I have no idea, maybe because he is a committed Christian. Whatever anyone thinks of him, I cannot believe he could offend anyone. It may be his “clean” image they detest.
Thanks for the chuckle but that makes it even more puzzling. Since he is under such a cloud of suspicion, surely the BBC would be in his corner and fighting for him?
Cliff Richard is an unashamedly Christian, white Anglo Saxon male who doesn’t molest children and from memory (I might be wrong) is a fairly low key unobtrusive Tory supporter.
In other words he has absolutely nothing in common with the bBBC newsroom student Marxists, and so is fair game.
Tow stories today for me.
1. The lack of primary school places coming up in the next few years in certain places…wonder why?
All the white chavs I know only have a couple of kids…but might it be fair to say that an alternative more enriching culture might be having a few more that that?
No answers from heads, councils, politicians and media correspondents…wonder why?
2. Murder of a mum and daughter in Spalding. Hate to say so, but given the migrant problems there in Lincolnshire,my first instincts these days is to want to know more about “cultural factors” re the accused kids who are said to have murdered the victims.
If the media could ever be trusted, I`d not be so suspicious-but we`ve been lied to so long, hope my instincts are wrong-and would hate it to be linked to migration…but until the BBC start to level with me, I won`t believe a word.
chrisH can I level with you? I like your posting style with its mix of surreal word play and acutely accurate observations…….but………
“White chavs” is a term that shouldn’t be used, it validates the lefts analysis that non indigenous culture is cool, vibrant and is legitimately replacing an undesirable group of social inferiors.
It is a term that should be left for the beeboids to hang themselves with.
The destruction of the self sufficient, proud, patriotic white working class and its degradation into freaks for the like of Jeremy Kyle to bait, has been a key aim of the liberal left for many years. We should resist it. We should avoid validating it.
We should not use their abusive terms for our people.
Ta embolden.
Suitably mortified to think that you`d imagine that this was my take on the people and kids I`m referring to.
I was using the phrase as set up by Owen Jones etc…the Guardian writers and Emily Thornberry types who despise the indigenous white people of this country and who don`t vote Labour or liberal-if indeed they vote at all( UKIP excepted).
Will make it much clearer in future that I`d never use the phrase in a million years…these are my people at my schools, who send their kids to be taught…and the death of Jade Goody enraged me that much, I `m still thinking of naming some educational facility in her honour…for she is EXACTLY the type who was treated like shit all her life, and the gloating lefties would rather mock her death than feed her children, so no kid need to be so trashed again.
Hope that makes it clear-“white chavs” as described by the evil left are just the people who could turn this place around, if we backed them better.
Sorry for any offence or misunderstanding.
Yep, have noticed that Cliff is being airbrushed out of things.
Got The Everly Brothers tonight-indisputable, and Billy Fury on Friday-a vignette and well worth a story too.
But Cliff far exceeded most in terms of stature, longevity and relevance-can`t say I liked too many of his songs, found him a bit sappy…but being of Indian roots and being rated by Van Morrison and Phil Everly among many others ought to be better rated.
Being a Christian-and one who spoke in public at the Festival of Light campaign with Mary Whitehouse and Malcolm Muggeridge (in 1966?) sealed his fate as -well, not Hendrix, Joplin, Clapton, Jagger ,Lennon or Page basically…the good rebels.
When being a public Christian is maybe the hardest rebellion of all in pop culture-Cliff was a true rebel, whereas the likes of Page, Waters and Jagger talk the rebellion whilst creaming in the money…which is what the BBC require of their “icons”.
My favourite Cliff songs?…”The day I met Marie”,” I could easily fall in love with you”.
Deserves better-and guess that the BBCs disgraceful treatment of him in 2014 only made them hate him more-for it backfired big-time…and hope Cliff shafts them sometime soon.
I wonder if there is some sort of ‘guilty until proven innocent’ treatment of certain celebrities going on, in the wake of the Savile scandal. What alerted me to this was the fact that when the BBC News at Ten reported on the death of Paul Daniels, the piece was a fairly warm hearted feel-good report on his career – but the announcer concluded with something like ‘Daniels claimed in his autobiography he had slept with hundreds of women, and he could not be sure all of them were over the age of consent’. As far as I know no complaint about Mr Daniels was ever formally made, so why drag that into it?
Sir Cliff may have been ‘unpersoned’ by the BBC Comintern, but I’m fairly sure there is a well-resourced team bunkered somewhere in Media City already assembling a lavish, multi-part no-expense spared documentary of the life and times of Dame David Bowie – probably for an Autumn or perhaps even a Christmas/ New Year showing.
The BBC long ago declared war on all celebs who’s political outlook (and by extension target demographic) do not conform or correspond to their own narrow progressive definitions. Poor old Sir Cliff – he was always going to be thrown to the dogs. The late lamented Bowie, meanwhile, will be celebrated with a passion by the Corporation – almost certainly destined for true apotheosis and ascendance to pop sainthood.
Who knows what skeletons Bowie had in his closet? If anyone knows, they ain’t telling. Some ‘legends’ you steer well clear of, that’s the unspoken rule. Bowie’s reputation will receive a gilded send-off, complete with countless z-list nobodies all there to tell us how ‘unique’, ‘important’ and ‘shocking’ the old faker (Bowie’s own description of himself, btw) actually was. The funny thing is, that if one actually stops to examine the man himself, his politics were never very progressive or left wing – this £multimillionaire property owner, internet tycoon and business man never had much to say about progressive issues and – apart from an unfortunate incident in the 70s involving a public Hitler salute from the back of an open-topped Mercedes – he tended to keep his political opinions pretty much to himself. Something the Bonos and Springsteens of our day would do well to learn from…
On the last open thread some of us were outraged at the Pope for rescuing Muslim Syrian families and bringing them to Rome, while ignoring persecuted Christians.
Made me think about the Christians who were thrown overboard en route to Italy by Muslims who objected to being on the same boat as those not of their ‘faith.’ I mentioned on this fine site that I had tried to find some info on what had happened to those Muslims after their arrest but could find nothing. I believe there were two such atrocities.
So here we have the bizarre spectacle of murderous Muslim ‘refugees’ killing Christians and then claiming shelter and support in Italy, a Christian country, and apparently either getting it there or being quietly allowed to move on to the European country of their choice – rather than being strung up from the nearest lamppost, as they richly deserved.
Could it be that the Pope used his considerable power and influence to convince the authorities not to prosecute the murderers? All in the name of benevolent forgiveness, of course.
Somebody pass me a bucket.
Did the BBC cover those murders in any depth or did it give them the briefest possible mention or did it simply ignore them? I’d bet money I don’t have that the prevailing sentiment at the BBC was, We can’t report on that.
For many years, far too many to remember, Al Beeb have joked, poked fun of, and made comedies about Christianity and Christians. They seem very reluctant to do the same with the so-called ‘religion of peace’. I wonder why ?
It’s an interesting question. I imagine part of the answer is that the lefties at the BBC have an unholy alliance with devotees of the Religion of Peace and such an alliance would automatically render them hostile to Christians. Also, so many on the left sneer at Christianity almost as a rule.
Why don’t the Beeb make fun of Muslims? I used to believe it was simple cowardice (remember what happened to Salman Rushdie, the Danish cartoonist and Charlie Hebdo staff). Then other times I thought it was more that the Beeboids like to class Islam is a race which therefore it cannot be mocked as it is not a white male middle class race (who are the only people who the Beeb can mock). Now I think it’s even worse than both. The Beeb has been captured by Islam somewhere in the hierarchy and is actively promoting Islamification of the UK.
The bBBC are anti British be it in the form of their support of Islam, the EU, anti -Empire, anti white race, anti men, pro climate change, pro Palestine, pro IRA, anti UKIP, anti Western culture. pro immigration
And that is because almost every single person at the BBC who has any input at all into the programmes it makes has been ‘educated’ by a British university humanities department staffed by Marxists of one kind or another. Indoctrination follows as surely as night follows day.
The plan isn’t new and it isn’t even secret – Google Gramsci and Cultural Marxism, the two great influences on the contemporary Left. It seeks to undermine the very foundations of Western society, with the eventual aim of inducing a collapse. After that collapse they believe they will take control.
After all, it worked so well in Russia, didn’t it?
Most BBC types do not realise this and will fiercely deny it but it is the case, none the less.
BBC depict the North Carolina bathroom laws as an attack on Gays and LGBT people, without any attempt at a balanced discussion.
Springsteen is portrayed as a BBC hero who, in his own words, perhaps too emabrassing for the BBC to copy, sees the LGBT community as ‘freedom fighters’.
Way to go Bruce.
Bruce has long lost his way and relevance.
Probably died inside when he backed Kerry in 2004.
Can`t imagine he`d let his eldest change in the horse box with some docker in a dress would he.
So a hypocrite.
That said he did have affairs with Terry(Backstreets) and Bobby Gene in at least two songs I know.
So maybe he was a fop all along….
Remember that foreign woman architect who died not long ago? The BBC were very upset about it. Alan Yentob (involved in the Kids Company scandal remember) currently presenting a program about her on BBC4.
An arrogant unpleasant woman from a very privileged background, but hey she’s a foreign woman and Yentob has managed to find someone prepared to describe her as ‘the greatest architect the world has ever known!’
“And she’s right here in London!” Says Yentob! Ooh arent we the lucky ones? Another benefit of immigration!
LOL her ridiculous designs for large buildings on legs etc were beyond what structural engineers could cope with! A whole hour and ten minutes. Yawn. Good job I’ve got something else to do.
Despite what the Chancellor predicts , just remember our Car Moron said that if he did not get his ‘big deal’ with the EU, he was going to get out. (Such a small deal.)
Do you all really believe that ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36070761
They really do seem to have become the Sleaze of the World. I would say the National Inquirer but I think that has more factual content than the Beeb these days.
Its been clear for a long time that Dave and co have had no intention of curbing migration as Osborne has been relying on it to balance the books going forward (probably forever). In fact they look as if they are trying to out do BLiar.
The Out campaign need to hammer the immigration aspect of the EU again and again, it resonates with the public and is backed by hard numbers not just forecasts.
But we ended up in the EEC (as it was called then) with Harold Wilson at the helm anyway. Perhaps now with Cameron and Mandlseon (ex Labour grandee of Blair) scheming for ‘in’ is a clear sign that the majority of UK electorate want OUT. Cameron is using the same Harold Wilson underhand tactics to fog the vote; Except the media (exclude the BBC and Guardian) have changed and are not having it. They know what happened before was not a ‘free vote’ but a fog of information (mostly misleading about the future role of the EU).
‘The vast majority of the material printed in the national press was supportive of the EEC and dismissive of those who questioned the value of membership. There was no debate and the result, therefore, was a foregone conclusion. The political establishment, big business and the press conspired to suppress the truth and to `sell’ the electorate a ragbag of lies. ‘ http://www.vernoncoleman.com/howthebritishmedia.htm
Mishal Hussein has repeatedly informed us this on Today this morning that “teenagers lives are increasingly sexualised” with the follow up line that “teenagers are pressured into sexual relationships before they are ready to for fear of being thought frigid”
Well who’d a thunk it? Teenagers are interested in sex? What’s new? Tell us something we don’t know.
What is new is the level of sexual crime taking place in schools including several hundred rapes in a year, what’s to be done?
1) launch an inquiry into liberal influence in the decline of discipline within schools over the past 50 years and reassert the Christian moral values of sexual continence and the sanctity of marriage?
2) launch an inquiry into the influence of mass media in the normalisation of sexualisation of younger children and the celebrity culture that may be contributing to this.
3) more sex education that takes account of “other” forms of sexualities, and the requirement to respect those other forms, a sex education that challenges the idea that boys are entitled to girls, the introduction of compulsory sex education into schools which the horrid tories won’t do because they want to “keep it under review”.
Yep, that’s right the response to problems brought about by liberalism in schools is….option 3. More liberalism. Brilliant.
Mishail Hussein, (“teenagers are pressured into sexual relationships’) might reflect on the fact that many of her kind are very interested in sex with teenagers, even children, and that her so called prophet had interests in promoting teenage sex.
As I recall my Night Manager, young love is best consummated quickly and roughly against a door jamb, whilst BBC producers savour the lead’s pert botty.
A ‘white’ paper because there will be nothing of any value written on it, by a government bereft of ideas and policies, other than holding on to what wealth they already have !
Ms Scowcroft, of Cats Protection in St Helens, Merseyside, said she had only ever seen one other hermaphrodite cat in 3,000 animals.
[So not a complete surprise, then. One wonders why the BBC want to hone in on this story?]
A hermaphrodite kitten has left rescuers at a loss over how they should refer to it.
[Just call it for its food – you can be sure it won’t be offended]
“We have got used to calling Bellini a boy, but really it is up to his new owner to decide what they think is best…. vets discovered the unusual condition during a routine neutering procedure when they found male and female genitalia.
[Gender problem solved. The cat will join the ranks of millions of fellow neutered pussies happily lounging about for hours on some sofa – I’m tempted to make a BBC Breakfast male presenters joke here]
BBC London news give very sketchy information concerning a stabbing in Tooting. A quick outing for the Google Earth mapping graphic to show where Tooting is – and that’s your lot. Complete lack of interest from the BBC. The BBC is far too rigid in its devotion to its own daily news agendas and regularly brushes these frequent killings under the carpet.
‘Lewis Elwin, 20, who was training to become an electrician at Merton College, was knifed in the back by a gang who ambushed him as he walked alone in Tooting, south London’
‘His half-brother Simon Elwin said: “He was a good person. He was gentle, quiet, polite. He had been in some trouble in the past and was turning his life around. He didn’t deserve this.”’
The BBC don’t mention it because TOOTING has SADIQ KHAN as the local long serving Labour MP (exposed in the Daily Mail yesterday for having close links to fundamental Islamic extremists (which he does not deny). He ‘supports them’ legally as a their human rights Solicitor. The real reason the BBC are less keen to report it is the fact that the Mayor of London elections are due on May 5th. Sadiq Khan is now the front runner to be the next Mayor of London (ahead of Zac Goldsmith the Cameron imposed placement). The BBC don’t want to spoil the front runner on his own patch with a murder or stabbing. That never happens in Islam! I can hardly wait for the new Mayor to ‘clean up’ London and make it a safer place for Christians (joke). Its a frightening prospect that he will actually ‘Win’ the vote. That is the main reason why the BBC does not report any stabbing in Tooting. It has a vested interest. Sadiq is close to Corbyn.
Like that Spalding double murder of a mum and daughter at the weekend….given the ethnic tensions in the Fens these days, i`m afraid my first instinct is to assume that the secrecy and lack of details are more to do with migration sensitivities than with “childrens rights”.
Hope I`m wrong in this-but the BBC have been doing this sorta thing so long that I`m right to be suspicious.
If it suits the BBC-it`ll endanger the rest of us….a good rule of thumb these days.
As tax exile and bald drummer from Genesis Phil Collins once said…
‘Oh think twice, it’s another day for you and me in paradise’
Now what was in the news to make that pop into my head?
Another promising fill-in-the-blank bites the dust in old London town just as he was turning his life around. Just like the gang that shanked him. As BBC staffers fret about what gender-appropriate litter tray to offer up to licence payers as news – our Steph the Economics wah-pet-flower perhaps having second thoughts about that universally welcomed ‘Living Wage’ tosh – Waitrose now join those real world firms withdrawing holiday and other benefits from new staff. Whisper this but you can’t have both a welfare state and open door to the billions. Pennies dropping at the BBC yet? Latest Beeb globetrotter in Greece (my turn, my turn) beginning to think on… the latest batch of boat migrants just might possibly be telling one or two little porkies – no, really.
I’ve just read that report……you would have thought the Beeb would have handed over the one brain cell they share between them , even I got it . As soon as I read they had been taken to Greece the coffee went shooting across the table, brilliant they can put them in boats from anywhere but they’ll all go to Greece, deportation here they come. The whining aid agencies can’t moan as they’re being rescued and as they’re from Ethiopia they’re not refugees back you go and spread the word . Traveling to Europe kills and if you get rescued you end up homeward bound.
Ok I know it’s not BBC bias but the bewildered reporter is sheer joy
Hello Mrs K.
Reading your post made me reflect that for periods in the last several weeks there has periodically been less coverage of the Greece ‘boat people’. But it’s been Winter and even in Greece it rains. Then I note it is now April. The rain is abating, the sun is coming out. Nice time to be sent off to report from Greece.
So now I have an idea that reporters who ‘say and think the right things’ get a nice assignment overseas to a sunny warm location. Those who do not – get a posting to Salford.
Knowing the insidious bias of the bBBC, could there be something in this?
Hi Stuff, here is the report that had me spitting coffee,
About halfway down he (reporter) poses the question of the hour re these men being rescued and is then surprised to reveal they were angry.
He just cannot understand it, aren’t they grateful to be alive?? Priceless.
“But you survived. You made it,” I replied somewhat startled. After weeks of hardship and unimaginable risk, let alone expense, they clearly felt their mission had failed.
They had even refused to get off the ship as the Eastern Confidence’s log from Sunday morning shows.’
‘Fleeing poverty’ now seems to be a legitimate reason for migration, in the minds of BBC reporters. Yet poverty is not something one ‘flees’ from as one would from war or other imminent threat to life and limb. I don’t blame migrants trying to make a better life for themselves, but to use phrases like ‘fleeing war or poverty’ is an egregious conflation.
Leave campaign leaders making the news on BbC website today with their denunciations and criticisms of Osborne’s “cunning plan” of yesterday (which was quite abominable and totally disingenuous in my opinion).
Yesterday there was a HYS on Osborne’s pronouncements with over 5000 entries.
Today on the rebuttals from Gove and Co – zero…zilch…nada!
There’s a rotten smell at Broadcasting House I fear!!!
Frankly, rehashing the same ’tis-’tisn’t arguments as yesterday.
It doesn’t help that the BBC’s comments system is so (intentionally) utterly useless for maintaining a debate. There’s no threading to allow for replies or a subject matter to develop, just a list where, unless you’re near first, last, highest or lowest it’s nigh-on impossible to locate a comment you made earlier to see if anyone has responded.
We had our annual chit-chat with our Financial Adviser today.
He was telling me that his SME client base can’t wait to Brexit, as they spend more time on EU rules than attempting to earn a living.
With luck this reality check from the sharp end outweighs in reality la Branson sobbing off from a sun lounger on Necker with Peter Mandelson lovingly pulling a comb through his tresses.
The ‘Remain’ Project Fear being in full flow yesterday we have, today, Jeremy Vine telling us that in reality the ‘fear’ is all on the ‘Leave’ side. And just to back that up he has Frazer Nelson and Mathew Paris, both in the ‘Remain’ camp.
Over to the ‘listener’ and surprise, surprise up pops some poor businessman to tell us that his investors are so frightened that even though we haven’t even voted yet they are holding back, threatening ‘jobs’. But this guy sounds exactly like the same businessman who was on some weeks ago telling us exactly the same story.
It is, of course, a lie. He and the Torreee hating Welshman from Pontypridd, the Maddened Moderate Muslim from Northampton are just ‘dial-an-opinion’, most probably booked the day before an primed with the right points to make.
All by design and at our expense. It was reported last year that “The European Commission is pumping public cash into think tanks and trade unions so they will write newspaper articles, hold seminars and publish reports promoting the EU”
None of this should be a surprise, the important thing is that are people actually taken in by it? Sadly anyone taken on by the Osborne charade yesterday is already a lost cause.
I too am fed up with this “both sides are using fear”.
Those who want us to leave don`t NEED to create fears-they need only remind us of what has actually happened…that is recalling precedent and history…not creating fear of the unknown future.
We have the evidence of our own eyes from 1975…Heath, Jenkins,Delors, Mandelson, Kinnock, Blair, Miliband, Patten, Clareke/Heseltine and removing Mrs Thatcher.
No accounts signed off, Metric Martyrs, Horsemeat,
And now Cologne, Stockholm, Malmo, Duisburg, Brussels, Paris…a Eurozone catastrophe since 2007, removal of democratically elected governments in Greece, Italy, Cyprus…Portugal and Spain stymied, and the rise of Far-Right Fascism all over Europe, with sending in troikas into Ireland to decide what the budget of a nation state will be.
And now gangs in Calais and Cologne all ready to flood into the UK with French and German passports to blow our tubes up, kill a few Jews and accost any women fool enough to be out after dark.
It`s all already happened-and we have no evidence that the Euro-elite won`t encourage it all again and let it happen.
So F***off Remainiacs-all we “fear” is yet more of the same, and you being able to pretend it`s not happened under EU “supervision.
I myself will be far more scared of a Euro in meltdown, Turks getting passports to come here and no possible way of stemming the Muslim paedos and suicide jockeys when they want to come over.
In other words-the current state of affairs.
Yes, let’s say that both sides are equally bad when it comes to the fear factor. But it seems to me that the only negative campaigners playing a dirty game are the EUriners. The Leavers have mostly emphasised the benefits of leaving.
I heard that bellend too JimS; the very same who the said the European Court has nothing to do with the EU! Okay brainbox – by what mechanism are EU directives and articles of treaties interpreted and enforced then?
The BBC are proud to announce the return of ‘GONORROHEA’. It is a nasty sexual disease that afflicts the sexually active ‘who have not a care in the world’. The nagging Dame Sally Davis (UK Chief Medical officer) has warned that ‘gonorrohea was becoming an untreatable disease’ last year (Dec 2015). That will add to a rapid increase in HIV infections amongst the BBC progressive ‘in’ crowd with their ‘sadist’ fascination for sex and death. The UK statistics don’t look good, of 35,000 new gonorrohea infections, there is a 90% infection rate amongst those ‘gay lifestylers’ taking part. The drugs used to treat these sad abusers will mean that antibiotics are no longer as effective to keep them alive afterwards. The NHS ‘Planned expenditure for 2015/16 is £116.574bn’ this does not include the cost to develop ‘new’ medicines in the ‘real’ world (or the sharp increase in UK tax to pay for it). The BBC on just 33p per day does not cover any NHS cost to the rest of us. It not entertainment but it is a BBC drama. The UK is leading the way in ‘sexually active transmissive diseases’ – google it if in any doubt – (and this is just one more on the list). Its not something to be proud of, but the BBC are not held responsible at all – yet they still promote ‘drugs’ as part of a (for them) healthy lifestyle. When the anti-biotic drugs the NHS uses are about to ‘stop working’ that will then affect us all. The BBC only wishes it could infect more children with its lack of sexual morality and left wing values.
As everyone who reads this blog knows there is a great richness of bloggers writing authoritatively on the EU with a depth of knowledge that the BBC cannot match. (Their objective, of course, is to promote the EU, and deliberately ignore its manifest failings). Pete North again has a fascinating article up today on how the EU is already being superseded in regulation and the market http://peterjnorth.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/the-eu-is-losing-its-grip-on-single.html#disqus_thread
Talk about un-joined up BBC reporting.
6.45 on Today-and one of the Today hacks was asking Katie Watson( in Ecuador) whether she`d be heading off towards the epicentre of the recent earthquake.
She demurred-apparently not very safe, bit rubbly and maybe busy-so not quite the luxury of emoting for that BAFTA.
But I sensed she`d be going-like the boil-in-the-bag Dimbleby she may yet become.
Next up -Radio Somerset tells me that Quito are banning families from heading to the earthquakes worst regions-will clog up precious resources, will be too much raw grief and emotions running high.
So when even the families of the victims of the earthquake are not wanted at the sites-and banned-only a BBC hack would presume to think that she`s entitled to follow the story and push to the front of the queue to show grieving people for the 6pm News headlines.
It`s not as if we can`t imagine what it will all look like…but the BBC dare to assume that they`re entitled to go ahead of the actual victims relatives.
Shameless grandstanding passive grief thieves in need of awards and showpony emotings for Lenny Henry next spring…despicable.
Metropolitan liberal childless tossers…our BBC.
BBC 1 News at 6 now covering Michael Gove speech. Shows some of the audience going in and focusses on an elderly couple with the man looking a bit confused. Obviously no-one under 70 there. Blatant BBC bias, as we would expect.
Douglas Murray, brilliant. It would be great if Erdogan got to hear of this and complained to Cameron. Then we would see if Cameron has any balls. Well, we know he doesn’t but then neither does Erdogan, so they should get on just fine !
Note that Murray has put a deadline on it – June 23 – in case Cameron, Merkel and Erdogan’s team win the referendum. Meanwhile, extra work for our Multikulty Stasi or Police Force who will be monitoring Twitter on Appeasing Teresa’s instructions to prevent any offence to the Goat shagger.
Check google and you will see that Islam permits sex with goats. Sorry Dave, not pigs.
Just been reading the comments on the Spectator – quite a lot of readers think he has gone too far and might have put himself in danger. This is shocking! Not the Gt Britain I know. Sometimes feel like we are turning into the USSR.
It was Erdogan he was insulting but , so what if it was Islamophobic ? Has that bitch Maitlis ever complained about hate preachers being Kaffirophobic ? I bet not. Vile woman. I am Maitlisophobic.
There are no doubt some in the BBC who think that Herr Merkel is right and that people shouldn’t be allowed to criticise foreign leaders. There would, of course, be exceptions for people to criticise Messrs. Putin and Trump, natch.
In a diverse, multicultural Europe, we should not see accusations of goat shagging as offensive and instead of prosecuting poets for referring to sex with goats we should understand that it is a cultural phenomenon which we should respect to avoid being Islamophobic. It is recommended by the so called prophet.
Perhaps Mishail Hussein might like to discuss the matter.
UK law is interesting with regard to sex with animals. Sex with a living animal is prohibited, whereas sex with a dead animal is permitted. However, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, section 63 prohibits taking or storing images of sex with a living or dead animal. So Erdogen and his fellow RoPers would not be allowed to have intercourse with living goats or take selfies of intercourse with dead ones.
I wish this topic could be discussed on a BBC programme with the regular learned Islamic scholars.
There once was a president of Turkey
whose sex life was decidedly murky
he took home a goat
to give him some throat
and the next day they both looked quite perky
BBC4 Jerusalem the making of a city, seriously whipping up hatred of Christians by graphic accounts of Crusaders massacres of Mohammedans, using emotive tones and going into quite unnecessary grim detail.
There is just NO WAY would they do this in reverse, and when you consider how touchy and easily angered Muslims are, its as if they WANT them to hate us!
The presenter is one Simon Sebag Montefiore. His great uncle Moses Montefiore, was an international financier who worked with the Rothschild family. NWO?
The Pro EU lot and that includes it’s main protaganists Cameron and Osborne have badly miscalculated. But then Cameron has made some serious and crass mistakes,. He is not the smart operator of his PR legend rather an incompetent out of his depth. Libya, Syria and any amount of domestic cock ups.
The referendum is his biggest mistake yet and how he must regret it.
We now have the BBC in full on save Cameron mode. Ironic really but there you are. The BBC as a cultural marxist outfit and contemptuous of the ordinary people is desperate to manipulate the electorate to vote remain. It is clear that the vote is going to be close and this must terrify them.
Maitlis showed her true colours and her fears. Just another biased day at the Newsnight work station -if you can call it that.
The marxist liberal elites correctly identify a possible Brexit as the first step in our fightback against these dreadful people.
Who knows what horrors may follow. Not for us but for them and their well rewarded drone like lives.
Look we really really don’t like them and they need to get this.
This is the start of a Europe wide movement. Europe is ours not theirs and voting to leave is to save it not destroy it as these people would have us believe. Ask the Hungarians , the Poles and the Czechs what sort of Europe they want not the useless Swedes and the guilt ridden Germans and selfish French.
The EU is not Europe and certainly not European civilisation. That the BBC and it’s hangers on tries to suggest otherwise is the measure of how decadent the institution has become.
Me, too. I haven’t watched it for years but the other night Mr BritGirl (who should have known better) decided to watch it; I could stand it for no more than five minutes and instead did something far more valuable with my time – I put the kettle on. The ‘episode’ was the one where politically-correctly-appointed Evan Davis oiled himself up for Mandy while constantly interrupting Chris Grayling.
The thought of Evan and Mandy on TV at the same time makes me feel sick, even before breakfast. I wonder if they have ever …………. Better not go down that road !
Grant – As long as any olive oil used was ethically sourced and organic I for one have no problem with them.
I have to admit I never taken to their interviewing style much on the telly. They both seem to me very slippery little buggers when dealing with awkward or ticklish points!
LOL ! I hadn’t got as far as thinking about the olive oil aspect. Thanks for spoiling my breakfast. I didn’t see the interview, thank God, but I imagine Grayling got a hard time, metaphorically, and with Mandy it was just a cosy chat between friends. This is the BBC way. Grill your enemies , have a cosy chat with your friends. Bias ? What bias ?
Their ending statement ………
‘Reality Check verdict: Full access with no regulation may be Mr Gove’s hope but it looks impossible to deliver in practice.’
No bias there then ?
From Allister Heath in the Telegraph: “Tragically, the government has now chosen this second approach on Brexit. It didn’t have to resort to this; even though I disagree, there is a credible pro-EU economic case that can be made. Yet the Treasury report on the supposed long-term impact of leaving the EU is shameful, undoubtedly the worst piece of “research” from a government department in years.”
The BBC have given up any pretence of impartiality on all matters now that they are convinced that the Government are going to renew the charter and keep the TV tax. As there is no other sanction against them, they are free to do what they want in the knowledge that they are totally unaccountable. They have won !
Depends on whom is meant by ‘us’.
For example, immigrants are good for the following groups:
1. Businesses, looking for an endless supply of cheap non-unionised labour.
2. Politicans requiring new voters, as the locals no longer vote for them in any great numbers.
3. Health services managers, who can import nurses on the cheap rather than worry about training and career development.
4. Owners of building companies, cashing in on the demand for more housing, both for the new arrivals and the White Flight.
5. Lawyers and social workers, who get to work on exotic new social problems.
6. EU fanatics, whose plan is to change the demographics to undermine the nation state.
7. MPs with a penchant for foreign whores and rent boys.
8. Immigrants already established here who wish to supply legal & illegal services to their own kind.
It’s just the other 90% or so of the population that don’t benefit and who the BBC are targetting with the ‘Big Lie’ propoganda.
Good point Ian – In the past Aunty always represented the establishment and though there was always a degree of hypocrisy on the whole Aunty always looked out for England and our interests in the world.
However somewhere along the line things appear to have become confused she seem to have become somewhat
1 Bloated and over funded
2 Confused and full of presenters, editors and producers who are more interested in pushing single issue groups rather than focusing on policies which affect the population on large.
This has led to a situation where in Aunties eyes individual and minority rights are their top priority. And everything else is only paid lip service (if at all, ie The non coverage of the Tommy Robinson prosecution)
and even out right fabrication , if it fits in with their narrative.
I think within the organisation because their are so many diverse and conflicting styles, the only way it can function is to create an unholy alliance where obvious contradictions are ignored.
ie muslims and feminists, muslims and gays, immigration and the Housing crisis, etc etc
Everybody works against the current society and hopes that in the end their group will gain top spot.
There is a name for this it is called anarchy – Though I have a hunch which single issue group, will in the end gain precedence.
BBC website reports that a group of has-been ex-White House advisors have said UK should stay in the EU. Can you imagine the US reaction if the British were telling them to have a Union with Canada and Mexico and otherwise interfering with US politics ?
I think Boris has made this point. I see that he has now told Obama to butt out and keep his mouth shut ! I am not a Boris fan but he is quite right here.
May I make a request, a plea, to some of the regular contributors to this site, not this page necessarily. Could I ask that writers tone back on the sarcasm a bit, some of the comments are so thick with it as to be almost impenetrable.
Heard on BBC PM on my drive home last night the off the cuff remark that polls show the group increasing its share of voting intentions in the referendum is the “don’t knows” this was broadcast between 17.10 and 17.30, sorry I can’t specify the timing better.
But it struck me as a very odd statement, presented in that falsely jokey manner the BBC reserves for news it doesn’t want to spend too much time on. (bit like this mornings newspaper review of the story about the chain reaction feared in Brussels i.e. If Britain leaves others will too, that was delivered without jokiness!…..)
In a dynamic of three possible voting intentions the usual form is to explain where the votes are coming from….who’s gaining but also who’s losing voter share.
But, no, nothing….no context at all. Someone’s losing votes, and they aren’t telling us who.
If the don’t knows are increasing , it must be defections from the Remain camp. We Leavers are voting on a matter of principle so nothing can change our minds . The BBC must know this , hence a toned down report. I suspect that the aggressive, negative, dishonest campaign of the EUriners coupled with unhelpful interventions from idiots like Obama, IMF etc is alienating many people.
I hope you are right, and that exit can mobilise the necessary votes.
Don’t forget that some of the opposition see internationalism and EU federalism as “matters of principle”.
They will do all they can to keep us in, especially as “there are fears in Brussels that a British exit may lead to a chain reaction with other countries wanting to leave” ( as reported in the BBCs papers review at 06.40 this morning on Today.
The stakes are extraordinarily high.
Expect dirty tricks. Missing ballot boxes, or delivered by vans taking the scenic route via Thanet.
Or in the event of an overwhelming exit vote, lengthy never ending negotiations on exit terms.
Quite agree. Everything will be done to rig the vote. If the Leavers win, the EU establishment will try and find a way to hold another vote. In any case, yes they will drag their feet over exit negotiations. The simple fact is that the EU Establishment and supporters do not believe in democracy. In fact they hate it.
BBC Breakfast visit Ulster for a taste of the issues prior to the May elections
But it’s not so much ‘game on’ as ‘gay mon’ as the BBC shamelessly and relentlessly push their favourite social agenda
In a short item featuring supposedly random voters, supposedly neutral commentators and our supposedly unbiased Naga Mung-bean-spaghetti the issue of pantomime marriage gets no less than four mentions – beating all comers: jobs, training, health, the troubles, the economy etc etc.
Hey BBC… as they say in snooker – put some bottom on it
Staying in EU ‘best hope’ for UK’s future say ex-US Treasury secretaries, is the BBC headline. Wow, first the UK Treasury, now all the US ex Treasury Secretaries.
To be followed by Barry’s advice to stay in when he arrives here from his paymasters in Saudi Arabia with fresh instructions for Cameron’s government.
If you’ve a strong stomach and want to witness one of the most biased, hostile and insulting pieces of BBC referendum coverage yet, then may I suggest you dig out the episode of Hardtalk in which Stephen Sackur ‘interviewed’ Tim Martin, the founder of Wetherspoons.
Sackur, who as far as I am aware has never even run a sweet shop let alone founded a multi million pound business, constantly interrupted Martin, tried to deluge him with a barrage of statistics and data which no one could have been expected to dissect live and unbriefed, and appeared not to listen to a single one Martin’s replies before blustering on like an out of control rhinoceros.
To his credit, Martin did protest that Sackur was constantly interrupting, but he is a fairly laid back individual and didn’t do what he should have done, which was to counter Sackur’s rudeness with the sort of icy firmness that an Enoch Powell would have employed.
It’s quite an eye-opener and an indication of just how dirty the self-appointed establishment are getting in this battle.
I didn’t see it but the good thing is that it demonstrates how desperate the EUriners are getting. The sympathy of any neutral would go to Tim. The EUriners extremist tactics may backfire on them .
Apparently John McDonnell, the Citizen Smith of the Labour party, sniffs revolution, urging the left to take to the street and ‘work to bring this government down at the first opportunity.’
Now I am all for revolutions when they are in the history books. All that bloodshed and misery heaped on millions makes for gory, gleeful reading. However, I am fearful of it on my own doorstep. Not least because I have just had a new lawn laid, and the daffodils are looking too good for Citizen McDonnell and his army of mindless yobs to march over them.
No doubt Citizen McDonnell would be deliriously happy if a movement of the right brought down a Labour government with revolution. Or doesn’t he realise that illegal, Fascist acts are not only the province of the left?
Malia Bouattia has been elected as the first Muslim, Black president of the NUS. Many might quibble that she opposed a motion condemning the Islamic State, but the BBC explains that she was upset with the wording. Ah, don’t we all get upset at wording condemning the Islamic State?
She described Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost”. Well, I am sure that any BBC employee who has been to Birmingham would share her view.
Who couldn’t vote for a woman whose campaigns include “Why Is My Curriculum White?” You will also be pleased to know she opposed the government’s Prevent counter extremism strategy aimed at Muslim’s who are often unfairly labelled as ‘murderous loonies.’
With eagle eyes she noted that the middle east peace talks were under the influence of “mainstream Zionist-led media outlets”.
Obviously there are going to be those who question our cultural enrichment. The labour MP and former NUS president said “NUS is lost I’m afraid.” Worse, a group of students at the University of Cambridge have already submitted a motion to hold a referendum to disaffiliate their students’ union with the NUS, on the back of Bouattia’s election. White Islamophobia I am sure you will agree.
On hearing the news, Labour MP John Mann, and chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism, said the NUS “is not doing enough to combat anti-Jewish hatred, and as such is failing in its responsibilities to its members”. Bad loser, eh?
Cage have been quick to congratulate her victory over the infidels. Just as they were quick to defend Jihadi John, torturer and head chopper for the Islamic state. So who better to extol her virtues? And of course she has shared platforms with Moazzam Begg whom the BBC thinks such an insightful spokesman that he is never questioned on anything he says.
Does anyone know what degree she is pretending to study for ?
Search Biased BBC
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Anna Raccoon’s excellent commentary on BBC airbrushing Sir Cliff Richard from music history:
There are really no depths to which the BBC will not sink. A thoroughly amoral, disgusting organisation. Really the scum of the earth.
Excuse my blissful ignorance in this matter, but what exactly do the propagandists at the BBC have against Cliff Richard?
He’s good at singing live.
He’s good at singing live.
And the BBC is good at whingeing live?
I have no idea, maybe because he is a committed Christian. Whatever anyone thinks of him, I cannot believe he could offend anyone. It may be his “clean” image they detest.
Well, I guess we’ll just have to accept that somehow Cliff didn’t gain lefty BBC approval.
Truetoo, that could be it, he is not a Leftie, the ultimate sin .
He’s in the pop business but the police couldn’t find any evidence that he interfered with children.
He’ll never be invited on the BBC again.
Thanks for the chuckle but that makes it even more puzzling. Since he is under such a cloud of suspicion, surely the BBC would be in his corner and fighting for him?
I think Christianity is relevant here. The BBC is anti Christian. If only Cliff showed some interest in Islam
Does that mean that you can only be invited on the BBC if you interfere with kids ?
Cliff Richard is an unashamedly Christian, white Anglo Saxon male who doesn’t molest children and from memory (I might be wrong) is a fairly low key unobtrusive Tory supporter.
In other words he has absolutely nothing in common with the bBBC newsroom student Marxists, and so is fair game.
That seems to be how it works. People in the pop business need to be able to “get down with the kids” or the BBC don’t want to know them.
Tow stories today for me.
1. The lack of primary school places coming up in the next few years in certain places…wonder why?
All the white chavs I know only have a couple of kids…but might it be fair to say that an alternative more enriching culture might be having a few more that that?
No answers from heads, councils, politicians and media correspondents…wonder why?
2. Murder of a mum and daughter in Spalding. Hate to say so, but given the migrant problems there in Lincolnshire,my first instincts these days is to want to know more about “cultural factors” re the accused kids who are said to have murdered the victims.
If the media could ever be trusted, I`d not be so suspicious-but we`ve been lied to so long, hope my instincts are wrong-and would hate it to be linked to migration…but until the BBC start to level with me, I won`t believe a word.
chrisH can I level with you? I like your posting style with its mix of surreal word play and acutely accurate observations…….but………
“White chavs” is a term that shouldn’t be used, it validates the lefts analysis that non indigenous culture is cool, vibrant and is legitimately replacing an undesirable group of social inferiors.
It is a term that should be left for the beeboids to hang themselves with.
The destruction of the self sufficient, proud, patriotic white working class and its degradation into freaks for the like of Jeremy Kyle to bait, has been a key aim of the liberal left for many years. We should resist it. We should avoid validating it.
We should not use their abusive terms for our people.
Ta embolden.
Suitably mortified to think that you`d imagine that this was my take on the people and kids I`m referring to.
I was using the phrase as set up by Owen Jones etc…the Guardian writers and Emily Thornberry types who despise the indigenous white people of this country and who don`t vote Labour or liberal-if indeed they vote at all( UKIP excepted).
Will make it much clearer in future that I`d never use the phrase in a million years…these are my people at my schools, who send their kids to be taught…and the death of Jade Goody enraged me that much, I `m still thinking of naming some educational facility in her honour…for she is EXACTLY the type who was treated like shit all her life, and the gloating lefties would rather mock her death than feed her children, so no kid need to be so trashed again.
Hope that makes it clear-“white chavs” as described by the evil left are just the people who could turn this place around, if we backed them better.
Sorry for any offence or misunderstanding.
Yep, have noticed that Cliff is being airbrushed out of things.
Got The Everly Brothers tonight-indisputable, and Billy Fury on Friday-a vignette and well worth a story too.
But Cliff far exceeded most in terms of stature, longevity and relevance-can`t say I liked too many of his songs, found him a bit sappy…but being of Indian roots and being rated by Van Morrison and Phil Everly among many others ought to be better rated.
Being a Christian-and one who spoke in public at the Festival of Light campaign with Mary Whitehouse and Malcolm Muggeridge (in 1966?) sealed his fate as -well, not Hendrix, Joplin, Clapton, Jagger ,Lennon or Page basically…the good rebels.
When being a public Christian is maybe the hardest rebellion of all in pop culture-Cliff was a true rebel, whereas the likes of Page, Waters and Jagger talk the rebellion whilst creaming in the money…which is what the BBC require of their “icons”.
My favourite Cliff songs?…”The day I met Marie”,” I could easily fall in love with you”.
Deserves better-and guess that the BBCs disgraceful treatment of him in 2014 only made them hate him more-for it backfired big-time…and hope Cliff shafts them sometime soon.
Hear ! Hear ! BBC, pathetic, bullying cowards. Scum of the earth.
I wonder if there is some sort of ‘guilty until proven innocent’ treatment of certain celebrities going on, in the wake of the Savile scandal. What alerted me to this was the fact that when the BBC News at Ten reported on the death of Paul Daniels, the piece was a fairly warm hearted feel-good report on his career – but the announcer concluded with something like ‘Daniels claimed in his autobiography he had slept with hundreds of women, and he could not be sure all of them were over the age of consent’. As far as I know no complaint about Mr Daniels was ever formally made, so why drag that into it?
I don’t think Paul Daniels was a Leftie !
He’s been archived with Gary Glitter
Sir Cliff may have been ‘unpersoned’ by the BBC Comintern, but I’m fairly sure there is a well-resourced team bunkered somewhere in Media City already assembling a lavish, multi-part no-expense spared documentary of the life and times of Dame David Bowie – probably for an Autumn or perhaps even a Christmas/ New Year showing.
The BBC long ago declared war on all celebs who’s political outlook (and by extension target demographic) do not conform or correspond to their own narrow progressive definitions. Poor old Sir Cliff – he was always going to be thrown to the dogs. The late lamented Bowie, meanwhile, will be celebrated with a passion by the Corporation – almost certainly destined for true apotheosis and ascendance to pop sainthood.
Who knows what skeletons Bowie had in his closet? If anyone knows, they ain’t telling. Some ‘legends’ you steer well clear of, that’s the unspoken rule. Bowie’s reputation will receive a gilded send-off, complete with countless z-list nobodies all there to tell us how ‘unique’, ‘important’ and ‘shocking’ the old faker (Bowie’s own description of himself, btw) actually was. The funny thing is, that if one actually stops to examine the man himself, his politics were never very progressive or left wing – this £multimillionaire property owner, internet tycoon and business man never had much to say about progressive issues and – apart from an unfortunate incident in the 70s involving a public Hitler salute from the back of an open-topped Mercedes – he tended to keep his political opinions pretty much to himself. Something the Bonos and Springsteens of our day would do well to learn from…
YAY! Second. Bugger…third.
If the BBC have learned any lessons at all its NOT having a documentary about any celebrity/politician, after the Jimmy Savile debacle.
On the last open thread some of us were outraged at the Pope for rescuing Muslim Syrian families and bringing them to Rome, while ignoring persecuted Christians.
Made me think about the Christians who were thrown overboard en route to Italy by Muslims who objected to being on the same boat as those not of their ‘faith.’ I mentioned on this fine site that I had tried to find some info on what had happened to those Muslims after their arrest but could find nothing. I believe there were two such atrocities.
So here we have the bizarre spectacle of murderous Muslim ‘refugees’ killing Christians and then claiming shelter and support in Italy, a Christian country, and apparently either getting it there or being quietly allowed to move on to the European country of their choice – rather than being strung up from the nearest lamppost, as they richly deserved.
Could it be that the Pope used his considerable power and influence to convince the authorities not to prosecute the murderers? All in the name of benevolent forgiveness, of course.
Somebody pass me a bucket.
Did the BBC cover those murders in any depth or did it give them the briefest possible mention or did it simply ignore them? I’d bet money I don’t have that the prevailing sentiment at the BBC was, We can’t report on that.
For many years, far too many to remember, Al Beeb have joked, poked fun of, and made comedies about Christianity and Christians. They seem very reluctant to do the same with the so-called ‘religion of peace’. I wonder why ?
It’s an interesting question. I imagine part of the answer is that the lefties at the BBC have an unholy alliance with devotees of the Religion of Peace and such an alliance would automatically render them hostile to Christians. Also, so many on the left sneer at Christianity almost as a rule.
Here’s a fascinating IQ debate:
Atheism is the new fundamentalism
And the ridiculous thing is that they think their appeasement will save them from finding their heads on spikes if the UK is ever fully taken over!
Yes, the crocodile might eat them last, but eat them it will.
Why don’t the Beeb make fun of Muslims? I used to believe it was simple cowardice (remember what happened to Salman Rushdie, the Danish cartoonist and Charlie Hebdo staff). Then other times I thought it was more that the Beeboids like to class Islam is a race which therefore it cannot be mocked as it is not a white male middle class race (who are the only people who the Beeb can mock). Now I think it’s even worse than both. The Beeb has been captured by Islam somewhere in the hierarchy and is actively promoting Islamification of the UK.
The Beeb has been captured by Islam….
Agreed. The only question is, whether it is Sunni or Shia Islam.
Actually there is another question: how long before the top dog at the BBC is a Muslim?
The bBBC are anti British be it in the form of their support of Islam, the EU, anti -Empire, anti white race, anti men, pro climate change, pro Palestine, pro IRA, anti UKIP, anti Western culture. pro immigration
They stand for everything I don’t.,
And that is because almost every single person at the BBC who has any input at all into the programmes it makes has been ‘educated’ by a British university humanities department staffed by Marxists of one kind or another. Indoctrination follows as surely as night follows day.
The plan isn’t new and it isn’t even secret – Google Gramsci and Cultural Marxism, the two great influences on the contemporary Left. It seeks to undermine the very foundations of Western society, with the eventual aim of inducing a collapse. After that collapse they believe they will take control.
After all, it worked so well in Russia, didn’t it?
Most BBC types do not realise this and will fiercely deny it but it is the case, none the less.
BBC depict the North Carolina bathroom laws as an attack on Gays and LGBT people, without any attempt at a balanced discussion.
Springsteen is portrayed as a BBC hero who, in his own words, perhaps too emabrassing for the BBC to copy, sees the LGBT community as ‘freedom fighters’.
Way to go Bruce.
Bruce has long lost his way and relevance.
Probably died inside when he backed Kerry in 2004.
Can`t imagine he`d let his eldest change in the horse box with some docker in a dress would he.
So a hypocrite.
That said he did have affairs with Terry(Backstreets) and Bobby Gene in at least two songs I know.
So maybe he was a fop all along….
Remember that foreign woman architect who died not long ago? The BBC were very upset about it. Alan Yentob (involved in the Kids Company scandal remember) currently presenting a program about her on BBC4.
An arrogant unpleasant woman from a very privileged background, but hey she’s a foreign woman and Yentob has managed to find someone prepared to describe her as ‘the greatest architect the world has ever known!’
“And she’s right here in London!” Says Yentob! Ooh arent we the lucky ones? Another benefit of immigration!
Yentob is predictable. I will stick with the master mason responsible for Salisbury Cathedral.
Both the architect and the BBC executive were connected by “Iraqi heritage”.
LOL her ridiculous designs for large buildings on legs etc were beyond what structural engineers could cope with! A whole hour and ten minutes. Yawn. Good job I’ve got something else to do.
Well, she did not go down too well here………………..
Despite what the Chancellor predicts , just remember our Car Moron said that if he did not get his ‘big deal’ with the EU, he was going to get out. (Such a small deal.)
Do you all really believe that ?
BBC are obsessed with stories about anything unusual to do with gender .
In the top ten most read articles we have
‘I was born without a womb, cervix and vagina’
Hermaphrodite kitten Bellini stuns vets
BBC is becoming a Victorian Freak Show.
The BBC are unhealthily obsessed with anything to do with sex.
It even extends to cats. Website ” Hermaphrodite kitten stuns vets “. Has anyone ever been stunned by a kitten ?
They really do seem to have become the Sleaze of the World. I would say the National Inquirer but I think that has more factual content than the Beeb these days.
‘I was born without a womb, cervix and vagina’
Yeah, me too.
Laugh of the week so far !!!
The accidental stadium community deplores your male privilege.
Anything on Al Beeb on this?
Its been clear for a long time that Dave and co have had no intention of curbing migration as Osborne has been relying on it to balance the books going forward (probably forever). In fact they look as if they are trying to out do BLiar.
The Out campaign need to hammer the immigration aspect of the EU again and again, it resonates with the public and is backed by hard numbers not just forecasts.
How times have changed: Harold Wilson: ‘1975: Labour votes to leave the EEC
A one-day conference held by the Labour Party to debate Britain’s membership of Europe has voted by almost 2-1 to leave the European Economic Community. ‘
But we ended up in the EEC (as it was called then) with Harold Wilson at the helm anyway. Perhaps now with Cameron and Mandlseon (ex Labour grandee of Blair) scheming for ‘in’ is a clear sign that the majority of UK electorate want OUT. Cameron is using the same Harold Wilson underhand tactics to fog the vote; Except the media (exclude the BBC and Guardian) have changed and are not having it. They know what happened before was not a ‘free vote’ but a fog of information (mostly misleading about the future role of the EU).
‘The vast majority of the material printed in the national press was supportive of the EEC and dismissive of those who questioned the value of membership. There was no debate and the result, therefore, was a foregone conclusion. The political establishment, big business and the press conspired to suppress the truth and to `sell’ the electorate a ragbag of lies. ‘
Mishal Hussein has repeatedly informed us this on Today this morning that “teenagers lives are increasingly sexualised” with the follow up line that “teenagers are pressured into sexual relationships before they are ready to for fear of being thought frigid”
Well who’d a thunk it? Teenagers are interested in sex? What’s new? Tell us something we don’t know.
What is new is the level of sexual crime taking place in schools including several hundred rapes in a year, what’s to be done?
1) launch an inquiry into liberal influence in the decline of discipline within schools over the past 50 years and reassert the Christian moral values of sexual continence and the sanctity of marriage?
2) launch an inquiry into the influence of mass media in the normalisation of sexualisation of younger children and the celebrity culture that may be contributing to this.
3) more sex education that takes account of “other” forms of sexualities, and the requirement to respect those other forms, a sex education that challenges the idea that boys are entitled to girls, the introduction of compulsory sex education into schools which the horrid tories won’t do because they want to “keep it under review”.
Yep, that’s right the response to problems brought about by liberalism in schools is….option 3. More liberalism. Brilliant.
Mishail Hussein, (“teenagers are pressured into sexual relationships’) might reflect on the fact that many of her kind are very interested in sex with teenagers, even children, and that her so called prophet had interests in promoting teenage sex.
And what part does the BBC play in the sexualisation of young people ?
Promoting the likes of Russel Brand, Jonathan Ross, et al.
Do I need to mention Savile?
As I recall my Night Manager, young love is best consummated quickly and roughly against a door jamb, whilst BBC producers savour the lead’s pert botty.
Guest, without wishing to intrude too much on your private life, what was the role of your
” Night Manager ” ?
Mainly a plate of chips when suffering jet lag in a 3* and I get the munchies.
I remain more an aspiring lover than fighter though.
However, thanks to the BBC it seems I am headed in the wrong direction.
Lucky the kids are unable to locate it.
Meanwhile, a camper van in the BBC carpark subtly moves to a new slot.
Guest, LOL ! I don’t why the BBC don’t just go the whole way and launch a porn channel. That would, at least, be honest.
The BBC has been one of the main players sexualising kids for decades now ( I include teenagers as being kids ).
A ‘white’ paper because there will be nothing of any value written on it, by a government bereft of ideas and policies, other than holding on to what wealth they already have !
Ignore it, it is racist
Most of us could write it in ten minutes at the most. One side of an A4 sheet.
Hermaphrodite kitten Bellini stuns vets
Ms Scowcroft, of Cats Protection in St Helens, Merseyside, said she had only ever seen one other hermaphrodite cat in 3,000 animals.
[So not a complete surprise, then. One wonders why the BBC want to hone in on this story?]
A hermaphrodite kitten has left rescuers at a loss over how they should refer to it.
[Just call it for its food – you can be sure it won’t be offended]
“We have got used to calling Bellini a boy, but really it is up to his new owner to decide what they think is best…. vets discovered the unusual condition during a routine neutering procedure when they found male and female genitalia.
[Gender problem solved. The cat will join the ranks of millions of fellow neutered pussies happily lounging about for hours on some sofa – I’m tempted to make a BBC Breakfast male presenters joke here]
Today’s Murder
BBC London news give very sketchy information concerning a stabbing in Tooting. A quick outing for the Google Earth mapping graphic to show where Tooting is – and that’s your lot. Complete lack of interest from the BBC. The BBC is far too rigid in its devotion to its own daily news agendas and regularly brushes these frequent killings under the carpet.
Further details from the print press:
‘Lewis Elwin, 20, who was training to become an electrician at Merton College, was knifed in the back by a gang who ambushed him as he walked alone in Tooting, south London’
‘His half-brother Simon Elwin said: “He was a good person. He was gentle, quiet, polite. He had been in some trouble in the past and was turning his life around. He didn’t deserve this.”’
Hey BBC – black lives matter, anyone?
The BBC don’t mention it because TOOTING has SADIQ KHAN as the local long serving Labour MP (exposed in the Daily Mail yesterday for having close links to fundamental Islamic extremists (which he does not deny). He ‘supports them’ legally as a their human rights Solicitor. The real reason the BBC are less keen to report it is the fact that the Mayor of London elections are due on May 5th. Sadiq Khan is now the front runner to be the next Mayor of London (ahead of Zac Goldsmith the Cameron imposed placement). The BBC don’t want to spoil the front runner on his own patch with a murder or stabbing. That never happens in Islam! I can hardly wait for the new Mayor to ‘clean up’ London and make it a safer place for Christians (joke). Its a frightening prospect that he will actually ‘Win’ the vote. That is the main reason why the BBC does not report any stabbing in Tooting. It has a vested interest. Sadiq is close to Corbyn.
Like that Spalding double murder of a mum and daughter at the weekend….given the ethnic tensions in the Fens these days, i`m afraid my first instinct is to assume that the secrecy and lack of details are more to do with migration sensitivities than with “childrens rights”.
Hope I`m wrong in this-but the BBC have been doing this sorta thing so long that I`m right to be suspicious.
If it suits the BBC-it`ll endanger the rest of us….a good rule of thumb these days.
As tax exile and bald drummer from Genesis Phil Collins once said…
‘Oh think twice, it’s another day for you and me in paradise’
Now what was in the news to make that pop into my head?
Another promising fill-in-the-blank bites the dust in old London town just as he was turning his life around. Just like the gang that shanked him. As BBC staffers fret about what gender-appropriate litter tray to offer up to licence payers as news – our Steph the Economics wah-pet-flower perhaps having second thoughts about that universally welcomed ‘Living Wage’ tosh – Waitrose now join those real world firms withdrawing holiday and other benefits from new staff. Whisper this but you can’t have both a welfare state and open door to the billions. Pennies dropping at the BBC yet? Latest Beeb globetrotter in Greece (my turn, my turn) beginning to think on… the latest batch of boat migrants just might possibly be telling one or two little porkies – no, really.
I’ve just read that report……you would have thought the Beeb would have handed over the one brain cell they share between them , even I got it . As soon as I read they had been taken to Greece the coffee went shooting across the table, brilliant they can put them in boats from anywhere but they’ll all go to Greece, deportation here they come. The whining aid agencies can’t moan as they’re being rescued and as they’re from Ethiopia they’re not refugees back you go and spread the word . Traveling to Europe kills and if you get rescued you end up homeward bound.
Ok I know it’s not BBC bias but the bewildered reporter is sheer joy
Hello Mrs K.
Reading your post made me reflect that for periods in the last several weeks there has periodically been less coverage of the Greece ‘boat people’. But it’s been Winter and even in Greece it rains. Then I note it is now April. The rain is abating, the sun is coming out. Nice time to be sent off to report from Greece.
So now I have an idea that reporters who ‘say and think the right things’ get a nice assignment overseas to a sunny warm location. Those who do not – get a posting to Salford.
Knowing the insidious bias of the bBBC, could there be something in this?
Hi Stuff, here is the report that had me spitting coffee,
About halfway down he (reporter) poses the question of the hour re these men being rescued and is then surprised to reveal they were angry.
He just cannot understand it, aren’t they grateful to be alive?? Priceless.
“But you survived. You made it,” I replied somewhat startled. After weeks of hardship and unimaginable risk, let alone expense, they clearly felt their mission had failed.
They had even refused to get off the ship as the Eastern Confidence’s log from Sunday morning shows.’
At least they didn’t set fire to it.
Or stone him.
So… progress?
‘Fleeing poverty’ now seems to be a legitimate reason for migration, in the minds of BBC reporters.
‘Fleeing poverty’ now seems to be a legitimate reason for migration, in the minds of BBC reporters. Yet poverty is not something one ‘flees’ from as one would from war or other imminent threat to life and limb. I don’t blame migrants trying to make a better life for themselves, but to use phrases like ‘fleeing war or poverty’ is an egregious conflation.
According to the Left and the BBC ( same thing ), there is much poverty in the UK. So why is no-one fleeing poverty ?
Porkies? That would be haram, surely?
BBC Tweeting again
That’s a step up from the #nothelpful hit jobs.
Since when did the BBC become a character assas… oh, carry on.
Leave campaign leaders making the news on BbC website today with their denunciations and criticisms of Osborne’s “cunning plan” of yesterday (which was quite abominable and totally disingenuous in my opinion).
Yesterday there was a HYS on Osborne’s pronouncements with over 5000 entries.
Today on the rebuttals from Gove and Co – zero…zilch…nada!
There’s a rotten smell at Broadcasting House I fear!!!
There’s a HYS now.
Frankly, rehashing the same ’tis-’tisn’t arguments as yesterday.
It doesn’t help that the BBC’s comments system is so (intentionally) utterly useless for maintaining a debate. There’s no threading to allow for replies or a subject matter to develop, just a list where, unless you’re near first, last, highest or lowest it’s nigh-on impossible to locate a comment you made earlier to see if anyone has responded.
Again, the progress of opinion would see the Guardian again suggesting ‘views are split’.
I concede not 100:1, but any Beeboid with an ounce of integrity must wonder if what wafts around the interior of the bubble reflects reality.
We had our annual chit-chat with our Financial Adviser today.
He was telling me that his SME client base can’t wait to Brexit, as they spend more time on EU rules than attempting to earn a living.
With luck this reality check from the sharp end outweighs in reality la Branson sobbing off from a sun lounger on Necker with Peter Mandelson lovingly pulling a comb through his tresses.
The ‘Remain’ Project Fear being in full flow yesterday we have, today, Jeremy Vine telling us that in reality the ‘fear’ is all on the ‘Leave’ side. And just to back that up he has Frazer Nelson and Mathew Paris, both in the ‘Remain’ camp.
Over to the ‘listener’ and surprise, surprise up pops some poor businessman to tell us that his investors are so frightened that even though we haven’t even voted yet they are holding back, threatening ‘jobs’. But this guy sounds exactly like the same businessman who was on some weeks ago telling us exactly the same story.
It is, of course, a lie. He and the Torreee hating Welshman from Pontypridd, the Maddened Moderate Muslim from Northampton are just ‘dial-an-opinion’, most probably booked the day before an primed with the right points to make.
All by design and at our expense. It was reported last year that “The European Commission is pumping public cash into think tanks and trade unions so they will write newspaper articles, hold seminars and publish reports promoting the EU”
None of this should be a surprise, the important thing is that are people actually taken in by it? Sadly anyone taken on by the Osborne charade yesterday is already a lost cause.
I too am fed up with this “both sides are using fear”.
Those who want us to leave don`t NEED to create fears-they need only remind us of what has actually happened…that is recalling precedent and history…not creating fear of the unknown future.
We have the evidence of our own eyes from 1975…Heath, Jenkins,Delors, Mandelson, Kinnock, Blair, Miliband, Patten, Clareke/Heseltine and removing Mrs Thatcher.
No accounts signed off, Metric Martyrs, Horsemeat,
And now Cologne, Stockholm, Malmo, Duisburg, Brussels, Paris…a Eurozone catastrophe since 2007, removal of democratically elected governments in Greece, Italy, Cyprus…Portugal and Spain stymied, and the rise of Far-Right Fascism all over Europe, with sending in troikas into Ireland to decide what the budget of a nation state will be.
And now gangs in Calais and Cologne all ready to flood into the UK with French and German passports to blow our tubes up, kill a few Jews and accost any women fool enough to be out after dark.
It`s all already happened-and we have no evidence that the Euro-elite won`t encourage it all again and let it happen.
So F***off Remainiacs-all we “fear” is yet more of the same, and you being able to pretend it`s not happened under EU “supervision.
I myself will be far more scared of a Euro in meltdown, Turks getting passports to come here and no possible way of stemming the Muslim paedos and suicide jockeys when they want to come over.
In other words-the current state of affairs.
Yes, let’s say that both sides are equally bad when it comes to the fear factor. But it seems to me that the only negative campaigners playing a dirty game are the EUriners. The Leavers have mostly emphasised the benefits of leaving.
I heard that bellend too JimS; the very same who the said the European Court has nothing to do with the EU! Okay brainbox – by what mechanism are EU directives and articles of treaties interpreted and enforced then?
The BBC are proud to announce the return of ‘GONORROHEA’. It is a nasty sexual disease that afflicts the sexually active ‘who have not a care in the world’. The nagging Dame Sally Davis (UK Chief Medical officer) has warned that ‘gonorrohea was becoming an untreatable disease’ last year (Dec 2015). That will add to a rapid increase in HIV infections amongst the BBC progressive ‘in’ crowd with their ‘sadist’ fascination for sex and death. The UK statistics don’t look good, of 35,000 new gonorrohea infections, there is a 90% infection rate amongst those ‘gay lifestylers’ taking part. The drugs used to treat these sad abusers will mean that antibiotics are no longer as effective to keep them alive afterwards. The NHS ‘Planned expenditure for 2015/16 is £116.574bn’ this does not include the cost to develop ‘new’ medicines in the ‘real’ world (or the sharp increase in UK tax to pay for it). The BBC on just 33p per day does not cover any NHS cost to the rest of us. It not entertainment but it is a BBC drama. The UK is leading the way in ‘sexually active transmissive diseases’ – google it if in any doubt – (and this is just one more on the list). Its not something to be proud of, but the BBC are not held responsible at all – yet they still promote ‘drugs’ as part of a (for them) healthy lifestyle. When the anti-biotic drugs the NHS uses are about to ‘stop working’ that will then affect us all. The BBC only wishes it could infect more children with its lack of sexual morality and left wing values.
VD. Doesn’t that bring a wave of nostalgia ? I wonder what new exotic diseases the “refugees” will be bringing as part of the cultural enrichment ?
VD. Doesn’t that bring a wave of nostalgia ?
VD? What’s Victoria Derbyshire got to do with it 😛
As everyone who reads this blog knows there is a great richness of bloggers writing authoritatively on the EU with a depth of knowledge that the BBC cannot match. (Their objective, of course, is to promote the EU, and deliberately ignore its manifest failings). Pete North again has a fascinating article up today on how the EU is already being superseded in regulation and the market http://peterjnorth.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/the-eu-is-losing-its-grip-on-single.html#disqus_thread
Talk about un-joined up BBC reporting.
6.45 on Today-and one of the Today hacks was asking Katie Watson( in Ecuador) whether she`d be heading off towards the epicentre of the recent earthquake.
She demurred-apparently not very safe, bit rubbly and maybe busy-so not quite the luxury of emoting for that BAFTA.
But I sensed she`d be going-like the boil-in-the-bag Dimbleby she may yet become.
Next up -Radio Somerset tells me that Quito are banning families from heading to the earthquakes worst regions-will clog up precious resources, will be too much raw grief and emotions running high.
So when even the families of the victims of the earthquake are not wanted at the sites-and banned-only a BBC hack would presume to think that she`s entitled to follow the story and push to the front of the queue to show grieving people for the 6pm News headlines.
It`s not as if we can`t imagine what it will all look like…but the BBC dare to assume that they`re entitled to go ahead of the actual victims relatives.
Shameless grandstanding passive grief thieves in need of awards and showpony emotings for Lenny Henry next spring…despicable.
Metropolitan liberal childless tossers…our BBC.
BBC 1 News at 6 now covering Michael Gove speech. Shows some of the audience going in and focusses on an elderly couple with the man looking a bit confused. Obviously no-one under 70 there. Blatant BBC bias, as we would expect.
The BBC are covering this
In retaliation for the creeping Turkish driven censorship in Germany. Bravo! Spirit of Great Britain.
Douglas Murray, brilliant. It would be great if Erdogan got to hear of this and complained to Cameron. Then we would see if Cameron has any balls. Well, we know he doesn’t but then neither does Erdogan, so they should get on just fine !
Note that Murray has put a deadline on it – June 23 – in case Cameron, Merkel and Erdogan’s team win the referendum. Meanwhile, extra work for our Multikulty Stasi or Police Force who will be monitoring Twitter on Appeasing Teresa’s instructions to prevent any offence to the Goat shagger.
Check google and you will see that Islam permits sex with goats. Sorry Dave, not pigs.
Poor goat, but don’t you just admire the ” Hamas Heroes ” ? And to think that the BBC worship Hamas. Well, come to think of it, it is understandable !
Just been reading the comments on the Spectator – quite a lot of readers think he has gone too far and might have put himself in danger. This is shocking! Not the Gt Britain I know. Sometimes feel like we are turning into the USSR.
Emily Maitlis very keen to label the German comedian’s work as Islamophobic on Newsnight. Quelle surprise.
It was Erdogan he was insulting but , so what if it was Islamophobic ? Has that bitch Maitlis ever complained about hate preachers being Kaffirophobic ? I bet not. Vile woman. I am Maitlisophobic.
There are no doubt some in the BBC who think that Herr Merkel is right and that people shouldn’t be allowed to criticise foreign leaders. There would, of course, be exceptions for people to criticise Messrs. Putin and Trump, natch.
In a diverse, multicultural Europe, we should not see accusations of goat shagging as offensive and instead of prosecuting poets for referring to sex with goats we should understand that it is a cultural phenomenon which we should respect to avoid being Islamophobic. It is recommended by the so called prophet.
Perhaps Mishail Hussein might like to discuss the matter.
Don’t they have such delightful things as “animal brothels” in Germany and Denmark?
That may explain why so many RoPers seek to move there.
Erdogans crackers in my zoo
Lions and tigers lose the lube….
Gosh oh gee but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one
UK law is interesting with regard to sex with animals. Sex with a living animal is prohibited, whereas sex with a dead animal is permitted. However, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, section 63 prohibits taking or storing images of sex with a living or dead animal. So Erdogen and his fellow RoPers would not be allowed to have intercourse with living goats or take selfies of intercourse with dead ones.
I wish this topic could be discussed on a BBC programme with the regular learned Islamic scholars.
Does that mean you can’t get arrested for flogging a dead horse?
Didn’t I see a report that 400 sheep had been stolen recently?
Perhaps someone is thinking of opening a brothel.
No vegetarian option? Disgusting!
There once was a president of Turkey
whose sex life was decidedly murky
he took home a goat
to give him some throat
and the next day they both looked quite perky
I don’t think Muslims approve of doggerel.
A sultan of old Istanbul
Went out one fine night on the pull
Against whoring there’s stricture
In Koranic scripture
So he sated his urge with a bull.
Recep E for B
And Georgie Best a turnip
Heard again no more.
Tayip E aye yay
Shifty Turkey Burkey who
Gets my goat and more.
Sidney Gruff Diamond.
Billy Bospherus , no mates
Nanny kids me not.
Yes, not a limerick, gibberish too-but felt a debt of honour to UKIP-haiku san…
Yes. Billy Bospherus, no mates. Worth remembering.
Despite a redesign that has made visits very unpleasant, Breitbart is still doing some good work tracking BBC excesses.
For example, there is this piece of blatant Leftist activism and personal spite:
” ‘BBC Trending’ Takes Aim At Right Wing Twitter Users, Reveals Personal Details”
If you want to order the articles by date, you can narrow the browsing window. It is a ‘responsive’ site and the articles will order themselves.
I agree, the new layout is awful.
BBC4 Jerusalem the making of a city, seriously whipping up hatred of Christians by graphic accounts of Crusaders massacres of Mohammedans, using emotive tones and going into quite unnecessary grim detail.
There is just NO WAY would they do this in reverse, and when you consider how touchy and easily angered Muslims are, its as if they WANT them to hate us!
The presenter is one Simon Sebag Montefiore. His great uncle Moses Montefiore, was an international financier who worked with the Rothschild family. NWO?
Anyone just see that shocking interview with David Owen on Newshite?
How the hell they can claim impartiality after that is beyond me.
The Pro EU lot and that includes it’s main protaganists Cameron and Osborne have badly miscalculated. But then Cameron has made some serious and crass mistakes,. He is not the smart operator of his PR legend rather an incompetent out of his depth. Libya, Syria and any amount of domestic cock ups.
The referendum is his biggest mistake yet and how he must regret it.
We now have the BBC in full on save Cameron mode. Ironic really but there you are. The BBC as a cultural marxist outfit and contemptuous of the ordinary people is desperate to manipulate the electorate to vote remain. It is clear that the vote is going to be close and this must terrify them.
Maitlis showed her true colours and her fears. Just another biased day at the Newsnight work station -if you can call it that.
The marxist liberal elites correctly identify a possible Brexit as the first step in our fightback against these dreadful people.
Who knows what horrors may follow. Not for us but for them and their well rewarded drone like lives.
Look we really really don’t like them and they need to get this.
This is the start of a Europe wide movement. Europe is ours not theirs and voting to leave is to save it not destroy it as these people would have us believe. Ask the Hungarians , the Poles and the Czechs what sort of Europe they want not the useless Swedes and the guilt ridden Germans and selfish French.
The EU is not Europe and certainly not European civilisation. That the BBC and it’s hangers on tries to suggest otherwise is the measure of how decadent the institution has become.
Well said !
I’m afraid I stopped watching Newsnight many years ago. I don’t understand why anyone does.
Their viewership figures suggest many are getting wise.
As flagships go, it rivals the Mary Rose.
Me, too. I haven’t watched it for years but the other night Mr BritGirl (who should have known better) decided to watch it; I could stand it for no more than five minutes and instead did something far more valuable with my time – I put the kettle on. The ‘episode’ was the one where politically-correctly-appointed Evan Davis oiled himself up for Mandy while constantly interrupting Chris Grayling.
The thought of Evan and Mandy on TV at the same time makes me feel sick, even before breakfast. I wonder if they have ever …………. Better not go down that road !
Grant – As long as any olive oil used was ethically sourced and organic I for one have no problem with them.
I have to admit I never taken to their interviewing style much on the telly. They both seem to me very slippery little buggers when dealing with awkward or ticklish points!
LOL ! I hadn’t got as far as thinking about the olive oil aspect. Thanks for spoiling my breakfast. I didn’t see the interview, thank God, but I imagine Grayling got a hard time, metaphorically, and with Mandy it was just a cosy chat between friends. This is the BBC way. Grill your enemies , have a cosy chat with your friends. Bias ? What bias ?
Reality Check ?
Their ending statement ………
‘Reality Check verdict: Full access with no regulation may be Mr Gove’s hope but it looks impossible to deliver in practice.’
No bias there then ?
From Allister Heath in the Telegraph: “Tragically, the government has now chosen this second approach on Brexit. It didn’t have to resort to this; even though I disagree, there is a credible pro-EU economic case that can be made. Yet the Treasury report on the supposed long-term impact of leaving the EU is shameful, undoubtedly the worst piece of “research” from a government department in years.”
The BBC have given up any pretence of impartiality on all matters now that they are convinced that the Government are going to renew the charter and keep the TV tax. As there is no other sanction against them, they are free to do what they want in the knowledge that they are totally unaccountable. They have won !
Why is Al Beeb so obsessed in attempting to brainwash us that immigrants are good for us ?
Depends on whom is meant by ‘us’.
For example, immigrants are good for the following groups:
1. Businesses, looking for an endless supply of cheap non-unionised labour.
2. Politicans requiring new voters, as the locals no longer vote for them in any great numbers.
3. Health services managers, who can import nurses on the cheap rather than worry about training and career development.
4. Owners of building companies, cashing in on the demand for more housing, both for the new arrivals and the White Flight.
5. Lawyers and social workers, who get to work on exotic new social problems.
6. EU fanatics, whose plan is to change the demographics to undermine the nation state.
7. MPs with a penchant for foreign whores and rent boys.
8. Immigrants already established here who wish to supply legal & illegal services to their own kind.
It’s just the other 90% or so of the population that don’t benefit and who the BBC are targetting with the ‘Big Lie’ propoganda.
Good point Ian – In the past Aunty always represented the establishment and though there was always a degree of hypocrisy on the whole Aunty always looked out for England and our interests in the world.
However somewhere along the line things appear to have become confused she seem to have become somewhat
1 Bloated and over funded
2 Confused and full of presenters, editors and producers who are more interested in pushing single issue groups rather than focusing on policies which affect the population on large.
This has led to a situation where in Aunties eyes individual and minority rights are their top priority. And everything else is only paid lip service (if at all, ie The non coverage of the Tommy Robinson prosecution)
and even out right fabrication , if it fits in with their narrative.
I think within the organisation because their are so many diverse and conflicting styles, the only way it can function is to create an unholy alliance where obvious contradictions are ignored.
ie muslims and feminists, muslims and gays, immigration and the Housing crisis, etc etc
Everybody works against the current society and hopes that in the end their group will gain top spot.
There is a name for this it is called anarchy – Though I have a hunch which single issue group, will in the end gain precedence.
BBC dangerously deranged!
Rant over time for work!
The BBC still represents the establishment, it is the establishment…or at least part of it….that has sold its soul and our nation to the EU project.
Yes, “The Establishment”, including most of the Tory party, is Left-wing now and the BBC is part of it .
The BBC headline news this morning:
Donald Trump has won the Republican presidential primary in New York while Hillary Clinton has triumphed in the Democratic race.
Interesting: Trump won with over 60% of the vote & Clinton with 58%, however, the BBC has decided that Trumps win was not as big as Clintons.
BBC website reports that a group of has-been ex-White House advisors have said UK should stay in the EU. Can you imagine the US reaction if the British were telling them to have a Union with Canada and Mexico and otherwise interfering with US politics ?
I think Boris has made this point. I see that he has now told Obama to butt out and keep his mouth shut ! I am not a Boris fan but he is quite right here.
BBC reports……Globalist US interests support EU…… in other news, bears found in woods….close to piles of steaming bear faeces….is there a link?
I was about to say ” Is the Pope a catholic ? “, but that would be quite a controversial question these days , so let’s stick with bears !
Ha ha, Grant that’s exactly why I chose the Bears analogy!
Does the pope shit in the woods?
No just on the Christian populace
I was about to make the same point !
May I make a request, a plea, to some of the regular contributors to this site, not this page necessarily. Could I ask that writers tone back on the sarcasm a bit, some of the comments are so thick with it as to be almost impenetrable.
Heard on BBC PM on my drive home last night the off the cuff remark that polls show the group increasing its share of voting intentions in the referendum is the “don’t knows” this was broadcast between 17.10 and 17.30, sorry I can’t specify the timing better.
But it struck me as a very odd statement, presented in that falsely jokey manner the BBC reserves for news it doesn’t want to spend too much time on. (bit like this mornings newspaper review of the story about the chain reaction feared in Brussels i.e. If Britain leaves others will too, that was delivered without jokiness!…..)
In a dynamic of three possible voting intentions the usual form is to explain where the votes are coming from….who’s gaining but also who’s losing voter share.
But, no, nothing….no context at all. Someone’s losing votes, and they aren’t telling us who.
If the don’t knows are increasing , it must be defections from the Remain camp. We Leavers are voting on a matter of principle so nothing can change our minds . The BBC must know this , hence a toned down report. I suspect that the aggressive, negative, dishonest campaign of the EUriners coupled with unhelpful interventions from idiots like Obama, IMF etc is alienating many people.
I hope you are right, and that exit can mobilise the necessary votes.
Don’t forget that some of the opposition see internationalism and EU federalism as “matters of principle”.
They will do all they can to keep us in, especially as “there are fears in Brussels that a British exit may lead to a chain reaction with other countries wanting to leave” ( as reported in the BBCs papers review at 06.40 this morning on Today.
The stakes are extraordinarily high.
The stakes are extraordinarily high.
Expect dirty tricks. Missing ballot boxes, or delivered by vans taking the scenic route via Thanet.
Or in the event of an overwhelming exit vote, lengthy never ending negotiations on exit terms.
Quite agree. Everything will be done to rig the vote. If the Leavers win, the EU establishment will try and find a way to hold another vote. In any case, yes they will drag their feet over exit negotiations. The simple fact is that the EU Establishment and supporters do not believe in democracy. In fact they hate it.
Game on…. as they say in snooker
BBC Breakfast visit Ulster for a taste of the issues prior to the May elections
But it’s not so much ‘game on’ as ‘gay mon’ as the BBC shamelessly and relentlessly push their favourite social agenda
In a short item featuring supposedly random voters, supposedly neutral commentators and our supposedly unbiased Naga Mung-bean-spaghetti the issue of pantomime marriage gets no less than four mentions – beating all comers: jobs, training, health, the troubles, the economy etc etc.
Hey BBC… as they say in snooker – put some bottom on it
I would have thought the BBC would get the bum’s rush on this topic in N. Ireland !
No attempt to hide their big fat stinking bias, is there?
Yes, in the mind of a Beeboid. Hilary is a personal friend.
In the so-called “minds” of the Beboids Hilllary is a goddess.
Staying in EU ‘best hope’ for UK’s future say ex-US Treasury secretaries, is the BBC headline. Wow, first the UK Treasury, now all the US ex Treasury Secretaries.
To be followed by Barry’s advice to stay in when he arrives here from his paymasters in Saudi Arabia with fresh instructions for Cameron’s government.
If you’ve a strong stomach and want to witness one of the most biased, hostile and insulting pieces of BBC referendum coverage yet, then may I suggest you dig out the episode of Hardtalk in which Stephen Sackur ‘interviewed’ Tim Martin, the founder of Wetherspoons.
Sackur, who as far as I am aware has never even run a sweet shop let alone founded a multi million pound business, constantly interrupted Martin, tried to deluge him with a barrage of statistics and data which no one could have been expected to dissect live and unbriefed, and appeared not to listen to a single one Martin’s replies before blustering on like an out of control rhinoceros.
To his credit, Martin did protest that Sackur was constantly interrupting, but he is a fairly laid back individual and didn’t do what he should have done, which was to counter Sackur’s rudeness with the sort of icy firmness that an Enoch Powell would have employed.
It’s quite an eye-opener and an indication of just how dirty the self-appointed establishment are getting in this battle.
I didn’t see it but the good thing is that it demonstrates how desperate the EUriners are getting. The sympathy of any neutral would go to Tim. The EUriners extremist tactics may backfire on them .
Another story the BBC has missed, which I feel is important.
‘McDonnell urges protesters to topple the government’
Apparently John McDonnell, the Citizen Smith of the Labour party, sniffs revolution, urging the left to take to the street and ‘work to bring this government down at the first opportunity.’
Now I am all for revolutions when they are in the history books. All that bloodshed and misery heaped on millions makes for gory, gleeful reading. However, I am fearful of it on my own doorstep. Not least because I have just had a new lawn laid, and the daffodils are looking too good for Citizen McDonnell and his army of mindless yobs to march over them.
No doubt Citizen McDonnell would be deliriously happy if a movement of the right brought down a Labour government with revolution. Or doesn’t he realise that illegal, Fascist acts are not only the province of the left?
What does the BBC think?
LOL ! Does the Law of sedition still exist ?
Interesting point Grant.
Sadly clapping the day dreaming marxist in irons, and feeding him bread and cheese, will turn him from a political irrelevance to a martyr.
Though, I approve of the idea!
LOL ! You are too soft. Cheese ? For heavens sake !
Rarely have I felt such joy and a feeling of empowerment. Let me share it with you all
Malia Bouattia has been elected as the first Muslim, Black president of the NUS. Many might quibble that she opposed a motion condemning the Islamic State, but the BBC explains that she was upset with the wording. Ah, don’t we all get upset at wording condemning the Islamic State?
She described Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost”. Well, I am sure that any BBC employee who has been to Birmingham would share her view.
Who couldn’t vote for a woman whose campaigns include “Why Is My Curriculum White?” You will also be pleased to know she opposed the government’s Prevent counter extremism strategy aimed at Muslim’s who are often unfairly labelled as ‘murderous loonies.’
With eagle eyes she noted that the middle east peace talks were under the influence of “mainstream Zionist-led media outlets”.
Obviously there are going to be those who question our cultural enrichment. The labour MP and former NUS president said “NUS is lost I’m afraid.” Worse, a group of students at the University of Cambridge have already submitted a motion to hold a referendum to disaffiliate their students’ union with the NUS, on the back of Bouattia’s election. White Islamophobia I am sure you will agree.
On hearing the news, Labour MP John Mann, and chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism, said the NUS “is not doing enough to combat anti-Jewish hatred, and as such is failing in its responsibilities to its members”. Bad loser, eh?
Cage have been quick to congratulate her victory over the infidels. Just as they were quick to defend Jihadi John, torturer and head chopper for the Islamic state. So who better to extol her virtues? And of course she has shared platforms with Moazzam Begg whom the BBC thinks such an insightful spokesman that he is never questioned on anything he says.
Ms Bouattia is the future.
Does anyone know what degree she is pretending to study for ?