Well then, if you wondered where I have been since Thursday night, the answer is – RELISHING the sour faces of the BBC and the rest of our supine pro EU media. I sat up all night to watch the results in the Referendum come flowing. Much wine was consumed! What joy. At first the BBC were determined to suggest that Newcastle and Sunderland were “outlier” results, and that the Remain vote would be better elsewhere. And the hours went by and their mood got gloomier! It was delicious to see them get sadder and sadder and even London could not safe the cause. And all the pro Remain shills they rolled in were in glorious denial until the point where it became obvious even to them that they had LOST and the UK had won. Superb.
Since then, the BBC is now leading the charge against “older people” for betraying the “yoof”! They are also hyping up the petulance from Brussels. It has been a fantastic 48 hours to watch these rabid Europhile shills having to face the fact that we are leaving their precious EU.
On a separate note, this will be my last post for three weeks. I am off to California tomorrow and will not be in a position to write for the subsequent three weeks. I am delighted to say that we have a few new moderators to cover things and help Alan in my absence. I wish them and you all the very best and for goodness sake let’s keep holding the BBC to account. They took a big blow on Thursday night and I predict much venom from them in the weeks ahead.
Until we next meet, BYE!
Well done the people of this fine country. Enjoy your well deserved holiday David.
If the BBC’s Referendum Live coverage is on iPlayer I might watch it all over again in the future.
Seconded Steve!
Checked in on Brian Matthew on Radio 2…and can we thank the likes of Steve Wright and Ken Bruce as well-who are, IMHO, the honourable quiet side of the best that the BBC gives us.
Might be wrong-but sense the likes of Tony Blackburn and Mike Read even are on our side with the angels this glorious Day 2.
So when the usual Radio 4 crap on Saturdays with the Bronski Bishop was booted off-I hoped for the best.
Maybe-just maybe-the elite might have listened and learned since Thursday.
Yet-I remember last Mays glorious Saturday morning as the elite chewed on the fact that we`d not done as they commanded-and voted for more Cameron, crap though he was.
His offer of a referendum was a master stroke, and we`ll be forever grateful for it.
But it was only 36 hours or so after the election last May when Occupy Nazis were trashing WI monuments, Churchill and Cenotaphs remember-the New Fascists just affect bigger words, Che chic and pink berets and Oirish abuse across the water.
So I learned this-once they`d cried over their Guardian supplements with yet another skinny latte-they`d go right back into the public sector jobs with clean nails and trash whatever we`d just voted for.
These people HATE the demos, the chavs, oiks and plebs.
BUT-this glorious morn I woke up and thought that they might STILL have learned things big.
So I skipped the “passion of the Celts” footy crap for Paris later on-because the “Passion” that 72% showed on Thursday-and the 17 million who called it correctly-is obviously NOT what the political elite want…and the BBC are damp blanket niggards( hello zero, jerrod!) who want us to crawl back under our windows…and let Islam throw the smashed Jewish tombstone pieces at us afterwards.
No-we showed “passion”…no need to kiss the Badge or the shroud of Jo Cox…”we want-and, by George we GOT-our country back”…how often now have I heard this ?
But-as I listened to BBC extra output for Today after 9am…for a few brief minutes-I thought that they might have got it.
I nearly cried when I heard those Sheffield UKIP members this morning-people who spoke like us, recognisably human, aware of their citys traditions-and telling it straight. How can ANYBODY miss their point, their message and their joy and relief as being the voice of Britain(certainly England, Wales and Ulster…now THAT is coming back!).
Sarah Montague was last up in Yorkshire for the Shannon Matthews debacle in 2008….Montessori and nannies booked, kids a bit older-so she got an overnighter to Sheffield to do some anthropology on this alien species-the real white human who said no to the EU.
To be fair, her interview was fine…poor lady seemed a BIT confused and out of her depth-but not Shannon Matthews anyway.
SO-following this…Lord David Blunkett was interviewed at some length.
Neither Sarah nor David used a word of what they`d just heard…
A man I can relate to in many ways…of my era and politics, and even had dealings with him professionally from 97-00.
Surely HE`d know something and learned stuff…for, every so often he`s been brave enough to say things-and was their MP for years.
Won`t go any further-but Sarah and himself clearly never learned a THING from the UKIP councillors piece previous.
And-scurrilous abuse, machinations and Remain claptrap as rejected continued…
Truly frightening when you hear our voice for once-and how Sarah presumes to represent this to the Lord Blunkett( but you can call me David if you wish, Sarah)-she doesn`t get a word of it, doesn`t learn a THING from what she`s seen and heard from the Sheffield pub.
And-even if she HAD-well Blunkett will never turn to that page, never discuss THAT lower orders backstairs Billy tittle tattle-I`ll take no instructions from the Tory Fascists and Little Englanders.
If we REALLY think we`ll get this the east way-we won`t…their hearts are hardening already and this will be war.
The BBC has GOT to go if they can`t learn from what their license fee payers dare to tell them on the QT in their pubs and clubs.
The political elite are done-turn them out, not over.
Next up…after this Blunkett “Stalingrad Stand” of theirs…a hack is allowed on to trash the morals of Boris Johnson.
But with no reference to Blunkett who`d only just been talking for ages.
But no-free pass to Labour, shaft the bloke who stood for us in the face of a wind tunnel shitstorm these last few months.
Off to wander the coffee shops of lefty luvvie land now…want to see the tears again.
Won`t rise to their bait again as easily-but if Blunkett(who I personally like, and who speaks sense at times) is the lefts Blind Pharoah…then all our UKIP Sheffield councillors and Burnley weary patriots are all our Moses Brexit chums…let my people go-go as the song says.
So-will seek out the comedy, revisit the nasty crap on Any Questions in part later…and continue to support Wetherspoons, Wales, Dyson, Sir Ian, Roger Daltrey…even bloody Liz Hurley and David James!
And thank the tabloids(fuck the Mirror) for that son et lumiere display at the paper shop on Thursday morning-THEY speak for us, f the BBC…f em, f `em.
Save for Brian, Steve and Ken, Lisa Tarbuck and …Simon Jack maybe?
My point-we`ve won…but the BBC are onto us still-it`ll be US…or them.
No surrender, no passeran.
The Regressive Leftards are having a mass march in London today. Screaming and stamping their feet because the ghastly, working/lower-middle-class scum disagree with them.
Yes, ‘anarchists’ campaigning for massive, unelected government. They really are that stupid.
The brave (and very gorgeous) Lauren Southern, also got attacked by a similar mob yesterday –
Remind me, what is the law on political groups wearing uniforms?
Bloody hell. I’d like Dave and Theresa to explain that one away.
From the person of faith with a precedent problem to the Asst. Lidl manageresses keener to move on the crew than address the behaviour of the masked thugs.
Ah, this may explain why the girls’ squad was sent…
A police officer has got down on one knee and popped the question to his partner in the middle of the London Pride parade.
Everybody say awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Wouldn’t have wanted to ‘provoke’ the guys in balaclavas with gay rozzers, now would we?
A totally useless police force.
The British Police are garbage and, sadly, the Military are going the same way.
Prior to 1997 the police were very anti the loony Left. Don’t know how but somehow Blair got them on his side and ever since they have been more than tolerant of Lefty thugs and very anti Tory as demonstrated by the Mitchell affair. How they can talk to that girl in such a manner while ignoring the uniformed thugs who were intent of denying her free speech and assaulting her and her crew is VERY worrying. When these thugs hijack what is perceived to be a right wing event do the police step in to warn them off ? Not a chance !!!!!!
This actually began after the first Brixton riot and the Scarman report, with its treacherous call for a “coordinated attack on racial disadvantage”.
The police have been increasingly politicised since then and heavily influenced by subversive organisations such as Common Purpose. Top police appointments go to the products of socialist brainwashing degree courses in universities staffed by Marxists and preference is given to theory over practical experience.
I will probably be arrested for saying this but intelligence isn’t the prime requirement fo a policeman – unquestioning obedience is. Think of an Alsatian dog. Train it the right way and it will bite whoever you tell it to. The same is true of the police, who are today busier chasing people who use the ‘n-word’ on social media than investigating people like the 31 year old Cambridge lecturer who, this week, was deported from France for inciting and taking part in gimmegrant riots.
Fortunately most of the lunatic fringe is wallowing in self pity at ‘Glasto’ and so can’t trash London this weekend. Lots of BBC there to cover their misery and report on the contempt in which the great and the good hold democracy and the people when they don’t do as they’re told.
LOL ! The “lunatic fringe ” includes chrisH who post here. Chris, if you are reading this, go easy on the cider. OK ?
They are playing the normal EU Referendum Game. If at first you don’t get the result the Europhiles demand then make them vote, vote and vote again until they are pushed into submission. Seems the same tactic has spread to some parts Pro-EU Britain as well.
Mice Height, thanks for that video of Laura Southern.
If someone had told me that the British cops would ‘advise’ her while doing nothing about masked thugs who had attacked her friend, I would have needed video proof of it to believe it.
Well, I guess the British police used to be a force; now they are just a joke.
You can cover your face then can you and attack people in public?
And the best you can expect is a lardarse PCSO saying “hey guys, let`s not antagonise so early in the evening?
Dont worry the good old BBC have got this covered in the tweets. Some one said some one shouted abuse at some one along the lines of go home your not wanted . Not reported by police just word of mouth . Yet again the BBC is inciting racial hatred in the wake of the vote
Reports of post-referendum racial abuse incidents in London
Sky foreign editor tweets…
Posted at 18:55
twitter: https://twitter.com/kileysky/status/746749964831891456
chrisH: ….the BBC…want us to crawl back under our windows…and let Islam throw the smashed Jewish tombstone pieces at us afterwards.
So true. The BBC will not give a single solitary damn about the inevitable increase in anti-Semitism as Muslim immigration increases.
I woke up at 5.04 am on Friday morning and turned the radio on. I heard James Naughtie talking as if his dog had just died, and knew we had won!
Nice post Chris. I was talking to my cousin yesterday who is a teacher in one of the less pleasant sections of Sheffield. Anyhow to explain the ethnic make up of Sheffield the city is mostly white with the next largest group being Pakistani Asians , followed by Yemeni (who came to work in the steel works) then the more recent Somali. They are largely law abiding and Sheffield has avoided many of the racial problems other cities suffer. One oddity is that as the 2nd generation of Pakistanis has moved upwards job wise (becoming doctors , teachers etc) they have stayed living in the same areas they grew up in which have gentrified slightly as a result.
Or rather they were as the council has housed vast numbers of Roma in this area. According to my cousin it isn’t unusual for the parents to turn up at school drunk. They drink in the street , fight each other , go to the toilet in the street etc etc all in what was a fairly peaceful mostly Muslim area. So you can imagine how well that has gone down. The locals then discover that the Police won’t attend incidents unless mob handed and the council pander to the Roma in anyway they can.
As a result many of the Pakistani & Yemeni parents at his school were quite open about voting leave. The vote wasn’t a white working class thing at all but a ground swell of opinion across the city of people of different religions and colours. Now normally this sort of thing would get the BBC all excited but in this case they aren’t.
Incidentally none of the Roma problems in the city are ever mentioned on BBC Radio Sheffield or on TVs Look North. I wonder why ?
Steve Jones, I found a recording of the momentous event on YouTube after scouting around for some time. Unfortunately it’s iffy and butty with some dude in his bedroom, evidently the kind soul who uploaded the live stream, interrupting proceedings at 3 hours 29 minutes in to chat with another dude:
Also there are pauses from time to time, which is a touch irritating.
I searched on Google specifically for the BBC on the live referendum vote but I doubt that the BBC itself will be keen to present a recording of such a major defeat to the public for posterity. It may even go to the lengths of claiming copyright and insisting that YouTube delete the offending recording, and so I have downloaded it to my computer.
Wouldn’t it be strange if the only public record of the BBC’s commentary on this stupendous EU/BBC defeat was some dude producing an inadequate copy of it in his bedroom!
Thanks for that. I shall dip in from time to time. I just caught the bit where Dimblebore, clutching at straws, says ” Sterling is still falling ” . What a moronic , pathetic creature !
Grant, that was me, TrueToo, who scouted for the BBC referendum commentary and plonked it here. It was in response to the comment by the eminent Steve Jones at the top of the page..
Thank you for posting that video, it is priceless. The quality of the clip doesn’t detract from my enjoyment one bit.
You are welcome, Steve Jones. I have watched a bit of it and will go back to it from time to time as something to be cherished!
Wondering where George Osborne is ? Well i found him , the doom merchant woke up in his own vision today
Safe journey Old Bean, enjoy.
All day yesterday the BBC were asking the question ‘why did the country vote for the wrong outcome?’.
If last year’s general election and this years EU referendum results can’t thump the message home to the political elite, the various polls and London-centric media that they could be wrong, I doubt anything can.
Well done Britain (except Scotland)!
Your point is good edward-but let`s be fair to the Scots here.
Their interests ARE in the EU as things stand…just as Irelands used to be.
But the Irish now are bitter and jealous-so the good people of Ulster(i.e the DUP voters) need to take care,we`ll look out for them.
And those good 30-45% of Scots who have friends and relatives down here who voted as we did.
Sturgeon won`t get the pound…she can keep her smoking nazis checking in on all parents…but the oils`s running out as are her prospects.
Join the Euro, fight the Turks for our empty seat for all I care…the Scots are as good and as democratic as we are.
The BBC and the SNP scum say otherwise-well . let`s see.
Economically illiterate bunny huggers-the Scots are not like this.
Good point chrisH – I take it back.
Not at all edward-we all learn, it`s never personal…and I`m just mouthing off.
Good therapy says my wife.
Re Scotland.
John McTernan isn`t always my cup of tea-but in Todays Telegraph he seems to know what`s going on up there.
1. There won`t be a second referendum, although Sturgeon will bluster and pretend that she`s wanting one.
2. Reasons are the £15billion black hole in the Scottish accounts that we fill from Westminster.
3. And the £1.5billion that membership of the EU that they`ll have to pay themselves this time.
4. And the precipitous decline in oil revenues due to falling world prices, so they can`t set any meaningful budget that would be required to pass for Euro membership( Greece precedent maybe not such a good idea from Goldman Sachs past performance re “fitness for membership”as well).
5. And of course-no admission to the EU without having to join the Euro. Sterling was not an option for them in 2014, and that lost them the referendum, even with their laughable claims that they`d be able to stay with the pound…NOW what chance would they have to claim the same?
6. And -even after all this-they`d STILL have to win a referendum( 60% of a vote and a 75% turnout surely required now from them!)-knowing that things are even worse now than back in Sept 2014.
So-not a chance, the BBC are shit stirring.
Tell you what though-that claim of theirs to want BBC Scotland and all its orifices and organs sounds good-flog it to them now, and let the SNP nationalise it and put CCTV of childrens nurseries on 24/7.
One foreskin of BBC output that would ” facilitate and inform a debate on the role of Scotland in the New Settlement of June 23rd 2016″….and Wark and Naughtie (and all other Tartan Raj lotus eaters of Belgravia)could be sent up there to set it up… Dr Livingston would be pleased at their pioneering.
No love Scotland-but F*** their SNP and the BBC doughboys who straddle both pedalos either sidesof the Tweed…choosing to dump their shit and litter only on the English side.
You`re on notice,you traitors in tartan trews-when I want a dancing shortbread tin, I`ll make my own!
An “independent” Scotland in the EU would surely have to join Schengen, in which case there would have to be border controls with England. Many English people would be cool with that, but I can’t see the Scots voting for it somehow.
I think the revelation that they would actually have to pay the EU for the “benefits” of membership would further dampen their enthusiasm. It is one thing for the hated English in Westminster to pay the EU, but surely they would not expect their Scottish BFFs to stump up the membership fee?
Scottish National Socialism is a cargo cult which only makes sense if they can persuade someone else to pick up the tab. For historical and sentimental reasons, the English fall for it. The EU could not give a toss. To quote the immortal “Goodfellas”, their message to Scotland would be “F… you, pay me”.
I find it very irritating that members of Leave are all talking about “reaching out” to those who didn’t vote for Brexit, but they seem to be unable to “reach out” to the man who spent a quarter of a century working to bring it about.
He speaks his mind – a very unfashionable thing to do in the MSM or any major political party.
Too true Maria.
Nigel needs a film made about him.
AS I say-we should offer our EU place to Turkey by way of a swap…they`d not need to remove one of those 28 gold stars then would they?
THEN-Nigel should head the new party…the Brexit Independence Party, and stand against Labours dead donkey lying comatose, getting Mandelson-type training and grooming currently in Batley and Spen…we`d walk it and then the Revolution begins.
Cox could then be a patriot who served her purpose in death far more than she ever did in life-and in the gory, evil aftermath of her killing.
Only THEN will she be a martyr, Sentamu you tool!
If Nigel says no-give it to Tommy Robinson…but we need to plant that flag RIGHT into the heart of the liberal media empire , and the political class. Their hears are like setting concrete-make them f-ing HOWL with outrage-Primal Skweem Ferrapee!)
Maybe they`ll accuse us of lacking “taste”…of not striking the right “tone”….being “populist” and “opportunistic”.
Too right we are-guilty of all those things and more.
But there again…we didn`t kill Baby P…they did
We didn`t hand Ellie Butler back to her dad as he emoted with Eamon Holmes on telly-their EU compliant family courts and Rees Moggs sister did that as the senior judge( Jacob innocent of course!).
We did`t ride a wave machine of toytown froth using Jo Cox`s corpse to get us to stay in the EU.
We managed to listen to their shit without yelling over them in pink berets or hurling V-signs from a pleasure cruiser, funded by the money of Clememt Freuds mum and dad-they didn`t, wouldn`t and couldn`t.
So I say again.
1. Give Turkey our EU seat-it`s ours to give away,let the EU deal with it all.
2. Nigel Farage to lead the new Independence movement as head of the new party-entering Parliament as he stands against(preferably) Jo Coxs husband or sister if they like…they all forgot to cry and only saw her as duct tape or Cliffords Tower relic to shut us up.
3. And if Nigel thinks that a bridge too far-let`s ask Tommy Robinson or Paul Weston to stand for us all…pretty sure they`d have been for Leaving…which is the ONLY criteria our new party needs to apply from now on.
So-as Jo Cox and her ashes have failed to blind us-let our taking her seat be OUR way of thanking her a la Horst Wessel/Van Der Lubbe.
This is all dedicated to a REAL heroic mum who died, not for labour or the BBCs bucket list of wishes-but for her child.
God Bless and keep you Lauren…no motorcades with Bercow for you, but we know whose death REALLY matters to the little people like me. you and the other 17 million.
Top post ChrisH
Thanks for your encouragement and kindnesses Lock13, as well as all my friends on this site like grant and so many others.
Don`t always get the chance to say it enough-but Mr Vance seems to be a Nigel type figure in terms of seeing a need long before I did-and providing the forum, the lightning rods and the laughing gas.
Like to think that-what Nigel is to British Independence…David will be (and is) to the need to see another lazy monolith that pimps off the poor reduced to ashes too.
The BBC,
Can I add another demand for the Brexit Independent movement?
That we signify the end of the old padded paywalls, the start of a new era in our culture by walking out on Eurovision 2017.
THIS would cause MORE angst and outrage-send more rats up the drainpipes and bats up the nighties-than anything we`ve done since Thursday…let`s spook the scum on a daily grid basis as they`ve been doing to us!
I mean it maan….say NO to Eurovision until Cliff Richard is given our song to sing….THAT will shaft the BBC and the Guardian-which is ALL it is about from now on.
Maybe he could try this one!
Dedicated to Mr V, Nigel and all of us….sung in the days when he felt it, and hadn`t cleaned it up-not bombasted it to death.
The donation from St. Jo’s “feel the love” people is in the post.
ChrisH. Not the first time.
Maria I am sure Nigel will be involved here. He is doing the clever thing and biding his time, no need to self-promote at this stage.
Hope so, otherwise we are in danger of making the same mistakes again by concentrating power in the hands of a favoured few, only slightly less “right on” than the last lot.
We’re stuck with the same wretched MSM as it is.
We beat the elites and the media. This applies to the BBC
PJ is always a good one to use when you want to scare the liberal softies.
Northern accent like mine, angrier than I can be these days-and a refreshing change from my likes that are greying and with a bit of a paunch despite the five a side.
My point?…Nigel is a s good and as friendly as it gets for you out there-Tommy and PJ are the bouncers at the Last Chance saloon for British democracy…they`ll still listen to us, but there`ll be FAR worse and nastier needs to deal with Occupy and UAF/Hope Not Hate types.Get your bouncy castles off our lawns lefties…this is NOT playtime.
There is a much more sinister version of this one-so hope the lefty scum will let us party without prejudice.
To all of you who voted Brexit, here is a message from the BBC:
But do not be concerned, we have started our campaign of insurrection which hopefully at the very least will ensure Boris never gets to be PM (character assassination by proxy has already begun) and perhaps – who knows – might even get the decision reversed (not by you having a vote on it, of course!). And we will continue to demonstrate to you exactly why you got it wrong, by ensuring the majority of our guests and commentators are carefully selected from strategic partners such as the Scots Nats, Green Party, ex-Labour EU Commissioners, Common Purpose, Friends of the Earth, left wing clergymen, Islamists, Unite Against Fascism etc – not to mention that well-respected body of BBC opinion-formers, Failed Labour Politicians Who Lie Through Their Teeth And Re-Write Their Record in Government.
Please tune in – we’ll be waiting to browbeat you.
The BBC (Buggering up Britain Campaign).
Spot on Mr Fish!
About now to listen to “The Week At Westminster”…should be fun!
After that?…will catch up with Alex Dyke( Bubblegum and Cheese, BBC Solent)-then Steve Yabbo Yabsley( BBC Bristol).
And then it`ll be back to Angel Radio in W.Sussex/Hants and IoW)-where I`m not browbeaten and can have good music, listen to pals and have a laugh at the Left.
The BBC think that they`re Janet Webb again don`t they?
Unlike last year though-we`ve seen it know it…and it`s US that are the talent…we need no mediator-especially the Bloody Bastard Conspiracy who DARE to tell us what we meant last Thursday.
John Joseph Watson above is all the telly I`m going to need until Pat Condell deigns to speak again!
I like that one, johnnythefish – the Buggering up Britain Corporation on its endless Buggering up Britain campaign.
Congratulations to the British public for once again calling it right when it counted.
Of course the news channels are totally focused on any negatives that they can manage to unearth, however desperate. BBC and Sky finding vacuous suicidal young ‘educated’ people, and then going out of their way to find representative greasy spoon cafe old Brexiteers. No bias there then.
The negativity of the young people interviewed together with their lack of understanding of the issues, basic democratic principles, and their total inability to think of any possibilities other than what they have been fed is astonishing. ‘I thought the people up there would listen to what I wanted’ is just one example. The teaching profession has a lot to answer for.
The third rate Sky Gillian Joseph desperately calling for tweets from people that ‘had changed their mind and regretted voting out’. Her face when all the tweets received were from people saying they were proud to have voted out …. and I bet the ones she actually did read out were on the milder side of the spectrum. I saw her give it two goes with the same result. No doubt a few ‘petitioners’ will soon pick up on it and start acceding to her request.
So called financial experts talking about the falling pound making it more expensive for us to buy things, of course totally ignoring the fact that the juxtaposition is that it now makes our exports highly competitive.
For all the faults of the UK politicians I can’t think of anyone that I despise more than that disgustingly corrupt, tax avoiding, non-entity Juncker … now threatening us that it will not be an amicable divorce … which of course if enacted would cause both parties to suffer. But it seems any price is worth it so that he can get his revenge on Britain. I hope the sane voices in Germany and elsewhere see him in his true light and send him packing to his tax sweat-heart dealing country.
The best comment I heard was that we will have a colour blind, country blind, trading policy and should take full advantage of it now that we will be in control of our own destiny and laws.
Go Global !
I am worried. Firstly, Cameron has not invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty because he believes that it is up to the new PM. Second, who IS the new PM? Will he/she invoke Article 50? Third, why is it necessary to invoke Article 50? We can, as a sovereign nation, enact a law automatically negating any previous laws….. Can we not? I think that Article 50 was put in place to let the sh@t die down and let the peoples THINK they got what they wanted……
Plus, a petition has been started to request article 50 be invoked ASAP. And, look what comes up: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/135471/moderation-info (go to link)
Meanwhile, a petition to demand a second referendum is up and running quickly…………. Methinks there’s skullduggery here……..
Joeadamsmith, we knew in all probability this was going to happen. It’s how the EU and the EU-philes retain control – through obfuscation, delays, second referenda etc. The Russians did something similar (albeit militarily) in Hungary in 1956 – they allowed the revolutionaries to think they’d won by withdrawing Russian troops from Budapest, only to have them mass on the border and return to crush the uprising.
In my view, everything is up for negotiation. Including our method of withdral from the EU. Article 50 was drafted with the expectation of it never being triggered. With us being the first (of many, I hope) to leave, we can set down a method and timetable that makes it far simpler for any subsequent nations.
I would not trust the likes of The Moron and Junker for one minute.
There is no way that they will easily allow Britain to go quietly. After all we have been an open cheque book for the best part of forty years. How else do you think that the Euro gravy train is funded. Every country that leaves reduces the size of the cash cow herd. With new applicants for membership someone will have to fund both this and their profligate life styles and of course all of Merkels refugees.
I think it is no surprise that the BBC was left alone at the charter review. I t would certainly be useful to have a pro EU state backed broadcaster to help disseminate confusion and lies and justify any attempt to block/frustrate our leaving.
Interesting that the new slant is that the old have buggered up the yoofs future and that it is unfair that London should be affected by the result even though it voted in . Maybe we should have a new election where if you live in London and are under thirty five your vote should be counted twice. Strewth!
I certainly think a letter of apology is called for
Dear Yoofs
Sorry we disagreed with you in the referendum but this is called democracy – Its one of the things you can do when you are a grown up.
I am sorry we did not give you the result you wanted (which would have meant you could have worried less and less about making difficult decisions as the “experts” would have increasingly made them for you). This would could have meant you could have spent more of your valuable time in your gaming chairs or just hanging.
Us oldies are a sorry selfish bunch and we rather like to know – Who is in charge of us, where our money is spent, and whos coming into our country.
I am afraid we are full of hate and not hope and therefore it follows that we rather like our society and culture as it is – selfish I know.
Anyway cheer up kids . Even though you did not get the result you wanted. I spoke to your good friend Aunty who said she is more than willing to help you, And she will do everything in her power to help bring this all about. I agree that the rest of the country is only there to serve London, and it should have been much more appreciative about all the invaluable cultural and multicultural gifts she has given the rest of the country.
Sorry again
ps You will like Aunty she is very good at making up stories!
Cheers, Cranmer. Thanks for reminding me – I’d forgot about Hungary…. The good news is, when I was campaigning in the early 2000s for UKIP Scotland, a former army officer called. He pointed out that the Officers’ mess, the SNCOs’ mess would not support any pro-EU government against the will of the people. Likewise, from my knowledge, the JNCOs’ mess wouldn’t either.
Bbbc radio two news on in the van. Sodding banbury again! Fearfull, scared, worried for the future for the children. Oh, then followed by some boris bashing. Memo to the bbbc: YOU LOST!!!!!
Did try to get the Glastonbury Twitter mob going by spreading a rumor that Donald Trump was about to take up Corbyns cancelled Talkathon” on the John Paedo Stage.
His helicopter would arrive in the Shangri Lala , by the Jo Cox topiary monument last night.
But no mention from Jo Whiley , so will try another way next time.
Got to be a full hour long crusty cry-in coming up on BBC4 about how much well lose by having said no.
But Christine and the Queens tell me otherwise.
They were on last night, a bright future for the French once we get le Pen in.
Glasto on BBC TV last night: Did you notice the lovely EU flag making its graceful arcs over the heads of the crowd, camera lingering on the touching scene?
Hope we`ll tear it down and offer it to the Labour “family” for a shroud for that MP of theirs they fussed over last week…let`s ask any Labour luvvie if they can recall his/her name?
I keep hearing “Independence Day” bandied about by various media, I want to know where is the flippin` great big UFO, and when do I get my F16? LOL
The Week at Westminster!
1. Caroline Flint says that we don`t know who Daniel Hannan is-so why listen to HIM and not her?
But we did Caroline-and we preferred Daniel(even as a Money Supermarket model in his heels!)
Now if THAT doesn`t show the glammed up Blairy losers like Flint for all they represent-then what does?
And those looks will fade to those of Mr Hannan Caroline dear, you sexist judgemental harpie!
2. Daniel reminds us all that the “neutral chair” of this show debated against him frequently in the last few months.
Steve Richards talks over that, and moves us along.
So who else then to allow the Flints to trash the Leave speakers…who else to continually get at Hannan and Oborne.
The whole political elite in play, slithering and smothering us all…f `em.
BBC balance huh?…because Hannan won`t “stop the motorcade” in Beijing seems to be all they`ve got to throw at us.
Best not to listern really is it…but thank you Daniel-and even you Peter Oborne…a flawed patriot, but he`s OK .
Must need patience to allow the BBC “neutral” to so interrupt, to harry and to abuse-i`d have clobbered him.
Oborne says it`s the end of “Blameronism”-sums up the lost liberal elites “turd way” eh?
Farewell capt Calamity!
Is that the same Caroline Flint whose career was distinguished by being voted second sexiest MP in the house?
It is indeed but that was some years ago. It is also the same woman who sat back with a self satisfied grin on her face when she appeared on Celeb Uni Challenge and answered correctly the question of who was Mickey Mouse’s wife.
Who was first? Margaret Beckett or Diane Fatbott?
But who was the first in the sexiest MP rating?
Owen Jones is not an MP yet, and Teresa May is only attractive to Jihadists
Fat bot Abbot was a charmer for the soon to be last leader of the Labour Party
Well congratulations to all for the wonderful vote on Thursday.
There are some that say Britain ,soon to be England and Wales, is a Fascist country where it rains.
Judging but the vox pops yesterday Britain is too stupid even to be fascist.
Anyone seriously left crowing about their successes, Bunter and Gove not being amongst them since they are obviously clueless, will take little comfort from the fact that Farage admitted he lied about the 350million, that it is now a fraction of the possible savings going to the health service and immigration levels are unlikely to be cut.
But rest assured ,immigration levels will probably drop if Moody’s predictions come to fruition. On Wednesday we were a triple ‘A’ nation and stable. Our economic outlook is now negative. A general glide to oblivion will undoubtedly be accompanied by the capitalists reduced desire to hire cheap labour.
If one thing of interest has come out of this ,it is that a simple message to a group of simpletons is always a winner.
Sadly it is also the beginning of a perilous Volksgemeinschaft
Can you let me know where we do not have a rating with an A in it please ? The last time we were downgraded was in 2013 weren’t we part of the EU then.
“Well congratulations to all for the wonderful vote on Thursday.”
Thanks Manonclaphamomnibus, it’s nice to know that you have such great support for our country’s democratic and your heroic decision.
It’s just a a shame that the rest of your comment is so bitter and twisted.
As you may have gathered most of the folks on this blog are delighted with the outcome of the referendum and generally ignore you or do not take kindly to you, so maybe it’s just masochism that draws you to us.
If you would however prefer to be with people that like you try reading this book first: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I have given it to a number of people over the years and they say it helped them both in their private lives and careers.
Either way do try to cheer up and look on the bright side. Perhaps a little walk in the country would help. Also remember to keep away from the BBC it will only make your even more miserable.
That it then? The thing I find most amusing is that I always win the arguments.
You haven’t won any argument. We’re still in the EU.
and muslims still arent a race hahahahaha
Anyone care to take a look at the credit ratings of France,Italy and Spain. The next Country teetering on the brink is Italy , the Banks there are virtually insolvent. Italy going bust will be too big for the EU to save and it is coming. I give the EURO five years.
And we won’t have to send our tax takings to help with the bail-outs. Neither will Cameron be around to give one of his cast-iron statements about not paying – and then passing the cash over when he thinks no one is looking.
Wonder if those grieving young Remainers and luvvies would like some of what we’ll save – or will they refuse it on a matter of principle?
‘I always win the arguments’
Hate to break it to you, but you are not a QT panelist and the audience is not BBC ‘filtered’ and the chair is not a BBC safe paid of hands.
Subjects on Planet Earth may be closer to reality than where you are
You win the argument for wanting to be governed by authoritarian, arrogant, unelected bureaucrats who have created economic and social chaos across the whole of Europe.
Other than that, you’re not doing very well.
Poor guy’s off his meds again.
Oh well. If all that you predict comes true, we should be like Albania and thus a perfect candidate for re-admission to the EU – so there’s nothing to worry about!
LOL !!
After the Lord mayors parade on Thursday…here`s Mocco with the bucket shovelling up the poop and tears for us all.
A few cases that got me to vote no…some of us have memories, you gonk!
1. Metric Martyrs.
2. Felicity Andreasen.
3. Rocco Buttiglioni
4. Jonathan Zito.
5. Andreas Lubitz
6.Ilan Halimi
I`m keeping it short and simple for you-give me the European Unions culpability in the cases of all the above and then come back with a new bucket will ya?
And-if such cases are a bit well, “simplistic”-than here`s three big words for you
3. DEFICIT( democratic, financial, moral…as you like)
Tell me why anything you`ve got to say or do with how I am to rate these things…and why the hell you and your BBC marinaded mind are in any position to add one jot to my learning load.
There’s no sound sweeter than the petulant whining of a defeated Leftie…
They always manage to cling on to their self-created moral superiority, though.
Dear oh dear…. Where shall I begin tearing apart that utter sh*t filled post you psychotic imbecile…
– “There are some that say Britain ,soon to be England and Wales, is a Fascist country where it rains”….
– fascism is alive and kicking you delusional weirdo, and it’s the lunatic fringe lefties that are behind it’s resurgence! So desperate are your kind to destroy your immortal enemy – western conservatives – that you will do absolutely nothing to fight misogyny, homophobia and anti-Semitism in western immigrant communities, and become no more than comfort women to Islam and allow you and your people to be f***ed over by the death cult. All you stand for is your hatred of us and you will abandon everything and f over everyone to achieve that aim you traitorous bastard!
-“will take little comfort from the fact that Farage admitted he lied about the 350million”
-WTF?!! You do realise that Farage isn’t an MP so has about as much power to carry out his intensions on that £350m as delusionists like you? You do realise that only the government thats in power can choose how to spend that money? You do realise that at no point was this ever about manifestos or people giving a political party a mandate to carry out what was discussed during the EU referendum? This was about “shall the UK remain part of the EU” you moron!! We will decide how we shall spend that money and if we don’t like what we hear we will vote someone else in!!
All you have is pure hatred towards your own people. You are nothing but a bigoted traitor that got your arse kicked by the people you hate. You will never stop trying to f us over and we will always be here to stop you.
I pointed out before to the Manon that Nigel was not part of Vote Leave and had no say at all over the £350 million figure. He can’t handle the truth, like any good leftist.
Well manon still no criticism of Al Beeb ?
If I had your ‘chip on the shoulder’ I would have shipped out and moved to another country of your choice long ago .
You as I have said before , you are ‘A Man of Straw’ and simply an Al Beeb Troll. IMHO You would be best served posting on another website.
I love kids like you….the generation brought up in the ‘no child can lose’ culture who throw their toys out their pram when something goes, in their view, wrong. And really don’t have a f*****g clue what they are talking about.
With regards Moodys. They don’t ‘forecast’ anything….they rate. But I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference so I don’t see the point in explaining it. The reason Moody’s have put a ‘negative’ on the rating is because of ‘uncertainty’. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t forget that these are the very same people who rated MBS (that’s Mortgage Backed Securities), oh, don’t worry…at AAA, the same risk rating as the US and UK governments. Didn’t they do well. In any event, the UK still has a triple A rating that has been downgraded from AAA stable to AAA negative. There are very few countries in the world that have AAA anything.
As a result, the likes of Standard & Poors (heard of them?), and Moodys have, to many, many people, completely lost any credibility. It would appear that they rate debt based on how much a company or country will pay them.
In any event, a country that has it’s own central bank that can print its own currency CANNOT default. Unless the government instructs the bank not to print.
I suggest that, before you believe the utter financial bilge pumped out by the entire mainstream media in this country and then simply reproduce it on a blog, you leave yourself open to make yourself particularly idiotic.
I suggest you do some homework before you make stupid, ridiculous comments.
Oh, and one last thing. The pound is about 4 cents weaker against the dollar than it was just less than two weeks ago….oh, I am scared!! And the UK stock market was the best performing stock market in Europe on Friday. It would appear to me, and feel it will to many more in the upcoming weeks, that the ‘country’ that has real problems facing it is one called ‘The European Union’.
Shoudn’t have held the vote during Ramalamadingdong, low blood sugar level maybe causing votes going in wrong box, silly me the family packs were posted weeks ago. Shoudn’t have boasted about rubbing our noses in diversity, hey Mandy.
In case you’ve forgotten manon the simple slogan “remain in the EU because…..wooooooooh!……its scary outside” was a winner amongst some, but fortunately those who swallowed it were outvoted.
Just watched the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn. First person on gave a made up story about ‘ a teacher’ who had fortunatly told her that her pre-school children she was in charge of were racially abused the day after the refurendum.
Then Jeremy went on to say we should not be calling those who voted Little Englanders and Xenaphobs. (err I think that just happened mate before you came on were you not paying attention?)
But not to worry as he will make sure we stick to the crazy spending on foriegn aid, we will stick with letting murderers live in UK, he will make sure our troops can still be prosecuted for shouting at terrorists. And as for Immigration, he has Andy Burnham on the job. New slogan for Labour ‘Labour isn’t Listening’. And as for the woman with the made up story, now you know what the white working classes have had to put up with for the past 30 years
Corbyns tragedy is that he has probably been anti EU for as long as anyone, possibly even Nigel Farage, yet within days of his election to labour leader it was reported that his blog history had been cleansed of his anti EU commentaries dating back several years.
He compromised his principles to appease the EU and its lobbyists within the Labour Party and now he is toast, as he may have known he would be.
No wonder he was “half hearted” in campaigning for remain.
I`d copyright that phrase “Twitteryenot”….hope the upgrade to a capital letter reflects my respect for a slogan that we`ll all be wearing soon.
Might need to leave a large megaphone beside the grave where we buried the Labour Party-and would wish less engraving for that longish word “listening” as we pay the mason by the word.
Apparently the story went something like this..
Teacher – The Children in my care have just been racially abused by a Waycist.
Friend – Waycist? Don’t you mean Little Enghlander?
Teacher – Oh yes sorry, I forgot that is the new buzz-phrase
Friend – No problem. Did you report it to the Police?
Teacher- NO but I did report it to the Parlimentary Labour Party!
Lol Poor old ManwiththeClaponaBus. Lost the election, lost the referendum. lost the plot.
I bet he hasn’t lost his virginity, though.
Just eaten a late, late breakfast and couldn’t help wondering is those pseudo-patricians, Heseltine, Ashdown and Major fully enjoyed their toast yesterday?
“couldn’t help wondering is those pseudo-patricians, Heseltine, Ashdown and Major fully enjoyed their toast yesterday?”
Well it certainly landed butter side down this time, didn’t it?
Listening to the bitters and their “Dead Wringers” excuse for a comedy.
Am now going through the Heroes..Joan Collins, Michael Caine, Ulrika, Sol, Bernie Eccleston, East 17 and/or all those who were frightened off by Birmingham Council with that UKIP party they banned.
As well as those I`ve mentioned before…oh and can I add Rusty Lee, Mr McKenzie in Croydon , Dreda, Claire Fox and Juliet Hartley Brewer-and ANY minor celebs who dared to say they`re voting OUT…they all played their part and-although none were those I`d know of in general-their courage to say so against agents advice, BBC threats and usual lefty scorn in luvvielands will ensure that we`ll keep an eye for them…will peruse the panto season brochures in due course.
Why this?…because the slurry thrown by Dead Ringings at Nigel and his quiet supporters is STILL undiminished.
Oh-lots of thanks to Harry and Paul, John Cleese as well(eventually!).
As for everybody else on the wrong side of Thursday…we know the venom is not going anywhere soon-and we`ve won…and we`ll be fighting back this time.
Piss off the conch shell…you`ve said enough…the BBC won`t be in a position to pay you for your tropes very soon-and you`ll need to rely on US for a living.
The likes of Hardy , Culshaw and Greer wouldn`t survive without our taxes and license fees-and we`ll be doing an Andreasen when the Dummies books are sent to us…Dead Neck Ups need ringing….
ChrisH. “wrong side of Thursday” ……. Shakespearian!
Dead ringers is shit-but the Paloma Faith impression and Jon Snow impressions are good.
Why then don`t they themselves see how stupid they are in “Remaining”?
Reminds me of Coogan, Gervais and Ianucchi, Morris-seem to brilliantly mock things, then they turn into “comedy actors”-licensed jesters who become all that they hated once.
Jesus had something to say of such blind guides…but it`s not Sunday.
Like you, I Ioathe the standard lefty fare, especially from the Hardy creature. I did, however, find the spoof of Donald Trump quite hilarious – a pretty good imitation of his type of language and intonation. [I should say I prefer seeing Trump in the White House, rather than the dangerous crook Hilary Clinton].
Norman Smith is doing my head in ! vehement reporting as to the whereabouts of the Brexit campaigners . Jeez these guys have campaigned non-stop for weeks and are probably knackered now. The Beeb are unrelenting in wanting bloody sound bites every day and I’ve never heard such down-talking by all journos of where we are now. F………..g deal with it – no amount of wailing and whining about why and how we voted Out, nothing’s going to change now, so its time they stopped doom mongering.
Are you joking. The country is sliding and you think they are entitled to have a lie in! The truth is they havent got a clue. They are hiding! Boris’ jolly jape at ‘having a crack’ at playing PM has destroyed us. That ,and the total morons that voted for him.
nicely reasoned argument there, now we are all morons
Think on Manonbus. If the vote had gone for remain every single one of us on here would have shrugged,dusted themselves down and got on with it. We would have respected the decision , we may not have agreed with it but we respect democracy. If you do not like democratic votes then why are you living in the UK ? What kind of a person does not respect the will of the majority ?
I would be happy if all the Remainers got out of this country. Have any of the Luvvies who promised to leave gone yet ? I certainly hope so !
G -Can we start a petition to deport Eddie Izzard and have it debated in Parliament
I had this ‘chat’ with a brainwashed lefty at my work place. After listening to his suicidal speech (and owning him on every statement he made) on how the country is now ruined I finished with “whilst the free movement is still in place, why don’t you just f*ck off and live in the EU, if it’s so magical? The people of this country have just declared they want something different than what you want! It’s democracy in action! It’s currently in your power to leave and get everything you want in the EU”……he of course wouldn’t say yes! The amazing “we can all live and work everywhere in the EU” is only good for others… As is the lefty way
Hey, England-hater with the clap – you still here? Having difficulty finding a non-English country to move to?
Btw ‘Vindaloo’ is a good singalong footy anthem after a few pints, but most sublime is ‘World in Motion’. Ahhh, the English write all the best tunes don’t they? Or maybe you prefer ‘Allie’s Army’ – you know, containing the immortal line ‘….coz England didnae qualify…’ Little Scotlanders maybe?…. Come on, put a smile on your face and sing along….. ‘Love’s got the world in motion….’
Wonderful, tears to the eyes stuff.
You want to do see a psychologist buddy. Or take some happy pills.
Are you here for a long stretch. Why are you posting on this site ?
How does the BBC manage to know what the Mayor of Calais thinks?
What the head of the French Central Bank, what the Dutch Commissioner for Financial Services at the European Union think?
Do THEY ask them-or do these grandees have the BBC on speedial from a few months ago?
Suffice to say that it won`t have been the individuals concerned that made any first move…the BBC will have “mediated and tested” their responses before WE get to hear of it all.
In other words-keep a note, enjoy their panic and lies-and let`s make every effort to get this f…ing Harambe ( disguised as an independent news agancy that we`re paying in blood for)off our backs…soon as.
We now have the Danes wanting a REferendum. Plus France. My Greek friends all supported me on 24th,here in Polichnitos. And now a Norwegian article: http://www.hannenabintuherland.com/europe/congratulations-to-the-british-people-on-brexit-may-the-rest-of-europe-follow-and-the-eu-fall/
You know, considering we’re Little Englanders who want to withdraw into our shell, we’re quite well supported in the wider world……….
BBC reports strong support amongst the yoof for a reduction in the voting age to eleven. Corbyn backs this for its inclusivity but demurs on the proposal that anyone over 50 should be denied the vote. Cameron says he wished that he had thought of it.
Labour of course being the Paedos friend-as long as the Lib Dems aren`t standing…and they don`t these days in most places.
The party that employed Harman, Dromey, Hewitt, Driberg etc WOULD want easier access to primary schools in their final year.
None of that DBS stuff either-plenty good canvassing to be done in their big tent for those “conversations” they seem to like.
Just heard Anita Anand invite phone calls in about “are you someone who wants a new referendum because only 60% voted for it on a voter turnout of less that 75%?”
How does she include THAT on a show devoted to what had been said on yesterdays programme-it was nOT designed to run with a Glastonbury/Occupy petition on a Saturday afternoon with no adults in the room?
Typical on the hoof lazy prejudice from the BBC.
Forever agitpropping for 38 Degrees, Common Purpose, Bildeberg and all the others who crave the One Love Final Solution in their Old New Order…
Sorry to come back to this one.
But listening to “Any Questions” seems to show ALL the threats we face….we`re beyond Biased BBC stuff here I fear.
Steven Woolf was and is brave and fearless in the den of BBC Centre…the baying crowd, Emily Thornberry Ken Clarke, Jonathan Dumbcluk and the faith traitor patronage of Grayling were all nasty and sly.
But Woolf was brave and made it personal against Thornberry…and look at how he was treated.
So do we want a future with Steven Woolfs backstory-or do we want Emily Thornberry in her biggest Janet Webb costume as borrowed from Batmangheghli?
Because it`s clear what the BBC “selected audience” under Judge Roland Dimbleby want.
And the lefty Blameronian scum reckon that Nigel Farage will become the new Arthur Tolcher?
Sorry scum…time to learn the mouthorgan , and listen out for Nigels new tune!
Steven Woolf is excellent. That is probably why we did not see much of him in the run-up to the referendum. Thornberry is thick as two short planks.
R4 1:50pm Question time. I won’t bash on about the bBC bias. When Chris Grayling made a good point, there was literally ONE handclap, when Emily Thornberry spouted her usual bollox, the audience erupted.
Head of BBC Political Research , David Cowling, has it about right when he says that millions of Brits do not enthuse about diversity and do not embrace metropolitan values, but do not consider themselves to be lesser human being because of that. However, I think we know that the reaction of the BBC to Referendum outcome will not be an attempt to understand and absorb the views of millions of their fellow countrymen and women , but even greater efforts to force them to submit to those same metropolitan values. David Cowling will be ignored and, if he persists, pushed out. The BBC is not for turning.
The new government must do something to cut the BBC down to size, otherwise it fan the flames of the mislead and disaffected yoof and stoke the resentment of the metropolitans against the democratic decision of the country.
The BBC, paid for by the public, bribed by the EU. They are the british propaganda arm of the EU.
The BBC, infested with Labour jobsworths, might consider itself to be some sort of opposition to the government, but the reality is that is the propaganda arm of the British State. Both it and the government are just parts of that State, which also includes the Civil Service, academia, law, financial institutions, the military. The BBC’s role is to promote the State’s views and policies on the EU, climate, immigration, multiculturalism, globalism and so on. The apparent antipathy between the BBC and the Conservatives is down to personality clashes, not matters of principle. The fact that they were largely all on the same side during the referendum tells you all you need to know about how things are structured.
We are not Little Englanders. We are BIG WORLDERS.
Big Worlders but not One Worlders like the BBC
Statistics, as they say, are capable of interpretation. Remainers apparently remain convinced that the margin of difference of around 4% is not sufficient for a mandate, and will probably riot in defence of that belief either later this weekend or when they get back from Glasto, whichever is the sooner.
They won’t be impressed with more statistics and neither will the BBC but, just for argument’s sake, knowing that 370 cities, towns or areas voted with 251 voting leave and 119 remain, of which 33 were in Scotland, I make that 3:1 – although I concede, it’s only a statistic.
I wonder if they’ll re-run tonight’s Lottery as well if my numbers don’t come up?
‘knowing that 370 cities, towns or areas voted with 251 voting leave and 119 remain, of which 33 were in Scotland’
Interesting point you have made there Beltane
If this was a General Election, I’m guessing it would have been a landslide win for Leave.
Interesting evening last night in the village pub in a wealthy part of Kent. Lots of people wandering in, slightly shell-shocked, to discuss what had just happened. Many friends and acquaintances had voted Remain. They consider themselves outward-looking, at ease in Europe and successful. They liked the vision of a Europe where the people work together for future prosperity.
But the BBC had been out all day finding loud and aggressive Leavers in depressed areas of the county who promoted the narrative that Leavers were not nice, well-meaning middle class people like us. That something terrible had just happened.
Husband and I (and student son) voted Leave. The second glass of Sauvignon Blanc hit and we came clean and explained why. I think what transpired really illustrates how the BBC has caricatured and demonised Leavers, and why we have to find some way to redress the balance. It quickly became apparent that there were many Reluctant Remainers. They had always known something wasn’t right about the EU’s version of democracy, but decided that “voting for their children’s future” was a powerful sway. They were also loath to ally themselves with anything that smacked of “racism” – quite right. (Thanks, Remain, for all that mud-slinging – it stuck to those it never applied to in the first place, but clearly that was the intention.)
Bit by bit, we explained the workings of the EU construct and applied logic. Several more people joined us. It is fair to say that for most people the EU Commission, the European Council, the Council of the EU and the Eurogroup were an unfathomable mystery. Nor did they like the sound of an EU Army. (“How would that work, then – and what’s it for?”) And they were shocked that the anti-democratic process that made our parliamentary rejects Neil Kinnock and Peter Mandelson the UK’s most powerful representatives in their time. If only the BBC had explained that part, eh? And not made it all about confrontation, shameless scaremongering and soppy emotional arguments.
What happened next was fantastic. There was a dawning realisation that despite the narrow margin in the result, what the numbers don’t reflect is the amount of Euroscepticism. That’s because, for quite a few Remainers, it was a 50/50, head v heart decision, whereas the Leavers (it turned there were a few others) were far more certain that’s what they wanted and also knew a lot more about the nuts and bolts of the EU and the political impulse behind it.
We then discussed how many who voted Remain did so for all the right reasons – hands across the Channel, etc – but (and here’s the clincher) that’s exactly what Leavers like us want too, but are realistic and pragmatic enough to see that the only way that can be achieved is by the UK showing the way out of the failed Superstate with its vested interests and lack of regard for the will of the people.
The penny dropped. We all looked at each other with something like optimism. A couple of people came up to me afterwards to say they wished we’d had this conversation sooner and gave me a hug. So why weren’t we hearing a reflection of this on the airwaves yesterday? Because we don’t fit their mould of “uneducated” (Oxbridge, several generations, actually), “xenophobic” (international careers, both) “haters” (being concerned about people who live in less wealthy villages than ours and can’t buy themselves out of trouble when too many new people put pressure on school places and affordable housing, is not “racism”.). Anyway, we all had some more drinks, and genuinely felt a lot better.
Just goes to show: turn off the BBC and go to the pub. You’ll feel so much happier.
I had a few in-depth discussions with remainers (before the poll) and some did not know the ins and outs of EU, in spite of being glued to BBC for information. I could tell that they were surprised by facts BBC had failed to tell them. They admitted they were probably going to vote in, either to try to reform EU from within or relunctantly to keep the status quo – not to rock the boat.
I think this needs to be publicised – that many who voted in were reluctant remainers.
This is a point made by Bolton in the clip below.
No-one will learn anything about the reality of the EU from the miserable, biased BBC’s output !
Grant, exactly. And that’s the way they like it.
Tom, even yesterday a grave Tony Blair was telling the nation that we should have stayed inside to reform the EU. How does he have the brass neck? He must know that’s never been possible.
You can only conclude that the BBC is keen to stir up discord and disinformation. And it’s going to be like this from here on in. We are dealing with political babies who see a sunlit future in the childcatcher’s promises – and the BBC is urging them towards the sweeties, apparently oblivious to the bars of the cage the rest of us can see.
For the sake of the nation’s sanity the new PM has to restore balance (not pro-Government, just even-handedness). I do realise how radical this idea is.
Yes, Blair has a cheek. My concern is who would be a good , next PM ? There is no-one really standing out. Time for another woman I think , but has to be a Leaver . Priti , maybe. I do not not know.
Funnily enough, I put Priti Patel’s name into the discussion last night. She’s not an obvious choice, but the more we thought about her, the more we liked the idea.
Thanks for posting that TJ; Bolton delivers an excellent, succinct analysis of Brexit; its effects on us; the EU and other EU states.
Great post well said 🙂
A pub used to be a place where the publican decided who could or couldn’t come in and when they’d had enough. Now you can’t sit in your preferred seat and have a smoke. That’s another thing that Farage has called right, let people decide where and where they’d like to smoke and establishments who wish to cater for those that do or don’t can decide. Make sure that money given to Cancer Research and Heart Foundation aren’t diverted to ASH and ilk in order to denormalise smokers, and increasingly vapers too. It might turn out that denormalising smokers is what prompted so many to look underneath the experts’ rock and all they found was worms.
BBC Newsround asks ‘How have children reacted to the result?’
That’s an easy one. The answer is here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36629324
According to Newsnight last night, they reported that 75% of 18-24 year olds voted for Remain.
The future of this country is worrying. Fascism/Communism is on its way.
On its way?
How would Newsnight know. Have the results been published based on age groups ? No. More lies from the BBC .
The BBC seem awful keen to get their fingers and thumbs upon the nub of youth( to quote the Partridge!).
Hence all those efforts to get the vote for thirteen year olds.
No-after BBC Micro efforts, Savile and the like-the BBC need to stay out of our schools.
Media lessons from Brexit vote coverage
The sudden affection for selected statistics is amusing. By this logic, there should have been re-runs of various elections in the past because of justifiable dissatisfaction in parts of the UK with the result and the inaccurate / biased system:
(1) 2005 General Election: only 61% turnout, of which Blair got 60 seats!)
(3) 2015 General Election: 3.88 million UKIP voters got just one MP and one or two near-misses; contrast SNP (56/59 MPs)!
(4) 1974 General Election: (February) 185,000 extra Tory votes gave only 297 seats compared with Labour’s 301.
(5) 1951 General Election: Labour’s 48.8% of the vote yielded fewer seats than the Tories’ 48% so Labour lost power.
Think also of the factors that helped the Remain side: government, opposition, big business and BBC/MSM backing; the extension of the registration deadline by 48 hrs, to help younger and presumed pro-Remain voters to register, after the computer ‘problem’ in the last legal hour of registration; the Jo Cox murder, which inevitably halted the momentum of Leave as campaigning was suspended for a time out of respect; the tarring of Leavers as extremists and haters.
Can’t change the rules of the game after you’ve lost. Didn’t hear these people insisting on 60% of 75% turnout before Friday…
From the legislation published by the Electoral Commission;
The act makes no provision for the result to be legally binding on the government or on any future government due to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty although the decision will be final.
Reference; ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Referendum_Act_2015#Referendum_result
In short in terms of the published legislation; the result is a final but does not bind Parliament to act on the result.
A second Referendum is not provided for. The Petition launched per-empted the referendum but actually calls for new qualifications for the referendum and not a new referendum.
This got damaged as I posted it and I couldn’t correct it in time:
It should have read:
(1) 2005 General Election: only 61% turnout, of which Blair got 60 seats; Howard’s Tories got only 33.2% over the UK but more votes than Blair in England, by far the biggest country in the UK.
(2) 2010 General Election: 65% turnout, of which Cameron got 36.1% but no over-all majority, hence the Coalition; contrast with Blair at point (1).
The system won’t let me enter what I mean, for some reason:
(1) should read “… of which Blair got under 36% but a majority over-all of more than 60 seats. Howard’s … … …”
Juncker has just given an interview in the Bild newspaper where he says he would not exclude the possibility of other EU referenda. He also says that “a firm line must be taken against righ-populist parties as they never miss any opportunity to bawl out their anti-European sentiments” The German interior minister Maas who has been trying valiantly to curb freedom of speech on US-owned social media with his “hate speech” legislation has said that” Europe must not be left to rightwingers sowing division All democrats must oppose this polarisation”.
Who needs anymore confirmation that Brexit is the best course of action fot the UK with these peoples’ idea of what democracy should be
The German media is getting very excited about the possibility of a 2nd Scottish referendum and a united Ireland.
If Atilla the Hun was thought to be the scourge of God in the past, Euroloons are hopung that Sturgeon the Hen is going to be the Scourge of Juncker for the English and Welsh.
The BBC also seem obsessed with the outpourings of the SNP.
‘The BBC also seem obsessed with the outpourings of the SNP’.
That’s probably because they can all escape North in a couple of years time, and spend millions on their useless unfathomable interviews and hangers-on, all trying to understand what the referendum there will be all about!
No doubt, the over fifties, like me, (well over in fact – hmph) will be blamed for something or other, especially as all the Scottish fish will still all be farmed by the Spanish, and the diminishing oil will be sent to England instead.
I’m damn glad I wanted out, but decided that years ago, especially when Kinnock and Mandy were strutting around like cock-pheasants.
And don’t get me on that silly Ashton woman (no, please please please don’t get me on her…)!
What do you mean Ashton woman !!!
I don’t want to get on her either !
The irony here is, if the EU mandarins had made them selves accountable to the people they claim to represent, then we wouldn’t be here. All the Uk wanted was accountability, as the second highest contributor into the EU, they have that right to see their money well spent. But time and time again the UK was brushed aside. These unelected mandarins presumed that other than the Brits (who would never vote to leave) everybody loves them and they can do no wrong.
Big mistake.
With the UK vote, they have now woken up to the fact, that actually they will now have to balance their books, show the rest (who pay in and not take out) that their money is been well spent and that they are concerned more about the welfare of the people rather than their own bank balances.
The best thing from all of this, is the EU will have to change for the better, if it doesn’t it will go the way of the USSR
The EU always was based on the Soviet Union. The founders of the EU and their people now are all wedded to Fascist/Communism. They will never change. They hate democracy and the will of the people.
Exactly right Grant. I’m amazed that the Remainers were so stupid as to not understand this!
I suppose Camerloon is bit like Gorbachev with his perestroika. You can’t reform the unreformable.
Camerloon seems to have couped himself and another Boris is going to take over.
The main problem with the EU project is still the euro. The folly of the ERM and the difficulties of the mini DM/ Ostmark currency union make what can happen crystal clear. The vast amounts of cash available to Germany, 5% solidarity tax, etc. made reunification successful. A smaller economically succesful eurozone might have been ok.
The Eurocrats have always considered the UK as a bit of a nuisance and not signed up to the “European project”. They always wanted their “Extrawurst” as the Germans call it and not really involved in the political dream.
Just listening to PM. That twit Carswell is still waffling on about “tone” and “decorum” again.
Obviously, the right person to enter the politically correct inner sanctum of the BBC.
At least he did not invoke Saint Jo in his attempt to heal divisions.
I cant help but think, that if the vote had gone the other way, then the ‘Outers’ would have accepted the decision with a magnanimous attitude, and not resorted to the vile abuse and name calling that the yoof of this country has resorted to in describing the older generation who mainly voted for Out. Quite honestly, listening to some of the ‘kids’ that have been interviewed, they really ought to be still in the nursery. If they could recite their ‘times table’ the way they spout sound bites gained from the tele, then they might not have to rely on the ‘smart’ phone to tell them what 9 x 8 is. One actually said she was ashamed to be British, well, if that’s the attitude of her generation today, then it does not bode well when she gets into middle age. This truly is a me me me generation and sod everyone else.
I agree. We would have accepted the result even if if was rigged. These wretches are bad losers and hate Democracy. Basically , they are Fascists which is maybe why they love the EU !
Well, they don’t actually have to do anything do they! The decisions are all made for them, and they can play with their media games to their heart’s content!
Luckily, I don’t do Twatter, and am glad not to have the sort of stupidity from whatever they’re called – ‘flowers’ is it?
On voting though, I wonder what happened to all the postal votes that may have been left lying around?
Excellent post.
I turned in on Thursday night at about 11pm hoping for a Leave victory but expecting Remain to win. I thought that whatever the outcome I would respect it even if it went against what I wished. I usually listen to the radio in bed after elections to see how things are developing but that night I didn’t want to . I got up at 6am to discover that Leave had won the vote. I thought ‘3 effing cheers for democracy’.
Now we have all the ‘cry babies’ spitting out their dummies. Well children, as a left wing acquaintance of mine said of the USA after 9/11 ‘get over it’.
“One actually said she was ashamed to be British” Quite right. Anyone who voted Remain should be ashamed of calling themselves British. If I had voted Remain I would be ashamed of myself.
Here are the five stages that the cuckconservatives/Libtards will go through. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
At present, its denial, anger will come by the end of next week but for now let them have their incredulous outbursts…. I can’t wait for the penny to drop, probably in two,three years time when the taps are turned off and were all watching online broadcasts, they can go back to serving kebabs or Art school.
Until then, sit back and enjoy the show, they are weak now the lids off, one by one the elite will accept it and jump ship.
It is normal teenage behaviour !
Not seen this anywhere, but I’m sure we all remember that we were told by the left that they wanted to ‘rub the rights nose in diversity’. Well in my uneducated non-degree holding grammar school opinion, we are now rubbing the lefts nose in democracy….HAH!!! Onwards and upwards, friends!!
And part of the lying hypocrisy of Lefties is that they don’t want their own noses rubbed in diversity !!!! Imagine Poll Toynbee in a Burka ! LOL !
At least we wouldn’t have to look at her hag like face.
I stopped myself from thinking that she ought to be stoned
As they would say in Gambia ” That is wicked, that is bad ” !
Next week, (or the week after), there is a very strong chance that England will meet France in the Euro’s in the Quarter Finals. I suspect Hollande will make a few negative statements about our leaving their ‘little’ undemocratic club.
An added bit of spice to the tie.
It would be ironic if England won the European football competition, notwithstanding a blinking miracle.
Still, miracles do happen as Brexit showed us. What a wonderful one it was too. I am so happy, I am still on cloud nine.
wronged lol – that would be too funny if we won it
They’ll probably show the highland games instead!
It’s funny how politics can affect your judgment.
Here I am watching the euro football on BBC. Wales voted to Leave the EU and N.Ireland didn’t.
So I’m supporting Wales.
Who said that politics and sport don’t mix. They do in my house.
Come on Wales.
Since Scotland always have a crap team and are not there, I shall have to show some Celtic solidarity and support them. Failing that, I shall support England.
I meant support Wales
at least the eurovision song contest result for us wont change,so we should pull out . Tell them to fund it themselves without the BBC funds. I know it’s wishful thinking but anything can happen.
So, Justine Greening has outed herself as a Lesbanian.
Didn’t she have a night of passion with a leading Young Conservative male member!
Obviously the male member was artificial.
Yes but she’s off solids now!
Looking through the old threads-especially on Referendum Night!
Comedy Gold, much of it-wish I`d been a bit more “up to speed” at times to have enjoyed it all, but what a night eh?
In that spirit-found a link from a friend of ours on this site….only wish I could name and credit them, but it`s from some funny folk in Waterford, Ireland
Have also used my FB to thank our friend GWF( I think?) for this “Call Your Nan” site-clearly our nans did a great job in getting the young pups to vote leave!
Thanks for the laughs…and, in answer to Brett…Boris is a necessary corrective, clever and prophetic at times…but it can only be UKIP leading all this with Nigel, Steven and Lousie/Suzanne…flawed vessels all, but the Tories have no answers compared to them…and we can`t allow THIS boat to be shanghai`d by the New Conservatives…unless the likes of Mel, Peter H, Douglas and Pat think it`ll be safe.
No Nigel-no interest!
PS Thanks again to James Goldsmith, Nigel Lawson and Norman Tebbit…Godlsmith being the first man to see this need and fund it-poor bloke died only a few moths afterwards.
Nicholas Ridley too.RIP!
Cider not so strong down there. Thank you for reminding me of Nick Ridley ! Dry as toast. Some journalist asked him if he was going to resign. He replied ” The last thing I want to do is spend more time with my bloody family and they feel the same way “
And you are right about Jimmy Goldsmith ! Rough diamond. ” When you marry your mistress, you create a vacancy “. See the Youtube BBC interview with him on the ” Money Programme” where he demolishes 2 stupid Beeboids journalists
Ta grant.
Saw that devastating “Money Programme” stitch up attempted by James Bellini etc( and, to be fair to Bellini, he was an excellent journalist usually-but on this one occassion he let his hatred of Goldsmith blind him to the fact that he ought to have his facts to hand before taking on a man who knew his businesses intimately-James never recovered).
A warning to all hacks-and hope Simon Jack etal will be fair in the current climate, now we`ve won.
Good old Jeff Randall eh?…and have plenty respect for Liam Halligan and Allister Heath.
As for the likes of Lord Sugar and Max Hastings etc…afraid to say that if they wanted us to Remain-they clearly have learned nothing over 43 years…makes my reading easier though to bin their bits in the papers though.
I’m afraid that my media bias antenna detects the following coup plan:
1. #VoteLeave wins but Exit from the EU on hold
2. Force Jeremy Corbyn to resign
3. Immediate replacement of Corbyn with EU puppet
4. Boris forms new cabinet with own Brexit manifesto
5. EU spin doctors force Boris to call for an election
6. New Labour Leader fights on a pro EU manifesto
7. Labour wins
8. Article 50 never enforced
or something like that
Strangely I’m a bit more optimistic. It seems to me it’s only a vocal minority who are calling for a second referendum from the Remain camp, their voice made louder by our beloved BBC naturally. But the few people I know who voted for Remain aren’t happy but accept the result as it stands. I think anyone who attempted to reverse this would face a backlash from both sides. Maybe not everybody recognises the anti-democracy in the EU but to see it first hand with their own government I think would prove deeply unpopular.
However, just how far we break from the EU and how long the process will take is open to debate.
1. It was KafirHarbi for the Waterford link…rest of that site`s decent too!
“Gaudeamus Igitur”-thank you Mr Goldstein..Boris would approve-who said we Leavers were thick eh?
“Delapsus resurgam”….
“Per Ardua ad Astra “
“From trials/work to the stars”, says my Googlia Latina.
Nice one sir…
AS I listen to the telly next door-hear Matt Frei telling some EU wonk to effectively “do his worst”…for Frei seems to think he`s my rep and conduit now we`ve left.
Remember Montague trying this one with Barossa- a media presumptive who thinks (s)he`s got the right to speak for us, negotiate for us, and try to goad the EU types into making threats if we don`t comply.
Remind me again-who the HELL gives Frei and Montague the brassneck to goad, spook and provoke ELECTED reps( or even unelected quangocrats who-to be fair- don`t flaunt their virtue and speak for a country, just a hotchpotch of provinces).
Outrageous-this “free press” needs some manners and limits where its windups cost us dear, or stir a dangerous pot…we KNOW that`s what they`ree doing-and we`ve paying for it all.
NO…Frei, Snow, Montague, Guru-Murthy, Newman etc…much as we scorn Cameron and Corbyn-they`re elected-not presumptives.
The liberal media have been shown to speak for noone but the liberal elite and the EU-they do NOT question, speak or act for me in ANY way!
So, the BBC are telling me that the oldies of this country have stuffed the future for the youngies. Well, I tell you what BBC. The oldies are worried about their pensions. The state pension pot is empty and as a result us oldies are having to work longer before we get to our retirement. The youngies will have to work to not only provide a pension for themselves but also for us oldies. The youngies, who are still green around their ears, do not see the future as we can see of the past. It is why us oldies voted to leave the E.U., so that the youngies would have a better chance to not only provide for themselves but also for the oldies. You see BBC, us oldies have been around the block a few times, we recognise a busted flush when we see one.
Remember reading something in the Spectator about Seneca and HIS view on the young and democracy.
Can`t find it-but DO remember these things
1. You`ve paid no taxes yet-so you`re not entitled to splash those taxes that the REST of us paid in your vainglorious vanity projects.
2. You don`t know what you want yet-you`ve not experienced enough to be able to tell the real from the fake, the friend from the murderer of somebody else you don`t know.
3. Your hormones are not yet settled-you`d rather impress your girlfriend or seek approval from your mates(similarly dim) that do anything that risks unpopularity or ostracism from your peers.
4. You`re legally not held to the same standards as we who are older-and can run away from, or excuse your errors that would get others killed…we tolerate your idiocies more, because you`re our kids-and WE were just as you are now remember?
5. Our kids are not to be put at risk by you if you`ve not been brought up to standards that we ourselves think are decent and strong enough to withstand the current troubles that we see-can predict, based on our knowledge and foolishness when younger.
Anything less is a parental abdication and dereliction of our duties as responsible parents-freedom is NOT license, tolerance and indulgence are not to be equated with acceptance or agreement….in one case the adults care and watch-in the other they`re cop outs awaiting evil to reign over us all.
On the subject of yoof, the Mail on Sunday has a good article about how young people are regretting not voting and goes into the reasons why many didn’t. It is very telling and sort of depressing. There was a straw poll of fifty yoof-creatures at Glastonbury. 29 said they voted remain but 21 said they didn’t vote at all. The reasons were various and yet somehow the same (I’ll come on to that). They said:
They had missed the deadline for a postal vote
They forgot to send for a postal vote
They blamed the authorities for not embracing online voting. One said, ‘The system is part of the problem. Young people think and do things online, not on paper.’
One of them thought that there would be a polling station at Glastonbury. There wasn’t. If the yoof-creature had bothered to look, they would have seen the name of their polling station on the card.
So there you go. Various reasons were given but I’d suggest they all amount to the same thing – young people are so self-absorbed, have been so tutored by parents and teachers to believe that the world revolves around them that if democracy means their having to use their legs and a pen and paper, they’d rather not vote. And is this the generation we are told keeps getting smarter (if O and A level results are anything to go by)? The generation that I am supposed to care about, and I should vote for their future?
I’m hearing that Bob (Two fingers) Geldof is handing back his knighthood because the democratic process means we exit the EU.
Old Bloke,
I am flabbergasted. Bob is ashamed to be British
The caption says: Sir Bob Geldof is to return his knighthood in protest at the result of the #Brexit referendum. Mr Geldof said that he had never felt as ashamed to be British as he does today!
But he does not really have a knighthood to return. He is just a bullshitter.
Someone has just told me that the sad thing is that he actually thinks people might care
Couldn`t he sell his medal to another plastic paddy with a chip on both shoulders?
Say Patrick Kielty or Graham Norton?
Then use the few Euros that he gets to go on a parenting course or sailing lessons.
Then whatever`s left?…well there`s a few asylum seekers and refugees that he promised to send through college and stay at Geldof Towers….
“Looking After Number One” eh?
Has Bob ever done anything else?…Feed the World?…Bob`s hardly had to buy a meal himself since July 13th 1985 I think(with thank to Russell Brand for the nearest thing to funny that he`s ever been)
I thought he was from The Republic of Ireland? If so, not British.
Correct taffman. It was an honorary KBE, so not a knighthood nor is he entitled to be called Sir.
Didn’t recognise him at first, I thought it was some seedy S American ambassador looking for the Ferrero Rocher.
A cousin of mine, a psychiatrist, is telling me that I supported OUT because, as an Irishman, I really hate the UK and think that Europe will do better without the “Little Englanders”. I expect to see that type of analysis on the bBBC in the next few days.
“Little Englanders” or “Big Worlders”?
Your cousin probably conflates Islam with mental illness because he`s not brave enough to diagnose where one starts and the other ends-and will certainly refuse to use the Venn diagram to show where the two overlap.
Basically a pill pusher in the blackest, quackiest branch of “unproveable ” medicine…a social disease in himself who gets well paid to peddle this liberal crap of his.
No-I`m Irish too( both parents, lived and honeymooned there-and visit the families regular as funds permit)-and I got the education here, was allowed to be free and friended even when the IRA tried to put the English to my throat.
The English were nothing but good, fair and refused the bait…so, like you I love and owe this country nearly everything.
Which is why I could never have voted to turn it into Ireland…hence I voted Leave.
And unlike the Irish-we`ll take no “second ballot” crap either-we`re too big for that…
Other than the cousin I was referring to being a “she”, I agree with everything you said. I got my secondary education and first two degrees in the UK and am grateful to the tax payers who funded my studies and made me welcome. I paid my taxes and National Insurance until I buggered off. I think what finished me off was talking to veterans of the First and Second World Wars and realising how disrespected they felt.
It is not unknown for psychiatrists to study the mad out of self-interest. Get a second opinion.
I think there are a number of technical issues surrounding the referendum and it’s result:
1) Does a democratic vote of the British people act as a mandate to Parliament to adhere to or does it merely apply to the Goverment in power?
2) Is the legal requirement that Goverment/Parliament responds exclusively to the stated question on the referendum paper ( i.e. remain or leave the EU) or does it include the various items expressed by the campaigners within the winning categories, in this case the Leave campaign and sovereignty, immigration, free trade etc.?
I am not qualified to answer these constitutional questions so would welcome any input from members of this forum.
They just don’t get it, do they?
Socialism is based on the lie that we are all equal, but yet here is David Lammy thinking that he’s better than the electorate….Socialists in a nutshell methinks.
Ask him when he’s going north to try out that idea in Hartlepool or Sunderland.
The Labour Party have probably used this idiot to test the water of Parliament and if the result is favourable then watch out!
It`s only David Lammy Lobster.
The Express need to read their own editorials, speak to Anne Widdicombe and Frederick Forsyth etc.
Yes, the BBC and the Twatteers will whip it up into something…but if we keep calm, get that Article 50 thing going , after we`ve coldly planned it with what remains of our Civil Service who aren`t under Haywoods evil machinations-and will only stay our hand if Nigel (and others who saw the whole of the moon as we settled for the crescent) says so.
Seems to upset them if we listen to Nigel and not Maria Miller….so it`s Nigel or nowt!
This will be David ‘nil points on mastermind’ lammy i take it
Don’t be cruel, it was 13 !!
(Points that is, not IQ)
I think he zeroed out on general knowledge though
Very telling
Worse than I thought then.
David Lammy’s degree was in ‘African studies’. Apparently he got a first.
Says rather a lot about our universities, doesn’t it?
That explains it. Democracy wouldn’t be in the curriculum.