Not sure if this has been brought up before, but who had the misfortune to endure Jeremy Vile this lunchtime? As a mark of 10 years of devolution on St David’s day, we had a 2 hour Welsh love-in, and as a musical accompaniment we were naturally delighted to be serenaded by a manly Welsh choir. However, this being the BBC, it was no ordinary choir. Instead of a manly group of ex miners & steelworkers and the like, we had – wait for it – the South Wales gay mans choir!
I think Michael Howard , used the “Help me Rhonda” gag against Blair in PMQ`s , In reference to Chris Bryant ,MP for Rhonda . The gay one, who , was always defending Evil Blair .
Michael Howard , a good Welshman who has deep concerns about Great Britain, which is contrary
to your hero the ‘Used Car Salesman’ who wants to sell us ‘down the Swanney’ of the EU.
We await your latest opinion on your leader, see Number 7’s post of February 29, 2016 at 11:45 pm
Those who have just missed Peter Gibbs “Costing the Earth”, Radio 4, missed a real treat. It was concerned with using sound to monitor climate change and changes in ecological diversity! The gems were far too many to list here, but the ‘scientists’ seem to have discovered that the fewer sounds that they record is indicative of ‘climate change’. Sounds of a calving glacier (shock-horror) = arctic melting, etc. Actually, I’m not entirely sure the programme wasn’t a spoof, written for laughs. In all the madness of the BBC’s climate agenda, this ranks high indeed. A pity, really. I prefer Gibbs to the other one on Gardeners Question Time, but here he was just barking.
I can confirm that I have never read a scientific paper about carbon dioxide induced climate change causing a reduction of sound waves.
However I have read about sound levels increasing due to wind speeds, and urban sound levels increasing due to mass immigration, causing Birds to tweet much more loudly in urban areas.
But a reduction of atmospheric pressure from 4 bar to 1 bar since or due to the Chicxulub impactor 66 million years ago is reducing weather to an eventual zero, and would cause a reduction in sound levels to zero, wind speeds to zero and therefore Hurricanes to zero, rainfall to zero, and therefore eternal droughts.
But then this also gives legitimacy to the reduction in sound hypothesis, if you look at this evidence of a reduction in air pressure of 1.7 millibars since 1940.
But then if the left-wing morons at the BBC continue to censor the Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, then they wont learn how this censorship will destroy the reputation of the BBC in the future, not just amongst Astronomers, Scientists and Mensa members, but all Licence Fee Payers.
I didn’t make it clear that it was the ‘sounds of nature’ rather than sound per se. For example, the globe-trotting ‘scientist’ had found that he records a greater diversity of bird song (and I think insect noise) in higher quality forest, and less in low quality. No-one expected that! And in Mongolia he was overcome by the sound of horses’ hooves swishing through the grass (it was an emotional moment for him), which was the only part of his trip to that country that was broadcast. It wasn’t science: it was fantasy and ignorant self-indulgence.
Martin, thank you for the clarification. I was thinking that the message of the programme was that the reduction in bird song in the western world was because so many had been shredded by the windmills we need to make the global warming entitled even richer.
These stories above go together don`t they?
No personal prosecutions at Mid-Staffs…none either for Omagh.
Have to get off their rubber rings and lilos to bother checking THESE!
My Buddha…as Mandelson says…”we are where we are”,,,so that`s OK then.
But never for those liggers at Calais and the Greek border , who never seem to say “we are where we are”.
So let`s just dig in and pretend things are grand…Mid-Staffs or Omagh…who cares?
Maybe we NEED these throat cutting play actors to grab a few bums at the High Court or doing cabin shed private gynae in Stafford…and I reckon they`d find the semtex train in mid_Armagh if we pointed them at Mecca first.
God, this is a crock isn`t it?…but it`s certainly a consistent nationwide service isn`t it?
Let no-one say that Ulster is a special case-we don`t give a stuff about their dead anymore than we do for our own grannies at Mid-Staffs.
The State and the BBC don`t give a damn, IRA or NHS…as long as Mitchell doesn`t use a word like “pleb”
This proves that the bBBC has finally lost the plot. Not content with showing four or five advertisements for themselves every half-hour or hour, they are now so devoid of ideas that they run a TV programme about TV programmes.
Allah be praised.
There I was sorting out my jellybub washing and my shalwar chemise-and , blow me Ahmed if I don`t find Allahs lottery ticket at the bottom of the rust bath that took me here to Worcester.
And now tonight Eddie Allah Main on PM says that my Uncle Osama had left me £29 million pounds!
i`ve got the other half of the will Eddie sab!…and isn`t it so nice to be trusted as the good Muslim that I am?
At last-the BBC lead the way for paradise in reporting my claim with all due honour , dignity and seriousness.
Thank Allah I don`t want to leave Europe, I believe in climate change and in allowing loads more like me and my dear departed Uncle to come here and join the BBC Trusties.
The G stands for God…but even if it was Gull, the Beeb would still report on Uncle Bins will as if no-one at the BBC sees what comedy clowns they`ve now become.
Just as well…there`s no humour in Islam, but some hummous maybe…
Right Ahmed-ta for the blowing….
Been looking at one of the latest euro exit scaremongering pieces,
It made me wonder, assuming a decisive vote for freedom from tyranny (bit of neutral BBC reporting wordplay) is delivered, just how long would it take for Britain to disentangle itself from the vipers nest? A week would be too long for me, but realistically, any educated guesses?
I look forward to (not) watching this on al beebus –
Huddled Masses in Toronto
If you haven’t made plans for April Fool’s Day, you won’t want to miss this:
Louise Arbour, Nigel Farage, Simon Schama, and Mark Steyn convene in Toronto, Canada, to debate the pressing issue of our time
Mme Arbour, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Chief Prosecutor for the Yugoslav and Rwandan war crimes tribunals, will be joining with Professor Schama, the eminent British historian, to propose the motion:
Be it resolved, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…
Mark and UKIP leader Nigel Farage will be opposing it.
The debate, moderated by Rudyard Griffiths, takes place at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto at 7pm on Friday April 1st. If you sign up for premium membership before midday on Tuesday March 1st, you can buy advance tickets. Otherwise, seats go on sale this Saturday. Don’t miss it!
Labour peer (and not coincidentally, celebrity) Lord Winston says he is not speaking politically. Er, excuse me???? He’s a labour peer FFS talking about THE most political subject we have ever had to deal with. You might as well ask Bernard Matthews what he thinks about abolishing Christmas.
Expect a lot more of this sort of shite in the coming months:
“One of Britain’s best known scientists” – so f***ing what? His view is no more valid than Big Jim who works down the local chippy!
Who could ever forget Bobby Winston.
Looks like a 70s porn star, all ready to defend cuts in the NHS-unless it was Frank Dobson or Alan Milburn doing them-in which case he`d sacrifice his ward, his department, his hospital.
Classic Labour hypocrite who never did manage the spine replacement procedure he obviously has a need for.
The BBC thinks that by ‘sacking’ Tony Blackburn (linked to Clare McAlpine) they can deflect the seriousness of Saville’s exploits as sexual predator, the former NHS fund raiser and proven necrophilliac, brazen ‘BBC made-me-famous’ paedophille and abuser of NHS nurses and patients (including young boys). He abused young music fans at any opportunity. According to last Sundays’ The Sunday Times – ex BBC Bill Cotton (TOTP producer knew of Saville’s sexual exploits and had warned him off). All this has been strongly denied by the BBC. What is even more amazing that the BBC secretly (as yet unproved) procured young girls for sexual exploitation to visiting POP stars (if ‘Clare McAlpine’ diary is true then the BBC is also linked to ‘Claire McAlpine’ death – and that’s the real story. She was passed around like parcel and this is according to her own secret diary that was ‘rubbished’ by the BBC – when her foster Mother complained directly to the BBC (after her death) she was fobbed off. But it now it appears that ‘Clare McAlpine’s’ Diary may well be true… The BBC in ‘sacking Tony Blackburn’ to avoid this larger ‘expose’ of past BBC practices is deeply disturbing if proved to be true. The news is not good for the BBC. ‘The world famous singer accused of having sex with 15-year-old Top of the Pops dancer Claire McAlpine is an American who is still touring today, it was claimed yesterday. The one-time heartthrob spent the night with the troubled teenager after BBC staff plucked her from a crowd of dancers on the show…’
The Clementi Review has 167 mentions of the words “Complaint” or “Complaints” and confirms the massive 35 percent annual rate of increase in complaints to the BBC. Although for some unknown reason, the Capita operation is not mentioned in the Review document.
Watching Look North earlier and caught some amazing deflection in one of their reports.
There is a biomass plant near Rotherham, where there is a union protest against the employment of Eastern Europeans instead of British workers. There was footage of the picket line and the protesters had placards complaining about the lack of British jobs for British workers etc, but no one was interviewed.
Al beebus chose, however, to report it thus – British workers were protesting against the exploitation of Eastern European workers at the plant. Which is complete cr@p; they were protesting against the Eastern Europeans undercutting them and taking their work, which is precisely what their placards said and why made sure not to interview any of those protesting.
BBC 22:00 news. The migrant crisis Some gobshite from save the children gets a platform again, The BBc launces an attack on Trump I’m not sure why just like the majority of you I don’t have a vote in America.
This is a view of the U.S. presidential race you won’t see or hear on al beebus.
As In 1964 And 1980, A New Republican Party Is Taking Shape.
The first four Republican contests—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada—produced record turnouts.
While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic patriotism, border security, and an end to imperial wars that brought out the throngs.
The crowds that continue to come out for his appearances and the vast audiences he has attracted to GOP debates testify to his drawing power.
Moreover, Trump has now been endorsed by Gov. Chris Christie, ex-chairman of the Republican Governors Association, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the most respected conservatives on Capitol Hill.
Yet, with polls pointing to a possible Trump sweep on Super Tuesday, save Texas, his probable nomination, and a chance for the GOP to take it all in the fall, is causing some conservatives and Republicans to threaten to bolt, go third party, stay home, or even vote for Clinton.
They would prefer to lose to Clinton than win with Trump.
A conservative friend told this writer that Trump, unlike, say, Ted Cruz, has never shown an interest in the Supreme Court, which, with Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat vacant, hangs in the balance.
Yet, surely, a President Trump, hearing the clamor of those who elected him to find a Scalia, would be responsive.
With President Clinton, the court is gone for a generation.
We hear wails that the nomination of Trump would mean the end of the conservative movement. But how so?
If Trump won and conducted a conservative government, it would validate the movement. If Trump won and turned left, it would inspire an insurgency like Ronald Reagan’s in 1976, when the Ford-Rockefeller-Kissinger administration moved too far toward detente.
If Trump ran and lost, the conservative movement would have President Clinton to unite and rally the troops against.
One recalls Barry Goldwater’s historic wipeout in 1964. But, in 1966, Republicans made the greatest gains in a generation, and went on to win the presidency for 20 of the next 24 years.
Undeniably, a Trump presidency would mean an end to the Bush and establishment policies on trade, immigration and intervention.
But those policies have already been repudiated in the primaries, as they have proven to be transparent failures for America.
As long ago as the early 1990s, populist conservatives were imploring George H. W. Bush to secure our Mexican border, as tens of thousands poured across in the San Diego-Tijuana corridor. Gov. Pete Wilson turned near-certain defeat into a stunning comeback victory in 1994 by promising to send the National Guard.
Why did the establishment not respond then to the electorate? Why, instead of trashing Wilson for imperiling future party prospects with Hispanics, did the establishment not do what the people had demanded and move decisively to secure our southern border?
What is conservative about uncontrolled borders?
Why, as trade deficits with China and the world rose from the tens of billions to hundreds of billions, did the establishment not wake up and see the shuttering factories, the lost jobs and the ghost towns arising across America—and react?
Could they not see that, as we celebrated globalization, Beijing and Tokyo were practicing ruthless mercantilism and protectionism?
At the end of the Cold War in 1991, many Americans urged that, with the Soviet Empire dissolved and Soviet Union disintegrating, it was time to bring our troops home and let the rich fat nations that had been freeloading for half a century provide the soldiers and pay the cost of their own security.
Instead, the establishment opted for empire, for expanding old alliances, dumping over regimes, crusading for democracy, sending our soldiers out to remake Third World countries in the image of Iowa and Vermont.
Who now thinks all these wars were worth the cost?
Whether Trump wins or loses the nomination, the immigration, trade and foreign policies pursued by the elites since the end of the Cold War are dead letters. The nation has declared them to be so in the primaries.
Who is campaigning, in either party today, for open borders, or passing The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or sending troops back to Iraq or into Syria?
The Bernie Sanders insurgency appears to have been turned back by the vested interests of his party. But like the George McGovern insurgency in ’72, which also relied heavily upon the enthusiasm of the young, Sanders’ socialism may be the ideological future of his party.
The same may be said of the Trump insurgency. Whatever happens at Cleveland, the returns from the primaries look like the passing of the old order, the death rattle of an establishment fighting for its life, and being laughed at and mocked as it goes down.
As in 1964 and 1980, a new Republican Party is taking shape.
Defections are to be expected, and not altogether unwelcome.
“One recalls Barry Goldwater’s historic wipeout in 1964. But, in 1966, Republicans made the greatest gains in a generation, and went on to win the presidency for 20 of the next 24 years.”
The Democrats were wise to that. In 1965 they passed a new Immigration Act, which ensured that within a few decades white Americans would be a minority in their own country. They realised that the best way for them to win was to import a new population. This was a lesson which their keen student Tony Blair was only too eager to learn. If President Trump has any sense he will make sure that 1965 Act is repealed as soon as possible.
That is the sobering lesson Britain should take from what has happened in the U.S.: in 1965 America was 90% white, yet it is predicted that by the 2040’s whites in the U.S. will be in the minority; in some states such as California, they already are.
It is amazing to consider, that this demographic transformation will occur in less than a century.
Let’s play darts for sport relief..Just watching now it’s like car crash TV. Someone who is more crap at playing darts than me. Car crash TV or pulling teeth another steaming pile from the BBc
Bydd popeth yn iawn mewn Haverfordwest.
All healthy over here – so far, but I suspect we will have ‘Elf and Safety’ stepping in shortly ? That’s If Al Beeb goes for it.
The Beeb hates anything that is traditional, masculine, breeds self reliance, develops character and toughness, associated with drinking, laughter and people enjoying themselves as players and/ or socially.
So that’s rugby knackered then.
Except…..they find space for wimmins rugby on both radio and their website.
What a topsy turvey world they inhabit in beebland. Be bland, yep, the dream of the beeboids.
Yes taffman. Rugby Union is perceived by the highly-privileged upper-middle class of the BBC as a game enjoyed by semi-privileged middle-middle class types so the urge to ban it will be great. Of course they’ve no idea that in South Wales it’s mainly enjoyed by the Working Class – as these Jeremy and Jemima Beeboids wouldn’t go near a real Workng Class person if they could even recognise one.
Another past-time enjoyed particularly by the Middle Class and the elderly is preserved steam train lines. Soon they’ll be trying to ban them too on bogus environmental claims.
Mr. Osborne, this is how we could save a lot of money – Get out of the EU, Vote UKIP, vote Brexit – Wise up and have a word with your boss .
BBC Today, asking a US Republican commentator what the party establishment can do? Answer “get used to it”. And going on to spell out how angry a large constituency of American voters have become “about what has been going on”.
Followed by a little piece about how they “broke” the story that The Donald would stand for President of the USA on the Today programme, in an interview about Turnberry and golf a year or so ago…I didn’t catch the detail of exactly when, but it was a marked change in their usual insulting tone when talking about him.
Is this evidence of the BBCs dawning realisation that they too are going to have to “get used to it” and treat the man with a little more respect, just in case……
BBC Breakfast themselves are no strangers to a daily dose of Project Fear – these are the people who brought us “The Perils of Sugar”
We’ve a new chap riding sofa side-saddle with the BBC girls – the long streak of bland known as Dan Walker
This morning’s minor scare ’em tale is ‘over 70 doctors and experts’ whine about boys playing rugby
And while the audience think ‘awww, look at the little lambs’ our Steph enables some NUF bloke to suggest Brexit would wreck the farming industry – the French one, maybe.
You have to admire the BBC’s brass neck in this sudden concern for trade and industry. When was the last time the BBC failed to back some lefty plea to tax, restrict, hobble, inhibit, restrain or at least guilt-trip business?
Another odd item was the 70th birthday gathering of the subjects of a project launched in 1946 to monitor the health and life-styles of a group of post-war babies. Of course the BBC loves the intrusion and State control aspects of the project. But where was the diversity? A sea of pale English faces – oh dear, I thought the BBC told me we have always been a mongrel nation?
Yes, saw that…Steph bless her wondering what poor farmers will do if the farming subsidies from the EU were to cease.
A bloody good question to ask the french I’d have thought, not us. And the dopey cow still doesnt get the fact that it’s our own money to start with ( less a huge % of course).
Weird isn’t it that a Tweet is seen as some sort of moral guidance and authority on any given subject, when in fact those sheep that use Twitter seem to be in the main emotionally deficient imbeciles.
Twitter is dangerously good at forming ‘public’ opinion and enciting outrage, look at the scorn being poured on that poor woman from ITVs The Chase who took the low offer, anyone who knows about that program or watched that particular episode will know that she did the right thing, yet because some twat called her a ‘disgrace’ in a Tweet the Twitterati agree.
Nearly every newspaper now, even the Telegraph use Twatter as some sort of compass of opinion and rags like the Mail use it to make stories out of nothing, check out the right hand column on their website.
Checking Tweets is lazy journalism where you don’t have to get off your arse and look for news. It is also lazy police work, where you can sit in front of a screen looking for Tweets which reveal thoughts that are incompatible with the multikulture.
I see #bbcOperationStopTrump was used in BBC business Daily (or Global Biz)
– They did a 5 minute segment about what Hispanic voters thought of Trump
..There was NO business angle.
“Alison van Diggelen @FreshDialogues Feb 29
We’re talking #Trump #Mexico #immigration today @bbcworldbiz 5pm PST @bbcworldservice”
I see that the BBC is set to reorganise ..replacing management by network with management by theme.
I imagine their recruitment programme
#1 #bbcOperationPromoteLeftism = BBC Red-io system
#2 #bbcOperationLoveJeremy= A 500 strong team dedicated to lioninsing “Our Dear Leader”
#3 #bbcOperationLoveTheEU = A 1,000 strong team dedicated to protecting the “Golden Goose”
#4 #bbcKeepItAllAboutNorthLondon – Talk about diversity etc whilst all the time it’s really about people in Hampstead and their mates
#4a #bbcWhiteMansGuilt is a sub-operation of that. Being in London they see a lot more BME’s than the majority of the country so enage in tokenism.
#5 #bbcOperationStopTrump
#6 #bbcOperationStopUKIP – A 1,000 strong team dedicated to task #5, #6
#7 #bbcOperationSaveThePlanet – The BBC’s most powerful department with suites of its own dedicated progs headed by Dark Lord Attenborough (religious broadcasting) General Horrobin etc.
#8 Head of Green Rooms – whereby each BBC prog has a room full of Greens ready to come on
#9 Head of Exclusion – A 24 hour job to make sure non-leftwing voices are excluded from the airwaves – Run by Prof Steve Jones and Roger Bolton
#10 Head Of Keeping presenters dumb – Job involves recruiting dumb presenters like GameShow, Jenny Murray and JeremyVine who will believe any old #GreenCrap
#11 Head of fixing audience panels : involves driving a bus full of lefty “locals” around the country to BBC QT type shows (Same bus used at Fracking demos)
#12 Head of Open Democracy = Head of finding ways to get out of FOIAs requests
also doubles up as BBC head of cover-ups. A 600 strong department.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
The BBC attack on Trump as a racist rests on a stereotype of black people as victims.
So deal with this.
Great T-shirt. But it could also mean “Trump Matters – so we must defeat him”.
I don’t know who killed the concert pianist but surely the BBC has heard of innocent until proven guilty?
Pianist Natalia Strelchenko ‘strangled by jealous husband’ No BBC Manchester. He is accused of her murder. The scare quotes don’t hide the impression that the BBC is doing the court’s job.
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but who had the misfortune to endure Jeremy Vile this lunchtime? As a mark of 10 years of devolution on St David’s day, we had a 2 hour Welsh love-in, and as a musical accompaniment we were naturally delighted to be serenaded by a manly Welsh choir. However, this being the BBC, it was no ordinary choir. Instead of a manly group of ex miners & steelworkers and the like, we had – wait for it – the South Wales gay mans choir!
Seriously, you couldn’t make it up.
Did they sing that old Beach Boys hit “Help Me Rhondda”?
LOL , Lobster !!!!
Better get yer coat!
Laugh of the day for me !
I think Michael Howard , used the “Help me Rhonda” gag against Blair in PMQ`s , In reference to Chris Bryant ,MP for Rhonda . The gay one, who , was always defending Evil Blair .
Michael Howard , a good Welshman who has deep concerns about Great Britain, which is contrary
to your hero the ‘Used Car Salesman’ who wants to sell us ‘down the Swanney’ of the EU.
We await your latest opinion on your leader, see Number 7’s post of February 29, 2016 at 11:45 pm
The BBC pot calls the Russian kettle black. From BBC monitoring –
“Russian TV has a track record of ignoring or downplaying inconvenient or sensitive stories.”
And the BBC doesn’t do exactly the same here? Pull the other one BBC, it’s got bells on it.
Those who have just missed Peter Gibbs “Costing the Earth”, Radio 4, missed a real treat. It was concerned with using sound to monitor climate change and changes in ecological diversity! The gems were far too many to list here, but the ‘scientists’ seem to have discovered that the fewer sounds that they record is indicative of ‘climate change’. Sounds of a calving glacier (shock-horror) = arctic melting, etc. Actually, I’m not entirely sure the programme wasn’t a spoof, written for laughs. In all the madness of the BBC’s climate agenda, this ranks high indeed. A pity, really. I prefer Gibbs to the other one on Gardeners Question Time, but here he was just barking.
I can confirm that I have never read a scientific paper about carbon dioxide induced climate change causing a reduction of sound waves.
However I have read about sound levels increasing due to wind speeds, and urban sound levels increasing due to mass immigration, causing Birds to tweet much more loudly in urban areas.
But a reduction of atmospheric pressure from 4 bar to 1 bar since or due to the Chicxulub impactor 66 million years ago is reducing weather to an eventual zero, and would cause a reduction in sound levels to zero, wind speeds to zero and therefore Hurricanes to zero, rainfall to zero, and therefore eternal droughts.
But then this also gives legitimacy to the reduction in sound hypothesis, if you look at this evidence of a reduction in air pressure of 1.7 millibars since 1940.
But then if the left-wing morons at the BBC continue to censor the Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, then they wont learn how this censorship will destroy the reputation of the BBC in the future, not just amongst Astronomers, Scientists and Mensa members, but all Licence Fee Payers.
I didn’t make it clear that it was the ‘sounds of nature’ rather than sound per se. For example, the globe-trotting ‘scientist’ had found that he records a greater diversity of bird song (and I think insect noise) in higher quality forest, and less in low quality. No-one expected that! And in Mongolia he was overcome by the sound of horses’ hooves swishing through the grass (it was an emotional moment for him), which was the only part of his trip to that country that was broadcast. It wasn’t science: it was fantasy and ignorant self-indulgence.
Martin, thank you for the clarification. I was thinking that the message of the programme was that the reduction in bird song in the western world was because so many had been shredded by the windmills we need to make the global warming entitled even richer.
One of the bBBC’s usual tricks is to hide away items that don’t accord with their socialist view. So today’s news that no-one in the NHS is to be prosecuted for killing thousands of patients in mid-Staffordshire hospital appears on the bBBC website hidden in the local ‘Stoke and Staffordshire’ section, rather than under the national ‘health’ heading.
Nothing to see here, move along now.
As expected PM finds the Police and intelligence services to blame for the Omagh bombing. Thank goodness it wasn’t the BBC’s pals in the Real IRA!
The BBC have never found a terrorist organisation or terrorists they do not love. Sick bastards .
These stories above go together don`t they?
No personal prosecutions at Mid-Staffs…none either for Omagh.
Have to get off their rubber rings and lilos to bother checking THESE!
My Buddha…as Mandelson says…”we are where we are”,,,so that`s OK then.
But never for those liggers at Calais and the Greek border , who never seem to say “we are where we are”.
So let`s just dig in and pretend things are grand…Mid-Staffs or Omagh…who cares?
Maybe we NEED these throat cutting play actors to grab a few bums at the High Court or doing cabin shed private gynae in Stafford…and I reckon they`d find the semtex train in mid_Armagh if we pointed them at Mecca first.
God, this is a crock isn`t it?…but it`s certainly a consistent nationwide service isn`t it?
Let no-one say that Ulster is a special case-we don`t give a stuff about their dead anymore than we do for our own grannies at Mid-Staffs.
The State and the BBC don`t give a damn, IRA or NHS…as long as Mitchell doesn`t use a word like “pleb”
It’s on TV now-help me my brane is melting. Wonder how much the presenters get paid for this steaming pile.
This proves that the bBBC has finally lost the plot. Not content with showing four or five advertisements for themselves every half-hour or hour, they are now so devoid of ideas that they run a TV programme about TV programmes.
Allah be praised.
There I was sorting out my jellybub washing and my shalwar chemise-and , blow me Ahmed if I don`t find Allahs lottery ticket at the bottom of the rust bath that took me here to Worcester.
And now tonight Eddie Allah Main on PM says that my Uncle Osama had left me £29 million pounds!
i`ve got the other half of the will Eddie sab!…and isn`t it so nice to be trusted as the good Muslim that I am?
At last-the BBC lead the way for paradise in reporting my claim with all due honour , dignity and seriousness.
Thank Allah I don`t want to leave Europe, I believe in climate change and in allowing loads more like me and my dear departed Uncle to come here and join the BBC Trusties.
The G stands for God…but even if it was Gull, the Beeb would still report on Uncle Bins will as if no-one at the BBC sees what comedy clowns they`ve now become.
Just as well…there`s no humour in Islam, but some hummous maybe…
Right Ahmed-ta for the blowing….
Been looking at one of the latest euro exit scaremongering pieces,
It made me wonder, assuming a decisive vote for freedom from tyranny (bit of neutral BBC reporting wordplay) is delivered, just how long would it take for Britain to disentangle itself from the vipers nest? A week would be too long for me, but realistically, any educated guesses?
I look forward to (not) watching this on al beebus –
Huddled Masses in Toronto
If you haven’t made plans for April Fool’s Day, you won’t want to miss this:
Louise Arbour, Nigel Farage, Simon Schama, and Mark Steyn convene in Toronto, Canada, to debate the pressing issue of our time
Mme Arbour, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Chief Prosecutor for the Yugoslav and Rwandan war crimes tribunals, will be joining with Professor Schama, the eminent British historian, to propose the motion:
Be it resolved, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…
Mark and UKIP leader Nigel Farage will be opposing it.
The debate, moderated by Rudyard Griffiths, takes place at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto at 7pm on Friday April 1st. If you sign up for premium membership before midday on Tuesday March 1st, you can buy advance tickets. Otherwise, seats go on sale this Saturday. Don’t miss it!
Labour peer (and not coincidentally, celebrity) Lord Winston says he is not speaking politically. Er, excuse me???? He’s a labour peer FFS talking about THE most political subject we have ever had to deal with. You might as well ask Bernard Matthews what he thinks about abolishing Christmas.
Expect a lot more of this sort of shite in the coming months:
“One of Britain’s best known scientists” – so f***ing what? His view is no more valid than Big Jim who works down the local chippy!
Who could ever forget Bobby Winston.
Looks like a 70s porn star, all ready to defend cuts in the NHS-unless it was Frank Dobson or Alan Milburn doing them-in which case he`d sacrifice his ward, his department, his hospital.
Classic Labour hypocrite who never did manage the spine replacement procedure he obviously has a need for.
Surprise, surprise! Labour wants a TV-tax-funded BBC.
The ‘public’ Tweeting replies to that tweet seem to be of a different opinion…
Interesting who is massively supporting the BBC, and who seems totally out of step with the public despite claiming to speak for them.
The BBC thinks that by ‘sacking’ Tony Blackburn (linked to Clare McAlpine) they can deflect the seriousness of Saville’s exploits as sexual predator, the former NHS fund raiser and proven necrophilliac, brazen ‘BBC made-me-famous’ paedophille and abuser of NHS nurses and patients (including young boys). He abused young music fans at any opportunity. According to last Sundays’ The Sunday Times – ex BBC Bill Cotton (TOTP producer knew of Saville’s sexual exploits and had warned him off). All this has been strongly denied by the BBC. What is even more amazing that the BBC secretly (as yet unproved) procured young girls for sexual exploitation to visiting POP stars (if ‘Clare McAlpine’ diary is true then the BBC is also linked to ‘Claire McAlpine’ death – and that’s the real story. She was passed around like parcel and this is according to her own secret diary that was ‘rubbished’ by the BBC – when her foster Mother complained directly to the BBC (after her death) she was fobbed off. But it now it appears that ‘Clare McAlpine’s’ Diary may well be true… The BBC in ‘sacking Tony Blackburn’ to avoid this larger ‘expose’ of past BBC practices is deeply disturbing if proved to be true. The news is not good for the BBC.
‘The world famous singer accused of having sex with 15-year-old Top of the Pops dancer Claire McAlpine is an American who is still touring today, it was claimed yesterday. The one-time heartthrob spent the night with the troubled teenager after BBC staff plucked her from a crowd of dancers on the show…’
No wonder calls for the BBC trust to be scrapped will go unchallenged by the BBC itself.
In addition the BBC may well be overseen by OFCOM… ‘Sir David Clementi, who led the review of the BBC’s Royal Charter, said oversight of the BBC should be passed to communications watchdog Ofcom’
The Clementi Review has 167 mentions of the words “Complaint” or “Complaints” and confirms the massive 35 percent annual rate of increase in complaints to the BBC. Although for some unknown reason, the Capita operation is not mentioned in the Review document.
Click to access PDF_FINAL_20160224_AM_Clementi_Review.pdf
Watching Look North earlier and caught some amazing deflection in one of their reports.
There is a biomass plant near Rotherham, where there is a union protest against the employment of Eastern Europeans instead of British workers. There was footage of the picket line and the protesters had placards complaining about the lack of British jobs for British workers etc, but no one was interviewed.
Al beebus chose, however, to report it thus – British workers were protesting against the exploitation of Eastern European workers at the plant. Which is complete cr@p; they were protesting against the Eastern Europeans undercutting them and taking their work, which is precisely what their placards said and why made sure not to interview any of those protesting.
BBC 22:00 news. The migrant crisis Some gobshite from save the children gets a platform again, The BBc launces an attack on Trump I’m not sure why just like the majority of you I don’t have a vote in America.
This is a view of the U.S. presidential race you won’t see or hear on al beebus.
As In 1964 And 1980, A New Republican Party Is Taking Shape.
The first four Republican contests—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada—produced record turnouts.
While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic patriotism, border security, and an end to imperial wars that brought out the throngs.
The crowds that continue to come out for his appearances and the vast audiences he has attracted to GOP debates testify to his drawing power.
Moreover, Trump has now been endorsed by Gov. Chris Christie, ex-chairman of the Republican Governors Association, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the most respected conservatives on Capitol Hill.
Yet, with polls pointing to a possible Trump sweep on Super Tuesday, save Texas, his probable nomination, and a chance for the GOP to take it all in the fall, is causing some conservatives and Republicans to threaten to bolt, go third party, stay home, or even vote for Clinton.
They would prefer to lose to Clinton than win with Trump.
A conservative friend told this writer that Trump, unlike, say, Ted Cruz, has never shown an interest in the Supreme Court, which, with Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat vacant, hangs in the balance.
Yet, surely, a President Trump, hearing the clamor of those who elected him to find a Scalia, would be responsive.
With President Clinton, the court is gone for a generation.
We hear wails that the nomination of Trump would mean the end of the conservative movement. But how so?
If Trump won and conducted a conservative government, it would validate the movement. If Trump won and turned left, it would inspire an insurgency like Ronald Reagan’s in 1976, when the Ford-Rockefeller-Kissinger administration moved too far toward detente.
If Trump ran and lost, the conservative movement would have President Clinton to unite and rally the troops against.
One recalls Barry Goldwater’s historic wipeout in 1964. But, in 1966, Republicans made the greatest gains in a generation, and went on to win the presidency for 20 of the next 24 years.
Undeniably, a Trump presidency would mean an end to the Bush and establishment policies on trade, immigration and intervention.
But those policies have already been repudiated in the primaries, as they have proven to be transparent failures for America.
As long ago as the early 1990s, populist conservatives were imploring George H. W. Bush to secure our Mexican border, as tens of thousands poured across in the San Diego-Tijuana corridor. Gov. Pete Wilson turned near-certain defeat into a stunning comeback victory in 1994 by promising to send the National Guard.
Why did the establishment not respond then to the electorate? Why, instead of trashing Wilson for imperiling future party prospects with Hispanics, did the establishment not do what the people had demanded and move decisively to secure our southern border?
What is conservative about uncontrolled borders?
Why, as trade deficits with China and the world rose from the tens of billions to hundreds of billions, did the establishment not wake up and see the shuttering factories, the lost jobs and the ghost towns arising across America—and react?
Could they not see that, as we celebrated globalization, Beijing and Tokyo were practicing ruthless mercantilism and protectionism?
At the end of the Cold War in 1991, many Americans urged that, with the Soviet Empire dissolved and Soviet Union disintegrating, it was time to bring our troops home and let the rich fat nations that had been freeloading for half a century provide the soldiers and pay the cost of their own security.
Instead, the establishment opted for empire, for expanding old alliances, dumping over regimes, crusading for democracy, sending our soldiers out to remake Third World countries in the image of Iowa and Vermont.
Who now thinks all these wars were worth the cost?
Whether Trump wins or loses the nomination, the immigration, trade and foreign policies pursued by the elites since the end of the Cold War are dead letters. The nation has declared them to be so in the primaries.
Who is campaigning, in either party today, for open borders, or passing The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or sending troops back to Iraq or into Syria?
The Bernie Sanders insurgency appears to have been turned back by the vested interests of his party. But like the George McGovern insurgency in ’72, which also relied heavily upon the enthusiasm of the young, Sanders’ socialism may be the ideological future of his party.
The same may be said of the Trump insurgency. Whatever happens at Cleveland, the returns from the primaries look like the passing of the old order, the death rattle of an establishment fighting for its life, and being laughed at and mocked as it goes down.
As in 1964 and 1980, a new Republican Party is taking shape.
Defections are to be expected, and not altogether unwelcome.
Pat Buchanan
“One recalls Barry Goldwater’s historic wipeout in 1964. But, in 1966, Republicans made the greatest gains in a generation, and went on to win the presidency for 20 of the next 24 years.”
The Democrats were wise to that. In 1965 they passed a new Immigration Act, which ensured that within a few decades white Americans would be a minority in their own country. They realised that the best way for them to win was to import a new population. This was a lesson which their keen student Tony Blair was only too eager to learn. If President Trump has any sense he will make sure that 1965 Act is repealed as soon as possible.
That is the sobering lesson Britain should take from what has happened in the U.S.: in 1965 America was 90% white, yet it is predicted that by the 2040’s whites in the U.S. will be in the minority; in some states such as California, they already are.
It is amazing to consider, that this demographic transformation will occur in less than a century.
Let’s play darts for sport relief..Just watching now it’s like car crash TV. Someone who is more crap at playing darts than me. Car crash TV or pulling teeth another steaming pile from the BBc
‘Will attacks on Trump be too little, too late?’
Al Beeb’s impartiality on their reporting of the possible leader of the USA ……..
Does Al Beeb have a hidden agenda, a campaign to ban this sport altogether ?
Shwmae Taff.
Of course it does (have an agenda) – all must be winners.
How that goes down in Felinfoel and Furnace is open to argument.
Sent from the Heart & Soul of Rugby.
Bydd popeth yn iawn mewn Haverfordwest.
All healthy over here – so far, but I suspect we will have ‘Elf and Safety’ stepping in shortly ? That’s If Al Beeb goes for it.
Gorllewin yw gorau
The Beeb hates anything that is traditional, masculine, breeds self reliance, develops character and toughness, associated with drinking, laughter and people enjoying themselves as players and/ or socially.
So that’s rugby knackered then.
Except…..they find space for wimmins rugby on both radio and their website.
What a topsy turvey world they inhabit in beebland. Be bland, yep, the dream of the beeboids.
Yes taffman. Rugby Union is perceived by the highly-privileged upper-middle class of the BBC as a game enjoyed by semi-privileged middle-middle class types so the urge to ban it will be great. Of course they’ve no idea that in South Wales it’s mainly enjoyed by the Working Class – as these Jeremy and Jemima Beeboids wouldn’t go near a real Workng Class person if they could even recognise one.
Another past-time enjoyed particularly by the Middle Class and the elderly is preserved steam train lines. Soon they’ll be trying to ban them too on bogus environmental claims.
Mr. Osborne, this is how we could save a lot of money – Get out of the EU, Vote UKIP, vote Brexit – Wise up and have a word with your boss .
“Meet The New Boss – Same as the Old Boss”.
PS. Not bad for a live performance.
Maybe the Out campaign should adopt that song as their theme. It says it all.
The Donald marches on.
BBC Today, asking a US Republican commentator what the party establishment can do? Answer “get used to it”. And going on to spell out how angry a large constituency of American voters have become “about what has been going on”.
Followed by a little piece about how they “broke” the story that The Donald would stand for President of the USA on the Today programme, in an interview about Turnberry and golf a year or so ago…I didn’t catch the detail of exactly when, but it was a marked change in their usual insulting tone when talking about him.
Is this evidence of the BBCs dawning realisation that they too are going to have to “get used to it” and treat the man with a little more respect, just in case……
BBC Breakfast themselves are no strangers to a daily dose of Project Fear – these are the people who brought us “The Perils of Sugar”
We’ve a new chap riding sofa side-saddle with the BBC girls – the long streak of bland known as Dan Walker
This morning’s minor scare ’em tale is ‘over 70 doctors and experts’ whine about boys playing rugby
And while the audience think ‘awww, look at the little lambs’ our Steph enables some NUF bloke to suggest Brexit would wreck the farming industry – the French one, maybe.
You have to admire the BBC’s brass neck in this sudden concern for trade and industry. When was the last time the BBC failed to back some lefty plea to tax, restrict, hobble, inhibit, restrain or at least guilt-trip business?
Another odd item was the 70th birthday gathering of the subjects of a project launched in 1946 to monitor the health and life-styles of a group of post-war babies. Of course the BBC loves the intrusion and State control aspects of the project. But where was the diversity? A sea of pale English faces – oh dear, I thought the BBC told me we have always been a mongrel nation?
Yes, saw that…Steph bless her wondering what poor farmers will do if the farming subsidies from the EU were to cease.
A bloody good question to ask the french I’d have thought, not us. And the dopey cow still doesnt get the fact that it’s our own money to start with ( less a huge % of course).
So it must be true. The ‘people’ have spoke. Via a paper so successful it has gone online.
No one asked me, who is this ‘public’ they talk of?
Whittingdale as an ‘Outer’ cannot fail to see BBC’s bias on that subject alone.
Weird isn’t it that a Tweet is seen as some sort of moral guidance and authority on any given subject, when in fact those sheep that use Twitter seem to be in the main emotionally deficient imbeciles.
Twitter is dangerously good at forming ‘public’ opinion and enciting outrage, look at the scorn being poured on that poor woman from ITVs The Chase who took the low offer, anyone who knows about that program or watched that particular episode will know that she did the right thing, yet because some twat called her a ‘disgrace’ in a Tweet the Twitterati agree.
Nearly every newspaper now, even the Telegraph use Twatter as some sort of compass of opinion and rags like the Mail use it to make stories out of nothing, check out the right hand column on their website.
Checking Tweets is lazy journalism where you don’t have to get off your arse and look for news. It is also lazy police work, where you can sit in front of a screen looking for Tweets which reveal thoughts that are incompatible with the multikulture.
I see #bbcOperationStopTrump was used in BBC business Daily (or Global Biz)
– They did a 5 minute segment about what Hispanic voters thought of Trump
..There was NO business angle.
I see that the BBC is set to reorganise ..replacing management by network with management by theme.
I imagine their recruitment programme
#1 #bbcOperationPromoteLeftism = BBC Red-io system
#2 #bbcOperationLoveJeremy= A 500 strong team dedicated to lioninsing “Our Dear Leader”
#3 #bbcOperationLoveTheEU = A 1,000 strong team dedicated to protecting the “Golden Goose”
#4 #bbcKeepItAllAboutNorthLondon – Talk about diversity etc whilst all the time it’s really about people in Hampstead and their mates
#4a #bbcWhiteMansGuilt is a sub-operation of that. Being in London they see a lot more BME’s than the majority of the country so enage in tokenism.
#5 #bbcOperationStopTrump
#6 #bbcOperationStopUKIP – A 1,000 strong team dedicated to task #5, #6
#7 #bbcOperationSaveThePlanet – The BBC’s most powerful department with suites of its own dedicated progs headed by Dark Lord Attenborough (religious broadcasting) General Horrobin etc.
#8 Head of Green Rooms – whereby each BBC prog has a room full of Greens ready to come on
#9 Head of Exclusion – A 24 hour job to make sure non-leftwing voices are excluded from the airwaves – Run by Prof Steve Jones and Roger Bolton
#10 Head Of Keeping presenters dumb – Job involves recruiting dumb presenters like GameShow, Jenny Murray and JeremyVine who will believe any old #GreenCrap
#11 Head of fixing audience panels : involves driving a bus full of lefty “locals” around the country to BBC QT type shows (Same bus used at Fracking demos)
#12 Head of Open Democracy = Head of finding ways to get out of FOIAs requests
also doubles up as BBC head of cover-ups. A 600 strong department.
anyone heard of any more ?