5Live spoke to Bryan Cranston, (14:07) Breaking Bad actor and lead in ‘Trumbo‘, a film about McCarthyism.
Trumbo was blacklisted and silenced as a Hollywood screenwriter for being a member of the American Communist Party. The Left, and the BBC as here, has always been outraged at this example of ‘Gestapo’ tactics.
After having gone through that ritual outrage the BBC presenter, Colin Paterson, moved on to the present day and asked ‘as so many actors are Democrats do they get looked down upon?‘…..which is a strange way of looking at life as it is the Republicans who are vilified and sneered at more often than not…and indeed we then got onto Trump.
Bryan Cranston said everyone’s voice was important, that when we lose respect for someone elses opinion, when we villify the different opinion, it is the slippery slope.
Cranston said Trump had the right to say what he wanted and it was his truth as he saw it….he said how Trump is treated was the exact example of the meaning of Trumbo….which probably wasn’t what Paterson was hoping for as the BBC has given over so much of its time and coverage to vilifying and insulting Trump rather than giving serious consideration to his politics.
The BBC acting like the Gestapo as it tries to smear and silence Trump as McCarthy tried to silence the Commies? LOL.
Of course Farage knows all about that as even now he is treated with disdain and derision…when he comes up the BBC presenters all have a laugh together and don’t take his views seriously.
When he made a speech today about Cameron’s EU smoke and mirrors in which he went through the list of what is wrong with the proposed agreement all we got from Jon Pienaar was that Farage was ‘rubbishing’ it and that he was going to keep on rubbishing it….which is a completely dismissive take on Farage’s views and analysis…Pienaar is saying that Farage isn’t taking a reasoned and critical approach to Cameron’s trickery but is merely shouting it down regardless of what it says.
Pienaar told us that Farage only made one point…but he actually made many examining Cameron’s promises and claims one by one.
Pienaar’s own analsysis is as hopeless as always.
Laura Kuenssberg suggested that the Brexit campaigners were like ‘Rats in a sack’ this morning on the Today programme to hardly suppressed mirth from the other presenters in the background….there does seem to be an urge at the BBC to present the ‘out’ campaigners as disorganised and more set on infighting than anything else.
It is of course difficult to assess the BBC’s coverage of the EU at the moment because there is so much of it and they have a habit of splitting it up…In one news bulletin they will have only the pro-EU Chuka Umunna on to praise the EU with no opposing voice…later they may or may not have a Brexit supporter on as a critic of Cameron’s agreement…such a tactic makes it impossible to assess the BBC’s balance in reporting this subject as you can’t possibly see or hear all the voices the BBC brings on…perhaps that is by design….if you claim one interview is totally unbalanced they will counter with one in which there is only the opposite view put…but of course you have no way of knowing how many of the unbalanced interviews have been broadcast…is the ratio one to one or is there an imbalance in total? Do we get 10 pro-EU interviews but only 5 pro-Brexit ones? Hard to tell.
What you can see though is the tone of the reporting….such as how they talk about someone like Farage and his policies…Hush-puppied Ken Clarke comes on with his patronising, arrogant demeanour talking down to the little people who apparently just don’t understand about Europe….Farage and some Tory ministers, he tells us, ‘just don’t like foreigners’.
The BBC presenter said nothing….normally they will jump in when such comments are made but in this case not a word..quite happy to present Farage and ‘some Tories’as racist and Euro-sceptics as ignorant….never mind Farage is married to a German.
The BBC seems quite happy to let the pro side to be as abusive as they like and frequently joins in the game themselves.
There maybe a surface appearance of balance but there is also an undercurrent that subtly derides the Brexit campaigners and dismisses their views.
McCarthy lives on.
I must say, I have noticed lately how naïve John Pienaar actually is. He simply cannot hide his lack of impartiality, especially when I hear him on Question Time Extra Time on BBC 5live.
The BBC constantly dismisses genuine concern about mass immigration and growing Islamic influence in our society as paranoia and/or hatred of foreigners. They seldom openly discuss the impact mass immigration has on community resources and the NHS, instead using the art of distraction by focussing on the benefits of having thousands of doctors and qualified nurses coming in from overseas. The BBC presents the immigration issue as if the benefits offset the drawbacks – stalemate!
However, what the BBC won’t discuss is the problem of mass unskilled migration from European member states. The BBC insists on presenting the fact – that importing large numbers of unskilled workers is depressing UK wages – as a question open for debate. It isn’t! The question has already been answered! There is no need for any more discussion!
It is a fact that importing unskilled labour from other countries lowers the average wage of the importer irrespective of what country they come from – richer or poorer – Germany or Romania.
We’re going to be hearing a lot about the economic benefits of being in the EU and Human rights and Working Time Directives and National Security.
It’s all BO**OCKS!!!
Security? I don’t remember the EU stepping into the fray when Argentina started making threats against Britain and the Falklands again. And what about the Gibraltar/Spanish border affair? Where was the EU when all that was kicking off? Does anyone believe any of the EU nations will come to our aid if Argentina invades again? Will they f**k!
Human Rights – we had human rights before there was any such thing as Europe.
But these things are a distraction! A distraction from the more serious issues of shifting civilisations, unsustainable population growth, huge rise in religious intolerance, bankrupt member states, and a group of career politicians who don’t give a crap about tomorrow because they don’t have to live in the world that we all live in today.
The Europeans weren’t much help over the Falklands in 1982, either. I think the French did refuse Argentina any more Exocets, but Belgium refused to supply ammunition for the British Army’s Self-Loading Rifle and General Purpose Machine-Gun, both of them Belgian designs. Yet, all the while, Belgium continued to sell arms to Argentina, via its agent in Latin America, by the name of Klaus Barbie.
Yes, that Klaus Barbie.
And then there were the Italians, who suddenly felt nostalgic about all those despised Calabrians and Sicilians who emigrated to the New World before 1914 (they weren’t so nostalgic when the emigrants’ descendants wanted to re-emigrate to Europe during economic turmoil in the Nineties, and were told to try Spain, instead).
There are very few European nations I would trust an an “ally”. Which European “ally” supplied the anti-ship missiles that sank the Sheffield HMS Sheffield and other ships. It was launched from an Argentinian ship built by that same country.
The Exocets were launched from French built Super Etendards, but to be fair, the Argies had two British Type 42 destroyers in their fleet, and we had been trying to sell them Harriers before they decided on the Super Etendard. You would never sell arms to a country you expected to have to fight, but sometimes it seems that shit happens.
The only member amongst Labour’s dismal bunch to raise a smile on my lips is Chuka Umunna. Possibly I am the only person who remembers the short-lived disposable paper underpants in the 1960s that were called Chukas (& I think the spelling was the same)..
Chukka Khan would make a good title for that Benetton mix of smoothie chops lefty entitlement , designer metrosexual Obama fantasist who doesn`t rate whitey unless he can get a seat on the board or in a constituency…when blended with the racist, patronising, deeply unfunny and insulting caricature of a Muslim dad who keeps getting Henry Commissions to endlessly pass his pellets and get paid by the BBCs gay linen suits-with OUR money of course…because they`re all so worth it!
Yes-instead of the well-thighed songstress who gave Princes song a good kicking for the better…as I say, she had strong legs that were Beaumont-like back then…we now have Chukka Khan to rule over us and mock our culture in their grotesques…Melting Pot my arse, Blue Minkie!
“I feel for you”-isn`t that ALL the BBC have to offer these days?…especially if you want to chuck a brick through Tory HQ or a Jewish deli?..or you want to squat on the dole and piss on the few workers left in the UK?
Guessing the “I feel for you” that USED to go on at the BBC-in that Savile/Hall/Harris way of theirs( jury still out on Jonathan King is it?)-is no longer halal to them…but the Muslims might see different.
And-of course-the swooning Obama-lite types of Womans Hour and The Guardian-Brides of Chukky!
Got to be a cartoon here, a la Billy the Fish!
“Think I gotta dance now”…as Tom channels Prince-all hail the leather clad sausage of South Wales!
The Chukka Panties slogan was “here to stay – gone tomorrow”. How very apt. That could also have been Chuka’s very short-lived leadership campaign slogan. Almost disposable one might say: http://www.gypsycreams.org/2009/11/chukka-panties/
I did not hear that interview, but Bryan Cranston has certainly gone up in my estimation.
As to Ken Clarke, he is the same arrogant, condescending, lazy, lying sack of shit he always was. In an ever changing world, it is good to know you can rely on some things staying the same.
Indeed. Another reason, if any were needed, for anyone who hasn’t seen Breaking Bad to do so.