Why does the BBC give so much time and space to the ‘young’ to whinge unquestioned about Brexit? When one ‘yoof’ complains that his family ‘betrayed him’ by voting Out where is the BBC challenge that suggests he is a selfish little p***k and that the referendum wasn’t all about him? Whinge over. All yours……
I realise our prime purpose here is to discuss the BBC but it needs saying that Sky really is every bit as bad. Indeed, were Sky not such a heap of biased nonsense, it wouldn’t matter quite so much that the BBC is one too.
Take this morning, for example. While pumping the dry well of the Mail’s hit job on Mrs Leadsom, to which journal did Sky turn for comment? The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post ?! Most of Sky’s viewers will never even have heard of this far-Left virtual rag and yet both Sky and the BBC afford it the same degree of credibility as a genuine newspaper. In fact the HP is simply a tissue thin propaganda project designed to foist the sub-Soros vapid opinions of US East Coast liberals on the rest of the world. It’s no accident that it is routinely used by both the the BBC and Sky.
So much for plurality in the marketplace. So much for the ‘Right wing media bias’ the snowflakes and the Trots go on about. Almost the entire broadcast media in this country is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Left and whoever gets elected to run the country needs to sort it out.
Nicely put .
Trouble is we are forced by law to pay for Al Beeb even if we don’t watch it .
I think comments about SKY are relevant because, apart from the fact that SKY suffers from the same disease, I believe that the BBC sets the general tone, or at least makes a significant contribution towards it. Some journalists move around and few will risk burning bridges. People who don’t fit the BBC agenda like David Bellamy tend to disappear.
and Johnny Ball
More Or Less early hours of the morning on Radio4
They will look at the Brexit Vote . They did with half truths as you would expect .
Old folk are afraid of change they said . So why do old folk vote for change then BBC ?
“We will have to sack some people due to the funding from the EU being stopped,or we’ll have to raise prices.”. said the BBC spokesman. A line you will never read anywhere in any newspaper,tv or the web. One can only dream
I wish they would sack all of them !
They’re terrified Pete of losing that EU money, as they will probably have to be more accountable to the license fee payers and the woad-painted savages outside the boundaries of Greater London.
Having only recently joined, I am only now able to comment on the coverage on BBC NW of the question of ‘fracking’. The coverage over recent months has been disgraceful. Every time half a dozen people make a fuss, there is North-West Tonight talking about a ‘demonstration’ and giving a lot of air time. The bias is overt.
I wonder if this happens in other parts of the country?
Sorry if this has been discussed before and I have missed it.
Nope not getting a lot of the old ‘lighting of the drinking water’ down here in London. Fracking is another thing which will make this Country boom so they all (MSM , Politicos) like to keep demonising that one too. No bloody good for my IGAS shares.
It has been mentioned quite a few times Stephen but this website is about recording as many instances of BBC bias as possible so thanks for flagging it.
What is also very noticeable is the lack of challenge when the eco-nutters spout their nonsense about all our energy needs should be coming from ‘renewables’. As most sane people have worked out: when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine we won’t have any energy, with all the economic and social chaos that would ensue.
But then the BBC does not employ sane people, as we learned from the 28gate (non-) controversy. I still scratch my head as to how the BBC got away with that one – perhaps Warmist friends in high places i.e. No 10 and the most of Parliament.
In my area of the country there was a longstanding demo against fracking. One of the leaders of the anti-fracking camp was a retired Director at the Local Authority. Whenever Look North appeared to be short of a story the cameras would invite this man to speak.
Only a short comment from me, but I honestly think that Andrea Leadsom has proven herself to show qualities that, for the most part, can only be described as Thatcherite. Sensible, reasonable, intelligent, and as tough as a steak.
Andrea: the woman of lead? I’m certainly going to vote for her to be Tory Leader.
Christ Almighty, bloody Blair is on Sky now, saying the British people should have the opportunity to change their mind and not leave the EU. He should take that that money grabbing wife of his and sod off back to his homeland of Scotland if its all too much for him in this country.
Brissles I just switched on Radio 4 The World this Weekend and yes Tony Blair being “interviewed” by Lardell saying exactly what the same thing, quite unbelievable. Why does the media think that the most loathed man in Britain opinion matters in the slightest. BLiar is in complete denial he said that the arguments for Leaving have crumbled since the referendum!!!! I see no sign of that at all, in fact the reverse. It is quite clear that if the next PM is a person who will stand firm against the EU (so obviously not May) then their will be very little short-term Brexit pain.
The point for us on this site is that the BBC has used its near monopoly position to create as much trouble as possible about Brexit and to cause lots of folks to worry about the consequences of a Leave victory. They can then say that politicians , Blair, Hazeltine et al, believe that support for leave is ‘crumbling’ and so it is legitimate to call for a second referendum or for Parliament to ignore the result. Which in turn causes more unrest and so on . I noticed BLiar trying to position Labour as the leaders of the disenfranchised 48% . This ignores two important truths, firstly we just had a vote so how can people feel disenfranchised and, secondly , a hell of a lot of previous rock solid Labour voters voted Leave. Also ignores the Scottish votes for Remain where Labour leads nothing but memories.
On this site we naturally think that the BBC should be impartial at all times but the corporation abandoned that decades ago and has supported liberal left policies root and branch.We know that the BBC will keep on trying to overturn the leave vote for months , even years , and in doing so undermine the democratic will of the people. I do hope that mature people ( I have given up on yoofs ) are increasingly noticing how their LF BBC tax is spent and that they will support any politician with the balls to take on the hated anti democratic corporation.
I’m sure that one of the dictators that he’s now advising, whilst staying at UK embassies for free, could offer him a luxury home.
Be fair. It’s Blair’s last chance to appear on TV and radio before he has to go into hiding when the Chilcot report is published – assuming that he’s not arrested on his way to the airport.
The Lefties tell me that Corbyn needs to be kept in place for long enough to try and get Blair sent to The Hague(no not THAT fop) as a war criminal.
And once the Chilcott report comes out,Corbyn will get a breather to regroup Momentum to maximum bullyboy tactics before their Party conference.
Would explain the LibLab Pax hysterical rush to get Corbyn out before he can lead the Parliamentary-cross party efforts to get Blair done…no wonder the Davos Daleks want him gone.
I say there`s no rush-let`s reflect and consider what Selwyn has to say…That Big Conversation of theirs might turn fun…
Now THERE`S a plausible take on what,why and how….but I`ve yet to hear the BBC about it…why so Lefty scum?( My pals excepted at SPGB)
I cannot believe that Blair will get more than a light rap on the knuckles from Chilcot, and even then there will be ample room for him to wriggle free of any hint of misdoings. The establishment will look after its own Not forgetting that Blair knows where bodies are buried and there will be benefits for keeping him clean.
Brace yourselves, BBC1 West Midlands is broadcasting ‘The Muslim Pound’. The link below explains what the programme is about:
I do hope they explain that most of the money the Muslims spent by Muslims is obtained by the benefits they claim from the British taxpayer.
Somehow, I don’t think the BBC will mention where their money comes from. I do hope the BBC mentions how much money is sent to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia where benefit money is used to buy property. Not to mention how much is spent on this sector of the British population on the treatment of their myriad health problems or the education of their large families in our schools. No, the camera is going to zoom into that smiling Somali woman with the £150 baby buggy. Yes, what a massive contribution these people these parasites make to the British economy.
BBC Online News:
“”Tony Blair: UK should keep Brexit options open””
“”When asked on Radio 4’s The World This Weekend whether “keeping our options open” meant a second EU referendum, Mr Blair replied: “It means whatever we decide it should mean as we see how this debate develops.””
“”But he said the case for leaving the EU had “crumbled”.
Biased BBC is delighted to report. No contrary view offered.
Shouldn’t they have asked what he meant by ‘crumbled’? I’m sure they would have asked Farage.
Blair is the BBC God. ‘Blair’s Biased Corpse’.
Sincere thanks for the superb forensic examples of BBC bias being detailed on here at the moment. So much better to write Open Complaints than the private ones that get stuffed in the W1 cyber-cupboard until the “got it about right” response comes.
I can only add my general fortifying observation that more and more people are openly talking about this bias – and many have woken up during the referendum coverage.
Was at a party last night where good-natured (but steely) husband was set upon by a tearful 18-year-old girl who was wailing the “my generation has been f***ed over” mantra. He offered to discuss the concept of democracy with her but she shook her head. She was at a school, she said, where it was like, quite difficult to get into, so they were all like, really clever, and 95% of them were for Remaining as part of Something Beautiful. So they had to be Right. He forbore to mention his own top-notch education and Oxford and Harvard degrees, and repeated his offer to discuss exactly what she was worried about. Was it the idea of a sovereign nation making its own laws again, or having more accountable politicians? At which point she fled, blubbing that he just didn’t understand.
Actually, most people seemed to have decided that the party should be an EU-discussion-free zone, but as the incident seemed to sum up what was so wrong at the moment, inevitably it started. Lots of quite considered Remainers (though when you drilled down, there was usually a selfish reason involved, too), Reluctant Remainers (believed the scare stories, now not so sure) and quiet Leavers.
I said that the most terrifying aspect was the way the poorly-educated young were behaving like Mao’s Red Guards, accusing those older and wiser (and who could personally vouch for having travelled all over Europe without a visa) of being ‘running dogs’ and desperate to embrace totalitarianism. They seem oblivious to the fact they have been gifted their freedom.
I was surprised how much traction that idea gained – and several people instantly cited the BBC’s stance and gleeful encouragement that somehow the referendum has a “re-sit” option. And that it’s “democracy” to rail against the wrong result. It’s down to bad, left-biased education too, of course – and it’s everything that is being noted here. The BBC is positively encouraging this idiocy by making them feel they are at the centre of the argument, when actually, they were so disengaged from reality that many didn’t even bother to vote. It’s a dangerous, divisive and anti-intellectual tactic.
Very interesting points Stella. Maybe in a couple of months when the Innards realise that WW3 has not materialised, the economy is doing far better than Osborne claimed it would, that there is no increase in racism in real terms they might be thankful that we have the prospect of regaining our lost democracy. They may also start wishing they had also voted out as travel is no more restricted than it was etc.
Quite, Demon. In the meantime, though, the marching (anti-)revolutionary young seem sure they and the rest of the country have been continuously lied to by the Brexiters. (What, and not by the massed Establishment and self-interested corporations?) It might be interesting to know where they got this idea from. It has certainly been subliminally reinforced by the way that any reasoned argument for leaving the EU has been shouted down, denigrated and neutered on the airwaves. Another opinion or unwelcome facts have been treated as lies, and now the impressionable believe that is what they are.
If you see her again, suggest she takes a year off and gets a job in Greece. Failing that, Spain perhaps. See how far she gets.
When the money runs out and Mummy and Daddy have to fly her home on Easyjet, ask her where all the jobs went.
I’ve told her as she’s a NEET and loves Euroland so much, she should go find a job there.
I’ve told her as she’s a NEET and loves Euroland so much, she should go find a job there.
I’m told Germany wants immigrants.
Good idea. Though if she does manage to find a job, it might open her eyes in a different way as well. She might have the chance to meet young people with a different perspective. Our student son is currently in Spain, teaching English for six weeks. He tells us that as soon as people he meets discover he is British, they all want to talk about Brexit, and the response of the majority is “You are lucky. You are out and now you will be even more successful because you can make the rules to suit yourselves.” No one thinks that it won’t be possible for us to move and work around Europe, just as we always did before 1992. Not a reaction often reflected on the BBC, naturally.
“No one thinks that it won’t be possible for us to move and work around Europe, just as we always did before 1992. Not a reaction often reflected on the BBC, naturally.”
Quite right, Stella. I’m currently stuck over the Channel and desperate to get back home, but there are plenty of Americans who live over here and they’re not EU citizens. I remember that some of my old school friends went across the Channel to work in the 1980s, no problems for them at all to work there.
Well said Stella2.
There is a story in the Cornwall section of BBC website England regions about a WW2 veteran who voted Remain, and yet again it reproduces the stats of the proportion of voters by age group.
BBC bias; http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-36630305
You will find nowhere on the BBC the stats of turnout by age group, the only reliable ones I’ve found have been from Sky Data (I assume that’s owned by Remainer Murdoch), which show that only 36% of 18-24s voted. So this means that of all people of that age group:
27% voted Remain
9% voted Leave
64% couldn’t be arsed to vote.
Compare that with 83% of over-65s who voted.
The poor little lambs only know the word “like” and until the electoral commission can arrange for referenda to be on facebook there is no democracy 😉
Would be interesting to see figures for the proportion of the population by age group who voted.
I suspect that actual numbers were much smaller among the under 25s because most of them didnt have a clue what it was all about!
I spoke to a young girl in a shop last weekend who thought that as we’d voted Brexit we were now OUT! All done and dusted, just like that.
Here are Sky Data’s turnout by age group stats Aerfen:
18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%
Regarding your shop girl – don’t they read anything? I love the story about loads of them turning up at Glasto and thinking they could vote on site, even though they would have had a card through the post telling them WHERE they should go to vote!
So actually it was just a quarter of the under 25 age group voted Bremain.
The actual numbers must be very small.
The figures are even lower according to this:
Poor lambs, no one told them they actually had to get out of bed.
People seemed to have missed the fact that the referendum was a secret ballot. As I understand it all these breakdowns of how various groups voted is from the poll companies and, bearing in mind their record of accurate forecasting, I wonder why the BBC does not oint this fact out.
Very true, and given the ‘shyness’ of young Brexiters hardly surprising if many lie.
My children who voted Brexit kept quiet about it as they knew it wouldn’t have gone down very well at work.
It being the sabbath, it`s a day of rest!
That said, enjoyed Stellas post someway back about kids upbraiding the rest of us…as if they knew anything.
Thought I`d bring to mind Peter Hitchens( last count 96 countries that he`s been to I think, Collapse of Soviet Union, Mogadishu and Bosnia, Turkey among his many passport stamps).
Yet here`s some Surrey slush puppy from Roedean asking him if he`s ever visited an under-developed country.
Only wish the quality was better…
But she`s been to Nepal…indeed MOST schools on the UNCHR circuit have already been…but let`s enjoy this kid show us all how to care..and how Hicthens isn`t allowed to rip the snottys cows head off her shoulders.
Dimbleby didn’t give Hitchens a right of reply. Now there’s a surprise.
Glad to see the Elie Wiesel tributes earlier.
His book came out in 1955-he got the Nobel Prize 31 years later in 1986.
So who better that Barry O`Bammy to lead the tributes.
Who got elected in 2008, and was awarded HIS Nobel Prize in something akin to 31 DAYS after the liberals touched the hem of his garment…better than Monicas frock anyway…
Well there you go-the Holocaust may be one thing-but ladling out your couple of autobiographies before you`ve even drafted a law or a resolution in Congress etc…well that is REAL testament to hope, love and fighting evil.
Sometimes you have to go back a few years to see how reduced and comical all of this is.
How is Cameron getting away with escaping blame for the nonsense we`re living in?
The BBC seem not to care that he had no plan at all for if we chose to leave…not that he`d bother his arse to at least see a smooth transition over to a new leader with a mandate to govern for those who made their will evident.
And for him to self-detonate as a petty suicide bomber who`s cross with us all was typically vain and destructive to those who`ll have to clear his mess, create new channels for our going.
The kid in the clip above is no more stupid, entitled and arrogant as Cameron himself-so why be surprised?
As for his dead bird of a deal that he brought back from Brussels by way of a “deal to remain” in February?…well the contempt shown to him may be due…but the EU play with fire if they think WE`RE featherlite pink prophylatics too.
Now wonder they turfed the velveteen clad fop and flop out for their presence last week-without any basis for this, as out friends say above.
No-just wanted to debag the fat kid for fun, and let the BBC film it…this was duly done.
But again-don`t let anyone confuse national humiliations of Tory ponces with cowing the 17.5M.
The LibLab Quislingtons at the BBC might suck and then swallow what the EUs load is…but all those strings attached Snowjobs are getting cut and binned…a moral circumcision of the elite…and the knife will go much higher if they keep sending out the likes of Farron, Blair, Kinnocks, Heseltines, Clarkes and Pattens to snuff out the new candles.
They“ve had a very lucrative peace if you call the graveyards of Kiev and Lampedusa that…they will not have a very good war, because there are no limits to the depth of the hate we now feel for them and their f***In BBC muff fluffers. 2009 expenses will be back.
I am course am speaking in a personal capacity, not as interfaith dialogue co-ordinating officer for the Churches Together Grouphugs Bureaux….
Rumours suggest there’s new department in the bBBC’s newsroom called ‘LOOK WHAT YOU BREXITEERS HAVE DONE’.
Its raison d’etre is to trawl the country making up ‘news’ that they hope will make 17 million of us feel truly guilty for expressing our democratic choice to step away from the failing EU.
The LWYBHD dept’s latest guilt-laden, confused and frankly pointless sob story (that we’ve paid for) is part of the ‘My Shop’ series (give me strength…) and chronicles… well who knows exactly?
Whether the next My Shop story will be an upbeat, optimistic precis of a whole new world of retail opportunities afforded by the UK’s upcoming independent status is open to question, but if I were a betting type I’d say there’s more chance of this week’s Chilcott revelations not being a total ‘lessons have been learned’ whitewash. And we’ve paid handsomely for that, too.
Currently, so far as I can see, the Labour party is two parties attempting to be a single party, just as it was back when Neil Kinnock had his problems.
Labour should have been a left wing party full of Socialists as it always was, and within Labour there is a group, almost a party within a party called Momentum. It’s a not insignificant groups with 100 000 members, some 20% of the Labour parties membership.
At the same time they also have another rather secretive group called ‘progress’ “Until 2014 Progress stated it was “the New Labour pressure group which aims to promote a radical and progressive politics for the 21st century.” From late 2014 Progress stopped using the “New Labour” label and rebranded itself as “Labour’s new mainstream, aim[ing] to promote a radical and progressive politics”.
These two are so different that they are not compatible within the same party. Infighting will continue until one wins – as Kinnock & Blair did, or Michael Foot.
Socialists and liberals are simply not the same creatures, and Labour should rid itself of the liberals to the party they really belong, the Lib Dems, where they know they would never gain power !
Until Labour does manage to sort out exactly what kind of a party it is, and makes a stand, it will suffer continual infighting until it is no longer a serious political force.
Labour has turned its back on its traditional working class base, concentrating more on the ‘Rainbow Alliance’. Nobody speaks for them any more and the working class realise this. Labour is dominated by self-righteous, self-hating English who have little idea of ordinary peoples’ lives and until it starts to listen to its traditional base it will never get into power again. I’ve been sick of some friends of mine who raced to post after the result, “I’m sitting here in tears, I hate this s**t country” – and best of all – “My savings are going to be wiped out in the coming economic disaster”. Get real!! Many people don’t have savings!
This is an excellent article that understands the poorer sections of society and why they voted for Leave:
“My savings are going to be wiped out in the coming economic disaster”
Indeed, the truth is that their savings are likely to survive.
Out of the EU we will not have to contribute to the various bail outs, haircuts and forcible extraction from individual bank accounts which were a feature of the Greek and Cyprus Euro survival plans. Plans overseen by unelected Eurotwats. Plans including replacement of elected officials by EU chosen unelected unifiers. Plans which have increased youth unemployment to 50% in Greece, 40% in Spain etc.
Plans which will be removed from cupboards and dusted off because they will be used again. Plans which did not work last time and which will not work in future.
Yes, you young, uneducated, moaners, whose “lives have been destroyed by Brexit”. You are being fed preposterous, blatant, lies, by the Guardian, BBC et al. and you, wet behind the ears, green as grass, just out of nappies kiddies, are falling for every damn one of them. No critical thinking whatsoever, no weighing of evidence, no consideration of long term effects, just Pavlovian salivating every time the bell rings. And no indication at all that any attempt is made to compare the reliability and honesty of the sources of information.
High youth unemployment in EU countries is directly caused by the existence of the EU. Immediately caused by the creation of the Euro, the next stepping stone to the Soviet Unistate with Euspeak as its sole language. The Unistate that was lied about 40+ years ago when the UK last had a vote.
Remember the “whatever it takes” statements about the Euro survival youngsters? No, well your future was one of the expendable items included in the “whatever”. The EU is a very “ends justifies the means” organisation. Non-Europeans have been imported in their millions, all unneeded, many actually harmful and dedicated to imposing a dark ages bollox cult on Europe. Despite not being able to house, employ, or feed the Indegenes. Why? Because the gimmees will vote for the EU. The indegenes have been treated like shit for decades and will not vote EU.
The UK will leave the EU if we have to stamp on EU institutions, and deluded EU lovers here on our way out. Many currently in the EU wish to do the same.
The young need not worry about a future outside the EU, that is the only offer on the table. The Euro is going to fail, there will not be a future inside the EU, there will not be an EU.
Brilliant, TruthSeeker. If anyone thinks things are bad in Britain, I’ve witnessed directly what is going on in Germany and Italy and believe me, the situation in Britain could be a whole lot worse.
Worth a read what the German papers are reporting:
Also of interest and not widely reported in the UK:
Angela Merkel ‘to oust Jean-Claude Juncker’ as Europe splits deepen over Brexit response
Then there’s Switzerland :
EU tells Swiss no single market access if no free movement of citizens
Swiss-EU talks reveal determination of EU to make no concessions to UK over Brexit terms
It would appear that the Swiss government cannot get the free movement issue passed by its people, and it would seem that they are also looking to sever ties.
All this is currently going on in Europe and yet I’ve heard none of it on the BBC. Possibly as Churchill said after El Alamein “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
This is too important an issue for the BBC to be allowed to cover up a bloc as important as the EU showing serious cracks, because it simply can’t bear to even admit to itself that it’s happening.
Here on these pages we can point each other to the stories which are appearing even in papers like the Guardian (and so the BBC MUST be aware) so we all know what is happening, because sure as eggs are eggs, no one is going to find out from the BBC !
I’d read the first two articles earlier, they are interesting. As for the Swiss – they manufacture world-class watches, pharmaceuticals and divine chocolate as well as having a strong banking economy and I would imagine that their non-EU exports make up a large proportion of their GDP. European car manufacturers would suffer if there were no free trade with Switzerland because (as far as I’m aware) Switzerland has no car manufacturing. Think of the trade barriers that this would put up for BMW, VW, Renault etc, not only for cars but car parts too. It cuts both ways.
Same goes for trade between Britain and the EU; Germany’s car trade would suffer. The German economy is paramount to Merkel – look at what was happening just before her ‘let them come’ announcement last year, which the Lefties had forgotten about seeing as the young have the attention span of a gnat. Europe’s Left started a boycott of German goods in retaliation for Germany’s bullying of Greece. So, Merkel, who a few years earlier said that “Multiculturalism isn’t working”, suddenly opens Germany’s borders and this right-wing politician is the darling of the Left. Humanitarianism? Not at all, just a cynical political move to protect German industry.
BBC Online News:
“”NHS stretched by immigration, says majority – report””
“”The report revealed big variations in attitudes depending on education.
For example, 15% of graduates think immigration is bad for the economy compared with 51% of those who do not have any educational qualifications””
So, once again the BBC are saying that clever people approve of immigrants, but thickos don’t. Therefore, thickos are racist.
Are you a thicko? You are branded.
Older people don’t have degrees because in their day, the opportunity to go to university was rare. Today it is very common. Too common. Hence an over abundance of Bar Management degrees among those in their 20’s.
How about the truth, BBC: – are immigrants *actually* good for the economy or not?
No? So let’s just leave it up to insinuation and smear then. Typical Marxist/Trotskyist tactic, BBC – Pravda would be proud of you.
So let’s find some facts, shall we, seeing as the BBC is shamefully neglecting its duty to inform, and replacing it with a biased smear campaign.
What we might find is that according to an independent report immigration cost us £17bn a year.
So guess what BBC?
Proof positive that people without a degree are smarter than those who have one. Presumably graduates prefer to believe their prejudice, rather than clouding it with any fact.
Funny that.
Yes, another of the bad effects that leftism has on people; the become total snobs, sneering at – and looking down their noses at – people who do/think/read/watch anything that is not in the leftist small-minded approved category.
So they cannot even say the words ‘Daily Mail’ without sneering as they say it, the idea – as usual – is to point out to any observers how morally superior they are for not reading that right-wing press.
It’s merely one of the many ways they employ of limiting any discussion to only topics they deem to be sufficiently morally high-brow.
This is very sad, as you cannot have a discussion where you disagree with them without them disliking you. Leftists, it seems to me, cannot engage in proper debate as they find they lose any argument they get into – so they avoid discussion with anyone that might challenge them in any way.
Yes it is so morally superior to kick our own out of their homes because they can no longer afford the rent because the morally superior landlords know they can get 10 eastern Europeans in a 2 bed flat on the quiet.
Yes it is so morally superior to see the British genuine homeless kicked off their patch at Stratford Station at 6am by the pretend eastern European needy whose sleeping bag still looks as new as the day it was shoplifted.
Yes it is so morally Superior to see the Big Issue seller with no command of English taking a pitch from a Brit so that they can get a NI number to claim child benefit for their children in eastern Europe.
I have always said, give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime, BUT don’t let him poach your own waters. We have no waters left to teach anyone now. Thank you so much you morally superior scum.
Yes manchesterlad, exactly. If you dared to say to them that immigration was a net drain on the economy they’d call you a racist and send you to Coventry (“no platform”) for daring to bring it up and not believing in the holy dogma of multiculturalism. So much for democracy, debate, and free speech 🙄
what is ‘leftist’ exactly. What arguments have you been in when these ‘leftists’ have lost?
Well, I’ve won every argument involving you, for a start. You never present any evidence, insult your opponents, and then trounce off claiming you’ve won 🙄
Would you care to debate the point that immigration costs us £17bn a year, as reported by an independent think-tank?
No? Thought not.
Has the thicko beeb not thought that maybe those without a degree are the most affected by immigration?
Bricklayers, plasterers, plasterer’s mates?
I’d love to know how the Eastern European “Builder” passed the CICS Health and Safety test when he couldn’t order a sub in Subway. Or is that why every time we are enriched by “home improvements (=squeeze another bedroom in)” there is always a fire.
Just a reminder about the Invoke article 50 petition:
Tell me, do you know how much trade the UK does with the EU? If you are so keen to split from the EU maybe you could tell everybody how the economic deficit in trade will be made up. The fact is keeping trade links with the EU involves no barriers against immigration. Thats why Dave wouldt press the button, thats why Bunter could string two sentences together and thats why May will not do it or that tax avoider women Angela Loathsom. Which politician will seriously be responsible for the collapse of the country. The UK is already a complete laughing stock. We will soon be an irrelevance.
Manon seeing as you’re such an expert perhaps you could tell us which economies are doing better: the EU, or Brazil, India and China?
Does the EU have a trade deal with Brazil, India or China? No.
Does the EU have a trade deal with the USA? No.
Do these countries want to have a trade deal with us?
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Do we have a better chance of doing a trade deal with these nations as a single country, because the EU has to get agreement of all
2827 countries.Yes.
Now please tell me again why our economy would be better off shackled to the low-growth high-unemployment Euro-doomed EU?
Breaking at 19:10
The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz (SPD) Calls, as a consequence of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union referendum on the European Commission to reconstruction “of a genuine European government”. In a commentary for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” writes Schulz, this EU government should “parliamentary scrutiny of the European Parliament and a second chamber consisting of representatives of the Member States, subject to” be.
Sorry it’s all in German and has to be translated, but it appears Schultz is calling for the abolition of the Commission.
But not calling for the abolition of the EU “superstate”.
Just some different coloured lipstick.
The more it changes the more it stays the same.
TruthSeeker, much the same was done by the Russians after the Hungarian uprising of ’56. All sorts of reforms etc but in effect just putting a velvet glove over the iron fist. They made sure Hungary was the ‘happiest barrack’ so as to lessen the risk of any other soviet states getting ideas.
Interesting. the other interesting bit was Schlauble dismissing the idea of pump priming the european economy. (If i read it correctly) Ultimately, and because of people like him the EU will collapse.
I don’t know if anyone listened to the excellent “A Point of View”, by the philosopher John Gray, this morning on R4 about Brexit? If you didn’t: here it is and it is well worth nine and a half minutes to listen.
Bump – thanks Al, an excellent listen 🙂