For f***s sake they are on about sugar in fizzy drinks. Again. They are even pouring sugar out of an empty can to illustrate it. Funny how they have time to relentlessly repeat this story. but not add 10 seconds of detail to a story that didn’t fit the narrative. Hey BBc when you read this how about exposing Hal al slaughter for the barbaric practice it is?
Do you know what, I’m beginning to dread a winter or late-autumn mild spell of weather.
Yes, I may save a bit on heating bills. Yes, I don’t have to dig out the woolly scarf so early in the season.
But blimey do I have to put with a ton of crap from BBC weather presenters.
Every day another persistent little twerp berates me with ever more hokey superlatives.
“December has been CRAZY in terms of its temperatures” gasps Alex Deakin this morning.
All I need to know is mild or cold and in what place and time it may rain. Histrionic exaggerations and the constant attribution of human characteristics to the weather gods are just what I don’t want or need.
Alex, mate, get a job in a street market barking about your “Crazy prices”
I’m getting a bit pee’ed off with the Met office/BBC changing the seasons to suit their own narrative.
Astronomically, winter starts at the Winter Solstice (21/22 Dec), Spring at the Vernal Equinox (21 March), Summer at the Summer Soltice (June 21), and Autumn at the Autumnal Equinnox (Sep 21).
Check any astronomical almanac.
Astronomically winter does start at the Winter Solstice, but for years, decades the metrological definition has been by the start of December.
If you are going to argue / discuss this with someone versed in the weather, you will need to accept this, or else give up the discussion because everyone understands and accepts what the periods are.
This year was always going to produce an extreme Winter, whether mild or cold, and what you probably haven’t been told by the BBC / Met Office is that the colder the air is over the North pole, the milder our winters are. The warmer the polar air, the colder our winters.
Couple this with a very strong El Nino without a Midoki and you can see the result! It’s entirely anomalous though. A one off, and as a result extremely difficult for forecasters. Even the computer modelling programs have split roughly 50/50 between mild / cold.
The Jet stream is to the North of us and keeping us in the warmer air. Should it move South though, we really would know about it!
I am currently staying in a small village in Perthshire. The record December high is 14.4 C in 1998 ( crazy ). It hasn’t reached that this december , but close at 14 C. However, the first 2 weeks of the month were very cold with snow and ice. Crazy !
The thing is, if the same Met Office and the BBC were to look at the Met Office’s own records, you will see that what we are having now, is surprisingly a ‘normal’ start to Winter. Winter as we think of what winter means, doesn’t usually start until late December and goes through to mid March. Winter as defined by the Met Office in monthly terms is Dec, Jan, Feb. The weather pattern we are having at present is, as a snap shot, identical to the one of 1979 and that includes wind, rain and temperatures. The trouble I’m finding, is how do you convince the “sheeple” who listen to the garbage that the BBC (and Met Office) pump out daily, that the historic evidence and reality is something quite different? From the BBC and Met Office forecasts, you would think that Scotland (and N Ireland for that matter) were no longer part of the U.K. Just how much snow have Scotland had already this “winter”? A record amount per day for December I am being told, but we won’t hear that from the BBC.
Old Bloke, Where I am we had snow in november. Locals were telling me that they could not remember the last time that happened. Didn’t make the BBC news though. Crazy !
I can concur with you Grant, that Scotland were having snow in November and I think that I mentioned that on this forum, as a forecast, before the event(s) took place. Down here on Dartmoor, whilst it has been “mild” over the last 4 weeks, (nothing unusual about that), we still have managed a frost for December (got down to minus 6 in my village) and as a result we have had a “frost day” for every month this year. A friend who also tracks weather data nearby informed me last week that records available stated that the last time this happened was 76 years ago. But, not a word from the BBC about this “crazy” event. Obviously not “warm” enough to get a mention.
Quite right, TOB. Once again, it is important to not conflate and confuse weather with global warming (anthropogenic or otherwise) and with climate change.
I recall some very warm Decembers in the 1990s but I also recall some very cold Novembers and snow (at sea level!) in the Thames Estuary over, I think, the first weekend of December four or five years ago. IIRC, there was snow over high ground in Kent toward the end of November this year.
That’s weather. It is what it does. It varies. Sometimes dramatically. Especially in the UK. That’s why Brits discuss it constantly. < MEMO TO BBC, All Departments. Please, please, please note!
I remember in October 2007 when the government was debating the Climate Change Act, there was snow in London. They were debating record warm temperatures and the prospect of children never knowing what snow was, as it was snowing outside their building. If I recall correctly, that was the earliest snow in London for something like 80 years.
A few gems from this mornings PM, first “it`s t-shirt weather out there this morning” er no… not in my midlands bus queue anyway, plenty of coats and scarves and a chilly breeze from the west.
Next, the IPCC are investigating the shooting last week of “Jermaine” who was shot by Police outside Wood Green Crown Court last week….there`s a community meeting tonight with senior Met Police Officers to “reassure the community” affected by this and floral tributes to the “fallen soldier” have appeared. The usual activist, Stafford Scott from “Tottenham rights” being interviewed, and a “homicide” inquiry launched.
Later an interview with Herbert Van Rompuy regarding Camerons “negotiations” and the “so called problem with migration from outside the EU”.
Any news or analysis about the proceedings of the Rotherham trial? any reassurance to the community affected by the offences?…..Not that I`ve heard.
EU answer to migrants crossing the med in boats is to re-settle them directly from the camps in Turkey. Obviously Turkey and the migrants thinks that’s a good idea, how about the citizens of the EU?
Sky will be sending their only boy in Europe – Mark Stone. Morning – Lesbos, Lunchtime – Hungary, Teatime – Brussels !!!! He’s a one man dynamo and always remembers which country he’s in !
Dear David Cameron.
I understand you having problems in your (re) negotiations with the EU.
Dave you are having problems because you an idiot with a degree in PPE.
Put me in charge of negotiations.
I will get whatever concessions I demand from the EU in five weeks.
Without even talking to them.
I will just stop giving them money.
When they phone me to ask where the money is, they will be told no money until concessions are made.
Then I would tell them we are leaving anyway, so get used to doing without £££££££££££££££££££££.
You are right and a bill to leave could be before the Commons in the morning , debated and voted on and signed by the Queen in the evening. It is that easy for a sovereign parliament to do.
But first, you would need to abolish the House of Lords by an Act of Parliament.
By this Act I declare that “the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England” and “henceforth the House of Lords in Parliament shall be and is hereby wholly abolished and taken away; and that the Lords shall not from henceforth meet or sit in the said House called the Lords’ House, or in any other house or place whatsoever, as a House of Lords; nor shall sit, vote, advise, adjudge, or determine of any matter or thing whatsoever, as a House of Lords in Parliament” “And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no Peer of this land, not being elected, qualified and sitting in Parliament as aforesaid, shall claim, have, or make use of any privilege of Parliament, either in relation to his person, quality, or estate, any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding”
Interesting headline in the Guardian
“BBC rated most accurate and reliable TV news, says Ofcom poll”
………but reading on it turns out this may be damning with faint praise, as Channel 4 and Sky do at least as well if not better in several categories. I particularly like the finding that 48% found bBBC coverage ‘unbiased and impartial’. What about the other 52%, I hear you ask.
And that, with £4bn a year of our money.
I think that , if 52 % believe the BBC is biased, it is encouraging because the other 48 % must be made up of Lefties and people who, understandably, don’t give it much thought.
Sorry for pedantic correction Sluff, but your headline should read: Self-interested headline in the Guardian.
Ex-DG Greg Dyke was at it the other day too, trotting out the over-worked ‘BBC the envy of the world’ mantra. That’s along with our ‘world envied’ police force, navy, civil service, judiciary, penal system, health service, universities and just about every other UK attribute or service which were, once upon a time, the envy of the world.
Beltane, it is funny that the people who have done the most to destroy British institutions are the ones who purport to believe that they are still the envy of the World ! Why should that be, I wonder ?
The Guardian has clearly learned much from the BBC on headline election, given ‘reading on’, as you say a majority would seem to agree with this, free, uncompelled-to-fund site.
Making the state enforcement of funding a news broadcaster both biased and partial a very unique thing indeed.
This is the BBC doing what it sees its purpose to be: political activism. Never once does the BBC raise the possibility that actually finding a way for these people to remain safely in their own country might have been a better solution for all concerned, even though, as I suggested yesterday, the facts would point to that. No, the BBC, is a fully paid-up ‘on-message’ pro-immigration advocate – so there are no other points of view, no possible alternatives to the current muslim invasion of Europe.
It really is disgraceful – after seeing the whooping, over-excitable ‘journalists’ (no, activists) filmed in the ‘press room’ at the Paris CoP 21 jumping and up and down (quite literally) with ecstatic joy at the announcement of a ‘global agreement’ (non-binding, no penalties for non-compliance and all entirely voluntary, btw) I think we all have a very good idea just how ‘unbiased’ and ‘impartial’ our ‘Media Party’ are.
The BBC’s total failure – complete and utter – to offer alternative, critical analysis on issues of immigration and so-called ‘climate change’ (and the EU, for that matter) point us, time and again, to the abject paucity and wretched lack of integrity in their p*sspoor ‘journalism’. License payers deserve better, to be better represented in all their diverse views and opinions. Instead, we are left with an overwhelmingly liberal-left activist organisation being paid for by a tax we are all bullied into paying under threat of criminal sanction.
The BBC: The Media Party. A liberal fascist political party masquerading as a public broadcaster – and never missing a chance to take the p*ss out of those whose views they will knowingly never accurately represent.
Having joined this excellent blog only 3 months ago, and unsure whether or not has an end-of-year awards competition, I would, nonetheless, like to nominate bBBC Berlin correspondent Ms.Jenny Hill for the prize of “Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda of 2015”.
“Welcome to Germany!
How do you feel?
Excuse me. Hello.
Welcome to Germany!
How do you feel?”
Watching Ms.Hill stationed in Munich Railway Station adopting the guise of part trauma counsellor / part representative of the German tourist board while attempting to engage a stream of hostile-looking military-age men, made me so angry that I signed up here and started commenting on the bBBC insanity.
Mr. Golightly, I think your idea that this place should hold an annual end-of-year awards ceremony for “Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda of 2015” is a sound one. It would be fun just compiling the list of qualifying nominees – so many to choose from!
My personal nomination goes to Roger Harrabin for his tireless efforts to megaphone the CAGW propaganda he has built an entire broadcasting career around, culminating this year in his breathless reporting of ‘breakthroughs’ and ‘decisive moments’ at the Paris CoP 21 climate jamboree.
For his sterling service to the causes of cognitive dissonance and an unwavering, some might say heroic, belief in the existence of fairies and unicorns Mr Harrabin surely deserves some kind of medal?
Excellent idea! A new separate thread will be filled up quickly I bet. My nomination would be for the journo (can’t remember his name, sorry) who waded into the sea on a Greek beach saying…Hallo, welcome to Europe! How are you?” Coming close would be Mathew are-you-sitting-comfortably-then-I’ll-begin Price!!
Sugar. It has to be How many times have they brought this up in the year? It must be at least once a month on breakfast. I’m sure I’ve seen it on “Rip off Britain” aka old BBc personnel job creation scheme. 3 sugars in my tea luv…well I have cut down from 4. When they eventually get their way and “unhealthy” food gets taxed I wonder how long it will take to run the “Most vulnerable families” can’t afford to feed themselves due to the price increase in food story?
She, is a dim-witted CIN type presenter, with all the journalist gravitas, of The Daily Star TV reviewer. That person is probably better, as a journalist.too.
Streams and streams of perfectly fit and healthy young men. The cameraman must have been getting desperate – see how quickly he zoomed in on the woman and child?
Absolutely and utterly nauseating. I cannot believe people see this and cannot see anything wrong.
It just has to be Roger Harrabin, the BBC Environmental Analyst (well he’s the first four letters of one anyway).
I’ll admit though, the nomination of the most biased BBC presenter would be a tough competition. We have a rich field of bias, ignorance, fascism and incompetence to select from.
Clive Myrie for cowardly calling Tyson Fury, the world heavyweight boxing champion, a dickhead, for being a decent committed Christian… And I think he should accept the award from Tyson Fury himself in a boxing ring.
Harrabin gets my vote, but I would suggest we distinguish between BBC ‘journalists’ and others. You could argue that a twerp like Giles Fraser would be in the running but apparently he has a day job.
It’s a close call, though. There is also the silly girl who has been trilling about the trials and tribulations of the gimmegrants as they make their ways across Europe to the land of milk and handouts. She would certainly get a dishonourable mention from me, too. But yes, for overall unwavering distortion, deceit and propaganda it has to be Harrabin.
Mr. G, I have just had my lunch and your post has almost made me throw up ! If we are allowed more than one nomination, could I add gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn and Anita “Obama” Anand ?
Apologies Grant. I should have posted a “Viewers of a nervous disposition may find some of the following images disturbing” notice. At least you were spared the pictures of Clive and Jenny which didn’t load. A small mercy I know!
You do have to ask, how can a 53 year old bloke who judges it ‘cool’ to go out of the house dressed like this exposing his underpants be trusted to have an in depth and sensible discussion with business and world leaders?
Checked BBC News Europe
“A meeting in a Dutch town to discuss whether to build a new centre for migrants had to be abandoned when some opponents rioted.” … hmmm some er “minor” fracas then?
… well actually no, over 2000 from said small town, are “not going to take it anymore”
… those illiberal, closed minded Dutch eh?
“Thousands riot in small Dutch town over plan for asylum-seeker centre
More than 2,000 residents of the small town of Geldermalsen take to the streets tearing down fences and chanting anti-immigrant slogans The incident was the biggest display of anti-migrant sentiment in the Netherlands since hooligans attacked a Syrian refugee centre in October. The deputy justice minister, Klaas Dijkhoff, who oversees immigration and asylum policy, called the incident in Geldermalsen “un-Dutch”.
“un-Dutch”… so erm, overrunning the nation with fighting age Islamic men … is? even in small towns?
the comment section is a blast.
The numbers of migrants being foisted on such a smallish town are cause for concern. Imagine our market towns facing such an influx. The liberals will push for this no doubt and at that point , as with the Dutch townspeople, we can expect serious trouble. No people has ever voluntarily given uo their land and culture.
Merkel has more to answer for than any politician in my lifetime in Europe. There is no case for staying in the EU. National self preservation makes an early exit imperative. Now watch the liberals squeal and whine and cajole and in the end threaten and use force. They will become what they were always going to be. Tyrants by inevitability.
UK Government won’t release EU migration statistics they have, because of the erm … ‘renegotiation’.
Hiding the real, much larger numbers?
Camoron s never ending tour of champagne dinners ended yet?
The Prime Minister is simply engaged in a desperate exercise to manage expectations.
There are already some changes happening he ll try to dress those to his own success
Like everything else these No10 traitors do, its all lies, “smoke and mirrors”.
The best Government hedge funds could buy,
Election win? “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
This is clearly a very significant story (and really, Breitbart should get the credit for it). In short, the British government has been caught red-handed perpetrating a major fraud on the electorate by lying through its teeth about immigration numbers.
No doubt a story of this magnitude will be receiving the full glare of publicity from our fearless and impartial state broadcaster.
“…No doubt a story of this magnitude will be receiving the full glare of publicity from our fearless and impartial state broadcaster.”
Quite – I’m expecting nothing less than a full-on Panorama Special from those dependable ‘journalists’ (seekers of truth and honesty in reporting, all) at the BBC.
Reading this:
You might think the BBC was deliberately trying to stir things up because the government got the answer, as the BBC sees it, wrong. This is a highly irresponsible article. The professional rabble rousers will be encouraged to read that there might be many others in the country prepared to cause unrest and it could be the nudge they need to take action.
The comparison with the miners is wrong. Regardless of your view on the miners’ strike, they were fighting for their livelihoods. The troublemakers that travel the country in search of a protest are not. Some proper rough treatment will soon have them scurrying back to Islington to compare battle scars over a latte.
Boy Obama is their “enemy within” isn`t he?
Yet the sadsacks over there have voted this Haw haw in twice…and we all reap the whirlwind.
A real Howard Zinn-a walking carpet book in audio for the US dope that can`t read for himself.
And how he DARE use the Jews to plump up Islamic immigration?
Shameless Lefty scum-and all the worse for being a poster boy worldwide for the destruction of our West.
Apparently some poor souls found the study ‘hurtful’. Don’t bother with finding the truth, let’s just create a universal ‘safe space’ , where seldom is heard a discouraging word.
This is the complete opposite to a well-sourced story at New Year 2015 about “cancer largely being a ransom event”…bad luck, DNA failings etc.
How can THAT survey/research of Dec/Jan be so off-beam then, whereas THIS one is so much better?
Don`t expect the liberal arts graduates that infest BBC science reporting will be doing any breakdown or analysis for us-just the usual emoting and helplines-and a duty solicitor to filter the callers with a view to a Class Action from Leigh Day or Public Sue Mos and Meez…Phil Shiner already checking his aspartate levels as we speak.
Heaven forbid that there might be more to this than seeking White Dee for a blame/claim excuse to feed off us all.
Well-yesterday it was Maastricht Band lead singer John Major holding forth on Today about why we really MUST stay in Europe.
Today it was Herman Von Remploy…who-funnily enough ALSO said that we must stay in Europe on the Today show.
I give you a list of other likely candidates for the Today shows coming up-if there are any bird spotters/I Spy types out there who`ll risk brainrot over the coming days…then I can start taking bets for when the REAL Euro crap comes up next June.
Reckon the BBC are blowing the dust off the old guns, getting them lubed up and setting sights to compensate for the cataracts-
`Paddy Ashdown/John Prescott( and secretaries too if that helps)
Neil and Glenys/Stephen Pillock( Family Favourites accumulator option here)
Pater Mandelson( solo rider, Brazilian two way)
Ken Clarke/Michael Heseltine and the bones of Leon Brittain
The bones of Roy Jenkins.
Caroline Lucas, Leanne Wood, Nicola Sturgeon and the Celtic Green Tartan Army…in strict rotation
Guy Verhofsted
Martin Schultz
Manuel Barossa.
Frans Timmernmans
Edith Cresson
Christine Lagarde
Donald -Tusk Duckie
Margot Maelstrom
Mrs Kinnock in Denmark.
And ALL assorted Die Welt, Le Monde hacks who can be pulled out of the BBCs pocket of privilege to give us that “informed, impartial European viewpoint”.
FFS-stay in Europe you scum…Islam needs your NHS and your Jihadi Spongers Allowances, your Brummie schools, Brick Lane as well as space to practice its chemistry, and remote controlling your disability scooters.
There`ll be others-but I reckon Guy will be next-or maybe Ruud Lube who once ran a herring stall in Utrecht.
As for Nigels Lawson or Farage, Norman, Daniel or the Few?…well, let me know if they ever get on…
Maybe Jim Naughtie could practice his impressions of Euro Grandes Sprouts who also want Britain to let Islam in, turn our country into Ceuta.
Piss off BBC…and wasn`t it great to see all those chinless wonder pix of Beeb hax who`ve told porkies all year- Allah won`t be happy with pork will he?
Steve, the first few posts I read by Chris I wondered if he was on something stronger than Waccy Baccy !
They are masterpieces of the surreal. Is “Ruud Lube ” something that Evan Davis uses ?
You have to read and re-read a few of Chris’ offerings before you start to understand his style. After that, as you state, they are masterpieces of the surreal and funny to boot.
Keep up the good work ChrisH.
Most kind my friends.
Believe you me,I spend a lot of time chuckling at much of what I see here too, so if I add to the gaiety of this pastel ribbon on the end of the Beebs butt plug…then I`m reet chuffed too!
Though Arlene Foster handled herself very well on Today this morning-how you can predict every damn issue that the Today clot du jour will ask you about…and not rise to the bait…now THAT`S S statesmanship
Of course-gay weddings and letting McGuinness roll you and your voters all down the hill in a tarred and feathered barrel bomb(Mishal calls this “conciliation”)-WILL be the only issues that the BBC will care about in RedHandLand…oh, if only you aborted more babies, baked more gay cakes and beheaded Pastor McConnell-then you too could be an Islamic milestone for Qutb to piss up, like his gang are doing on the mainland.
And what would Arlene know?…only nearly getting killed by an IRA bomb on her schoolbus in 1988…if only she KNEW what the people of Northern Ireland went through, and support todays BBC agendas?-Mishal does, insh`Allah!
Here`s hoping Arlene will be OK-and that and Pastor McConnells` case wakes the rest of us up-Islam IS satanic and demonic…as are Communism and liberalism…and if the judge is NOT a theologian, he can piss off…and we here will be watching(even if he`s not, seeing as he had to be persuaded to sit and listen to the whole of what the Pastor said…Freisler justice!)
Ps105.15…sounds right to me.
Sports Personality of the year:
I’ve registered, and am waiting to vote on 20 December for the person who will cause extreme grief to the BBC. In anticipation, I can hear them gnashing their teeth in frustration.
Haven’t watched SPOTY for a very,very,long time but this year will make an exception. I suspect we will be voting for the same person. Someone recently posted on here a clause in the SPOTY rules that states in the event of technical difficulties with voting then the selection panel will choose the winner. If a certain outspoken young boxer looks like winning then stand by for some ‘technical’ difficulties.
I have just tried to register but having problems. But,in any case, there will be an independent scrutineer so it will be a free and fair vote. Errrr……… I think there are some technical difficulties with this post.
Well, in the light of the rules (of which I was unaware), I also would not be surprised to encounter some technical difficulties, and anticipate that someone will be un-chosen if the worst comes to the worst (in their eyes). I’ll not watch. I did on one occasion in Frank Bough’s days, but not since.
‘And by rich I don’t just mean the far left’s celebs – Billy Bragg, Charlotte Church, Brian Eno. I mean any academic, public sector manager, charity boss, journalist, teacher or doctor who earns more or considerably more than the £42,385 higher rate threshold’
Beyond BBC manager market rates, Mrs. Merton might also ponder the constant attraction of Billy and Charlotte for sure.
This evening BBC R4 news (around 5.30pm) interviewed a cauliflower grower from Devon who described the unseasonably warm weather and its effects on his trade…..then let slip……..we haven’t had anything like it since the winter of 1972!
‘If you live in Lincoln and were hoping to the Christmas ice rink there, bad news.
It’s turned into a giant puddle because the mild weather has melted it as temperatures in the city reached highs of 14 C. The chillers were put on full blast earlier this month but it wasn’t enough to re-freeze the water.’
Full blast, eh?
Using what AGW-friendly means as an energy source I wonder?
Speaking of FaceBook, they have also decided to go with a tried and trusted technique to keep the Trumposession alive, Vlad having chipped in with a big up.
Brave of the BBC in precedent, given who has lauded those they support in the past, with little to no mentions it didn’t look too good.
Care about strict border control, care about the dangers and threat posed by Islam and care about the social and economic upheaval the sudden influx of thousands upon thousands of “migrants” has when invading another society.
The BBC1 6pm news had a lengthy report on families being evicted from rented accommodation. There was not the slightest indication that any of these people may have contributed to their own misfortune, the viewer was left only with the message that all ills resulted from government failings.
Fracking adversaries gear up for the next round.
More bias in favour of the anti-everything crowd, made up of educated people who should know better and uneducated people who will never know anything.
Eastenders. My other half watches and i usually make myself busy, but this evening i caught 10 mins. Blonde danny dyers daughter is reading the koran to understand her partners religion. Apparantly,it makes him caring tolerant etc. Hold tight folks,the subtle brainwashing of the sheeple starts here.
The global warming bullsh*t continues:
Note the wording of the final paragraph. ‘We can’t say for certain that this spell of warm weather is directly linked to global warming, although it could well be a factor, BBC Weather’s Steve Cleaton says.’
Knowing that science qualifications are hard to find amongst BBC staff, particularly the science correspondents, I will reword that bit for them in proper scientific language. ‘We can’t say that this spell of warm weather is causally linked to global warming BBC Weather’s Steve Cleaton says.’
It really isn’t that difficult.
BBC News – Just heard the No10 Traitor – Camoron himself, spout
he ll be, ahem … “right in there, battling hard for Britain” ……. when?
he only does anything for himself, his own cronies and the self serving No10 traitors.
… this b-stard is in the second term, he has NEVER done that.
utter babble …
now if he mean t selling/giving out what s left of our infrastructure,
selling us out for Saudi lucre,
and the great Chinese takeaway,
repeatedly lying, falsifying figures and
encouraging wage compression by deliberately doing nothing about immigration
and borrowing more in 5 years than the Gov did in the previous 10.
Cameron is plain lazy! Possibly the laziest PM we’ve ever had. All he wants to do is serve his term with the least fuss, and collect his bonus prize at the end.
Osborne is running the economy Theresa May the home policies, and each minister does their bit while he ‘chillaxes’ with his hippy wife at number 10.
He’s not concerned about immigration or the deficit, so long as it doesn’t get so bad he has to do something. This is the man who having promised a renegotiation of the countries relationship with Europe, didn’t do any of his homework, and arrived at the negotiating table without any demands at all! Now he has cobbled together a list, it’s all about money, for potential tax cuts for his rich mates, and nothing at all about what the people wanted.
It doesn’t look likely he’ll even get the little he’s asked for – but will he back an exit? No of course he won’t, because that would mean he would need to do some work! Well quite a lot of work, because instead of Europe making all the rules, the government would have to !
“…borrowing more in 5 years than the Gov did in the previous 10.”
The final nail in the coffin to indicate you have no grip on reality!
That was a ridiculous line that the Labour Party tried to flog at the last election. If spending exceeds income by £200m in 2010 and you aim to eliminate the deficit in 10 years you have to borrow £200bn, 180bn, 160bn, 140bn, 120bn, 100bn, 80bn, 60bn, 40bn and 20bn = £1100bn, which has to be added to the national debt!to make up the shortfall!
Now just remind yourself which tossers left a government with spending commitments of £200bn a year more than income.
Yes. All of the privallaged british class system are filling their pockets now,via saudi cash, then after playing the voters like the simple non questioning sheep that they are,retire to there safe havens. The uk is f!@#$/d, lets make the most of it,al a tony bLiar
We can`t do anything about EU immigration ,because we are in the EU. The Chinese are investing in the economy, so the lights don`t go off in the future. Noggins Labour mates spent all the money, but unemployment is at least down.What Saudi cash , they buy planes off us , keeps people in work , in high tech jobs.
“We can’t do anything about EU immigration, because we are in the EU.”
That sentence encapsulates precisely why we have to leave the Euro “Project”; if the U.K. remains within it I think it will be finished as a nation and we, the indigenous population, will be also – as a distinct people.
In my view, 90% of what is wrong in our country today, flows from consequences (often hidden) of our “membership” of the EU.
I just said to the other half,i am offended. Inthe same way muslims are continually offended,i am offended by the feeble attempt at leftwing agitprop that flows from bbbc. I can accept that itv is a simon cowell idiot experience,but afvertisers pay for this! Good reflection of now.anyway,merry xmass all,im of to my shed to plot the next move ,so see you in the new year!regards,brett
Armed gangster gets shot attempting to spring another gangster. Nothing to see here, move along. Only said ‘gangsta’ is just one of those lovable rogues, a bit like the piece of filth Duggan. In common with Duggan he just happens to be one of our darker cousins, so out come the usual mouthpieces claiming to represent “the community”. It just so happens that said mouthpieces are also of a similar shade or darker than the poor ‘victim’ who ate some lead. BBC are naturally on the case, and I don’t suppose it will be long before they wheel out our Diane to press home the message that black lives matter. I wonder, do white lives matter?
I feel sorry for the firearms officer involved, especially when the IPCC use words like homicide in an attempt to appease “the community” and prevent the little rascals from rioting. Even if they did riot and raze Haringhey to the ground, would anyone notice, or even care?
The BBC correspondent told us that it was expected that the meeting with the IPCC and “the community” might get a little heated. Hmmm, I think we all know what that means.
Rioting, looting and “youths” making off with 40 inch flat screens.
Compare and contrast the reporting over the rioting in the Dutch town of Geldermalsen. No question of the BBC’s stance there.
On that matter it is reported by media outlets that the police fired warning shots. This is a serious and new development. it shows just how afraid the authorities are now of the shire people. I mean really afraid. So outright suppression looks more and more likely.
It is very serious when the police fire , even over heads , on the indigenous shire folk. I can hardly emphasise this enough and no doubt our liberal media will play it down as much as possible. The next stage is to open fire direct and that means anything can then happen and always means that the government loses legitimacy immediately.
Events as always move fast and this is a given in all volatile situations.
Think of our own shires. Our MPs are mostly Tory and if mine is anything to go by useless. But they must know even dimly just how the shires really feel. No wonder the government and the liberal media is verging on panic over the migrant crisis and the complete failure of multiculturalism
Dave S, Totally agree. If it is true that the police fired live rounds , this is terrible. No tear gas, no watercannon ? The next obvious step is direct fire and that amounts to war by the State on its own people.
I predict this will prove to be a key event in Europe’s history. We will have to wait and see but if true and it appears to be so then the Dutch state came very close to attacking it’s own citizens with lethal force .
I have no doubt Mr Wilders has taken note.
You don’t understand, this hood was apparently asleep in his car when he was shot. Yes, he was tooled up and just about to spring a couple of Turkish drug barons from a police van, but he decided to take a power nap first. Highly believable.
The police commander in the area has just said that this delicate flower was not a gangster. Perish the thought. On the other hand, the police had a bug in his car, and he was sitting there with a gun waiting to spring a couple of major league drug barons, so is it just possible he wasn’t exactly a boy scout? Just putting it out there.
I feel sorry for the cop who has been arrested so as to placate the mob. It seems the good people of Tottenham feel that if the police ever shoot an armed mobster the only rational response is to riot, and we can’t have that can we?
In reply to Steve Jones on fracking I absolutely agree. The analogy linking protest with the miners strike is absurd.
Why is it that we can always count on these people, which always includes the ‘Rent a Mob’, made up of so called enviromentalists, anarchists, communists and other ‘ists’ whose agendas may differ however their objectives remain the same i.e. lets destroy opportunities to create greater wealth and employment in this country, not to mention the security of having our own source of energy independent of other nations and lets invent or exaggerate facts that support our cause.
The BBC seems to have chosen sides already.
I believe that even in Nazi Germany or the USSR you were allowed to think whatever you liked, so long as you did not communicate your thoughts to anyone else or act on them in any way. Good to know that our PC commissars have brought us in line with those two paragons of democratic freedom.
The new virtuous ones- you know those kiddies on the BBC/C4 and the liberal press are not content with our silence. They really really need us to agree with their virtue signals and so empathetic caring personas.
We need to face this and understand that these people are using social media to enforce the most appalling of things- that is thought control and thought manipulation. Even the Stasi never dreamt of this power.
The BBC is not just a propaganda outfit it is actively involved in destroying freedom and imposing a form of social conformism that owes more to Mao’s China than to our old democratic traditions.
Dave S, Yes, the time may come when silence will be treated as opposition and punished as such. The future for the UK looks very bleak even if we leave the EU.
There cannot be a snap referendum. Under the law, the Electoral Commission has to supervise the process, and it is mandated that there has to be a nine month period between the legislation enacting the referendum and the referendum itself. Just as well, because a snake oil salesman like Cameron will be gaming the system as much as he can to spin a shabby second class deal as a major assertion of British rights. As if.
The EU negotiations are a done deal, decided moths ago. So said Rees-Mogg tonight on QT. I agree.
Cameron looking for a big job in EU, maybe Junkers successor.
The referendum is also going to be a stich up, I hope I’m wrong but I fear so.
History will show Cameron to be a traitor to this country. No, I don’t need history. He is a traitor.
Who in their right mind would vote for the dilution of our country’s sovereignty? What kind of leader would want this?
Cameron is a philistine. Sorry to offend you Tories on this site, but it is a fact.
Something our ancestors have fought and died for over the last thousand years, given away on a plate for ‘thirty pieces of silver ‘.
It will all end in tears.
Looking through the litany of life according to BBC.con this morning we have, among other things, this….
Beijing issues second ever pollution red alert
You just know that they will manage somehow to turn this around to confirm what we all know……..
The BBC is always right.
A quick control-F on my browser reveals those dreaded 2 words ‘climate change’ hiding at the bottom of the page. They are however preceded by the words ‘landmark Paris’ and followed by the word ‘agreement’.
People with half a brain will already know that it is neither ‘landmark’ nor an agreement. Had this been anything else the BBC would have torn it to shreds. But climate change is the new religion and you are either a disciple or a heathen. The BBC weather room is a holy place where there are daily exorcisms, called weather forecasts, to cast out the devil of climate change. Previously well-known weather phenomena are now harbingers of doom. There is no point arguing against climate change, it’s true because all those unqualified reporters at the BBC say so and how silly would they look if it turned out to be just smoke and mirrors (sorry, smog and mirrors)?
“This is a very sad day as our proud industrial heritage is destroyed [by the government].”
So did the miner actually say “by the government”, or did the BBC just add that for effect?
They must be in a real dilemma on this one. Ever keen to paint a rosy picture of that great socialist activity of digging stuff out of the ground, but unfortunately (for them) it doesn’t fit too nicely with their GW agenda. Oh dear…..
I think the term was, “started by Thatcher ended by Cameron”… bye bye industry eh!
Anyway … what IS the “carbon footprint” of fetching coal from Columbia?
yes what a quandary the BBC must be in and what hypocrisy there is in their reporting. As in the article above, when the use of coal is far away in that big country called China it is an evil pollutant.
When mining is stopped in the UK it’s a “sad day as our proud industrial heritage is destroyed [by the government].”
A clearer example of the BBC’s double standards would be hard to find.
How does this sit with the ‘landmark agreement’ the BBc are so keen to champion? You can’t have it both ways dear beeb.
What a surprise that the BBC jumps on these comments by Douglas Carswell:
Expect more of this as the devious BBC tries to undermine the EU Out campaign by reporting via one degree of separation.
Alternatively, was Douglas Carswell planted in UKIP as a sleeper awaiting the EU referendum before acting?
The EU out campaign is being undermined already, remember if your old enough the same Tory orchestration
in the 70s, where Heath and indeed Thatcher knew about the federal Europe plan, its all there in the archives.
Remember it was Enoch Powell, Tony Benn, guys like Len Murray that desperately warned against its effects on our political decision making, and workers. All these years our nation has been betrayed by self serving political b-stards from both sides
The exit campaign is undermined. Even if the arguments are won, the results are sitting on someone’s desk, the ballot papers to be substituted are already in the boxes, and of course the postal ballot will not be reformed by Cameron because he knows which way his Labour supporters and their extended families will vote. Conspiracy theory? No. The stakes are high. The result has to be fixed, and Cameron has to pretend to get a deal, and will be backed to the hilt by the BBC. Meanwhile, destruction is planned for UKIP so there won’t be a party of significant size to argue for an exit. And in France, watch out for the moves to destroy Le Pen before 2017. More anti racist litigation for her – now under investigation for posting disturbing pictures of ISIS atrocities My goodness, they have even brought out the schoolchildren in Rouen to march in protest at the return of Le Pen and the Nazis. Federal Eurabia here we come
Englands, According to Daily Mail report, Cameron gave a press conference at midnight last night and the crest fell off the front of the lectern. Sorry don’t have link. You couldn’t make it up !
tomoFeb 16, 15:24 Weekend 15th February 2025 If they do more than put low single digit % on car tax there ill be a revolt.
tomoFeb 16, 15:21 Weekend 15th February 2025 No it hasn’t …. and you can be absolutely certain that heaven + earth will be moved to supress reporting…
Fedup2Feb 16, 15:13 Weekend 15th February 2025 Do you notice how quickly Islamic terrorist attacks disappear ? The one in Munich – Thursday – mother and baby…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 15:06 Weekend 15th February 2025 HA HA HA! Story from 2017 …. disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 15:05 Weekend 15th February 2025 “Chris Carter @CarterRoutes Chair of @nptwestlab , @LabourList columnist, National/Welsh Policy Forum rep for Cymru and 🏴 rep for @labourhousing…
atlas_shruggedFeb 16, 15:01 Weekend 15th February 2025 I really really really hope that the US security service keep their new leaders safe. They are doing Gods work.…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 14:56 Weekend 15th February 2025 Made me laugh when the BBC report on gay penguin and then they have this story … “But keeping Mr…
SluffFeb 16, 14:52 Weekend 15th February 2025 The world’s first gay imam has been shot dead today in South Africa. I wonder what type of person the…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 14:51 Weekend 15th February 2025 MEET INCREDIBLE PEOPLE AND HEAR THEIR STORIES…. “Iranian woman dies ‘after being beaten by morality police’ over hijab law” 2022…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 14:49 Weekend 15th February 2025 You will run out of places to run to soon comrade! Starmer will hunt you down for that last tweet…
For f***s sake they are on about sugar in fizzy drinks. Again. They are even pouring sugar out of an empty can to illustrate it. Funny how they have time to relentlessly repeat this story. but not add 10 seconds of detail to a story that didn’t fit the narrative. Hey BBc when you read this how about exposing Hal al slaughter for the barbaric practice it is?
BBC News 24:
“”Sweden far-right party makes gains from migrant crisis””
“”It has roots in the neo-Nazi movement.””
Picture of ‘huddled masses’ (a few women sitting on the ground)
Picture of two children centre stage.
Bias. Bias. BBC Bias.
Do you know what, I’m beginning to dread a winter or late-autumn mild spell of weather.
Yes, I may save a bit on heating bills. Yes, I don’t have to dig out the woolly scarf so early in the season.
But blimey do I have to put with a ton of crap from BBC weather presenters.
Every day another persistent little twerp berates me with ever more hokey superlatives.
“December has been CRAZY in terms of its temperatures” gasps Alex Deakin this morning.
All I need to know is mild or cold and in what place and time it may rain. Histrionic exaggerations and the constant attribution of human characteristics to the weather gods are just what I don’t want or need.
Alex, mate, get a job in a street market barking about your “Crazy prices”
I’m getting a bit pee’ed off with the Met office/BBC changing the seasons to suit their own narrative.
Astronomically, winter starts at the Winter Solstice (21/22 Dec), Spring at the Vernal Equinox (21 March), Summer at the Summer Soltice (June 21), and Autumn at the Autumnal Equinnox (Sep 21).
Check any astronomical almanac.
Astronomically winter does start at the Winter Solstice, but for years, decades the metrological definition has been by the start of December.
If you are going to argue / discuss this with someone versed in the weather, you will need to accept this, or else give up the discussion because everyone understands and accepts what the periods are.
This year was always going to produce an extreme Winter, whether mild or cold, and what you probably haven’t been told by the BBC / Met Office is that the colder the air is over the North pole, the milder our winters are. The warmer the polar air, the colder our winters.
Couple this with a very strong El Nino without a Midoki and you can see the result! It’s entirely anomalous though. A one off, and as a result extremely difficult for forecasters. Even the computer modelling programs have split roughly 50/50 between mild / cold.
The Jet stream is to the North of us and keeping us in the warmer air. Should it move South though, we really would know about it!
I am currently staying in a small village in Perthshire. The record December high is 14.4 C in 1998 ( crazy ). It hasn’t reached that this december , but close at 14 C. However, the first 2 weeks of the month were very cold with snow and ice. Crazy !
The thing is, if the same Met Office and the BBC were to look at the Met Office’s own records, you will see that what we are having now, is surprisingly a ‘normal’ start to Winter. Winter as we think of what winter means, doesn’t usually start until late December and goes through to mid March. Winter as defined by the Met Office in monthly terms is Dec, Jan, Feb. The weather pattern we are having at present is, as a snap shot, identical to the one of 1979 and that includes wind, rain and temperatures. The trouble I’m finding, is how do you convince the “sheeple” who listen to the garbage that the BBC (and Met Office) pump out daily, that the historic evidence and reality is something quite different? From the BBC and Met Office forecasts, you would think that Scotland (and N Ireland for that matter) were no longer part of the U.K. Just how much snow have Scotland had already this “winter”? A record amount per day for December I am being told, but we won’t hear that from the BBC.
Old Bloke, Where I am we had snow in november. Locals were telling me that they could not remember the last time that happened. Didn’t make the BBC news though. Crazy !
I can concur with you Grant, that Scotland were having snow in November and I think that I mentioned that on this forum, as a forecast, before the event(s) took place. Down here on Dartmoor, whilst it has been “mild” over the last 4 weeks, (nothing unusual about that), we still have managed a frost for December (got down to minus 6 in my village) and as a result we have had a “frost day” for every month this year. A friend who also tracks weather data nearby informed me last week that records available stated that the last time this happened was 76 years ago. But, not a word from the BBC about this “crazy” event. Obviously not “warm” enough to get a mention.
We have had snow in Cumbria too, last week.
Geyza, Crazy !
Quite right, TOB. Once again, it is important to not conflate and confuse weather with global warming (anthropogenic or otherwise) and with climate change.
I recall some very warm Decembers in the 1990s but I also recall some very cold Novembers and snow (at sea level!) in the Thames Estuary over, I think, the first weekend of December four or five years ago. IIRC, there was snow over high ground in Kent toward the end of November this year.
That’s weather. It is what it does. It varies. Sometimes dramatically. Especially in the UK. That’s why Brits discuss it constantly. < MEMO TO BBC, All Departments. Please, please, please note!
I remember in October 2007 when the government was debating the Climate Change Act, there was snow in London. They were debating record warm temperatures and the prospect of children never knowing what snow was, as it was snowing outside their building. If I recall correctly, that was the earliest snow in London for something like 80 years.
Seem to also recall, Geyza, snow & fog at Heathrow causing travel havoc and much BBC hand-wringing …
Whos says there’s no great British comdey these days…
I hear Shaker Aamer (late of Guantanamo) is about to appear in a Gold Ol’ Days remake
You see our Cockney sparra and old mucker Shaker has noticed that London has become very “cosmopolitan” since he’s been away
Apologies to Lonnie Donegan but after downing a pie and mash he’s sure to do a quick rendition of :
‘Oh, my old man’s a Iman
He wears a Iman’s hat
His whole family are scroungers
And they live in a council flat’
A few gems from this mornings PM, first “it`s t-shirt weather out there this morning” er no… not in my midlands bus queue anyway, plenty of coats and scarves and a chilly breeze from the west.
Next, the IPCC are investigating the shooting last week of “Jermaine” who was shot by Police outside Wood Green Crown Court last week….there`s a community meeting tonight with senior Met Police Officers to “reassure the community” affected by this and floral tributes to the “fallen soldier” have appeared. The usual activist, Stafford Scott from “Tottenham rights” being interviewed, and a “homicide” inquiry launched.
Later an interview with Herbert Van Rompuy regarding Camerons “negotiations” and the “so called problem with migration from outside the EU”.
Any news or analysis about the proceedings of the Rotherham trial? any reassurance to the community affected by the offences?…..Not that I`ve heard.
Maybe they have the thermostat set at 31 on account of wanting to ponce around in T-shirts and not paying the energy bill?
EU answer to migrants crossing the med in boats is to re-settle them directly from the camps in Turkey. Obviously Turkey and the migrants thinks that’s a good idea, how about the citizens of the EU?
Will this mean boatloads of BBC reporters ‘fleeing’ back from Greece to Turkey with their adopted Pulitzer families?
Pressure’s off Yvette & Sir Bob now, anyways.
Just as the BBC was about to follow up on their offers.
Sky will be sending their only boy in Europe – Mark Stone. Morning – Lesbos, Lunchtime – Hungary, Teatime – Brussels !!!! He’s a one man dynamo and always remembers which country he’s in !
Dear David Cameron.
I understand you having problems in your (re) negotiations with the EU.
Dave you are having problems because you an idiot with a degree in PPE.
Put me in charge of negotiations.
I will get whatever concessions I demand from the EU in five weeks.
Without even talking to them.
I will just stop giving them money.
When they phone me to ask where the money is, they will be told no money until concessions are made.
Then I would tell them we are leaving anyway, so get used to doing without £££££££££££££££££££££.
You are right and a bill to leave could be before the Commons in the morning , debated and voted on and signed by the Queen in the evening. It is that easy for a sovereign parliament to do.
But first, you would need to abolish the House of Lords by an Act of Parliament.
By this Act I declare that “the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England” and “henceforth the House of Lords in Parliament shall be and is hereby wholly abolished and taken away; and that the Lords shall not from henceforth meet or sit in the said House called the Lords’ House, or in any other house or place whatsoever, as a House of Lords; nor shall sit, vote, advise, adjudge, or determine of any matter or thing whatsoever, as a House of Lords in Parliament” “And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no Peer of this land, not being elected, qualified and sitting in Parliament as aforesaid, shall claim, have, or make use of any privilege of Parliament, either in relation to his person, quality, or estate, any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding”
Interesting headline in the Guardian
“BBC rated most accurate and reliable TV news, says Ofcom poll”
………but reading on it turns out this may be damning with faint praise, as Channel 4 and Sky do at least as well if not better in several categories. I particularly like the finding that 48% found bBBC coverage ‘unbiased and impartial’. What about the other 52%, I hear you ask.
And that, with £4bn a year of our money.
That 48% must use the BBC as their sole source of news then.
I think that , if 52 % believe the BBC is biased, it is encouraging because the other 48 % must be made up of Lefties and people who, understandably, don’t give it much thought.
Sorry for pedantic correction Sluff, but your headline should read: Self-interested headline in the Guardian.
Ex-DG Greg Dyke was at it the other day too, trotting out the over-worked ‘BBC the envy of the world’ mantra. That’s along with our ‘world envied’ police force, navy, civil service, judiciary, penal system, health service, universities and just about every other UK attribute or service which were, once upon a time, the envy of the world.
Beltane, it is funny that the people who have done the most to destroy British institutions are the ones who purport to believe that they are still the envy of the World ! Why should that be, I wonder ?
I think it’s because they are arseholes Grant.
Beltane, I, of course, am too polite to suggest that for one minute !
Your minute is up so feel free to ‘fire away’ coining a phrase close to Evan Davies’ heart.
Beltane, to call these people arseholes is an insult to arseholes !
The Guardian has clearly learned much from the BBC on headline election, given ‘reading on’, as you say a majority would seem to agree with this, free, uncompelled-to-fund site.
Making the state enforcement of funding a news broadcaster both biased and partial a very unique thing indeed.
I would expect the bbc to announce that the Guardian is also rated most accurate and reliable newspaper.
And still the BBC pro-‘migrant’ trolling of the license payer goes on…
The story behind three images from the migrant crisis
This is the BBC doing what it sees its purpose to be: political activism. Never once does the BBC raise the possibility that actually finding a way for these people to remain safely in their own country might have been a better solution for all concerned, even though, as I suggested yesterday, the facts would point to that. No, the BBC, is a fully paid-up ‘on-message’ pro-immigration advocate – so there are no other points of view, no possible alternatives to the current muslim invasion of Europe.
It really is disgraceful – after seeing the whooping, over-excitable ‘journalists’ (no, activists) filmed in the ‘press room’ at the Paris CoP 21 jumping and up and down (quite literally) with ecstatic joy at the announcement of a ‘global agreement’ (non-binding, no penalties for non-compliance and all entirely voluntary, btw) I think we all have a very good idea just how ‘unbiased’ and ‘impartial’ our ‘Media Party’ are.
The BBC’s total failure – complete and utter – to offer alternative, critical analysis on issues of immigration and so-called ‘climate change’ (and the EU, for that matter) point us, time and again, to the abject paucity and wretched lack of integrity in their p*sspoor ‘journalism’. License payers deserve better, to be better represented in all their diverse views and opinions. Instead, we are left with an overwhelmingly liberal-left activist organisation being paid for by a tax we are all bullied into paying under threat of criminal sanction.
The BBC: The Media Party. A liberal fascist political party masquerading as a public broadcaster – and never missing a chance to take the p*ss out of those whose views they will knowingly never accurately represent.
ObiWan, Excellent post !
Having joined this excellent blog only 3 months ago, and unsure whether or not has an end-of-year awards competition, I would, nonetheless, like to nominate bBBC Berlin correspondent Ms.Jenny Hill for the prize of “Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda of 2015”.
“Welcome to Germany!
How do you feel?
Excuse me. Hello.
Welcome to Germany!
How do you feel?”
Watching Ms.Hill stationed in Munich Railway Station adopting the guise of part trauma counsellor / part representative of the German tourist board while attempting to engage a stream of hostile-looking military-age men, made me so angry that I signed up here and started commenting on the bBBC insanity.
Please step forward Jenny “Jolly Hockey-Sticks” Hill!
The Nominee
Mr Golightly you are giving me flashbacks. My psychiatrist told me it was all some horrible dream. But it wasn’t. It wasn’t!
Mr. Golightly, I think your idea that this place should hold an annual end-of-year awards ceremony for “Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda of 2015” is a sound one. It would be fun just compiling the list of qualifying nominees – so many to choose from!
My personal nomination goes to Roger Harrabin for his tireless efforts to megaphone the CAGW propaganda he has built an entire broadcasting career around, culminating this year in his breathless reporting of ‘breakthroughs’ and ‘decisive moments’ at the Paris CoP 21 climate jamboree.
For his sterling service to the causes of cognitive dissonance and an unwavering, some might say heroic, belief in the existence of fairies and unicorns Mr Harrabin surely deserves some kind of medal?
Excellent idea! A new separate thread will be filled up quickly I bet. My nomination would be for the journo (can’t remember his name, sorry) who waded into the sea on a Greek beach saying…Hallo, welcome to Europe! How are you?” Coming close would be Mathew are-you-sitting-comfortably-then-I’ll-begin Price!!
Sugar. It has to be How many times have they brought this up in the year? It must be at least once a month on breakfast. I’m sure I’ve seen it on “Rip off Britain” aka old BBc personnel job creation scheme. 3 sugars in my tea luv…well I have cut down from 4. When they eventually get their way and “unhealthy” food gets taxed I wonder how long it will take to run the “Most vulnerable families” can’t afford to feed themselves due to the price increase in food story?
Mr G. That is an excellent idea about an end-of-the -year award. What do others think ? And who would judge it ? Maybe Tony Hall ?
Yes I agree as well, how about Alan or David making a separate thread where we can list the nominees?
Tone is attractive on a ‘all must have prizes’ basis, but as ‘get it about righter-in chief’ he may lack credibility as objective.
Like the idea though.
Maybe other categories, like ‘Best CECUTT blow-off’? or ‘Mpst gobsmacking ECU justification’ or ‘Most inevitable Trust Finding’?
She, is a dim-witted CIN type presenter, with all the journalist gravitas, of The Daily Star TV reviewer. That person is probably better, as a journalist.too.
Streams and streams of perfectly fit and healthy young men. The cameraman must have been getting desperate – see how quickly he zoomed in on the woman and child?
Absolutely and utterly nauseating. I cannot believe people see this and cannot see anything wrong.
Good idea! Let’s just list them as we go along, with links if possible. Maybe a separate thread?
I’d nominate Harrabin – he’s been around for a while, and his obvious “in-your-face” bias is getting steadily worse. He is incorrigible.
One day, Roger, one day…
How about the BBC clown who tried to blame the Charlie Hebdo murders on the victims ?
And Jon Donnison gets a merit award for continuing his anti-Israel bias and bile even when posted to the other side of the world ?
Evan Davis for, well, just being Evan Davis
It just has to be Roger Harrabin, the BBC Environmental Analyst (well he’s the first four letters of one anyway).
I’ll admit though, the nomination of the most biased BBC presenter would be a tough competition. We have a rich field of bias, ignorance, fascism and incompetence to select from.
For me, another there can only be…
Ably complemented by Tim Wilcox, yes.
JonDon really needs an Outstanding Contribution Category all of his own, for just being JonDon.
Clive Myrie for cowardly calling Tyson Fury, the world heavyweight boxing champion, a dickhead, for being a decent committed Christian… And I think he should accept the award from Tyson Fury himself in a boxing ring.
Nominations received so far for “Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda 2015” are –
Roger Harrabin
Matthew Price
Mishal Hussein
Evan Davis
Jon Donnison
Clive Myrie
and my own favourite Jenny Hill
Jesus! What a gallery of Beeboids!
Harrabin gets my vote, but I would suggest we distinguish between BBC ‘journalists’ and others. You could argue that a twerp like Giles Fraser would be in the running but apparently he has a day job.
It’s a close call, though. There is also the silly girl who has been trilling about the trials and tribulations of the gimmegrants as they make their ways across Europe to the land of milk and handouts. She would certainly get a dishonourable mention from me, too. But yes, for overall unwavering distortion, deceit and propaganda it has to be Harrabin.
GCooper. The silly girl you mention may be one Anna Holligan who has been spewing out pro-migrant propaganda since September
Their virtue signalling is nauseating. That rogues gallery above nearly caused said nausea to capitulate to full barfing.
Stick an Islamic crescent or a hammer and sickle behind their mugshots and people would understand that of which the BBC has become.
Mr. G, I have just had my lunch and your post has almost made me throw up ! If we are allowed more than one nomination, could I add gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn and Anita “Obama” Anand ?
Apologies Grant. I should have posted a “Viewers of a nervous disposition may find some of the following images disturbing” notice. At least you were spared the pictures of Clive and Jenny which didn’t load. A small mercy I know!
I would like to add that the beeboid I’d like most to slap around the face with a large, wet John Dory, would be….
…(pause for usual BBC “reality” programme, er, pause)….
Evan Davis.
Old Goat, Teen-boy Evan is my first nomination. Don’t tell him about the “large , wet John Dory ” . He may misunderstand you .
This Evan Davis?
I wonder why he was so keen to help?
Steve, more to the point. would he have done the same for a “lovely girl ” ?
Teen-boy? Teen-man or manboy surely?
Maybe its just that he can’t get a sensible pair of corduroys, brogues and Oxford in his size?
Pass the sick bag. I suppose he thinks he is macho. Can anyone identify the animal on the lead ? I mean the one with 4 legs .
It looks like a Lurcher.
Number 7. Well it had to be a dog and not a bitch, I suppose !
You do have to ask, how can a 53 year old bloke who judges it ‘cool’ to go out of the house dressed like this exposing his underpants be trusted to have an in depth and sensible discussion with business and world leaders?
He looks a scruffy b’tard on Newsnight.
Geoff, just be grateful that he is wearing underpants.
It’s Mr. Whippy!
It’s a whippet.
Looking at a sequence of photographs of Evan Davis I have to ask – is he morphing in to Gollum?
May I suggest the bBBC Award For Most Ridiculous Political Guest 2015?
And may I suggest (look away now if you have a weak disposition)…
Diane Abbott?
Or Dobby
Checked BBC News Europe
“A meeting in a Dutch town to discuss whether to build a new centre for migrants had to be abandoned when some opponents rioted.” … hmmm some er “minor” fracas then?
… well actually no, over 2000 from said small town, are “not going to take it anymore”
… those illiberal, closed minded Dutch eh?
“Thousands riot in small Dutch town over plan for asylum-seeker centre
More than 2,000 residents of the small town of Geldermalsen take to the streets tearing down fences and chanting anti-immigrant slogans The incident was the biggest display of anti-migrant sentiment in the Netherlands since hooligans attacked a Syrian refugee centre in October. The deputy justice minister, Klaas Dijkhoff, who oversees immigration and asylum policy, called the incident in Geldermalsen “un-Dutch”.
“un-Dutch”… so erm, overrunning the nation with fighting age Islamic men … is? even in small towns?
the comment section is a blast.
The numbers of migrants being foisted on such a smallish town are cause for concern. Imagine our market towns facing such an influx. The liberals will push for this no doubt and at that point , as with the Dutch townspeople, we can expect serious trouble. No people has ever voluntarily given uo their land and culture.
Merkel has more to answer for than any politician in my lifetime in Europe. There is no case for staying in the EU. National self preservation makes an early exit imperative. Now watch the liberals squeal and whine and cajole and in the end threaten and use force. They will become what they were always going to be. Tyrants by inevitability.
UK Government won’t release EU migration statistics they have, because of the erm … ‘renegotiation’.
Hiding the real, much larger numbers?
Camoron s never ending tour of champagne dinners ended yet?
The Prime Minister is simply engaged in a desperate exercise to manage expectations.
There are already some changes happening he ll try to dress those to his own success
Like everything else these No10 traitors do, its all lies, “smoke and mirrors”.
The best Government hedge funds could buy,
Election win? “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
This is clearly a very significant story (and really, Breitbart should get the credit for it). In short, the British government has been caught red-handed perpetrating a major fraud on the electorate by lying through its teeth about immigration numbers.
No doubt a story of this magnitude will be receiving the full glare of publicity from our fearless and impartial state broadcaster.
Then again….
“…No doubt a story of this magnitude will be receiving the full glare of publicity from our fearless and impartial state broadcaster.”
Quite – I’m expecting nothing less than a full-on Panorama Special from those dependable ‘journalists’ (seekers of truth and honesty in reporting, all) at the BBC.
But, as you say: Then again…
Reading this:
You might think the BBC was deliberately trying to stir things up because the government got the answer, as the BBC sees it, wrong. This is a highly irresponsible article. The professional rabble rousers will be encouraged to read that there might be many others in the country prepared to cause unrest and it could be the nudge they need to take action.
The comparison with the miners is wrong. Regardless of your view on the miners’ strike, they were fighting for their livelihoods. The troublemakers that travel the country in search of a protest are not. Some proper rough treatment will soon have them scurrying back to Islington to compare battle scars over a latte.
Shale or Shariah?
… is this still on BBC US news page?
San Bernardino shooting: The Motive still unknown
… really?
Anyway … It s a wonder they re not celebrating Obama s grievance monger/hate America welcome to new US citizens.
Boy Obama is their “enemy within” isn`t he?
Yet the sadsacks over there have voted this Haw haw in twice…and we all reap the whirlwind.
A real Howard Zinn-a walking carpet book in audio for the US dope that can`t read for himself.
And how he DARE use the Jews to plump up Islamic immigration?
Shameless Lefty scum-and all the worse for being a poster boy worldwide for the destruction of our West.
A study in Nature suggests that cancer is overwhelmingly the result of environmental factors and the Jeremy Vine Show, with Paddy O’Connell, is straight in there, whipping up the modern meme of ‘perpetual offence’ yet again.
Apparently some poor souls found the study ‘hurtful’. Don’t bother with finding the truth, let’s just create a universal ‘safe space’ , where seldom is heard a discouraging word.
I wonder of ‘hurtful’ is the new ‘not helpful’, currently doing the rounds of establishment figures and BBC Jugend…
Certainly new terms for censorship and crushing free speech seem very popular in high places.
I wonder if CECUTT or BBC DPA were consulted to advise?
This is the complete opposite to a well-sourced story at New Year 2015 about “cancer largely being a ransom event”…bad luck, DNA failings etc.
How can THAT survey/research of Dec/Jan be so off-beam then, whereas THIS one is so much better?
Don`t expect the liberal arts graduates that infest BBC science reporting will be doing any breakdown or analysis for us-just the usual emoting and helplines-and a duty solicitor to filter the callers with a view to a Class Action from Leigh Day or Public Sue Mos and Meez…Phil Shiner already checking his aspartate levels as we speak.
Heaven forbid that there might be more to this than seeking White Dee for a blame/claim excuse to feed off us all.
Ransom event? Can you get money for it?
Well-yesterday it was Maastricht Band lead singer John Major holding forth on Today about why we really MUST stay in Europe.
Today it was Herman Von Remploy…who-funnily enough ALSO said that we must stay in Europe on the Today show.
I give you a list of other likely candidates for the Today shows coming up-if there are any bird spotters/I Spy types out there who`ll risk brainrot over the coming days…then I can start taking bets for when the REAL Euro crap comes up next June.
Reckon the BBC are blowing the dust off the old guns, getting them lubed up and setting sights to compensate for the cataracts-
`Paddy Ashdown/John Prescott( and secretaries too if that helps)
Neil and Glenys/Stephen Pillock( Family Favourites accumulator option here)
Pater Mandelson( solo rider, Brazilian two way)
Ken Clarke/Michael Heseltine and the bones of Leon Brittain
The bones of Roy Jenkins.
Caroline Lucas, Leanne Wood, Nicola Sturgeon and the Celtic Green Tartan Army…in strict rotation
Guy Verhofsted
Martin Schultz
Manuel Barossa.
Frans Timmernmans
Edith Cresson
Christine Lagarde
Donald -Tusk Duckie
Margot Maelstrom
Mrs Kinnock in Denmark.
And ALL assorted Die Welt, Le Monde hacks who can be pulled out of the BBCs pocket of privilege to give us that “informed, impartial European viewpoint”.
FFS-stay in Europe you scum…Islam needs your NHS and your Jihadi Spongers Allowances, your Brummie schools, Brick Lane as well as space to practice its chemistry, and remote controlling your disability scooters.
There`ll be others-but I reckon Guy will be next-or maybe Ruud Lube who once ran a herring stall in Utrecht.
As for Nigels Lawson or Farage, Norman, Daniel or the Few?…well, let me know if they ever get on…
Maybe Jim Naughtie could practice his impressions of Euro Grandes Sprouts who also want Britain to let Islam in, turn our country into Ceuta.
Piss off BBC…and wasn`t it great to see all those chinless wonder pix of Beeb hax who`ve told porkies all year- Allah won`t be happy with pork will he?
Loving your work, you are on fire tonight. Might have a few quid on the Pillock family accumulator.
Steve, the first few posts I read by Chris I wondered if he was on something stronger than Waccy Baccy !
They are masterpieces of the surreal. Is “Ruud Lube ” something that Evan Davis uses ?
You have to read and re-read a few of Chris’ offerings before you start to understand his style. After that, as you state, they are masterpieces of the surreal and funny to boot.
Keep up the good work ChrisH.
Steve, I reckon I do well if I understand 75 % of it and that is on a good day !
I enjoy reading CH’s posts too, they’re good stuff.
Most kind my friends.
Believe you me,I spend a lot of time chuckling at much of what I see here too, so if I add to the gaiety of this pastel ribbon on the end of the Beebs butt plug…then I`m reet chuffed too!
Though Arlene Foster handled herself very well on Today this morning-how you can predict every damn issue that the Today clot du jour will ask you about…and not rise to the bait…now THAT`S S statesmanship
Of course-gay weddings and letting McGuinness roll you and your voters all down the hill in a tarred and feathered barrel bomb(Mishal calls this “conciliation”)-WILL be the only issues that the BBC will care about in RedHandLand…oh, if only you aborted more babies, baked more gay cakes and beheaded Pastor McConnell-then you too could be an Islamic milestone for Qutb to piss up, like his gang are doing on the mainland.
And what would Arlene know?…only nearly getting killed by an IRA bomb on her schoolbus in 1988…if only she KNEW what the people of Northern Ireland went through, and support todays BBC agendas?-Mishal does, insh`Allah!
Here`s hoping Arlene will be OK-and that and Pastor McConnells` case wakes the rest of us up-Islam IS satanic and demonic…as are Communism and liberalism…and if the judge is NOT a theologian, he can piss off…and we here will be watching(even if he`s not, seeing as he had to be persuaded to sit and listen to the whole of what the Pastor said…Freisler justice!)
Ps105.15…sounds right to me.
“…this pastel ribbon on the end of the Beeb’s butt plug…”
Just brilliant ChrisH, just brilliant.
Sports Personality of the year:
I’ve registered, and am waiting to vote on 20 December for the person who will cause extreme grief to the BBC. In anticipation, I can hear them gnashing their teeth in frustration.
Haven’t watched SPOTY for a very,very,long time but this year will make an exception. I suspect we will be voting for the same person. Someone recently posted on here a clause in the SPOTY rules that states in the event of technical difficulties with voting then the selection panel will choose the winner. If a certain outspoken young boxer looks like winning then stand by for some ‘technical’ difficulties.
I have just tried to register but having problems. But,in any case, there will be an independent scrutineer so it will be a free and fair vote. Errrr……… I think there are some technical difficulties with this post.
Well, in the light of the rules (of which I was unaware), I also would not be surprised to encounter some technical difficulties, and anticipate that someone will be un-chosen if the worst comes to the worst (in their eyes). I’ll not watch. I did on one occasion in Frank Bough’s days, but not since.
It is the sporting version of the Great British Bake Off
In that case they should just give the trophy to Mohammed Farah now and not put viewers through the agony of watching.
I thought this may be too OT, until…
‘And by rich I don’t just mean the far left’s celebs – Billy Bragg, Charlotte Church, Brian Eno. I mean any academic, public sector manager, charity boss, journalist, teacher or doctor who earns more or considerably more than the £42,385 higher rate threshold’
Beyond BBC manager market rates, Mrs. Merton might also ponder the constant attraction of Billy and Charlotte for sure.
And where the Graun goes, Roger surely doth follow, along with the full weight of that bastion of settled science, the BBC.
In passing, on BBC FaceBook comedy channel, they are running:
BBC News
Why is it so warm in the UK this December?
Even an ice rink has melted.
No. really.
This evening BBC R4 news (around 5.30pm) interviewed a cauliflower grower from Devon who described the unseasonably warm weather and its effects on his trade…..then let slip……..we haven’t had anything like it since the winter of 1972!
‘If you live in Lincoln and were hoping to the Christmas ice rink there, bad news.
It’s turned into a giant puddle because the mild weather has melted it as temperatures in the city reached highs of 14 C. The chillers were put on full blast earlier this month but it wasn’t enough to re-freeze the water.’
Full blast, eh?
Using what AGW-friendly means as an energy source I wonder?
Speaking of FaceBook, they have also decided to go with a tried and trusted technique to keep the Trumposession alive, Vlad having chipped in with a big up.
Brave of the BBC in precedent, given who has lauded those they support in the past, with little to no mentions it didn’t look too good.
“The weather is ridiculous”
This from the second string BBC One weather bod this evening. Well, I suppose it’s a variation on this morning’s “crazy”
Methinks these jerks doth protest too much.
Always interesting to get the BBC take on horrible history
Tonight I learn from BBC News that Sinn Féin “has historic links with the IRA”
Well blow me down – only figuratively, please
BBC News
What happened next for the migrants who made the world care?
They made the world care – but where are they now?
Comments could be going a wee bit better, TBH.
They did make the world care.
Care about strict border control, care about the dangers and threat posed by Islam and care about the social and economic upheaval the sudden influx of thousands upon thousands of “migrants” has when invading another society.
The BBC1 6pm news had a lengthy report on families being evicted from rented accommodation. There was not the slightest indication that any of these people may have contributed to their own misfortune, the viewer was left only with the message that all ills resulted from government failings.
None of them were what you might call British either.
Fracking adversaries gear up for the next round.
More bias in favour of the anti-everything crowd, made up of educated people who should know better and uneducated people who will never know anything.
Eastenders. My other half watches and i usually make myself busy, but this evening i caught 10 mins. Blonde danny dyers daughter is reading the koran to understand her partners religion. Apparantly,it makes him caring tolerant etc. Hold tight folks,the subtle brainwashing of the sheeple starts here.
I’m surprised it’s not been mentioned on BBC news yet. BBC news and BBC drama are interchangeable. There both fiction.
Maybe a plot line when he ‘falls’ on her, caused by fracking out back of the Old Vic?
The global warming bullsh*t continues:
Note the wording of the final paragraph. ‘We can’t say for certain that this spell of warm weather is directly linked to global warming, although it could well be a factor, BBC Weather’s Steve Cleaton says.’
Knowing that science qualifications are hard to find amongst BBC staff, particularly the science correspondents, I will reword that bit for them in proper scientific language. ‘We can’t say that this spell of warm weather is causally linked to global warming BBC Weather’s Steve Cleaton says.’
It really isn’t that difficult.
BBC News – Just heard the No10 Traitor – Camoron himself, spout
he ll be, ahem … “right in there, battling hard for Britain” ……. when?
he only does anything for himself, his own cronies and the self serving No10 traitors.
… this b-stard is in the second term, he has NEVER done that.
utter babble …
now if he mean t selling/giving out what s left of our infrastructure,
selling us out for Saudi lucre,
and the great Chinese takeaway,
repeatedly lying, falsifying figures and
encouraging wage compression by deliberately doing nothing about immigration
and borrowing more in 5 years than the Gov did in the previous 10.
that would be nearer the truth
Cameron is plain lazy! Possibly the laziest PM we’ve ever had. All he wants to do is serve his term with the least fuss, and collect his bonus prize at the end.
Osborne is running the economy Theresa May the home policies, and each minister does their bit while he ‘chillaxes’ with his hippy wife at number 10.
He’s not concerned about immigration or the deficit, so long as it doesn’t get so bad he has to do something. This is the man who having promised a renegotiation of the countries relationship with Europe, didn’t do any of his homework, and arrived at the negotiating table without any demands at all! Now he has cobbled together a list, it’s all about money, for potential tax cuts for his rich mates, and nothing at all about what the people wanted.
It doesn’t look likely he’ll even get the little he’s asked for – but will he back an exit? No of course he won’t, because that would mean he would need to do some work! Well quite a lot of work, because instead of Europe making all the rules, the government would have to !
He has probably been offered a big job in the EU as a bribe anyway
“…borrowing more in 5 years than the Gov did in the previous 10.”
The final nail in the coffin to indicate you have no grip on reality!
That was a ridiculous line that the Labour Party tried to flog at the last election. If spending exceeds income by £200m in 2010 and you aim to eliminate the deficit in 10 years you have to borrow £200bn, 180bn, 160bn, 140bn, 120bn, 100bn, 80bn, 60bn, 40bn and 20bn = £1100bn, which has to be added to the national debt!to make up the shortfall!
Now just remind yourself which tossers left a government with spending commitments of £200bn a year more than income.
Yes. All of the privallaged british class system are filling their pockets now,via saudi cash, then after playing the voters like the simple non questioning sheep that they are,retire to there safe havens. The uk is f!@#$/d, lets make the most of it,al a tony bLiar
We can`t do anything about EU immigration ,because we are in the EU. The Chinese are investing in the economy, so the lights don`t go off in the future. Noggins Labour mates spent all the money, but unemployment is at least down.What Saudi cash , they buy planes off us , keeps people in work , in high tech jobs.
“We can’t do anything about EU immigration, because we are in the EU.”
That sentence encapsulates precisely why we have to leave the Euro “Project”; if the U.K. remains within it I think it will be finished as a nation and we, the indigenous population, will be also – as a distinct people.
In my view, 90% of what is wrong in our country today, flows from consequences (often hidden) of our “membership” of the EU.
Al Shubtill
“We can’t do anything about EU immigration, because we are in the EU.”
In one word – Simples!
I just said to the other half,i am offended. Inthe same way muslims are continually offended,i am offended by the feeble attempt at leftwing agitprop that flows from bbbc. I can accept that itv is a simon cowell idiot experience,but afvertisers pay for this! Good reflection of now.anyway,merry xmass all,im of to my shed to plot the next move ,so see you in the new year!regards,brett
Armed gangster gets shot attempting to spring another gangster. Nothing to see here, move along. Only said ‘gangsta’ is just one of those lovable rogues, a bit like the piece of filth Duggan. In common with Duggan he just happens to be one of our darker cousins, so out come the usual mouthpieces claiming to represent “the community”. It just so happens that said mouthpieces are also of a similar shade or darker than the poor ‘victim’ who ate some lead. BBC are naturally on the case, and I don’t suppose it will be long before they wheel out our Diane to press home the message that black lives matter. I wonder, do white lives matter?
I feel sorry for the firearms officer involved, especially when the IPCC use words like homicide in an attempt to appease “the community” and prevent the little rascals from rioting. Even if they did riot and raze Haringhey to the ground, would anyone notice, or even care?
The BBC correspondent told us that it was expected that the meeting with the IPCC and “the community” might get a little heated. Hmmm, I think we all know what that means.
Rioting, looting and “youths” making off with 40 inch flat screens.
Compare and contrast the reporting over the rioting in the Dutch town of Geldermalsen. No question of the BBC’s stance there.
On that matter it is reported by media outlets that the police fired warning shots. This is a serious and new development. it shows just how afraid the authorities are now of the shire people. I mean really afraid. So outright suppression looks more and more likely.
It is very serious when the police fire , even over heads , on the indigenous shire folk. I can hardly emphasise this enough and no doubt our liberal media will play it down as much as possible. The next stage is to open fire direct and that means anything can then happen and always means that the government loses legitimacy immediately.
Events as always move fast and this is a given in all volatile situations.
Think of our own shires. Our MPs are mostly Tory and if mine is anything to go by useless. But they must know even dimly just how the shires really feel. No wonder the government and the liberal media is verging on panic over the migrant crisis and the complete failure of multiculturalism
Dave S, Totally agree. If it is true that the police fired live rounds , this is terrible. No tear gas, no watercannon ? The next obvious step is direct fire and that amounts to war by the State on its own people.
Everything about this appalls, from the action by the the authorities to the (non) analysis by the media.
Earlier I used the term ‘pointing weapons at their own people’. Of course these were also discharged.
Imagine if that had been the case, even with feral young males in covered faces storming wire fences? They government would last a day.
I predict this will prove to be a key event in Europe’s history. We will have to wait and see but if true and it appears to be so then the Dutch state came very close to attacking it’s own citizens with lethal force .
I have no doubt Mr Wilders has taken note.
I saw this and thought… ‘No, they wouldn’t’. I was almost fooled.
You don’t understand, this hood was apparently asleep in his car when he was shot. Yes, he was tooled up and just about to spring a couple of Turkish drug barons from a police van, but he decided to take a power nap first. Highly believable.
Stranger things have happened.
Rich old men have fallen into young girls, as they do.
The police commander in the area has just said that this delicate flower was not a gangster. Perish the thought. On the other hand, the police had a bug in his car, and he was sitting there with a gun waiting to spring a couple of major league drug barons, so is it just possible he wasn’t exactly a boy scout? Just putting it out there.
I feel sorry for the cop who has been arrested so as to placate the mob. It seems the good people of Tottenham feel that if the police ever shoot an armed mobster the only rational response is to riot, and we can’t have that can we?
In reply to Steve Jones on fracking I absolutely agree. The analogy linking protest with the miners strike is absurd.
Why is it that we can always count on these people, which always includes the ‘Rent a Mob’, made up of so called enviromentalists, anarchists, communists and other ‘ists’ whose agendas may differ however their objectives remain the same i.e. lets destroy opportunities to create greater wealth and employment in this country, not to mention the security of having our own source of energy independent of other nations and lets invent or exaggerate facts that support our cause.
The BBC seems to have chosen sides already.
“So … Pastor McConnell is “not on trial for his beliefs”.
But … he is on trial for expressing them”
Still look on the bright side, in the rich comedy gold vein of
“Queers for Palestine”, US tubster Micheal Moore craps out with
#we re all Muslim … outside Trump Towers.
Noggin, Well it is a great relief that “Thoughtcrime” is not illegal……….. yet.
I wish Moore would convert to Islam and bugger off to Afghanistan.
I believe that even in Nazi Germany or the USSR you were allowed to think whatever you liked, so long as you did not communicate your thoughts to anyone else or act on them in any way. Good to know that our PC commissars have brought us in line with those two paragons of democratic freedom.
The new virtuous ones- you know those kiddies on the BBC/C4 and the liberal press are not content with our silence. They really really need us to agree with their virtue signals and so empathetic caring personas.
We need to face this and understand that these people are using social media to enforce the most appalling of things- that is thought control and thought manipulation. Even the Stasi never dreamt of this power.
The BBC is not just a propaganda outfit it is actively involved in destroying freedom and imposing a form of social conformism that owes more to Mao’s China than to our old democratic traditions.
Dave S, Yes, the time may come when silence will be treated as opposition and punished as such. The future for the UK looks very bleak even if we leave the EU.
Is Cam Moron fighting to ‘keep us in’ the EU ?
Will he sell us a ‘pig in a poke’ ?
The four demands ………………….
When he gets the ‘deal’ , I forecast a ‘snap’ referendum before the opposition gets its act together . A typical car salesman.
Watch this space .
… battling hard for Britain? eh … you lying, ineffectual, self serving, traitor to our nation, and population
I ve got a better quote … “Cameron, He has asked for virtually nothing … and is unlikely to even get that”
There cannot be a snap referendum. Under the law, the Electoral Commission has to supervise the process, and it is mandated that there has to be a nine month period between the legislation enacting the referendum and the referendum itself. Just as well, because a snake oil salesman like Cameron will be gaming the system as much as he can to spin a shabby second class deal as a major assertion of British rights. As if.
This story has been building all day and is not yet on the BBC website. Presumably BBC considering how to downplay it.
I believe the supermarkets estimate UK population at c80 million.
Governments covering up. Governments turning troops around to point weapons at their own people.
Poor historical precedent.
The EU negotiations are a done deal, decided moths ago. So said Rees-Mogg tonight on QT. I agree.
Cameron looking for a big job in EU, maybe Junkers successor.
The referendum is also going to be a stich up, I hope I’m wrong but I fear so.
History will show Cameron to be a traitor to this country. No, I don’t need history. He is a traitor.
Who in their right mind would vote for the dilution of our country’s sovereignty? What kind of leader would want this?
Cameron is a philistine. Sorry to offend you Tories on this site, but it is a fact.
Something our ancestors have fought and died for over the last thousand years, given away on a plate for ‘thirty pieces of silver ‘.
It will all end in tears.
A question that Al Beeb’s reporters should put to the people of Germany ………………..
What on earth was she thinking ?
Looking through the litany of life according to BBC.con this morning we have, among other things, this….
Beijing issues second ever pollution red alert
You just know that they will manage somehow to turn this around to confirm what we all know……..
The BBC is always right.
A quick control-F on my browser reveals those dreaded 2 words ‘climate change’ hiding at the bottom of the page. They are however preceded by the words ‘landmark Paris’ and followed by the word ‘agreement’.
People with half a brain will already know that it is neither ‘landmark’ nor an agreement. Had this been anything else the BBC would have torn it to shreds. But climate change is the new religion and you are either a disciple or a heathen. The BBC weather room is a holy place where there are daily exorcisms, called weather forecasts, to cast out the devil of climate change. Previously well-known weather phenomena are now harbingers of doom. There is no point arguing against climate change, it’s true because all those unqualified reporters at the BBC say so and how silly would they look if it turned out to be just smoke and mirrors (sorry, smog and mirrors)?
“This is a very sad day as our proud industrial heritage is destroyed [by the government].”
So did the miner actually say “by the government”, or did the BBC just add that for effect?
They must be in a real dilemma on this one. Ever keen to paint a rosy picture of that great socialist activity of digging stuff out of the ground, but unfortunately (for them) it doesn’t fit too nicely with their GW agenda. Oh dear…..
I think the term was, “started by Thatcher ended by Cameron”… bye bye industry eh!
Anyway … what IS the “carbon footprint” of fetching coal from Columbia?
A very good question, which if asked the BBC will doubtless feel exempted from answering.
They already play fast and loose with quotes, so adding stuff is clearly not outside the realms of possibility.
yes what a quandary the BBC must be in and what hypocrisy there is in their reporting. As in the article above, when the use of coal is far away in that big country called China it is an evil pollutant.
When mining is stopped in the UK it’s a “sad day as our proud industrial heritage is destroyed [by the government].”
A clearer example of the BBC’s double standards would be hard to find.
How does this sit with the ‘landmark agreement’ the BBc are so keen to champion? You can’t have it both ways dear beeb.
Things get very tricky when you decide to take sides whilst pretending to be impartial.
What a surprise that the BBC jumps on these comments by Douglas Carswell:
Expect more of this as the devious BBC tries to undermine the EU Out campaign by reporting via one degree of separation.
Alternatively, was Douglas Carswell planted in UKIP as a sleeper awaiting the EU referendum before acting?
The EU out campaign is being undermined already, remember if your old enough the same Tory orchestration
in the 70s, where Heath and indeed Thatcher knew about the federal Europe plan, its all there in the archives.
Remember it was Enoch Powell, Tony Benn, guys like Len Murray that desperately warned against its effects on our political decision making, and workers. All these years our nation has been betrayed by self serving political b-stards from both sides
The exit campaign is undermined. Even if the arguments are won, the results are sitting on someone’s desk, the ballot papers to be substituted are already in the boxes, and of course the postal ballot will not be reformed by Cameron because he knows which way his Labour supporters and their extended families will vote. Conspiracy theory? No. The stakes are high. The result has to be fixed, and Cameron has to pretend to get a deal, and will be backed to the hilt by the BBC. Meanwhile, destruction is planned for UKIP so there won’t be a party of significant size to argue for an exit. And in France, watch out for the moves to destroy Le Pen before 2017. More anti racist litigation for her – now under investigation for posting disturbing pictures of ISIS atrocities My goodness, they have even brought out the schoolchildren in Rouen to march in protest at the return of Le Pen and the Nazis. Federal Eurabia here we come
GWF, Sadly you are right. Democracy died in the UK years ago. The result will be rigged one way or another.
BBC Website “Pathway found for EU deal ” Cameron. As the late, great Tommy Cooper would say “You have to laugh ” !
Adding to Grants comment above
Reading the FT for some actual news, they have a headline
“Cameron rebuffed on EU migrant benefits
UK premier left seeking face-saving plan B for Brexit vote”
Now that seems pretty clear, the wheels are falling off the wagon. No apparently not, Beeb website headline
“Pathway’ found for EU deal – Cameron”
So nothing to worry about then, its all being taken care of.
Englands, According to Daily Mail report, Cameron gave a press conference at midnight last night and the crest fell off the front of the lectern. Sorry don’t have link. You couldn’t make it up !
Thanks Grant
I also noticed that the Beeb website very quickly moved on its article on report about the Muslim Brotherhood.
“UK will not ban Muslim Brotherhood, says David Cameron”
Came out only yesterday but has now been put down the memory hole
Amazingly the comments section is still being shown, enjoy