I notice that the BBC continues it’s trend of going with opinion as news. Opinion that always seems to be anti-Brexit, or anti-Trump. Opinion that always seems to coincide with the BBC’s own ‘impartial’ opinion.
This morning it’s the opinion of the CIA chief that is the main headlines. Meanwhile real actual news, like the rather worrying situation that an employee of the German intelligence agency has been arrested after being discovered as a possible Islamic double agent plotting against them, is relegated.
I wonder if the CIA boss was taken by surprise, suddenly finding an ally in the BBC. Their mutual Trump antipathy trumped any antagonism the BBC would have to the organ of the great Satan.
Blimey…am i first?….Not having read the forum for a few days, i don’t know whether any one has commented on this;…All this fuss over the sexual abuse in football, jumped on by the press…..i thought..hang on..where were you lot when it was flagged up 20 years ago by the BNP and others of the abuse by Pakistani muslim bastards of young white girls?…not a murmur…the constant, evil vilification of Ray Honeyford by those horrible harridans of the Left, i remember those pics of screaming lefty bitches very well, poor guy, hounded to death…he was right too…..We need a massive draining of the swamp here too, and May is not up to the job.
Eric Bristow, a mini spear chucker, has had to apologise for his ill advised comments about the victims of abuse today because of the lynch mob pitch fork twitterati baying for his blood.
Anyway, I noticed comments are not allowed on any of theses stories, GRIM has pointed out above, posted on the news website. I wonder why….?
Because in LeftMob Bubbleworld sending a tweet is worse that committing an actual crime.
… Get jailed ..and you’ll be back receiving Licence fee money if a jiffy
..isn’t that right Vicky Price ? Boy George ?
.. Yet say/tweet something that can be construed as racist
so clumsy communication is punished more than actual crime
…how is that contradiction just ?
BTW I would not have banned Bristow’s comment, you don’t start diverting attention away from real perps
Bristow’s comment should have been left public
so people can point out he was clumsy
..and that he probably meant to say :
…”Listen abusers what you do is wrong
…And the thing is your victims might well come back older and beat the crap out of you”
When people go vigilante and take justice into their own hands, we have to think “hey maybe there is a real problem with the PROPER legal not functioning properly. Maybe we should fix that.”
… Instead of trying to silence the messenger and carry on as usual.
I was thinking the same thing today when the BBC news were saying 12 police forces are working on it,where were all the police when white teenage girls were being drugged and raped?
Questions need to be asked.
I`ve been up all night having drank too much Bovril at the football. We won 5-1 , but have been stood here like one of Fidels Fancies since 5am.
Sadly no guns, but a Roundup with the names of dead greenfly soon to be added.
And since pre-Dawn, only waiting for todays instructions SOL!
It`s market day here. What do I tell the girls re ” The Red Balloon” and our last consciouness-raising session on the role of Dave Clark in the Cuban Cigar Crisis of 1962?
“Dawn” was, I recall, a Hard-Right neoliberal who literally destroyed Our Oak Trees by tying yellow ribbons round them, and thus contributed to Far-Right Climate Change, which has literally destroyed Our Earth.
Red Balloons are, however, permitted, always provided that they do not use any Greenhouse Gases, and are disposed of safely after use.
Caliph Al haddi bin Laden Albeebi of Al Beebistan mosque has sent his sermon out to the believer on the Al Shabeeb webshite….. So you don’t have to read it
1: Democrat choosen CIA director attacks Trump (no surprise)
2: Norwegian who carried out so-called prophet and full time murderer Muhammads instruction to the letter at Ohio University, was ‘a soldier’ of Islamic state apparently…ignoring the fact that ALL Islamic texts call good Muslims enriching the infidels soldiers!
3: Women are discriminated against and prevented by white men from getting jobs…. Though no evidence is offered to back that up, just moronic and lazy women who see themselves as professional victims
4: Political giant and completely tolerant of other people views…… Oh no sorry let’s start again… Sheltered, privileged, intolerant, white hating bigot John I’m a Leg-end hates Trump
5: We are asked “Is feminism just for white women?” whilst being shown someone who has been constantly told and therefore utterly believes they are inferior to Muslim men in every way…..the answer to your question is “yes only western women are treated as equals you traitorous, spineless bastards, and you are trying everything in your power to reverse that!!”
Western women don’t see the threat. There is so much liberal propaganda on the tv that they are tripping over themselves to not be seen as wacist. When they are stopped on their street corner by the sharia wardens for nor wearing a hijab or a burkha the penny will drop (or should that be the dirham will drop?)
Oh we do seismicboy.
After Cologne last New Years Eve, it is percolating down like a trickle of pee down the terracing. But most older women are invisible and not asked much.
But we`re grannies and mums, have our girls still at risk in all areas of public life like schools, hospitals and car parks.
And forums like this, SMS etc provide electronic support and information that Redditch library seems keen not to give us …yet.
You`re correct re “western women” if you mean those in the media and public sector who hop in and out of maternity, who get parodied as “Worcester Woman”-as if!-and who read autocues and grind a pelvis on Strictly or such.
But the REAL women of this country are not fooled one bit-we just like to be nicer than you and don`t have the pubs and practice of public speaking and argument.
But all my friends feel as I do-which is why we choose them as friends I guess.
But-Katie Hopkins?Cologne and Kellyanne Conway? Move over boys!
Atta girl Alicia! Am totally with you on this. Am also fed up with the slow creep of misogynistic comments on this great, insightful website. Rein it in boys! There are plenty of normal feisty women out here who LIKE men, loathe the BBC drip drip of opinionated crap, can’t stand the patronising drivel spouted on Woman’s Hour and see radical Islam as the greatest threat to European civilisation and freedoms. And faced with a jihadi rapist I wouldn’t melt with excitement I’d want to chop his balls off and turn them into kebabs. Long live monitoring of the insidious lefty-liberal propanda driven BBC and its attempts to shut down diversity of opinion.
BBc North West indulge in one of their favourite stories, advertising people being deported and running a sob sob story.we are treated to video of Dianne Ngoza “surrounded” by not very many people the BBc are playing the deceptive camera angle game with them all bunched up in a tight shot. Not listening too carefully the report implies she has been a nurse here for 14 years. However according to the Manchester evening news “moved to the UK 14-years-ago, working as a nurse, before volunteering for a number of community organisations and churches”.Have a nice trip back to Zambia.http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/zambian-nurse-immigration-battle-deported-12234602
On the face of it, she seems quite harmless. I would have thought there are many more important candidates for deportation than her including criminals and terrorists. It is typical of the “authorities” in the UK that they bully the weak and harmless people but the strong and harmful people go unpunished. This applies right across the spectrum , not just immigration.
I am proud of most of British history but ashamed of how low the “governance” of this country has sunk. Everything , including at the BBC has been inverted. Good has become bad and bad become good. We are truly living in Animal Farm.
If the authorities have decided she shouldn’t be here then she shouldn’t be here. I couldn’t care less about pondering the worth of her deportation against any other person(s) who shouldn’t be here.
The media are very coy about giving out all the details in these cases. Under what circumstances did she enter the country ?However why is she no longer a nurse? If she is doing “voluntary” work” you would draw the conclusion she isn’t being paid. Hopefully when we leave the evil empire of the EU and if they ever get rid of the human rights act a broken tory manifesto promise they can open the floodgates and boot a whole lot more out
Perhaps the ‘nursing’ qualifications weren’t up to scratch, was discovered, and then the realisation that no valid working documents were available. Sorry, but the media tend to pounce on the ‘injustice’ of the system, but thank God there is some sort of system in place to oust the illegals – do gooders or not !
The point I am making is that all illegals should be deported ! But they are not ! You can be damn sure that , if she was a muslim and not a christian, she would not be deported. What I am saying is that the system is corrupted. I am not saying that illegals should be allowed to stay. They should all be deported without exception, but that is not happening. Only the easy targets get deported. How can that be fair ?
Well after looking up her name I eventually found quite a few interesting bits of info…. http://www.womeninandbeyond.org/?p=20666
Dianne Ngoza was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the age of six, part of her family fled the political violence and ended up in Zambia. Dianne Ngoza was raised in Zambia. In 1994, she moved to South Africa, where she was granted permanent residence. In 2002, Dianne Ngoza was offered a two-year work permit to work as a nurse in the United Kingdom. Six months later, she brought her then 11-year-old daughter to live with her. They have both lived in England since 2002. Dianne Ngoza has not been to Zambia since 1994, and has no one there, and yet the United Kingdom wants to ship her “back” to Zambia.
Then there is this …. http://www.rapar.org.uk/dianne-ngoza.html
My name is Dianne Ngoza, I am from Zambia. In 1994 I went to work in South Africa and was granted permanent residence there. In 2002, I was offered a two year work permit to work as a nurse in the UK. After six months, my 11 year old daughter came to join me.
In 2004, before my visa expired, I went to Liverpool to renew it. The immigration officer there told me to send my daughter, who was then 13, back to South Africa, and sort out her visa first. We couldn’t afford to do this.
And then….. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/meet-the-choir-of-female-asylum-seekers-singing-for-change/
43-year-old Dianne Ngoza agrees. She came to the UK in 2002 from South Africa, though she was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She fled for political reasons, and many of her family members who stayed have been killed. Her brother was killed two weeks ago.
She came to the UK on a working visa for two years with her then 10-year-old daughter, but ever since that ran out she has been applying for the right to remain in the UK for human rights reasons. She had to leave her job as a psychiatric nurse and is now destitute.
How about this in her own words….
I left Zambia 22 years ago and I don’t have any contact there; in fact, I have no network of social, family or work with anyone back in Africa. My residence permit for South Africa has expired. After such a long time, I don’t consider myself to be Zambian or South African: I consider myself British. I have no work experience in Africa and my qualifications from there are no longer valid. I only speak English and I don’t speak any African dialect.
A Zambian-born nurse who was due to be deported this week will be allowed to stay in the country.
Dianne Ngoza, 47, who has lived in Greater Manchester for 14 years, received support from human rights groups and Manchester MP Lucy Powell.
She was due to be flown out of the country on Wednesday but has now been told she can stay while her case is reviewed.
Just hours before the flight was set to depart, Ms Powell confirmed the news.
Mum-of-one Dianne moved to the UK in 2002 to work as a nurse – one of many overseas medical staff working in the NHS – before volunteering for a number of community organisations and churches. http://www.womeninandbeyond.org/?p=20666
Now she is apparently 47 years old…… Also the Manchester-based human rights charity RAPAR….
But the 47-year-old was left destitute and had been forced to live in shelters across the region for many years.
She was detained on November 16 but the ongoing fight from campaigners, including Manchester-based human rights charity RAPAR, has meant she may remain in the UK.
Recently Dianne Ngoza joined the leadership team of RAPAR, Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research….
“It appears liberals weren’t joking when they called Trump “literally Hitler,” because they seem to think Fidel Castro would’ve been a better leader than the President-Elect. (scroll down for video)”
CIA chief warns Trump: Scrapping Iran deal ‘height of folly’ Is this just another anti-trump stories which strives to belittle the incumbent? Maybe not.
So who exactly is John Brennan, apart from CIA director, and why would he bother to publicly advise on of all matters relating to Iran. And let’s not forget that obama’s policy (and presumably Brennan’s unless he was out the office on that day) was to accept Iran’s promise to abandon all efforts to produce a nookyular bomb (to use a Bushism) may yet prove to be the pinnacle of all follies. Plus, Iran are one of the powers involved in Syria effectively fighting US-backed rebels. How strange.
So, this may explain a few things. John Brennan: Obama’s Muslim Convert Stooge for Jihad
Morning headline. A bBBC FOI request reveals 30,000 children went missing from schools last year.
Now that sounds pretty worrying. And is. But not for the reasons you may think.
Because only at the very end of the piece is the real story revealed.
The authorities worry that many of them are being taken away for forced marriages (including below the UK age of consent I suggest) and FGM.
So the actual headline should have been ‘Thousands of ethnic minority schoolgirls abducted for enforced cultural reasons’.
But the pathetic, pandering Al Beeb, being scared witless about not being seen to be sufficiently multicultural, just cannot bring themselves to say what we can all see in about 5 microseconds.
Memo to the DG of the bBBC. The first B stands for British. Or used to.
Sluff, whenever there is a story about a ‘shock rise/fall in xyz’ on the BBC which has some sort of demographic angle, there is usually some connection with mass immigration or multiculturalism, and usually it is not mentioned by the BBC. A classic example is stories about the high rate of unemployment among Muslims, with the unwritten implication that this is due to racism by white employers. They don’t mention that most Muslim women don’t go out to work, so of course the unemployment rates will be higher. Another is the rise in anti-semitic attacks. Why should this be on the rise when there are fewer Jews than ever in Britain? As always, look at what the BBC does NOT tell you.
Ditto for anti-Muslim hate crimes. It is reported to be on the rise, and always by the BBC in a manner to make us ALL feel guilty. What they don’t tell us is that many anti-Muslim crimes are committed by other Muslims for being the wrong type of Muslim.
As the Muslim population rises it is inevitable that there will be more anti-Muslim hate crimes that are nothing to do with non-Muslims. But we know how it will get reported.
A couple of nights ago the BBC was reporting about the sexual abuse in football. Dan Roan was standing outside on a cold dark night in front of well lit up buildings. The impression was that he was standing outside some football headquarters related to the issue. It was only after a minute or two that I noticed that top left it said ‘live from Salford’. Salford is where the BBC has its sports reporting studios. As I looked more carefully I realised Dan Roan was just standing in the area where all the BBC and other studios are. It is not bias, just stupid. Why not have Dan in the studio? Were the BBC really trying to give an impression that it was somewhere related to the abuse which is misleading.
Accompanied hubby to his local football game last night for the first time in yonks.
Completely disarmed by the friendliness, the lack of pomposity and preciousness-the complete non-applause for the Brazilian family lost-and not a peep about Barry Bennell or the like.
Just twenty six lads and their touchline ranters trying their hearts out on a bitterly cold night, showing considerable skill and real respect of the referees, officials and fans who braved both financial and geographical inconvenience to be there.
The very opposite of the BBCs love-in with the Big Boys and their shenanigans.
So, have now changed my whole view on what football is, given that it`s not as I left in way back. Only hope they`ll see what the BBC is doing at the roots of the game-and will resist it while they still can.
As Eric said-why is football getting all this now, whereas rugby and cricket are not?
We won 5-1, and I sank enough Bovril to keep me up a few hours.
Can now feel my legs again too!
It is an insane waste of money. Having a political correspondent reporting from a cold and empty Downing Street adds nothing to the story, but is clearly a pathetic attempt to “prove” the BBC is reporting straight from the centre of power.
I saw one news report about some internal BBC scandal, when the newsreader in Broadcasting House was talking to the Media Correspondent who was stood on the pavement right outside Broadcasting House. As I recall, he was reporting something to the effect that BBC management would not comment on the story!
Separate post to the one above because a separate issue. Has any one else noticed how much people walk about behind the newsreaders delivering the BBC 1 news? In this day and age I would expect staff to use email if they need to contact each other – cheaper in staff time. Those wandering about never seem to have any urgency about them. I presume they must all be wandering off to the water cooler or the loo but there always seem very few actually at their desks. Staff walking around a studio (or offices) is not the best use of license payers’ money.
But when the Queen opened the new premises a couple of years back, you couldn’t see a desk for the swarms that appeared – complete with the bloody smartphones held high !
(as for Sky, the new Perspex box look is a bit disarming, with shots of the queues for the canteen on the lower floor !)
Deborah, Brissels!
I too have noted this. But there again, i`m sad enough too to see that there is nearly always NO-ONE behind Jon Snow, Cathy, Jackie, Matt and Krish as the cameras peel off them at the end of Channel 4 News.
Can only imagine that no-one wants to be seen in the creation of their endless whines and jocks crap.
Could be B.O, sweaty feet, halitosis or flatulence though.
But the place is deserted when those news feeds deliver the ordure.
The bBBC choose to go to a village near Hamburg to report on the tensions caused by Mad Merkel’s open door immigration. Now why ever would they do that? I mean, why THAT village among thousands?
The mayor of the village was attacked – and the barely concealed inference is because he was prepared to allow a few economic migrants into his village.
In other words he was attacked, we can presume, by some white racists, not by the immigrants. Funnily enough, I just cannot remember an equivalent spotlight on all the women attacked in the centre of Cologne last New Year.
Al Beeb. Left wing pro immigration bias. Guaranteed.
Farage – They laughed at him then …………..
“Nigel Farage has blamed high levels of immigration and the state of the M4 for missing a meet-the-leader event ahead of UKIP’s first Welsh conference”…… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-30370570
Well they are not laughing now ……….
“British roads are the most congested in Europe, a study of traffic in more than 100 EU cities suggests”……………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38149577
How the media attempts to control political opinion ?
‘Today’, BBC R4. The listener is treated to an excruciating in-depth analysis of the reasons why, apart from Wales, the Ambulance Service cannot reach urgent cases within 8 minutes. Contrast this with the earlier report on the dire situation in Germany with its current crime wave including sexual attacks which is due solely to the Muslim immigrants of which it has taken anything up to 2.5 million of within the last couple of years. The soft, flaccid, ‘BBC Lite’ reporting tells us, once again, incorrectly, that 1 million immigrants arrived in Germany. The sexual crime wave which includes hundreds of confirmed rapes is described as, “groping”. Truly a feature which is designed to play down the seriousness and leave the listener with the illusion that Merkel will live through the next elections and, ‘its really not all that bad and the German people are coping with it admirably in the midst of perhaps one or two serious incidents’.
The Reality (take your pick!): http://newobserveronline.com/merkels-trick-1-8-million-100000/ http://newobserveronline.com/another-german-city-tipping-majority-muslim/ http://newobserveronline.com/merkel-flying-1000-invaders-per-month/
et al.
“The listener is treated to an excruciating in-depth analysis of the reasons why, apart from Wales, the Ambulance Service cannot reach urgent cases within 8 minutes.”
I have my doubts about that claim of “8 minutes” in Wales – serious doubts.
Wales has many rural roads and its difficult to get anywhere fast.
AS soon as I heard the BBC Eeyore voice at 8.15 re NHS ambulances-I baled as quickly as possible.
You just KNOW what the BBC are doing-why they`re doing it-and who they`ll be getting to say it, in case we`re not clear that its not just the BBC and its staffers, stuffers and stiffies who can talk this tarmac.
Yesterday was
Why DO they care -these scum at the BBC use BUPA?
But there again…to hear Sarah Montague feign interest in Brazilian footy players and asking “how will that town be feeling today?”…well say no more.
Wonder how many sharks Evel Kneivel could have jumped in his prime?
Isn`t she a Baroness or Lady like Thornberry?…like Dismal Desmond-time to call them out and all by their TRUE titles…twats is too long….
The ‘Welsh white elephant’ is getting fatter…… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-38143629
The whole bureaucracy got assembled on the narrowest of margins in the referendum of 1997. With education and health in a mess its time for another referendum?
What say you fellow country men ?
Went to the Gower this year taffman.
Can I have a postal vote on this…and will get a few thousand other Friends of Wales to protest as exiles. God Bless you-you voted Brexit, and now its time to bin the likes of Leanne Wood etc…
Devolution was one of the many toxic policies implemented by Blair. For the UK domestically, I would say it was the worst, eclipsing tax credits to subsidise low wage employers and create a worker/welfare dependency culture, blowing money on an inefficient NHS, and many others I could name, although it was rivaled in the sheer folly stakes by allowing mass EU and Third World immigration.
The ‘celtic fringe grievance culture’ promulgated by a political elite in Cardiff and Glasgow/Edinburgh is now heavily subsidised by England, as we have allowed an additional tier of state-funded nomenklatura and their subsidy-receiving public sector dependants to exist in Scotland and Wales. I hate to think we could yet be augmenting it in Cardiff!
The answer would be to have another referendum on retaining the Welsh Assembly. The Assembly Members would never vote for it. Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
Its the usual ploy – have a referendum every ten years until they get there way then abolish referendums. That is with exception to Brexit, because Cameron and his ‘experts’ thought they would win it.
They relied upon the propaganda of Al Beeb and the MSM to swing it for them, but something went wrong – bloody well wrong.
British People could see through their propaganda.
Barry Bennell charged with child sex offences
As usual the bbc are, understandably, treading on eggshells with this latest paedophile story. Even I, as a simple observer, know that the real story is not that he has been charged with more offences. The real story is this…
The balloon goes up on Friday 25th as former victims ‘come out’.
Hours later the police move him to a hotel for his own safety. However he is later rushed to hospital.
On Tuesday 29th Cheshire police give file to the CPS and he is charged.
Anyone else think the speed of events is remarkable considering a police force and the CPS who must both investigate before recommending / making charges?
It must be the first time something has been swept back out from under the carpet. But where’s the real story in the media? Cover-up? what cover-up?
Can`t remember any other case where a bloke has done his time abroad then gets a fast track to Saviles Gallery without any intervening development of a case.
And-of course-the liberal blowhards spouting of “due process”…”double jeopardy” etc….as they`d have done with a Hamza or a Duggan.
Nor can I recall any case where a suicide attempt means that the person is then CHARGED…thought that trying to kill yourself was no longer a criminal offence.
Of course I`m facetious here…Gary Glitter, Thomas Mair have already shown that the law becomes pipe cleaners and playdo in pastel shades when the liberal caste see a threat(Brexit) or an opportunity to wipe Savile and Driberg, Freud and Harman from the records…see we DO act on it all, especially when Mark Chapman and Gary Lineker want it done.
What happened to “psychiatric defences”-or do white right wingers or old paedos not get those considerations anymore…but Hillary and Fidel do?
“No young footballer should have to endure sexual abuse again. Graeme Le Saux.” Guardian 2016:11:30.
Does that include tens of thousands of young white girls raped hundreds of times by thousands of dregs of the planet Pakis imported to vote Labour and enrich us with their million plus Islamic rapes?
More publicity over the football rapes than all the Islamic crimes.
Not surprising, since the public sector Paki deny and cover up has been at maximum readiness for a decade.
The deny and cover up also occurs in the public sector other any territory unfortunate enough to be enriched by the Islamic filth imported to outvote the indegines.
The publicity in the Guardian of the reported football based abuse industry has increased exponentially in size in one week.
Ten years later nothing similar has happened in the 100X larger Islamic rape industry, where the “bury the news” monger’s are still trying to prevent any public discussion.
The remedy is to stop expecting Parliament, the Law, the Public Sector or “crusading” “journalists” to do anything; and take direct, punitive, proportional (ie merciless) punishment ourselves. This must involve stopping more enricher’s arriving and encouraging those already here to depart. I believe we should assume that it is better that ten thousand pseudo-innocents be found guilty rather than any of the guilty escape.
Graeme Le Saux…the Guardian readers view of how a footballer should be.
No wonder he`s being trundled out to comment on this appalling story of breach of trust, lust for young boys and evidently the tip of a very grubby iceberg.
To think, just recently the FA and BBC were concerned that there weren`t enough “out” gay men in football and were promoting campaigns on diversity and against “homophobia”in football…Graeme Le Saux wrote an item in the Guardian in support.
Q. How many girls did Bennell abuse?
A. That`s not relevent, you can`t “conflate child abuse with homosexuality” as Le saux put it in his Guardian article.
And presumebly the muslim rape industry continues unhindered by the scumbag politicians, police and social workers. Seems like, when it comes to sex abuse, muslims have a free pass. Well, it’s a cultural thing, isn’t it ?
I think this website is saving me from my sanity. It’s very helpful to know that their are
kindred spirits out there that feel the same about the BBC as me. I need your help . I
am going to vote for Sports personalty of the year. I would like to vote for Alistair Brownlee
the triathlon champion who helped his brother over the line. BUT I am not sure if I would be classified as a racist for doing this. Do you think that that Barry Bennel would be a more diverse choice? Please help.
Does anyone think the remoaners would like to have informed our allies or even our enemy that we were going to bomb the dams in the Ruhr? True Brits would never do that. So why now are they asking the PM to do the same?
Three cheers for the brave BBC presenter Alan Bolton (presenter on BBC radio R4 FEEDBACK). This is just about the most bravest thing you can do on the BBC as a presenter! It goes directly against the fellow house inmates and its about time the BBC were told the obvious truth. Islam is not a friend of the BBC nor does it ‘integrate’ into Europe (or anywhere else) including the UK. It will be interesting if any other presenters are free to speak their minds openly, I suspect not, but I live in hope that if there is one ‘on the road to damascus’ there will be a split in the BBC eventually as the ‘untruths’ mount up.
‘… the outspoken presenter thinks it’s essential for the public, and in particular young people and immigrants, ‘to understand the crucial role of Christianity in the formation of British culture, and for the public to have enough knowledge of the Shia/Sunni split to navigate current affairs in the Middle East’.
The BBC news webs site has scored an own goal. It offers a piece on Tomi Lahren – no, nor did I have a clue. I think the idea is to paint her as a right wing, lunatic shock jock.
The piece encouraged me to see what she actually says. Not least because the BBC struggle to report correctly what anyone says if they are outside their tight little circle of views.
So take a look at this if you have a second, and join with me wishing she, or someone like her, was on the BBC right now.
Good question and I do not want to be sexist. But , I think that unattractive women maybe feel resentment and therefore have a grievance. And where better to nurse a grievance than the Left ? Men seem to be different. I have never noticed any correlation between attractiveness and political views in men .
In my experience, conservative/traditional women are more likely to make an effort with their hair/makeup/clothes etc rather than leftist women, some of whom seem to think looking nice is somehow sexist and degrading and giving unfair advantage to genetic inheritance (I think that’s where some leftist admiration of Islam comes from – the burkha is seen as levelling the playing field). That said, I suspect the American right wing news channels give public roles to the better looking women as they realise that a lot of their audience is male. I also can’t think of that many attractive MPs on the right…Priti Patel in the UK and Mme Le Pen in France are the only ones that spring to mind.
Simple really.
We don`t bathe ourselves in bile, won`t take the poison pills so we can taste how others stick in our craws. We love our men, our culture and our kids-and care about the ones to come.
And we do not stew in asses milk as extracted from the poor, so we can add the tears of the oppressed to top ourselves up.
We work-and we hate the BBC as never before.
Womans Hour?…Not in MY Name!
Funnily enough I remember Caitlin Moran in The Sunday times saying she deliberately makes herself unattractive in photos to fight against the militancy of the patriarchy society and blah blah blah. – or words to that effect.
As if being attractive is somehow to be a negative aspiration. Guess she hasn’t seen the high street to know she is cat-fighting a losing battle as women spend zillions on anything to make them more attractive.
Ooh Isn’t she lovely. Where was I? I think what would be so shocking for the Beeb is that no only does she defend her country but actually counterattacks and deconstructs all the leftist whining and bitching. She’d never be allowed on the telly over here, and until we get an equivalent 1st Amendment we have to go to ‘far-right’ websites to get decent news.
Thank you, Friend Dave! Alas, I did indeed literally die, but have been literally brought back to life thanks to Our NHS, which is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere, and which Thatcher totally destroyed.
BTW, are you the same Dave S who commented on my Blog yesterday and on the Fidel Tribute Blog? If so, many thanks – I really enjoyed them. Yesterday’s in particular had me in fits of giggles! 🙂
The very same but all credit must go to my mate Ron whose devotion to the cause has never wavered. He is wearing the same Che T shirt he wore in 1967 – smells terrible but he does live in a dumpster ( big dustbin in English English).
He is known as the enfant terrible of the foodbanks . No tin is safe from his thieving hands.
Seconded Dave.
Since SOL heroically took up the mantle of watching Corbyns endless defenestrations of the Fashistories every week at PMT…I no longer need to watch, knowing that SOL speaks for all of us now!
Who else can raise himself to life at will?
I think he may have just returned from Bhutan or the Shaolin Monk place in Bushey. The REAL Maharishi Yogi is here.
None of that Mia Farrow stuff though-can only assume that your girlfriend also communes with the cosmos too.
I’m ‘far-right’ because I don’t like supremacist Islam. It sucks quite frankly. Those nice people at the BBC think I’m a Nazi.
But then again those nice reasonable liberals at the Beeb think dictator Castro had his good side. They don’t have a problem with FGM. They want to give up British democracy in favour of unelected socialists in Brussels. They think that halal slaughter is fine. They support a parallel Sharia legal system…
If that’s mainstream maybe it’s time to flaunt being ‘far-right’? http://bit.ly/2fzAWk3
Brillo pad is the one incisive non leftie who interviews politicians at the BBC. The blustering, ignorant scouser Angela Rayner is currently being totally brillo’d on Daily Politics re funding social care. A genuine problem but Labour have no constructive answer . Coburn sits silently , thank goodness.
Coburn may be sitting quietly but she’s probably just listening to those voices in her head telling her that all Brexiters are evil and she must destroy them by her force of intellect and ruthless interruptions (good luck with that Jo !).
Mr Trump’s incoming administration will likely be the most anti-scientific and anti-technological in a while.
The President-elect is a climate change denier, one of his few consistent positions.
The whole article is about as ‘anti-science’ as you can get, leaving no room for scepticism about the ‘settled science’, the latest example of which is trying to find a reason why, having discovered some old maritime records, the Antarctic ice extent has not changed in 100 years. So expect another hypothesis some time soon, another layer on top of all the previous ones they’ve come up with unless, of course, they opt for their ‘trick’ of rubbishing these record-keepers from all those years ago.
However, scepticism is the default mode for any scientist. But try telling that to Sky’s ‘Technology Correspondent’.
Instead of reasoned scientific debate we now see the term ‘denier’ being used by a prominent correspondent of a major news provider – a clear case of playing the man and not the ball, and ‘the man’ is always an easy target because the MSM will never, ever seek the opinions of sceptical scientists as it would destroy their narrative. Then we have ‘consensus’ being bandied about like science is some kind of popularity contest. Consensus can be fudged (as it has been – 97% anybody?) and there is no place for it in science as Einstein would remind him were he alive. Empirical evidence, on the other hand, moves science forward by proving or disproving hypotheses. Man-made global warming is still a hypothesis but hey, don’t dare tell that to Sky’s ‘Technology Correspondent’ or he’ll scream ‘denier!!’ at you, and many times over till he shuts you up.
Agreed, how Sky news could have fallen so far in such a short space of time is extraordinary.
I hear their next Climate Change Correspondent will be Emma Thompson, their next Fracking expert will be Dame Vivien Westward and their Energy advisor will be Bianca Jagger. Ah, just like the BBC.
I guess scientists can tells us about acting, engineers about dress designing and geologists can tell us about what its like to be the daughter of a 1960s pop star.
Remember who admitted they MAKE-UP incredibly dumb stuff about climate science ?
when they wrote an article that claimed Donald Trump makes-up incredibly dumb stuff about climate science
* Your BBC *
I have recently started watching the Agenda political panel programme on ITV and find it much more balanced than Question Time on BBC. The panel is representative of various views and the presenter seems fair and even handed. Above all the audience does not participate and I think that this is the biggest difference to the BBC programme where the hand picked leftist audiance is allowed to disrupt any panellist who isn’t spouting the usual leftist tripe and cheer any panelist who is doing so.
“RABAT, Morocco: After a wave of criticism, a Moroccan TV show devoted to women’s issues apologized on Monday for airing a makeup tutorial that offered tips on using cosmetics to disguise signs of domestic abuse, calling the segment an “error in judgment.””
Thank goodness our national broadcaster makes so very few of those sort of ‘errors of judgment’, well, according to themselves.
‘The show “Sabahiyat” (Mornings) featured a demonstration “to show you the makeup you can use to cover the bruises on your face” as a way to mark the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women.’
There’s a metaphor or a pun or something there somewhere to with the BBC, make up, news, islam, etc
‘Morocco has no domestic violence law and violence against women is widespread, Human Rights Watch said in a dispatch’
AslSeelt, For my time in Saudi Arabia, I remember driving round and finding it particularly hilarious the way the menfolk use their ubiquitous Toyota Pickup trucks: three or four black draped women, eyes only, in the open back of the truck being thrown around whilst the goats or sheep ride in relative comfort in the cab with the driver. Nothing like Islamic equality of the sexes. Oh! the joy of seeing from the inside, the centre of the Islamic cult! Its about time the muslim females of the UK were shipped out to KSA from where they would surely not complain. Would they?
“three or four black draped women, eyes only, in the open back of the truck being thrown around whilst the goats or sheep ride in relative comfort in the cab with the driver.”
G, what’s the problem? Wives ride in the back, girlfriends ride in the front – all very civilised.
Very old joke: what do you call an arab with a sheep and a goat?
I’m sure the BBC has an extra letter on the acronym for it, but I’m not sure what it is – LGBTWTF&?
Oh deep joy.
On the pre bBBC1 news commercial slot, we get the great news that Al Beeb are going to run a sort of ‘Big Brother’ for muslms.
‘Muslims like us’ will be aired on December 12th at 2100 on bBBC2 and, even better, we’ll be able to hear the views of one of Anjem Choudary’s inner circle.
What with ‘Muslim Big Brother’, the Black and British season, ‘Citizen Khan’ and ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ top of the Christmas…sorry, holiday viewing schedule, I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of giving up my TV and watching old films on youtube instead.
Try spotting an ad now without a person of colour being front and centre. The ratios are all out of proportion to the 14% in the UK currently. The pendulum has swung too far to appease the few.
I think here of Moores Law( Charles Moore said it).
In any BBC item, look at who they are putting in the dock.
So Martha Kearney on TWATO had the Instagram gal in the dock, accusing her of effectively putting teenage girls into mental hospitals.
As if the BBC would ever use images, fat shame or promote awful body stereotypes.
How do they get away with this-and is everybody so cowed in the BBCs glare that they forget to mention the BBCs role in creating snowflakes, self absorbed inadequates and misfits?
Has this case been reported by the BBC ? If not, why not ? Stupid question really. I wonder what religion the rapist came from ? It is a cultural thing, innit .
This is an appalling story made worse by the pusillanimity of the judiciary. A three year rehabilitation order is a joke.
Let’s hope that , for once , the Courts now do the right thing , in response to a rare action by this Government to protect our culture and values from Islam
Via Guido last night
“A change to the schedule now on BBC2 means that tonight’s snooker coverage will start at 12:15am.
Instead a special programme remembers Fidel Castro.”
(by Peter hain which goes soft on Castro anyway_)
On 29 and 30 December 1962 a blizzard swept across the South West of England and Wales. Snow drifted to over 20 feet (6.1 m) deep in places, driven on by gale force easterly winds, blocking roads and railways. The snow stranded villagers and brought down powerlines. The near-freezing temperatures meant that the snow cover lasted for over two months in some areas. Snow lay to 6 inches (0.15 m) depth in Manchester city centre, 9 inches (0.23 m) in Wythenshawe, and about 18 inches (0.46 m) at Keele University in Staffordshire. By the end of the month, there were snow drifts 8 feet (2.4 m) deep in Kent and 15 feet (4.6 m) deep in the west
With an average temperature of −2.1 °C (28.2 °F), January 1963 remains the coldest month since January 1814 over Central England,[b] although over northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland February 1947 was generally colder, while December 2010 was also colder over Northern Ireland. Much of England and Wales was snow-covered throughout the month. The country started to freeze solid, with temperatures as low as −19.4 °C (−2.9 °F) at Achany in Sutherland on the 11th. Freezing fog was a hazard for most of the country.
In January 1963 the sea froze for 1 mile or 1.61 kilometres out from shore at Herne Bay, Kent. The sea also froze inshore in many places, removing many British inland waterbirds’ usual last resort of finding food in estuaries and shallow sea. The sea froze 4 miles out to sea from Dunkirk, and BBC television news expressed a fear that the Strait of Dover would freeze across
In February 1963 more snow came. It was also stormy with winds reaching Force 8 on the Beaufort scale (gale force winds).
A 36-hour blizzard caused heavy drifting snow in most parts of the country. Drifts reached 20 feet (6.1 m) in some areas and there were gale force winds reaching up to 81 mph
If this happens again, the countries infrastructure WILL fail, largely thanks to Labour stupidity allowing so many immigrants into the country, and stupid promises to Green targets by Millipede.
NO doubt if we do see record lows again the lying climate change promoters will tell us it’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer – as they have in the past.
It would be wonderful if London was the first part of UK to suffer from the massive power cuts which will be coming. No doubt the politicians will have made “alternative arrangements”, so will not suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.
One of the features of ‘smart’ meters is the ability for them to be turned off remotely. Supposedly the aim is to give finer control to ‘load shedding’ i.e. they could turn off half of a distribution area rather than the whole lot.
It doesn’t take much imagination to work out that there can be different priorities set so that hospitals and politicians stay powered-up whenever possible. I don’t fancy your chances if you live in a ‘leave’ voting, UKIP-leaning constituency!
Actually smart meters are more likely, in time, to connect to domestic appliances (white goods such as freezers, ovens, dishwashers, tumble driers, washing machines) and central heating systems to control instantaneous power consumption in a way that is transparent to the user in order to mitigate against peak power demand exceeding supply. Duty cycle control over individual devices would go largely unnoticed by consumers but over a broad enough section of the community would give rise to substantial reductions in peak demand.
Imagine the water heater in your dishwasher being deactivated for 1 second per hour – you wouldn’t notice. Or know. Now imagine that happening to 3600 of the water heaters across the local community. The cumulative effect could mean the difference between an additional power station coming online or not, or the difference between a power outage, or not.
Politics (absurd Marxist green dogma designed to wreck society) could be mitigated by technology. Don’t be too quick to criticise the value of intelligently deployed Internet of Things tech.
Obama blames everyone but himself for Clinton’s defeat, with special mention of Fox News with implied bias, ‘Folks view the ‘Funhouse Mirror’ on Fox and are mislead.’
Lots of pots – lots of kettles.
Interesting new book from a black US Bishop, called, “Black Self Genocide – What BLM Won’t Say.”
It’s stuff that is patently obvious but quite refreshing for all that.
gaxvil I’m looking forward to seeing that book you reference reviewed on beebistan, any day now I’m sure…
“Black Self Genocide – What BLM Won’t Say.”
An angry David (thicko) Lammy moaning about the lack of black gay women at the top of the BBC, and the fact that they don’t have enough ‘BAME’ listeners.
Ludicrous left wing crap once again, and why am I expected to pay for output I just don’t want and which the private sector clearly does better.
pg 25 Times
BBC struggling to find new chairman, applications closed 2 weeks ago, but applicants don’t seem to have enough experience.
– On R4 Midweek this morning the rabbi claimed it’s against the law to make fun of any religion other than your own.
No, sorry I don’t think there is any new special law that makes it illegal to criticise religion.
So there i am trying to escape the relentless barrage of beeb anti-brexit propaganda by watching Rick Stein, in Cadiz. What could possibly go wrong? What went wrong is that towards the end of the prog, Rick casually mentions that the head of EU fisheries policy is in Cadiz and ‘happens’ to have heard about the filming and would like a chat. Uh oh, I smell a rat, something fishy even. Sure enough they meet up and the conversation soon turns to how beneficial the EU is for fish stocks in both Spain and UK (well, Cornwall anyway). Propaganda or what?
I am surprised at Rick. Surely he must know the damage the EU has done to European fish stocks and worldwide ? I mean, he is not your normal thick chef. He is intelligent and educated . But, then he is paid by the BBC !
Not often that I disagree with you Grant but I have to draw the line at Rick Stein’s level of intelligence and education. For my money he gives little evidence of either and, having seen the size of his parent’s discrete and understated art-deco palace, I would be entirely sceptical of his assertions about ‘starting the hard way’.
Well, I know nothing about his background. But he, at least , throws some literary references into his programs.
According to Wiki ( yes, I know ), he failed at school and his dad committed suicide when Rick was 19. Later Rick got a degree in english from Oxford Uni. I do not know if any if that is true.
I am from Grimsby and I can tell you first hand that the EU has left Grimsby with no fishing fleet whatsoever… Once Grimsby was the home of the biggest fishing fleet in the world… The EU carved up our fishing grounds in the North Sea and handed em to the Spanish, French, Dutch and even the Portugese!!! They then forced owners to decommision thier boats for about a quarter of thier actual value by essentially making all the owners attempt to sell thier boats at the same time or accept paltry compensation payments instead, these payments invariably didn`t materialise for many years and those that did ended up in the accounts of fishing agents and companies after owners had been forced to use them as collateral whilst they waited for the EU to decide on the amount of money they were to be compensated with… The same happened to all the crewmen who relied on a share of the now non existent catch…. We now have a fish market which operates as a centre for everywhere else but Grimsbys` fish to traded… We have the best deep water ports in the UK and the same can be said for Hull as well… The EU in less than five years after 1976 turned our town into one of deprivation… The European beam trawlers have completely stripped the Dogger Bank (Once the richest seabeds in the European region, only the Icelandic waters were richer) As for Rick f**king Stein he can GTFO!! Even though i know we will never have our fleet back i do look forward to us being able to watch the EU stop raping or territorial waters after BREXIT….
Reported by ALBeeb, without much enthusiasm.
MP’s reject Blair inquiry.
I bet they do, those in the Labour Party wish to avoid going with Tony to The Hague.
The Conservatives wish the subject would go away because they did not look sufficiently hard and sceptically at the “Dodgy Dossier”.
The LD’s, enough said.
So Salmond raised the subject, not very often I welcome his action, but this is once.
But the real reason I want Blair to swing is not Iraq but the millions of enriching imports.
Oh dear, the courts in India have ruled that cinemas must play the national anthem before the screening of every film.
Officials have said this will lead to national pride and patriotism. Both are anathema to the BBC Fascists and they made sure they interviewed everyone who thought the same as they do.
BBC the British Broadcasting Communists now dragging that aged 1960’s pillar of Pro Communist rhetoric John Pilger out and to give him free reign to plug his film titled the Coming War on China.
Makiing inflamatory statements about Contamination in the Marshall Islands while Ignoring what went on in Novoya Zembla, Khazachstan, The devaststion wreaked in Nevada and the Marshall Islands and now the Genie is out of the Bottle the Tests at Nansan Quingquir to which we can now add Iranian, Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests.
No mention of Mr Pilgers position that he has been a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda.
An interesting program last night on the Virginia Tech Massacre.
The perpetrator was Seung-Hui Cho who had numerous mental health issues he snapped when his manuscript for a novel was rejected. He was described as a mediocre student in his abilities, but with an arrogance and self belief in himself which outstripped his talents.
The analysis by the psychologists is what was interesting. It seems that many people of limited ability who think they are better than they really are, who the world fails to take seriously sometimes externalise their rage and anger on other innocent people.
It struck me how close this description applies to so many on the left who are only any use at attacking those around them, yet completely full of themselves. When frustrated in their efforts or snubbed they simply move into full on destruction of those around them instead.
I think true Leftists suffer from a deep sense of self-loathing. This is an uncomfortable emotion to admit, so they turn the loathing outwards, and claim that they are so unhappy because “the system” is wrong or “the world is unfair”.
Blaming something else for your own misery is an effective defence mechanism.
So, these Leftists are never, and can never, be happy. Even if all their favourite policies were enacted, they would still have to find something new to complain about, to prevent themselves having to look inward for at the true source of their unhappiness.
I just don’t get it. Who was she before her tragic death.
Did Thomas Mair receive a fair trial as he was obviously mentally unstable (severely to do such a terrible thing)?
He should have been ordered by the judge to have a psychiatric assessment? None of that for him. He pleaded not guilty but Stephen Kinnock read a summary before he had been tried. Illegal.
He should have been tried for manslaughter with diminished responsibility. He is a scapegoat and he needs medical help.
atlas_shruggedMar 15, 10:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 Fish don’t pay taxes. Neither do goats, lizards, dolphins, or hedgehogs. It has now been established by 11 biolabs that…
StewGreenMar 15, 10:19 Weekend 15th March 2025 Google has hundreds of pics of people holding baby wombat and wombats The word BABY is spin in the BBC…
atlas_shruggedMar 15, 10:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 Reduce the door width on supermarkets – simples.
Fedup2Mar 15, 10:12 Weekend 15th March 2025 I look into the londonistan evening news site every so often . A councillor in tower hamlets is up with…
Up2snuffMar 15, 10:01 Weekend 15th March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, yukk. I think I’m going to sick! Heave. ‘Fat is a Feminist Issue’ we…
Up2snuffMar 15, 09:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 taffman, you have stopped wwfc getting three in a row Firsts in New Threads. Shame on you!
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:36 Weekend 15th March 2025 “For interested readers, a short timeline of the main events of the ‘climate trial of the century‘ will be informative:…
Fedup2Mar 15, 09:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 Thanks – i confused with the Martine s and Anitas and ..so many …
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 “For a UK audience, the most striking moment in the new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s victory speech will have been…
MarkyMarkMar 15, 09:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img]https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bbc-presenter-annita-mcveigh-888575009.jpg?w=620[/img] https://helios.iframe.thesun.co.uk/tv/26826696/annita-mcveigh-bbc-presenter-who/
I notice that the BBC continues it’s trend of going with opinion as news. Opinion that always seems to be anti-Brexit, or anti-Trump. Opinion that always seems to coincide with the BBC’s own ‘impartial’ opinion.
This morning it’s the opinion of the CIA chief that is the main headlines. Meanwhile real actual news, like the rather worrying situation that an employee of the German intelligence agency has been arrested after being discovered as a possible Islamic double agent plotting against them, is relegated.
Editorial integrity at the BBC operating a eleven, per normal.
I wonder if the CIA boss was taken by surprise, suddenly finding an ally in the BBC. Their mutual Trump antipathy trumped any antagonism the BBC would have to the organ of the great Satan.
…not BBC-News
That’s what they give us, as you said @quisquose
Blimey…am i first?….Not having read the forum for a few days, i don’t know whether any one has commented on this;…All this fuss over the sexual abuse in football, jumped on by the press…..i thought..hang on..where were you lot when it was flagged up 20 years ago by the BNP and others of the abuse by Pakistani muslim bastards of young white girls?…not a murmur…the constant, evil vilification of Ray Honeyford by those horrible harridans of the Left, i remember those pics of screaming lefty bitches very well, poor guy, hounded to death…he was right too…..We need a massive draining of the swamp here too, and May is not up to the job.
Grim, they are going after the football perpetrators because it’s a safe bet that they are white non Muslims.
If there was any chance that there were Moslems implicated in this it would have been buried.
It’s as simple as that.
I agree entirely Emmanuel…you have it right…thought someone would say that…
Eric Bristow, a mini spear chucker, has had to apologise for his ill advised comments about the victims of abuse today because of the lynch mob pitch fork twitterati baying for his blood.
Anyway, I noticed comments are not allowed on any of theses stories, GRIM has pointed out above, posted on the news website. I wonder why….?
Because in LeftMob Bubbleworld sending a tweet is worse that committing an actual crime.
… Get jailed ..and you’ll be back receiving Licence fee money if a jiffy
..isn’t that right Vicky Price ? Boy George ?
.. Yet say/tweet something that can be construed as racist
so clumsy communication is punished more than actual crime
…how is that contradiction just ?
BTW I would not have banned Bristow’s comment, you don’t start diverting attention away from real perps
Bristow’s comment should have been left public
so people can point out he was clumsy
..and that he probably meant to say :
…”Listen abusers what you do is wrong
…And the thing is your victims might well come back older and beat the crap out of you”
When people go vigilante and take justice into their own hands, we have to think “hey maybe there is a real problem with the PROPER legal not functioning properly. Maybe we should fix that.”
… Instead of trying to silence the messenger and carry on as usual.
“Eric, you require 101 … lashes!”
I was thinking the same thing today when the BBC news were saying 12 police forces are working on it,where were all the police when white teenage girls were being drugged and raped?
Questions need to be asked.
One can only imagine what the BBC subs will manage
The Newsnight take on this will be intriguing, given their experience with anonymous sources:
Friend Guest! Did you know it was a troll? Here’s some info for you, in case you didn’t realise:
I wonder if Jimbo is old enough to remember ‘Call my Bluff’?
Godfrey Elfwick strikes again.
What a guy!
But isn`t that “Support Our Lefty” coming up on the inside strait?
Who do I follow today?
Friend Alicia! Friend Godfrey is a Hard-Right racist neoliberal Fascist, who is literally worse than Hitler!
Whereas I am a member of the Progressive Left, full of love and compassion (except when it comes to Far-Right Red Tory scum of course).
So – there’s literally no contest, is there?
He gets a shout there too in the top comments:
The Graun, sadly, fares less well, alongside its fellow travellers on broadcast.
Morning, friends. Another Tweet dedicated to everyone here …
I`ve been up all night having drank too much Bovril at the football. We won 5-1 , but have been stood here like one of Fidels Fancies since 5am.
Sadly no guns, but a Roundup with the names of dead greenfly soon to be added.
And since pre-Dawn, only waiting for todays instructions SOL!
It`s market day here. What do I tell the girls re ” The Red Balloon” and our last consciouness-raising session on the role of Dave Clark in the Cuban Cigar Crisis of 1962?
Friend Alicia! Well done!
“Dawn” was, I recall, a Hard-Right neoliberal who literally destroyed Our Oak Trees by tying yellow ribbons round them, and thus contributed to Far-Right Climate Change, which has literally destroyed Our Earth.
Red Balloons are, however, permitted, always provided that they do not use any Greenhouse Gases, and are disposed of safely after use.
Caliph Al haddi bin Laden Albeebi of Al Beebistan mosque has sent his sermon out to the believer on the Al Shabeeb webshite….. So you don’t have to read it
1: Democrat choosen CIA director attacks Trump (no surprise)
2: Norwegian who carried out so-called prophet and full time murderer Muhammads instruction to the letter at Ohio University, was ‘a soldier’ of Islamic state apparently…ignoring the fact that ALL Islamic texts call good Muslims enriching the infidels soldiers!
3: Women are discriminated against and prevented by white men from getting jobs…. Though no evidence is offered to back that up, just moronic and lazy women who see themselves as professional victims
4: Political giant and completely tolerant of other people views…… Oh no sorry let’s start again… Sheltered, privileged, intolerant, white hating bigot John I’m a Leg-end hates Trump
5: We are asked “Is feminism just for white women?” whilst being shown someone who has been constantly told and therefore utterly believes they are inferior to Muslim men in every way…..the answer to your question is “yes only western women are treated as equals you traitorous, spineless bastards, and you are trying everything in your power to reverse that!!”
Same shit, different day as always then 🙂
Western women don’t see the threat. There is so much liberal propaganda on the tv that they are tripping over themselves to not be seen as wacist. When they are stopped on their street corner by the sharia wardens for nor wearing a hijab or a burkha the penny will drop (or should that be the dirham will drop?)
Oh we do seismicboy.
After Cologne last New Years Eve, it is percolating down like a trickle of pee down the terracing. But most older women are invisible and not asked much.
But we`re grannies and mums, have our girls still at risk in all areas of public life like schools, hospitals and car parks.
And forums like this, SMS etc provide electronic support and information that Redditch library seems keen not to give us …yet.
You`re correct re “western women” if you mean those in the media and public sector who hop in and out of maternity, who get parodied as “Worcester Woman”-as if!-and who read autocues and grind a pelvis on Strictly or such.
But the REAL women of this country are not fooled one bit-we just like to be nicer than you and don`t have the pubs and practice of public speaking and argument.
But all my friends feel as I do-which is why we choose them as friends I guess.
But-Katie Hopkins?Cologne and Kellyanne Conway? Move over boys!
Alicia – are you related to Chris H?
Atta girl Alicia! Am totally with you on this. Am also fed up with the slow creep of misogynistic comments on this great, insightful website. Rein it in boys! There are plenty of normal feisty women out here who LIKE men, loathe the BBC drip drip of opinionated crap, can’t stand the patronising drivel spouted on Woman’s Hour and see radical Islam as the greatest threat to European civilisation and freedoms. And faced with a jihadi rapist I wouldn’t melt with excitement I’d want to chop his balls off and turn them into kebabs. Long live monitoring of the insidious lefty-liberal propanda driven BBC and its attempts to shut down diversity of opinion.
BBc North West indulge in one of their favourite stories, advertising people being deported and running a sob sob story.we are treated to video of Dianne Ngoza “surrounded” by not very many people the BBc are playing the deceptive camera angle game with them all bunched up in a tight shot. Not listening too carefully the report implies she has been a nurse here for 14 years. However according to the Manchester evening news “moved to the UK 14-years-ago, working as a nurse, before volunteering for a number of community organisations and churches”.Have a nice trip back to Zambia.http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/zambian-nurse-immigration-battle-deported-12234602
On the face of it, she seems quite harmless. I would have thought there are many more important candidates for deportation than her including criminals and terrorists. It is typical of the “authorities” in the UK that they bully the weak and harmless people but the strong and harmful people go unpunished. This applies right across the spectrum , not just immigration.
I am proud of most of British history but ashamed of how low the “governance” of this country has sunk. Everything , including at the BBC has been inverted. Good has become bad and bad become good. We are truly living in Animal Farm.
If the authorities have decided she shouldn’t be here then she shouldn’t be here. I couldn’t care less about pondering the worth of her deportation against any other person(s) who shouldn’t be here.
The media are very coy about giving out all the details in these cases. Under what circumstances did she enter the country ?However why is she no longer a nurse? If she is doing “voluntary” work” you would draw the conclusion she isn’t being paid. Hopefully when we leave the evil empire of the EU and if they ever get rid of the human rights act a broken tory manifesto promise they can open the floodgates and boot a whole lot more out
Perhaps the ‘nursing’ qualifications weren’t up to scratch, was discovered, and then the realisation that no valid working documents were available. Sorry, but the media tend to pounce on the ‘injustice’ of the system, but thank God there is some sort of system in place to oust the illegals – do gooders or not !
Dave666, she’s probably been on benefits the whole time.
And she is just one of thousands who should be deported,and look at all the trouble just one deportation is causing,and I bet she comes straight back.
The point I am making is that all illegals should be deported ! But they are not ! You can be damn sure that , if she was a muslim and not a christian, she would not be deported. What I am saying is that the system is corrupted. I am not saying that illegals should be allowed to stay. They should all be deported without exception, but that is not happening. Only the easy targets get deported. How can that be fair ?
Well after looking up her name I eventually found quite a few interesting bits of info….
Dianne Ngoza was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the age of six, part of her family fled the political violence and ended up in Zambia. Dianne Ngoza was raised in Zambia. In 1994, she moved to South Africa, where she was granted permanent residence. In 2002, Dianne Ngoza was offered a two-year work permit to work as a nurse in the United Kingdom. Six months later, she brought her then 11-year-old daughter to live with her. They have both lived in England since 2002. Dianne Ngoza has not been to Zambia since 1994, and has no one there, and yet the United Kingdom wants to ship her “back” to Zambia.
Then there is this ….
My name is Dianne Ngoza, I am from Zambia. In 1994 I went to work in South Africa and was granted permanent residence there. In 2002, I was offered a two year work permit to work as a nurse in the UK. After six months, my 11 year old daughter came to join me.
In 2004, before my visa expired, I went to Liverpool to renew it. The immigration officer there told me to send my daughter, who was then 13, back to South Africa, and sort out her visa first. We couldn’t afford to do this.
And then…..
43-year-old Dianne Ngoza agrees. She came to the UK in 2002 from South Africa, though she was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She fled for political reasons, and many of her family members who stayed have been killed. Her brother was killed two weeks ago.
She came to the UK on a working visa for two years with her then 10-year-old daughter, but ever since that ran out she has been applying for the right to remain in the UK for human rights reasons. She had to leave her job as a psychiatric nurse and is now destitute.
How about this in her own words….
I left Zambia 22 years ago and I don’t have any contact there; in fact, I have no network of social, family or work with anyone back in Africa. My residence permit for South Africa has expired. After such a long time, I don’t consider myself to be Zambian or South African: I consider myself British. I have no work experience in Africa and my qualifications from there are no longer valid. I only speak English and I don’t speak any African dialect.
A Zambian-born nurse who was due to be deported this week will be allowed to stay in the country.
Dianne Ngoza, 47, who has lived in Greater Manchester for 14 years, received support from human rights groups and Manchester MP Lucy Powell.
She was due to be flown out of the country on Wednesday but has now been told she can stay while her case is reviewed.
Just hours before the flight was set to depart, Ms Powell confirmed the news.
Mum-of-one Dianne moved to the UK in 2002 to work as a nurse – one of many overseas medical staff working in the NHS – before volunteering for a number of community organisations and churches.
Now she is apparently 47 years old…… Also the Manchester-based human rights charity RAPAR….
But the 47-year-old was left destitute and had been forced to live in shelters across the region for many years.
She was detained on November 16 but the ongoing fight from campaigners, including Manchester-based human rights charity RAPAR, has meant she may remain in the UK.
Recently Dianne Ngoza joined the leadership team of RAPAR, Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research….
Young Yanks. What are they like?
If over here they’d be worrying about roaming charges and budget flights.
“It appears liberals weren’t joking when they called Trump “literally Hitler,” because they seem to think Fidel Castro would’ve been a better leader than the President-Elect. (scroll down for video)”
CIA chief warns Trump: Scrapping Iran deal ‘height of folly’ Is this just another anti-trump stories which strives to belittle the incumbent? Maybe not.
So who exactly is John Brennan, apart from CIA director, and why would he bother to publicly advise on of all matters relating to Iran. And let’s not forget that obama’s policy (and presumably Brennan’s unless he was out the office on that day) was to accept Iran’s promise to abandon all efforts to produce a nookyular bomb (to use a Bushism) may yet prove to be the pinnacle of all follies. Plus, Iran are one of the powers involved in Syria effectively fighting US-backed rebels. How strange.
So, this may explain a few things.
John Brennan: Obama’s Muslim Convert Stooge for Jihad
News manipulation in Al bBBC land.
Morning headline. A bBBC FOI request reveals 30,000 children went missing from schools last year.
Now that sounds pretty worrying. And is. But not for the reasons you may think.
Because only at the very end of the piece is the real story revealed.
The authorities worry that many of them are being taken away for forced marriages (including below the UK age of consent I suggest) and FGM.
So the actual headline should have been ‘Thousands of ethnic minority schoolgirls abducted for enforced cultural reasons’.
But the pathetic, pandering Al Beeb, being scared witless about not being seen to be sufficiently multicultural, just cannot bring themselves to say what we can all see in about 5 microseconds.
Memo to the DG of the bBBC. The first B stands for British. Or used to.
Sluff, whenever there is a story about a ‘shock rise/fall in xyz’ on the BBC which has some sort of demographic angle, there is usually some connection with mass immigration or multiculturalism, and usually it is not mentioned by the BBC. A classic example is stories about the high rate of unemployment among Muslims, with the unwritten implication that this is due to racism by white employers. They don’t mention that most Muslim women don’t go out to work, so of course the unemployment rates will be higher. Another is the rise in anti-semitic attacks. Why should this be on the rise when there are fewer Jews than ever in Britain? As always, look at what the BBC does NOT tell you.
Ditto for anti-Muslim hate crimes. It is reported to be on the rise, and always by the BBC in a manner to make us ALL feel guilty. What they don’t tell us is that many anti-Muslim crimes are committed by other Muslims for being the wrong type of Muslim.
As the Muslim population rises it is inevitable that there will be more anti-Muslim hate crimes that are nothing to do with non-Muslims. But we know how it will get reported.
A couple of nights ago the BBC was reporting about the sexual abuse in football. Dan Roan was standing outside on a cold dark night in front of well lit up buildings. The impression was that he was standing outside some football headquarters related to the issue. It was only after a minute or two that I noticed that top left it said ‘live from Salford’. Salford is where the BBC has its sports reporting studios. As I looked more carefully I realised Dan Roan was just standing in the area where all the BBC and other studios are. It is not bias, just stupid. Why not have Dan in the studio? Were the BBC really trying to give an impression that it was somewhere related to the abuse which is misleading.
Money being no object, they’ll even have a RADIO reporter standing outside some place!
Accompanied hubby to his local football game last night for the first time in yonks.
Completely disarmed by the friendliness, the lack of pomposity and preciousness-the complete non-applause for the Brazilian family lost-and not a peep about Barry Bennell or the like.
Just twenty six lads and their touchline ranters trying their hearts out on a bitterly cold night, showing considerable skill and real respect of the referees, officials and fans who braved both financial and geographical inconvenience to be there.
The very opposite of the BBCs love-in with the Big Boys and their shenanigans.
So, have now changed my whole view on what football is, given that it`s not as I left in way back. Only hope they`ll see what the BBC is doing at the roots of the game-and will resist it while they still can.
As Eric said-why is football getting all this now, whereas rugby and cricket are not?
We won 5-1, and I sank enough Bovril to keep me up a few hours.
Can now feel my legs again too!
Respect of the referees? Good Lord, whatever will they think of next?
26 ? I thought football was 11 a side . That would make 22. Are you sure your Bovril wasn’t spiked ?
Four subs were used-counted them on and counted them off!
It is an insane waste of money. Having a political correspondent reporting from a cold and empty Downing Street adds nothing to the story, but is clearly a pathetic attempt to “prove” the BBC is reporting straight from the centre of power.
I saw one news report about some internal BBC scandal, when the newsreader in Broadcasting House was talking to the Media Correspondent who was stood on the pavement right outside Broadcasting House. As I recall, he was reporting something to the effect that BBC management would not comment on the story!
Absolute madness.
Separate post to the one above because a separate issue. Has any one else noticed how much people walk about behind the newsreaders delivering the BBC 1 news? In this day and age I would expect staff to use email if they need to contact each other – cheaper in staff time. Those wandering about never seem to have any urgency about them. I presume they must all be wandering off to the water cooler or the loo but there always seem very few actually at their desks. Staff walking around a studio (or offices) is not the best use of license payers’ money.
They do so little real reporting, they are probably bored and so just fancy stretching their legs.
The word is spreading, the stretching takes place elsewhere.
But when the Queen opened the new premises a couple of years back, you couldn’t see a desk for the swarms that appeared – complete with the bloody smartphones held high !
(as for Sky, the new Perspex box look is a bit disarming, with shots of the queues for the canteen on the lower floor !)
Deborah, Brissels!
I too have noted this. But there again, i`m sad enough too to see that there is nearly always NO-ONE behind Jon Snow, Cathy, Jackie, Matt and Krish as the cameras peel off them at the end of Channel 4 News.
Can only imagine that no-one wants to be seen in the creation of their endless whines and jocks crap.
Could be B.O, sweaty feet, halitosis or flatulence though.
But the place is deserted when those news feeds deliver the ordure.
News manipulation 2
The bBBC choose to go to a village near Hamburg to report on the tensions caused by Mad Merkel’s open door immigration. Now why ever would they do that? I mean, why THAT village among thousands?
The mayor of the village was attacked – and the barely concealed inference is because he was prepared to allow a few economic migrants into his village.
In other words he was attacked, we can presume, by some white racists, not by the immigrants. Funnily enough, I just cannot remember an equivalent spotlight on all the women attacked in the centre of Cologne last New Year.
Al Beeb. Left wing pro immigration bias. Guaranteed.
Farage – They laughed at him then …………..
“Nigel Farage has blamed high levels of immigration and the state of the M4 for missing a meet-the-leader event ahead of UKIP’s first Welsh conference”……
Well they are not laughing now ……….
“British roads are the most congested in Europe, a study of traffic in more than 100 EU cities suggests”………………
How the media attempts to control political opinion ?
‘Today’, BBC R4. The listener is treated to an excruciating in-depth analysis of the reasons why, apart from Wales, the Ambulance Service cannot reach urgent cases within 8 minutes. Contrast this with the earlier report on the dire situation in Germany with its current crime wave including sexual attacks which is due solely to the Muslim immigrants of which it has taken anything up to 2.5 million of within the last couple of years. The soft, flaccid, ‘BBC Lite’ reporting tells us, once again, incorrectly, that 1 million immigrants arrived in Germany. The sexual crime wave which includes hundreds of confirmed rapes is described as, “groping”. Truly a feature which is designed to play down the seriousness and leave the listener with the illusion that Merkel will live through the next elections and, ‘its really not all that bad and the German people are coping with it admirably in the midst of perhaps one or two serious incidents’.
The Reality (take your pick!): http://newobserveronline.com/merkels-trick-1-8-million-100000/
et al.
“The listener is treated to an excruciating in-depth analysis of the reasons why, apart from Wales, the Ambulance Service cannot reach urgent cases within 8 minutes.”
I have my doubts about that claim of “8 minutes” in Wales – serious doubts.
Wales has many rural roads and its difficult to get anywhere fast.
Agreed taffman. Now living in Wales I also have my doubts. Perhaps a concocted statistic by the BBC? I would not doubt that……..
AS soon as I heard the BBC Eeyore voice at 8.15 re NHS ambulances-I baled as quickly as possible.
You just KNOW what the BBC are doing-why they`re doing it-and who they`ll be getting to say it, in case we`re not clear that its not just the BBC and its staffers, stuffers and stiffies who can talk this tarmac.
Yesterday was
Why DO they care -these scum at the BBC use BUPA?
But there again…to hear Sarah Montague feign interest in Brazilian footy players and asking “how will that town be feeling today?”…well say no more.
Wonder how many sharks Evel Kneivel could have jumped in his prime?
Isn`t she a Baroness or Lady like Thornberry?…like Dismal Desmond-time to call them out and all by their TRUE titles…twats is too long….
The whole of the EU is one big ‘pressure cooker’ and its about to explode .
The ‘Welsh white elephant’ is getting fatter……
The whole bureaucracy got assembled on the narrowest of margins in the referendum of 1997. With education and health in a mess its time for another referendum?
What say you fellow country men ?
Let’s have a referendum on sacking all of them.
Bore da ‘rhif saith’
Here is one that was prepared earlier ……
Went to the Gower this year taffman.
Can I have a postal vote on this…and will get a few thousand other Friends of Wales to protest as exiles. God Bless you-you voted Brexit, and now its time to bin the likes of Leanne Wood etc…
Devolution was one of the many toxic policies implemented by Blair. For the UK domestically, I would say it was the worst, eclipsing tax credits to subsidise low wage employers and create a worker/welfare dependency culture, blowing money on an inefficient NHS, and many others I could name, although it was rivaled in the sheer folly stakes by allowing mass EU and Third World immigration.
The ‘celtic fringe grievance culture’ promulgated by a political elite in Cardiff and Glasgow/Edinburgh is now heavily subsidised by England, as we have allowed an additional tier of state-funded nomenklatura and their subsidy-receiving public sector dependants to exist in Scotland and Wales. I hate to think we could yet be augmenting it in Cardiff!
The answer would be to have another referendum on retaining the Welsh Assembly. The Assembly Members would never vote for it. Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
Its the usual ploy – have a referendum every ten years until they get there way then abolish referendums. That is with exception to Brexit, because Cameron and his ‘experts’ thought they would win it.
They relied upon the propaganda of Al Beeb and the MSM to swing it for them, but something went wrong – bloody well wrong.
British People could see through their propaganda.
Barry Bennell charged with child sex offences
As usual the bbc are, understandably, treading on eggshells with this latest paedophile story. Even I, as a simple observer, know that the real story is not that he has been charged with more offences. The real story is this…
The balloon goes up on Friday 25th as former victims ‘come out’.
Hours later the police move him to a hotel for his own safety. However he is later rushed to hospital.
On Tuesday 29th Cheshire police give file to the CPS and he is charged.
Anyone else think the speed of events is remarkable considering a police force and the CPS who must both investigate before recommending / making charges?
It must be the first time something has been swept back out from under the carpet. But where’s the real story in the media? Cover-up? what cover-up?
Can`t remember any other case where a bloke has done his time abroad then gets a fast track to Saviles Gallery without any intervening development of a case.
And-of course-the liberal blowhards spouting of “due process”…”double jeopardy” etc….as they`d have done with a Hamza or a Duggan.
Nor can I recall any case where a suicide attempt means that the person is then CHARGED…thought that trying to kill yourself was no longer a criminal offence.
Of course I`m facetious here…Gary Glitter, Thomas Mair have already shown that the law becomes pipe cleaners and playdo in pastel shades when the liberal caste see a threat(Brexit) or an opportunity to wipe Savile and Driberg, Freud and Harman from the records…see we DO act on it all, especially when Mark Chapman and Gary Lineker want it done.
What happened to “psychiatric defences”-or do white right wingers or old paedos not get those considerations anymore…but Hillary and Fidel do?
“No young footballer should have to endure sexual abuse again. Graeme Le Saux.” Guardian 2016:11:30.
Does that include tens of thousands of young white girls raped hundreds of times by thousands of dregs of the planet Pakis imported to vote Labour and enrich us with their million plus Islamic rapes?
More publicity over the football rapes than all the Islamic crimes.
Not surprising, since the public sector Paki deny and cover up has been at maximum readiness for a decade.
The deny and cover up also occurs in the public sector other any territory unfortunate enough to be enriched by the Islamic filth imported to outvote the indegines.
The publicity in the Guardian of the reported football based abuse industry has increased exponentially in size in one week.
Ten years later nothing similar has happened in the 100X larger Islamic rape industry, where the “bury the news” monger’s are still trying to prevent any public discussion.
The remedy is to stop expecting Parliament, the Law, the Public Sector or “crusading” “journalists” to do anything; and take direct, punitive, proportional (ie merciless) punishment ourselves. This must involve stopping more enricher’s arriving and encouraging those already here to depart. I believe we should assume that it is better that ten thousand pseudo-innocents be found guilty rather than any of the guilty escape.
Graeme Le Saux…the Guardian readers view of how a footballer should be.
No wonder he`s being trundled out to comment on this appalling story of breach of trust, lust for young boys and evidently the tip of a very grubby iceberg.
To think, just recently the FA and BBC were concerned that there weren`t enough “out” gay men in football and were promoting campaigns on diversity and against “homophobia”in football…Graeme Le Saux wrote an item in the Guardian in support.
Q. How many girls did Bennell abuse?
A. That`s not relevent, you can`t “conflate child abuse with homosexuality” as Le saux put it in his Guardian article.
Good luck with that.
Pat Nevin, Carlton Clarke, Joey Barton?
Reckon we`ve the basis for a Guardian XI here.
And presumebly the muslim rape industry continues unhindered by the scumbag politicians, police and social workers. Seems like, when it comes to sex abuse, muslims have a free pass. Well, it’s a cultural thing, isn’t it ?
I think this website is saving me from my sanity. It’s very helpful to know that their are
kindred spirits out there that feel the same about the BBC as me. I need your help . I
am going to vote for Sports personalty of the year. I would like to vote for Alistair Brownlee
the triathlon champion who helped his brother over the line. BUT I am not sure if I would be classified as a racist for doing this. Do you think that that Barry Bennel would be a more diverse choice? Please help.
Donald TRUMP and Donald TUSK. Is there an elephant in the room somewhere?
LOL !!! Good one !
Does anyone think the remoaners would like to have informed our allies or even our enemy that we were going to bomb the dams in the Ruhr? True Brits would never do that. So why now are they asking the PM to do the same?
Three cheers for the brave BBC presenter Alan Bolton (presenter on BBC radio R4 FEEDBACK). This is just about the most bravest thing you can do on the BBC as a presenter! It goes directly against the fellow house inmates and its about time the BBC were told the obvious truth. Islam is not a friend of the BBC nor does it ‘integrate’ into Europe (or anywhere else) including the UK. It will be interesting if any other presenters are free to speak their minds openly, I suspect not, but I live in hope that if there is one ‘on the road to damascus’ there will be a split in the BBC eventually as the ‘untruths’ mount up.
‘… the outspoken presenter thinks it’s essential for the public, and in particular young people and immigrants, ‘to understand the crucial role of Christianity in the formation of British culture, and for the public to have enough knowledge of the Shia/Sunni split to navigate current affairs in the Middle East’.
(From The Telegraph on 28th November (2016)
The BBC news webs site has scored an own goal. It offers a piece on Tomi Lahren – no, nor did I have a clue. I think the idea is to paint her as a right wing, lunatic shock jock.
The piece encouraged me to see what she actually says. Not least because the BBC struggle to report correctly what anyone says if they are outside their tight little circle of views.
So take a look at this if you have a second, and join with me wishing she, or someone like her, was on the BBC right now.
Why are all women of the right attractive in comparison to Abbott, Sturgeon, Merkel, etc?
Good question and I do not want to be sexist. But , I think that unattractive women maybe feel resentment and therefore have a grievance. And where better to nurse a grievance than the Left ? Men seem to be different. I have never noticed any correlation between attractiveness and political views in men .
In my experience, conservative/traditional women are more likely to make an effort with their hair/makeup/clothes etc rather than leftist women, some of whom seem to think looking nice is somehow sexist and degrading and giving unfair advantage to genetic inheritance (I think that’s where some leftist admiration of Islam comes from – the burkha is seen as levelling the playing field). That said, I suspect the American right wing news channels give public roles to the better looking women as they realise that a lot of their audience is male. I also can’t think of that many attractive MPs on the right…Priti Patel in the UK and Mme Le Pen in France are the only ones that spring to mind.
Simple really.
We don`t bathe ourselves in bile, won`t take the poison pills so we can taste how others stick in our craws. We love our men, our culture and our kids-and care about the ones to come.
And we do not stew in asses milk as extracted from the poor, so we can add the tears of the oppressed to top ourselves up.
We work-and we hate the BBC as never before.
Womans Hour?…Not in MY Name!
Priti Patel? You must be f*****g joking!
You all know my political views, I will just take it as a compliment and with the anonymity of the internet you need never know otherwise.
Funnily enough I remember Caitlin Moran in The Sunday times saying she deliberately makes herself unattractive in photos to fight against the militancy of the patriarchy society and blah blah blah. – or words to that effect.
As if being attractive is somehow to be a negative aspiration. Guess she hasn’t seen the high street to know she is cat-fighting a losing battle as women spend zillions on anything to make them more attractive.
Ooh Isn’t she lovely. Where was I? I think what would be so shocking for the Beeb is that no only does she defend her country but actually counterattacks and deconstructs all the leftist whining and bitching. She’d never be allowed on the telly over here, and until we get an equivalent 1st Amendment we have to go to ‘far-right’ websites to get decent news.
That is some lady ! She has more balls than Colin, whoever he is. Wish we had more like her in the UK.
Thank you Lefty. I never have to watch PMQs as you do it for us all. I take it literally died is not to be taken literally.
Thank you, Friend Dave! Alas, I did indeed literally die, but have been literally brought back to life thanks to Our NHS, which is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere, and which Thatcher totally destroyed.
BTW, are you the same Dave S who commented on my Blog yesterday and on the Fidel Tribute Blog? If so, many thanks – I really enjoyed them. Yesterday’s in particular had me in fits of giggles! 🙂
The very same but all credit must go to my mate Ron whose devotion to the cause has never wavered. He is wearing the same Che T shirt he wore in 1967 – smells terrible but he does live in a dumpster ( big dustbin in English English).
He is known as the enfant terrible of the foodbanks . No tin is safe from his thieving hands.
Seconded Dave.
Since SOL heroically took up the mantle of watching Corbyns endless defenestrations of the Fashistories every week at PMT…I no longer need to watch, knowing that SOL speaks for all of us now!
Who else can raise himself to life at will?
I think he may have just returned from Bhutan or the Shaolin Monk place in Bushey. The REAL Maharishi Yogi is here.
None of that Mia Farrow stuff though-can only assume that your girlfriend also communes with the cosmos too.
I’m ‘far-right’ because I don’t like supremacist Islam. It sucks quite frankly. Those nice people at the BBC think I’m a Nazi.
But then again those nice reasonable liberals at the Beeb think dictator Castro had his good side. They don’t have a problem with FGM. They want to give up British democracy in favour of unelected socialists in Brussels. They think that halal slaughter is fine. They support a parallel Sharia legal system…
If that’s mainstream maybe it’s time to flaunt being ‘far-right’? http://bit.ly/2fzAWk3
And paedophilia is ok if it is done by muslims and beeboids.
Brillo pad is the one incisive non leftie who interviews politicians at the BBC. The blustering, ignorant scouser Angela Rayner is currently being totally brillo’d on Daily Politics re funding social care. A genuine problem but Labour have no constructive answer . Coburn sits silently , thank goodness.
Coburn may be sitting quietly but she’s probably just listening to those voices in her head telling her that all Brexiters are evil and she must destroy them by her force of intellect and ruthless interruptions (good luck with that Jo !).
More like voices from Jasmine in the edit suite saying “hang in there; he will be retiring soon and then the progeserevolution happens!”.
The BBC set the standard, Sky News follows – and then some:
Mr Trump’s incoming administration will likely be the most anti-scientific and anti-technological in a while.
The President-elect is a climate change denier, one of his few consistent positions.
The whole article is about as ‘anti-science’ as you can get, leaving no room for scepticism about the ‘settled science’, the latest example of which is trying to find a reason why, having discovered some old maritime records, the Antarctic ice extent has not changed in 100 years. So expect another hypothesis some time soon, another layer on top of all the previous ones they’ve come up with unless, of course, they opt for their ‘trick’ of rubbishing these record-keepers from all those years ago.
However, scepticism is the default mode for any scientist. But try telling that to Sky’s ‘Technology Correspondent’.
Instead of reasoned scientific debate we now see the term ‘denier’ being used by a prominent correspondent of a major news provider – a clear case of playing the man and not the ball, and ‘the man’ is always an easy target because the MSM will never, ever seek the opinions of sceptical scientists as it would destroy their narrative. Then we have ‘consensus’ being bandied about like science is some kind of popularity contest. Consensus can be fudged (as it has been – 97% anybody?) and there is no place for it in science as Einstein would remind him were he alive. Empirical evidence, on the other hand, moves science forward by proving or disproving hypotheses. Man-made global warming is still a hypothesis but hey, don’t dare tell that to Sky’s ‘Technology Correspondent’ or he’ll scream ‘denier!!’ at you, and many times over till he shuts you up.
We live in worrying times.
The Lefty arty-farties at the BBC know about as much as most journalists and politicians about science and technology. Sweet bugger all.
Agreed, how Sky news could have fallen so far in such a short space of time is extraordinary.
I hear their next Climate Change Correspondent will be Emma Thompson, their next Fracking expert will be Dame Vivien Westward and their Energy advisor will be Bianca Jagger. Ah, just like the BBC.
I guess scientists can tells us about acting, engineers about dress designing and geologists can tell us about what its like to be the daughter of a 1960s pop star.
Remember who admitted they MAKE-UP incredibly dumb stuff about climate science ?
when they wrote an article that claimed Donald Trump makes-up incredibly dumb stuff about climate science
* Your BBC *
I have recently started watching the Agenda political panel programme on ITV and find it much more balanced than Question Time on BBC. The panel is representative of various views and the presenter seems fair and even handed. Above all the audience does not participate and I think that this is the biggest difference to the BBC programme where the hand picked leftist audiance is allowed to disrupt any panellist who isn’t spouting the usual leftist tripe and cheer any panelist who is doing so.
As the BBC continue to promote their 100 Women initiative perhaps they will consider reporting on this news story?
“RABAT, Morocco: After a wave of criticism, a Moroccan TV show devoted to women’s issues apologized on Monday for airing a makeup tutorial that offered tips on using cosmetics to disguise signs of domestic abuse, calling the segment an “error in judgment.””
Thank goodness our national broadcaster makes so very few of those sort of ‘errors of judgment’, well, according to themselves.
‘The show “Sabahiyat” (Mornings) featured a demonstration “to show you the makeup you can use to cover the bruises on your face” as a way to mark the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women.’
There’s a metaphor or a pun or something there somewhere to with the BBC, make up, news, islam, etc
‘Morocco has no domestic violence law and violence against women is widespread, Human Rights Watch said in a dispatch’
For Leftist shit like the BBC, violence against women is ok if the men are muslim and/or black. It’s a cultural thing, innit ?
AslSeelt, For my time in Saudi Arabia, I remember driving round and finding it particularly hilarious the way the menfolk use their ubiquitous Toyota Pickup trucks: three or four black draped women, eyes only, in the open back of the truck being thrown around whilst the goats or sheep ride in relative comfort in the cab with the driver. Nothing like Islamic equality of the sexes. Oh! the joy of seeing from the inside, the centre of the Islamic cult! Its about time the muslim females of the UK were shipped out to KSA from where they would surely not complain. Would they?
“three or four black draped women, eyes only, in the open back of the truck being thrown around whilst the goats or sheep ride in relative comfort in the cab with the driver.”
G, what’s the problem? Wives ride in the back, girlfriends ride in the front – all very civilised.
Very old joke: what do you call an arab with a sheep and a goat?
I’m sure the BBC has an extra letter on the acronym for it, but I’m not sure what it is – LGBTWTF&?
Yes, the BBC do not seem to report some Arabs love of sex with animals. However, a camel would surely make the news !
Oh deep joy.
On the pre bBBC1 news commercial slot, we get the great news that Al Beeb are going to run a sort of ‘Big Brother’ for muslms.
‘Muslims like us’ will be aired on December 12th at 2100 on bBBC2 and, even better, we’ll be able to hear the views of one of Anjem Choudary’s inner circle.
I bet readers literally cannot wait.
Studio on the roof?
The first eviction will be a ratings winner.
What with ‘Muslim Big Brother’, the Black and British season, ‘Citizen Khan’ and ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ top of the Christmas…sorry, holiday viewing schedule, I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of giving up my TV and watching old films on youtube instead.
Cranmer….. I’m with you on that !
Try spotting an ad now without a person of colour being front and centre. The ratios are all out of proportion to the 14% in the UK currently. The pendulum has swung too far to appease the few.
Muslims certainly don’t like us ! But they love their lickspittles at the BBC !
Let’s hope they have a transsexual and some gays like the proper Big Brother so we can watch the tolerant religion of peace at work.
Good question. The BBC has a poor record answering them.
A very interesting Spectator article there by Liam Stokes, the Countryside Alliance’s head of shooting.
It backs up what I have said numerous times, that if you put aside your own personal biases the BBC becomes even more obscene.
I don’t approve of shooting animals, but I still find the way the BBC behaved with Liam Stokes to be outrageously partial and unfair.
Of course the way the BBC behaved with Liam Stokes is the way they always behave with anybody that doesn’t religiously subscribe to the BBC dogma.
Never ever co-operate with the BBC unless you agree with their political agenda. They are big liars and cheats.
I think here of Moores Law( Charles Moore said it).
In any BBC item, look at who they are putting in the dock.
So Martha Kearney on TWATO had the Instagram gal in the dock, accusing her of effectively putting teenage girls into mental hospitals.
As if the BBC would ever use images, fat shame or promote awful body stereotypes.
How do they get away with this-and is everybody so cowed in the BBCs glare that they forget to mention the BBCs role in creating snowflakes, self absorbed inadequates and misfits?
If this is true then the BBC will be all over it.
Odd, no sign of it yet on their newscasts or web site.
Has this case been reported by the BBC ? If not, why not ? Stupid question really. I wonder what religion the rapist came from ? It is a cultural thing, innit .
This is an appalling story made worse by the pusillanimity of the judiciary. A three year rehabilitation order is a joke.
Let’s hope that , for once , the Courts now do the right thing , in response to a rare action by this Government to protect our culture and values from Islam
Mr Farage making the press feel very uncomfortable but once again speaking the truth:
Unfortunately the MSM are beyond redemption and simply don’t “get it” or care.
Ultimately they’ll be left behind in their own lonely little bubble.
I was surprised that they listened to Nigel without heckling and some applauded at the end. Maybe they are getting the message !
Have to love Newsnight. No, really. They are beyond parody.
Via Guido last night
“A change to the schedule now on BBC2 means that tonight’s snooker coverage will start at 12:15am.
Instead a special programme remembers Fidel Castro.”
(by Peter hain which goes soft on Castro anyway_)
Just to brighten lives of readers is the winter weather analogues building up into a scary picture.
The closest winter analogue to the current weather situation we have in Western Europe is that of 1962.
For those who either don’t remember this or weren’t born – should still have heard about it.
On 29 and 30 December 1962 a blizzard swept across the South West of England and Wales. Snow drifted to over 20 feet (6.1 m) deep in places, driven on by gale force easterly winds, blocking roads and railways. The snow stranded villagers and brought down powerlines. The near-freezing temperatures meant that the snow cover lasted for over two months in some areas. Snow lay to 6 inches (0.15 m) depth in Manchester city centre, 9 inches (0.23 m) in Wythenshawe, and about 18 inches (0.46 m) at Keele University in Staffordshire. By the end of the month, there were snow drifts 8 feet (2.4 m) deep in Kent and 15 feet (4.6 m) deep in the west
With an average temperature of −2.1 °C (28.2 °F), January 1963 remains the coldest month since January 1814 over Central England,[b] although over northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland February 1947 was generally colder, while December 2010 was also colder over Northern Ireland. Much of England and Wales was snow-covered throughout the month. The country started to freeze solid, with temperatures as low as −19.4 °C (−2.9 °F) at Achany in Sutherland on the 11th. Freezing fog was a hazard for most of the country.
In January 1963 the sea froze for 1 mile or 1.61 kilometres out from shore at Herne Bay, Kent. The sea also froze inshore in many places, removing many British inland waterbirds’ usual last resort of finding food in estuaries and shallow sea. The sea froze 4 miles out to sea from Dunkirk, and BBC television news expressed a fear that the Strait of Dover would freeze across
In February 1963 more snow came. It was also stormy with winds reaching Force 8 on the Beaufort scale (gale force winds).
A 36-hour blizzard caused heavy drifting snow in most parts of the country. Drifts reached 20 feet (6.1 m) in some areas and there were gale force winds reaching up to 81 mph
If this happens again, the countries infrastructure WILL fail, largely thanks to Labour stupidity allowing so many immigrants into the country, and stupid promises to Green targets by Millipede.
NO doubt if we do see record lows again the lying climate change promoters will tell us it’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer – as they have in the past.
Not just, ‘infrastructure’ – the spoilt, precious people will fail.
Let us hope the power goes out and all the lifts fail in London.
It would be wonderful if London was the first part of UK to suffer from the massive power cuts which will be coming. No doubt the politicians will have made “alternative arrangements”, so will not suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.
One of the features of ‘smart’ meters is the ability for them to be turned off remotely. Supposedly the aim is to give finer control to ‘load shedding’ i.e. they could turn off half of a distribution area rather than the whole lot.
It doesn’t take much imagination to work out that there can be different priorities set so that hospitals and politicians stay powered-up whenever possible. I don’t fancy your chances if you live in a ‘leave’ voting, UKIP-leaning constituency!
Actually smart meters are more likely, in time, to connect to domestic appliances (white goods such as freezers, ovens, dishwashers, tumble driers, washing machines) and central heating systems to control instantaneous power consumption in a way that is transparent to the user in order to mitigate against peak power demand exceeding supply. Duty cycle control over individual devices would go largely unnoticed by consumers but over a broad enough section of the community would give rise to substantial reductions in peak demand.
Imagine the water heater in your dishwasher being deactivated for 1 second per hour – you wouldn’t notice. Or know. Now imagine that happening to 3600 of the water heaters across the local community. The cumulative effect could mean the difference between an additional power station coming online or not, or the difference between a power outage, or not.
Politics (absurd Marxist green dogma designed to wreck society) could be mitigated by technology. Don’t be too quick to criticise the value of intelligently deployed Internet of Things tech.
Pie in the sky. The only practical method for peak demand reduction will be via a phased pricing. Rationing by price will be the purpose only.
Look out for an influx of Somalian figure skaters in Kent.
Obama blames everyone but himself for Clinton’s defeat, with special mention of Fox News with implied bias, ‘Folks view the ‘Funhouse Mirror’ on Fox and are mislead.’
Lots of pots – lots of kettles.
Interesting new book from a black US Bishop, called, “Black Self Genocide – What BLM Won’t Say.”
It’s stuff that is patently obvious but quite refreshing for all that.
gaxvil I’m looking forward to seeing that book you reference reviewed on beebistan, any day now I’m sure…
“Black Self Genocide – What BLM Won’t Say.”
R4 Media Show now
Diversity AGAINN ! : BBC Agonising over BBC BME management talent (8 departures)
– Coming up item about LeftMob creating Fake-news
That after Trump said he could date his daughter, she said she’d mace him.
Forget the bosses, does anyone in the BBC, including the cleaners and canteen staff vote Conservative or, horror of horrors, UKIP?
It’s all going a bit moobs elevated on the LGBYBAMEDFCandbar at the mo…
The top table at HuffPo will likely be livid. Sharon White at OFCOM will probably stay schtum.
‘a potential dearth of candidates of the calibre desired’
Yeah, right.
BBC Radio 4 The Media Show
An angry David (thicko) Lammy moaning about the lack of black gay women at the top of the BBC, and the fact that they don’t have enough ‘BAME’ listeners.
Ludicrous left wing crap once again, and why am I expected to pay for output I just don’t want and which the private sector clearly does better.
pg 25 Times
BBC struggling to find new chairman, applications closed 2 weeks ago, but applicants don’t seem to have enough experience.
– On R4 Midweek this morning the rabbi claimed it’s against the law to make fun of any religion other than your own.
No, sorry I don’t think there is any new special law that makes it illegal to criticise religion.
BBC doesn’t know how the internet works:
PM goes over to its correspondent in Washington to find out what Donald Trump said on Twitter.
World Class Research.
So there i am trying to escape the relentless barrage of beeb anti-brexit propaganda by watching Rick Stein, in Cadiz. What could possibly go wrong? What went wrong is that towards the end of the prog, Rick casually mentions that the head of EU fisheries policy is in Cadiz and ‘happens’ to have heard about the filming and would like a chat. Uh oh, I smell a rat, something fishy even. Sure enough they meet up and the conversation soon turns to how beneficial the EU is for fish stocks in both Spain and UK (well, Cornwall anyway). Propaganda or what?
I am surprised at Rick. Surely he must know the damage the EU has done to European fish stocks and worldwide ? I mean, he is not your normal thick chef. He is intelligent and educated . But, then he is paid by the BBC !
Not often that I disagree with you Grant but I have to draw the line at Rick Stein’s level of intelligence and education. For my money he gives little evidence of either and, having seen the size of his parent’s discrete and understated art-deco palace, I would be entirely sceptical of his assertions about ‘starting the hard way’.
Well, I know nothing about his background. But he, at least , throws some literary references into his programs.
According to Wiki ( yes, I know ), he failed at school and his dad committed suicide when Rick was 19. Later Rick got a degree in english from Oxford Uni. I do not know if any if that is true.
“how beneficial the EU is for fish stocks in both Spain and UK”
Grimsby certainly isn’t Padstow (or Sandbanks, Winchester, Marlborough, or any of the other well heeled places where he has opened restaurants).
A display of blatant self interest from someone who has a strong tendency to preach is particularly unappealing.
I am from Grimsby and I can tell you first hand that the EU has left Grimsby with no fishing fleet whatsoever… Once Grimsby was the home of the biggest fishing fleet in the world… The EU carved up our fishing grounds in the North Sea and handed em to the Spanish, French, Dutch and even the Portugese!!! They then forced owners to decommision thier boats for about a quarter of thier actual value by essentially making all the owners attempt to sell thier boats at the same time or accept paltry compensation payments instead, these payments invariably didn`t materialise for many years and those that did ended up in the accounts of fishing agents and companies after owners had been forced to use them as collateral whilst they waited for the EU to decide on the amount of money they were to be compensated with… The same happened to all the crewmen who relied on a share of the now non existent catch…. We now have a fish market which operates as a centre for everywhere else but Grimsbys` fish to traded… We have the best deep water ports in the UK and the same can be said for Hull as well… The EU in less than five years after 1976 turned our town into one of deprivation… The European beam trawlers have completely stripped the Dogger Bank (Once the richest seabeds in the European region, only the Icelandic waters were richer) As for Rick f**king Stein he can GTFO!! Even though i know we will never have our fleet back i do look forward to us being able to watch the EU stop raping or territorial waters after BREXIT….
And if that wasn’t enough you get wankers like Geldof pontificating.
Surely you mean Padstein ?
Reported by ALBeeb, without much enthusiasm.
MP’s reject Blair inquiry.
I bet they do, those in the Labour Party wish to avoid going with Tony to The Hague.
The Conservatives wish the subject would go away because they did not look sufficiently hard and sceptically at the “Dodgy Dossier”.
The LD’s, enough said.
So Salmond raised the subject, not very often I welcome his action, but this is once.
But the real reason I want Blair to swing is not Iraq but the millions of enriching imports.
Oh dear, the courts in India have ruled that cinemas must play the national anthem before the screening of every film.
Officials have said this will lead to national pride and patriotism. Both are anathema to the BBC Fascists and they made sure they interviewed everyone who thought the same as they do.
BBC the British Broadcasting Communists now dragging that aged 1960’s pillar of Pro Communist rhetoric John Pilger out and to give him free reign to plug his film titled the Coming War on China.
Makiing inflamatory statements about Contamination in the Marshall Islands while Ignoring what went on in Novoya Zembla, Khazachstan, The devaststion wreaked in Nevada and the Marshall Islands and now the Genie is out of the Bottle the Tests at Nansan Quingquir to which we can now add Iranian, Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests.
No mention of Mr Pilgers position that he has been a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda.
An interesting program last night on the Virginia Tech Massacre.
The perpetrator was Seung-Hui Cho who had numerous mental health issues he snapped when his manuscript for a novel was rejected. He was described as a mediocre student in his abilities, but with an arrogance and self belief in himself which outstripped his talents.
The analysis by the psychologists is what was interesting. It seems that many people of limited ability who think they are better than they really are, who the world fails to take seriously sometimes externalise their rage and anger on other innocent people.
It struck me how close this description applies to so many on the left who are only any use at attacking those around them, yet completely full of themselves. When frustrated in their efforts or snubbed they simply move into full on destruction of those around them instead.
That description reminds me of our erstwhile trolls.
I think true Leftists suffer from a deep sense of self-loathing. This is an uncomfortable emotion to admit, so they turn the loathing outwards, and claim that they are so unhappy because “the system” is wrong or “the world is unfair”.
Blaming something else for your own misery is an effective defence mechanism.
So, these Leftists are never, and can never, be happy. Even if all their favourite policies were enacted, they would still have to find something new to complain about, to prevent themselves having to look inward for at the true source of their unhappiness.
I wonder if Salford Quays was tested as well as W1A?
Shocked is an understatement:
Jo Cox charity single could be Christmas number one
Seems to be a lot of war-mongering from the, self avowed, pinko peaceniks?
I just don’t get it. Who was she before her tragic death.
Did Thomas Mair receive a fair trial as he was obviously mentally unstable (severely to do such a terrible thing)?
He should have been ordered by the judge to have a psychiatric assessment? None of that for him. He pleaded not guilty but Stephen Kinnock read a summary before he had been tried. Illegal.
He should have been tried for manslaughter with diminished responsibility. He is a scapegoat and he needs medical help.
Just another example of Mourning Sickness which is ruining a once great country