Can you imagine the media shitstorm if a Trump supporter had said this?
Forget for a moment (if you can) that Madonna is a sad old lady desperately clinging on to fame, doesn’t this show just how depraved Democrat supporters are, and how totally biased the MSM is for Hillary Clinton?
I suppose that the BBC can’t question the validity of the claim of someones age, and if the Home Office in their craven incompetence accepts that someone is of a certain age, then they cannot reasonably question it, especially if the story doesn’t concern a false claim of age.
However in this case of Jamal Mahmoud although they quote his age as 21 (yeah right!) and he is (presumably) an asylum seeker / refugee they only say he is of Somali origin.
“A man jailed for manslaughter has won his battle against deportation after judges ruled he was being discriminated against because his parents were unmarried.”
Its time our Home Office and its Home Secretary was ‘sorted out’ Things are going from bad to worse.
Hello Posters,
Is this site getting more contributors ? Where have all the trolls gone ?
Is this a sign of the time ?
There are a lot of disgruntled British Citizens in this country now and the government is still not listening to us.
If after this latest, blatant act of traitory by Al Qaebeeba (regarding the ‘geriatric gimmagrants’ from war torn France), people STILL don’t realise that these disgusting, backstabbing deviants are at war with our way of life….they are complete morons, utterly spineless, or at war with our way of life too
Interestingly, Enda (Edna ?) Brady on Sky related how the photographers when snapping away at the man/child migrants at Croydon made comments like ‘spot the crows feet’, so even the press themselves were hugely sceptical as to the age of these grabbagrants; and Brady also said he expected to see children of primary school age getting off the bus and was more than surprised when he saw the young men.
No mention of wickileakes and theresa may’s a feminist plus angry looking tory right but silent and vile joke about bone mp’s wife at prime minister’s question time, makes you proud to be british.Daily politics elwood mp waffle waffle no wonder people aren’t interested in politics but you like that don’t you, a dumb society.
Nice one john and on this site if you don’t get many likes your on to something.Also tonight’s debate a great comment from trump,talking about aleppo & the middle east if she did nothing we’d be in much better shape,the debate system must reform this 2 minutes rubbish on very important questions why not 5 minutes crazy system .Hearing that soros hillary’s sponsor supplies 16 voting machines is the only reason i don’t put my house on donald trump, i and many can smell lies no problem, i hope the people that lack that ability through their genetic make up can trust in me and punish the stupid bookmakers still 9/2 available.Trump’s unwillingness to accept the result regardless gives me more confidence to put more on him.
Mackers – I admire your confidence as I too have backed DT at 11/2 (currently 4/1). From one punter to another…an interesting hedge with Paddy Power. Hilary to be elected and to resign due to impeachment during her first term at 20/1……So if worse comes to worst, you’ve got a 4 year bet running!!!
king crimson your talking my language deception on this scale produces billionaires my basis for this is written and lost in this avalanche of cover ups on this site , times like this are life changing moments.NO WORRIES CRIMSON THE DONALD KNOWS HIS STUFF IT WON’T COME TO THAT,the best form of defence is attack
Just watching a rerun of the debate and it looked like Clinton was constantly reading from notes but the smug superior look on her face every time trump spoke speaks volumes.
It seems like a coordinated effort by the mainstream media including the beeb whining on about Donald not accepting the result. If thats all they have to say about the debate last night then its very telling.
Trump must have won debate last night cos at 10am R4, R5, and Both local radio stations led with “Trump has refused to rule out not accepting the election result”
Remoaners OTOH !!
It’s a great strategy to focus on election being rigged, cos own supporters will be alert and motivated.
And what idiot is going to say “I think a lot of things are suspect in this election, but I am going to accept the result come what may” ?
Who put a bat up Naughties nightie then?
The Gorbals Goebbels was on best splenetic fleck spittled mode. face set to florid.
Thought we`d pensioned the shortbread shyster off last year-but no, off he goes Stateside again on our tab.
And why?
Just so he can point out that the US election now boils down to whether Trump respects women, as opposed to Clinton raping them…and that Trump may not accept the vote on November 8th.
But not one f***in word on why Trump doesn`t trust it all.
Don`t you think that even the lardarse, lazy, lying BBC might give me SOME reasons why “even a Trump” might reckon there`s a fiddle going on.
Thank heavens for the Internet.
Certainly the efforts to inflame, provoke and -yes, cancel-his national rallies this far HAVE been real enough, very sinister and oh-so-lefty, oh so Beeboid.
But -AGAIN_absolutely no effort by the BBC to explain a thing…other than Clintons a woman, worked for a black bloke-and THAT is all the BBC beed you to know.
Call home the Tannock Tinman…useless gobshittin` gobshite….
Thanks for posting this, Carterdaniel. Although this gentleman (I’m not sure of his name) is a little long-winded, I found his video about how the US election is being fought so desperately because the media has realised it cannot control the rise of the alt-right to be very interesting.
BBC female Asian reporter, with a name too long and complex to recall (something similiarly sounding to the phrase: Leftismee-Broadcast Serendipity) in Vegas for a post Trump-Clinton match summary.
It got nasty, apparently. Trump ‘hurled’ insults and Hillary ‘had to defend herself’ (the poor flower). Trump made ‘extraordinary claims’.
What really happened? Well, I won’t rely on the BBC to tell me. I’ll pay my Licence Fee but have to do my own reseach on this.
Oh, by the way, this outrageous Trump threat about not accepting the election result – do the BBC mean this is like the Remainers not accepting the Brexit vote?
Glenn Campbell for the BBC is fresh from a eulogising laudatory teeing up of a Nicola Sturgeon speech earlier this week but now suddenly remembers political difficulties and a range of opinions as he gives a preamble to a Theresa May/EU summit later.
There once was a lass called Serendipity,
who happened to hail from Trincomalee,
She made my ears bleed
on the day I took heed
of her view of Trump and her biased commentary
I am shocked, truly shocked, at this astonishing news. Thank goodness for the hard-edged investigative journalists working for the world’s finest broadcaster. The licence fee is truly a bargain.
My Friday bin day will never be the same again.
And on Socialism Today (Radio 4, 6-9am) today we have……
Thought for the Day. A celebration of that famously impartial film director……errrr……Ken Loach. Plus a trailer for his latest film, a riveting piece about a Disabled man on benefits…….
Immediately followed by an extensive interview with Fatima Manji, who reported on the Nice Massacre last year on C4 …..wearing a hijab !!!! How tasteful. Kelvin Mckenzie had the temerity to criticise this and he was reported to IPSO, the Press Standards people. He was exonerated. Our Fatima was not happy and the bBBC gave her ample opportunity to say so. ‘Useless’ Hussein did the interview, she attempted to ask a few questions but you could tell from the tone of her voice that her heart was not in it. The Muslim sisterhood must after all look after its own.
In other news after an Israeli missile lands on a school in Gaza, the BBC send top reporter Rabbi Solly Goldberg in full regalia of white kneesocks, black silk frock coat, enormous fur hat and side curls down to his waist to report on the tragedy. Why on earth would anyone criticise the Beeb for sending him – oy gevalt, they must be racist!
Yesterday 2 other Radio 4 progs trailed the SOCIALIST film-makers new housing crisis film
Women’s Hour had the actress
and Front Row had Loach himself
…He just wrote in the Guardian about how biased the BBC is AGAINST socialists. YCMIUCU
I remember the days when the BBC gave someone the right to reply. They have stopped doing that now, but that said, I did not listen to the whole of the Toady programme.
Hahahaha good find. All of a sudden the virtue signalers can believe the “child” is actually an adult interpreter!!!! Shame they can’t accept he is a fraudulent adult asylum seeker!
Yesterday the over-excitable Norman Smith was hopping up and down with glee at the thought that the PM was being inexerably drawn into the Historic Child Abuse Inquiry fiasco.
This is pure opportunistic grandstanding. This BBC reporter is well nick-named Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith.
Any sensible commentator would recognise that this area is a no-win situation for any government – with some wild conspiracy claims and some greedy lawyers that can never be satisfied.
Add into this the fact that the greatest amount of child abuse that took place with aunthorities turning a blind eye in recent years can never be properly exposed without breaking Politically Correct Multicultural taboo number one…
Well, like I say, it’s a no win situation. Smith is a drama queen and not worth the BBC title Assistant Political Whatever…
I remember at the time of the phone hacking disclosures and Cameron’s loss of Andy Coulson, Norman Smith was busy trying to ‘enmesh’ Cameron, himself, in phone hacking.
Smith seemed to forget that it all took place (and no action was taken) when Blair and Brown were ‘running’ the country.
This opportunistic smearing, AISI, seems to be Smith’s modus operandi.
Pop over to John Redwood’s blog. He writes a diary entry every day and comments about politics, Brexit and world events. It’s usually spot on. Today he’s talking about the bias in the BBC and how everything he listens to from Farming Today onwards seems to have an anti Brexit message. I thought I might point him in this direction for more enlightenment but it seems he hasn’t really the time to check links to other websites – he made a small announcement in one of his blogs. Anyway, can recommend him for a quick read every day.
SV thank you for letting us know about Mr Redwood’s blog. I have seen him on the television and guessed that he was well aware of BBC bias but it’s nice to see it confirmed in writing. I wish he was my MP!
“Theresa May to urge ‘smooth Brexit’ at EU summit”
“A Lords committee warned Parliament could be reduced to a “rubber stamp”.
I hope the Brexiteers in Parliament are keeping an eye on this one ?
He! he ! he ! at last ! a Trump supporter on Sky said that the media hate DT, never report anything positive and always pick up on a word or phrase to pick over every which way. She didn’t mention the UK press and was referring to the US media, but the 3 stooges in the Sky studio couldn’t retaliate – except once, to bring up again the way he speaks of women.
R4’s Today programme was in triumphalist mood about pardons for those, like Alan Turing, whose proclivities were once illegal. All this seems like an excercise in futility when the justice system is incapable of dealing with living criminals efficiently, let alone dead ones. Carravagio was a murderer and homosexual, should he be put on trial in absentia under today’s laws? As Alan Turing committed suicide, under the law at that time, he committed a crime. Very sensibly, they did not prosecute or pardon dead people then. Unsuccessful suicides or those who assisted suicides, however, could be. So why no pardon for this crime? I suppose you could argue there was no trial or sentencing, but then the whole thing is about the guilt or innocence of the dead. Pardonong someone is just as much a legal process as putting them on trial, both equally futile for the dead. But what about unsuccesful suicides who were prosecuted and jailed? Have they been automatically pardoned dead oe alive after 1961?
Of course, pardoning Turing was not the real point of the lobbying, it was really just another way of putting the “unprogressive” attitudes of a bygone age on trial in absentia to win favours with political clents. As a group, suicides or convicted attempted suicides are not big players in the identity politics game. No leftist will be pushing for “post-mortem justice” for these unfortunate people.
Agreed, ID. These pardons are to me retrospective show-trials for the progressive left. In a way its a form of historical revisionism; of trying to shape the past into how they think it ought to have been, not how it actually was. There must be thousands of people who in the past were convicted of criminal actions which were later legalised. Will they all be pardoned? No, of course not, unless their ‘crime’ (eg, homosexuality) is of interest to those with a vested interest in forcing cultural and social change.
Apologising for what ancestors did – just how far back should you go?
Should something be said for the York massacre of Jews in the 1200s?
Irrational and illogical it can only be worth less than NOTHING.
One wonders, if there are current law changes which effectively would result, nowadays, in the prosecution of offenders, and which some time ago, were not offences at all, whether the police could retrospectively round up, and prosecute all those people who, back then, had committed no crime? It has to work both ways…
No doubt they would be too busy with millions of old “hate” crimes.
A HYS on last night’s final US presidential debate has just been started on the BBC News website if anyone wants to get in early. The article title link is on the main page but the HYS icon isn’t currently visible. An attempt to limit the amount of undesirable comments, perhaps?
Immigrants from primitive societies are going to bring their primitive mind-set with them. It will be interesting to see how the media have to work their little socks off adding increasing amounts of spin to such negative news.
G, Is this a mainstream Swedish channel? I doubt it somehow as it’s now illegal to tell the truth about migrants in Sweden. Poor old Sweden, once the ultimate in civilised liberal progressive living, now fast becoming a third world hellhole. You gotta feel sorry for them. Or at least a bit of Schadenfreude.
Something for the bigots at the BBC to ponder as they prepare to celebrate their side winning the US presidential election
Trump is not a US Conservative. He is especially not a small government Conservative.
Despite ceaseless anti Trump propaganda he is still polling over 40%.
The US is possibly electing a woman leader, but 37 years after the UK Conservatives had a female PM.
After a father & son Presidents we could see husband & wife Presidents. Nepotism anybody?
No living US Republican President supports Trump.
A majority of white US males do support Trump. Identity politics anybody?
HRC is a neo con who supported the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia & Libya and who supports war in Syria and confrontation with Russia.
Radio4 today
11:00 FooC Reminds Polish people used to have to queue for 1 hour in the non-EU queue
They went muckraking for anti Trump stuff in Mexico ..But The top businessman said “Yes we need to keep Mexico’s top talent at home”
12-12:12:15pm Fi Glover doing her bit for StopBrexit2 by highlighting tensions and negatives
“the impact on 3 families and communities where members voted different ways”
Item 2 : feature ONLY 2 Remoaners complaining about rest of their family.
12: 15 : Is the smart meter roll out – dogged by fitting woes and IT problems – turning into a dumb mess ?
4pm More Black Film stuff : Actor and producer David Oyelowo outlines his plans to revolutionize the British film industry and to make films that are genuinely diverse and reflective of the United Kingdom (yes see how this prog is ONLY about black)
Item 2 : organisation based in Hackney which trains that are under-represented in British Cinema
Item 3 : The result of the BFI poll to find the best loved performance by a black star is announced exclusively on the programme.
4:30pm Adam Rutherford will give us his strange view of the Science world : He retweets a lotof sneers against Trump eg : He wrote this “Trump brought Obama’s brother to the debate. He knows what to do next.”
8pm : About road Building our way out of a bad economy
Laura Bicker reporting from Washington – just one of the BBC’s apparent cast of thousands – always ready with an emphatic editorialisation on the news : “There’s absolutely no evidence this election is rigged”. Thanks Laura.
Title of a new-found Noel Coward play? No of course not. Just another virtue-signalling metro elite diversity shout out based on a quick re-write of history.
Lesbianism was never illegal in the UK. Surely this gives an unfair advantage to historical dead lezzers over historical dead gays? I think it should be retrospectively made illegal, and then retrospectively legalised, and all women who were never convicted of a non-existent crime should be pardoned and their descendents given compo for all eternity. Since they were lesbians they may not have had any descendents, so the money should be given to the BBC to promote lesbian awareness. Or something. Perhaps Sandi Toksvigs could get a campaign going?
I get that people will believe what they want to believe but I still can’t get my head around the FACT that Islam is a complete OPPOSITE to Progressive Leftism.
Can anyone explain this?
Gaxvil, this question has been mulled over a lot. The answer seems to boil down to three reasons. 1. The hard left likes any group or ideology which it thinks can be used to dilute or destroy western capitalist culture. Radical Islam is therefore a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend.’ 2. The soft-left feel guilt and cultural self-hatred and therefore embrace Islam as a way of assuaging that guilt and feeling better about themselves. 3. There’s a strong Puritanical streak in much of left-wing politics; liberalised Christianity no longer satisfies this but radical Islam appeals to the old fashioned, strict non-conformist religious sensibilities still latent in British leftism. Theories 1 and 2 I have seen elsewhere but theory 3 is my own so I have not had any back-up of that.
Interesting analysis Cranmer. There’s a thesis waiting to be written on the subject, but not in our universities of course.
I would add to 2): The soft-left (…) embrace Islam as a way of assuaging that guilt and feeling better about themselves, AND FEELING SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE, especially those they sneeringly refer to as ‘little Englanders’, i.e. the majority of decent patriotic Brits who still love their country despite the relentless attacks from beebistan, and virtually the entire so-called intelligentsia, though stupidentsia would be more apt.
3) Yes, it’s quite possible there is a conscious or subconscious dislike of decadent Western ‘values’ or lack of, and – again perhaps unconsciously – an admiration of an ideology with clear-cut values (as clear-cut as a clean beheading), specially now that Marxism / Communism is all-but discredited except in our odious universities and the Church, bless.
Well, I’d like to take my banjo and live in a log cabin in the Appalachians BUT that is just a fantasy. Nice thought but a solid gold fantasy. Does the Left have a problem with reality versus fantasy?
nice to hear someone speak your logic is wrong i refer you to david icke site latest headlines section psychopaths liars and idiots section it lasts 30 minutes then talk to me
It is a first for me to praise Jo Coburn on he Daily Politics but she did well in handling Nick Clegg on his plans to undermine Brexit. Along with a Tory MP she clearly demonstrated that Clegg is trying to make us, the ordinary voter, believe that the EU will make concessions now that we have voted to leave , that they wouldn’t make during Cameron’s renegotiation. These concessions , Clegg claims, are so significant that we will be able to remain in the EU whist meeting the things that 52 percent of people voted for. Clearly this is a new tactic byRemoaner command HQ , they want to frustrate our vote by persuading us that we have got what we wanted. EvenMsCoburn wasn’t buying this pack of lies. I wonder if the BBC attitude has been moderated by the avalanche of criticism they have received owing to their flagrant anti Brexit bias since the referendum. Why else would Jo , a right on BBC leftist, actually play straight on this issue?
I was amused by Clegg’s attack on “populism”. As the ultimate slow-learner, he has not yet worked out why he lost his seat. Could it have been something to do with his lack of popularity amongst his electorate? Of course there is a world of difference between political popularity and populism. Populists use the sneaky and underhand trick of actually taking seriously what the people want . Clegg and others believe that the electorate are intellectual cripples and morally debased because they do not share the proscribed “progressive values” and that they must be saved from themselves by judicious dosages of multiculturalism, the progressive form of Umvolkung. All kinds of white lies have to be told to nudge the new Untermensch onto the path of righteousness.
A lot of shock and horror from Jeremy Vine and callers about Donald Trump saying he wouldn’t accept the result of the presidential election. Just a pity they are not as vociferous and condemning when it comes to those who have not accepted the result of the EU referendum.
Oh dear. Bill Clinton is on tape saying that Al Gore should not accept the result of the Bush-Gore presidential election, and Democrats kept repeating the same message. Oddly, I didn’t hear Naughtie or Sopel mention this.
Let me introduce you to the latest left wing intellectual giant, Naa Acquah, general secretary of Manchester students union.
During a debate on why she despised freedom of speech, the snowflake explained she banned Judie Bindel from speaking at the university because Bindel believed that transgender people were “not entitled to NHS treatment”. Could she perhaps clarify? “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”
Encouraged by the deathly silence that met her inane ramblings, she went onto enlighten us as to how campus debates had directly caused people to kill themselves. Any specific examples? Er, no.
And the title of the debate? Please don’t mock, it was called “Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”
Anyone else worried for the future of this country?
Poor St Hilary Trumps got in for her, the Russians have got it in for her, her compliance in election rigging is trending on you tube and now the BBC are putting the boot in.
Richard PinderMar 17, 16:51 Start the Week 17th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 17, 15:46 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Ireland…. sound familiar? Paddystine
Lucy PevenseyMar 17, 15:28 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Deform UK not dead enough….. Nigel beats the zombie corpse.
AsISeeItMar 17, 15:27 Start the Week 17th March 2025 BBC News posts to You Tube with a classic journalistic ‘despite’ US deports hundreds of Venezuelans to supermax prison despite…
DocmaroonedMar 17, 15:21 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Usual totally out of date garbage from the bBBC. It has been known for years that elite female athletes do…
diggMar 17, 14:37 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Ban elite sport for women? But we would need to ban it for men as well otherwise it won’t be…
Fedup2Mar 17, 14:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 I regularly go into local charidee shops and chat to the volunteers – the antics the Eastern Europeans and coloured…
harry142857Mar 17, 13:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 From Guido – took a lot of pushing ! Mike Amesbury has done a sit down with GB News’ Gloria…
Islam apologists:
‘I cannot hate my wife’s Bataclan killers’
Madonna offers a ‘blow job’ in return for a Hillary vote, adding that she does swallow.
Can this be classified as a bribe or a threat?
Looking forward to BBC interviewing Clinton supporters over this
Video here
Dirty bitch.
Absolute skank in fact
Can you imagine the media shitstorm if a Trump supporter had said this?
Forget for a moment (if you can) that Madonna is a sad old lady desperately clinging on to fame, doesn’t this show just how depraved Democrat supporters are, and how totally biased the MSM is for Hillary Clinton?
I suppose that the BBC can’t question the validity of the claim of someones age, and if the Home Office in their craven incompetence accepts that someone is of a certain age, then they cannot reasonably question it, especially if the story doesn’t concern a false claim of age.
However in this case of Jamal Mahmoud although they quote his age as 21 (yeah right!) and he is (presumably) an asylum seeker / refugee they only say he is of Somali origin.
Reckon this one is 21 ?
David icke site, latest headlines section, psychopaths, liars and idiots section. Someone put thread up.
“A man jailed for manslaughter has won his battle against deportation after judges ruled he was being discriminated against because his parents were unmarried.”
Its time our Home Office and its Home Secretary was ‘sorted out’ Things are going from bad to worse.
Hello Posters,
Is this site getting more contributors ? Where have all the trolls gone ?
Is this a sign of the time ?
There are a lot of disgruntled British Citizens in this country now and the government is still not listening to us.
If after this latest, blatant act of traitory by Al Qaebeeba (regarding the ‘geriatric gimmagrants’ from war torn France), people STILL don’t realise that these disgusting, backstabbing deviants are at war with our way of life….they are complete morons, utterly spineless, or at war with our way of life too
Interestingly, Enda (Edna ?) Brady on Sky related how the photographers when snapping away at the man/child migrants at Croydon made comments like ‘spot the crows feet’, so even the press themselves were hugely sceptical as to the age of these grabbagrants; and Brady also said he expected to see children of primary school age getting off the bus and was more than surprised when he saw the young men.
What made him expect that? No one here did.
Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting on the jailing of 2 men on the murder of a Mullah on the streets of London last April:
UK: Musim Leader who cried foul play on getting arrested, jailed for life for hit on Mullah
No mention of wickileakes and theresa may’s a feminist plus angry looking tory right but silent and vile joke about bone mp’s wife at prime minister’s question time, makes you proud to be british.Daily politics elwood mp waffle waffle no wonder people aren’t interested in politics but you like that don’t you, a dumb society.
“…a dumb society.”
Exactly as planned by Labour 60 years ago with comprehensive state education. Its plan has delivered a dumbed down populace perfectly.
Nice one john and on this site if you don’t get many likes your on to something.Also tonight’s debate a great comment from trump,talking about aleppo & the middle east if she did nothing we’d be in much better shape,the debate system must reform this 2 minutes rubbish on very important questions why not 5 minutes crazy system .Hearing that soros hillary’s sponsor supplies 16 voting machines is the only reason i don’t put my house on donald trump, i and many can smell lies no problem, i hope the people that lack that ability through their genetic make up can trust in me and punish the stupid bookmakers still 9/2 available.Trump’s unwillingness to accept the result regardless gives me more confidence to put more on him.
I’d like to remind journalists that this lying competition will come back to haunt you.
Nothing worse than liars spys collaborators liberals on your own side
Oh by the way sleeping beauties iv’e never lost a political bet.
Neither have l.
Never made one, mind.
Mackers – I admire your confidence as I too have backed DT at 11/2 (currently 4/1). From one punter to another…an interesting hedge with Paddy Power. Hilary to be elected and to resign due to impeachment during her first term at 20/1……So if worse comes to worst, you’ve got a 4 year bet running!!!
king crimson your talking my language deception on this scale produces billionaires my basis for this is written and lost in this avalanche of cover ups on this site , times like this are life changing moments.NO WORRIES CRIMSON THE DONALD KNOWS HIS STUFF IT WON’T COME TO THAT,the best form of defence is attack
Just watching a rerun of the debate and it looked like Clinton was constantly reading from notes but the smug superior look on her face every time trump spoke speaks volumes.
Frankly I think Madonna just tipped it for Hillary. Or Bill. One of the two.
The usual suspects are getting their knickers in a twist over Donald not saying whether he would accept the election result
Just one word….BREXIT
bit of healthy hypocrisy. ….but what did you expect?
‘Just one word….BREXIT’
Just saw your comment after I had the same thought below.
You’re spot on – hypocrisy – it’s what the Left do best.
Seems the BBC can’t accept this result either:
Kelvin MacKenzie Ipso ruling ‘frightening’, says Fatima Manji
It seems like a coordinated effort by the mainstream media including the beeb whining on about Donald not accepting the result. If thats all they have to say about the debate last night then its very telling.
Trump must have won debate last night cos at 10am R4, R5, and Both local radio stations led with “Trump has refused to rule out not accepting the election result”
Remoaners OTOH !!
It’s a great strategy to focus on election being rigged, cos own supporters will be alert and motivated.
And what idiot is going to say “I think a lot of things are suspect in this election, but I am going to accept the result come what may” ?
everyone not just media katie i love you but my god this is obvious, if i agree with you that lord sugar is a l.. r will you speak the truth
‘Madonna just tipped it for Hillary’
I thought the rumour was that Huma Abedin ‘tipped it’ for Hillary.
That would be a blow for Bill in the Oval Office, surely?
f…k me katie are you sure
Who put a bat up Naughties nightie then?
The Gorbals Goebbels was on best splenetic fleck spittled mode. face set to florid.
Thought we`d pensioned the shortbread shyster off last year-but no, off he goes Stateside again on our tab.
And why?
Just so he can point out that the US election now boils down to whether Trump respects women, as opposed to Clinton raping them…and that Trump may not accept the vote on November 8th.
But not one f***in word on why Trump doesn`t trust it all.
Don`t you think that even the lardarse, lazy, lying BBC might give me SOME reasons why “even a Trump” might reckon there`s a fiddle going on.
Thank heavens for the Internet.
Certainly the efforts to inflame, provoke and -yes, cancel-his national rallies this far HAVE been real enough, very sinister and oh-so-lefty, oh so Beeboid.
But -AGAIN_absolutely no effort by the BBC to explain a thing…other than Clintons a woman, worked for a black bloke-and THAT is all the BBC beed you to know.
Call home the Tannock Tinman…useless gobshittin` gobshite….
Thanks for posting this, Carterdaniel. Although this gentleman (I’m not sure of his name) is a little long-winded, I found his video about how the US election is being fought so desperately because the media has realised it cannot control the rise of the alt-right to be very interesting.
BBC female Asian reporter, with a name too long and complex to recall (something similiarly sounding to the phrase: Leftismee-Broadcast Serendipity) in Vegas for a post Trump-Clinton match summary.
It got nasty, apparently. Trump ‘hurled’ insults and Hillary ‘had to defend herself’ (the poor flower). Trump made ‘extraordinary claims’.
What really happened? Well, I won’t rely on the BBC to tell me. I’ll pay my Licence Fee but have to do my own reseach on this.
Oh, by the way, this outrageous Trump threat about not accepting the election result – do the BBC mean this is like the Remainers not accepting the Brexit vote?
Pay the licence fee…..why on earth would you do that?
I point blank refuse to subsidise leftist muslim pc propaganda
So they wont be getting a penny
Thats where the battle against the enemy begins….cut off their funding
It wasn’t Trisha Takinagwa moonlighting then? 😉
grow up were at war
Glenn Campbell for the BBC is fresh from a eulogising laudatory teeing up of a Nicola Sturgeon speech earlier this week but now suddenly remembers political difficulties and a range of opinions as he gives a preamble to a Theresa May/EU summit later.
“Leftismee-Broadcast Serendipity” LOL! thanks AsISeeIt!
There once was a lass called Serendipity,
who happened to hail from Trincomalee,
She made my ears bleed
on the day I took heed
of her view of Trump and her biased commentary
BBC stories based on BBC FOI requests that have to be answered by government agencies never fail to impress.
I am shocked, truly shocked, at this astonishing news. Thank goodness for the hard-edged investigative journalists working for the world’s finest broadcaster. The licence fee is truly a bargain.
My Friday bin day will never be the same again.
And on Socialism Today (Radio 4, 6-9am) today we have……
Thought for the Day. A celebration of that famously impartial film director……errrr……Ken Loach. Plus a trailer for his latest film, a riveting piece about a Disabled man on benefits…….
Immediately followed by an extensive interview with Fatima Manji, who reported on the Nice Massacre last year on C4 …..wearing a hijab !!!! How tasteful. Kelvin Mckenzie had the temerity to criticise this and he was reported to IPSO, the Press Standards people. He was exonerated. Our Fatima was not happy and the bBBC gave her ample opportunity to say so. ‘Useless’ Hussein did the interview, she attempted to ask a few questions but you could tell from the tone of her voice that her heart was not in it. The Muslim sisterhood must after all look after its own.
That would be Mishal ‘not enough dead Israelis’ Husain?
In other news after an Israeli missile lands on a school in Gaza, the BBC send top reporter Rabbi Solly Goldberg in full regalia of white kneesocks, black silk frock coat, enormous fur hat and side curls down to his waist to report on the tragedy. Why on earth would anyone criticise the Beeb for sending him – oy gevalt, they must be racist!
radio chit chat diversions your on the list
Yesterday 2 other Radio 4 progs trailed the SOCIALIST film-makers new housing crisis film
Women’s Hour had the actress
and Front Row had Loach himself
…He just wrote in the Guardian about how biased the BBC is AGAINST socialists. YCMIUCU
I remember the days when the BBC gave someone the right to reply. They have stopped doing that now, but that said, I did not listen to the whole of the Toady programme.
Was McKenzie on later?
Can i hear some back pedaling from those loonyverse virtue signallers?
Not likely
Moving on. Quickly, in some cases.
Hahahaha good find. All of a sudden the virtue signalers can believe the “child” is actually an adult interpreter!!!! Shame they can’t accept he is a fraudulent adult asylum seeker!
Yesterday the over-excitable Norman Smith was hopping up and down with glee at the thought that the PM was being inexerably drawn into the Historic Child Abuse Inquiry fiasco.
This is pure opportunistic grandstanding. This BBC reporter is well nick-named Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith.
Any sensible commentator would recognise that this area is a no-win situation for any government – with some wild conspiracy claims and some greedy lawyers that can never be satisfied.
Add into this the fact that the greatest amount of child abuse that took place with aunthorities turning a blind eye in recent years can never be properly exposed without breaking Politically Correct Multicultural taboo number one…
Well, like I say, it’s a no win situation. Smith is a drama queen and not worth the BBC title Assistant Political Whatever…
I remember at the time of the phone hacking disclosures and Cameron’s loss of Andy Coulson, Norman Smith was busy trying to ‘enmesh’ Cameron, himself, in phone hacking.
Smith seemed to forget that it all took place (and no action was taken) when Blair and Brown were ‘running’ the country.
This opportunistic smearing, AISI, seems to be Smith’s modus operandi.
Pop over to John Redwood’s blog. He writes a diary entry every day and comments about politics, Brexit and world events. It’s usually spot on. Today he’s talking about the bias in the BBC and how everything he listens to from Farming Today onwards seems to have an anti Brexit message. I thought I might point him in this direction for more enlightenment but it seems he hasn’t really the time to check links to other websites – he made a small announcement in one of his blogs. Anyway, can recommend him for a quick read every day.
SV thank you for letting us know about Mr Redwood’s blog. I have seen him on the television and guessed that he was well aware of BBC bias but it’s nice to see it confirmed in writing. I wish he was my MP!
sv good work keep him informed your country needs you
“Theresa May to urge ‘smooth Brexit’ at EU summit”
“A Lords committee warned Parliament could be reduced to a “rubber stamp”.
I hope the Brexiteers in Parliament are keeping an eye on this one ?
Waiting for ‘hard but smooth’, and watching all BBC social media filters explode
if trump don’t win that’s what we get
He! he ! he ! at last ! a Trump supporter on Sky said that the media hate DT, never report anything positive and always pick up on a word or phrase to pick over every which way. She didn’t mention the UK press and was referring to the US media, but the 3 stooges in the Sky studio couldn’t retaliate – except once, to bring up again the way he speaks of women.
The righteous have spoken, silence everybody and kneel before there intelligence. We are not worthy.
katie i want to get back to my retirement and gardening ,get on with it wake up the tory right ok.
Is it just me? Reporting on the destruction of IS seems rather muted.
Killing Islamofascists is racist, islamophobic o what?
R4’s Today programme was in triumphalist mood about pardons for those, like Alan Turing, whose proclivities were once illegal. All this seems like an excercise in futility when the justice system is incapable of dealing with living criminals efficiently, let alone dead ones. Carravagio was a murderer and homosexual, should he be put on trial in absentia under today’s laws? As Alan Turing committed suicide, under the law at that time, he committed a crime. Very sensibly, they did not prosecute or pardon dead people then. Unsuccessful suicides or those who assisted suicides, however, could be. So why no pardon for this crime? I suppose you could argue there was no trial or sentencing, but then the whole thing is about the guilt or innocence of the dead. Pardonong someone is just as much a legal process as putting them on trial, both equally futile for the dead. But what about unsuccesful suicides who were prosecuted and jailed? Have they been automatically pardoned dead oe alive after 1961?
Of course, pardoning Turing was not the real point of the lobbying, it was really just another way of putting the “unprogressive” attitudes of a bygone age on trial in absentia to win favours with political clents. As a group, suicides or convicted attempted suicides are not big players in the identity politics game. No leftist will be pushing for “post-mortem justice” for these unfortunate people.
Agreed, ID. These pardons are to me retrospective show-trials for the progressive left. In a way its a form of historical revisionism; of trying to shape the past into how they think it ought to have been, not how it actually was. There must be thousands of people who in the past were convicted of criminal actions which were later legalised. Will they all be pardoned? No, of course not, unless their ‘crime’ (eg, homosexuality) is of interest to those with a vested interest in forcing cultural and social change.
They’re working up to the big one! A Pardon for Mohammed for what he did to Aisha.
stupidity or collusion from the radio b,,,,,x deceivers, polite conservatism equals neglect
Apologising for what ancestors did – just how far back should you go?
Should something be said for the York massacre of Jews in the 1200s?
Irrational and illogical it can only be worth less than NOTHING.
One wonders, if there are current law changes which effectively would result, nowadays, in the prosecution of offenders, and which some time ago, were not offences at all, whether the police could retrospectively round up, and prosecute all those people who, back then, had committed no crime? It has to work both ways…
No doubt they would be too busy with millions of old “hate” crimes.
Clinton so reminds me of the Alec Baldwin character in the “Team America” movie.
A HYS on last night’s final US presidential debate has just been started on the BBC News website if anyone wants to get in early. The article title link is on the main page but the HYS icon isn’t currently visible. An attempt to limit the amount of undesirable comments, perhaps?
when this silence ends we can get on with being british again, be brave patriots stand up to the criminals
The ‘culturally enriched’ Norwegians and their views of mass third World immigration:
Coming to a City near you in the not too distant future………….
Immigrants from primitive societies are going to bring their primitive mind-set with them. It will be interesting to see how the media have to work their little socks off adding increasing amounts of spin to such negative news.
G, Is this a mainstream Swedish channel? I doubt it somehow as it’s now illegal to tell the truth about migrants in Sweden. Poor old Sweden, once the ultimate in civilised liberal progressive living, now fast becoming a third world hellhole. You gotta feel sorry for them. Or at least a bit of Schadenfreude.
The Debate and Chris Wallis Fox News – that’s impartiality. Take note BBC hacks.
Similarly LBC moderates debates far better than the BBC.
Something for the bigots at the BBC to ponder as they prepare to celebrate their side winning the US presidential election
Trump is not a US Conservative. He is especially not a small government Conservative.
Despite ceaseless anti Trump propaganda he is still polling over 40%.
The US is possibly electing a woman leader, but 37 years after the UK Conservatives had a female PM.
After a father & son Presidents we could see husband & wife Presidents. Nepotism anybody?
No living US Republican President supports Trump.
A majority of white US males do support Trump. Identity politics anybody?
HRC is a neo con who supported the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia & Libya and who supports war in Syria and confrontation with Russia.
this is corruption from elites of both parties around the globe
Radio4 today
11:00 FooC Reminds Polish people used to have to queue for 1 hour in the non-EU queue
They went muckraking for anti Trump stuff in Mexico ..But The top businessman said “Yes we need to keep Mexico’s top talent at home”
12-12:12:15pm Fi Glover doing her bit for StopBrexit2 by highlighting tensions and negatives
“the impact on 3 families and communities where members voted different ways”
Item 2 : feature ONLY 2 Remoaners complaining about rest of their family.
12: 15 : Is the smart meter roll out – dogged by fitting woes and IT problems – turning into a dumb mess ?
4pm More Black Film stuff : Actor and producer David Oyelowo outlines his plans to revolutionize the British film industry and to make films that are genuinely diverse and reflective of the United Kingdom (yes see how this prog is ONLY about black)
Item 2 : organisation based in Hackney which trains that are under-represented in British Cinema
Item 3 : The result of the BFI poll to find the best loved performance by a black star is announced exclusively on the programme.
4:30pm Adam Rutherford will give us his strange view of the Science world : He retweets a lotof sneers against Trump eg : He wrote this “Trump brought Obama’s brother to the debate. He knows what to do next.”
8pm : About road Building our way out of a bad economy
Laura Bicker reporting from Washington – just one of the BBC’s apparent cast of thousands – always ready with an emphatic editorialisation on the news : “There’s absolutely no evidence this election is rigged”. Thanks Laura.
on the list like from dad’s army lol
Gay Pardon
Title of a new-found Noel Coward play? No of course not. Just another virtue-signalling metro elite diversity shout out based on a quick re-write of history.
Lesbianism was never illegal in the UK. Surely this gives an unfair advantage to historical dead lezzers over historical dead gays? I think it should be retrospectively made illegal, and then retrospectively legalised, and all women who were never convicted of a non-existent crime should be pardoned and their descendents given compo for all eternity. Since they were lesbians they may not have had any descendents, so the money should be given to the BBC to promote lesbian awareness. Or something. Perhaps Sandi Toksvigs could get a campaign going?
I get that people will believe what they want to believe but I still can’t get my head around the FACT that Islam is a complete OPPOSITE to Progressive Leftism.
Can anyone explain this?
Gaxvil, this question has been mulled over a lot. The answer seems to boil down to three reasons. 1. The hard left likes any group or ideology which it thinks can be used to dilute or destroy western capitalist culture. Radical Islam is therefore a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend.’ 2. The soft-left feel guilt and cultural self-hatred and therefore embrace Islam as a way of assuaging that guilt and feeling better about themselves. 3. There’s a strong Puritanical streak in much of left-wing politics; liberalised Christianity no longer satisfies this but radical Islam appeals to the old fashioned, strict non-conformist religious sensibilities still latent in British leftism. Theories 1 and 2 I have seen elsewhere but theory 3 is my own so I have not had any back-up of that.
Cranmer, Thank you for that – I still struggle to find the ‘rational’ though I do get your rationale.
Interesting analysis Cranmer. There’s a thesis waiting to be written on the subject, but not in our universities of course.
I would add to 2): The soft-left (…) embrace Islam as a way of assuaging that guilt and feeling better about themselves, AND FEELING SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE, especially those they sneeringly refer to as ‘little Englanders’, i.e. the majority of decent patriotic Brits who still love their country despite the relentless attacks from beebistan, and virtually the entire so-called intelligentsia, though stupidentsia would be more apt.
3) Yes, it’s quite possible there is a conscious or subconscious dislike of decadent Western ‘values’ or lack of, and – again perhaps unconsciously – an admiration of an ideology with clear-cut values (as clear-cut as a clean beheading), specially now that Marxism / Communism is all-but discredited except in our odious universities and the Church, bless.
Well, I’d like to take my banjo and live in a log cabin in the Appalachians BUT that is just a fantasy. Nice thought but a solid gold fantasy. Does the Left have a problem with reality versus fantasy?
well gaxvil my friend i’d like to put the telly on again
they both have the same aim to destroy western democracy led by george soros
The Nazis allied with the Soviets. To overthrow the Shah in Iran the Communists allied with the Islamists. How did that turn out?
nice to hear someone speak your logic is wrong i refer you to david icke site latest headlines section psychopaths liars and idiots section it lasts 30 minutes then talk to me
It is a first for me to praise Jo Coburn on he Daily Politics but she did well in handling Nick Clegg on his plans to undermine Brexit. Along with a Tory MP she clearly demonstrated that Clegg is trying to make us, the ordinary voter, believe that the EU will make concessions now that we have voted to leave , that they wouldn’t make during Cameron’s renegotiation. These concessions , Clegg claims, are so significant that we will be able to remain in the EU whist meeting the things that 52 percent of people voted for. Clearly this is a new tactic byRemoaner command HQ , they want to frustrate our vote by persuading us that we have got what we wanted. EvenMsCoburn wasn’t buying this pack of lies. I wonder if the BBC attitude has been moderated by the avalanche of criticism they have received owing to their flagrant anti Brexit bias since the referendum. Why else would Jo , a right on BBC leftist, actually play straight on this issue?
whatever double b…..x
Interference with a democratic vote and the shit will so hit the fan.
I was amused by Clegg’s attack on “populism”. As the ultimate slow-learner, he has not yet worked out why he lost his seat. Could it have been something to do with his lack of popularity amongst his electorate? Of course there is a world of difference between political popularity and populism. Populists use the sneaky and underhand trick of actually taking seriously what the people want . Clegg and others believe that the electorate are intellectual cripples and morally debased because they do not share the proscribed “progressive values” and that they must be saved from themselves by judicious dosages of multiculturalism, the progressive form of Umvolkung. All kinds of white lies have to be told to nudge the new Untermensch onto the path of righteousness.
A lot of shock and horror from Jeremy Vine and callers about Donald Trump saying he wouldn’t accept the result of the presidential election. Just a pity they are not as vociferous and condemning when it comes to those who have not accepted the result of the EU referendum.
Strange that ?
Oh dear. Bill Clinton is on tape saying that Al Gore should not accept the result of the Bush-Gore presidential election, and Democrats kept repeating the same message. Oddly, I didn’t hear Naughtie or Sopel mention this.
Let me introduce you to the latest left wing intellectual giant, Naa Acquah, general secretary of Manchester students union.
During a debate on why she despised freedom of speech, the snowflake explained she banned Judie Bindel from speaking at the university because Bindel believed that transgender people were “not entitled to NHS treatment”. Could she perhaps clarify? “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”
Encouraged by the deathly silence that met her inane ramblings, she went onto enlighten us as to how campus debates had directly caused people to kill themselves. Any specific examples? Er, no.
And the title of the debate? Please don’t mock, it was called “Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?”
Anyone else worried for the future of this country?
You can witness the same clap-trap from students in America – Kids huh.
another production of british dumb down daft education, a new thread needed important information lost amongst radio chit chat
Her Twitter is here to enjoy
Tweets by NaaAcquah1
when this bullshit’s over the new film, mackers saves the world but only wanted to retire quietly ,make the lead actor a good looking chap
recently became aware of david icke theories coming round to this as milo would say they may be retiles but their our reptiles
honesty would produce the establishment party led by from the sides an ancient reptilian human, no so outlandish when there was once neanderthals
Poor St Hilary Trumps got in for her, the Russians have got it in for her, her compliance in election rigging is trending on you tube and now the BBC are putting the boot in.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer person
reminds me of another carry on film, infamy infamy the’ve all got it infamy. julius caesar carry on film.
cnn ‘s got them bloody experts out again on the u. s. presidential debate
Prepare for shitstorm from the Democrats as panic sets in.
the elites of both parties are going to jail