The world upside down, Piers Morgan turns right and Jeremy Clarkson comes out as a flabby liberal (although if you’d read his books you’d know that already).
The politicians are flooding the airwaves, talking a good fight with grandiose, puffed up, self-serving bombast about their urgent mission to end the scourge of terrorism [by sitting on their arses] and then also tell us we must unite, all cultures, religions and races, we must allow Muslims to be more Muslim so that they feel happy and ‘integrated’ [by being ever more separate!?]…in other words doing exactly what the ‘radicals’ want…Islamising Europe.
One man refuses to play nice and peddle those lies…Donald Trump…and Piers Morgan thinks he may be right…
When it comes to terror, isn’t it time we started listening seriously to Trump?
How many more?
That’s all I could think this morning as news broke of yet another ISIS terror attack, this time in Brussels.
How many more innocent men, women and children are going to be blown to pieces by these murderous bastards?
How many more airports, train stations, sports stadiums, restaurants or concert halls will be obliterated in a hail of suicide bombs and bullets?
How many more world leaders will wring their hands on national television afterwards and spout pointless platitudes about the ‘poor brave victims’ and ‘heroic emergency services’?
How many taunting, gleeful claims of responsibility will the despicable perpetrators of these evil crimes be able to issue?
I’m sick of this, aren’t you?
Sick of feeling sick about such endless, senseless barbarism.
And the worst thing about it is that I see no end.
The inherent problem which causes it, chaotic war-torn instability in the Middle East, is getting worse, not better; just as the financial and military resource of the enemy is growing greater, not reducing.
Yet just as the world is crying out for strong decisive leadership, there is none.
America has a demob happy President Obama eeking out his last few months in office. A man whose infamous ‘leading from behind’ philosophy to foreign policy has been partly responsible for the war in Syria raging uncontrollably for five years – allowing fundamentalism to ferment.
Obama has zero interest in doing anything tangible to really deal with ISIS. This is now parked in the tray marked ‘next president’s problem.’
Europe, meanwhile, is splintering at the seams, ravaged by an unprecedented migration crisis that nobody seems to have a clue how to handle.
German chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to let a million migrants into its country is already seen to be an utter disaster.
France, reeling from two horrendous attacks in Paris, is understandably highly fearful of yet more terror coming its way.
Belgium officials effectively conceded today that they have no real way to protect themselves against the ISIS threat. A fact surely born out by the fact that today’s onslaught in Brussels happened right when the city most expected it, following the capture of Paris attacks suspect Saleh Abdeslam three days ago.
Britain, surely a target anytime soon, is on red alert but its warring politicians are too distracted by the upcoming EU referendum in June to pay anything more than lame lip service to terrorism.
So nobody seems to be doing anything concrete to stop ISIS, or even suggesting a new way to do so given the spectacular lack of success to date.
Well almost nobody.
By coincidence, I had an interview scheduled today with the world’s most controversial man, Donald Trump, for my UK show, Good Morning Britain.
It was set up a couple of weeks ago, but the timing was eerily prescient.
Here is one man who definitely has a plan to deal with ISIS terrorism. Several plans in fact.
The problem is that people don’t like them. Well, a lot of people don’t anyway.
Trump, current front-runner for the Republican nomination, wants to hit ISIS ‘so hard they never recover’.
(As he told me: ‘You’ve got to take them out and you’ve got to take them out harshly and you’ve got to take them out fast.’)
He also wants a short-term ban on Muslims entering the U.S. until, as he puts it, ‘we figure out what the hell is going on?’
And he wants to torture suspects like Abdeslam with techniques like water-boarding to try and extract information about future attacks.
Oh, and he wants to build a giant wall to stop illegal immigrants pouring over the Mexican border into America.
George Clooney hit out at Trump yesterday, as he endorsed Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton for the presidency, saying: ‘If you listen to the loudest voices out there today, you’d think we’re a country that hates Mexicans, hates Muslims, and thinks that committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again.’
I spoke to Trump for 40 minutes. He was, as you’d expect, bombastic, defiant and self-congratulatory. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s ripped up every political rulebook to take this presidential race by storm, a scenario that is hardly going to deflate the ego of New York’s most cock-sure billionaire tycoon.
But he also spoke in more detail about his plans to combat ISIS and I found myself nodding more than I expected.
Trump told me countries must tighten their borders in light of these terror attacks, especially to anyone related to an ISIS fighter in Syria.
Is he so wrong?
He told me he wants law-abiding Muslims to root out the extremists in their midst, expressing his bafflement and anger that someone like Abdeslam was able to hide for so long in the very part of Brussels he had previously lived.
Is he so wrong?
He told me America must make it far harder for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and thinks European countries should follow suit.
Is he so wrong?
He told me he believes there are now areas of many major European cities which have become poisonous breeding grounds for radicalized Islamic terror.
Is he so wrong?
I didn’t feel I was talking to a lunatic, as many seem to view Trump.
I saw a guy, a non-politician unfettered by PC language restraints, who is genuinely furious at the devastation which ISIS is wreaking, and seriously concerned for the security of his fellow Americans and indeed, the citizens of Europe.
(Remember, Trump’s from New York and felt the horror of 9/11 very personally and very deeply like all New Yorkers.)
His plans for tackling this extraordinarily dangerous threat to the world have been widely condemned as ‘bigoted’ and ‘racist’.
But although I publicly criticised him for the Muslim short-term ban suggestion, I’ve known Trump for ten years and I don’t believe he’s a racist.
I think he’s someone who has spent his life responding to metaphorical punches on his nose by punching even harder back.
And right now, he firmly believes that ISIS will murder countless more Americans and Europeans if somebody somewhere doesn’t stand up and punch them hard in the face.
Someone prepared to stop spewing politically-correct niceties after these attacks, hoping nobody gets offended, and actually DO something.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, right now ISIS is winning this war and will continuing committing utter carnage on our streets on an ever graver and more barbaric scale until they are stopped.
I don’t have the answers to how to do that.
But I don’t hear any good ideas coming from any world leaders at the moment either, and it’s their highly paid jobs to work it out.
Instead, I see a global paralysis driven by fear, confusion and woeful lack of leadership.
And it will only get worse.
Hate Donald Trump all you like, but at least he seems to recognise the magnitude of the threat and at least he has firm proposals for how to try to defeat it.
They may not win him the Politically Correct Pontificator of the Year award. But how many more scenes like this morning’s appalling images from Brussels are we going to tolerate before we try a non-PC option to beat these disgusting excuses for human beings?
At the end of our interview, I asked Donald Trump to send a message to the large majority of non-violent, decent Muslims who are as disgusted by these attacks as the rest of us.
‘I have great respect for Muslims,’ he said, ‘I have many friends that are Muslims. I’m just saying that there is something with a radicalized portion that is very, very bad and very dangerous. I would say this, to the Muslims, when they see trouble, they have to report it, they’re not reporting it, they’re absolutely not reporting it and that’s a big problem.’
Is he so wrong?
It comes to something when I find myself agreeing with Piers Morgan.
Yep. It’s a funny old world. As for Jezza his time is over, despite the mega budget on his new show. He may have come from South Yorkshire but he is now so establishment. He even supports Chelsea!
I expect Norman Smith is typing up his pre-prepared hatchet job questions for an interview with him to be broadcast on the elephant in the room U.K. media outlet paid for by a tax on television ownership as I type.
Piers Morgan of all people…….talking perfect sense
What is this lefty malaise that has infected vast swathes of the population……to borrow a phrase……the twaterrati and time rich offendatrons who seem to think what they say must be obeyed?
Im fed up to the back teeth with the pc zealot scumbags that infest this once great nation
Well done, Piers. I can’t believe I’m typing this but I am.
Clarkson, you are entitled to your wooly liberal, elitist opinions but you are exposed as the most overrated tosser………………………………….. in the world.
How did Clarkson come out as a liberal?
Generally – as has been said, read his books.
Specifically, he has recently ‘come out’ as a Remainer.
Given Clarksons present outlook on life, is the BBC going to take back the three prodigal sons?
I believe that a number of journalists are very much aware that we have truly entered a new dimension after this attack, the gulf between the public and politicians is now at it’s greatest ever, the politicians have truly excelled themselves in their obvious contempt for the peoples of Europe and their total inability to grasp what is going on.
I have noticed a number of editorials one from the ‘Spectator’ are now pretty much saying this now has to stop.
It’s about bloody time the journalists did their jobs properly, hopefully the likes of Douglas Murray will not be standing alone for much longer.
Perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of a ‘when push comes to shove’ scenario unfolding for surely we are at breaking point with Islam now.
The gulf started with the Paris attacks – Hebdo then Bataclan. Muslims should have realised that they had pissed off the West, when even a friend of Muslims, Hollande, gets a grim look on his face when speaking of Muslims. When Hollande quietly refused Merkel’s plea for help in housing the so-called Muslim migrants, then one knew that something had snapped.
The West’s patience has run out. All it requires now is for the new boss to enter the White House.
I want to reach out to the Muslim bretheran and help the integration of all .
First we’ll meet for a traditional English breakfast , bacon , eggs , black pudding , etc .
Perhaps not .
Well a walk round my town , it’s interesting , named after a Christian Saint , a lovely place .
Perhaps not
A visit to the races , lovely atmosphere , study form , watch the horses canter down , try to get one over the bookies
Perhaps not .
A pint in the pub .
Forget the casino
Down to the mosque , separated from the females , if it’s not in Arabic a tempestuous lecture about the glories of something , find my shoes and give up .
I would say this, to the Muslims, when they see trouble, they have to report it, they’re not reporting it, they’re absolutely not reporting it and that’s a big problem.’
Jihad can be conducted from within, as Jihadis have places to hide within the so-called moderate Muslim community. Jihadis are like fish that swim an in a lake that our politicians have obligingly built for them. To use BBC lingo, the so-called moderate Muslims are no help in ferreting out the Jihadis. For all practical purposes, the so-called moderate Muslims are complicit in Jihadi actions emanating from the so-called Taleban, or the so-called Islamic State.
If Trump walks into the White House, the double game that the Saudis, and the so-called Muslim Brotherhood, and Muslim in general, is going to stop. Its either you are for us, or you are against us.
The trouble is that Muslims will willingly oblige till the storm passes. Then it will be back to Jihad, but more vigorously to make up for lost time. The best for all concerned, including Muslims, is
The late Laurence Auster advocated this for sometime
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
But we can not destroy Islam.
Nor can we democratize Islam.
Nor can we assimilate Islam.
THEREFORE the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
If there is no separation, then I fear that there may come a time when US president gets really pissed off, and simply gives an ultimatum – surrender unconditionally, or face total destruction.
I don’t think Mr Trump will be permitted to win.
The men in grey suits of the Republican Party certainly don’t want him to win, and are doing everything they can to stop him. Winning the Presidential election is clearly of secondary importance to them. That is how morally corrupt politics have become. Trump was acceptable as a fringe candidate, but, horror of horrors, people liked what he said and are voting for him. That cannot be allowed to happen. As the old saying goes, if voting changed anything, they’d stop it.
Even if Trump wins, he won’t be allowed to do what he wants, as we have seen with Obama. Don’t get your hopes up y’all.
What Pisses Me Off About The Brussels Terrorist Attack
Every word of outrage, every ‘day of mourning’, every declaration of solidarity with the innocent, every second of media coverage, every shed tear, and every political statement of compassion for the victims, is kudos for the terrorists!
The media and politicians are making matters worse by prolonging the pain. Why on earth did Belgium declare 3 days of mourning? To me, that’s nothing more than 3 days of wallowing in self-pity! That’s 3 more valuable days that the terrorists take away as victories!
The dead and the wounded don’t want us standing around waving “je suis Belgique” banners and singing songs of defiance – they want us to take action so no one else gets hurt.
And what are our politicians doing about this? FUCK ALL!!!
Because they’re all career politicians who know nothing about how to handle extraordinary events outside of their politically correct remit. They don’t understand that living a privileged life – where you don’t have to mix with the ‘common people’ – is the opposite of multiculturalism! They are all blinded by bureaucracy and economics, because your vote counts on the basis that you will be happy in your wallet come the next election. And immigration is good for the economy, even if it does bring dangers.
But this goes far beyond economics. Money cannot buy happiness, so it’s time to shut up shop folks. Britain needs to pull down the shutters and go on a vacation for a while. Britain needs to rebalance its population and politics. Lefties are always happy to remind us all that Britain is no longer an empire or a significant player internationally, and I couldn’t agree more.
That’s all the more reason we should take a back seat, leave the EU, withdraw foreign aid, and lay low for a while whilst the rest of the world make a complete mess of things and come back – cap in hand – to the wisdom of the nation that started something good, but which turned bad when the rest of the world decided they could do it themselves.
Obviously, they can’t.
Edward, You are so right. The terrorists will be watching this and concluding that the West has no stomach for the fight and they are right. A few well co-ordinated attacks and the West will capitulate. Superb post, Edward. I hope everyone reads it.
Tragically we have reached a point where things have to get much worse, before they can get better. If they do not get worse, then it will never ever get better.
We have to take on radical Islam in a much more pro-active way and stop worrying about offending them. The Islamic world will not take kindly to what we must do to stop Islamic terrorism on our streets. But such terrorism will never stop until we take very very violent action to force it to stop. In the short term, that will create a lot more Islamic terrorism. In the long-term, there will be no Islamic terrorists left to attack us. It is either that, or submit to never-ending terrorism.
Not an original comment, I know, but how strange it is that such a relatively short time ago the world united to stamp out Nazism and Japanese imperialism, killing Germans and Japanese in their hundreds of thousands in the process – most simply for being German or Japanese, not necessarily Nazi or Imperialist, circumstances did not allow for any distinction to be made – and finished the job with a predominant sense of pride and accomplishment, creating the United Nations as a symbol of their success.
And how pathetic, in the most critical sense of the word, that no-one currently in any position of power seems to want to concede that the same attitude and action has to be repeated.
OT, but to piggyback a thought of mine in complement.
Give the actions of many Japanese, mainly in a misguided attempt to ‘defend’ the Emperor and his dominion during WW2, it seems odd how quickly post-conflict the populace stayed put, settled down, and got on with making things better for themselves rather than bugger off elsewhere and make it as bad or worse everywhere else.
Equally the Vietnamese. I was there recently and bar some rather OTT museum exhibits and claims and a degree of official history censorship blinkers that only the BBC could exceed, they seem to have embraced Planet Earth, life, love and happiness rather better than the nihilistic death cultists from a certain benighted region to the right of the Med.
If only we`d had the luxury and foresight not to discriminate against ALL Nazis, ALL Japanese.
Many of who did admittedly not exactly rise up to prevent the rise of the Japs, the Germans-but DID show ambivalent body language, and may well have written something in chalk on the path to Belsen.
We really should have let all the Japanese and the German Nazis come over, jailed Bonhoeffer and created all manner of courts of public opinion to decide on whether Goerings diet was working, or von Ribbentrops tango matched Berias.
This culture trawls the fascist Islamists baring its neck and desperate to surrender to it.
is there ANYBODY out there who`d give Adam Johnson six years, give Karadic 40 years-and then argue about Cologne and Brussels showing us that we`re safer in the EU…let alone giving Lee Rigbys butchers free dental work and not a suspended sentence into hell?
It’s another of those ironies, winners writing the history books, that absolves all the Europeans who so actively and enthusiastically helped round up their Jews at the time, but denied all knowledge when the wrong team won. And the Waffen SS divisions – French, Belgian, Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Latvian and more – who knows or cares today? And yet the same parameters apply, the same mind-sets are still there, it’s only that the cause is rather more noble, and urgent.
Unfortunately, Beltane, that was 70 years ago and the generation who fought in WW2 will soon be gone. For many years now, we’ve had political leaders who had no military experience let alone remembered 1939-45. In a UK context our leading lights are a PR man who can only think tactically and has no concept of strategic principles. His financial henchman is a rich toff who can only conspire, also for short term gain, and clearly thinks politics is just a power game. I can’t stop thinking of Osborne as an eighteenth century aristo in a powdered wig. The sort of pillock who lost us the American colonies. We have no Wellington or Nelson, let alone a Churchill.
Is he so wrong?
Well, even if he IS a boorish, ignorant blowhard of a dope-at least he doesn`t give me details of his weight in the White House.
Nor does he spend more time on the golf course than in doing his job.
And as for the tango crap that so pleases the liberal media tonight-as Brussels mops up the body parts within a Molotov throw of NATO HQ-well, he`s merely a symptom of craven multiculti mental illness and delusions of competence , as exhibited by the media and most of the political elite.
Trump-even at his worst-can only be an improvement on the last catastrophic eight years of hopey changey shite.
He doesn’t spend time in the wilderness with Bear Grylls either ( Crazy name, crazy guy ).
The Dancing Fool
Trump is not unprecedented. For any students of American history, there are strong echoes here of President Andrew Jackson. Old Hickory was reviled by the political elites of his time, but beat them all.