Midweek Open Thread


What did David Kelly think of the Iraq Intelligence Dossier?

‘I had no doubt about the veracity of it (the Dossier) was absolute….It is an accurate document, I think it is a fair reflection of the intelligence that was available and it’s presented in a very sober and factual way….it is well written.’

“I was personally sympathetic to the war because I recognised from a decade’s work the menace of Iraq’s ability to further develop it’s non-conventional weapons programmes…..We were 100% certain that Saddam had a biological weapons programme.”

I do not feel “deep unease” over the dossier because it is completely coincident with my personal views on Iraq’s unconventional weapons capability.


John Humphrys, that renowned scientist and weapons expert thought, and thinks, differently…as did the BBC’s head legal advisor…..

The BBC’s most senior lawyer has criticised the Hutton report as being “biased”.

Glenn del Medico said the inquiry into the death of Government weapons adviser David Kelly and the role of the BBC in the scandal had been a “dreadful waste of time”.

“It’s unfortunate that Lord Hutton made such a biased report. He got it wrong, but then judges don’t always get it right.”

The BBC hated Hutton, hated Butler but love Chilcott…wonder why…..floor’s yours….



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325 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. Cranmer says:

    Credit to the BBC when it does something well. I enjoyed last night’s documentary about the elderly couple living in Inverquarrity Castle. This could have gone very badly as it contained some subjects that the left would feel very strongly about – an anglicised Scots ‘laird’ in a big castle, who had spent much of his life in colonial Nigeria. However the subject was treated with tact and charm and with no politicised editorialising. The scenery and characters were allowed to shine through without interruption.


    • Grant says:


      I watched that one some years ago and agree. Last night I enjoyed ” Would I lie to you ? ” as usual. Not only funny but free of any political content and bias. Why can’t HIGNFY be like that ?


      • chrisH says:

        Read Private Eye in the Waitrose aisle earlier.
        Hislop and his little pals clearly are blazing that we chose to leave.
        All scorn saved for the racist, short terming loons like us…the only bit worht looking at was the list of “prophets” who predicted we`d Remain …Polly, Rentoul and the rest of `em!
        Unintentionally funny.
        So then-the rebel Hislop turns out(as if we didn`t know) to be a May supporter, if not Farron.
        Who buys it these days?…stale public sector liberals who all went to private school…at best!AND-say Parris in the Spectator who says that he`s ashamed of us all-so should we now ask for another referendum, so Matty is happy with us again.
        Worraprik….says Enoch Powell was “diminished” by welcoming voters from the far right.
        Oh if only Powell could have been half the statesman, prophet, visionary and iconoclast as our Matt eh?
        Vote Andrea boys and girls-sense it`s the nice and liberal Torys worst nightmare.
        She owes them nothing..and a great clear out from Heseltine downwards might remove the fat bloated carcass of the Tory shadow from over this nation.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Didn’t see that – that’s 5 miles from here………………SNP heartland


  2. Dave666 says:

    13:00 news and the b/s continues. I only started watching half way through. So it’s the Russian agenda again, I’m somewhat at a loss as to the UK leaving the EU affects NATO. But the BBc decides to go down this path. WE ARE STILL IN NATO BBc!
    Meanwhile hate crime here has apparently increased 42% …Blah blah blah I assume the blame is pinned on BREXIT.


    • Cranmer says:

      Dave, I have just listened to the lunchtime news and had to leave the room in disgust. It was an orgy of bias.


      • Cranmer says:

        The whole jist was how awful Brexit is, how racist the American police are etc etc. The only bit which was impartial was about whether women should be allowed to engage in combat, presumably because feminism = good and the military = bad, so the issue cancels itself out and becomes neutral.


        • Grant says:

          Cranmer, in a way it is a good sign that the BBC are getting more desperate every day. The self-parody continues.


          • Cranmer says:

            Grant, I guess you are right. We have to understand that Brexit was the ‘JFK’ moment for the BBC – all their dearly held illusions were suddenly shattered. It’s understandable that they are still in shock and flailing around desperately. In the real world, however, I’ve noticed things calming a little. I work in a prominent sector of the British economy (won’t say what, but it makes things rather than meddles, ie its not state funded or an NGO) and most of the press releases I’ve received from other companies in my sector now have a ‘let’s just get on with it’ calm approach to Brexit. It seems to be a done deal with them – no talk of obstructing it.


            • Grant says:

              Cranmer, Yes , in the real world outside the BBC, I am observing people just getting on with their lives. In fact, no-one I am mixing with seems to be talking about it much. I am in the process of selling my flat in Edinburgh. Before the vote my estate agent was a bit worried about the effect of a Leave vote. Yesterday she said it did not seem to have made any difference to her business. Just one example but I guess there are others.


              • RJ says:

                Not direcly to do with the BBC, but following up on comments about the economic results (or not) of Brexit.

                I had an e-mail today from my pension provider telling me the annual statement, to July 1st was now available. To get to it I had to go though the page with today’s valuation. Between July 1st and July 8th the value has gone UP by 1.6%.

                This was not what I was expecting from the BBC’s forecasts of economic disaster.


            • chrisH says:

              With you there cranmer.
              A company that I know of had taken the bother to plan for either eventuality.
              So whatever the result-business would continue, albeit with small nods and contingencies.
              It`s what good businesses did-and do.
              So-the BBC, the Govt and those in the City who went into meltdown are obviously shit businesses that are not fit to pontificate…the rest of us are keeping calm and carrying on, not looking for pensioners to hang or allotments to burn.
              The Left have way too much time on their hands-and too many perks re transport and dole.
              Hence the rampant nastiness of that class of vermin.


    • TrueToo says:

      Meanwhile hate crime here has apparently increased 42%…

      And 41% of the increase is most likely due to exaggerated or fake reports.


  3. chrisH says:

    If I had the inclination. I`d certainly look into how the BBC does its “drive-by shootings” to order.
    The topics and favourite tropes of the BBC crop up…and whether it`s Radio 1 through to 6Muslc…the same old targets, same old cherry bombs are lobbed playfully into the laps of the “right” to deal with.
    Take todays Radio 2 News at noon.
    1. Some home-educated 8 year old lad dies of “scurvy”…really?…any proof?…because his parents don`t think this.
    So-the Welsh Labour/Plaid Government are “urged” to “make home-educated kids be put on a register, so this won`t happen again”.
    This of course has long been a serious concern to the nation, but TB less so.
    Where do you start with THIS sack of shite all dumped onto our laps by the BBC?

    2. Vets don`t want pets to be treated homeopathically…they are to be subject to 21st century veterinary practices, and the Vets Association have highlighted this.
    Again…where did THIS come from?…and who decided that THIS was worth a highlighting on Radio 2 News?
    What is the BBC hoping for here…and will they be looking at anything that doesn`t back Big Green, Big Pharma, Big Database, Compulsory registrations etc?…course not, although they do like the idea of being green…alternative…
    As long as its Miliband shade, kermit shade or Islamic shade…then the BBC allow us to be marinaded in their liberal lying limewash.
    What`s the betting that by the time these squits of stories run their courses…they`ll have been further angled to reveal the BBCs continuing agenda…basically full SNP really


  4. Grant says:

    ChrisH, Home education is a big threat to BBC and the Lefties. Not so easy to brainwash the kids. So let’s have a few health scare stories. The ultimate goal being to make it illegal.


    • Philip_2 says:

      Just like to add that it is illegal within the EU and the UK stands out (among the US and Australia and NZ) as the only one that historically allows parental choice in education. Was safeguarded by Winston Churchill himself (partly home educated) loathed his school outright. He said (from memory) it was the distinction of the English to allow a home Education (outside school) where the Nazis did not. Hitler banned all home education for purposes of ‘indoctrination’. The last UK attack was under Ed Balls (then Minister for DCSF) claiming that (home educated) parents routinely abused children, was entirely quashed under cross-party Select Committee interrogation) that DCSF claims (by Ed Balls and Grayham Badman) on the Elective Home Education were largely unproven. However the EU wants it banned throughout Europe – including UK. Camerons Minister for Ed. NikKi Morgan (before Brexit) was making the same noises of banning ANY parental choice in your child’s education. The rights or parents to refuse a prescribed ‘state school’ would be considered a crime, even if both are Teachers.


      • Grant says:


        Then there is the situation of gifted children who by an early age are brighter than the teachers . Either special arrangements have to be made for them or they are condemned to the prison of the classroom. Of course, the Left hate these kids because they are more likely to cause problems in the future.

        The whole point of Left Wing education policy is to dumb down, brainwash and create an unthinking , docile population who will never challenge the Left’s perverted ideology . This is the reason behind the EU’s diktats.


        • Philip_2 says:

          Totally agree Grant. There are huge gaps in State Education and some of our brightest minds are in (and from) dedicated Home Educated families. It would be a crime to ban it as they have everywhere in the EU regime, as you say purely on left wing aesthetics. The EU ‘dumbs us all down’ with petty PC diversity and compliance targets. Kids are not allowed to be (Gifted) ‘clever’ above the prescribed school baseline. Plus kids having the same ‘views’ as their parents are seen as ‘dangerous’ unless they happen to work for the public sector, Trade Unions or the BBC mindset.


          • chrisH says:

            To be fair to the EU-this compulsion to attend schools tells you plenty about their role in terms of brainwashing and cultural conditioning.
            All developed states quickly establish a national brainwashing service to keep the state in power.
            Britain IS unusual in not banning it outright-but the liberal fascists worldwide despise parents and families-and require state care…so the parents can be separated from the kids when young in the cause of economic performance.
            Funny isn`t it that the State -as “carer, provider and educator” of kids in care etc-seem to give the Muslim men next door plenty scope to call by and say hi.
            The State is a derelict evil substitute for nearly any parent alive(save for the likes of Fred West and Tracey Connolly etc)-but gets away with its crimes…why so?


            • Grant says:


              Yes, and I wonder how many muslim families “educate” their kids at home, especially girls ?


      • chrisH says:

        The Badman Report..say no more.


    • chrisH says:

      Yep grant-both education and health have long been held captive to the public sector unions who require it.
      Both are “virtuous goods” -Labour cartels, and no Tory dared go into them.
      Gove breached the wall of education, for which he`s owed thanks from teachers like me.
      Health needs its Arab Spring now…
      I home educated myself and led a group called Education Otherwise way back…and am busy creating hybrids, pop-ups and other “complementary/supplementary” means of getting kids “detoxified” from what they`re pumped full of.
      Education is not schooling.


      • Grant says:

        Philip and chrisH,

        And the kids won’t learn much from the BBC despite its mission being to “inform, educate and entertain”. What a sick joke.


        • chrisH says:

          Oh they have grant
          1. CBBC
          3. Teenage stuff by Terry Deary and Jacqueline Wilson
          All the above pump out Obamalite crap on tolerance and accepting any old shit…so Islam and the Marxist s get a free pass, as they do their worst.
          Dick and Dom. My Parents are Aliens, Tracy Beaker…there`s whole books there in the hidden agendas peddled and fiddled into childrens brains as the parents are elsewhere…or numbed themselves.
          No-Childrens Telly will be the last to go-they`ve learned that the force fed, spoon fed kid with no filter will make a good Labour voter, green nazi and license fee payer.
          The Jesuits and Hitler knew the same…but we didn`t pay them to do it as we do the BBC.


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    Another good write up from the Guardian and the BBC for David Cameron



    From hug a hoodie to bugger your hubby – good writes ups from the liberal press seem to have been his sole guiding principle

    Glad to see the back of him (if you’ll pardon the expression)

    Any chance now of a conservative leader of a conservative party, do we think?


  6. Lunchtime Loather says:

    The standard response being sent out by BBC Complaints in response to all and any criticism of their EU referendum coverage follows. Whatever complaint is sent to them this is the reply sent out:

    Thanks for contacting us about BBC News’ coverage of the EU referendum, in particular the result of the vote and the direct consequences over the past few weeks. We appreciate you feel our coverage has been overly negative and biased against the decision to leave the E.U.

    We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story across our news programmes and bulletins. Keeping in mind pressures on licence fee resources, this response seeks to address the key points raised. That said we apologise in advance if your complaint has not been specifically addressed here.

    As you may be aware, Jonathan Munro, Head of Newsgathering at BBC News, appeared on Newswatch on 1 July to specifically address concerns raised by our audience about our recent coverage. You can still watch the edition here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07htbgq

    During the programme Jonathan Munro addressed criticisms that BBC News’ coverage has been alarmist after the result, featuring too much coverage of people who wanted to remain in the EU. He explained BBC News has looked at reactions from both sides (those who wanted to remain and those who didn’t) and are covering the story of what it looks like to leave the EU from many different angles.

    Jonathan explained that he didn’t agree with the suggestion that BBC News is looking only at the negative outcomes of the vote. He explained that we believe our coverage has been balanced and that we have looked at the potential effects Brexit could have on the job market, because technically we still don’t know the full impact.

    He went on to explain that BBC News has covered many positive aspects of the outcome. For example, what immigration for non-EU citizens could look like, and what trade deals with places like New Zealand and Canada could look like. BBC News has also covered some positive outcomes coming from the falling value of the Pound.

    Jonathan Munro went on to assure viewers that nobody at the BBC thinks that 17 million people of the population are racist. He pointed to examples of where we have interviewed a wide range of voters who chose “leave”. Jonathan added that he didn’t believe the BBC was too ‘London-centric’ and explained that Question Time, for example, came from both Preston and Birmingham in the run up to the referendum.

    We hope this goes some way in addressing your concerns. We believe our coverage of the result has been fair, accurate and impartial. This is a quickly developing story and we will strive to continue to report on it in this manner.

    No surprise to read “we believe our coverage has been balanced” and “We believe our coverage of the result has been fair, accurate and impartial“. I must have been watching all the wrong programmes.


    • RJ says:

      No surprise to read “we believe our coverage has been balanced” and “We believe our coverage of the result has been fair, accurate and impartial“.

      We used all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order.


      • Kennedy says:


        Thanks for the excuse to post a clip from the days when the BBC was worth watching:


  7. Philip_2 says:

    This must be embarrassing for Lord Hall at the BBC on his ‘diversity agenda’ not working too well it seems… (thanks to TPA for this BBC insight into the day-to-day BBC ‘value for money’ practicing what it preaches to the rest of us ‘plebs’ as the BBC would call us..

    ‘THE BBC has admitted paying out thousands of pounds to employees who claim they have been discriminated against for their sex, religion, race or disability.

    ‘In the last three years the Beeb spent £490,720 to settle 20 employment tribunal cases — with 14 claiming they had been victims of discrimination’.

    One claimed they had been unfairly dismissed for their sexual orientation while another won a payout for being picked on for their trade union activities.

    The BBC refused to say how much each individual claim was for.

    The payments were from a total of 63 cases brought against the employer.



    • Grant says:

      Philip, ” sexual orientation “. Heterosexual presumebly ?


      • Philip_2 says:

        I think we can presume that to be ‘hetrosexual’ at the BBC is now (perhaps) could be considered grounds for legal ‘discrimination’, but I think its safe to say that ‘Transverts’ are the new colour for the left swingers. BBC is an easy target as they are ‘hoisted on their own petards’. No standards to maintain any more. Lots of ‘money opportunities’ for the feeble, inept and hopeless all come to feed and get paid off.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Being the BBC I expect that many of those discriminated against were white, oh sorry, of course there is no protection in law for white people being ‘discriminated’ against on the grounds of colour.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Anyone remember Jane Devonshire ? no ?

        How about Nadiya Hussain ? thought so.

        Two BBC programmes both on cookery competitions – yet from the above 2 winners who is the one who has had the most coverage in the media, has a book deal, and now her own tv series in the offing ?

        Well, it certainly isn’t Jane Devonshire – winner of Masterchef.


        • Grant says:


          I wonder how much pocket money Nadiya’s husband allows her out of her earnings ?


          • BRISSLES says:

            She is probably considered the ‘cash cow’ for the rest of the extended family back in Bangladesh.


  8. Oldspeaker says:

    The ofiicer who opened fire on Philando Castile has been identified as Jeronimo Yanez.
    I couldn’t find this on the BBC site, a search for Jeronimo Yanez returns a ‘Sorry, no suggestions were found.’


  9. Charlatans says:

    Latest BBC Complaint put in:

    Political Bias by Omission in News Reporting

    Full Complaint:

    Why do the BBC make a habit of blatantly highlighting Political Party affiliations when Fraud and wrongdoing is committed by say Tory or UKIP Councillors, (including making Party affiliation part of the HEADLINE) eg:






    But often omit political affiliation when it is Labour Councillors:

    For example this Labour Deputy Council Leader of Coventry:


    Or this example:


    Also this terrible, extreme, example of mass tragedy for under age non-Muslim girls abuse by the thousand, done and hidden almost totally under the auspices of a Labour Council, Labour Councillors, Labour PCC which was specifically identified in the Jay Report as Political cover up, which exacerbated and increased the committing of these dastardly, life changing crimes..


    Why as a Tax Funded body representing all factions of our nation, supposedly without fear or favour, do you appear to have a favourable bias for the Labour Party? As stated in my written evidence to the Parliamentary Culture Media and Sport Committee, I would like my taxes for such a public service broadcaster to represent all members of society equally and these glaring political bias examples rooting out..


    • Grant says:


      Well done. Keep us posted. We can always live in hope !


  10. Dave666 says:

    The 18:00 news 5 Police officers are shot and killed during a peaceful protest. Yes the first 10 minutes of the news appear to be a BLM broadcast. I don’t live in America BBc. Female soldiers can take front line combat roles except apparently only 5% will be able to do the job. The reports on 5 squaddies and a Land Rover being moved to prevent Russian aggression morphs slightly as the reporter refers to the “vulnerable” Baltic states and Poland. “Vulnerable” how exactly? Are Russian troops massing on the border. Obama tells us our exit has caused uncertainty in European unity. Perhaps he should be more worried about the events in his own country
    I also spotted this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-36748186 I comment on this because in 2001 the civil service office I was working at was sent a package containing a “White powder”, Obviously we were not considered as important as the recipients’ of these packages. After about a week we all walked down to the police station where we were told they were not going to bother to test it as “it was probably OK.


  11. chrisH says:

    Listening now to the medias management of the murder of five American policemen, as well as six injured .

    Apparently one of the suspects was “upset at white people”.
    Obamas shallow black heart “reaches out, goes out” to those who lost their lives-hopefully the police and not the snipers.
    And the girlfriend of one of the black men killed by the police seems awfully calm and zen-like throughout it all.
    Anybody else think that they`re all being put on Prozac there?..this language is deeply weird, given the circumstances.
    And have yet to hear a murder suspect say that he was “upset”.
    All seems like the nation Of Islam and Beyonces Black Power Pals have all decided on a therapeutic and holistic carapace in which to do their evil-and the police and media are happy to share the selfsame B/S language 0f Alinsky.
    Creepy…medication time under Nurse Ratched as far as I can see


  12. Oldspeaker says:

    “‘Sharp rise’ in reported hate crime”
    “Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the “sharp rise” was unacceptable.”
    The same Mark Hamilton who also says
    ““We strongly encourage anyone who thinks they may have experienced or witnessed hate crime to report it by calling the police on 101 or using our True Vision website”
    I would imagine figures would go up after such an appeal. Interestingly regarding the rise in True Vision figures the NPCC site states,
    ” This should not be read as a national increase in hate crime of 57% but an increase in reporting through one mechanism.”


  13. Dover Sentry says:

    The police officer who shot the black guy in the car is of Chinese origin.

    It will be interesting to see how this fits into the BBC’s ‘all cops are racist’ narrative.


  14. Save Our Sense says:

    Usually enjoy David Keighley’s BBC Watch pieces on Conservative Woman. This on the resignation of Farage is good…


    …with an excellent comment from Trojan:

    ‘Not looking good is it. I often wonder why no Tories have stepped up to the BBC. Perhaps the BBC is an emerging modern state in its own right. It collects taxes, prosecutes non tax payers, has its own foreign policy, operates a unity of church and state (Islam), and has an expressed opinion on all subjects from health to climate change, never once exhibiting neutrality. It is not a democratic state, although it owns politicians which it supports indirectly for Parliament, and is increasingly resorting to extra parliamentary forces, such as Hope not Hate, UAF and the Antifa for street politics. Altogether a formidable organization, becoming more so. In the uncertainty following Brexit, with three main parties leaderless, it is becoming bolder. It looks very likely that a BBC politician (Teresa May) will become an official Prime Minister and then the new BBC state will be unstoppable.’


    • Grant says:


      That is an excellent comment by Trojan. Yes, the BBC is a State within a State.


      • chrisH says:

        Conservative Woman has some great stuff on it.
        This quote by Trojan is excellent,and thought-provoking.
        The ability to set the narrative and to control it, the media and information near-monopoly, the ability to raise its own taxes and prosecute those who won`t pay them, its power to open enquiries from the police or agencies like OFGEM.
        All adds up-and of course our MPs and arms of state like the Army, police and courts quail at their investigations.
        They certainly ACT like a state within a state, impervious to what we the people say or vote for.
        Mission creep on full flow now-digitally, data and childrens education in particular.
        Saw Sir Tony in the Royal Box at Wimbledon earlier…the very picture of Pontius Pilate in “Life Of Brian”, or Kenneth Williams maybe?
        Yep, Trojans onto something-no wonder they plug the “so called Islamic State” notion….the only state within a state we`ve seen in our times…well the BBC seems to be an equally black slime stain that seems to think it`s got no limits either.
        Now will see the BBC in a completely different light-it is foreign and subversive and needs expulsion like its minime on Channel 4.


        • Grant says:


          Trojan’s comment was one of those moments that , when I read it, made me think ” Yes, of course, it is obvious isn’t it ” . Except I hadn’t thought of it and needn’t someone to open my eyes. And, of course, The Republic of the BBC is stronger now that it knows that the Government are going to be no threat to its power.


          • chrisH says:

            As Dave says below, the first step has been done.
            And the elite are desperately trying to reorder things that will make a denial of the Referendum quite possible.
            When the liberal left , the BBC and all the progressive forces and agencies of the state have been so thwarted-we`re in new territory.
            So-in hindsight, all that we`re living through now is smear, displacement and softening us up for some EU-tangled fudge, akin to Camerons dead bird in a shoebox that he dared to tell us meant something.
            None of them want to change anything, but Leadsom and Gove ARE conviction types who will get us as good and final a settlement as we can expect.
            Trojans critique does add something…if you see the BBC as the political arm of the post-political mush we now live with…then we can win, as long as we lop the BBC off, and delegitimise all their treachery as and when we find it.
            And the big themes are merging…Licensed payback and the Good Rebellion is ONE BBC totem…it`s got to go-it ends up killing people.


      • Doublethinker says:

        I agree with the view that the BBC is far too powerful but I think that a more accurate description of its role in British society is that no party can govern without its consent. The BBC has the power to fool and mobilise large sections of the electorate in whatever causes or policies it feels strongly about. Politicians understandably feel that it can sway election results, always to the left of course. Consequently they are scared to death of upsetting the BBC and hence why Cameron et al have steered the Tories on to ground that the BBC finds only marginally unacceptable. Ever since Lady Thatcher the BBC has forced the centre of gravity of British politics to the left and will continue to do so.
        Although not necessarily a right /left issue the Referendum result is remarkable because the British not only ignored the threats and lies of the Remain camp but went against the’ EU Great’ doctrine of the BBC for the last 30 years. It will have come as shock to the BBC that they were unable to fool /persuade the country to Remain. Even so I expect that several million voted Remain mainly due to BBC propaganda.
        What we will now see is a renewed fury in the BBC propagandising for the EU and for the left. Above all those working class voters must be stopped from voting UKIP in future so we can expect to see a massive push to bring them back to the Labour fold. After all if politicians ever believe that the power of the BBC is on the wane the Tories and UKIP will lose their fear and cut it down to size.


        • Grant says:


          Well said ! I posted here yesterday that the BBC is a “State within a State “. It is an evil cancer at the heart of Britain.


    • Dave S says:

      It seems clear that the move to overturn the referendum has started in earnest May is just not to be trusted . I know nothing about the other one but as she has a banking background it is a fair assumption that she too is untrustworthy.
      It is the bankers that have bought and are bringing such devastation to Europe. They and their tame politicians have used globalisation to moneterise all our lives and to strip our wealth and our freedoms to their benefit. Given this it is vital that those of us who wish to see real conservative change in this country and to regain our freedom to act do absolutely nothing other than watch and wait.
      There is a limit to just how cynically manipulative the ruling elite can be. Where that limit is I cannot tell but there always is a limit of that we can be sure. Let May and the rest convict themselves as they surely will. The BBC would like us to think it has real power. It has the ephemeral power of the bully that is all.
      This vote is a first step and I never expected it to be anything other than that. All real change starts this way. A first step that inevitably changes everything although at the time we cannot see it. Consider the situation in France in 1789 and Russia in 1917. There was a first step there.
      As soon as Mrs May looked like the candidate for the Eu and the elite and the bankers I knew that this is not going to be easy and that we must expect that our will is to be thwarted and that the elite could it will use any weapon . What we can do is to withdraw our co-operation in any way we can and to wait
      Learn from those in Soviet occupied Europe who were always feared and mistrusted by their elite and in the end destroyed it.


  15. Al Shubtill says:

    Anonymous said…

    We don’t have all the details yet on the Dallas shooting suspects, but here’s what we know so far:

    -dey wuz goot boyz

    -dey din doo nuffins

    -dem guns wuz planted on dem by da po-leece

    -dey was aspiring musicians who worked in their communities

    -dey just startin 2 turn dey lifes around. Gnome sayin?

    We’ll keep you updated with further details as they become available.


  16. GCooper says:

    The BBC likes to portray itself as a fearless investigator, ready to take on anyone or any organisation in the quest for truth and to uncover murky dealings. In which case, no doubt we will soon be able to watch a riveting BBC exploration of the way in which Jose Manuel Barroso, the ‘former Maoist’ Portugese ex-PM who was head of the EU Commission, has just been appointed to one of its most senior positions by the ‘vampire squid’ Goldman Sachs – the firm that ‘fixed’ the Greek Euro stitch-up, and so many other curious doings.

    A decent investigative news service would already have tested its fangs on these two lovebirds individually.Lord knows there is enough to get exercised about with Barroso and the EU Commission, or Goldman Sachs alone – but the payback of his new job and the interlinking between the EU and an organisation that makes the Illuminati look like the Boy Scouts should have any real journalist salivating.

    Which, I suppose, means we’ll be hearing nothing at all from the BBC…


    • Grant says:


      That will be the day. But Barroso must have done something to get his reward.


    • Dave S says:

      That is enough to tell any man all he needs to know about the EU.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        It’s typical of how those in the higher strata of the EU conduct themselves: remember Martin Bangemann?

        He was the commissioner responsible for, amongst other things, telecommunications; when he left the European Commission he joined Telefonica the Spanish telecom giant, despite this being in breach of the Commission’s own rules.
        He was not forced to resign and no doubt retained his highly remunerative EU pension.

        The EU is corrupt and rotten from its head down.


        • Al Shubtill says:

          My mistake; it was even worse: he took the job on the board of directors of Telefonica WHILST he was still a commissioner FFS!


  17. richard D says:

    President Obama was fast off the mark in condemning ‘racist’ killings in the immediate aftermath of two, apparently armed, black people being detained by white police officers in the US.

    On TV I saw and heard, just a few minutes ago, that the black sniper who shot and killed/maimed police officers in Dallas has claimed he wanted to specifically kill white police officers. No ifs or buts – he unashamedly wanted to kill white people.

    Mr Obama’s response to this – he’s called for more information.

    No hypocrisy or double standards there, then.


    • GCooper says:

      Nor on the part of the BBC, which in a stunning display of racism of its own, fawns over Obama and treats his manifest failings with a cloak of invisibility. simply because he is black.


      • Grant says:


        And Obama’s white mother has been airbrushed out of history. But, in his retirement, he will have time to write “Dreams from my mother “.


  18. Philip_2 says:

    Am I the last to know? Lord Hall set to retire? There is new BBC director-general deputy to Lord Haw Haw -she will be Anne Bulford who is currently BBC finance operations replacing the last failed BBC operations unit (missing BBC millions to Mark Byford plus notable payments to all previous BBC Executives and BBC Directors) and various denials to the inquiry before the BBC Charter kicked off . However Ms Bulford worked for Channel 4 as chief operating officer and was a former finance director for the Royal Opera House which was then run by (not yet Lord). Tony Hall. This was reported in the Times on July 7, quietly to not attract too much media attention and questions. She will, of course be given a ‘lady’ Title of her own. They all have one at the BBC. Its part of the uniform.

    So avoiding previous BBC money laundering episodes and so we should not be to surprised to also learn that she has learnt Lord Hall’s money saving antics (such as employing LESS top people but paying them even MORE) and then expanding the BBC empire to compete with everybody else not on BBC benefits and TV license fiddles. And lets not forget that Tony Hall himself was plucked from Royal Opera House obscurity by Chris Patten (former distinguished BBC trustee on huge expenses) and given a knighthood over Luncheon at the Savoy. We already know that this job was NOT advertised but ‘bestowed’ in the same world famous BBC tradition of cat flap employment and jollies all round, moving the deck chairs around but employing the same people based on perceived loyalty to the BBC shape shifters and makeovers on yet another ‘makeover’..



  19. TrueToo says:

    Anyone know why Boris Johnson suddenly folded? Shortly before the referendum he still hadn’t decided on Leave or Remain. Then he fought for Leave as if he’d been in the trenches with Nigel Farage for decades.

    And now?


    • Lock13 says:

      I don’t think Boris ever thought for a second he would win. I think he joined the leave side to court popularity and be seen as a bit of a rogue. How him and Dave chortled at such a wheeze, Dave would win for remain – Boris would get a big job they could continue lying to us and sending the Country down the drain. Then despite every dirty trick in the book leave won and Boris was like oh shit I don’t have the stomach nor the balls to actually run a Country, I am much more in my comfort zone spouting bollx about clean air , HS2 and not getting a third runway built as Mayor of London.Quick I better try and invent a story about somebody stabbing me in the back and I can skulk away. In a nutshell I think he bottled it


    • Grant says:


      Boris moves in mysterious ways. But, I remember before he went into politics , when he was Daily Telegraph EU correspondent in Brussels , he was certainly very Eurosceptic then . But now, who knows ?


      • TrueToo says:

        Maybe he just didn’t want to change his barber. There’s no way a guy could become PM with hair like that.

        Reminds me of Geert wilders, continuing to fight the good fight despite his hair. Could be he has a bit more testicular fortitude than Boris.


        • Grant says:


          LOL ! But you have a point. There is something a bit weird about middle-aged men placing such importance on their hairstyle. But, at least Wilders hair and thinking are neat and tidy, unlike Boris’ !


          • TrueToo says:


            Much as I like and respect Wilders, the guy looks like an inverted haystack on a chimney.


    • Up2snuff says:

      True Too, I am puzzled by that as well. Little clues have popped out but some led down false trails, for example what Graham Brady (Chairman, 1922 Committee) said about ‘the last minute’. He wasn’t intending to send acute observers misleading information but was just being factual. Boris was still speaking in his Press Conference at a time when the clock had little time left for nomination papers to be filed.

      Gove has since said on air that he was making the decision to run overnight, slept on it and decided in the morning to tell Boris he could no longer support him. Am not certain about that last bit, am posting from memory but it will be on last Sunday’s WTW 1-1.30pm BBC R4 if anyone is minded to research via iPlayer.

      I suspect that Gove as Bojo’s ‘Campaign Manager’ knew exactly the backing – declared and ‘inclined’ – that Boris had within the Party and that it was insufficient to get a nomination, let alone beat May. Am guessing again that Tory MPs that he (Gove) had approached to back Bojo had said, “Mmmm, maybe … are you running? I might be more inclined to back you because someone from Cabinet needs to stand against Teresa.”

      It IS strange. It seems that Boris Johnson is popular in the country and may have delivered the Party a landslide victory in the event of an early General Election. If there was not an early GE then maybe there would have been lots of Bojo-led chaos and policy backtracking that would have wrecked the Conservative Party’s chances in 2020.


      • TrueToo says:

        I can picture Boris as PM but not Gove. Though I think the latter has good ideas, he doesn’t quite have the leadership qualities and oomph to be PM.


  20. seismicboy says:

    Who will pick our strawberries once we leave the EU?
    I am struggling to believe bbc.con are still peddling this defeatist crap. If we must have Romanian workers to pick fruit then so be it. Give them temporary work visas and be done with it. It’s not rocket science – I’m sure the cbeebies-blue peter science department will confirm that. Why are the bbc making out it’s the end of the world as we know it at every opportunity?
    Get a grip.


    • Guest Who says:

      If FLOTUS is not seen wandering the fields of Herefordshire sadly holding a cardboard sign with #whowillpickourstrawberries I honestly fear for humanity. Oh… The humanity.


    • Oaknash says:

      S Boy – Its the same old lefty media shit, trying to emasculate us as a nation and give the impression we have no choice in these matters .

      Its the same with illegal migration – Lots of hand wringing and warnings that France closes its “refugee” camps – Oh they will all come here! What will we do!
      If I think someone wants to invade my house I will
      1 keep the door closed
      2 if they get in I will ask them to leave
      3 and if not become physical or call the police. – But bloody well remove them!

      And yet all our snowflakes see all these commonsense actions as impossible. I agree the door currently is wide open thanks to Theresa and friends but surely shutting it is not impossible.

      None of this is difficult stuff. Its the same as leaving the EU. If you have the will to do it you will do it. Yes try and get the best deal you can. But surely floating around in some sort of post brexit limbo is neither healthy or productive.

      In some ways I see this as the most dangerous time of all. The BBC and remain friends seem to be constantly dripping corrosive and will sapping poison into the bloodstream of our country. If we do get May as our Prime Minister she will have to be watched like a hawk to ensure she doesnt take us back into the EU by the back door.

      The democratically will of the people must take precedence. I am sorry snowflakes if you dont like it. But maybe you should have got out of bed, changed out of your fluffy bunny onesies, put on some real clothes and voted.

      Its that simple!


  21. Lock13 says:

    I have only watched 10 minutes of the BBC all week. My ten minutes this morning top story – Andrea Leadsom has caused a storm by saying she would make a better PM because she is a mother. A storm BBC? really. Then we have a cartoon about a refugee kid all tears and sobbing music that ends up with ‘I just want to learn the language and become a nurse’ .Shameless crap . Do a cartoon about Cologne on New Year’s night .Then we get the Weather accompanied by a viewers picture and Naga brain cell asks if the picture is of sunset or sunrise? Naga Naga it is the breakfast weather slot you take a guess girl what do you think the picture is of?


    • Maria Brewin says:

      “Then we have a cartoon about a refugee kid all tears and sobbing music that ends up with ‘I just want to learn the language and become a nurse’”

      Yes, saw that. Had to laugh at the bit showing her climbing into the back of a lorry. When did you last see a woman or a girl doing that at Calais?


    • Grant says:


      Andrea has denied that she said it , so someone is lying. Politicians and journalists live in the same gutter but, if I had to choose which one was telling the truth, I would go for the politician. But, it is a very close call.


      • Guest Who says:

        Twitter is aflame on this. The weird next temporary ally grouping of Camp May, BBC, Graun & that nutty Remain guy from the Telegraph are all in full flow, and any trying to get facts or context are being drowned out.


        • Grant says:


          The other line of attack is Andrea’s CV. Strangely, May was also in banking before politics. Is anyone crawling over her CV ?

          She is interviewed in today’s DT and says that no-one should consider her a Remainer and “Britain will be brighter after Brexit “. How could anyone trust this bloody woman ?


          • Guest Who says:

            Seems some u turns and inconsistency and flat out opportunism are fine, whilst cherry picking elsewhere is even better.

            I have never despised the politico media establishment as much as I do now.


      • Lock13 says:

        I hear you Grant. My point is what she said sounds reasonable to me so what’s all the kerfuffle (lovely word) about?


        • Grant says:


          My point is that she denies that she said it ! See BBC website .


  22. Grant says:

    I see that failed Tory leadership candidate, squeaky-clean, committed christian, married with children, Stephen Crabb has been caught out sending sex texts to a young lady and, so far, has not denied it. Caveat, this is a Daily Mail report. If true, the BBC will have a field day !


    • Lock13 says:

      Grant at least it was a lady. If it had been a boy the BBC would be touting him for PM


      • Up2snuff says:

        Grant & Lock, maybe that is one of the factors working against Bojo for the Tory Party leadership: his past affair(s)?


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Tory leadership, Brexit, History, Farming: the BBC are stirring it for all they are worth on Radio 4 this morning.

    How standards have fallen!


  24. wronged says:


    Here we go, typical London. Let’s seek some attention, let’s jump on the bandwagon. Don’t these protesters realise that they are viewed as childish. Organised by an 18 year old student with a brainwashed chip on her shoulder.

    Let me tell you it should read ‘White Lives Matter.’ I have a friend who is in the Met. He tells me that there is a saying in the Met.
    ‘Guilty until proven black’.

    He is disillusioned with the courts,the Met are so obsessed with the fear of being called racist if they arrest a Black person that many black offenders are often let offf with just a warning whereas on the other hand, a white person would be arrested for commiting the same offence.

    They find it easier to arrest a white person during the day than a black person. They often have to make a black arrest in the early hours of the morning for fear of black communal gangs gathering and blocking the police in the course performing their public duties.
    By the way, there are definitely no go areas in black London. Officers will never attend an incident on their own in these areas.

    This is the view of officers on the ground, unpalatable as it might be to some.


    • Guest Who says:

      When the BBC goes full on about a protest in the ‘hundreds’, time to check camera angles and who arranged the shoot.