Pat Buchanan, extract from an article at – his final sentence is the one which all of us, who want to halt our country’s slide into the abyss, need to remember.
“The elites of Europe are as out of touch as America’s.
Angela Merkel, Time’s Person of the Year in 2015, is at risk of being dumped in 2016 if she does not halt the next wave of Middle Eastern refugees who will be arriving on Europe’s shores when the seas calm in the spring in the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
If we believe the immigration issue Trump has seized upon is explosive here, look to Europe. In the Balkans and Central Europe, even in Austria, the barriers are going up and the border guards appearing.
Mass migration from the Third World to the First World is not only radicalizing America. It could destroy the European Union. Anger over any more migrants entering the country is among the reasons British patriots now want out of the EU.
America is crossing into a new era. Trump seems to have caught the wave, while Clinton seems to belong to yesterday.
A note of caution: This establishment is not going quietly.”
Is Basil Brush OK?
Thinking of booking him for a kiddies party sometime soon…but obviously, in the current febrile climate, would hate to have to rescind my offer to the 70 year old national treasure!
And-if so, can I use either Roy North or Mr Derek?…or will there be “ishoos”
Bum Bum!
Basil Brush should be OK. Whether it is Mr Roy or Mr Derek accompanying him you will always know where one of his hands is. That leaves just one to monitor.
The Jones Enquiry has opened!
How many millions will this cost, and how much time can m`learned friends expect to bill the taxpayer for?
So far, so good-but then can I get even MORE historical and look into the affairs of one Harold Corbett?
Exhibit EZ/WIZ/E…(izzy wizzy indeed !)
Now then now then….what then of the famous “DOUBLE_HANDER” puppet svangali when he had one hand allegedly assisting Sooty,…but the other would have been maybe gratifying Soo…or grooming a Mr Sweep, who has filed a deposit(oo er!).
I submit this to you Judge Justice BigWig Jones for a further legal clarification!
And- a few Spitting Image puppets-AND some European Swedish Chef…as well as a traumatised American Eagle…would appear to wish to appear to give a victim impact statement re the Euro and North American dimensions to this global hush up!
Let this be our lives work…say NO to puppet peados!
Billy Connolly once had a run in with Mr Rod Hull of ‘hand up an emu’s arse’ fame. During filming for Parkinson, Rod Hull moved the puppet towards Billy Connolly’s face. Quick as a flash, Billy Connolly grabbed it and said, ‘If you don’t clear off I’ll break your neck and his fucking arm!’. Needless to say, at least one guest on that show wasn’t bothered again.
Sadly, Rod Hull died a few years later whilst adjusting the aerial on his roof. Rumour has it that he was trying to ensure he couldn’t get BBC reception.
How come the likes of Paul Nurse or assorted G20 people can speak of “shocks” if we vote to leave the Titanic?…can talk of us knowing nothing anymore if we do?
Next up-leaving the EU will reduce our life expectancy…don`task why…it just will…OK?
What-like mass rapes and sexual assaults in German city cathedral squares on New Years Eve?
Like massed Somalians throwing brieze blocks down on British lorry drivers by Calais?
Like the likely collapse of the whole Eurozone madness when Italy and France become Cyprus and Greece in 2017?
I myself would be frightened and fearful if we stay in the EU as sitting ducks for the coming migration crises that will dwarf anything seen thus far…and are stuck in the mud as the Eurozone countries bale out in turn and have to face their electorates with nothing in their ATMs.
THEY`RE MY fears Nursey Lagarde!…not a bit of democracy re-introduced to this country once again after a catastrophic 30+ years.
Too right and for G20 read Goldman Sachs and the other parasites and leeches. These people are discredited and one of the reasons Trump is doing so well.
Sooner and I really hope sooner we in Europe will have our own politicians who will emerge and sweep these people in to the past where they belong.
But like the previous post beware the liberal establishment. Tyrants in the making and they will be as cruel as they come.
The way I heard it was that the shock would be to the EU, and not to Britain. Given the amount Britain pumps into the EU it’s hardly rocket science to work out that the EU would have an economic shock, but wasn’t that one of the major reason for leaving anyway?
Quite! And in any case, since when has the G20 group given us any reason to believe it is more capable of successfully running the world’s economy than would be a pack of drunken chimpanzees?
The economic system is a complete mess. These are the (mostly) men who broke it and they clearly haven’t a clue how to fix it again. We would be mad to take advice from them.
Seeing as the MEL (Manchester Evening Lies) is left wing and Labour supporting, it’s not difficult to figure out how their ‘minds’ have been working over this, when they post a ‘related story’ “Religious & race hate crime rise by nearly a third in Greater Manchester.”
Now the accused perp is a member of the RoP there will be very little investigation into motives, such as Shia/Sunni or Pakistani / Bangladeshi, because the Fascist left wouldn’t want that kind of thinking getting out into the community. That the RoP is less than perfect is almost certainly a thought crime !
I await the disappointment in the BBC report on this
We may never know the motive for this fatal attack. But one thing we can be sure of – if it was a Sonny versus Cher attack or based on any other internal hatred the perp will be declared an insane lone wolf.
The family must be deeply disappointed that it wasnt, they might have ended up rich Lords like Doreen mum of Saint Stephen Lawrence! At the very leasst theyd have got a new Islamic centre in his name paid for by the tax payer and a plaque to mark the spot. What a shame for them it will all now be hushed up asap!
I did a google street map tour of the area where the murder occurred and I am not surprised at the ethnicity of the person charged! Looks like little Luton! No Sainsbury local or Tesco Express but loads of places to send British money out of the country.
It’s funny you mentioned the ‘Asian’ corner shops. I don’t remember making a conscious decision about it but I haven’t gone into one in years now. Their shops are usually overpriced and grubby-looking. I just don’t patronise those sort of establishments any more (although I still do guiltily get a takeaway curry on the odd occasion!).
What we need is our own blacklist of companies, mega-corporations etc that support the EU (alas that’s probably most of them), mass-migration – and hence terrorism.
No pictures yet of our suspect.
By the time that BBC prosthetics, Michael Jacksons dermatologist and wardrobe/make up who do Citizen Khan and the Black and White Minstrel Show(emeritus) have finished with him, he“ll look like a red-headed Oldham fan called Eddie Thump who attacked the victim with a Ginsters pasty filled with black pudding.
All white?…you betcha…in Michael Barrymores best voice.
It would be good to have a chart breakdown of BBC story arcs with the detail Craig used to do.
It would be fascinating to compare what the BBC sinks its teeth into and won’t let go…. until the narrative goes sideways and ‘watertight oversight’ kicks in and things get consigned to the memory hole.
Or what the BBC doesn’t go near but suddenly decides need half of W1A to decamp to covert for three weeks.
Agree Guest Who.
Some of us do our bits informally down at the pub with half-arsed graphs on the back of a beer mat.
But we do need a database here that we could send in our specialist hobby horses.
One for me to day would be
1. Would the Irish election have been top of the news at 9am, if Gerry Adams had NOT done so “stunningly well”…or not.
2. Why do the BBC tell us that Clinton stormed South Carolina…then give her a soundbite to “slag off ” Trump and not Sanders?
And she slags Trump off only in the same sly and coded way that the recent coded crap over Prince William and Cameron re the EU and Boris…all coded spin shit that Trump and Gove will surely capitalise upon. And the BBC mediate for us-lying sux!
Where`s the news?…what`s the intention in the BBC doing THIS then?
3. And why are the BBC ignoring and downplaying the recent series of reports that slag off the schools system?…I mean…thought that these would be nectar to the Left seeing as the Tories run them?
Oh wait-it`s the Left who `ve long decided the content, staffing and mechanisms with the unions…oh dear, so the BBC park it next to mid-Staffs and Savile.
Given that only those candidates vetted by the Guardian Council were allowed to stand surely the word ‘relative’ should have a place in this BBC headline?
When I first read this I assumed (wrongly as it turns out) that the BBC’s failure to name the Swedish girl meant she was a Muslim of Somali/Sudanese, whatever, descent. However never assume conspiracy when incompetence is a possible explanation.
Both the NY Times and the Daily Mail provide much greater detail, including the girl’s name, photograph and family circumstances.
Did the BBC know that Marilyn Nevalainen was rescued from ISIS by Kurdish forces in late October, but escaped from her saviours to go back to her jihadi wannabe partner, and gave birth days later? While her claim not to know what ISIS or Islam was may have some credibility when she left Sweden it certainly became unbelievable when she returned to the ISIS ‘caliphate’. A reasonable question must be did she want to be rescued?
‘UK safer in EU’ ?
Male Bovine Excrement Mr Fallon .
IMHO we were much safer before we joined the so called Common Market. I was about then and voted to come out on ‘D Day’ 1975 . It was NATO that kept us safe and always has been.
Don’t let our Used Car Salesman con you .
Vote to get out this time if you are sorry you didn’t last time .
Here we go, folks, the issue of our time: Cameron’s insincere, unintended “negotiations” and the forthcoming vote he’s manoeuvred himself into holding have left the door to independence open a crack. We would be fools, defeatists and totally irresponsible not to put our shoulders behind it and give it an almighty shove.
And last night I told that Osbourne and his pals in Japan have suggested that a British exit will result in global financial shock-waves. That’s bollocks, of course, but are those “shock-waves” to be caused by the same Britain which is too small to stand on its own, or another one?
In any event, all kinds of forces will be ranged against us: Big Business, the totally impartial, fair-minded, even-handed fluffy-fluffy liberal B.B.C., (‘non-advertising’, yet using the same subliminal suggestiveness that is used to get people to buy soap-powder and cornflakes), foreign “experts” and the lies and threats of the British quislings who benefit from the mess they’ve got is into. So we have to fight and we have to vote. This is the only chance we’ll get and we should take it.
And I commend to all readers the videos of the ‘GO’ campaign involving Kate Howie, David Davies, Nigel Farage and George Galloway among others. View them on ‘Youtube’ and spread them – our “national broadcaster” won’t.
Remember after the incident how the police were touring the area trying to reassure the community. Obviously, a crime from an Islamophobe, according to police hand books.
The story will fade and the young man will be presented as a disturbed individual. And someone, either BBC or Guardian, will write a piece about the racist pressures on Moslem communities causing unpredictable crimes.
Yet the comments of the people who were there tell a completely different story:
“SO sad seeing, working class people , against working class people, it seems the people who were today breaking the LAW WERE THE ANTI – FASCIST”
“anti fascists are by far the most fascists I cant stand them bunch of psycho hippies who must live in a very strange bubble. The far right are just idiots”.
Many people are nothing more than brain dead sheep who don’t even want to know about the truth – a little like those in the film ‘the Matrix’. Those with a mind to see however are waking up to the fact that they are being manipulated by some very unpleasant left wingers in the media peddling lies in furtherance of an agenda.
I followed the story yesterday in the Liverpool Echo, noting references to ‘far right mob’ and ‘anti-fascists’, Bad and good. But the comments told a different story. Some identified the anti fascists as tacit supporters of the rape gangs, others referred to the reporter as a Trotskyite, but my favourite comment introduced what was for me, a new word, ‘Presstitute’ , for the reporter.
Followed Thoughtfuls BBC Merseyside link and was dismayed at what appeared to be a picture of North West Infidels group members doing the stiff armed funny salute. Mimicking the actions of a strange socialist cult that had sinister delusional poitical ambitions and put most of Europe into hock to the yanks, all while wearing fetishistic dress uniform is not very British at all in my book.
Lots of descriptions of the the migrants hardships but no mention of hardships of the locals, lorry drivers, police etc.
Would be nice if the BBC could balance these articles with occasional reporting of the migrants throwing stones at lorry windows, cutting the tarpaulins, moving the lorry mirrors so the drivers cannot see like this video show:
Stand by to have your inner liberal rib tickled – Andy Marr is going to be talking to an American actress and will ask ‘What have you thunk of Donald Trump.. ha ha ha ha?’
He’s not exactly Jay Leno from Holywood (we too often get Jimmie Krankie from Holyrood) but Marr likes to have a little stand up monologue at the top of the show. Comedians out of business? Well the BBC have got Mary Beard doing Up Pompeii. The Oxbridge Don is the Tribune of the Plebs now folks – titter ye not. And Marr likes to close out the show with a band – maybe it should be a Song for Europe? The BBC have been singing that with us like a puppet on a string for more than 20 years now.
OK fingers tightly gripping the nose – BBC: We regret to inform our Licence Payers that Interrailing against Tory Cutz is dealyed for up to four months for over-running social engineering works on behalf of the EU. There’s a very big hole in the EU to plug.
There is however a very good service on the underground gimmigrant railway – anyone crossing the Paul Mason-Doucet Line will get a warm welcome. Migrants and their confederates in the Campaign Charity Klan will still be wearing sinister hoodies and setting up flaming mosques on your lawn.
On bahalf of black history year Portillo will be bringing us his ooo ho guage – he’s a former horn-boy. His jackets as expensive and fluorescent as a premier league have-it-away shirt. We’re getting there. Old railway advertising slogans eh – How’s about that then, guys and gals!
Reckon you`re a shoo-in for the Lord Lieutenant of Essex for this sir!
Hoping to meet at the Dartford Crossing with you and your people on June 24th to set those boundaries for the Essexwessex region.
Will leave my car before the crossing though-until they put in a voluntary contributions bucket like they have at the Severn bridge, then they can fish!
New currency?..groats or ducats?…that`ll be our first referendum re our common currency perhaps?
Thanks ChrisH , you are working a frantic pace , your posts are everywhere , you are doing more work than the BBC newsroom `s 6000 journalists combined ! Keep it up !
They are all like Baghdad Bob with the Trump tanks revving up in the background. Same crap on R4 this morning the Islington bed-wetters just can’t understand that the voting public likes people who tell the truth and have had enough of all this PC crap.
Excellent post AsISeIt. I imagine the Beardmonster will reprise the ‘Sena the Sooth Sayer’ role. If so Jeremy Vine can be Lurkio, Andrew Marr – Ludicrus Sextus, the son Nauseus to be played by Master Owen Jones. Helen Mirren can play the wife but I cannot think of any Beeboidess to play the voluptuous, sex-mad daughter – they’re all a bit too rough for that (maybe Michal at a pinch).
No, I`m not going to read the Millionaire Shortbreads talking about surviving various sniffles and self-inflicted problems…
Just like the title.
After fifty plus years of having my brain washed in the “BBC state of mind”-feel those among us who come to this site are similarly “BBC Survivors”-imagine years from Andy Panty(pic enclosed…he`s the one at the back with the pink champagne!) to Roger Harrabin…and we can STILL see what the BBC are doing, despite years of blandishments and lefty bluster!
Group hug!…not a grope one either-that`s for the Millionaires Shorthouses in the Mail today.
I do like the idea of us victims of Licence as the ‘Survivors’ at last after all these years we’re to be believed now, right?
‘Survivors’ that’s already been used for a 1970s tv show. Am I right in recalling that in the last post-apocalypse episode the dimished band of surviving survivors hauled a Union Jack up a flag pole as an act of hope and continuing community and civilisation – can you imagine that happening in a BBC drama now? Blimey even the Yorkshire Puddings cross-atlantic four-girl rowers in celebrations with the BBC pulled out a ‘Yorkshire flag’ instead of the British flag
You`ve restimulated a flashback AISI!
And therefore can`t go out day to get my Stella Six pack, my lottery tickets, not feed myself -or indeed my brood of vulnerables-at the Chip Parade today.
Nor will I be able to get out and seek esteem until the disability scooter battery is charged-and the chip oil to run it can`t be given to me today can it?
You`re all to blame!
I can`t blame you-but were you not a Licensed stakeholder for the accused(BBC) at the time when “The Double Deckers” was piped through to me…and it`s THAT that upset me so.
First case of PC public school posturings that were sent down the dustpipe to the kids as I recall for me.And it`s all about me…mange tout!
Which is first…Supreme Court, Brussels, Strasbourg, Old Bailey or Jenni Murrays lap?
See you there anyhoo!
“What was YOUR earliest moment when you know the BBC were taking you for a magical mystery tour, that only ended up in Saviles Sharrabang”?…we`d love to hear from you-and here`s a hotline should I have raised any issues”?( But no Mike Mansfields though-for he was ITV!)
I enclose this, because anybody opposed to the EU will be getting all this in one shape or form.
Deserves respect-but then demolishing
“If you want to defeat your opponent , learn his song”
“What did the EU ever do for us?
Not much, apart from: providing 57% of our trade;
structural funding to areas hit by industrial decline”
Erm… where do they suppose the money to provide this funding comes from? Perhaps they mean a democratically-elected government may have chosen not to give this funding, but that’s an argument against democracy.
And are they suggesting we wouldn’t be trading with Europe if outside the EU? Seriously?
Very hard to take someone seriously when his first sentence is a lie: “In the week when the UK’s five extremist right-wing media billionaires won their battle to waste our time, money and political capital on a EU referendum”
What he would probably refer to as “the right wing press” are merely reflecting public opinion, which is clearly in opposition to his extremist left-wing views. In fact the desire for a referendum was so strong it actually spawned a political party and forced the hand of the Tories. To turn his argument on its head, how inconvenient for the left that the public haven’t succumbed to the left-wing propaganda of the BBC and the Guardian. Isn’t democracy a bitch.
Much as the bBBC would wish it were otherwise, England beat Ireland 21-10 at Twickenham. In common with so many other sports, the match was not shown by the world’s favourite and most envied news service but on ITV and, just to ensure the result was a reflection of the game, the BBC text pages described the win as ‘England edging out Ireland’. Pathos and sour grapes encapsulated.
Author Tom Bower has published a book confirming what most on the Right have known since the time it happened, that Tony Blair conspired to flood the country with immigrants so that he could ensure a permanent pool of Labour voters, that party having squandered the support of the indigenous working class.
This is a very serious charge indeed and yet the BBC, even though it too had its problems with Blair, has chosen to more or less ignore Bower’s incendiary book, no doubt because it approves of Blair’s actions.
Perhaps, then, when we finally get the miserable little sociopath into the dock, where he belongs, we can have a few of the BBC types who are, in effect, endorsing his actions on trial beside him.
It’s very tempting to lay the blame exclusively at Tony Blair’s door – and his lady-wife most assuredly had her avaricious little mind, with an eye to the future, hard at work in the planning and execution – but to think that Mandelsson, Brown, Harman, Corbyn, Skinner, McBride, Watson…. well all of them, in fact, were simply bystanders is to do their superb efforts an injustice.
Agreed, but only Tony Blair (and perhaps some of his close cabinet members at the time) can supply the real reasons for the sudden need for them to open up the borders.
It may be that the selling point to the rest of the party (MPs like Dianne Abbott come to mind) was greater diversity and increased votes following the move by traditional Labour supporters to support the Tories or UKIP.
However one has to ask why the Tories never said anything at the time and let it happen (and still didn’t use it to slag off Labour, preferring to concentrate on Labour’s handling of the economy)
I still think (as many now do) that globalism was at work and Blair having been helped into power by Murdoch etc. was bound to pay back the favour to the Godfathers of Bilderberg.
Nearly all of the Remain campaign is based on fear and bullying. Phrases I constantly hear such as, “a leap into the dark,”and “we’re blindly heading into the unknown,” say nothing but generate unfounded concen amongst the undecided. These fear mongers don’t seem at all concerned that we no longer live in a true democracy. How can we when, at the very best, the British only have a one in 28 vote? There are countries in the EU with populations the size of Wales that have as much sway as we do.
Only a true democracy can police its own borders. We can’t do that. We are always told that this ability to work anywhere in the EU works both ways. Yep, I can just see how this works in practice. Some brickie, with a young family, upping sticks and taking off for some former soviet country. Most of these places are much poorer than Blighty. So our bricklayer sets off to a country where he can work for one tenth of the pay. That makes sense…
Our people are competing in the job market with much cheaper labour. It’s not right, it’s not fair and yet it’s supported by the very people who are supposed to represent the British working class. The Labour Party.
And here is Enoch Powell.
“Unless and until the people of the different countries of Europe have been so conditioned into a spurious “common interest” that they will accept burdens and disadvantages for the common good of the whole(or of preferred parts) , then any efforts to create a unity in polity( or indeed an economic union) are doomed not only to disappointment, ridicule and mutual recriminations-but ultimately to tragedy”
Market Drayton 6/9/69)…I paraphrase, but he`ll understand i`m sure.
Speaks to me re migration this one!
You should have a peek at Machiavelli’s ‘Discourses on Livy’ (c1530), Chris. Full of apt gems.
“Chapter 8:
The Reason why peoples leave their homelands and overrun the lands of others.
…The other cause for war is when an entire people with all its families leaves a place, driven either by famine or by war, and goes to seek out a new location and a new province, not to rule over it as those above do but, rather, to possess it, even the private property, and to drive out or murder its ancient inhabitants…
…Such peoples come in great numbers, and then they violently enter the lands of others, murder the inhabitants, take possession of their property, create a new kingdom, and change the very name of the province…
…Lombardy used to be called Cisalpine Gaul; France used to be called Transalpine Gaul and now it is named after the Franks; Slavonia was called Illyria; Hungary Pannonia: England Britannia…Moses also called that part of Syria (Marusia) he had occupied Judea…”
Ta 4D! Will look it all up-Niccolo said some good stuff in his classic “The Prince” in Chapter 6 as I recall.
Words to the effect that there are hawks and doves-but also vultures who merely perch on the lines and wait to see who`s winning before piling in to claim a victory and to share the spoils.
And also the fact that Moses won his battles with military force, not by imploring the enemy to come to Mt Sinai to discuss the tablets there…and that opposing soldiers would not have been won over by his eloquence but by the fact that his army cared enough to win…the alternative was annihilation.
Whereas his opponents could afford to compromise and fight another day-and their hearts were not in the fight as Moses were.
Didn`t need to be.
Not exactly correct-but enough of parts of it that i`ve not forgotten.
Will re-read THAT as well soon too!
Thanks again!
And now we hear of possible referenda on EU membership from Hungary and Greece.
Viktor Orban of Hungary has described the EU as a cabal or liberal elites – not much different to how we see them. They have according to him been welcoming of the gimmigrants without a second thought for the countries who have to deal with them, and the quota system imposed on countries like his is anathema.
Unfortunately the elites are in a position of absolute power, and cannot be democratically removed. Even the BBC are being forced to admit that the union is being pushed to breaking point by liberal insanity which care nothing at all for Europe’s people, and everything for their own bleeding hearts and hand wringing.
This is the terminology that the BBC and Europhiles use to describe our referendum .
Not Full Democracy , Direct Democracy , Participation Democracy , People Power , Choice of the People or any other way to describe a referendum , but Disease . With other frightening words like Contagion .
We know the Beeboids are glum because ther are no more People’s Republics , but can’t they be glad about real power going back to the people , or are we all just proles to them .
And-shit as the Tories are-they alone were elected on the promise of giving us a referendum.
And-were it not for UKIP spooking the same Tories out in 2013/4-we`d not have ever been offered one.
And I`ve no reason to doubt that Cameron and his election staff would never have given us such a bare referendum as they`re doing now-had they ever thought that they would have to enact it.
So my point?
Ever since this referendum was called, all the liberal elite have done is imply how petty Cameron was to actually bother the grown ups in Germany and Brussels/Paris with our “petty, small beer concerns that only save the Tories from imploding, of no concern to the bigwigs with their Eurozone and their Schengens”..etc
So how the hell these liberal naysayers (who`d rather we not stir from the basement to bother the guests with our petty trivial concerns about washing lines or getting stains out of the pedestal mats) DARE to tell us whether or why we should vote for the EU is a question they`ll never ask-presumptuous bumptious wankers without Janet Webbs charm.
Was she married to Peter Woods?
AND-I`ll take no advice from Labour or the Liberals, SNP or whoever( except the Greens who DID offer us a referendum as I recall from the Muppet House) on what to vote for-THESE Totalising EU pawns would NEVER have let us have a referendum…so their views are utterly irrelevant.
As are the BBCs and Channel 4 s…neither of who thought we should have one, because Calais and Cologne , an ISIS hub in Luton and not deigning to be petty with poor Angela or Francois at such times as these( has there EVER been a”good time” to hold a referendum with them?…course not!).
In fact-with France and Italy to go all Cyprus on us-there`s never been a better time at 3 mins to midnight to quietly man the lifeboats and slip off before Lampadusa becomes Benghazi….
How ironic that the democratic process, if the result is to remain, will have been used to chain the UK to one of the least democratic institutions the world has ever seen. The world has gone f*cking mad.
An article in The Sunday Times today describes how the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are clamping down on advertising. No longer can you advertise for a “handyman” or “barmaid”, instead it should read “maintenance worker” or “bartender”. Even “mother and baby” classes would be illegal because it discriminates against men.
The EHRC says “there are very limited circumstances under the act when employers can exclude certain groups.
For instance, a sports centre could legitimately advertise women-only swimming sessions if there was a demand from Muslim women who might not want to swim when men were in the pool.”
So that will mean that everyone is bound by the law apart from Muslims who can ignore it when it suits them.
Given the behaviour of the recently arrived enrichers in European swimming pools I think Muslim women are very wise to insist on women only swimming sessions.
So you haven’t heard of the ‘burkkini’, then? No, I’m afraid it’s not a joke. Here in Australia someone has actually designed an all-enveloping swimsuit to enable Muslim women to enjoy the beach life that is so popular here. (We have a sizeable Middle Eastern Islamic community here.).Judging by TV scenes of sunny weekends at Bondi, I’d say they haven’t really caught on!
Er, not so long ago Nigella Lawson was seen wading into the sea wearing a ‘burkkini’ (including hood) – she was later mistaken for an upturned killer whale.
In Germany they have to have women only sessions in swimming pools to prevent the women being groped and worse by Muslim gangs. Sadly this just means they have to rape boys instead.
How often it’s said, ‘Funny how all those “progressives” so supportive of “diversity” choose to live such a long way away from its ramifications.’
Well, an enterprising group of young men decided to take multiculti into the leafy Swedish suburbs, with not entirely unexpected results. Call Wallander!
Genuinely unsettling viewing isn`t it?
The ultimate “logic” of it all ending up like this?
Sweden was once a byword for how the Liberal Left had got it right-and would always be so.
The discomfort of the clueless progressives with nice houses and boats on the drive is quite something-as are the clueless bland automatons who`ve been chosen to be the enforcers of solidarity for the Swedish state…such as it is, for as long as it still exists.
Imagine some Imam is already on his way to Kandahore to get a fatwa issued on those who would shut down the Muslim call to prayer…clearly this was well past first light, so they should all have been up and available in their onesies and pyjamas/burqas…therefore this turning off Allahs songbirds by the fuzz was a racist hate crime I`d have thought.
Islington and Hampstead-Highgate and Holland Park…Momentum need to see this, and all we need do is tell them to do it-and the lefty oafs will do it for us.
Now do we do Polly Toynbee or Billy Braggs houses first…and which ones…UK or their offshore ones?
Actors and showbiz types, however, have a more relaxed attitude. They will happily live with immigrants, on the condition that they are cute looking kids of all colours in the Benetton range, bought, er, I mean, brought, from the world’s trouble spots.
Apparently season 3 of the Three Mustiqueers will be broadcast 17th March, however despite the popularity of the series, the BBC have said they do not plan to continue with a season 4.
Fans are not happy!
I hope series 3 is coming soon and its such a shame I’ve read its been dropped by bbc as its about the only quality programme they’re produced in years!
The best programme ever, the bbc have dropped alot of good programmes e.g New Tricks, Spooks the bbc are archaic and keep putting out crap like Downton, hope some other channel gets it and we still get good drama
Nooooo BRING BACK MUSKETEERS…..for goodness sake why on earth do the BBC keep doing this, first Ripper Street now this…..not happy. Xxx
Its been dropped by BBC really didn’t know that! best ever programme… BBC are idiots then
The extremely best adaptation ever after #TheManInTheIronMask… BBC would be so stupid to have this ended…
This great show will end up like Ripper Street, hopefully Amazon will pick it up
And that’s just a few ! The BBC simply don’t seem capable of realising when they have something good, and become intent on wrecking it. They’re not going to find much support amongst the people of they carry on this way!
The BBC also seems to attract viewers who are so dim that they don’t realise that Downton (one of the most successful British TV series ever) was actually produced by ITV.
Sunday politics. 28/02/16.
When they went to my area (NE) for the local politics the EU was the main topic.
3 politicians on the panel.
2 for remain, 1 for exit.
When they done a vox pop about remaining or leaving 6 views were played after the editing was completed.
4 for remain, 2 for exit.
How on earth did the 3 for exit get heard.
Heads will roll at the bbc propaganda gangs HQ.
Apparently, Merkel the Mad is going to be making a solo appearance on a German TV talk show tonight.
Things must be really desparate In spite of the massive pooled sovreignty of the EU, Turkey is being begged and bribed to control the EU’s “external borders” and the interior minister de Maiziere is off on a grovelling trip to the Maghreb countries for the same purpose. It just shows how hollow the “stronger together” claims are. If you attach yourself to a laughing stock pseudostate which cannot control its own borders, you yourself become a laughing stock. On Marr, Duncan-Smith was quite correct to point out that the Continentals are obsessed by the “European project” – blind loyalty to a state that does not exist. Merkel’s madness was largely based on the delusion that feelings of “European solidarity” would so move the other 27 EU states that they would take a share of “refugees” on some form of economic or demographic criterion. Closing borders in the Balkans is reducing the pressure on Germany, but still some German commentators are accusing countries like Hungary and Slovakia of “national egotism”. These loons have no idea what they really want. Peace in Syria thanks to Putin?. If they had acted in their own national interest 5 years ago and deposed Assad, the “refugee” problem could have been greatly curtailed. Such thoughts are, of course, taboo as an infidel presence in Syria would offend Muslims. Roll on BREXIT.
“If they had acted in their own national interest 5 years ago and deposed Assad”
How exactly is it in any European countries national interest to depose Assad?
The Assad family has rules over Syria since the 1970s, and although being a torn in the side of Israel it has been a stable country in the region.
We all know the consequences of our lunatic liberal Western leaders looking for regime change, not one of the countries they have carried this out in has ended up better, and most have collapsed into civil war, a breeding ground for terrorists, and a gateway for bogus refugees to gain access to Europe.
The fact is that Saudi and other Sunni Muslim countries in the gulf financed ISIS and other rebel groups to fight against a group of fellow Muslims who they considered heretics.
The problem lies not in Syria with Assad but in Saudi, with its royal family, and the fanatical Wahabist Mullahs in Mecca who control them.
What are you suggesting ? Regime change in Saudi? Also a stable regime.
What contained the refugee situation, either deposing Assad quickly or supporting him, would have been in the national interest of the European states if they were unwilling to define some external border. The only thing that seems to worry the German elite are images of “ugly scenes” going round the world as refugees gather at borders protected by walls and barbed wire.
“Ending the Syrian conflict ” is now being touted in the German media as the “final solution” to the refugee problem. Relying on Putin or Erdoğan to solve the refugee crisis seems a long shot.
Couldn’t agree more ID, the problems faced by the west are the direct result of the “post colonial guilt” that has been foisted on European nations, and its replacement with “liberal interventionism” in support of globalisation.
Control of the migration streams should be the priority, carried out with a high level of suspicion of specifically Islamic migration streams.
The boats in the Aegean and Mediterranean should meet with an Australian style response…rescue, and return to port of origin or secure (and humane) processing centre for asylum claims to be checked and proper identification procedures and issue of papers or deportation to point of origin accordingly. An unequivocal approach of this nature has been shown to work and would deter smugglers and save lives.
Liberals interfering in Middle Eastern and African countries whilst stopping short of actually governing them is clearly doomed to failure, and simply creates failed states and vacuums easily filled by malignant forces, such as Islamic fundamentalists and criminal controlled smuggling economies.
On LBC today ,Stig Abel , with Carole Malone , reviewing the papers . She , (being a semi metropolitan elite women) commented, that she hardly knew anyone that wanted to “Stay In “. Very telling I thought, so the BBC , are doing their best to fabricate everything on the referendum .
Listened to Tony Blackburn explain himself on BH this morning.
He`s a clueless naive kind-so the interview makes for a strong case.
His basic crime seems to be that he was not investigated by the BBC over the death of that girl…but the BBC pretended to look into it at that time.
Indeed they may have had a quick peek…but sure as suds did nothing about it.
And this has now come out and embarrassed todays management who said that they`d done a bigger enquiry that they actually did in 1971.
So Tony was sacked because he was out of step with the rest of the BBC chorus line-from 1971 to 2016, same old hoofers.
That`s how it looks today pop pickers.
As ever-it`s the BBCs rank slamming of stable doors long after the horses have bolted that screws them-and will be back to bite until we get some truth from the lying scum.
“Only the BBC would burn its own bed to catch a flea”-and STILL they`re at it with the firelighters…erring on the side of stupidity as usual….
Probably a bit out of context for the theme of this forum but did anybody see Ian Duncan Smith on the Andrew Marr show today? Despite the usual BBC style attempts to interrupt him he managed to give an extremely good interview in support of Brexit.
I think there could be a serious question as to who leads the Brexit campaign e.g. ‘marmite Boris’ bland ‘Gove’ ‘controversial’ Farage or ‘churchillian’ Duncan Smith (my description)
In a brief joint interview alongside Angela Eagle he said something that was little reported (if it ever was) that aptly demonstrated what open immigration meant for the ordinary workers of this country. He referred to the mass employment of eastern European labour on the Olympic Stadium in East London and how it deprived employment for local workers and trades. As an east Londoner I know that was a fact and that there were local builders driving minicabs etc. in the area, in order to earn a living because the Labour Party had failed to live up to it’s promise that there would be great benefits for jobs locally. Hotels, boarding houses retail shops yes construction workers no.
I am not a Tory supporter however I found myself warming to this man and his optimistic views on the future outside the European Union.
I am still so in shock. I know it’s a regional news item but would this story get a mention in a county newspaper? Admittedly it must have been discomforting for the victim, LABOUR COUNCILLOR, MS!!!!!!!!!!! King, but isn’t the BBC about reporting bigger news? I do hope al-Beeb isn’t going to print every little bit of minor crime reported by a minor leftist and dress it up as a sensaltional story. That might detract from bigger news like the peados of Rotherham and their home grown Savile.
I saw that too, over 400,000 stolen each year and one gets a mention, might have been the Director-Generals. Whole thing was a bit fishy, if you had cutting gear to manage the bike stand a few locks shouldn’t have presented a problem.
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has retweeted a quote widely attributed to Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini
“It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”
The Gawker website said it had created “a Twitter bot that would post quotes from the writings and speeches of… Mussolini” at Mr Trump until he eventually retweeted one.
Correspondents say this is the latest example of behaviour which would have damaged any other candidate
(“Correspondents” WTF are they & should we care?- The BBC’s practice of inventing persons to pretend distance from the reported views ? )
What is so damning about the tweeted phrase? Is absolutely everything said by Musolini sufficent to disbar a person from office?
A person has said that Mr Hitler and Nigel Farage had both drawn attention to the likelihood that it would rain on a Sunday. Which proves that Mr Hitler supported UKIP and Mr Farage is a Nazi supporter.
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, who dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, has endorsed Trump and has travelled with him to campaign with him in Texas and Tennessee; a potential V-P running mate or Attorney General in a Trump administration?
I think Trump is pretty much a lock to be the Republican candidate, if he beats Cruz in Texas (unlikely) then Cruz is out and if he beats Rubio in Florida (possibly) then he’s out.
It should make for a tremendous clash with Clinton in November; which seems appropriate as there is a tremendous amount riding on the outcome, both in the U.S., in the Anglosphere and in the rest of the West
100% correct too…no wonder the left hate it so.
Better to live for as long you can as a snake, than allow one chicken with a head to grow up to spite you.
That line will go back to the Greeks etc, Aesop or such….Hitler however said “unity in diversity”…”one people, one vision, one currency”…well maybe yes, who cares?
It`s all socialism…whether Hitler or Harman…same ends, fast track or slow strangulation….
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system”
A quote by Adolf Hitler, which could be retweeted by Jeremy Corbyn if the Gawker website created a Twitter bot that would post quotes from the writings and speeches of Hitler at Mr Corbyn until he eventually retweeted one.
Matt Le Blanc, but Chris Evans’ reply was, ‘He’s old hat, what do we want him for?’.”
Has this DJ s ego landed? 😀
… how old is he?
I suppose the prima donna s next wheeze will be renaming it Ginger Beer
BBC always eager to make the case for the Calais gimmies and those who serve them. Well, I never, they attacked Jude Laws minders as he was making a film to reveal their plight.
Not reported on the BBC for some reason.
The gimmies ‘behaved like football hooligans’, they said. I suppose (English ) football hooligans are as bad as you can get.
“Humbling and inspiring eh”
Getting your mates phones smashed and nicked?…but # “today, thank God it`s them instead of you!”#
Good old Tom Odell-well able to get a song out of his mates getting beaten up and their stuff nicked…that boy will go far.
Luvvie emoting at close hand-and your cleaners and gofers get the “humbling” -and you as the “talent” get all “inspired” for them!
Well remember York, Norwich and other nice towns getting “humbled”-yet we footy hooligans seemed to be “inspired”-as we United thugs ran rampant through dopey second division towns the year we were relegated in 74/5.
S`pose there`s no chance of a few Muslims getting humbled or in submission/surrender as their Koran requires is there?…by maybe being arrested,charged and sent back in a box with duct tape for specialised counselling in Riyadh is there?
And maybe inspiring a few of us here who might be able to let our wives and girlfriends walk through Fiveways again once again is there?
Nah-Number 99 Dream scotched there.
They were not behaving like football hooligans, they were behaving like a typical muslim mob. Mind you, faced with Jude Law, Toby Jones, Shappi Khorsandi and some wanky folk singer, I too would feel the urge to do some violence.
The story about Jude Law’s minders being attacked in the Jungle only seems to appear in the Mirror and the Express – both anti-immigration (albeit from different perspectives). It almost seems TOO good a story somehow so I wonder how much of it is true. Mind you, I’m suspicious of Toby Jones going. It’s not as if anybody from Eritrea would recognise him – but he is starring in the new Dad’s Army film which apparently got boo’d in some cinemas so maybe he needs the publicity? I wonder what Captain Mainwaring would have made of it all.
Tonight’s lead item in “news where you are” (bBBC NorthWest) was that the looney leftie Scousers want to be able to ban demonstrations by any group that they don’t like. The entire article was about violence being ’caused’ by right-wing groups when socialists attack them.
Yep saw that. The usual lefties interviewed, anyone from the “far right” interviewed? Nope. Social media however was pointing the finger well and truly where it belongs with the lefties.
The BBC and Donald Trump. The behaviour of the BBC hive towards Trump is moving from the stupid towards the malevolently absurd and is to say the least of it unwise.
Before I left for work this morning I caught a trailer for the Marr show. It featured an American woman laughing madly when asked about Donald Trump.
It was obviously chosen by Marr and his producers as what they thought to be an amusing and politically right on comment on a man they obviously loathe and further more actively seek to humiliate.
This is stupid on many levels. Firstly Trump almost certainly could not care less. Secondly it is going to make it very unlikely that if Trump is the GOP’s candidate and makes it to the Presidency that he will give our so called world class broadcaster the time of day.
This could affect our relationship with our most important ally. The BBC and Marr in particular are a disgrace. Rude and stupid hardly begins to describe the behaviour.
Please do not make the mistake of thinking that the marxist elite has any common sense or real intelligence. As we are seeing over the EU and Trump it is revealing itself to be a stupid, vindictive and hopefully ineffective bunch of wann abee thugs propelled more by innate cowardice than by any real virtue. Keep pushing at them for the whole rotten edifice is ripe for falling.
Al Beeb tells us that the Oscar ceremony is being boycotted by ‘some’ Hollywood figures protesting about the lack of ethnic diversity among this year’s nominees?
Well maybe, just maybe, the ethnics are just not good enough this year?
Message to Al Beeb, ‘please stop trying to brainwash us’, we have seen through your propaganda years ago.
Al Beeb tells us that the Oscar ceremony is being boycotted by ‘some’ Hollywood figures protesting about the lack of ethnic diversity among this year’s nominees?
Well maybe, just maybe, the ethnics are just not good enough this year?
Message to Al Beeb ‘please stop trying to brainwash us’.
It’s rolled into the morning like the boxing day tsunami Taffman! Utterly relentless are Al Beeb in carpet bombing the viewers with every brainwashing technique known to man! ‘Diversity’! I thought that was a shit dance troupe from ‘Britains got box’s to tick’? It took me about 5 minutes to realise the report was about the bloody Oscar’s!
I have noticed though that nobody’s ‘diverse’ enough to tell the shit licker of a reporter to fuck off and stop race baiting and politicising everything about white culture like a 6th form bellend
Oh just wait until next year, the nominations will be awash with non-whites ! There was a lot of fuss at the Brits about the same thing, but I always thought they had their own awards in the guise of the Mobos !
Just watching a couple of ‘red carpet’ progs on obscure channels – honest to God the inane interviewing by so called ‘professionals’ of the stars on the carpet is excruciating, and worse still are the cringeworthy replies of the ‘stars’. Someone called Alex Zane (who he?) in the studio with a totally mute Elizabeth McGovern. Sadly I barely know even those in the nomination stakes, like Brie Larson (?) had to look her up – star of High School movies (oh dear), and the red carpet itself looks like rush hour on the underground. Oscar has lost the magic and glitter of the golden years of the greats, like Gregory Peck, Bette Davis, Liz Taylor, Burt Lancaster, James Stewart, Jimmy Cagney et al; now its models, reality stars and pretty men that pout and pose.
Rather enjoying the Oscar fallout (reputation malfunction) on social media.
Every gush post from the suck-up PC media is being slaughtered, from Chris ‘it’s not about acting, but how black you are’ Rock to Leo ‘at last (bet that thrills him)’ DiCaprio and his yacht only burns unicorn scat homily that had Leo Hickman all atwitter.
Big news on bBBC his morning is that one of their FOI requests has revealed the NHS is recruiting staff from abroad. For more details watch a programme later tonight.
In other words.
1. This is not actually news, it is an advert for a programme
2. The utter hypocrisy of the bBBC is revealed, using FOI requests (all naturally totally random and impartial – LOL) to create stories when they themselves hide behind their own FOI protection at every turn.
An utterly despicable organisation totally unworthy of the special funding it receives compulsorily from anyone who owns a TV.
Quite how the BBC can self-exempt for the purposes of covering staff lying, but expect other public bodies to front up in the public interest, is remarkable.
But then, the political establishment lets them. Don’t they, John, Jesse…?
The Bbc seem to be forever putting in FOI requests which then headline in their programmes. I am a bit miffed at hearing this so often because I assume it’s OUR money that’s paying for these FOIs. Did we ask for all this bias in their reporting? No, I didn’t think so!
The Freedom of Information Act was brought in by Blair. It’s anything but and the Labour loving BBC know it.
I requested from a Labour London Borough, their statistics for the success of their CCTV cameras in catching criminals. They replied that it would take too long to compile and therefore this request was exempt from the Act.
I knew from a friend of mine who worked in the CCTV control room that there had been no success as regards catching criminals as all the cameras were in use for prosecuting motorists and therefore gathering revenue. Revenue was and is more important than crime for them.
Far right and Cameron supported Anti Fascists battle in Liverpool on Saturday.
BBC report here mentions police officer injured by a missile but does not indicate which side threw it. The Liverpool Echo clearly places blame on the far right. A woman was also hit with a piece of stone pulled out of the road and used as a missile. Photographs of the hole in the road have since been removed.
Examine the photographs in the BBC and Liverpool Echo reports. The far right were on the steps of the building whilst Cameron’s thugs were pelting them with missiles. They even boasted about it – see picture here.
The UAF thugs turned up to attack a legitimate demonstration, according to their no platform policy. Obviously the far right were stupid to give those ridiculous Nazi salutes.
It seems to me that the injuries were caused by the missile throwing storm troopers of the left, who actually boasted about it, and were supported by the psychos of Class War. Come on Cameron, condemn these thugs and disassociate yourself from them
North West this morning runs with mayor of labourpool has written, presumably in crayon, to the Home Secretary asking for powers to ban political events which may turn violent. Oh good so that will be anything the uaf /hopeless but hated / socalist don’t workers rent a mob brigade turn up at then.
Dave6666, If only, this bunch are welcome in Liverpool; they are backed by the unions, not forgetting Hope and Hate who are paid £240,000 pa from Unbound Philanthropy, an organization which financially supports radical leftist open borders organizations. And trickling down from the state is income for the UAF. We are not talking about rent a crowds of unwashed, we are looking at well financed thugs akin to the NAZIS. They can boast about breaking the law because they know the law will not touch them. I hope the injured police officer recovers and understands that his mates will not seek to prosecute his assailant,
Link to Unbound Philanthropy, check their spreadsheets for amounts donated to groups who meet their objectives.
Unbound Philanthropy gives over £2 million to progressive outfits here in the UK
including £200,000, to Hope Not Hate;
Refugee Support Network get £75,000.00,
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00,
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00,
Southall Black Sisters, £90,000
Were those eggs battery reared or free range then?
What about the waste and vandalism?
Don`t they KNOW there was enough omelettes there to feed 20 Degsy Hattons or a Camilla, a Jenni anyway?
Oh those poor cleaners too-or is this a job creating go-slow health and safety thing that will employ Degsys grandkids for a fortnight as they claim to spot some asbestos in a shell …or shell suit(calm down, calm down!)?
Will Mary Berry have enough eggs to waste on her telly shows this week now?
Oh the questions…and no Greenie or Leftie will consider this a waste of good food, a slap in the face for the chickens killed in needless sacrifice?
I`d do them for driving Fash to his death..prbably because he was gay, black and scored a good goal on telly once.
#Justice For Fash#-these racist homophobes need to be taken on, and jailed for their demonisation of the first black gay footy icon…Liverpool are still on the docks lump scheme since 1967 by these tweets!
Maybe fellow scouser Edwina Currie needs to have a word-if ONE person gets Salmonella or Bad Egg disease..then hoping the Twatts above get taken to the cleaners-THAT would be a sentence that might kill them…oh dear, how sad and never mind.
Let’s not forget Sir Michael Caine’s views
“You can’t vote for an actor because he’s black. You got to give a good performance”
This is what the activists seem to overlook. Giving people rewards because of race and not ability or merit is just an extension of the something-for-nothing society.
‘Giving people rewards because of race and not ability or merit……’ etc etc. Very true Seismic, though the BBC have practiced the skill for some time now.
I thought of doing Fabrice Muambas life story for next years Oscars!
I know it`s only forty five minutes on a pitch made up to resemble White Hart Lane.
In fact nothing much happens…but it`ll be a shoo in.
Sponsors include Warburtons and Pataks Curry Paste Emporium at this stage.
My only bit of creative license is that it is Jimmy Savile in disguise who jumps out of the stand with a heart monitor and a van that was once his campervan of shame…but is now a loveshack that takes Patrice to Mid-Staffs for specific treatment…redemption for Jimmy, and he proudly hands his “Jim Fixes it For us all” medallion at Wembleys winners balcony to Patrice at the end of this classic “Feel Good British Film”
And Peter Kaye and myself sing “Ebony and Ivory” over the credits at the end, as it segues into Nice One Cyrille…but that`ll be the sequel involving Big Rons Three degrees-my 2018 oscar effort(shhhh!).
Crowd funding welcome you lot….any money spare will go towards my cats gender reassignment surgery…two bricks if you don`t stump up!
Colin Bellend!
Goes without saying that there`s not much acting needed to play dead on a pitch for an hour as we muse on our lilywhite racism…so maybe a starring role for Sir Lenward…he`s wooden enough to do it innit bruv?
Most kind 4D.
But-the racist xenophobic hate hustlers at this site as yet have NOT generated enough moolah for me to go to Hollywood to talk terms.
Not even enough to share a chaise longue with Sir Lenward at whichever Premier Inn he is staying at tonight…got to be rough when Dawn French thinks HE`S the chubby chaser in the relationship.
Only offer so far is to hawk bloody fabric conditioner in Rwanda!
Yes but what about the MINORITIES.. after all there are not enough of them (otherwise they would be democratically electable). An English film awards in Swaheli (direct from Zimbabwe) and translates into Swedish via a compulsory fee Films and BBC TV license fees is the only way backwards. Communal aims and Communal goals, that is the approved EU position on Climate Change.
When the BBC cannot find enough minorities, it can simply HIRE them in for the duration of ‘virtualness’ and ‘well being’ comfort zone media positioning. Liberal angst ‘oh shit’ moments covered. Marxist ‘no border’ dreams revered!.
Visit Rent-a minority and find out how it works. (BBC discount buy-one and get-one free!
Wonderful site Philip.
Disappointed though that my minority status…white ,greying hair and anonymous middle aged is not represented though.
I see myself as a lesbian in a mans body and Jennifer Aniston continues to discriminate against me, despite my endless stalks around Central Pert.
Only right that she wasn`t nominated for an Oscar.
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Pat Buchanan, extract from an article at – his final sentence is the one which all of us, who want to halt our country’s slide into the abyss, need to remember.
“The elites of Europe are as out of touch as America’s.
Angela Merkel, Time’s Person of the Year in 2015, is at risk of being dumped in 2016 if she does not halt the next wave of Middle Eastern refugees who will be arriving on Europe’s shores when the seas calm in the spring in the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
If we believe the immigration issue Trump has seized upon is explosive here, look to Europe. In the Balkans and Central Europe, even in Austria, the barriers are going up and the border guards appearing.
Mass migration from the Third World to the First World is not only radicalizing America. It could destroy the European Union. Anger over any more migrants entering the country is among the reasons British patriots now want out of the EU.
America is crossing into a new era. Trump seems to have caught the wave, while Clinton seems to belong to yesterday.
A note of caution: This establishment is not going quietly.”
Is Basil Brush OK?
Thinking of booking him for a kiddies party sometime soon…but obviously, in the current febrile climate, would hate to have to rescind my offer to the 70 year old national treasure!
And-if so, can I use either Roy North or Mr Derek?…or will there be “ishoos”
Bum Bum!
Basil Brush should be OK. Whether it is Mr Roy or Mr Derek accompanying him you will always know where one of his hands is. That leaves just one to monitor.
The Jones Enquiry has opened!
How many millions will this cost, and how much time can m`learned friends expect to bill the taxpayer for?
So far, so good-but then can I get even MORE historical and look into the affairs of one Harold Corbett?
Exhibit EZ/WIZ/E…(izzy wizzy indeed !)
Now then now then….what then of the famous “DOUBLE_HANDER” puppet svangali when he had one hand allegedly assisting Sooty,…but the other would have been maybe gratifying Soo…or grooming a Mr Sweep, who has filed a deposit(oo er!).
I submit this to you Judge Justice BigWig Jones for a further legal clarification!
And- a few Spitting Image puppets-AND some European Swedish Chef…as well as a traumatised American Eagle…would appear to wish to appear to give a victim impact statement re the Euro and North American dimensions to this global hush up!
Let this be our lives work…say NO to puppet peados!
Billy Connolly once had a run in with Mr Rod Hull of ‘hand up an emu’s arse’ fame. During filming for Parkinson, Rod Hull moved the puppet towards Billy Connolly’s face. Quick as a flash, Billy Connolly grabbed it and said, ‘If you don’t clear off I’ll break your neck and his fucking arm!’. Needless to say, at least one guest on that show wasn’t bothered again.
Sadly, Rod Hull died a few years later whilst adjusting the aerial on his roof. Rumour has it that he was trying to ensure he couldn’t get BBC reception.
How come the likes of Paul Nurse or assorted G20 people can speak of “shocks” if we vote to leave the Titanic?…can talk of us knowing nothing anymore if we do?
Next up-leaving the EU will reduce our life expectancy…don`task why…it just will…OK?
What-like mass rapes and sexual assaults in German city cathedral squares on New Years Eve?
Like massed Somalians throwing brieze blocks down on British lorry drivers by Calais?
Like the likely collapse of the whole Eurozone madness when Italy and France become Cyprus and Greece in 2017?
I myself would be frightened and fearful if we stay in the EU as sitting ducks for the coming migration crises that will dwarf anything seen thus far…and are stuck in the mud as the Eurozone countries bale out in turn and have to face their electorates with nothing in their ATMs.
THEY`RE MY fears Nursey Lagarde!…not a bit of democracy re-introduced to this country once again after a catastrophic 30+ years.
Too right and for G20 read Goldman Sachs and the other parasites and leeches. These people are discredited and one of the reasons Trump is doing so well.
Sooner and I really hope sooner we in Europe will have our own politicians who will emerge and sweep these people in to the past where they belong.
But like the previous post beware the liberal establishment. Tyrants in the making and they will be as cruel as they come.
The way I heard it was that the shock would be to the EU, and not to Britain. Given the amount Britain pumps into the EU it’s hardly rocket science to work out that the EU would have an economic shock, but wasn’t that one of the major reason for leaving anyway?
Quite! And in any case, since when has the G20 group given us any reason to believe it is more capable of successfully running the world’s economy than would be a pack of drunken chimpanzees?
The economic system is a complete mess. These are the (mostly) men who broke it and they clearly haven’t a clue how to fix it again. We would be mad to take advice from them.
Anyone know if Sir Paul Nurse has been funded by research grants from our money recycler, less handling charges, in Brussels?
I think it is a given that anyone who wishes us to stay in and gives us the scare mongering tactics, well and truly have their nose in it:
The link has at the very top of the menu on the left “European funding”
Enough said I think.
Well here’s a turn up which the BBC aren’t going to like given the reports they’ve been running these past few days.
Jalal Uddin: Man re-arrested over Rochdale mosque man’s death
And then tonight a ‘man’ has been charged with the murder:
Mohammed Hussain Syeedy of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, has now been charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder
Seeing as the MEL (Manchester Evening Lies) is left wing and Labour supporting, it’s not difficult to figure out how their ‘minds’ have been working over this, when they post a ‘related story’ “Religious & race hate crime rise by nearly a third in Greater Manchester.”
Now the accused perp is a member of the RoP there will be very little investigation into motives, such as Shia/Sunni or Pakistani / Bangladeshi, because the Fascist left wouldn’t want that kind of thinking getting out into the community. That the RoP is less than perfect is almost certainly a thought crime !
I await the disappointment in the BBC report on this
I see a fellow Mohammedian has been charged with murdering the Rochdale Imam….
Oh dear, after the BBC and their hard left cohorts had demanded that this were a racist and Islamophobic attack..
We may never know the motive for this fatal attack. But one thing we can be sure of – if it was a Sonny versus Cher attack or based on any other internal hatred the perp will be declared an insane lone wolf.
Can you begin to imagine the level of coverage, had the murderer been white instead of a RoPer?
The family must be deeply disappointed that it wasnt, they might have ended up rich Lords like Doreen mum of Saint Stephen Lawrence! At the very leasst theyd have got a new Islamic centre in his name paid for by the tax payer and a plaque to mark the spot. What a shame for them it will all now be hushed up asap!
I did a google street map tour of the area where the murder occurred and I am not surprised at the ethnicity of the person charged! Looks like little Luton! No Sainsbury local or Tesco Express but loads of places to send British money out of the country.
It’s funny you mentioned the ‘Asian’ corner shops. I don’t remember making a conscious decision about it but I haven’t gone into one in years now. Their shops are usually overpriced and grubby-looking. I just don’t patronise those sort of establishments any more (although I still do guiltily get a takeaway curry on the odd occasion!).
What we need is our own blacklist of companies, mega-corporations etc that support the EU (alas that’s probably most of them), mass-migration – and hence terrorism.
No pictures yet of our suspect.
By the time that BBC prosthetics, Michael Jacksons dermatologist and wardrobe/make up who do Citizen Khan and the Black and White Minstrel Show(emeritus) have finished with him, he“ll look like a red-headed Oldham fan called Eddie Thump who attacked the victim with a Ginsters pasty filled with black pudding.
All white?…you betcha…in Michael Barrymores best voice.
Oi. Treat the Ginsters pasty with some respect please.
I think Donald Trump did it. Well, the BBC would believe it.
It would be good to have a chart breakdown of BBC story arcs with the detail Craig used to do.
It would be fascinating to compare what the BBC sinks its teeth into and won’t let go…. until the narrative goes sideways and ‘watertight oversight’ kicks in and things get consigned to the memory hole.
Or what the BBC doesn’t go near but suddenly decides need half of W1A to decamp to covert for three weeks.
Agree Guest Who.
Some of us do our bits informally down at the pub with half-arsed graphs on the back of a beer mat.
But we do need a database here that we could send in our specialist hobby horses.
One for me to day would be
1. Would the Irish election have been top of the news at 9am, if Gerry Adams had NOT done so “stunningly well”…or not.
2. Why do the BBC tell us that Clinton stormed South Carolina…then give her a soundbite to “slag off ” Trump and not Sanders?
And she slags Trump off only in the same sly and coded way that the recent coded crap over Prince William and Cameron re the EU and Boris…all coded spin shit that Trump and Gove will surely capitalise upon. And the BBC mediate for us-lying sux!
Where`s the news?…what`s the intention in the BBC doing THIS then?
3. And why are the BBC ignoring and downplaying the recent series of reports that slag off the schools system?…I mean…thought that these would be nectar to the Left seeing as the Tories run them?
Oh wait-it`s the Left who `ve long decided the content, staffing and mechanisms with the unions…oh dear, so the BBC park it next to mid-Staffs and Savile.
Iran election: Early results suggest gains for reformists
Given that only those candidates vetted by the Guardian Council were allowed to stand surely the word ‘relative’ should have a place in this BBC headline?
Is the definition of a ‘reformist’ in Iran someone who advocates hanging homosexuals with a smaller crane than the hardliners would use?
Iraqi Kurdish forces ‘rescue Swedish girl from IS’ followed by Life under IS ‘really hard’, rescued Swedish girl says
When I first read this I assumed (wrongly as it turns out) that the BBC’s failure to name the Swedish girl meant she was a Muslim of Somali/Sudanese, whatever, descent. However never assume conspiracy when incompetence is a possible explanation.
Both the NY Times and the Daily Mail provide much greater detail, including the girl’s name, photograph and family circumstances.
Did the BBC know that Marilyn Nevalainen was rescued from ISIS by Kurdish forces in late October, but escaped from her saviours to go back to her jihadi wannabe partner, and gave birth days later? While her claim not to know what ISIS or Islam was may have some credibility when she left Sweden it certainly became unbelievable when she returned to the ISIS ‘caliphate’. A reasonable question must be did she want to be rescued?
‘UK safer in EU’ ?
Male Bovine Excrement Mr Fallon .
IMHO we were much safer before we joined the so called Common Market. I was about then and voted to come out on ‘D Day’ 1975 . It was NATO that kept us safe and always has been.
Don’t let our Used Car Salesman con you .
Vote to get out this time if you are sorry you didn’t last time .
Here we go, folks, the issue of our time: Cameron’s insincere, unintended “negotiations” and the forthcoming vote he’s manoeuvred himself into holding have left the door to independence open a crack. We would be fools, defeatists and totally irresponsible not to put our shoulders behind it and give it an almighty shove.
And last night I told that Osbourne and his pals in Japan have suggested that a British exit will result in global financial shock-waves. That’s bollocks, of course, but are those “shock-waves” to be caused by the same Britain which is too small to stand on its own, or another one?
In any event, all kinds of forces will be ranged against us: Big Business, the totally impartial, fair-minded, even-handed fluffy-fluffy liberal B.B.C., (‘non-advertising’, yet using the same subliminal suggestiveness that is used to get people to buy soap-powder and cornflakes), foreign “experts” and the lies and threats of the British quislings who benefit from the mess they’ve got is into. So we have to fight and we have to vote. This is the only chance we’ll get and we should take it.
And I commend to all readers the videos of the ‘GO’ campaign involving Kate Howie, David Davies, Nigel Farage and George Galloway among others. View them on ‘Youtube’ and spread them – our “national broadcaster” won’t.
Good luck all – and let’s do it.
Murder ofJalal Uddin ‘prominent Rochdale mosque member’
BBC happy to initially report “She said that while detectives were looking at the possibility of the incident being racially motivated, “at the moment we just cannot say one way or the other”
Now that Mohammed Hussain Syeedy has been charged watch this story fade away.
Remember after the incident how the police were touring the area trying to reassure the community. Obviously, a crime from an Islamophobe, according to police hand books.
The story will fade and the young man will be presented as a disturbed individual. And someone, either BBC or Guardian, will write a piece about the racist pressures on Moslem communities causing unpredictable crimes.
The lying press at it again:
Arrests after North West Infidels and anti-fascist groups clash
And the far left Mirror group Liverpool Echo:
Far-right group ‘North West Infidels’ clash with anti-fascist demonstrators in Liverpool city centre
Yet the comments of the people who were there tell a completely different story:
“SO sad seeing, working class people , against working class people, it seems the people who were today breaking the LAW WERE THE ANTI – FASCIST”
“anti fascists are by far the most fascists I cant stand them bunch of psycho hippies who must live in a very strange bubble. The far right are just idiots”.
Many people are nothing more than brain dead sheep who don’t even want to know about the truth – a little like those in the film ‘the Matrix’. Those with a mind to see however are waking up to the fact that they are being manipulated by some very unpleasant left wingers in the media peddling lies in furtherance of an agenda.
I followed the story yesterday in the Liverpool Echo, noting references to ‘far right mob’ and ‘anti-fascists’, Bad and good. But the comments told a different story. Some identified the anti fascists as tacit supporters of the rape gangs, others referred to the reporter as a Trotskyite, but my favourite comment introduced what was for me, a new word, ‘Presstitute’ , for the reporter.
Followed Thoughtfuls BBC Merseyside link and was dismayed at what appeared to be a picture of North West Infidels group members doing the stiff armed funny salute. Mimicking the actions of a strange socialist cult that had sinister delusional poitical ambitions and put most of Europe into hock to the yanks, all while wearing fetishistic dress uniform is not very British at all in my book.
Typical ‘poor Calais migrant’ story from the BBC today
Lots of descriptions of the the migrants hardships but no mention of hardships of the locals, lorry drivers, police etc.
Would be nice if the BBC could balance these articles with occasional reporting of the migrants throwing stones at lorry windows, cutting the tarpaulins, moving the lorry mirrors so the drivers cannot see like this video show:
Stand by to have your inner liberal rib tickled – Andy Marr is going to be talking to an American actress and will ask ‘What have you thunk of Donald Trump.. ha ha ha ha?’
He’s not exactly Jay Leno from Holywood (we too often get Jimmie Krankie from Holyrood) but Marr likes to have a little stand up monologue at the top of the show. Comedians out of business? Well the BBC have got Mary Beard doing Up Pompeii. The Oxbridge Don is the Tribune of the Plebs now folks – titter ye not. And Marr likes to close out the show with a band – maybe it should be a Song for Europe? The BBC have been singing that with us like a puppet on a string for more than 20 years now.
OK fingers tightly gripping the nose – BBC: We regret to inform our Licence Payers that Interrailing against Tory Cutz is dealyed for up to four months for over-running social engineering works on behalf of the EU. There’s a very big hole in the EU to plug.
There is however a very good service on the underground gimmigrant railway – anyone crossing the Paul Mason-Doucet Line will get a warm welcome. Migrants and their confederates in the Campaign Charity Klan will still be wearing sinister hoodies and setting up flaming mosques on your lawn.
On bahalf of black history year Portillo will be bringing us his ooo ho guage – he’s a former horn-boy. His jackets as expensive and fluorescent as a premier league have-it-away shirt. We’re getting there. Old railway advertising slogans eh – How’s about that then, guys and gals!
Stop the TV tax and make all this go away.
I think ChrisH `s style is rubbing off on more posters now . It s very good off the wall prose , & amusing too. Should get a Booker Prize .
Reckon you`re a shoo-in for the Lord Lieutenant of Essex for this sir!
Hoping to meet at the Dartford Crossing with you and your people on June 24th to set those boundaries for the Essexwessex region.
Will leave my car before the crossing though-until they put in a voluntary contributions bucket like they have at the Severn bridge, then they can fish!
New currency?..groats or ducats?…that`ll be our first referendum re our common currency perhaps?
Thanks ChrisH , you are working a frantic pace , your posts are everywhere , you are doing more work than the BBC newsroom `s 6000 journalists combined ! Keep it up !
They are all like Baghdad Bob with the Trump tanks revving up in the background. Same crap on R4 this morning the Islington bed-wetters just can’t understand that the voting public likes people who tell the truth and have had enough of all this PC crap.
“Islington bed-wetters ” . Love it !
“Mary Beard doing Up Pompeii.”
Excellent post AsISeIt. I imagine the Beardmonster will reprise the ‘Sena the Sooth Sayer’ role. If so Jeremy Vine can be Lurkio, Andrew Marr – Ludicrus Sextus, the son Nauseus to be played by Master Owen Jones. Helen Mirren can play the wife but I cannot think of any Beeboidess to play the voluptuous, sex-mad daughter – they’re all a bit too rough for that (maybe Michal at a pinch).
Demon, You are showing your age now !
No, I`m not going to read the Millionaire Shortbreads talking about surviving various sniffles and self-inflicted problems…
Just like the title.
After fifty plus years of having my brain washed in the “BBC state of mind”-feel those among us who come to this site are similarly “BBC Survivors”-imagine years from Andy Panty(pic enclosed…he`s the one at the back with the pink champagne!) to Roger Harrabin…and we can STILL see what the BBC are doing, despite years of blandishments and lefty bluster!
Group hug!…not a grope one either-that`s for the Millionaires Shorthouses in the Mail today.
I do like the idea of us victims of Licence as the ‘Survivors’ at last after all these years we’re to be believed now, right?
‘Survivors’ that’s already been used for a 1970s tv show. Am I right in recalling that in the last post-apocalypse episode the dimished band of surviving survivors hauled a Union Jack up a flag pole as an act of hope and continuing community and civilisation – can you imagine that happening in a BBC drama now? Blimey even the Yorkshire Puddings cross-atlantic four-girl rowers in celebrations with the BBC pulled out a ‘Yorkshire flag’ instead of the British flag
You`ve restimulated a flashback AISI!
And therefore can`t go out day to get my Stella Six pack, my lottery tickets, not feed myself -or indeed my brood of vulnerables-at the Chip Parade today.
Nor will I be able to get out and seek esteem until the disability scooter battery is charged-and the chip oil to run it can`t be given to me today can it?
You`re all to blame!
I can`t blame you-but were you not a Licensed stakeholder for the accused(BBC) at the time when “The Double Deckers” was piped through to me…and it`s THAT that upset me so.
First case of PC public school posturings that were sent down the dustpipe to the kids as I recall for me.And it`s all about me…mange tout!
Which is first…Supreme Court, Brussels, Strasbourg, Old Bailey or Jenni Murrays lap?
See you there anyhoo!
“What was YOUR earliest moment when you know the BBC were taking you for a magical mystery tour, that only ended up in Saviles Sharrabang”?…we`d love to hear from you-and here`s a hotline should I have raised any issues”?( But no Mike Mansfields though-for he was ITV!)
I enclose this, because anybody opposed to the EU will be getting all this in one shape or form.
Deserves respect-but then demolishing
“If you want to defeat your opponent , learn his song”
“What did the EU ever do for us?
Not much, apart from: providing 57% of our trade;
structural funding to areas hit by industrial decline”
Erm… where do they suppose the money to provide this funding comes from? Perhaps they mean a democratically-elected government may have chosen not to give this funding, but that’s an argument against democracy.
And are they suggesting we wouldn’t be trading with Europe if outside the EU? Seriously?
It’s the refrain of a con artist who steals £2 from you, hands you a £1 back then tries to convince you it was a good deal.
Very hard to take someone seriously when his first sentence is a lie: “In the week when the UK’s five extremist right-wing media billionaires won their battle to waste our time, money and political capital on a EU referendum”
What he would probably refer to as “the right wing press” are merely reflecting public opinion, which is clearly in opposition to his extremist left-wing views. In fact the desire for a referendum was so strong it actually spawned a political party and forced the hand of the Tories. To turn his argument on its head, how inconvenient for the left that the public haven’t succumbed to the left-wing propaganda of the BBC and the Guardian. Isn’t democracy a bitch.
Much as the bBBC would wish it were otherwise, England beat Ireland 21-10 at Twickenham. In common with so many other sports, the match was not shown by the world’s favourite and most envied news service but on ITV and, just to ensure the result was a reflection of the game, the BBC text pages described the win as ‘England edging out Ireland’. Pathos and sour grapes encapsulated.
Author Tom Bower has published a book confirming what most on the Right have known since the time it happened, that Tony Blair conspired to flood the country with immigrants so that he could ensure a permanent pool of Labour voters, that party having squandered the support of the indigenous working class.
This is a very serious charge indeed and yet the BBC, even though it too had its problems with Blair, has chosen to more or less ignore Bower’s incendiary book, no doubt because it approves of Blair’s actions.
Perhaps, then, when we finally get the miserable little sociopath into the dock, where he belongs, we can have a few of the BBC types who are, in effect, endorsing his actions on trial beside him.
It’s very tempting to lay the blame exclusively at Tony Blair’s door – and his lady-wife most assuredly had her avaricious little mind, with an eye to the future, hard at work in the planning and execution – but to think that Mandelsson, Brown, Harman, Corbyn, Skinner, McBride, Watson…. well all of them, in fact, were simply bystanders is to do their superb efforts an injustice.
One of the main culprits, according to Bower, was that revolting specimen Barbara Roche. What Bower reveals about her beggars belief.
None the less, Blair was the ring leader. They should all do time for their crimes but Blair’s sentence should be exemplary.
Ah yes, Barbara ‘Badger’ La Roche. Even Brian May would be pushed to justify her preservation.
Agreed, but only Tony Blair (and perhaps some of his close cabinet members at the time) can supply the real reasons for the sudden need for them to open up the borders.
It may be that the selling point to the rest of the party (MPs like Dianne Abbott come to mind) was greater diversity and increased votes following the move by traditional Labour supporters to support the Tories or UKIP.
However one has to ask why the Tories never said anything at the time and let it happen (and still didn’t use it to slag off Labour, preferring to concentrate on Labour’s handling of the economy)
I still think (as many now do) that globalism was at work and Blair having been helped into power by Murdoch etc. was bound to pay back the favour to the Godfathers of Bilderberg.
Nearly all of the Remain campaign is based on fear and bullying. Phrases I constantly hear such as, “a leap into the dark,”and “we’re blindly heading into the unknown,” say nothing but generate unfounded concen amongst the undecided. These fear mongers don’t seem at all concerned that we no longer live in a true democracy. How can we when, at the very best, the British only have a one in 28 vote? There are countries in the EU with populations the size of Wales that have as much sway as we do.
Only a true democracy can police its own borders. We can’t do that. We are always told that this ability to work anywhere in the EU works both ways. Yep, I can just see how this works in practice. Some brickie, with a young family, upping sticks and taking off for some former soviet country. Most of these places are much poorer than Blighty. So our bricklayer sets off to a country where he can work for one tenth of the pay. That makes sense…
Our people are competing in the job market with much cheaper labour. It’s not right, it’s not fair and yet it’s supported by the very people who are supposed to represent the British working class. The Labour Party.
And here is Enoch Powell.
“Unless and until the people of the different countries of Europe have been so conditioned into a spurious “common interest” that they will accept burdens and disadvantages for the common good of the whole(or of preferred parts) , then any efforts to create a unity in polity( or indeed an economic union) are doomed not only to disappointment, ridicule and mutual recriminations-but ultimately to tragedy”
Market Drayton 6/9/69)…I paraphrase, but he`ll understand i`m sure.
Speaks to me re migration this one!
You should have a peek at Machiavelli’s ‘Discourses on Livy’ (c1530), Chris. Full of apt gems.
“Chapter 8:
The Reason why peoples leave their homelands and overrun the lands of others.
…The other cause for war is when an entire people with all its families leaves a place, driven either by famine or by war, and goes to seek out a new location and a new province, not to rule over it as those above do but, rather, to possess it, even the private property, and to drive out or murder its ancient inhabitants…
…Such peoples come in great numbers, and then they violently enter the lands of others, murder the inhabitants, take possession of their property, create a new kingdom, and change the very name of the province…
…Lombardy used to be called Cisalpine Gaul; France used to be called Transalpine Gaul and now it is named after the Franks; Slavonia was called Illyria; Hungary Pannonia: England Britannia…Moses also called that part of Syria (Marusia) he had occupied Judea…”
Ta 4D! Will look it all up-Niccolo said some good stuff in his classic “The Prince” in Chapter 6 as I recall.
Words to the effect that there are hawks and doves-but also vultures who merely perch on the lines and wait to see who`s winning before piling in to claim a victory and to share the spoils.
And also the fact that Moses won his battles with military force, not by imploring the enemy to come to Mt Sinai to discuss the tablets there…and that opposing soldiers would not have been won over by his eloquence but by the fact that his army cared enough to win…the alternative was annihilation.
Whereas his opponents could afford to compromise and fight another day-and their hearts were not in the fight as Moses were.
Didn`t need to be.
Not exactly correct-but enough of parts of it that i`ve not forgotten.
Will re-read THAT as well soon too!
Thanks again!
Oh God yes, agreed about all that Moses stuff. Only really included him at the end of the quote as Syria was mentioned.
Pretty much everything covered in ‘The Prince’ is covered in ‘Discourses’, besides a lot more.
Now, if only I were clever enough to be a vulture…
And now we hear of possible referenda on EU membership from Hungary and Greece.
Viktor Orban of Hungary has described the EU as a cabal or liberal elites – not much different to how we see them. They have according to him been welcoming of the gimmigrants without a second thought for the countries who have to deal with them, and the quota system imposed on countries like his is anathema.
Unfortunately the elites are in a position of absolute power, and cannot be democratically removed. Even the BBC are being forced to admit that the union is being pushed to breaking point by liberal insanity which care nothing at all for Europe’s people, and everything for their own bleeding hearts and hand wringing.
British Disease
This is the terminology that the BBC and Europhiles use to describe our referendum .
Not Full Democracy , Direct Democracy , Participation Democracy , People Power , Choice of the People or any other way to describe a referendum , but Disease . With other frightening words like Contagion .
We know the Beeboids are glum because ther are no more People’s Republics , but can’t they be glad about real power going back to the people , or are we all just proles to them .
And-shit as the Tories are-they alone were elected on the promise of giving us a referendum.
And-were it not for UKIP spooking the same Tories out in 2013/4-we`d not have ever been offered one.
And I`ve no reason to doubt that Cameron and his election staff would never have given us such a bare referendum as they`re doing now-had they ever thought that they would have to enact it.
So my point?
Ever since this referendum was called, all the liberal elite have done is imply how petty Cameron was to actually bother the grown ups in Germany and Brussels/Paris with our “petty, small beer concerns that only save the Tories from imploding, of no concern to the bigwigs with their Eurozone and their Schengens”..etc
So how the hell these liberal naysayers (who`d rather we not stir from the basement to bother the guests with our petty trivial concerns about washing lines or getting stains out of the pedestal mats) DARE to tell us whether or why we should vote for the EU is a question they`ll never ask-presumptuous bumptious wankers without Janet Webbs charm.
Was she married to Peter Woods?
AND-I`ll take no advice from Labour or the Liberals, SNP or whoever( except the Greens who DID offer us a referendum as I recall from the Muppet House) on what to vote for-THESE Totalising EU pawns would NEVER have let us have a referendum…so their views are utterly irrelevant.
As are the BBCs and Channel 4 s…neither of who thought we should have one, because Calais and Cologne , an ISIS hub in Luton and not deigning to be petty with poor Angela or Francois at such times as these( has there EVER been a”good time” to hold a referendum with them?…course not!).
In fact-with France and Italy to go all Cyprus on us-there`s never been a better time at 3 mins to midnight to quietly man the lifeboats and slip off before Lampadusa becomes Benghazi….
How ironic that the democratic process, if the result is to remain, will have been used to chain the UK to one of the least democratic institutions the world has ever seen. The world has gone f*cking mad.
An article in The Sunday Times today describes how the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are clamping down on advertising. No longer can you advertise for a “handyman” or “barmaid”, instead it should read “maintenance worker” or “bartender”. Even “mother and baby” classes would be illegal because it discriminates against men.
The EHRC says “there are very limited circumstances under the act when employers can exclude certain groups.
For instance, a sports centre could legitimately advertise women-only swimming sessions if there was a demand from Muslim women who might not want to swim when men were in the pool.”
So that will mean that everyone is bound by the law apart from Muslims who can ignore it when it suits them.
Lord, give me strength.
Does Islam allow muslim women to swim ?
Given the behaviour of the recently arrived enrichers in European swimming pools I think Muslim women are very wise to insist on women only swimming sessions.
They would need to remember to remove their burqas otherwise they might drown !
So you haven’t heard of the ‘burkkini’, then? No, I’m afraid it’s not a joke. Here in Australia someone has actually designed an all-enveloping swimsuit to enable Muslim women to enjoy the beach life that is so popular here. (We have a sizeable Middle Eastern Islamic community here.).Judging by TV scenes of sunny weekends at Bondi, I’d say they haven’t really caught on!
Helena Hand-Basket
How about a black wet suit, a snorkel and a set of goggles – simples !
Er, not so long ago Nigella Lawson was seen wading into the sea wearing a ‘burkkini’ (including hood) – she was later mistaken for an upturned killer whale.
I’m really looking forward to seeing The Flying Scotsperson at the National Railway Museum then.
So I can apply for the “Asian” sandwich maker required in Ilford then?
In Germany they have to have women only sessions in swimming pools to prevent the women being groped and worse by Muslim gangs. Sadly this just means they have to rape boys instead.
bbc sports page, classy as always
How often it’s said, ‘Funny how all those “progressives” so supportive of “diversity” choose to live such a long way away from its ramifications.’
Well, an enterprising group of young men decided to take multiculti into the leafy Swedish suburbs, with not entirely unexpected results. Call Wallander!
LOL ! I wonder what criminal offence they committed. Coming to leafy suburbs in the UK soon, I hope. Or maybe start with Islington !
I went past my first Halal Mocktail bar today!
Genuinely unsettling viewing isn`t it?
The ultimate “logic” of it all ending up like this?
Sweden was once a byword for how the Liberal Left had got it right-and would always be so.
The discomfort of the clueless progressives with nice houses and boats on the drive is quite something-as are the clueless bland automatons who`ve been chosen to be the enforcers of solidarity for the Swedish state…such as it is, for as long as it still exists.
Imagine some Imam is already on his way to Kandahore to get a fatwa issued on those who would shut down the Muslim call to prayer…clearly this was well past first light, so they should all have been up and available in their onesies and pyjamas/burqas…therefore this turning off Allahs songbirds by the fuzz was a racist hate crime I`d have thought.
Islington and Hampstead-Highgate and Holland Park…Momentum need to see this, and all we need do is tell them to do it-and the lefty oafs will do it for us.
Now do we do Polly Toynbee or Billy Braggs houses first…and which ones…UK or their offshore ones?
Brilliant! It reminded me of that wonderful Pat Condell line:
“Journalists, like politicians, love immigrants so much they can’t stand to live anywhere near them.”
Actors and showbiz types, however, have a more relaxed attitude. They will happily live with immigrants, on the condition that they are cute looking kids of all colours in the Benetton range, bought, er, I mean, brought, from the world’s trouble spots.
Apparently season 3 of the Three Mustiqueers will be broadcast 17th March, however despite the popularity of the series, the BBC have said they do not plan to continue with a season 4.
Fans are not happy!
I hope series 3 is coming soon and its such a shame I’ve read its been dropped by bbc as its about the only quality programme they’re produced in years!
The best programme ever, the bbc have dropped alot of good programmes e.g New Tricks, Spooks the bbc are archaic and keep putting out crap like Downton, hope some other channel gets it and we still get good drama
Nooooo BRING BACK MUSKETEERS…..for goodness sake why on earth do the BBC keep doing this, first Ripper Street now this…..not happy. Xxx
Its been dropped by BBC really didn’t know that! best ever programme… BBC are idiots then
The extremely best adaptation ever after #TheManInTheIronMask… BBC would be so stupid to have this ended…
This great show will end up like Ripper Street, hopefully Amazon will pick it up
And that’s just a few ! The BBC simply don’t seem capable of realising when they have something good, and become intent on wrecking it. They’re not going to find much support amongst the people of they carry on this way!
The BBC also seems to attract viewers who are so dim that they don’t realise that Downton (one of the most successful British TV series ever) was actually produced by ITV.
Sunday politics. 28/02/16.
When they went to my area (NE) for the local politics the EU was the main topic.
3 politicians on the panel.
2 for remain, 1 for exit.
When they done a vox pop about remaining or leaving 6 views were played after the editing was completed.
4 for remain, 2 for exit.
How on earth did the 3 for exit get heard.
Heads will roll at the bbc propaganda gangs HQ.
Apparently, Merkel the Mad is going to be making a solo appearance on a German TV talk show tonight.
Things must be really desparate In spite of the massive pooled sovreignty of the EU, Turkey is being begged and bribed to control the EU’s “external borders” and the interior minister de Maiziere is off on a grovelling trip to the Maghreb countries for the same purpose. It just shows how hollow the “stronger together” claims are. If you attach yourself to a laughing stock pseudostate which cannot control its own borders, you yourself become a laughing stock. On Marr, Duncan-Smith was quite correct to point out that the Continentals are obsessed by the “European project” – blind loyalty to a state that does not exist. Merkel’s madness was largely based on the delusion that feelings of “European solidarity” would so move the other 27 EU states that they would take a share of “refugees” on some form of economic or demographic criterion. Closing borders in the Balkans is reducing the pressure on Germany, but still some German commentators are accusing countries like Hungary and Slovakia of “national egotism”. These loons have no idea what they really want. Peace in Syria thanks to Putin?. If they had acted in their own national interest 5 years ago and deposed Assad, the “refugee” problem could have been greatly curtailed. Such thoughts are, of course, taboo as an infidel presence in Syria would offend Muslims. Roll on BREXIT.
“If they had acted in their own national interest 5 years ago and deposed Assad”
How exactly is it in any European countries national interest to depose Assad?
The Assad family has rules over Syria since the 1970s, and although being a torn in the side of Israel it has been a stable country in the region.
We all know the consequences of our lunatic liberal Western leaders looking for regime change, not one of the countries they have carried this out in has ended up better, and most have collapsed into civil war, a breeding ground for terrorists, and a gateway for bogus refugees to gain access to Europe.
The fact is that Saudi and other Sunni Muslim countries in the gulf financed ISIS and other rebel groups to fight against a group of fellow Muslims who they considered heretics.
The problem lies not in Syria with Assad but in Saudi, with its royal family, and the fanatical Wahabist Mullahs in Mecca who control them.
What are you suggesting ? Regime change in Saudi? Also a stable regime.
What contained the refugee situation, either deposing Assad quickly or supporting him, would have been in the national interest of the European states if they were unwilling to define some external border. The only thing that seems to worry the German elite are images of “ugly scenes” going round the world as refugees gather at borders protected by walls and barbed wire.
“Ending the Syrian conflict ” is now being touted in the German media as the “final solution” to the refugee problem. Relying on Putin or Erdoğan to solve the refugee crisis seems a long shot.
Couldn’t agree more ID, the problems faced by the west are the direct result of the “post colonial guilt” that has been foisted on European nations, and its replacement with “liberal interventionism” in support of globalisation.
Control of the migration streams should be the priority, carried out with a high level of suspicion of specifically Islamic migration streams.
The boats in the Aegean and Mediterranean should meet with an Australian style response…rescue, and return to port of origin or secure (and humane) processing centre for asylum claims to be checked and proper identification procedures and issue of papers or deportation to point of origin accordingly. An unequivocal approach of this nature has been shown to work and would deter smugglers and save lives.
Liberals interfering in Middle Eastern and African countries whilst stopping short of actually governing them is clearly doomed to failure, and simply creates failed states and vacuums easily filled by malignant forces, such as Islamic fundamentalists and criminal controlled smuggling economies.
On LBC today ,Stig Abel , with Carole Malone , reviewing the papers . She , (being a semi metropolitan elite women) commented, that she hardly knew anyone that wanted to “Stay In “. Very telling I thought, so the BBC , are doing their best to fabricate everything on the referendum .
Listened to Tony Blackburn explain himself on BH this morning.
He`s a clueless naive kind-so the interview makes for a strong case.
His basic crime seems to be that he was not investigated by the BBC over the death of that girl…but the BBC pretended to look into it at that time.
Indeed they may have had a quick peek…but sure as suds did nothing about it.
And this has now come out and embarrassed todays management who said that they`d done a bigger enquiry that they actually did in 1971.
So Tony was sacked because he was out of step with the rest of the BBC chorus line-from 1971 to 2016, same old hoofers.
That`s how it looks today pop pickers.
As ever-it`s the BBCs rank slamming of stable doors long after the horses have bolted that screws them-and will be back to bite until we get some truth from the lying scum.
“Only the BBC would burn its own bed to catch a flea”-and STILL they`re at it with the firelighters…erring on the side of stupidity as usual….
Probably a bit out of context for the theme of this forum but did anybody see Ian Duncan Smith on the Andrew Marr show today? Despite the usual BBC style attempts to interrupt him he managed to give an extremely good interview in support of Brexit.
I think there could be a serious question as to who leads the Brexit campaign e.g. ‘marmite Boris’ bland ‘Gove’ ‘controversial’ Farage or ‘churchillian’ Duncan Smith (my description)
In a brief joint interview alongside Angela Eagle he said something that was little reported (if it ever was) that aptly demonstrated what open immigration meant for the ordinary workers of this country. He referred to the mass employment of eastern European labour on the Olympic Stadium in East London and how it deprived employment for local workers and trades. As an east Londoner I know that was a fact and that there were local builders driving minicabs etc. in the area, in order to earn a living because the Labour Party had failed to live up to it’s promise that there would be great benefits for jobs locally. Hotels, boarding houses retail shops yes construction workers no.
I am not a Tory supporter however I found myself warming to this man and his optimistic views on the future outside the European Union.
Agreed. Duncan Smith seem to have found his feet in the role. Good for him.
Solid post cb.
‘Cunning’ thieves conceal sabotaged cycle rack to steal bike
I am still so in shock. I know it’s a regional news item but would this story get a mention in a county newspaper? Admittedly it must have been discomforting for the victim, LABOUR COUNCILLOR, MS!!!!!!!!!!! King, but isn’t the BBC about reporting bigger news? I do hope al-Beeb isn’t going to print every little bit of minor crime reported by a minor leftist and dress it up as a sensaltional story. That might detract from bigger news like the peados of Rotherham and their home grown Savile.
I saw that too, over 400,000 stolen each year and one gets a mention, might have been the Director-Generals. Whole thing was a bit fishy, if you had cutting gear to manage the bike stand a few locks shouldn’t have presented a problem.
BBC wetting themselves over a Trump tweet
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has retweeted a quote widely attributed to Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini
“It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”
The Gawker website said it had created “a Twitter bot that would post quotes from the writings and speeches of… Mussolini” at Mr Trump until he eventually retweeted one.
Correspondents say this is the latest example of behaviour which would have damaged any other candidate
(“Correspondents” WTF are they & should we care?- The BBC’s practice of inventing persons to pretend distance from the reported views ? )
What is so damning about the tweeted phrase? Is absolutely everything said by Musolini sufficent to disbar a person from office?
If Hitler thought that 2+2 = 4 , many leftists would feel obliged to believe 2+2=5 and indeed most do.
A person has said that Mr Hitler and Nigel Farage had both drawn attention to the likelihood that it would rain on a Sunday. Which proves that Mr Hitler supported UKIP and Mr Farage is a Nazi supporter.
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, who dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, has endorsed Trump and has travelled with him to campaign with him in Texas and Tennessee; a potential V-P running mate or Attorney General in a Trump administration?
I think Trump is pretty much a lock to be the Republican candidate, if he beats Cruz in Texas (unlikely) then Cruz is out and if he beats Rubio in Florida (possibly) then he’s out.
It should make for a tremendous clash with Clinton in November; which seems appropriate as there is a tremendous amount riding on the outcome, both in the U.S., in the Anglosphere and in the rest of the West
100% correct too…no wonder the left hate it so.
Better to live for as long you can as a snake, than allow one chicken with a head to grow up to spite you.
That line will go back to the Greeks etc, Aesop or such….Hitler however said “unity in diversity”…”one people, one vision, one currency”…well maybe yes, who cares?
It`s all socialism…whether Hitler or Harman…same ends, fast track or slow strangulation….
I believe that in 1921 Mussolini once ordered a cappuccino. Close down the Starbucks fascists now!
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system”
A quote by Adolf Hitler, which could be retweeted by Jeremy Corbyn if the Gawker website created a Twitter bot that would post quotes from the writings and speeches of Hitler at Mr Corbyn until he eventually retweeted one.
Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.
Matt Le Blanc, but Chris Evans’ reply was, ‘He’s old hat, what do we want him for?’.”
Has this DJ s ego landed? 😀
… how old is he?
I suppose the prima donna s next wheeze will be renaming it Ginger Beer
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch, could it?
BBC always eager to make the case for the Calais gimmies and those who serve them. Well, I never, they attacked Jude Laws minders as he was making a film to reveal their plight.
Not reported on the BBC for some reason.
The gimmies ‘behaved like football hooligans’, they said. I suppose (English ) football hooligans are as bad as you can get.
What a bunch of c***s these luvvies are.
“Humbling and inspiring eh”
Getting your mates phones smashed and nicked?…but # “today, thank God it`s them instead of you!”#
Good old Tom Odell-well able to get a song out of his mates getting beaten up and their stuff nicked…that boy will go far.
Luvvie emoting at close hand-and your cleaners and gofers get the “humbling” -and you as the “talent” get all “inspired” for them!
Well remember York, Norwich and other nice towns getting “humbled”-yet we footy hooligans seemed to be “inspired”-as we United thugs ran rampant through dopey second division towns the year we were relegated in 74/5.
S`pose there`s no chance of a few Muslims getting humbled or in submission/surrender as their Koran requires is there?…by maybe being arrested,charged and sent back in a box with duct tape for specialised counselling in Riyadh is there?
And maybe inspiring a few of us here who might be able to let our wives and girlfriends walk through Fiveways again once again is there?
Nah-Number 99 Dream scotched there.
They were not behaving like football hooligans, they were behaving like a typical muslim mob. Mind you, faced with Jude Law, Toby Jones, Shappi Khorsandi and some wanky folk singer, I too would feel the urge to do some violence.
The story about Jude Law’s minders being attacked in the Jungle only seems to appear in the Mirror and the Express – both anti-immigration (albeit from different perspectives). It almost seems TOO good a story somehow so I wonder how much of it is true. Mind you, I’m suspicious of Toby Jones going. It’s not as if anybody from Eritrea would recognise him – but he is starring in the new Dad’s Army film which apparently got boo’d in some cinemas so maybe he needs the publicity? I wonder what Captain Mainwaring would have made of it all.
….”stupid boy!”.
Hey Jude, It is covered in the Mail and several minor publications. Come on BBC, tell the story. They needed those cell phones.
Will the bBBC call a spade a spade?
Tonight’s lead item in “news where you are” (bBBC NorthWest) was that the looney leftie Scousers want to be able to ban demonstrations by any group that they don’t like. The entire article was about violence being ’caused’ by right-wing groups when socialists attack them.
Yep saw that. The usual lefties interviewed, anyone from the “far right” interviewed? Nope. Social media however was pointing the finger well and truly where it belongs with the lefties.
The BBC and Donald Trump. The behaviour of the BBC hive towards Trump is moving from the stupid towards the malevolently absurd and is to say the least of it unwise.
Before I left for work this morning I caught a trailer for the Marr show. It featured an American woman laughing madly when asked about Donald Trump.
It was obviously chosen by Marr and his producers as what they thought to be an amusing and politically right on comment on a man they obviously loathe and further more actively seek to humiliate.
This is stupid on many levels. Firstly Trump almost certainly could not care less. Secondly it is going to make it very unlikely that if Trump is the GOP’s candidate and makes it to the Presidency that he will give our so called world class broadcaster the time of day.
This could affect our relationship with our most important ally. The BBC and Marr in particular are a disgrace. Rude and stupid hardly begins to describe the behaviour.
Please do not make the mistake of thinking that the marxist elite has any common sense or real intelligence. As we are seeing over the EU and Trump it is revealing itself to be a stupid, vindictive and hopefully ineffective bunch of wann abee thugs propelled more by innate cowardice than by any real virtue. Keep pushing at them for the whole rotten edifice is ripe for falling.
Al Beeb tells us that the Oscar ceremony is being boycotted by ‘some’ Hollywood figures protesting about the lack of ethnic diversity among this year’s nominees?
Well maybe, just maybe, the ethnics are just not good enough this year?
Message to Al Beeb, ‘please stop trying to brainwash us’, we have seen through your propaganda years ago.
Al Beeb tells us that the Oscar ceremony is being boycotted by ‘some’ Hollywood figures protesting about the lack of ethnic diversity among this year’s nominees?
Well maybe, just maybe, the ethnics are just not good enough this year?
Message to Al Beeb ‘please stop trying to brainwash us’.
It’s rolled into the morning like the boxing day tsunami Taffman! Utterly relentless are Al Beeb in carpet bombing the viewers with every brainwashing technique known to man! ‘Diversity’! I thought that was a shit dance troupe from ‘Britains got box’s to tick’? It took me about 5 minutes to realise the report was about the bloody Oscar’s!
I have noticed though that nobody’s ‘diverse’ enough to tell the shit licker of a reporter to fuck off and stop race baiting and politicising everything about white culture like a 6th form bellend
Oh just wait until next year, the nominations will be awash with non-whites ! There was a lot of fuss at the Brits about the same thing, but I always thought they had their own awards in the guise of the Mobos !
Just watching a couple of ‘red carpet’ progs on obscure channels – honest to God the inane interviewing by so called ‘professionals’ of the stars on the carpet is excruciating, and worse still are the cringeworthy replies of the ‘stars’. Someone called Alex Zane (who he?) in the studio with a totally mute Elizabeth McGovern. Sadly I barely know even those in the nomination stakes, like Brie Larson (?) had to look her up – star of High School movies (oh dear), and the red carpet itself looks like rush hour on the underground. Oscar has lost the magic and glitter of the golden years of the greats, like Gregory Peck, Bette Davis, Liz Taylor, Burt Lancaster, James Stewart, Jimmy Cagney et al; now its models, reality stars and pretty men that pout and pose.
“Brie Larson (?) had to look her up”. I think she’s done a few cheesy films.
Rather enjoying the Oscar fallout (reputation malfunction) on social media.
Every gush post from the suck-up PC media is being slaughtered, from Chris ‘it’s not about acting, but how black you are’ Rock to Leo ‘at last (bet that thrills him)’ DiCaprio and his yacht only burns unicorn scat homily that had Leo Hickman all atwitter.
Black lies matter.
That’s brilliant.
I do get the impression that John Humphries is in the leave camp after he attacked what he called the remains ‘fear & anxiety campaign’.
That may just be an opportunity to criticise Cameron, Osborne and other remain Ministers before the debate really gets going.
Hypocrisy alert.
Big news on bBBC his morning is that one of their FOI requests has revealed the NHS is recruiting staff from abroad. For more details watch a programme later tonight.
In other words.
1. This is not actually news, it is an advert for a programme
2. The utter hypocrisy of the bBBC is revealed, using FOI requests (all naturally totally random and impartial – LOL) to create stories when they themselves hide behind their own FOI protection at every turn.
An utterly despicable organisation totally unworthy of the special funding it receives compulsorily from anyone who owns a TV.
As you say.
Quite how the BBC can self-exempt for the purposes of covering staff lying, but expect other public bodies to front up in the public interest, is remarkable.
But then, the political establishment lets them. Don’t they, John, Jesse…?
The Bbc seem to be forever putting in FOI requests which then headline in their programmes. I am a bit miffed at hearing this so often because I assume it’s OUR money that’s paying for these FOIs. Did we ask for all this bias in their reporting? No, I didn’t think so!
The Freedom of Information Act was brought in by Blair. It’s anything but and the Labour loving BBC know it.
I requested from a Labour London Borough, their statistics for the success of their CCTV cameras in catching criminals. They replied that it would take too long to compile and therefore this request was exempt from the Act.
I knew from a friend of mine who worked in the CCTV control room that there had been no success as regards catching criminals as all the cameras were in use for prosecuting motorists and therefore gathering revenue. Revenue was and is more important than crime for them.
Far right and Cameron supported Anti Fascists battle in Liverpool on Saturday.
BBC report here mentions police officer injured by a missile but does not indicate which side threw it. The Liverpool Echo clearly places blame on the far right. A woman was also hit with a piece of stone pulled out of the road and used as a missile. Photographs of the hole in the road have since been removed.
Examine the photographs in the BBC and Liverpool Echo reports. The far right were on the steps of the building whilst Cameron’s thugs were pelting them with missiles. They even boasted about it – see picture here.
The UAF thugs turned up to attack a legitimate demonstration, according to their no platform policy. Obviously the far right were stupid to give those ridiculous Nazi salutes.
It seems to me that the injuries were caused by the missile throwing storm troopers of the left, who actually boasted about it, and were supported by the psychos of Class War. Come on Cameron, condemn these thugs and disassociate yourself from them
Echo article which clearly blames the far right for the woman’s injuries.
North West this morning runs with mayor of labourpool has written, presumably in crayon, to the Home Secretary asking for powers to ban political events which may turn violent. Oh good so that will be anything the uaf /hopeless but hated / socalist don’t workers rent a mob brigade turn up at then.
Dave6666, If only, this bunch are welcome in Liverpool; they are backed by the unions, not forgetting Hope and Hate who are paid £240,000 pa from Unbound Philanthropy, an organization which financially supports radical leftist open borders organizations. And trickling down from the state is income for the UAF. We are not talking about rent a crowds of unwashed, we are looking at well financed thugs akin to the NAZIS. They can boast about breaking the law because they know the law will not touch them. I hope the injured police officer recovers and understands that his mates will not seek to prosecute his assailant,
Link to Unbound Philanthropy, check their spreadsheets for amounts donated to groups who meet their objectives.
Unbound Philanthropy gives over £2 million to progressive outfits here in the UK
including £200,000, to Hope Not Hate;
Refugee Support Network get £75,000.00,
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00,
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00,
Southall Black Sisters, £90,000
Complete list here
Were those eggs battery reared or free range then?
What about the waste and vandalism?
Don`t they KNOW there was enough omelettes there to feed 20 Degsy Hattons or a Camilla, a Jenni anyway?
Oh those poor cleaners too-or is this a job creating go-slow health and safety thing that will employ Degsys grandkids for a fortnight as they claim to spot some asbestos in a shell …or shell suit(calm down, calm down!)?
Will Mary Berry have enough eggs to waste on her telly shows this week now?
Oh the questions…and no Greenie or Leftie will consider this a waste of good food, a slap in the face for the chickens killed in needless sacrifice?
I`d do them for driving Fash to his death..prbably because he was gay, black and scored a good goal on telly once.
#Justice For Fash#-these racist homophobes need to be taken on, and jailed for their demonisation of the first black gay footy icon…Liverpool are still on the docks lump scheme since 1967 by these tweets!
Maybe fellow scouser Edwina Currie needs to have a word-if ONE person gets Salmonella or Bad Egg disease..then hoping the Twatts above get taken to the cleaners-THAT would be a sentence that might kill them…oh dear, how sad and never mind.
Let’s not forget Sir Michael Caine’s views
“You can’t vote for an actor because he’s black. You got to give a good performance”
This is what the activists seem to overlook. Giving people rewards because of race and not ability or merit is just an extension of the something-for-nothing society.
‘Giving people rewards because of race and not ability or merit……’ etc etc. Very true Seismic, though the BBC have practiced the skill for some time now.
And the Oscar for being black goes to … Lizo Mzimba!
I thought of doing Fabrice Muambas life story for next years Oscars!
I know it`s only forty five minutes on a pitch made up to resemble White Hart Lane.
In fact nothing much happens…but it`ll be a shoo in.
Sponsors include Warburtons and Pataks Curry Paste Emporium at this stage.
My only bit of creative license is that it is Jimmy Savile in disguise who jumps out of the stand with a heart monitor and a van that was once his campervan of shame…but is now a loveshack that takes Patrice to Mid-Staffs for specific treatment…redemption for Jimmy, and he proudly hands his “Jim Fixes it For us all” medallion at Wembleys winners balcony to Patrice at the end of this classic “Feel Good British Film”
And Peter Kaye and myself sing “Ebony and Ivory” over the credits at the end, as it segues into Nice One Cyrille…but that`ll be the sequel involving Big Rons Three degrees-my 2018 oscar effort(shhhh!).
Crowd funding welcome you lot….any money spare will go towards my cats gender reassignment surgery…two bricks if you don`t stump up!
Colin Bellend!
Goes without saying that there`s not much acting needed to play dead on a pitch for an hour as we muse on our lilywhite racism…so maybe a starring role for Sir Lenward…he`s wooden enough to do it innit bruv?
Most kind 4D.
But-the racist xenophobic hate hustlers at this site as yet have NOT generated enough moolah for me to go to Hollywood to talk terms.
Not even enough to share a chaise longue with Sir Lenward at whichever Premier Inn he is staying at tonight…got to be rough when Dawn French thinks HE`S the chubby chaser in the relationship.
Only offer so far is to hawk bloody fabric conditioner in Rwanda!
Yes but what about the MINORITIES.. after all there are not enough of them (otherwise they would be democratically electable). An English film awards in Swaheli (direct from Zimbabwe) and translates into Swedish via a compulsory fee Films and BBC TV license fees is the only way backwards. Communal aims and Communal goals, that is the approved EU position on Climate Change.
When the BBC cannot find enough minorities, it can simply HIRE them in for the duration of ‘virtualness’ and ‘well being’ comfort zone media positioning. Liberal angst ‘oh shit’ moments covered. Marxist ‘no border’ dreams revered!.
Visit Rent-a minority and find out how it works. (BBC discount buy-one and get-one free!
That URL link is just brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing that one.
It’s right up there with the bull**** generator.
Wonderful site Philip.
Disappointed though that my minority status…white ,greying hair and anonymous middle aged is not represented though.
I see myself as a lesbian in a mans body and Jennifer Aniston continues to discriminate against me, despite my endless stalks around Central Pert.
Only right that she wasn`t nominated for an Oscar.