BBC and Labour in full cry this morning using the words of Oliver Letwin from 1985 to try and smear the Conservatives, past and present. Chuka Umunna was allowed a gentle canter around the BBC race baiting paddock, casually suggesting it was RACIST of Letwin to question the morality of some of those who, as I recall, beheaded PC Keith Blakelock at Broadwater Farm. This pesky detail, along with the horrendous violence carried out by (black) gangs at that time seems to have been lost amongst the smug satisfaction on display this morning. Playing the race card is perhaps the favourite tactic of the immoral left, in this case to try and excuse the inexcusable violence of that time. Letwin has done as required and apologised but I wish he wouldn’t as it only encourages the BBC to keep pushing this toxic race agenda.
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He was right then, and he is right now – except for his grovelling apology, of course, which has become the fashion lately.
It wasn’t just the BBC. The Telegraph headlined the condemnation of Letwin’s unexceptionable opinion concerning black criminality and public thuggery. Mind you the Telegraph is morphing into the Guardian-lite for those not actually living in Islington or W1A so I expect no more.
One of the reasons why was made all too apparent on Sky last night. One half of its predictably Leftist newspaper review duo was Liz Hunt, currently Deputy Editor of the once proud Telegraph. Her vapid, predictably right-on opinions were indistinguishable from those of her fellow hack, the Independent’s Rome correspondent.
It was like overhearing a pair of zombie hipsters in Starbucks discussing what the Guardian had told them to think that day.
The Telegraph is finished as a serious newspaper when it employs people like Liz Hunt in a senior role.
Have the AlBeeb apologised unreservedly for promoting Jimmy Savile Peadophilia – NO, have the AlBeeb apologised unreservedl,y for the many lies they propagandise – NO, have the AlBeeb apologised for not keeping to the charter in terms of political bias, NO. Have they ever aplogised for being anti British and anti Western,NO. Have they ever apologised for being the mind bending ruination of this country,NO.
What does Cameron and the Tories do about the indoctrinaire AlBeeb -I’ll tell you – NOTHING. That’s what they do, absolutely NOTHING. Weak, traitorous and cowardly.
I am sick of the spineless Cameron and his Tory sycophants forever apologising for past ‘misdeeds’. Northern Ireland,Slavery, Blackwater Farm,et al. Pathetic.Pathetic,Pathetic Tories.
Who in hell does he represent? He is beginning to outCorbyn Corbyn. He makes me sick.
wronged, well said. The Tories are pathetic.
The lack of apologies from the BBC – their moral hypocrisy – makes sense as part of a rational strategy.
1. Hold your opponents to impossible ethical standards; publicly debar them from the exercise of self-interest (the same self-interest that you yourself employ by claiming your own self-interest is shared with a supposed majority of the population);
2. Ignite conflict wherever and whenever you can, by inserting division into society – identity politics is the premier modern embodiment of this, replacing prototypical class hatred, but drawing on the same well of resentment to energise it. Oh, and the more outrageous and indefensible the pretext, the better, since it will energise your opposition with righteous anger. Remember, your intention is destructive, so you can use the ‘induced’ anger of your opponents as well;
3. Whenever it looks like reason will prevail, carefully sabotage any attempts by cooler heads to resolve the underlying issues with equity (assuming there are any real issues to resolve). Introduce heat and noise whenever talking is in danger of replacing shouting. Techniques here include outrageous ad hominem attacks on carefully selected targets; outright lies, which will be found out, but only after the damage has been done; appeals to authority, in an attempt to make your opponents look out-ranked and bumptious; and the deliberate cultivation of gangster allies for hands-off dirty work.
There are other techniques which, as we know, are especially appropriate to mass media. All in all,the upper hand belongs to those who wish to destroy society, with the intention of reconstructing it to reflect their own preferences. A revolutionary force of this kind will always have an advantage, which accrues as a direct result of abandoning any moral scruples – the adherence to truthfulness, and a regard for the lives of the individual members of the society they wish to overthrow. Ultimately it is psychopathic rationality.
I think the rioting and looting that took place in 2012 also indicates there is type of antisocial behaviour to be found amongst blacks. That’s not to say all blacks behave in such a violent and unlawful way but too many do. I hope the New Year brings with it leaders with backbone who will tell the truth and stand by it regardless of what the empty collectivist vessels scream at them.
11am news on R2 . Bring on Dianne Abbott, to tell us, white people were rioting in Britain back in the Middle ages. Condemns Letwin, pity some of her racist comments about white people were not mentioned and she was asked to apologize.
What a hypocrite!
How can the fragrant Diane be racist when she had sex ( or whatever it was ) with Corbyn ?
Fragrant? You must be kidding.
I worked in the presence of the fragrant ones many years ago.
Pass the clothes pegs please.
Yep, I briefly flicked onto to the race baiting five live this morning and the bird presenter was literally creaming her knicks over the Letwin story.
Rolled out condemnations from Abbott and Lammy naturally and then brought on “The Brixton Bard” to add his two pennarth. Seems who couldn’t quite recall what Letwin had said but this was not enough to stop him from being reet angry.
PS – why anyone would ever seek an opinion from Lammy after this is beyond me (sniggers into hand)
Just how poorly educated Lammy is can be appreciated from some of his stupid answers and bad guesses:
When asked the name of Pierre & Marie (the married scientists, i.e. the Curies) he came up with “Antoinette”!
When it was the fortified Paris defence post / prison (Bastille) he answered with the ornamental Versailles!
He couldn’t even guess at Jamaica, when he needed to come up with a/any Caribbean island in answer to another.
But the showstopper was his guess at the English king who came AFTER Henry VIII … “Henry VII”. Incredible!!
Lammy ? What a moron.
Lammy or Lemmy? I know who I’d rather listen to, and one of them is no longer with us….
Phobic, LOL ! The good die young and all we are left with is the bloody politicians !
Cheers, G
Professor Richard Lynn, during a time frame lasting 25 years, carried out 57 studies of IQ all over Africa. The results showed the average IQ of blacks was 70, this was 2 standard derivations under the average for whites. That would mean that around half of black Africans would be regarded as practically mentally retarded, by European standards.
The average mental age for black Africans is 11 years old; for whites it is 16 years.
Across the world the IQ average: East Asians approx. 106, whites 100, U.S. blacks 80 and sub -Saharan blacks 70.
No wonder Lammy is the way he is, it isn’t his fault.
I think it was Richard Pinder , who explained , once ancestors , left the heat of Africa & settled in , Europe , their brains could expand more , as the body was not constantly trying to cool it down . Therefore we could start creating a “civilisation” ,& inventing stuff .
I find the idea of “man” coming out of Africa, hard to believe. If one assumes that Black Africans haven’t changed much, and it is the emmigrants that have, then there is too little time for the emmigrants to have changed to such a great degree in bone structure, skin pigmentation, hair and skin characteristics, facial structure, and intelligence.
Nice to read something of humour after feeling suicidal most of the morning and contemplating whether gnawing through my own wrist would be easier to deal with and less painful than watching the BBC propaganda machine trying to convince the brain dead at home that the worst thing about what happened at the Blackwater Farm carnival was a rather tame response from a tory white boy against IS style savagery of black men against the police. Of course there are only victims in today’s world where no matter how grotesque the crime, the real villains are the white elite or the racist police service, who gave them no choice but to act that way. Pretty shocked that Trumps comments weren’t to blame for the ‘unrest’ at the carnival as I can recall things were fun, happy and joyous until word got around that he was talking about banning Muslims.
Well said, and rather obvious once you express it clearly..
It’s okay, though, for that conceited bigot Dianne Abbot to come out with racist, anti-white comments on twatter; the left are very silent when one of their beloved speaks their mind. The BBC are absolutely revelling in this complete and utter non-story; and forgive me if I’ve missed something but I cannot see the problem with what Letwin said. I was only a child when these riots happened but from my reading of the situation aggressive thugs from ethnic minorities were causing utter violent mayhem.
It’s high time that people started to break this left-wing stranglehold on free speech; why should any community be immune from criticism and responsibility for their behaviour? In London the statistics clearly show that ethnic minorities carry out a disproportionate number of crimes in relation to their overall demographic; and people are getting sick to death with the constant victim card being played by some minorities, all too often using the nasty racist empire and so on as a pretext for their actions. That objectionable, ungrateful and arrogant little turd at Oxford who is presently calling for the fall of Cecil Rhodes statue is a prime example of what we need to stand up to: Cultural Marxism and the absurd situation we now have where minorities are incapable of being accused of racism due to how they were supposedly treated hundreds of years ago. The left, of course, have tried to rewrite history in a pathetic attempt to justify their foul ideological crusades. They won’t win, though, as anyone with half a brain can see right through their puerile crap.
I also see that the loathsome, self-righteous and sweaty blob Tom Watson is getting in on the act, with the BBC only too willing to give his insufferable opinions a platform.
What characterised the murder of PC Blakelock, was its sheer savagery, and the perpetrators’ utter contempt for the society in which they dwelt. The contemporary public reaction was one of utter horror that human beings could act so despicably, and moreover with not a shred of shame.
It is only at this distance in time that apologists for their crime, and those of the associated petrol-bombers and rioters, believe they can lie about such moral vampirism, and get away with it.
“Bad moral attitudes” or lack of good morality.
Withdraw ALL stop and search. That includes the house of commons.
No one carries weapons (except for self defence) There is no threat of terrorism from Islam, all in your minds so just let everyone (especially those in the palace of westminster) be treated equaly.
And withdraw all armed police guards from all politicians.
The justifications that is regularly trotted out to defend the concept of hate speech is Nazism in pre war Germany. That might seem incontestable, but in fact the reverse was the case. It wasn’t simply anti-semitic hate speech that led eventually to the Holocaust, but rather violent suppression of any counter-arguments. We might not be heading towards death camps, but the principal remains the same. We suppress free speech at our peril.
The other problem is that hate speech is now so loosely defined, that it includes almost any perceived offence. We now have a climate where certain groups are almost perpetually offended. Darkus Howe informs us that Oliver Letwing’s memo “borders on criminallity” – yes, but only in an insane world. At the top of the hierarchy of ism’s, the one that trumps them all, is racism. But what is racism? When the leaders of the Black Power movement in the late sixties decided to redefine it to justify their own murderous racism, and this was immediately taken up by that most destructive group all, the political left, the word lost all credibility. As has already been pointed out, if Letwing had been black and his remarks had been about white people, some simpering presenter on the BBC Today programme would almost certainly be earnestly agreeing with him.
I wish that Oliver Letwing had taken a stand and not apologised, but he would no doubt have been forced to resign from the Conservative party. He may still have to. Whether, his remarks are right or wrong they are an opinion, which in any free society he has a right to express – an opinion that many people would agree with. If you don’t agree, then present a strong counter argument, don’t just shut down the debate with demands for bans and resignations. I don’t want MPs who feel that they have to censor themselves because of some misplaced responsibility towards some particular group who might take offence. I want to know what they think.
Yes, well said.
So, Al-Beeb is happy to support those who want to whitewash history (ala the idiots #rhodesmustfall in Oxford and similar) unless when it comes to be about their enemy (Maggie and the Tories). Oh, the irony…..
That Cecil Rhodes statue removal rubbish has spread here from America, where Progressives are seeking to remove the statues of those generals and leaders of the Confederacy during The War Between the States; also to change the titles of anything which bears their names – schools, universities, colleges, highways, parks etc; though there is some legal push back beginning now, such as in New Orleans this month.
If they succeed in doing so, they will need to rename (among other things) the capital city of the U.S., anything which is associated with Thomas Jefferson; also, won’t this quote from Abraham Lincoln require his statues and memorials receive the same treatment?
“I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”
Stated during the Lincoln-Daughan debates.
Delingpole wrote a superb piece on Breitbart London a week or so ago, digging into the backgrounds of the agitators at Balliol. They are, to say the least, a very unprepossessing bunch. If the information in his article was widely known, they wouldn’t receive the slightest attention from anyone – well, save for Diane Abbot.
Yet again, the BBC has fallen down on the job. Deliberately, I imagine.