The Guardian’s (and go to Guardianista for the BBC whenever they want ‘nuanced’ content in a programme) Jonathan Freedland threatens Gove and Boris…
A warning to Gove and Johnson – we won’t forget what you did
Freedland is one of the Guardian’s stormtroopers for the European Union’s undemocratic Empire, one of its useful idiots.
He bases his argument on economics, that whatever the rights of Brexit the economics say we must stay tied to the disastrous autocratic dictatorship that is the EU.
Such an argument is what put Hitler into power as the industrialists and elites looked to someone who could could bring order and stability to Germany so that they could keep on making money and maintain their entrenched elitist privileged status lording it over the German people as they adopted a wilful blindness to the reality of Nazism.
It didn’t work out that way and handing over our nation to the EU and relying on the kindness of strangers from all those other EU nations not to destroy our own nation as they seek advantage and benefit from the EU will result in the same scenario with the unintended consequence of an EU subjugation with the political and economic colonisation of Britain.
Freedland, a Jew, should know better than to pander to a threatening and rising power just because it seems to offer some form of protection which turns out to be a mirage.
He should certainly know better than to make the kind of threat that Hitler’s thugs would make...’We won’t forget you….you’ll pay for this later when we come for you.’
Where is the BBC’s concern about hate crimes? Freedland is pumping out ‘hate’ towards the Leave voters making lurid and inflammatory claims blaming them for destroying Britain…hold on to your fury he tells Remain voters…we will not forget them he says.
Hate crime? I’d say so.
Definitely a hate crime Alan and we need to keep saying as much. We need to use the lefts slogans and buzz words against them. We need to ensure that the carefully created system that the left are using to threaten and intimidated their way to getting their way is used against them. Using these words will destroy their entire game plan. Currently the only acceptable hatred is against the white British people and the left are going balls out in that hatred!
Let’s go get the bastards! ?
No, he`s only saying what the Left mutter anyway.
They are full of bile and vindictiveness against all slights and enemies…some real, most imagined
It`s what makes them feel alive, adrenals pumping in a show of life.
And-if you look at these Guardian limpdicks…safe to say that there`s not TOO much to worry about.
If they cry when the wrong latte comes…or need a guide book to see whether having a Russian salad dressing only bolsters Putin…then we`ll not worry too much.
No threat to me-just fed up that he gets a national lefty rag to spout into-because some of his CiF types are MUCH more of a threat.
well, they will be once they`ve finished chased their PLP puppets around the constituency with pipes and bike chains.
Didn’t you get the memo?
The purpose of hate crime legislation is to enforce bien pensant left wing attitudes by law. Therefore it’s not a hate crime when they do it.