire.
“But I would prefer Corbyn soldiers on, digging Labour deeper into the mire. ”
Old Chinese proverb :-
“Confucious , he say – when 6ft down, stop digging.”
I’ve just ebayed 200 shovels to Mr Corbyn. Better value than my £3.00 to vote for him.
I hate Labour with a passion. But I want them to win in Oldham.
If UKIP win that Labour safe seat, Labour will surely have an internal coup and rid itself of JC. I don’t want to see that. At least not yet.
Jez is doing a great job of destroying the Labour party from within, along with his front bench cohorts of seventies spartists like Abbott and McDonnel and second raters like Powell, Burnham, Eagle etc (actually Diane Abbot is a seventies spartist AND second rate…way to go girl!).
A tight win for Labour with UKIP’s moral boosted by a close second. That’s what I want.
I genuinely believe it was and is the best £3 I ever spent! I’ve been invited to the local Labour party’s barbecue!
A dismaying number of voters I met in Oldham today can’t speak English despite living there a decade or more. But they’re voting Labour.
Perhaps Labour were ahead of the game and provided a translation service for their manifesto, or even interpreters at gender-segregated political rallies.
“Even the Tories admit these groups are efficient at organising their postal votes ”
Typical naivety on behalf of Lazy Davy who MUST know about the problems with the postal vote system reducing Britain’s ‘democracy’ to that of a Banana republic, but who is simply too lazy and ineffective to do anything about it.
In Oldham it is not Tory naivety. They do not have a chance, and as far as Dave is concerned it is better to have a pro EU Labour victory than UKIP. Hence, the postal voting is best left alone to secure a Labour victory
You know, he probably really is that cynical.
Note that Roger Boltons liberal guilt-fest ” Feedback” is digging up the case of Iain Lee, who attacked some Christian pastor for daring to read from the bible in a prison chapel, in connection with Gods views on homosexuality.
Lee`s “interview” of the pastor, and the solicitor from Christian Concern were a disgrace-abusive, ignorant and bullying know all Lee was totally clueless re the Bible…but that didn`t stop him abusing and shouting over his “guests”
And this was a local radio piece of nastiness, so hardly a national cause is it?
I mean…Luton and Tommy Robinson and the Islamic terror arising doesn`t make Boltons sandbox does it?- why then does he raise THIS case again?
Anybody else see a hope that they`ll be the “Wind Beneath His Wings”?…and “Raise Him Up?”…as they did for Jools Holland, Russell Brand and other nasty “bad boys in the right cause”?
Like Huhne/Pryce-Yentob, Batmanghedghli and Savile for that matter?
Boltons puff piece was crap-as per-but it`s the fact that they highlight THIS virtuous shaft at the Church…but leave Islam out of it of course…but there was no Bolton Resurrection Hopes for Alex Dyke at Solent a few months ago..or the old cove who plaayed the “racist” Sun has got his hat on” on Radio Devon.
Funny that- a breast feeding bit of nonsense or a racist word in the fifth verse are hanging offences-and no reprieves-but Lee was shafting Christians…which the BBC and Feedback lickspittle rather approve of.
Agenda sitting and liberal squatting and grooming from the BBC..Blowback, Blowhard, Feedbag, Flaghag?…take your pick…but I only wish we could bring in Robert Robinson and the combover smarmies-or even the appalling Barry Took (Cyril Fletcher with extra velvet oil)-over Roger the Bodger Belchup.
I heard that, and the worst part of it was that all Iain Lee wanted to do was to attack the Christian interviewee. He never listened to the answers, was rude bullying intimidating and overbearing – a typical Fascist. I can bet if challenged his forthright condemnation of the Bibles mild condemnation of the homosexual act (amongst others) and pointed out that Islam demands the death of Gay people outright, Lee would have clammed up and refused to condemn Islam – knowing he would have been instantly sacked if he had.
This is waysicm it is Fascism and it is unacceptable.
“Bible’s mild condemnation”
That is not factually accurate.
5 hrs ·
“You’re not welcome at our shows if you’re one of these blokes,” says Isaac from Slaves.
Slaves vow to stop gigs if they see groping in crowd
And in that time it garnered… one comment. Frankly that is a surprise. Vital.
Well as a veteran of live music events since 1977 what a load. Unless they are playing in a telephone box which is fairly likely judging from this You won’t see much in a crowd from the stage. In all the years and the hundreds of bands I’ve never seen any gropeing or heard anyone complain about it most of the years my partner has been with me. “They stop if something is happening in a crowd” again I’ve seen very few physical conflicts most involve a bit of shoving. Exactly why these talent vacuums have had newsround pick them up I’m unsure they seem to be from the Zodiac Mindwarp & the Love Reaction school of songwriting. If you don’t get that reference basically it means everything they do sounds the same ok start shouting on 3 1..2..3..
Oh looks like Peace are s***e as well
That’s a blast from the past. I bought the singles for ‘Prime Mover’ and ‘Backstreet Education’ while back at school. I was probably about 13 at the time. The other thing I will always remember was that the guitarist was called Cobalt Stargazer which was kinda cool. Zodiac was from somewhere like Bradford but for some reason spoke in an American accent. I think I might dig them old singles out and give em a spin.
Zodiac Mindwarp
Flash Bastard
Cobalt Stargazer
Trash D Garbage
Slam Thunderhide
Saw them support Motorhead when Zodiac wore a Paisley Patterned Nazi Helmet and a Fox Stole sewn onto his black leather jacket.
Here I am using the moniker Doyle when I could have used any of them. I didn’t think it out clearly enough.
In case anyone is not aware of the work of Zodiac Mindwarp & the love reaction
I somehow don’t imagine they would ever appear with the darlings of newsround.
The BBC asks “Does the UK have a problem with whiplash?”
I wonder what could be behind the regional variations?
Hmmm I wonder as well. Maybe if I think about it an answer may come to me. There are certain places where I leave more than a normal distance between myself and other cars especially if I spot certain persons driving just in case they randomly jam their brakes full on as happened with a transit in front of me not that long ago.
I think there might be two explanations behind these ‘hot spots’ but the BBC would need full time journalists and a news budget to have any hope of finding out.
A friend who works in insurance told me his company became suspicious when they had a raft of whiplash claims from Blackburn, all the claimants seemed to live in the same corner shop in one of the more culturally enriched parts of town. Odd that. It’s almost as if Muslims despise us, and consider insurance fraud part of the jizzya the dhimmis must pay their overlords. Surely not? A multicultural society is vibrant and exciting, I’m sure David Cameron told me that from behind his ring of armed guards.
Will Self has been straying dangerously off message during his ‘Self Drives’ series. As a physics graduate I have tuned in to his programme about James Clerk Maxwell in the hope of hearing an intelligent discourse about a scientist whose achievements receive far less credit and attention than they deserve. The programme is quirky but contains very little scientific meat. However, what I have enjoyed is Will Self’s criticism of the Tesla Volt car that has been used as the mode of transport. Scathing doesn’t come close to describing what he has said. Apparently, out of a journey of over 600 miles, the hybrid piece of crap managed one mile on battery power. Oh dear, would that be this Tesla Volt:
I think young Master Self will be getting a summons to Headmaster Harrabin’s office.
Still, he did manage to find time to reinforces his position as the most pretentious broadcaster in Britain. Though I suspect he will only achieve runner-up status in ‘The Ugliest voice on radio’ to the vile Jo Brand.
The BBC News says that the Kiwi Queen (Lowell Goddard-strange name for a Sheila eh?) will be investigating 12 Institutions involved with the Child Abuse Enquiry.
Let`s hope that the BBC and the NHS are two of them, given that Savile was running amok in both-and plenty BBC staff were happy to wipe the prints in return for a salary.
And for the real and present danger of Islam-any chance of the Mosques and Multiculti officers getting a visit ?
Or will we be looking up George Bells long-pegged out cassock, or if Pope Pauls handbag holder had DBS clearance instead?
Pound to apenny that Islam, the BBC and NHS will not be included-but Cliff Richards old church elders will be feeling the full force of a stable door closing to protect the REAL perps…most of who are in the three “Institutions” that Noelle Gordon will turn a selective eye away from.
We need a cheaper Savile Enquiry don`t we?
Islam is considered a race rather than an institution or even religion so gets a free pass.
“Woman admits racist rant on bus which saw her brand Muslim women ‘ISIS b******’ in north west London”
“Joseph, of Willesden Green, admitted causing racially aggravated distress at Hendon Magistrates’ Court today after telling police the attack was a “lapse” and had been “taken out of context”.
“Pair jailed for Edinburgh’s Central Mosque bacon attack”
“Cruickshank changed his plea to guilty after racial aggravation was deleted from the indictment.”
“Election candidate arrested over Churchill speech”
“He was further arrested on suspicion of religious/racial harassment.”
And of course ProMo set such a fine example.
It’s amazing, isn’t it, that plod can turn up mob handed because a bloke’s making a speech and yet thousands of girls are groomed and raped and it’s “um, no sorry, we didn’t see anything”.
Freedom of speech used to be one of the great tenets of British democracy. I remember the old adage, “I disagree with what you say but I shall defend to the death your right to say it”…or words to that effect. Nowadays it’s “Not only do I disagree with what you’re saying, I’m also going to stop you saying it.”
It’s unhealthy and it’s certainly undemocratic.
Just had R4 Now Show on while making tea, not heard it for a while. Why are they so obsessed about the Daily Mail? Trying to mock it for things they can imagine it reporting, rather than what it has actually reported.
Obsession with the Daily Mail seems to be a leftie trait, why is that?
The Now Show is unusual for BBC comedy in that it hasn’t suffered the drop in quality of just about every other BBC production. It started off as wholly unfunny lefty ranting sh*te and been consistent in its output ever since.
The Now Show is obsessed with the DM because, secretly, they like it. Just like Toksvig, Calman et al slagging off Sarah Palin while harbouring a secret desire to perform acts of gross indecency on her.
That’s easy. The left claims to represent the worker while the worker chooses the Daily Mail.
Funny but given the number of times the BBC reports on the state of the NHS, but they never seem to report on the problems caused by the EU and employees who cannot speak English.
Here we have a doctor whose nationality is not given, working not just as an NHS doctor, but also with the Police. After 13 year in the UK he still hasn’t even a basic command of English, which was so bad a colleague reported him to the GMC.
The big question is why no one else reported it earlier, and was it the fear of being accused of being ‘waycist’?
Not only that, but how much is the 18 months of clinical supervision and mentoring going to cost?
The article says he qualified in Rome, and if he is an EU citizen, the NHS cannot insist he speaks English to any standard.. Yet another reason for leaving.
Has anybody queried his MBBcS – “Most of the “enricher” “Doctors in this country couldn’t even qualify as a Pharmacologist.”
Quote from an old (Doctor) friend of mine -now retired.
If we employed him as a vet it wouldn’t matter that he can’t understand English.
Remember the German doctor temporarily working in the UK?
The one who killed someone by injecting 10X the standard dose?
The one who got off scot free in the UK despite being found guilty of unlawful killing?
The one who after investigation was still allowed to practise medicine in Germany?
The one who threatened to sue the son of the deceased who complained about the decision?
The doctor whose name was Daniel Ubani, was born in Nigeria and was about as German as Obama?
The unwanted not only f’up our NHS in their millions by requiring treatment, they cause most of the mistakes.
Get rid of them.
Rings a bell, yes.
Seems another area where the special EU links between Germany and here may need reviewing.
This is quite amusing, as this feminist can’t believe what he says to her; I don’t expect him to be invited onto any Al Beebus programmes anytime soon.
News organisations – and the BBC – are reporting the shooting incident in Colorado inside a “Planned Parenthood” clinic. The name will be unfamiliar to most UK readers – it is actually the largest abortion provider in the USA, providing 325,000 abortions in 2013 and has a revenue of $1.3 billion, of which more than 1/2 billion is provided by the US government (covers other related services in addition to abortion). In UK terms, think of the equally misnamed BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service). Oddly, the BBC report gives no indication as to what Planned Parenthood does. See
They’ve added a description now at the end. Although this is an organisation which the BBC supports I’m sure they won’t jump to any conclusions over who the shooter is, or try to implicate any group or organisation or religion.
OMG! There’s Jeremy about to cause the most massive implosion in UK political history, there’s the annoying little Syrian bombing issue, there’s Turkey, farcically warning the Russians ‘not to play with fire’, there’s the Oldham bye election, there’s this, there’s that – but wait, what is the most pressing, the most outrageous, the most scandalous topic for Newsnight to lead off with tonight? Yes, it’s Emily Maitlis in full sepulchral mode interviewing the understandably grieving father of a lad purportedly bullied into suicide by one of those beastly Conservatives, with collusion in burying the facts ‘right at the top’. Our Em, close to tears, allows her interviewee to close with a series of increasingly serious but unsubstantiated claims, and there’s no time left to investigate or discuss. Well done Emily, priorities sorted, job done.
Note to Ian Katz: Remember to send transcript of interview to Guardian, should make first editions, with luck.
Sadly bullying in high places is prevalent, if now higher profile as control slips from those who were more used to ensuring information stayed need to know. By them only.
In such cases investigation is warranted so accountability can be accorded.
But yet again, a Craig-like fisking is required to see what the BBC considers news, and ‘not news’, via either FoI-guarded mystery editorial integrity or simply time or space ((c) One. Ian Katz, ironically).
Then the relative excitement of Newsnight (no stranger to pursuing claims it likes) here can be compared to activities elsewhere, such as the SWP, or closer to home at the BBC, with another sad death.
Dame Janet Smith worth bookmarking too.
The MoS has been pushing that story for a while, last weekend the front page was devoted to it – quite incredible when the Middle East is in flames and the Islamic presence in Western Europe is now forcing the indigenous citizens to reshape how they conduct themselves and their everyday lives, to a degree unknown even 5 years ago; Al Beebus I can understand peddling this tale for all they are worth – but the MoS? WTF?
But Radio 4 “Today” was short on any examples, the only one advanced was someone tweeting that Warsi had made an anti-Semitic remark. Again WTF?
Yes, this essentially fact-free confabulation was the lead item on R4’s 8.00 news. “Alleged suicide”. “It is believed that”, “Possible abuse, bullying” “Accused claims innocence (‘corse he would)”. “Enquiry could be white-wash”, “”no personal grievance” Warsi states”. Grieving parent exploited to give credibility to political attack. Wasn’t the same tactic used in the de Souza suicide? Guardian conjecture cited as “reliable journalism”. It never ends.
Just after 8.30 this morning on the Toady programme the Corbynutta MP Clive Lewis accused Al Beeb of asking ‘leading questions’ in a vox pop piece from Sluff. I heard the vox pop piece and it was about as fulsome of praise for the Corbynutter himself as could be imagined!
I await more accusations of anti Leftist/Corbynutta bias from Corbyn’s nutter followers. Misinformation, lies and arrant bullying is what hard-line Leftoids are about.
Clive Lewis is an ex BBC reporter!
I have the misfortune to reside among those who thought it a good idea to elect him.
He has recently accused the BBC of denying him promotion, “Cos I is black”.
I think any BBC executive would be well aware of his political views, which could quite likely make him too far to the left, even for the BBC, to move him up the reporting ladder!
When he was selected as a candidate the BBC moved him to driving the satellite truck.
I have always wanted to ask him for his BBC and personal views of Margaret Thatcher.
It’s like my Labour MP, Rachel Reeves, was an economist inside the Bank of England when Gordon Brown was Chancellor, that was a pretty useful connection to have for both of them.
Now she is married to Nick Joicey who is a Director General of DEFRA. An MP married to a Civil Service Director, another very useful connection. What do they talk about over the dinner table then?
With DEFRA and politics as a background there is no dinner-table conversation, they watch Emmerdale.
This mornings “Today” was interesting on this subject. At 7 o’clock the news headlines were about the mess Labour are in over the Syrian vote and the Conservative Party story around third subject. However, by the time they did paper review at 7-40 the Tory story was number one. Then, low and behold, the 8 o’clock news has the Tories at number one!!! How strange that the mess in Syria and Labour was relegated….who would have believed it.
And the second most important story in world news? A shooting in Colorado Springs (who has heard of the place?). You could say all the killings in the rest of the world are non-news, “Dog bites man” stories, but surely an American shooting should be the same. Perhaps “unarmed black teenager” or, in this case, “abortion” make it major world news.
As soon as I saw the position of this report at the top of its headlines slot on albeeb breakfast, I knew there were special circumstances, and of course there are.
The perp was white
Albeeb was able to show his whiteness in pictures of him being arrested.
He wasnt muslim
The link to abortion campaigns nails it.
Latest news from Colorado Springs is that there is no news, other than the police officer was shot outside the clinic and it seems that the shooter took refuge in it. The absence of news has not stopped the BBC and US left media from turning the narrative into a gun control frenzy and attack on right wing anti abortionists . And of course the BBC need to promote their pro abortion campaign
Not being reported by the BBC:
“”Arabic Graffiti Found On Four EasyJet Planes””
Arabic Graffiti was found on the inside of fuel panels. To me, that is of great concern. EasyJet have refused to provide a translation.
Long term we have to expel all Muslims.
Meanwhile there needs to be control, no Muzzienutters in Military or Police.
No Muzzienutters in MOD.
No Muzzienutters in nuclear power.
No Muzzienutters in airline industry.
No Muzzienutters in food industry or water production/management.
No Muzzienutters in Border Agency.
No Muzzienutters in Gas, electricity or other power generation.
I am sure I have forgotten some.
Oh, and stuff their non-human rights.
Leading to no f’ing Muzzienutters period.
Once they leave the UK they don’t come back.
To true. In the modern world we are exceptionally vulnerable to anyone who wishes to create mayhem and multiple deaths. We will see more and more attacks in the services you outline above. Perhaps only 1 or 2 % of Muslims are prepared to act in this way , although it could be a higher % of course, but 1 or 2 % is an enormous number across Europe and what havoc and thousands and thousands of deaths they will create. The liberal left will no doubt stick to their worn out mantra that its nothing to do with the ROP and that we can’t tar all Muslims with the same brush ( is tarring still an acceptable phrase?). All very well the majority will reply but how else do we defend ourselves other than to suspect and control all Muslims? Of course the Muslims could cast out all those they suspect of evil intentions , after all they know them best, but they seem strangely reluctant to do so.
Excellent post, Doublethinker!
Not a threat? The fact they withhold the translation and the fact it was found close to fuel tanks is a bloody big cause for concern when flying Easyjet or otherwise.
5th columnists are infiltrating everywhere aided and abetted by the cancer that is political correctness.
According to my friends in aviation, the translation simply said: “No diesel here”.
On the inside of toilet doors? Is so innoxious why withhold the translation?
Toilet door or fuel tanks?
If the former on a plane or the latter anywhere, not great with small things going boom:(
Haven’t seen anything about this on the BBC news, I wonder why?
You know how short and thin the “Thin Blue Line is, well, Mr Cameron (is he still P.M.?) has decided to send a couple of million quid of our borrowed money to the Caribbean to help the little fishes which will put an end to “Climate Change”. Are all the nut jobs in this country in politics? Here we all are facing the biggest threat to this country since Hitler and our P.M. is looking after little fish half way round the other side of the World instead of having more security services on our streets. The bloke is barmy and must surely belong in the mad house and to keep quite a few from the BBC, company?
Nick Robinson this morning saying that the Referendum could go “wrong” .
Norman Tebbit put him right .
Good spot, or listen Nibor, at about 1.58 in –
I find it difficult to keep my breakfast down or resist the urge to drop kick the radio into next week while listening to Today so missed that.
Nick Robinson should be made to clarify and expand upon just exactly what he meant by “wrong”, and without the use of weasel words either.
Is just Nick Robinson’s view or the BBC’s in general . Either way it’s a big problem . How can there be impartiality about this issue if a presenter can say that on air without being disciplined ?
At the end Robinson bottled it. He had time for another question, but he knew that the answer would be one he didn’t want to hear, so he waffled until they ran out of time.
I mistakenly went to 11.58, to find Nick really cranking up (he really is a weasel) this blogger suicide as being enough to end the Tory party for ever.
Sad, and worthy of of some inquiry and maybe accountability if management failed, but a person doing such a thing because another was beastly online is not that new, rare, or easy to see as anything other than tragic.
Quite how it equates to Russell Joslin, who knows? These things can take a while.
I listened to Lord Tebbit being interviewed on Toady via iPlayer – that’s what a real Conservative sounds like up against a BBC drone; I hope Essextroll takes note and realizes how weak Camerturd appears in comparison.
I thought Tebbit was in excellent form, despite his advanced years, and was well able to deal with all Nick Robinson’s nonsense.
I especially liked his (absolutely correct) description of those who injured him, his wife and murdered Ian Gow and Airey Neave; as “Irish Republican terrorists” I can’t recall when I last heard such an epithet applied to that scum on Al Beebus – it certainly wasn’t by a Beeboid and one would certainly never hear it pass any of their lips now.
His thoughts on the EU referendum and Camerloon’s role within it were fascinating too, “a leap back into the light of 1000 years of independence.” What a great line and then managing to put the boot into Kommisar Corbyn’s unfittedness to ever be PM, great stuff – well worth a listen from 1h54m.
A great man with a cool, analytical mind. His absence from active politics has been a huge loss to conservative (small ‘c’) politics.
I am not a troll,I am a Conservative, just like Norman is.I always will be.
I always find it worrying when people say they will follow a political party regardless of policy or leadership.
Would you still be a Tory if they had a policy of gassing the Jews?
We can roll it back from there to see just what extreme policies you would support until you decided enough was enough.
Don`t be so ridiculous , Mr T , you are obsessed with Saudi money , & what about most on here, they are devoted to kippering .
Come on chaps, let’s keep this civil. There’s no need to call each other names; Particularly now we have Jeremy Corbyn…
If you are a Conservative: “just like Norman is”, why do you have such a blind allegiance to Camoron, who is in no way a Conservative “just like Norman is”?
Can’t you see the contradiction there? That is why (unfortunately) you are viewed as something of a joke by many contributors here.
You cannot be a Norman Tebbit Conservative and a David Cameron Conservative simultaneously.
Tebbit’s view on the EU is far closer to that of Farage and UKIP than it is to Cameron and his version of the Tory party.
Despite his election promise of controlling and reducing immigration, ‘Car moron’ has failed yet again. Or is he treating the British people with contempt and ‘turning a blind eye’?
Is he nothing better than public school educated car salesman?
Once again, over to you essexman ……………………….
More of a spiv than a car salesman, I’d have said. A con man with an expensively acquired accent (of which there are many).
See you keep ,putting up BBC stuff , to make your point, the shower we all hate. You can`t want them terminated ,if you keep showing their so called “news”. How very strange. Our Norman does not vote Labour or Ukip either , he has a different take on today`s party , but we are in different times.
So is he wrong then ?
No , the Conservatives are a broad Church , all views are welcome . Unlike other parties , obsessed with , green stuff , the EU , & being PC , you can guess which parties favour those subjects.
I admire Sir Norman, I also admire Essexman for his tenacity in defending the Tory party, but they are both blindly following something that is no longer what they think it is.
Akin to driving a Jaguar, Bentley, Rolls Royce or MG thinking they are driving something resoundly British, when in reality they’re driving something Indian, German or Chinese….
Essexman says all views are welcomed
But conservative ones aren’t in the Tory party
Simple statement, the nation is under threat . ‘Car moron’ broken his election promise, miserably. Yes or no?
As I have been saying for quite sometime (re’ article linked), but to pinch the famous BBC Radio 4 line, “some have been saying that this year in G.B. it has been the hottest ‘eva”, well maybe not BBC!
Maybe the BBC mean “Hottest year ‘eva” at a position 25 meters from the north side of runway 09L at Heathrow when an A380 powers up to clear the end of the runway? Yeah, that’ll do it!
The usual fusillade of clichee and platitude on Any Questions. Bombing alone is futile. Recruiting sergeant. Plan. Blah blah
I suppose not bombing Germany from the outbreak of war until the D-Day Landings was part of the cunning master strategy.
Imagine anyone, let alone politicians, coming out with the “bombing won’t work” shtick. They would have been locked up in a loony bin.
George Bell, Bishop of Chichester opposed the policy of bombing Germany. He was supported by a couple of Labour MPs, Richard Stokes and Alfred Salter. Luckily for the rest of us they were ignored.
Of course if the employees of the wartime BBC had the same mindset as the current lot there would have been daily broadcasts of interviews with Bomber Command crews asking them if they felt safer because they were going out night after night to bomb targets in Germany. The words “For your tomorrow we gave out today” have no meaning for the BBC of 2015.
And in other news…
Good man, John. Team player.
‘new radio couple posed the question “Should the West bring Vladimir Putin in from the cold ?”, and then answered it themselves’
As tends to happen at the place that really controls the edit.
‘A funny sort of Black Friday Hole that is Newsnight’
There, fixed that for you. More zombies!
Having done their bit for Obama’s gun control objective and hinted at a link between the anti abortion campaign and the Colorado shooting the BBC may back off this story which, if what is emerging can be verified.
It seems that the shooter has a record of traffic violations, cruelty to animals, and was registered as a woman.
This is not going to sit well with the BBC.
Like the left media in the US the BBC might have been too quick off the mark
It was coming up for half five so I turned the goggle box on to catch up on the news, in a moment of madness I selected BBC news. The very first item I see is about a young black female bi sexual boxer, what, couldn’t make it up? Straight off again. Somebody must be trying to ruin the BBC, or are they just pushing their luck to see how much people will take?
Remember I the Friday before last I asked the BBc if they had verified the story about abuse to a member of the cult of peace and understanding what I thought would be a fairly simple exercise… “Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.
In order to use the licence fee efficiently we may not investigate every issue if it does not suggest a substantive breach of guidelines, or may send the same reply to everyone if others have complained about the same issue. You can read full details of our complaints procedures and how we consider the issues raised in feedback at In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints team” I’m still waiting for a response
Should read on the end I’m still waiting for a reply to my other complaint.
Some Labour moderates now believe a Ukip win in Oldham West and Royton next Thursday would be for the best – because it could force a leadership coup
The headline journalists will be looking for in next week’s Oldham West and Royton by-election is a Ukip victory. Such a catastrophic failure by Jeremy Corbyn to pass his first test at the polls would be a political commentator’s dream come true.
Labour figures who know the constituency agree two things will secure them victory in Oldham: support within the area’s Pakistani and Bangladeshi community and, in Jim McMahon, a well-known local candidate with no Corbyn connotations.
So in other words Labour is relying on its gerrymandering through mass immigration ! You can bet despite the Mirror Group Newspapers reporting this the BBC which is even further to the left will not do.
UKIP opened at 5-1 a few weeks back for Oldham West and Royton – and where-by now they’ve been shortened to 9-4 and 2-1, they’re still not really close enough, because of the high Islamic saturation of Oldham West……Labour/Islamic win…Corbyn slithers on I reckon – and the Comrades of the BBC breathe a sigh of relief..
Get the message out: You won’t burn in hell if you vote UKIP.
So the bBC is ever so quick to report any story of a black man getting murdered in America, but has anybody seen this tory of an entire black family caught on camera murdering a white homeless man because their 10 year old son lied about why he was late and blamed the victim as the reason why? No…..
Homeless veteran, beaten by black mob on camera, dies; President Obama doesn’t seem to be “troubled” by this at all
Nothing returned for a BBC search on Robert Barnes the murdered man in the article, the US press side steps any mention of the race of killers and victim, a cynic may suggest that there are an awful lot of coincidental reporting omissions, worldwide, whenever this type of incident happens.
Peaceful refugees?
DS – What the f**k is that “A note on terminology” cr@p at the bottom of the article?
Al Beebus only ever seems to get worse.
With impeccable timing, Maurice Strong, the author of the UN’s climate fraud, has died, on the eve of the Paris beanfeast.
Not before time, many will feel.
Just watching QI XL now.
SF: “Balzac said a man should weaken the will and strength of a woman by tiring her out under the load of constant work so that she has no energy left to cause trouble.”
Bill Bailey: “he was an early founder of UKIP.”
Fuck me, that’s tired. Maybe, he should have a word with Suzanne Evans or Diane James. Of course, this being QI there’s already been an anti-Thatcher reference and an anti-Tory one and we’re barely halfway through. I’ll report back if there’s an anti-Labour reference. I don’t expect to be reporting back.
Lefty historians have seen to it that they’ll still be slagging off Thatcher in 2079, yet the shit that happened between 1997 and 2010 will be conveniently forgotten…
To be fair I caught a bit of QI last week and they were pointing out that many more Labour MP’s gave the wrong answer to a maths problem.
Clear and obvious bias against UKIP however, and in the same programme (I think) Fry was mocking respect for Jeeeeeeeeesus.
Fry thinks Jesus should respect him , and Stephen will put in a good word in return
Fry thinks he is the modern day Oscar Wilde. They do have some things in common.
Talented creativeness not being one of those things.
Balzac also said, “I am not deep, but I am very wide.” A great description of Stephen Fry, methinks.
Looks like the 2 degree mantra is going to be pushed in a similar fashion to the quasi scientific bollocks that produced the “5 a day” marketing scam, keep repeating ad nauseum and hey presto it becomes a scientifically proven fact.
‘Tell it often enough”; red in tooth and claw.
Quite easy to push when you control the edit, the broadcast network, and the oversight system.
And easily excused by a patently absurd attempt at claiming all sides are equally upset, so they must be on average getting it about right. Apparently.
And following on from Oldspeaker’s post and again re the BBC:
“”COP21: Paris climate deal ‘more likely’ after terror attacks””
“”Observers say that the recent terror attacks on the French capital will increase the chances of a new agreement””. (Who’s an Observer? Some say? There are those who say?).
“”While many leaders including Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping were always set to attend this conference, the recent violent attacks in Paris have encouraged others to come in an expression of solidarity with the French people”” (Why should solidarity with terrorism create agreement on Climate Change??).
“”Delegates are in little doubt that the shadow cast over the city by the attacks will enhance the chances of agreement”” (Where’s the evidence for both this statement and Climate Change?).
“”A former UK government adviser on climate change and now chairman of environmental think tank E3G, Tom Burke, believes that some leaders will push the line that, by tackling rising temperatures, you remove one of the causes of terrorism” (Ok…so, as the world gets cooler, guns will be put down and we all become friends and lovers. I now get it. Silly me for being so slow).
What an absolutely lazy piece of unsubstantiated journalism. Oh, it’s the BBC. Left Wing and supportive of Climate Change. And no questions asked. Not even…there are those who say that the evidence against Climate Change contradicts those claiming vast salaries and and equally vast subsidies.
Too right.
As a supposedly professional media organisation these practices need to have the spotlight shone directly at them.
The headline and entire premise is based yet again on a BBC reporter’s Santa wish list converted into ‘news’, backed by BBC mystery sources that an FoI would doubtless find were protected by ‘purposes of’ exemptions. ‘Observers’ doubtless currently making a brew in the rec room down from the cubicle gardens.
Yet it seems now to form the basis of the BBC bringing truth unto power.
Meanwhile the BBC takes the next step.. Telling folk to imagine things happening…
Hmm and here are some other shoes from a bunch of green socialist types who also hate Jews Mr Shmuckman
The propaganda is very crude, but as was the case in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany can still be very effective. The dilemma facing the globalists is thus: having determined a solution (world government) it is then necessary to produce a problem to justify it. For much of the 20th Century the problem was the threat of war; however, the disadvantage of this is that it is a rather negative subject, inherently unpopular, plus ultimately war is very good as business and for business. The replacement ‘problem’ is bogus environmentalism, first suggested in the Iron Mountain report of 1967 (see and which happily dove-tailed into the hippy counter-culture of the 1960s. The rest, as they say, is history.
This is how the BBC should interview Labour leaders. But don’t. The interviewer here uses facts not ‘some say’. (Scroll down two thirds to find).
I’m not a fan of Sky News, but at times they outshine the BBC.
This ‘could happen here’ lark really confuses me.
It has; several times.
Such Ministers do not inspire confidence that repeats will be coherently defended against.
That’s an interesting interview DS.
My take on it…..apart from being able to inform KL that Nigeria is already part of the coalition ( is it? Really?)
All he did was talk over Ken’s attempts to answer the Q’s.
Now I dont for one second think that Ken’s motivation has much to do with the future of a UK as it is now, he’s a slippery traitor, in so many respects as we all are aware.
But, and it’s a big but, in this interview he states the truth.
Boulton simply trots out the liberal lefty mantra that fits almost all the MSM today.
He sees the FSA as a benevolent movement fighting for truth and democracy…some kind of male WI …
Kens view being that all of those groupings being just as savage as ISIS.
I’d recommend Boulton pokes his fat arse out amongst some of them in Western Syria and see how long his head remains attached.
The following is a copy of a letter that appeared in the Independent…
To the people of Europe and the world: welcome to the reality that we in Israel have been dealing with for a very long time, the scourge of Islamic terrorism.
You will have to get used to guards at the entrance to every restaurant, concert and public venue. At every bus and train station there are armed guards to check all luggage and pat people down and ask questions: “Where are you from? Where are you going?”
And at great expense we have had to build a security fence (mistakenly called a “wall”) that encircles the so-called West Bank, in order to stop the easy access of Arab terrorists. Some European countries (Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria) have done the same to stem the flood of Muslim migrants fleeing from the Syrian civil war and from camps in Turkey and Lebanon.
Yet, we in Israel have managed to retain a vibrant and active democracy, effectively under war conditions. This international threat of Islamic terrorism will have to be faced. The UN Security Council resolution introduced by France and passed unanimously, calling on all countries to cooperate in that fight, is a step in the right direction. But, where is the leadership of the USA? Sadly it is lacking.
Jack Cohen
Netanya, Israel
Latest strategy by Muslims to bypass immigration quotas. They claim Indian Restaurants (not many are) are having to close down because of a lack of chefs. They want the Government to change the rules so more chefs can be brought in from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Well how many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are unemployed and claiming Benefits? How many of their women work in the restaurants? They have to use the over supply of that resource already in this country and train these people. It does not take long to learn to cook restaurant curries.
Bringing in endless numbers of Bangladeshi “chefs” is a scam that has been running for decades now. Most of them are not chefs anyway – but the papers can be fiddled. Most of the people who have been admitted are only fit for kitchen-porter work.
Why doesn’t Theresa May order a check on exactly how many have been admitted so far ? There have been enough of them to staff every “Indian” restaurant many times over ! And the count of unemployed male Bangladeshis in Tower Hamlets, for example, would hugely exceed the number of current vacancies right across London. That’s before counting the abysmally low economically-active female population. Let alone the monstrous idea of employing/training white staff for the “Indian” restaurant industry, which runs the most effective racial discrimination practices imaginable.
Exactly, are ‘Indian’ restaurant owners incapable of training their own chefs? Isn’t it racist to make ethnicity a requirement for employment in our multi-culti paradise? Even with the most ‘liberal’ interpretation of a restaurant’s employment requirements for a chef then there must be many candidates available locally. Are these jobs that unemployed moslems living in Britain don’t want to do?
Full report coming soon from the BBC …
Seriously, how hard is it to mix up a few spices and fry up a bit of chicken? The kids who work at KFC seem to manage it.
It’s also a case of supply and demand. Less people are eating in ‘Indian’ restaurants these days as other sources of Indian food are available viz. ready made meals are available in supermarkets and the raw ingredients are far more readily available in urban areas for home cooks. There is also increased competition from other restaurant types such as Thai and large Italian-style chains. It’s a classic case of over-supply and shrinking demand.
Our patronage of certain establishments has certainly been governed by health and safety, hygiene and other grounds, ironically many pumped out by the BBC.
The folk who concoct the ordure served up in most “Indian” restaurants shouldn’t be described as “chefs” anyway, whether they were bred here or are imported from the Third World.
Yes, basically the bulk of the cooking in a typical “Indian” restaurant is a set of large pots kept hot – with the standard dishes – all of which are essentially curry-flavoured stews, all the ingredients mixed together. And the menu stays the same, year in, year out. There is very little real skill compared to, say, a kitchen in an Italian restaurant where the fish or meat items are cooked individually to order.
Maybe there are more people like me out there, who refuse to eat halal food?
Keith Vaz has tried that one twice. Claimed a shortage of 30,000 Bangladeshi chefs; problem for him was the unemployment figures showed about that number of unemployed Bangladeshis were registered as chefs!
Most of them work either wholly or partly off the books anyway; those on the books will receives recorded wages up to a certain level, be paid the rest in cash and claim benefits!
Only about 50% on average of restaurant receipts will go through the books. If you have paid VAT on your bill and it is not declared then that is theft.
Osborne is determined to close some 1700 local tax offices, there go the eyes and ears of local staff who are more likely to know the fraudulent businesses in their own area and be able to act, than someone in an inner city office 100 miles away.
Can we all just accept that George Osborne is a twat? It would help to save a lot of time.
Hopes are raised for the Paris deal, says the BBC headline. Whose hopes? Along with many others throughout the world I don’t want a deal. I want them to come to their senses. My main hope is that the mad muslims do not initiate violence, and that it pisses down with rain on the Green protestors outside.
Roll on Ted Cruz as President ! And maybe Carly Fiorina as VP.
Cruz is too soft on legal immigration, Trump for Prez and Cruz V-P would be a better combination, in my view.
What a mixed up and scewed world the BBC live in.
All doom and gloom on climate change but nothing on the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet.
Promote law and order but bash the police for stopping and searching blacks but nothing on the colour of people who commit most crime.
Conveniently ignore the correlation between London Boroughs with the most crime and those with the most BAME.
Bash the government for addressing immigration but actively promote and champion those who illegally enter our country.
Bleat on about endangered species but ignore the blacks who eat them all.
Bash the Mayor of London because he is not black like all the rest of London council members.
Promote women and women’s rights but at the same time promote and support muslim terrorists who rape and enslave them and ‘ordinary’ muslims who want Sharia law in the UK.
Bleat on about female genital mutilation but support the muslims who practice it.
You only have to look at one episode of Eastenders to see what a depressing view the BBC have of life.
I was in agreement with you until the last line. You are not getting me to watch an episode of EastEnders!
And another thing.
If it’s going to rain or be windy, just say so. Ordinary people will understand.
There is no need for yellow warnings or any other colour for that matter.
We know what wind and rain looks like.
Thank you nanny beeb.
Names surely required for a bit of a blow… Armaghmmageddohowlbansheewind?
“There is no need for yellow warnings or any other colour for that matter.”
WARNING; Don’t eat yellow snow.
Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls finally decide to house a Syrian, after much deliberation this is the young chap they have chosen…
LOL ! Looks like a terrorist to me !
Interesting who all media, usually so keen to follow up on deeds behind words, have gone very quiet on various vocal claims by various pols and luvvies in this regard.
Don’t know what the delay is, but if one ever does decide to do so, one can bet the vetting process will be long, arduous and thorough, and see one single mother doctor and her aspiring footballer daughters eventually on a one month trial period whilst the nanny is away and her rooms can be used.
Or Ed’s spare kitchen.
I love that, that is really funny.
On a more serious note, there is a big difference between housing a family of refugees and paying ALL their ongoing expenses and costs for say 10 years.