Brillo reminds us how impartial coverage of political issues is still possible on the BBC. Gorgeous George Galloway was interviewed regarding the proposals to bomb Syria.
I know GG stirs emotions for many who read this website’s postings. But GG, in his interview with Brillo, gives the most intelligent analysis of the current situation our politicians find ourselves in with regards to Syria, from an active politician that I have heard on the BBC (Note. The BBC don’t appear to allow UKIP representatives to provide such an opinion on their programs). It is no surprise that he (GG) no longer has a place in a mainstream political party. Liam Fox was interviewed after GG. Fox was wrong in 2013 and is wrong now. When will our politicians represent the interests of the British people? On this issue, GG appears to consider the interests of the peoples of the UK, but Fox doesn’t.
In the Yorkshire snippet of Sunday Politics, a piece on the continuation of the License Fee. Selected ‘vox-pop’ and ‘analysis’ (impartial of course) from Len Tingle. According to Lord Hall-Hall, BBC DG, I am a ‘sort-of’ shareholder of the BBC. Lord Hall of Newspeak? Worth a watch on i-player. Philip Davies MP gives a sensible view. Fabian Hamilton MP is a lefty, so the injustice of enforced expropriation of other people’s money doesn’t trouble him. I would be interested in others thoughts.
Liam Fox tried to exclude his flip-flop on bombing in Syria by claiming Assad had been using chemical weapons against rebel Syrians. Do I recall correctly that there were TWO UN investigations that found Assad had NOT used chemical weapons or there was no clear evidence to that end? And do I not recall correctly that at the time the UN Inspectors were granted access, Assad agreed to surrender Syrian stocks of chemicals that could have been added to munitions?
If so, it is a shame that Andrew Neil wasn’t well briefed enough to nail Fox on that one. It would have been interesting to watch him try to wriggle out of it.
As I recall, the chemical weapons came from Saudi Arabia, via Qatar and were used by the American funded “rebels”. You know, those nice, reasonable moderates led by a man who ate the heart of one of his opponents.
Gorgeous George (pbuh) was certainly right about the malign influence of Turkey in the Syrian Civil War. The Erdogan family is making hundreds of millions of dollars trading oil from Isis regions, Erdogun has flooded Europe with Muslim “refugees”, effectively reversing the expulsion of the Ottoman Turks from Europe, and now the EU is paying him €300 million, and agreeing to progress Turkey’s EU membership process, so long as he “promises” not to allow this invasion to continue. Remind me, if you pay Danegeld, do you get more Danes or fewer Danes? Erdogan must be laughing his cock off at just how gullible and pathetic EU leaders are. He is running rings round them without even trying. I am just hoping Putin orders him up a Polonium sandwich pronto, for all our sakes.
Was listening to Radio 4 Extra at 8.00am this morning at the start of the “Vintage Comedy Hour”. The first item was the Al Read Show, a very popular Northern comedian of the sixties. This show was first broadcast 6/11/66.
The difference between this show and current so called “comedy shows” is that it was extremely funny. One of the sketches involved a conversation between two patients on a hospital ward and one says to the other –
“See him in the bed at the end of the ward – he was brought in for sunburn – took them three days to realise that he was a PAKISTANI”. Great laugh from the audience who thought that it was hilariously funny and no apology was required to anyone who may have been “offended”.
How times have changed over the past 50 years.
Maybe Hamilton’s time is now limited if the boundary changes take place. He represents Wigton Lane AND Spencer Place, £4M properties to high occupancy dwellings with a high proportion of immigrants. He only gets in because of the latter. This household is 3rd & 4th generation Labour, we all voted UKIP in May.
BBC Trending gynoid Anne-Marie Tomchak reports on the #ExMuslimBecause campaign by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) and totally misses the point by turning it into a Muslim Vs. ex-Muslim affair when, in fact, the campaign is about criticism of Islam.
With two-against-one ‘balanced’ participation à la Question Time, the majority of airtime goes to the Muslims who pepper out bandy wording such as “unfortunate”, “opportunistic”, “problematic”, and “uncompromising”, while the CEMB representative’s airtime is mostly taken up by having to justify the campaign rather than outlining the issues it raises.
Seemingly concluding that, in this case, ex-Muslim equals anti-Muslim, the topic is topped off with the final say on ex-Muslim viewpoints being given to a “practicing Muslim”.
In a sense, ex-Muslim is anti-Muslim, if you have rejected the false premises of the death cult. Like any terrorist organisation, they will kill without hesitation anyone who tries to leave. Why on earth would someone who rejects the premises of this terror cult not also be an anti?
Big climate change march in London reported here:
All the intellectual heavyweights are there: Vivienne Westwood, Emma Thompson, Charlotte Church etc etc. The list reads like a Who’s Who of the celeb ignorati.
Except something tells me the march wasn’t quite as well attended as hoped for by the BBC. The photos are cropped nice and tight in order to fill the frame with concerned faces. Haven’t seen any long shots yet of the streets thronging with the terminally confused. I could be wrong but, given it isn’t the warmest day of the year, there might be some of the famous Gore Effect at work here.
I thought it was more to drive the online traffic, as every post was slaughtered by hundreds.
That is, times two, as he had this odd habit for referencing his own articles in an article.
I wonder what the BBC’s non-commercial excuse is for ‘settling’ coverage as it does? To whit:
BBC Front Page:
“Paris climate deal ‘more likely'”
“Six charts that explain climate change”
“What will the Paris summit achieve?”
“Why do two degrees matter?”
“Switzerland’s vanishing natural wonder”
“Solar cuts ‘threat to hundreds of jobs'”
“Can bikers be tempted to go electric?”
“Andrew Walker: Is there an economic case for tackling climate change?”
There is always the BBC
Nov 29, 2015 at 9:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterTerryS
And if Messrs, Windy Cameron, Hug a Beeboid Whittingdale & ‘If you refuse to cross this line one more time’ Norman carry on as they have, there will always be a BBC funded without choice by our council taxes.
OK, it now looks like a few did turn up, the numbers being bolstered by the likes of Caroline Lucas and John McDonnell. Small piece of humble pie please.
They are instructed by ther leaders to bunch together for the photographs.
According to the UAF comrades
‘Big turn out by United Glasgow players, coaches, volunteers and supporters at the annual STUC St Andrew’s Day March against Racism and Fascism despite the cold and rain’
Bunch up any more and the they’ll disappear, I take it when the march was over the organisers wrapped them up in the banner untill next time. And just to compound the whole absurdity I bet most of that lot have more intolerant views on a whole range of issues than the average British person holds, bunch of fascists.
This is standard propaganda tactic. The BBc as I have discussed on earlier occasions is very accomplished at deceptive camera angle shots. No-one thinks this bunch of fascist leftie scum represents any one but a minute minority.
This was tweeted by Claire Marshall to accompany a photo of marchers passing a famous London landmark:
‘Not many stopping for tea at the Ritz. #ClimateMarch’
Poor marchers probably unable to elbow their way through the BBC journalists quaffing lattes between asinine tweets.
That was a very fair interview of Farage, which you are unlikely (with the possible exception of A.N.) to see the like of on Al Beebus; thanks for posting it.
I have had many heated arguments with the far left of society concerning so called “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change”. I’m staggered at their ignorance of all things climate, of all things meteorological. What I like to do if the argument is going nowhere, is to ask of these greenies and far lefties, “O.K., I buy into your argument that temperatures are rising and that in your world we have to reduce Co2 emissions to reduce Global Warming. What happens if those Co2 emissions are reduced to an amount which causes Global Cooling? What do we do then?” I have not yet heard any reply! The people who I’m talking to either walk off or change the subject. Try it yourselves, and have a good laugh at their ignorance and stupidity.
The Left believes in global warming because it is the perfect excuse for them to impose their misguided political beliefs on the entire world. As with their flawed historical, psychological and economic nostrums, it simply doesn’t matter how many times those beliefs are exposed as bogus – they are beliefs and not subject to facts or reason.
The alarmists, including our ‘educating and informing’ BBC, basically believe that man can control the earth’s temperature to within a couple of degrees simply by tweaking his CO2 emissions.
The select ‘scientists’ of the IPCC, environ-‘mentalists’ & politicians of that ilk that decide what we ought to believe about GW and now CC, discount that sort of thing anyway, including the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake which was said to release a massive amount of earth core heat. I think in my hearing, it was only mentioned ONCE on BBC Radio 4 close to the actual event.
The BBC have very short memories among their Producers & Editors and journalists.
If you asked the BBC’s climate change staff about Beowolf or the medieval vowel shift, you might get a sensible answer. Anything to do with the science of climate change, less so.
Once the CO2 drops to that level, extinction beckons, because CO2 is also plant food. Once CO2 drops to a low level, crops die and we starve to death. Thankfully, CO2 at current levels is very very good for plant growth.
Anyone know what Radio 4’s official listener figures are?
There is never a moment that I dip into Radio 4 when the programming is not dealing with a non-British issue, person or a minority grouping.
I assume this is because producers are religiously following an edict from the controller that they must maximise their output of BME, LGBT etc material.
Apart from the sheer obviousness of the propaganda effort, it makes for very uninteresting listening – like the BBC World Service programming in the middle of the night.
The World Service used to be to tell others about Britain.
Then it became telling Britain about the rest of the world. (I presume they know their true audience figures indicate more listeners in Blighty than Bombay.)
So when did the order go out for Radio 4 to become another version of the inward broadcasting BBC World Service?
Funny you should ask that. I was wondering, after being lined up for Any Answers for a second time in the last couple of months, whether their audience figures have gone through the floor.
Dear old Anita seems almost desperate in recent months, pleading for people to phone in, even in the final third of the programme. In the none too distant past there would have been no chance of getting your phone call answered, let alone a word on air, calling the BBC that late. I wonder if listeners have given up on it?
I have. Since it stopped being an informative debate programme many years ago, and has since become nothing more than propaganda, there is no point listening to it, because it is impossible to learn anything useful from it.
It was decades ago. In the 1980s I was a rep and tended to leave the car radio on Radio 4. In the early 80s Woman’s Hour was an interesting programme, but by the end of the decade every other item was about South Africa and those “nasty Boers”. It became impossible to listen to it – not only biased (never any mention of ANC murders) but terminally boring.
I agree with you, I would love to know the number of listeners who just click the off switch or switch to another BBC channel, R2 providing Ken or Steve are on or R3, or Capital.
I used to do it so often, I don’t now because I have just given listening to R4 except for specific programmes .
As a frequent listener to this service, it can best be described as a classic example of ‘The tail wagging the dog’.
Sadly, we are forced to pay for it like it or not, and our government does nothing .
Vote UKIP to get some common sense into the country before it goes further down the pan.
BBC making more friends it seems
Reading the comments it seems to me that we from this blog should be reaching out to the growing number of disabused on other forums – the more fanatically the BBC clings to its received truth , the greater the number of people that find themselves at odds with its narrative and hopefully the most support there is for de-funding it
As predicted, the BBC are so over-excited by the Paris Climate Jamboree kicking off tomorrow that they can’t wait to start the propaganda – just watched a piece on BBC News Channel where the ever-willing Emma Thompson was interviewed at the ‘40,000 strong climate march’ in London today (btw, Ms Thompson told her interviewer that in her opinion the number of protesters was ‘much more like 100,000’).
I wasn’t aware Emma Thompson was a climate expert. Is this new BBC policy? I was under the impression that the BBC refused to air the opinions of anyone on climate change who wasn’t a ‘climate expert’ – you know, in the interests of science and all that.
Can we now expect the even-handed BBC to give airtime to Lord Monckton – all in the interests of ‘balance’, of course?
No, of course we can’t. This is the BBC in full climate fascist mode: they control the airwaves and they will break every rule in their own book to ensure The Narrative is spread far and wide. Get ready, people – the next two weeks is going to be wall-to-wall climate catastrophism from the BBC. Impartiality (and real science, for that matter) be damned!
The BBC are lying (quelle suprise) about only giving air-time to climate scientists. The truth is, they only give airtime to people who are faithful adherents to the church of climate change. The BBC will not give air-time to real climate scientists, if those scientists have any doubts about the scale and speed of the impending climate appocalypse. That being the appocalypse which should already have been triggered many times over by now according to the alarmist scientists, and still hasn’t happened.
How many of the climate change ‘activists’ – slebs included, canoe their way to their holiday/business destination ? How many only have lettuce and tomatoes in the Summer ? Before the days of cheap package holidays back in the 60’s, we holidayed in this country or took the ferry to France. We never had salad at Christmas, and certainly didn’t import beans from Kenya., and we still had rain forests in the Amazon region. So, should we revert back to those days ? – these ‘kid’ activists think they know it all, but I wonder how many would give up their Air Miles to save the planet ! I don’t think we need worry about climate change, the spread of Islam is far more worrying for future generations than the rise of the earth’s temperature by a couple of degrees.
I wonder, especially if taxes on road fuels and air travel are increased following Paris, whether anyone will ask about the last Shadow Chancellor’s current commuting across the Atlantic by air.
Said Shadow Chancellor, when a Minister serving a Chancellor, helpfully increased everyone’s cost of living by jacking up the cost of road fuels and electricity & gas, ostensibly in order to save the planet.
Indeed and I would imagine the carbon footprint of the Film and T.V industry is pretty hefty. But you never hear the likes of Emma Thompson banging on about that.
She really is a loathsome old hypocrite.
Hook just one HMI light up to the mains and watch the electricity meter whip round. They often need two or more for any scene.
Then if we consider Mr Balls transatlantic commuting, what about the luvvies global travel for work, awards ceremonies, holidays and then, as Americans in Paris or more likely London, visiting the US for family reasons.
The BBC has an endless stream of American, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and South African accents on R4 these days. If the Beeb are truly serious about GW emissions, they should employ only Brits (we have at least 2m needing jobs) and when a foreign voice appears as spokesperson or contributor ask if they are resident here and how many times a year they fly.
Mayam Namazie used to be a darling of the BBC, yet since she dared to badmouth the UAF/HNH/Islamist alliance, she seems to have become an “Islamophobic enemy of the people” where certain sections of Al-Beeb are now concerned…
Many denounce all Muslims because of the lack of denouncement of terrorism heard from them. I’ve no doubt it is very difficult for any Muslim of that opinion to publicly speak out about radicals knowing they can themselves be easily ‘silenced’.
But when we have those braver ones who are willing to voice their opinion against Islamists, and our BBC do their best to demonize them as well, in support of the Islamists, should we be surprised that we won’t hear many voices of dissent.
BBC – The Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, has said that Islamist terrorists pose a “very direct risk to this country.”
Yes at home … you know the community to target, get with the program on specific surveillance, be strong and visible
and don t let any others of that “risk” community in here, be precise, its called … a plan for the good of our safety.
If said community are truly moderate, they ll help you, support clearing out the Islamists(sarc) … a win win? surely
or …
An estimated 70,000 people in the Free Syrian Islamists oops I mean Army, these are the good fellas?
these are the people that we’re now assisting?
… while the Camoron wants to bomb ISIS, or inadvertently Assad or , erm … don t think he s even actually sure who?
AND … without any real, clear long term strategy, (just like every other one of their bloody policies).
Camoron and his No10 traitors lying again, sounds like underhand mission creep is on the cards.
… I mean folks … what could go wrong eh? 😀
The venture in Syria is about toppling Assad and then provoking a war with Iran, but the Russo-Chinese joint military exercises in the Eastern Med, during May, foiled that or it would have begun earlier I believe.
ISIS pose no existential threat to the West, but they offer a suitable bogeyman, necessary to create the conditions for the fracture of Syria and for confrontation with the Persians.
I believe the Syrians haven’t given consent for any countries other than Russia to fly combat missions within their airspace, which presumably is illegal? Yet it is still carried out by the U.S., France and others and will be by us if the fool in No 10 gets his way.
The greater involvement of Russia, in support of its ally, makes this a volatile situation; increasingly so when Turkey shoots down one of their planes – probably with the collusion of the U.S. State Dept. This type of action is how wars begin – WW1 (which led directly to WW2) started over much less.
The U.S. did nothing to criticize the Turks for downing the jet, neither have they done so already: for allowing ISIS training camps on their soil, for treating ISIS fighters in Turkish hospitals, buying ISIS oil or the FSA stealing factories( (in addition to other large scale industrial theft) from Syria which were then moved across the border into Turkey; nor for the numerous incursions of of the Turkish airforce over Greek territory.
The Russians have just deployed their new S400 air defence system in Syria to which there is no Nato answer ( or so It seems)
This means that nothing will fly in Syria unless the Russians say so. I suppose it is primarily to stop any further Turkish adventures but it will mean that our out of date planes will only bomb in Syria if Russia lets them. So who is fooling who?
The Russians have played this very cleverly all along. Cameron looks like the amatuer statesman he is and as for Obama again way out of his depth.
The only way peace will return to Syria is on Russia’s terms and we must get used to it. Assad will stay and Russia will impose some form of settlement. Iran will also benefit and the West removed finally from the scene.
All along I have believed that this is the beginning of Russia resuming it’s role as a great European power and that with Germany useless and us stupid nothing is to stop the Russians dominating Europe and protecting us from Islamism but at a price. Not of our freedom but of our self image as a wannabee great European power.
The greatest mistake the West made after the fall of the USSR was to assume that Russia was finished. One further clue is that Russia is acting very aggresively towards Turkey and is prepared to directly challenge Erdogan. Only a nation that is sure of it’s power acts like this .
I believe the Russians have rumbled Cameron. He wants to bomb, so he says, to degrade IS and bring stability to the region. In my book bringing stability means regime change and that puts him back on his old remove Assad track. However, Russia is in charge now.
I see hints at Chinese involvement. If only… Imagine 200,000 Chinese ground troops sweeping across the region, sorting out the Jihadists like they did recently in China with flame throwers.
This is BBC News – Front Home Page, article list – as of 8pm.WTF!
Thought it was “orrible” Harribins bloody e-mail list
Wot? … no Polar Bears?
BBC – Paris climate summit
BBC – COP21: Rallies call for Paris climate change action
BBC – Latest on marches
BBC – Thousands at London rally
BBC – Eco activists launch spoof ads
BBC – Hopes for deal rise
BBC – 6 charts that explain our warming world
BBC – What will the Paris summit achieve?
BBC – Arctic temperature illustration
BBC – Why do two degrees matter?
BBC – Switzerland’s vanishing natural wonder
Does that mean we are in for a remake of Tales of the Riverbank?
New series staring Ahmed Hamster, Rashid the Water Rat, etc etc.
Narated by Jamal Morris.
Stranger things have happened.
Am just browsing iPlayer looking for a programme that I recently watched, #1, in a new series starring McKenzie Crook : Detectorists. While looking through the BBC 2 schedule for the past week, the present ‘obesity crisis’ came to mind.
Obesity is mentioned at least once a day on Radio 4, notwithstanding that many BBC presenters are, shall we say, on the well-rounded side of normal. Could the cause for our national obesity crisis (if there is one) be something to do with the fact that there are three back to back food programmes on BBC2 television from 1pm each day and that is after one at 7.30 a.m. and with another in the evening?
Missing relevant information:
● Israel has suspended the EU’s role but not individual countries within the EU.
●The insult Israel feels from this particular “technical matter.” due to perceived similarities to Nazi labeling of Jewish businesses.
● The labeling regulations may themselves be illegal under international trade law as no similar ruling has (or will be made) against other states in similar disputes.
Just watched an excellent documentry from C4 on the last flying Vulcan bomber. It was designed, built, flown,& restored in England. The BBC would hate to make that programme now, as it only featured Hideously White people & the crowds that turn out to air shows, are again Hideously White. They really do hate us English, & luv the Corbyn who hates us just as much.
I have seen the Vulcan twice in the past couple of years. You got a true feeling from the huge, good natured and respectful (if tearful) crowds that she attracted just what the real heart of this country is – and how out of touch with it are our politicians and media.
God help them if, to quote Kipling, ‘the Saxons begin to hate.’
The Wrath Of The Awakened Saxon
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
Yes, the mighty Vulcan was designed and built in Britain by men with slide rules and drawing boards, nothing more. In the 1950s we had the most exciting and vigorous aircraft industry in the world. Now it is all gone, the government has declared that there will never be a British designed and built warplane ever again, and BAe is happy to make a bit of the Lockheed Martin F35B.
We rue the Vulcan because it reminds us of the great nation we were, and how we have been betrayed and allowed to decline into insignificance by our corrupt and inept ruling class.
Yes , the BAe thing about cooperation in Military aircraft building, is probably to do with the sheer cost of development these days. A modern fighter with fly by wire, avionics, & mass computering, unfortunately demands international cooperation, with one or two other aircraft manufacturers.
In one sense, yes. However, the other factor is that the powers that be do not want nations to have independent advanced weapons capabilities. From the late 1950s onwards the Americans began systematically undermining the indigenous aircraft industries of their allies e.g. Britain’s TSR2 and the Canadian Arrow. One aspect of this is the carrot of access to American technology e.g. Britain was offered nuclear weapons and the Polaris delivery system rather than continue with its own systems. Not only does this strategy limit the capabilities of countries it is commercially advantageous to US manufacturers.
Excellent documentary and the sentiments are spot on. But in fairness, the BBC did make an excellent documentary on Britain’s aircraft industry called ‘Jet! When Britain Ruled the Skies’ with a big contribution from Norman Tebbitt. Last shown on BBC4 in May this year.
“The final report has been cleverly written to negate Metropolitan Police concerns that it may prejudice ongoing criminal investigations. Many journalists are now of the opinion that the BBC is deliberately stalling the publication of the report’s damning conclusions until after it has agreed the terms of its next Royal Charter.”
But, given facts, and past precedents, who is more likely to be right?
The problem with all journalists is that, if they do not name names, there is no way of knowing if they are telling the truth. Politicians and journalists are the lowest forms of life. They feed from the same trough.
“Some people say” that voting UKIP can also cause global warming.
Also, failing to support uncontrolled immigration is also known to be a big cause of global warming………
If one believes in global warming then one should automatically be opposed to mass immigration. People living in developing countries such as Pakistan, Somalia, Syria etc have relatively low ‘carbon footprints’. If they move to a developed western country their carbon footprint increases enormously as the lifestyle becomes more energy intensive. Imported foodstuffs from the old country produce more food miles, whilst regular trips back home in CO2-producing planes are not good either. In short, no environmentalist of any credibility could support mass immigration.
Some of us believe in Global Warming because we were paying attention in Biology or Physics or both when at school, when we were taught how much heat an adult human body emits.
‘Tis is a strange thing that these clever IPCC scientists & economists have not noted the growth in the world population, war & disease & starvation & disasters nothwithstanding, throughout the 20th century and the fact that with nothing else changing, the output of CO2 and methane (Beg’pardon – must be something I’ve eaten) from humans together with their temperature must increase world temperatures by a significant amount. Add the heating that most humans, even in tropical zones, need for part of the day at some time in a year in order to survive, and the A bit of GW goes up again.
If we eat less meat it will lead to more BullS**t from climate change enthusiasts therefore no reduction in climate change. Therefore if we cut out all the BullS**t we can tackle climate change!
And if we don’t eat meat, just think of all the natural ‘gases’ that are emitted from each animal every day – enough energy to power the city of Hull I shouldn’t wonder !
This also dovetails nicely into the UN/BBC theme of “Let them eat insects”. The 6th Former anti-Americanism shines through also. They do not mention that the biggest growth in meat eating is in China (and horror of horrors – it’s pork). As China has four times the population of the US, even if they only consume 25% per head they will outstrip the Americans. Then there’s the fact that China burns three times as much coal and it is growing.
I don’t know if anyone else has seen or posted this, but it is an excellent article by a former BBC journalist which exposes blatant left wing bias at the BBC.
The BBC is climate change obsessed this morning, yep! pushing the “red herring” the disgrace to the profession, as far down the viewers gullet as it can
As …
The Westminster, “old boy” network, does its usual, backstabbing best, to totally ignore common sense, the will of the majority of the people … the No10 traitors are busy ringing everybody to undermine, to pervert, to rush through the Camorons joyride to Syria, simultaneously insulting the intelligence of anyone who can read, and showing an astounding lack
of rationale.
Meanwhile … Cameron, and said No10 traitors support Angela Merkel’s push for full Turkish EU membership.
Yep! that’s the Illegal economic immigrant aiding, ISIS abetting, IS oil buying, corrupt governing, Islamist racist Erdogan deliberate Russia targeting one …
To call these imbeciles, stupid, would be an insult to stupid people.
Why the BBC, our lame brain Government, the media, the erm “world’s leaders” fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist, rather than have a coherent elimination strategy to address the enormous one that does, the clear and present danger
… “the world turned upside down”?.
It is like Byzantine theologians debating how many angels can fit on the head of a pin, whilst the Turkish army is at the gates of Constantinople. It is pure displacement activity. They knew they were doomed, but could not do anything about it, so preferred to debate an imaginary problem than face up to the real one. The parallels are almost exact.
BBc Breakfast and the week begins with the usual. Not so much of a drip drip drip of their agenda more a torrent. It’s climate change (again) Attenbourough is telling us we need solar. Well matey my own solar power harvesting is getting almost nowt in this weather. More climate change bollox, no one on to tell us it’s bollox.
It looks like thy are pleased with themselves victory on one of the agenda is close at hand. Yes good old sugar tax some smug bloke on from, .Leon restaurants wow don’t those meals look not very much can’t see any prices but I imagine they will be. Yes filmed from the not packed establishment he tells us they have imposed a 10p levy on”sugary drinks” Do we think this is really an establishment that ships massive amounts of “sugary” drinks? In the studio some nutritionist tells us well I don’t know because I’d stopped listening by then, she’s followed by someone else telling us the same sort of stuff. Apparently it’s a cut and dried case because of some study in Mexico, this gets referred to a lot. No one in to say it’s down to us if we want to drink sugary drinks. Cut to promo for the VD show…errr it’s sugary drinks…
BBc promotion of the day pianist Lang Lang.
Just another day at the agenda factory.
Frankly, I’m glad I’m at the arse end of my life, because the future for everyone appears to be stifling, flat, dull, uninteresting and restricted, lacking little pleasures (or big ones), cold, soul-less, selfish, car-less, powerless (in more ways than one), devoid of individuality, property-less, police-less, (resorting to spying on each other), overcrowded, silent (for fear of accusations of “hate crime”), and for the survivors, a sort of leftie-Muslim hell, with cheap and nasty housing estates built amongst the mosques, wind-turbines and solar panels.
Tea leaf readers look down on nutritionists, and with justification. If these charlatans had any shame they would take a collective vow of silence for the nonsense they have been preaching about dietary fat intake since they were conned in the 1950s by (another!) scientific fraud. They can award themselves all the degrees and doctorates they like but, like sociologists and ‘climate scientists’, that doesn’t make them scholars.
The BBC laps this stuff up because the ultimate sin at the Corporation is independent thought. You toe the Guardianista line or you are out.
Now i would have thought that the last place we would see bias from the BBC would be in their F1 coverage. However, I was wrong. Look at these headlines from the head writer Andrew Benson. Notice how when Rosberg gets pole or wins the GP, Lewis Hamilton always makes it into the headline. However when Hamilton gets pole or wins, Rosberg rarely makes it into the headine.
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Mexican GP victory
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton in Brazilian Grand Prix
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton in Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton beaten by Nico Rosberg in Spanish GP
Austrian Grand Prix: Nico Rosberg overtakes Lewis Hamilton to win
Lewis Hamilton denied as Nico Rosberg takes late Monaco win
Lewis Hamilton eases to Belgian GP win ahead of Nico Rosberg
Lewis Hamilton cruises to Chinese Grand Prix victory
Lewis Hamilton wins with ease in Australia as only 11 cars finish
Lewis Hamilton wins British GP brilliantly after late rain
Lewis Hamilton eases to Canadian GP win over Nico Rosberg
Nico Rosberg beat Lewis Hamilton to Abu Dhabi pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Brazilian GP pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Mexican GP pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to pole in Russian GP
Lewis Hamilton beaten by Nico Rosberg to Spanish GP pole
Lewis Hamilton dominates to take Monza pole
Lewis Hamilton on Belgian GP pole ahead of Nico Rosberg
Lewis Hamilton on pole for Hungarian Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton takes third British Grand Prix pole
Lewis Hamilton on Austrian GP pole position after spin
Lewis Hamilton takes Canada pole position ahead of Nico Rosberg
Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton takes pole for Bahrain Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton makes pole record in Chinese Grand Prix
Now I don’t take F1 so seriously these days because in my view the people in charge of it have tinkered with it so much that it is a farce. So much so that the coverage from the BBC and Sky is largely a turd-polishing excercise. However the bias from Andrew Benson is clear to see. I would add that I think Lewis is a superb driver but bias is bias.
Yes, little was said that yesterday that Jenson Button ended the season ahead on points to Fernando Alonso.
OK he’s had a poor car this season and reliability has played a part, but the fact stands that the stats say that Button has beaten both Hamilton and Alonso over a season in the same car, arguably the best drivers of the generation (well one is)
Back in 2009 when Jenson won the World Championship, it was more that Hamilton lost it.
Win or lose Nico Rosberg is always gracious enough to give the BBC a live interview, on the grid as well, Hamilton won’t. IMO Hamilton has been given preference within Mercedes.
Seismic Boy. Are you serious mate. In this house we call BBc F1 “The Lewis Hamilton show” all they do is focus on him. Hey what about that Button geezer, quick mention, move along. The last race was a prime example with the commentator desperate for Lewis to win. At one stage I thought he was going to explode when Rosberg pulled in for what the commentator thought was an early stop. Coulthard spent most of the last part of the race explaining to him how it was unlikely Lewis was going to catch him. This has been going on for years so much so I rarely watch the pre amble to the race these days. At Xmas we are launching our project RTL to see if we can get RTL here on satellite to watch F1. Especially if the BBc is not going to bother to cover live races next year according to some rumors I’ve seen
Its possible to pick up a cheap receiver and attach a 2nd LNB to a Sky/Freesat dish dish to get Astra 19.2, this is what I did to get RTL.
RTL have now signed up for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. As I said in a previous post I worked out that I have not paid Sky £1800 ish yet still seen all the live races , all be it with ads.
This is similar to what I have done.
[/url][url=]19.2 on A Sky Minidish for Free Formula One 2012[/url] by [url=]keicar1[/url], on Flickr/img]
I would have thought that someone with a love of railways and things technical would see that there is far more to F1 than just the racing, so many variables.
I’ve lost interest, thanks to Bernie’s meddling and Mosley’s incompetence. I thought Todt would sort everything out but it is still seems to be a disaster. The last I heard was that global TV audiences are disappearing fast. The only good thing this year has been that Bernie hasn’t been able to ‘fix’ a close finish, just like the BBC ‘reality’ shows.
Its possible to pick up a cheap receiver and attach a 2nd LNB to a Sky/Freesat dish dish to get Astra 19.2, this is what I did to get RTL.
RTL have now signed up for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. As I said in a previous post I worked out that I have not paid Sky £1800 ish yet still seen all the live races , all be it with ads.
This is similar to what I have done. The small grey LNB on the right is for 19.2
Oh dear, I fear its going to take another atrocity before we’ve heard the end of bloody climate change on the news. And NO Prince Charles, its not climate change that’s going to destroy the planet, its the rise of Islam, and you will only realise this ‘catastrophe’ when the masked wearing sword carrying bastards are beating on the doors of Buckingham Palace.
It’s really depressing, isn’t it? Every news bulletin, everywhere, we hear the voices of these sad, misguided, greedy individuals, who spout publicly such outright lies and drivel, I feel obliged to avoid the “news” like the plague, for fear of suffering an apoplectic fit, and killing the wireless.
I can’t find mention on the BBC website – nor AFAIAA on the BBC viewing/listening product – of this brawl between all those Moslem doctors and lawyers in Berlin. Mind you, on HMS BBC all the decks have been cleared to celebrate the climate change racket.
‘An American Muslim was detained for 13 hours after flying into a UK airport because of her faith, she says.’
BBC ‘News where you are’ presented by Asad Ahmed this morning brings us London tv viewers this story about an American girl visiting relatives in Leicester – I suppose Heathrow airport falls within the BBC London region and so that represents the London angle. Bearing in mind these paired-down local news bulletins only contain three headline stories at most, so London must have been a tad short on news items.
But let’s not act all innocent about this – the report is brought to us by the BBC as matter of policy because it is an item of Muslim interest. I don’t care, it is a non-story as far as I am concerned. I take a guess here but I assume the story broke because this girl got onto social media over it and some campaign group with straight to air access with the BBC are keen to push their narrative – to be clear I reckon the same narrative is shared between the campainers and the BBC.
Ok, ok, I get the message – not all muslims in the world are terrorists – but most terrorists in the world at present are muslims.
Yes, there are peaceful muslims – I know that, I don’t need childish BBC parables to tell me. It reminds me of those gruesome Victorian children’s books – was it Straw Peter who played with matches or got too close to the fire – so kids, don’t get too close to the fire.
FFS the last time I came home from abroad through Heathrow (at about 3:00 pm on a normal Thursday afternoon) I was “detained” in a queue at immigration – for EU/UK citizens – for more than 3 hours: this was, I was told later, not unusual. I think the concern for Londoners generally (and green fascists in particular) is that a non-resident alien got her minor inconvenience given unwarranted publicity when there must have been absolutely vital news concerning climate change to be conveyed to London’s millions.
The culture of Female genital mutilation is ok then. While were at it let’s CELEBRATE (massive left wing word) arranged marriages, bigamy and cruelty to animals (halal). Child abuse, raping young white children around the relatives. Fear of speaking out frightened of be labelled a racist.
And I’ve not even mentioned shouting down free speech
What misguided indoctrinated thick twats. This is the religion of peas idea equality & diversity, maybe they should start here. Who the hell is pulling their strings?
This is surely proof that leftists are literally mad. Clinically insane. Did Jews ever march in favour of the SS? We don’t have to guess what happens to gays in an islamic state, we know, yet these demented morons march in favour of the terror cult which will murder them. I have heard about the occasional mad person who actually wants to be killed, and arranges their own murder, but it seems this sort of psychotic behaviour is par for the course in leftist circles. Brainless lunatics the lot of them.
I’ve been having a lot of difficulty getting on this site. I had to ‘go around the houses’ in the end, to get on. Have we got a new URL? or something. Anyone else had problems?
Thoughtful has mentioned problems. Can’t say I’ve had any, other than to note it’s been a lot slower of late on my mobile using Opera Mini, though I’d put that down to a recent update.
More climate change bullshit from the BBC. This time it’s the meat eaters who get it in the neck from the lefty vegetarians courtesy of a rather politically incorrect, volumetrically challenged young lady.
And a comment on Guido from the front line of teaching in the North West of England:-
A member of my family teaches at a secondary school in the north west and is downright terrified about the way British society is going to pan out over the next couple of decades. Some highlights from his tales of woe:
– The intake of first year pupils this year was 70% ROPer.
– Despite the best efforts of the school to teach them a broad range of subjects, they are turned into Islamic automatons at after-school madrassas.
– There is a stream below the special educational needs class for the products of ROPer inbreeding.
– There is a huge problem with the ROPer kids bullying the white, black, Chinese and Hindu kids. The ROPer kids also fight amongst themselves along Pakistani/Bangladeshi lines.
– Parents evenings often require the presence of interpreters. Some ROPer parents refuse to shake hands with infidel teachers.
Another week another Islamic child gang rape story.
Has Islam infiltrated the local government? – local council? – local policing? … you betcha!
Bham Mail – “Birmingham City Council ‘buried’ a report linking Asian private hire drivers to child sexual exploitation victims 23 YEARS ago, the Mail can reveal. Researcher Dr Jill Jesson was asked by the authority to look at the issue of child prostitution involving girls in care back in 1990
The following year, after six months research, she produced a critical two-part report which showed child protection failings by social workers and other agencies. Her report also highlighted claims that Asian private hire drivers were linked to the sexual exploitation of young white girls in care, including some who had been cautioned for prostitution offences.
Yet when Dr Jesson presented her draft findings to a steering group, she was ordered to remove all reference linking ethnicity and the private hire trade.
Incredibly, her full amended final report was never published. A meeting planned to discuss it was cancelled – and all copies were to be destroyed.”
Soooo … BBC News? – Regional? – Bham?
BBC News leads – Muslim woman ‘held for 13 hours’ at Heathrow Airport
BBC Bham leads – Malala Yousafzai portrait unveiled
Kentucky Fried Chicken have now jumped on the ‘Muslim’ wagon in their advert ! Two black girls eating chicken and commenting on Christmas, one turns to the other and says words to the effect ‘leave it out, you’re Muslim’ – they carry on chomping. Is there NO end to it all ?
Ironically, despite being at the very raw cutting edge of capitalism, most people who work for advertising agencies are Guardian reading lefties. Most of their clients are hired executives who are of a similar persuasion and, even if they are not, are far too intimidated to object to the spending of their shareholders’ money on agitprop.
Black girls eating fried chicken? Sounds a bit stereotypical, waycist even. (One girl rolls eyes and says “Lordy, lordy, pass me some black-eyed beans. And grits. Mmm, mmm”).
This morning on BBC breakfast Charlie Stayt declared with relish that the Pope with visit a mosque today as part of his African visit. I would not be surprised if this will be the only footage broadcast by them of the Pop’s visit during the whole tour. Indeed why does this pope need to think he has to visit a mosque anyway. I would wager his predecessor His Holiness Benedict the XVI ,would not even consider such an action, as an act of the highest blasphemy.
Which is probably why he was retired early.
Imagine we`ll only find out after his death, the consequences of the Roman Curias terror of offending Muslims-no matter how contrived and spurious this turned out to be.
Regensburg 2006 was a watershed-and the Catholic Church as we used to know it is now full of wormwood like Longley, Petten, Blair/Booth -and, of course old Frank Imbroglio himself…a yellow/green pope of Guardian fantasy-but no use to any Christ or any One True God.
Just a runny snot high end god of liberal piss that they like to create when it suits the liblab pacmen.
My thought-if we had a church worth persecuting, it would have been long ago-and Islam is only doing the dirty work of mucking out the liberal barns of Western Europe…albeit as Satans sticklebrick.
No Muslim will be banned from the crem, the school or the hospital as the broken-backed British church has been…and at least IS STAND for something…until the Church finds a spine, Islam will be the only way to acknowledge a God-even if it IS a Satanic black sugar cube in a sandpit with stampeding death devils rushing over the Bin Laden Bridge of doom to slaver at it.
It`s Jesus or nothing-and stuff the BBC who refuse to use HIS Name.
The results?…well, we live with them every day now. Until Islam becomes Hislam anyway!
He (Pope Benedict) did visit a mosque: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the one which used to be the greatest cathedral in all of Christendom. Then it was Constantinople, until the Muslims eventually captured the city, after centuries of trying.
Hagia Sophia has been designated as a museum since 1935 under the great man, and atheist, Ataturk. However, the present Turkish Government are under some pressure to allow it to be used as a mosque again.
Thanks for the correction, I’d forgotten it was presently a museum.
I would love to have known what that Pope’s inner thoughts were when he looked around it – I don’t think they would have been terribly multi-culti.
I have absolutely no idea why he visited it but the last time I was there, some years ago, it was being renovated and both church and mosque aspects were being equally treated. It was a weird feeling because , if you didn’t know the history, you couldn’t tell whether it was a church or a mosque. Either way , it is a magnificent building. It certainly survived as a museum when Erdogan was Mayor of istanbul, but he does appear to be gradually eroding Ataturk’s legacy. The Great Man would be appalled at what is happening in Turkey today.
Oh well it looks like I lost my wager. I still think Benedict the XVI has far more scruples than this current Pope. Francis on the face of it is a leftist, and has already been defeated once trying to alter the churches stance on homosexuality.
I have just seen the BBC Archive “profile” of Norman Tebbit from 1982.
This was shown as a “tribute” to Thatchers removal 25 years ago-and only confirms how long the BBC have been doing their supercilious and sneering best to trash anybody who dares to think outside their f***in beehive of bien-pensant socialismus isthmus.
Adam Raphael “waves the letter opener that thinks it`s a hatchet”, I think-just the sort of Observer type sneeritoad that would have been the template for the BBCs current rump of liberal scumbuckets who “do” current affairs.
Surprised Tebbit isn`t hitting the roof at how biased and sneering it all is in hindsight( intellectual pretensions, corner street thug, vox pox from Eric Varley…no relation to Reg, and unintentionally funnier).
Guess St Norman of Chingford and Bury St Edmonton has long got used to this nasty bias against him-and the BBC got it wrong in 1982-his “get on yer bike” stuff was no error at all, but his Brand/USP quote that will long survive him.
As I cycle to my jobclubs, I think of little else….God bless and keep him and his Margaret too.
And f*** the BBC, who were clearly shafting his like since 1982 at least-and being used to no other points of view, I`d not have noticed how biased and evil the BBC is.
Tebbit mentions sheep and goats-Raphael is a kebab in hell, while Norman continues to be a living beacon of sheepy goodness here on earth!
The BBC has been running as headline news the story that a foreign Muslim has been inconvenienced !
Borders agency say she was inconvenienced over the issue of her eligibility to enter the UK, but she has decided they stopped her because she is a Muslim – I’m sure we all agree this is wholly worthy of a headline slot for 24 hours?
Malala has been abused in an Islamophobic attack by being called a ‘Brummie’ but it’s OK because she doesn’t mind ! Still makes the headlines though.
Meanwhile the real news is completely disregarded & ignored. The ineptitude of the incompetent Post Office Counters mismanagement, bullying their staff, who for years they have allowed to close at 12:00 on Christmas Eve, have been forced this week to work until 16:00 for no good reason other than the management feel that they can. As a result they’ve gone on strike and the incompetent management feel it’s a better result for the Post Offices to close all day rather than a half a day!
Well done guys, but don’t worry because the taxpayer will continue to bail you out no matter how stupid your decisions are.
That must be why POC are trying to franchise out the crown offices. They want to get into the idea of people being able to use their services when other shops are open too.
What a strange business model to want to pursue in these days!
Classic series on TV recently about the future for Post Offices large and small. when they questioned a member of the public using a recently opened PO replacing a Crown Office. “Ooh we did not have to queue like we did before”
Migrants get bad weather discounts
BBC Pro Illegal immigrant bias
Offer the hand of friendship? … “bite the hand that feeds” news
“Hundreds of refugees have been involved in a mass brawl at a Berlin shelter as lunch was being served, with more than 100 police officers called in to restore order.
The fight on Sunday underlines the difficulties Germany faces in handling hundreds of thousands of migrants. Although incidents in such centres are common, the chaos in the shelter at Berlin’s disused Tempelhof airport was more violent than normal. “There were apparently many hundreds of people involved,” a police spokesman said.”
Nice bias this morning on R4 Toady this morning ref the vote on air strikes.
Labour MP interviewed – he plans to vote against air strikes.
And then for balance they interviewed….wait for it……….Dianne Abbott, who also plans to vote against air strikes !!!!
The only issue was whether the vote should be free or whipped, not whether the arguments in favour of action should be heard.
Nice bias this morning on R4 Toady this morning ref the vote on air strikes.
Labour MP interviewed – he plans to vote against air strikes.
And then for balance they interviewed….wait for it……….Dianne Abbott, who also plans to vote against air strikes !!!!
The only issue was whether the vote should be free or whipped, not whether the arguments in favour of action should be heard.
PS Is it me or is this site very slow and clunky this afternoon? Takes ages for pages to load.
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BBC Sunday Politics.
Brillo reminds us how impartial coverage of political issues is still possible on the BBC. Gorgeous George Galloway was interviewed regarding the proposals to bomb Syria.
I know GG stirs emotions for many who read this website’s postings. But GG, in his interview with Brillo, gives the most intelligent analysis of the current situation our politicians find ourselves in with regards to Syria, from an active politician that I have heard on the BBC (Note. The BBC don’t appear to allow UKIP representatives to provide such an opinion on their programs). It is no surprise that he (GG) no longer has a place in a mainstream political party. Liam Fox was interviewed after GG. Fox was wrong in 2013 and is wrong now. When will our politicians represent the interests of the British people? On this issue, GG appears to consider the interests of the peoples of the UK, but Fox doesn’t.
In the Yorkshire snippet of Sunday Politics, a piece on the continuation of the License Fee. Selected ‘vox-pop’ and ‘analysis’ (impartial of course) from Len Tingle. According to Lord Hall-Hall, BBC DG, I am a ‘sort-of’ shareholder of the BBC. Lord Hall of Newspeak? Worth a watch on i-player. Philip Davies MP gives a sensible view. Fabian Hamilton MP is a lefty, so the injustice of enforced expropriation of other people’s money doesn’t trouble him. I would be interested in others thoughts.
Liam Fox tried to exclude his flip-flop on bombing in Syria by claiming Assad had been using chemical weapons against rebel Syrians. Do I recall correctly that there were TWO UN investigations that found Assad had NOT used chemical weapons or there was no clear evidence to that end? And do I not recall correctly that at the time the UN Inspectors were granted access, Assad agreed to surrender Syrian stocks of chemicals that could have been added to munitions?
If so, it is a shame that Andrew Neil wasn’t well briefed enough to nail Fox on that one. It would have been interesting to watch him try to wriggle out of it.
As I recall, the chemical weapons came from Saudi Arabia, via Qatar and were used by the American funded “rebels”. You know, those nice, reasonable moderates led by a man who ate the heart of one of his opponents.
And as interviewed extensively by the BBC to ‘understand his motivations’, plus get some recipe tips.
Gorgeous George (pbuh) was certainly right about the malign influence of Turkey in the Syrian Civil War. The Erdogan family is making hundreds of millions of dollars trading oil from Isis regions, Erdogun has flooded Europe with Muslim “refugees”, effectively reversing the expulsion of the Ottoman Turks from Europe, and now the EU is paying him €300 million, and agreeing to progress Turkey’s EU membership process, so long as he “promises” not to allow this invasion to continue. Remind me, if you pay Danegeld, do you get more Danes or fewer Danes? Erdogan must be laughing his cock off at just how gullible and pathetic EU leaders are. He is running rings round them without even trying. I am just hoping Putin orders him up a Polonium sandwich pronto, for all our sakes.
Was listening to Radio 4 Extra at 8.00am this morning at the start of the “Vintage Comedy Hour”. The first item was the Al Read Show, a very popular Northern comedian of the sixties. This show was first broadcast 6/11/66.
The difference between this show and current so called “comedy shows” is that it was extremely funny. One of the sketches involved a conversation between two patients on a hospital ward and one says to the other –
“See him in the bed at the end of the ward – he was brought in for sunburn – took them three days to realise that he was a PAKISTANI”. Great laugh from the audience who thought that it was hilariously funny and no apology was required to anyone who may have been “offended”.
How times have changed over the past 50 years.
Maybe Hamilton’s time is now limited if the boundary changes take place. He represents Wigton Lane AND Spencer Place, £4M properties to high occupancy dwellings with a high proportion of immigrants. He only gets in because of the latter. This household is 3rd & 4th generation Labour, we all voted UKIP in May.
BBC Trending gynoid Anne-Marie Tomchak reports on the #ExMuslimBecause campaign by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) and totally misses the point by turning it into a Muslim Vs. ex-Muslim affair when, in fact, the campaign is about criticism of Islam.
With two-against-one ‘balanced’ participation à la Question Time, the majority of airtime goes to the Muslims who pepper out bandy wording such as “unfortunate”, “opportunistic”, “problematic”, and “uncompromising”, while the CEMB representative’s airtime is mostly taken up by having to justify the campaign rather than outlining the issues it raises.
Seemingly concluding that, in this case, ex-Muslim equals anti-Muslim, the topic is topped off with the final say on ex-Muslim viewpoints being given to a “practicing Muslim”.
In a sense, ex-Muslim is anti-Muslim, if you have rejected the false premises of the death cult. Like any terrorist organisation, they will kill without hesitation anyone who tries to leave. Why on earth would someone who rejects the premises of this terror cult not also be an anti?
Big climate change march in London reported here:
All the intellectual heavyweights are there: Vivienne Westwood, Emma Thompson, Charlotte Church etc etc. The list reads like a Who’s Who of the celeb ignorati.
Except something tells me the march wasn’t quite as well attended as hoped for by the BBC. The photos are cropped nice and tight in order to fill the frame with concerned faces. Haven’t seen any long shots yet of the streets thronging with the terminally confused. I could be wrong but, given it isn’t the warmest day of the year, there might be some of the famous Gore Effect at work here.
Well, some are keeping all fingers and toes crossed… impartially, of course.
‘The London march has attracted campaigners from across the world – Mickaele Maiava is from Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand’
Poor sod must be exhausted having paddled all that way… to a march… in London.
Took me a few seconds on that Guest Who, I nearly asked the obvious.
The notion of ‘green advertisers’ errs to irony…
I thought it was more to drive the online traffic, as every post was slaughtered by hundreds.
That is, times two, as he had this odd habit for referencing his own articles in an article.
I wonder what the BBC’s non-commercial excuse is for ‘settling’ coverage as it does? To whit:
BBC Front Page:
“Paris climate deal ‘more likely'”
“Six charts that explain climate change”
“What will the Paris summit achieve?”
“Why do two degrees matter?”
“Switzerland’s vanishing natural wonder”
“Solar cuts ‘threat to hundreds of jobs'”
“Can bikers be tempted to go electric?”
“Andrew Walker: Is there an economic case for tackling climate change?”
There is always the BBC
Nov 29, 2015 at 9:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterTerryS
And if Messrs, Windy Cameron, Hug a Beeboid Whittingdale & ‘If you refuse to cross this line one more time’ Norman carry on as they have, there will always be a BBC funded without choice by our council taxes.
OK, it now looks like a few did turn up, the numbers being bolstered by the likes of Caroline Lucas and John McDonnell. Small piece of humble pie please.
I wouldn’t worry. There’s rarely a shortage of lemmings.
One just needs to look at the names of the celebrities and politicians involved to know which side is correct.
They are instructed by ther leaders to bunch together for the photographs.
According to the UAF comrades
‘Big turn out by United Glasgow players, coaches, volunteers and supporters at the annual STUC St Andrew’s Day March against Racism and Fascism despite the cold and rain’
Bunch up any more and the they’ll disappear, I take it when the march was over the organisers wrapped them up in the banner untill next time. And just to compound the whole absurdity I bet most of that lot have more intolerant views on a whole range of issues than the average British person holds, bunch of fascists.
This is standard propaganda tactic. The BBc as I have discussed on earlier occasions is very accomplished at deceptive camera angle shots. No-one thinks this bunch of fascist leftie scum represents any one but a minute minority.
This was tweeted by Claire Marshall to accompany a photo of marchers passing a famous London landmark:
‘Not many stopping for tea at the Ritz. #ClimateMarch’
Poor marchers probably unable to elbow their way through the BBC journalists quaffing lattes between asinine tweets.
The BBC seldom gives voice to reason and clear thinking.
SKY (Dermot Murnaghan) interviews Nigel Farage this morning.
Nigel Farage, a voice of reason in an ever more chaotic world.
Vote UKIP. Common sense.
Like Murnaghan’s dismissal of polls.
I look forward to SKY not getting excited by any results of polls in the future.
Meanwhile I am off to buy this piece of land in Florida.
How many times have we heard a politician answer a question with a simple, ‘No’?
That was a very fair interview of Farage, which you are unlikely (with the possible exception of A.N.) to see the like of on Al Beebus; thanks for posting it.
I have had many heated arguments with the far left of society concerning so called “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change”. I’m staggered at their ignorance of all things climate, of all things meteorological. What I like to do if the argument is going nowhere, is to ask of these greenies and far lefties, “O.K., I buy into your argument that temperatures are rising and that in your world we have to reduce Co2 emissions to reduce Global Warming. What happens if those Co2 emissions are reduced to an amount which causes Global Cooling? What do we do then?” I have not yet heard any reply! The people who I’m talking to either walk off or change the subject. Try it yourselves, and have a good laugh at their ignorance and stupidity.
The Left believes in global warming because it is the perfect excuse for them to impose their misguided political beliefs on the entire world. As with their flawed historical, psychological and economic nostrums, it simply doesn’t matter how many times those beliefs are exposed as bogus – they are beliefs and not subject to facts or reason.
One might as well argue with a dog.
The alarmists, including our ‘educating and informing’ BBC, basically believe that man can control the earth’s temperature to within a couple of degrees simply by tweaking his CO2 emissions.
It’s more like witchcraft than science.
With the odd Warlock
Would putting these things out make any difference? I’m not up on the science but 6000 years must be a lot of something or other.
As some of these started naturally I bet the tree huggers will claim they only give off good vibrations.
Probably not.
The select ‘scientists’ of the IPCC, environ-‘mentalists’ & politicians of that ilk that decide what we ought to believe about GW and now CC, discount that sort of thing anyway, including the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake which was said to release a massive amount of earth core heat. I think in my hearing, it was only mentioned ONCE on BBC Radio 4 close to the actual event.
The BBC have very short memories among their Producers & Editors and journalists.
If you asked the BBC’s climate change staff about Beowolf or the medieval vowel shift, you might get a sensible answer. Anything to do with the science of climate change, less so.
Once the CO2 drops to that level, extinction beckons, because CO2 is also plant food. Once CO2 drops to a low level, crops die and we starve to death. Thankfully, CO2 at current levels is very very good for plant growth.
Anyone know what Radio 4’s official listener figures are?
There is never a moment that I dip into Radio 4 when the programming is not dealing with a non-British issue, person or a minority grouping.
I assume this is because producers are religiously following an edict from the controller that they must maximise their output of BME, LGBT etc material.
Apart from the sheer obviousness of the propaganda effort, it makes for very uninteresting listening – like the BBC World Service programming in the middle of the night.
The World Service used to be to tell others about Britain.
Then it became telling Britain about the rest of the world. (I presume they know their true audience figures indicate more listeners in Blighty than Bombay.)
So when did the order go out for Radio 4 to become another version of the inward broadcasting BBC World Service?
Funny you should ask that. I was wondering, after being lined up for Any Answers for a second time in the last couple of months, whether their audience figures have gone through the floor.
Dear old Anita seems almost desperate in recent months, pleading for people to phone in, even in the final third of the programme. In the none too distant past there would have been no chance of getting your phone call answered, let alone a word on air, calling the BBC that late. I wonder if listeners have given up on it?
I have. Since it stopped being an informative debate programme many years ago, and has since become nothing more than propaganda, there is no point listening to it, because it is impossible to learn anything useful from it.
It was decades ago. In the 1980s I was a rep and tended to leave the car radio on Radio 4. In the early 80s Woman’s Hour was an interesting programme, but by the end of the decade every other item was about South Africa and those “nasty Boers”. It became impossible to listen to it – not only biased (never any mention of ANC murders) but terminally boring.
I agree with you, I would love to know the number of listeners who just click the off switch or switch to another BBC channel, R2 providing Ken or Steve are on or R3, or Capital.
I used to do it so often, I don’t now because I have just given listening to R4 except for specific programmes .
As a frequent listener to this service, it can best be described as a classic example of ‘The tail wagging the dog’.
Sadly, we are forced to pay for it like it or not, and our government does nothing .
Vote UKIP to get some common sense into the country before it goes further down the pan.
BBC making more friends it seems
Reading the comments it seems to me that we from this blog should be reaching out to the growing number of disabused on other forums – the more fanatically the BBC clings to its received truth , the greater the number of people that find themselves at odds with its narrative and hopefully the most support there is for de-funding it
As predicted, the BBC are so over-excited by the Paris Climate Jamboree kicking off tomorrow that they can’t wait to start the propaganda – just watched a piece on BBC News Channel where the ever-willing Emma Thompson was interviewed at the ‘40,000 strong climate march’ in London today (btw, Ms Thompson told her interviewer that in her opinion the number of protesters was ‘much more like 100,000’).
I wasn’t aware Emma Thompson was a climate expert. Is this new BBC policy? I was under the impression that the BBC refused to air the opinions of anyone on climate change who wasn’t a ‘climate expert’ – you know, in the interests of science and all that.
Can we now expect the even-handed BBC to give airtime to Lord Monckton – all in the interests of ‘balance’, of course?
No, of course we can’t. This is the BBC in full climate fascist mode: they control the airwaves and they will break every rule in their own book to ensure The Narrative is spread far and wide. Get ready, people – the next two weeks is going to be wall-to-wall climate catastrophism from the BBC. Impartiality (and real science, for that matter) be damned!
Emma Thompson’s daughter is called Gaia, so she is clearly a climate change expert. Or a prententious old bat. One or the other, anyway.
The BBC are lying (quelle suprise) about only giving air-time to climate scientists. The truth is, they only give airtime to people who are faithful adherents to the church of climate change. The BBC will not give air-time to real climate scientists, if those scientists have any doubts about the scale and speed of the impending climate appocalypse. That being the appocalypse which should already have been triggered many times over by now according to the alarmist scientists, and still hasn’t happened.
How many of the climate change ‘activists’ – slebs included, canoe their way to their holiday/business destination ? How many only have lettuce and tomatoes in the Summer ? Before the days of cheap package holidays back in the 60’s, we holidayed in this country or took the ferry to France. We never had salad at Christmas, and certainly didn’t import beans from Kenya., and we still had rain forests in the Amazon region. So, should we revert back to those days ? – these ‘kid’ activists think they know it all, but I wonder how many would give up their Air Miles to save the planet ! I don’t think we need worry about climate change, the spread of Islam is far more worrying for future generations than the rise of the earth’s temperature by a couple of degrees.
I wonder, especially if taxes on road fuels and air travel are increased following Paris, whether anyone will ask about the last Shadow Chancellor’s current commuting across the Atlantic by air.
Said Shadow Chancellor, when a Minister serving a Chancellor, helpfully increased everyone’s cost of living by jacking up the cost of road fuels and electricity & gas, ostensibly in order to save the planet.
Indeed and I would imagine the carbon footprint of the Film and T.V industry is pretty hefty. But you never hear the likes of Emma Thompson banging on about that.
She really is a loathsome old hypocrite.
Hook just one HMI light up to the mains and watch the electricity meter whip round. They often need two or more for any scene.
Then if we consider Mr Balls transatlantic commuting, what about the luvvies global travel for work, awards ceremonies, holidays and then, as Americans in Paris or more likely London, visiting the US for family reasons.
The BBC has an endless stream of American, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and South African accents on R4 these days. If the Beeb are truly serious about GW emissions, they should employ only Brits (we have at least 2m needing jobs) and when a foreign voice appears as spokesperson or contributor ask if they are resident here and how many times a year they fly.
Mayam Namazie used to be a darling of the BBC, yet since she dared to badmouth the UAF/HNH/Islamist alliance, she seems to have become an “Islamophobic enemy of the people” where certain sections of Al-Beeb are now concerned…
The BBC really are a disgusting entity…
In fact, “BBCTrending” may well be yet another SWP front…
Breitbart has more to say on the subject.
Many denounce all Muslims because of the lack of denouncement of terrorism heard from them. I’ve no doubt it is very difficult for any Muslim of that opinion to publicly speak out about radicals knowing they can themselves be easily ‘silenced’.
But when we have those braver ones who are willing to voice their opinion against Islamists, and our BBC do their best to demonize them as well, in support of the Islamists, should we be surprised that we won’t hear many voices of dissent.
BBC Attacks Atheist Ex-Muslims As ‘Islamophobic’, Defends Islamists.
BBC – The Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, has said that Islamist terrorists pose a “very direct risk to this country.”
Yes at home … you know the community to target, get with the program on specific surveillance, be strong and visible
and don t let any others of that “risk” community in here, be precise, its called … a plan for the good of our safety.
If said community are truly moderate, they ll help you, support clearing out the Islamists(sarc) … a win win? surely
or …
An estimated 70,000 people in the Free Syrian Islamists oops I mean Army, these are the good fellas?
these are the people that we’re now assisting?
… while the Camoron wants to bomb ISIS, or inadvertently Assad or , erm … don t think he s even actually sure who?
AND … without any real, clear long term strategy, (just like every other one of their bloody policies).
Camoron and his No10 traitors lying again, sounds like underhand mission creep is on the cards.
… I mean folks … what could go wrong eh? 😀
The venture in Syria is about toppling Assad and then provoking a war with Iran, but the Russo-Chinese joint military exercises in the Eastern Med, during May, foiled that or it would have begun earlier I believe.
ISIS pose no existential threat to the West, but they offer a suitable bogeyman, necessary to create the conditions for the fracture of Syria and for confrontation with the Persians.
I believe the Syrians haven’t given consent for any countries other than Russia to fly combat missions within their airspace, which presumably is illegal? Yet it is still carried out by the U.S., France and others and will be by us if the fool in No 10 gets his way.
The greater involvement of Russia, in support of its ally, makes this a volatile situation; increasingly so when Turkey shoots down one of their planes – probably with the collusion of the U.S. State Dept. This type of action is how wars begin – WW1 (which led directly to WW2) started over much less.
The U.S. did nothing to criticize the Turks for downing the jet, neither have they done so already: for allowing ISIS training camps on their soil, for treating ISIS fighters in Turkish hospitals, buying ISIS oil or the FSA stealing factories( (in addition to other large scale industrial theft) from Syria which were then moved across the border into Turkey; nor for the numerous incursions of of the Turkish airforce over Greek territory.
The Russians have just deployed their new S400 air defence system in Syria to which there is no Nato answer ( or so It seems)
This means that nothing will fly in Syria unless the Russians say so. I suppose it is primarily to stop any further Turkish adventures but it will mean that our out of date planes will only bomb in Syria if Russia lets them. So who is fooling who?
The Russians have played this very cleverly all along. Cameron looks like the amatuer statesman he is and as for Obama again way out of his depth.
The only way peace will return to Syria is on Russia’s terms and we must get used to it. Assad will stay and Russia will impose some form of settlement. Iran will also benefit and the West removed finally from the scene.
All along I have believed that this is the beginning of Russia resuming it’s role as a great European power and that with Germany useless and us stupid nothing is to stop the Russians dominating Europe and protecting us from Islamism but at a price. Not of our freedom but of our self image as a wannabee great European power.
The greatest mistake the West made after the fall of the USSR was to assume that Russia was finished. One further clue is that Russia is acting very aggresively towards Turkey and is prepared to directly challenge Erdogan. Only a nation that is sure of it’s power acts like this .
I believe the Russians have rumbled Cameron. He wants to bomb, so he says, to degrade IS and bring stability to the region. In my book bringing stability means regime change and that puts him back on his old remove Assad track. However, Russia is in charge now.
I see hints at Chinese involvement. If only… Imagine 200,000 Chinese ground troops sweeping across the region, sorting out the Jihadists like they did recently in China with flame throwers.
This is BBC News – Front Home Page, article list – as of 8pm.WTF!
Thought it was “orrible” Harribins bloody e-mail list
Wot? … no Polar Bears?
BBC – Paris climate summit
BBC – COP21: Rallies call for Paris climate change action
BBC – Latest on marches
BBC – Thousands at London rally
BBC – Eco activists launch spoof ads
BBC – Hopes for deal rise
BBC – 6 charts that explain our warming world
BBC – What will the Paris summit achieve?
BBC – Arctic temperature illustration
BBC – Why do two degrees matter?
BBC – Switzerland’s vanishing natural wonder
… Narrative?
Has it ever been more shameless?
Documenting the ‘climate change’ frenzy of the BBC’s online news site:
How ‘balanced’ would you say this is?
Anyone spot the bias..?
Your license fee at work!
Does that mean we are in for a remake of Tales of the Riverbank?
New series staring Ahmed Hamster, Rashid the Water Rat, etc etc.
Narated by Jamal Morris.
Stranger things have happened.
Am just browsing iPlayer looking for a programme that I recently watched, #1, in a new series starring McKenzie Crook : Detectorists. While looking through the BBC 2 schedule for the past week, the present ‘obesity crisis’ came to mind.
Obesity is mentioned at least once a day on Radio 4, notwithstanding that many BBC presenters are, shall we say, on the well-rounded side of normal. Could the cause for our national obesity crisis (if there is one) be something to do with the fact that there are three back to back food programmes on BBC2 television from 1pm each day and that is after one at 7.30 a.m. and with another in the evening?
Israel suspends EU role in peace process with Palestinians Note the boilerplate The EU says the settlements are illegal, but Israel disputes this. is repeated twice.
Missing relevant information:
● Israel has suspended the EU’s role but not individual countries within the EU.
●The insult Israel feels from this particular “technical matter.” due to perceived similarities to Nazi labeling of Jewish businesses.
● The labeling regulations may themselves be illegal under international trade law as no similar ruling has (or will be made) against other states in similar disputes.
Just watched an excellent documentry from C4 on the last flying Vulcan bomber. It was designed, built, flown,& restored in England. The BBC would hate to make that programme now, as it only featured Hideously White people & the crowds that turn out to air shows, are again Hideously White. They really do hate us English, & luv the Corbyn who hates us just as much.
I have seen the Vulcan twice in the past couple of years. You got a true feeling from the huge, good natured and respectful (if tearful) crowds that she attracted just what the real heart of this country is – and how out of touch with it are our politicians and media.
God help them if, to quote Kipling, ‘the Saxons begin to hate.’
The Wrath Of The Awakened Saxon
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
More here:
Yes, the mighty Vulcan was designed and built in Britain by men with slide rules and drawing boards, nothing more. In the 1950s we had the most exciting and vigorous aircraft industry in the world. Now it is all gone, the government has declared that there will never be a British designed and built warplane ever again, and BAe is happy to make a bit of the Lockheed Martin F35B.
We rue the Vulcan because it reminds us of the great nation we were, and how we have been betrayed and allowed to decline into insignificance by our corrupt and inept ruling class.
Yes , the BAe thing about cooperation in Military aircraft building, is probably to do with the sheer cost of development these days. A modern fighter with fly by wire, avionics, & mass computering, unfortunately demands international cooperation, with one or two other aircraft manufacturers.
In one sense, yes. However, the other factor is that the powers that be do not want nations to have independent advanced weapons capabilities. From the late 1950s onwards the Americans began systematically undermining the indigenous aircraft industries of their allies e.g. Britain’s TSR2 and the Canadian Arrow. One aspect of this is the carrot of access to American technology e.g. Britain was offered nuclear weapons and the Polaris delivery system rather than continue with its own systems. Not only does this strategy limit the capabilities of countries it is commercially advantageous to US manufacturers.
Ian, IIRC, that was when Lockheed Starfighters crashed regularly in Europe and elsewhere …
Excellent documentary and the sentiments are spot on. But in fairness, the BBC did make an excellent documentary on Britain’s aircraft industry called ‘Jet! When Britain Ruled the Skies’ with a big contribution from Norman Tebbitt. Last shown on BBC4 in May this year.
This may just have happened. Were any names mentioned, or is the BBC again a bit coy about who says what to them?
Of course, two can play this game:
“The final report has been cleverly written to negate Metropolitan Police concerns that it may prejudice ongoing criminal investigations. Many journalists are now of the opinion that the BBC is deliberately stalling the publication of the report’s damning conclusions until after it has agreed the terms of its next Royal Charter.”
But, given facts, and past precedents, who is more likely to be right?
The problem with all journalists is that, if they do not name names, there is no way of knowing if they are telling the truth. Politicians and journalists are the lowest forms of life. They feed from the same trough.
However, for ‘balance’, they are always there with an attributed quote, if it is a corker:
BBC Online News:
“”Can eating less meat help reduce climate change?””
Pure Left Wing/BBC propaganda. And of course, the evil capitalist corporate America is to blame.
No wonder there is growing public cynicism re Climate Change/Global Warming.
“Some people say” that voting UKIP can also cause global warming.
Also, failing to support uncontrolled immigration is also known to be a big cause of global warming………
Emma Thomson agrees
If one believes in global warming then one should automatically be opposed to mass immigration. People living in developing countries such as Pakistan, Somalia, Syria etc have relatively low ‘carbon footprints’. If they move to a developed western country their carbon footprint increases enormously as the lifestyle becomes more energy intensive. Imported foodstuffs from the old country produce more food miles, whilst regular trips back home in CO2-producing planes are not good either. In short, no environmentalist of any credibility could support mass immigration.
“In short, no environmentalist of any credibility could support mass immigration. “
Well George Monbiot does, oh sorry, missed the ‘credibility’ bit!
Some of us believe in Global Warming because we were paying attention in Biology or Physics or both when at school, when we were taught how much heat an adult human body emits.
‘Tis is a strange thing that these clever IPCC scientists & economists have not noted the growth in the world population, war & disease & starvation & disasters nothwithstanding, throughout the 20th century and the fact that with nothing else changing, the output of CO2 and methane (Beg’pardon – must be something I’ve eaten) from humans together with their temperature must increase world temperatures by a significant amount. Add the heating that most humans, even in tropical zones, need for part of the day at some time in a year in order to survive, and the A bit of GW goes up again.
Now that IS anthropogenic Global Warming!
If we eat less meat it will lead to more BullS**t from climate change enthusiasts therefore no reduction in climate change. Therefore if we cut out all the BullS**t we can tackle climate change!
And if we don’t eat meat, just think of all the natural ‘gases’ that are emitted from each animal every day – enough energy to power the city of Hull I shouldn’t wonder !
This also dovetails nicely into the UN/BBC theme of “Let them eat insects”. The 6th Former anti-Americanism shines through also. They do not mention that the biggest growth in meat eating is in China (and horror of horrors – it’s pork). As China has four times the population of the US, even if they only consume 25% per head they will outstrip the Americans. Then there’s the fact that China burns three times as much coal and it is growing.
So in a convoluted way eating less meat will stop immigration, well according to this report and Prince Charles it will….
If true I’d turn veggie tomorrow!
I don’t know if anyone else has seen or posted this, but it is an excellent article by a former BBC journalist which exposes blatant left wing bias at the BBC.
The BBC is climate change obsessed this morning, yep! pushing the “red herring” the disgrace to the profession, as far down the viewers gullet as it can
As …
The Westminster, “old boy” network, does its usual, backstabbing best, to totally ignore common sense, the will of the majority of the people … the No10 traitors are busy ringing everybody to undermine, to pervert, to rush through the Camorons joyride to Syria, simultaneously insulting the intelligence of anyone who can read, and showing an astounding lack
of rationale.
Meanwhile … Cameron, and said No10 traitors support Angela Merkel’s push for full Turkish EU membership.
Yep! that’s the Illegal economic immigrant aiding, ISIS abetting, IS oil buying, corrupt governing, Islamist racist Erdogan deliberate Russia targeting one …
To call these imbeciles, stupid, would be an insult to stupid people.
Why the BBC, our lame brain Government, the media, the erm “world’s leaders” fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist, rather than have a coherent elimination strategy to address the enormous one that does, the clear and present danger
… “the world turned upside down”?.
It is like Byzantine theologians debating how many angels can fit on the head of a pin, whilst the Turkish army is at the gates of Constantinople. It is pure displacement activity. They knew they were doomed, but could not do anything about it, so preferred to debate an imaginary problem than face up to the real one. The parallels are almost exact.
BBc Breakfast and the week begins with the usual. Not so much of a drip drip drip of their agenda more a torrent. It’s climate change (again) Attenbourough is telling us we need solar. Well matey my own solar power harvesting is getting almost nowt in this weather. More climate change bollox, no one on to tell us it’s bollox.
It looks like thy are pleased with themselves victory on one of the agenda is close at hand. Yes good old sugar tax some smug bloke on from, .Leon restaurants wow don’t those meals look not very much can’t see any prices but I imagine they will be. Yes filmed from the not packed establishment he tells us they have imposed a 10p levy on”sugary drinks” Do we think this is really an establishment that ships massive amounts of “sugary” drinks? In the studio some nutritionist tells us well I don’t know because I’d stopped listening by then, she’s followed by someone else telling us the same sort of stuff. Apparently it’s a cut and dried case because of some study in Mexico, this gets referred to a lot. No one in to say it’s down to us if we want to drink sugary drinks. Cut to promo for the VD show…errr it’s sugary drinks…
BBc promotion of the day pianist Lang Lang.
Just another day at the agenda factory.
Frankly, I’m glad I’m at the arse end of my life, because the future for everyone appears to be stifling, flat, dull, uninteresting and restricted, lacking little pleasures (or big ones), cold, soul-less, selfish, car-less, powerless (in more ways than one), devoid of individuality, property-less, police-less, (resorting to spying on each other), overcrowded, silent (for fear of accusations of “hate crime”), and for the survivors, a sort of leftie-Muslim hell, with cheap and nasty housing estates built amongst the mosques, wind-turbines and solar panels.
Not for me, thank you very much, oh, no…
Tea leaf readers look down on nutritionists, and with justification. If these charlatans had any shame they would take a collective vow of silence for the nonsense they have been preaching about dietary fat intake since they were conned in the 1950s by (another!) scientific fraud. They can award themselves all the degrees and doctorates they like but, like sociologists and ‘climate scientists’, that doesn’t make them scholars.
The BBC laps this stuff up because the ultimate sin at the Corporation is independent thought. You toe the Guardianista line or you are out.
Now i would have thought that the last place we would see bias from the BBC would be in their F1 coverage. However, I was wrong. Look at these headlines from the head writer Andrew Benson. Notice how when Rosberg gets pole or wins the GP, Lewis Hamilton always makes it into the headline. However when Hamilton gets pole or wins, Rosberg rarely makes it into the headine.
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Mexican GP victory
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton in Brazilian Grand Prix
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton in Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton beaten by Nico Rosberg in Spanish GP
Austrian Grand Prix: Nico Rosberg overtakes Lewis Hamilton to win
Lewis Hamilton denied as Nico Rosberg takes late Monaco win
Lewis Hamilton eases to Belgian GP win ahead of Nico Rosberg
Lewis Hamilton cruises to Chinese Grand Prix victory
Lewis Hamilton wins with ease in Australia as only 11 cars finish
Lewis Hamilton wins British GP brilliantly after late rain
Lewis Hamilton eases to Canadian GP win over Nico Rosberg
Nico Rosberg beat Lewis Hamilton to Abu Dhabi pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Brazilian GP pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to Mexican GP pole
Nico Rosberg beats Lewis Hamilton to pole in Russian GP
Lewis Hamilton beaten by Nico Rosberg to Spanish GP pole
Lewis Hamilton dominates to take Monza pole
Lewis Hamilton on Belgian GP pole ahead of Nico Rosberg
Lewis Hamilton on pole for Hungarian Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton takes third British Grand Prix pole
Lewis Hamilton on Austrian GP pole position after spin
Lewis Hamilton takes Canada pole position ahead of Nico Rosberg
Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton takes pole for Bahrain Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton makes pole record in Chinese Grand Prix
Now I don’t take F1 so seriously these days because in my view the people in charge of it have tinkered with it so much that it is a farce. So much so that the coverage from the BBC and Sky is largely a turd-polishing excercise. However the bias from Andrew Benson is clear to see. I would add that I think Lewis is a superb driver but bias is bias.
Yes, little was said that yesterday that Jenson Button ended the season ahead on points to Fernando Alonso.
OK he’s had a poor car this season and reliability has played a part, but the fact stands that the stats say that Button has beaten both Hamilton and Alonso over a season in the same car, arguably the best drivers of the generation (well one is)
Back in 2009 when Jenson won the World Championship, it was more that Hamilton lost it.
Win or lose Nico Rosberg is always gracious enough to give the BBC a live interview, on the grid as well, Hamilton won’t. IMO Hamilton has been given preference within Mercedes.
Seismic Boy. Are you serious mate. In this house we call BBc F1 “The Lewis Hamilton show” all they do is focus on him. Hey what about that Button geezer, quick mention, move along. The last race was a prime example with the commentator desperate for Lewis to win. At one stage I thought he was going to explode when Rosberg pulled in for what the commentator thought was an early stop. Coulthard spent most of the last part of the race explaining to him how it was unlikely Lewis was going to catch him. This has been going on for years so much so I rarely watch the pre amble to the race these days. At Xmas we are launching our project RTL to see if we can get RTL here on satellite to watch F1. Especially if the BBc is not going to bother to cover live races next year according to some rumors I’ve seen
Its possible to pick up a cheap receiver and attach a 2nd LNB to a Sky/Freesat dish dish to get Astra 19.2, this is what I did to get RTL.
RTL have now signed up for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. As I said in a previous post I worked out that I have not paid Sky £1800 ish yet still seen all the live races , all be it with ads.
This is similar to what I have done.
Will ITV do the 9 or 10 live F1 instead or will Bernie & Sky say Nein?
Haven’t ITV already got a programme where someone puts emulsion paint on a wall and then the cameras watch it dry.
F1 cannot be more exciting than that – can it?
I would have thought that someone with a love of railways and things technical would see that there is far more to F1 than just the racing, so many variables.
I’ve lost interest, thanks to Bernie’s meddling and Mosley’s incompetence. I thought Todt would sort everything out but it is still seems to be a disaster. The last I heard was that global TV audiences are disappearing fast. The only good thing this year has been that Bernie hasn’t been able to ‘fix’ a close finish, just like the BBC ‘reality’ shows.
Its possible to pick up a cheap receiver and attach a 2nd LNB to a Sky/Freesat dish dish to get Astra 19.2, this is what I did to get RTL.
RTL have now signed up for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. As I said in a previous post I worked out that I have not paid Sky £1800 ish yet still seen all the live races , all be it with ads.
This is similar to what I have done. The small grey LNB on the right is for 19.2
World upside down right enough.
Who would have predicted Russia & Eastern Europe as a bastion of our values?
“Who would have predicted Russia & Eastern Europe as a bastion of our values?”
That’s because they are not………they are backward….like Scotland.
Oh dear, I fear its going to take another atrocity before we’ve heard the end of bloody climate change on the news. And NO Prince Charles, its not climate change that’s going to destroy the planet, its the rise of Islam, and you will only realise this ‘catastrophe’ when the masked wearing sword carrying bastards are beating on the doors of Buckingham Palace.
It’s really depressing, isn’t it? Every news bulletin, everywhere, we hear the voices of these sad, misguided, greedy individuals, who spout publicly such outright lies and drivel, I feel obliged to avoid the “news” like the plague, for fear of suffering an apoplectic fit, and killing the wireless.
I can’t find mention on the BBC website – nor AFAIAA on the BBC viewing/listening product – of this brawl between all those Moslem doctors and lawyers in Berlin. Mind you, on HMS BBC all the decks have been cleared to celebrate the climate change racket.
Clock Boy, now Headscarf Girl, what next Straw Peter?
‘An American Muslim was detained for 13 hours after flying into a UK airport because of her faith, she says.’
BBC ‘News where you are’ presented by Asad Ahmed this morning brings us London tv viewers this story about an American girl visiting relatives in Leicester – I suppose Heathrow airport falls within the BBC London region and so that represents the London angle. Bearing in mind these paired-down local news bulletins only contain three headline stories at most, so London must have been a tad short on news items.
But let’s not act all innocent about this – the report is brought to us by the BBC as matter of policy because it is an item of Muslim interest. I don’t care, it is a non-story as far as I am concerned. I take a guess here but I assume the story broke because this girl got onto social media over it and some campaign group with straight to air access with the BBC are keen to push their narrative – to be clear I reckon the same narrative is shared between the campainers and the BBC.
Ok, ok, I get the message – not all muslims in the world are terrorists – but most terrorists in the world at present are muslims.
Yes, there are peaceful muslims – I know that, I don’t need childish BBC parables to tell me. It reminds me of those gruesome Victorian children’s books – was it Straw Peter who played with matches or got too close to the fire – so kids, don’t get too close to the fire.
FFS the last time I came home from abroad through Heathrow (at about 3:00 pm on a normal Thursday afternoon) I was “detained” in a queue at immigration – for EU/UK citizens – for more than 3 hours: this was, I was told later, not unusual. I think the concern for Londoners generally (and green fascists in particular) is that a non-resident alien got her minor inconvenience given unwarranted publicity when there must have been absolutely vital news concerning climate change to be conveyed to London’s millions.
Everyone loves muslims, especially the left
Meanwhile in other news, turkeys have denounced geese for being deeply and unacceptably Christmasphobic.
Diversity eh!
The culture of Female genital mutilation is ok then. While were at it let’s CELEBRATE (massive left wing word) arranged marriages, bigamy and cruelty to animals (halal). Child abuse, raping young white children around the relatives. Fear of speaking out frightened of be labelled a racist.
And I’ve not even mentioned shouting down free speech
Naive idiots. Makes my blood boil.
It is beyond belief that gays are “in solidarity” with muslims. What planet are they living on ?
This planet
Do they ever demonstrate against anti-semitism or persecution of christians ?
What misguided indoctrinated thick twats. This is the religion of peas idea equality & diversity, maybe they should start here. Who the hell is pulling their strings?
Last night in Oldham, sorting out the girls from the boys, Labour style. From Guido
This is surely proof that leftists are literally mad. Clinically insane. Did Jews ever march in favour of the SS? We don’t have to guess what happens to gays in an islamic state, we know, yet these demented morons march in favour of the terror cult which will murder them. I have heard about the occasional mad person who actually wants to be killed, and arranges their own murder, but it seems this sort of psychotic behaviour is par for the course in leftist circles. Brainless lunatics the lot of them.
BBC Website. ” Why do US airports cause so much frustration ? ” . Bias ?
Is it because of the security restrictions caused by the Religion of Peace?
Rob, LOL !
I’ve been having a lot of difficulty getting on this site. I had to ‘go around the houses’ in the end, to get on. Have we got a new URL? or something. Anyone else had problems?
Not a thing.
Thoughtful has mentioned problems. Can’t say I’ve had any, other than to note it’s been a lot slower of late on my mobile using Opera Mini, though I’d put that down to a recent update.
More climate change bullshit from the BBC. This time it’s the meat eaters who get it in the neck from the lefty vegetarians courtesy of a rather politically incorrect, volumetrically challenged young lady.
Has the BBC covered the segregated audience in an Oldham Labour Rally? Guido has it here.
if muslims like gays so much, why do they throw them off tall buildings?
I’m sure its not a scientific experiment to confirm gravity readings.
And a comment on Guido from the front line of teaching in the North West of England:-
A member of my family teaches at a secondary school in the north west and is downright terrified about the way British society is going to pan out over the next couple of decades. Some highlights from his tales of woe:
– The intake of first year pupils this year was 70% ROPer.
– Despite the best efforts of the school to teach them a broad range of subjects, they are turned into Islamic automatons at after-school madrassas.
– There is a stream below the special educational needs class for the products of ROPer inbreeding.
– There is a huge problem with the ROPer kids bullying the white, black, Chinese and Hindu kids. The ROPer kids also fight amongst themselves along Pakistani/Bangladeshi lines.
– Parents evenings often require the presence of interpreters. Some ROPer parents refuse to shake hands with infidel teachers.
But, you know, enrichment and all that.
I forgot to mention. Not covered by the BBC.
Another week another Islamic child gang rape story.
Has Islam infiltrated the local government? – local council? – local policing? … you betcha!
Bham Mail – “Birmingham City Council ‘buried’ a report linking Asian private hire drivers to child sexual exploitation victims 23 YEARS ago, the Mail can reveal. Researcher Dr Jill Jesson was asked by the authority to look at the issue of child prostitution involving girls in care back in 1990
The following year, after six months research, she produced a critical two-part report which showed child protection failings by social workers and other agencies. Her report also highlighted claims that Asian private hire drivers were linked to the sexual exploitation of young white girls in care, including some who had been cautioned for prostitution offences.
Yet when Dr Jesson presented her draft findings to a steering group, she was ordered to remove all reference linking ethnicity and the private hire trade.
Incredibly, her full amended final report was never published. A meeting planned to discuss it was cancelled – and all copies were to be destroyed.”
Soooo … BBC News? – Regional? – Bham?
BBC News leads – Muslim woman ‘held for 13 hours’ at Heathrow Airport
BBC Bham leads – Malala Yousafzai portrait unveiled
… Priorities obviously
Kentucky Fried Chicken have now jumped on the ‘Muslim’ wagon in their advert ! Two black girls eating chicken and commenting on Christmas, one turns to the other and says words to the effect ‘leave it out, you’re Muslim’ – they carry on chomping. Is there NO end to it all ?
Ironically, despite being at the very raw cutting edge of capitalism, most people who work for advertising agencies are Guardian reading lefties. Most of their clients are hired executives who are of a similar persuasion and, even if they are not, are far too intimidated to object to the spending of their shareholders’ money on agitprop.
Advertising is about cynical myth making not reality. Ideal for Leftists.
Black girls eating fried chicken? Sounds a bit stereotypical, waycist even. (One girl rolls eyes and says “Lordy, lordy, pass me some black-eyed beans. And grits. Mmm, mmm”).
Really? Well, I do declare, some people clearly do not stay on top of the outrage community ‘du jour’ lists.
Popcorn (vegetarian variety) duly ordered.
Oh, and…
Including one from KFC.
Now y’all be careful out there.
This morning on BBC breakfast Charlie Stayt declared with relish that the Pope with visit a mosque today as part of his African visit. I would not be surprised if this will be the only footage broadcast by them of the Pop’s visit during the whole tour. Indeed why does this pope need to think he has to visit a mosque anyway. I would wager his predecessor His Holiness Benedict the XVI ,would not even consider such an action, as an act of the highest blasphemy.
Which is probably why he was retired early.
Imagine we`ll only find out after his death, the consequences of the Roman Curias terror of offending Muslims-no matter how contrived and spurious this turned out to be.
Regensburg 2006 was a watershed-and the Catholic Church as we used to know it is now full of wormwood like Longley, Petten, Blair/Booth -and, of course old Frank Imbroglio himself…a yellow/green pope of Guardian fantasy-but no use to any Christ or any One True God.
Just a runny snot high end god of liberal piss that they like to create when it suits the liblab pacmen.
My thought-if we had a church worth persecuting, it would have been long ago-and Islam is only doing the dirty work of mucking out the liberal barns of Western Europe…albeit as Satans sticklebrick.
No Muslim will be banned from the crem, the school or the hospital as the broken-backed British church has been…and at least IS STAND for something…until the Church finds a spine, Islam will be the only way to acknowledge a God-even if it IS a Satanic black sugar cube in a sandpit with stampeding death devils rushing over the Bin Laden Bridge of doom to slaver at it.
It`s Jesus or nothing-and stuff the BBC who refuse to use HIS Name.
The results?…well, we live with them every day now. Until Islam becomes Hislam anyway!
He (Pope Benedict) did visit a mosque: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the one which used to be the greatest cathedral in all of Christendom. Then it was Constantinople, until the Muslims eventually captured the city, after centuries of trying.
Hagia Sophia has been designated as a museum since 1935 under the great man, and atheist, Ataturk. However, the present Turkish Government are under some pressure to allow it to be used as a mosque again.
Thanks for the correction, I’d forgotten it was presently a museum.
I would love to have known what that Pope’s inner thoughts were when he looked around it – I don’t think they would have been terribly multi-culti.
I have absolutely no idea why he visited it but the last time I was there, some years ago, it was being renovated and both church and mosque aspects were being equally treated. It was a weird feeling because , if you didn’t know the history, you couldn’t tell whether it was a church or a mosque. Either way , it is a magnificent building. It certainly survived as a museum when Erdogan was Mayor of istanbul, but he does appear to be gradually eroding Ataturk’s legacy. The Great Man would be appalled at what is happening in Turkey today.
Oh well it looks like I lost my wager. I still think Benedict the XVI has far more scruples than this current Pope. Francis on the face of it is a leftist, and has already been defeated once trying to alter the churches stance on homosexuality.
I have just seen the BBC Archive “profile” of Norman Tebbit from 1982.
This was shown as a “tribute” to Thatchers removal 25 years ago-and only confirms how long the BBC have been doing their supercilious and sneering best to trash anybody who dares to think outside their f***in beehive of bien-pensant socialismus isthmus.
Adam Raphael “waves the letter opener that thinks it`s a hatchet”, I think-just the sort of Observer type sneeritoad that would have been the template for the BBCs current rump of liberal scumbuckets who “do” current affairs.
Surprised Tebbit isn`t hitting the roof at how biased and sneering it all is in hindsight( intellectual pretensions, corner street thug, vox pox from Eric Varley…no relation to Reg, and unintentionally funnier).
Guess St Norman of Chingford and Bury St Edmonton has long got used to this nasty bias against him-and the BBC got it wrong in 1982-his “get on yer bike” stuff was no error at all, but his Brand/USP quote that will long survive him.
As I cycle to my jobclubs, I think of little else….God bless and keep him and his Margaret too.
And f*** the BBC, who were clearly shafting his like since 1982 at least-and being used to no other points of view, I`d not have noticed how biased and evil the BBC is.
Tebbit mentions sheep and goats-Raphael is a kebab in hell, while Norman continues to be a living beacon of sheepy goodness here on earth!
The BBC has been running as headline news the story that a foreign Muslim has been inconvenienced !
Borders agency say she was inconvenienced over the issue of her eligibility to enter the UK, but she has decided they stopped her because she is a Muslim – I’m sure we all agree this is wholly worthy of a headline slot for 24 hours?
And in another story, in an obviously ‘Islamophobic action’ rain has fallen on a Mosque ! again making headline news for over 24 hours.
Malala has been abused in an Islamophobic attack by being called a ‘Brummie’ but it’s OK because she doesn’t mind ! Still makes the headlines though.
Meanwhile the real news is completely disregarded & ignored. The ineptitude of the incompetent Post Office Counters mismanagement, bullying their staff, who for years they have allowed to close at 12:00 on Christmas Eve, have been forced this week to work until 16:00 for no good reason other than the management feel that they can. As a result they’ve gone on strike and the incompetent management feel it’s a better result for the Post Offices to close all day rather than a half a day!
Well done guys, but don’t worry because the taxpayer will continue to bail you out no matter how stupid your decisions are.
That must be why POC are trying to franchise out the crown offices. They want to get into the idea of people being able to use their services when other shops are open too.
What a strange business model to want to pursue in these days!
Classic series on TV recently about the future for Post Offices large and small. when they questioned a member of the public using a recently opened PO replacing a Crown Office. “Ooh we did not have to queue like we did before”
Migrants get bad weather discounts
BBC Pro Illegal immigrant bias
Offer the hand of friendship? … “bite the hand that feeds” news
“Hundreds of refugees have been involved in a mass brawl at a Berlin shelter as lunch was being served, with more than 100 police officers called in to restore order.
The fight on Sunday underlines the difficulties Germany faces in handling hundreds of thousands of migrants. Although incidents in such centres are common, the chaos in the shelter at Berlin’s disused Tempelhof airport was more violent than normal. “There were apparently many hundreds of people involved,” a police spokesman said.”
BBC Anti Israel bias
Abu Khdair murder: Two Israelis found guilty
BBC Pro Islam bias
Geoffrey Lean being unforgivably racist:
Nice bias this morning on R4 Toady this morning ref the vote on air strikes.
Labour MP interviewed – he plans to vote against air strikes.
And then for balance they interviewed….wait for it……….Dianne Abbott, who also plans to vote against air strikes !!!!
The only issue was whether the vote should be free or whipped, not whether the arguments in favour of action should be heard.
Nice bias this morning on R4 Toady this morning ref the vote on air strikes.
Labour MP interviewed – he plans to vote against air strikes.
And then for balance they interviewed….wait for it……….Dianne Abbott, who also plans to vote against air strikes !!!!
The only issue was whether the vote should be free or whipped, not whether the arguments in favour of action should be heard.
PS Is it me or is this site very slow and clunky this afternoon? Takes ages for pages to load.
Golly, have not heard from the Bot on the Beeb in what, hours?
Sorely missed.
Love that Newsnight still considered by some to be afloat.
BBC Website “What’s it like to be a transgender soldier ? ” .
In the Navy?
Plenty of Navy Cake
Sad when colleagues fall out…
‘The South Bank Show stalwart and Labour peer also criticised the government for “stealing” money from the licence fee’
Shocked one tells you; shocked!