Nil Desperandum

Always laugh at the BBC’s desperate attempts to malign and undermine the British identity…by Pallab Ghosh….

DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start

Well yes…it was a city established by Roman Invaders with soldiers who came from all around Europe and beyond…as the BBC knows full well….

Who was in the Roman army?

Only men could be in the Roman Army. No women. Every Roman soldier was a Roman citizen. He had to be at least 20 years old. He was not supposed to get married while he was a soldier. Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy. There were Roman soldiers from Africa, France, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East.

Ghosh’s contention is that because they have found some skeletons with DNA from North Africa that means that Britain was a wonderfully multi-cultural land of immigrants …so why worry about immigration now?…that of course ignores the fact we’re not Romans, let alone North African, and that debate around immigrtion centres mostly on space and resources, quality of life, as well as cultural and identity issues…..he doesn’t mention that at least two of the skeletons were probably from slaves…one being a gladiator and one a girl from North Africa.

‘The analysis reveals what some of the very first Londoners looked like and where they came from.

The first results are from four people: two had origins from outside Europe, another was from continental Europe and one was a native Briton.’

I imagine the BBC would come to a similar conclusion about the wondrous multiculturalism of Russia if they looked at graves in Moscow and found some Germans there….conclusion all Russians are in fact descended from German invaders… such thing as a ‘Russian’.

The BBC’s strange take is that because London was established by the Romans it is OK to dismiss the identity and existence of the rest of the population of Britain.

The population of Britain may have been in flux with various invasions but for the last 1000 years it has remained fairly stable as DNA studies show….nearly every Brit has DNA that links them to the old Britons and Celts….something the BBC is desperate to deny.

The Guardian blows the BBC’s narrative apart….

‘The Romans, Vikings and Normans may have ruled or invaded the British for hundreds of years, but they left barely a trace on our DNA, the first detailed study of the genetics of British people has revealed.

The analysis shows that the Anglo-Saxons were the only conquering force, around 400-500 AD, to substantially alter the country’s genetic makeup, with most white British people now owing almost 30% of their DNA to the ancestors of modern-day Germans.’

Perhaps that’s why we are so often called  ‘Anglo-Saxons’……no surprise there then….that should put an end to all those smug left wing comedians whinging about our alien ‘German’ Royal Family.

The Telegraph also undermines the BBC’s agenda….

‘Britons are still living in the same ‘tribes’ that they did in the 7th Century, Oxford University has found after an astonishing study into our genetic make-up.

Archaeologists and geneticists were amazed to find that genetically similar individuals inhabit the same areas they did following the Anglo-Saxon invasion, following the fall of the Roman Empire.

In fact, a map showing tribes of Britain in 600AD is almost identical to a new chart showing genetic variability throughout the UK, suggesting that local communities have stayed put for the past 1415 years.

Many people in Britain claim to feel a strong sense of regional identity and scientists say they the new study proves that the link to birthplace is DNA deep.’






That mythical glass ceiling for non-whites


For some reason I can’t find a mention of this on the BBC website…

Ken Olisa: The most powerful black man in Britain

He’s the Queen’s escort in London who locked horns with John Bercow and has a library named after him at Cambridge – not bad for a boy who grew up without a loo in Nottingham

You  might have thought such an inspiring story from a black role model would be something that the BBC would trumpet.  Seems not.

The story did get a mention on 5LiveDrive (about 17:55) when they interviewed Ken Olisa about the Black ‘power list’…..The BBC’s immediate take was that such a list proved there was a glass ceiling in business and society…ie  Britain is racist…which is an odd conclusion…a conclusion Olisa himself roundly dismissed telling the BBC that there clearly was no glass ceiling, as the power list showed, opportunities exist for Blacks as much as anyone else, therefore he suggested there was another reason that explains why some black people don’t get into high places…such as because they don’t think they can so they don’t even try….belief that they will fail is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Now where might black people get the idea that they are victims and eternally condemned to the fringes of society?  Could it be from organisations like the BBC that peddle a view of life that helps create a sense of victimhood and hopelessness when in reality the opportunities are there for the taking if only people weren’t brainwashed into thinking they are hopeless and helpless by lefty organisations and black grievance agitators with an agenda?

‘Does he think we live in a culture of victimhood?

“Well I think it’s in the interests of a lot of people to get others to feel downtrodden, so that they can claim to come and raise them back up again.” Disaffected minorities seem now to be a majority, but Olisa sees no reason for why this should be.

“This Powerlist, it shows that black people can do everything. There can no longer be an argument that if you can’t get on because you are black. There are lots of other reasons you can’t get on – you’re incompetent, you can’t speak properly, you can’t spell, you don’t get to work on time. But it’s not because you are black.” ‘

Once again the BBC is shown to be an organisation whose ‘do-gooding’ actually does more harm to race relations and the prospects of black people than good… with immigration, Islam and the economy where the BBC line advanced with determined and wilful blindness as to the truth by its employees on each of these subjects has been dangerous and misguided.









Got to love the way the BBC lobbies for “change” on the basis there must be no change.

Licence fee payers should be given a vote on any attempt by ministers to cut the BBC down to size, the corporation’s director-general will say today.

Oh really? Gosh, that’s a very brave thing to say. Except….

In a speech to business leaders, Lord Hall will propose any major changes to the broadcaster must be approved by a two-thirds majority in both houses of parliament, plus an online public poll, in a “dual lock” to prevent fundamental changes to the BBC taking place without public consent.

So, in other words, Lord Hall is seeking to construct multiple levels of defence for his bloated biased organisation. It then gets worse…

Lord Hall will call for an 11-year charter, so that discussions no longer coincide with general elections, “stopping the corporation from planning or investing in any long-term, sustainable way”. He will warn the BBC’s independence has suffered “20 years of gradual erosion” and add: “We can still offer our audiences a better BBC for less. But not if we are bound down. Not if, having cut our money, the Charter also cuts our creative freedom.”

What Lord Hall wants is immunity from any sense of responsibility and the chance for the broadcasting arm of Labour to freely agitate with impunity against this and the next Conservative government at OUR expense. I’ll be chatting to Jon Gaunt about all of this later this morning and my point is that the BBC has been protected for far too long, it remains a bloated monstrosity that needs forcibly detached from the drug of the license tax it imposes on us.

The Islamist ‘Not Wanted’ poster

Maajid Nawaz  You couldn’t make this shit up. Friday 13th nightmare, as all-male Islamist Rogues’ Gallery gathers in Bedford, UK.
Maajid Nawaz
Maajid Nawaz Every single one of these speakers is a Caliphate-advocating Islamist, they believe in every core principle ISIS believes in, and they reject ISIS merely because they made their move for a Caliphate ‘too soon & too fast’.




If you have the time and energy…..



You could of course just read the Mail’s (The BBC doesn’t have one) write up of the ‘event’…

Radical panellists at ‘Quiz a Muslim’ event demanded establishment of an Islamic State in Britain as jihadists went on bloody rampage through Paris

‘As jihadists rampaged through Paris on Friday night, radical panellists at a Muslim debate in Britain reportedly told of the duty to establish an Islamic state.

Speakers at the Quiz A Muslim event in Bedford included Taji Mustafah, of radical Islamic organisation Hizb-ut Tahrir, and Moazzem Begg, a former Guantanamo Bay inmate and founder of campaign group Cage, whose director called Jihadi John a ‘beautiful young man’.

The panellists said that there is an ‘Islamic’ duty to ‘struggle’ for an ‘Islamic state’, as 132 were executed in shootings and suicide bombings.’


Oh no hang on the BBC does tackle this nest of Islamists…or not…listen to the condescending sneer from the BBC presenter (Three Counties)as he reads out the Mail’s headline…and then listen to his description of the Islamist ‘5Pillars’….


Panorama’s John Ware, the BBC’s ‘outlier’ when it comes to revealing the truth about Islam in the UK, knows the truth about 5Pillars and its deputy editor…

‘…..a mouthy young Islamist called Dilly Hussain to describe Khan as “the government-friendly desperado”. He is deputy editor of a new website called 5Pillars which refers favourably to the extremist organisation Hizb-ut-Tharir as “working for the re-establishment of the Caliphate”.

While Hussain sermonises about “Islam’s true teachings of brotherhood” he also does a particularly venomous line in abuse against the “sisterhood”, describing Khan as an “airhead” who belongs to an “ultra-minority of secular liberal ‘Muslims’ who service nothing and no one but Islamophobes.” He has likewise called another female Muslim critic a “stupid liberal cow”, a “fat cow” and a “p***head” who writes “drunken liberal garbage” and should “do one”.

The personal vituperation and constant smearing by Muslims of co-religionists who dare to challenge this kind of non-violent extremist narrative helps explain why more have not put their heads above the parapet.’


The Panorama video (Via 5Pillars editing) is here but can’t be viewed in the UK….except on a proxy server.

Why oh why is it so impossible for the BBC’s everyday presenters to get their act together and know what they are talking about when it comes to Islam and its propagandists?








What’s the real problem….mass murdering Islamist terrorists or ‘Islamophobes’?



One hundred and twenty nine people slaughtered by Muslims in Paris and nearly 400 injured and the BBC thinks the real  problem is a few ‘Islamophobes’ who daub grafitti on Mosques.  The terrorists are the real victims here.

Spot the different tone and narrative of these two contrasting BBC reports…

Paris attacks turn spotlight on Saint Denis banlieue


Paris attacks: Mosques attacked in US and Canada



If perhaps you don’t have a job it’s apparently OK to murder as many people as possible to express your anger.  However, if you spraypaint a Mosque in order to express your anger about Muslims mass murdering people in Paris you are an evil, racist bastard.




Gotta love the BBC.



How to defeat Islamic supremacism….more Islam

“Al-Islam will prevail over all other ways of life. Look at how [the] Muslim population is increasing in the UK.”  Deputy Head of Carlton Bolling school in Bradford, Akhmed Hussain


How do you deal with Islamic supremacism?  You import millions of Muslim migrants and allow Islamic values and laws to flourish.

It is here already in the UK:

‘I could never have imagined, nine years on, that the Taliban
would be claiming to have ‘won the war’ in Afghanistan. Or, much worse, that our
politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ here would allow their twisted ideology to
spread across Britain. Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools,
playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms
and universities.’

The BBC has a narrative on radicalisation…it’s all due to Muslims being victimised, the Iraq War, foreign policy, poverty, disenfranchisement, discrmination…as the BBC’s Phil Mackie enlightened us….’a population which already feels isolated and victimised and put upon‘…..but I don’t need to spell it out…the Guardian’s recent editorial is a perfect template for that BBC narrative…more Islam to stop those who want more Islam from bombing us….sounds awfully like appeasement and was precisely the narrative peddled by the not so ‘moderate’ MCB as it tried to make schools adopt Islam friendly policies…their line being that more Islam would mean Muslim pupils wouldn’t be alienated…’The result of meeting Muslim needs in mainstream schools is that Islam and Muslims become a normal part of British life and that we become fully integrated in this way.‘……the same MCB that was closely linked to the Trojan Horse scandal in Birmingham…..’The alleged ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot wrote a detailed blueprint for the radical “Islamisation” of secular state schools which closely resembles what appears to be happening in Birmingham.‘…..

The Guardian view on defeating Isis: winning hearts and minds

Violent jihad predates 9/11 and it will outlast Islamic State, as Isis now dwarfs al-Qaida. Even if inflicting military defeat on such a shifting target can be done, it would not end violent extremism. As the pool of potential jihadis, newly trained in techniques of terror in the training camps of the self-declared caliphate, grows more numerous, the question of how to shrink its operating space becomes increasingly important. This is not a question of drones and bombs, but of hearts and minds.

Like all jihadi terror movements, Isis seeks to foment division, to sort the world into supporters and the rest. This is a violent campaign of disruption intended to destroy multiculturalism wherever it exists. With fear and terror Isis intends to sow mistrust and hatred between communities.

The terrorists themselves are often well educated and from relatively well-to-do backgrounds, but their message can be especially appealing to those who feel alienated and disadvantaged. It is not the heart of the matter, but thwarting this attempt to stoke a war of civilisations would do well to address that sense of unfairness. That means tackling the Muslim experience, common across Europe, of economic exclusion. Too often to be a Muslim means underachievement at school, difficulty in finding a job, a struggle for promotion, a lack of successful role models. From a sense of shared injustice, a shared identity can develop, one that may be reinforced by, rather than springing from, religion as conventionally understood. It can be magnified by a lack of voice in government and the absence of any constructive interaction: in Britain, Muslim communities complain there is no regular contact between their own leaders and ministers, while the Home Office’s Prevent strategy is widely seen as a discriminatory vehicle for surreptitious monitoring of innocent Muslim activity.

Inclusion means reaching out to every community: for example, promoting and monitoring diversity, across the private as well as the public sector. But it also means recognising that Muslim communities are both the poorest and the least participant in public life. It is to try to identify the underlying reasons for this that the grassroots organisation Citizens UK has set up a commission to trace the barriers to Muslim engagement in public life, which is to be chaired by the former attorney general Dominic Grieve, and includes a former head of MI6 and a former commander of British land forces.

The British government’s view of counter-extremism is too narrowly drawn. It seeks to rank Muslims on a scale from “extremist” to “moderate” and to reward the moderates while punishing the extremists. It does not understand that any organisation that takes government money and support is quickly discredited among the very people it is meant to influence. Talking about “extremism” in this context can become confusing and damaging too. To call jihadis (who are often religiously ignorant when recruited) extremist Muslims suggests that they are also extremely Muslim. But there are many Muslims who are devout and passionate and who interpret their religion as demanding nothing more than peace and self-sacrifice.

Western governments have a difficult task, seeking to reassure the majority populations without alienating or patronising another audience just as vital. To call Islam “a religion of peace” can appear to be a crude attempt to manipulate both audiences at once. Similarly, the attempt to preach “British values”: schools should of course teach tolerance and open-mindedness, but this is done by example and by culture, not with slogans. And the people to show that Islam can enrich British values are Muslims themselves, in their ordinary lives. They won’t do so because they are hectored to but because they identify the peace and charity that they actually practise both with Britain and with Islam. Without compromising core values of human rights and equality, there needs to be a better-recognised space for faith communities in secular society. This year, a handful of primary schools in east London banned fasting during Ramadan, inappropriate and unnecessary since young children are not expected to fast.

Finally, most problematic is the need to recognise that some foreign policy decisions – whether of omission or commission – shape Muslim opinion. That does not necessarily mean making different decisions, but it does mean greater awareness. It means recognising that the best weapon against the jihadis, the one they fear the most, is solidarity.



Shrouded in fear



The BBC’s Graham Satchell is overcome with emotion for the victims of  the Paris terror attacks……


I might have had some respect for that if he didn’t work for an organisation that within hours of the Paris attack was trying to excuse the killers’ actions and blame them upon French society itself, and has subsequently kept up a relentless narrative of Muslim victims driven to become ‘radical’ killers by an uncaring France.  The BBC seems completely unable to contemplate that these ‘radicals’ might just want to destroy Western society and live in a Muslim state under Sharia law.

Not as if some at the BBC don’t recognise this is a clash of cultures……(H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?)…

‘Last night’s Newsnight special ended with a dramatic ‘piece to camera’ from Emily Maitlis in Paris:

Well, no expected to see us here back in the same city twice in one year. We were here in January after the Charlie Hebdo attacks and what’s striking is how we tried to to make sense of them then. Was it, we asked, about press freedom? Was it about satire? Was it about causing offence? The answer, in the light of what’s happened here now, is clearly ‘no’. This is a war on all our culture and all our countries. And it almost certainly won’t end here in France. But from all of us here, good night!’


Even Obama admits there is a clash between the values espoused by Muslims and those held by Peoples who hold more universal, less fundamentalist values…

“Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attack to terrorize innocent civlians,” Obama said, adding that it is an “attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.”

The BBC prefers to pander to the Islamists who use ‘human rights’ groups as fronts for their Islamic supremacist scheming.  The BBC is more than ready to ask groups such as ‘Cage’ or MPACUK for their opinions and treat them with a totally unwarranted respect, not challenging anything they say, giving them credibility and authority that then feeds back into their own propaganda making it more high profile and influential.

Here the BBC gives the Islamist IHRC a platform to peddle its anti-terror legislation line, hardly a surprise that the likes of Cage and the IHRC are opposed to such restrictions on Islamist behaviour…Government policy ‘negatively affects’ Muslims

Who is the IHRC’s spokesperson?  One Arzu Merali, who says ‘”We have an environment now, where Muslim people feel they are suspected and where life is increasingly difficult. The impact of government policies, in particular those related with security, have really had an impact on silencing Muslims – not from a point of view of just talking about political issues, but even to report anti-Muslim hatred.”

Silencing Muslims?  Really?  They all seem rather vocal.

Why does the BBC give such people a platform, uncritical and unchallenged, when it is clear that there is a clash between Islamic values and Liberal, democratic ones especially as that same Arzu Merali indicates she has a problem with those ‘universal human rights’ cherished by Obama?…..she thinks Islam is the answer…..

As a human rights activist who sees cultural imperialism in current human rights discourses, I am at ease with the various arguments generated by western academia to deconstruct the problems that surround the (lack of) universality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its inherent racism and cultural bias, how it really doesn’t assist the most oppressed peoples of the world and so on….I can tell anyone at a hundred paces what’s wrong with the current human rights regimes – I can not find people who can pose an alternative ethic. As a Muslim I want to scream out loud, that Islam fits that mould.

Islam is the answer but which Islam…this one she suggests, not unlike the one put forward by the Islamic State is it?….

Islam proper – the true and authentic, the most close to the time of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions or family, or the four (or five) major schools of thought or the most sublime tarika and so on and on and on.


When will the BBC start to give these Islamists a much harder time and start to challenge and question their narrative?

At least we have good old Andrew Neil…….shame more aren’t so passionate to defend the ‘enlightenment’ values…..



Maybe he’s making up for shamefully kowtowing to the Islamist Mehdi Hasan.





The Labour Party may be totally ineffective against the Conservatives but it still has assets and none greater than the Junior Doctors in the NHS. The BBC has gleefully been pushing their narrative that the “evil” Jeremy Hunt is slashing their wages and making things dangerous to patients. As you will know, the reverse is true. Junior Doctors are in the top 10% of earners in the UL, they have been offered a double digit base salary increase so long as they accept a reduction in the dangerous and vast overtime hours they work. Their union, the BMA, rejects this and so a strike now looms.

I am sure you will have seen this story also…

“The actors that play the doctors in Holby City have offered their full support in the row over new contracts for medics.   Several big names from the BBC hospital drama have already spoken out in support of action including Rosie Marcel, who has played the surgeon Jac Naylor since 2005.”

It was Von Clausewitz who observed that “War is a mere continuation of politics by other means”  My contention that the NHS is Labour by other means and the BBC knows exactly what it is doing. The NHS is vast bloated monolith and far too many within it are Labour partisans. They are quite happy to emotionally blackmail us with the withdrawal of their services and the BBC is happy to assist.


You MIGHT have thought that when a senior Labour figure who aspires to be Chancellor of the Exchequer signs up to an agenda calling for MI5 to be disbanded and the Police disarmed, it might merit some serious time on the main BBC news. Forget it. John McDonnell has been caught again – in quite spectacular fashion and yet apart from the Daily Politics, the main BBC news deems this is not really a story. Quite REMARKABLE.