1. Ramon says:

    Did anybody notice that the BBC news claimed a Syrian refugee in Greece had ‘never heard of asylum?’ It makes you wonder why she got on the boat in the first place. BBC news was always biased, but with the refugee crisis, it’s heading into Independent levels of absurdity.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The travel agent in Turkey probably hadn’t explained it to her. She just thought she was en route to a “better life” courtesy of the taxpayers of Germany, Sweden or wherever.


  2. Hexhamgeezer says:

    Maybe all these tax dodger/evaders have been radicalised by something?


  3. Oldspeaker says:

    Not the BBC because none of this happened in BBC land.
    ‘They were like a pack of wolves’: Woman relives the moment she was gang raped by five ‘foreign’ men as she went to pick up a KFC takeaway for her boyfriend”
    “Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany”
    ‘Underage’ Migrant Rapes 15 Year Old on Second Day in Sweden’

    Distressing and disturbing as they are incidents like this should not be ignored, I can’t remember if the BBC covered this either,
    Nobody wants to read about this kind of horrific crime, all the same pretending it’s not happening and sweeping it under the rug is not the response we should be getting from the BBC. There is an issue of public safety, people need to be aware that this is happening, the BBCs stance of sticking it’s fingers in it’s ears while saying ‘I can’t hear you’ is a failure of it’s duty and morally reprehensible.


  4. seismicboy says:

    The “Tax havens of the rich and powerful” expose by BBC/Guardian is a lefty dream come true and they are giving it large ones. If they would come down off their high moral horse for one minute and get back to the basics of journalism they might want to tell their audience exactly what is legal and what is not instead of jumping to conclusions. In their scramble to poke sticks at people with money, they have lots of detail of what is done and how but precious little on what actually constitutes breaking the law. Is this an oversight or do they simply not know or care as taking down the toffs is the most important thing. Mere legalities are irrelevant.

    PS I understand the Guardian itself is no stranger to offshore funds LOL.


    • richard D says:

      Salem arrives in the UK in 2016. Truth heads out the window.

      We’re in a phase of play where we’re we’re not talking about legality, the BBC is now on its high horse about ‘morality’…. and guess who is trying to be the one who defines what is ‘moral’ ?

      Burying the Balen Report ? Morality ? Really ?


    • Soapbox says:

      They perhaps ought to be a bit careful as I bet a farthing to a euro that some of their highly-paid “stars” have some questionable financial arrangements. But of course they have done all this legally and so cannot be criticised, can they? I’d love someone to turn the tables on them.

      I think their “personal” coverage of these exposes is despicable but, as you say, they are revelling in it and it makes me sick. And Corbyn suddenly puts his head above the parapet or crawled out of his dug-out to say “something must be done!” Erm…weren’t Liebor in power for 13 years. Expect they forgot to put it on their list!


  5. richard D says:

    It really is very easy to become a ‘successful’ troll on a blog whose key thrust you dislike. Here are some simple rules which can be applied :

    1. Never, ever, actually engage in a real debate – it’s too easy to get nailed, because the posters you might debate with actually might have a point – and you cannot concede that, it would be tantamount to being ‘reasonable’. Trolls cannot be ‘reasoned with’.
    2. If you can find a weak point in anyone’s post, mo matter whether it’s almost irrelevant to the point they are making (such as getting a name wrong) – attack that and then head straight into ‘ad hominems’ – that’s what pi$$es people off most.
    3. When people are pi$$ed off, they head into your territory, i.e. chucking ‘ad hominems’ around, but then you have drawn them into your argument, and not the key point being made in a post or thread.
    4. Keep track of what certain individuals with whom you have had a spat have said in the past, and use that to deflect from the main issue under discussion.
    5. Find one or two people to target for special ‘ad homs’ on as many posts as you can find even the slightest fault with – invent a fault if you have to…. e.g….
    6. ……If you can’t find a fault, then drop into the old “you’ve said X, so you must also mean Y (something ridiculous, usually, from a troll)….. and here’s why that’s wrong…” i.e. deflect away from the issue being discussed
    7. And above all, never, ever, (as in point 1 above), actually enter into a debate – get to the ‘insult phase’ as quickly as possible, and draw as many people into that as possible – then you can complain about the blog in general being nothing but a bunch of intolerant haters.

    I am sure there are other rules which trolls follow, but you will get the gist…. look around.

    No doubt my point will be made for me pretty soon.


    • Maria Brewin says:

      One other technique which works occasionally, depending on the circumstances, is asking for evidence.

      People never have evidence for every opinion they hold or every conclusion they have come to, nor should they be required to do so. Lack of chapter and verse does not necessarily undermine an argument unless it is extremely specific, perhaps involving figures.

      Most of the time, asking for evidence simply creates one of those bogus ‘gotcha’ moments.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        I find the Trolls don’t ask me for evidence any more. Because I have it on files on my laptop. But its rather a complex issue with lots of factors for the calibration of carbon dioxide warming in a planetary atmosphere:
        (1) No evidence for surface warming due to carbon dioxide.
        (2) Proxy evidence from Venus and Mars invalidates the theory.
        (3) Unified Theory of Climate provides a formula that works.
        (4) Formula proves Piers Corbyn correct.
        Therefore, look on the Weatheraction website for correct information.


    • oldartist says:

      Good points Richard. Actually it’s a shame because reasonable debate should always be welcomed. Personally, I’m happy to have a sensible discussion with anybody who questions something I have written, but I really can’t be bothered with posters who merely want to engage in name calling because they don’t share my opinion. It’s a bit like trying to argue with a child.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      And my advice remains, as has been for many a long year…..ignore them..
      Do not be tempted to respond…
      Bbc employees for sure….disruption their aim.


  6. scribblingscribe says:

    Plenty of material this week for those centres of comic excellence, the Now Show and Have I Got News For You.

    Firstly, Mark Rylance, Emma Thompson, Mark Ruffalo and many other demented worthies have demanded that the British Museum refuses sponsorship money from BP. What’s BP done to earn this ire? Raped 1,400 children in Rotherham, over run Tower Hamlets Council or forced British industry in to the ground with green taxes? Na. They help supply us with oil. The same oil used by the above lovies to fly back and fore across the Atlantic to earn their oodles of undoubtedly well deserved millions. The same oil that makes up the plastics on their mobile phones for them to engage in the sort of deals their talents fully justify. The same oil that helps ensure that only 40,000 people die of the cold in the UK every year – yes I know if you live in California then that may not be an issue and sorry to trouble you with it.

    So why don’t these scientific experts simply stop flying, driving, eating, using their credit cards, warming themselves, wearing clothes, etc and that will really fix B.P. and its many products. Meanwhile the rest of us can go to the museum and enjoy the work of real artists.

    If that is not batty enough for you then how about Imogen Wilson who is concerned that the anti-Semitism of her Edinburgh student union might lead to, erm, oh yes, anti-Semitism at the Edinburgh student’s union. Unfortunately, she raised a hand to speak when a student falsely accused her of not responding to a letter she was sent. She raised her hand? Yep. In a ‘safe space’ where rules dictate that she could use the gesture to intimidate others? Worse, she shook her head when someone else spoke. Needless to say even anti-Semitism took a back seat as, in the interests of freedom of speech and debate, the students decided to vote her off the board.

    So, how do we all get a safe space from these lunatics? If only we could fly back and fore across the Atlantic signalling our virtue.

    The BBC wits will be sharpening their pencils, even as we throw our heads into our hands with dismay.


    • shelly says:

      I read somewhere that the petro chemical industry has the biggest carbon footprint, followed closely by, yes you guessed it, the film industry.

      I wonder if the luvvies will really put their money where there gaping great mouths are, and resign forthwith from the filthy, polluting film industry.

      I’m guessing not, although I expect they will try and make a difference by doing a bit of recycling, and telling everyone else what to do.
      Thank God for Emma Thompson, I would have no moral compass without her firm guidance.


      • Aborigine Londoner says:

        We must start a petition forthwith! And let us not forget how much freebie tickets to boyfriends of BBC already vastly overpaid actresses contribute to global warming! And while we are at it let’s ban all out of season strawberries! I’ve seen those divisive luvvies discussing climate change in Islington with a bowl of Ethiopian Strawberries in January.


      • chrisH says:

        The film industry wastes more of Gaias dwindling resources than even sport?
        My God-all this entertainment and pointless grandstands, first nights and awards ceremonies?
        Who knew that they so upset the egosysytems?
        I`d ban every one of them, turn all BBC junketeers and moaning minnies into wind turbines or trestles for olive vines in the BBC garden…or the Savile cemetery as we musy yet learn to call it.
        If Jon Snow starts cycling across the Atlantic as his Jesus complex might allow him-he may yet reach Washington to see Donald Trump elected.

        But no flights for these Gaiabusers please-they just absorb all the petrol and spout fumes at the rest of us.


      • johnnythefish says:

        And let’s not lose sight of the very minor point that the man-made global warming hypothesis has been disproven by real world evidence.


  7. G.W.F. says:

    The story of the Muslim woman run down by far right extremists seems to have died down. The BBC were not alone in reporting this version. Almost every newspaper reproduced the picture and video accusing the far right.

    Now it is suggested that the drivers were local Muslims and that alcohol played a role. Something that fearless BBC reporters, encouraged by Jerrod the Truthseeker, might take up.
    ‘[Update: the drivers of the car have been reported as Molenbeek residents Redouane D. and Mohamed B. Both are thought to have taken turns driving during Saturday’s incident, Redouane before the collision with the victim, and Mohamed after. Reports indicate that both drugs and alcohol may have been a factor, according to La Libre.] …’




    • Geoff says:

      The trouble is that all day Saturday the Mail Online ran with the headline that the driver was ‘Far Right’ and like the proverbial to a blanket that has stuck. Its highly unlikely they will correct their mistake and even if they do you can bet it won’t be a headline…


  8. Soapbox says:

    Anyone see anything about this on Bbc?
    No, thought not.


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    The top story on Radio 2 news was something about the Labour party considering bringing back direct imperial rule over the colonies. But what if this Imperialist behaviour by the Labour party caused unilateral declarations of independence by those colonies. Would Labour send the Royal Navy to quash the rebellions, what would the United Nations say about the evil imperialist, Jeremy Corbyn?


  10. Maria Brewin says:

    I have a feeling that the BBC will not be attaching a huge amount of importance to this apparent instance of Islamophobia:

    ‘Why do you wear that?’ Horrific moment Muslim woman is abused in shop for wearing a veil

    Can’t put my finger on why, exactly, it’s just a feeling I have.


  11. Thoughtful says:


    Only on the BBC could this be considered worthy of headline status!

    Butlin’s apologises for featuring ‘Islamic Baddie’ in wrestling event

    There was some appalling do gooding hand wringer interviewed, about how he had complained to management and of course the BBC lapped it all up.

    More disgusting pro Islamist bias.


  12. EnglandExpects says:

    The BBC vigorously patrols the UK looking for any sign of traditional patriotism that us nature ones were brought up on. Butlins is caught out running a wresting show in which a guy in union jack shorts called Tony Spitfire takes on some character called Hakim with a beard and waving a green flag. The BBC reports this with disgust . Hopefully all listeners will agree, it thinks, and any vestiges of patriotism and dislike of our Muslim enemies will be driven out of the population . Butlins are forced to issue a grovelling apology.
    With this kind if enforcement from the multi culti moral heights , we should love all those whose religion is based on wiping out non- believers. Maybe we should have loved 1914-18 Huns and 1939-45 Nazis on similar grounds. Why were we so stupid and bigoted to caricature them? Let’s prepare ourselves for the end of John Bull, Tony Spitfire and all those who misguidedly want our white Anglo Saxon culture to survive.


  13. Jeff says:

    There was a rather telling piece on the Jeremy Vine show yesterday. According to a recent report working class white youngsters are now close to the bottom of the educational league table. Jeremy consulted experts and his listeners and asked them to offer reasons for this sad state of affairs. Apparently we’re a rather feckless bunch; more interested in football the lottery and soap operas than education. We’re essentially lazy. The parents of these white kids rarely turn up at the open nights at schools and we’re far more likely to belong to “fractured families.” “These people don’t have any books in their houses,” I was informed and another ridiculed our lack of “the work ethic.”
    It was all a bit depressing.
    However, I well remember a similar report, about ten years ago, that highlighted the educational failings of Afro Caribbean boys. It was almost identical. The only difference, as far as I can recall, was the response. Then the great and the good all came to the defence of “the community” and reached the conclusion that it was the fault of the teachers. “They don’t understand our boys,” whined some. “It’s institutionalsed racism,” thought others. And, of course that hoary old chestnut, “They just don’t bother with the black kids.”
    Spot the difference?


  14. DownBoy says:

    The BBC worldview as regards ‘migrants’ is that they are seeking a ‘better life’ so we should let them in.
    Results: 1) ‘Migrants’ get a better life with no onus on them to assimilate or thank us.
    2) We get a worse life and get howled down and hassled if we complain.
    3) The metropolitan lefty-jerrod-type beeboid-guardinistas are not affected and get to feel smug and superior. Or even more smug than they already are.


  15. Dave S says:

    The Edinburgh students wailing about safe spaces ( referred to in an earlier post) is just about their level and sadly the level of most universities nowadays.
    Safe spaces is nothing other than the cultural marxist’s latest way of silencing opposition and eroding free speech. Not that the BBC seems to care as the only report of it is that the same students are in occupation over some childish matter of fossil fuels boycotts.
    This latest matter in Edinburgh is actually very serious. The attempts to silence opposition was over the campaign to delegitimize Israel and bring down the Israeli nation. Otherwise known as BDS. In reality that aims to destroy the state of Israel. So no safe spaces for the Israelis then. These students make me sick. I thought Exeter ( that loathsome university ) was bad enough but Edinburgh is running it close.
    Let us face it the BBC and the liberal cultural marxists are all in favour of safe space. It pervades everything they do and say and if you want any evidence then just look at the trolls on this site. Safe spacers all with their kneejerk responses and certainty that they have the truth and can insult us at will.
    There is no point in engaging with them. By now most of us know that this is a culture war that we must not lose. That our grandchildren face a nightmare world if we do., So do not engage just tell them to F off and be as crude as you like. it really does not matter now.
    Read Daniel Greenfield and Mark Steyn and Takuan Seiyo ( where is he ? ) and all the others who stand firm for free speech and free men.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      This should not come as any surprise as Edinburgh is the New Nationalist Socialist Berlin of the new Fourth Reich.


  16. Thoughtful says:


    Masood Azhar: The man who brought jihad to Britain


    Preacher who was associate of Bin Laden was guest speaker at Bury school

    Now it just so happens that the BBC has a new series called ‘The Deobandis’ about to be broadcast on Radio 4, it seems a strange co-incidence that this from over a decade ago should come to light now.
    It is a ridiculous assertion that this man who is merely the first to be officially recorded as preaching Jihad should be solely regarded as responsible for bringing the concept to the UK.

    It is plain to all with eyes to see that Jihad is central to Islam, so much so it is described as the 6th pillar of Islam. Nor does it account for the spread of Jihad all over the world.

    This man is known to be a friend of Saudi Jihadist Osama Bin Laden, and without a shadow of a doubt Jihad begins in Saudi and spreads from there, quite possibly spread by those on the Hajj as well.


  17. Cassandra says:

    This story on the BBC News site had me convulsing with laughter.

    ‘The Islamic flag waving baddie who the crowd was told to boo.’


    Maybe there is hope yet for BBC reporters who have a sense of humour.


  18. Geoff says:

    Double whammy of diverse trailers on BBC1 @ 9pm ‘Murdered By My Father’ followed by the new Sunday night dross ‘Undercover’

    The BBC really love to rub our noses in it, they’re taking the proverbial….


  19. chrisH says:

    Just seen one Emma Dabiri telling a solicitous Kirsty Wark why Elvis and the Stones culturally “appropriated” all their music from the “Black Diasporic Experience”…whereas Beyonce pretending to be Shamil Shepti as a Bollywood star in a video was not racist or inappropriate…but was virtuous on account of her being “culturally appreciative” of a similarly down-pressed minority.
    Errr…signifiers abounded with Emma, dynamic equivalances somehow only to be adjudicated on by herself and others of the black marginalised diaspora.
    Fighting the good fight as PhD shit stirrers at Kings, LSE,SOAS, Goldsmiths and Jean Monnet Privilege Sheds of Enrichment all over the poxy campuses (can we still call them all camp pussies any more?).
    So I looked up Beyonces carrier of hair straighteners and mascara wands…and Emmas accent sounded -well Irish!
    So now cultural appropriation there then Emma-hogging the Easter Uprising as if you had anything to do with it?
    Your rebel songs, your Irish folk songs and ballads-and no Wolfe Tone, Dubliner or Costello tells you to f*** off and find your OWN ways of rebellion?
    And no more about Pardaig Pearce-turns out most of his poems fantasised about kissing little boys-but no suprise there?
    Laurie Taylor or Tim Harford done the programme that correlates being a lefty liberal with being a paedo yet…or do they hope that Islam will lop their heads off first by way or atonement?


    • GCooper says:

      As they sat there, wearing European dress and speaking a diminished form of English.

      It’s time we stopped deferring to morons.


    • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

      >”Just seen one Emma Dabiri telling a solicitous Kirsty Wark why Elvis and the Stones culturally “appropriated” all their music from the “Black Diasporic Experience”…whereas Beyonce pretending to be Shamil Shepti as a Bollywood star in a video was not racist or inappropriate…but was virtuous on account of her being “culturally appreciative” of a similarly down-pressed minority.”

      Ah, Christ. I really want to believe that didn’t happen, just so my blood pressure goes down; but I’ve seen this bullshit be accepted too often now. I wouldn’t waste your energy looking for something deeper than the mere fact these disgusting fat-lipped fucks are speaking English, let alone with an Irish accent. Black culture is mud huts and witch doctors. Nearly everything else has been some other race’s creation.


      • Grant says:

        Destroy, Being married to a black African and living in Gambia, I must try and defend “black culture” but it is not easy. You are not far wrong about “mud huts and witch doctors” ! When my wife came to Scotland she asked me “where are all the ju-ju men ? “. The only one I could think of was Alex Salmond.

        But I think one aspect I would commend is West African music. I am not talking about populist crap like Yusuf N’dour but artists like Ismael Lo and others. However, even he borrows heavily on Spanish and Latin American sources. But go into the villages and listen to a cora player and drummer. That is culture.

        Funnily, certainly in Gambia, almost no-one listens to western blues or rock and roll. Ask them about the Rolling Stones and they think you are talking about something in a dirt track. I have yet to meet a Gambian who has heard of Jimi Hendrix. Otherwise, it is wall-to-wall Bob Marley !


        • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

          Ah shit, sorry Grant.


          • Grant says:

            Destroy, I was trying to restore the balance a bit . But your essential point is good. On the other hand Little Gambia produced Fatou Bensouda, the Chief Prosecuter at the ICC in The Hague. But she would be the first to admit that it was her knowledge of British Law which enabled her !


  20. AlexM says:

    Yeah, and Robert Johnson, Lead Belly, Sonny Boy Willaimson and Muddy Waters invented the guitar. Oh, no sorry, it was developed in Spain and the rest of Europe but probably originates from the Roman cither.


    • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

      Don’t even get started on the long, long list, Alex. It’s beneath us.


  21. Edward says:


    Kamal Ahmed points out that the UK could be losing up to £7.2bn through tax avoidance (nothing wrong with that!) and evasion.

    “That’s just under 10% of the whole UK education budget”, he says.

    Why does it always come down to public sector comparisons? Why can’t the BBC break the mould and compare figures to the private sector landscape? The private sector that provides the funding for the public sector. The private sector that (still!) lags behind the public sector in average pay despite apparent cuts in public spending.

    How can I compete with the relentless onslaught of taxpayer funded favouritism against the taxpayer? How can we put an end to this fucked-up system when the majority of UK citizens have been brainwashed into believing that paying taxes is morally good, rather than a necessary evil.

    Yes, Kamal, and £7.2bn would save our steel industry too!


    • Sluff says:

      Dear Edward.
      Much as I support all you say, you have fallen into the trap of not including the gigantic salary based pension perks, usually unfunded, afforded to public sector workers.
      So I’ll take the opportunity to point out that in ONE year, the NHS pension liability rose by £30bn. Puts the £8bn extra funding over 5 years for service provision promised by the government in a rather different light, yes?
      As for education, did you know most Academy schools are technically bankrupt? Because they have legally taken on the responsibility for the non-teaching staff pension liability and the Local Government Pension Scheme is about 40% underfunded.
      A newly qualified teacher gets a £45k package when pension rights are included. Not bad for a 22 year old. Funny how the bBBC never tell the whole story on this issue. I can’t possibly imagine why.
      Boy will our private sector grandchildren have some big bills to pay.


      • LDV says:

        A new teacher does not cost £45K. You are making these up. The starting salary for a teacher is £22K. They don’t have £23K employer costs!


        • Doublethinker says:

          You do realise that as well as salary the employer has to pay NI, pension etc etc etc which more or less increases the cost of employment enormously.


          • Aborigine Londoner says:

            I’m sure any Leftist statistician can juggle with the figures but I just calculated the actual cost of a 22k teacher based on 19% employer pension contributions, 37.5 hour week, 7.2 sick days, Class 1 NICs, 28 days holiday, 5 formal training days, 10 mins per working hour unproductive/wasted time to be a staggering:
            Actual cost per year 48,051.54

            I’m sure if I entered the actual holiday entitlement and real productive time the costs to the tax payer would be considerably more.


            • Sluff says:

              LDV. Oh yes they do!
              Some interesting comments here, but back to my specific assertion which was about the value of the package to the individual not the cost to the state (which as is rightly stated includes NI etc. and so is even higher). Get out your calculators.
              An NQT on £23k earns the pension entitlement of 1/57 of salary, this is inflation protected plus 1.7% per annum compound for every year until retirement. Thus the 1/57 becomes nearer to 1/29. (1.017 to the power of say 42). 1/29th of £23k is £800 give or take. To BUY an inflation protected annuity to that value (as in the private sector of defined contribution pension schemes) you would need a pension pot of around £23k at current annuity rates. The teachers contribution to that £23k is of the order of 7% of salary or £1600. So the total package is worth £23K earnings plus (£23k – £1600) pension entitlement thus approx. £45k. The pension part of this is a future unfunded liability, which conveniently for the government does not appear on the annual accounts.
              I am not making a comment on how hard teachers do or do not work, nor what salary they should have. I AM making a comment about the extremely selective reporting by the biased BBC and others, usually from the public sector, on the true value of public sector remuneration (which when quoted almost always excludes pension benefits) and hence the true costs and future liabilities to taxpayers.


              • LDV says:

                These are the costs to the school.


                They are going up to 17%. Bearing in mind nearly 10% disappears out of teachers salaries before tax, new teachers are pretty skint.

                A salary package never includes undefined costs otherwise its not a package. Academies do not pick up these costs, only the contribution, although a lot try to force teachers to drop out of the TPS scheme to save money.

                So what is you argument? Do you want teachers to commit or pay them a minimum wage and wonder why no-one is educated?


                • chrisH says:

                  Bacically the State pays its higher ciphers much more than its lower order grunts.
                  If you have a managerial arse-covering, back scratching, conference hopping kind of role-in short when you`ve largely escaped any obligation to heal or to teach any more (because the actual teaching and healing bits are only for those who aren`t oily or sly enough to wish to get out of teaching or hands-on healings)-THEN you`re well paid, able to slither round in green rooms and giving us Shoesmith-style media presentations on how great your “Service” is…how well you`re “delivering” re the crime figures or whatever.
                  If though you care enough to teach, to prevent crime and then to confront it, to put the hours in to learn your surgery craft, or indeed to discern between shit parents ,as opposed to those who are redeemable -then you`ll be a danger to the managers, the politicians and the quangos-and very unpopular with the service beneficiaries-who are , at the end of it-the knock kneed professionals , the inadequate and the State poodles who can only follow the public herd of do-gooders to get a lifelong berth, great holidays and pensions, union jollies and fun runs at the taxpayers expense.
                  I will only speak for teaching-but most teachers today are state ciphers who`d be spouting Hitler if Hitler was in charge…value free, curriculum clouded state shills who have no original content, no counter cultural take on anything-which is why the State schooled and trained them continually, until they became the liberal creatures of mediocrities that nearly all of them are today.
                  When the State does your thinking for you-all you have to do is send the tractor figures back, and print off a few more colouring sheets by way of “schooling”.


                  • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:



                  • Grant says:

                    chrisH , Another masterpiece. I do not know what you are on , but may I have some ? I love the bit about ” fun runs “. FFS !


  22. StewGreen says:

    More Green Advertising on the BBC, as they mock up another Tesla advert page.
    – I just mentioned how on TechTent the did a huge item ..but the BBC’s own reporter ended up pointing out the flaws and being unenthusiastic.
    So last night on the World Tonight they used another enthusiastic guest.
    ..but why mock up a page for just a 37s clip ?

    First affordable# electric car?
    Last year, Tesla sold about 50 thousand of its higher end models, which have prices comparable to brands like BMW and Mercedes.

    That’s a lie : Model S costs $70K+ and Roadster $101,500+ ..BMWs/Mercedes starting prices are way cheaper than that …”Mercedes-Benz prices start at $34,475 for their entry-level C-Class”

    * £20,000 is affordable car ? Yeh maybe when you are on a BBC salary !
    Remember this new Tesla is not yet available until 2018 probably


    • Guest Who says:

      They are asking if it is the first affordable electric car.

      Given, like housing, ‘affordability’ appears to mean folk the BBC empathise with getting what they want, now, by other folk being taxed to subsidise their ambitions, one can see the appeal. Like BBC iPhones.

      And beyond a raft of other oddly sidelined facts on what creates and sustains this affordability (our local council car park has a charger that offers free parking to Tesla owners covered by those doing shopping in Kias), one might wonder if the ever image-conscious Beeboid about town (motorways a bit risky, so best stay within the M25) would be seen dead in a Nissan Leaf over an i3.


      • Sluff says:

        Do they have any electric charging points in Hampstead or Islington?


        • Aborigine Londoner says:

          They have 2 in the Sainsbury’s Car Park in Islington but they probably don’t know they are there as they shop next door in Waitrose where they sell Ethiopian Strawberries in January.


    • StewGreen says:

      Oh I note the convenient slip in currency conversion by the BBC
      The $35,000 price of the 2018 delivered Model S is £25,000 not the £20,000 they claim in their items


    • StewGreen says:

      New Article BBC Provide Advertising Space For Tesla
      PH has unearthed 8 BBC Tesla adverts


  23. Guest Who says:


    What could they need all this cement for?

    It’s a mystery, and one doubtless beyond the BBC ME ‘rockets, what rockets?’ Desk to shed light upon.


  24. AsISeeIt says:

    Today’s Murder

    BBC London news with our ingénue presenter Arthur Patel (perhaps her cockney tv-loving parents named her in honour of that lovable rogue Arthur Daley? Sorry, was I overly parochial and culturally insensitive there? Maybe her parents were avid theatre-goers and big fans of American playwright and essayist Arthur Miller?)

    Anyway besides the young lady’s name being a bit of a conundrum she does give us updates on this week’s murders.

    The budding rapper stabbed to death in New Cross will have a good send off – £9000 has been raised in on-line donations for his funeral – which is nice.

    Meanwhile in her short bulletine our Arthur Patel also refers to a stabbing in Finchley. Was this the killing of a 22-year-old mentioned yesterday and with four arrrests (no names no pack drill – as they used to say)

    No, this is the stabbing to death of a 46-year-old in Finchley.

    So not this one:


    But this one:


    Blimey, don’t have nightmares.

    By the way – Arthur Patel was wearing a lovely frock, sort of Chinese inspired I think


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      9 grand in New Cross is a motive.


    • chrisH says:

      Meanwhile up in Hartlepool TWO atrocities come to mind this week.
      One is of two girls “in care” who torture an Angie Wrightson to death and film it for their mates-live-and get the police to drive them home from the scene afterwards, by use of a bizzie taxi van as they called it.
      Really distressing stuff…sentenced tomorrow.
      The other is of a Norma Bell who seems to have been battered to death and her house set on fire at the weekend, 79, mother of three and well-known for having fostered dozens of kids successfully in the town. Was alone in her house, now that she`s a widow in recent times.
      Both Hartlepool this week…
      When the Guardian or the BBC see THESE deaths as far more endemic and typical of what this country has now become than the (albeit tragic) death of a black teenager on his home patch-in public, knowing what lives around him, what risks it all brings-THEN I`ll give the poor lad some more concern that I have at the moment.
      Am just SICK of the liberal elite not giving a damn about our old, our fragile, our women…and their condoning and excusing of evil as “vulnerable displays of mixed disordering of emotions and conduct”.
      Fot THAT is what the “tearful girls” defence team said-or word to that effect.
      So evil always gets its honeyed ministers to condone and to hush it…and no names either, like that lad who stabbed a Scottish kid at school last year.
      SICK of the double standards-these womens lives that were taken matter FAR more to me today than any crap about youth culture and “mixed disorderings”…Satanic squirmings.
      But what the hell is going on up there in Hartlepool?


      • Maria Brewin says:

        A few decades ago, the murder rate in England & Wales was in the region of 0.7 per 100,000. About the same as Switzerland. Now it is almost twice that. Scotland was always higher, in spite claims from some up there to having better attitudes all round, but I understand it has gone down in recent years.

        If Wiki is to be believed, and sources are provided, Japan has changed places with England & Wales and gone down to less than 0.5 (2010/11). Interesting. What has Japan been doing right and England & Wales doing wrong?


        • chrisH says:

          What has Japan been doing Maria?
          Seems to me that all they`ve done is
          1. Maintain their homogenous culture pretty much as required.
          2. Allowed no immigration, and no Islamic presence whatsoever(good as)
          3.Retained its death penalty.


  25. Guest Who says:

    To what end?

    Still, it will keep the BBC entertained.


    • Grant says:

      embolden, they do not have to save up to go to OZ. The Aussies pay their travel. And many other things. My advice to British doctors is get the hell out when you have the chance. There is no future in UK for British doctors. But great future for foreign imports whose qualifications will not be scrutinised. NHS ? Third World !


    • Grant says:

      Who and what is this rather horrible looking man ?


  26. Dave666 says:

    BBc breakfast junior doctor repeats over and over about how “unsafe” their contract is and how she doesn’t feel “safe”. It’s not about working weekends or money it’s about safety, apparently. Anyone on to suggest it is about money or having to work weekends…No chance.


    • embolden says:

      “Tired doctors make mistakes” is the usual line isn’t it?

      It mustn’t apply to the junior doctors I am aware of who do locum shifts during their annual leave and weekends off at vastly inflated private agency rates, but only to “save the NHS” you understand?……

      ……..Not to save up to go off to Oz, obviously.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Oh I’m so glad you mentioned that Embolden. Perhaps those doctors being interviewed on the picket line today should be asked where they worked last weekend ! I’ve always been in the corner of medical staff for a good salary, but in the last few years junior doctors have become more strident (and how gobby they are on tv) in their views.

        And they talk about being tired. Well, every job is tough at the bottom whatever you do. My local A & E reportedly is overworked and overstretched. When my father had cause to attend, it was a different story behind the waiting room. 4 doctors and a nurse pouring over one computer screen, (eh?), another 3 nurses wandering about with bits of paper, a nurse drinking coffee, and another doctor tending a patient. Funny how there wasn’t the least sense of urgency about any of the work in progress !

        I would like to know if there is a system in place whereby these doctors have to pay back the cost of teaching them in this country when they bugger off abroad to practice ? Because if there isn’t, there bloody well should be. If they want to practice abroad then let ’em study in ‘Med School’ in the States and then see how much it costs them.


      • Grant says:

        embolden, they do not have to save up to go to OZ. The Aussies pay their travel. And many other things. My advice to British doctors is get the hell out when you have the chance. There is no future in UK for British doctors. But great future for foreign imports whose qualifications will not be scrutinised. NHS ? Third World !


    • Iain Muir says:

      Many years ago, more than I care to admit, I concentrated on Zoology at “A” level and later, degree level. Inevitably, most students on the same path considered medicine as a potential career at some point or other, with veterinary school as a close alternative. Most of use weren’t good enough, me included. However, I do NOT recall anyone EVER saying that they would do this in order to save peope’s lives; it just didn’t come into it. The motives were security (very important at that time), a clear career path with various options and a very respectable income in due course, and the fact that one would be seen as a “success”. Mummy and Daddy would approve.

      I’m not saying that doctors don’t care, obviously, but they like money just as much as everyone else.


      • Iain Muir says:

        Should be: “Most of us…”


      • Guest Who says:

        In our practice of about eight, there is one who truly cares. He is a true credit. Interestingly in the staff carpark his is the clapped out Golf. The rest are new plate Audis and Beemers. And a Prius.

        Of the guys I went to school and Uni with who ended up as doctors, I can think of few whose motivations were other than as you describe. The ratio with nurses is slightly better.

        And who they all hate more than Jeremy NaughtieMarr is patients.


        • Iain Muir says:


          Perhaps caring too much would lead to sleepless nights?


          • Grant says:

            Well, at least doctors save lives. Politicians, NHS managers and journalists do fuck all. I seem to be a lonely voice here but I suspect a lot of the criticism of doctors comes from jealousy !!


            • Iain Muir says:

              Some, certainly, but I think it’s also a reaction to being told on a weekly basis that doctors, nurses and teachers exist on higher moral plane than everyone else, although I don’t think that doctors and nurses themselves are particularly guilty of this. Not so sure about teachers though.

              Other people save lives as well – behind the scenes producing the drugs and equipment that doctors and nurses use, but they are invisible and never get any credit for it.

              Some of the most callous people I have encountered have been administrators.


      • chrisH says:

        I too am proud to say that I was a failed medic of a kind.
        Ended up in physiology and biochemistry.
        I also never met these Schweitzers and Barnards.
        Juts a load of yahoo pissheads who had too much access to the drugs cabinets, and would fight the agric students every weekend unto a standstill.
        But they WERE real people, and perfectly entitled to coin it in after all the work and pressure.
        Since the NHS was sanctified under major and Blair, they`ve become tin gods, as opposed to the viagra dole wallahs we prefer them to be.
        They`ve got above themselves…and believe the lefty liberal shite about themselves too easily-due to a lack of any self reflection , media analysis or critical theory.
        Too many bun runs for charity in day glo scrubs, as opposed to becoming the next generation of Henry Marshes.


        • Grant says:

          chrisH , I had a similar background. Ended up in Zoology. But what pisses me off is non-scientists , who do not even know what it is like to be a ligand in your own lunchtime ( you will get that joke ) , slagging off doctors ! At the end of the day it is jealousy of the expertise and the money.


          • embolden says:

            Grant, I can’t speak for all, but the NHS has been in melt down, or managed decline for years now and doctors have gone along with all the political “reforms” from old labour to the current lot without much of a squeak. But, now…suddenly, a medics pay and conditions dispute is elevated to a “save our NHS” struggle to the death.

            Jealous of expertise and money? No.

            A bit fed up that doctors with their intellectual ability and political influence generally go along with any carve up of NHS services as long as their mouths are stuffed with gold whilst virtue signalling about “our NHS”? Yeah, I am that.


  27. AsISeeIt says:

    So pleased to hear from everyone’s favourite Liverpudlian Doctor Gerry McCannn on the BBC again this morning.

    What a great booking BBC. Quite a coup considering how overworked these doctor chaps must be.

    And singing the praise of Brian Leveson. Great. Bashing those horrible ‘Press Barons’. Wonderful. More please BBC. What we really need in this country is a tough clampdown on what newspapers are free to publish.

    Steve Cougan, Hugh Grant – bit sleazy. But lots more Dr Gerry please!


  28. The Old Bloke says:

    I own and work in the business which trades at weekends. I know that I have doctors who use our services over the weekends. So, the next time I have a doctor who uses our services over a weekend, I will take his or her money and tell him or her to “fu*k off* and come back on Monday.


  29. embolden says:

    Thought for today….a Muslim woman from Cambridge holding forth about Islams superior stance in forbidding usury and contrasting this with the way in which the Panama Papers reveal the global rich getting richer and poor getting poorer…not part of her gods plan at all…note she said “god” rather than “allah” and laughingly quoted Jesus too, presumably to demonstrate the cuddly nature of islam, and help “our BBC” sell the “all religion is the same” line.

    You’d never have known that the King of Saudi Arabia and various other Arabian Muslim potentates were featuring heavily in the Panama papers.

    The islamising BBC….gets more like Saudi TV by the day.


  30. embolden says:

    NATO general interviewed in Mons on Today….mentioned the risks from “religious extremism” and how NATO may need to help mitigate this phenomenon.

    Unfortunately the lady interviewer didn’t ask him if this extremism was related to all religions or one or two in particular, so I’m none the wiser.

    Though in seperate comments the general did mention some good work being done by imams in Jordan to “promote the moderate Islam as is practiced in the Balkans”, which will be interesting news for Serbs who have watched their Churches being desecrated and/or demolished in Kosovo unless protected by NATO troops.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘Lions lead by donkeys’ seems to have been morphed into ‘Sacrificial lambs dispatched by PC weasels’.

      Lucky the BBC is onside with the latter.


    • Soapbox says:

      Embolden. I replied to this earlier today but it seems to have gone into cyberspace!

      What I said was I heard that too and the interviewer sounded about 13 years of age, so, give her a break…maybe she only knew one religion!


  31. Sluff says:

    bBBC headline, “Cruz wins Wisconsin in blow to Trump”

    But the funny thing is that Cruz beat Trump by 13 points, which is exactly the same winning margin as that for Sanders over Clinton.
    So the headline could have equally read ” Sanders wins Wisconsin in blow to Clinton”

    Except of course that it didn’t. And we all know why.


  32. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    In the Scottish Parliament, Kesia Dugdale ‘came out’ as gay this week.

    So – Labour leader – Gay
    Conservative leader – Gay
    UKIP leader – Gay
    Greens leader – Bisexual

    Scottish Secretary David Mundell – Gay


    • Geoff says:

      If the BBC ever decide to produce a drama set in the Scottish Parliament at least their diversity quotient for once will be correct….


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      It’s a turn up for the book when Nicola Sturgeon is the normal one. Of course, although married, she has no children. It seems that Scotland has been taken over by a political class of childless obsessives. Alec Salmond was the same. When was the last time Scotland had any leaders with a stake in the future of the country beyond their own lifetimes?


      • Aborigine Londoner says:

        I’m sure a report on the diversity of politics in Scotland will be coming out of the closet, I mean cabinet shortly.


      • Grant says:

        Rob, Robert the Bruce !!!


      • Sluff says:

        Surely the bBBC should be going to the barricades demanding ‘fairer treatment for those sections of our community who are significantly under-represented’.
        Like heterosexuals.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        She is transgender.


    • Guest Who says:

      Somewhere deep in Frankie Howerd one of the girls has a bright idea for a show about national dress, and the women are all in favour too…


      Representing the nation in every way.


      • Guest Who says:

        On reflection, given the situation North of the Border, how long before Jesse Norman holds another crucial inquiry of this kind on our own Parliament?

        He is still keeping schtum about his Referendum thoughts, but gets his DCMS committee gofer to send nice ‘we have noted this’ letters when I pop him the latest gems of BBC DNA-embedded editorial integrity on this topic from here and ITTB.


  33. Thoughtful says:

    Not particularly BBC bias, as it’s exhibited by ALL Fascists in Britain.

    White people need to be punished because they raped and pillaged their way across the world taking positions of power and control of natural resources. White people were the only people who participated in the ‘disgusting’ slave trade, and should be made to pay reparations.

    Meanwhile when they want to persuade us that we should accept millions of migrants, or offer some kind of misconceived ‘equalities’ to all & sundry.

    Britain has a long established reputation overseas for tolerance and fairness, it has a standard of justice which is the envy of the world. We are known for our humanity and respect for human lives.

    Now I’m sorry, but these two statements are diametrically opposed, and if we were genuinely as bad as the Fascists claim then how on earth did we get a reputation for our tolerance and humanity?
    Both of these claims are of course complete made up b*****cks, designed to influence the minds of the weak and ill informed, yet used with depressing regularity by the Fascist left when the particular topic demands.


  34. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    The bBBC has its finger on the important news.
    Woman barred from Leeds McDonalds calls 999


    • Sluff says:

      The only surprise to me is that this earth-shattering top news story has not been afforded its own ‘Have Your Say’ slot on the website of our esteemed impartial state broadcaster.
      But then, maybe it’s just not deemed that important by the bBBC editors. Unlike for example……..dog micro-chipping!


      • Guest Who says:

        It cropped up on FaceBook this morning, and there were comments as they are allowed.

        Most less than kind about her, and the BBC, sadly.


  35. AsISeeIt says:

    “an horrific race hate-filled 10 minutes with everything wrong on racial stereotypes”

    No, it’s not a Rod Liddle review of BBC stereotype-busting cop drama Undercover.

    “It was the fact we were encouraged to cheer the Englishman with his jingoistic name, Tony Spitfire, and boo a very stereotypical style of Muslim.”

    Oh my, how could they…? Please pass the smelling salts. Quick, let’s tweet Jon Snow.


    ‘Butlin’s apologises for featuring ‘Islamic Baddie’ in wrestling event’


    • Sluff says:

      Good job the baddie wasn’t a ‘Gypsy Boy’.


    • Guest Who says:

      Wasn’t Art Malik by chance?

      Or as Guido calls him, “BBC Luvvie Art Malik”, by sheer coincidence doing a PPB piece for Labour.



    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      I was thinking back to the golden days of professional wrestling on ITV with Kent “Have a good week … ’til next week” Walton in the 1970s. Here are a few foreign/ethnic ones that I recall, let me know any others:

      (1) Dalbia Singh
      (2) Gil Singh (India)
      (3) Hassouni (Once fought Manchester’s Johnny Saint for a world title, I think)
      (4) Ali Shan (Pakistan, got wiped out by Shirley ‘Big Daddy’ Crabtree)

      (5) Romany Riley (Ashford) – a Gypsy boy?

      (6) ‘Soul Man’ Bond (Dave Bond of Deptford)
      (7) Johnny Kwango (the hardest skull in the business, thus specialised in the head-butt)
      (8) Honeyboy Zimba (Sierra Leone)
      (9) Mississippi Mauler (Jim Harris, USA)
      (10) Clive Myers

      (11) Steve Logan (Brixton, something odd about his very dark hair; tag-team partner of Mick McManus)

      (12) Ivan Pensakov (Russia, or so they claimed)

      (13) Tibor Zakacs (Hungary)
      (14) Steve Veidor (? maybe British)


  36. Guest Who says:


    “…cooperation is difficult because Germany’s secret service has little trust in its EU partners”

    And this, children, is how we are more secure ‘IN’.


    • Grant says:

      Does that include British Intelligence which I suspect is far superior to German ? Better off out !


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    Ms Raccoon nails the liberal media hypocrisy here:


    Well worth a read. One or two highlights:

    ‘When it comes to the ‘rich and powerful’, as the BBC was pleased to describe the hapless victims of this so called ‘leak’, both profiling and hacking are perfectly acceptable. Particularly given the chance to mention Putin and David Cameron’s deceased father in the same sentence. Incidentally, despite the worldwide coverage – Putin’s name doesn’t actually appear anywhere in the data.’

    ‘Can you imagine the outcry if the expensive motor cars of our Canary Wharf brethren returning from the half term ski trips were all comprehensively searched and the contents exposed to the world’s gaze – on the grounds that there was a chance that some would contain cocaine, or additional bottles of that nice Bordeaux that they hadn’t paid the tax on? Or Niqab clad wives coming through Heathrow stripped and exposed to prurient gaze on the grounds that their bomb might look big in that Burka?’


    • Number 88 says:

      ‘Can you imagine the outcry if the expensive motor cars of our Canary Wharf brethren returning from the half term ski trips were all comprehensively searched and the contents exposed to the world’s gaze’

      Which is exactly what happened to George Osborne as our old friend Norman Smith decided to repeatedly interrogate him about any possible off-shore holdings the Chancellor might have.

      Now Osborne doesn’t appear on any list of Panama clients (and the BBC know this – they have the list and together with the Guardian have taken it upon themselves to disseminate the information in a way that most fits their political leanings), but Smith thought that as it’s open season he’d go fishing anyway.

      Apparently Osborne walked out on Smith, something the newly positioned left of centre Daily Telegraph reported with a good degree of innuendo.

      For me, if true, if Osborne walked out on the most controversial and partisan of the BBC’s political ‘journalists’, I’d say, ‘Good. Well done’. About time too.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        BBC and pals at the Guardian not going big on this one….?

        Why, hush my mouth….


        ‘Panama papers: Sons of Kofi Annan, Kufuor pop up .The sons of Ghana’s former President John Agyekum Kufuor and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan have been mentioned in the huge leak of confidential documents that has revealed how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth’


      • chrisH says:

        Heard Norman Smith asking all those questions of the UKIP London Mayoral candidate today in the back of his Daimler or such.
        Questions the “ordinary bloody bloke in the snug would ask doncha know?”
        Smith asked “who played at Craven Cottage”…”next stop down the line from Sloane Square” type of questions as if the UKIP bloke was a taxi driver seeking “The Knowledge” certificate of approval from the lefty BBC class.
        Which-given how debased things have now got-Norman Smiff presumably now feels that he can do…and the political suckups duly acquiesce in.
        Very Peoples Daily, very Pravda meets Womans Weekly and Jackie.
        Truly chilling how low we`ve got, when Norman Smith is paid to ask such shite that means f***all to any sentient being-but will get him nailed up in the Guardian if he fails to impress the liberal elite like Smiffy.
        Reckon it all went to hell when the Tory candidates Cameron and Davis answered questions from Jenni Murray on whether they wore briefs or boxers….as low as it goes to me.


      • Beltane says:

        ‘Controversial and partisan’ is one way to describe him. I think ‘scraggy spiteful little arsehole’ comes far closer.


  38. Grant says:

    How many Leftists are on the ” Panama list” ? Any Beeboids on the list ?


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      Unfortunately the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) says it will release the full list of companies and people in the Panama Paper files in early May. By then of course the privileged BBC “journalists” will undoubtedly have super-injunctions in place to protect their own. No freaking transparency from our beloved national broadcaster.


      • Grant says:

        Abo, Yes, they will have to censor it ! Any news of the BBC publishing the Balen report ?


  39. Geoff says:

    Remember April the 1st has passed. You can bet this subject pops up on the BBC pretty soon.



    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      Al-Beeb have already blacked the trains up in a stunning example of appropriation!

      Thomas the Tank Engine goes global for new film


      • Geoff says:

        Quote “Thomas the Tank Engine is getting a multicultural makeover with the introduction of trains from around the world”

        Interesting use of the word multicultural, surely the right word should have been multinational?

        As rolling stock in this country is now built abroad in places such as Italy and Japan, does this mean the UK’s trains are multicultural ?

        Gresley, Stanier and co must be spinning in their graves.


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          Strikes me as very mono-cultural. If it was multi-cultural then we would have different examples of transport being used by the different countries/cultures. For instance, the Indian entry would be an elephant, the Arabian one a camel, the Philipines one a Putt-putt and so on. Instead, we see this outrageous example of cultural appropriation whereby the world thinks it can rip off Britain by using a method of transport that we developed.

          Fans of Thomas will be aware that it has been getting more and more PC in recent years. This morning’s epsiode on Channel 5 had a black mayor (it looked like the usual Richard Branson clone, but with dark skin). One of the engines was wearing spectacles (they’ll have one in a wheelchair next). Let’s just hope the BBC never get the TV rights – presumably they would turn the Island of Sodor into the Island of Sodomy.


    • embolden says:

      Since rail travel is a white European invention, surely the notion of “multi ethnic trains” is a form of cultural appropriation that should be resisted.

      Weren’t railways in Africa and India introduced by the British Empire?

      Dear, dear, one would think lefties would want to avoid the whole trigger risk of discussing railway technology with the BAME community.


      • Grant says:

        embolden, Shame on you . I am shocked . Did you not know that Africans invented the aeroplane ?


        • Aborigine Londoner says:

          Not sure about the aeroplane but they certainly invented one form of flight :p


  40. The Old Bloke says:

    I guess we will see at least a “Black 5”


    • Justin Casey says:

      I see that tramsvestites and tramsgenders are under represented though….


  41. Guest Who says:

    After leaving it too long, in other news…


    Explains the BBC Editorial Guidelines too, one supposes.

    And then there’s that transparency thing they keep banging on about, where they listen to the public and have a good old natter about this and that…


    ‘…might perhaps be shut down as a potential saving and peace offering to Osborne, G and Whittingdale, J.’

    Or… were sources of much involuntary corduroy soiling when the tripe posted was ripped apart. Factually. Those from the top market rate talents were especially dire, and often ‘closed’ quickly when their grasp of reality was spotlighted.


    Cosy. OFCOM being mooted as a BBC oversight body to replace the trust. Still Nick can be forgetful at times, luckily.


  42. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC TV Breakfast News 8.04am today.

    Discussion re Trumps defeat in Wisconsin.

    Sofa male Adam: “”Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was dealt a serious blow after he lost out to main rival Ted Cruz in the key American state Wisconsin””.

    Sofa female : “”Donald Trump still leads in the Republican race. His chances of winning outright are now much slimmer””.

    US based reporter now presents a video feature (Gary Odonoghue): “”It’s been a bad week for Donald Trump. Flip-flopping on abortion, his campaign manager indicted for manhandling a female reporter (video clip of Donald Trump predicting success in Wisconsin). That resoundingly didn’t happen. His first taste of real failure””. (Video feature runs on how successful and unifying Clinton has been despite loosing to Sanders).

    “” The Republicans could be heading for a divisive and damaging showdown at the summer convention. Unity still a distant hope””. (No mention of Democrat divisions).



  43. johnnythefish says:

    Earlier in the day Jezza Vine, in the course of his interview with Zac Goldsmith, accused him of being ‘posh’ or having a ‘posh accent’ on at least 2 occasions.

    Just heard Jon Sopel reporting from the US.

    Sounded posher than Zac.

    And old Jezza himself not exactly working class salt of the earth cor blimey guvnor is he?

    But then self awareness never considered an essential competence for BBC hypocritical hacks.


  44. Thoughtful says:


    Why is this major news item relegated to regional news?

    West Midlands PC ‘sparked bogus IS kidnap alert’

    A police officer was involved in a hoax 999 call claiming a colleague would be kidnapped by a radical Muslim with links to so-called Islamic State, a court has heard.

    PC Amar Tasaddiq Hussain, 29, is one of three men accused of conspiring to make a bogus call to West Midlands Police.

    He denies two counts of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

    Adil Bashir, 26, and Muhammad Ali Sheikh, 31, have also denied the charges at Stafford Crown Court.

    The prosecution claim Mr Hussain, from Yardley, plotted with Mr Bashir of Small Heath and Mr Sheikh from Bordesley Green, to incriminate members of Dawat-E-Islami, a peaceful Muslim prayer group, who he held a grudge against

    Is there no depth to which this scum will not sink? Why is the corrupt government and public sector encouraging even more corruption, which is endemic to the Pakistani Muslim ‘community’ ?


  45. TrueToo says:

    Back on the first page of this thread I linked to an ‘Over to You’ programme which departed radically from the usual hand-wringing lefty political correctness of the World Service, especially the following startling statement by a guy from BBC Trending, in reaction to the BBC’s disproportionate coverage of the Brussels and Lahore terror attacks:

    “It’s completely natural to have a stronger reaction to something that’s closer to you, whether that’s geographically or culturally.”


    This is a truly subversive concept for so many on the left who insist that everyone is equal and that it’s an unforgiveable crime to have less regard for strangers than for one’s own.

    I’m indebted to DownBoy, on the same page, for introducing the eminent Mark Steyn and this debate


    which also featured Nigel Farage, Simon Schama and former UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour.

    At 01:08:30 in, the latter started to shake her head when Farage said, “I hope we would look at the plight of the Christians who are being massacred in Libya and in Iraq and Syria…” which made Farage tell her, “And you shake your head …it fascinates me. From every definition that the United Nations has stood for, since 1951, those Christians …should be guaranteed freedom and security and refugee status in the West.”

    In his summing up, at 01:18:00 in, Farage said, “I’ve tried this evening to challenge the other side to see if they would agree with me that the Christians who are being crucified and massacred in the Middle East should qualify for refugee status and I’ve not had one positive response from the other side on this at all.”

    Then Schama said, “I don’t disagree at all with your point about the Christian community, ditto Yazidis and persecuted Shias ….”

    And when Arbour came to her summing up, at 01:23:50, all she had to say about the Christians was this: “I don’t know of any evidence that suggests that Christians from Syria or Druze or Alawites have been excluded from refugee protection. I don’t know where this is all coming from.”

    So these two superb specimens of the left can’t spend more than a few seconds on the subject of the Christian genocide committed by Muslims and immediately dismiss genuine concerns about it by lumping the Christians in with others in an attempt to detract attention from the specific targeting of Christians by Muslims. The message is clear: even though these two come from a Judeo-Christian tradition, the last thing they will do will be to express any solidarity with – or concern for – those Christians facing the ongoing genocide. Even worse, they will spare no effort to embrace and excuse their Muslim oppressors and minimise or ignore the dire threat posed by Islam to the West.

    This precisely echoes the attitude of the BBC. That’s why it was such a breath of fresh air to hear the BBC Trending guy say what he said.

    Mark Steyn was absolutely brilliant in the debate and Farage not far behind.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Just as an aside to what you say, I also listened in detail and you make an accurate summary and conclusion. What I was just a little curious about was the % statistics given at the start re the agree/disagree levels.
      I was hoping for a ‘post debate’ % to be given also, but it never appeared sadly.


  46. Maria Brewin says:

    Been watching Pappano’s Classical Voices on BBC Four. Up to 3 out of 4 so far. Antonio Pappano explains the differences between the various classical voices with examples, and interviews with singers. Pappano presents the series well and the singers, all top names, prove very adept at explaining in straightforward terms how they cope, and sometimes fail to cope, with the challenges and technicalities of singing in a wide range of classical styles. Good series overall.

    This being the BBC though, it was inevitable that class, race, religion or gender would be forced into it somewhere. Sure enough, American racism gets a good airing when black voices are featured. No doubt we’ll be in for an even bigger dose next week when the final episode covers the bass.

    We all know about American racism but, the fact remains, black women have done quite well in the world’s opera houses bearing in mind the generally low level of interest from the black community: Marian Anderson, Kathleen Battle, Grace Bumbry, Maria Ewing, Barbara Hendricks, Jessye Norman, Leontyne Price, Shirley Verrett etc.

    Somehow, Thomas Allen managed to get through his interview without mentioning Durham miners and no doubt John Tomlinson, if featured next week, will somehow suppress the urge to harp on about the challenges in breaking out of a working class community in Oswaldtwistle.

    The BBC agenda – it creeps into everything they do.