A shameful use by the BBC of equating the Holocaust with objections to rampant uncontrolled immigration.
In simple terms, the BBC are saying that if you want controlled immigration, you must be a Nazi. And perhaps a racist as well. And no doubt a misogynist. And probably a climate change denier.
Desperation of the snowflake media. The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view. First to isolate then to persecute and then to eliminate.
There is no equivalence between the holocaust and the present overwhelming immigration from the third world. None at all.
Note that Merkel’s Germany is desperate to criminalize dissent by making the internet platforms responsible for content that the German state deems inappropriate.
It has not taken Merkel long to revert to that peculiar German attitude towards freedom and free speech.
It is now doubly important the Mr Trump is made aware of the present slide towards tyranny in Europe . Also the contempt in which he personally is held by the Eu elites and sadly by our politicians and media. .
He has few friends in Western Europe except among the people. Our government cannot be trusted to deliver Brexit and this too he needs to know.
it is no exaggeration to say that his election is the most important event in the West for years and that so many are his enemies that he needs to choose only those he can trust absolutely and to ignore any other basis for choosing his advisers.
His wish for Mr Farage as ambassador shows that he probably understand this.
DaveS: “Desperation of the snowflake media. The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view. First to isolate then to persecute and then to eliminate.”
Think of that last word being emboldened.
Who are the real Nazis?
Sometimes they also deliberate reverse through one hundred and eighty degrees various claims, implications, labels, assumed statements, etc, and attach them to their opponents.
Dave is right. Who has been telling us that politics has been divisive in 2016? The BBC.
Who has been doing the dividing? The BBC.
I hope Capita will not be going out and doing some eliminating in the near future but I think with their present levels of competence I may just survive.
Yep good point from @DaveS
“The Desperation of the snowflake(CryBullies) media.
The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view.
First to isolate
… . then to persecute
……..and then to eliminate.”
As with much in BBC ‘reporting’, that which is vague in headline remains so in the article.
Is it possible that ‘goes viral’ means the kids at BBC trending have been sent it and told to use their famous editorial integrity and selectivity to push it enough for the grown ups to feel it can be mentioned?
He covers CNN – and the main-stream-media and a lot of other things that you might not know too – eye openin’ re: bbc anti-English, anti-Judaeo-Christian, anti-Atheist cultural bias – DLs
Here is one for you all to mull over when you attack your cornflakes in the morning .
Given the prolific number of TV broadcasting stations, satellite etc etc, the audience viewing figures of Al Beeb must by way down from what they were 20 years ago.
Its time to get rid of the telly poll tax.
Value for money – no way !
Bear in mind the the Mail’s comments are often largely written (and upticked) by their own staff and adherents, to generate a false impression. A crap newspaper.
The today progs review of yesterday in Parliament laid bare the utter stupidity of many of today’s politicians, at least I hope it’s stupidity and not evidence of Gulf Wahabbi moneys malign influence.
A particularly revealing line was…..there isn’t much time to turn the outcome into one more like Kosovo than Rwanda.
Brilliant, so what’s proposed by Thornberry and the other liberal interventionists is that RAF lives be put in danger ( Col. Bob Stewart was clear that there’d be losses) to help bring about another situation in which non Muslims can be ethnically cleansed to gain Sunni control of a disputed territory.
I also wonder what the BBC line on Russian air drops to the “rebels” in besieged Mosul would be.
One labour MP asked if the time for intervention “is not now, when? sadly there was no roar of NEVER!
We should be grateful to Russia for taking care of the enemies of civilisation in Syria while the US does the same in Iraq.
Presumably Labour MPs up north are even more dependent on Muslim votes now that UKIP are poised to peel the White, working class vote off them……forever.
Did anyone point out to Lt-Colonel, not, Thornberry that her beloved leader but one had the opportunity to whip his motley crew to support a no-fly zone over Aleppo but that he treacherously turned his coat on the eve of the vote?
Millipede Minor and his Labour cronies are, imo, directly responsible for the current situation there and their comrade Putin’s emboldenment.
Every so often, something slips through the BBC R4 filters. They were interviewing a woman from eastern Aleppo, I think yesterday, about the horrors being inflicted on them by Assad and Putin. All the hospitals bombed. All the doctors and nurses killed. Schools destroyed. No education for children who were being bombed at home. Who were all starving.
End of the piece is reached:
BBC correspondent: “What are you going to do?”
Woman: “We will fight on.”
They had obviously been interviewing a terrorist, sorry, I mean ‘Freedom Fighter’ and perhaps hadn’t realised that she was one of many thousands drawn into the conflict or who had even helped start it. The sooner the fighting stops, the better. The BBC cannot see that. Nor can the rebel groups.
Where, oh where, are the western political peacemakers?
Dear old Beeb being really useful idiots this morning on TODAY with the ‘photographed Brexit document’ with no questioning whatsoever that HMG’s Brexit Dept may have set this up for the media as ‘a hare’. More gullibles’ travels.
Then they bring on Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP, and he is really useless. To the well-tuned listener, Sarah dissects him very subtly and leaves him sliced and diced on a slab.
Without a trace of irony one of the next items is a piece about the memory of fish.
You couldn’t make it up that it could be such a comprehensive shambles. Drop the Dead Donkey?
As others on here have observed, bias creates problems for a news organisation like the BBC. As soon as you move away from integrity and a neutral position to opposition to the Government & democracy, you are very liable to being gamed by those you oppose.
Up2snuff, I did enjoy the Katya Adler feature (just after 0730). It was an apparently ‘comprehensive’ feature on the Italian Referendum coming up next Sunday 4th Dec. I say, ‘comprehensive’ for those unquestioning of anything the BBC spews out as so-called, ‘News. Adler focused on all the regular salient points. But did she? As always with a BBC ‘News’ feature, its not what is said but what is missing or what is said, distorted. Eventually the discerning objective listener becomes attuned to the BBC’s policy on any particular issue and for the Adler item the ‘Elephant in the Room’ was the migrant crisis. No mention here from Adler or anyone in the Today studio needless to say. Thanks to the internet, it is possible to find factual truth and truth that is backed by making the evidence a separate link to browse if one wishes. The truth is that the Italians, number one, are rather pissed off by being overrun by mainly illiterate Africans and other fakes masquerading as, ‘Refugees’. http://newobserveronline.com/italy-invaders-flee-casapound-show-force/ http://newobserveronline.com/nonwhite-invasion-europe-unabated/ http://newobserveronline.com/athens-get-first-mosque/
Then, swiftly followed by an interview with Kinnock (jnr.) MP who patently dragged himself reluctantly away from his parallel universe to be interviewed by the BBC. “No”, he said when pressed upon the numbers of immigrants Labour would allow in, “the message on the doorstep, is that the public don’t mind the numbers coming to the UK, its just the benefits they are claiming”. He is, of course right there on that minor point but, well, no concern of numbers? Ah well Stephen, you can return to your parallel universe now.
I recently signed up to alerts on this website: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/11/minnesota-muslima-dispels-myths-about-treatment-of-women-in-islam
Interesting. This particular article and comments following evidence the point I wish to make. The contributions show that many of the contributors are becoming rather well versed in the Quaran and most are able to quote the correct citation from it to argue against the lies and deceit Islam apologists like to spread about their “peaceful religion”. Certainly a “religion” it is not. It is a pure cult. But there, the expression, ‘fighting fire with fire’ comes to mind. At least the left/liberal/PC thought police cannot claim that using quotes from the Quaran are, ‘racist’.
On Toady R4 this morning we had Lord Windbag’s son, Stephen, who has stayed in the family business and was invited on for the usual cozy chat.
He was talking about immigration and as usual for the Far Left, refused point blank to give an immigration number maximum.
But get this. He did argue that, sector by sector, a review should be held to determine the skills shortage and then a level of migration permitted to equate to that number.
Errr, is this not what UKIP have been saying for years?????? Managed migration based on country need? Oh, the irony.
This point was of course totally lost on the interviewer, eager as ever to maintain good relations with the bBBC’s preferred friends
Ta Sluff.
He`s just been on Jeremy Vine.
Did he leave the green room in the interim-or was a pliant radio car on standby for Lord Kinnockboy for the morning I wonder.
Who`s paying for this…and why Kinnock?
I remember Kinnochio Jnr speaking in Parliament during the memorial for Jo Cox (PBUH) when he (disgustingly) tried to connect the Leave campaign to her murder, a simply awful, awful b@st@rd. The apple, evidently, doesn’t fall very far from the tree.
Why Kinnock? Perhaps Hilary Benn is now seen as flawed as a challenger to Corbyn (because he is not willing to vote against Article 50) and so Kinnock can be brought out & polished up as an alternative?
I expect some others to get that treatment, the female MP from the Midlands (sorry name forgotten at present) is another, so that there are overwhelming options diluting the Party vote until all the anti-Corbyn votes are consolidated behind one contender.
Clive Lewis MP (ex-BBC!) has been on Radio 4 about three times this week and it’s only Tuesday.
I, for one, am encouraged by the news that the Syrian government has taken control of a substantial part of eastern Aleppo from the assorted terrorist organisations that have hitherto held on to it by terrorising the local population and holding it hostage. Let us hope that the government quickly gets control of the whole city, and brings some stability. It is not good news for the BBC, though. BBC TV last night specialised in staged film of stretchers, children and sad faces, and I sat thinking this is just propaganda worthy of Leni Riefenstahl. Likewise on the Today programme where the egregious Lise Doucet carefully fillets the news for the bits that support her agenda.
And just an aside, last week I caught a very small clip of something or other on …Newsnight possibly. The key thing was there was a panel of opinion and Paul Mason, in his designer stubble, was clearly selected by the editors as a representative of the Far Left viewpoint, which he did of course enthusiastically.
Paul Mason. Was he not the bBBC’s editor of something a while back?
As was Polly Toynbee- social aaffairs I think.
Now just remind me of all those bBBC editors who have gone on to openly represent right wing opinion.
You can’t? No, neither can I.
Paul Mason is a Marxist piano teacher, thus he possessed all the qualities necessary to be appointed Business Editor for Newsnight. Famously, Paxman in one interview finally shouted at him ‘you’re talking nonsense Paul’.
More wonderful Paxman reactions to the baloney from Paul Mason. Paxman speaks and gurns for the nation:
BBC Website reports that President Jammeh has suspended the election campaign to mourn Castro. Not that it will make any difference to the result. Points out that Gambia has close links with Cuba which sends doctors to Gambia. I can confirm that, you can see them lounging around Sanyang Beach any day of the week. They are much disliked by native Gambians. And me !
All good things come to an end.
i’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue has seen its core team dwindle, so instead of erudite and genuinely funny wit, we now have to contend with the likes of Susan Calman or Jeremy Hardy making ‘funny’ jokes about Donald Trump, which, sadly, get a laugh from the audience. But no jokes about Fidel. Obviously.
Somewhere I have some old cassettes with the Dream Team of Humph/Cryer/Garden/Taylor/Rushton.
Time for some nostalgia, methinks.
Should young girls in Arab countries – and around the world – be trained how to defend themselves against unwanted physical attention?
Latest waste of news pages and airtime from the Al BBC Taqiya Dept
This is funnier than Citizen Khan …
BBC – Should young girls in Arab countries – and around the world – be trained how to defend themselves against unwanted physical attention?
Hmmm … so the erm “Arab” 😀 penchant for mass gang rape, seconding and drugging
schoolgirls, targeting vulnerable children from children s homes … erm “Arabs” even abusing little boys in swimming pools, physically attacking them in groups etc etc.
Should work well? … but a question, why is the Al BBC all so concerned about ahem “Arab” girls?
“This personal view comes from Joumana Haddad, Lebanese author of Superman is an Arab. 😀 ROFL She argues this simple change will fundamentally shift how men and women think. 😀
This is part of a series of authored talks by radical thinkers, from BBC World Hacks – a new BBC World Service programme focussed on solutions, or hacks, to global problems”.
As usual with erm “Arabs”, when alone not quite so intimidating …
What is brilliant here is that the little Chinese girl beats the crap out of the cowardly muslim bastard. He obviously isn’t used to women fighting back !
Great stuff !. I wonder how the scum at the BBC would spin this one. ” Racist chinese attacks muslim ” ?
He attacked people with a knife and a machete and ran over people with his car.
Fans of Allans Snackbar … or Int Society of Lone Wolves at Ohio State Univ?
BBC main news page, after being obsessed with Aleppo and the US for months …………………………………………………
It appears he s a Somali Migrant, who lived in Pakistan, and the attack was planned so the motive is obviously “unclear”
At Least 9 are injured.
“NBC News that Artan left behind a post on what appeared to be his Facebook page shortly before the attack, saying that assault on Muslims around the world “led to a boiling point. I can’t take it anymore.” The post ends: “By Allah, I am willing to kill a billion infidels in retribution for a single DISABLED Muslim/Musliman.”
The main BBC news page has breaking, Former darts world champion Eric Bristow has lost his role with Sky Sports …. so that’s alright then nothing to see
move along.
“Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, rammed his car into a group of pedestrians at the college and then began stabbing people before police shot him dead on Monday.
The student’s motive is still not known”
“Artan was not previously known to the authorities, an anonymous source told the Associated Press
Conflicting reports have begun to emerge surrounding Artan’s character.
Student journalist Kevin Stankiewicz interviewed him on his first day on campus and said “he did not seem angry”.
Did not seem angry? … really?
“led to a boiling point? – I cant take it anymore?” – willing to kill a billion infidels” etc
BBC selected news, half the time (unless omitted).
Any chance of Neil Young giving us a whine fest on what happened yesterday at Ohio State then?
Or is it fine to sing when the police do the killings?
But not when a vulnerable and conflicted minority individual kills far more?
Cue…tumbleweed and howling silence amidst the feedback for some time yet.
Hope Trump is looking into how the media there are doing all this.
It wasn’t muslim terrorism though. Fortunately it was just an anti-american rant. OK move along, nothing to see here. And by the way, put that machete away.
Love Neil’s music, but he is Canadian and should keep his butt and nose out of US matters. Did he write any songs about the treatment of native Canadians by white settlers there ?
Angela Merkel says, presumably in response to the Polish Prime Minister’s diplomacy, that the status of UK ex-patriots in the EU is not guaranteed comes as quite a surprise to me. Can somebody explain to me how Syrians are invited to Germany with no strings attached but all of a sudden Brits are persona non grata.
Well at least we know where we stand in the pecking order. Danke schoen und auf wiedersehen sie fµcking bitch. (well that’s what google translation said)
I forgot to add that Poland was a victim of the 3rd Reich and, all things considered, some matters are not entirely resolved in the view of some nostalgic Germans. Orders vill be obeyed at all times. Insert nazi salute here with footage of old German limousine full of SS officers with chests adorned with iron crosses gleaming in the sunlight.
Mad Merkel is one bitch from hell. She should be more concerned with the potential collapse of Deutsche Bank. As for ex-pats , she should also think about Germans living in the UK ,why should we guarantee the status of Germans in the UK ? She is insane.
The Elites in Europe and USA are losing their power and thrashing around like dying animals.
Tut, tut, seismicboy, “Syrians”? Some months ago, I saw something that confirmed the UN had accepted that only roughly 40% of the so-called “refugees” came from Syria. The rest, mainly from Africa.
Angela Merkel’s reputation will not stand historical examination well at all. Germany is de facto the ruler of the EU but Merkel has disastrously misused this power. Allowing Greece to join the Euro was a huge mistake , it predates Merkel but she compounded the error by not giving the Greeks a sensible way out when it became obvious they should go. The disastrous Merkel immigration policy needs no further mention. Merkel gave Cameron next to nothing in his so-called renegotiation and made Britains EU exit inevitable. Germany under Merkel should have realised that France was no longer it’s obvious partner in the EU and that Britain should take that role and together help Germany reform the EU. However the shadow of two world wars is a long one and Germany simply can’t bear sharing power with Britain.
In this environment, we are quite right to ditch Germany, let the EU implode and seek other alliances.
One day, Germany will have to revise its attitude and negotiate a new European settlement on lines that Britain has consistently advocated .
Germany, with a history it pretends doesn’t exist has attempted to re-invent itself as leader, beacon of hope and moral guardian of Europe and for a little while with Obama, the World.
Their new, revised final solution to dominate Europe will end badly.
I find deeply sinister the Germans’ clear wish to legislate to control “fake news”, and the fact that the usual suspects around the world have all gone big on “fake news”. That’ll be fake news such as reports of sexual assaults by foreigners in Cologne at New Year.
Trump’s success, following on that of Brexit, has unnerved them to the point of panic and we are entering a very dangerous phase.
Frankly any German desire to control anything still creates a sense of unease.
That said, I still recall with fondness an actually reality TV show come psych experiment where a fake holiday resort was created and various national groups were subjected to a series of ‘situations’ from staff and seeded fifth columnists under the beady eyes hidden cameras.
There were British, Germans, Americans and Japanese IIRC.
One of the things wrong with the EU is that it shouldn’t be ruled by Germany or any other country, and how is Merkel allowed to be the spokeperson for the EU, does she hold any EU office these days?
Germany – you’re good at cars, tools, machinery and music. Very good in fact. But please, leave the “big ideas” to others before the bodies start piling up again.
Some countries could certainly benefit from a little more organisation, no doubt about that, but your style lacks the personal touch. Thanks for trying though.
Somebody might get a bit pissed off next time and nuke you. That wouldn’t be very nice. We wouldn’t want that, and my VW needs spare parts from time to time.
Beware the German politeness and “steel smile “. My car in Gambia is a Toyota RAV4 and , in Scotland a Suzuki Celerio. I have no brief for Japs, I just think that their cars are better than German.
Grant – I would go along with that, my British built Honda has never put a foot wrong in 6 years – I’ve never even had to replace so much as a bulb. I have a mate who is a mechanic at the local BMW dealership and the stories he tells me would make your hair curl – it tells you everything that he drives a Toyota!
I am not a petrol head at all. I just want a car which does a job. Driving conditions in West Africa are a bit different from UK. In Gambia, I would rate , in no order, Nissan Xtrail, Mitsubishi Shogun , Suzuki Vitara, Toyota RAV4 or , even better, Land Cruiser.
BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi are there in Gambia but they do not perform.
The best Gambian car mechanics, who have very few resources, know which cars they can work with.
Sadly, Land Rover, does not cut the ice , or should I say dust, there !
Just got rid of my German-built Ford. The most unreliable car old or new that I’ve ever had. Coupled with that the Ford-trained idiots couldn’t even work out what was wrong with it, despite all their expensive diagnostics.
But then, are Germans actually building them now?
Too many garage mechanics seem to have no understanding whatsoever of electronics. If the electronics don’t identify the part which is failing, give a false warning, or if the electronics themselves are faulty, they’re lost. It’s probably the reason why many luxury brands are scoring very badly on reliability tests. Designed in a lab/programmed on a PC, but too complicated in practice.
A few years ago a relation had a modest Merc. It was never quite right (electronics again) so he replaced it with a Saab. OK until it was broken into. A mediaeval stained glass window from York Minster would have been cheaper.
KISS, Keep it stupid simple. I think the principle of the internal combustion engine remains the same , so why goddam circuit boards ? I could go on but I will lose the will to live !
Coming up on J Vine
“An environmentalist will be telling us why Trump’s words* on Climate Change will mean world war III”
* My paraphrasing Jeremy used the phrase Trump’s belief that ‘Climate Change is a Hoax started by the Chinese’ (which is not Trump’s actual opinion, but a one off off the cuff remark, he once used to sum up the weakness of CAGW theory)
J Vine awards #BbcFreeKick to George Monbiot*, he wason Radio 2 until 12:47PM
(Full-name George “i’ve never predicted anything correctly” Monbiot )
“Your worst fears are confirmed are they George ?”
..’We are at a global problem, he won’t solve so that ..and that is how wars start’
Coal : “Oh those jobs won’t come back” : they’ve been automated..same for fracking”
(George , last night on the BBC1 we were watching miners in a UK mine, we could see it was already highly automated, but those miners lost their jobs cos of UK climate policy not automation)**
Trade Treaties : “oh he rightly opposes for Trade Treaties but for the wrong reasons”
(my paraphrasing)
“I’m literally losing sleep”
Europe he hasn’t used the “far-right” word, but is giving us the “La Pen” scenario
**12:51 Jeremy thru the skin of his teeth just permitted a positive comment about that coal prog.
Now a caller is saying 2/3 of the Earth will become desert
saying of course there will be small wars as countries to disappear
JV says “There is not many who return from Artic unconnvinced”
Ta Stew-I took over your “having to listen to Vine” stint.
Just listened to his “will Nuttall take Labour votes?”
The UKIP bloke mentions that “nepotism is alive and well in labour”.
So-who else but Lord Kinnocks Red Prince is on Vines show to tell us otherwise.
No irony, no jokes there then.
What followed then was minutes where Vine gets away with the usual drive by lame slurry on UKIPs 2010 manifesto( not the 2015 one mind)-the tripe re burkas etc…and well away from Nuttalls call to wipe Labour out…which (as one annoyed lucid UKIP lady said) was the deflection desired by Vine and his handlers.
Oh-now it`s Eric Bristow-another aimless dragon to slay for the BBC as per.
Laura Trevelyan on Woman’s Hour clueless on Melania’s Trumps speech
You’d think that Laura Trevelyan ‘the BBC World News America Anchor’, £5.7bn resourced BBC would know that the speechwriter Meredith McIver admitted the mistake on the day and offered to resign
The topic was “How involved in the next US government might the women in the President-elect’s family be”
“how influential, if at all, are Melania, Ivanka, and Tiffany?”
#1 Fallacy of Speculation-not-news ..BbcWH just just wait a week or 2 until the team is actually named
#2 The report ended with clueless bit “Melania wouldn’t have written that speech hereself, it would have been a speechwriter”
I suppose that admitting that Trump had been sympathetic to the woman would be against BBC-NARRATIVE
“we discussed many people who inspired her (Melania) and messages she wanted to share with the American people. A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples,” McIver explained.
I wrote them down and alter included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake,
“Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr. Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it. Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences,” she added.
The BBC will not only attack Trump and his political allies, they will attack his family. Beeboids are the pits. No humanity, except fake empathy when it suits their cause. Vermin.
You & yours on Radio 4 is talking about the gap between men & womens pay. They drag on an administrator from Manchester University and describe how a pay restructuring saw them getting less pay. She was described as being at the bottom of the pay grades, and then the question and comparison was drawn that she was earning a lot less than the vice chancellor of the university.
Shock Horror how could these nasty men do these terrible things to the poor women ?
Except that the BBC are allowing the inference the Vice Chancellor is a man by not mentioning a name, nor telling us.
The Vice Chancellor is in fact Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell and is paid an eye watering £247 500 plus expenses pension etc etc.
Unfortunately you can see the problem here for the BBC. It didn’t fit the narrative, so it was conveniently brushed under the carpet.
That’s got ‘PR stunt’ written all over it! Will all ‘trumpets’ now have to be withdrawn from sale as well? Will ‘Trumpton’ be renamed ‘Obamaville’ in all future broadcasts?
I imagine the rebranding was going to happen anyway, and the losses written off against tax; the election of Trump gave them the opportunity to get some free publicity and to signal their virtue. If I was covering that story, I would do a quick phone call to the owner and ask him about it politely, ‘Robin Day’ style, just to see what his reaction would be. But then I don’t work for the BBC!
But this is a lefty ploy isn`t it?
You create policies in which migrants die?…then as long as you agree to offer them a home in Highgate one day hence-then you`re OK.
But if you say they should not be coming-and that you`re being demonised for saying so?…well you`re definitely NOT OK.
Indeed the words seem to be more of a crime in the eyes of the Lweft that the actual deeds.
Very Lefty.
As for Trumps game?…gesture crap as you say.
But like Lego-we won`t forget.
This patrolling of the limits of speech and thought remind me of Johnny Marr forbidding Cameron feom listening to Smiths music-and the Left thinking that this was sane, and even possible!
Deluded pinheads.
Friends! I am pleased and proud to announce that, far from being depressed by the vicious Opinion Poll showing the widely-hated Tories 16 points ahead of Labour, I have literally devoted a whole Blog to the subject!
Plus, I have written a specially-adapted version of Friend Python’s stirring Anthem, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”, which I hope you’ll all literally sing along to. It can be literally found here:
Interesting to speculate on, if they had their way, the kind of world the media would insist we all accept the rules of. One thing’s for sure, their agenda list would commonly contain the words, ‘chaos’ and ‘mayhem’.
It took a while, but the BBC have finally responded to my accusations of racism on Newsnight:
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC Two’s ‘Newsnight’ broadcast on 10 November.
I understand you believe James O’Brien made a racist reference while interviewing Dr Cornel West about Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory.
James’s question to Dr West as to whether he thought “Brother Bernie could have beaten Donald Trump?” was never intended to appear to imply racist connotations, and Dr West replied without hesitation that he did believe this scenario could have happened.
James is an experienced journalist who is well aware of how he should conduct himself while working for the BBC. We would never engage with James if we believe he could not meet the specific demands required of him.
We have circulated your complaint to senior management and the ‘Newsnight’ programme in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
They could save time, salaries and maybe even lower the licence fee, if they just send auto replies: ‘Thank you but we don’t care and we ain’t listening – The BBC – The Worlds Most Patronizing Broadcaster.’
So it’s now a defence to an accusation of racism to say you didn’t intend it and it’s not the sort of thing you’d do anyway? Glad that’s been cleared up.
I hope you aren’t going to let them get away with that! Well, you can’t actually stop them, but you can at least make them work for it.
‘. . . never intended to appear to imply racist connotations’.
Nope, sorry, not good enough (and not just the slurry of impressionistic verbs). For the purposes of identifying actionable cases, the CPS defines: ‘A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person‘ (my emphasis).
So if Grimer perceived James O’Brien to be interviewing in a racially objectionable manner—then it’s racist in the eyes of the law. If I perceive Patrice Evra to have begun racially abusing Luis Suarez by calling him ‘South American’—then it’s racist in legislative terms. And if any reader of this site perceives the BBC’s reporting of the rape of underage children by gangs of Britons of a different ethnicity to the majority population to be racist (because the racially aggravated nature of that gang rape is hardly ever mentioned)—then it’s racist.
Some readers will object to this line of reasoning, since it’s employing the kind of hopelessly vague provisions that pass for statute law nowadays against the principal cheerleaders for measures of the kind. But that’s hardly the point. Grimer has perceived that O’Brien ‘made a racist reference’—so it was, beyond legal peradventure, a racist incident. Since the BBC is happy to employ serial offender Diane Abbott, I’m not sure we should be completely surprised, mind.
I hope my complaint led to urgent meetings, written submissions, lawyers, unions, etc. I think the only way to fight the BBC is to play them at their own game – let’s get the snake to eat its own tail.
I think it was Patton who said, at the end of WW2, Germany should be razed to the ground and sown with salt. Something like that may well come to pass.
gaxvil – I don’t think that would have been Patton, he was quite fair to the Germans after the surrender. It was Eisenhower who despised them and actually re-categorised POWs as “Disarmed Enemy Combatants” so that they were no longer protected by the Geneva Convention.
There were more German military personnel who died in American and French prison camps after the war ended, than were killed on the Western Front during the entire war.
I have said many times that Germany should have been partitioned among surrounded countries so that Germans would always be a minority in each country.
I do like the sound of the French contender. He don’t like us but hey what’s new.
But he says France has had 30 years of garbage and too much free stuff – time for a change.
Sure makes you smile how the Left are as extreme, crooked, deviant and hypocritical as they like to accuse the right of being.
Do they think no one notices? We do, we do.
My post @ 8.36am ;-), gaxvil, and you forgot ‘violent’ for your list.
Since when do the Young Conservatives march at the drop of a protest theme, breaking up paving stones in order to lob bits at the police? Or the ladies of the WI riot, throwing custard pies, any other pies that may come to hand, jars of jam and even cupcakes at people they disagree with.
It is the Left that usually does that. Often demo’ing against others of the Left or less left or Even More Left Than Left. Best exemplified by the nasty leadership battle in the Labour Party this year.
BBC radio, brings us the No1 news story … that card game Top Trumps is going to keep its name, despite all the dire warning that it would be a … wait for it! Christmas PR Disaster :-D.
Dire warnings? from who? … the bloody BBC!
Oh apologies, I forgot their predictions are always right 😀 … apart from :-
The Labour Leadership Election
The General Election
The EU Referendum
J Corbyn s Re election
US Presidential Election
Top Trumps have been a successful card game for decades, if I were them I d get an endorsed by our namesake POTUS, DJ “The Don” Trump on the reverse with one of his gurning pics.
Oh and print a few specials for the BBC, (and the Appeaser May) with Farage carrying those Ambassador s Ferrero Rocher on the cover 😀
This would be the BRITISH broadcaster
..that doesn’t know that Trumps has a negative connotation due to it being a common BRITISH dialect word for FARTS ?
Since Trump BEAT the establishment.
The main meaning of the word to mean BEAT/conquer has been doubled.
Of course you could produce a new deck of Top Trump cards
featuring LeftMob/regressives characters
The characteristics would be
– Whining power
– Lying power
– Fantasyland Power
– Crying power
– Bullying power
– Virtue Signalling Power
– Out-Of-Touchness
Corbyn or Monbiot would be the high value cards I guess
Sketch in Spectator show the mad Progressives bubbleworld thinking
Establisment 1: “Contrary to our expectations, it turns out most women didn’t vote for our tired-looking, scandal-dogged, anti-charismatic presidential candidate and her wearisome message of ‘no change’. Even though we repeatedly mentioned that she has female genitalia! Could it be that we’re out of touch?”
Establisment 2: “No… no… it’s the voters who are wrong.”
Establisment 1: “We’ve just lost control of the White House and the Supreme Court. Congress is firmly under Republican rule, our hegemony in academia has turned scholarship into a joke, and the left-leaning mass media has thoroughly destroyed its own credibility by openly campaigning for Hillary while calling the next president and his supporters stupid/inbred/ignorant/deplorable sexist/racist/transphobic Hitler-Putin-KKK sympathisers.
Where do we go from here?”
Establisment 2: “Uhhh… double down on all the stuff that failed before?”
Establisment 1: “Exactly my thoughts too. Isn’t it great we all think the same?”
BBC Question Time, 22:45 1 December 2016
BBC: David Dimdum
Conservative: Jacob Rees-Mogg
Labour: Kate Hoey
UKIP: Nigel Farage
Journalist (Right): Peter Hitchens
Journalist (Left): Rod Liddle
jeez LeftMob will freak out
Looks great-hope they`re not all being taken in the one BBC minibus though!
That said, noticed my library here in Wessex has now got
Melanie P, Peter H, Roger Scruton, Dan Hannan and TWO Jonathan Sacks books-Scuton is from 2015 too!
A letter of thanks is due.
Call me suspicious but I’m thinking that:
1) BBC hopes it will expose the ,’deplorables’.
2)Enable some kind of ‘incident’ that the hacks can feast on.
DC – that was exactly my thought. If anyone complains about week after week of Leftie dominance from now on this episode will be thrown back in their faces. I trust the BBC to be this crafty and underhand.
The programme will start with Dimbleby saying “unfortunately all our guests are stuck in traffic so we are pleased that the following guests have stepped in at short notice…. Chuka Umunna, Jeremy Corbyn, 2 BBC managers, Maria Miller etc”
\\ Scientists’ fear of being labelled sexist is putting women’s health at risk //
#LeftMob #CryBullies stopping free-speech
Times and Telegraph
The thing is they are afraid to speak of gender differences in developing medicines/ treatments
SpoTY – Chris Froome was left of the list
Debubunk of Anna Soubrey’s column I mentioned yesterday : A Times letter by Lord Green of Migration Watch.
He debunked all her points : they’d used official gov numbers, and to her mention of a drop in student numbers, he pointed out that was due to bogus colleges (supplying pretend study for work permits) being closed
pg 33 Canada TV News has first presenter wearing the hijab.
pg 34 Germany attacks on Jews go up 200%
..then slides into talk of Pegida, without mentioning there is no clear link, nor that often Anti-Semitic attacks rise when you get more Muslims and they commit such crimes.
pointing out among other things
Times Cartoon was making out that Corbyn hates Muslim’s, gays , NHS, Climate Change
ha ha very funny
The punchline was NUTT Gays, NUTT Muslims etc.
oh hang on it wasn’t about Labour/Corbyn, it was a sneer/smear at UKIP, so that’s OK isn’t it
Not only is our country being overrun by aliens, we are now requested by the Polish PM to start teaching Polish in our schools !!! WHY ? if there is a need to speak Polish, sod off to Poland ! the same goes for the whining of almost 900,000 Poles who have settled here, -surely life in Poland cannot be that bad anymore. (900,000 of ONE NATION here, compared to the one and a half million Brits scattered across the whole of Europe ). I will never forget the figure of 13,000 maximum that was publicised at the time our doors were pushed open.
Nibor……. “There are more than 850,000 Poles in the UK, official figures say – the largest group of EU nationals by far.”
This is what most of the media reports are saying. That’s half the amount of Brits scattered across the rest of Europe as a whole. Hardly fair that an island as small as ours has to take the lion’s share from one nation. AND they start dictating terms to US !!!
Actually Polish education knocks ours into Jimmy Saviles laundry bag.
Lost count of the number of bright, decent Polish kids that turn into foul-mouthed booze seeking spuds after only two or three months in secondary education here in the UK. And most of them can place Warsaw on the Vistula, our kids think the Thames ends in the Amazonian rain forest.
Anyhow, we should be due some consideration from the EU for providing all those jobs to Poles, Portuguese, Spaniards, etc., etc..
Quite why they don’t all head to Germany is puzzling? After all, Germany needed to import millions of, ‘workers’?
That`s two days running that PM approached something like a public broadcaster.
Last night the 5.40 deadzone was used up by Steve Hewletts amiable conflab over his chemo.
Yes, a Beeboid-but the human story (even the coy BUPA dodgings)trumps the propaganda.
And tonight-same twenty mins given over to how to download a podcast.
Yes again-aimless puffery-but AGAIN, not propaganda. How sad is that?
Pathetically grateful for a few mins free of their liberal shit.
More PM…more!
The BBC are pitching this as “New five pound note: Not suitable for vegetarians” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38144598
Having read the article, it seems that it could be more of a problem for the RoP.
I expect a change of emphasis, or possible deletion.
I think it’s very interesting that the religious groups mentioned as possibly taking offence are Hindus and Jews. Errr, haven’t they overlooked another one? I can’t in all honesty see Hindus and Jews going on the rampage, but the other lot …….
I heard this on PM, the only Jewish opinion mentioned was a Rabbi who was reported as saying he couldn’t understand what the fuss was about since he wasn’t in the habit of eating his fivers.
The Hindu woman interviewed sounded deranged, no Muslim opinion was broadcast, presumably no one fancied asking…….
Hilarious attempt by one of the Clinton-paid, Trump accusers of trying to get him to back down from a lawsuit she would surely lose. Whimpering, fake emotion, sudden grabbing of her skanky lawyer and much more. The only things missing are any tears and an ability to act.
Maybe DT should decline to pursue this as he has other commitments.
But it may be worth him say he did not and has not ever had any grabby grabby with the clearly emotional person of peroxide simpering convincingly next to the skanky, clearly challenging lawyer.
Because on such occasions the media portrays footballers as brave and sacrificing so much. Because that suits the media. No doubt they’ll find a bereaved soul and ask, “How do you feel?”. Hold the shot and hope for tears.
It`s never enough for the BBC that people die, is it?
So we get the usual Busby Babes Bollox from a faraway land with teams we`ve never heard of-nor will we hear of again.
I`m surprised the “football family” haven`t already had their five minutes silence-then five minutes applause-for the victims.
Only hope they`ll boot off Football Focus this Saturday by way of tribute.
Look- I KNOW it`s bad for the team…but it`s also pretty bad for those who were NOT playing football as well-but does the BBC give a damn about THEM?
F***in Grief Thieves the BBC-were I a fan I`d clock them as they probed my prayer time.
As I say-death is not enough-the BBC have to big up sport and emote for the world in case we`d ever think that death is bad enough.
Liberal Establishment going to pot : 51 Migrant smuggler doesn’t turn up for trial.
Last night BBC1 Look North (Hull edition)
“European arrest warrant after Hungarian Truck driver fails to turn up for trial”
from the earlier report in March 2016
“Hungarian Laszlo Horvath was arrested after Border Force officers stopped his lorry at North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire on 14 June (2015). Inside they found 49 Albanians and two Syrians.
Mr Horvath denied the charge of assisting illegal immigration
He was released on bail and will stand trial in November.”
(other stories say the migrants were all sent back)
WTF In an ideal world The guy caught in June would have been remanded straight away and investigated for a week or two, then tried and jailed ..and then you could investigate further mafia links.
Why would have a pleading 9 months after the event and then a trial 8 months after that ? …No surprise he’d already disappeared by then.
Only excuse would be to set up a sting or something so that you release him and surveil him back to the big mafia guys, and then let him go for turning supergrass
As you can see.. my local rag reported the event thus…
At Grimsby Crown Court today, Laszlo Horvath, 40, of Pecs, Hungary denied the offence alleged to have been committed on June 9.
It posted the report on ..
Posted: March 18, 2016
Lorry driver accused of carrying 51 illegal immigrants at Killingholme appears at court
By NewsdeskGy | Posted: March 18, 2016
A HUNGARIAN lorry driver has pleaded not guilty to transporting 51 Albanian immigrants in to the UK through docks at Killingholme.
At Grimsby Crown Court today, Laszlo Horvath, 40, of Pecs, Hungary denied the offence alleged to have been committed on June 9.
The court heard 51 clandestine entrants, who were not citizens of the European Union, were secreted in a lorry trailer.
They were later taken to a detention centre.
A trial, lasting four to five days, will begin at Grimsby Crown Court on November 28.
The driver was granted bail by Recorder Peter Makepeace QC.
Comments are not allowed apparently……
I don`t remember this news being posted on the date in March and definitely not at the time it actually happened….
Our region of Lincolnshire is one of the most deprived in the UK and it really f**ks me off that now Hungarian twts think they can drop lorry loads of Eurochaff near me, add to that the lack of coverage by my local rag and the BBC leaves me questioning what the hell is going on…
Also it seems the accused was committed to Crown Court for trial in Hune nearly six months later on, the normal time period for this is three months or earlier….. Obviously at the time of committal the prosecution had already collated the evidence so why the wait??? I am going to email the editor of the Grimsby evening Telegraph regarding this….
It comes to something when you find the BBC of all news sources seems to offer more infoprmation than the local newspaper!!!
My local newspaper posted this news item in MARCH….
Both the BBC reports and also the local newspaper mention the month of JUNE…
Then the BBC Look north report states the accused did not appear at Crown court on the data his trial was due to commence in NOVEMBER..
My local paper has no updated report on this and you would think a european arrest warrant being involved there would be…….
My main question though is this…. Why did my local paper post thier report in MARCH on the 18th????
Also since when has a prosecution taken over twelve months to proceed? There is something definitely not right tbh….. The dates don`t even corealate and like I said before it`s very local and an item like this regarding people smuggling should be massive news… (I live in Cleethorpes which is next to Grimsby and seperated by the white lines in the middle of the road (Grimsby has a container port and is quite busy 24/7) Immingham is also a container port and much larger than Grimsby as it also has a Oil Tanker terminal too..) It is about thirteen miles away from us and South Killingholme is about twelve miles away from Grimsby and is a small town a mile outside Immingham it is in between Immingham and Grimsby and is home to some major industrial sites such as Lindsey Oil Refinery, Knaupff and also a Chemicals site or two as well as a power plant too….
I feel it is the duty of the local news and also the BBC to report something like this properly, what if the illegal migrants had some Jihadists amongst them??? What if they chose to target the Oil Terminals or the refinery??
I’ve said previously that such is the inherent bias in the BBC now that it annoys me even if it concurs with my own sentiments.
I might think that Eric Bristow was a total prat for the comments he has made on Twitter, and it seems that Eddie Mair thinks so too. But did anybody else hear the manner in which he presented the story on this evening’s PM, and the exaggerated sneering way he repeatedly said MBE?
Okay, you might think that Eric Bristow is just an ignorant darts player and most of your listeners might think so too, but it’s not the place of the BBC to have an opinion. Just present the flipping news, there’s no need to give us your prejudices too.
On the main BBC TV news they have an interview with Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys has stopped using make-up. I am failing to see why this is considered newsworthy until the end of the interview when she is asked what she thinks of Trump becoming president. “Hateful rhetoric”, “sexism”, “bigotry”, “racial slurs”, “intolerance”, complains Alicia, has been “rewarded with the presidency”. Now I get it. Leftist propaganda disguised as a news item.
This endless insulting of Mr Trump is really dumb. He is the next President and can really make things difficult for us and Europe.
The BBC is fast becoming the stupid broadcaster.
Shame about Alicia Keys. She was one of the few slebs (slobs) to stick up for Israel when the nazi left were trying to impose their version of Jew-hatred on all.
She is a half-decent singer who refused to back-down from giving a concert in Israel despite the fascists attacking her for it. Such a shame that she fell into line this time. It’s a bit like Winston Smith at the end of 1984 – he had started to have original thoughts but eventually they forced him to become part of the blob.
I remember Sammy Davis although his best years were before him from when I remember him. More of a Louis fan (and Beatles and much else besides.)
On the subject of singers – I don’t know if this is on the BBC News website (I try not to look at the damn thing) but ethereal pop star Kate Bush has said she admires Theresa May!
Cue Guardianistas running up those hills shouting ‘Noooo!’
Yes, I too heard 30 min’s of ‘PM’ and Mair’s repeated emphasis on “Eric Bristow MBE”.
My instant thought was that Mair was planting in the ears of listeners the first seeds of the idea that Bristow should be stripped of the MBE for his remarks.
Unconnected to this, can anyone tell me, did the biased and agenda-driven ‘PM’ have much to say about the Ohio State University jihad attack (once I’d turned off, that is) ?
Apparently the line is that “toxic tweets silence victims” as set out by Owen Jones in the Guardian.
Yes that’s right, these “media folk” think that prior to reporting a childhood homosexual rape to the police, victims will first, have a quick butchers at the Twitter feed of the “crafty cockney” (or some other celeb) to decide whether they think they’ll get a sympathetic hearing……ffs, he’s PAID for writing that stuff!!!
I think he’s entitled to his opinion but it is disappearingly unlikely that Twitter has any influence on victims of crime reporting offences, and that’s why I think he’s wrong on this issue!
Clive Bull who is FAR from the worse of LBCs presnters was inviting opionions on should May give UNILATERAL promises to EUers that they can remain after Brexit.
To any sensible person this would not only be madness but an absolute BETRAYAL of British people in the EU; and I am amazed that some of these British French and British Spanish etc are NOT calling saying NO NO NO.
BUT what I really want a presenter to ask is why aren’t these EUers lobbying and calling phone ins in their homelands and demanding that their leaders make swift agreements with Britain to safeguard all those settled elsewhere?
These will be the same EUers bemoaning our treachery against the Poles that fought for us, (Poland invaded 1st September 1939), and the Czechs that fought for us, (Czechoslovakia invaded 10 October 1939).
At the time I think we thought we were fighting for them. We still are but they don’t realise it!
“”Burka ban backed by Dutch MPs for public places””
“”Religious freedom campaigner Karima Rahmani said people should be able to wear what they want without the state interfering. “What is disturbing us about this law is that it is a direct attack on freedom of expression,””
A neutral state broadcaster would have challenged this remark by Karima Rahmani. Why not ask her what freedom of expression muslim women have in Pakistan? In fact, what freedom at all?
Again, muslims are portrayed by the BBC as victims.
Richard PinderMar 15, 16:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 The BBC is a Deep State anti-British organisation, allied with Islamic terrorists: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/yes-the-bbc-is-a-deep-state-organisation-yes-it-is-propping-up-hamas BBC Policy is to create and support…
diggMar 15, 15:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 Muslim cleric who advocated the Koran readings in schools elected head of OFCOM. https://www.gbnews.com/news/ofsted-chairman-former-headteacher-islamic-schools-appointed-hamid-patel Absolute maniacs running the shit show.
diggMar 15, 14:56 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer giving Putin ultimatums…. Starmer is just excruciatingly embarrassing with his World status shenanigens. Who the hell in Russia does…
vladMar 15, 14:09 Weekend 15th March 2025 Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 15, 13:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 Is it part of the contract that commentators on a panel must use the word ‘nuance’ It seems to be…
Eddy BoothMar 15, 13:51 Weekend 15th March 2025 Any ceasefire will be broken by AZOV battalion shelling the Russian residents, that’s what kicked it all off to start…
vladMar 15, 13:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 How heartwarming to see the Church celebrating Iftar with our brothers from Islam – a militant ideology dedicated to the…
Ian RushlowMar 15, 13:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 Stalin 1943: “The Pope… how many divisions does he have?” Putin 2025: “The Starmer… how many divisions does he have?”
BBC Online News:
“”Austria election: Holocaust survivor’s appeal goes viral””
A shameful use by the BBC of equating the Holocaust with objections to rampant uncontrolled immigration.
In simple terms, the BBC are saying that if you want controlled immigration, you must be a Nazi. And perhaps a racist as well. And no doubt a misogynist. And probably a climate change denier.
Desperation of the snowflake media. The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view. First to isolate then to persecute and then to eliminate.
There is no equivalence between the holocaust and the present overwhelming immigration from the third world. None at all.
Note that Merkel’s Germany is desperate to criminalize dissent by making the internet platforms responsible for content that the German state deems inappropriate.
It has not taken Merkel long to revert to that peculiar German attitude towards freedom and free speech.
It is now doubly important the Mr Trump is made aware of the present slide towards tyranny in Europe . Also the contempt in which he personally is held by the Eu elites and sadly by our politicians and media. .
He has few friends in Western Europe except among the people. Our government cannot be trusted to deliver Brexit and this too he needs to know.
it is no exaggeration to say that his election is the most important event in the West for years and that so many are his enemies that he needs to choose only those he can trust absolutely and to ignore any other basis for choosing his advisers.
His wish for Mr Farage as ambassador shows that he probably understand this.
DaveS: “Desperation of the snowflake media. The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view. First to isolate then to persecute and then to eliminate.”
Think of that last word being emboldened.
Who are the real Nazis?
Sometimes they also deliberate reverse through one hundred and eighty degrees various claims, implications, labels, assumed statements, etc, and attach them to their opponents.
Dave is right. Who has been telling us that politics has been divisive in 2016? The BBC.
Who has been doing the dividing? The BBC.
I hope Capita will not be going out and doing some eliminating in the near future but I think with their present levels of competence I may just survive.
Yep good point from @DaveS
“The Desperation of the snowflake(CryBullies) media.
The idea is to make us outsiders if we do not subscribe to their view.
First to isolate
… . then to persecute
……..and then to eliminate.”
Racist,misogynist,Nazi. 3 words that no longer have any power/meaning.
As with much in BBC ‘reporting’, that which is vague in headline remains so in the article.
Is it possible that ‘goes viral’ means the kids at BBC trending have been sent it and told to use their famous editorial integrity and selectivity to push it enough for the grown ups to feel it can be mentioned?
That would, of course, be this BBC Trending:
BBC Bias & Degeneracy….Another “fan” of Al-Beeb one presumes. (LOL)
He covers CNN – and the main-stream-media and a lot of other things that you might not know too – eye openin’ re: bbc anti-English, anti-Judaeo-Christian, anti-Atheist cultural bias – DLs
Here is one for you all to mull over when you attack your cornflakes in the morning .
Given the prolific number of TV broadcasting stations, satellite etc etc, the audience viewing figures of Al Beeb must by way down from what they were 20 years ago.
Its time to get rid of the telly poll tax.
Value for money – no way !
You only have to look at the number of comments posted on the BBC News website ‘Have Your Say’.
A typical science article will attract just 50 to 150 comments. At the very best 2000 comments is a lot for a BBC Have Your Say.
Compare those numbers to Mail Online where a similar article will get 5000-10000 comments.
I would say the BBC audience is either very small compared to other “free” news sites.
Bear in mind the the Mail’s comments are often largely written (and upticked) by their own staff and adherents, to generate a false impression. A crap newspaper.
‘Syria conflict: Aleppo defeat ‘not the end for rebels’
They hope.
The today progs review of yesterday in Parliament laid bare the utter stupidity of many of today’s politicians, at least I hope it’s stupidity and not evidence of Gulf Wahabbi moneys malign influence.
A particularly revealing line was…..there isn’t much time to turn the outcome into one more like Kosovo than Rwanda.
Brilliant, so what’s proposed by Thornberry and the other liberal interventionists is that RAF lives be put in danger ( Col. Bob Stewart was clear that there’d be losses) to help bring about another situation in which non Muslims can be ethnically cleansed to gain Sunni control of a disputed territory.
I also wonder what the BBC line on Russian air drops to the “rebels” in besieged Mosul would be.
One labour MP asked if the time for intervention “is not now, when? sadly there was no roar of NEVER!
We should be grateful to Russia for taking care of the enemies of civilisation in Syria while the US does the same in Iraq.
Presumably Labour MPs up north are even more dependent on Muslim votes now that UKIP are poised to peel the White, working class vote off them……forever.
Did anyone point out to Lt-Colonel, not, Thornberry that her beloved leader but one had the opportunity to whip his motley crew to support a no-fly zone over Aleppo but that he treacherously turned his coat on the eve of the vote?
Millipede Minor and his Labour cronies are, imo, directly responsible for the current situation there and their comrade Putin’s emboldenment.
Every so often, something slips through the BBC R4 filters. They were interviewing a woman from eastern Aleppo, I think yesterday, about the horrors being inflicted on them by Assad and Putin. All the hospitals bombed. All the doctors and nurses killed. Schools destroyed. No education for children who were being bombed at home. Who were all starving.
End of the piece is reached:
BBC correspondent: “What are you going to do?”
Woman: “We will fight on.”
They had obviously been interviewing a terrorist, sorry, I mean ‘Freedom Fighter’ and perhaps hadn’t realised that she was one of many thousands drawn into the conflict or who had even helped start it. The sooner the fighting stops, the better. The BBC cannot see that. Nor can the rebel groups.
Where, oh where, are the western political peacemakers?
Friends! This Tweet is specially dedicated to all my dear friends here at the Far-Right Biased BBC:
As ever, the solace of the Gaurdian, and anonymous opinion, is worth quoting…
Hilarious isn’t it? And it’s also worth mentioning that Comment Is Not Free for this particular article.
Guess they didn’t dare open comments for such a risible piece. Not even Graun readers would give it an easy ride.
Oh, the horror at finding one has been thinking for oneself! Quick, fetch the comfort blanket.
I reckon we should all agree to pay £1455…I myself prefer to round up, seeing as I`m allergic to silver coins like 50p pieces.
Friend! The TV Licence would literally be a bargain at a tenth of its current price. (BTW, have just put up a new Blog … hope you enjoy it!)
Dear old Beeb being really useful idiots this morning on TODAY with the ‘photographed Brexit document’ with no questioning whatsoever that HMG’s Brexit Dept may have set this up for the media as ‘a hare’. More gullibles’ travels.
Then they bring on Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP, and he is really useless. To the well-tuned listener, Sarah dissects him very subtly and leaves him sliced and diced on a slab.
Without a trace of irony one of the next items is a piece about the memory of fish.
You couldn’t make it up that it could be such a comprehensive shambles. Drop the Dead Donkey?
As others on here have observed, bias creates problems for a news organisation like the BBC. As soon as you move away from integrity and a neutral position to opposition to the Government & democracy, you are very liable to being gamed by those you oppose.
Up2snuff, I did enjoy the Katya Adler feature (just after 0730). It was an apparently ‘comprehensive’ feature on the Italian Referendum coming up next Sunday 4th Dec. I say, ‘comprehensive’ for those unquestioning of anything the BBC spews out as so-called, ‘News. Adler focused on all the regular salient points. But did she? As always with a BBC ‘News’ feature, its not what is said but what is missing or what is said, distorted. Eventually the discerning objective listener becomes attuned to the BBC’s policy on any particular issue and for the Adler item the ‘Elephant in the Room’ was the migrant crisis. No mention here from Adler or anyone in the Today studio needless to say. Thanks to the internet, it is possible to find factual truth and truth that is backed by making the evidence a separate link to browse if one wishes. The truth is that the Italians, number one, are rather pissed off by being overrun by mainly illiterate Africans and other fakes masquerading as, ‘Refugees’.
Then, swiftly followed by an interview with Kinnock (jnr.) MP who patently dragged himself reluctantly away from his parallel universe to be interviewed by the BBC. “No”, he said when pressed upon the numbers of immigrants Labour would allow in, “the message on the doorstep, is that the public don’t mind the numbers coming to the UK, its just the benefits they are claiming”. He is, of course right there on that minor point but, well, no concern of numbers? Ah well Stephen, you can return to your parallel universe now.
Good point, G. I must have mentally slipped into neutral at that point, probably coasting around the teapot.
I recently signed up to alerts on this website:
Interesting. This particular article and comments following evidence the point I wish to make. The contributions show that many of the contributors are becoming rather well versed in the Quaran and most are able to quote the correct citation from it to argue against the lies and deceit Islam apologists like to spread about their “peaceful religion”. Certainly a “religion” it is not. It is a pure cult. But there, the expression, ‘fighting fire with fire’ comes to mind. At least the left/liberal/PC thought police cannot claim that using quotes from the Quaran are, ‘racist’.
On Toady R4 this morning we had Lord Windbag’s son, Stephen, who has stayed in the family business and was invited on for the usual cozy chat.
He was talking about immigration and as usual for the Far Left, refused point blank to give an immigration number maximum.
But get this. He did argue that, sector by sector, a review should be held to determine the skills shortage and then a level of migration permitted to equate to that number.
Errr, is this not what UKIP have been saying for years?????? Managed migration based on country need? Oh, the irony.
This point was of course totally lost on the interviewer, eager as ever to maintain good relations with the bBBC’s preferred friends
Ta Sluff.
He`s just been on Jeremy Vine.
Did he leave the green room in the interim-or was a pliant radio car on standby for Lord Kinnockboy for the morning I wonder.
Who`s paying for this…and why Kinnock?
I remember Kinnochio Jnr speaking in Parliament during the memorial for Jo Cox (PBUH) when he (disgustingly) tried to connect the Leave campaign to her murder, a simply awful, awful b@st@rd. The apple, evidently, doesn’t fall very far from the tree.
Why Kinnock? Perhaps Hilary Benn is now seen as flawed as a challenger to Corbyn (because he is not willing to vote against Article 50) and so Kinnock can be brought out & polished up as an alternative?
I expect some others to get that treatment, the female MP from the Midlands (sorry name forgotten at present) is another, so that there are overwhelming options diluting the Party vote until all the anti-Corbyn votes are consolidated behind one contender.
Clive Lewis MP (ex-BBC!) has been on Radio 4 about three times this week and it’s only Tuesday.
I, for one, am encouraged by the news that the Syrian government has taken control of a substantial part of eastern Aleppo from the assorted terrorist organisations that have hitherto held on to it by terrorising the local population and holding it hostage. Let us hope that the government quickly gets control of the whole city, and brings some stability. It is not good news for the BBC, though. BBC TV last night specialised in staged film of stretchers, children and sad faces, and I sat thinking this is just propaganda worthy of Leni Riefenstahl. Likewise on the Today programme where the egregious Lise Doucet carefully fillets the news for the bits that support her agenda.
And just an aside, last week I caught a very small clip of something or other on …Newsnight possibly. The key thing was there was a panel of opinion and Paul Mason, in his designer stubble, was clearly selected by the editors as a representative of the Far Left viewpoint, which he did of course enthusiastically.
Paul Mason. Was he not the bBBC’s editor of something a while back?
As was Polly Toynbee- social aaffairs I think.
Now just remind me of all those bBBC editors who have gone on to openly represent right wing opinion.
You can’t? No, neither can I.
Paul Mason is a Marxist piano teacher, thus he possessed all the qualities necessary to be appointed Business Editor for Newsnight. Famously, Paxman in one interview finally shouted at him ‘you’re talking nonsense Paul’.
More wonderful Paxman reactions to the baloney from Paul Mason. Paxman speaks and gurns for the nation:
(go 50 seconds in)
BBC Website reports that President Jammeh has suspended the election campaign to mourn Castro. Not that it will make any difference to the result. Points out that Gambia has close links with Cuba which sends doctors to Gambia. I can confirm that, you can see them lounging around Sanyang Beach any day of the week. They are much disliked by native Gambians. And me !
All good things come to an end.
i’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue has seen its core team dwindle, so instead of erudite and genuinely funny wit, we now have to contend with the likes of Susan Calman or Jeremy Hardy making ‘funny’ jokes about Donald Trump, which, sadly, get a laugh from the audience. But no jokes about Fidel. Obviously.
Somewhere I have some old cassettes with the Dream Team of Humph/Cryer/Garden/Taylor/Rushton.
Time for some nostalgia, methinks.
Sluff, can’t you see the problem with your so called ‘dream team’?
They all hideously white, appallingly male, dreadfully middle aged, mindlessly non-political and despicably heterosexual.
Please Sluff, Calman may be as amusing as a hernia but she ticks most of the boxes of diversity.
Should young girls in Arab countries – and around the world – be trained how to defend themselves against unwanted physical attention?
Latest waste of news pages and airtime from the Al BBC Taqiya Dept
This is funnier than Citizen Khan …
BBC – Should young girls in Arab countries – and around the world – be trained how to defend themselves against unwanted physical attention?
Hmmm … so the erm “Arab” 😀 penchant for mass gang rape, seconding and drugging
schoolgirls, targeting vulnerable children from children s homes … erm “Arabs” even abusing little boys in swimming pools, physically attacking them in groups etc etc.
Should work well? … but a question, why is the Al BBC all so concerned about ahem “Arab” girls?
“This personal view comes from Joumana Haddad, Lebanese author of Superman is an Arab. 😀 ROFL She argues this simple change will fundamentally shift how men and women think. 😀
This is part of a series of authored talks by radical thinkers, from BBC World Hacks – a new BBC World Service programme focussed on solutions, or hacks, to global problems”.
As usual with erm “Arabs”, when alone not quite so intimidating …
What is brilliant here is that the little Chinese girl beats the crap out of the cowardly muslim bastard. He obviously isn’t used to women fighting back !
Great stuff !. I wonder how the scum at the BBC would spin this one. ” Racist chinese attacks muslim ” ?
Bloody ‘ell!
I bet nobody tells her to put the kettle on.
He attacked people with a knife and a machete and ran over people with his car.
Fans of Allans Snackbar … or Int Society of Lone Wolves at Ohio State Univ?
BBC main news page, after being obsessed with Aleppo and the US for months …………………………………………………
It appears he s a Somali Migrant, who lived in Pakistan, and the attack was planned so the motive is obviously “unclear”
At Least 9 are injured.
“NBC News that Artan left behind a post on what appeared to be his Facebook page shortly before the attack, saying that assault on Muslims around the world “led to a boiling point. I can’t take it anymore.” The post ends: “By Allah, I am willing to kill a billion infidels in retribution for a single DISABLED Muslim/Musliman.”
The main BBC news page has breaking, Former darts world champion Eric Bristow has lost his role with Sky Sports …. so that’s alright then nothing to see
move along.
The BBC now has this.
“Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, rammed his car into a group of pedestrians at the college and then began stabbing people before police shot him dead on Monday.
The student’s motive is still not known”
“Artan was not previously known to the authorities, an anonymous source told the Associated Press
Conflicting reports have begun to emerge surrounding Artan’s character.
Student journalist Kevin Stankiewicz interviewed him on his first day on campus and said “he did not seem angry”.
Did not seem angry? … really?
“led to a boiling point? – I cant take it anymore?” – willing to kill a billion infidels” etc
BBC selected news, half the time (unless omitted).
“The student’s motive is still not known”
It’s a mystery. I think we can rule out a theological debate though.
Any chance of Neil Young giving us a whine fest on what happened yesterday at Ohio State then?
Or is it fine to sing when the police do the killings?
But not when a vulnerable and conflicted minority individual kills far more?
Cue…tumbleweed and howling silence amidst the feedback for some time yet.
Hope Trump is looking into how the media there are doing all this.
It wasn’t muslim terrorism though. Fortunately it was just an anti-american rant. OK move along, nothing to see here. And by the way, put that machete away.
Love Neil’s music, but he is Canadian and should keep his butt and nose out of US matters. Did he write any songs about the treatment of native Canadians by white settlers there ?
Angela Merkel says, presumably in response to the Polish Prime Minister’s diplomacy, that the status of UK ex-patriots in the EU is not guaranteed comes as quite a surprise to me. Can somebody explain to me how Syrians are invited to Germany with no strings attached but all of a sudden Brits are persona non grata.
Well at least we know where we stand in the pecking order. Danke schoen und auf wiedersehen sie fµcking bitch. (well that’s what google translation said)
I forgot to add that Poland was a victim of the 3rd Reich and, all things considered, some matters are not entirely resolved in the view of some nostalgic Germans. Orders vill be obeyed at all times. Insert nazi salute here with footage of old German limousine full of SS officers with chests adorned with iron crosses gleaming in the sunlight.
Mad Merkel is one bitch from hell. She should be more concerned with the potential collapse of Deutsche Bank. As for ex-pats , she should also think about Germans living in the UK ,why should we guarantee the status of Germans in the UK ? She is insane.
The Elites in Europe and USA are losing their power and thrashing around like dying animals.
Tut, tut, seismicboy, “Syrians”? Some months ago, I saw something that confirmed the UN had accepted that only roughly 40% of the so-called “refugees” came from Syria. The rest, mainly from Africa.
Angela Merkel’s reputation will not stand historical examination well at all. Germany is de facto the ruler of the EU but Merkel has disastrously misused this power. Allowing Greece to join the Euro was a huge mistake , it predates Merkel but she compounded the error by not giving the Greeks a sensible way out when it became obvious they should go. The disastrous Merkel immigration policy needs no further mention. Merkel gave Cameron next to nothing in his so-called renegotiation and made Britains EU exit inevitable. Germany under Merkel should have realised that France was no longer it’s obvious partner in the EU and that Britain should take that role and together help Germany reform the EU. However the shadow of two world wars is a long one and Germany simply can’t bear sharing power with Britain.
In this environment, we are quite right to ditch Germany, let the EU implode and seek other alliances.
One day, Germany will have to revise its attitude and negotiate a new European settlement on lines that Britain has consistently advocated .
you mentioned the war(s) but I think you might just have got away with it.
Very astute though.
Germany, with a history it pretends doesn’t exist has attempted to re-invent itself as leader, beacon of hope and moral guardian of Europe and for a little while with Obama, the World.
Their new, revised final solution to dominate Europe will end badly.
Merkels’ support in Germany tells us a lot. That country seems to attract power crazed leaders and the Germans like it that way.
I find deeply sinister the Germans’ clear wish to legislate to control “fake news”, and the fact that the usual suspects around the world have all gone big on “fake news”. That’ll be fake news such as reports of sexual assaults by foreigners in Cologne at New Year.
Trump’s success, following on that of Brexit, has unnerved them to the point of panic and we are entering a very dangerous phase.
I bet not many German women will be going out this coming New Year’s Eve !
Frankly any German desire to control anything still creates a sense of unease.
That said, I still recall with fondness an actually reality TV show come psych experiment where a fake holiday resort was created and various national groups were subjected to a series of ‘situations’ from staff and seeded fifth columnists under the beady eyes hidden cameras.
There were British, Germans, Americans and Japanese IIRC.
It was a hoot and a half.
Excellent analysis but I think that Germans will always be unreformable, so not sure about your last sentence .
One of the things wrong with the EU is that it shouldn’t be ruled by Germany or any other country, and how is Merkel allowed to be the spokeperson for the EU, does she hold any EU office these days?
Germany – you’re good at cars, tools, machinery and music. Very good in fact. But please, leave the “big ideas” to others before the bodies start piling up again.
Some countries could certainly benefit from a little more organisation, no doubt about that, but your style lacks the personal touch. Thanks for trying though.
Somebody might get a bit pissed off next time and nuke you. That wouldn’t be very nice. We wouldn’t want that, and my VW needs spare parts from time to time.
Yes, Germans , also good at war and genocide ! Not sure their VW cars are so good these days !
True. I quite like Germans on a personal basis but I always have the feeling that they’re more ruthless than their good manners suggest.
VW spares are very expensive and a 3 year warranty is poor for a car that claims to be a quality product.
Japanese for me next time.
Korean Hyundai – even better.
Beware the German politeness and “steel smile “. My car in Gambia is a Toyota RAV4 and , in Scotland a Suzuki Celerio. I have no brief for Japs, I just think that their cars are better than German.
Grant – I would go along with that, my British built Honda has never put a foot wrong in 6 years – I’ve never even had to replace so much as a bulb. I have a mate who is a mechanic at the local BMW dealership and the stories he tells me would make your hair curl – it tells you everything that he drives a Toyota!
I am not a petrol head at all. I just want a car which does a job. Driving conditions in West Africa are a bit different from UK. In Gambia, I would rate , in no order, Nissan Xtrail, Mitsubishi Shogun , Suzuki Vitara, Toyota RAV4 or , even better, Land Cruiser.
BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi are there in Gambia but they do not perform.
The best Gambian car mechanics, who have very few resources, know which cars they can work with.
Sadly, Land Rover, does not cut the ice , or should I say dust, there !
Just got rid of my German-built Ford. The most unreliable car old or new that I’ve ever had. Coupled with that the Ford-trained idiots couldn’t even work out what was wrong with it, despite all their expensive diagnostics.
But then, are Germans actually building them now?
Too many garage mechanics seem to have no understanding whatsoever of electronics. If the electronics don’t identify the part which is failing, give a false warning, or if the electronics themselves are faulty, they’re lost. It’s probably the reason why many luxury brands are scoring very badly on reliability tests. Designed in a lab/programmed on a PC, but too complicated in practice.
A few years ago a relation had a modest Merc. It was never quite right (electronics again) so he replaced it with a Saab. OK until it was broken into. A mediaeval stained glass window from York Minster would have been cheaper.
Audi (VW) rate very badly.
KISS, Keep it stupid simple. I think the principle of the internal combustion engine remains the same , so why goddam circuit boards ? I could go on but I will lose the will to live !
I meant ” Keep it simple, stupid ” !
Coming up on J Vine
“An environmentalist will be telling us why Trump’s words* on Climate Change will mean world war III”
* My paraphrasing Jeremy used the phrase Trump’s belief that ‘Climate Change is a Hoax started by the Chinese’ (which is not Trump’s actual opinion, but a one off off the cuff remark, he once used to sum up the weakness of CAGW theory)
J Vine awards #BbcFreeKick to George Monbiot*, he wason Radio 2 until 12:47PM
(Full-name George “i’ve never predicted anything correctly” Monbiot )
“Your worst fears are confirmed are they George ?”
..’We are at a global problem, he won’t solve so that ..and that is how wars start’
Coal : “Oh those jobs won’t come back” : they’ve been automated..same for fracking”
(George , last night on the BBC1 we were watching miners in a UK mine, we could see it was already highly automated, but those miners lost their jobs cos of UK climate policy not automation)**
Trade Treaties : “oh he rightly opposes for Trade Treaties but for the wrong reasons”
(my paraphrasing)
“I’m literally losing sleep”
Europe he hasn’t used the “far-right” word, but is giving us the “La Pen” scenario
**12:51 Jeremy thru the skin of his teeth just permitted a positive comment about that coal prog.
Now a caller is saying 2/3 of the Earth will become desert
saying of course there will be small wars as countries to disappear
JV says “There is not many who return from Artic unconnvinced”
Ta Stew-I took over your “having to listen to Vine” stint.
Just listened to his “will Nuttall take Labour votes?”
The UKIP bloke mentions that “nepotism is alive and well in labour”.
So-who else but Lord Kinnocks Red Prince is on Vines show to tell us otherwise.
No irony, no jokes there then.
What followed then was minutes where Vine gets away with the usual drive by lame slurry on UKIPs 2010 manifesto( not the 2015 one mind)-the tripe re burkas etc…and well away from Nuttalls call to wipe Labour out…which (as one annoyed lucid UKIP lady said) was the deflection desired by Vine and his handlers.
Oh-now it`s Eric Bristow-another aimless dragon to slay for the BBC as per.
Laura Trevelyan on Woman’s Hour clueless on Melania’s Trumps speech
You’d think that Laura Trevelyan ‘the BBC World News America Anchor’, £5.7bn resourced BBC would know that the speechwriter Meredith McIver admitted the mistake on the day and offered to resign
The topic was “How involved in the next US government might the women in the President-elect’s family be”
“how influential, if at all, are Melania, Ivanka, and Tiffany?”
#1 Fallacy of Speculation-not-news ..BbcWH just just wait a week or 2 until the team is actually named
#2 The report ended with clueless bit “Melania wouldn’t have written that speech hereself, it would have been a speechwriter”
I suppose that admitting that Trump had been sympathetic to the woman would be against BBC-NARRATIVE
Breitbart coverage…
.. Fox News coverage
The BBC reported the story also on the same day 20 July
…But we know they are have total lack of self awareness and don’t even reador listen to themselves.
The BBC will not only attack Trump and his political allies, they will attack his family. Beeboids are the pits. No humanity, except fake empathy when it suits their cause. Vermin.
Hah! and they’re clinging to Merkel as their saviour – puke, puke, but maybe, possibly, conceivably she’ll lose?
You & yours on Radio 4 is talking about the gap between men & womens pay. They drag on an administrator from Manchester University and describe how a pay restructuring saw them getting less pay. She was described as being at the bottom of the pay grades, and then the question and comparison was drawn that she was earning a lot less than the vice chancellor of the university.
Shock Horror how could these nasty men do these terrible things to the poor women ?
Except that the BBC are allowing the inference the Vice Chancellor is a man by not mentioning a name, nor telling us.
The Vice Chancellor is in fact Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell and is paid an eye watering £247 500 plus expenses pension etc etc.
Unfortunately you can see the problem here for the BBC. It didn’t fit the narrative, so it was conveniently brushed under the carpet.
A lie by omission.
i can guarantee you that a female administrator in a university earns exactly the same as a man would
Bushing up Mrs. Doubtfire brogue as we speak, m’dears….
Dear Santa,
Please send us an unbiased TV channel.
PS: Even a radio station would do.
Card game ditches ‘Trump’ name as ‘brand disaster’
Usual load of crap from the BBC where the entire article claims “Trump” is bad but the whole article is based on opinion and not fact.
“The card game, promoting environmental awareness, has been available for five years, and 50,000 packs have been sold.”
The company is going to rename the game and will give away any unsold stock of the “Trump” versions.
I guess environmental awareness doesn’t apply when you rebrand then!
That’s got ‘PR stunt’ written all over it! Will all ‘trumpets’ now have to be withdrawn from sale as well? Will ‘Trumpton’ be renamed ‘Obamaville’ in all future broadcasts?
Agreed. It’s a PR puff that the BBC have gobbled up like hungry wolves.
I imagine the rebranding was going to happen anyway, and the losses written off against tax; the election of Trump gave them the opportunity to get some free publicity and to signal their virtue. If I was covering that story, I would do a quick phone call to the owner and ask him about it politely, ‘Robin Day’ style, just to see what his reaction would be. But then I don’t work for the BBC!
But this is a lefty ploy isn`t it?
You create policies in which migrants die?…then as long as you agree to offer them a home in Highgate one day hence-then you`re OK.
But if you say they should not be coming-and that you`re being demonised for saying so?…well you`re definitely NOT OK.
Indeed the words seem to be more of a crime in the eyes of the Lweft that the actual deeds.
Very Lefty.
As for Trumps game?…gesture crap as you say.
But like Lego-we won`t forget.
This patrolling of the limits of speech and thought remind me of Johnny Marr forbidding Cameron feom listening to Smiths music-and the Left thinking that this was sane, and even possible!
Deluded pinheads.
New five pound note: Not suitable for vegetarians
No mention yet on whether the tallow is Halal.
Coming up: Is the new fiver islamofauxbic?
Left / Right
Grant’s definition of political parties :-
UKIP – Centre Right
Tory – Centre Left
Labour, Liberal, SNP, Plaid, Greens – Far Left
BBC – Marxist
Friends! I am pleased and proud to announce that, far from being depressed by the vicious Opinion Poll showing the widely-hated Tories 16 points ahead of Labour, I have literally devoted a whole Blog to the subject!
Plus, I have written a specially-adapted version of Friend Python’s stirring Anthem, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”, which I hope you’ll all literally sing along to. It can be literally found here:
Ohio rampage. Wait for it………..The white’s are to blame.
As we know, the media bias conspiracy is worldwide.
Interesting to speculate on, if they had their way, the kind of world the media would insist we all accept the rules of. One thing’s for sure, their agenda list would commonly contain the words, ‘chaos’ and ‘mayhem’.
Interestingly the perp cannot be named!!! They missed that detail out on al-Beeb.
“‘man with axe’ Interestingly the perp cannot be named!!”
Must be something like Hakon, Knut or Gunnar. Who else carries an axe in Hull?
It took a while, but the BBC have finally responded to my accusations of racism on Newsnight:
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC Two’s ‘Newsnight’ broadcast on 10 November.
I understand you believe James O’Brien made a racist reference while interviewing Dr Cornel West about Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory.
James’s question to Dr West as to whether he thought “Brother Bernie could have beaten Donald Trump?” was never intended to appear to imply racist connotations, and Dr West replied without hesitation that he did believe this scenario could have happened.
James is an experienced journalist who is well aware of how he should conduct himself while working for the BBC. We would never engage with James if we believe he could not meet the specific demands required of him.
We have circulated your complaint to senior management and the ‘Newsnight’ programme in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
What a self-serving piece of BBC crap.
They could save time, salaries and maybe even lower the licence fee, if they just send auto replies: ‘Thank you but we don’t care and we ain’t listening – The BBC – The Worlds Most Patronizing Broadcaster.’
So it’s now a defence to an accusation of racism to say you didn’t intend it and it’s not the sort of thing you’d do anyway? Glad that’s been cleared up.
I hope you aren’t going to let them get away with that! Well, you can’t actually stop them, but you can at least make them work for it.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly
I think that means that they pin them up by the water cooler so everyone can get a good laugh at what the oiks, plebs and deplorables write in!
‘. . . never intended to appear to imply racist connotations’.
Nope, sorry, not good enough (and not just the slurry of impressionistic verbs). For the purposes of identifying actionable cases, the CPS defines: ‘A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person‘ (my emphasis).
So if Grimer perceived James O’Brien to be interviewing in a racially objectionable manner—then it’s racist in the eyes of the law. If I perceive Patrice Evra to have begun racially abusing Luis Suarez by calling him ‘South American’—then it’s racist in legislative terms. And if any reader of this site perceives the BBC’s reporting of the rape of underage children by gangs of Britons of a different ethnicity to the majority population to be racist (because the racially aggravated nature of that gang rape is hardly ever mentioned)—then it’s racist.
Some readers will object to this line of reasoning, since it’s employing the kind of hopelessly vague provisions that pass for statute law nowadays against the principal cheerleaders for measures of the kind. But that’s hardly the point. Grimer has perceived that O’Brien ‘made a racist reference’—so it was, beyond legal peradventure, a racist incident. Since the BBC is happy to employ serial offender Diane Abbott, I’m not sure we should be completely surprised, mind.
I do like the law of unintended consequences.
I hope my complaint led to urgent meetings, written submissions, lawyers, unions, etc. I think the only way to fight the BBC is to play them at their own game – let’s get the snake to eat its own tail.
‘I paid nearly £3,000 for a £300 washing machine’
Short video clip proving a fool and their money are soon departed.
The very last spoken sentence sums it up nicely “…you have to take a step back and say no otherwise you will end up paying double”.
I know education in the UK has fallen but Jesus H!
A consequence of the UK’s 20+ PISA world ranking in Maths.
£3000 is a bit more than double. She should pop into Argos where she could get a Casio calculator for around £5. Might help next time.
(That’s £5, not £50.)
“A consequence of the UK’s 20+ PISA world ranking in Maths.”
Just seen this – an improvement on PISA:
Revealed: World pupil rankings in science and maths – TIMSS results in full
Tabs – No doubt the BBC would describe her as “vulnerable” – eveybody else would describe her as “thick”.
She didn’t buy it from …”I’m Jim, a washing machine salesman” did she ????
Nice one Brissles!
You’ve cracked it!
Sick bags at the ready….
Afghan boy in Germany thanks Merkel during migrant debate
Lots of tears, North Korea type clapping on demand, pro-immigration, pro-Merkel all wrapped up for you in one simple to absorb 1m28s video.
Well yes, but to for balance they should parade a convicted terrorist too.
Personally, I would be happy if Germany was swamped with muslims, so long as they were kept inside german borders.
I think it was Patton who said, at the end of WW2, Germany should be razed to the ground and sown with salt. Something like that may well come to pass.
gaxvil – I don’t think that would have been Patton, he was quite fair to the Germans after the surrender. It was Eisenhower who despised them and actually re-categorised POWs as “Disarmed Enemy Combatants” so that they were no longer protected by the Geneva Convention.
There were more German military personnel who died in American and French prison camps after the war ended, than were killed on the Western Front during the entire war.
I have said many times that Germany should have been partitioned among surrounded countries so that Germans would always be a minority in each country.
Unfortunately, France would have got the engineers and we’d have got the sausage makers.
I do like the sound of the French contender. He don’t like us but hey what’s new.
But he says France has had 30 years of garbage and too much free stuff – time for a change.
Sure makes you smile how the Left are as extreme, crooked, deviant and hypocritical as they like to accuse the right of being.
Do they think no one notices? We do, we do.
My post @ 8.36am ;-), gaxvil, and you forgot ‘violent’ for your list.
Since when do the Young Conservatives march at the drop of a protest theme, breaking up paving stones in order to lob bits at the police? Or the ladies of the WI riot, throwing custard pies, any other pies that may come to hand, jars of jam and even cupcakes at people they disagree with.
It is the Left that usually does that. Often demo’ing against others of the Left or less left or Even More Left Than Left. Best exemplified by the nasty leadership battle in the Labour Party this year.
BBC radio, brings us the No1 news story … that card game Top Trumps is going to keep its name, despite all the dire warning that it would be a … wait for it! Christmas PR Disaster :-D.
Dire warnings? from who? … the bloody BBC!
Oh apologies, I forgot their predictions are always right 😀 … apart from :-
The Labour Leadership Election
The General Election
The EU Referendum
J Corbyn s Re election
US Presidential Election
Top Trumps have been a successful card game for decades, if I were them I d get an endorsed by our namesake POTUS, DJ “The Don” Trump on the reverse with one of his gurning pics.
Oh and print a few specials for the BBC, (and the Appeaser May) with Farage carrying those Ambassador s Ferrero Rocher on the cover 😀
This would be the BRITISH broadcaster
..that doesn’t know that Trumps has a negative connotation due to it being a common BRITISH dialect word for FARTS ?
Since Trump BEAT the establishment.
The main meaning of the word to mean BEAT/conquer has been doubled.
Of course you could produce a new deck of Top Trump cards
featuring LeftMob/regressives characters
The characteristics would be
– Whining power
– Lying power
– Fantasyland Power
– Crying power
– Bullying power
– Virtue Signalling Power
– Out-Of-Touchness
Corbyn or Monbiot would be the high value cards I guess
Sketch in Spectator show the mad Progressives bubbleworld thinking
H/T @Pcar
BBC Question Time, 22:45 1 December 2016
BBC: David Dimdum
Conservative: Jacob Rees-Mogg
Labour: Kate Hoey
UKIP: Nigel Farage
Journalist (Right): Peter Hitchens
Journalist (Left): Rod Liddle
jeez LeftMob will freak out
It must be Christmas!
Wow! Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage, Peter Hitchens, Rod Liddle?
Might actually be worth recording. And Rod Liddle isn’t your typical BBC Lefty.
I think someone at the BBC will be receiving their P45 in tomorrow’s post.
Looks great-hope they`re not all being taken in the one BBC minibus though!
That said, noticed my library here in Wessex has now got
Melanie P, Peter H, Roger Scruton, Dan Hannan and TWO Jonathan Sacks books-Scuton is from 2015 too!
A letter of thanks is due.
That QT lineup is , well, unique !
Call me suspicious but I’m thinking that:
1) BBC hopes it will expose the ,’deplorables’.
2)Enable some kind of ‘incident’ that the hacks can feast on.
It will be their token rightwing fest…to prove in the future they ‘ got it about right’
DC – that was exactly my thought. If anyone complains about week after week of Leftie dominance from now on this episode will be thrown back in their faces. I trust the BBC to be this crafty and underhand.
Holy crap, that’s like getting a royal flush in poker!
As far as I know all the guests are Leavers.
I note also that it’s coming from Wakefield, which is quite close to the late Jo Cox’s constituency of Batley and Spen.
The BBC is up to something…
Maybe a lot of the younger staff have been persuaded to turn up before they go home, so rucksacks have been allowed?
The programme will start with Dimbleby saying “unfortunately all our guests are stuck in traffic so we are pleased that the following guests have stepped in at short notice…. Chuka Umunna, Jeremy Corbyn, 2 BBC managers, Maria Miller etc”
News Bites from the Times
\\ Scientists’ fear of being labelled sexist is putting women’s health at risk //
#LeftMob #CryBullies stopping free-speech
Times and Telegraph
The thing is they are afraid to speak of gender differences in developing medicines/ treatments
SpoTY – Chris Froome was left of the list
Debubunk of Anna Soubrey’s column I mentioned yesterday : A Times letter by Lord Green of Migration Watch.
He debunked all her points : they’d used official gov numbers, and to her mention of a drop in student numbers, he pointed out that was due to bogus colleges (supplying pretend study for work permits) being closed
pg 33 Canada TV News has first presenter wearing the hijab.
pg 34 Germany attacks on Jews go up 200%
..then slides into talk of Pegida, without mentioning there is no clear link, nor that often Anti-Semitic attacks rise when you get more Muslims and they commit such crimes.
pointing out among other things
Times Cartoon was making out that Corbyn hates Muslim’s, gays , NHS, Climate Change
ha ha very funny
The punchline was NUTT Gays, NUTT Muslims etc.
oh hang on it wasn’t about Labour/Corbyn, it was a sneer/smear at UKIP, so that’s OK isn’t it
Not only is our country being overrun by aliens, we are now requested by the Polish PM to start teaching Polish in our schools !!! WHY ? if there is a need to speak Polish, sod off to Poland ! the same goes for the whining of almost 900,000 Poles who have settled here, -surely life in Poland cannot be that bad anymore. (900,000 of ONE NATION here, compared to the one and a half million Brits scattered across the whole of Europe ). I will never forget the figure of 13,000 maximum that was publicised at the time our doors were pushed open.
Everyone is dumping on the British, because they smell the weakness of our useless politicians and the compromised British military.
Where did you get the figure of 900 000 from ? It should be 1 900 000 or even higher .
The figure of thirteen thousand from the ( Labour ) government and civil service wasn’t a mistake . It was a deliberate lie .
Nibor……. “There are more than 850,000 Poles in the UK, official figures say – the largest group of EU nationals by far.”
This is what most of the media reports are saying. That’s half the amount of Brits scattered across the rest of Europe as a whole. Hardly fair that an island as small as ours has to take the lion’s share from one nation. AND they start dictating terms to US !!!
Actually Polish education knocks ours into Jimmy Saviles laundry bag.
Lost count of the number of bright, decent Polish kids that turn into foul-mouthed booze seeking spuds after only two or three months in secondary education here in the UK. And most of them can place Warsaw on the Vistula, our kids think the Thames ends in the Amazonian rain forest.
Anyhow, we should be due some consideration from the EU for providing all those jobs to Poles, Portuguese, Spaniards, etc., etc..
Quite why they don’t all head to Germany is puzzling? After all, Germany needed to import millions of, ‘workers’?
That`s two days running that PM approached something like a public broadcaster.
Last night the 5.40 deadzone was used up by Steve Hewletts amiable conflab over his chemo.
Yes, a Beeboid-but the human story (even the coy BUPA dodgings)trumps the propaganda.
And tonight-same twenty mins given over to how to download a podcast.
Yes again-aimless puffery-but AGAIN, not propaganda. How sad is that?
Pathetically grateful for a few mins free of their liberal shit.
More PM…more!
The BBC are pitching this as “New five pound note: Not suitable for vegetarians”
Having read the article, it seems that it could be more of a problem for the RoP.
I expect a change of emphasis, or possible deletion.
I think it’s very interesting that the religious groups mentioned as possibly taking offence are Hindus and Jews. Errr, haven’t they overlooked another one? I can’t in all honesty see Hindus and Jews going on the rampage, but the other lot …….
I heard this on PM, the only Jewish opinion mentioned was a Rabbi who was reported as saying he couldn’t understand what the fuss was about since he wasn’t in the habit of eating his fivers.
The Hindu woman interviewed sounded deranged, no Muslim opinion was broadcast, presumably no one fancied asking…….
Hilarious attempt by one of the Clinton-paid, Trump accusers of trying to get him to back down from a lawsuit she would surely lose. Whimpering, fake emotion, sudden grabbing of her skanky lawyer and much more. The only things missing are any tears and an ability to act.
Maybe DT should decline to pursue this as he has other commitments.
But it may be worth him say he did not and has not ever had any grabby grabby with the clearly emotional person of peroxide simpering convincingly next to the skanky, clearly challenging lawyer.
A photo of a near-empty changing room shows the horror facing the Brazilian players who weren’t on the plane when it crashed
Colombia plane crash: the Chapecoense players who weren’t on the plane
As with child abuse, I can only imagine the horror of learning of the loss of relatives or friends on learning of a plane crash.
So quite how and why the football aspect has notched coverage into a new league escapes me.
Along with the taste shown by scooting over to a changing room to capture a ‘moment’.
Because on such occasions the media portrays footballers as brave and sacrificing so much. Because that suits the media. No doubt they’ll find a bereaved soul and ask, “How do you feel?”. Hold the shot and hope for tears.
It`s never enough for the BBC that people die, is it?
So we get the usual Busby Babes Bollox from a faraway land with teams we`ve never heard of-nor will we hear of again.
I`m surprised the “football family” haven`t already had their five minutes silence-then five minutes applause-for the victims.
Only hope they`ll boot off Football Focus this Saturday by way of tribute.
Look- I KNOW it`s bad for the team…but it`s also pretty bad for those who were NOT playing football as well-but does the BBC give a damn about THEM?
F***in Grief Thieves the BBC-were I a fan I`d clock them as they probed my prayer time.
As I say-death is not enough-the BBC have to big up sport and emote for the world in case we`d ever think that death is bad enough.
Massive wildfires still raging across America.
Rather makes banning beach party barbecues look a tad stupid?
Liberal Establishment going to pot : 51 Migrant smuggler doesn’t turn up for trial.
Last night BBC1 Look North (Hull edition)
“European arrest warrant after Hungarian Truck driver fails to turn up for trial”
from the earlier report in March 2016
“Hungarian Laszlo Horvath was arrested after Border Force officers stopped his lorry at North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire on 14 June (2015). Inside they found 49 Albanians and two Syrians.
Mr Horvath denied the charge of assisting illegal immigration
He was released on bail and will stand trial in November.”
(other stories say the migrants were all sent back)
WTF In an ideal world The guy caught in June would have been remanded straight away and investigated for a week or two, then tried and jailed ..and then you could investigate further mafia links.
Why would have a pleading 9 months after the event and then a trial 8 months after that ? …No surprise he’d already disappeared by then.
Only excuse would be to set up a sting or something so that you release him and surveil him back to the big mafia guys, and then let him go for turning supergrass
Excue the language but it is precisely this kind of s**t that p**ses me off!!! I live about twelve miles away from South Killingholme and this particular incident although reported in my local rag it was not reported on or around the date it occurred… Here is the link….
As you can see.. my local rag reported the event thus…
At Grimsby Crown Court today, Laszlo Horvath, 40, of Pecs, Hungary denied the offence alleged to have been committed on June 9.
It posted the report on ..
Posted: March 18, 2016
Lorry driver accused of carrying 51 illegal immigrants at Killingholme appears at court
By NewsdeskGy | Posted: March 18, 2016
A HUNGARIAN lorry driver has pleaded not guilty to transporting 51 Albanian immigrants in to the UK through docks at Killingholme.
At Grimsby Crown Court today, Laszlo Horvath, 40, of Pecs, Hungary denied the offence alleged to have been committed on June 9.
The court heard 51 clandestine entrants, who were not citizens of the European Union, were secreted in a lorry trailer.
They were later taken to a detention centre.
A trial, lasting four to five days, will begin at Grimsby Crown Court on November 28.
The driver was granted bail by Recorder Peter Makepeace QC.
Comments are not allowed apparently……
I don`t remember this news being posted on the date in March and definitely not at the time it actually happened….
Our region of Lincolnshire is one of the most deprived in the UK and it really f**ks me off that now Hungarian twts think they can drop lorry loads of Eurochaff near me, add to that the lack of coverage by my local rag and the BBC leaves me questioning what the hell is going on…
Also it seems the accused was committed to Crown Court for trial in Hune nearly six months later on, the normal time period for this is three months or earlier….. Obviously at the time of committal the prosecution had already collated the evidence so why the wait??? I am going to email the editor of the Grimsby evening Telegraph regarding this….
It comes to something when you find the BBC of all news sources seems to offer more infoprmation than the local newspaper!!!
It`s the dates that puzzle me most of all….
My local newspaper posted this news item in MARCH….
Both the BBC reports and also the local newspaper mention the month of JUNE…
Then the BBC Look north report states the accused did not appear at Crown court on the data his trial was due to commence in NOVEMBER..
My local paper has no updated report on this and you would think a european arrest warrant being involved there would be…….
My main question though is this…. Why did my local paper post thier report in MARCH on the 18th????
Also since when has a prosecution taken over twelve months to proceed? There is something definitely not right tbh….. The dates don`t even corealate and like I said before it`s very local and an item like this regarding people smuggling should be massive news… (I live in Cleethorpes which is next to Grimsby and seperated by the white lines in the middle of the road (Grimsby has a container port and is quite busy 24/7) Immingham is also a container port and much larger than Grimsby as it also has a Oil Tanker terminal too..) It is about thirteen miles away from us and South Killingholme is about twelve miles away from Grimsby and is a small town a mile outside Immingham it is in between Immingham and Grimsby and is home to some major industrial sites such as Lindsey Oil Refinery, Knaupff and also a Chemicals site or two as well as a power plant too….
I feel it is the duty of the local news and also the BBC to report something like this properly, what if the illegal migrants had some Jihadists amongst them??? What if they chose to target the Oil Terminals or the refinery??
I’ve said previously that such is the inherent bias in the BBC now that it annoys me even if it concurs with my own sentiments.
I might think that Eric Bristow was a total prat for the comments he has made on Twitter, and it seems that Eddie Mair thinks so too. But did anybody else hear the manner in which he presented the story on this evening’s PM, and the exaggerated sneering way he repeatedly said MBE?
Okay, you might think that Eric Bristow is just an ignorant darts player and most of your listeners might think so too, but it’s not the place of the BBC to have an opinion. Just present the flipping news, there’s no need to give us your prejudices too.
So very obvious and Mair parading his virtue in a really bullying way. Look at me and marvel at my virtue. Both of them are gits.
On the main BBC TV news they have an interview with Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys has stopped using make-up. I am failing to see why this is considered newsworthy until the end of the interview when she is asked what she thinks of Trump becoming president. “Hateful rhetoric”, “sexism”, “bigotry”, “racial slurs”, “intolerance”, complains Alicia, has been “rewarded with the presidency”. Now I get it. Leftist propaganda disguised as a news item.
This endless insulting of Mr Trump is really dumb. He is the next President and can really make things difficult for us and Europe.
The BBC is fast becoming the stupid broadcaster.
Shame about Alicia Keys. She was one of the few slebs (slobs) to stick up for Israel when the nazi left were trying to impose their version of Jew-hatred on all.
Um, who IS Alicia Keys ???? and is she a relevance ? (I do know who Sammy Davis Jnr is though !)
She is a half-decent singer who refused to back-down from giving a concert in Israel despite the fascists attacking her for it. Such a shame that she fell into line this time. It’s a bit like Winston Smith at the end of 1984 – he had started to have original thoughts but eventually they forced him to become part of the blob.
I remember Sammy Davis although his best years were before him from when I remember him. More of a Louis fan (and Beatles and much else besides.)
On the subject of singers – I don’t know if this is on the BBC News website (I try not to look at the damn thing) but ethereal pop star Kate Bush has said she admires Theresa May!
Cue Guardianistas running up those hills shouting ‘Noooo!’
Yes, I too heard 30 min’s of ‘PM’ and Mair’s repeated emphasis on “Eric Bristow MBE”.
My instant thought was that Mair was planting in the ears of listeners the first seeds of the idea that Bristow should be stripped of the MBE for his remarks.
Unconnected to this, can anyone tell me, did the biased and agenda-driven ‘PM’ have much to say about the Ohio State University jihad attack (once I’d turned off, that is) ?
Oh dear, here we go again, someone says something on Twitter that some other people don’t like and hey presto it’s sack him! Boo hiss! Ruin him!
As opposed to, “we think he’s entitled to his opinion but he’s wrong about this and here’s why”……..
Collective madness and the hue and cry have taken over the media.
The blokes a darts player, not the head of child safeguarding for the UK.
Well, lets face it, Twatter is full of Tw…ts and Trolls !
Apparently the line is that “toxic tweets silence victims” as set out by Owen Jones in the Guardian.
Yes that’s right, these “media folk” think that prior to reporting a childhood homosexual rape to the police, victims will first, have a quick butchers at the Twitter feed of the “crafty cockney” (or some other celeb) to decide whether they think they’ll get a sympathetic hearing……ffs, he’s PAID for writing that stuff!!!
I think he’s entitled to his opinion but it is disappearingly unlikely that Twitter has any influence on victims of crime reporting offences, and that’s why I think he’s wrong on this issue!
“Mrs May please let us stay.”
Clive Bull who is FAR from the worse of LBCs presnters was inviting opionions on should May give UNILATERAL promises to EUers that they can remain after Brexit.
To any sensible person this would not only be madness but an absolute BETRAYAL of British people in the EU; and I am amazed that some of these British French and British Spanish etc are NOT calling saying NO NO NO.
BUT what I really want a presenter to ask is why aren’t these EUers lobbying and calling phone ins in their homelands and demanding that their leaders make swift agreements with Britain to safeguard all those settled elsewhere?
These will be the same EUers bemoaning our treachery against the Poles that fought for us, (Poland invaded 1st September 1939), and the Czechs that fought for us, (Czechoslovakia invaded 10 October 1939).
At the time I think we thought we were fighting for them. We still are but they don’t realise it!
A bit of fun at LBC presenters’ expense.
Nominations please:
First the Worst
Second the Best
Then the Golden Eagle
You’re the one with the Hairy Chest
Then the Squashed Tomato.
James O’Brien
Katie Hopkins
Nick Ferrari
Majid Nawaz
Ian Dale
BBC Online News:
“”Burka ban backed by Dutch MPs for public places””
“”Religious freedom campaigner Karima Rahmani said people should be able to wear what they want without the state interfering. “What is disturbing us about this law is that it is a direct attack on freedom of expression,””
A neutral state broadcaster would have challenged this remark by Karima Rahmani. Why not ask her what freedom of expression muslim women have in Pakistan? In fact, what freedom at all?
Again, muslims are portrayed by the BBC as victims.
Let’s have some equal treatment in the ME countries. What about showing the cross in Saudi Arabia or opening a church?