Why does the BBC give so much time and space to the ‘young’ to whinge unquestioned about Brexit? When one ‘yoof’ complains that his family ‘betrayed him’ by voting Out where is the BBC challenge that suggests he is a selfish little p***k and that the referendum wasn’t all about him? Whinge over. All yours……
Thousands at ‘March for Europe’ Brexit protest
More than 46.5 million people voted in the referendum on 23 June, which resulted in the UK voting by 51.9% to 49.1% to withdraw from the EU.
If my O-levels maths still works, 51.9 plus 49.1 does not equal 100. Has the subject of statistics been redefined by the bbc and their blue peter science department?
And they are saying that the brexiteers are un-educated? Sheesh.
they changed it mate – they must be all over this site keeping an eye on how their lies are doing
Yes, if they go ahead with what the majority voted for, they may as well be saying that democracy is a good thing. Ridiculous notion. (LOL)
Had a look at the ‘news’ article you linked to SB, I liked the
“Laura Honickberg, who was at the rally, said she felt the Leave campaign was “based on lies””
She felt? it must be so then.
Tom North, from Norfolk says “”I’m here because I feel the country has been conned into voting for something that will turn out a disaster.”
Any supporting evidence given, Heaven forbid, maybe even a few facts? No they feel it so that makes them right.
And while I’m on me soapbox,
“His son Ace North, 34, from Oxford said: “I was able to do my PHD in an EU country thanks to being in the EU so I feel quite passionate about it.””
Now I’m not going to denigrate anyone with a degree, but I’m a little tired of the remain/higher edukayshun link, I’d say assuming someone is intelligent just because they have been through higher education is not very clever.
A basic appreciation of democracy obviously didn’t play a big part in his education.
I prefer to take Planet London and the SRS(Socialist Republic of Scotland) out of it.
Won`t leave Ulster out though.
The new % of IN/Out is far more reflective of the countrys will…as opposed to transient hipsters and cybernats who know where you live.
Everyone seems to be forgetting that in a two-way-question Referendum, if you abstain (by not turning up to vote) you are, effectively, endorsing the winner’s decision. By that standard, the vote to Leave is about 2 to 1, is it not?
now corrected.
Just reported myself to you Alan with some blog above(July 1st, 7.59 am)
In error…now is there a bin I need to stand in , or a self-referral form for re-education now?
I hate myself…is that a hate crime?…and do I wear the dunces cap now for twice the length of time, after the show trial and the enquiry?
Not one for the usual mawkish displays on a passing, but would like to note with regret that of Ms. Aherne, who has provided via Mrs. Merton’s most famous rhetorical question much pleasure at the discomfort it affords the BBC when used in homage about some of their odd obsessions.
RIP Caroline.
Agreed-a great character actor, funny and sweet-natured.
Way too good for bloody Hookey…and only 52 as well?
God love and keep her…and prayers to be sent tonight for her soul and her family.
It’s pretty freaky when the SWP are doing the official televisual work for the leadership of the Labour party……Possibly because the BBC cameraman associated was on his day off, and so could happily indulge in working for his chosen party…..
“We’re going to hear from some amazing speakers”, say Flabott, pity is she almost screws up that most basic of introductions..
Liked the idea that they`d try and slip a note under Hostage Corbyns door?
You go…and we`ll write something down that commits us to propagating your Core(-Bin) Values.
Imagine that bunch “negotiating” with Putin…has labour got a backbone, or do they just bitch about each other with the BBC s shoulders to Kwai on?
Keep Corbyn…go on, go on, go on…
If Kinnock has called for Corbyn to go, I reckon that is an incentive for a few hundred thousand more to pay £3 to join Labour to support Jezza in any challenge to his leadership.
If Labour people think they cannot win an Election with Corbyn in charge, then how come they rate their chances with Angela Eagle leading their Party?
Bangladesh siege: Twenty killed at Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka
“It was an extremely heinous act,” Ms Hasina said in a televised statement. “What kind of Muslims are these people? They don’t have any religion.”
Thank goodness they weren’t religious Muslims!
Happy Heterosexual Day People.
Now how do I spoof the BBC into celebrating this worldwide festival of fun and fizz?….
My Share portfolio has gone up £1,583.20 on the week, that’s £1,961.20 since the Brexit result. I have noticed that the BBC tends to say that the Stock Market has fallen, when stock falls, and that the Stock Market is volatile, when it rises. So this proves that Stock has been more volatile than has fallen?
Bank shares were badly hit which depressed the FTSE 250 but overall the picture is good.
FT 100 closed on Friday at a sixth-month high. How do Beeboid scum explain that ?
Oh my lord we were lied to – ok so now I have time to rethink how do I vote – oh my it is Leave again I just can’t help myself
All the people who voted Remain because of Project Fear and Project Threat now know that everything they were worried about were establishment lies, and they could have safely voted Leave.
If there’s a second referendum all the Remaniacs will have left is Project Guilt. This time can we nominate the MP who gets murdered? Competition will be fierce.
Have just seen this on Facebook posted by a certain Mr Billy Bragg:
‘I’ve seen a lot of people arguing this week that we should overturn the referendum result and remain in the EU. I don’t agree with that position for the same reason that I don’t agree with Labour MPs who are plotting against Jeremy Corbyn. Both Brexit and Corbyn’s leadership were arrived at by democratic means and, just as the PLP are wrong to seek to undemocratically overturn the will of Labour members, so the Remainers have to accept that there is a mandate for leaving the EU.
I believe that there should be a leadership contest to resolve the Corbyn issue by allowing members to express their will. With regard to Europe, I think the result means we must activate Article 50 without further delay and seek membership of the European Economic Union. The alternative is to be outside the Single Market, subject to World Trade Organisation rules over which we have no control. I hope that EEA membership will be Labour Party policy at the next election, because someone needs to speak for those of us who don’t want to be totally isolated from Europe.’
I have to admit that when I saw it was by Billy Bragg I was expecting a tirade of anti-Leave nonsense. Although I am no fan of BB he should be given credit for this sensible piece. Let’s hope it catches on. He will probably be barred from the BBC now.
Oh Lord-does he read this site?
I myself say the same…how goes Corbyn, so goes the Referendone result.
The people have spoken-get over it.(See I can relate to the kids!).
Will listen to one extra song this year at Tolpuddle, and will not step on his plastic wreath for George Lovelace-Watkins.
That said, he`s wrong on the EEA stuff I`d say(but i`ll wait for Nigel and Andrea to confirm it).
Nice to say something nice our “Our Billy”…hands up who here were horrid to him?
I know that I wasn`t…err…moving on….
Mr Bragg is wrong about Britain having no control over WTO rules. At the moment we have no say, because the EU takes our place. When we leave that cursed empire, we will take our seat again at the WTO, with all the influence which a major trading nation would expect. We will also regain our seat on the UN Economic Commission for Europe, where again we have no say, and where many of the regulations which seem to come from the EU are actually agreed.
We will have far more influence out of the EU than we ever did in it. And £10 billion a year to spend on whatever we like.
BBC Online News:
“”Was there a Brexit graduate gap?””
“”Voters without degrees were more likely to back leaving the European Union, figures suggest””
So, here’s my view. Degrees have become very easy to obtain in the past ten years thanks to Gordon Brown. Therefore, younger people have a higher proportion of degrees than older people.
White British retirement areas therefore have far fewer degree holders as a percentage. And these areas have predominantly voted to leave.
Qualifications don’t always equate to intelligence.
The usual self-serving BBC ‘analysis’, for just the reasons you point out. To make it even more plain, you could have to break down the type of degrees, which wold reveal which were more likely to involve brainwashing. With some degrees today at a lower standard than the best A levels of the past, it’s just the BBC riding around the studio on its hobbyhorse – again.
Do they dare provide a breakdown of which degree subjects voted which way? My guess is they made it up, just like all the financial scare stories about a Brexit vote.
PS. GCooper, surely now a candidate for fastest gun in the west, beat me to it.
It`s probably the last -ism that we need to deal with.
Am SICK of this one about the “thick” versus the “clever”.
I`m a clever guy-degrees an` all-but ask me to catch a fish, put up a shed or grow a raspberry cane-and I`m not the one you“ll want at all.
Just because school sees no need-has no skills-or can`t/won`t waste time and treasure on actually asking kids what they CAN do-because the teachers themselves are up Nicky Morgans fundament, are penned into their sheds by the unions who own them body and -well souls , if you call them that.
If any of you know of a school with a Business Studies department that has established any kind of business…or a maths department that can collate crap parents as a function of detentions and expulsions( Cameron was excluded-so kids now are expelled as far as I`m concerned)-let me know.
No…schools have kids for eleven and more years-and obscene amounts “fail”, “can`t read”-but these emotional cripples are the needy states payroll fodder,and used to vote Labour, poor sods.
But as we know-only the client states payroll stickybeaks, their “managerial brahmin class above them-and the guilt ridden cutpurses who rely on the misfits, deviants and criminals for our money.
Just need the word…mentalism will do for now, seems to describe the lefty scum that label others they failed…mentalists!
You may not know how to grow a raspberry but you sure know how to blow one. OOOh, er, missus !!!
I agree. I did 2 A levels in my 30s, and they were much easier than the ones I did when I was 18 which had no coursework. We all knew in one A Level night class that one woman cheated on her coursework for which she got good grades, but her overall result was E. She went on to a low grade admittance uni where there were no exams for her degree.
I would argue that my A levels have more weight than someone’s degree in Soap Opera Studies. I’ve worked with graduates whose spelling and grammar were appalling, I even had to go back to them occasionally to ask what they meant as I couldn’t understand it. One was an Oxford graduate!
All posters on the site need to read this:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a damning 63-page report on the German banking and insurance sector yesterday
“Deutsche Bank appears to be the most important net contributor to systemic risks in the global banking system.”
With all the news surrounding volatility in the markets due to Brexit, there is a temptation to dismiss this as more of the same. But in reality, these two developments, particularly the IMF report, are of far greater importance. If Deutsche Bank really is on the verge of a crisis – and we believe it is – the implications will be felt worldwide and the global financial system will shudder.
Fast forward to today, and Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and indeed most German banks have been able to stanch the bleeding from 2008 but not to heal the wound. These banks are struggling in large part due to the ultra-loose monetary policy put in place by the European Central Bank (ECB) to attempt to stimulate the European economy.
In just the last year, Deutsche Bank has laid off tens of thousands of workers and has seen rating downgrades from both Fitch and Moody’s on its long-term debt and its deposit ratings. Deutsche Bank is also sitting on $41.9 trillion (not a typo) worth of derivatives, an inheritance no doubt from its pre-2008 activities, and perhaps even its post-2008 activities. The crisis is no longer invisible. The IMF, Germany and the markets all see it.
This is one of those situations where it brings us no pleasure to say that yesterday was a good day for our forecast. It was also a bad day for Deutsche Bank, and by extension for the global economy. If developments continue to unfold as we expect, it won’t be the last.
In other words it looks like German finance is about to collapse perhaps precipitated by Brexit, perhaps not but their exports are critical to their staying afloat.
Once the German economy starts to stutter the whole European project looks set to collapse, especially the Euro.
DB’s Derivatives exposure is higher than the whole planet’s GDP. If it pops the ECB will have to either bail it out or outright take it over. At that point the snowflakes marching today won’t know what’s hit ’em. None of us will to be frank.
We need to invoke Article 50 and get out.
It’s not just the German bank(s) that are in trouble. The bubble will burst and it might not be far away. Successive European governments and that includes our own, have been printing money to keep the economy running, to keep cash in our pockets. Each pound printed is an I.O.U. that will need paying back at sometime, either by realising assets or by interest rate rises. We are £1.7 Trillion in debt and this rises £5,170 every second. George Osborne has not addressed the issue of rising debt by the printing of these I.O.U. Every country in the E.U. is running a deficit and they have no clear idea of how to change that. The U.K. have a chance to address the issues by being out of the E.U. where at least £10 million each year could help pay down our debt. Those in the E.U. paying down their debt? Not a hope. The biggest Ponzi Scheme will come to an end at some stage and it will be bloody. We, the U.K. might just have enough protection when it does.
Er yes its alled neoliberalism and Ive been telling you about it for years.
Ive also told you that 97% of all money is created through private debt and also there is around 51 trillion in worldwide debt ( dollars) . Worst still,old man, the banksters have not written down the nominal debts but left them on the balance sheets as is. If they had written down debts in accordance with the debtors default position pretty much all the banks would be broke.
Meanwhile the next collapse has already started. Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting! Velly solly!
Manon aka Marvin
Ooooh Yes, its the neo liberal paradigm
I blame Trump cos everyone says he is a racist.
Thanks for the link Thoughtful, what an interesting site (boy, is my life exciting !)
Being born in Worcester but spending my early years in Birmingham schools, I have to say, for whatever reason, my English isn’t as good as Jacob Rees-Mogg’s. I’m pretty good at maths though. I digress. On the BBC’s on-line football page, there is an article which is headed thus: [“Best display- greatest result” Why Belgian win dwarfs Wales’ other achievements]
You see, Belgium didn’t win, Wales did. Go to the bottom of the class, BBC.
To everyone who voted to leave, watch this video and feel ashamed. I watched it, opened the bottom drawer in my filing cabinet, pulled out my Scotch and my Fathers trusty service revolver, had a final drink and pulled the trigger. Obviously I voted leave so the bullet passed straight through my head and broke Mrs O’s iron – it was less than a year old and she wasn’t happy, but her fury is nothing in comparison to this loony…..
Her meds are way off. Does anyone have the phone number of her Community Psychiatric Nurse?
“OK love; stop licking the wall and take the box of cornflakes off your head”…. Was the very first sentence that crazy bastard heard when she left that library!!
Great find obc, though I do feel disturbed from watching that utter lunatic
She’d do well to listen to the wise words of our nonagenarian queen and take a little time ‘in quiet contemplation’.
We lives and we learns.
Here is more of the hysteric.
According to my mate the ‘misogynist’ farmer, …”she needs a few babies to keep her quiet” .
(Apologies to the lady readers of this site.)
She actually has got mental health issues, which she reveals on another YouTube. Disturbing to see some commentators moved by her ravings though.
At least most of the other people in Barnsley voted Leave though.
She really isn’t well is she. Reminds me of Roger Harrabin of the BBC. If she so hates the democratic vote, why doesn’t she, and for that matter, all the other remainers, bugger off to their Eurotopia. Property prices are dirt cheap in France.
Or Greece; they like the EU there too, don’t they?
Cringeworthy up-your-own-arseness. Perhaps the unicorn on the shelf says it all? Utterly delusional. Who said anything “rude or crude about their fellow man” in the referendum debate?!? Only in her imagination. Perhaps it was those “voices” she kept hearing…
She misses her family and feels cut off from Europe .
Ryanair fly through the fog in the English Channel love and are cheap .
Feels cut off from Europe eh. In some of the Stud farms in France are some well hung stallions who would love to meet her.
And obviously youre no good at shooting either!
Still no criticism of Al Beeb from you Crapped out bus man ?
Oh you silly-billy, look “Obviously I voted leave so the bullet passed straight through my head,” I did that joke for you too. Do keep up at the back, I don’t know why I bother, I really don’t. Maybe if I’d written “I voted leave, so obviously the bullet passed straight through my head,” that would have been better.
She seems to be channeling the unicorn behind her.
All those books…am dram and biggish words…and I`m reminded of the notion that if I saw a load of medicine bottles on her shelves…I`d assume that she was a bit sick.
So all those books…and I assume she`s in need of someone to read to her.
Pete Briquette?wasn`t he Bob Geldofs Boomtown rat on the bass?
A British European too?…bet THAT will be forced onto the census by way of a classification now.
Let no-one say that we DON`T Need lots of mentalist provision for this age group…maybe they DO need to take more drugs and have more sex….
Well, obc, all I can say is, is there some aerosol spray which can be purchased at the local hardware store to deal with this form of pseudo intellectual?
Dear me, I feel nasty as I want to laugh at her pretend pain. She is completely bonkers or making a good impression of being so. She ought to take less narcs for her narcissism.
What a repulsive bitch. Unless it is a spoof of course. I only watched 10 seconds . Feel like vomiting !
Possibly the most pretentious rant I have ever heard.
I believe she’s based in Edinburgh, so perhaps England and Wales at least will be free of her.
From YouTube:
The Petite Britette: a vegan bibliophile who make videos & blogs about books, fashion, baking & culture (:
Make sure to check out my handwritten blog http://www.the-petite-britette.wordpress.com
It has to be a spoof, surely ? My flat in Edinburgh goes on the market tomorrow. And I shall not be selling to that creature. If you want a real rant, try ” Macpherson’s Rant ” on Youtube , The Corries version is good and a lot more intelligent than than that silly spoilt bitch !
“It has to be a spoof, surely ?”
I thought about that but decided against it. If it was, it didn’t really work as one.
I’ll look up Macpherson’s Rant.
Yes I’ve been doing a little sparring with her on YouTube comments. She claims her background is working class, and has admitted she deliberately acquired the princessy accent through elocution! Lordy!
Oh dear, definitely one sandwich short of a picnic, what a nutter. She ought to look at ‘my generation’ and the 64% (according to Sky Data) of 18-24s who couldn’t be bothered to vote, which makes 18-24 Remain voters less than a third of all their age group. Some of the vitriol directed towards the elderly has been absolutely vile.
When Mr Obama became president for the first time, the vote went 52% for Obama, 48% against. I don’t seem to remember the BBC kicking up a fuss and promoting a re-run on that outcome. Can’t for the life of me think why not, can you?
… and when “Better Together” won the Scottish referendum by 55% to 45%, it was declared to be “the settled will of the people for a generation”, and the BBC didn’t kick up a fuss and promote a re-run on that outcome either. Can’t for the life of me think why not, can you?
Thats probably because the result served the Interest of the British. This last referundum will destroy the UK as we know it. Thats the difference. Moreover the result was obtained by direct lies and the win in % terms was marginal. The fact that neither Bunter or Rubber face or indeed the mendacious Farage had a clue as to what to do after having made the UK a complete international laughing stock may also have a bearing.
“Thats probably because the result served the Interest of the
BritishBBC.”There, fixed that for you.
“Moreover the result was obtained by direct lies”
For once, I agree with you – they promised “Devo Max” and “Home Rule”, then said they never did and established a Royal Commission 🙄
… and despite all the lies made by “Better Together”, the BBC covered for them and the SNP had the good grace to concede. Quite unlike Remain, and assorted Trots/Marxists, whose leader gave such lukewarm support to Remain that most of the Labour vote stayed in bed. And yet still they support him?!? Easier to blame the Tories, I suppose. It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it?
Didn’t want to upset the Garden Gnome no doubt Mike.
Er yes. Its in another country is the answer to that. Moreover they arent calling for any rerun here either.
Sometimes I think you couldnt make this shit up! But then you just do!
As usual you run out of arguments, then resort to the personal. When you start with the insults, you’ve lost the argument, didn’t they teach you that in troll school?
Mike Hunt
He’s just like ‘Scotty’, almost the same bloke ?
Should we advertise for a Troll Co-ordinator?
Someone to sift them , given the awards and trips to the petting zoo.
Oi -you lot up there and down here-fuck off the BBC is ace!
Will work on it…crap impression, very Jon Culshaw these days.
Was Scott REALLY the golden age of trolleydom?…or were there some good un`s before 2010?
“If there is any hope it lies in the Trolls “. George Orwell 1984
Thinking about it, if that is the standard of student we now have after all the money I have paid in taxes for over 40 years to our education system, I want my money back.
She can keep the money. Can you imagine the guy who has to say “listen…errr…you and me…it’s not working out…”
I was discussing the referendum and its aftermath with a wise, elderly friend of mine today; he made a very interesting point which I haven’t seen mentioned elsewhere.
He said that Cameron should NEVER have allowed himself to be excluded from that meeting of EU leaders last week; they had no right to either ask him not to attend nor to have excluded him from it.
The UK is still a full member of the EU; if they wanted a meeting without Cameron then they should have had to have called it something other than an EU meeting or not held it at all.
The fact that Camerloon acquiesced in this treatment of him and our country by our “partners” sent the completely wrong signal to them; he, and by extension our nation represented by him, should never kowtow to these other heads of government or the EU.
I thought it was an intriguing idea and also brings into focus the need for the Conservative’s to elect the right leader to take the UK: onward; out of the asylum and upward.
I just hope to goodness they don’t pick Theresa May!
Hey Al Bullshit,
Maybe your elderly friend doesnt realise there has been an referendum and Dave is officially a lame duck.
Why on gods earth should Daves further involvement or anybody elses come to that be relevant to an organisation we have walked out of? The only relevant involvement with the EU is leaving it.
It may come as something of a surprise to you manon; “we” haven’t “walked out of” anything yet.
“Lame duck” or not he’s still the PM of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and he should conduct himself as such and as our representative appropriately.
There is hard bargaining and tough negotiations upcoming and Camerscum doesn’t do us or his successor any favours by showing early signs of weakness; to anyone either in the EU or outside it.
I am sorry Bullshit by as far as the EU are concerned ‘out is out’ . Its exactly what you voted for.
Why on earth would anything the UK has to say be of interest to Europe now. Maybe you think Johnny foriegner still has some respect for a nation thats just committed suicide. I think not!
Clapped out etc
“Maybe you think Johnny foriegner still has some respect for a nation thats just committed suicide. I think not! ”
Well maybe, just maybe, they would like to continue to export to us otherwise they’re down the Swannee.
They’ll happily take investment from us.After all who would seriously invest in this country now?
“Who would seriously invest in this country now?”
Well, Huawei (£1.3bn) for one. And EdF (£18bn) for another.
Huawei to press ahead with £1.3bn investment after Brexit
“Why on earth would anything the UK has to say be of interest to Europe now”
Oh, I don’t know manon; maybe the £68 billion annual trade deficit between them and ourselves in our favour? Perhaps?
Manon, are you referring to the nuclear armed UK that has a permanent seat on the UN Security Council?
And could you please tone down your language as it merely underlines the desperation of your anti democratic position.
Until we invoke Article 50 we are full members of the EU in all respects. Even after Article 50, we will still be full members, and the only time the UK will have to leave the room is when the other states discuss their position vis a vis our leaving negotiation. So yes, Call Me Dave was a spineless wimp to leave the room, but then we knew that already didn’t we?
Depends which stocks you are holding.Disastrous week for Banking.Housebuilders and generally Mid-Caps
Dont worry ,you need to wave the flag more vigoursly and then everything will be ok.
Its what the leavers voted for.
Manon – the sentence structure, punctuation, grammar and syntax of your posts vary tremendously; one might almost be forgiven for thinking it was different people, posting under the same name.
How embarrassing would that be!! More than one desperate, hate filled lefty that stinks of piss and is frothing at the mouth with rage at the British public who love this magnificent country rather than trying to destroy it!
If that is the case, then Allahu Akbar!!!
Ok get back to the ward! Make sure you take your Largactill 350. Mg before bed. Remember little steps! Little steps!
Al Beeb Duty Troll.
Well that went about as well as the remain campaign…
Don’t worry Manwhohateshisownpeople-and-caughttheclaponthebus, I’m sure mummsie and the piss smelling morons shearing your login like your ‘unorthodox’ sense of humour!
It gives you a chance to buy them cheaply . Barclay’s starts to become a steal around £1. I have stocks in house builders down about 3k on them this week , so what I am a long term investor in this Country . This Country will boom away from the mad fat German bird
Did anyone else listen to Any Questions last night, or the repeat today?
It’s probably already been mentioned but Dimblebum opened by interjecting that there had been a surge in hate crimes as if it were a matter of fact, instead of a surge in reporting, which the police say is not to be interpreted as a surge in actual hate crime. (Not to mention that some of this reported hate crime involves threats to Nigel Farage.)
Am I wrong to expect to be informed, impartially, by the BBC, instead of listening to their “experts” repeating unreliable soundbites?
And why is the first question on the programme such a predictable slur on the Leave campaign? It beggars belief.
I presume that doesnt then include the police chief council that has recorded a 57% increase in hate crime.
Please confirm .I know we are in an era where experts are no longer required but I assume facts are. Please tell me ,otherwise I will join in with all the other distortion of reality that goes on here.
Yes, it does include the police’s figures, but you need to get your facts right. That same assistant chief constable said it was a 57% increase in *reports* of hate crime, and that it would be wrong to interpret it as a 57% increase in *actual* hate crime, because any report – true or false – was included in this figure. Again, according to the police, this spike in reports usually happens after a big national or international event.
57% of what initial figure of reported crime ?
Try to keep up mate! It might help if you learnt to read a newspaper. The referendums next week by the way!
Ok so you are in a position to a priori discount any of the reports are you? I dont think the idea that a spike occurred after the London Olympics do you?
I thought you said we should believe the police?
The police are the ones saying it’s not a spike in actual crime, only a spike in reported crime, and that it would be wrong to interpret it as a spike in actual crime, and that such a spike usually coincides with a big (inter)national event.
Or are we supposed to take your word against the police’s?
If we started to report the hate crimes carried out by Al Beeb Jihadi warriors against anyone who voted Brexit/taking back control of our country, it would be a 570% increase!
The only hate I can see is from pond life like you and the fascist left militants that are championed/protected by Al Beeb!
Roger Harrabin is an expert on Climate change apparently
This is an interesting (though thoroughly typical) interview with Nigel Farage by C4 News; in it Farage makes some prescient remarks about Boris Johnson (as subsequent events have shown) and also makes clear his fears if the Conservatives select the wrong person to be PM.
Yes and he also made up a load of lies to grab the gullible vote. So why is he suddenly a reliable source.
Manon – do you believe the UK is better off remaining a member of the EU?
That is not true and you know it. Most people in this Country recoil from Nigel Farage. The indoctrination runs deep I work with otherwise intelligent people and they seem to think he is some kind of Nazi. The BBC telling us he is far right and’ he eats babies for breakfast’ has worked well. If you listen to the what the bloke actually says it is pretty reasonable. Anyway my point is I am 50 years old I have worked hard all my life I love this Country and I have watched it fall to pieces in the last 15 years. The 80s and 90’s were great in this Country. If you were around in the 80’s with Thatcher – contrary to popular belief this Country was really on it’s uppers. Everyone worked hard and had money.
The EU is slowly strangling this Country we do not need to tie ourselves to this failing project. Let’s all pump up our chests and have a go at making our Country Great Britain again
Manon, perhaps you would be so kind as to post any of the actual “lies” you claim he made up, so we could debate the issue?
No? Thought not.
Project smear in action.
Al, thanks for this clip.
What worries me is that Nigel Farage has expressed fears in line with my own (and no doubt many others)
I spent many years involved in industrial relations negotiations as a shop steward and then in management and I understand the concept of compromise. However I hope that the outcome of the Tory leader election does not result in a sell out. The concept of controlled immigration must not be compromised.
Manon’ you weren’t that young lady in that video were you? Only you sound just like her.
TOB – manon will be pulling the head off it whilst watching the deluded crank in that video tonight!
Oooooer, manon’s back. Red flag in more ways that one… What didn’t he like that someone just posted? Surely not what I posted… Was it the Farage video? Or is there an event going on which he’s trying to deflect from… Angela Eagle asking Corbyn to step down (again)?
If we get out of EU correctly this could encourage the rest of Europe to follow & the collapse of project EU.
A project whose aim was to shit on the little guys by opening up Europe to the third world to drive wages down & lets not worry about the rise in crime & ghettoisation of large parts of the country.
The more of the third world we have here the more the lefty liberals can moan about how unfair it is these people who chose to have 10 children can’t afford to live in the luxury we nasty selfish whiteys live in.
Every lefty I know has been bleeding on about the demise of civilization since the Brexit vote. They think “Great” should be taken out of Great Britain until we deserve it. Over paid wankers who can’t bear the thought of non university graduates being able to afford to live because mass immigration hasn’t priced them out the housing market.
White people unable to afford to have their own kids who are forced to fund by taxation the brats of nations they have no link to whatsoever.
Yet the BBC the media in general are unable to fathom this simple point. So wrapped up in there own self deception & that of there fellow lefties, patting each other on the back for every step towards Marxism they make.
Marxism a false prophesy from an over estimated twat who could only mislead the purile and least thoughtful in society but who’s ridiculous teachings still drag the minds of the weak into the abyss of self destruction for themselves & everyone around them.
Like it – good writing BB
Excellent video Al – thanks for posting,
Nigel at his frankest – and best.
Having watched it, I am convinced that this is what got manon out of bed, to try and distract/detract from it (unless there is a momentous event happening somewhere which I’m not aware of).
Reposting just in case anyone missed it in all the fun…
How the hell Nigel doesn`t bury the likes of Jonathan Rugman is a testament to the mans greatness.Sine 1992, he`s had to suffer these fools…and even WHEN he`s been proved correct in a way utterly unique in British public life since James Goldsmith in 1997…the liberal twats really can`t bear to face up to him.
Simply phone in the Guardians “this`ll get him” barbs, edits, angles and venoms.
Am sick of it.
As for the mockingbirds on the shit shovel like our friend hereabouts?..well he needs to read either Brendan Behan or Theodore Roosevelt about the ” critics”…little men that would rather curse the darkness rather than try to light a candle.
Small men…and shrivel and die by the day.
I too am still waiting to hear a good argument about the lies we allegedly have been told by the Brexit camp! Funny that no-one has mentioned the lies we have been fed by various governments for the past 30 odd years on everything from immigration to the economy , to the arsed about pension claim dates for women, or doesn’t that count ?
All channels are guilty of jumping on to this ‘lie’ bandwagon, and Sky are at it too. The Pledge debate programme had me almost throwing a shoe through the screen; someone called June Sarpong (I’ve mentioned before I had to look her up) clearly hadn’t done her homework but prattled out the clichés of lying Brexit that she’d heard elsewhere. It beggars belief that this woman who has various working titles is considered serious enough to be included on a panel of intellectual debate – hours earlier she was a ‘serious faced’ investigator (I kid you not) on an American programme called Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theories, and she was interviewing in an oh so serious manner ………………. one David Icke !!!!! this is the level to which our media has sunk.
The only “lie” claim I’ve heard is the £350m claim which obvs is the gross figure and shouldn’t have been used. (That was Vote Leave’s claim I hasten to add, and nothing to do with Leave.EU nor Nigel Farage.)
I haven’t heard any others.
On the other hand, if we were to list all the phoney scare stories which Remain pumped out over and over… how we could never make it on our own, how our economy would tank, punishment budget, pensions slashed, etc etc etc, we could write a huge poster (maybe someone will one day).
The thing I would say about the £350m is this. The net figure is probably around half that, say £175m a week. And yes, they should have used the net figure. But if people had been told that we could have saved £175m a week to spend on UK services do you think that would have made any less of an impact? And if so, why?
It’s still a hell of a lot of money after all that we could be spending on UK services – equivalent to about 1.5% of HMRC revenue. Think how many libraries could be saved with that money, or how many jobs created, new hospitals built, etc etc etc.
AND because this is a net figure, ALL existing EU grants etc could be maintained for eg farmers, regional development etc.
Click to access May16_Receipts_NS_Bulletin_Final.pdf
I believe the net figure is about £190 million a week, and I agree with you it should have been used. Vote Leave was run by Dominic Cummings, and the man is a complete prat, as one could see by his attempts to justify the £350 million figure to the Commons select committee.
I believe the savings will get even better. For instance, our CAP payments are administered by the Rural Payments Agency, which is a total shambles, and cost us fines of £600 million to Brussels for its incompetence. Outside the CAP, we will be able to devise a system of farm payments suitable to British conditions, which I hope will be biased towards small farmers and nature conservation. Diversity of plant and animal life is one sort of diversity I can support.
The main thing is that it will be a British solution to British problems, and not a once size doesn’t fit all system meant to cover everything from Finland to Portugal.
Rob: “The main thing is that it will be a British solution to British problems, and not a once size doesn’t fit all system meant to cover everything from Finland to Portugal.” Exactly – very well put.
Well said Rob in Cheshire, our agriculture and fishing have been decimated by more powerful lobbies in Brussels – other countries fishing in our traditional fishing waters, and a powerful French farmer lobby demanding protectionism. Farming is one of the highest ranking professions for suicide rates, and I remember hearing from a farmer’s wife that she knew several farmers who were selling up and moving to farm in France as they would be much better off. We also need Fair Trade for farmers who are being held to ransom by bullying supermarket buyers.
Has anyone else noticed that the FTSE 100 is at its highest level since Sept last year?
Al Beeb attribute this to Mark Carney’s fresh stimulus measures.
Nothing to do with renewed trade interest from India, China etc now that we voted to Leave, then.
The FTSE 250 isn’t doing so well (the one BBC is so keen on) – but the FTSE 350 is also at its highest level since Sept, just like the FTSE 100…
Wonder what makes the BBC so fixated on the FTSE 250?
I don’t think I’ve ever heard them mention the FTSE250 before this week. How odd ……….
Yes Lobster – quite so!
That would be “The FTSE 250, which as regular readers of the Live Page will know is a better barometer of UK businesses than the FTSE 100”!!!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/markets/europe/lse_ukx (update at 13:43)
… and you can add to the list the FTSE All Share index… goodness, what a surprise!
Funny the BBC don’t mention this, isn’t it?
Good work Mike. How can we get this information out there in the MSM to point out the misinformation that the BBC puts out? (watch out for copyright thingies though)
Honestly, Old Bloke, I wish I knew. So far as I’ve found, this is as good as it gets.
The BBC won’t listen to complaints and even the Conservative government couldn’t reform it.
I think that the only hope we have is that more and more people find this site and read what we write here.
More and more people have already discovered that the BBC is only telling them part of the story, so might start to look further afield.
Pretty much everyone who watched Brexit the Movie must have realised they were being hoodwinked by the BBC, for example – and Manon’s presence is a good sign that we matter beyond preaching to the choir.
So we have a foreign “Remain” protester, outside the Downing Street, screeching “Shame on You” aggressively, toward Cameron and Osborne, two politicians that supported the E.U.
Democracy, don’t you just love it, when it’s this surreal?..
All leftists are violent scum at heart. I think it is because their creed demands that they have to change society, whether society wants to be changed or not. If they cannot get their way by democracy, then they resort to strikes, riots and violence. The nasty piece of shit in this short film is typical of the breed. I wonder what his views on the Red Army Faction aka Baader/Meinhoff would have been?
Talking of graphs and things. Some of us have noted how “chilly” it has been recently. Well, my empirical evidence has shown that on Dartmoor at least, for the last three years, there ain’t been any “Global Warming”.
BBC: Bangladesh siege: Twenty killed at Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka
The words the attacker reportedly shouted are left until the 4th-last paragraph. (No prizes for guessing what they were.)
And yet, when an MP was murdered, the words her attacker reportedly shouted were mentioned in the headline.
Funny that.
Whilst I’m thinking about it, you know when we were told about the hole in the Arctic ozone layer, and it was all the CFC’s that were causing it, well, based on the recent factual evidence that the thinning of ozone in the Antarctic has stopped and that the ozone is now increasing just happens to coincide with a severe lack of the sun’s radiation, I’m going to back trace the events of the sun’s activity with the time line as to when we were told about the ozone hole. Increased radiation breaks down ozone, so I’ll check on what was happening all those years ago and see if there is a link between an increase in radiation to a decrease in ozone, and basically if it had nothing to do with CFC’s. (I wonder?)
The Old Bloke. You deserve a medal as big as a frying pan. You back your comments up with facts and more facts. And also with articulate determination. Always very interesting to read.
Aww, thanks DS. I’m about to get hold of three “weather watcher” accounts here on Dartmoor, again empirical evidence of weather data for at least 30 years. Coupled with mine they should make interesting reading. I will report on these actual data sets and I can confirm there are no airport runways within 50 meters of their stations. (PS; 53 years in meteorology come August. God, I am beginning to feel old)(Even stranger, to think, I can now call myself a “Climate Scientist”)
Sad to think that compared to an English Literature graduate who works for the BBC, you know nothing.
He never did tell us what happened to his strawberries did he?
Good posts OB – thanks for the detail
BBC: “The strange and sad history of book burning”
Strangely and sadly this radio programme excerpt casts Muslims as victims of book-burning in Sarajevo (arguable at best) – yet omits the burning of The Great Library in Alexandria by Muslim invaders in 642 AD, in which Caliph Omar famously says: “If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.”
And even stranger still, it omits the Antisemitic Nazi book-burnings of the 1930s.
It’s almost as if they are giving a free pass to Muslims and Antisemites.
BBC… Momentum… Occupy… is there a pattern here?
I seem to be in a minority on this site in that I am not impressed by Nigel Farage overall. Don’t get me wrong, I admire and respect him for his pluck and straight talking – and he should get a large slice of the thanks for getting us a referendum in the first place (even if it was the maggot Camerons bad judgement that actually meant he had to give it to us!).
Unfortunately I am not so sure that he is a suitable person for a principal role in negotiating a new deal for the UK. The reason for this is I do not believe he is a man that can do ‘detail’. He never talks on specifics, but always in generalities. There is nothing wrong with this, but whenever he does speak about something I know about, I find his lack of detailed knowledge discomfiting. I do not feel I could trust him to do negotiations and read all the small print 🙂 Even if I would probably trust the things he says in general. Someone who negotiates has to be a Sir Humphrey type who will absorb and appreciate the importance of the details, the dots and commas. The EU bureaucrats we will be up against will be experts at hiding the important details that really make all the difference in a little annex or note. I don’t believe Farage is the man to best lead this.
I agree completely that the fascist left and their propaganda wing, the BBC, have misrepresented a decent man in the most appalling fashion. This is what the left will always do, unfortunately.
I have said before I feel an interim EEA solution is the best for us in the short term, and I would like to see someone who is capable of a bit of lateral thinking lead the negotiations.
Although my heart supports a quick exit, my head tells me that we should hold back and allow ‘the dust to settle’ a little. The Brexit vote – and Brexit itself – is probably the most significant event in UK history since the end of the second world war, and we would be foolish not to give it careful consideration.
I like this site, as we have a good range of debate where different views can be espoused without too much invective. I even value our Clapham friend’s contributions.
The value of discussion should be to find out the other side’s point of view and decide if they have a good point. If they have, we should be prepared to change our minds … ie not be bound by a dogmatic viewpoint that our opinion is always right.
In fact, I would love to be wrong about the need for an EEA interim solution.
What a shame that we so rarely see intelligent debate on the BBC, their content is so determined to put their viewpoint and make sure everyone is in no doubt that this is clearly what any decent people should be thinking! Sadly, I believe that this is a mainly leftist pre-occupation, to impose one viewpoint on others, and it underlies almost all BBC output, making most things they say essentially worthless.
Apologies for rambling.
manchesterlad. Interesting post and I would largely agree with your comments about Farage. He doesn’t appear to do detail as you say. I do think though he should be kept in the background loop by our negotiators, but not in direct negotiations with the EU side as he is quite combative and his presence, alone, would lead to them being less willing to compromise on a sensible deal and exit strategy.
I do think, however, that we need to trigger this article 50 straightaway, as it looks like various politicians would like to keep kicking this particular can down the road until the road runs out. By that I mean that a new government in four years time will claim they have a mandate for staying in so claim that supersedes the result of this referendum, or will have a new referendum with the rules carefully drawn up to ensure that the hurdles another exit vote would have to jump over would be too high.
No, I agree with most of what you say. Except Clapham man. He used to make some attempt at arguing his position but now is just here to disrupt so should be banned.
Nigel is the catalyst for all that`s happened in this “getting out of Europe” notion since 1992.
I was a serious green writer and candidate for local elections at that time-and saw NO problem with the continet that would roll Thatcher back, embrace the greatness of Delors, as well as lionise Bahro/Kelly and the West German “Deep Greens”..who quickly covered up for the DDR, and absorbed all the Eastern Bloc commies into their new inclusive big tent.
UKIP weren`t even on the map then-and we`d have been certain that the only future was Pan-European, and there`d not be a chance of a “Little Englander” party emerging.
That`s Nigels gift-he saw where all this was going, just as Benn and Powell did…Shore and Cash etc.
No-Nigel is no leader-but he is and was the visionary and the figurehead, the very embodiment of the need to “take back control” and has expertise in how the EU operates that Brexit need to marshall.
His contacts book for trade deals has got to be good as well, so should be doing at good wages, what Price Andrew does not.
We owe him incalculably… and this grateful nation ought to put him with Sir Digby, John Longworth, Time Martin, Luke Johnson and Sir James Dyson; so we can open up the new trading regions.
The cold shoulders and trashing of him are scandalous…he showed so much more principle, courage and focus than anyone alive-and his popularity(admittedly from us, but not party members and colleagues) enrages and terrifies the elite…so he must be left free to cause havoc with the quislings and then smothering blankets.
Flawed?…yes…but even Margaret Thatcher could not have done what he has now managed…he was lucky in his enemies at times…but no othere Englishman around at present will be in the history books a century on who decoupled this country from the Euro rag and bone cart, heading for hell.
Greatest Living Englishman…bet even Sir Ian Botham would agree.
Superd post again ChrisH
When everyone else was too frightened to stand up for us… When the entire establishment was doing everything it could to dilute our democracy and our control over our country.. When this same establishment used everything it had at its disposal to discredit, abuse, and ruin anyone who offered a differing view or agenda to their’s… Nigel Farage stood tall. Only Nigel Farage had the balls, the courage, the conviction, the patriotism, to see through to the very end what everyone in power wanted to suppress. Nigel Farage is an absolute legend and one of the greatest Britains this magnificent country has ever produced.
While we were all pissed off at what was happening but felt helpless to do anything, Nigel Farage was there taking the blows for us. Whilst the entire political establishment kept blaming their inadequacies, their own devious agendas, and the cause for nearly all of the UKs problems on the EU but never did fuck all about it, Nigel Farage never stopped fighting for us.
Nigel Farages detail is seeing through the bullshit and lies of the people who the self serving establishment are going to send to any negotiations. Nigel Farage will ensure that the people who are epically pissed off at the little people fucking things up for THEM do not turn what we have all voted for into some watered down stitch up where nothing changes and we continue to get fucked over by those who milk us for everything we have and those who want to see us burn
I would have Nigel Farage at any negotiation, every single day of the week
Agree entirely.
I think he understands detail, he must do otherwise he would have been caught out many times. His background as a commodity trader means he has a good grasp of how money works, where it comes from and, more to the point, where it does not come from.
Detail hasn’t been high on his list of priorities up to now. We’ve had “detail people” before and they’ve got nowhere. He was the “shock troops” that got things done.
He knows he doesn’t appeal to everyone, he’s said so many times. I think he’s keeping his head down, having a rest, and thinking about the future of political parties in Britain. I think there’s a fair chance they won’t remain the same, especially if Corbyn stays and the wretched May is crowned within the next two weeks.
Sir Humphrey, yes.
The problem is that the Yes Minister types are left wing.
The problem is these are the people in the First Division Association who colluded to award themselves Bonuses.
The problem is these are the people who arranged special tax arrangements for themselves.
The problem is these are the same people who left several hundred, or is it thousands by now?, of laptop computers, some with unencrypted Defence information, in taxis, in strip joints, in gay bars, when pissed/drugged out of their tiny left wing minds.
The problem is that these are the same people who devised the system which permitted this top secret material to be unencrypted and therefore risking the lives of the only fit for purpose part of the public sector, our heroic military forces.
The problem is the are the same people who have been arguing for years to achieve the emasculation of our defence forces.
The problem is that these are these are the same people who “saved” millions by buying helicopters from the USA which would not fly because they bought incompatible software.
The problem is that these are the same people who mismanaged the multi-billion pound fiasco which was the NHS Blair software project.
The problem is that these are the same people who have been promoting the idea of an EU armed force because it “saves money” while their true motive is to emasculate the European Sovereign States.
The problem is that these are the same people who conceded favourable taxation arrangements to numerous large companies, the only explanation for this is bribery.
The problem is that I am not sufficiently knowledgeable about the inner workings of the secretive Civil Service. If I was this list of treason, incompetence and waste could be extended almost indefinitely.
So …. you don’t much like the idea then 🙂
Of course, your points are valid, but my point is I believe we need someone who will address and process details of the negotiations at the helm.
Nigel has earned our trust, and our gratitude.
The rest have earned our distrust, and our disdain.
Nigel has done more for real British people than anyone else alive.
Nigel has also given hope to the downtrodden and betrayed in Europe, currently under the heel of EU dictators.
Nigel is a hero, his statue should be being erected in London, not that of a non nurse, chosen because of the colour of her skin, by the PC racists.
Nigel will have the best interests of British people in negotiations. Can that be said of others?
Nigel must be part of the negotiating team, even if only as an observer. He can call foul whenever the untrustworthy attempt to evade the stated wishes of the electorate.
I think you need to look at Nigel Farage’s career before he entered the political area. He worked in the city as a commodities broker, and had decades of experience there. In that job he had to be a details person as the difference between profit and loss were tiny differentials.
Once he was in politics he understood that no one would report his speeches – the best he could hope for was a few seconds of air time – so he focused on quotable sound-bites. If he’d been elected last year he would have had space in the House of Commons to expound his ideas in more detail, but the ballot boxes went missing.
The latest polls , if they’re to be trusted, suggest that a staggering 60% of Conservatives party members want Theresa May to become the new leader of the Tory party and thus our Prime Minister. Bloody hell, this is depressing! Okay, I know, we’re all entitled to our opinions (however odd!). What I really do find jaw droppingly brain dead is that a massive number of these Conservatives “think ” Theresa will cut immigration”. Why???
This is utterly staggering!! Do they not know that this woman has been Home Secretary since Jeremy Corbyn had acne and the increase in our population is beyond appalling? What the fuck do they think she’s been doing all this time? She was a supporter (ahem) of the Remain campaign that want open door immigration for well over 500 million people.
A very large number of Conservative members / numpties want to inflict this shyster on our nation as PM.
Can I just offer an opinion, please?
No thanks!
Then it looks like UKIP will gain more members from the Tory Party as per Liebour last year .
They are just not listening to the British people.
Jeff, totally agree. With Theresa at the helm it would be the same as if we had lost the referendum. That’s why I said in my previous post that we need to trigger Clause 50 now.
Yes ! May is not to be trusted. She will blow with the wind !
It only makes the winding up of the Tory Party even more certain, and faster.
Hope they impose her on their members too if this is true.
No Leadsom or Gove?…airbrushing out of Boris and Nigel Farage?
Well then-hope these titans will stand as independents one by one and create the New Conservatives…and take the grass roots away in alliance with UKIP and the likes of Gisela and unions like the RMT.
THAT range of an alliance will very quickly create its own momentum…and the liberal flaccid Business As Usual bunch around May will be marooned as unelectable.
No-one voted for may last week-and only stupid Tories would fail to see their Corbyn parallel, their Blair-Brown parallels in everything going on.
The MPs expenses of 2009 was the first set of faggots piled high at the stake…this 2016 realignment has soaked them in petrol…and I hope that the media stick to haircuts and logos for May versus Burnham…last week was FAR more than that…and vengeance on the traitors all the sweeter.
If we get Leadsom and Gove. Paterson and Patel…well grand…as long as they know their not Tories as understood them anymore.
They are patriots who`ll be sappers to bring down the Party system that has saddled us into the 21st Century…the New World requires new ways.
As Sarah Palin says, ‘Polls are for strippers’. In any case they are usually wrong or manipulated.
Isn’t this merely the same as what Cameron promised several years ago, served up cold?
No-one should believe a word that May says. She is a serial liar. Lets get Liam Fox or David Davis in and get on with exiting !
There would be a problem with a May success that could threaten the existence of the Conservative Party.
At the moment we’re still celebrating our victory, but I think we all know that getting out of the EU will need hard negotiations. They will want to make an example of us to discourage anyone else thinking of escape. That means that there will have to be some compromises, where we give up some thing we’d like to ensure that we get what we want.
We’ll all have our own ideas on what can or can’t be conceeded and I expect to get angry at some point. However, if Leadsom of Gove tell me that in their judgement it’s a concession that had to be made I’ll believe them. But if it’s May I’ll think that I’ve been sold out; and once the perception builds that May has deliberately undermined the referendum result UKIP will pick up millions of Conservative votes.
I don’t care what happens to the Conservative Party, but I do want a quick and clean exit from the EU, so I think the next PM has to be someone who supported Brexit .
I see the Buggering British Children crowd are rewritting history yet again:
Entebbe pilot Michel Bacos ‘saw hostage murdered’
The French captain of a hijacked plane at the centre of a famed Israeli rescue operation has described how he saw a passenger killed by a hostage-taker. In a rare interview, Michel Bacos, 92, said a Palestinian opened fire on hostages when commandos stormed the terminal in Entebbe on 3 July 1976. It was previously understood no hostages were murdered by the captors.Israeli forces freed 105 hostages in a surprise raid, killing about eight hostage-takers and 20 Ugandan troops.
As this is a bBC news article about Israel pulling off, one of the greatest rescue missions in history, the cock suckers at the bBC just have to ensure that the hooked nose jew is pilloried for getting it so wrong.
“One hostage, Jean-Jacques Mimouni, was mistaken for a hostage-taker and shot dead by a commando. Another, Pasco Cohen, also died after being accidentally shot by one of the Israeli soldiers.
As for this:
“ It was previously understood no hostages were murdered by the captors.”
Who the hell writes this tosh, because not only is it common knowledge that a British Jewish granny was murdered , the bBC even admits it at the bottom of their article:
A fourth hostage, Dora Bloch, who had been taken to hospital before the raid, was murdered on the orders of Ugandan President Idi Amin the day after the Israeli rescue.
Now before the arse-bandit who loves to scream on the night bus around clapham tries to get his mouth around this, Idi Amin was complicit in the hostage crisis,which can be explained by this bBC ‘on this dayarticle:
1976: Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages
Israeli commandos have rescued 100 hostages, mostly Israelis or Jews, held by pro-Palestinian hijackers at Entebbe airport in Uganda…..The hijackers – who were joined by three more colleagues – demanded the release of 53 militants held in jails in Israel and four other countries……Uganda’s President and dictator Idi Amin arrived at the airport to give a speech in support of the PFLP and supplied the hijackers with extra troops and weapons…..Idi Amin was humiliated by the surprise raid. He believed Kenya had colluded with Israel in planning the raid and hundreds of Kenyans living in Uganda were massacred soon afterwards.
The bBC the biggest apologist for Islamic terrorism
Pounce: yes, it should say “It was previously understood no hostages were murdered by the
captorshijackers.”Interesting that they left out the bit about the terrorists’ threat to blow up the plane and its Israeli/Jewish passengers, if their terms weren’t met by the deadline. It was this imminent threat which persuaded the Israelis to mount such a risky rescue mission.
Apologists for Islamic terrorism indeed.
PS. Interesting to note that two of the terrorists were from the German leftist Revolutionary Cells movement.
If I remember rightly it was said at the time that about four hostages were killed in the fire-fight. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Palestinians and Nazi-Baader-Meinhofs had started murdering terrorists. If the Israelis hadn’t launched the rescue attempt then all hostages would have been murdered so, as regrettable as the loss of any hostage is, scores of decent lives were saved. The only Israeli soldier killed was Jonathan Netanyahu of course.
That should read “mudering hostages” of course.
“Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately” – 26,787 signatures, and rising.
Signed and passed on.
28,869 now
Done. 28,970
Signed and shared, thanks for the link. Now it’s passed 32000!
As a gourmet aficionado of those little off-the-cuff tidbits of truth and reality that sometimes slip through the BBC filter I can tell you I enjoyed a rare treat this morning and am more than pleased to share.
Coming out from a piece eulogising Caroline Aherne – careful BBC, you’ll wear out that Mrs Merton with Debbie Mcgee clip – our red sofa duo shoot the breeze about their own personal admiration for the performer.
Either the Dolly No-Mark or it might have been the House Eunuch then says “I love the way she asked questions in a gentle but humerous way and which cut right to the heart of the matter – imagine if we did that!”
What… and make three dozen overpaid BBC editors and narrative-builder news script writers redundant?
Yeah, dream on.
Sit there ,Read auto cue. Purse lips. Nod head. By jove I could be a BBC sofa jockey.
Some dick on the paper review saying we have no trade negotiators . No that is right isn’t it you numpty we have a Country awash with successful businessman who trade Globally maybe we could tap into some of that expertise. The problem is we have droids sitting on the sofa who have not matured beyond the sixth form common room so they cannot offer any type of question/debate to what anybody says.Something the BBC seem to have is a lot of experts. What the fk is an expert ? in my experience an expert is somebody who can’t actually do the job they are supposed to be expert in
I’ve always believed that an expert comes from the Latin “Ex” meaning “Has-been” and “Spurt” = A drip under pressure.
Speak to Serco or G4. Their negotiators run rings round civil servants every day of the week. Then use the NHS PFI deals as case studies in how not to negotiate.
I remember being in a meeting between a government department and one of its contractors. There were three contract officers from ‘the department’ and the meeting was held up while they waited for the single contract officer for the contractor to finish a phone call with her head office in France.
She came in and said “We won’t accept conditions X,Y and Z, (from the government manual) but we will invoke condition M”. And the men and women from the ministry said “OK!”
I found it was quite common for ministry contracts to include conditions that were meant to be alternatives, such as ‘contractor delivers/ministry collects’. Contractors don’t make those mistakes as it can be the difference between a profit or a loss.
Similarly the ministry used ‘little girls’ to do purchasing for them and they never got to see what they were buying, ‘to prevent fraud’. However a private company that I worked for had a pair of ‘tough old biddies’ that knew more about what they were buying than the often scared salesmen!
BBC Online News:
“”What Will Happen To Polish Shops In The UK””
“” Polish food will cost more to import and I will have to sack staff””
“”Climate of fear in Peterborough which voted 61% to leave””
A Biased BBC sob video about Polish shops in Peterborough. Completely fails intentionally to engage with the real reasons for Brexit.The video clearly seeks some sort of rethink on Brexit with emphasis on a note left on a shop saying all poles must leave.
But of course, the majority of Peterborough is therefore racist at 61%??
About time we got some tax off these enrichers.
This article makes good reading, written in 2013 it is even more a reflexion of how little contribution is made to the British way of life.
Concentration camp survivor and writer dies
What do the bbc do?
Shoehorn big ears obummer into the story with a tribute about morals…..morals?
What would he know?
They never miss a trick to big up hussein do they?
Speaking of light over heat interviewing Q&As the BBC could not conceive of.
Classic institutionalised bias from BBC R4 ‘Sunday’ this morning: First up Aung San Suu Kyi is not the peace loving heroine we all thought, she wants to refer to Myanmar’s Muslim minority as the ‘Muslim community in Rakhine State’ rather than as Rohingyas – thereby apparently being guilty of a ‘quiet genocide’. Muslims – the only persecuted people on the planet according to the BBC.
Then we had the totally unsubstantiated claim of a ‘five-fold increase in hate crimes’ in the wake of the Brexit vote. Offered up as evidence: an Italian taxi driver in Bedford who apparently stated: “I used to feel European, now I feel unwelcome here” and a Muslim woman who drove her car instead of catching the train because she was fearful. Not quite sure who committed the crimes here, but it seemed to be enough for the BBBC.
Can’t recall the BBBC ever having referred to any feelings of discomfort of the inhabitants of Luton living next door to shortly to be convicted terrorists, or the handful of native folk left living in Tower Hamlets. . .
There was some blob dressed head to toe in a burqa reading the koran on the tube they day after the Orlando shootings .I consider that a hate crime
This is classic ‘journalism by social media’ – seeing as print newspaper revenues have plummeted, the remaining journos who haven’t been made redundant are relying on what they see on Faceache and Twatter. I had a look at the BBC ‘Swedish mother with toddler in York told to go home’ story, and they’re basing that on FB posts. Nothing has been reported to the police, and if people believe everything they see on social media they must be stupid.
How to trash the votes of 17,410,742 people.
The BBC & Sky, started by Sunday Mail and the Theresa May camp, are now doing a hatchet job on Andrea Leadson for changing her mind from three years ago. Yet Theresa May and the rest of the Conservative candidates were also all Remainers, but, according to the media, she is now the only hypocrite. They must be really frightened of her!
Also; a lot of children walked through London yesterday with bits of cardboard with scribbles on them saying that, democracy in Europe (of which there isn’t any) has been undermined by a democratic British referendum. They were also carrying old blue flags with stars on them representing a foreign dictatorship. Aren’t kids crazy?
Plus; their Irish champion, Saint Bob says, ‘It’s no good just complaining, get out on the streets’. I think he really means “riot”. So that’s all right then an Irishman on the streets of London encouraging riots? Off to The Tower with him I say. But seriously, didn’t we used to have laws against odd bods and the media encouraging riots, or did Tony Blair get rid of that law too?
So, is this the Poll Tax nonsense starting up again? Do the votes of 17,410,742 people not count?
As much as my old bones ache if I walk far nowadays I will march with my held high through the streets of London if just half of the 17,410,742 people who voted to leave the corrupt EU will join me. I will even make my own placard saying, “OUT MEANS OUT” and “17 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN” and “ARTICLE 50 NOW”.
Anybody fancy joining me?
“Anybody fancy joining me?”
Sorry, Old Timer, I understand your argument but I must decline.
I’ve already recorded my wish in an official referendum and I don’t see why I should have to act again in order to challenge the whining of a minority of people, most of whom couldn’t be bothered to vote.
I’m not prepared to fight on a battleground of their choosing. We haven’t yet reached the state where we have government by Twitter, by Facebook, by tantrum, by slogan, or by placard. It’s just drippy “oppression chic”, and I won’t have anything to do with it.
And a curse on Theresa May as well. If we must have slogans, how about: NO MAY, NO WAY!
I agree with you Maria – your heart is in the right place Old Timer, but the best way to deal with little ones having tantrums is to ignore them. Let’s get more signatures on the Article 50 petition than the 2nd referendum petition!
Old Timer,
Should you and others march under ‘Out means Out’, you will be branded as racists and xenophobic far right nationalists. The anti fascists, Hope not Hate (pockets bulging with cash from St Jo’s fund), the Momentum driven Labour Party etc., will organize counter demonstrations and the entire media will go to town on the arrests made at a far right demonstration without mentioning that the arrests were of those who opposed you. There will be assessments of the massive costs to the taxpayer of policing such far right demonstrations. The opposition will be interviewed by the BBC who will give prominence to their fears of the rise of fascism in Europe. Church of England Bishops representing whatever diocese you are prepared to march in will denounce you for spreading hatred within their diverse and harmonious vibrant multi faith communities. Teresa May will make speeches calling for radical measures to curb extremism.
“Teresa May will make speeches calling for radical measures to curb extremism…”
… while quietly bringing in thousands more extremists.
R4 Broadcasting House, with Edwina Currie and Shirley Williams (who they?) giving the full range of opinions from A to B. All very cosy. Switched off.
Pinocchio Gove is lying through his teeth about Boris on Marr
Big red face and the classic sign of a liar…..the raising of the eyes and looking to the left to think how to fabricate his next lie
He’s a slimy piece of work
Nobody was stopping Boris throwing his hat in the ring No.6 ? (I think Boris was a remainer and did the honourable thing in the end)
I would rather have Boris’ wee finger as all of Gove tbh
Dirty deeds were done….I’m sure of it
I don’t know mate something about Boris did not sit right , he was hardly all over it when we won the referendum . I think there is some truth in him and Cameron agreeing that Boris could run the out campaign after all he wasn’t going to win was he.
I agree, Boris suddenly went into hiding when the result was given, er, why ? and if he truly wanted to be the PM why didn’t he just run anyway instead of just giving in ? I think he didn’t believe Brexit would win, so on losing could given endless speeches about how they ‘tried’, and then he could be justified in have a punch at being PM at a later date, as Cameron would still be in power. Events went against him and the country voted to leave, and that frightened the bejesus out of him. I reckon he gave a sigh of relief when Gove decided to stand, as the pressure would be off him to deliver, and this it what Gove suspected. Boris is fine being a people pleaser, but too much of a blusterer when it gets to the nitty gritty of finer points.
Not sure what odious little twerp Andrew Marr is trying to make here something about loyalty to friends – is that the same loyalty he showed to his wife? I quite like Gove , the message I am getting is he stepped in as Boris was not up to the job – nothing wrong with that
On Sunday Morning Live
Muslim call to prayer in a synagogue in a display of ‘multi faith unity’……featuring the mayor of london Sadiq Khan breaking ramalamadingdong fast
I dont believe YHWH will be too impressed at a false god being invoked by ‘liberalist’ jews
Petition: “Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately” – now at 30,700 signatures, up 4,000 overnight.