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- vlad Feb 5, 09:52
Start the Week 3rd February 2025
Presumably the mass killer in Sweden is another Welsh choirboy. Whoever he turns out to be, in just a few… - tomo Feb 5, 09:37
Midweek 5th February 2025
Reform policy initiative? – give the BBC the USAID treatment – eh? (Cutting funding to BBC shouldn’t be confined to… - G Feb 5, 09:23
Midweek 5th February 2025
Maybe, next time round, everybody else should play the same game with Reform bundles of votes. Just to make a… - G Feb 5, 09:19
Midweek 5th February 2025
Z I can’t help but think DJT knows all that. Any basic search of YT will return numerous vids on… - Zephir Feb 5, 09:15
Midweek 5th February 2025
2014 “Scrap ‘on demand’ postal voting to curb fraud, says judge. In January, the Electoral Commission said it was particularly… - Zephir Feb 5, 09:12
Midweek 5th February 2025
2015: Oldham, yes them again… “UKIP to review by-election ‘evidence’ amid fraud claims. UKIP is “reviewing the evidence” before deciding… - Fedup2 Feb 5, 09:02
Midweek 5th February 2025
Today That alon had some trougher who runs the ‘electoral commission ‘- a laugh out load moment – he wants…
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Monthly Archives: October 2016
A Biased BBC reader writes…
“I can’t stand “foreigner bashing” – it’s intellectually and morally lazy, weak and bitter. However, I also can’t stand the current glut of “foreigner bashing the racist Brits” narrative that is spewing from the BBC.
We know the Beeb’s post-Brexit bashing of us bigoted Brits is relentless (they written almost 100 stories on the “rise in post-Brexit hate crime”), including last week’s smear of the British people on Question Time.
This time, the Victoria Derbyshire Show has peddled the fearmongering. “The Poles looking to leave the UK after Brexit,” the headline shrieks. “Incidents of hate crime aimed at the UK’s Polish community increased after the summer’s EU referendum and as a result, some Poles are considering leaving the country.”
We hear of Joanna Kalinowska. She lives in Poole and explains:
“I was talking to my daughter [in Polish], we were joking and laughing. A man passed and said ‘if you are in England you have to talk in English… otherwise you go back to your country’,”.
“I said to that guy, ‘I am talking with my child, so I will talk to my child in my language. And this is also my country, and I have equal rights here’.”
The man, she says, answered in reply: “You don’t have any rights here any more.”
“That was my experience after Brexit,” she says.
…”[Polish people] were prepared to come here, work hard and be normal members of society,” she says. “We are very easy to integrate and we are very pleased to integrate with Brits. But Brits don’t want to integrate with us.”
So the most hideous and horrific example of hate crime is a person allegedly suggesting she should speak English? Even then, she rebuts that by saying she should not have to (I love her “my language” line) and then, despite saying she doesn’t have to speak English to a British person, has the audacity to say it is the British people that don’t integrate. How does that work? I move to your country, don’t speak your language but you are not integrated with me?
Then we have Magda. Bizarrely, Magda does not even claim to have experienced hate crime but instead regurgitates media reports/propaganda. Apparently, that is proof enough though:
“There are so many different nations and skin colours [in the UK] and I’ve never read so many bad stories about them as about Poles. It’s impossible that we Poles are so bad and everybody else is awesome and great. We all are people and you can’t put all the blame on one nation.”
She wheels out the victim narrative even though she is not even a victim. Neither she or the BBC provide a single example of anyone putting “all the blame on one nation” and Poland was never the rationale of the Brexit argument. It is persecution complex of the highest order.
Then there is Pawel, who spent two years in the UK as a cleaner in a hotel (nothing wrong with that job but hardly one you can retire on after just two years) before heading home.
“People were teasing Polish workers… saying they took English people’s jobs. But everyone knew that the English people wouldn’t do the jobs that the Polish people were doing. So in fact no-one was stealing the jobs.
Teasing?! Teasing!! With jokes that people knew were not true?
So, to conclude, the BBC says there is a surge in hate crime purging innocent, morally superior Poles from the UK and back to Poland. And the examples they provide are:
1. A woman who was told she should speak English.
2. A woman who has read some newspaper stories about hate crime.
3. A man who was teased by self-depricating co-worker.
Strange the BBC doesn’t compare the situation in this vile hellhole of racism that we call the UK with that beautiful, pluralist utopia that is Poland and it’s mere two per cent non-Polish citizenry and unblemished history of loving all foreigners.”
Rewriting History
How many times has the BBC tried to paint Leave voters as now regretful about the way they voted? Time and time again the BBC has tried to spin this narrative…all in aid of the campaign to get a second vote….if only these voters now had a second chance as they realise what a mistake they’d made.
The BBC’s ‘Listening Project’ programmes are a continuation of this spin as we either get a programme with more pro-EU voters than Leavers or one with a supposed balance but the Leave voters are all there saying how sad it all now makes them feel….when you get one saying he voted and then noticed all the UKippers were over 70 and looking glum and he realised his mistake as he looked at his fresh young daughter whose hopes were now dashed…have to think we’re being sold something. The BBC says it didn’t editorialise…and yet of course the interviews have been selected and edited for broadcast, and ususally done by a BBC person…so we’re not getting the unadulterated versions, nor the versions that don’t fit the BBC agenda.
Was amused by the 9 year old twins,[9 mins 40 secs] very well spoken and very well coached by their parents expressing their great sadness about the vote…mum’s life was nice and easy coz of the EU, Europe is now the Dark Continent cut off and mysterious, Britons just won’t be able to get there any longer and the twins’ grandparents, in France and Germany, will never see them ever again as Europe is closed forever now….and Brexit will be a terribly hard fact like a jagged mountain that will be very hard to climb whilst the EU is a sunny pasture that is lovely and welcoming for one and all….and children’s futures are blighted for ever. Yep, think the parents have been working hard on that story at bedtime.
Just for the kids…and BBC journos…there’s this from the Spectator:
A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s
Left-wing people in the olden days
Left-wing people used to like working-class people.
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people.
Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
Working-class people do funny things like drinking Monster energy drinks, eating Haribos and watching television. This is funny and the enlightened comedians are helpful because they point at them and laugh, so we know who to laugh at as well. It is very funny and we all laugh because we are enlightened too.
Further reading
In the 1930’s George Orwell wrote about the left-wing people he knew in “The Road to Wigan Pier”. It is very funny.
I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners. In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.
I know it’s not JUST the BBC but the State Broadcaster has fallen in line with the current globalist narrative of demonising Putin and seeking conflict with Russia. Hillary Clinton has given the clear signal that if elected she wants to confront Russia – so much easier on the optics than dealing with radical Islam. The Conservative Government and NATO fall into line and Russia is painted the blackest of the black colours. it’s curious because I remember the time when the comrades at the BBC held a candle for the USSR, but that was then and this is now. So the BBC peaceniks support a war-hungry Clinton who might just cause WW3. Funny old world.
Yesterday was a day of positive economic news for the UK economy. Clearly this does not suit the BBC narrative of post-brexirt vote doom and gloom. So we have the perfunctory acknowledgement that the Government has done well to keep Nissan manufacturing in Sunderland and then …the immediate conspiracy theories as to what “deal” has been given to the Japanese car manufacturer. Behaving like an echo-chamber of an enraged Labour Party, the BBC has been postulating what “sweetheart” deal May may have offered Nissan. Is this the same BBC that damned the Government for NOT offering Port Talbot a sweetheart “deal”? We have the UK performing superbly from an economic point of view with daily positive news and the BBC leads the charge to undermine this. They really ARE ‘enemies of the State”. Pathetic posturing shills for Labour and an affront to robbing us off the TV License tax.
The weekend beckons and so time for a new Open Thread. Here is where you detail the rancid bias.
The forgetful elephant in the room
Oh no!!!! The apocalypse is upon us, recession, mass unemployment, businesses decamping en masse to Europe and concentration camps are being set up across the UK for anyone not quite white enough.
O hang on….wait one…..that’s a load of old bull….a scoop of bull that you heard first on the BBC.
Great disappointment in the corridors of the BBC today as the British economy defies their most hopeful dark predictions of doom and disaster and a return to the 30’s in all its scenarios as the Nazis were predicted to be marching across the British Isles by now after Brexit.
The BBC hasn’t given up the fight though as it does its best to talk down the economic good news and to dismiss the Nissan decision to invest once again in the UK as a ‘dodgy deal’.
This is an interesting BBC take on the news that the economy is still growing…
Brexit supporters will take these figures as a sign that warnings about the economic costs of voting to leave the EU were nothing more than scaremongering. Remain supporters will argue that they were warning about potential damage over a period of several years. They say that only prompt action by the Bank of England saved deeper damage to the economy and that worse is to come.
Remain alarmists were not merely predicting damage over a period of several years, they were predicting instant and ruinous economic armageddon on a Brexit vote. The Treasury, supposedly neutral and ‘expert’, but in fact merely parroting what its Remain boss wanted it to say, predicted a possible -1% figure for GDP in the 3rd Quarter and Osborne et al were predicting instant recession….from Guido…
David Cameron: “The job you do, the home you live in are at risk. The shock to our economy after leaving Europe would tip the country into recession.”
George Osborne: “A vote to leave would tip our economy into year-long recession with at least 500,000 UK jobs lost”
Treasury: “UK economy would fall into recession”, predicted 2016 Q3 growth between -0.1% and -1%
IMF: “Brexit would trigger recession”, predicted -0.3% GDP for Q3
Bank of England: Mark Carney said “It would be likely to have a negative impact in the short term… I certainly think that would increase the risk of recession.”
OECD: Short term impact of -1.25% GDP
Curious how the BBC, so keen to quote those ‘expert’ voices before the referendum, now have suddenly forgotten all that massive scaremongering.
The BBC is eager to try and persuade us that manufacturing and ‘real’ industry outside the Services is struggling and indeed on 5Live as their business reporter travelled around the North talking to businesses we were told that this GDP figure was all down to Services and that manufacturing was slumping. However the interview that followed completely demolished that so-called analysis as the businessman said that business in the area was ‘very vibrant’ and that they were exceptionally busy. He suggested the figures were wrong and out of date and too low and that the alarmism of the ‘experts’ in the run-up to the vote had put a brake on things as confidence took a hit but that was over now…the interview ended rapidly there. Just the norm for BBC business analysis….how many times has the BBC told us businesses were in dire straits only for call after call to say they were not only keeping ther heads above water but that they were thriving?
Listen to any BBC ‘debate’ on Brexit and you will almost certainly hear an attack on Gove for his scepticism about the ‘experts’ who were supposedly doing their professional duty and giving us an accurate and reasoned economic forecast…and yet the truth is he was right…the ‘experts’ were wildly off mark and one reason for that is that they were peddling personal and politicised views dressed as impartial analysis.
Where is the BBC’s take down of these experts? Where was the BBC’s take down of those experts during the run up to the vote? There was none…the BBC fully accepted the ‘experts’ analysis because that’s what the BBC itself wanted to believe and wanted you to believe.
Fraser Nelson in the Spectator does ask the big question….
The question, now, is: why did so many intelligent economic analysts and commentators get it so wrong? How did some of the finest minds in Britain get themselves worked up into such a state that they predicted an immediate recession?
There’s a case for the Treasury, and other economists, to work out what happened here. The behaviour during the Brexit campaign does undermine trust in government. Economic forecasts are supposed to be dispassionate. Today’s publication of the Q3 data might be a good time to ask what went wrong.
The answer is simple….what went wrong was that a hugely powerful group of pro-EU people and institutions were allowed to peddle a massive lie…and the BBC, amongst others, allowed them to do it…not just allowed them to do it but actually participated in spreading the lie, adding to it, spinning it into an untruth so big that they thought no-one could dream of questioning it.
Once again the BBC has willingly allowed itself to be hijacked and used to undermine democracy and do the bidding of the supposed elite, vested interests….so often the ones that the BBC attacks when it is in Labour supporting mode but clearly in desperate times one’s enemy’s enemies are your friends however unpleasant they may be…and the BBC teamed up with nasty Tory politicians, big business and bankers to shore up the corrupt and anti-democratic EU.
The BBC is the real danger to Britain, Democracy, society, culture and our future.
BBC Newsnight last evening was a 15 minute broadcast on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. You can watch it here if you missed it. By way of analysis of the blessed Hillary we had someone from the Huffington Post (pro Clinton) and someone from the New York Times (which last endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate in 1956!!!) Yes, that’s how BBC Newsnight rolls – presstitution care of your license tax. The BBC is just an echo chamber for these left wing bores to agree with themselves and congratulate each other on their group think.
Maybe, Maybe Not
Laugh….not so long ago the Remain partisans [or is that ‘Quislings’ as Nigel Farage might say?] were outing Theresa May as a secret Brexiteer who betrayed poor old Cameron…now, that line having sunk without trace in all reasoned commentary [still on the BBC tho’…where we are still reminded that she may have been ‘lily-livered’ according to Remain snipers] the Left are revealing that she is in fact a double agent bluffing us all as it can be revealed that she is in fact a secret Remainer. Yes. You heard it here first….after it was of course leaked to the Guardian who are making a huge song and dance about it [Why Theresa May’s secret speech really does matter] …or what they think ‘it’ is….They don’t provide a link to the whole recording nor a full transcript….
Exclusive: what Theresa May really thinks about Brexit shown in leaked recording
Theresa May privately warned that companies would leave the UK if the country voted for Brexit during a secret audience with investment bankers a month before the EU referendum.
A recording of her remarks to Goldman Sachs, leaked to the Guardian, reveals she had numerous concerns about Britain leaving the EU. It contrasts with her nuanced public speeches, which dismayed remain campaigners before the vote in June.
The crucial passage reads: “I think being part of a 500-million trading bloc is significant for us. I think, as I was saying to you a little earlier, that one of the issues is that a lot of people will invest here in the UK because it is the UK in Europe.
“If we were not in Europe, I think there would be firms and companies who would be looking to say: do they need to develop a mainland presence rather than a UK presence? So I think there are definite benefits for us in economic terms.”
Trouble is…that’s all so much b******s…it’s nothing she hasn’t said before, about the economy and security, as in this ‘secret’ speech in April….some abridged quotes that illustrate perfectly that she set out clearly her belief that staying in the EU was the way to go……I quote at length on trade to show that it wasn’t just a quick one off ‘political’ statement but a thought through argument in favour of the EU….
Remaining inside the European Union does make us more secure, it does make us more prosperous and it does make us more influential beyond our shores.
So my judgement, as Home Secretary, is that remaining a member of the European Union means we will be more secure from crime and terrorism.
On Trade…
There would be a very real danger that the EU heads in a protectionist direction, which would damage wider international trade and affect for the worse Britain’s future trade with the EU.
So, if we do vote to leave the European Union, we risk bringing the development of the single market to a halt, we risk a loss of investors and businesses to remaining EU member states driven by discriminatory EU policies, and we risk going backwards when it comes to international trade.
So the single market accounts for a huge volume of our trade, but if it is completed – so there are genuinely open markets for all services, the digital economy, energy and finance – we would see a dramatic increase in economic growth, for Britain and the rest of Europe….
As Britain is the leading country in Europe when it comes to the digital economy, that is an enormous opportunity for us all.
These changes will mean greater economic growth in Britain, higher wages in Britain and lower prices for consumers – in Britain. But they will not happen spontaneously and they require British leadership. And that is a crucial point in this referendum: if we leave the EU it is not just that we might not have access to these parts of the single market – these parts of the single market might never be created at all.
The economic case for remaining inside the European Union isn’t therefore just about risk, but about opportunity.
When the European Central Bank said clearing houses dealing in large volumes of euros had to be located in the Eurozone, it could have forced LCH.Clearnet to move its euro business out of London, probably to Paris. That was struck down by the EU’s General Court, but the threat was clear.
If we were not in the European Union, however, no such deal could have been agreed. There would be little we could do to stop discriminatory policies being introduced, and London’s position as the world’s leading financial centre would be in danger. The banks may be unpopular, but this is no small risk: financial services account for more than seven per cent of our economic output, thirteen per cent of our exports, a trade surplus of almost £60 billion – and more than one million British jobs.
What about trade with the rest of the world? It is not realistic to think we could just replace European trade with these new markets. We should be aiming to increase our trade with these markets in addition to the business we win in Europe. Given that British exports in goods and services to countries outside the EU are rising, one can hardly argue that the EU prevents this from happening. Leaving the EU, on the other hand, might make it considerably harder.
That speech disproves both the Remainer’s attacks…that she was a silent, reluctant Remainer and that this new ‘leak’ shows some devastating new information about her….it doesn’t, it merely confirms what she said elsewhere in public. Her ‘secret’ speech doen’t matter one jot…it reveals nothing that we didn’t know already.
The Guardian though is doubling up on its efforts and tells us that it thinks…
The Goldman Sachs tape shows May is not leading on Brexit, but following
Really? May is in fact doing what she was mandated to do by the referendum result as she herself tells us…
To those who claim he was mistaken in calling the referendum, we know there is no finer accolade than to say David Cameron put his trust in the British people.
And trust the people we will. Because Britain is going to leave the European Union.
‘Trusting the people’ eh? She must be having a laugh….Can’t have the great unwashed, ignorant and uneducated plebs having a f******g say can we Tristram and Seumas?
May is following the will of the people and leading by example…whatever her personal thoughts she is going to execute Brexit…others should learn from that honourable stance.
The BBC love to write off Donald Trump’s presidential bid and are openly hostile to everything he says and does. They are entirely in the Clinton back pocket and I find their bias “deplorable” as it means that many who use the BBC as a primary news source here in the UK simply do not realise the depth of the scandals that Hillary is mired in. Instead we get this sort of crap…
Trump faithful undeterred by polls and scandals
Ah bless their redneck hearts, eh BBC? If only they had your metrosexual liberal sophistication and …oh yes…moral bypass.
Listen, the whole Wikileaks exposure of Clinton’s profound corruption is of no interest to the State Broadcaster. It’s all about what some Clinton encouraged woman says Trump said or did to her without any evidence to the contrary some years ago. Meanwhile the Rapist enabling war mongering muslim appeasing Clinton gets a free pass.