Ladies on the Breakfast sofa skillfully avoiding any mention of the France’s Republican presidential primary victor Francois Fillon. La la la la la it’s not happening la la la la la I can’t hear you….
The BBC have put themselves in a bind. Having decided that the French socialists can’t win, they have bigged up the French conservatives as an antidote to the French nationalists. Now they are stuck with backing a real conservative French conservative, not the pretend one they were expecting. Joy 🙂
No Segolene Royall-no Sarkozy?
Oh dear, the BBC won`t like this one bit!
You know something-whenever I think that we trawled the dregs of human form when we put the likes of Clegg, Farron, Ainsworth,Prescott,Hunhe, Hoon…Yeo,Gummer and Soubry into political life…I think of Hollande getting soaked on the way to the Elysee looking like Peter Glaze…and think…well, shit though our lot are…no, actually Hollande is equally merde too!
You have a little list. Hollande and Peter Glaze. You are showing your age now. One was a towering politician, the other a superficial TV personality. I know who I would vote for.
How is the apple harvest this year down your way ?
Rhubarb wine now Grant!
Imagine it`s all going well still-wise with the golden nectar up there for Hogmanay etc…rest of us have to watch bloody Jools Holland and His “Big Band” sober!
The poor little darlings, their world is falling apart around their sensitive little ears. Already reeling from mourning the passing of Castro now the French have started voting incorrectly. I suggest they go and find a safe space somewhere and comfort each other.
Talking of Castro, a line I heard more than once on the BBC’s fawning coverage was that he had outlasted 10 US presidents. That was because he was so popular he just kept getting re-elected again and again. Oh, wait a minute…
By the by, oddballs like this are permanently declaring the Cuban health service as being second to none. Well to a certain extent they are half right, that’s if you’re the right sort of patient.
The Cuban health service is three tiered.
The first tier is almost exclusively for foreigners with a high profile. No expense spared, but then again the recipient is billed for the health care. And the bill is invariably massively inflated. Think BUPA on steroids.
The second tier is free and of a slightly lower standard and reserved exclusively for the leadership and apparatchiks.
Tier three is for the common Cuban. They are expected to bring their own bed linen. Their families are expected to provide their food and drugs. They are accommodated in squalid wards with little or no proper medical care.
Of course Baden would never mention any of this. Most disturbing of Baden’s comments was the slur on the ‘Ladies in White’, making the outrageous inference that these women are stooges of the US.
Sometimes I think that dangerous fools like Baden should be euthenised to free up oxygen for someone more deserving.
TPO, whilst I have been “floating” around the periphery of this forum for a while, and have learned so much, I had to finally join and reply to your post. Maybe you could also learn something that way.
I have been going to Cuba for well over a decade now, and as a qualified rescue diver I met a diving instructor over there. My family and I became good friends with him and his family, eating at his house, diving a lot, and he was even the stand in best man when my wife and I renewed our vows at a little church over there.
Anyway, that is the background, so here is the reason for the reply. Your post does not equate to my own, and my friends experience at all. Not long after we finished a holiday in Cuba in 2007, I lost touch with my friend. However, when we returned this year I found him and caught up. Turns out he fell ill a few months after we had left. Even though he was quite young, about 36 at the time, he had developed a nasty lymphoma in his intestine. He was diagnosed within a couple of weeks, and operated on within 2 months. He had a large amount of intestine removed, and the remaining intestine re-joined. After recovering he was monitored carefully and they found secondary cancers in his intestinal system, so back for another operation, more intestine removed, re-joined etc. 4 years ago, they found another cancer, so he was in for an operation within 1 month, and unfortunately this time they could not re-join the intestine, so he is left with a stoma and a bag.
The Cuban medical system not only saved his life each time, but they also provided regular monitoring, and he is now on daily medication, medical supplies for the stoma/bag etc., as well as being given specialist support to be able to continue being a diving instructor.
None of this was funded for, or provided, by his family. It was all provided by the state. He is a simple diving instructor. Yes, it is a fantastic job if you like the ocean, but as any diving instructor will tell you, the pay is awful. He has no links to the leadership, and lives in a house where he shares the one bedroom with his wife and daughter. Aside from that room they have one room which is a kitchen/lounge, so hardly wealthy.
Contrast this to my mother, who after losing nearly half of her body weight, and pleading with multiple local doctors to get her admitted to hospital because of the pain she was in, finally got a date for a scan, which at that point was a further 2 months away. Apparently that was the earliest available machine time. As a family we knew she needed something sooner, so we clubbed together and paid for a private consultant, who after a 10 minute consultation asked if she could attend a scan the next day. His secretary said there were 13 machines available on the next day within a 10 mile radius, and did we have a preference. We chose the first one, took her, and later that day she was called back to go straight into hospital. All of that organised by the private consultant. She was operated on the next day, and whilst in the recovery room the surgeon told us that she was lucky as if she had waited another 3-4 days, she would probably have been dead as her intestine was completely obstructed. Yes, you have guessed it, she also had lymphoma, and received a similar operation the one my friend in Cuba had.
My point is, if she/we had waited for the NHS, she would be dead. Oh, and she would have died in an extremely weak state in severe pain. We had to pay for treatment before her issue was recognised and only then was she then treated. (Hopefully successfully.) My friend however, was diagnosed promptly, treated brilliantly, and receives on-going support, medication etc. All of that without him or his family paying a Cuban Peso.
So, whilst I apologise for the length of the post, especially as it is my first one, however I felt it better to explain why I thought that your post, whilst entertaining, is simply not true.
On Saturday and Sunday, SJ, I found myself listening to BBC Radio Soviet-era Four and noting subtle changes going on throughout each day. 7-9am, 1pm, 6pm 10pm News all appeared to have subtle variations.
I like to think there was a total state of panic in BH with Producers & Editors in a flap over whether the correct tone had been set and their (idea of) ‘balance’ had been, well … correctly balanced. Hence all the subtle re-writes.
Perhaps there was?
Serves them right.
The life boat called ‘Integrity’ is jumbled upside down in tangled lines and davits on the good ship BBC. It has no oars, essential survival kit and supplies are spilling out and there is a three foot wide hole in the bottom.
The dominant left leaning sections of the MSM response to Fillons victory in the primary is to correctly label him centre right. They long since labelled Le Pen far right. Yet Le Pens policies on all issues other Islam and immigration are very left wing, much much more so than Fillon , who is a Thatcherite .Clearly for the MSM a parties position on Migration and Islam is the key determinant of where to place them on the political spectrum, social policies such as wages, taxes, retirement, health cover , public investment are very much subordinate in the eyes of the likes of the BBC , Guardian etc. I think Fillons tThatcherite policies will be hard to sell in France and his victory yesterday is a boost to Le Pen who should pick up more left wing votes. The BBC will have an interesting dilemma, support a Thatcherite or support some who will stand up to Islam and smash the EU. Of course they will back Fillon as Islam trumps all and he isn’t as anti Islam as Le Pen. But it is a sign of the times that the socialists in France are dead in the water. Unlike the BBC et al the people resent mass immigration and increasingly the EU and globalisation and are looking for politicians who share that view. Politically Things are on the move but the BBC is stuck in the days of liberal left supremacy.
The good news for the UK is that regardless of which candidate wins the French election next year , they will be on the same page re the EU as the UK , much more so than the weak Hollande has been. Le Pen would finish the EU , Fillon would cut it down to size a bit. Just another good reason why our PM should not start serious negotiations until after Mays election when Brexit will have friend in the Elysee
I can a only agree DT, sure sign of the BBC choosing the lesser evil in this Fillons.vs.LePen fight that they call him Right wing with some anti immigration policies. First time in ages I heard the word Right Wing, I thought the BBC only had Far Right in their vocabulary.
Your final paragraph is based on a noble premise DT but one which relies rather heavily on French probity – a reliance which, both in past and recent history, has not proved to be the wisest course for the UK.
All I am saying is that whatever the outcome of the French election the new President will be less hostile to the UK than the current incumbent. Le Pen will be very supportive of the UK and very anti EU. Fillon will be less friendly to the UK than Le Pen will be ,but less hostile than Hollande is, therefore it makes sense to wait until after the French election to begin serious negotiations. It is also important to recognise that the new French president will not be a puppy dog of Brussels like Hollande is , and so we should aim to speak to France directly not via Brussels. The same goes for any other nation who is willing to break ranks from the Brussels federalist elite and discuss things bilaterally.
Quite right DT, I take your point – and concede that my comment, while valid, seems pretentiously pompous. Unintentional, but my apologies all the same.
No need to apologise. After all historically the French aren’t known for their unstinting support of the UK but let’s hope that both countries interests are more closely aligned after their election.
BBc breakfast the bias remains the same. “An increase in alleged hate crimes” shouldn’t that be an alleged increase in hate crimes.
Nico Rosberg “does enough” to win the F1 world championship. Why not just Nico Rosberg wins the F1 world championship?
I feel your pain. Formula 1 has endured a perfectly linear downward trend for the past 2 or 3 decades. People have been so bemused with the sport that they have failed to see that it has become a non-event. The pinnacle of the Abu Dhabi race was that Hamilton tried to circumvent his own team’s dominance that had been achieved by big money (something that F1 said they would deal with and summarily failed in epic style) ) how funny is it that bernie ecclescake said there is too much money in formula 1 while bobbing up and down in the Caribbean on one of his yachts?
The whole thing is a farce. Most people tune into it because they have not much else to do sunday lunchtime
Dave666, “An increase in alleged hate crimes” speaks volumes and is probably accurate (believe it or not from the BBC!). I think the “alleged” means the majority of hate crimes registered which DID NOT include the so-called ‘victim’s’ name, address and other details when registering. There is is an option not to volunteer this information. Clearly, the Police cannot pursue the, “increase” when there is no victim so convinced of a crime having taken place that they leave their details for the Police to follow up. I’ll bet that there is a collection of Muslim charities that have devoted their staff to live online and register thousands of ‘hate crimes’ but not to register a victim. As another subscriber to this blog refers to: ‘Simples’!
Where are the facts ? how many convictions ? Is a ‘hate crime’ just a P.C. offence made up by the P.C. brigade ie Al Beeb and MSM, to add to the Anti Brexit Propaganda ?
They underestimate the intelligence of the people.
Is this a ‘Hate Crime’ or a terrorist offence? ………….
The whole thing is a bloody joke.
I accidentally saw the trailer to this ‘documentary’ .
The good news is that I now know when the programme is on, so I can make absolutely sure I don’t watch a single nanosecond of it
BBC TV news this morning employ that favourite passive voice formulation “…bombs went off…” to describe the IRA’s Birmingham pub bombings.
Presumably the BBC acknowledge by this careful wording that the war is over – forgive and forget and all that. So how come the BBC is so keen to rake this over again?
The lawyers looking for their pay day put up a very emphatic relative of the victims for what was billed as an interview with the BBC but turned into a prolonged harrange from this woman.
Not that we don’t have sympathy for the victims but this item contained so many attacks on the Government and vague claims of ‘something to hide’ that a less informed or younger viewer might be forgiven for concluding that our own Government had perpetrated this atrocity against innocent civilians.
Given that the Blair administration issued hundreds of secret get-out-of-jail-free letters to IRA men there’s next to zero chance that guilty men will ever be prosecuted.
Already the best case possible at the time was brought against the so-called Birmingham Six – they got off – don’t ask me, I still think the Winslow Boy was guilty (there’s one for the teenagers).
Reopening this case is nothing but a job creation scheme for greedy lawyers and mawkish journalists looking to create a story.
I disagree. The Birmingham families deserve justice in the form of a proper inquest and, if necessary an inquiry into the events surrounding the pub bombings.
The IRA have for a while now, been allowed, unchallenged, to present themselves as part of a global “liberation movement”…(they were involved in Castros sob fest over the weekend) or “partners in peace” as Blair and co. would have it.
And apart from the justice perspective, politically, light shed on the IRAs activities in the 1970s is light shed on their sympathisers and propagandists of old…Corbyn, Mc Donnell and Livingstone being a few of them.
I also disagree. I think the woman who delivered the “prolonged harrange”, if we’re talking about the same person, gave a good account of herself.
She was comparing the treatment of the IRA bomb victims with others who’ve received legal aid. She was demanding equal treatment which, IMO, is fair.
The argument that all past injustices should be treated as water under the bridge is reasonable, but it is simply not happening, and I don’t see why we should start moving in that direction with IRA victims. We could instead have made a start by drawing a line under the following:
Stephen Lawrence
Alleged crimes by British soldiers in hostile territory
Alleged racism in the 1950s and 1960s
Bloody Sunday
The creation of the State of Israel
The Irish potato famine
The Bengal Famine
Mr Caplan, some of the guilt-trip topics you left off your list were…
Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserves (‘Black and Tans’) in Ireland c.1920.
Amritsar massacre
Internment of Congress supporters in India, 1920s and 30s.
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo
Mau Mau rebellion, Kenya, British response to
Prosecution of homosexuals, 1880s-1960s
Imprisonment of suffragettes
No Blacks no Dogs no Irish signs on houses, 1950s
Anything to do with Roma gypsies or Irish travellers
Single mothers being made to have babies instead of abortions pre 1960s
Womens’ struggle to be accepted into (insert name of job/institution etc)
‘Hippy Convoy’ protests 1980s/90s/Poll Tax riots
Indian Mutiny, treatment of mutineers by British, causes leading up to
“Already the best case possible at the time was brought against the so-called Birmingham Six”
It’s a minor point, but the best evidence wasn’t used. It would have to have been shared with the defense and that would have disclosed too much information to the terrorists.
The dilema is always either to disclose the information and secure a conviction, or don’t disclose and so still be able to prevent future attrocities. The usual priority is to protect the living rather than secure justice for the dead.
“Growing hostility to the media, Turkey holds BBC reporter and it was the last dance for Balls”
There, but for a missing comma, go I. Made me laugh.
I also cannot fathom why there should be hostility to a cadre of thick, lying activists masquerading as journalists, trying to rig policy and engineer society to fit their twisted minority visions.
“….a cadre of thick, lying activists masquerading as journalists, trying to rig policy and engineer society to fit their twisted minority visions.”
Hey! Guest Who, you cannot refer to the BBC’s preponderance of Muslim reporters that way. Shame on you.
Ask Geert Wilders whether your reference can be deemed a, ‘Hate Crime’ in view of lesser statements made by him in relation to simply halting the flow of Moroccan’s has been.
I don’t watch Strictly Come Dancing but BBC news feels the need to keep me up to date. Anyway I hear Ed Balls has finally been knocked out after taxing our patience for weeks. Question: was this the decision of the BBC judges or was it just that the mischievious voting public finally got enough of the joke?
I am reminded of BBC old codger John Sergeant who after weeks of the public messing with BBC heads eventually took one for the team and voluntarily resigned from the show to save corporate blushes.
The BBC don’t actually like public votes, do they?
BREAKING NEWS – Ed Balls claims public vote was only advisory, and a full recount must take place. If the result is still wrong, this will go to the High Court.
Can I make a claim?
I am sufferring severe PTSD after Ed Balls left Strictly.
I so wanted him to win, and so showcase the utter banality and hollowness of the Far Left, and to rub the biased BBC’s noses in democratic voting.
Think George Galloway jumped that particular shark of where the Left have ended up in 2007.
The Left and their shark rape eh? Gerry Healys and PIE apologists to a trans….
Friends! Apologies for my absence, which was a result of my Hard-Right girlfriend viciously making me go on holiday with her, which meant I had very little time on the internet. Nevertheless, I managed to – literally – write a few Tweets, as captured here:
Bet you`ve just returned from Cuba SOL.
What`s the keyword before we storm the citadels…disability scooters revving up and about to go…?
Welcome Home Proud Patriot…if YOU HAVE returned from Cuba, expect some itching powder for a beard in the post soon!
Total apoplexy in the bBBC newsroom.
The French presidential election is likely to be between a Right winger who is a big fan of Maggie T, and Le Pen of the FN !!!!!!
Talk about caught on Norton’s fork. Who the hell are the bBBC going to support? Ha ha ha.
I suppose, true to form, they could always demand a re-run of the primaries or demand a change in rules to ensure the ‘correct’ decision is ultimately taken.
Still, good fun in the meantime.
If I’m not mistaken, the BBC are reaching a crescendo of obsessive anti-Brexit campaigning. Admittedly, we, supporters and advocates for Brexit have been set up. In my view it is a combination of May’s dithering and Cameron’s flawed EU Referendum Act 2015 which has allowed all-in-sundry Remoaner dead/alive miscreants to continue their mischief and to start making their own agenda. In the absence of control at the top, it can only be expected. This is what happens in the classroom when teacher fails to control the pupils. What with the able assistance of the heavily biased BBC anxious to support any hurdles put in the Governments way, I have a strong suspicion that the whole Brexit debacle is set to lurch into the sand within the next couple of years. Indeed, Farron, interviewed on the BBC’s Today programme in respect of the Polish premiere’s visit, told us that we will be entering an accord with them for ‘mutual defence’. Surely, this is part way toward the EU Army the communist dictators in Europe want to create as enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty?
On the other hand, if ‘Dave’ had some real deep down integrity and guts, he would have listened to the gracious Brexiteers in his Party, stayed on and written a letter to Brussels on the Monday following the vote.
Up2snuff, its the way the Act was worded. Having looked at it only just recently, the deficiencies (mainly in loose wording) are quickly spotted. Hence, the loose wording exploitation via a plethora of legal challenges.
Giving guarantees to Poland ? We cannot fulfill them and never could. 1939 should have taught us that.
Yet more window dressing from a bankrupt Western foreign policy .
More evidence that fantasy rule here as much as in Brussels.
Conservatives can claim to be the champions of equality as liberals rush to embrace the divisiveness of identity politics
– The student union at King’s College London will field a team in University Challenge that contains at least 50 per cent “self-defining women, trans or non-binary students”. The only bad thing Ken Livingstone could bring himself to say about the brutal dictator Fidel Castro was that “initially he wasn’t very good on lesbian and gay rights”. The first page of Hillary Clinton’s campaign website (still up) has links to “African Americans for Hillary, Latinos for Hillary, Asian Americans and Pacific islanders for Hillary, Women for Hillary, Millennials for Hillary”, but none to “men for Hillary”, let alone “white people for Hillary”.
Since when did the left insist on judging people by — to paraphrase Martin Luther King — the colour of their skin rather than the content…(of their character.
..The left has vacated the moral high ground
..The right occupy that now as they stand for : UNIVERSAL human values and equal treatment for all.
Oh Anna, I so agree with you, now repeat after me…
…points based immigration system with reversible work permits to manage temporary labour shortages, with proper security assessment of individuals seeking entry to the UK whilst holding beliefs dedicated to the overthrow of our system of government and legal system.
Second paragraph – starts with the fallacy of slippery slope; you can’t make an argument that if something is a little bit bad happens, that build’s up in time to catastrophe.
“Our international student numbers are falling. Now new research from the Migration Matters Trust shows that if the trend over the past six years persists, those numbers will dwindle to near zero within a decade.”
The Third paragraph then shout “misinformation” at Migration Watch
..”They say 110,000 students overstay, it’s only 1,500″
So a fair guess that her claim there is false.
Let me check the Migration watch website : The PDF 387
“110,000 students have been staying on by one means or another.” 21 Jun 2016
See they include people marrying, getting work visas, moving to new coursea etc.
It explains
– ” inflow of non-EU migrants for study averaged 156,000 a year. ” when the last batches of now graduates arrived
– “an average of 46,000 students departing each year” ONS stats for the time they were graduating
– So “IPS is seriously undercounting the departure of students from the UK, or
around 110,000 students have been staying on by one means or another”
(That 110 figure is not 100% robust I guess, during the time you night have students dying ..and they might have been quitting courses early at a quicker rate than students today etc, but it is certainly a first base)
She then tries to say there are a series of falsehoods about immigrants :
– That they claim disproportionate benefits, “False” she says
(I’m guessing that she’s comparing apples with oranges, you can’t compare them with all people ie pregnant mothers/pensioners/disabled, you have to compare them with single people-the same age (who are not carers).
– Immigration reduces wages. She says “a survey says its 1p an hour”
(sounds to me that she cherry picked that stat
I bet you can find other data)
Soubry just seems a puppet of special interests who want to increase immigration.
The final para seems to confirm my guess.
“That’s why I am delighted to become co-chair (of lobby group Migration Matters)”
More immigrants = more houses . We already have a shortage of homes .
Bet her Tory electorate love her views. Any of her constituents reading this site wish to comment?
Odd. The BBC has made a mistake. François Fillon, the ‘Thatcherite’, has won the right wing primary by a massive 66% of the vote so far. Yet the BBC doesn’t mention this on their main news web site …ah, nor on their world news web site. It is only on the BBC’s European web news.
Still, both web sites show pieces about: ‘Arabic women satirising men’ (as if they’d dare), and ‘the father raising a feminist son’.
Does anyone feel they are attending a Camden Council Political Re-education Program?
Oh good another Remoaner spurious legal challenge on Brexit. The more the merrier . Each spurious challenge designed solely to stop Brexit , just increases the anger of ordinary people and their determination to Leave the EU.. so go ahead Remoaners keep up your silly games , you are just making it more and more obvious that the elite is trying to overturn the will of the people. Don’t be surprised when the day of reckoning arrives for you, you are making many enemies. Go ahead BBC keep on supporting Remoan your License Fee payers are are noting your bias and wondering why the corporation doesn’t represent the democratic view of the people.
Paul Nuttall is now leader of UKIP. I wonder how our esteemed objective and unbiased national broadcaster will report this to a waiting nation. oh well, expect yet more scripted ad lib lines in every BBC radio and television show.
Oh by the way, still haven’t heard any jokes from Brigstocke, Hardy or The Now Show comedians about Lord Taylor of Blackburn, the Labour peer who died last week in a collision between his van and his mobility scooter.
You know the chap. In late-January 2009 Lord Taylor was one of four Labour peers of the realm accused of ‘sleaze’ by The Sunday Times – it was alleged by The Sunday Times that Taylor proclaimed to two journalists posing as lobbyists that he was ready, willing and able to help a business secure favourable legislation in their sphere of interest in return for a fee. On 20 May, the House of Lords considered the report of its Privileges Committee and voted to suspend Lord Taylor and Lord Truscott for six months, the first such action since the 17th century.
Come on you Marxist BBC comedians, you made a joke about how many times the Queen has had sex and took the Michael out of Cliff Richard (but never made one quip about Savile when he was alive), this is comedy manna from heaven…
Can I be first Cassie?
Lord Taylor referred to himself as a “taxi for hire”.
He said nothing about being available to convey others round in his disability scooter-so just as well, he`d not got the knowledge.
This was the revenge of white van man.
Yes you can see that paid keyboard Leftmob warriors are patrolling to try to manipulate the comments towards their habitual sneering and shouting racist.
..As Dover Sentry says…they are failing.
..My playful comment got 6 down votes, within the first 4 minutes.
Want to win some big BBC Licence payer ££s ?
Did you hear Nuttall say something “a little racist “, “a little sexist”, something that can be twisted to be homophobic ?
Maybe you are an ex-girlfriend, he probably groped you ?
Contact the BBC Head of Narrative Construction and Gate-keeping.
The BBC do seem rather exercised by UKIPs minibar antics since the Brexit vote.
They have only one MP( the appalling Douglas Carswell), and zero influence.
So says the BBC-and so SAID the BBC right until June 23rd.
But here we are now-Norman Smith with furrowed brow, trying to whip up the “Farage will return to pull the strings” crap…and Nuttall getting shouted at on Question Time(which we`ll all agree makes him unfit for polite society).
THIS is news analysis?
Does Norm and the BBC need reminding about LABOURS internal squabbles since 2015?
Which would have to be FAR more damaging, nasty and telling on Norman and his BBC mates!
Norman then says that now we`ve got Brexit then “what is the point of UKIP”?( but aren`t the BBC and their mates continuing to thwart this still-second story after UKIP if he bothered to scroll down!).
Now then-this one crops up ALL the time with the leftylibbies.
Well, once we`ve GOT Brexit-the role of UKIP will be to wipe Labout off the electoral map in the north.
Grammar Schools, no BBC License-that is ALL that they`ll need to clear Clegg and Miliband out of the north and back to Holland Park or Strictly.
The BBC seem frit of this-oh dear, time then to scare them out of the north-it`s what Jo Cox died for.
Storming Norman is so anti Tory and anti UKIP that he had no place as a political correspondent . His reporting is slanted and belongs to the world of opinion or propaganda, not taxpayer funded news reporting .
There was a rather unusual Snow/Nutall interview on Channel4 tonight. Usually the Channel4 team keep a safe distance between themselves and any UKIP interviewee, as if they were afraid of some contagion, ideological or physical.
The almost intimate chat thing was very creepy.
The Hackney Hippo also appeared and seems to be rapidly losing any weak grasp on reality she may have had. UKIP is no threat to Labour in the North. It’s nothing to do with immigration! It’s the wicked capitalist exploiters who are using immigrants to undercut the native workers. This is the Chukka gambit. Someone asks him what effect 300,000 new arrivals per year in Britain might have on the demand for housing, and he replies “I’m not going to blame immigrants”. Of course, no one is attaching any moral responsibility for the immigrant crisis to individual immigrants. If I arrive home and find my front door open and discover that a number of dogs have come in and defecated on my living room carpet, I don’t blame the dogs. What I want to find out is who is really to blame. Who left the front door open and why?
BBC TV news channel is running a piece on Ed Ball’s ejection from Strictly that lasts at least 10 minutes. After that we get 15 seconds max on Paul Nuttalls election as UKIP leader. Balanced?
That`s classic though EE.
When Balls started ouf on his dance stuff-Today gave him the prime slot to do his “Man of the people”crap.
The BBC just LOVE it if we give a stuff over their souffles and sequins.
Feed us gloop-patronise and insult us with their “what the little people are watching”-and how the toffs like Ed Balls care “reaching out” to the oiks to share in our humanity.
Heard Nick Robinson parallel Balls removal with Brexit-oh, how arch, funny…
Wanker…don`t fall for it-these are nasty patronising scum who determine these stories and priorities for the likes of us.
BBC hitting hard with the dancing news. Here they list seven things Balls could do after Strictly:
This is slightly different to my 7 which are, in ascending order:
1. F*ck off
2. F*ck off
3. F*ck off
4. F*ck off
5. F*ck off
6. F*ck off
7. F*ck off
Given a bit more time I reckon I could come up with some more! No doubt regulars here could contribute to the list.
‘World at One’ and a major scoop for the BBC: an interview with Goran and his teenage school mates from Macedonia. Apparently, the naughty lads swung the US election for Trump by posting false news stories on the internet and getting paid for them. The BBC think they’re only it for the money and are endangering western democracy by their silly pranks. Even more shocking, Goran’ll be doing the same for the French election next year …
It looks as if the French election’s already decided then, BBC’s billions vs Goran. A bit like David and Goliath or should that be Goliath and David?
Btw, I wonder how much Goran got paid for the interview?
Thank you for your email of 16 November to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, about the BBC. I am replying as a member of the Ministerial Support Team at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Responsibility for what is broadcast on television and radio rests with the broadcasters and the organisations that regulate broadcasting – the Office of Communications (Ofcom), the BBC Trust and the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority. They are independent of the Government and responsible for safeguarding the public interest in media dissemination of content. They set out the rules and guidance with which media organisations must comply. Within this framework, it is the media houses’ job to make judgements about what individual programmes should contain and the time at which they are broadcasted.
The BBC’s governing instruments, the Royal Charter and Agreement, place broad obligations on the Corporation in respect of its television and radio services, objectives, programme content and standards. Within this framework, detailed decisions on programme content and scheduling are matters for the BBC, reflecting its editorial independence. It is a long-standing principle that the Government does not interfere in programme matters, either on arrangements for scheduling or on content. It is important to maintain the principle of freedom of expression, which political interference could undermine.
The Government believes it is important that the Corporation is aware of the concerns of viewers and listeners. You can contact the BBC Trust with your views at:
BBC Trust Unit
180 Great Portland Street
No more than I expected but you have to try.
The bodies to oversee are not fit for purpose and the Charter is not adhered to. The Government could make them all more robust.
Makes you wonder what they’re afraid of – bad press?
I guess the main argument for trying is to remind them that we have not given up. But, the BBC will never change. They are fully in control now and they know it !
Gaxvil, “Makes you wonder what they’re afraid of – bad press?”. They have very little say – there is the World’s Grand Plan (UN) to adhere to. All the Western Governments signed up to it and it includes all the major so-called, “independent” broadcasters which, all sing from the same hymn sheet.
New European?
Gina Miller?
Now THIS rush to law by some group we`ve never heard of, re the legality of leaving the EU market?
Seems to be no shortage of money around to stop us from leaving.
Wonder who`s paying and why-and what role the BBC have in it all, apart from not telling us?
Lack of curiosity from the Political Arms of the EU Octopus I think.
As an alternative we could:
stop paying monies to the EU budget
stop the free movement of EU nationals
remove the Common External Tariff
negotiate free trade agreements with other states
ignore the Charter of Fundamental Rights
ignore any judgements of the European Court of Justice.
The government might have to filibuster any attempts to involve the UK’s Supreme Court, but then the EU would have to expel us for being so naughty.
Just abolish the ‘Supreme Court’ which was a Blair/Straw concoction and an integral part of their plan to wreck the constitution of this country and prevent any future conservative (small ‘c’) government being able to govern in the future.
Both (along with that vile piece of work Starmer) should be on trial for treason.
A new term of abuse has emerged on social media, Zio, a shortened form of Zionist. Meanwhile the evidence suggests that anti Semitism is on the rise in Britain. There have been high profile cases of politicians who have been disciplined for anti Semitic comments. There appears to be some confusion even within the Jewish community over what Zionism means, whether a distinction should be drawn between anti Semitism and anti Zionism and what the relationship is between Judaism and Zionism. Ernie Rea brings together three Jews to discuss these issues. Robert Cohen is a Jewish blogger and commentator on the British Jewish community and its relationship to the State of Israel: Dr Yaakov Wise is a Manchester based Orthodox Jewish historian and writer: and Jessica Elgot was formerly a journalist for the Jewish Chronicle and is now writing for the Guardian.
No surprises for guessing which way this one leaned !
Sorry Fred-season of goodwill and all that.
But Reas record is awful….
I myself go for “Hey Mr Christmas” by Showaddywaddy as well as the marvellous “Rock and Roll Christmas” by Mr Paul Raven!
I do both impressions over a Castro cigarillo,with a Clinton smile and a Savile accent and passable impression.
Cigar User of the Year?…as yet I`ve not been put forward…but I dare to dream.
Boy-is there a link to cigars and evil, post Jan 1965?
chrisH ………… marvellous “Rock and Roll Christmas” by Mr Paul Raven!
Um, that would be the Paul Raven better known as Gary Glitter then ? (I have a vintage poster from one of Paul Raven’s shows from the early 60’s, – worth anything ? )
GW yes he performed under a variety of names including Paul Gadd….
taken from Wilkepedia …..After performing under the name Paul Raven in the 1960s, he first came to prominence as Gary Glitter in the glam rock era of the early 1970s, …..
Oh dear-my second spat among friends!
I heard the programme-but thought it pretty good in that the two major strands of Jewish thought were there.
Rea kept out, and our Guardian girlie seemed fair, if a bit wet.
So, I thought it better than I was expecting…
It`s not for nothing that “Take Me To Cuba” was pretty much the standard issue joke used by terrorists who hijacked planes under Fidels benign gaze.
The PLO particularly gained from this-so Castro was the typical lefty blowhard antisemite, but actually able to save his chums(as opposed to jampax like Corbyn and Livingston) Glad Castro has gone to where few Jews will be subject to his pitchforks.
BBc news at 18:00 and high up on the agenda child abuse amongst the footballing community.Shame the BBc were not so interested in reporting the mass child abuse by “men of Asian origin”. But then perhaps in their eyes footballers are more valued.
Ohio CBS News The car is registered to a man called Mohamid Ali, a 20 year old Somalian who was shot dead after stabbing several people.
Sounds like some recent terrorist attacks in Israel.
Looking forward to BBC coverage.
Unclear if it was a gun attack or just car and knife. If the latter, then it hardly supports the case for gun control
“The college had warned students in a tweet to “Run Hide Fight”, warning there was an “active shooter”, though authorities later said the attacker did not use a firearm.”
It wasn’t a gun in his pocket, Mohammid was just pleased to see them.
I wonder how the BBC will spin this one out? Can’t wait for November temperature result: For October, the Global temperature fell a staggering ONE degree Celsius.
I heard part of an interview with a woman from The Howard League on Toady this morning, you would be forgiven for thinking, from listening to her, that far from merely “reforming” prisons they (H.L.) would rather they were all closed down and nobody was imprisoned at all; it was quite unbelievable.
Yes that is almost the whole point of John Howard’s 18C report.
Prison doesn’t work. Reform does.
Just punishing people doesn’t produce people you can put back on the streets.
You really have to do some work to reform them.
So work well with the people who are a danger.
And the ones that are not a danger you you don’t lock them up, but do the reform from within society, so yes you can have far less prisons, cos only the really dangerous people are kept within them.
(I redid their website for them in 1995)
You could introduce higher and higher penalties for committing crimes, but it doesn’t make that much difference, cos people simply don’t think about getting caught.
Oh The Howard League for Penis Reform?
God,they used to get onto Today even when I never listened to is as a student.
Had a Frances Crook who blathered for them as I recall…bet the old lag is STILL emoting for more appreciation for Shipmans pastels?
Great gig for the old blagger-like Sue Slipman, Shami and Suzi Leather-these harpies seem to have a perpetually good culture war don`t they?
The 17:30 news bulletin on 6Music (and presumably others around the same time) included a segment about the appointment of Paul Nuttall as the new leader of UKIP. At the end of the bulletin the news reader said something along the lines of “… but these people in Nuttall’s home town of Bootle are not impressed”, or words to that effect. Whoever then interviewed the three people broadcast managed (!) to find three Labour voters who expressed their views. Checking the 2015 General Election results for Bootle I see that Labour received 33619 votes while UKIP in second place won 4915. This presumably made it easy for the unheard correspondent to find those three Labour voters, seeing that they have a massive majority in the town. I think we can all guess how little effort was applied to finding a non-Labour voter. These people were never going to say anything pro-UKIP and all they did was further the BBC’s agenda of rubbishing anything to do with UKIP (and Brexit and Trump) at *every* possible opportunity. The BBC deliberately but quite cleverly chose to denigrate a legal vote by selectively using the general public to express views that coincide with those of the BBC. I’ve put in a complaint and look forward to the usual computer-generated “we got it about right”. “general public’s views are not our own” and “you’re an idiot” email. They never fail to disappoint.
And in other news, with Mrs Loather’s surprise agreement to do so I have just cancelled our TVL direct debit. I look forward to the inevitable correspondence.
Heard this too Stew-so we now know what corns to step on re the Left.
Maybe we charity appeal for the Scrubs so they can buy some snow for those snowmen they`ll be making soon?
There was a News-vert slot at the end of BBC1 6pm News
2 minute with black actress “asking her what she felt about sexism of Trump”
Then afterwards was a logo “This is part if the BBC 100 Women project”
Yep not only is it Black MONTH – It’s women’s SEASON Press release
This black stuff always amuses me. Have Beeboids any first hand experience of how black African men, generally, treat women ? If not, maybe they should make a documentary about it !
We’ve just been promised that in the headlines at the start of News at Ten. Must be something very important to get such prominence. We’re told she has something to say about Trump, so I’ll be hanging on her every word, because what showbiz people think is essential to know.
You missed the very important news, featured on both the 6pm and 10 pm news.
Alicia Keys sometimes does not wear make up.
This important story rated about 5 minutes of a half hour news programme.
But then again, with Alicia being both black and female, two of those all-important boxes are ticked.
And to think we are compelled to pay for this utterly facile vocal minority tripe.
Ms. Keys likely looks ok with or without a bit of slap.
Just as Dove are currently running an ad about the need for at least a bit of help in front of the mirror using a notaminger model, so the mostly comely BBC talking heads in make up must wonder why they were chosen over those less blessed with nice completions.
These 100 women all seem to be SJW, UltraMumsnet, virtue signalling, BBC rainbow nation, politico triggered hyper-sensitive’s.
If they re half the world we re finished
BBC News for the West Midlands tonight did a special programme about the awful traffic congestion in the area. Apparently we should be doing something about it by using public transport, car sharing schemes or starting or leaving work at different times to what we do at present. It’s obviously nothing to do with the millions of extra people in the country as that wasn’t mentioned.
BBC have aided and abetted a hate crime by letting everyone know Shipa Shetty made a mistake and now she is getting online bullying. The BBC budget is being used to bully and ridicule her some more.
Interesting again to see BBC picking ‘trends’ it likes, doesn’t like or feels need gnawing upon.
“Shetty has yet to respond to her latest trend-setting activity.”
They clearly are keen to keep this going. Be a shame if such teasing took a darker turn and they needed to ‘report’ on institutional online bullying and its consequences.
“”Great Barrier Reef suffered worst bleaching on record in 2016, report finds””
“”Professor Hughes is certain that the increased water temperature is the result of carbon emissions, and warns that climate change could bring annual bleaching within 20 years””
“”We keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and this happened absolutely because of that””
“”Mr Healy argued even those not financially involved had a stake in the reef.
“I’d say every human on the planet does,” he said””
Reported on the main news on BBC1 at 6pm. They said average temperature has gone up by 1degree Celsius. Surely sea temperatures have a natural variability of more than1 degree. The item said specifically that the rise was due to CO2 emissions. I am pleased the BBCare so sure because I thought the science was missing the actual proof.
Something perhaps for our resident weather/climate correspondent.
I believe that the UEA “experts” have identified a turn down in the rate of increase of CO2 emissions, seemingly just as temperatures are reputedly starting to rise again.
My question is “Is this another example of an inconvenient truth?”
John Gray is a gifted communicator, clever and explains things to the left tribe that he`s dwelt among for perhaps too long.
Well worth a listen-as good as the lefty liberals will ever get.
Looks like our ‘friend’ at the Guardian & BBC fave Owen Jones has been trolling people on twitter for a false news story that new UKIP head Paul Nuttall had discussions with friends about joining the Tory party.
Following the tweet he claimed he phone rang non stop for 60 minutes.
He bemoaned the state of muck raking ‘journalism’ and the fact that any fake news story could be generated this way.
So much for the Guardian messing with fake news stories on Facebook which they claim helped Donald Trump to power, when they’re busy generating them themselves!
Is there anything more symptomatic of modern stupidity than this furore over ‘fake news’? Whatever happened to ‘don’t believe everything you read in the papers’? People seem to have reverted to (if they ever left) a form of seventeenth century thinking that everything in print is either completely true, or completely false. But anyone with an ounce of learning knows such a thing is impossible!
My Dad has reviewed the new Top Gear on Amazon ha ha
I believe the core concept is “Three white, English, men having fun and giving their opinions about cars with some banter”
and this something the State Propaganda Broadcaster (bbc) cannot and will not ever be able to replicate. The main reason I believe this to be the case is they use a hiring policy which has lead to all bbc staff being dangerous, radical, hardcore, regressive left-wing extremists. So mainly gays and feminist, matriarchal propagandists who feel producing fun content aimed at straight white men is problematic. The program and the presenters are not “racist” or “sexist” although it was implied by the bbc propagandists. The main lead Jeremy Clarkson has technically never been sacked although again this was implied by the bbc propagandists.
“Three white, English, men having fun and giving their opinions about cars with some banter”
Many years ago, the offices I worked in were like that. Before that, it applied to university and the factory I worked in during the holidays. Ordinary people could be very witty. Jokes could be robust but malice was rare.
Perhaps the success of Top Gear is down to the decline of banter these days? People are reluctant to speak up and every office of any size seems to have at least one PC drone, often more. Public sector – forget it entirely.
By the by, oddballs like this are permanently declaring the Cuban health service as being second to none. Well to a certain extent they are half right if you’re the right sort of patient.
The Cuban health service is three tiered.
The first tier is almost exclusively for foreigners with a high profile. No expense spared, but then again the recipient is billed for the health care. And the bill is invariably massively inflated. Think BUPA on steroids.
The second tier is free and of a slightly lower standard and reserved exclusively for the leadership and apparatchiks.
Tier three is for the common Cuban. They are expected to bring their own bed linen. Their families are expected to provide their food and drugs. They are accommodated in squalid wards with little or no proper medical care.
Of course Baden would never mention any of this. Most disturbing of Baden’s comments was the slur on the ‘Ladies in White’, making the outrageous inference that these women are stooges of the US.
Sometimes I think that dangerous fools like Baden should be euthenised to free up oxygen for someone more worthwhile.
Due to on-going government inquiries, the BBC has recently covered sharia councils in the UK. During debates and discussion on the issue, BBC presenters did not mention the fact that sharia law has been declared, by the European Court of Human Rights, as “wholly incompatible” with human rights and democratic principles; due overwhelmingly to its treatment of women. Nor has the BBC provided significant details about sharia law, such as that it allows men to use physical force against their wives, mothers have no rights over children, and a woman’s word is worth less than a man’s.
Moreover, secular or Islam-critical voices have not been included in these debates.
As licence-fee payers, we demand that the BBC provide complete coverage of this important matter and to fully inform the public. We also demand that those who believe in a single democratic law for all are given every opportunity to object to sharia councils, for whatever reason, and that our voices be heard. It is not for Muslims alone to determine whether or not the United Kingdom accommodates sharia law, or what form that should take.
An interesting site with a lot of news stories which are being completely ignored by the BBC, for instance there is nothing on the BBC about this seeming about turn by senior Labour people:
Ministers should “secure greater control over immigration” as they negotiate Brexit, a senior Labour MP says today.
In a coded warning to party leader Jeremy Corbyn, Dan Jarvis says the thorny issue is “a crucial test” for Labour. …
He adds: “Any attempt to ‘out-UKIP UKIP’ won’t work. …
“Our task is not only to listen, but to provide the answers. That includes on immigration because the (EU) referendum result means that a further public debate on this is now inevitable.”
The Government “must bring forward proposals to secure greater control over immigration, while securing the brightest economic future which supports jobs and investment”, he says.
Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC the UK has too many people coming in because Britain “has a skills shortage” and “we’re not training enough people in this country”.
Obviously this does not fit the BBC mass migration position.
I’ve been wondering what has happened to the dissenters and disrupters that used to frequent Jerrod I don’t miss. Frequently he was an abusive troll of the highest order. Zero, Kiku, Marvin and others appeared to at least attempt discussion. Have they all been banned by admin? Pity in a way. Though I can’t read all the comments here on every thread, it does seem mostly they go unchallenged (including my own).
Does this mean we have won the arguments – Brexit, Trump, Decline of liberal narrative, etc or does it mean, whether left or right, that we now inhabit echo-chambers of our own making? I don’t know. And this is no criticism of this blog, merely an observation.
Re dissenters/trolls –
The main problem with 95 odd percent of active SJW type leftists who post on blogs etc is that they are probably young, therefore feebly-taught by recent state education and have no history, philosophy or any idea of the concept of causality. Their views are never challenged, and they sadly can’t think for themselves.
Reality will eventually mug them in a dark alley, and they grow up.
The few ‘intellectual’ types shroud their real feelings in abstruse postmodern nonsense, inspired by Foucault, Baudrillard, Gramsci or take your pick of any of the Frankfurt School mob. These people you need to watch out for, as they have an incendiary hatred for western civilisation.
I knew one of this type years ago – charismatic, absolutely brilliant with arguments up to a point, but the more I got to know him he was basically a depressive nihilist and the core of it was all personal. To cut a long story short he blamed his homosexuality on an absent dad, and thereafter despised civilisation which (I guess) he equated to white men. He knew Freud inside out, and dismissed all criticism of his theories, like the unwavering fanatic that he was.
Sorry that’s just an anecdotal story, but I expect there are (very intelligent) people like him who unfortunately found their way to the top in the media, civil service, political parties etc. They actually have ‘marched through the institutions’ and influence our everyday lives, where instead they’d be better off being un-brainwashed and having their intelligence directed elsewhere. Or put in a loony bin to be on the safe side.
Challenging an inaccuracy or positing an alternative view was, is and should be fine. Necessary even.
However those you cite seemed incapable of doing so without ‘added extras’, which was as tedious as it was self defeating. And distraction was more the aim than discussion.
Not sorely missed. The current paucity of counter view may be for the reasons you say, especially as a poor counter simply provided opportunity to highlight it further, or that the resources behind such efforts have been restricted by recent events.
My theory is the Trolls are BBC employees, but the ‘thin red line’ can’t always hold. If, for example, there’s a blazing twitter storm in a different sector of the front, they’ll be sent up there as reinforcements, and relatively peaceful backwaters like Biased BBC get left alone.
I suspect that you are right. I can’t imagine anyone not closely associated with the BBC taking so much time to defend them, when they are here that is !
Seems the campus snowflake generation are so consumed with fear by imagined threats pumped into their cranial voids via their wireless Apple earbuds, they are oblivious to more tangible ones barrelling their way along the pavement
Quite ironic that the very student lefty voices that advocate more muslim immigration and against ‘islamophobia’ are the ones that end up on the wrong end of Talibani Manny’s knife.
Actually I dont think the BBC and the rest of the Globalist Tendency are anywhere as troubled by this as you’d expect, just as they’re not troubled by their anti British working class stereotyping while normally demonsising even the most sensible ‘generalising’ about people.
The woman is Black. Thus anything she says or does is justifiable.
atlas_shruggedMar 15, 10:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 Fish don’t pay taxes. Neither do goats, lizards, dolphins, or hedgehogs. It has now been established by 11 biolabs that…
StewGreenMar 15, 10:19 Weekend 15th March 2025 Google has hundreds of pics of people holding baby wombat and wombats The word BABY is spin in the BBC…
atlas_shruggedMar 15, 10:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 Reduce the door width on supermarkets – simples.
Fedup2Mar 15, 10:12 Weekend 15th March 2025 I look into the londonistan evening news site every so often . A councillor in tower hamlets is up with…
Up2snuffMar 15, 10:01 Weekend 15th March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, yukk. I think I’m going to sick! Heave. ‘Fat is a Feminist Issue’ we…
Up2snuffMar 15, 09:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 taffman, you have stopped wwfc getting three in a row Firsts in New Threads. Shame on you!
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:36 Weekend 15th March 2025 “For interested readers, a short timeline of the main events of the ‘climate trial of the century‘ will be informative:…
Fedup2Mar 15, 09:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 Thanks – i confused with the Martine s and Anitas and many …
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 “For a UK audience, the most striking moment in the new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s victory speech will have been…
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img]
Ladies on the Breakfast sofa skillfully avoiding any mention of the France’s Republican presidential primary victor Francois Fillon. La la la la la it’s not happening la la la la la I can’t hear you….
The BBC have put themselves in a bind. Having decided that the French socialists can’t win, they have bigged up the French conservatives as an antidote to the French nationalists. Now they are stuck with backing a real conservative French conservative, not the pretend one they were expecting. Joy 🙂
No Segolene Royall-no Sarkozy?
Oh dear, the BBC won`t like this one bit!
You know something-whenever I think that we trawled the dregs of human form when we put the likes of Clegg, Farron, Ainsworth,Prescott,Hunhe, Hoon…Yeo,Gummer and Soubry into political life…I think of Hollande getting soaked on the way to the Elysee looking like Peter Glaze…and think…well, shit though our lot are…no, actually Hollande is equally merde too!
You have a little list. Hollande and Peter Glaze. You are showing your age now. One was a towering politician, the other a superficial TV personality. I know who I would vote for.
How is the apple harvest this year down your way ?
Rhubarb wine now Grant!
Imagine it`s all going well still-wise with the golden nectar up there for Hogmanay etc…rest of us have to watch bloody Jools Holland and His “Big Band” sober!
If M. Hollande is Peter Glaze, I dread to think who could be Bernie Clifton and his Comedy Ostrich….
The poor little darlings, their world is falling apart around their sensitive little ears. Already reeling from mourning the passing of Castro now the French have started voting incorrectly. I suggest they go and find a safe space somewhere and comfort each other.
Talking of Castro, a line I heard more than once on the BBC’s fawning coverage was that he had outlasted 10 US presidents. That was because he was so popular he just kept getting re-elected again and again. Oh, wait a minute…
Ah, but, the simple expedient of slaughtering dissenters and opponents was merely an odd, unfortunate moment of excess. Over decades. Apparently.
I wonder what the BBC has learned, and from whom, today?
Educate and inform in that vital way you have, national treasure.
At least they have the ‘see, upsetting both sides’ balance sorted…
Living proof that some students never grow up.
This woman is nothing short of certifiable.
Apparently she’s very big in the ‘sustainable hairdressing’ world.
I suppose it beats ‘gender studies’
By the by, oddballs like this are permanently declaring the Cuban health service as being second to none. Well to a certain extent they are half right, that’s if you’re the right sort of patient.
The Cuban health service is three tiered.
The first tier is almost exclusively for foreigners with a high profile. No expense spared, but then again the recipient is billed for the health care. And the bill is invariably massively inflated. Think BUPA on steroids.
The second tier is free and of a slightly lower standard and reserved exclusively for the leadership and apparatchiks.
Tier three is for the common Cuban. They are expected to bring their own bed linen. Their families are expected to provide their food and drugs. They are accommodated in squalid wards with little or no proper medical care.
Of course Baden would never mention any of this. Most disturbing of Baden’s comments was the slur on the ‘Ladies in White’, making the outrageous inference that these women are stooges of the US.
Sometimes I think that dangerous fools like Baden should be euthenised to free up oxygen for someone more deserving.
TPO, whilst I have been “floating” around the periphery of this forum for a while, and have learned so much, I had to finally join and reply to your post. Maybe you could also learn something that way.
I have been going to Cuba for well over a decade now, and as a qualified rescue diver I met a diving instructor over there. My family and I became good friends with him and his family, eating at his house, diving a lot, and he was even the stand in best man when my wife and I renewed our vows at a little church over there.
Anyway, that is the background, so here is the reason for the reply. Your post does not equate to my own, and my friends experience at all. Not long after we finished a holiday in Cuba in 2007, I lost touch with my friend. However, when we returned this year I found him and caught up. Turns out he fell ill a few months after we had left. Even though he was quite young, about 36 at the time, he had developed a nasty lymphoma in his intestine. He was diagnosed within a couple of weeks, and operated on within 2 months. He had a large amount of intestine removed, and the remaining intestine re-joined. After recovering he was monitored carefully and they found secondary cancers in his intestinal system, so back for another operation, more intestine removed, re-joined etc. 4 years ago, they found another cancer, so he was in for an operation within 1 month, and unfortunately this time they could not re-join the intestine, so he is left with a stoma and a bag.
The Cuban medical system not only saved his life each time, but they also provided regular monitoring, and he is now on daily medication, medical supplies for the stoma/bag etc., as well as being given specialist support to be able to continue being a diving instructor.
None of this was funded for, or provided, by his family. It was all provided by the state. He is a simple diving instructor. Yes, it is a fantastic job if you like the ocean, but as any diving instructor will tell you, the pay is awful. He has no links to the leadership, and lives in a house where he shares the one bedroom with his wife and daughter. Aside from that room they have one room which is a kitchen/lounge, so hardly wealthy.
Contrast this to my mother, who after losing nearly half of her body weight, and pleading with multiple local doctors to get her admitted to hospital because of the pain she was in, finally got a date for a scan, which at that point was a further 2 months away. Apparently that was the earliest available machine time. As a family we knew she needed something sooner, so we clubbed together and paid for a private consultant, who after a 10 minute consultation asked if she could attend a scan the next day. His secretary said there were 13 machines available on the next day within a 10 mile radius, and did we have a preference. We chose the first one, took her, and later that day she was called back to go straight into hospital. All of that organised by the private consultant. She was operated on the next day, and whilst in the recovery room the surgeon told us that she was lucky as if she had waited another 3-4 days, she would probably have been dead as her intestine was completely obstructed. Yes, you have guessed it, she also had lymphoma, and received a similar operation the one my friend in Cuba had.
My point is, if she/we had waited for the NHS, she would be dead. Oh, and she would have died in an extremely weak state in severe pain. We had to pay for treatment before her issue was recognised and only then was she then treated. (Hopefully successfully.) My friend however, was diagnosed promptly, treated brilliantly, and receives on-going support, medication etc. All of that without him or his family paying a Cuban Peso.
So, whilst I apologise for the length of the post, especially as it is my first one, however I felt it better to explain why I thought that your post, whilst entertaining, is simply not true.
On Saturday and Sunday, SJ, I found myself listening to BBC Radio Soviet-era Four and noting subtle changes going on throughout each day. 7-9am, 1pm, 6pm 10pm News all appeared to have subtle variations.
I like to think there was a total state of panic in BH with Producers & Editors in a flap over whether the correct tone had been set and their (idea of) ‘balance’ had been, well … correctly balanced. Hence all the subtle re-writes.
Perhaps there was?
Serves them right.
The life boat called ‘Integrity’ is jumbled upside down in tangled lines and davits on the good ship BBC. It has no oars, essential survival kit and supplies are spilling out and there is a three foot wide hole in the bottom.
Paddle, creek, s**t, without.
Just another example of the BBC showing contempt for democracy. Getting to be quite trend.
The dominant left leaning sections of the MSM response to Fillons victory in the primary is to correctly label him centre right. They long since labelled Le Pen far right. Yet Le Pens policies on all issues other Islam and immigration are very left wing, much much more so than Fillon , who is a Thatcherite .Clearly for the MSM a parties position on Migration and Islam is the key determinant of where to place them on the political spectrum, social policies such as wages, taxes, retirement, health cover , public investment are very much subordinate in the eyes of the likes of the BBC , Guardian etc. I think Fillons tThatcherite policies will be hard to sell in France and his victory yesterday is a boost to Le Pen who should pick up more left wing votes. The BBC will have an interesting dilemma, support a Thatcherite or support some who will stand up to Islam and smash the EU. Of course they will back Fillon as Islam trumps all and he isn’t as anti Islam as Le Pen. But it is a sign of the times that the socialists in France are dead in the water. Unlike the BBC et al the people resent mass immigration and increasingly the EU and globalisation and are looking for politicians who share that view. Politically Things are on the move but the BBC is stuck in the days of liberal left supremacy.
The good news for the UK is that regardless of which candidate wins the French election next year , they will be on the same page re the EU as the UK , much more so than the weak Hollande has been. Le Pen would finish the EU , Fillon would cut it down to size a bit. Just another good reason why our PM should not start serious negotiations until after Mays election when Brexit will have friend in the Elysee
I can a only agree DT, sure sign of the BBC choosing the lesser evil in this Fillons.vs.LePen fight that they call him Right wing with some anti immigration policies. First time in ages I heard the word Right Wing, I thought the BBC only had Far Right in their vocabulary.
Your final paragraph is based on a noble premise DT but one which relies rather heavily on French probity – a reliance which, both in past and recent history, has not proved to be the wisest course for the UK.
All I am saying is that whatever the outcome of the French election the new President will be less hostile to the UK than the current incumbent. Le Pen will be very supportive of the UK and very anti EU. Fillon will be less friendly to the UK than Le Pen will be ,but less hostile than Hollande is, therefore it makes sense to wait until after the French election to begin serious negotiations. It is also important to recognise that the new French president will not be a puppy dog of Brussels like Hollande is , and so we should aim to speak to France directly not via Brussels. The same goes for any other nation who is willing to break ranks from the Brussels federalist elite and discuss things bilaterally.
Quite right DT, I take your point – and concede that my comment, while valid, seems pretentiously pompous. Unintentional, but my apologies all the same.
No need to apologise. After all historically the French aren’t known for their unstinting support of the UK but let’s hope that both countries interests are more closely aligned after their election.
Left Right labels count for little. I prefer the terms French socialists, French nationalists, French conservatives, but nothing is ideal.
BBc breakfast the bias remains the same. “An increase in alleged hate crimes” shouldn’t that be an alleged increase in hate crimes.
Nico Rosberg “does enough” to win the F1 world championship. Why not just Nico Rosberg wins the F1 world championship?
Here we go now they are banging on about all the food we apparently just throw away. I’ve lost count on the number of times this story has been run.–series-1-episode-1
I feel your pain. Formula 1 has endured a perfectly linear downward trend for the past 2 or 3 decades. People have been so bemused with the sport that they have failed to see that it has become a non-event. The pinnacle of the Abu Dhabi race was that Hamilton tried to circumvent his own team’s dominance that had been achieved by big money (something that F1 said they would deal with and summarily failed in epic style) ) how funny is it that bernie ecclescake said there is too much money in formula 1 while bobbing up and down in the Caribbean on one of his yachts?
The whole thing is a farce. Most people tune into it because they have not much else to do sunday lunchtime
How about “An alleged increase in alleged, so called, hate crimes”?
According to Hamilton 2016 has been a crazy year full of bad news like Brexit and Trump getting elected.
‘According to Hamilton…’
Is that BBC favourite Lewis or BBC favourites The Broadway Cast of…?
Or “an alleged increase in alleged hate alleged crimes”?
Because their pin up guy who ticks all the right boxes didnt win this year. That means no inclusion in Sports Personality of the Year. Oh dear BBC !
Dave666, “An increase in alleged hate crimes” speaks volumes and is probably accurate (believe it or not from the BBC!). I think the “alleged” means the majority of hate crimes registered which DID NOT include the so-called ‘victim’s’ name, address and other details when registering. There is is an option not to volunteer this information. Clearly, the Police cannot pursue the, “increase” when there is no victim so convinced of a crime having taken place that they leave their details for the Police to follow up. I’ll bet that there is a collection of Muslim charities that have devoted their staff to live online and register thousands of ‘hate crimes’ but not to register a victim. As another subscriber to this blog refers to: ‘Simples’!
Simples ! 🙂
Where are the facts ? how many convictions ? Is a ‘hate crime’ just a P.C. offence made up by the P.C. brigade ie Al Beeb and MSM, to add to the Anti Brexit Propaganda ?
They underestimate the intelligence of the people.
Is this a ‘Hate Crime’ or a terrorist offence? ………….
The whole thing is a bloody joke.
Oh deep joy. The BBC are doing a 90 minutes program dedicated to Mark Duggan.
Can’t wait for their unbiased opinion.
Wow! A docudrama (?) with interviews with the family. I think like most of the crap the BBVc transmits I’ll give that a miss.
The Justin Trudeau hashtag series for that will be simply delish…
GW, leave Derek Zoolander out of this.
Quick, click on the above link – there’s a HAVE YOUR SAY open on it (until the truth becomes unpalatable)
Perhaps as eloquent a response as is required?:
HAVE YOUR SAY What did you think of Lawful Killing: Mark Duggan?
“What did you think of Lawful Killing: Mark Duggan?”
How about garbage disposal?
I accidentally saw the trailer to this ‘documentary’ .
The good news is that I now know when the programme is on, so I can make absolutely sure I don’t watch a single nanosecond of it
Followed by a documentary on the torture and murder of Kriss Donald, no doubt.
I think that’s due to be shown on BBC10 at 13 o’clock on November 31st.
BBC TV news this morning employ that favourite passive voice formulation “…bombs went off…” to describe the IRA’s Birmingham pub bombings.
Presumably the BBC acknowledge by this careful wording that the war is over – forgive and forget and all that. So how come the BBC is so keen to rake this over again?
The lawyers looking for their pay day put up a very emphatic relative of the victims for what was billed as an interview with the BBC but turned into a prolonged harrange from this woman.
Not that we don’t have sympathy for the victims but this item contained so many attacks on the Government and vague claims of ‘something to hide’ that a less informed or younger viewer might be forgiven for concluding that our own Government had perpetrated this atrocity against innocent civilians.
Given that the Blair administration issued hundreds of secret get-out-of-jail-free letters to IRA men there’s next to zero chance that guilty men will ever be prosecuted.
Already the best case possible at the time was brought against the so-called Birmingham Six – they got off – don’t ask me, I still think the Winslow Boy was guilty (there’s one for the teenagers).
Reopening this case is nothing but a job creation scheme for greedy lawyers and mawkish journalists looking to create a story.
I disagree. The Birmingham families deserve justice in the form of a proper inquest and, if necessary an inquiry into the events surrounding the pub bombings.
The IRA have for a while now, been allowed, unchallenged, to present themselves as part of a global “liberation movement”…(they were involved in Castros sob fest over the weekend) or “partners in peace” as Blair and co. would have it.
And apart from the justice perspective, politically, light shed on the IRAs activities in the 1970s is light shed on their sympathisers and propagandists of old…Corbyn, Mc Donnell and Livingstone being a few of them.
embolden, I don’t disagree with your points but simply ask Cui Bono?
And Quis Solvit?
My Latin might be faulty but I ask who benefits and who pays?
The IRA will not be highlighted in the resolting publicity – already in the report this morning the BBC managed not one single reference to the IRA.
Cui bono? the families, and Justice.
Quis solvit? we do, the wider society, the nation, the beneficiaries of Justice.
The BBC is not the only source of news.
Simple answers ASI. Michael Mansfield benefits and we pay.
I also disagree. I think the woman who delivered the “prolonged harrange”, if we’re talking about the same person, gave a good account of herself.
She was comparing the treatment of the IRA bomb victims with others who’ve received legal aid. She was demanding equal treatment which, IMO, is fair.
The argument that all past injustices should be treated as water under the bridge is reasonable, but it is simply not happening, and I don’t see why we should start moving in that direction with IRA victims. We could instead have made a start by drawing a line under the following:
Stephen Lawrence
Alleged crimes by British soldiers in hostile territory
Alleged racism in the 1950s and 1960s
Bloody Sunday
The creation of the State of Israel
The Irish potato famine
The Bengal Famine
All of these turn up time and time again.
I’m sure I could think of a few others.
Mr Caplan, some of the guilt-trip topics you left off your list were…
Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserves (‘Black and Tans’) in Ireland c.1920.
Amritsar massacre
Internment of Congress supporters in India, 1920s and 30s.
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo
Mau Mau rebellion, Kenya, British response to
Prosecution of homosexuals, 1880s-1960s
Imprisonment of suffragettes
No Blacks no Dogs no Irish signs on houses, 1950s
Anything to do with Roma gypsies or Irish travellers
Single mothers being made to have babies instead of abortions pre 1960s
Womens’ struggle to be accepted into (insert name of job/institution etc)
‘Hippy Convoy’ protests 1980s/90s/Poll Tax riots
Indian Mutiny, treatment of mutineers by British, causes leading up to
“Fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo”
And Hamburg.
But, as the saying goes, we lit the fires but God kept them burning.
“Already the best case possible at the time was brought against the so-called Birmingham Six”
It’s a minor point, but the best evidence wasn’t used. It would have to have been shared with the defense and that would have disclosed too much information to the terrorists.
The dilema is always either to disclose the information and secure a conviction, or don’t disclose and so still be able to prevent future attrocities. The usual priority is to protect the living rather than secure justice for the dead.
Media Guardian headline today:
“Growing hostility to the media, Turkey holds BBC reporter and it was the last dance for Balls”
There, but for a missing comma, go I. Made me laugh.
I also cannot fathom why there should be hostility to a cadre of thick, lying activists masquerading as journalists, trying to rig policy and engineer society to fit their twisted minority visions.
“….a cadre of thick, lying activists masquerading as journalists, trying to rig policy and engineer society to fit their twisted minority visions.”
Hey! Guest Who, you cannot refer to the BBC’s preponderance of Muslim reporters that way. Shame on you.
Ask Geert Wilders whether your reference can be deemed a, ‘Hate Crime’ in view of lesser statements made by him in relation to simply halting the flow of Moroccan’s has been.
I await a knock at the door from the Nihal and BBC WM radio Castro Nicht Hilfreich Jugend with weary anticipation.
You have a lovely way with words, GW.
I don’t watch Strictly Come Dancing but BBC news feels the need to keep me up to date. Anyway I hear Ed Balls has finally been knocked out after taxing our patience for weeks. Question: was this the decision of the BBC judges or was it just that the mischievious voting public finally got enough of the joke?
I am reminded of BBC old codger John Sergeant who after weeks of the public messing with BBC heads eventually took one for the team and voluntarily resigned from the show to save corporate blushes.
The BBC don’t actually like public votes, do they?
BREAKING NEWS – Ed Balls claims public vote was only advisory, and a full recount must take place. If the result is still wrong, this will go to the High Court.
Can I make a claim?
I am sufferring severe PTSD after Ed Balls left Strictly.
I so wanted him to win, and so showcase the utter banality and hollowness of the Far Left, and to rub the biased BBC’s noses in democratic voting.
Think George Galloway jumped that particular shark of where the Left have ended up in 2007.
The Left and their shark rape eh? Gerry Healys and PIE apologists to a trans….
Well, well, AISI, are you suggesting there was a Populist vote or something?
At the end of 2016?
Friends! Apologies for my absence, which was a result of my Hard-Right girlfriend viciously making me go on holiday with her, which meant I had very little time on the internet. Nevertheless, I managed to – literally – write a few Tweets, as captured here:
as well as a short eulogy of Our Fidel, here:
Hope you enjoy these! Still catching up on things, but will be back soon :).
Welcome back, SOL!
Wondered about the absence.
Maybe Arthur Fifty-Quickly (Maj. – ret’d.) should be notified so that he, too, can welcome you back.
Thank you, Friend Snuff! Alas, I do not have Friend Fifty’s contact details, so maybe you could pass on this good news to him?
Bet you`ve just returned from Cuba SOL.
What`s the keyword before we storm the citadels…disability scooters revving up and about to go…?
Welcome Home Proud Patriot…if YOU HAVE returned from Cuba, expect some itching powder for a beard in the post soon!
Friend Alicia! How on earth did you know that? Have you been – literally – spying on me? I was wondering why my beard was literally falling out.
Here’s the keyword – short and snappy as you’d expect from me:
You’ve got it, ‘first heard on the Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ aka the BBC (Ha, ha!) –
Total apoplexy in the bBBC newsroom.
The French presidential election is likely to be between a Right winger who is a big fan of Maggie T, and Le Pen of the FN !!!!!!
Talk about caught on Norton’s fork. Who the hell are the bBBC going to support? Ha ha ha.
I suppose, true to form, they could always demand a re-run of the primaries or demand a change in rules to ensure the ‘correct’ decision is ultimately taken.
Still, good fun in the meantime.
Non non non!
“Talk about caught on Norton’s fork.”
Sluff, was that a mis-type for “Morton’s Fork” or a really subtle joke about Graham Norton?
Well spotted RJ. Mixing up my forks and coins with an old work colleague.
Perhaps I should have said Zugswang.
Q. What did the seagull say when he flew into a cliff ?
A. ” Foooooorkkk ! “
Cue old joke told to me in 1976.
What sings and flies into cliffs?
Jim Reeves.
The BBC will support the globalist candidate…..i.e. Anyone but Le Pen.
If I’m not mistaken, the BBC are reaching a crescendo of obsessive anti-Brexit campaigning. Admittedly, we, supporters and advocates for Brexit have been set up. In my view it is a combination of May’s dithering and Cameron’s flawed EU Referendum Act 2015 which has allowed all-in-sundry Remoaner dead/alive miscreants to continue their mischief and to start making their own agenda. In the absence of control at the top, it can only be expected. This is what happens in the classroom when teacher fails to control the pupils. What with the able assistance of the heavily biased BBC anxious to support any hurdles put in the Governments way, I have a strong suspicion that the whole Brexit debacle is set to lurch into the sand within the next couple of years. Indeed, Farron, interviewed on the BBC’s Today programme in respect of the Polish premiere’s visit, told us that we will be entering an accord with them for ‘mutual defence’. Surely, this is part way toward the EU Army the communist dictators in Europe want to create as enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty?
Maybe, G, maybe.
On the other hand, if ‘Dave’ had some real deep down integrity and guts, he would have listened to the gracious Brexiteers in his Party, stayed on and written a letter to Brussels on the Monday following the vote.
Up2snuff, its the way the Act was worded. Having looked at it only just recently, the deficiencies (mainly in loose wording) are quickly spotted. Hence, the loose wording exploitation via a plethora of legal challenges.
Giving guarantees to Poland ? We cannot fulfill them and never could. 1939 should have taught us that.
Yet more window dressing from a bankrupt Western foreign policy .
More evidence that fantasy rule here as much as in Brussels.
Times pg 29 The left is creating a new kind of apartheid MATT RIDLEY
..The left has vacated the moral high ground
..The right occupy that now as they stand for : UNIVERSAL human values and equal treatment for all.
Saint Anna Soubry has a Times Editorial AGAIN like every month
Oh Anna, I so agree with you, now repeat after me…
…points based immigration system with reversible work permits to manage temporary labour shortages, with proper security assessment of individuals seeking entry to the UK whilst holding beliefs dedicated to the overthrow of our system of government and legal system.
Not difficult is it?
Second paragraph – starts with the fallacy of slippery slope; you can’t make an argument that if something is a little bit bad happens, that build’s up in time to catastrophe.
“Our international student numbers are falling. Now new research from the Migration Matters Trust shows that if the trend over the past six years persists, those numbers will dwindle to near zero within a decade.”
The Third paragraph then shout “misinformation” at Migration Watch
..”They say 110,000 students overstay, it’s only 1,500″
So a fair guess that her claim there is false.
Let me check the Migration watch website : The PDF 387
“110,000 students have been staying on by one means or another.” 21 Jun 2016
See they include people marrying, getting work visas, moving to new coursea etc.
It explains
– ” inflow of non-EU migrants for study averaged 156,000 a year. ” when the last batches of now graduates arrived
– “an average of 46,000 students departing each year” ONS stats for the time they were graduating
– So “IPS is seriously undercounting the departure of students from the UK, or
around 110,000 students have been staying on by one means or another”
(That 110 figure is not 100% robust I guess, during the time you night have students dying ..and they might have been quitting courses early at a quicker rate than students today etc, but it is certainly a first base)
She then tries to say there are a series of falsehoods about immigrants :
– That they claim disproportionate benefits, “False” she says
(I’m guessing that she’s comparing apples with oranges, you can’t compare them with all people ie pregnant mothers/pensioners/disabled, you have to compare them with single people-the same age (who are not carers).
– Immigration reduces wages. She says “a survey says its 1p an hour”
(sounds to me that she cherry picked that stat
I bet you can find other data)
Soubry just seems a puppet of special interests who want to increase immigration.
The final para seems to confirm my guess.
“That’s why I am delighted to become co-chair (of lobby group Migration Matters)”
More immigrants = more houses . We already have a shortage of homes .
Bet her Tory electorate love her views. Any of her constituents reading this site wish to comment?
Odd. The BBC has made a mistake. François Fillon, the ‘Thatcherite’, has won the right wing primary by a massive 66% of the vote so far. Yet the BBC doesn’t mention this on their main news web site …ah, nor on their world news web site. It is only on the BBC’s European web news.
Still, both web sites show pieces about: ‘Arabic women satirising men’ (as if they’d dare), and ‘the father raising a feminist son’.
Does anyone feel they are attending a Camden Council Political Re-education Program?
ss, LOL. You reallY do get some great humour on here: CCPreep. Where’s that B-BBC Lexicon we are creating? That must go in!
Oh good another Remoaner spurious legal challenge on Brexit. The more the merrier . Each spurious challenge designed solely to stop Brexit , just increases the anger of ordinary people and their determination to Leave the EU.. so go ahead Remoaners keep up your silly games , you are just making it more and more obvious that the elite is trying to overturn the will of the people. Don’t be surprised when the day of reckoning arrives for you, you are making many enemies. Go ahead BBC keep on supporting Remoan your License Fee payers are are noting your bias and wondering why the corporation doesn’t represent the democratic view of the people.
Paul Nuttall is now leader of UKIP. I wonder how our esteemed objective and unbiased national broadcaster will report this to a waiting nation. oh well, expect yet more scripted ad lib lines in every BBC radio and television show.
Oh by the way, still haven’t heard any jokes from Brigstocke, Hardy or The Now Show comedians about Lord Taylor of Blackburn, the Labour peer who died last week in a collision between his van and his mobility scooter.
You know the chap. In late-January 2009 Lord Taylor was one of four Labour peers of the realm accused of ‘sleaze’ by The Sunday Times – it was alleged by The Sunday Times that Taylor proclaimed to two journalists posing as lobbyists that he was ready, willing and able to help a business secure favourable legislation in their sphere of interest in return for a fee. On 20 May, the House of Lords considered the report of its Privileges Committee and voted to suspend Lord Taylor and Lord Truscott for six months, the first such action since the 17th century.
Come on you Marxist BBC comedians, you made a joke about how many times the Queen has had sex and took the Michael out of Cliff Richard (but never made one quip about Savile when he was alive), this is comedy manna from heaven…
Can I be first Cassie?
Lord Taylor referred to himself as a “taxi for hire”.
He said nothing about being available to convey others round in his disability scooter-so just as well, he`d not got the knowledge.
This was the revenge of white van man.
Readers comments are not going the BBC’s way re UKIP election.
But I’m sure the BBC will as always shut down comments very soon.
The Guardian readers seem to be concentrating their fire elsewhere for the moment.
Trump claims millions voted illegally in presidential poll
Currently: Sorry, we are unable to load the comments at this time. Please try again later.
Yes you can see that paid keyboard Leftmob warriors are patrolling to try to manipulate the comments towards their habitual sneering and shouting racist.
..As Dover Sentry says…they are failing.
..My playful comment got 6 down votes, within the first 4 minutes.
Currently: Sorry, we are unable to load the comments at this time. Please try again later.
So, not ‘shut down’… as such
Racist man, racist party, racist voters.
Lefty’s like a cracked record from a parallel world.
The BBC do seem rather exercised by UKIPs minibar antics since the Brexit vote.
They have only one MP( the appalling Douglas Carswell), and zero influence.
So says the BBC-and so SAID the BBC right until June 23rd.
But here we are now-Norman Smith with furrowed brow, trying to whip up the “Farage will return to pull the strings” crap…and Nuttall getting shouted at on Question Time(which we`ll all agree makes him unfit for polite society).
THIS is news analysis?
Does Norm and the BBC need reminding about LABOURS internal squabbles since 2015?
Which would have to be FAR more damaging, nasty and telling on Norman and his BBC mates!
Norman then says that now we`ve got Brexit then “what is the point of UKIP”?( but aren`t the BBC and their mates continuing to thwart this still-second story after UKIP if he bothered to scroll down!).
Now then-this one crops up ALL the time with the leftylibbies.
Well, once we`ve GOT Brexit-the role of UKIP will be to wipe Labout off the electoral map in the north.
Grammar Schools, no BBC License-that is ALL that they`ll need to clear Clegg and Miliband out of the north and back to Holland Park or Strictly.
The BBC seem frit of this-oh dear, time then to scare them out of the north-it`s what Jo Cox died for.
Storming Norman is so anti Tory and anti UKIP that he had no place as a political correspondent . His reporting is slanted and belongs to the world of opinion or propaganda, not taxpayer funded news reporting .
There was a rather unusual Snow/Nutall interview on Channel4 tonight. Usually the Channel4 team keep a safe distance between themselves and any UKIP interviewee, as if they were afraid of some contagion, ideological or physical.
The almost intimate chat thing was very creepy.
The Hackney Hippo also appeared and seems to be rapidly losing any weak grasp on reality she may have had. UKIP is no threat to Labour in the North. It’s nothing to do with immigration! It’s the wicked capitalist exploiters who are using immigrants to undercut the native workers. This is the Chukka gambit. Someone asks him what effect 300,000 new arrivals per year in Britain might have on the demand for housing, and he replies “I’m not going to blame immigrants”. Of course, no one is attaching any moral responsibility for the immigrant crisis to individual immigrants. If I arrive home and find my front door open and discover that a number of dogs have come in and defecated on my living room carpet, I don’t blame the dogs. What I want to find out is who is really to blame. Who left the front door open and why?
It’s Monday, so a new week YAWNS on the BBC :
………………….. It’ll be releaseing the same old propaganda.
Voter fraud admitted by Democrats.
BBC TV news channel is running a piece on Ed Ball’s ejection from Strictly that lasts at least 10 minutes. After that we get 15 seconds max on Paul Nuttalls election as UKIP leader. Balanced?
That`s classic though EE.
When Balls started ouf on his dance stuff-Today gave him the prime slot to do his “Man of the people”crap.
The BBC just LOVE it if we give a stuff over their souffles and sequins.
Feed us gloop-patronise and insult us with their “what the little people are watching”-and how the toffs like Ed Balls care “reaching out” to the oiks to share in our humanity.
Heard Nick Robinson parallel Balls removal with Brexit-oh, how arch, funny…
Wanker…don`t fall for it-these are nasty patronising scum who determine these stories and priorities for the likes of us.
BBC hitting hard with the dancing news. Here they list seven things Balls could do after Strictly:
This is slightly different to my 7 which are, in ascending order:
1. F*ck off
2. F*ck off
3. F*ck off
4. F*ck off
5. F*ck off
6. F*ck off
7. F*ck off
Given a bit more time I reckon I could come up with some more! No doubt regulars here could contribute to the list.
I am am surprised at your lack of imagination. For a bit of variety, I would suggest :-
8. F*ck off.
By the way, does anyone know how much Balls was paid and if he avoided tax by using a personal service company or “offshore arrangements ” ?
Good one.
9. When you get there, fuck off again.
Why don’t the BBC have done with it and combine a baking show with a dancing/acrobatic/animal show and call it ‘Bread and Circuses.’
You know that TV gameshow that you don’t like, so don’t watch, well we are going to spend 10 minutes of news prog time stuffing it down your throats.
You dumb BBC Oafs, if I was interested in that dumb gameshow I would have watched it.
I switch the news on cos I want to watch NEWS.
Just had this passed on which doesn’t seem to be making the news:
‘World at One’ and a major scoop for the BBC: an interview with Goran and his teenage school mates from Macedonia. Apparently, the naughty lads swung the US election for Trump by posting false news stories on the internet and getting paid for them. The BBC think they’re only it for the money and are endangering western democracy by their silly pranks. Even more shocking, Goran’ll be doing the same for the French election next year …
It looks as if the French election’s already decided then, BBC’s billions vs Goran. A bit like David and Goliath or should that be Goliath and David?
Btw, I wonder how much Goran got paid for the interview?
Thank you for your email of 16 November to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, about the BBC. I am replying as a member of the Ministerial Support Team at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Responsibility for what is broadcast on television and radio rests with the broadcasters and the organisations that regulate broadcasting – the Office of Communications (Ofcom), the BBC Trust and the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority. They are independent of the Government and responsible for safeguarding the public interest in media dissemination of content. They set out the rules and guidance with which media organisations must comply. Within this framework, it is the media houses’ job to make judgements about what individual programmes should contain and the time at which they are broadcasted.
The BBC’s governing instruments, the Royal Charter and Agreement, place broad obligations on the Corporation in respect of its television and radio services, objectives, programme content and standards. Within this framework, detailed decisions on programme content and scheduling are matters for the BBC, reflecting its editorial independence. It is a long-standing principle that the Government does not interfere in programme matters, either on arrangements for scheduling or on content. It is important to maintain the principle of freedom of expression, which political interference could undermine.
The Government believes it is important that the Corporation is aware of the concerns of viewers and listeners. You can contact the BBC Trust with your views at:
BBC Trust Unit
180 Great Portland Street
gaxvil, In other words a total waste of time .
No more than I expected but you have to try.
The bodies to oversee are not fit for purpose and the Charter is not adhered to. The Government could make them all more robust.
Makes you wonder what they’re afraid of – bad press?
I guess the main argument for trying is to remind them that we have not given up. But, the BBC will never change. They are fully in control now and they know it !
Fully out of control. fify.
Gaxvil, “Makes you wonder what they’re afraid of – bad press?”. They have very little say – there is the World’s Grand Plan (UN) to adhere to. All the Western Governments signed up to it and it includes all the major so-called, “independent” broadcasters which, all sing from the same hymn sheet.
Grant, Gaxvil and G, Guess we’ll have to call you the G Men, or the Untouchables. 🙂
Just in case you missed it Thereis a debunk of Today’s BBC main story on another Brexit legal case
The body calling for iot is a pressure group, not a think-tank.
New European?
Gina Miller?
Now THIS rush to law by some group we`ve never heard of, re the legality of leaving the EU market?
Seems to be no shortage of money around to stop us from leaving.
Wonder who`s paying and why-and what role the BBC have in it all, apart from not telling us?
Lack of curiosity from the Political Arms of the EU Octopus I think.
As an alternative we could:
stop paying monies to the EU budget
stop the free movement of EU nationals
remove the Common External Tariff
negotiate free trade agreements with other states
ignore the Charter of Fundamental Rights
ignore any judgements of the European Court of Justice.
The government might have to filibuster any attempts to involve the UK’s Supreme Court, but then the EU would have to expel us for being so naughty.
Just abolish the ‘Supreme Court’ which was a Blair/Straw concoction and an integral part of their plan to wreck the constitution of this country and prevent any future conservative (small ‘c’) government being able to govern in the future.
Both (along with that vile piece of work Starmer) should be on trial for treason.
Beyond Belief Radio 4
Zionism and Judaism
Beyond Belief
A new term of abuse has emerged on social media, Zio, a shortened form of Zionist. Meanwhile the evidence suggests that anti Semitism is on the rise in Britain. There have been high profile cases of politicians who have been disciplined for anti Semitic comments. There appears to be some confusion even within the Jewish community over what Zionism means, whether a distinction should be drawn between anti Semitism and anti Zionism and what the relationship is between Judaism and Zionism. Ernie Rea brings together three Jews to discuss these issues. Robert Cohen is a Jewish blogger and commentator on the British Jewish community and its relationship to the State of Israel: Dr Yaakov Wise is a Manchester based Orthodox Jewish historian and writer: and Jessica Elgot was formerly a journalist for the Jewish Chronicle and is now writing for the Guardian.
No surprises for guessing which way this one leaned !
The BBC and Lefties are totally anti-semitic and Ernie Ray is a total plonker.
But he did do the best Christmas single ever….
LOL ! Makes me think , why did the BBC never get Fidel onto strictly ? He would have been a hoot, with his dance moves, wit and repartee !
Sorry Fred-season of goodwill and all that.
But Reas record is awful….
I myself go for “Hey Mr Christmas” by Showaddywaddy as well as the marvellous “Rock and Roll Christmas” by Mr Paul Raven!
I do both impressions over a Castro cigarillo,with a Clinton smile and a Savile accent and passable impression.
Cigar User of the Year?…as yet I`ve not been put forward…but I dare to dream.
Boy-is there a link to cigars and evil, post Jan 1965?
chrisH ………… marvellous “Rock and Roll Christmas” by Mr Paul Raven!
Um, that would be the Paul Raven better known as Gary Glitter then ? (I have a vintage poster from one of Paul Raven’s shows from the early 60’s, – worth anything ? )
In the spirit of polite counter, might I offer that the BBC TOTP dressing room gang member in question was Paul Gadd?
A Castro Clinton Cigarillo Christmas does suggest a happy ending for those in power with young staff in the office.
GW yes he performed under a variety of names including Paul Gadd….
taken from Wilkepedia …..After performing under the name Paul Raven in the 1960s, he first came to prominence as Gary Glitter in the glam rock era of the early 1970s, …..
Oh dear-my second spat among friends!
I heard the programme-but thought it pretty good in that the two major strands of Jewish thought were there.
Rea kept out, and our Guardian girlie seemed fair, if a bit wet.
So, I thought it better than I was expecting…
Castro’s wife was on the fidel for years.
LOL ! Wife ? Which one ?
BBC seem to be playing down Castro’s womanising and wealth . I wonder why ? Anyone any ideas ?
It`s not for nothing that “Take Me To Cuba” was pretty much the standard issue joke used by terrorists who hijacked planes under Fidels benign gaze.
The PLO particularly gained from this-so Castro was the typical lefty blowhard antisemite, but actually able to save his chums(as opposed to jampax like Corbyn and Livingston) Glad Castro has gone to where few Jews will be subject to his pitchforks.
” Jampax”. Copyright that. You could make a bomb ! Or a sanitary product. Just an idea .
BBc news at 18:00 and high up on the agenda child abuse amongst the footballing community.Shame the BBc were not so interested in reporting the mass child abuse by “men of Asian origin”. But then perhaps in their eyes footballers are more valued.
And, so far it is white footballers !
Victims don’t matter to the A-BBC, they’re only interested in the perps, but only when it’s the right kind of perp.
That’s exactly right, News-Gatekeeping did not need to be activated.
Whereas if the person is white male and politically conservative then BBC engage max-HYPEperbole.
……. isn’t that right Keith Vaz ….. Donald Trump ?
BBC TV Male Newsreader’s comment this afternoon as regards the then ongoing Ohio University shooting:
“”…..looking for a gunman or gunwoman””
Are the BBC in their search for ultimate Politically Correct terminology going to take this even further?
“”…..looking for a gunwoman or gunman or gun-transgender-person or gun-gay or gun-rather-not-say…””
Ohio CBS News The car is registered to a man called Mohamid Ali, a 20 year old Somalian who was shot dead after stabbing several people.
Sounds like some recent terrorist attacks in Israel.
Looking forward to BBC coverage.
Unclear if it was a gun attack or just car and knife. If the latter, then it hardly supports the case for gun control
Bloody Rastafarians !
We shall never know.
” Gunwoman ” ? I think the only Gunwomen are muslims ?
Are there gunchildren?
The BBC could create such an entity to get around the above problems and, let’s face it, most perps past, present and future would likely qualify.
But there are gun dogs
There are gun kids and kid suicide bombers fully supported by the Cnuts at the BBC !!
Where are all the trolls these days ?
“The college had warned students in a tweet to “Run Hide Fight”, warning there was an “active shooter”, though authorities later said the attacker did not use a firearm.”
It wasn’t a gun in his pocket, Mohammid was just pleased to see them.
I wonder how the BBC will spin this one out? Can’t wait for November temperature result: For October, the Global temperature fell a staggering ONE degree Celsius.
I heard part of an interview with a woman from The Howard League on Toady this morning, you would be forgiven for thinking, from listening to her, that far from merely “reforming” prisons they (H.L.) would rather they were all closed down and nobody was imprisoned at all; it was quite unbelievable.
Yes that is almost the whole point of John Howard’s 18C report.
Prison doesn’t work. Reform does.
Just punishing people doesn’t produce people you can put back on the streets.
You really have to do some work to reform them.
So work well with the people who are a danger.
And the ones that are not a danger you you don’t lock them up, but do the reform from within society, so yes you can have far less prisons, cos only the really dangerous people are kept within them.
(I redid their website for them in 1995)
You could introduce higher and higher penalties for committing crimes, but it doesn’t make that much difference, cos people simply don’t think about getting caught.
Oh The Howard League for Penis Reform?
God,they used to get onto Today even when I never listened to is as a student.
Had a Frances Crook who blathered for them as I recall…bet the old lag is STILL emoting for more appreciation for Shipmans pastels?
Great gig for the old blagger-like Sue Slipman, Shami and Suzi Leather-these harpies seem to have a perpetually good culture war don`t they?
Nelson Mandela didn’t re-offend after imprisonment. Prison works.
That reminds me of a case brought before an 18th century Scottish judge.
The accused says to the judge: “I’ve mended my ways Milord.”
To which the judge replies: “Aye, but I think a wee hanging might mend them a bit more.”
The 17:30 news bulletin on 6Music (and presumably others around the same time) included a segment about the appointment of Paul Nuttall as the new leader of UKIP. At the end of the bulletin the news reader said something along the lines of “… but these people in Nuttall’s home town of Bootle are not impressed”, or words to that effect. Whoever then interviewed the three people broadcast managed (!) to find three Labour voters who expressed their views. Checking the 2015 General Election results for Bootle I see that Labour received 33619 votes while UKIP in second place won 4915. This presumably made it easy for the unheard correspondent to find those three Labour voters, seeing that they have a massive majority in the town. I think we can all guess how little effort was applied to finding a non-Labour voter. These people were never going to say anything pro-UKIP and all they did was further the BBC’s agenda of rubbishing anything to do with UKIP (and Brexit and Trump) at *every* possible opportunity. The BBC deliberately but quite cleverly chose to denigrate a legal vote by selectively using the general public to express views that coincide with those of the BBC. I’ve put in a complaint and look forward to the usual computer-generated “we got it about right”. “general public’s views are not our own” and “you’re an idiot” email. They never fail to disappoint.
And in other news, with Mrs Loather’s surprise agreement to do so I have just cancelled our TVL direct debit. I look forward to the inevitable correspondence.
6:05 BBC1 just officially announced many Labour Voters are “right wing”
Julia child reporter said
“and Paul Nuttal supports some right wing views
He’s a climate skeptic and tough on law on order” they are not just normal views any Labour supporter can have; they are smeared with the “right wing” label.
Heard this too Stew-so we now know what corns to step on re the Left.
Maybe we charity appeal for the Scrubs so they can buy some snow for those snowmen they`ll be making soon?
There was a News-vert slot at the end of BBC1 6pm News
2 minute with black actress “asking her what she felt about sexism of Trump”
Then afterwards was a logo “This is part if the BBC 100 Women project”
Yep not only is it Black MONTH – It’s women’s SEASON Press release

This black stuff always amuses me. Have Beeboids any first hand experience of how black African men, generally, treat women ? If not, maybe they should make a documentary about it !
We’ve just been promised that in the headlines at the start of News at Ten. Must be something very important to get such prominence. We’re told she has something to say about Trump, so I’ll be hanging on her every word, because what showbiz people think is essential to know.
You missed the very important news, featured on both the 6pm and 10 pm news.
Alicia Keys sometimes does not wear make up.
This important story rated about 5 minutes of a half hour news programme.
But then again, with Alicia being both black and female, two of those all-important boxes are ticked.
And to think we are compelled to pay for this utterly facile vocal minority tripe.
Ms. Keys likely looks ok with or without a bit of slap.
Just as Dove are currently running an ad about the need for at least a bit of help in front of the mirror using a notaminger model, so the mostly comely BBC talking heads in make up must wonder why they were chosen over those less blessed with nice completions.
Zitiism is a scourge.
These 100 women all seem to be SJW, UltraMumsnet, virtue signalling, BBC rainbow nation, politico triggered hyper-sensitive’s.
If they re half the world we re finished
BBC News for the West Midlands tonight did a special programme about the awful traffic congestion in the area. Apparently we should be doing something about it by using public transport, car sharing schemes or starting or leaving work at different times to what we do at present. It’s obviously nothing to do with the millions of extra people in the country as that wasn’t mentioned.
Shilpa Shetty’s Animal Farm ‘review’ trolled on Twitter
BBC have aided and abetted a hate crime by letting everyone know Shipa Shetty made a mistake and now she is getting online bullying. The BBC budget is being used to bully and ridicule her some more.
And the scum at the BBC describe ” Animal Farm ” as a ” novella “. Unbelievable !
So do the scum at Wikipedia
A novella is a short novel.
DJ – welcome. And, indeed.
Interesting again to see BBC picking ‘trends’ it likes, doesn’t like or feels need gnawing upon.
“Shetty has yet to respond to her latest trend-setting activity.”
They clearly are keen to keep this going. Be a shame if such teasing took a darker turn and they needed to ‘report’ on institutional online bullying and its consequences.
BBC Online News:
“”Great Barrier Reef suffered worst bleaching on record in 2016, report finds””
“”Professor Hughes is certain that the increased water temperature is the result of carbon emissions, and warns that climate change could bring annual bleaching within 20 years””
“”We keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and this happened absolutely because of that””
“”Mr Healy argued even those not financially involved had a stake in the reef.
“I’d say every human on the planet does,” he said””
Don’t we all love “”settled science””??
At least the BBC outlined the opposing view…ooops… oh no, they didn’t.
Reported on the main news on BBC1 at 6pm. They said average temperature has gone up by 1degree Celsius. Surely sea temperatures have a natural variability of more than1 degree. The item said specifically that the rise was due to CO2 emissions. I am pleased the BBCare so sure because I thought the science was missing the actual proof.
Something perhaps for our resident weather/climate correspondent.
I believe that the UEA “experts” have identified a turn down in the rate of increase of CO2 emissions, seemingly just as temperatures are reputedly starting to rise again.
My question is “Is this another example of an inconvenient truth?”
I’m sure the BBC’s Arts graduate but science expert will be able to explain all
John Gray is a gifted communicator, clever and explains things to the left tribe that he`s dwelt among for perhaps too long.
Well worth a listen-as good as the lefty liberals will ever get.
Looks like our ‘friend’ at the Guardian & BBC fave Owen Jones has been trolling people on twitter for a false news story that new UKIP head Paul Nuttall had discussions with friends about joining the Tory party.
Following the tweet he claimed he phone rang non stop for 60 minutes.
He bemoaned the state of muck raking ‘journalism’ and the fact that any fake news story could be generated this way.
So much for the Guardian messing with fake news stories on Facebook which they claim helped Donald Trump to power, when they’re busy generating them themselves!
Is there anything more symptomatic of modern stupidity than this furore over ‘fake news’? Whatever happened to ‘don’t believe everything you read in the papers’? People seem to have reverted to (if they ever left) a form of seventeenth century thinking that everything in print is either completely true, or completely false. But anyone with an ounce of learning knows such a thing is impossible!
It is, in any case, a complete confection, got up by Soros-funded political agitators in the attempt to silence alternatives to the MSM.
It only becomes serious as a threat when a totalitarian like Merkel (East German communist trained never let it be forgot) decides to intervene.
My Dad has reviewed the new Top Gear on Amazon ha ha
I believe the core concept is “Three white, English, men having fun and giving their opinions about cars with some banter”
and this something the State Propaganda Broadcaster (bbc) cannot and will not ever be able to replicate. The main reason I believe this to be the case is they use a hiring policy which has lead to all bbc staff being dangerous, radical, hardcore, regressive left-wing extremists. So mainly gays and feminist, matriarchal propagandists who feel producing fun content aimed at straight white men is problematic. The program and the presenters are not “racist” or “sexist” although it was implied by the bbc propagandists. The main lead Jeremy Clarkson has technically never been sacked although again this was implied by the bbc propagandists.
“Three white, English, men having fun and giving their opinions about cars with some banter”
Many years ago, the offices I worked in were like that. Before that, it applied to university and the factory I worked in during the holidays. Ordinary people could be very witty. Jokes could be robust but malice was rare.
Perhaps the success of Top Gear is down to the decline of banter these days? People are reluctant to speak up and every office of any size seems to have at least one PC drone, often more. Public sector – forget it entirely.
This is an entertaining Twitter thread, and the BBC is to be thanked for making it possible:
I posted this near the top, but it’s worth repeating if only to show the lunacy that infests some ‘seats of learning’:
This woman is nothing short of certifiable.
Apparently she’s very big in the ‘sustainable hairdressing’ world.
I suppose it beats ‘gender studies’
By the by, oddballs like this are permanently declaring the Cuban health service as being second to none. Well to a certain extent they are half right if you’re the right sort of patient.
The Cuban health service is three tiered.
The first tier is almost exclusively for foreigners with a high profile. No expense spared, but then again the recipient is billed for the health care. And the bill is invariably massively inflated. Think BUPA on steroids.
The second tier is free and of a slightly lower standard and reserved exclusively for the leadership and apparatchiks.
Tier three is for the common Cuban. They are expected to bring their own bed linen. Their families are expected to provide their food and drugs. They are accommodated in squalid wards with little or no proper medical care.
Of course Baden would never mention any of this. Most disturbing of Baden’s comments was the slur on the ‘Ladies in White’, making the outrageous inference that these women are stooges of the US.
Sometimes I think that dangerous fools like Baden should be euthenised to free up oxygen for someone more worthwhile.
Please sign this – Alice from London (Daemonlinks)
Due to on-going government inquiries, the BBC has recently covered sharia councils in the UK. During debates and discussion on the issue, BBC presenters did not mention the fact that sharia law has been declared, by the European Court of Human Rights, as “wholly incompatible” with human rights and democratic principles; due overwhelmingly to its treatment of women. Nor has the BBC provided significant details about sharia law, such as that it allows men to use physical force against their wives, mothers have no rights over children, and a woman’s word is worth less than a man’s.
Moreover, secular or Islam-critical voices have not been included in these debates.
As licence-fee payers, we demand that the BBC provide complete coverage of this important matter and to fully inform the public. We also demand that those who believe in a single democratic law for all are given every opportunity to object to sharia councils, for whatever reason, and that our voices be heard. It is not for Muslims alone to determine whether or not the United Kingdom accommodates sharia law, or what form that should take.
Read more at:
Already done, I posted on this petition last week the numbers are really moving now.
If you haven t already done so, please consider it.
A BBC Bedtime Story – My original video On YouTube AD and Red Official – DLs
An interesting site with a lot of news stories which are being completely ignored by the BBC, for instance there is nothing on the BBC about this seeming about turn by senior Labour people:
Ministers should “secure greater control over immigration” as they negotiate Brexit, a senior Labour MP says today.
In a coded warning to party leader Jeremy Corbyn, Dan Jarvis says the thorny issue is “a crucial test” for Labour. …
He adds: “Any attempt to ‘out-UKIP UKIP’ won’t work. …
“Our task is not only to listen, but to provide the answers. That includes on immigration because the (EU) referendum result means that a further public debate on this is now inevitable.”
The Government “must bring forward proposals to secure greater control over immigration, while securing the brightest economic future which supports jobs and investment”, he says.
Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC the UK has too many people coming in because Britain “has a skills shortage” and “we’re not training enough people in this country”.
Obviously this does not fit the BBC mass migration position.
David Walliams quite disturbing diatribe denigrating those of us who live outside the M25 at the start of Walliams and friend.
Playing to the circle a forte of his, I believe.
Ignoring the majority of paying customers in the stalls, as recent events have shown, is ‘brave’.
The BBC have two serious problems to contend with:
UKIP and Trump.
(The catalyst will be Farage).
Very, very interesting times ahead.
I’ve been wondering what has happened to the dissenters and disrupters that used to frequent Jerrod I don’t miss. Frequently he was an abusive troll of the highest order. Zero, Kiku, Marvin and others appeared to at least attempt discussion. Have they all been banned by admin? Pity in a way. Though I can’t read all the comments here on every thread, it does seem mostly they go unchallenged (including my own).
Does this mean we have won the arguments – Brexit, Trump, Decline of liberal narrative, etc or does it mean, whether left or right, that we now inhabit echo-chambers of our own making? I don’t know. And this is no criticism of this blog, merely an observation.
Re dissenters/trolls –
The main problem with 95 odd percent of active SJW type leftists who post on blogs etc is that they are probably young, therefore feebly-taught by recent state education and have no history, philosophy or any idea of the concept of causality. Their views are never challenged, and they sadly can’t think for themselves.
Reality will eventually mug them in a dark alley, and they grow up.
The few ‘intellectual’ types shroud their real feelings in abstruse postmodern nonsense, inspired by Foucault, Baudrillard, Gramsci or take your pick of any of the Frankfurt School mob. These people you need to watch out for, as they have an incendiary hatred for western civilisation.
I knew one of this type years ago – charismatic, absolutely brilliant with arguments up to a point, but the more I got to know him he was basically a depressive nihilist and the core of it was all personal. To cut a long story short he blamed his homosexuality on an absent dad, and thereafter despised civilisation which (I guess) he equated to white men. He knew Freud inside out, and dismissed all criticism of his theories, like the unwavering fanatic that he was.
Sorry that’s just an anecdotal story, but I expect there are (very intelligent) people like him who unfortunately found their way to the top in the media, civil service, political parties etc. They actually have ‘marched through the institutions’ and influence our everyday lives, where instead they’d be better off being un-brainwashed and having their intelligence directed elsewhere. Or put in a loony bin to be on the safe side.
Challenging an inaccuracy or positing an alternative view was, is and should be fine. Necessary even.
However those you cite seemed incapable of doing so without ‘added extras’, which was as tedious as it was self defeating. And distraction was more the aim than discussion.
Not sorely missed. The current paucity of counter view may be for the reasons you say, especially as a poor counter simply provided opportunity to highlight it further, or that the resources behind such efforts have been restricted by recent events.
Mr G,
I have posted a few times “where have all the trolls gone ? “. It seems a remarkable coincidence that they all disappear at the same time !
My theory is the Trolls are BBC employees, but the ‘thin red line’ can’t always hold. If, for example, there’s a blazing twitter storm in a different sector of the front, they’ll be sent up there as reinforcements, and relatively peaceful backwaters like Biased BBC get left alone.
I suspect that you are right. I can’t imagine anyone not closely associated with the BBC taking so much time to defend them, when they are here that is !
Another Alan’s snackbar customer has gone on the rampage in Ohio, fortunately being shot dead by a nearby police officer. The murderous assailant is a Somalian muslim and the officer a white male. Perhaps the BLM mob will be mobilising.
The BBC are putting all their resources into establishing a Norwegian connection.
The BBC website are reporting a Somali refugee was the fanatic who attempted to murder multiple individuals
Yet 5Live news is reporting that the heinous act has been perpetrated by “a Man”.
It’s those “men” again.
Seems the campus snowflake generation are so consumed with fear by imagined threats pumped into their cranial voids via their wireless Apple earbuds, they are oblivious to more tangible ones barrelling their way along the pavement
Quite ironic that the very student lefty voices that advocate more muslim immigration and against ‘islamophobia’ are the ones that end up on the wrong end of Talibani Manny’s knife.
BBC Online News:
“”Christian school worker Victoria Allen in gay marriage row””
“”Outside the court, Mrs Allen said she was made to “feel like a criminal” for sharing her “personal, Biblical beliefs””
A christian black teacher objects in school to gay marriage and wins her case in court.
Difficult times ahead for the BBC.
DS. This may be a double-edged sword. What’s good for the Christian goose will also be good for the Islamic gander.
Quite possibly Mr.G. But the BBC can’t cope with dichotomies. Being black, female and anti-gay does not sit easily with the BBC.
Agreed DS. The BBC are currently flailing around like a grounded carp.
Actually I dont think the BBC and the rest of the Globalist Tendency are anywhere as troubled by this as you’d expect, just as they’re not troubled by their anti British working class stereotyping while normally demonsising even the most sensible ‘generalising’ about people.
The woman is Black. Thus anything she says or does is justifiable.