BTW the account he is getting customer service from is the PARODY account
The real Weatherspoons is @JDWtweet
..See a lot of the internet is Fake it’s not just BBCNews
– but I did have the same problem yesterday.
– For first 90 mins was OK, but then confirmation page kept coming up 50% of the time. I was on two devices at the same time.
It seems to me that I might be getting close to a monthly per account limit.
I did buy 2 halves in the 6 hours I was there.
The bigoted, fascist, intolerant, hate filled Al Shabeeb are angry… So angry that their webshite resembles their brother in arms ISIS and Al Qaeda’s media output.
The war on everything and everyone they disagree with rolls into a new day…..this time its Breitbart who are once again taking the full arsenal of Al Beebistans attack force. Nothing is beneath Al Shabeeb, no lie is off limits, the war state levels of propaganda is relentless……I genuinely believed we had seen the worst of Al Shabeeb, but it’s war campaign ‘operation destroy those who appose us’ which is morphing into unseen before levels of delusion and detachment from reality, shows that these dangerous, traitorous, and vile human beings will stop at nothing to achieve their own sick and twisted political and social aims…..all paid for by the very people they hate using mafia style extortion.
This paragraph is incredible, taken from a propaganda piece currently being forced on us on Al Shabeebs webshite… Hold onto your chairs folks as this will blow your minds…
“In that respect, Breitbart is distinct from the “fake news” industry that received so much attention after the election. Critics note that its stories might be made up of facts, but spun and deployed hard against its main bugbears – including liberals, refugees (particularly from the Muslim world), and feminism”
Its unbelievable right?!?! Firstly “distinct from the fake news industry that received so much attention”??? The attention is created by you, for complete political and ideological purposes, you lying, devious bastards!!!
But even worse than that..”Critics note that its stories might be made up of facts, but spun and deployed hard against its main bugbears”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I have ever read anything so detached from reality, from having even a fibre of self awareness, from such a place of utter denial, from a parallel of a parallel universe!!!! THAT’S WHAT YOU DO RELENTLESSLY!!! EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!
But enjoy it too Tothepoint.
As Nigel said in 2015, when you`re right over the target is when the fire gets nastiest.
After Brexit, Trump (and even Leicester!)-are we not right over the liberal soft belly now?
AND-within two weeks we have seen more of Milo, more nut scratching about Breitbart that we`ve had in our lifetimes.These private vices and hidey holes of ours for so long seem now to be for the world.
As Owen Jones slithers out from under the toilet door, enter Milo and his zoo crew.
And we were at the gates of history, long before the BBC…
The BBC has been relentless in trying to discredit the right-wing press – the Mail, Telegraph, Fox News and anything to do with the Murdoch empire – mainly through their panel shows and ‘comedy’ programmes, to the point where virtually any mention of the Mail is accompanied by a sneer and a snigger.
Now they are doing it with Breitbart.
Beware of Hacked Off (Common Purpose in disguise) and continuing attempts to enact the authoritarian, censoring remnants of Leveson. The Left will never give up in their quest to shape the UK to fit their undemocratic world view and silence opposing opinions through fear and censorship. Thus far they have had considerable success (out-of-control immigration and the great ‘climate change’ scam probably being the biggest examples) and they are now being more and more brazen about their agenda – the vociferous open borders movement for instance.
We are at a crossroads and need to fight these fascists to the death, else the Great Britain we know and love will be lost forever to a multiculti, energy-rationed, third world, despotic subsidiary of the EU hellhole.
To be honest, until reading it for myself I wondered if you had tweaked the quote a bit. But no, it’s there in black and white. Apparently it’s dreadful that the site doesn’t practice objectivity. Frankly, I prefer a site that’s open about its bias to one that pretends it isn’t biased whilst being partisan.
I was left open-mouthed at this section:
In the UK, following the EU referendum in June, several stories on the site poked holes in a reports which suggested that hate crimes had spiked by 57%.
The cause and effect around current events and hate crimes is complicated and awareness of how to report them boosts statistics. However there was no mention on Breitbart of later analysis by the Home Office which showed a 41% rise in hate crimes after the Brexit vote.
Holes have, of course, been well and truly picked on sites such as this. The reporter doesn’t stop to wonder why the BBC wasn’t interested in poking holes in the 57%. Presumably the same holes exist in the 41%, as both refer to crimes recorded by the police, not convictions, and the reason for the increase in crimes recorded was dealt with in the first story. In fact the reporter unknowingly points out possible reasons by referring to how statistics are boosted, but again isn’t interested in pursuing this, just in reporting something which confirms his objective prejudices.
It’s quite frightening, but also encouraging, to watch the MSM flailing around after Trump’s victory attempting to throw mud at the “right wing” sites and shut down debate through censorship and name-calling. It has the look of a last throw of the dice as they try to wrest back the control they see slipping from their grasp. The danger is that they may yet succeed, though I like to think the genie is out of the bottle and that their increasingly hysterical reactions will open the eyes of many who have previously been unaware of the sick state of journalism.
I honestly couldn’t believe that article when I read it. I can’t ever remember reading anything so politicised and partisan to a specific ideology. The entire article is a political statement and just shows complete contempt and hate towards a group of people. It has zero news and doesn’t allow the reader to take away anything for themselves to come to their own conclusions, as it’s basically a statement from the BBC telling the world “We hate Breitbart and everything it stands for. It’s deplorable, and media organisations like Breitbart and the people who read Breitbart are evil and dangerous”
Usually Al Shabeeb insinuates or implies a position on events through devious and underhand tactics, however this article is a political statement and an act of war/personal attack against Breitbart and everything it stands for.
I have never witnessed anything like it on their webshite and to me it looks like a decision has gone out from the very top that “we are getting beat in the war of information. Do whatever is necessary to win that war”. It looks like the establishment/cartel are fighting back folks and are using the Islamic Al Beeb as it’s propaganda vehicle…Al Shabeeb are definitely not doing this without their backing/encouragement……now more than ever we need Breitbart and media outlets like them
Will not worry Breitbart much. It is US based so can give two fingers to our enforcers.
Reality is the BBC has seen the end of the current MSM and ,although dumb, has at last realised it’s days are numbered.
soon on BBC 1 Sunday Live : Free advertisement for Labour.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, this week called for an end to the politics of “fear and division” following the Brexit campaign here and the American presidential elections. He warned that more integration of communities in the UK is vital for the future – and called for the “building of bridges not walls”.
Nikki Bedi interviews the Mayor and we debate – Is genuine integration achievable in the UK?
(Not if Leftmob like him keep shouting people down and having violent demonstrations.
..”politics of fear”..but that is modern LeftMob ,,they force conformity of thought by INTIMIDATION)
\\The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, this week called for an end to the politics of “fear and division” //
Well that theatre stunt ..was ” “intimidation and division”
Those actors have an opinion (probably not 100% the same) ..and they gave their opinion at the ballot box like everyone else.
They do not have the right to use their platform to harass the Vice President on his night off.
Cos that is intimidation..which causes fear.
“Do what we Leftmob want and you get a night out in peace”
BTW Milo’s Facebook page features a video of Trump supporting flashmob outside the theatre a little later.
Hmmm – I see very little evidence of the Left demonstrating their strap lines: ‘love not hate’ and ‘they go low, we go high’.
So far I’ve seen little but vile vitriol, rage and banality from them.
They won’t take this country without a fight – why did they think they would?
“Donald Trump’s then faltering presidential campaign.”
I didn’t see much evidence of it faltering apart from wishful thinking on the part of the media.
LBC News : Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, praising students rioter in 2012 when the students stormed Tory office tower and one idiot threw a fire extinguisher from the roof. Idiocy that should have been predicted by the organisers. LBC have a video
but the Telegraph reported that story 1 year ago
Did the BBC tell us all that “we raise £46 million” for the Gary Lineker Trustafarian Fund the other night?
Anybody else smell a Roland here?
And chance of them proving this-or are we talking “EU style-accountancy methods” here?
I know NO-ONE who supports it,and quite a few who actively despise it all.
Same here Alicia, I used to see groups of people dressed up touring the pubs collecting, but I haven’t seen that for several years. Something smells distinctly “Grimsby-ish”. (Mind you, that could be me as we Lobsters can whiff a bit!)
Jame McGrory of Open Europe (or is the McStory of Closed Europe?) talking about their video of top leave campaigners having inconsistent views about exiting the single market.
Well worth a watch. His quotes were very old and when he was confronted with the rest of the statement in each case you can see what utter crap he was peddling.
I could not believe this guy just continued his argument despite Neil showing how each of the clips when played through showed that the person actually had a different message to that which this severely bias organisation is trying to claim is true.
I loved the quote at the end when Neil said “many claimed the Leave campaign told lies, well this is a complete lie”.
I am just shocked this guy continued the interview given he was getting killed and looking less and less credible (and he started low in that regards!).
James McGrory showed himself to be a weapons grade tosser. Andrew Neil absolutely destroyed him. A rare piece of truly great TV from the BBC. Just think, if the BBC behaved as it should, ie as stated in its Charter, then we would be treated to this sort of thing on a regular basis. There are plenty of targets out there, some even more stupid than James McGrory if you can believe it possible.
Actually, there was very little wrong with the NHS before the influx/torrent/tsunami of migrants !! Hospitals smelled of antiseptic, nurses looked ‘spotlessly clean’ in their dazzling white uniforms, doctors in their white coats, and even the food wasn’t half bad. Matron ruled with an iron fist and you wouldn’t be thrown out because they needed the bed 3 days after having full replacement hip surgery – as I recently was !!!!! (it would have been earlier but had no-one at home to care for me)
The BBC will never point out to these numbnuts, and therefore to their listeners, that the Australian health service is a hybrid public/private organisation part-funded by medical insurance.
Protect the narrative and keep ’em in the dark, eh, BBC?
You assume that junior doctors went on strike to save the NHS.
It was actually a response to a combination of working conditions, lack of any acknowledgement of problems with the current system and situations we are forced to place patients in.
Many of us are very aware of the hybrid system in Australia and frankly want any system that improves things, both for patients and ourselves.
COI final year registrar, who is currently applying for work in Australia
Peston on Sunday asked ‘pointless’@XanderArmstrong about Post-Truth
..He said well we were told to “trust experts”, but they keep getting everything wrong.
Interesting to see that one Tony BLiar is trying to worm his way back into politics, with the excuse that he didn’t F*** the country up enough last time he was in power!
He apparently regards Theresa May as a ‘lightweight’ and Jeremy Corbyn as a loony.
But he doesn’t tell the real reason why he wants back in, and once you know why then it becomes rather obvious.
There’s a new kid on the block and the Saudi oil rich Sunni Cabal won’t pay two of them. Blair has had his million, probably in excess of £150 and now it the turn of the new boy in recognition of his sterling work promoting the interests of Wahabist Islam.
Just think of what he’s done on behalf of the Sunni’s:
Denying Lee Rigbys murder had anything to do with Islam – when it clearly had everything to do with Islam.
Refusing a referendum on Islam face coverings despite the rest of Europe doing so.
Allowing Anjem Choudary to carry on with his Islamic teaching
Refusing to ban extremist preachers from Britain while banning anyone who criticises Islam
Removing Colonel Qaddafi from power in Libya when he tried to form a rival to the Arab league
Keeping quiet about Islamic terror spreading to Tunisia
Helping in the attempt to remove Al Assad from power when he refused to allow a Qatari gas pipeline to cross the country, preferring the Shia Iranian one instead
Helping the murderous Saudi regime to head the United Nations commission on Human rights (what a sick joke that is)
Closing down an investigation at Saudis request into corruption regarding the Al Yamamah arms deal
In fact there doesn’t appear to be a single occasion when David Cameron said no to his Sunni Masters, and an awful lot he has done for them which is not in the interests of this country in any way.
That kind of behaviour costs money – lots of it, and don’t be surprised to see a very very large increase in the Cameron family fortune.
Another terrific article by Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times (pay-walled).
Reproduced below:-
“Their ‘post-truth’ comfort blanket is all the liberals have left”
I have been thinking about it for a while and have decided that, on balance, I am broadly in favour of this new thing called “post-truth”, much though people cavil against it. It pleases me to think that we have moved beyond the stringent confines of truth and to a sunlit upland, a better place, where truth knows its place.
It was always an overrated virtue, the possession of the shriekingly self-righteous and the obsessive, not to mention John Keats, who was a deeply suspect character and usually out of his box on laudanum. Truth is only beauty if it’s your truth, isn’t it? When it’s somebody else’s truth it can be very ugly indeed, often best not mentioned. Does this dress make my bum look big? No, love, your bum makes your bum look big. The dress is fine. You see what I mean?
Post-truth has been named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries, beating alt-right and whiningdeludedliberalidiot to the coveted No 1 spot. Its definition: “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
Well, OK — that’s Oxford Dictionaries’ truth and far be it from me to gainsay such an authority. Certainly the word has been doing the rounds, migrating from mewling Bremoaners to the muddled and cacophonous anti-Trumpites. I have lost count of the number of people who have informed me, with something approaching pity, that the momentous votes for Brexit and Donald Trump were acquired solely as a consequence of post-truth stuff.
When questioned, they explain — or maybe libsplain, to coin a possible contender for next year’s word of the year — that the votes were won because the bad guys — the Brexiteers and the Trumpers — put out false information, rogue stories, sham stats. And the gullible among us, who get their news from social media sites such as Facebook, believed it all and never bothered to check. I usually ask them if they get their news from social media sites such as Facebook and they look outraged and say no! Of course not! I get my news from Newsnight and The Guardian! Impeccable sources, then. Full of proper, gluten-free truth. While all those who disagree are thick and credulous. So an only slightly more subtle variant of the previous allegation, which is that anyone who voted “leave”, or for Trump, had the IQ of shrubbery, the credulity of Neville Chamberlain and was, to boot, a closet KKK supporter.
And so post-truth has itself become a sort of truth among the disaffected liberal left, an answer to its crisis: why does nobody agree with us any more? Their answer is that people are prone to “post-truth”. The stupid Brexiteers were swayed by that stuff about how much money could be hypothecated to the NHS if we left the EU — a lie, a lie, I tell you! Well, maybe. It was certainly a disingenuous assertion and made me slightly less likely to vote “leave”. The last thing I wanted was for our hard-earned taxes to be swallowed by the ravenous maw of the NHS.
But the liberals ignore other post-truths, far more egregious in their way. George Osborne insisting that financial armageddon was coming, day 1, should we be so dense as to leave the EU. Houses worth nothing, investors fleeing, people out of work, inflation spiralling. House prices have risen (sadly), investment is up, more people are in work than ever and inflation is down. Or David Cameron warning us of actual Armageddon. “War is more likely,” he told us. Yet war is now slightly less likely as a consequence of Trump’s victory and our disentanglement from the anti-Russian EU.
Thank You Thirdoption.
Thanks to this-can now spend on the Sunday Telegraph today, because Red Rod is about the only thing worth reading in the Times,unless Melanie`s in there.
Personall, I boycott all coffeee shops where there`s a Guardian-but seek them out if there`s a Mail or even Express.
This virtue-signalling shopping works both ways, and no-one now asks me for my anti-Guardian rant that I can produce with a manc accent at will.
Sunday Politics. Brillo excoriates arch Remainer McGrory , Head of pro Remain lobby group Open Britain, about a video they have released saying that prominent Leavers really want to stay in the customs union and free market. Brillo shows the video is prime example of spreading false news and that none of the clips in the video actually represent what the Leavers were saying but are all taken out of context and are a gross misrepresentation. I am sure that if Brillo had not been the presenter the interview with McGrory would have been very different and he would have been given a platform by the BBC to spread his false news nationwide. In effect the BBC would have given this false news an endorsement only a few days after the corporation had been saying how dangerous was the spreading of false news and how it may have been responsible for Trumps victory. One rule for the liberal left and another for any who oppose them.
I agree and feel that the research to demolish the Remainers fake news would only have taken place thanks to Brillo. He can be a brute at times but does keep intellectually honest in the face of much criticism. Not being a Twitterer I follow his thread at the following link, admirable
Well, that went well then for Remain, especially at a time of increased sensitivity to ‘fake news’.
Can’t fault Neil/DP and even the BBC here, but opening the Pandora’s Box of editorial integrity involving leading with things that suit and chopping things off when they do not.
Andrew Marr does this morning, as the BBC are wont to do, intersperse political chat with a little celebrity glitter – and no, Ed Balls, this is not about you.
Oh no. Bookended with the shifty and excitable rabble rouser Shadow Chancellor John MacDonnell and the reticent Remainer and patrician real thing Philip Hammond, we have one of BBC man Marr’s favourites, those US caring-sharing-90s rock hipsters REM.
“A very political band” says Marr. Careful, Andy, you’re showing your poker cards there and they’re not looking politically ‘balanced’.
Who would ‘ave thunk it… REM supported Bernie Sanders !
Marr does ask one pertinent question: Given that Holywood and US artists such as themselves were vitually 100% anti-Trump does that not give the ageing rockers some pause for thought?
Oh no, You see Michael Stipe of REM’s opinion is just as valid as a “truck driver’s” and Marr would have a truck driver on the show, wouldn’t he?
Horse feathers he would! And this is the problem. Marr wisely let that question hang in the BBC broadcast dead air.
Of course Marr and the BBC won’t fairly air the opinions of ordinary folks – not when they can book their favourite lefty celebs to spout reliably lefty views.
Used to really enjoy “I`m Sorry, I haven`t a Clue”.
Todays came from Essex, where a Humphrey Lyttleton could have said what he did, and get off scot-free. He was post-political, probably would have hated both sides equally.
Both Tony Hawks and Tim Brook Taylor did nasty little skits on Brexit, disguised under the comedy pretext. Their humour only comes from the one tired side-and is aimed more at themselves feeling better(and getting the next call to appease/appear)than at talking to me.
Getting sick of it. So when we get the usual “Essex Girl” jokes-then I no longer give them the benefit, they`re mocking us all out here. Not funny, not wise either.
Thin-skinned? Maybe.
But also heard the tail end of Any Questions where Nigel Farage gets some nasty personal jibes from some Oirish emigre who writes, as well as Kimberley Quinns ex sadsack…Blunkett.
Can the Left not see what oafs they are? Nigel speaks for us-and their hatred, bile and low personal attacks on him are digging a whole big landfill for them all.
Looks embalmed doesn`t he?
Waxy orange rictus grin, an exemplar of the embalmers art.
Saw the other day that Marcos has been taken out of his embalming bath and is to be probably sent to a freezer in Patak, to be squeezed between the garden peas and the McCain chips.
This news came the same day that 14 year old decided that the ages would want her riddled, miserable self in spare , for perpetuity or until someone unplugs her to charge up the mobile phone.
Mind you -good name for the blubbering lefties re brexit, Trump and -of course-whah`ts soon to come all over Europe.
The Cry On-ics…isn`t that ALL they intend to do, sad tossers.
Journalistic Integrity in the US being preeeety similar to editorial integrity here, I guess.
Still, looks like the BBC may not be as reliable as once thought, so the Remain camp could always hire this chap Jonathan Allen to run their ongoing ‘you didn’t mean it really’ efforts:
Yes, there is a huge and willing audience for a non-partisan, objective, western, freedom and democracy-oriented, well-funded, well researched journalistic news organisation. Unfortunately the BBC has chosen not to be it. Whoever made the decision (and I have to assume it’s high up) to go full-on anti Brexit, anti-Trump, etc., etc., has not only trashed the BBC’s reputation but is putting the BBC and all it’s employees jobs at risk.
Radio4 : everyday this week Letters from America about the election result
Weekdays at 9:45am and after midnight news
(Do they mean “Lefties from America” ?)
“five acclaimed writers” Will it follow the 1 Brexiteer vs 4 Remainiacs traditional R4 Format ?
Why are 4 names secret ?
Mon – Zoe Heller: actually her NYT article shows she knows many Hillary flaws
eg “Clinton herself has a long-standing habit of crying sexism when she wishes to dodge or deflect perfectly legitimate criticisms or questions. “
The beginning of the end, or the beginning of the beginning of the end?
If the conspiracy amongst national broadcaster’s, including the BBC to stifle this sort of news was discontinued and this event became common knowledge, the populations of the countries subject to the invasion would seek retribution on a massive scale – that would immediately have the effect of halting the flow across the Med. As ever, it is only the nationals, the ordinary men and women on the street that has any hope of halting the nonsense of mass migration. It is only a matter of time. The clock ticks on……
The madness goes on and on and on and on. As my post above, some have had enough. When will the Germans have had enough? The democratic process to remove Merkel will be too late before irreversible damage occurs.
Why does the BBC only do hidden cameras and secret recording inside private sector homes and businesses?
What about in a classroom or boardroom at the LSE?
Or inside the Beeb itself?
Sorry I should not have said that.
The BBC to be fair have put cameras in Muslim schools, Mosques, and illegal Sharia courts.
They have produced programs which have shown unacceptable practices which are probably the tip of the iceberg.
Ah, he is coming back now the Chilcott report is safely out of the way. Maybe that’s the reason Chilcott ws told to take his time! If I was in Govt. I’d be suggesting to those rats that seek to prosecute the ex servicemen from Iraq that they would make more money from getting after Bliar.
Al Beeb today appears to be favouring Merkel in the next German elections. They also tell us that the poll ratings give her 55%.
Well, we know how many times the polls got it wrong recently. Having Al Beeb’s support these days appears to be the ‘kiss of death’.
Vote for der Merkel because she will save Germany from the rampaging barbarian. I mean, rampaging Germans, who are rapidly losing there country and are justifiably unhappy.
Taffman, you beat me to it (see below). You even preempted the phrase ‘kiss of death’. Now I’m even more sure we’re going to be the ones laughing on German election night. Can you even imagine the look on Merkel’s face? Urgh!
Question: Give examples of the BBC demonstrating it’s adherence to it’s charter?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………….
And boy, I want that question put because to be forced by law to pay for such a fraud is unacceptable. I did email my MP and the Minister with the BBC brief but sadly I doubt I shall receive a reasonable reply, if any.
“In the words of one public service broadcaster: ‘she’s indispensible'”
That was BBC gal in Berlin Jenny Hill quoting some undisclosed fellow journalistic source on Angela Merkel’s decision to stand for a fourth time as German Chancellor. How interesting that our Jenny’s go to source happens to be a ‘public service broadcaster’.
Isn’t this the old closed shop media echo chamber we’re hearing once again?
Opinion polls rate Merkel at 55% our Jenny happily tells us. ‘Even the opposition Social Democrats want her to be leader’ says our Jenny without a hint of a blush. So not a lot of effective opposition there then? You say Angela is ‘popular among women’ – any warning bells going off yet, Jenny?
All this favourable opinion for Merkel from the elites could just be the kiss of death in this new post-Brexit, post-Trump world.
So go on Jenny, you just keep right on supporting Frau Merkel.
Indispensible… like the EU and like Hillary Clinton.
I’ve long tired of Lady Vampira’s, sorry, Jenny Hill’s biased reports from Berlin. She just produces stock progressive drivel as expected by her editorial masters . No doubt good for her promotion prospects . However she’ll soon need a clothes peg on her nose as she has to report the increasing success of AfD, those terrible ‘populists’.
“those terrible ‘populists’. ”
I was curious to know why Al Beeb and the rest of MSM refer to the term ‘populist’ in a derogatory manner.
So a quick look on line as to its meaning ……
“a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.”
IMHO I believe the “elite” of the media actually believe that the ordinary people and workers of this nation are uneducated and often quote the success of Brexit is due the uneducated voters .
Al Beeb and the media are so out of touch with “ordinary people”, who I add, many of the are very educated .
Breitbart couldn’t buy this level of advertising. The BBC seems unaware that it’s telling all the people who have doubts about its integrity that there is an uncontaminated news source out there.
Those of us who don’t have doubts about BBC integrity – it hasn’t got any – already knew about Breitbart.
I just listened to BBC Tech Tent ..edition about Fake News and Hatespeech
and the example of FakeNews is “One was an opinion poll that put Trump ahead”
..Hangon that would have made it the only polll that called the result right and You BBC call that fake-news !
..and I just thought maybe the BBC were rushing their edit.
The enemy everywhere is populism, so say the BBC. And now our state broadcaster is backing Merkel, the Appeaser’s friend, in the elections. Her main enemies are the populists
‘She suffered an embarrassing regional election defeat earlier this year and is being challenged by the populist right-wing AfD party’.
The Labour Party wouldn’t give their right arm and a leg, or maybe two, to be ‘so-called populist’ and in receipt of a vast ‘so-called populist’ share of the vote?
The BBC are descending into chaos. Even their adoption or choice of ‘labels’ is leading them to future disasters.
A few years ago Countryfile was a fairly serious programme about genuine rural life. It was hideously white, not interested in political correctness and even had an older female presenter . Now all that has been swept aside to conform with the metro orientated BBC view of what the countryside is for or should be .
Tonight we have the house Asian female interviewing an Arabic female in front of a windfarm. It’s about haloumi cheese apparently . What a joke!
My late father , who came from a peasant farming family, in Perthshire was a Desert Rat in WW2. His definition aof an Arab was ” Someone who can make 2 blades of grass grow in the desert, where there used to be 3. “.
Nice one Grant! I don’t think that any member of the British armed forces serving in the middle east before the end of empire had a great respect for Arabs . I think it’s vindicated by the shambles that the region has become . Of course the left will blame western intervention but I strongly believed its Arab/ Muslim culture .
Going back into history it’s the Arab invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire that largely killed off its prosperity. Apparently the Arabs were only interested in goat herding and didn’t maintain the irrigation systems that had underpinned a successful agricultural output for centuries. Back to the blades of grass comment !
EE…… its probably the only time we shall see a non-white person in the countryside !! I don’t think country affairs, rambling/hiking, mountaineering are their ‘thing’. I stand to be corrected if anyone knows of a black farmer in the UK (although I believe there is a brand of black farmer sausages, but don’t know how true that is). The Asian reporter in question lives in a flat in London, and who’d heard of her before her stint on Strictly ?
“although I believe there is a brand of black farmer sausages, but don’t know how true that is”
It was in the back of my mind that he had been a Conservative candidate, so I checked. According to Wiki:
“After leaving school without qualifications, he joined the British Army but was dismissed after a year for poor discipline.
After working in the catering industry Emmanuel-Jones enrolled on a training scheme that led to a job working for Peter Bazalgette on the BBC television series Food and Drink. He later continued to work in television, as a producer and director for 15 years and appeared in the Robert Llewellyn production Carpool on 22 January 2010.
Cameron’s Black Tory, shown on Channel 4 after the General Election on 6 June 2010, filmed Emmanuel-Jones over a four-year period in his bid to become the Conservative Party MP for the nominally Liberal Democrat seat of Chippenham.
Emmanuel-Jones’ television career gave him the capital to buy Higher West Kitcham Farm, on the border of Devon and Cornwall in St Giles on the Heath, Launceston, which he continues to farm. He became known to the locals who helped him initially with farming as “The Black Farmer”, which inspired him to set up the brand of the same name, whose products include awarding-winning sausages, chicken, ham and sauces.
He has since become involved in setting up the Black Farmer Scholarship, which aims to help and encourage ethnic minorities to work in the rural community, an area where to date they have been under-represented. This aim has been made into a Channel 4 TV series, Young Black Farmers, a series of three, which sees him take a group of nine inner-city school leavers from ethnic minorities on a scholarship on his Devon farm.”
As far as I’m concerned, the best butcher in Launceston by far is Philip Warren. I’ve been using them for some time based on quality, not race. I recommend their pork.
I’m nowhere near Launceston so can’t comment on Philip Warren’s pork…but I’m near a Waitrose supermarket and I can testify that those Black Farmer sausages are absolutely delicious. Really very, very good indeed – the best I’ve come across.
As a purely personal choice, I’m not prepared to choose a product which uses race as a marketing ploy.
I ask myself if “The White Farmer” would be acceptable.
I’m tired of black people talking about their colour when even innocent references to it by others tend to attract indiscriminate accusations of racism. I have in mind Paul Gascoigne who, in other respects, I have no particular sympathy for.
Yes but this is France we’re talking about and they’re as pig headed & stupid as they always were.
Their electoral system means that it will be very difficult for Le Pen to win in the second round:
Under the French election system, barring the unlikely possibility one candidate gains an overall majority in the first round vote, the two candidates with the most votes will contest a second and decisive round on 7 May.
Second round opinion polls have consistently given Mr Juppé a significant lead over Ms Le Pen.
Blair, like Hillary is so lucky not to be in gaol. Obama is just plain lucky. Not content with enjoying a sumptuous retirement they want to drag us all down to some dark nether world.
Blair is not lucky not to be in Jail there was absolutely zero chance of Cameron investigating Blair as everything illegal Blair did was at the behest of the Saudi Cababl.
If Cameron had started investigating he would probably have jeapardised his own share of that bounty once he left office, and with a greed merchant like Cameron there was no chance of that !
Blood pressure going the roof ! having to turn off The Pledge (sorry its Sky not Beeb). One gobby Auefa (?) who is never wrong and the dreadful June Sarpongy – (and the point of her is ?) who has the intelligence of a gnat and can only say, yeah yeah yeah.
Couldn’t agree more Brissles.
I keep expecting Nick to explode having to listen to the total crap from the two you mentioned.
Michelle Dewbury is much more sensible but the bias is always 3 lefties against 2 rational people.
If it looks to be getting serious between now and January Obama will pardon her for anything she might have inadvertantly done wrong – on the condition she keeps her mouth shut.
I can’t link to the picture here, but there is a good one going round of Hillary in floods of tears – Bill has just told her that Nelson Mandela wasn’t elected President until he had served 27 years in prison.
Obama tonight in Peru – “The Republicans won the popular vote”.
What’s that? The un-educated vote, the racist vote, the advisory vote, the un-democratic vote? Maybe, that would be the majority vote? Otherwise known as the, Winning Vote.
Such a way with words these Leftists have.
As opposed to the “unpopular vote” eh gaxvil?
This vote is unpopular with the Beautiful People because its “populist”,
This might appear to be “popular”, seeing as we voted for it in a majority.
But it`s not-it` “populist”.
If we were only to consign ourselves to whether Ed Balls is ” Strictly Baking” champeen or not…now HE`S a good vehicle for OUR limits of discerning what “popularity” is.
AS medicated by the BBC and its Beautiful channels of peace and piss.
Could go on-but why?
“Strictly Baking “. Beeboids visit this site. For God’s Sake, don’t give them ideas ! Lefties would not see the irony of most of the BBC’s output being populist.
True grant.
Saw the Godawful and (now) hideously unfunny Frankie Boyle last night and counted his use of the phrase “post truth”…elsewhere I noted “populist”.
Well worth a word count on the coming liberal chip, nip and pin settings for their drones and clones.
“Post Truth”?…that started with Jeremy Isaacs and Channel 4 in 1982-Thatchers biggest cave-in to Third Way thinking that gave the Left the cultural high ground and low places too.
It is amazing how Lefties pick up new words and phrases, flog them to death for a few months or even years, then get tired of them and move on to other ones. I give “Post-truth ” 6-12 months.
Frankie makes me ashamed to be Scots. He is a very nasty, hate-filled piece of work.
As mentioned above, Nick Pisani, a producer who works for the BBC, producing political programs such as Question Time, is now to produce the BBC’s flagship program on Brexit. His tweets demonstrate how committed he was to the Remain campaign – along with his thoughts on those who voted for Trump. (“worst news ever”)
As he was on the boat with Bob Geldof tormenting and preventing the long suffering British fishermen from having a say about the Brexit debate, surely he actually campaigned for Remain. How can such a person be allowed anywhere near the Brexit debate?
As you can see in his twitter feed he is well paid by the BBC. He has a lovely home in Spain, as shown by the picture taken at midnight, which he uses to torment BBC license payers. Maybe he should ask his gardener and pool boy what they feel about the EU, given the 50% unemployment in Spain and the massive house repossessions. Thanks to the euro Spain is poorer now than after the 2008 crash. Still, so long as Mr Pisani can stick his hands deep in tax payers pockets all is well.
The BBC supported Mugabe against Nkomo and have supported him ever since, minimising bad news from Zim. They have never seen a murderous marxist they did not love. Mugabe should be on trial at the ICC for the genocide he committed against the Matabele. Would make a great documentary for the BBC.
They also supported Mugabe (or Ebagum as they say in Yorkshire reverse speak) adainst Muzorewa, Banana, Smith and the other one. That was the chance that Zimbabwe could have become a plurocratic, democratic system but the BBC preferred their murderous marxist.
Its interesting how types like Pisani are so full of themselves (and confident that there will be no sanction) that they can tweet their biased opinions without any obvious sense that it may be inappropriate for someone on the BBC payola to do so, especially someone who makes politically orientated programmes.
DS, I’m a bit sad. I was looking forward to Sarkozy’s official visits to the USA. We’d have had lots of photographs of Melania and Carla. They would have brightened up a cold and wet Monday afternoon.
Is this enough to qualify me as one of the Deplorables?
The BBC are up and running ready for the German elections next year. As a taste of what is to come in increasing intensity and in response to Merkels announcement that she would run again for another term, we are presented with a short feature yesterday. The BBC manage to find three or four, apparently staunch Merkel supporters in Berlin and their interview is quickly followed by a pro-Merkel pollster. Apparently, all’s well for Merkel and the interviewees have no doubt that Merkel and her party will be re-elected. Needless to say, there is no objectivity about the feature. All that follows will be much of the same.
As far as the BBC’s position on any topic is concerned, the licence fee payer need only view/listen to the very first feature on their so-called, “News” to understand their corporate position on that issue.
Not content with backing the wrong horse pretty much since 2006 or so, what with Brexit and Trump, Tories, no regional assemblies or AV,Scotland etc-and having no global influence except with ex-hippy angry brigadeers, as well as corporate blaggers on the publics teat? Seems like the BBC-yet again-will bring defeat street fights and haut-en-bas sneeing impotence to Germany next year.
So-that fabled German system-designed to prevent another Hitler-will head exactly in that direction.
But Hitler had nothing to say-just an angry impotent, faux artiste, all temperament and no talent. Stirring grievance monger in the Bierkellers.
But at least he VISITED the booze boxes, didn`t drive by on a gaily-painted wagon with balloons and diversity covering his nether regions…and not at the Munich taxpayers expense at that time.
And at least he shot Ernst Rohm , didn`t give his TV and radio shows util he dies in his latest kids bunk bed.
My MP has replied to the list of points I raised like someone might shoo away a wasp.
Thank you for your email.
It is vital that our country continues to have a strong and independent BBC. A free press is one of the pillars of a modern democracy. In addition, the BBC World Service helps our country in innumerable ways around the world. I am glad that a recent consultation has found that a majority of the public supports the BBC, and recognises that the BBC is serving its audiences well. Long may that continue.
I shall do what I can to protect the independence and survival of the BBC, properly paid for by a licence fee, and not by advertising – albeit I think that the failure to have a valid television licence should no longer be a criminal offence.
Unless you were complaining that the BBC wasn’t strong, independent and free it looks like he was answering the points he wishes you’d raised, rather than the ones you actually did.
Goebbels would be proud -‘repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth’.
Propaganda does work judging from the disinformed protests.
I reckon the BBC is using the WW2 playbook but this time we are the enemy.
Flicking through freesat I came across the Victoria Deryshire show, Where happy smiley faces tell me Green day have criticised President elect Trump at the American Music Awards. Wow crap washed up “punk” by numbers band criticise Trump bet he really cares. click…..
I don’t know a lot about Trump, although after watching ‘Objectified’ on Fox News, I know a little more. But I reckon he’s not a man you’d want to pis off.
Whatever happened to Madonnas “prelection promise of giving a BJ to everyone who voted for Clinton”?
Yet again, the liberal left caught out lying, not even a free download of “”Hanky Panky”, let alone “Justify My Love”.
Or was it just blokes who`d get the offer…which is sexist I`d have thought?
Another 4 cops shot last night – 2 doing traffic stops, 2 just sitting in their cars.
This has been on going and yet no connection is made between it and 8 years of Obama and Hillary.
You really can fool a lot of the people, a lot of the time.
Yes, it disgusts me how Obama has been race-baiting – stirring up racial hatred of blacks against whites – for eight years, and these racist murders are a direct result of this policy. Of course, with their normal inverted-morality, the left constantly proclaim how Obama is always fighting for freedom and equality.
To the fascist left, a few white cops being killed is irrelevant compared to the importance of their ‘message’ getting complete saturation coverage in the media.
So, according to our peerless news provider, ‘Obama may weigh in on Trump after leaving office’. Apparently it is customary for retiring Presidents to hold their peace and let their successor get on with the job but Barack feels duty bound to break with convention and keep tabs on Donald’s progress.
Strange choice of words though, to say ‘weigh in’ when Obama’s most significant weighty achievement in office has been to give unjustified significance to the pause in public speaking – and I mean that…..ah..(turns head from left full profile to right half profile)…most sincerely…ah….folks.
It is vital that our country continues to have a strong and independent BBC. A free press is one of the pillars of a modern democracy. In addition, the BBC World Service helps our country in innumerable ways around the world. I am glad that a recent consultation has found that a majority of the public supports the BBC, and recognises that the BBC is serving its audiences well. Long may that continue.
I shall do what I can to protect the independence and survival of the BBC, properly paid for by a licence fee, and not by advertising – albeit I think that the failure to have a valid television licence should no longer be a criminal offence.
Thank you for your prompt reply but as an intelligent, educated man your stock response does you little credit.
The BBC may be ‘independent’ which conveys a deal of responsibility. That responsibility should extend, as our ‘National Broadcaster’, to providing, balance and impartiality. Please see the BBC Charter.
We are gleefully told by the BBC Europe (read pro-EU) correspondent Katya Adler that 55% of Germans want Merkel as Chancellor after the next election. Wonder how accurate opinion polls in Germany are? Perhaps as accurate as Katty Kay’s polls which showed Brexit voters are having mass regrets? Whats in a name? Katya Adler…..interesting how how many active, high profile remain apologists either originated outside Britain or have family origins outside Britain. I suspect that they have no buy-in to British history, culture or sovereignty. Yet they are self-appointed to tell Britons what to think and do. Gina Miller nee Singh and B. Geldoff spring to mind but there are so many more.
From Wikipedia on Adler.
“…at the university of Bristol. ..was also president of the political society and started a society magazine.”
She is Jewish although the Wikipedia article does not state this.
What I did not know was that Peston, Kuenssberg and many others frequently excoriated on BBBC for their bias are also Jews, their proportion much larger than the UK population would suggest. Just like Ethnics, Muslims, homosexuals and Commies.
No wonder there is a 100% anti English bias in their reporting
Summary, two completely antagonistic camps in the BBC. Muslim and Jewish. How will that work out?
While researching Adler & Co I discovered the following. From the USA so not totally applicable to the UK.
“Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Note: The first rule and last five (or six, depending on situation) rules are generally not directly within the ability of the traditional disinfo artist to apply. These rules are generally used more directly by those at the leadership, key players, or planning level of the criminal conspiracy or conspiracy to cover up.
1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.
2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the ‘How dare you!’ gambit.
3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such ‘arguable rumors’. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a ‘wild rumor’ from a ‘bunch of kids on the Internet’ which can have no basis in fact.
4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary ‘attack the messenger’ ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as ‘kooks’, ‘right-wing’, ‘liberal’, ‘left-wing’, ‘terrorists’, ‘conspiracy buffs’, ‘radicals’, ‘militia’, ‘racists’, ‘religious fanatics’, ‘sexual deviates’, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough ‘jargon’ and ‘minutia’ to illustrate you are ‘one who knows’, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man — usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with – a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the ‘high road’ and ‘confess’ with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, ‘just isn’t so.’ Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly ‘call for an end to the nonsense’ because you have already ‘done the right thing.’ Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for ‘coming clean’ and ‘owning up’ to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact.
14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can ‘argue’ with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how ‘sensitive they are to criticism.’
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the ‘play dumb’ rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations — as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim.
22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health.
25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.”
Probably another coincidence but of the founders and early high profile disciples of communism, Marx himself, Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman and Leon Trotsky were all Jewish – and all, in one of history’s ultimate ironies, AshkeNAZI Jews, as opposed to the more level-headed and refined Sephardis.
Some facts, that’s facts Re. Geoff Sessions. When a Senator he desegregated schools, ran a boys club in Harlem and got the death penalty for the leader of the KKK.
Again these are facts, not hearsay and not lies so the BBC would not be vaguely interested.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
For now… enjoy…
It’s a fake, btw. But still funny. Especially getting the BBC in too.
BTW the account he is getting customer service from is the PARODY account
The real Weatherspoons is @JDWtweet
..See a lot of the internet is Fake it’s not just BBCNews
– but I did have the same problem yesterday.
– For first 90 mins was OK, but then confirmation page kept coming up 50% of the time. I was on two devices at the same time.
It seems to me that I might be getting close to a monthly per account limit.
I did buy 2 halves in the 6 hours I was there.
“BTW the account he is getting customer service from is the PARODY account”
Yes, indeed. Covered by:
‘It’s a fake, btw. But still funny.’
Yes I was just making it clear that the its the Weatherspoon’s account that is fake not the interaction
The bigoted, fascist, intolerant, hate filled Al Shabeeb are angry… So angry that their webshite resembles their brother in arms ISIS and Al Qaeda’s media output.
The war on everything and everyone they disagree with rolls into a new day…..this time its Breitbart who are once again taking the full arsenal of Al Beebistans attack force. Nothing is beneath Al Shabeeb, no lie is off limits, the war state levels of propaganda is relentless……I genuinely believed we had seen the worst of Al Shabeeb, but it’s war campaign ‘operation destroy those who appose us’ which is morphing into unseen before levels of delusion and detachment from reality, shows that these dangerous, traitorous, and vile human beings will stop at nothing to achieve their own sick and twisted political and social aims…..all paid for by the very people they hate using mafia style extortion.
This paragraph is incredible, taken from a propaganda piece currently being forced on us on Al Shabeebs webshite… Hold onto your chairs folks as this will blow your minds…
“In that respect, Breitbart is distinct from the “fake news” industry that received so much attention after the election. Critics note that its stories might be made up of facts, but spun and deployed hard against its main bugbears – including liberals, refugees (particularly from the Muslim world), and feminism”
Its unbelievable right?!?! Firstly “distinct from the fake news industry that received so much attention”??? The attention is created by you, for complete political and ideological purposes, you lying, devious bastards!!!
But even worse than that..”Critics note that its stories might be made up of facts, but spun and deployed hard against its main bugbears”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I have ever read anything so detached from reality, from having even a fibre of self awareness, from such a place of utter denial, from a parallel of a parallel universe!!!! THAT’S WHAT YOU DO RELENTLESSLY!!! EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!
But enjoy it too Tothepoint.
As Nigel said in 2015, when you`re right over the target is when the fire gets nastiest.
After Brexit, Trump (and even Leicester!)-are we not right over the liberal soft belly now?
AND-within two weeks we have seen more of Milo, more nut scratching about Breitbart that we`ve had in our lifetimes.These private vices and hidey holes of ours for so long seem now to be for the world.
As Owen Jones slithers out from under the toilet door, enter Milo and his zoo crew.
And we were at the gates of history, long before the BBC…
The BBC has been relentless in trying to discredit the right-wing press – the Mail, Telegraph, Fox News and anything to do with the Murdoch empire – mainly through their panel shows and ‘comedy’ programmes, to the point where virtually any mention of the Mail is accompanied by a sneer and a snigger.
Now they are doing it with Breitbart.
Beware of Hacked Off (Common Purpose in disguise) and continuing attempts to enact the authoritarian, censoring remnants of Leveson. The Left will never give up in their quest to shape the UK to fit their undemocratic world view and silence opposing opinions through fear and censorship. Thus far they have had considerable success (out-of-control immigration and the great ‘climate change’ scam probably being the biggest examples) and they are now being more and more brazen about their agenda – the vociferous open borders movement for instance.
We are at a crossroads and need to fight these fascists to the death, else the Great Britain we know and love will be lost forever to a multiculti, energy-rationed, third world, despotic subsidiary of the EU hellhole.
Found what you were referring to here: (“Breitbart: The web that connects Trump and Farage“)
To be honest, until reading it for myself I wondered if you had tweaked the quote a bit. But no, it’s there in black and white. Apparently it’s dreadful that the site doesn’t practice objectivity. Frankly, I prefer a site that’s open about its bias to one that pretends it isn’t biased whilst being partisan.
I was left open-mouthed at this section:
Holes have, of course, been well and truly picked on sites such as this. The reporter doesn’t stop to wonder why the BBC wasn’t interested in poking holes in the 57%. Presumably the same holes exist in the 41%, as both refer to crimes recorded by the police, not convictions, and the reason for the increase in crimes recorded was dealt with in the first story. In fact the reporter unknowingly points out possible reasons by referring to how statistics are boosted, but again isn’t interested in pursuing this, just in reporting something which confirms his objective prejudices.
It’s quite frightening, but also encouraging, to watch the MSM flailing around after Trump’s victory attempting to throw mud at the “right wing” sites and shut down debate through censorship and name-calling. It has the look of a last throw of the dice as they try to wrest back the control they see slipping from their grasp. The danger is that they may yet succeed, though I like to think the genie is out of the bottle and that their increasingly hysterical reactions will open the eyes of many who have previously been unaware of the sick state of journalism.
Great post Roland.
I honestly couldn’t believe that article when I read it. I can’t ever remember reading anything so politicised and partisan to a specific ideology. The entire article is a political statement and just shows complete contempt and hate towards a group of people. It has zero news and doesn’t allow the reader to take away anything for themselves to come to their own conclusions, as it’s basically a statement from the BBC telling the world “We hate Breitbart and everything it stands for. It’s deplorable, and media organisations like Breitbart and the people who read Breitbart are evil and dangerous”
Usually Al Shabeeb insinuates or implies a position on events through devious and underhand tactics, however this article is a political statement and an act of war/personal attack against Breitbart and everything it stands for.
I have never witnessed anything like it on their webshite and to me it looks like a decision has gone out from the very top that “we are getting beat in the war of information. Do whatever is necessary to win that war”. It looks like the establishment/cartel are fighting back folks and are using the Islamic Al Beeb as it’s propaganda vehicle…Al Shabeeb are definitely not doing this without their backing/encouragement……now more than ever we need Breitbart and media outlets like them
Will not worry Breitbart much. It is US based so can give two fingers to our enforcers.
Reality is the BBC has seen the end of the current MSM and ,although dumb, has at last realised it’s days are numbered.
soon on BBC 1 Sunday Live : Free advertisement for Labour.
\\The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, this week called for an end to the politics of “fear and division” //
Well that theatre stunt ..was ” “intimidation and division”
Those actors have an opinion (probably not 100% the same) ..and they gave their opinion at the ballot box like everyone else.
They do not have the right to use their platform to harass the Vice President on his night off.
Cos that is intimidation..which causes fear.
“Do what we Leftmob want and you get a night out in peace”
BTW Milo’s Facebook page features a video of Trump supporting flashmob outside the theatre a little later.
Hmmm – I see very little evidence of the Left demonstrating their strap lines: ‘love not hate’ and ‘they go low, we go high’.
So far I’ve seen little but vile vitriol, rage and banality from them.
They won’t take this country without a fight – why did they think they would?
Very chummy interview
– Called him Sadiq
– Made a point of playing his entire Citizen Khan comedy cameo in full.
As i read somewhere yesterday
Sad IQ Khan
He warned that more integration of communities in the UK is vital for the future…
17:40 radio 4 Profile of Stephen Bannon
– It was aired Friday night but I didn’t listen.
“Donald Trump’s then faltering presidential campaign.”
I didn’t see much evidence of it faltering apart from wishful thinking on the part of the media.
Hmmm, compare and contrast Bannon’s role and political views with those of James Purnell.
And while we’re at it, the shamelessly left-wing Tweets of BBC journos.
‘Pot’ ‘kettle’ and ‘black’ I think, BBC.
As for your website, ‘provocatively’ left wing I’d say.
I like that “the ‘provocatively’ left wing BBC said”
or “the Controversial BBC said”
LBC News : Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, praising students rioter in 2012 when the students stormed Tory office tower and one idiot threw a fire extinguisher from the roof. Idiocy that should have been predicted by the organisers.
LBC have a video
but the Telegraph reported that story 1 year ago
Did the BBC tell us all that “we raise £46 million” for the Gary Lineker Trustafarian Fund the other night?
Anybody else smell a Roland here?
And chance of them proving this-or are we talking “EU style-accountancy methods” here?
I know NO-ONE who supports it,and quite a few who actively despise it all.
Same here Alicia, I used to see groups of people dressed up touring the pubs collecting, but I haven’t seen that for several years. Something smells distinctly “Grimsby-ish”. (Mind you, that could be me as we Lobsters can whiff a bit!)
It wasn’t me!
Credit to Andrew Neil today.
Jame McGrory of Open Europe (or is the McStory of Closed Europe?) talking about their video of top leave campaigners having inconsistent views about exiting the single market.
Well worth a watch. His quotes were very old and when he was confronted with the rest of the statement in each case you can see what utter crap he was peddling.
I could not believe this guy just continued his argument despite Neil showing how each of the clips when played through showed that the person actually had a different message to that which this severely bias organisation is trying to claim is true.
I loved the quote at the end when Neil said “many claimed the Leave campaign told lies, well this is a complete lie”.
I am just shocked this guy continued the interview given he was getting killed and looking less and less credible (and he started low in that regards!).
Agree fair play to Andrew Neil…
Well his think tank is defunct if we leave the EU I guess?
First time I have seen this guy. Thick as shit and full of anger and hate for Andrew. And no sense of humour. Typical Lefty.
James McGrory showed himself to be a weapons grade tosser. Andrew Neil absolutely destroyed him. A rare piece of truly great TV from the BBC. Just think, if the BBC behaved as it should, ie as stated in its Charter, then we would be treated to this sort of thing on a regular basis. There are plenty of targets out there, some even more stupid than James McGrory if you can believe it possible.
Do you have a link to it ?
Here is the link:
The James McGrory comedy slot starts at about 12 mins in.
And for the non licence fee payers ………….
Another comedy slot, this time the wretched Justin Webb getting his hat handed to him by Breitbart’s Joel Pollak.
Webb starts out by being thoroughly rude and unpleasant, so Pollak gives him a 6-minute schooling on manners and factual journalism.
How many people are there living around Heathrow who used to live there before the Airport was there?
BBC4 Thursday 24th Nov – “Black Nurses — The Women Who Saved The NHS”
How silly of me, I’d been under the impression it was the billions of pounds of taxpayers money that gets poured into it each year.
Actually, there was very little wrong with the NHS before the influx/torrent/tsunami of migrants !! Hospitals smelled of antiseptic, nurses looked ‘spotlessly clean’ in their dazzling white uniforms, doctors in their white coats, and even the food wasn’t half bad. Matron ruled with an iron fist and you wouldn’t be thrown out because they needed the bed 3 days after having full replacement hip surgery – as I recently was !!!!! (it would have been earlier but had no-one at home to care for me)
Good post Brissles,
Does the new hip mean you’ll be able to dance like Ed Balls? ?
The way you hear the senior managers and doctors talk about their love for the NHS it makes we wonder why they need such big salaries.
Oh those poor junior doctors.
As opposed to those venal prison officers.
No-me neither, it just is…
‘Save our NHS or we’ll go and work in Australia!’
The BBC will never point out to these numbnuts, and therefore to their listeners, that the Australian health service is a hybrid public/private organisation part-funded by medical insurance.
Protect the narrative and keep ’em in the dark, eh, BBC?
You assume that junior doctors went on strike to save the NHS.
It was actually a response to a combination of working conditions, lack of any acknowledgement of problems with the current system and situations we are forced to place patients in.
Many of us are very aware of the hybrid system in Australia and frankly want any system that improves things, both for patients and ourselves.
COI final year registrar, who is currently applying for work in Australia
Peston on Sunday asked ‘pointless’@XanderArmstrong about Post-Truth
..He said well we were told to “trust experts”, but they keep getting everything wrong.
Interesting to see that one Tony BLiar is trying to worm his way back into politics, with the excuse that he didn’t F*** the country up enough last time he was in power!
He apparently regards Theresa May as a ‘lightweight’ and Jeremy Corbyn as a loony.
But he doesn’t tell the real reason why he wants back in, and once you know why then it becomes rather obvious.
There’s a new kid on the block and the Saudi oil rich Sunni Cabal won’t pay two of them. Blair has had his million, probably in excess of £150 and now it the turn of the new boy in recognition of his sterling work promoting the interests of Wahabist Islam.
Just think of what he’s done on behalf of the Sunni’s:
Denying Lee Rigbys murder had anything to do with Islam – when it clearly had everything to do with Islam.
Refusing a referendum on Islam face coverings despite the rest of Europe doing so.
Allowing Anjem Choudary to carry on with his Islamic teaching
Refusing to ban extremist preachers from Britain while banning anyone who criticises Islam
Removing Colonel Qaddafi from power in Libya when he tried to form a rival to the Arab league
Keeping quiet about Islamic terror spreading to Tunisia
Helping in the attempt to remove Al Assad from power when he refused to allow a Qatari gas pipeline to cross the country, preferring the Shia Iranian one instead
Helping the murderous Saudi regime to head the United Nations commission on Human rights (what a sick joke that is)
Closing down an investigation at Saudis request into corruption regarding the Al Yamamah arms deal
In fact there doesn’t appear to be a single occasion when David Cameron said no to his Sunni Masters, and an awful lot he has done for them which is not in the interests of this country in any way.
That kind of behaviour costs money – lots of it, and don’t be surprised to see a very very large increase in the Cameron family fortune.
Another terrific article by Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times (pay-walled).
Reproduced below:-
“Their ‘post-truth’ comfort blanket is all the liberals have left”
I have been thinking about it for a while and have decided that, on balance, I am broadly in favour of this new thing called “post-truth”, much though people cavil against it. It pleases me to think that we have moved beyond the stringent confines of truth and to a sunlit upland, a better place, where truth knows its place.
It was always an overrated virtue, the possession of the shriekingly self-righteous and the obsessive, not to mention John Keats, who was a deeply suspect character and usually out of his box on laudanum. Truth is only beauty if it’s your truth, isn’t it? When it’s somebody else’s truth it can be very ugly indeed, often best not mentioned. Does this dress make my bum look big? No, love, your bum makes your bum look big. The dress is fine. You see what I mean?
Post-truth has been named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries, beating alt-right and whiningdeludedliberalidiot to the coveted No 1 spot. Its definition: “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
Well, OK — that’s Oxford Dictionaries’ truth and far be it from me to gainsay such an authority. Certainly the word has been doing the rounds, migrating from mewling Bremoaners to the muddled and cacophonous anti-Trumpites. I have lost count of the number of people who have informed me, with something approaching pity, that the momentous votes for Brexit and Donald Trump were acquired solely as a consequence of post-truth stuff.
When questioned, they explain — or maybe libsplain, to coin a possible contender for next year’s word of the year — that the votes were won because the bad guys — the Brexiteers and the Trumpers — put out false information, rogue stories, sham stats. And the gullible among us, who get their news from social media sites such as Facebook, believed it all and never bothered to check. I usually ask them if they get their news from social media sites such as Facebook and they look outraged and say no! Of course not! I get my news from Newsnight and The Guardian! Impeccable sources, then. Full of proper, gluten-free truth. While all those who disagree are thick and credulous. So an only slightly more subtle variant of the previous allegation, which is that anyone who voted “leave”, or for Trump, had the IQ of shrubbery, the credulity of Neville Chamberlain and was, to boot, a closet KKK supporter.
And so post-truth has itself become a sort of truth among the disaffected liberal left, an answer to its crisis: why does nobody agree with us any more? Their answer is that people are prone to “post-truth”. The stupid Brexiteers were swayed by that stuff about how much money could be hypothecated to the NHS if we left the EU — a lie, a lie, I tell you! Well, maybe. It was certainly a disingenuous assertion and made me slightly less likely to vote “leave”. The last thing I wanted was for our hard-earned taxes to be swallowed by the ravenous maw of the NHS.
But the liberals ignore other post-truths, far more egregious in their way. George Osborne insisting that financial armageddon was coming, day 1, should we be so dense as to leave the EU. Houses worth nothing, investors fleeing, people out of work, inflation spiralling. House prices have risen (sadly), investment is up, more people are in work than ever and inflation is down. Or David Cameron warning us of actual Armageddon. “War is more likely,” he told us. Yet war is now slightly less likely as a consequence of Trump’s victory and our disentanglement from the anti-Russian EU.
Excellent from Rod Liddle. Truth is inconvenient, but only to Lefties !
Thank You Thirdoption.
Thanks to this-can now spend on the Sunday Telegraph today, because Red Rod is about the only thing worth reading in the Times,unless Melanie`s in there.
Personall, I boycott all coffeee shops where there`s a Guardian-but seek them out if there`s a Mail or even Express.
This virtue-signalling shopping works both ways, and no-one now asks me for my anti-Guardian rant that I can produce with a manc accent at will.
Sunday Politics. Brillo excoriates arch Remainer McGrory , Head of pro Remain lobby group Open Britain, about a video they have released saying that prominent Leavers really want to stay in the customs union and free market. Brillo shows the video is prime example of spreading false news and that none of the clips in the video actually represent what the Leavers were saying but are all taken out of context and are a gross misrepresentation. I am sure that if Brillo had not been the presenter the interview with McGrory would have been very different and he would have been given a platform by the BBC to spread his false news nationwide. In effect the BBC would have given this false news an endorsement only a few days after the corporation had been saying how dangerous was the spreading of false news and how it may have been responsible for Trumps victory. One rule for the liberal left and another for any who oppose them.
I agree and feel that the research to demolish the Remainers fake news would only have taken place thanks to Brillo. He can be a brute at times but does keep intellectually honest in the face of much criticism. Not being a Twitterer I follow his thread at the following link, admirable
Well, that went well then for Remain, especially at a time of increased sensitivity to ‘fake news’.
Can’t fault Neil/DP and even the BBC here, but opening the Pandora’s Box of editorial integrity involving leading with things that suit and chopping things off when they do not.
TVM, Jason.
And for ‘balance’, of a kind only the BBC can conjure…
Andrew Marr does this morning, as the BBC are wont to do, intersperse political chat with a little celebrity glitter – and no, Ed Balls, this is not about you.
Oh no. Bookended with the shifty and excitable rabble rouser Shadow Chancellor John MacDonnell and the reticent Remainer and patrician real thing Philip Hammond, we have one of BBC man Marr’s favourites, those US caring-sharing-90s rock hipsters REM.
“A very political band” says Marr. Careful, Andy, you’re showing your poker cards there and they’re not looking politically ‘balanced’.
Who would ‘ave thunk it… REM supported Bernie Sanders !
Marr does ask one pertinent question: Given that Holywood and US artists such as themselves were vitually 100% anti-Trump does that not give the ageing rockers some pause for thought?
Oh no, You see Michael Stipe of REM’s opinion is just as valid as a “truck driver’s” and Marr would have a truck driver on the show, wouldn’t he?
Horse feathers he would! And this is the problem. Marr wisely let that question hang in the BBC broadcast dead air.
Of course Marr and the BBC won’t fairly air the opinions of ordinary folks – not when they can book their favourite lefty celebs to spout reliably lefty views.
The succinctness of ‘shifty and excitable rabble-rouser’ deserves a place in BBBC history, ASI. Wish I’d thought of it.
Used to really enjoy “I`m Sorry, I haven`t a Clue”.
Todays came from Essex, where a Humphrey Lyttleton could have said what he did, and get off scot-free. He was post-political, probably would have hated both sides equally.
Both Tony Hawks and Tim Brook Taylor did nasty little skits on Brexit, disguised under the comedy pretext. Their humour only comes from the one tired side-and is aimed more at themselves feeling better(and getting the next call to appease/appear)than at talking to me.
Getting sick of it. So when we get the usual “Essex Girl” jokes-then I no longer give them the benefit, they`re mocking us all out here. Not funny, not wise either.
Thin-skinned? Maybe.
But also heard the tail end of Any Questions where Nigel Farage gets some nasty personal jibes from some Oirish emigre who writes, as well as Kimberley Quinns ex sadsack…Blunkett.
Can the Left not see what oafs they are? Nigel speaks for us-and their hatred, bile and low personal attacks on him are digging a whole big landfill for them all.
ISIHAC looks like becoming another casualty of the BBC’s PC politburo. The clue was when the awful Calman person infiltrated the show.
Be fair, she has a wife and cat to support. She mentions them occasionally.
The photo of Tony Blair in the Sunday Times is very worrying….it’s just wrong….. what’s happened to him?
Looks embalmed doesn`t he?
Waxy orange rictus grin, an exemplar of the embalmers art.
Saw the other day that Marcos has been taken out of his embalming bath and is to be probably sent to a freezer in Patak, to be squeezed between the garden peas and the McCain chips.
This news came the same day that 14 year old decided that the ages would want her riddled, miserable self in spare , for perpetuity or until someone unplugs her to charge up the mobile phone.
Mind you -good name for the blubbering lefties re brexit, Trump and -of course-whah`ts soon to come all over Europe.
The Cry On-ics…isn`t that ALL they intend to do, sad tossers.
Surely that’s Elaine Paige without her wig, isn’t it?
Those eyes have always been a dead giveaway of the character that lurks within.
“What’s happened to him?” I know what ought to happen.
You should see the portrait in his attic.
Hold. The. Front/Home Page..
Peter Kay’s being accused of homophobia
People are angry the comedian made jokes about Judge Rinder during his surprise appearance on Strictly
OMG… he’s been accused by the BBC’s fave group of all: Angry [drumroll] PEOPLE!
That’s his career there toast.
‘Newsbeat has contacted Peter Kay and the BBC for comment – and is waiting for a reply”
Mate… go out with a bang (as it were).
Worth watching, about media bias and how they even admit they’re doing it !
Journalistic Integrity in the US being preeeety similar to editorial integrity here, I guess.
Still, looks like the BBC may not be as reliable as once thought, so the Remain camp could always hire this chap Jonathan Allen to run their ongoing ‘you didn’t mean it really’ efforts:
Fingers on the fade slide now….
ps: there are not enough likes for this post, and this guy. Like, awesome, man.
Yes, there is a lot of nonsense on the internet.
Yes, there is a huge and willing audience for a non-partisan, objective, western, freedom and democracy-oriented, well-funded, well researched journalistic news organisation. Unfortunately the BBC has chosen not to be it. Whoever made the decision (and I have to assume it’s high up) to go full-on anti Brexit, anti-Trump, etc., etc., has not only trashed the BBC’s reputation but is putting the BBC and all it’s employees jobs at risk.
Has there ever been a finer example of Newspeak than ‘post-truth’?
Expect to hear it often on the BBC, typically at the end of a sentence beginning ‘This is what some would refer to as…’
Radio4 : everyday this week Letters from America about the election result
Weekdays at 9:45am and after midnight news
(Do they mean “Lefties from America” ?)
“five acclaimed writers” Will it follow the 1 Brexiteer vs 4 Remainiacs traditional R4 Format ?
Why are 4 names secret ?
Mon – Zoe Heller: actually her NYT article shows she knows many Hillary flaws
eg “Clinton herself has a long-standing habit of crying sexism when she wishes to dodge or deflect perfectly legitimate criticisms or questions. “
The beginning of the end, or the beginning of the beginning of the end?
If the conspiracy amongst national broadcaster’s, including the BBC to stifle this sort of news was discontinued and this event became common knowledge, the populations of the countries subject to the invasion would seek retribution on a massive scale – that would immediately have the effect of halting the flow across the Med. As ever, it is only the nationals, the ordinary men and women on the street that has any hope of halting the nonsense of mass migration. It is only a matter of time. The clock ticks on……
The madness goes on and on and on and on. As my post above, some have had enough. When will the Germans have had enough? The democratic process to remove Merkel will be too late before irreversible damage occurs.
How can Merkel hope to get re elected while doing tricks like this?
Why does the BBC only do hidden cameras and secret recording inside private sector homes and businesses?
What about in a classroom or boardroom at the LSE?
Or inside the Beeb itself?
Sorry I should not have said that.
Ans: BBC Editorial Integrity.
If only Wiki Leaks would give the BBC a little attention – oh my!
The BBC to be fair have put cameras in Muslim schools, Mosques, and illegal Sharia courts.
They have produced programs which have shown unacceptable practices which are probably the tip of the iceberg.
An interesting question someone has raised on a different forum.
Tony BLiar and his 130 strong team are moving to London to lobby against Brexit.
Who is paying for this, because there’s not a chance BLiar is !
Possibly a merchant bank, or more than one. Maybe a certain financier or maybe even the EU itself.
They obviously don’t realise how toxic BLiars brand is in the UK.
He has hired ex Scottish Labour head Jim Murphy “to add political clout” to the new organisation.
These things don’t come cheap, all we need now is sight of Peter Mandelson. It’s like the return of Lord Voldemort all over again !
I don’t generally wish people ill but in Blair’s case will happily make an exception.
Blair is a very nasty piece of work. Very bad person .
This is good news for Brexit.
Blair is toxic.
Jack the Ripper would do less damage.
Ah, he is coming back now the Chilcott report is safely out of the way. Maybe that’s the reason Chilcott ws told to take his time! If I was in Govt. I’d be suggesting to those rats that seek to prosecute the ex servicemen from Iraq that they would make more money from getting after Bliar.
Al Beeb today appears to be favouring Merkel in the next German elections. They also tell us that the poll ratings give her 55%.
Well, we know how many times the polls got it wrong recently. Having Al Beeb’s support these days appears to be the ‘kiss of death’.
Vote for der Merkel because she will save Germany from the rampaging barbarian. I mean, rampaging Germans, who are rapidly losing there country and are justifiably unhappy.
Taffman, you beat me to it (see below). You even preempted the phrase ‘kiss of death’. Now I’m even more sure we’re going to be the ones laughing on German election night. Can you even imagine the look on Merkel’s face? Urgh!
Hell’s Angela.
Or Angela’s Ashes, even ……..
Question: Give examples of the BBC demonstrating it’s adherence to it’s charter?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………….
And boy, I want that question put because to be forced by law to pay for such a fraud is unacceptable. I did email my MP and the Minister with the BBC brief but sadly I doubt I shall receive a reasonable reply, if any.
“In the words of one public service broadcaster: ‘she’s indispensible'”
That was BBC gal in Berlin Jenny Hill quoting some undisclosed fellow journalistic source on Angela Merkel’s decision to stand for a fourth time as German Chancellor. How interesting that our Jenny’s go to source happens to be a ‘public service broadcaster’.
Isn’t this the old closed shop media echo chamber we’re hearing once again?
Opinion polls rate Merkel at 55% our Jenny happily tells us. ‘Even the opposition Social Democrats want her to be leader’ says our Jenny without a hint of a blush. So not a lot of effective opposition there then? You say Angela is ‘popular among women’ – any warning bells going off yet, Jenny?
All this favourable opinion for Merkel from the elites could just be the kiss of death in this new post-Brexit, post-Trump world.
So go on Jenny, you just keep right on supporting Frau Merkel.
Indispensible… like the EU and like Hillary Clinton.
I’ve long tired of Lady Vampira’s, sorry, Jenny Hill’s biased reports from Berlin. She just produces stock progressive drivel as expected by her editorial masters . No doubt good for her promotion prospects . However she’ll soon need a clothes peg on her nose as she has to report the increasing success of AfD, those terrible ‘populists’.
“those terrible ‘populists’. ”
I was curious to know why Al Beeb and the rest of MSM refer to the term ‘populist’ in a derogatory manner.
So a quick look on line as to its meaning ……
“a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.”
IMHO I believe the “elite” of the media actually believe that the ordinary people and workers of this nation are uneducated and often quote the success of Brexit is due the uneducated voters .
Al Beeb and the media are so out of touch with “ordinary people”, who I add, many of the are very educated .
Al Beeb and the media are so out of touch with “ordinary people”, many of whom I add, are very educated.
(Ran out of edit time above !) 🙂
I made the mistake of briefly looking on the BBC news page today and guess what I found? Another article telling us how evil Breitbart are:
BBC daggers are really out for Bannon and Breitbart since Hillary lost…
Breitbart couldn’t buy this level of advertising. The BBC seems unaware that it’s telling all the people who have doubts about its integrity that there is an uncontaminated news source out there.
Those of us who don’t have doubts about BBC integrity – it hasn’t got any – already knew about Breitbart.
I just listened to BBC Tech Tent ..edition about Fake News and Hatespeech
and the example of FakeNews is “One was an opinion poll that put Trump ahead”
..Hangon that would have made it the only polll that called the result right and You BBC call that fake-news !
..and I just thought maybe the BBC were rushing their edit.
The enemy everywhere is populism, so say the BBC. And now our state broadcaster is backing Merkel, the Appeaser’s friend, in the elections. Her main enemies are the populists
‘She suffered an embarrassing regional election defeat earlier this year and is being challenged by the populist right-wing AfD party’.
BBC photo
WTF does THIS have to do with the IMPARTIAL,FAIR and BALANCED (See Charter) BBC?
“embarrassing ” . LOL !!
The Labour Party wouldn’t give their right arm and a leg, or maybe two, to be ‘so-called populist’ and in receipt of a vast ‘so-called populist’ share of the vote?
The BBC are descending into chaos. Even their adoption or choice of ‘labels’ is leading them to future disasters.
A few years ago Countryfile was a fairly serious programme about genuine rural life. It was hideously white, not interested in political correctness and even had an older female presenter . Now all that has been swept aside to conform with the metro orientated BBC view of what the countryside is for or should be .
Tonight we have the house Asian female interviewing an Arabic female in front of a windfarm. It’s about haloumi cheese apparently . What a joke!
My late father , who came from a peasant farming family, in Perthshire was a Desert Rat in WW2. His definition aof an Arab was ” Someone who can make 2 blades of grass grow in the desert, where there used to be 3. “.
Nice one Grant! I don’t think that any member of the British armed forces serving in the middle east before the end of empire had a great respect for Arabs . I think it’s vindicated by the shambles that the region has become . Of course the left will blame western intervention but I strongly believed its Arab/ Muslim culture .
Going back into history it’s the Arab invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire that largely killed off its prosperity. Apparently the Arabs were only interested in goat herding and didn’t maintain the irrigation systems that had underpinned a successful agricultural output for centuries. Back to the blades of grass comment !
Yes ! And not just herding the goats…………… !!!
But, Beeboids love their Arab boys , so that is ok
EE…… its probably the only time we shall see a non-white person in the countryside !! I don’t think country affairs, rambling/hiking, mountaineering are their ‘thing’. I stand to be corrected if anyone knows of a black farmer in the UK (although I believe there is a brand of black farmer sausages, but don’t know how true that is). The Asian reporter in question lives in a flat in London, and who’d heard of her before her stint on Strictly ?
“although I believe there is a brand of black farmer sausages, but don’t know how true that is”
It was in the back of my mind that he had been a Conservative candidate, so I checked. According to Wiki:
“After leaving school without qualifications, he joined the British Army but was dismissed after a year for poor discipline.
After working in the catering industry Emmanuel-Jones enrolled on a training scheme that led to a job working for Peter Bazalgette on the BBC television series Food and Drink. He later continued to work in television, as a producer and director for 15 years and appeared in the Robert Llewellyn production Carpool on 22 January 2010.
Cameron’s Black Tory, shown on Channel 4 after the General Election on 6 June 2010, filmed Emmanuel-Jones over a four-year period in his bid to become the Conservative Party MP for the nominally Liberal Democrat seat of Chippenham.
Emmanuel-Jones’ television career gave him the capital to buy Higher West Kitcham Farm, on the border of Devon and Cornwall in St Giles on the Heath, Launceston, which he continues to farm. He became known to the locals who helped him initially with farming as “The Black Farmer”, which inspired him to set up the brand of the same name, whose products include awarding-winning sausages, chicken, ham and sauces.
He has since become involved in setting up the Black Farmer Scholarship, which aims to help and encourage ethnic minorities to work in the rural community, an area where to date they have been under-represented. This aim has been made into a Channel 4 TV series, Young Black Farmers, a series of three, which sees him take a group of nine inner-city school leavers from ethnic minorities on a scholarship on his Devon farm.”
As far as I’m concerned, the best butcher in Launceston by far is Philip Warren. I’ve been using them for some time based on quality, not race. I recommend their pork.
I’m nowhere near Launceston so can’t comment on Philip Warren’s pork…but I’m near a Waitrose supermarket and I can testify that those Black Farmer sausages are absolutely delicious. Really very, very good indeed – the best I’ve come across.
But they’re not halal! You infidel!!!
As a purely personal choice, I’m not prepared to choose a product which uses race as a marketing ploy.
I ask myself if “The White Farmer” would be acceptable.
I’m tired of black people talking about their colour when even innocent references to it by others tend to attract indiscriminate accusations of racism. I have in mind Paul Gascoigne who, in other respects, I have no particular sympathy for.
… and there are too many off lead dogs in the countryside 😉
He’s a great bloke – he has his own site…
The poor old lefty-greenies don’t like the truth, and like it up ’em, even less!
Marc Morano – He’s a great bloke – he has his own site…
That’s funny, I thought most of ’em did like it up ’em ?
Le Pen!! Hooray!!
Hollande! Booooo!! Versus Trump – Hooray!!
Trump must be shitting himself !
Yes but this is France we’re talking about and they’re as pig headed & stupid as they always were.
Their electoral system means that it will be very difficult for Le Pen to win in the second round:
Under the French election system, barring the unlikely possibility one candidate gains an overall majority in the first round vote, the two candidates with the most votes will contest a second and decisive round on 7 May.
Second round opinion polls have consistently given Mr Juppé a significant lead over Ms Le Pen.
Blair, like Hillary is so lucky not to be in gaol. Obama is just plain lucky. Not content with enjoying a sumptuous retirement they want to drag us all down to some dark nether world.
Blair is not lucky not to be in Jail there was absolutely zero chance of Cameron investigating Blair as everything illegal Blair did was at the behest of the Saudi Cababl.
If Cameron had started investigating he would probably have jeapardised his own share of that bounty once he left office, and with a greed merchant like Cameron there was no chance of that !
Not content with “post truth” news reporting, in Michael Macintyre and Frankie Boyle the BBC are also promoting “post humour” stand up.
Blood pressure going the roof ! having to turn off The Pledge (sorry its Sky not Beeb). One gobby Auefa (?) who is never wrong and the dreadful June Sarpongy – (and the point of her is ?) who has the intelligence of a gnat and can only say, yeah yeah yeah.
Rant over.
Couldn’t agree more Brissles.
I keep expecting Nick to explode having to listen to the total crap from the two you mentioned.
Michelle Dewbury is much more sensible but the bias is always 3 lefties against 2 rational people.
Brissels I agree but Rachel Johnson is just as bad … patronising leftie looking down her long nose.
BBC faces a bias backlash as producer who joined Bob Geldof’s pro-EU ‘luvvies’ flotilla is to head up a flagship Brexit show
The BBC is like Hillary – literally boat loads of evidence – but no one with the will to do anything about for reasons of expedience.
Just a thought.
Had the Remoaners won, would the BBC have championed the Brexit supporters?
And if not, why not?
Have the BBC considered this. Clinton could still be arrested. Her boss was Obama. Could she implicate Obama to save her skin?
A lot is going to happen over the next six months. There will be a new head of the FBI appointed by Trump.
Very interesting times ahead.
If it looks to be getting serious between now and January Obama will pardon her for anything she might have inadvertantly done wrong – on the condition she keeps her mouth shut.
I can’t link to the picture here, but there is a good one going round of Hillary in floods of tears – Bill has just told her that Nelson Mandela wasn’t elected President until he had served 27 years in prison.
Obama tonight in Peru – “The Republicans won the popular vote”.
What’s that? The un-educated vote, the racist vote, the advisory vote, the un-democratic vote? Maybe, that would be the majority vote? Otherwise known as the, Winning Vote.
Such a way with words these Leftists have.
If the ‘liberalists’ have their way there will be ban on uneducated, racist, UKIP and right wing voters.
As opposed to the “unpopular vote” eh gaxvil?
This vote is unpopular with the Beautiful People because its “populist”,
This might appear to be “popular”, seeing as we voted for it in a majority.
But it`s not-it` “populist”.
If we were only to consign ourselves to whether Ed Balls is ” Strictly Baking” champeen or not…now HE`S a good vehicle for OUR limits of discerning what “popularity” is.
AS medicated by the BBC and its Beautiful channels of peace and piss.
Could go on-but why?
“Strictly Baking “. Beeboids visit this site. For God’s Sake, don’t give them ideas ! Lefties would not see the irony of most of the BBC’s output being populist.
True grant.
Saw the Godawful and (now) hideously unfunny Frankie Boyle last night and counted his use of the phrase “post truth”…elsewhere I noted “populist”.
Well worth a word count on the coming liberal chip, nip and pin settings for their drones and clones.
“Post Truth”?…that started with Jeremy Isaacs and Channel 4 in 1982-Thatchers biggest cave-in to Third Way thinking that gave the Left the cultural high ground and low places too.
It is amazing how Lefties pick up new words and phrases, flog them to death for a few months or even years, then get tired of them and move on to other ones. I give “Post-truth ” 6-12 months.
Frankie makes me ashamed to be Scots. He is a very nasty, hate-filled piece of work.
As mentioned above, Nick Pisani, a producer who works for the BBC, producing political programs such as Question Time, is now to produce the BBC’s flagship program on Brexit. His tweets demonstrate how committed he was to the Remain campaign – along with his thoughts on those who voted for Trump. (“worst news ever”)
As he was on the boat with Bob Geldof tormenting and preventing the long suffering British fishermen from having a say about the Brexit debate, surely he actually campaigned for Remain. How can such a person be allowed anywhere near the Brexit debate?
As you can see in his twitter feed he is well paid by the BBC. He has a lovely home in Spain, as shown by the picture taken at midnight, which he uses to torment BBC license payers. Maybe he should ask his gardener and pool boy what they feel about the EU, given the 50% unemployment in Spain and the massive house repossessions. Thanks to the euro Spain is poorer now than after the 2008 crash. Still, so long as Mr Pisani can stick his hands deep in tax payers pockets all is well.
his tweets:
“The BBC – Robert Mugabe’s Favourite Broadcaster”
The BBC supported Mugabe against Nkomo and have supported him ever since, minimising bad news from Zim. They have never seen a murderous marxist they did not love. Mugabe should be on trial at the ICC for the genocide he committed against the Matabele. Would make a great documentary for the BBC.
They also supported Mugabe (or Ebagum as they say in Yorkshire reverse speak) adainst Muzorewa, Banana, Smith and the other one. That was the chance that Zimbabwe could have become a plurocratic, democratic system but the BBC preferred their murderous marxist.
Scum of the earth. Pisani, I mean, not you !
Its interesting how types like Pisani are so full of themselves (and confident that there will be no sanction) that they can tweet their biased opinions without any obvious sense that it may be inappropriate for someone on the BBC payola to do so, especially someone who makes politically orientated programmes.
Views my own only
For an editor he’s not too up on redundancy.
(Oh dear, how sad, never mind).
BBC Online News:
“”France centre-right primary: Ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy knocked out””
DS, I’m a bit sad. I was looking forward to Sarkozy’s official visits to the USA. We’d have had lots of photographs of Melania and Carla. They would have brightened up a cold and wet Monday afternoon.
Is this enough to qualify me as one of the Deplorables?
The BBC are up and running ready for the German elections next year. As a taste of what is to come in increasing intensity and in response to Merkels announcement that she would run again for another term, we are presented with a short feature yesterday. The BBC manage to find three or four, apparently staunch Merkel supporters in Berlin and their interview is quickly followed by a pro-Merkel pollster. Apparently, all’s well for Merkel and the interviewees have no doubt that Merkel and her party will be re-elected. Needless to say, there is no objectivity about the feature. All that follows will be much of the same.
As far as the BBC’s position on any topic is concerned, the licence fee payer need only view/listen to the very first feature on their so-called, “News” to understand their corporate position on that issue.
Lets hope the pro Merkel pollster is as accurate as those who said we would remain in Europe and Clinton would be the next POTUS.
But just to be on the safe side, maybe Eddie Izzard could campaign for Merks.
Maybe dressed as Merkel?
Have you ever seen them together????
Not content with backing the wrong horse pretty much since 2006 or so, what with Brexit and Trump, Tories, no regional assemblies or AV,Scotland etc-and having no global influence except with ex-hippy angry brigadeers, as well as corporate blaggers on the publics teat? Seems like the BBC-yet again-will bring defeat street fights and haut-en-bas sneeing impotence to Germany next year.
So-that fabled German system-designed to prevent another Hitler-will head exactly in that direction.
But Hitler had nothing to say-just an angry impotent, faux artiste, all temperament and no talent. Stirring grievance monger in the Bierkellers.
But at least he VISITED the booze boxes, didn`t drive by on a gaily-painted wagon with balloons and diversity covering his nether regions…and not at the Munich taxpayers expense at that time.
And at least he shot Ernst Rohm , didn`t give his TV and radio shows util he dies in his latest kids bunk bed.
Unspeakable that the BBC should be so pro Merkel. Like Scotland I’m sure they’d like Merkel to rule here and have us sent for, ‘re-education’.
On past evidence, the BBC should be encouraged to throw their full, biased support behind her
My MP has replied to the list of points I raised like someone might shoo away a wasp.
Thank you for your email.
It is vital that our country continues to have a strong and independent BBC. A free press is one of the pillars of a modern democracy. In addition, the BBC World Service helps our country in innumerable ways around the world. I am glad that a recent consultation has found that a majority of the public supports the BBC, and recognises that the BBC is serving its audiences well. Long may that continue.
I shall do what I can to protect the independence and survival of the BBC, properly paid for by a licence fee, and not by advertising – albeit I think that the failure to have a valid television licence should no longer be a criminal offence.
Can I suggest that if you have specific complaints about news content that you look here
Said MP may like to ponder how the power of the secret ballot still operates worldwide
You may point out to your robotic MP that any complaints to the BBC are swatted away like someone shooing a wasp.
He knows.
Unless you were complaining that the BBC wasn’t strong, independent and free it looks like he was answering the points he wishes you’d raised, rather than the ones you actually did.
Goebbels would be proud -‘repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth’.
Propaganda does work judging from the disinformed protests.
I reckon the BBC is using the WW2 playbook but this time we are the enemy.
Flicking through freesat I came across the Victoria Deryshire show, Where happy smiley faces tell me Green day have criticised President elect Trump at the American Music Awards. Wow crap washed up “punk” by numbers band criticise Trump bet he really cares. click…..
Can you imagine a how protests a fraction of this kind would have gone down before Obama had even set foot in the WH?
Greenday’s only song of note was “American Idiot” which was an attack on Bush. Once mindless left-wingers always mindless left-wingers.
I don’t know a lot about Trump, although after watching ‘Objectified’ on Fox News, I know a little more. But I reckon he’s not a man you’d want to pis off.
Whatever happened to Madonnas “prelection promise of giving a BJ to everyone who voted for Clinton”?
Yet again, the liberal left caught out lying, not even a free download of “”Hanky Panky”, let alone “Justify My Love”.
Or was it just blokes who`d get the offer…which is sexist I`d have thought?
Very insulting to men and ooh, those gappy front teeth.
Madge is an equal opportunity good sport, so likely her offer was to all comers, as it were.
Though her background may have rendered the applicant list a small one.
Another 4 cops shot last night – 2 doing traffic stops, 2 just sitting in their cars.
This has been on going and yet no connection is made between it and 8 years of Obama and Hillary.
You really can fool a lot of the people, a lot of the time.
Can’t see it on the BBC website but we do have water cannon used on Dakota protestors and who will dress the first family ?
Yes, it disgusts me how Obama has been race-baiting – stirring up racial hatred of blacks against whites – for eight years, and these racist murders are a direct result of this policy. Of course, with their normal inverted-morality, the left constantly proclaim how Obama is always fighting for freedom and equality.
To the fascist left, a few white cops being killed is irrelevant compared to the importance of their ‘message’ getting complete saturation coverage in the media.
So, according to our peerless news provider, ‘Obama may weigh in on Trump after leaving office’. Apparently it is customary for retiring Presidents to hold their peace and let their successor get on with the job but Barack feels duty bound to break with convention and keep tabs on Donald’s progress.
Strange choice of words though, to say ‘weigh in’ when Obama’s most significant weighty achievement in office has been to give unjustified significance to the pause in public speaking – and I mean that…..ah..(turns head from left full profile to right half profile)…most sincerely…ah….folks.
With luck he will present Donald Trump with a series of his famous lines in the sand, daily.
It is vital that our country continues to have a strong and independent BBC. A free press is one of the pillars of a modern democracy. In addition, the BBC World Service helps our country in innumerable ways around the world. I am glad that a recent consultation has found that a majority of the public supports the BBC, and recognises that the BBC is serving its audiences well. Long may that continue.
I shall do what I can to protect the independence and survival of the BBC, properly paid for by a licence fee, and not by advertising – albeit I think that the failure to have a valid television licence should no longer be a criminal offence.
Thank you for your prompt reply but as an intelligent, educated man your stock response does you little credit.
The BBC may be ‘independent’ which conveys a deal of responsibility. That responsibility should extend, as our ‘National Broadcaster’, to providing, balance and impartiality. Please see the BBC Charter.
Gaxvil, I presume he/she is either Labour or LibDem? Ask if he/she has taken a IQ test recently.
Rob Marris – Labour, male. IQ questionable.
Gaxvil, no joking! Well, blow me down with a feather!
Meanwhile, I see the BBC is not on this list:
We are gleefully told by the BBC Europe (read pro-EU) correspondent Katya Adler that 55% of Germans want Merkel as Chancellor after the next election. Wonder how accurate opinion polls in Germany are? Perhaps as accurate as Katty Kay’s polls which showed Brexit voters are having mass regrets? Whats in a name? Katya Adler…..interesting how how many active, high profile remain apologists either originated outside Britain or have family origins outside Britain. I suspect that they have no buy-in to British history, culture or sovereignty. Yet they are self-appointed to tell Britons what to think and do. Gina Miller nee Singh and B. Geldoff spring to mind but there are so many more.
From Wikipedia on Adler.
“…at the university of Bristol. ..was also president of the political society and started a society magazine.”
She is Jewish although the Wikipedia article does not state this.
What I did not know was that Peston, Kuenssberg and many others frequently excoriated on BBBC for their bias are also Jews, their proportion much larger than the UK population would suggest. Just like Ethnics, Muslims, homosexuals and Commies.
No wonder there is a 100% anti English bias in their reporting
Summary, two completely antagonistic camps in the BBC. Muslim and Jewish. How will that work out?
While researching Adler & Co I discovered the following. From the USA so not totally applicable to the UK.
“Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Note: The first rule and last five (or six, depending on situation) rules are generally not directly within the ability of the traditional disinfo artist to apply. These rules are generally used more directly by those at the leadership, key players, or planning level of the criminal conspiracy or conspiracy to cover up.
1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.
2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the ‘How dare you!’ gambit.
3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such ‘arguable rumors’. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a ‘wild rumor’ from a ‘bunch of kids on the Internet’ which can have no basis in fact.
4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary ‘attack the messenger’ ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as ‘kooks’, ‘right-wing’, ‘liberal’, ‘left-wing’, ‘terrorists’, ‘conspiracy buffs’, ‘radicals’, ‘militia’, ‘racists’, ‘religious fanatics’, ‘sexual deviates’, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough ‘jargon’ and ‘minutia’ to illustrate you are ‘one who knows’, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man — usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with – a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the ‘high road’ and ‘confess’ with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, ‘just isn’t so.’ Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly ‘call for an end to the nonsense’ because you have already ‘done the right thing.’ Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for ‘coming clean’ and ‘owning up’ to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact.
14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can ‘argue’ with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how ‘sensitive they are to criticism.’
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the ‘play dumb’ rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations — as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim.
22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health.
25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.”
Probably another coincidence but of the founders and early high profile disciples of communism, Marx himself, Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman and Leon Trotsky were all Jewish – and all, in one of history’s ultimate ironies, AshkeNAZI Jews, as opposed to the more level-headed and refined Sephardis.
Adler has never been the same since her family home was blown up in “Where Eagles Dare”.
I always think that there is something eyrie about her ….
Some facts, that’s facts Re. Geoff Sessions. When a Senator he desegregated schools, ran a boys club in Harlem and got the death penalty for the leader of the KKK.
Again these are facts, not hearsay and not lies so the BBC would not be vaguely interested.