The BBC et al have been pumping out the narrative that the Belgium bombers were poor, uneducated and marginalised….one BBC journo this morning said ‘It’s not an excuse but…it helps explain.’
One Eurocrat came on to ‘explain’ how it was all the fault of Muslim single mothers who struggle to make ends meet….cue outrage from the left? Not a peep, the BBC journo didn’t raise an eyebrow so to speak. Imagine if Farage or Trump had said such a thing.
However, as in the UK, things are not as the BBC protrays them. Most UK radicals are well educated, in employment and have had as fulfilling lives as any other ordinary person and yet the BBC portrays them as marginalised and abandoned. It seems we are being sold the same lies Muslims in Belgium as the Mail illustrates.
The brother of one of the bombers is an electronics graduate and has represented Belgium, and won medals for, at Taekwondo.
The brother of Belgium’s public enemy number one is a medal-winning athlete who has proudly represented his country – and is ashamed of his terrorist brother, MailOnline can reveal.
Najim Laachraoui – the ‘man in white’ filmed walking through Brussel’s Zaventem Airport with suicide bombers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui – is the younger brother Mourad Laachraoui, who represents Belgium in Taekwondo.
Mourad has distanced himself from his terrorist younger brother Najim, and the family, who are of Moroccan descent, are deeply ashamed of his fanatical opinions and murderous activities.
Mr Laachraoui added the family were ‘ashamed’ of Najim and feared his terrorist activities could harm Mourad’s athletic career.
Mourad, 29, won a silver medal in the 54kg category at the world championship held in South Korea last year. This is the third medal the electronics’ graduate has won for Belgium, adding to previous bronze medals.
The jet-setter has posted pictures of his travels to Dubai and Israel and his sporting achievements on social media.
He seems equally proud of his family, writing about a film night with his older brother and spending time with his young cousin.
Why is the BBC once again making excuses for terrorists? Thirty four people were killed and hundreds injured and yet the BBC’s main concern is for the bombers, making up excuses to show how their actions are the fault of the Belgium government and western society…no blame on the bombers themselves.
Even if you were unemployed and ‘frustrated’ why is it then OK to go out on a mass murder spree? Please explain BBC.
Please send someone, Tim Wilcox perhaps, to explain it all to the families of the dead….it’s OK, don’t mourn them, they died because a young Belgium Muslim didn’t have a job and it’s really, if you think about it, your dead family member’s fault…………
Muslim terrorists strike again and for the BBC what is the real concern? The victims….not the ones killed and injured, not their relatives, but those who bombed Belgium, those who provided the narrative that encouraged and incited those bombers.
Nicky Campbell was straight off the mark with talk of a ‘disaffected’ community in Molenbeek and then we had the EU politicians who came onto the programme to tell us how wonderfully multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Brussels is and how everyone gets on so well…it is important of course not to point fingers of blame at any one community, ethnicity, religion or race…note no mention of Islam in the many comments.
Then we had Afzal Ashraf from the RUSI on the Adrian Chiles show who told us that it would all be OK in the end as ISIS would eventually fizzle out just as Communism and Fascism did…no mention it took a world war to get rid of Hitler, and Communism was faced down by a massive NATO military force and nucear weapons. ISIS will just fade away as potential recruits realise that they will not succeed. Well it’s been 1400 years so far and counting.
ISIS, he tells us, is not about ideology, it’s all about land, territory, but then again he told us Communism was all about ideology…tell that to the Hungarians etc etc. The Iron Curtain was not just a metaphor.
Ashraf did say one thing of note….the only way to defeat ISIS is for the world to unite against them and commit land forces….who’d have thought?
Then he did the usual thing and told us ISIS was absolutely not the way of Allah and that there is no basis in history religion for their actions…except of course the example, he might have mentioned, of the Prophet himself. Apparently ISIS is a ‘very modern phenomenon’ with no ideology other than to capture territory….to do what with? Who knows…maybe set up an ‘Islamic State’?
We then heard that UKIP had linked the attacks in Brussels and the freedom of movement of the terrorists coming as they did from Syria to the Schengen agreement and the lack of border controls. The BBC played a clip of Cameron saying this is not the time to be talking of such things…before he then went on to say he was locking down all the airports and sea ports and transport networks…so presumably open borders isn’t such a good idea unless you are grandstanding and playing politics by denying you are playing politics.
Adrian Chiles then came on to say he was wondering which would be the first party to exploit the attack and mention the EU referendum….not that I heard UKIP mention the referendum just Schengen….no criticism of Cameron’s playing up for the cameras and public perception.
On Newsnight we had Evan Davis say this wasn’t the time for asking what went wrong…he then proceeded to ask precisely that question as he mentioned a ‘pretty catastrophic failure of intelligence’, that we must protect soft targets and start profiling passengers.
Of course the real problem is those ‘disaffected’ Muslim youths with no jobs, no education and no prospects…it’s all the Belgium government’s fault.
Muslims in Molenbeek are the victims twice over, a school teacher is missing and they are subject to police checks, searches and racism…..however the reason so many get radicalised is because the were no controls on the recruiters in previous years…presumably no police checks, searches and ‘racism’. If only the government had acted….all those unemployed, disaffected, marginalised and frustrated youths would be usefully employed and valuable members of society….or maybe, if mass immigration from North Africa hadn’t been allowed we wouldn’t have so many people who are not suitable for the job market and who profess an ideology so radically different to everything European.
Anyway,’s all our fault in the West and there is no other rhyme or reason to it, it’s all a mystery as to why only Muslims are so radicalised….and they are the real victims here…as with 7/7 and all the rest.
These results prompted the campaign group 38 Degrees to warn the government to leave the BBC alone.
Lorna Greenwood, the campaign manager at the organisation, which launched a petition signed by 400,000 people calling on the BBC to be protected, said: “There is huge public support for a properly funded and fully independent BBC.
“It’s been rumoured that the government has declared ‘war on the BBC’. But this huge show of public opinion proves that they need to back down. The government now needs to listen to the views of the public and protect the BBC from further cuts and government interference in news reporting.”
Which came first, the public response or 38 Degree’s claim that this response shows….? The fact is 38 Degrees manufactured the response.
As far as I can see this is actually a petition from 38 Degrees itself [See ‘our people’] which judging by this page on its site is very pro the BBC and anti-Murdoch…..this is what they are sending out in emails to members referencing this…,…..the obviously far from independent 38 Degrees says….
Keep the BBC independent
This is the biggest threat to the BBC so far. John Whittingdale, the minister who’s deciding our BBC’s future, just announced he wants the Westminster government to choose the people who run the BBC. [1] It means our most trusted news source could become controlled by Westminster.
Whittingdale sneaked out his devastating plan at the weekend, to a newspaper that’s behind a paywall. [1] He knows that another scandal might put a stop to his plans to undermine the BBC for good. [2] So he’ll be hoping that 38 Degrees members aren’t paying attention.
We’ve got to act fast. If enough us sign an emergency petition in the next 48 hours demanding the BBC stays independent, 38 Degrees members will deliver it to him in person before Sunday. And exposing his plans in public will shine a light on his real agenda to dismantle our BBC.
Please can you add your name to the emergency petition now?
The way decisions are made in the BBC is under review. [3] But John Whittingdale’s using this as an opportunity to push his anti-BBC agenda and put his people in charge. They would have the power to decide news coverage and which BBC programmes are made. [4] It could mean the end of the BBC as we know it.
Whittingdale’s feeling the pressure right now after a series of damaging revelations on his plans for the BBC – including being caught lying about reading responses to the public consultation. [5] If we turn up the heat now, Whittingdale will have no option but to back down.
If thousands of us sign this emergency petition, then deliver it to him in just a few days, we could make Whittingdale realise that he’s fighting a losing battle and leave our BBC alone. This week could become the turning point in our people-powered campaign to protect the BBC.
Can you sign the emergency petition now? It’ll take less than 2 minutes:
Thanks for being involved,
Lorna, Bex, Laura and the rest of the 38 Degrees team
The Young Conservative, Nick Robinson, is proof positive that joining an organisation such as the BBC eventually means you will be absorbed into the orthodoxy and conform to the majority view, the BBC news-speak….Nick is now an Old Communist at heart as he suggests on the Today programme yesterday how sad it is that Cuba opens its doors to the malign influences of the Great Satan where ‘there may be a danger that it will spread Western inequalities in a nation that is already poor.’
So let’s see…opening up the society and economy of Cuba might make you, a Cuban, slightly richer but someone else may make more money than you, therefore you are in fact poorer.
Yep, keep ’em all poor and equal in their poverty. Anyone with two cows…. shoot them!
Well then, a new week starts and time for a new Open Thread. Did you watch IDS on the Marr Show yesterday? What did you think of his treatment? I notice the BBC has been giving the CBI’s latest doom and gloom report on the consequences of the UK leaving the EU loads of exposure this morning. The floor is yours..
The Ladies in White are a Cuban dissident group formed in 2013 by the wives of political prisoners.
Some of the group’s members will meet US President Barack Obama next week when he visits Cuba. The trip is the first for a US president in decades.
The US government has continued to criticise the Cuban government for human rights abuses and cracking down on protest groups amid loosening of restrictions between the two countries.
Ahead of Mr Obama’s historic visit to Cuba, the BBC met some of the Ladies in White.
Odd isn’t it? Odd how Cuba’s political prisoners were for so long forgotten by the BBC as it instead attacked America over Guantanamo Bay….a prison camp based on Cuba. How must the Cuban political prisoners feel to have for so long been ignored in favour of Islamist terrorists despite being just over the fence in effect?
The BBC also ignored the millions who were killed in the Congo in faviour of attacking Israel. Why?
45,000 a month were dying in the Congo, half of them children, 5.4 million since the war started. And yet Israel’s self-defence actions were the BBC’s main concern as it continued to fight off the Muslim attacks that have tried to wipe it off the face of the earth for nearly 70 years.
The BBC, not really bringing you the news, just bringing you what it wants you to hear.
‘The richest fifth of the population are worse off now in terms of disposable income than they were before the 2007 financial crash, but the poorest fifth have typically become better off, according to official figures.’
“The economic downturn “had a negative impact on the incomes of all but the poorest fifth of the population” ONS
Remember this from last year? How times change…
A plan for working people, one purpose, one policy, one nation. Hurrah says IDS.
What hasn’t changed is the BBC narrative about austerity, tax cuts ‘for the rich’ and welfare cuts punishing the poor and that of austerity being a political decision not one based upon economic necessity….the BBC believing that we should borrow to spend and stimulate….Labour’s very own narrative….as the Telegraph amusingly suggests….Sketch: Labour should have chosen Iain Duncan Smith as leader, not Jeremy Corbyn
In fact here’s little Owen Jones, and Yvette Cooper, spinning that very line in 2012….note the subject, disability…note who defends the government and says he is proud of what the government is doing…
IDS has, as you may have noticed, resigned from his government post, and then gone nuclear much to Labour’s and the BBC’s delight. They, no doubt, cannot believe their luck that the former Work and Pensions Secretary should be parroting their narrative. Is it stupidity, foolishness, immense bitterness or a conscience driven self-immolation taking the Tory Party down with him?
Looking at the evidence it would seem to be a combination of all those things…he must know that all the points he states are Labour’s favourite attack lines and that the BBC would leap instantly upon them as indeed they have.
What do we have? The government is increasing unfairness and inequality, that it is not a one nation government, that austerity is a political decision and not a necessity, that reducing the deficit is important but the burden should be shared out more evenly, that the rich are not being made to pay to reduce the deficit.
Andrew Marr got the first interview.
Sue at is the BBC biased? says I thought Iain Duncan Smith was treated fairly. Personally I don’t. Marr didn’t really have to say anything just let IDS dig an ever deeper hole for the Tory Party. However Marr thought he could speed up the burial process..his first question being to ask IDS if he thought the disability cuts were immoral. This of course immediately indicates the Labour supporting Marr’s thinking….nowhere does IDS suggest the the disability reforms are immoral and yet throughout the interview Marr continues to frame the question in that way until IDS has to deny his position is based upon morality, however you would define that.
Did IDS really think the disability cuts were unfair? No, he supported them all the way… his letter and he merely says that he objected to the presentation of the cuts alongside the tax cuts for the better off….this made it hard to justify the disability cuts….but he still thought the cuts should go ahead….it was all a matter of perception.
IDS dodges about eluding the blame for any of the welfare policies it would seem despite, as Marr points out, having defended them and not objected to them at all vociferously.
IDS tells us that the welfare cap was ‘arbitrary’…well no, it’s not. There is a budget and that limits spending…the question then is how much of that budget does each department get…that decision is based upon a whole range of factors and can in no way be described as arbitrary, the money pot is not bottomless and cannot possibly meet all the needs or wants of all the people, therefore a cap has to be set at some point. IDS talks as if there is a limitless pot of money. All spending caps on such terms are ‘arbitrary’….who gets what is a judgement not a science.
IDS says that we must get rid of the deficit but the money must come from others and not just from working age benefit cuts….and finishes on the claim that the government is in danger of dividing the nation becasue of their policy of only using the benefit cuts to fund deficit reduction.
But how true is that? Marr wasn’t keen on questioning the claims so intent was he on claiming that ‘what’s happening now is immoral’ and that the government must change its austerity policy. How can he suggest the government’s policy is ‘immoral’ when they have raised the lowest paid’s disposable income, got millions more into work and made the rich pay far more than they were paying before?
We’ve seen IDS cheering madly the introduction of the living wage for the poorest in society, we’ve seen the lowest paid being taken out of income tax and we’ve seen millions of jobs created taking those reliant on benefits off those benefits and into the workforce along with higher tax credits and job seeker’s allowance. But what of the rich? They get away with it don’t they?
Did you ever see the BBC splashing the headlines with this in February?
The richest fifth of the population are worse off now in terms of disposable income than they were before the 2007 financial crash, but the poorest fifth have typically become better off, according to official figures which could spark controversy among anti-austerity campaigners.
The data from the Office for National Statistics, published on Tuesday, also reveals a generational split, with the average disposable income of retired households now higher than in 2007-08 – in stark contrast to millions of working households, who are typically around £900 a year worse off.
According to the ONS, in 2014-15 the typical household paid £7,700 in direct taxes, which includes income tax and council tax. After these are taken into account, the average income enjoyed by the richest 20% of households is around five and a half times that of the poorest 20% – £67,000 and £12,300 a year respectively.
However, the department said the economic downturn “had a negative impact on the incomes of all but the poorest fifth of the population”. It said the least well-off 20% of households were the only group whose average disposable income did not fall between 2007-08 and 2012-13. In 2014-15 the typical income of this group was £700 (5.8%) above its 2007-08 level.
By contrast, the average disposable income of the richest fifth of households fell the most following the downturn: by 3.2% between 2007-08 and 2014-15. It remains £2,000 below its previous peak.
The ONS said the increase for the poorest fifth was mainly due to an increase in average levels of pay for this group, along with higher benefit payments such as tax credits and jobseeker’s allowance.
How can IDS get that so wrong? The ONS says that “The economic downturn “had a negative impact on the incomes of all but the poorest fifth of the population” So the poorest in fact have been given a pay rise not a cut.
Even the BBC, in 2009, wanted to present the rich as paying their fair wack…a cynic might suggest they wanted to present Labour as a Party that made the rich pay…..but the Tories have made the rich pay even more and raised the disposable income of the poorest….and yet that’s ‘immoral’?…….
The people with the top 1 per cent of incomes pay very nearly a quarter of all the income tax, as the chart shows. So option d – the highest available – gets points. The other options are at best half the true amount.
We can also see from the chart that people with the top 10% of incomes pay more than half the income tax.
The Office for National Statistics’ annual publication about the effect of taxes and benefits (see internet links, above right) suggests that most people actually pay a similar share of their income in taxes when all taxes are taken into account, even up to the top 10 per cent as a whole.
It also says this….
Data suggest that people receive services from the state greater in value than the tax they pay up to about 70 per cent of the way up the income scale.
Here is the IFS, best beloved of the BBC, which asks, in 2010 just before the election..
The poorest fifth of households were clearly net beneficiaries from the tax and benefit system, to the tune of £2,151 a year, on average. At the other end of the scale, the richest fifth of households received £1,666 a year in income from the state, and so they are net contributors to the Government’s coffers, to the tune of £24,259 a year, on average.
These figures show what one would expect: the tax and benefit system as a whole takes money from the rich, and gives it to the poor.
In other words the poorest didn’t pay the most tax even as a proportion of their income…and you know what, that’s still the situation.
IDS seems to be as stupid as Osborne thinks he is, and the BBC is jumping for joy pumping out headlines like this…
Iain Duncan Smith has warned that the government risks dividing society, in his first interview since resigning as work and pensions secretary.
He attacked the “desperate search for savings” focused on benefit payments to people who “don’t vote for us”.
As I’ve said, it is curious that Marr never once challenged IDS’s claims and indeed went further trying to use them to portray the government as immoral. IDS has utterly betrayed the Tory Party and handed massive ammunition to its enemies in the Labour Party and at the BBC who are not at all eager to question anything he has said, happy to go along with the nonsense…..and the BBC were enthusiastically dodging the EU question on Saturday in relation to this but have since been forced to raise the matter as it is seen as central to the resignation by so many one way or another.
Finally here is IDS vigorously defending benefit sanctions as Labour claims people die due to them….
Why did a ‘comedy’ programme bring on a left wing polemicist from lefty Der Spiegel to talk about Brexit? What did we hear? ‘What the hell are you thinking!?’ Apparently it is all too mad to contemplate Brexit….oh and any anti-EU opinion in Germany is the government’s fault not the EU’s.
We heard that it is barking mad for George Osborne to keep blaming Labour and poor old Gordon Brown for the state of the economy…after all that was all of 6 years ago. This from the BBC that blames Thatcher for the 2008 crash…and Mark Easton who blames Thatcher for some people being sad and depressed oop north.
Gordon Brown was not, not you understand, in any way responsible for the crash…it was all the American’s fault. Apart from the British bank RBS which went belly up for handing out too many subprime mortgages under Brown’s regulatory eye…the same Brown who ruined Lloyds and HBOS…
The disaster of Lloyds-HBOS could cost us £130 bn. So how come it isn’t a bigger deal, asks Iain Martin
The same Gordon Brown who wanted a light touch, risk based financial sector that would provide a golden age of banking….and at the same time end boom and bust….how’d that work out then?
The same Brown who went on a spending spree and lumped us with excruciatingly expensive PFI funded, or not so funded, hospitals and schools.
Comedy or just propaganda when based upon a lie? A lie that of course feeds into Labour’s own propaganda and the idea that they didn’t win the election because they didn’t squash the ‘lie’ that they were to blame for the Crash…looks like the BBC is working to set that right and provide a sound basis for Corbyn to set out his stall at the next election.
The BBC must look beyond its traditional competitors of ITV and Sky as it seeks new audiences.
Lord Hall describes it as a “flight to quality”, and says that the corporation cannot hope to match the spending of an organisation such as Netflix, which plans to spend $5 billion (£3.5 billion) on original commissions this year.
“We can’t win against a Netflix or an Amazon, because their budgets are just so much bigger,” he says. “They can concentrate their firepower on one or two or three things a year, whereas we’re delivering a service 24 hours a day.”
Likening the battle to the fight against the Spanish Armada, famously won by Sir Francis Drake’s nimbler, smaller vessels, Lord Hall said: “We have to think differently. We have to think like Drake’s ships. We’ve got to think lighter, simpler.”
Always thought Hall’s line of defence was that the public service BBC was unique and only it could provide the cultural uplift for Britain that its quality programming exemplified…along with its independent, impartial and unbiased news service. LOL.
Apparently Netflix has 75 million subscribers….can’t help thinking that if the BBC were to become a subscription service it could make far more money and rake it in from abroad as well. Why the BBC opposes subscription is beyond me especially as Lord Hall Hall keeps reminding us of the unique benefits of the BBC that help “make Britain the greatest cultural force in the world”. He needs to put his money-raising where his mouth is….does he not really believe that BBC is so unique and valuable that nobody will buy its programmes?
Oddly Lord Hall Hall’s comments are pretty much in line with the government’s…that the BBC should be smaller, smarter and concentrate on what it does best.
Schools are required to report on racist incidents and Surrey has produced annual reports on the information provided. We know from this information that racist incidents can occur in any school in any part of Surrey. It is important to report racist incidents as this enables both schools and the County to identify trends and work together to address the issue. Schools should recognise that reporting these incidents will be seen as evidence of their capacity to confront this problem and not as a reflection on their effectiveness. Developing our capacity to respond effectively to racist incidents and reducing the likelihood of their occurrence are essential to the achievement of Every Child Matter outcomes. Schools can make a positive contribution and help improve all children’s lives by creating a safe learning environment where all children feel valued and can enjoy and achieve. By taking the lead in sending a clear message that racism will not be tolerated, schools can help improve their pupils’ lives and contribute to community cohesion and to a healthier society in general.
Why does the NUT not find anti-racism reporting offensive but action to prevent the radicalisation of Muslim pupils is? Why would the NUT oppose a programme of safeguarding Muslim pupils designed to ‘help improve their pupils’ lives and contribute to community cohesion and to a healthier society in general.’
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) have accused the PREVENT strategy of conflating “a notion of British values and an elastic notion of non-violent extremism that is shutting down that debate.” A senior member of the NUT executive added it was a “blunt instrument”. Moreover the guidance requiring schools to report any concerns about pupils, has been described by the NUT as heavy-handed and could see teachers facing prosecution for failing to report to police any suspicions they had about pupils.
The Reverend Adrian Goldberg has another sermon today…this time on the iniquities of the Prevent programme…as always the BBC doing the work of the Islamists by attacking the anti-terrorist/radicalisation programme…why would Muslims, and it is not just the ‘radicals’ who are at war against Prevent, want to close down this check on Islamist recruitment and thought?
Goldberg suggests that too many Muslim children are being referred by teachers for possibly being susceptible to being radicalised. The NUT of course is disgusted at the Prevent programme that is apparently stigmatising Muslims….never mind that it is actually attempting to rescue them from being radicalised…and the younger they are the more susceptible they are.
The NUT however has no problem about similar programmes to prevent racism, and especially, guess….yeah…Islamophobia….the NUT is delighted to ‘Show Racism the Red Card’.
The NUT is delighted to support this research which makes some very interesting findings about the barriers to challenging racism in schools. The NUT is totally committed to ensuring that our schools are safe places for all children.
Here’s the NUT on how children must be educated about the Middle East…not to prevent radicalisation but to protect Jewish, and of course Muslim, children from racism.
“If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Perhaps begin with the children by preventing them from becoming Muslim extremists….so often due to biased reporting about the Middle East and how the West behaves? NO to that says the NUT. The NUT comes up with some worthy rhetoric but why then does it oppose Prevent?…..
The life of a school is strongly influenced by such outside factors and poses a challenge to teachers. Teachers at some schools, for example, face the sensitive task of responding to pupils’ reactions, more so Muslim and Jewish pupils’ reactions to the events. The NUT is confident that members will continue to rise to the challenge of educating individuals who can contribute to a more peaceful future.
The NUT thinks that pupils may need ‘conflict resolution’ services to deal with racism…..conflict resolution? And the NUT doesn’t think there is a problem with radicalisation?……
Schools should be vigilant for any signs of graffiti, name calling, abuse and bullying, particularly of Asian, Middle Eastern, Muslim or Jewish pupils, and for any signs of tension between pupils and take appropriate action. • Schools should reiterate to teachers, pupils and parents their policies and procedures for tackling racial or religious harassment. • Any taunting or abuse on grounds of assumed or actual membership of an ethnic or religious community should be firmly but sensitively dealt with as part of the whole school approach to tackling discrimination and racism. • It may be appropriate, if tensions are observed, to hold a school assembly or class discussion so that pupils can voice their feelings in a controlled and secure atmosphere. The situation may require opportunities for individual pupils to receive counselling away from the classroom on a one-to-one basis. Support should be offered to both the recipients and the perpetrators of religious or racial harassment. • Counselling, mediation and support. • Take advantage of curriculum opportunities such as, Citizenship education and religious education about world faiths. • It may be helpful to hold discussions and undertake activities around conflict resolution. • Pupils should be reminded of the respect due to all ethnic and religious communities. Schools should reiterate to teachers, pupils and parents their policies and procedures for tackling racial or religious harassment.
The BBC is responsible for much of the anti-Western, pro-Islamist propaganda that feeds the Islamist narrative…why wouldn’t it also be opposed to the government’s anti-radicalisation programme?
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