Thoughts on this? Not looked into it too much, so not aware of the nitty-gritty (apart from the obvious).
I wonder how the BBC will cover this? (if they do at all).
I also note the lack of coverage being given to the imam that was murdered in Rochdale. The perpetrator wasn’t a UKIP supporting Nazi bastard, so naturally, the BBC have relegated the story to the sidelines.
There’s a cursory mention of hijab and reference to psychiatric care, with “Allahu Akbar” relegated to well down the story. Looks like another lone wolf nutjob then, with nothing to do with other lone wolf nutjobs.
Note the ‘beheading’ in quotes. As if it’s perfectly normal to stumble across randomly found body parts and only then be inspired to shout ‘allahu akbar I am a terrorist’. Horrible.
The only comment/question I have is, who in their right mind would trust their child to someone who dresses like that, or practices ‘that’ religion? Assuming as has been stated elsewhere that the child had blond hair.
I wouldn’t trust such to look after my pet spider…
Looking forward to this one!
Heard Krishnan Guru-Murphy say yesterday on BH(Bogbrush Houndstooth) that he`d just returned from Venezuela.
Surprisingly, it`s a basket case-this seemed to disappoint Speshul Kay because he could have sworn that all his lefty mates here were saying that it was grand…from Hugo,Ken all the way down to Owen, Dianne and Jezman!
Can`t wait to see the Warhol repros of the one loo roll, the three tins of pilchards a la Warhol going on in Snows Snugglehouse as we speak.
But just in case Krispy tries to tell us how great it is`s an adult who knows and doesn`t need to keep flogging the airmiles to dodge the kids polo practice.
I don’t suppose that Mr Guru-Murphy reported on Venezuela’s Social Justice Warriors, their University Safe Spaces or how they are countering the country’s White Privilege? Does Venezuela have its own Handsupdon’tshoot campaign or a Blacklivesmatter movement? No, I don’t suppose they do; I’d imagine they are not priorities when serious matters like what to use as toilet paper, or even if the toilet can be flushed, take up a large proportion of the citizens’ day to day lives.
I suppose the Venezuelan workers are kept busy preparing splendid welcomes for visiting Trades Unionists, Durham Miner’s leaders (with no miners to lead) Labour MPs, (Yes Diane Abott is expensive to feed), former London Mayors, and the usual Trots from Left Unity.
It is like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw together.
I don’t listen much to the BBC these days, I don’t have a T.V. so I have spared myself the task of watching the propaganda.
I’m not sure why, maybe a sixth sense, but today I caught myself out by listening to the 1.00pm news (Radio 4), in particular, the segment after 1.30pm.
In this segment, they were talking about the cyber attack in the Ukraine where large numbers of people suffered outages of their electrical power supply. Introduced was an “expert” who stated that these cyber attacks could take place anywhere at anytime to anybody and that governments and power suppliers were to up their efforts to protect their supply of power to the users, industry and Joe public.
Today, our very own Met Office, have kindly informed us, that because of sudden atmospheric warming, we and others in the Northern Hemisphere might well fall foul of our very own Polar Vortex and as a result we could in March shiver all day and all night and have a snowy Easter which is early this year.
Throughout Met Forums, in particular ‘notmanypeopleknowthat’, there has been extensive coverage of the disastrous Gordon Brown “Climate Change Act” and the rush of the U.K. government following the IPCC Paris Party, to slash our Co2 emissions to virtually nothing. This slashing of emissions means the closure of all our coal powered generating stations and to commit to windmills (in your mind) and solar panels to provide power for the U.K. Unfortunately for us, the power generating companies have been warning for sometime now, that they cannot produce enough capacity and that the lights will go off during an extended cold period.
So there you have it. It is going to get cold, there is insufficient power generation because of the renewable legacy, the lights are about to go off and the BBC are already priming us that it will be a Cyber attack. The pieces of a BBC jigsaw puzzle fit so nicely together don’t they?
I heard a little bit on Radio 4 about the cyber attack on Ukraine at lunchtime, introduced as ‘You’ll all remember when there was a cyber attack in Ukraine…”
No. What I do remember is that there was a war there that was all over the news one minute, then as if it had never happened the next. The EU had something to do with it. Yeah, whatevs eh. Down the memory hole.
Interesting jigsaw solution there, though, TOB. The only one I can easily solve at the moment has fewer pieces, and comes down to the snug and satisfying coupling of much more in-depth reports on things like dementia and unscrupulous Age Charities etc coming coincidentally at the same time over-75s are to be encouraged to ignore their right not to pay the licence fee.
‘…I’m not sure why, maybe a sixth sense, but today I caught myself out by listening to the 1.00pm news (Radio 4), in particular, the segment after 1.30pm…’
Not sixth sense at all OB. It’s going on all day every day.
Yep, that’s the beeb for ya – Global Warming’ll freeze yer bollocks off. But yes, I take your point, they do chuck stuff out there to prime folks for future lies. They really are a most despicable organisation.
Here’s another jigsaw piece from TODAY today(!), The Old Bloke, yet to be mangled to fit in with the AGW/CC Agenda.
They are after diesel vehicles today, even going after those heroic transporters of the working woman (and working man) known as buses; those same buses that John Prescott decreed from his two Jaguar cars would save us all from frying before 2010 because they were so cleeeeaaann.
With reference to the power outages (apologies for the Americanism but I have experienced a few of these in LA – in September!), before the windmills seize up with ice & the solar panels get so cold that snow settles all over them, I understand the power generators for final back-up, turn for their electricity to small local generating stations powered not by …
… wind …
… or sun …
… or coal, even …
… but by diesel fuel.
Oh, dear! There goes the air quality just as the cold, heavy air keeps it all close to our heads.
If only there was some global warming and the sun beating down out of a blue sky, even if it is a bit hazy eh?
Rendering it in BBC terms ‘sources who say’, and she can likely claim MP integrity, which if black is double plus good, for not having to specify or substantiate.
Yep, any friend of UKIP who`s deliberately setting out in the media with a mind of their own is to be cherished and looked out for.
My case list of people I have to mind includes Syd Little…
Who the hell is THAT sat next to the cleaner (and no I don’t mean Andy Burnham) ! she looks like a character out of Father Ted ! poor woman doesn’t look well.
Saving the workers is such a privilege, a rewarding task that brings joy & gladness to the heart.
If not the face.
Burnham looks about to cry, Abbott is struggling to stay awake and the MP next to her is obviously wishing Jeremy would hurry up and finish because she needs to get a move on elsewhere in a much smaller chamber.
MSN have been running this various lefties have expressed their disgust at how “Waycist” this is. However none of them seem keen on replying to my question as to how it’s “Waycist”. Strange thing when I worked for a high street department store (all the cleaners were white) sales staff were clamouring to get cleaners jobs as thy had more hours & higher wages. In fact everywhere I’ve worked the cleaners male and female how been white.
Unless she is prepared to name the other person I would say it was a figment of her imagination. Was she wearing a housecoat and carrying a mop at the time? It sounds to me like a standard piece of left wing agitprop. I will file it with Hillary Clinton coming under sniper fire in Bosnia.
All look the same, so who`d know their names?
Guessing they`ve all got their names sewn into their undies, so others might know who they are.
The women are either lesbian chic, bisto boys, chubsters or earnest Oxfam helpers who now find themselves heading up charities, unions and lady sanctuaries.
Neither pre-nor post-sitting on the fence transitioners…think Wakehurst must grow them, because I`ve never seen any in real life-just on the BBC or Labours wench bench with chaperone Jizzle Gummidge.
The right-as my inside leg information snout at the BBC tells me-has all the bext birds….More Or Less would confirm that as would Womans Hour if you asked.
The Labour lumpies could do a lot worse that enjoy the style of a Suzanne Evans, the winsome feminity of Sarah Palin.
Maybe a petition for 10 Downing St here to debate…such things do matter-Andrea Dworkin and Valeris Solas said as much
The UK’s ties with Saudi Arabia have come under growing strain in recent months over how to balance human rights concerns with the government’s desire to promote a crucial trade and investment relationship. The Arab state sits on more than a quarter of the world’s known oil reserves, making it one of the richest countries in the Middle East and a vital strategic partner to many Western nations. It is also home to the birthplace of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad and the cradle of Islam. Its rulers espouse a strict version of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism. The Wahhabi interpretation of Islamic law includes harsh punishments such as public beheadings and restrictions on women. How did Wahhabism gain so much influence in the country? What, in turn, has been its effect on the stability of the region and the wider world?
Although I wouldn’t go so far as to allege bias, it does pull its punches. The two Muslim commentators are reasonable and considered in the analysis of the effect Saudi promotion of Wahabism is having on European and US Muslims, the white British commentator is a complete left wing ass who simply won’t hear any kind of criticism of UK Muslims in any way, no matter how true or reasonable it might be. (Simon Labourne ? Maybourne?) couldn’t catch his name.
Saudi money has built thousands of mosques and madrassas to promote its intolerant and violent narrative, and the wider consideration is apparently Saudi control over as many Muslims as possible.
The amount of money being pumped into the West dwarfs that which the Soviet Union was spending on propaganda, and we all know how much trouble that caused here.
I see this as a further vindication of the probability Saudi and other Sunni oil rich countries are bribing Western politicians, and the fact that the BBC have finally caught up to this Saudi influencing will perhaps mean that the more serious allegations might not be that far away in coming.
Well here’s a story. After going back and listening again his name is very indistinct, but turns out to be Dr Simon Mabon. He is given the very senior title of “Director of International Relations at Lancaster University” That would be a very senior position, but unfortunately it isn’t true.
Simon Mabon hasn’t even made it to the rank of professor, he is according to his web page a ‘lecturer’. Not to decry his achievement, but this is only the second rank on the academic scale; Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Reader, Professor, Dean, Director, Vice Chancellor.
Other than trying to give someone the status they don’t have why would the BBC aggrandise someone in this way, and why wouldn’t they at least attempt to employ the most senior academics they could lay their hands on?
Perhaps the truth might lie in the fact that they don’t share the far left bias of the BBC, and they are only prepared to allow those who share their beliefs and then attempt to give credence by exaggerating their academic standing?
Honest enough…nice for someone to give himself a health warning before he breathes over us.
And at least we know now what Socialist Media are all about.
Looks like Danny Mills-and reckon that Simon Le Bon was who Lancaster were hoping to recruit.
And -in a real sense-Simon turns out to be smarter than most in our Uni Dipartimentos.
” It`s all about as easy as a nuclear war”…discuss!
Professor Garold Kemp to address us.
Listening to Ernie Reas camel droppings being tippie-toed around re that religion in Saudi that some fuss over apparently.
Heard some sociology type tell me that looking into the Salafists and Wahabis sends IS all the wrong mesages. Austria hardly welcoming, so he says.
Churches and synagogues just as bad anyway. Some bloke who`d been imprisoned in Saudi for years, some woman talking about Saudi problems with women?
Tsk…Ernie was concerned that these unplesantnesses might give us the wrong impression.
So there you go-“Beyond Belief” it was called.
Well-in this case-true enough.
Send for Father Larry Duff!….who would be great fun and dance around the sandpits in a more subtle and knowledgeable way.
It wasn’t Ernie Rae who was commenting about Austria, and churches & synagogues, but the appalling Fascist Leftie Simon what ever his name was.
Just going to prove that if the Fascist Left weren’t quite so rabidly insane we might be able to get along with each other a little better.
I know-and to be fair, Rea is just a willing softie.
Andrex puppies for a nice life and for Islamic niceness…doiley, toilet roll cover and a toilet duck that they won`t cook, after biting its head off.
Poor Ernie-neither fast or a milkman either.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or in a nice, predominantly white middle-upper class leafy suburban neighbourhood somewhere like …hmm, let’s say Surrey, or settling for the BBC as your main source for news, you can’t have failed to notice Norway’s been in the news a lot recently: Government-placed ads in Afghan newspapers to deter asylum seekers, refusing to accept immigrants without visas, immigrant deportation disputes with Russia, having to offer immigrants lessons in how to treat women and places on anti-rape courses, vigilante patrols, etc, etc.
With Norway part of the Schengen Agreement but not a member of the EU, and O’Sullivan’s wife being Norwegian, I wonder if his song is actually a defiant anthemic protest of sorts that’s slipped past the BBC Gestapo censors. I mean, the lyrics could be perceived as cryptic in places and with the chorus it kind of sounds like he’s singing ‘Norway!’.
We’ve been hearing today one of the consequences of Camerons hopeless ineptitude, except that because it’s in the BBCs interests they aren’t telling us that!
Apparently the NHS is so short of nurses that they’re having to go to the Philippines to try to recruit some! What they aren’t telling you is that short sighted Lazy Daveys Tories saw an opportunity to cut some cost in the immediate term, by slashing the number of training places, for nurses & doctors.
Well that might save a small amount for a short time, but even in the short term it’s going to bite you in the arse when the NHS inevitably runs out of UK trained nurses, which is exactly what’s happened.
Lazy Davey has replied by saying there are more nurses employed by the NHS now, which actually tells us nothing about what we need to know.
When we fail to train our own people they end up (or someone else) always on benefits and a foreigner, who sends money out of the country takes the job.
The short sightedness of the Tories is unbelievable sometimes, their greed appears to blind them to reality.
They seem also to have missed out that student nurses will no longer qualify for bursaries and will be finishing their training with a debt to repay on their loan, thus making it even less appealing to British school leavers.
Can anyone explain why the Philippines is the “go to” destination for recruiting nurses now?
I understand the rules on EU nationals and I understand people from the Commonwealth coming to the UK to nurse but what is Britains relationship with the Philippines that our hospitals should be filling with Filipino nationals? It can’t be on price because nurses are hired on standard NHS terms in the NHS.
Can anyone explain why the Philippines is the “go to” destination for recruiting nurses now?
Its not just now ’embolden’ , its been going on for years. I’ve long suspected there is a Nurse Breeding Programme in existence on those islands – as soon as one batch is ready for export, a few months later another comes along waiting to be despatched.
During my time in the NHS most of the ward staff were Philippinos who regularly worked double shifts and weekends, to send money home. As we have plundered so many thousands of the islanders, I’ve wondered if their own health service has suffered because of this.
My wife is a Graduate Nurse from the Philippines. English is an official language of the Philippines but to be fair it aint British English as we know it! The work ethic is considerably better than other nations who have “enriched” the NHS. There is less back stabbing and more willingness to follow directions from senior staff. When reprimanded they are more likely to improve rather than file a discrimination case. They tolerate other nationalities, not just their own. We do have some outstanding indigenous Nurses here and a few remaining colleges which churn out reliable newbies but the “everyone must have a degree” culture has completely dumbed down nursing generally in this country and I am glad I am no longer in the NHS, working in a culture that appoints on colour rather than merit. So I guess another reason for the Philippines is that a box can be ticked.
Thirteen years ago a nurse from the Philippines was explaining to me that she was working in the UK away from her young family so that she could put them through university when they were older. She had last seen them three years ago, because she had been going through the UK qualification process. She would be on leave and visiting them in a few months time.
She also explained that although the Philippines was a relatively poor nation they had built a good, accessible health service there & prided themselves that it would be the basis for improving prosperity for all in the country. It had been set back by the UK & the West sucking the best staff away to work for our health systems.
Is that true, AL. Can your wife back that up or is it a partial or one sided view?
I have always felt uneasy about the Left’s insistence on doing this sort of thing. Despite their so-called ‘Internationalism’, to me it has always smacked of a nasty form of neo-Imperialism and exploitation.
thanks for your comment.
I have worked with Filipinos over the years, in UK and abroad and I recognise part of the picture you present.
My experience was that Filipinos, who are generally culturally Christians were as you describe but in recent years I have seen the development of chippyness and complaints about “perceived racism” amongst some.
When I worked abroad I was aware of a steady stream of people being found to have bogus Filipino qualifications and being swiftly deported from the Gulf state where I worked. There was rumoured to be an extensive industry back in the islands (and even in the gulf state itself) churning out bogus nursing certificates.
I agree with your comments about the “dumbing down” of nursing, paradoxically linked with the “everyone must have degrees” development. The problem seems to me to be about nursing education being infested with a number of influential wannabe social scientists, wannabe doctors and politically correct hierarchy challengers rather than people looking to train and educate caring people who want to help doctors and patients, and gain the knowledge to do so.
Nursing is not unappealing to British school leavers and there is no shortage of applicants. The issue is a little more complex than it appears, as the shortages are historical, and of experienced nurses rather than NQs, as well as specific to hospitals in unappealing locations. Unfortunately this has been a result of making nursing into a university degree course leading to nursing students moving away from home and aquiring a taste for the bright city lights, rather than training at their local hospital and marrying their childhood sweetheart on qualifying, as they might once have done.
Why the Phillipines? Beceause in the poverty stricken Phillipines girls who may have no interest in nursing nevertheless see it as an escape route and a passport to Britain or the USA. They improve their own marriage prosepcts no end too since they offer a futurwe husband a way out at the same time. Phillipines prodcue nurses for export as it were and families will pool resources to train a daughter sister grandaughter
Interesting insight. Do the Filipino nurses have to get a degree? If not,why are we importing them to fill up places left vacant because we force British girls to get a degree to become a nurse?
The Filipino nurse that I spoke with was highly qualified & experienced in the career in her own country. She spoke good English, too. She still had to go through the UK vetting procedure but at the time of our conversation, in the UK for three years including the vetting period, was promoted to and working as whatever they call Ward Sisters (Ward Managers?) these days.
I did not ask if she had a nursing degree.
It was she who volunteered the information about the health system in the Philippines and I got the impression that it was regarded as an employer in the Philippines that everyone wanted to work for. Not as a route out of the country & to overseas but for the prestige of being employed in health and being involved in transforming their country for the better.
Aborigine Londoner may be able to confirm that for us: that the Philippines health service is a prime career move for school leavers like the Civil Service in France, Law in the USA and Accountancy in the UK.
She was taking the long term view on working here. Her sacrifice in leaving young children with husband & grandparents would pay off in the future for the children, especially in their education.
Luckily the £6M and counting pension pot of one Botney is secure, as is the set aside for market rate cock-ups on HR and IT, but one suspects the bleating on cuts will be directed elsewhere.
Another for the bBBC hypocrisy list. ‘Girls in tech’ competition won by boy EDF Energy has been criticised after a 13-year-old-boy won a competition that was part of a campaign to attract teenage girls to the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths.
The BBC understands that the decision had been made to open the competition up to both genders in the interests of fairness, and that the contest attracted “a couple of hundred” entries. Following three events held in the UK for girls last year, the contest was extended online and made available to boys as well.
So, it’s ‘fair’ to open it to boys and girls, but the rest of the bBBC ‘news’ item whinges that the winner was a boy.
Channel 5 destroyed the jobs of these vulnerable workers of old.
I could once traipse up and down the south coast seeking the bearded lady, the dwarf who could rest Camilla on his pointed head.
They`re none of them available for us all to wonder at any more-as I say, they`re all on Channel 5, working steadily up to You and Yours type of agitprop…all Colleges must have a registered beard plaiter who can do the corn rows should they be called upon, being the next stage to liberal freakery nirvana.
Wonder if Calais currently holds a few bearded ladies?…or pointy headed little ones who could balance a Jenni?
Now THEY need to be at the front of the queue…let`s get creative people!
I can already see a problem with the standard of boys participating in next years under 14s event with all those ROPer doctors and engineers fleeing certain death in the war zones of Greece and Turkey.
It is however a win – win for the young ladies encouraged to enter this completely none politicised competition, because not only are they going to learn about the wonders of science, they are also going to experience first hand the peaceful beauty of ROPer enrichment by those 36 year old looking children.
Its utterly racist and islamaphobic if we do not actively encourage these vulnerable, desperate, terrified children into giving some good old ROPer enrichment to our young ‘asking for it’ ladies
Hi folks it’s been a while, but I thought upon my return I’d cheer you all up with this far-Left propaganda from the BBC’s favourite rag; never mind ISIS, the Guardian sees the real threat in the ‘far-Right’ – (not sure how many terrorist attacks have been down to far-Right terrorism over the years but that doesn’t stop the left from fabricating the same old anti-west enemy:
Benjy was only attacked because his poems were crap.
It`s only what any sensitive critic would have done-and we stifled this , and so created that whiff of dope, pomade and entitlement that is branded as “Kwesi-Johnson eau du parfait”.
I blame Marley-had he not stubbed his toe on Clapham Common trying to be Julian Dicks, the likes of Bungee and Linton, Bonnie and bloody Darcus would not have stuffed the BBCs plonker rosters.
Eventually the BBC ran the story of the Burka clad woman with a child’s head.
But will they cover this story of a man in the Netherlands arrested for wearing a child’s pig hat? Too daring.
Just look at the number of cops involved.
This tells me that the authorities in Europe are becoming very scared.
Sorry..i pressed report by accident…delete that……..the people should have showered the stupid dumb cops with 1000’s of paintballs…and…chanted traitors at them..
‘Peace’, but not as we know it. As long as Golan Heights and the oil that Genie Energy have claims on remains in Israeli control, Syria can go to Hell as far as many investors are concerned.
If it is a relative peace, then what happens next with pipeline deals will be of crucial importance to Europe, if it wants to bypass Russia.
Al Beeb are still bigging up the attack on the Macedonian border by what from the pictures look to be aggressive young male chancers. Or should that be frustrated doctors and engineers?
Women and children seem to be absent from the footage shown.
That doesnt stop Al Beeb going into emotion overdrive at the use of TEAR GAS by the police trying to keep the border closed. Queue emotional coverage of women and children being affected by tear gas, with the obvious subtext that they should be allowed in.
The BBC is just such a stinking pile of turd, isn’t it just.
I also noticed the police used Flash Bombs as well – scared the crap out all those doctors and engineers wanting to help us out of our poverty stricken existence.
Well done boys, but can I suggest something that may be more effective – try Stun Grenades next time.
Interestingly, initially the rocks came first followed by the response.
Later on it was tear gas deployed with reasons at best vague, in the style of BBC Gaza ‘rockets? What rockets?’ Coverage.
And presuming it took a build up to get to the gas stage, were these women a children ushers to the front per Hamas SOP to get the full televisual impact?
If it’s like this in early March, just think what it’s going to be like on the ‘eastern front’ when spring starts properly in a few weeks. I suspect the migrants are going to get more desperate to get in before it gets more difficult, as they are probably well aware that the mood in Europe is changing against them. It will be interesting to see how the Beeb reports violent confrontations at border points. I suspect it may just ignore them.
See thats where its all gone wrong, 20, 30, 40 years ago that kid would have been coming out of cubs, judo, football practice or a detention, Iman was a baddie on Doctor Who and the car an instantly recognisable Leyland or Ford not some nondescript EuroBox…
BBC Newsnight lived up to it’s reputation of possibly the most biased BBC television news programme tonight (alongside Question Time and News at Ten)
Evan Davies interviewed Caroline Lucas, Ken Livingstone and Giles Fraser on the subject of to leave or to remain in the European Union. Thus we had Caroline Lucas a firm supporter of remaining because of an assured trade situation plus climate change policies and of course climate change as well as climate change – did I mention climate change?
Ken Livingstone now a firm supporter of remaining for reasons of jobs security and employment laws and last but not least a Brexit supporter ‘let them all in’ Giles Fraser who feels passionately about sovereignty but doesn’t believe in controlled immigration (a subject that was not discussed)
So result was :
Remain – 2
Leave – 1 (with half mark deducted for wanting open borders).
Come on Newsnight you must be more subtle in your propaganda attempts.
I’m probably a bit behind, as usual, and apologies to anyone who has already pointed this out , but did anyone catch today’s sweet little BBC News article ‘ London Mayor Election 2016: What is a Londoner?’. The author of the piece is called Esther Webber. She seems to have been widely used by the BBC during the Scottish referendum (now there’s a surprise). Here is an extract:
But what exactly is a Londoner, if such a tribe exists? How should we understand their needs, thoughts and feelings?
Staking a stronger claim than most under this category is Tara van Gastel, 30.
She was born at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, and went to the same Tooting school as her mother before her, who moved to south London from Jamaica as a child. She says her parents, despite emigrating in the 1960s, see themselves as Jamaicans first, whereas she and her siblings are very much Londoners.
She takes a firm line: “It totally annoys me when tourists come from the shires and claim to be from London. Unless you were born here, and raised here, and have seen the changes in London from the 1980s at least, then no, you’re not a Londoner.”
She says for her, being a Londoner is bound up in the memories evoked by different parts of the city: “For me, walking down The Cut in Waterloo will always be exciting. Getting off the bus there and feeling like you’re in old London, looking at the [Old Vic and Young Vic] theatres, it definitely gave me the idea of becoming a drama teacher.”
So in BBC La La land immigrants are true Londoners and ‘people from the shires’ are unwelcome tourists. So be it. What Ms Van Gastel fails to understand, unlike those of us Londoners and shire dwellers with more ancient links to the land, its cities, towns and villages, is that in 2016 no one (with the exception of the Windsors) can lay any claim to any part of Britain. Anyone who rocks up from anywhere can claim as much right to the bits of England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Northern Ireland allocated to the plebs as anyone whose ancestral roots go back for many hundreds of years. Ms Van Gastel and her family have no more right to London than the next wave of immigrants who choose to live there. Thank you to whoever it was on this site who pointed me in the direction of Unbound Philanthropy. Further investigation makes for deeply depressing reading but explains a great deal about what is being done to us.
London is lost now and that is that. It is someplace other than England. But England is still there and despite the best efforts of the marxists in the BBc and the rest will not give way . Yet another compelling reason to vote to leave the EU.
I believe the term cockney was originally a derogatory term used by the men from the shires in past times. Something to do with their unhealthy looks and poor physique.
London has always been something of an international city from the moment it was built. It has also attracted people from outside and even, at times, taken deliberate measures to keep people from outside, outside!
Hence, Southwark. 😉
Tara, with the Dutch/Swiss/German/Austrian surname, who was born in London is a true Londoner. If you were not born there, you are only a Londoner by adoption. Nowt wrong with that. Most of my grandparents were in that category.
Sadly, from my point of view, London is now pushing its sons and daughters out, to make room for outsiders who only bring wealth and money, in the hope of making a fast buck.
Number 7
You are passing it over to the wrong person who probably wont reply.
Our ‘used car sales man’ is not only selling our sovereignty and independence to the ‘devil’ but is now starting to turn on his own grass roots supporters.
It is already happening on a smaller scale. In my area the city produces two M.P.s and the set up is quite sensibly shared to keep costs down, and as active numbers dwindle has to be considered.
It would probably be better to wait until, hopefully, the reduction to 600 M.P.s is achieved, if they can get it through the House of Lords! That will not affect the shires too much, which are currently under represented, but will the slash the current Welsh over representation and Scottish and Northern Irish to a lesser extent, but most constituency boundaries will be changed, which is part of DC’s attempt to bully “leavers” by saying they may not get selected for the reduced number of “safe” seats on offer.
Has anyone else noticed that the Weather Forecasts now seem to be exclusively using the EU’s preferred divisions of the UK into regions, as per North England, Wales, Southern England, Scotland, Northern Scotland, etc? Am I just not able to concentrate anymore, as it’s all so boring finding out what happened everywhere else today before they tack on a forecast so loaded with assumptions – rain is bad, sunshine is lovely, wind is dangerous – that I go to sleep? I just don’t seem to hear any references to North and South of the M4; a line from the Wash to ..where..? Even the Marches don’t exist anymore. Perhaps I’m finally tipping over into paranoia, but it feels like the obliteration of meaningful boundaries and place-names.
Weather does not recognise boundaries.
The weather forecasters cant even get that right , just like Global Warming .
Like the EU – a total waste of money .
Can you work this woman out ?
Sturgeon “again re-iterated that if Scotland voted to remain in the EU on 23 June while the UK as a whole voted to leave, it could trigger demands for a second independence referendum.”
So she doesn’t want to trigger another referendum – Right ?
In that case she wants Scotland to remain within the UK.
Answers to
In the admittedly unlikely event that the vote in Scotland is in favour of leaving and the rest of the UK for staying, would she then call for Scotland to be independent and outside the EU? No, I thought as much.
Sturgeon is one of the most odious people in politics today. She is a career politician who says anything to get attention (e.g. personally taking in refugees). She still doesn’t want to face up to the fact the SNP lost the Scottish referendum (at the time I was pleased they voted to stay, but now don’t care what they do because of people like her).
Worst of all, the campaign she led last year featured the intimidation of all those voting to stay in the uk. People were afraid to say they wanted to remain part of the uk for fear of her SNP thugs putting a brick through their window. I suspect the same thing will happen with the EU referendum but will we hear about it in the BBC? I doubt it.
Its a conundrum for scottish pro eu and pro independence voters because if they want to have another referendum they will have to vote to leave the eu. Cognitive disonance. Does wee jimmey krankey know that she has bolstered the leave campaign or is she feek. On another note sky news has become worse than the bbc ref the eu and migrants gimmigrants rapefugees is there any unbiased news out there?
Re: recent posts; have you noticed that weather forecasters are increasingly playing ‘good cop bad cop’.
They’re either issuing dramatic weather warnings, or calling rain ‘damp’, wind ‘breeze’ and temperatures in February ‘cool’ FFS .
BBC exercises restraint… for now?
A child was tragically killed in Manchester on Monday, after a car struck him and failed to stop. Here’s the report from the BBC and it seems neutral and factual:
Now look at the same incident as reported on the ultra-left Huffington Post, titled “Boy, 11, Dead After Hit-And-Run Attack Outside Manchester Mosque”|uk|dl1|sec3_lnk4%26pLid%3D435053
There is, of course, no evidence that it was an ‘attack’, which implies intention and none is cited. Also note the reference to the mosque plus a photograph of a leafy street, whereas the BBC have used one of the somewhat dilapidated back street where the incident appears to have taken place.
The Huffington Post is part owned and financed by globalist billionaire George Soros. Whilst the BBC is to be commended for its non-sensationalist reporting of this horrible incident, it will be interested to see whether it holds the line or reverts to type and switches to a Huffington Post-style approach.
The Agenda on ITV used to be a welcome alternative to QT minus audience participation, so last night’s version came as a major turn-off, almost as if produced by the BBC with Trump bashing from all five panellists much to the fore.
A woman from the financial sector made little or no impact while Julia Hartley-Brewer was a shadow of her former self. J. Corbyn however demonstrated extraordinary political naivety by stressing how the support for Trump reflected the shallowness and anger of the electorate – overlooking the fact that he owes his present tenuous position to exactly the same angst from the other end of the political spectrum. And last but not least Marcus ffucking-Brigstocke, getting in semi-clever little digs at Trump, racists in general and Farage in particular. He arbitrarily introduced Nigel to the discussion by describing him as an ex-public school banker – missing the annoying detail that this semi-literate tosser masquerading as a comedian has a banker for a father and went to a succession of ‘privately funded’ schools (no details on why he changed so frequently). He also enjoys dual French nationality, which has to be the icing on our cake.
Agenda? All too predictable I’m afraid.
BBC news last night at 10. Must have had a fit of the “charter renewal vapours”.
A report from the Greek- Macedonian border in which a migrant told us that the police reacted with tear gas because the people threw stones and bottles at them.
A report from a car racing circuit in the three states area (Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina) in which every single man asked said he was voting for Trump.
Twatstocke is too stupid to understand that Farage was never a banker, he was a commodities trader in the City. It is nothing to do with “banking”, but I suppose as a luvvie he cannot be expected to know anything about the people he so casually mocks.
I’m going to take a stab at the cause being our invasion of peaceful Iraq. If not that then it’s definitely because there’s not enough diversity at the Oscar’s
Ah, back in normal mode after last night then. Last nights 10 o’clock report from Calais pointed out that the jungle was being demolished and replaced by converted shipping containers that are heated inside. They interviewed an African who said no one wanted to go to the new accomodation because you had to be hand printed and registered and this would affect a subsequent asylum claim “somewhere else in Europe” which I understood as across the channel.
Here we are as a country and a people facing perhaps the most important vote in a generation (if not longer). But I don’t give a stuff about that. I’m really concerned that there aren’t enough people with black skins at the Oscars. Yep, I stay awake at night worrying about that. Oh, and I’m a bit concerned about homophobia in football too just as I’m sure you all are!
Sorry for being late on this one but did anyone see the Sunday Politics?
Andrew Neil is the only good thing on the BBC. He gave Howard a right kicking for the “OUT” camp. Alan Johnson was up for the “IN” camp. We all knew what I was expecting. How wrong I was.
Brillo took him apart. I repeat, APART. They do seem to be personal friends, as can be seen by the top and tail of the interrogation (it was not an interview). Take a look at it, it is well worth it.
I watched it Glenn and have to say how impressed I was with Andrew Neil.
Recently I’ve found him very disappointing and was worried that he had gone full native but I thought yesterday he was back on form – impartial, forensic and completely in control.
If anything, he gave Alan Johnson an easy ride; but let’s be honest, Alan Johnson may be a nice guy but intellectual colossus he is not.
A couple of things that didn’t get picked up on:-
1) During the Michael Howard interview Andrew Neil stated that the head of Interpol (Rob Wainwright), who was British, had claimed we were better in than out for security reasons. Michael Howard failed to counter the argument by pointing out the obvious – if we left the EU, he would lose his job – no surprise a turkey doesn’t vote for Christmas.
2) Alan Johnson couldn’t help himself when he stated that we were the fifth biggest economy in the world but “the fourth when we were in power”. Andrew Neil failed to point out that that was only before 2008 and the economic crash, when our bankers were fiddling the books with the help of Gordon Brown. After the crash we, as a country also crashed to seventh in the economic table.
Poor old Johnson blurted out that migration will go UP if we leave the EU.
His reason for this?…that our economy will do so well without carrying Junckers Sedan Chair around-or having to empty Tusks commode upon our grandkids-that people will flood into the now-free UK.
I mean-what talent wants to go down with the EU Paedello,when a free trade UK offers a fresh start?-and may we send the likes of Johnson, Mandelson and others of Yesterdays Men back to Brussels in a stiffy bag…with the BBC shovelling their shit over themselves whilst they`re both in the last ditch of Mollenbeek as well.
No traitors-no BBC -dare we DREAM of such?
He seems to think if we just shackle ourselves to the EU corpse, then we`ll get migrants…but more Islams vultures and labours druggies, trannies and paedos on the voting roll.
As opposed to decent worldwide talent who DON`T want to chop the heads off Brirtish serving soldiers…who the left would always prefer.
Hope Johnson is the Eurine Face of fuckery…if HiS smug mug doesn`t get us our majority then they deserve the clueless cuck to deliver the fatwas to come.
Macedonia border update. Tuesday morning. Another day. No change at the bBBC.
Still first item on Al Beeb news at 7am, 3rd item at 8am.
Then first story after 8am news.
It’s just never ending.
And to treat us, we had to listen to Mandelson’s patronising tones.
The great and the good are all having a go at Macedonia for using tear gas. OMG. Will the world end?
Yet the Macedonia police’s report of ‘violent attacks on the border’ is manifestly true from the video evidence.
I do wish the students in the bBBC newsroom and the rest of the liberal left would just go and crawl under some stones and stay there.
Today Programme in full pro-immigrant and pro-EU mode this morning. Mr Savage the latest bleeding heart embedded reporter in Greece and the Balkans, announces that the young males battering the wire down at the Macedonian border have the necessary papers, whatever that means. The clear implication is that they are legal migrants and are free to travel wherever they like within the EU. What arrogance! The prime 8.15 slot is then allocated to an extended interview with Lord Mandy of Brazillianboy. Like Lord Kinnock of Welshwindbag he is a failed labour politician who was then rewarded with years on the EU gravy train . Mandy tells us that Merkel is a moral person which explains why Germany has triggered this migrant crisis and ridden roughshod over democratic governments in Eastern and Southern Europe. We then learn that Britain has no chance of negotiating trade agreements within 2 or 3 years because those moral Europeans will play hardball over all the small print. No balancing view is given against any of this propaganda.
Propaganda is all about the choice of exact words isn’t it? This pro-immigration piece on the BBC this morning introduced ‘one of the biggest problems facing Europe is the uncontrollable immigration crisis’. No Beeb, it is not uncontrollable it is simply uncontrolled.
Of course, these two things are very different. The Beeb version implies that it is a problem exerted from outside and which we can only desperately address at the edges, trying to do something about.
The true version, of course, is that the leaders of the EU have simply chosen to create this crisis in order to show how morally superior they are to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. It is not uncontrollable at all, it’s just that they have decided to do nothing about it.
It’s no more uncontrollable than a tap leaking in my loft, if I ignore it (or go upstairs and open the tap a bit more, which seems to be the EU solution) then it will cause a disaster. If I choose to control the leak instead, by turning the tap off or getting it fixed, then it will not be a disaster.
The left, through their limitless narcissism and over-riding psychological need to show everyone how worthy they are, are completely destroying western civilisation. They are too blinkered to see it. Worse than that, if they even see it, their desire to be ‘worthy’ and better than everyone else immediately trumps any sensible action they might think of as ‘racist’.
Leftism is a mental illness.
How tragic that these stupid people gravitate exactly to the jobs where they can have influence without having any responsibility for anything and wallow in an endless pit of self-congratulation. Welcome to the BBC.
Think we are all Mancunians today!
That distinction between uncontrollable and uncontrolled is what Orwell would have loved.
Well done George Irwell!
Hat`s off to another Salford Jet!
manchesterlad – great post – ref ‘choice of exact words’ well spotted.
The mental illness of the loony left/wet liberals etc. is their inability to balance compassion with the necessary requirement for self preservation. I like to think of the lifeboat analogy i.e. who would be prepared to give up their (and their families) place in a lifeboat to some unfortunate struggling in the sea? Apart from Giles Fraser that is.
Agree totally. Let us remember that it is the liberal left who have actually created the crisis in the first place by cajoling governments into toppling the dictators along the African coast and egging on the ‘moderates’ in Syria. Remember the ecstatic reports every night on the BBC about how marvelous the Arab Spring was. But all sensible people knew that this was likely to end with chaos in those countries and end badly for us. Also I don’t know what impression of the UK the BBC World Service gives to those in the Levant or Africa but I suspect that it is one in which the UK will be a generous host which will welcome them with open arms. This despite polls showing that a majority in the UK don’t want any in our country.
On the Daily Politics today there was an excellent example of how far the liberal left thinking has penetrated into the establishment. David Anderson, who is the independent scrutineer in chief of government anti terror policies , mouthed such platitudes as, ‘any powers of detention etc must be used without any ethnic bias’, and,’ great care must be taken not to alienate Muslims’, and, ‘ there is growing evidence of the extreme right terrorist plots’. Of course he sees all the evidence and we don’t, but have you ever heard of any extreme right wingers in the UK murdering people? And what % of terrorist in Europe are Muslim, at least 95% . We also had the usual BBC piece of a Muslim saying how isolated their community was and how they felt threatened . They should ask themselves why that might be but the BBC never allows anyone to say that to them.
He pointed out that there have been more Republican terror incidents in Northern Ireland in the past few years than there have been Muslim attacks on the UK. Perhaps he should consider where appeasement gets you! Then he came with a typical liberal left contradiction, on the one hand he felt that Parliament had to have the final say on all matters, particularly those affecting civil liberties and that if this role was left to the executive , eg ministers, without proper parliamentary scrutiny , democracy and rule of law would soon be lost. He is of course right, as the Mail is telling us this week,this was exactly what happened when Blair and Brown were PM. But a minute later he said that he thought leaving the EU would be bad for the UK because we wouldn’t have so effective cooperation on terrorism. How do you square democratic accountability, with being run by a nonelected, unaccountable oligarchy in Brussels? Ms Coburn of course lapped all this up.
We did finish on a bit of sense when the UKIP rep ( sorry forgotten her name) made a strong case that until you had the infrastructure , houses, schools , hospitals etc etc you couldn’t take many migrants . Even Ken Livingstone agreed, but that numpty wanted us to build asap so we could do our duty and take a couple of million. Even the BBC seems to now accept the fact that if you have lots on migrants entering a country they need somewhere to live and this increases the number of houses you need etc etc. I’m sure that the BBC and Labour spent ages before the last election telling that migration had NO IMPACT on houses , schools etc. Someone earlierposted that leftism is a form of mental illness. I think he was right.
Absolutely spot on, the Liberal lefts dream world free of imperialism and colonialism followed by the liberal interventionists world of dictator removal and regime change has been achieved and what an advance for humanity it has been.
The white man put down his burden and went home.
Only to be followed by ever increasing numbers of the liberated peoples of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, who found their new rulers even less attractive than their “colonial oppressors”.
Subsequent attempts at liberal interventions lead to short term gains but gradually unravelled as Libyans and Iraqis find themselves liberated, turn on their liberators and in due course, inherit failed states in which various nasties rise to power.
Lefties sqawk that intervention is “not in our name” but then demand that all the resulting refugees asylum seekers and assorted chancers “for a better life” most certainly need help to leave their countries and a right to reside in ours “in our name”. A stabilisation force becomes an occupation…”not in our name”.
The sad truth..the choice is liberation and self reliance for the developing world or western intervention and western approval of the governing system. Liberals have made this mess with their romantic dream-come-true of third world liberation…and white colonists going home, yet still the burden of solving the worlds humanitarian problems remains the Wests.
Absolutely spot on Doublethinker, the Liberal lefts dream world free of imperialism and colonialism followed by the liberal interventionists world of dictator removal and regime change has been achieved and what an advance for humanity it has been.
The white man put down his burden and went home.
Only to be followed by ever increasing numbers of the liberated peoples of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, who found their new rulers even less attractive than their “colonial oppressors”.
Subsequent attempts at liberal interventions lead to short term gains but gradually unravelled as Libyans and Iraqis find themselves liberated, turn on their liberators and in due course, inherit failed states in which various nasties rise to power.
Lefties sqawk that intervention is “not in our name” but then demand that all the resulting refugees asylum seekers and assorted chancers “for a better life” most certainly need help to leave their countries and a right to reside in ours “in our name”. A stabilisation force becomes an occupation…”not in our name”.
The sad truth..the choice is liberation and self reliance for the developing world or western intervention and western approval of the governing system. Liberals have made this mess with their romantic dream-come-true of third world liberation…and white colonists going home, yet still the burden of solving the worlds humanitarian problems remains the Wests.
As you say above EE…as soon as the BBC said that they`d be talking to Peter Mandelson after the 8am news- I was riveted.
My God!…so late too?…what WOULD Lord Peter say?
I mean-Kinnocks combover Brylcream boy…TV massage stool for all things New Labour-parachuted into the rather rough northern pit stop of Hartlepool to ensure the guacamole dip at the chippy after t`club was complemented with the suitable Brazilian blend of coffees as ground on the pecs of well-oiled Copacabanos.
Oh yes-and mortgage paid for by New Labour grandees in the flat above his( for which he was chilled until the next Blair term)…and then we was implicitly fiddling passports for his wealthy pals from India( and sacked again…but frozen now!).
So where else but to Brussels to trade thongs and boxers/briefs with Chinese manufacturers…to play Lord Snooty on wealthy Russians yachts with Lord Gideon Osborne( which tells you HOW grand we`re talking here)..and meanwhile this twice sacked nomark gets a life membership of the EU, while Buttiglioni gets no job because he`s an Italian Catholic.
So Mandy goes-schmoozing for the EU is what his lifelong money from Brussels is for…AND he wanted, begged us all to join the Euro!
THAT Lord Peter Whimsicle?…HE…HE is being asked about whether or not we should stay in the EU?
Well…you`ll have to tell me what he`d have said-or it will just have to remain my surprise, my mystery for ever.
Utter shite.
Still though-after Mishal fretting about the dangers of water…dare I fill my kettle now, or do I need waterwings and a new shade of hi-viz jacket now?
Bet Mandelson was trading THOSE abominations.
And before Mishal was doing a Rolf Harris about “kids in water”-bet his BBC pals approved of THAT image, seeing that they`re fond of their watersports!-the poor souls of Raqqa were similarly sad about life…but maybe not as stressed and urgent as was Mishal Husain and her hydrophobes!
Will someone take out this rabid bit of BBC crap and shoot it?…old Yella stylee?
His name is “Savage” EE?
Oh dear-thought we`d lost Roger Black, and are busy persuading Peter White to go to Pink or Rainbow!
No-that Savage tag must go-it`ll frighten those who are toddling sweetly to Britain and the Boobs of the Beeb.
Aunties Panties are big enough for all-Camilla and Jenni are at the loon as we speak, weaving their rainbow dreams, as Chris Martin, Sting and Bob sing it for them in the absence or our late and departed Cilla Pink.
No-the BBC name all their goons Jeremy until it`s taken away for thumping-and their creatives are mainly Tonys now that the Good Lord is among them….but Mr Pinkblurr can go “Back to Black” now I`d guess.
NO- Michael Mild and Mr Soft…Alan Meek and Howard Nice…THESE are the names that the boys should take on marrying the BBC.
Besides-Savage is a bit close to the Big Jims name isn`t it?….if only the bloody BBC would put flyers and free gig tickets out from the Seventies with Jimmys mug on them seeing as they`re doing f***all in Calais now…then the gimmiegrunts might choose to stay with Antoine De Caunes, maybe cameos on Eurotrash?
Plenty of which they seem to like to make and to throw around anyway.
Good point. I was shocked the Beeb interviewer didn’t press this point home, during the extensive, mainly sycophantic interview. Shocked I say.
“But isn’t it true, Lord Mandella (or whatever your name is), that if you don’t show loyalty to the EU it is written into your contract as former EU commissar* you can lose entitlement to your £31,000 per year index linked pension?”
* Sorry, should be EU commissioner, but the differences are negligible in practice.
Fit the ‘story’ or be left on the cutting room floor
Carol Kirkwood unveils an expansion of the BBC’s Weather Watchers app
She regrets this is only available in the UK – for that read: as much as the BBC would like to spread the love to foreign non-Licence Payers, or godforbid, Britons sending in their holiday snaps…
I have a feeling she said ‘at the moment’ so watch this space all you fans of a world without borders!
She reassures us that this strange outsourcing of weather to Julian and Jocasta Public will not replace forcasts – ‘we’ll only use them to enhance what we call our “Weather Story”
Well ain’t that a thing to behold.
Apparent democratisation in reality gives even more leverage to the BBC edit suite.
Just like tricks such as the notorious BBC vox pop enhances their ‘News Story’
Just thinking about it, I’m surprised the/we LEAVERS aren’t making more of the EU migration situation from the point of view of an example of watching the EU country politicians in action/ inaction. There is no decision-making and everyone is scrabbling around in their own national interest, as they have been for months. No progress. Totally useless.
Weird thing, the EU. One minute they are ‘our partners’ and ‘our allies’ and the very next they are ‘our opponents’, with much jockeying for position and wheeler-dealing to secure national competitive or political advantage.
In a fast-changing world, the sclerotic EU is a complete waste of space, not fit for purpose.
The Remainers portray the other EU nations rather like Chicago Mafia Gangsters. Stay under their protection and pay £55 million a day and they will be nice to you. Try to leave their protection and stop paying and they will turn very nasty. With friends like these……
Because the Remainders would say, ‘this is what happens when we don’t pull together’. To an extent, they’d be right: the cause of this can be traced back to Merkel’s idiotic invitation to all and sundry without consulting anyone else.
For some reason, they seem much less interested in printing ‘Hilary Clinton is the most corrupt Presidential candidate in history’ articles, about her investigation by the FBI.
Interesting how it’s linked from the news homepage: “Headwinds that could blow more than Trump’s hair out of place“.
They’ve allowed comments, and amongst the current highest-rated is this:
40. Posted by roamingtitanium
Out of curiosity, why does the BBC think it’s acceptable to continually comment about his hair? If he were black or a woman, would it be acceptable to make comments about physical appearances?
I don’t recall any such BBC comments about Hillary.
Indeed. Last week there was a dreadful piece on ‘unruly hair in Black Women’ which is needless to say A Good Thing as they are, er, black and er, women. One can imagine how all the Americans who look exclusively to the BBC for their political guidance (yeah, right) will think: “Gee, Trump’s hair looks a little odd. Guess his politics must be odd, too. And didn’t that Hitler guy have an odd haircut as well? I sure better vote for Hilary this time round.”
As you indicate, I imagine the BBC has very little influence on US politics. After all, Americans have a serious imbalance of pro-lefty media to contend with anyway, so why would they need to add to it. I’ve been glued to Fox News re the nomination contest. Though they incline to the right, they do so in a fair, open and frank fashion that BBC propagandists wouldn’t recognise if they tripped over it.
Thanks for the link, mikehunt. I posted this comment:
Funny article. “Blonde bombshell,” for goodness sake. Well, I guess it’s OK to poke fun at a politician but would the BBC ever do it to Obama or Clinton? Of course not.
I look forward to the day the BBC puts its bias and its campaigning aside and starts to treat people of different political persuasions equally.
It seems they have decided to post the comments immediately, rather than the usual ‘reactive moderation.’
The comments are coming in at quite a rate and the pro-Trump comments are getting negatively recommended quite heavily.
Still waiting for an HYS on Saville, Germanys failure and the UKs failure to deal with Sex attacks carried out by those who cannot be named on the BBC. Sorry how is bashing trump 24/7 allowed when we are not allowed to bash the BBC for protecting a Paedophile. BBC out of touch and no longer worthy of the Fee.
I guess they’re coming in at such a rate that they are not even trying to moderate them. Perhaps they are relying on people to ‘report’ comments they don’t like.
At the start of the video the reporter says “…groups of migrant try to access trucks…” when all I can see in the video is two migrants trying to smash a lorrys window whilst it is moving at speed.
I cannot keep up with political correctness but is the word “groups” still allowed ? I know “swarm” and “bunch” are not allowed.
Talking of Trump and lefty media spin, MSNBC got caught nicely while trying to pump out anti-Trump propaganda. They focused on a black man at a rally regarding the support for Trump from white supremacist David Duke, fully expecting him to denounce Trump. The expression on the anchor’s face, when the black man didn’t behave as expected and failed to jump through MSNBC’s hoops, is priceless:
Isn’t that something?! They homed in on a black man, certain that he would deliver an anti-Trump tirade. I guess the ‘editor’ didn’t make it to work that day.
Or maybe he did but decided it would be ‘racist’ to censor a black man’s opinion!
It’s worth transcribing the anchor after they cut away from the black guy, because the squirming is very amusing.
“Um… clearly (nervous laugh) … let me just be clear here. Obviously the majority of Donald Trump’s supporters are not African-American, I don’t know how many African-Americans were in that.. that building but that is one, uh, person that, uh we have chosen to cut that sound from, uh, David.”
Funny. They aren’t normally at pains to point out when ethnic minorities get disproportionate cover.
Brilliant – the expression on that reporter’s face is priceless! And much respect to the gentleman interviewed who refused to make it an issue of colour instead choosing to say ‘we’re all Americans’.
Anyone on here holidaying in Europe this year ? Brave souls. Make sure you have your innoculations, remember to wear your stab vest, keep your kids close to you, and a surgical mask should be worn in some areas. Make the most of it, in a few year’s time it could be the continent of Mad Max ! And Cameron wants us to remain IN ???????
Utterly tragic what`s going on in Calais etc.
Well remember being able to stock up well and cheaply in Boulogne, Calais etc before Christmas and Easter.
Good for local trade there of course-but would have done far more good for Anglo-French relations that the cast of sob goblins like Krishnan, Alex and Soapy Soapboxes do as they trash the good people of Calais(the real white established ones-and all others of goodwill and long standing)-and pile merde upon their honourable if naive ambassador here.
So-no day trips, no pidgin French for the kids in the holidays-catastrophic for their businesses, the ferries and the hotels…and that poor woman who spoke at that local meeting recently(posted onto this site-unforgettable, thank you!) gets ignored as per by the” LGBT Conyownetty”…Labour(Liberal luvvies) Guardian ,Beeb Tosspots(tossers).
Tragic for the good normales of France, grist to the liberal mill…and we true Europeans needs to show OUR “solidarity” to the French-it`ll be us if we don`t.
Nique le BBC, Guardian and the liberal lying lefty luvvies!
I’m finding it increasingly difficult to comment here (it does appear that comments are declining) could it be because we all are avoiding or finding the BBC intolerable?
My last weeks consumption of ‘The Worlds Best Broadcaster’ equalled quick scans through recordings of local news (for the weather), a classy subtitled Icelandic drama on BBC4, Wright, Matthew & Walker on Radio 2, alas no Blackburn, everything else from a quick scan of the listings was dross, including another bloody Mary Berry cooking program. All looked less interesting than watching that nice girl playing noughts and crosses with her clown (has she been diversified yet?)
Lets take prime time main BBC Channels tonight…
BBC1 One Show, Eastenders, Holby City, Happy Valley
BBC2 The Great Interior Design Challenge, Back in Time for the Weekend, Who’s the Boss, Scrappers – Back in the Yard
All I see there are programs ripe for tales of diversity and others for propaganda inserts, the rest downright boring and done before.
World class broadcasting? Pah! Where are the gentle comedies (The Terry and June’s of today), chat shows (a la Wogan), Sport (Sportsnight) and Quiz Shows (Monkhouse type not the endless ever present Pointless ones) ?
Looks like another night of Only Fools recordings, Now TV and Ipod…
Well, sadly (as Joan Bakewell once opined) its kids brought up on X boxes running the BBC. Equally the comedy scriptwriters of all those truly funny programmes that we grew up with are either dead or long retired; and the offerings since have been puerile, infantile and just unfunny. Tragically on the one hand, in the past we’ve had proper suits and management giving the go ahead for a really good viewing schedule with Saturday nights being the highlight of the week, BUT it was those same suits that turned a blind eye to we all know what !
Bob was one of the greatest. His stand-up routines are brilliant. Not suitable for TV , of course, and some of his jokes are so “blue” I have to get my mum to explain them to me. The DVD ” Bob Monkhouse exposes himself ” gives a flavour ! And a lot of his material is on Youtube.
I guess another favourite is Tommy Cooperand, again, much of his best stuff was never on TV but some of his after dinner speeches are on Youtube. Who could resist ” My Lords , Ladies and gentlemen. From now on this speech goes downhill ” .
I’ve said this before but the problem with most modern comedy is that it is hidebound by political correctness and left-wing orthodoxy. Censorship can be quite good for comedy, because it fosters creativity and a way of circumventing the rules to raise a laugh, but today’s comedians are self-censored because they seem to truly believe in the doctrines of the left. So they can never really be funny because they cannot subvert dogmatism.
George Orwell wrote about this with reference to novelists; he said you can’t have a good Catholic novelist because his beliefs do not allow him to sufficiently question things. It’s the same with lefty comedians. Just look at the way people like Ben Elton disappeared when Labour was elected in ’97. It simply wasn’t possible for him to criticise them.
Cranmer, you are so right. The left-wing ” comedians” are so trapped in the prison of their own ideology that, not only can they not break out, they are not even aware that they are trapped. Who could tell what political views Bob or Tommy or, to mention another genius, Spike had ? They were towering giants compared with Hardy and his dwarfs.
Number , it is amazing how they still go on about Maggie. Is it because all ” Conservatives” after her are, in reality socialists ? Difficult for the Left to have Dave as a hate-figure when they know that he is one of them !
Was watching that tragic night when Tommy Cooper had his heart attack – another giant loss to comedy.
When I watch him dressed half/half turning from one side to the other and telling a story as two different people I can literally cry with laughter. How superb the old comedians were.
Now the current crop of BBC greats can also make me cry, for totally different reasons.
third, luckily I was not watching that night but I heard that people thought it was part of his act ! His final joke ! Funnily enough he is very popular with Africans in Gambia, where I live. A bit like Norman Wisdom in Albania. Norman, now there was another !
Back in the day (early 70’s) when large companies had ‘social clubs’, I remember attending many a boozy Saturday night at one run by Kodak. They always had a ‘top liner’ along the lines of Dave Allen, Ted Ray, Ronnie Corbett and…… Bob Monkhouse. These guys had a totally different repertoire than their tv routine, and you cried and ached with laughter by the end. Monkhouse topped the lot and always brought the house down. Of another age, and just a shame that later generations have been deprived of knowing what the word ‘comedy’ is all about.
Also Dick Emery, Benny Hill, Morcambe & Wise; the only one from today, who I think would have made it back then is Peter Kay. I recall Bob Monkhouse saying as much, in an interview once, about him.
Yes, I read the comments to restore my sanity if I’ve had the misfortune to see, hear or read any BBC output. I don’t comment much now, because the fact is that the BBC is biased. Simple as that. There’s not point logging individual instances. It’s also not very good!
I try not to use the BBC. I hope that if enough people ignore it, then it will have to reform or die.
Same as that ,I simply don’t watch the BBC any more so I have little to add to this esteemed site
But I’m not confident that ignoring it will cause it to wither away
“”Super Tuesday: Will attacks on Trump be too little, too late?””
By Jon Sopel North America editor’
“”…….are the attacks on Donald Trump too little, too late?”” (too late for who? The Democrat supporting BBC?)
“”Might they cause his massively lacquered mop to move in the breeze?”” (why the snide personal attack?)
“”……his latest bit of excess has made him even more popular.”” (excessive for who? The Democrat supporting BBC?)
“”……has he kept company with the wrong sorts? Has he used illegal immigrants to build his landmark buildings? Is he a hypocrite, a con man, a fraud?”” (is the BBC desperate?)
“”…….what is the mood in the Republican leadership. “Panic,” came the reply. “Total panic.””” (au contaire mon BBC amis)
There you have it. Biased BBC evidence. They hate anyone right of centre who doesn’t chime with their Left Wing stance. A destructive article such as this would never been allowed by the BBC about Clinton. Never.
Yes, snide it certainly was. The caption to the photo of him being hugged by the blonde lady caught my eye:
Trump’s Republican rivals would love to be this close (in the polls) to the clear front-runner
Get it? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
There is practically nothing of substance in the article – just poor attempts at ridicule and character assassination. It’s not journalism, just a ‘reporter’ showing how in he is with the lefty snobbery so prevalent at the BBC.
Don’t those Yankees watch the BBC? Don’t they know they are supposed to vote for Clinton’s wife?
Wouldn’t it be fun if American politics became ‘settled’ against the Democrats and the BBC correspondent had to go along with the ‘consensus’ of ‘97%’ ** of voters?
** Following a survey of ten voters wearing ‘elephant’ badges.
Someone’s definitely being marched off site because incredibly the Al Beeb has opened a HYS on this! What isn’t shocking at all is every single post from highest rated down (until I gave up) was in favour of Trump and ridiculing and abusing the Al Beeb for this embarrassing, child like article. Reading those comments makes this site look pro Beeb! The Al Beeb is so delusional and so sheltered from reality that it doesn’t see what it’s doing to itself. People everywhere are seeing what an embarrassment they truly are. Trump and the Brexit campaign couldn’t have wished for a better campaign manager than Al Beeb. They are literally forcing people to back both because of how they are being.
I cannot believe I am saying this but the tide is turning in our favour and the Al Beeb and (inadvertently) helping us!
The BBC’s has a deliberate policy of not mentioning any positive contributions that Israel gives to the world in so many fields.. This morning on Radio 4’s Cancer Moonshot at 11am this morning, it was the Israeli research that was behind the recent advances in melanoma treatment.
See Discovery of the Melanoma trigger
Posted on: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 on
A team of researchers from Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Technion, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sheba Medical Center have discovered what causes melanoma cells to turn into aggressive tumors. The scientists are convinced that it will soon lead to a breakthrough treatment.
12.35pm Politics show. Livingstone allowed to lie as usual. Ken Livingstone is incapable of making a truthful comment, this time he is trying to smear the right. So he takes a current headline, the import of weapons which was a court story yesterday. With the strong implication that those who did it were right wing activists.
Hmm, I see this fine site has received a dishonourable mention on the BBC thread:
730. Posted by Champane Socilast
8 minutes ago
@696 ichabod @701 MrBritches @717/8 Daniel/Alan
What’s really funny is deluded individuals like you believe that anyone outside the few 100 on HYS or the few dozen on Biased BBC give 2 hoots about the far right’s perception of ‘BBC bias’. The Royal Charter will be renewed with the Licence Fee & there’s nothing you can do about it!!
Keep sucking those lemons & reporting posts cowards!
Actually there is something we can do about it, which is to sell our tellies and therefore legally cease paying to fund the BBC. With all the decent progs available online free, it’s a ‘no brainer’ really.
Cranmer, funny you should say that. I am in the process of selling my flat in UK and , as my TV is broken, I am just going to scrap it. I now live in Gambia, so will be interested to see if the BBC send their enforcement goons out for a nice jolly in the sun ! There is no UK/Gambia extradition treaty !
Grant, be sure to download a useful free program called ‘Expat Shield’ which gives you a British IP address and enables you to watch BBC online content abroad.
Cranmer, I think I heard of that, but the only BBC output I access in Gambia is TMS ! My satellite system gets France24, Al Jazeera, CNN China and other news channels which are all vastly superior to the BBC’s pathetic “news ” output.
One problem with the BBC mindset is that they do nor realise how inferior they are to other international providers. For example , there is a Chinese channel ( I can’t remember the name ) devoted to documentaries and avaiable in some languages , including english. I can get it on my satellite TV in Gambia and the documentaries would put the BBC to shame ! If they had any shame !
I see ‘Champane Socilast’ trolling around various sites from time to time. Pity he/her/it has difficulty with their spelling. Perhaps they work for the Beeb.
BBC doctors program on now.
Wow, diversity special.
A mixed race lesbian couple, one who’s currently pregnant (don’t know how)
Will one of them turn out to be transgender?
The program is a diversity lovefest
Don’t know, where’s that f*ck*ng remote?
Switching off won’t change anything !!. Emphasising the lives and behaviour of a tiny minority of people as being more important than the way the vast majority of people behave is unjust to the majority . Complain otherwise the BBC will be unaware they are offending people up and down the country.
I have wondered if anyone monitors when internet feeds are dropped.
If everyone switched off when the ubiquitous Carmen Squire, (someone who appears without warning on all channels at any time with the same ‘sexy’ (yuk) manner), comes on they might get the message. (Please broadcasters there are 7 billion people in the world, why her?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Thoughts on this? Not looked into it too much, so not aware of the nitty-gritty (apart from the obvious).
I wonder how the BBC will cover this? (if they do at all).
I also note the lack of coverage being given to the imam that was murdered in Rochdale. The perpetrator wasn’t a UKIP supporting Nazi bastard, so naturally, the BBC have relegated the story to the sidelines.
They have covered it, actually.
Woman held for Moscow child ‘beheading’
There’s a cursory mention of hijab and reference to psychiatric care, with “Allahu Akbar” relegated to well down the story. Looks like another lone wolf nutjob then, with nothing to do with other lone wolf nutjobs.
Note the ‘beheading’ in quotes. As if it’s perfectly normal to stumble across randomly found body parts and only then be inspired to shout ‘allahu akbar I am a terrorist’. Horrible.
The only comment/question I have is, who in their right mind would trust their child to someone who dresses like that, or practices ‘that’ religion? Assuming as has been stated elsewhere that the child had blond hair.
I wouldn’t trust such to look after my pet spider…
I suppose feminists would argue that she has every right to wear a burka if she wants to carry a child’s head around town.
Looking forward to this one!
Heard Krishnan Guru-Murphy say yesterday on BH(Bogbrush Houndstooth) that he`d just returned from Venezuela.
Surprisingly, it`s a basket case-this seemed to disappoint Speshul Kay because he could have sworn that all his lefty mates here were saying that it was grand…from Hugo,Ken all the way down to Owen, Dianne and Jezman!
Can`t wait to see the Warhol repros of the one loo roll, the three tins of pilchards a la Warhol going on in Snows Snugglehouse as we speak.
But just in case Krispy tries to tell us how great it is`s an adult who knows and doesn`t need to keep flogging the airmiles to dodge the kids polo practice.
Ah-real news-remember THAT you liberal lupins?
Lets hope the fat left tits still can lactate for Hugos helots….Jenni, Camilla, Dianne, Jo….come on gals, get your baps out for the paps….no proof whatsoever needed, no confirmations necessary.
I remember reading somewhere that back in 2010/2011, Caracas had a higher murder rate than Baghdad.
More oil, too.
I don’t suppose that Mr Guru-Murphy reported on Venezuela’s Social Justice Warriors, their University Safe Spaces or how they are countering the country’s White Privilege? Does Venezuela have its own Handsupdon’tshoot campaign or a Blacklivesmatter movement? No, I don’t suppose they do; I’d imagine they are not priorities when serious matters like what to use as toilet paper, or even if the toilet can be flushed, take up a large proportion of the citizens’ day to day lives.
I suppose the Venezuelan workers are kept busy preparing splendid welcomes for visiting Trades Unionists, Durham Miner’s leaders (with no miners to lead) Labour MPs, (Yes Diane Abott is expensive to feed), former London Mayors, and the usual Trots from Left Unity.
It is like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw together.
I don’t listen much to the BBC these days, I don’t have a T.V. so I have spared myself the task of watching the propaganda.
I’m not sure why, maybe a sixth sense, but today I caught myself out by listening to the 1.00pm news (Radio 4), in particular, the segment after 1.30pm.
In this segment, they were talking about the cyber attack in the Ukraine where large numbers of people suffered outages of their electrical power supply. Introduced was an “expert” who stated that these cyber attacks could take place anywhere at anytime to anybody and that governments and power suppliers were to up their efforts to protect their supply of power to the users, industry and Joe public.
Today, our very own Met Office, have kindly informed us, that because of sudden atmospheric warming, we and others in the Northern Hemisphere might well fall foul of our very own Polar Vortex and as a result we could in March shiver all day and all night and have a snowy Easter which is early this year.
Throughout Met Forums, in particular ‘notmanypeopleknowthat’, there has been extensive coverage of the disastrous Gordon Brown “Climate Change Act” and the rush of the U.K. government following the IPCC Paris Party, to slash our Co2 emissions to virtually nothing. This slashing of emissions means the closure of all our coal powered generating stations and to commit to windmills (in your mind) and solar panels to provide power for the U.K. Unfortunately for us, the power generating companies have been warning for sometime now, that they cannot produce enough capacity and that the lights will go off during an extended cold period.
So there you have it. It is going to get cold, there is insufficient power generation because of the renewable legacy, the lights are about to go off and the BBC are already priming us that it will be a Cyber attack. The pieces of a BBC jigsaw puzzle fit so nicely together don’t they?
I heard a little bit on Radio 4 about the cyber attack on Ukraine at lunchtime, introduced as ‘You’ll all remember when there was a cyber attack in Ukraine…”
No. What I do remember is that there was a war there that was all over the news one minute, then as if it had never happened the next. The EU had something to do with it. Yeah, whatevs eh. Down the memory hole.
Interesting jigsaw solution there, though, TOB. The only one I can easily solve at the moment has fewer pieces, and comes down to the snug and satisfying coupling of much more in-depth reports on things like dementia and unscrupulous Age Charities etc coming coincidentally at the same time over-75s are to be encouraged to ignore their right not to pay the licence fee.
‘…I’m not sure why, maybe a sixth sense, but today I caught myself out by listening to the 1.00pm news (Radio 4), in particular, the segment after 1.30pm…’
Not sixth sense at all OB. It’s going on all day every day.
Yep, that’s the beeb for ya – Global Warming’ll freeze yer bollocks off. But yes, I take your point, they do chuck stuff out there to prime folks for future lies. They really are a most despicable organisation.
Here’s another jigsaw piece from TODAY today(!), The Old Bloke, yet to be mangled to fit in with the AGW/CC Agenda.
They are after diesel vehicles today, even going after those heroic transporters of the working woman (and working man) known as buses; those same buses that John Prescott decreed from his two Jaguar cars would save us all from frying before 2010 because they were so cleeeeaaann.
With reference to the power outages (apologies for the Americanism but I have experienced a few of these in LA – in September!), before the windmills seize up with ice & the solar panels get so cold that snow settles all over them, I understand the power generators for final back-up, turn for their electricity to small local generating stations powered not by …
… wind …
… or sun …
… or coal, even …
… but by diesel fuel.
Oh, dear! There goes the air quality just as the cold, heavy air keeps it all close to our heads.
If only there was some global warming and the sun beating down out of a blue sky, even if it is a bit hazy eh?
Waycist alert!
Black MP Dawn Butler ‘mistaken for cleaner’ in Westminster
I’d suggest what’s more likely is that it had nothing to do with skin colour and everything to do with dressing like a cleaner.
It’s interesting that the MP is “un-named”, which rather indicates it’s someone in her own party.
‘It’s interesting that the MP is “un-named””
Rendering it in BBC terms ‘sources who say’, and she can likely claim MP integrity, which if black is double plus good, for not having to specify or substantiate.
The BBC will fully empathise.
I would’ve mistaken her for Rustie Lee.
Rustie would have seen the funny side, slapped him, not have bleated about it later and claimed victimhood, she’s a good egg.
Yep, any friend of UKIP who`s deliberately setting out in the media with a mind of their own is to be cherished and looked out for.
My case list of people I have to mind includes Syd Little…
Sometimes they allow cleaning ladies to sit with the MPs
Only in a truly meritocratic society could an ex rag and bone man like Mr. Steptoe become leader of the opposition.
Who the hell is THAT sat next to the cleaner (and no I don’t mean Andy Burnham) ! she looks like a character out of Father Ted ! poor woman doesn’t look well.
Of course she isn’t well, she’s had a rough deal: a Labour MP, Welsh and a lesbian. Nia Griffith, Shadow Secretary of State for Wales.
Another cleaner I assumed Brissles.
What a cheerful looking bunch!
Saving the workers is such a privilege, a rewarding task that brings joy & gladness to the heart.
If not the face.
Burnham looks about to cry, Abbott is struggling to stay awake and the MP next to her is obviously wishing Jeremy would hurry up and finish because she needs to get a move on elsewhere in a much smaller chamber.
MSN have been running this various lefties have expressed their disgust at how “Waycist” this is. However none of them seem keen on replying to my question as to how it’s “Waycist”. Strange thing when I worked for a high street department store (all the cleaners were white) sales staff were clamouring to get cleaners jobs as thy had more hours & higher wages. In fact everywhere I’ve worked the cleaners male and female how been white.
>It’s interesting that the MP is “un-named”, which rather indicates it’s someone in her own party.<
… or possibly that it didn't happen…
Unless she is prepared to name the other person I would say it was a figment of her imagination. Was she wearing a housecoat and carrying a mop at the time? It sounds to me like a standard piece of left wing agitprop. I will file it with Hillary Clinton coming under sniper fire in Bosnia.
All look the same, so who`d know their names?
Guessing they`ve all got their names sewn into their undies, so others might know who they are.
The women are either lesbian chic, bisto boys, chubsters or earnest Oxfam helpers who now find themselves heading up charities, unions and lady sanctuaries.
Neither pre-nor post-sitting on the fence transitioners…think Wakehurst must grow them, because I`ve never seen any in real life-just on the BBC or Labours wench bench with chaperone Jizzle Gummidge.
The right-as my inside leg information snout at the BBC tells me-has all the bext birds….More Or Less would confirm that as would Womans Hour if you asked.
The Labour lumpies could do a lot worse that enjoy the style of a Suzanne Evans, the winsome feminity of Sarah Palin.
Maybe a petition for 10 Downing St here to debate…such things do matter-Andrea Dworkin and Valeris Solas said as much
Waycist. Doesn’t matter whether it really happened or not. That it’s perceived to have happened is all that matters.
So Mervyn King predicts the death of the Euro and indicts ‘ever closer union’ but the BBC decides that is not news?
What a disgusting, warped, travesty of a news organisation the BBC is.
It behoves every poster on these pages to listen to this BBC report:
Beyond Belief
Saudi Arabia
Beyond Belief
The UK’s ties with Saudi Arabia have come under growing strain in recent months over how to balance human rights concerns with the government’s desire to promote a crucial trade and investment relationship. The Arab state sits on more than a quarter of the world’s known oil reserves, making it one of the richest countries in the Middle East and a vital strategic partner to many Western nations. It is also home to the birthplace of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad and the cradle of Islam. Its rulers espouse a strict version of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism. The Wahhabi interpretation of Islamic law includes harsh punishments such as public beheadings and restrictions on women. How did Wahhabism gain so much influence in the country? What, in turn, has been its effect on the stability of the region and the wider world?
Although I wouldn’t go so far as to allege bias, it does pull its punches. The two Muslim commentators are reasonable and considered in the analysis of the effect Saudi promotion of Wahabism is having on European and US Muslims, the white British commentator is a complete left wing ass who simply won’t hear any kind of criticism of UK Muslims in any way, no matter how true or reasonable it might be. (Simon Labourne ? Maybourne?) couldn’t catch his name.
Saudi money has built thousands of mosques and madrassas to promote its intolerant and violent narrative, and the wider consideration is apparently Saudi control over as many Muslims as possible.
The amount of money being pumped into the West dwarfs that which the Soviet Union was spending on propaganda, and we all know how much trouble that caused here.
I see this as a further vindication of the probability Saudi and other Sunni oil rich countries are bribing Western politicians, and the fact that the BBC have finally caught up to this Saudi influencing will perhaps mean that the more serious allegations might not be that far away in coming.
Do listen because it really is very revelatory.
Well here’s a story. After going back and listening again his name is very indistinct, but turns out to be Dr Simon Mabon. He is given the very senior title of “Director of International Relations at Lancaster University” That would be a very senior position, but unfortunately it isn’t true.
Simon Mabon hasn’t even made it to the rank of professor, he is according to his web page a ‘lecturer’. Not to decry his achievement, but this is only the second rank on the academic scale; Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Reader, Professor, Dean, Director, Vice Chancellor.
Other than trying to give someone the status they don’t have why would the BBC aggrandise someone in this way, and why wouldn’t they at least attempt to employ the most senior academics they could lay their hands on?
Perhaps the truth might lie in the fact that they don’t share the far left bias of the BBC, and they are only prepared to allow those who share their beliefs and then attempt to give credence by exaggerating their academic standing?
Here’s the list of Directors at Lancaster, note that there isn’t a Director of International Relations:
Here’s Dr Simon Mabons page confirming his position as lecturer:
He has put some Utube videos up, and it’s hard not to argue with this one:
Honest enough…nice for someone to give himself a health warning before he breathes over us.
And at least we know now what Socialist Media are all about.
Looks like Danny Mills-and reckon that Simon Le Bon was who Lancaster were hoping to recruit.
And -in a real sense-Simon turns out to be smarter than most in our Uni Dipartimentos.
” It`s all about as easy as a nuclear war”…discuss!
Professor Garold Kemp to address us.
Listening to Ernie Reas camel droppings being tippie-toed around re that religion in Saudi that some fuss over apparently.
Heard some sociology type tell me that looking into the Salafists and Wahabis sends IS all the wrong mesages. Austria hardly welcoming, so he says.
Churches and synagogues just as bad anyway. Some bloke who`d been imprisoned in Saudi for years, some woman talking about Saudi problems with women?
Tsk…Ernie was concerned that these unplesantnesses might give us the wrong impression.
So there you go-“Beyond Belief” it was called.
Well-in this case-true enough.
Send for Father Larry Duff!….who would be great fun and dance around the sandpits in a more subtle and knowledgeable way.
It wasn’t Ernie Rae who was commenting about Austria, and churches & synagogues, but the appalling Fascist Leftie Simon what ever his name was.
Just going to prove that if the Fascist Left weren’t quite so rabidly insane we might be able to get along with each other a little better.
Time to put all religions on proscribed lists!
I know-and to be fair, Rea is just a willing softie.
Andrex puppies for a nice life and for Islamic niceness…doiley, toilet roll cover and a toilet duck that they won`t cook, after biting its head off.
Poor Ernie-neither fast or a milkman either.
Throughout February BBC Radio 2 has given Gilbert O’Sullivan’s new single ‘No Way!’ maximum airplay, having placed it straight onto their A List towards the end of January.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or in a nice, predominantly white middle-upper class leafy suburban neighbourhood somewhere like …hmm, let’s say Surrey, or settling for the BBC as your main source for news, you can’t have failed to notice Norway’s been in the news a lot recently: Government-placed ads in Afghan newspapers to deter asylum seekers, refusing to accept immigrants without visas, immigrant deportation disputes with Russia, having to offer immigrants lessons in how to treat women and places on anti-rape courses, vigilante patrols, etc, etc.
With Norway part of the Schengen Agreement but not a member of the EU, and O’Sullivan’s wife being Norwegian, I wonder if his song is actually a defiant anthemic protest of sorts that’s slipped past the BBC
Gestapocensors. I mean, the lyrics could be perceived as cryptic in places and with the chorus it kind of sounds like he’s singing ‘Norway!’.I’ll get my coat.
Wacado , Wacaday ?
We’ve been hearing today one of the consequences of Camerons hopeless ineptitude, except that because it’s in the BBCs interests they aren’t telling us that!
Apparently the NHS is so short of nurses that they’re having to go to the Philippines to try to recruit some! What they aren’t telling you is that short sighted Lazy Daveys Tories saw an opportunity to cut some cost in the immediate term, by slashing the number of training places, for nurses & doctors.
Well that might save a small amount for a short time, but even in the short term it’s going to bite you in the arse when the NHS inevitably runs out of UK trained nurses, which is exactly what’s happened.
Lazy Davey has replied by saying there are more nurses employed by the NHS now, which actually tells us nothing about what we need to know.
When we fail to train our own people they end up (or someone else) always on benefits and a foreigner, who sends money out of the country takes the job.
The short sightedness of the Tories is unbelievable sometimes, their greed appears to blind them to reality.
How does your story fit with
” Is there a shortage of applicants to be nurses? No…there are 20,000 training places and 60,000 applicants.”
That’s how !
They seem also to have missed out that student nurses will no longer qualify for bursaries and will be finishing their training with a debt to repay on their loan, thus making it even less appealing to British school leavers.
Can anyone explain why the Philippines is the “go to” destination for recruiting nurses now?
I understand the rules on EU nationals and I understand people from the Commonwealth coming to the UK to nurse but what is Britains relationship with the Philippines that our hospitals should be filling with Filipino nationals? It can’t be on price because nurses are hired on standard NHS terms in the NHS.
Can anyone explain why the Philippines is the “go to” destination for recruiting nurses now?
Its not just now ’embolden’ , its been going on for years. I’ve long suspected there is a Nurse Breeding Programme in existence on those islands – as soon as one batch is ready for export, a few months later another comes along waiting to be despatched.
During my time in the NHS most of the ward staff were Philippinos who regularly worked double shifts and weekends, to send money home. As we have plundered so many thousands of the islanders, I’ve wondered if their own health service has suffered because of this.
My wife is a Graduate Nurse from the Philippines. English is an official language of the Philippines but to be fair it aint British English as we know it! The work ethic is considerably better than other nations who have “enriched” the NHS. There is less back stabbing and more willingness to follow directions from senior staff. When reprimanded they are more likely to improve rather than file a discrimination case. They tolerate other nationalities, not just their own. We do have some outstanding indigenous Nurses here and a few remaining colleges which churn out reliable newbies but the “everyone must have a degree” culture has completely dumbed down nursing generally in this country and I am glad I am no longer in the NHS, working in a culture that appoints on colour rather than merit. So I guess another reason for the Philippines is that a box can be ticked.
Thirteen years ago a nurse from the Philippines was explaining to me that she was working in the UK away from her young family so that she could put them through university when they were older. She had last seen them three years ago, because she had been going through the UK qualification process. She would be on leave and visiting them in a few months time.
She also explained that although the Philippines was a relatively poor nation they had built a good, accessible health service there & prided themselves that it would be the basis for improving prosperity for all in the country. It had been set back by the UK & the West sucking the best staff away to work for our health systems.
Is that true, AL. Can your wife back that up or is it a partial or one sided view?
I have always felt uneasy about the Left’s insistence on doing this sort of thing. Despite their so-called ‘Internationalism’, to me it has always smacked of a nasty form of neo-Imperialism and exploitation.
thanks for your comment.
I have worked with Filipinos over the years, in UK and abroad and I recognise part of the picture you present.
My experience was that Filipinos, who are generally culturally Christians were as you describe but in recent years I have seen the development of chippyness and complaints about “perceived racism” amongst some.
When I worked abroad I was aware of a steady stream of people being found to have bogus Filipino qualifications and being swiftly deported from the Gulf state where I worked. There was rumoured to be an extensive industry back in the islands (and even in the gulf state itself) churning out bogus nursing certificates.
I agree with your comments about the “dumbing down” of nursing, paradoxically linked with the “everyone must have degrees” development. The problem seems to me to be about nursing education being infested with a number of influential wannabe social scientists, wannabe doctors and politically correct hierarchy challengers rather than people looking to train and educate caring people who want to help doctors and patients, and gain the knowledge to do so.
Nursing is not unappealing to British school leavers and there is no shortage of applicants. The issue is a little more complex than it appears, as the shortages are historical, and of experienced nurses rather than NQs, as well as specific to hospitals in unappealing locations. Unfortunately this has been a result of making nursing into a university degree course leading to nursing students moving away from home and aquiring a taste for the bright city lights, rather than training at their local hospital and marrying their childhood sweetheart on qualifying, as they might once have done.
Why the Phillipines? Beceause in the poverty stricken Phillipines girls who may have no interest in nursing nevertheless see it as an escape route and a passport to Britain or the USA. They improve their own marriage prosepcts no end too since they offer a futurwe husband a way out at the same time. Phillipines prodcue nurses for export as it were and families will pool resources to train a daughter sister grandaughter
Interesting insight. Do the Filipino nurses have to get a degree? If not,why are we importing them to fill up places left vacant because we force British girls to get a degree to become a nurse?
The Filipino nurse that I spoke with was highly qualified & experienced in the career in her own country. She spoke good English, too. She still had to go through the UK vetting procedure but at the time of our conversation, in the UK for three years including the vetting period, was promoted to and working as whatever they call Ward Sisters (Ward Managers?) these days.
I did not ask if she had a nursing degree.
It was she who volunteered the information about the health system in the Philippines and I got the impression that it was regarded as an employer in the Philippines that everyone wanted to work for. Not as a route out of the country & to overseas but for the prestige of being employed in health and being involved in transforming their country for the better.
Aborigine Londoner may be able to confirm that for us: that the Philippines health service is a prime career move for school leavers like the Civil Service in France, Law in the USA and Accountancy in the UK.
She was taking the long term view on working here. Her sacrifice in leaving young children with husband & grandparents would pay off in the future for the children, especially in their education.£80m-year-its-budget-roughly-equal-axing-news-channel-and-5live?
Luckily the £6M and counting pension pot of one Botney is secure, as is the set aside for market rate cock-ups on HR and IT, but one suspects the bleating on cuts will be directed elsewhere.
Another for the bBBC hypocrisy list. ‘Girls in tech’ competition won by boy
EDF Energy has been criticised after a 13-year-old-boy won a competition that was part of a campaign to attract teenage girls to the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths.
The BBC understands that the decision had been made to open the competition up to both genders in the interests of fairness, and that the contest attracted “a couple of hundred” entries. Following three events held in the UK for girls last year, the contest was extended online and made available to boys as well.
So, it’s ‘fair’ to open it to boys and girls, but the rest of the bBBC ‘news’ item whinges that the winner was a boy.
I hope the winner wasn’t named Mohammed – there might have been a few exploding heads at the BBC.
I think it was Lobster; he’d constructed some funny looking alarm clock.
Can see a whole genre for tranny types now, hopping in and out depending on the chances of winning.
Entries invited for Next Year’s person of colour transgendered, gender fluid, disabled, lumbersexual, tech competition.
Or as they use to say “Come see the bearded lady Barnum Circus”
Channel 5 destroyed the jobs of these vulnerable workers of old.
I could once traipse up and down the south coast seeking the bearded lady, the dwarf who could rest Camilla on his pointed head.
They`re none of them available for us all to wonder at any more-as I say, they`re all on Channel 5, working steadily up to You and Yours type of agitprop…all Colleges must have a registered beard plaiter who can do the corn rows should they be called upon, being the next stage to liberal freakery nirvana.
Wonder if Calais currently holds a few bearded ladies?…or pointy headed little ones who could balance a Jenni?
Now THEY need to be at the front of the queue…let`s get creative people!
I can already see a problem with the standard of boys participating in next years under 14s event with all those ROPer doctors and engineers fleeing certain death in the war zones of Greece and Turkey.
It is however a win – win for the young ladies encouraged to enter this completely none politicised competition, because not only are they going to learn about the wonders of science, they are also going to experience first hand the peaceful beauty of ROPer enrichment by those 36 year old looking children.
Its utterly racist and islamaphobic if we do not actively encourage these vulnerable, desperate, terrified children into giving some good old ROPer enrichment to our young ‘asking for it’ ladies
Hi folks it’s been a while, but I thought upon my return I’d cheer you all up with this far-Left propaganda from the BBC’s favourite rag; never mind ISIS, the Guardian sees the real threat in the ‘far-Right’ – (not sure how many terrorist attacks have been down to far-Right terrorism over the years but that doesn’t stop the left from fabricating the same old anti-west enemy:
Even Benjamin gets in on the act:
Benjy was only attacked because his poems were crap.
It`s only what any sensitive critic would have done-and we stifled this , and so created that whiff of dope, pomade and entitlement that is branded as “Kwesi-Johnson eau du parfait”.
I blame Marley-had he not stubbed his toe on Clapham Common trying to be Julian Dicks, the likes of Bungee and Linton, Bonnie and bloody Darcus would not have stuffed the BBCs plonker rosters.
Eventually the BBC ran the story of the Burka clad woman with a child’s head.
But will they cover this story of a man in the Netherlands arrested for wearing a child’s pig hat? Too daring.
Just look at the number of cops involved.
This tells me that the authorities in Europe are becoming very scared.
They better not start banning me eating bacon sandwiches on the number 25 bus as we go past the East London Mosque. I have few pleasures left in life.
Can’t wait for a few RoP’s catching SWINE flu then watch the BBC get out of reporting that fact.
Sorry..i pressed report by accident…delete that……..the people should have showered the stupid dumb cops with 1000’s of paintballs…and…chanted traitors at them..
Shortly coming to Britain
Another reason why we don’t need to import “workers” from Eastern Europe and the Failed World:
Could it be that Putin has brought peace to Syria?
‘Peace’, but not as we know it. As long as Golan Heights and the oil that Genie Energy have claims on remains in Israeli control, Syria can go to Hell as far as many investors are concerned.
If it is a relative peace, then what happens next with pipeline deals will be of crucial importance to Europe, if it wants to bypass Russia.
Al Beeb are still bigging up the attack on the Macedonian border by what from the pictures look to be aggressive young male chancers. Or should that be frustrated doctors and engineers?
Women and children seem to be absent from the footage shown.
That doesnt stop Al Beeb going into emotion overdrive at the use of TEAR GAS by the police trying to keep the border closed. Queue emotional coverage of women and children being affected by tear gas, with the obvious subtext that they should be allowed in.
The BBC is just such a stinking pile of turd, isn’t it just.
I also noticed the police used Flash Bombs as well – scared the crap out all those doctors and engineers wanting to help us out of our poverty stricken existence.
Well done boys, but can I suggest something that may be more effective – try Stun Grenades next time.
Or…No 7…..81mm mortars….that’ll shift ’em…
How about .50Cal Brownings?
I followed this on BBC Facebook.
Interestingly, initially the rocks came first followed by the response.
Later on it was tear gas deployed with reasons at best vague, in the style of BBC Gaza ‘rockets? What rockets?’ Coverage.
And presuming it took a build up to get to the gas stage, were these women a children ushers to the front per Hamas SOP to get the full televisual impact?
If it’s like this in early March, just think what it’s going to be like on the ‘eastern front’ when spring starts properly in a few weeks. I suspect the migrants are going to get more desperate to get in before it gets more difficult, as they are probably well aware that the mood in Europe is changing against them. It will be interesting to see how the Beeb reports violent confrontations at border points. I suspect it may just ignore them.
I sure the BBC will be running this one – and then dropping it quickly again.
A sad story none the less
11-year-old boy killed in hit-and-run collision in Ashton
The Imam of Mosque Hamza, Shayful Islam, said the young boy was leaving the building when he was hit by the car after saying prayers.
The car, which didn’t stop looked a typical sort owned by RoPers though.
He’ll be in my prayers. 🙂
Does he get his 72 virgins?
Inshallah. And a trip to Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
See thats where its all gone wrong, 20, 30, 40 years ago that kid would have been coming out of cubs, judo, football practice or a detention, Iman was a baddie on Doctor Who and the car an instantly recognisable Leyland or Ford not some nondescript EuroBox…
BBC Newsnight lived up to it’s reputation of possibly the most biased BBC television news programme tonight (alongside Question Time and News at Ten)
Evan Davies interviewed Caroline Lucas, Ken Livingstone and Giles Fraser on the subject of to leave or to remain in the European Union. Thus we had Caroline Lucas a firm supporter of remaining because of an assured trade situation plus climate change policies and of course climate change as well as climate change – did I mention climate change?
Ken Livingstone now a firm supporter of remaining for reasons of jobs security and employment laws and last but not least a Brexit supporter ‘let them all in’ Giles Fraser who feels passionately about sovereignty but doesn’t believe in controlled immigration (a subject that was not discussed)
So result was :
Remain – 2
Leave – 1 (with half mark deducted for wanting open borders).
Come on Newsnight you must be more subtle in your propaganda attempts.
I’m probably a bit behind, as usual, and apologies to anyone who has already pointed this out , but did anyone catch today’s sweet little BBC News article ‘ London Mayor Election 2016: What is a Londoner?’. The author of the piece is called Esther Webber. She seems to have been widely used by the BBC during the Scottish referendum (now there’s a surprise). Here is an extract:
But what exactly is a Londoner, if such a tribe exists? How should we understand their needs, thoughts and feelings?
Staking a stronger claim than most under this category is Tara van Gastel, 30.
She was born at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, and went to the same Tooting school as her mother before her, who moved to south London from Jamaica as a child. She says her parents, despite emigrating in the 1960s, see themselves as Jamaicans first, whereas she and her siblings are very much Londoners.
She takes a firm line: “It totally annoys me when tourists come from the shires and claim to be from London. Unless you were born here, and raised here, and have seen the changes in London from the 1980s at least, then no, you’re not a Londoner.”
She says for her, being a Londoner is bound up in the memories evoked by different parts of the city: “For me, walking down The Cut in Waterloo will always be exciting. Getting off the bus there and feeling like you’re in old London, looking at the [Old Vic and Young Vic] theatres, it definitely gave me the idea of becoming a drama teacher.”
So in BBC La La land immigrants are true Londoners and ‘people from the shires’ are unwelcome tourists. So be it. What Ms Van Gastel fails to understand, unlike those of us Londoners and shire dwellers with more ancient links to the land, its cities, towns and villages, is that in 2016 no one (with the exception of the Windsors) can lay any claim to any part of Britain. Anyone who rocks up from anywhere can claim as much right to the bits of England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Northern Ireland allocated to the plebs as anyone whose ancestral roots go back for many hundreds of years. Ms Van Gastel and her family have no more right to London than the next wave of immigrants who choose to live there. Thank you to whoever it was on this site who pointed me in the direction of Unbound Philanthropy. Further investigation makes for deeply depressing reading but explains a great deal about what is being done to us.
London is lost now and that is that. It is someplace other than England. But England is still there and despite the best efforts of the marxists in the BBc and the rest will not give way . Yet another compelling reason to vote to leave the EU.
I believe the term cockney was originally a derogatory term used by the men from the shires in past times. Something to do with their unhealthy looks and poor physique.
London has always been something of an international city from the moment it was built. It has also attracted people from outside and even, at times, taken deliberate measures to keep people from outside, outside!
Hence, Southwark. 😉
Tara, with the Dutch/Swiss/German/Austrian surname, who was born in London is a true Londoner. If you were not born there, you are only a Londoner by adoption. Nowt wrong with that. Most of my grandparents were in that category.
Sadly, from my point of view, London is now pushing its sons and daughters out, to make room for outsiders who only bring wealth and money, in the hope of making a fast buck.
I look forward to a similar BBC report about how white South Africans and Zimbabweans are just as much ‘African’ as black people.
They’ll all have fled or be dead by then.
Slightly OT.
It looks like Camoron has decided he wants a one man party ( Dictatorship? ) and has had enough of the “Swivel eyed loons” in the party associations:-
Over to you Essexman.
Number 7
You are passing it over to the wrong person who probably wont reply.
Our ‘used car sales man’ is not only selling our sovereignty and independence to the ‘devil’ but is now starting to turn on his own grass roots supporters.
You are a bit late Number 7, do try to keep up.
It is already happening on a smaller scale. In my area the city produces two M.P.s and the set up is quite sensibly shared to keep costs down, and as active numbers dwindle has to be considered.
It would probably be better to wait until, hopefully, the reduction to 600 M.P.s is achieved, if they can get it through the House of Lords! That will not affect the shires too much, which are currently under represented, but will the slash the current Welsh over representation and Scottish and Northern Irish to a lesser extent, but most constituency boundaries will be changed, which is part of DC’s attempt to bully “leavers” by saying they may not get selected for the reduced number of “safe” seats on offer.
What has happened to Nigel Farage, has the MSM censored him knowing he may gain too much popularity and get us out of the EU ?
Has anyone else noticed that the Weather Forecasts now seem to be exclusively using the EU’s preferred divisions of the UK into regions, as per North England, Wales, Southern England, Scotland, Northern Scotland, etc? Am I just not able to concentrate anymore, as it’s all so boring finding out what happened everywhere else today before they tack on a forecast so loaded with assumptions – rain is bad, sunshine is lovely, wind is dangerous – that I go to sleep? I just don’t seem to hear any references to North and South of the M4; a line from the Wash to ..where..? Even the Marches don’t exist anymore. Perhaps I’m finally tipping over into paranoia, but it feels like the obliteration of meaningful boundaries and place-names.
Weather does not recognise boundaries.
The weather forecasters cant even get that right , just like Global Warming .
Like the EU – a total waste of money .
Can you work this woman out ?
Sturgeon “again re-iterated that if Scotland voted to remain in the EU on 23 June while the UK as a whole voted to leave, it could trigger demands for a second independence referendum.”
So she doesn’t want to trigger another referendum – Right ?
In that case she wants Scotland to remain within the UK.
Answers to
In the admittedly unlikely event that the vote in Scotland is in favour of leaving and the rest of the UK for staying, would she then call for Scotland to be independent and outside the EU? No, I thought as much.
Sturgeon is one of the most odious people in politics today. She is a career politician who says anything to get attention (e.g. personally taking in refugees). She still doesn’t want to face up to the fact the SNP lost the Scottish referendum (at the time I was pleased they voted to stay, but now don’t care what they do because of people like her).
Worst of all, the campaign she led last year featured the intimidation of all those voting to stay in the uk. People were afraid to say they wanted to remain part of the uk for fear of her SNP thugs putting a brick through their window. I suspect the same thing will happen with the EU referendum but will we hear about it in the BBC? I doubt it.
Its a conundrum for scottish pro eu and pro independence voters because if they want to have another referendum they will have to vote to leave the eu. Cognitive disonance. Does wee jimmey krankey know that she has bolstered the leave campaign or is she feek. On another note sky news has become worse than the bbc ref the eu and migrants gimmigrants rapefugees is there any unbiased news out there?
Re: recent posts; have you noticed that weather forecasters are increasingly playing ‘good cop bad cop’.
They’re either issuing dramatic weather warnings, or calling rain ‘damp’, wind ‘breeze’ and temperatures in February ‘cool’ FFS .
BBC exercises restraint… for now?
A child was tragically killed in Manchester on Monday, after a car struck him and failed to stop. Here’s the report from the BBC and it seems neutral and factual:
Now look at the same incident as reported on the ultra-left Huffington Post, titled “Boy, 11, Dead After Hit-And-Run Attack Outside Manchester Mosque”|uk|dl1|sec3_lnk4%26pLid%3D435053
There is, of course, no evidence that it was an ‘attack’, which implies intention and none is cited. Also note the reference to the mosque plus a photograph of a leafy street, whereas the BBC have used one of the somewhat dilapidated back street where the incident appears to have taken place.
The Huffington Post is part owned and financed by globalist billionaire George Soros. Whilst the BBC is to be commended for its non-sensationalist reporting of this horrible incident, it will be interested to see whether it holds the line or reverts to type and switches to a Huffington Post-style approach.
HuffPo is a publishing joke.
I found Guido’s ribbing of their feminist outrage on the Daily Mail scanty clad coverage funny, when he cited them doing the exact same
The Agenda on ITV used to be a welcome alternative to QT minus audience participation, so last night’s version came as a major turn-off, almost as if produced by the BBC with Trump bashing from all five panellists much to the fore.
A woman from the financial sector made little or no impact while Julia Hartley-Brewer was a shadow of her former self. J. Corbyn however demonstrated extraordinary political naivety by stressing how the support for Trump reflected the shallowness and anger of the electorate – overlooking the fact that he owes his present tenuous position to exactly the same angst from the other end of the political spectrum. And last but not least Marcus ffucking-Brigstocke, getting in semi-clever little digs at Trump, racists in general and Farage in particular. He arbitrarily introduced Nigel to the discussion by describing him as an ex-public school banker – missing the annoying detail that this semi-literate tosser masquerading as a comedian has a banker for a father and went to a succession of ‘privately funded’ schools (no details on why he changed so frequently). He also enjoys dual French nationality, which has to be the icing on our cake.
Agenda? All too predictable I’m afraid.
BBC news last night at 10. Must have had a fit of the “charter renewal vapours”.
A report from the Greek- Macedonian border in which a migrant told us that the police reacted with tear gas because the people threw stones and bottles at them.
A report from a car racing circuit in the three states area (Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina) in which every single man asked said he was voting for Trump.
Super Tuesday today. Wonder how they’ll spin it.
Twatstocke is too stupid to understand that Farage was never a banker, he was a commodities trader in the City. It is nothing to do with “banking”, but I suppose as a luvvie he cannot be expected to know anything about the people he so casually mocks.
Live report from the slum in calais at 7.30 on al beeb 1
Utterly disgraceful and very reminiscent of their opinion……sorry ‘reporting’ from Israel when Gaza needs their arse kicking every so often
They know no shame
BBC News
Alarming attacks on the gay community have spiralled.
What’s going on in Indonesia?
Not enough gay plot lines in soaps? Like them, I am stumped.
There is likely some certainty evolving on what it is nothing to do with, though.
I’m going to take a stab at the cause being our invasion of peaceful Iraq. If not that then it’s definitely because there’s not enough diversity at the Oscar’s
Ah, back in normal mode after last night then. Last nights 10 o’clock report from Calais pointed out that the jungle was being demolished and replaced by converted shipping containers that are heated inside. They interviewed an African who said no one wanted to go to the new accomodation because you had to be hand printed and registered and this would affect a subsequent asylum claim “somewhere else in Europe” which I understood as across the channel.
Here we are as a country and a people facing perhaps the most important vote in a generation (if not longer). But I don’t give a stuff about that. I’m really concerned that there aren’t enough people with black skins at the Oscars. Yep, I stay awake at night worrying about that. Oh, and I’m a bit concerned about homophobia in football too just as I’m sure you all are!
Sorry for being late on this one but did anyone see the Sunday Politics?
Andrew Neil is the only good thing on the BBC. He gave Howard a right kicking for the “OUT” camp. Alan Johnson was up for the “IN” camp. We all knew what I was expecting. How wrong I was.
Brillo took him apart. I repeat, APART. They do seem to be personal friends, as can be seen by the top and tail of the interrogation (it was not an interview). Take a look at it, it is well worth it.
I watched it Glenn and have to say how impressed I was with Andrew Neil.
Recently I’ve found him very disappointing and was worried that he had gone full native but I thought yesterday he was back on form – impartial, forensic and completely in control.
If anything, he gave Alan Johnson an easy ride; but let’s be honest, Alan Johnson may be a nice guy but intellectual colossus he is not.
A couple of things that didn’t get picked up on:-
1) During the Michael Howard interview Andrew Neil stated that the head of Interpol (Rob Wainwright), who was British, had claimed we were better in than out for security reasons. Michael Howard failed to counter the argument by pointing out the obvious – if we left the EU, he would lose his job – no surprise a turkey doesn’t vote for Christmas.
2) Alan Johnson couldn’t help himself when he stated that we were the fifth biggest economy in the world but “the fourth when we were in power”. Andrew Neil failed to point out that that was only before 2008 and the economic crash, when our bankers were fiddling the books with the help of Gordon Brown. After the crash we, as a country also crashed to seventh in the economic table.
Poor old Johnson blurted out that migration will go UP if we leave the EU.
His reason for this?…that our economy will do so well without carrying Junckers Sedan Chair around-or having to empty Tusks commode upon our grandkids-that people will flood into the now-free UK.
I mean-what talent wants to go down with the EU Paedello,when a free trade UK offers a fresh start?-and may we send the likes of Johnson, Mandelson and others of Yesterdays Men back to Brussels in a stiffy bag…with the BBC shovelling their shit over themselves whilst they`re both in the last ditch of Mollenbeek as well.
No traitors-no BBC -dare we DREAM of such?
He seems to think if we just shackle ourselves to the EU corpse, then we`ll get migrants…but more Islams vultures and labours druggies, trannies and paedos on the voting roll.
As opposed to decent worldwide talent who DON`T want to chop the heads off Brirtish serving soldiers…who the left would always prefer.
Hope Johnson is the Eurine Face of fuckery…if HiS smug mug doesn`t get us our majority then they deserve the clueless cuck to deliver the fatwas to come.
Macedonia border update. Tuesday morning. Another day. No change at the bBBC.
Still first item on Al Beeb news at 7am, 3rd item at 8am.
Then first story after 8am news.
It’s just never ending.
And to treat us, we had to listen to Mandelson’s patronising tones.
The great and the good are all having a go at Macedonia for using tear gas. OMG. Will the world end?
Yet the Macedonia police’s report of ‘violent attacks on the border’ is manifestly true from the video evidence.
I do wish the students in the bBBC newsroom and the rest of the liberal left would just go and crawl under some stones and stay there.
Today Programme in full pro-immigrant and pro-EU mode this morning. Mr Savage the latest bleeding heart embedded reporter in Greece and the Balkans, announces that the young males battering the wire down at the Macedonian border have the necessary papers, whatever that means. The clear implication is that they are legal migrants and are free to travel wherever they like within the EU. What arrogance! The prime 8.15 slot is then allocated to an extended interview with Lord Mandy of Brazillianboy. Like Lord Kinnock of Welshwindbag he is a failed labour politician who was then rewarded with years on the EU gravy train . Mandy tells us that Merkel is a moral person which explains why Germany has triggered this migrant crisis and ridden roughshod over democratic governments in Eastern and Southern Europe. We then learn that Britain has no chance of negotiating trade agreements within 2 or 3 years because those moral Europeans will play hardball over all the small print. No balancing view is given against any of this propaganda.
Propaganda is all about the choice of exact words isn’t it? This pro-immigration piece on the BBC this morning introduced ‘one of the biggest problems facing Europe is the uncontrollable immigration crisis’. No Beeb, it is not uncontrollable it is simply uncontrolled.
Of course, these two things are very different. The Beeb version implies that it is a problem exerted from outside and which we can only desperately address at the edges, trying to do something about.
The true version, of course, is that the leaders of the EU have simply chosen to create this crisis in order to show how morally superior they are to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. It is not uncontrollable at all, it’s just that they have decided to do nothing about it.
It’s no more uncontrollable than a tap leaking in my loft, if I ignore it (or go upstairs and open the tap a bit more, which seems to be the EU solution) then it will cause a disaster. If I choose to control the leak instead, by turning the tap off or getting it fixed, then it will not be a disaster.
The left, through their limitless narcissism and over-riding psychological need to show everyone how worthy they are, are completely destroying western civilisation. They are too blinkered to see it. Worse than that, if they even see it, their desire to be ‘worthy’ and better than everyone else immediately trumps any sensible action they might think of as ‘racist’.
Leftism is a mental illness.
How tragic that these stupid people gravitate exactly to the jobs where they can have influence without having any responsibility for anything and wallow in an endless pit of self-congratulation. Welcome to the BBC.
Excellent post Manchesterlad.
Think we are all Mancunians today!
That distinction between uncontrollable and uncontrolled is what Orwell would have loved.
Well done George Irwell!
Hat`s off to another Salford Jet!
‘No Beeb, it is not uncontrollable it is simply uncontrolled.‘
Spot on. I thought that at the time when I heard it on the Today Programme.
manchesterlad – great post – ref ‘choice of exact words’ well spotted.
The mental illness of the loony left/wet liberals etc. is their inability to balance compassion with the necessary requirement for self preservation. I like to think of the lifeboat analogy i.e. who would be prepared to give up their (and their families) place in a lifeboat to some unfortunate struggling in the sea? Apart from Giles Fraser that is.
Agree totally. Let us remember that it is the liberal left who have actually created the crisis in the first place by cajoling governments into toppling the dictators along the African coast and egging on the ‘moderates’ in Syria. Remember the ecstatic reports every night on the BBC about how marvelous the Arab Spring was. But all sensible people knew that this was likely to end with chaos in those countries and end badly for us. Also I don’t know what impression of the UK the BBC World Service gives to those in the Levant or Africa but I suspect that it is one in which the UK will be a generous host which will welcome them with open arms. This despite polls showing that a majority in the UK don’t want any in our country.
On the Daily Politics today there was an excellent example of how far the liberal left thinking has penetrated into the establishment. David Anderson, who is the independent scrutineer in chief of government anti terror policies , mouthed such platitudes as, ‘any powers of detention etc must be used without any ethnic bias’, and,’ great care must be taken not to alienate Muslims’, and, ‘ there is growing evidence of the extreme right terrorist plots’. Of course he sees all the evidence and we don’t, but have you ever heard of any extreme right wingers in the UK murdering people? And what % of terrorist in Europe are Muslim, at least 95% . We also had the usual BBC piece of a Muslim saying how isolated their community was and how they felt threatened . They should ask themselves why that might be but the BBC never allows anyone to say that to them.
He pointed out that there have been more Republican terror incidents in Northern Ireland in the past few years than there have been Muslim attacks on the UK. Perhaps he should consider where appeasement gets you! Then he came with a typical liberal left contradiction, on the one hand he felt that Parliament had to have the final say on all matters, particularly those affecting civil liberties and that if this role was left to the executive , eg ministers, without proper parliamentary scrutiny , democracy and rule of law would soon be lost. He is of course right, as the Mail is telling us this week,this was exactly what happened when Blair and Brown were PM. But a minute later he said that he thought leaving the EU would be bad for the UK because we wouldn’t have so effective cooperation on terrorism. How do you square democratic accountability, with being run by a nonelected, unaccountable oligarchy in Brussels? Ms Coburn of course lapped all this up.
We did finish on a bit of sense when the UKIP rep ( sorry forgotten her name) made a strong case that until you had the infrastructure , houses, schools , hospitals etc etc you couldn’t take many migrants . Even Ken Livingstone agreed, but that numpty wanted us to build asap so we could do our duty and take a couple of million. Even the BBC seems to now accept the fact that if you have lots on migrants entering a country they need somewhere to live and this increases the number of houses you need etc etc. I’m sure that the BBC and Labour spent ages before the last election telling that migration had NO IMPACT on houses , schools etc. Someone earlierposted that leftism is a form of mental illness. I think he was right.
Absolutely spot on, the Liberal lefts dream world free of imperialism and colonialism followed by the liberal interventionists world of dictator removal and regime change has been achieved and what an advance for humanity it has been.
The white man put down his burden and went home.
Only to be followed by ever increasing numbers of the liberated peoples of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, who found their new rulers even less attractive than their “colonial oppressors”.
Subsequent attempts at liberal interventions lead to short term gains but gradually unravelled as Libyans and Iraqis find themselves liberated, turn on their liberators and in due course, inherit failed states in which various nasties rise to power.
Lefties sqawk that intervention is “not in our name” but then demand that all the resulting refugees asylum seekers and assorted chancers “for a better life” most certainly need help to leave their countries and a right to reside in ours “in our name”. A stabilisation force becomes an occupation…”not in our name”.
The sad truth..the choice is liberation and self reliance for the developing world or western intervention and western approval of the governing system. Liberals have made this mess with their romantic dream-come-true of third world liberation…and white colonists going home, yet still the burden of solving the worlds humanitarian problems remains the Wests.
Absolutely spot on Doublethinker, the Liberal lefts dream world free of imperialism and colonialism followed by the liberal interventionists world of dictator removal and regime change has been achieved and what an advance for humanity it has been.
The white man put down his burden and went home.
Only to be followed by ever increasing numbers of the liberated peoples of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, who found their new rulers even less attractive than their “colonial oppressors”.
Subsequent attempts at liberal interventions lead to short term gains but gradually unravelled as Libyans and Iraqis find themselves liberated, turn on their liberators and in due course, inherit failed states in which various nasties rise to power.
Lefties sqawk that intervention is “not in our name” but then demand that all the resulting refugees asylum seekers and assorted chancers “for a better life” most certainly need help to leave their countries and a right to reside in ours “in our name”. A stabilisation force becomes an occupation…”not in our name”.
The sad truth..the choice is liberation and self reliance for the developing world or western intervention and western approval of the governing system. Liberals have made this mess with their romantic dream-come-true of third world liberation…and white colonists going home, yet still the burden of solving the worlds humanitarian problems remains the Wests.
As you say above EE…as soon as the BBC said that they`d be talking to Peter Mandelson after the 8am news- I was riveted.
My God!…so late too?…what WOULD Lord Peter say?
I mean-Kinnocks combover Brylcream boy…TV massage stool for all things New Labour-parachuted into the rather rough northern pit stop of Hartlepool to ensure the guacamole dip at the chippy after t`club was complemented with the suitable Brazilian blend of coffees as ground on the pecs of well-oiled Copacabanos.
Oh yes-and mortgage paid for by New Labour grandees in the flat above his( for which he was chilled until the next Blair term)…and then we was implicitly fiddling passports for his wealthy pals from India( and sacked again…but frozen now!).
So where else but to Brussels to trade thongs and boxers/briefs with Chinese manufacturers…to play Lord Snooty on wealthy Russians yachts with Lord Gideon Osborne( which tells you HOW grand we`re talking here)..and meanwhile this twice sacked nomark gets a life membership of the EU, while Buttiglioni gets no job because he`s an Italian Catholic.
So Mandy goes-schmoozing for the EU is what his lifelong money from Brussels is for…AND he wanted, begged us all to join the Euro!
THAT Lord Peter Whimsicle?…HE…HE is being asked about whether or not we should stay in the EU?
Well…you`ll have to tell me what he`d have said-or it will just have to remain my surprise, my mystery for ever.
Utter shite.
Still though-after Mishal fretting about the dangers of water…dare I fill my kettle now, or do I need waterwings and a new shade of hi-viz jacket now?
Bet Mandelson was trading THOSE abominations.
And before Mishal was doing a Rolf Harris about “kids in water”-bet his BBC pals approved of THAT image, seeing that they`re fond of their watersports!-the poor souls of Raqqa were similarly sad about life…but maybe not as stressed and urgent as was Mishal Husain and her hydrophobes!
Will someone take out this rabid bit of BBC crap and shoot it?…old Yella stylee?
His name is “Savage” EE?
Oh dear-thought we`d lost Roger Black, and are busy persuading Peter White to go to Pink or Rainbow!
No-that Savage tag must go-it`ll frighten those who are toddling sweetly to Britain and the Boobs of the Beeb.
Aunties Panties are big enough for all-Camilla and Jenni are at the loon as we speak, weaving their rainbow dreams, as Chris Martin, Sting and Bob sing it for them in the absence or our late and departed Cilla Pink.
No-the BBC name all their goons Jeremy until it`s taken away for thumping-and their creatives are mainly Tonys now that the Good Lord is among them….but Mr Pinkblurr can go “Back to Black” now I`d guess.
NO- Michael Mild and Mr Soft…Alan Meek and Howard Nice…THESE are the names that the boys should take on marrying the BBC.
Besides-Savage is a bit close to the Big Jims name isn`t it?….if only the bloody BBC would put flyers and free gig tickets out from the Seventies with Jimmys mug on them seeing as they`re doing f***all in Calais now…then the gimmiegrunts might choose to stay with Antoine De Caunes, maybe cameos on Eurotrash?
Plenty of which they seem to like to make and to throw around anyway.
We need to consistently remind ourselves, because it is so easy to forget…
Presumably the same applies to the Kinnocks and all others who take the Brussels Euro
Good point. I was shocked the Beeb interviewer didn’t press this point home, during the extensive, mainly sycophantic interview. Shocked I say.
“But isn’t it true, Lord Mandella (or whatever your name is), that if you don’t show loyalty to the EU it is written into your contract as former EU commissar* you can lose entitlement to your £31,000 per year index linked pension?”
* Sorry, should be EU commissioner, but the differences are negligible in practice.
Fit the ‘story’ or be left on the cutting room floor
Carol Kirkwood unveils an expansion of the BBC’s Weather Watchers app
She regrets this is only available in the UK – for that read: as much as the BBC would like to spread the love to foreign non-Licence Payers, or godforbid, Britons sending in their holiday snaps…
I have a feeling she said ‘at the moment’ so watch this space all you fans of a world without borders!
She reassures us that this strange outsourcing of weather to Julian and Jocasta Public will not replace forcasts – ‘we’ll only use them to enhance what we call our “Weather Story”
Well ain’t that a thing to behold.
Apparent democratisation in reality gives even more leverage to the BBC edit suite.
Just like tricks such as the notorious BBC vox pop enhances their ‘News Story’
Just thinking about it, I’m surprised the/we LEAVERS aren’t making more of the EU migration situation from the point of view of an example of watching the EU country politicians in action/ inaction. There is no decision-making and everyone is scrabbling around in their own national interest, as they have been for months. No progress. Totally useless.
Weird thing, the EU. One minute they are ‘our partners’ and ‘our allies’ and the very next they are ‘our opponents’, with much jockeying for position and wheeler-dealing to secure national competitive or political advantage.
In a fast-changing world, the sclerotic EU is a complete waste of space, not fit for purpose.
The Remainers portray the other EU nations rather like Chicago Mafia Gangsters. Stay under their protection and pay £55 million a day and they will be nice to you. Try to leave their protection and stop paying and they will turn very nasty. With friends like these……
Because the Remainders would say, ‘this is what happens when we don’t pull together’. To an extent, they’d be right: the cause of this can be traced back to Merkel’s idiotic invitation to all and sundry without consulting anyone else.
Dr David Whitehouse used to be a BBC science correspondent. Here is a recent article of his from the Spectator:
Notice the different writing style to that currently used in the BBC Science and Environment section. Could it be because he is a scientist and not and Eng Lit graduate?
Daily dose of ‘Trump is literally Adolf Hitler’, and ‘BBC’s fantasies of how Trump will lose’ continues apace:
For some reason, they seem much less interested in printing ‘Hilary Clinton is the most corrupt Presidential candidate in history’ articles, about her investigation by the FBI.
Interesting how it’s linked from the news homepage: “Headwinds that could blow more than Trump’s hair out of place“.
They’ve allowed comments, and amongst the current highest-rated is this:
Indeed. Last week there was a dreadful piece on ‘unruly hair in Black Women’ which is needless to say A Good Thing as they are, er, black and er, women. One can imagine how all the Americans who look exclusively to the BBC for their political guidance (yeah, right) will think: “Gee, Trump’s hair looks a little odd. Guess his politics must be odd, too. And didn’t that Hitler guy have an odd haircut as well? I sure better vote for Hilary this time round.”
As you indicate, I imagine the BBC has very little influence on US politics. After all, Americans have a serious imbalance of pro-lefty media to contend with anyway, so why would they need to add to it. I’ve been glued to Fox News re the nomination contest. Though they incline to the right, they do so in a fair, open and frank fashion that BBC propagandists wouldn’t recognise if they tripped over it.
Thanks for the link, mikehunt. I posted this comment:
Funny article. “Blonde bombshell,” for goodness sake. Well, I guess it’s OK to poke fun at a politician but would the BBC ever do it to Obama or Clinton? Of course not.
I look forward to the day the BBC puts its bias and its campaigning aside and starts to treat people of different political persuasions equally.
It seems they have decided to post the comments immediately, rather than the usual ‘reactive moderation.’
The comments are coming in at quite a rate and the pro-Trump comments are getting negatively recommended quite heavily.
Edit: Can something be negatively recommended?
Comments not going in the BBC direction. And note the numbers who call attention to BBC bias.
Indeed, like this one:
637. Posted by Gordon Freeman
3 minutes ago
Still waiting for an HYS on Saville, Germanys failure and the UKs failure to deal with Sex attacks carried out by those who cannot be named on the BBC. Sorry how is bashing trump 24/7 allowed when we are not allowed to bash the BBC for protecting a Paedophile. BBC out of touch and no longer worthy of the Fee.
I guess they’re coming in at such a rate that they are not even trying to moderate them. Perhaps they are relying on people to ‘report’ comments they don’t like.
Can the Calais migrants do no wrong in the BBCs eys?
At the start of the video the reporter says “…groups of migrant try to access trucks…” when all I can see in the video is two migrants trying to smash a lorrys window whilst it is moving at speed.
I cannot keep up with political correctness but is the word “groups” still allowed ? I know “swarm” and “bunch” are not allowed.
What’s the collective noun for more than one ‘frustrated doctor and engineer’?
Talking of Trump and lefty media spin, MSNBC got caught nicely while trying to pump out anti-Trump propaganda. They focused on a black man at a rally regarding the support for Trump from white supremacist David Duke, fully expecting him to denounce Trump. The expression on the anchor’s face, when the black man didn’t behave as expected and failed to jump through MSNBC’s hoops, is priceless:
Excellent TT! Thanks for posting.
Isn’t that something?! They homed in on a black man, certain that he would deliver an anti-Trump tirade. I guess the ‘editor’ didn’t make it to work that day.
Or maybe he did but decided it would be ‘racist’ to censor a black man’s opinion!
It’s worth transcribing the anchor after they cut away from the black guy, because the squirming is very amusing.
“Um… clearly (nervous laugh) … let me just be clear here. Obviously the majority of Donald Trump’s supporters are not African-American, I don’t know how many African-Americans were in that.. that building but that is one, uh, person that, uh we have chosen to cut that sound from, uh, David.”
Funny. They aren’t normally at pains to point out when ethnic minorities get disproportionate cover.
Brilliant – the expression on that reporter’s face is priceless! And much respect to the gentleman interviewed who refused to make it an issue of colour instead choosing to say ‘we’re all Americans’.
Anyone on here holidaying in Europe this year ? Brave souls. Make sure you have your innoculations, remember to wear your stab vest, keep your kids close to you, and a surgical mask should be worn in some areas. Make the most of it, in a few year’s time it could be the continent of Mad Max ! And Cameron wants us to remain IN ???????
Utterly tragic what`s going on in Calais etc.
Well remember being able to stock up well and cheaply in Boulogne, Calais etc before Christmas and Easter.
Good for local trade there of course-but would have done far more good for Anglo-French relations that the cast of sob goblins like Krishnan, Alex and Soapy Soapboxes do as they trash the good people of Calais(the real white established ones-and all others of goodwill and long standing)-and pile merde upon their honourable if naive ambassador here.
So-no day trips, no pidgin French for the kids in the holidays-catastrophic for their businesses, the ferries and the hotels…and that poor woman who spoke at that local meeting recently(posted onto this site-unforgettable, thank you!) gets ignored as per by the” LGBT Conyownetty”…Labour(Liberal luvvies) Guardian ,Beeb Tosspots(tossers).
Tragic for the good normales of France, grist to the liberal mill…and we true Europeans needs to show OUR “solidarity” to the French-it`ll be us if we don`t.
Nique le BBC, Guardian and the liberal lying lefty luvvies!
I’m finding it increasingly difficult to comment here (it does appear that comments are declining) could it be because we all are avoiding or finding the BBC intolerable?
My last weeks consumption of ‘The Worlds Best Broadcaster’ equalled quick scans through recordings of local news (for the weather), a classy subtitled Icelandic drama on BBC4, Wright, Matthew & Walker on Radio 2, alas no Blackburn, everything else from a quick scan of the listings was dross, including another bloody Mary Berry cooking program. All looked less interesting than watching that nice girl playing noughts and crosses with her clown (has she been diversified yet?)
Lets take prime time main BBC Channels tonight…
BBC1 One Show, Eastenders, Holby City, Happy Valley
BBC2 The Great Interior Design Challenge, Back in Time for the Weekend, Who’s the Boss, Scrappers – Back in the Yard
All I see there are programs ripe for tales of diversity and others for propaganda inserts, the rest downright boring and done before.
World class broadcasting? Pah! Where are the gentle comedies (The Terry and June’s of today), chat shows (a la Wogan), Sport (Sportsnight) and Quiz Shows (Monkhouse type not the endless ever present Pointless ones) ?
Looks like another night of Only Fools recordings, Now TV and Ipod…
Well, sadly (as Joan Bakewell once opined) its kids brought up on X boxes running the BBC. Equally the comedy scriptwriters of all those truly funny programmes that we grew up with are either dead or long retired; and the offerings since have been puerile, infantile and just unfunny. Tragically on the one hand, in the past we’ve had proper suits and management giving the go ahead for a really good viewing schedule with Saturday nights being the highlight of the week, BUT it was those same suits that turned a blind eye to we all know what !
I would like to make the case for an exception or two.
Andy Hamilton – Old Harry’s Game, Revolting People and quite a bit else besides.
John Finnemore – Cabin Pressure and another he is now doing.
What a loss Bob Monkhouse was…….never forget him telling the best joke ever:-
“When I was young I told people I wanted to be a comedian and they all laughed. Well they’re not laughing now”
Never mind, we’ve still got the likes of Eddy Izzard, Jeremy Hardy and all the other New Labour knobs to keep us amused.
Bob was one of the greatest. His stand-up routines are brilliant. Not suitable for TV , of course, and some of his jokes are so “blue” I have to get my mum to explain them to me. The DVD ” Bob Monkhouse exposes himself ” gives a flavour ! And a lot of his material is on Youtube.
I guess another favourite is Tommy Cooperand, again, much of his best stuff was never on TV but some of his after dinner speeches are on Youtube. Who could resist ” My Lords , Ladies and gentlemen. From now on this speech goes downhill ” .
Jeremy Hardy , for heavens sake !
Jeremy Hardy and the rest of the clones, mutual masturbation masquerading as “comedy ” .
I’ve said this before but the problem with most modern comedy is that it is hidebound by political correctness and left-wing orthodoxy. Censorship can be quite good for comedy, because it fosters creativity and a way of circumventing the rules to raise a laugh, but today’s comedians are self-censored because they seem to truly believe in the doctrines of the left. So they can never really be funny because they cannot subvert dogmatism.
George Orwell wrote about this with reference to novelists; he said you can’t have a good Catholic novelist because his beliefs do not allow him to sufficiently question things. It’s the same with lefty comedians. Just look at the way people like Ben Elton disappeared when Labour was elected in ’97. It simply wasn’t possible for him to criticise them.
Cranmer, you are so right. The left-wing ” comedians” are so trapped in the prison of their own ideology that, not only can they not break out, they are not even aware that they are trapped. Who could tell what political views Bob or Tommy or, to mention another genius, Spike had ? They were towering giants compared with Hardy and his dwarfs.
He mentioned Thatcher within about 60 seconds of this week’s News Quiz. I can’t tell you anything about the rest of the programme.
Number , it is amazing how they still go on about Maggie. Is it because all ” Conservatives” after her are, in reality socialists ? Difficult for the Left to have Dave as a hate-figure when they know that he is one of them !
Was watching that tragic night when Tommy Cooper had his heart attack – another giant loss to comedy.
When I watch him dressed half/half turning from one side to the other and telling a story as two different people I can literally cry with laughter. How superb the old comedians were.
Now the current crop of BBC greats can also make me cry, for totally different reasons.
third, luckily I was not watching that night but I heard that people thought it was part of his act ! His final joke ! Funnily enough he is very popular with Africans in Gambia, where I live. A bit like Norman Wisdom in Albania. Norman, now there was another !
Back in the day (early 70’s) when large companies had ‘social clubs’, I remember attending many a boozy Saturday night at one run by Kodak. They always had a ‘top liner’ along the lines of Dave Allen, Ted Ray, Ronnie Corbett and…… Bob Monkhouse. These guys had a totally different repertoire than their tv routine, and you cried and ached with laughter by the end. Monkhouse topped the lot and always brought the house down. Of another age, and just a shame that later generations have been deprived of knowing what the word ‘comedy’ is all about.
Also Dick Emery, Benny Hill, Morcambe & Wise; the only one from today, who I think would have made it back then is Peter Kay. I recall Bob Monkhouse saying as much, in an interview once, about him.
Yes, I read the comments to restore my sanity if I’ve had the misfortune to see, hear or read any BBC output. I don’t comment much now, because the fact is that the BBC is biased. Simple as that. There’s not point logging individual instances. It’s also not very good!
I try not to use the BBC. I hope that if enough people ignore it, then it will have to reform or die.
Same as that ,I simply don’t watch the BBC any more so I have little to add to this esteemed site
But I’m not confident that ignoring it will cause it to wither away
BBC Online News:
“”Super Tuesday: Will attacks on Trump be too little, too late?””
By Jon Sopel North America editor’
“”…….are the attacks on Donald Trump too little, too late?”” (too late for who? The Democrat supporting BBC?)
“”Might they cause his massively lacquered mop to move in the breeze?”” (why the snide personal attack?)
“”……his latest bit of excess has made him even more popular.”” (excessive for who? The Democrat supporting BBC?)
“”……has he kept company with the wrong sorts? Has he used illegal immigrants to build his landmark buildings? Is he a hypocrite, a con man, a fraud?”” (is the BBC desperate?)
“”…….what is the mood in the Republican leadership. “Panic,” came the reply. “Total panic.””” (au contaire mon BBC amis)
There you have it. Biased BBC evidence. They hate anyone right of centre who doesn’t chime with their Left Wing stance. A destructive article such as this would never been allowed by the BBC about Clinton. Never.
Yes, snide it certainly was. The caption to the photo of him being hugged by the blonde lady caught my eye:
Trump’s Republican rivals would love to be this close (in the polls) to the clear front-runner
Get it? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
There is practically nothing of substance in the article – just poor attempts at ridicule and character assassination. It’s not journalism, just a ‘reporter’ showing how in he is with the lefty snobbery so prevalent at the BBC.
Don’t those Yankees watch the BBC? Don’t they know they are supposed to vote for Clinton’s wife?
Wouldn’t it be fun if American politics became ‘settled’ against the Democrats and the BBC correspondent had to go along with the ‘consensus’ of ‘97%’ ** of voters?
** Following a survey of ten voters wearing ‘elephant’ badges.
Great post Dover,
If America votes for Hillary Clinton then the most corrupt high-profile politician of modern times will have triumphed.
Then again the same people decided that OJ Simpson was not guilty.
Someone’s definitely being marched off site because incredibly the Al Beeb has opened a HYS on this! What isn’t shocking at all is every single post from highest rated down (until I gave up) was in favour of Trump and ridiculing and abusing the Al Beeb for this embarrassing, child like article. Reading those comments makes this site look pro Beeb! The Al Beeb is so delusional and so sheltered from reality that it doesn’t see what it’s doing to itself. People everywhere are seeing what an embarrassment they truly are. Trump and the Brexit campaign couldn’t have wished for a better campaign manager than Al Beeb. They are literally forcing people to back both because of how they are being.
I cannot believe I am saying this but the tide is turning in our favour and the Al Beeb and (inadvertently) helping us!
Excellent post DS
The BBC’s has a deliberate policy of not mentioning any positive contributions that Israel gives to the world in so many fields.. This morning on Radio 4’s Cancer Moonshot at 11am this morning, it was the Israeli research that was behind the recent advances in melanoma treatment.
See Discovery of the Melanoma trigger
Posted on: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 on
A team of researchers from Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Technion, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sheba Medical Center have discovered what causes melanoma cells to turn into aggressive tumors. The scientists are convinced that it will soon lead to a breakthrough treatment.
True, can’t have positive reporting on Israel or negative reporting on the Palestinians. They’re off message.
12.35pm Politics show. Livingstone allowed to lie as usual. Ken Livingstone is incapable of making a truthful comment, this time he is trying to smear the right. So he takes a current headline, the import of weapons which was a court story yesterday. With the strong implication that those who did it were right wing activists.
Hmm, I see this fine site has received a dishonourable mention on the BBC thread:
730. Posted by Champane Socilast
8 minutes ago
@696 ichabod @701 MrBritches @717/8 Daniel/Alan
What’s really funny is deluded individuals like you believe that anyone outside the few 100 on HYS or the few dozen on Biased BBC give 2 hoots about the far right’s perception of ‘BBC bias’. The Royal Charter will be renewed with the Licence Fee & there’s nothing you can do about it!!
Keep sucking those lemons & reporting posts cowards!
‘The Royal Charter will be renewed with the Licence Fee & there’s nothing you can do about it!!’
Annoying, but it is very likely with this government, and the BBC supporters seem to know this
Actually there is something we can do about it, which is to sell our tellies and therefore legally cease paying to fund the BBC. With all the decent progs available online free, it’s a ‘no brainer’ really.
Cranmer, funny you should say that. I am in the process of selling my flat in UK and , as my TV is broken, I am just going to scrap it. I now live in Gambia, so will be interested to see if the BBC send their enforcement goons out for a nice jolly in the sun ! There is no UK/Gambia extradition treaty !
Grant, be sure to download a useful free program called ‘Expat Shield’ which gives you a British IP address and enables you to watch BBC online content abroad.
Cranmer, I think I heard of that, but the only BBC output I access in Gambia is TMS ! My satellite system gets France24, Al Jazeera, CNN China and other news channels which are all vastly superior to the BBC’s pathetic “news ” output.
One problem with the BBC mindset is that they do nor realise how inferior they are to other international providers. For example , there is a Chinese channel ( I can’t remember the name ) devoted to documentaries and avaiable in some languages , including english. I can get it on my satellite TV in Gambia and the documentaries would put the BBC to shame ! If they had any shame !
TrueToo, ” Dishonourable mention “. I take it as a badge of honour !
Yes, we should start to worry when he gives us an honourable mention.
I see ‘Champane Socilast’ trolling around various sites from time to time. Pity he/her/it has difficulty with their spelling. Perhaps they work for the Beeb.
BBC doctors program on now.
Wow, diversity special.
A mixed race lesbian couple, one who’s currently pregnant (don’t know how)
Will one of them turn out to be transgender?
The program is a diversity lovefest
Don’t know, where’s that f*ck*ng remote?
Switching off won’t change anything !!. Emphasising the lives and behaviour of a tiny minority of people as being more important than the way the vast majority of people behave is unjust to the majority . Complain otherwise the BBC will be unaware they are offending people up and down the country.
I doubt they would care.
I have wondered if anyone monitors when internet feeds are dropped.
If everyone switched off when the ubiquitous Carmen Squire, (someone who appears without warning on all channels at any time with the same ‘sexy’ (yuk) manner), comes on they might get the message. (Please broadcasters there are 7 billion people in the world, why her?
Even Jeremy Hardy, Brigstocke et al are rationed.