The clue is is that name “Tariq Rasheen”.
What else would a race hustling taqqiyya merchant say when one of the brothers becomes shahada after a jihadi op?
It`s what Islam does-and I do wonder if Malcolm Xs old pals are still stirring for that Black Islam they`ve long worked for?
“”Eddie Izzard’s homophobic attacker given suspended sentence””
“”Leaving Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Penny, who has autism, said: “Eddie Izzard is going to burn in hell.”
“”The 24-year-old, who also has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), was sentenced after being found guilty of two counts of using threatening and abusive words or behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress””
Isn’t it amazing, the BBC 1 news today and Hugh Pym’s report on the ambulance service. Every single patient was white. This is very different from every school that appears on news reports where every pupil is black. But the shortages in the NHS are nothing to do with 2 million extra people in the UK, is it?
Yep it’s all those old horrible white people again, the same ones who voted for Brexit, clogging up the hospitals and wasting resources. As one of the posters said on a remoaners march why don’t they just go off and die.
Deborah – I noticed that as well and the bit about the “ageing” population. A couple of years ago I had to spend a week in hospital in the West Midlands following a minor stroke, and I was in a bay of six beds. I didn’t see any “oldies” in there but the other five beds were occupied by people whose first language wasn’t English, shall we say.
Yes, also noted a few weeks back during the run up to Children in Need fest, the so-called bbc ran ads proclaiming to show beneficiaries of the cadh raised….and yes, you’ve guessed it….right down to the last one, they were white.
All of them, as opposed to any schools that they show.
It must be so demoralising for front-line staff in hospitals, who have to deal first with the incompetence of their ‘management’, then have to be put down at every turn by the BBC, as though it’s their fault.
The arbitrary eight minute ‘target’ for ambulance drivers is clearly dreamed up like the spurious ‘five-a-day’ vegetable scenario, and can only lead to delusion in the ranks of drivers and medics paid a pittance, while their fat cats somewhere safe pretend to ‘manage’.
The BBC also takes pains to avoid the issue of bed-blocking by overseas families having children at our expense too.
Charities always use white people in their appeals (other than those that are targeted at the Third World like Sightsavers). Anyone would think BMEs dont donate to charities!
Crisis at Christmas ad on LBC also a very English voice of a nice working class (but not uneducated) man down on his luck. Truly designed to pull on the indigenous heartstrings. Shouldnt it be a homeless ‘migrant’? Theyre th ones stuffing homelessness hostels.
Everyone of the “patients” who died from neglect, abuse, malnutrition or just plain starvation in Stafford was also white.
I would expect the same statistics in other hospitals where the NHS payroll has been entriched.
While Mr Samaritan, the consultant, the expert, walked around the wards daily, with their razor-sharp medical mind, and could only patients in the best of health.
Well, I learned something tonight. I knew all about the Windrush arrivals from the W.I in the early 50’s, but it was the Black & British prog that enlightened me further.
It appears (yet again) the Government of the day did another massive cock up. Post war Britain decided to open its doors to members of the Commonwealth to shore up the gaps in the employment programmes. Ha ! apparently the idea was to encourage ‘whites’ from Canada, S Africa, Australia and New Zealand to arrive in great numbers, but not for one second did they imagine it would result in thousands leaving the Caribbean to set up home here. Once the flood had started it was impossible to stop, – just like 60 years later when another inept government had a few too many the night before and thought it was a brilliant idea to let the Eastern Europeans in !! And now we reaped what we have sown.
Boris Johnson has called for illegal immigrants to be granted the right to stay in Britain after Brexit, according to reports.
The Foreign Secretary has suggested that offering amnesty to those who have avoided detection for 10 years would be economically beneficial. …
Mr Johnson first argued for an amnesty in 2008 and he repeated the politically controversial idea during his time as Mayor of London.
He raised the issue again during the referendum campaign and argued that offering amnesty would be “the humane thing to do.”
One senior minister told the Sun: “It’s an insane idea and would make ordinary Brits furious.
“A lot of us round the table couldn’t believe Boris is still going on about this. Privately, Boris is still the most pro-immigration member of the Cabinet.” …
A Home Office spokesman said: “We are not looking afresh at an amnesty for illegal migrants, and will not be”.
Just think: he might now be our PM but for Michael Gove, who has been cast into the wilderness while useless tw@ts like Boris and Hammond occupy the great offices of state.
But, “ordinary Brits” are furious about many things amongst them, since Brexit we’ve seen diddly squat from Theresa on pretty much everything. She’s the Prime Minister – right?
I’d be relaxed on this nonsense if I were you. here is a quote from Sky who broke and pedaled the story without troubling themselves to offer any proof:
“The high-ranking diplomats were speaking under the Chatham House rule, which allows their comments to be reported, but not directly attributed.”
Just days ago the BBC assured us a high ranking government official wrote a memo in 10 downing street, on 10 Downing Street paper, that said the government didn’t have a clue about Brexit. It was actually written by remainer for Deloitte’s, a company that pockets billions form the EU and campaigns for them.
Boris could easily have said he didn’t mind doctors coming here and that those who have been illegal for 10 years BUT can prove they are making a financial contribution to the UK might have a case to stay. Who knows as it is all whispers behind hands.
It has the ring of truth for once. Johnson is not to be trusted any more than Mrs May. Something is building up and as I have always maintained we are going to be shafted. That the price will be the complete loss of confidence in our system does not concern the elite. It is about money and control and putting us back in our box.
The media cannot be trusted. The government cannot be trusted . Listen to Nigel and you can hear his concern.
Why any rational adult would have thought that Mrs May is there to do anything other than the bidding of Goldman Sachs and the EU is insane.
If she were serious she would have activated the leaving process and sacked Carney. By their acts you shall know them.
Another piece falls into place. When are we going to understand that if we leave the EU collapses and Mrs May is plan B and always was. . That is why it will not happen until chaos comes to Europe and the collapse is inevitable.
I think Nigel Farage would be an excellent Prime Minister, and a further name in his cabinet would be Jacob Rees-Mogg as Chancellor. He understands economics and talks sense.
To be honest, and much as I admire him, no. I realise I’m going against the grain here, but he’s not good at working with others. Look at the mess UKIP is in because he couldn’t allow talent to rise through UKIP and ensure a succession was in place.
I have no idea. If the choice was between the current party leaders, it would be Nigel without a doubt, but I’d harbour grave doubts that he could manage not to fall out with everyone.
That is the point. They are all crap to various degrees. It is really a question of the best of a bad lot. But, come on Roland , you know in your heart of hearts it has to be Nicola ? Face it !
We used to be told that every banknote has traces of drugs on it. I’m sure if they looked they would’ve found traces of animal fats too, after all they are touched by ‘animals’ all the time.
Modern analysis techiques are so good that ‘seek and you will find’. Back in my A-level days we conducted ‘semi-micro analysis’ on ‘unkown’ substances. We often concluded that the sample contained nickel ‘wrongly’. It was said that this came from the plating on the little strip off metal that we used for picking up the ‘unknown’ powder. Just imagine techniques hundreds of times more sensitive than that and it is no wonder what can be found now.
BBC – Trump Condemns Refugee In Ohio Rampage
“Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Wednesday that investigators had found “no direct link” between Artan and any terrorist organisation”
… On WHAT! planet … Yep! almost lost for words
More Trump BOO HISS! garbage from the BBC, relentless.
Oh and wait for it, BBC – London May Seek Own Brexit Deal, Sad Diq Khan strikes again.
As with tonight’s episode of Newsnight’, on the rare occasions when they have a ‘Republican’ guest on the show, that person usually starts by saying ‘I didn’t actually vote for Donald Trump’.
So the BBC’s idea of balance is to find a Republican who didn’t vote for Trump. Over 60 million voted for Trump so it’s not hard to find one (or are they all ‘deplorable’.
Radio 4 series last week featured 4 America ? …4 Authors voicing opinion on America under Trump
How many authors did the BBC find who voted for Trump ?
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzero !
“”London may seek separate Brexit deal, mayor warns””
“”London could seek a deal to enable firms in the capital to continue recruiting staff from the European Union after Brexit, mayor Sadiq Khan has told business leaders””
So, why hasn’t the BBC challenged this controversial statement by Khan and provided a counter view? The BBC should be objective. Their Charter demands this.
Why would the BBC challenge it? It is on message.
London last time I looked was part of the United Kingdom and subject to it’s parliament and laws. Khan is being absurd.
I visited Holland Park (Ladbroke Grove/Portobello Road) two weeks ago. In the dim, distant past I lived near there.
Would I want to live there now – NO.
It’s a shithole with some nice shops, according to Mrs 7. And that is one of the “nice” areas. e.g. Small two bedroom flat, not enough room to swing a cat, in need of upgrade for a paltry £1,5 million!
”London could seek a deal to enable firms in the capital to continue recruiting staff from the European Union after Brexit”
This must be because the EU is far more hideously white than London, and therefore the quality of people to recruit is higher in the EU, while the indigenous people of London are fleeing the city due to mass immigration.
For instance, after the BBC was puzzled about the people of Clacton-on-Sea voting UKIP, I realised that Clacton is full of retired Londoners, who remember London when it was as hideously white as Clacton is today. The only difference is that London has exchanged the material poverty and cultural wealth of yesterday, with the cultural poverty and material wealth of today. At least Clacton is a better place to live than London, even if the pensioners are not as wealthy as the BBC Journalists who visit the town. But then you would find that the richest people employed by the BBC don’t live in multicultural shitholes in London either.
DS, Khan is full of sh!te as usual. One only has to read that article to see that he goes from unilateral bravado…
“then we will have no choice but to look at a London-specific solution”
and when he remembers that London is part of the UK and, as such, subject to national law and national treaties, he tempers the rhetoric to….
“make the case to the government”
It does not surprise, but still depressing to see a BBC ‘news’ report that gets its favoured terms, ‘may’, ‘warns’ and ‘could’, in the first two lines.
Quite right Seismicboy,
the London remoaners, like Sad dick Khan do indeed spout rubbish. in fact let us not forget some of the rubbish the remoaners said at the referendum. Lies like
1. Every pound given to the EU we receive ten in return. LIE
2. David Cameron said that by being in the EU we retain control of our borders. LIE
3.George Osborne’s dire warnings of an immediate emergency budget, tax hikes, soaring interest rates. LIE
Remoaners keep on about the 350 million pounds a week (180 million pounds net) could be spent on the NHS. Wake up Remoaners, when I last looked we are still currently in the EU so therefore how could the Leave side have lied about this?
Angela Rayner is one of the most ignorant over-promoted front bench politicians I have heard of. This woman was destroyed by Andrew Neil yesterday for ranting off topic about the need to raise capital gains tax when she did not even know the rate and whether it had gone up or down . Now she’s back on Toady ranting on about how we blame immigrants unfairly regarding housing shortages . Again it was not really relevant to the topic ( school places) but it shows the woman’s abject stupidity. According to her, net migration doesn’t contribute to the housing shortage . We simply don’t build enough houses. I wonder how many millions our population has to go up due to immigration before Rayner thinks it impacts on housing shortages ? I hope the voters of Ashton send her packing in 2020.
Labour politicians seem to be at an all time high in terms of stupidity. I cannot recall a time when Labour had such a large number of mentally limited MP’s. David Lammy, Angela Rayner, Emily Thornberry, Diane Abbott, Cat Smith, Chi Onwurah,Dennis Skinner, Keith Vaz the list just goes on and on. Thick, thick,thick. Not even the BBC can mask their unacceptable idiocy.
Another day, another hysterical push from BBC news of their favourite combo – notions of child sexual abuse and association football.
With all the typical fervour of the recently converted, the BBC are set on attacking the FA as an organisation – when they are down – and hopefully, some bigger name clubs than Crewe will be forced into the BBC paedo helicopter searchlight, so as to give the story some real legs.
Ironically the news line to support today’s rehash (to wit – some impressive sounding statistics that are helpfully provided by an interested charity) comes just after a BBC advertising trailer for a televised FA Cup match.
Sorry Shelter, just when you had put out your Xmas homeless stats NSPCC and BBC go and trump you.
All this fuss and paranoia is only likely to result in parents being less keen on their children doing sports.
Just the other day the BBC seemed to endorse girls taking up boxing.
I suppose now we will have to import all our future sports people – over to you Mo Farah. Just like we imported our HIV AIDS patient on the BBC Breakfast red sofa this morning.
Call me a cynical unfeeling b****** but I can’t help noticing the flood of alleged abuse is derived from a sport that is awash with billions of pounds of cash, and second rate players that cannot make the England team walk away with millions.
I wonder if there would be the same level of abuse shown by a phone line for say Basketball or Hockey?
On the other hand, we do know from Operation Midland for instance that certain claimed abuse has no basis in evidence whatsoever. So maybe I’m not quite so cynical after all.
Maybe all those black players that don`t make the grade can now get free or subsidised places on the stage as hoofers for the Motown Musical.
Sarah Montygoo say`s we `ve not enough actors up there.
The BBC may well pay for it too-because the Today Team are ALSO “hideously white”-but seem not to mention this as they berate Wokings Drama School etc for same.
Who`s in the Dock?…anybody but the BBC…that`s who!
The BBC wants its FAME BAMES as house boys and girls for their shows.
The word is SHOW-they want to be SEEN to be creating their beloved Bennetton World of Rainbow kids, all deviances and spectrums covered.
Hence sport, music and entertainments-just as it always was with Joe Louis Armstrong and Kenny Davis Junior…just faces, tick the boxes.
But when it comes to who COMMISSIONS, who EMPLOYS, who EDITS, who SCRIPTS and POLICES…and who of course take the mic of the clever shows, who is on the Boards and Trusts-funnily enough the same Political Corporate Dynasty of Dimblebys and Straws, Kinnocks and Toynbees seem to always end up creaming it in, with a funky urban mix of gig-style house poppets underneath them in every sense.
But not a peep eh?…might upset a few people should we dare to shine a little sunlight on how the BBC creates its news ,follows its star straight to Gramscis Stable.
Bob Lord, Ken Bates, Louis Edwards, Alan HardakerLord Westwood?
REAL scum who never gave a stuff-but they ran the game OK as it was!
Me-I think it was Peter Swales, and bloody Graham Kelly/Ted Croker who fucked football up.
Today programme 8.20 today interviewing actress Gillian Anderson. Second question is about her support for Clinton and her thoughts on Trump – ffs!! Turn on tv and a plug for an upcoming programme on Saint Mo Farrah!!
Shock. Horror. Apoplexy on Toady R4 at about 7.50am.
It turns out last year that Theresa May did not want to give priority to the children of illegal immigrants in our schools! The proposal was canned by Cameron.
Cue howls of indignant anguish. Airtime for Laura Cuntsberg for a detailed review followed by ain depth interview with the Labour shadow education secretary, who amazingly is totally against the policy that never was. Clutching at straws are we, bBBC editors?
I mean. The school system is so awash with cash that it just cannot think of anything more to do to educate our own children, so can play a sort of Global Charity Shop role for everyone elses.
When I heard that, my first thought was that Theresa May as Home Secretary did have one policy I approved of. It is intensely logical and fair that a legal citizen of this country should have priority over someone who entered the country illegally. How can one possibly argue otherwise? Well, it seems Nikki Morgan and D. Cameron did. I rather think that bit of news will cause a lot of people to think better of May – to the chagrin of the BBC. It may not last, however, unless her handling of Brexit (and loose-cannon Johnson) improves.
This was mentioned on Breakfast too with sad eyes from Nagga Muncheti,I immediately thought, “but turn this around, why should kids of illegal immigrants, (or even legal immigrants)get priority for school places over kids that were born here?”.
I honestly can’t think of a reason,I live very close to a primary school and sent my kids there 20 years ago,what if they couldn’t have got in because it was full of illegal immigrants kids, would the BBC have fought my corner?
“The BBC has seen letters that seem to confirm”…
This was the intro to this non-story about May not wishing to promote illegal residencies swamping any school places.
In other words a malevolent leak, or some quangocrat on manoevres.
I myself don`t recall when it was the BBC said that I was to pay for their trawls, going through the bins, bribing, snooping and the like.
May and her party are there by democratic means-so who the hell licenses the BBC to go all gumshoe on behalf of Labour and the LimpDumbs?
The BBC pay for FoI but only when Tories might be embarrassed.As for Rochdale, Rotherham, Cologne, Savile, Mid Staffs, Kriss Donald, Tommy Robinson, Tommy Mair, Clinton Foundations, Juncker or Merkel, Hollande or Shami…well. less so.
Time to put the BBC out of all our misery…sick of their concoctions, connivances and collusions with those we hate like the EU, UN, Castros Cucks like Corbyn and Farron, Sturgeon and Lucas.
It’s said with anguish and tuts cos it is so obvious to them, they don’t need to explain it ..”Think of the children, it’s not their fault their parents broke the law, so let them into school.”
The problem is that theLeftMob can only 2 feet in front of their nose ….or about as far a Calais maybe.
… Cos it’s not fair on children actually in Somalia, Zaire, Mongolia etc. either that they don’t get to go to British schools paid for by the British taxpayer.
If entire families are illegal then the sooner they are on a plane and back home, then the sooner the kids are back in a school of their own culture, paid for by their own taxpayers.
It’s the same Liberals don’t see that when we use funds to help a queue jumper in Calais, the same funds are no longer available to help a genuine refugee in Africa doing things the proper way.
But that’s not the only open door immigration news priority. Oh no. . Just twenty minutes earlier on ‘Toady Immigration Special’ (on seemingly everyday) we get another heads up from some remote village in Germany where a family of six immigrants are not all getting on equally well in their new country. Oh dear. How sad. Necer mind.
Quite why this is actually newsworthy in the UK is totally lost on me, but then again to Al Beeb the actual news is unimportant. Its’s the narrative that counts.
Football child abuse scandal now running for a week. Shocking enough but compare to the coverage of men of asian origin coverage. Also a headline at north West remember I made a complaint to them about their lack of coverage of men of asian origin in Liverpool high court.
and hey back again to car pollution. Suggestions include a 20mph limit in some places. Well we have one here about 1/4 of a mile to the main roads. In of our cars 3rd gear is too high 2nd gear 2 low so going uphill you are in second running high revs as opposed to the old 30mph limit were it would pull in 3rd gear at low revs.
On to homelessness / slums of course failing to mention that they housed all these “refugees” we just took on
BBC continue their obsession with transgender children. In fact they are obsessed with children and sex mentioned in the same article. Nothing has changed since Savile.
At least this child has a job waiting for them at the BBC.
BBC Breakfast today had a report about apprentices from BAE, the first part had 3 girls and one lad,now I have worked for BAE for many years and the vast majority of apprentices are lads but in news articles they always interview or photograph a girl, this annoys me as it is obvious sex discrimination.
And having worked in engineering for a long time I know what happens to these girls,90% of them don’t like or can’t do the job,(sometimes because it is physically too hard), they either get sidetracked to an office job,leave for a job in a cake shop or get pregnant and leave.
They are cheating a young lad out of a trade that he would probably keep for life.
And then they interviewed the token black woman to round things off.
Many years ago I worked across the gangway from a female engineer. She would arrive some time mid-morning looking like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, sit down, light up her first cigarette, then, when she had woken up a bit, she would get up and make her first coffee of the day. Her behaviour was put down to her having a second job working in a pub in the evenings.
Just about every week her boss would call her in, to give her due warning.. .. that she should prepare herself for some photo-shoot or press briefing to demonstrate how ‘female friendly’ we were. Meanwhile the rest of us got on with the job.
The women engineers etc also used to bugger off in little groups to sit in the toilets (yes they had seats in there)and natter,they were allowed to because of ladies problems.
I saw that article Wild Bill where they had obviously been told to go and look busy by something. Why did all the others have overalls on but the one they interviewed.
Just heard a ‘news’ report on Radio 2 moaning about the lack of BAME talent in the entertainment industry. Apparently, due to the large number of shows with a predominant or 100% BAME cast we now have a supply problem with some shows having to be postponed. The finger is firmly pointed at the talent academies admissions policy, and the suggestion is a racist one.
Oh, hang on a minute. I’m willing to bet that talent academies already have a ratio of BAME students far higher than the national average. We have come to the point that as we are being brainwashed into accepting employment practices that discriminate in favour of BAME employees, it’s now a problem if colleges don’t adapt the same discrimination policies.
Lets face it if BAME kids aren’t applying for these academies whose fault is it?
Just reminded me,I live in rural Cumbria and my son about 12 years ago was invited along with kids around the country to partake in a performance in London and I had to go with him,we were amazed that the white kids were in a small minority at the event.
This is a case of the strange unconscious racism of white liberals. They assume that because they live comfortable middle class lives where people can afford to become actors or other arty types full time, that everyone else can.
What they don’t realise is the people from immigrant stock generally want to get on in life – they didn’t come to Britain to ponce about on stage, but to make a better life for themselves and provide for their families. Nobody asks why there aren’t more ethnics becoming doctors or pharmacists, for example. They don’t need to because that is the type of job immigrants aim for, not playing bloody Othello in Glasgow Citizens’.
“They don’t need to because that is the type of job immigrants aim for, not playing bloody Othello in Glasgow Citizens’.”
Another reason might be that they never produced a Shakespeare of their own. Some of our artists might be a royal pain (I’m tired of hearing the word “luvvie”) but the culture they represent is far superior, IMO, than anything to be found in Brixton, Tower Hamlets, Rotherham, Bradford etc.
Not all immigrants aim to become doctors or pharmacists, or even close, as the prison population demonstrates.
Quisquose, same on the Today programme BBC radio 4: the BBC interviews and broadcasts this? Surely they could impart to other organisations just how the BBC circumvents the small matter of discrimination with its bias toward BAME employees? I don’t notice any shortage of black and asian faces in their programmes.
8:55 R4 Today “Oh there are just not enough black actors”
eg Motown the musical
But the UK 3% black is not Detroit city which is 30% black
So of course you won’t find as many black skinned actors
I thought it was not supposed to matter what skin an actor had, a black guy could play King Lear and a white woman could play Othello.
If in China Chinese actors decided to white-up to play something intrinsically White British , then it wouldn’t bother me.
The general rule seems to be that ‘colourblind’ casting is used if no allusion is made to race in the script, eg you can have a black man playing Richard II, but if race is a part of the script, eg in ‘Othello’ it must be a real black man playing Othello not a white man playing a black man, as that would be ‘cultural appropriation’ or something.
To be fair the directors do seem to realise that having lots of blacks and asians in 1920s Britain is a bit unlikely…though they still do appear from time to time. Benjamin Zephania got a shoe-in in ‘Peaky Blinders’ (Birmingham, 1919) as a sort of crazy preacher, which was just about feasible, though the waist-length dreadlocks with a homburg hat was a bit far fetched.
“in ‘Othello’ it must be a real black man playing Othello”
Except that it should be a Moor, not a sub-Saharan black man. Unfortunately, we have the ridiculous situation where black men or women seem to have the God-given right to make up the numbers for all unrepresented ethnic minorities. 99% black is “diverse” in BBC land.
Good to see we in the UK and Europe are not alone in the purposeful slide to Islamification –
Have you noticed how the Islamification is gathering pace apparently everywhere you look? That’s probably due almost entirely to the assistance and support The Cult of Submission received from European Governments and their controlled media such as the BBC.
And around 130,000 families will spend Christmas in one room B&B.
If you think it’s the fault of their parent(s) okay, but British children don’t deserve this.
Sorry but I am immune to the tactic of using selective large numbers out of context to justify something.
If we said 99.6% of people in the UK have a home, it sounds a little different.
There is very little homelessness in Gambia , which is one of the poorest countries in the world, with no free medical care or social security. However, most people do not have their own bed, let alone their own bedroom and it is common to see 4 people sleeping on a double mattress on the floor. Many have to sleep in shifts They would dream of one bedroom in a B and B in the UK. Luxury !
Point taken Grant, and every day I give thanks for what we have in this country, we don’t have to look too far back into history to see a very different set of living conditions for the bulk of the population in the UK either, we should not be aspiring to return there as the result of poorly managed social and immigration policy.
On Chris Evans show this morning, which I usually enjoy, lots of Xmas songs and Xmas talk and then…….Pause for Thought……some muslim woman spouting off that she didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God. It was obviously done on purpose as it was the 1st December.
There is a great debate between Christian and Islamic scholars, even today, about the meaning of “Son of God “. Books and academic papers have been written about the topic. Naturally, an intellect like Chris Evans would be aware of this and would have pointed it out to the muslim placewoman.
Gave up switching on to the Beeb news years ago, preferring Sky instead. Now where do I go ??? Adam Bolton would be out of a job methinks if he didn’t have Brexit or Trump to drone on about in his ‘all about politics’ programme. Every guest receives the same questions from him all with reference to Brexit / Trump. If these two seismic events hadn’t happened this year, what WOULD they have found to talk about ??
“Gave up switching on to the Beeb news years ago, preferring Sky instead. Now where do I go ???”
Unfortunately, I think we are unlikely to see a “one stop shop” in the near future. Like many people here, I suspect, I am watching very little traditional broadcast TV from the UK and, instead, more and more bits of YouTube, RT, the likes of Pat Condell, various downloads, archive stuff from decades ago etc.
Couldn’t exist without a PC connected to the TV. The PVR is being used less and less. Having to shop around is not very convenient, but the traditional MSM are beyond the pale most of the time.
If you pay for Sky then Fox News is there in the 500’s
I wonder if soon there will be Breibart TV coming ?
Radio – you can listen Andrew Bolt on 2GB in Australia and also watch his TV shows.
The Rebel Media from Canada is good.
But i find Alex Jones of Infowars is an actor playing the part of a Wacko.
Well SG I’ve resorted many times to the more gentle approach of 507, the Japanese news channel interspersed with 30 minutes of interesting documentaries ! and no fatty Bolton filling the screen.
I get CNN China by satellite in Gambia. The news, in english, is far superior to the BBC’s miserable output. There is also a documentary channel, mainly but not exclusively, about China. Again, vastly superior to BBC’s superficial, politically motivated documentaries.
The apostles of identity liberalism have fallen into Mill’s trap. They see authoritarianism in others, but not in themselves. They see discrimination in others, but not their own. In guarding their chosen tribes, they fail democracy’s ultimate test, of tolerance for the concerns of those with whom they disagree. Someone else is always to blame.
The tide is not turning it is just that some of the more enlightened of the liberal elite realise the game is up. The money/political elite is still fully committed to the old way.
Globalisation and it’s effects have enriched a small class that has to go on or risk everything lost.
Three realities dominate our lives as they always have. Security of the nation in which we live. Prosperity of the same and the handing on of our culture to our descendants.
All the rest of the identity politics and liberal obsessions are irrelevant . They always were but for a while seemed to be the new reality.
The wisdom of all of us has led to Brexit and to Trump’s victory.
Victoria Derbyshire propagandising for the transgender ‘community ‘in a segment about transgender children ‘pausing puberty’. Several children interviewed. Its beyond belief we are brainwashing young kids like this .
I am paying a tax so that my kids and grand kids can be brainwashed.Grrr.
We’ve heard a lot from the BBC recently about the growing number of children with mental health issues. Do the BBC never consider it a possibility that they, themselves, may be a root cause of or, at very least, a contributory factor towards, some of the problems the children are experiencing?
NameNotNumber, I’m sure that Mary Whitehouse CBE would have had her own views of how the BBC has deteriorated and the effect that deterioration has had on, not just children but adults too. It needs another one like her. She would probably be a ardent follower of this blog were she still with us.
G, I do believe we need individuals with vision, strength of character and courage to counter the culturally destructive narrative pedalled by the BBC. I also agree that the values Mary Whitehouse personified, such as family life, social cohesion and Christian values, are values that the BBC and others of their ilk, seem to despise (witness their treatment of Nigel Farage). During the time when a superficial ‘permissive society’ prevailed (and while its underbelly was giving birth to loathsome creaures such as Jimmy Saville) her ‘old-fashioned’ values became an easy target for what we now term the ‘liberal left’. I have to admit that, at the time, I had a good guffaw too. My mistake!
The sexualisation of children in the UK is a big problem, let alone paedophilia. Thank God my adopted, black African 8-year old daughter is at school in Gambia and not the UK. No transgender brain-washing there and , as a bonus, they teach the children to read, write and do arithmatic.
A few years ago I sat in on a history lesson for 10-year olds, roughly. The subject was the influence of the Romans on Britain and the english language. The teacher, black Gambian, superb. About 50 children in the class all well-behaved and attentive.
Yes, of course, blue dress with the “Wulling Kama Lower Basic ” badge. Gambia school reports have a grade for “neatness “. Meaning clothes, hair, cleanliness etc. ” Little Mosseh ” got an A grade. Could you imagine the outcry if if British children were graded on neatness ?
Sadly the British kids themselves cannot be blamed, when you see the state of their mothers at the school gates. Having polished shoes for school was a Sunday night ritual for me, – another time we know, but the Mums did look typically 50’s wearing cotton frocks with flared skirts and neat hair styles, certainly no Croydon face-lifts or flabby bums and bellies wobbling about !!
– Victoria had a long item about Transgender kids with the camera set behind the back of the kid and mother.
I think that it is unethical to show vulnerable children unnecessarily on TV. They could have done it another way.
The whole show is “suffering&anxiety porn” earlier there was another crying interview with an abused footballer who blamed himself for the abuse.
#1 Although historic this abuse all happened under the media’s nose .
#2 The victims of Asian gangs matter, but are not covered.
If ‘transgender’ really was a thing, there would have been people fighting for rights and recognition alongside homosexuals in the 60s and 70s. The fact that it has only become an issue now that homosexuals have legal parity with heterosexuals makes me suspect it is largely a concoction of the media and pressure groups desperate to find new victim-fodder.
“Oxford university” is discriminating against me by not allowing me a place.
They won’t recognise my disability that I am genius trapped inside the body of a fool.
This morning I had the misfortune to listen to the last half-hour or so of ‘Today’. I don’t normally punish myself like that, but I was over at a friend’s house. The topics I vaguely remember in that short time were :
Violence against women on TV
Quango says road pollution is bad
Stigma of HIV sufferers
Prison doesn’t work for violent gang members
Black people can’t get a break in hideously white theatre world
It was like a royal flush of the BBC’s favourite busybody causes. I don’t recall hearing much in the way of dissenting voices either. All through it I’m thinking bad thoughts such as..
‘I’m not interested’, ‘Don’t believe it’, ‘Go away!’, ‘Why am I hearing this?’ ‘It’s their own fault’ etc etc.
Most of it was just your typical ‘Researchers have found..’ crap dressed up as news. You could picture Justin Webb personified as Hyacinth Bouquet peering through the net curtains, looking for suspicious alt-righters sullying the neighbourhood.
After that experience I’m never staying overnight at anyone’s house ever again!
True – much of the BBC’s much vaunted ‘news’ seems to consist of ‘A survey reveals…’ ‘A new report shows…’ ‘A study claims…’ etc, issued by a political think tank, pressure group or NGO with a particular agenda. This would not be so bad if reporters probed the claims made, but often they don’t, and just seem to accept what they’re given as read. I’m often left saying to the radio ‘…but what about…?’
That ‘…but what about…?’ question is what impartial journalists should be asking, and it’s the difference between journalism and simply regurgitating press releases.
“Could… Might… Warning… Expect… Predict… Uncertain… Fears…”
Views, not news. Emotions, not facts. Fear, not events.
It is all a big turn-off. Literally, as Friend Lefty would say, though in this case it’s correct usage. As soon as I hear any of these words in an allegedly headline story, I switch off.
For most of this year, I really haven’t heard many broadcasts from the BBC’s so-called News broadcasts as most of their agenda-driven lead stories start with them.
I caught the bbbc mentioning today’s record immigration figures and the weasel word they used was that these numbers ‘suggest’ higher immigration.
They just can’t help themselves.
Ta, I maynot…
If I then create a Somali black Muslim woman who lives at the Talgarth Roundabout whose gay son is playing Ike Turner in rehearsals for the Motown Story( ex-Black and White Minstrels not required)?…will that save me opening five files on what The BBC told us all this morning.
And-is the BBC saying that there`s not ENOUGH violence against women on telly? Are our ladies unprepared for the Cologners to come?
Bet the only black faces at the Toady show wipe their Mastermind chairs of tears and blended latte-but that won`t stop them saying that we must get more Black Montessori teachers or punka wallahs for Glyndebourne…
Heres a nice little instructional piece on how to shoe horn progressive crap into just about anything from Jennifer righter on than you Meierhans, remember her ‘Could leaving the EU make British chocolate taste bad?’ No, me neither but you get the picture.
Well now it’s,
This line in particular, “”Although this image depicts heterosexuality and perhaps marriage this is still very much a valid identity.””
‘Although’? As if heterosexuality isn’t the innate sexual orientation of the vast majority of the world population? I’d say it’s about as valid an identity as you can have.
I also read the Keep stairs clear poster totally differently too, carrying a tray makes one a cook does it? ffs.
This does seem to be an exercise into how far one can misinterpret a message if one tries hard enough.
Silly me thought the father was clearing up after his careless children and thereby saving his wife from a nasty fall. But why would his wife and her lesbian lover’s daughter leave her toy engine on the stairs anyway? At least it shows the man rightfully in a subservient position to the superior woman!
Quite fun this delving for ‘the truth’ and rejecting ‘the false’ isn’t it!
That’s much as I saw it too Jim, only without the lesbian twist, amazing what you can see if you don’t approach a subject matter through a thick haze of bias and a preconceived agenda isn’t it? Much like McCarthy checking under the bed for commies I bet Meierhans et al. can’t turn in until they’ve had a look for mysogyny and sexism under their own.
Beef fat in bank notes.
Best to stick to credit cards to avoid contamination.
Credit cards created in clean rooms uncontaminated by living organisms.
Credit cards despatched in totally sealed sterile packaging, not contaminated by contact with living organisms.
To be used exactly once in sterile surroundings with all new equipment.
Transactions to consist of 100% non-organic material, irradiated for nine hours at twenty-one pseudoveggies per sterilearadian in a vacuum.
Vacuum, sterility, uncontaminated by contact with sentient beings, yes that sounds like
VeganSpeak or MegaVeggieBollox as it is alternatively known.
I can’t understand why the vegans are so horrified about the content of bank notes. I assume that they started eating the fivers when veganism made them so hungry for real food they just ate the first thing they could find. Of course, once tasting these delectable notes they couldn’t stop themselves until full – after all, anything’s better than tofu! They then had to check why they tasted so good and made this “terrible” discovery so they’ll be beefing about it for a long time now. They ought to relax and have a cow, man.
Net migration 335, 000 in the year to June. Of course these statistics are dodgy , based on estimates and reliant on interviews at major ports and airports . Plus all illegals not included of course. Plus all allegedly on a ‘short stay ‘ not included .
Expect the BBC
To gloat over the Governments failure to bring down numbers never mind miss it’s ludicrously impossible target of under 100k
To show us what useful jobs these immigrants do. Lots of library shots of NHS nurses and cleaners
To infer that all who dispair at these figures and the governments lies and incompetence are racists
The “Government ” have no control over the Immigration “Service” , so how can they control immigration. We have no control over government so we are stuffed !
What about all those ‘remainers’ that threatened to leave ?
I think that many of the migrants are Europeans getting out of Europe before the continent collapses.
All very depressing. On the one hand its all ‘free movement’ and then we are told over a quarter of a million landed here up to June (so what’s the figure from June to now ?). There’s not much reporting of ‘free movement’ around the rest of the EU is there ? er no, because Europe is arriving on our bloody doorstep. More wanting housing, more using cars on the road, more wanting access to FREE NHS, more wanting their kids in school. The British people (sod the media) will soon be on the streets rioting and chanting Send the Bastards home, this country is full.
In London that’s 10,000 1 bedroom flats. People subject to immigration control are barred from overcrowding but it appears the European migrants and illegals can afford low wages and push rents up by overcrowding and denying our young a trade/craft and reasonable standard of living.
pg 35 Geert Wilders is topping opinion polls polling 18-21% of vote
Prior to his trial his vote had being slipping.
The current PM has 16-19%
Elections are on march 15
pg 38 How come we haven’t heard about the 5 dead miners in Poland after an earthquake ?
They are searching for 3 others
– A US cop was found as justified in shooting a black man after CCTV shown that the victim was armed , despite his family denying that.
– the money losing Guardian is to get a £62m top up by sells some share in Ascential Events.
– London to get hydrogen bus next year – The Times editorial calls again for tax breaks for EVs etc.
It seems highly likely the Times is linked to EV subsidy mafia.
(Beware the irony of a guy puffing on joint is moaning about your diesel car polluting the air
..He’s too spaced out to realise the joint is damaging his lungs more.)
BTW This morning other satellite news networks covered Putin’s state of the nation speech live, but not British networks.
You last point is especially important. Whatever anyone thinks, Putin is a very powerful man globally. I hope that Trump will have a meeting with him early in his presidency.
Whatever Mr Trump’s attitude to Mr Putin, the MSM will put a spin on it. If he’s friendly with Putin, it’s ‘Trump the friend of Syrian child killer Putin’ and if he’s unfriendly he’s ‘Trump the man who wants to start World War 3’.
“Net migration stays near record high”
We will need more houses, hospitals, schools , doctors , transport, teachers , police, benefits, etc etc .
The Tories have failed us in security and border control.
Vote UKIP.
Today is Presidential election day in Gambia. Who cares ? Well I do. To be fair to the BBC, and that sticks in my throat, they report on their website that the evil bastard ( my words, not theirs ) Jammeh has cut all internet and telephone connections with the outside world. I can testify to that today. I can’t get through to anyone in Gambia.
It is a difficult one for the BBC as they love dictators especially black African ones. The last I heard , yesterday, thousands were on the streets. I hope it does not end in a blood bath and that the BBC will follow this story. Freedom for Gambia ! Foroyaa !
Grant I hope it works out for Gambia and for you (although by your post I guess you are not actually there at the moment). Sorry I’m not well versed in African politics, but if Mr Jammeh brutally shuts down all outside communication and unleashes his military on the opposition – I hope any relatives and friends you have there stay safe.
Thank you so much. I am in Scotland right now. My family and friends in Gambia are safe. About 26 opposition people are in prison or disappeared, this year. Jammeh never releases dead bodies to the families. Just part of his perversion.
Jammeh’s military and “security ” people will be his achilles heel. But, this does not have much to do with BBC bias. I have to say that , over the years, the BBC has reported about Gambia pretty fairly. I wish the BBC would report on all countries the same way .
ALERT: Electors Plot to Sabotage Trump
Paul Joseph Watson tackles this surely unlikely event
In a sensational new development, TV host David Pakman says he was told by a high level source that 15 electors in states Trump won will refuse to vote for Donald Trump.
“One elector has already resigned”
“they face only $1,000 fine if they break the law.”
…(Yeh and then what ? Live undercover the rest of their lives ?)
A couple of months ago, a poster offered a list of politicians and commentators who had their heads screwed on. It was more or less politically ecumenical, so Labour MPs such as Frank Field and Kate Hoey were mentioned. As was Michael Gove. And Gove is favourably mentioned up-thread in the context of Boris Johnson’s abiding fondness for immigration amnesties.
Well, possibly. Readers might also like to consider the following, MG’s first speech from the backbenches after Theresa May formed her first cabinet. From the Hansard of 18 July this year, it’s his contribution to the debate on the attack in Nice:
May I welcome my right hon. Friend to her new position [i.e., Amber Rudd] and thank her for her measured, assured and authoritative statement? Does she agree that both the previous Prime Minister and our new Prime Minister have always made it clear that there is a distinction between the ideology of Islamist extremism, which animates organisations such as Daesh and is driven by prejudice and hate, and the great religion of Islam, a religion of peace that brings spiritual nourishment to millions? Is it not vital in the days ahead that while we focus on countering extremism, we also underline the benefits that the faith of Islam has brought to so many?
Benefits, that is what they are given, by Blair and other traitors allowed to infect, contaminate and pollute Europe.
Benefits of Islam not one.
Benefits of Islam to the UK, we are in negative numbers.
We do not need or want ANY primitive members of this paleolithic cult within ten light years of the UK.
We seem to be able to get along with those of other beliefs, and they with us.
With one exception, the ******* Muzzies, they are neither use nor ornament, sink the boats bringing them here and fill our boats with those on a one way trip home.
Record immigration figures announced so BBC and Sky interview pro-immigration experts including Saira Grant of the Immigrants Joint Council who wants more immigrants and says, at length, repeating herself, that immigrants here are dreadfully treated.
The Sky interviewer got one pathetic riposte in after 7 minutes.
Just surprised ‘migration’ expert Jonathan Portes missed out on an interview.
He was probably embarrassed given his ‘predictions’ last year, that Romanians get to top the EU list now with 50,000 arrivals – putting Poles into 2nd place.
Ms Grant says this is because so many Poles are fleeing the UK!
Andrew Neil drilling down an inch into the figures writes that:
“Of 650,000 who migrated here year to June:
176k to a job
127k looking for work
89k accompanying others
164k to study
86K other or no reason”.
We now need another 150,000 homes at two per dwelling average.
Where are they all living currently?
Muslims voluntarily come to the West where they suffer ‘Islamophobia’ – which here amounts to name calling and the odd slice of dry cured middle. The media, numerous agencies and institutions wet themselves to indulge Muslims. Are they grateful for refuge in a civil society with all it’s benefits? – I’m afraid not. They just want our resources and us to ‘disappear’ so they can turn Britain into a green and leafy cess pit.
Switch now to Muslim lands – bombs, bullets, death, death and death but that’s called, ‘sectarianism’ because the ones practising ‘Islamoislamophobia’ (my new word) are the ‘other kind’ of Muslims.
Funny old World.
Spot on Gaxvil, although I would have said ‘sandblown and rubble-strewn’ instead of ‘green and leafy’. You can be sure that once the country is majority muslim – with their birth rates the green belt, national parks, water quality and environmental concerns will all be ditched pronto.
Guido is running a story about an eye witness account of people celebrating and cheering during the 9/11 attacks in Ken Livingston’s office. Wonder if there were at least a few smiles in the BBC offices on that dark day?
Mary beard, the BBC’s deranged, far left, history presenter once said about 9/11(this is the exact quote), “However tactfully you dress it up, the United States had it coming. That is, of course, what many people openly or privately think.”
She did clarify her comment later on when some thoughtless non BBC types gasped. She spoke of how: Her argument was far from a vicious gloat, she has claimed, and she merely wanted to point out that bullies “even if their heart is in the right place, will in the end pay the price”.
Richard PinderMar 15, 16:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 The BBC is a Deep State anti-British organisation, allied with Islamic terrorists: BBC Policy is to create and support…
diggMar 15, 15:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 Muslim cleric who advocated the Koran readings in schools elected head of OFCOM. Absolute maniacs running the shit show.
diggMar 15, 14:56 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer giving Putin ultimatums…. Starmer is just excruciatingly embarrassing with his World status shenanigens. Who the hell in Russia does…
vladMar 15, 14:09 Weekend 15th March 2025 Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 15, 13:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 Is it part of the contract that commentators on a panel must use the word ‘nuance’ It seems to be…
Eddy BoothMar 15, 13:51 Weekend 15th March 2025 Any ceasefire will be broken by AZOV battalion shelling the Russian residents, that’s what kicked it all off to start…
vladMar 15, 13:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 How heartwarming to see the Church celebrating Iftar with our brothers from Islam – a militant ideology dedicated to the…
Ian RushlowMar 15, 13:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 Stalin 1943: “The Pope… how many divisions does he have?” Putin 2025: “The Starmer… how many divisions does he have?”
Tucker Carlson interviews blathering, race-baiting numpty about the Jihad attack at a university in Ohio.
Black racism is alive and well !!!
The clue is is that name “Tariq Rasheen”.
What else would a race hustling taqqiyya merchant say when one of the brothers becomes shahada after a jihadi op?
It`s what Islam does-and I do wonder if Malcolm Xs old pals are still stirring for that Black Islam they`ve long worked for?
Given several shares of his dicing and slicing just here, is it possible senior activists gobs in the USA are unaware of his interview capabilities?
It seems perversely masochistic, but whatever strokes their egos.
The world is slowly changing for the better.
What a difference a US election makes.
BBC Online News:
“”Eddie Izzard’s homophobic attacker given suspended sentence””
“”Leaving Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Penny, who has autism, said: “Eddie Izzard is going to burn in hell.”
“”The 24-year-old, who also has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), was sentenced after being found guilty of two counts of using threatening and abusive words or behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress””
So, where is the BBC’s ‘mental illness’ defence? They wheel this out to defend acts of evil atrocity committed by Islamic terrorists.
Or the ‘lone wolf’ defence?
Or was he self radicalised after reading gay-trangender websites?
Isn’t it amazing, the BBC 1 news today and Hugh Pym’s report on the ambulance service. Every single patient was white. This is very different from every school that appears on news reports where every pupil is black. But the shortages in the NHS are nothing to do with 2 million extra people in the UK, is it?
Yep it’s all those old horrible white people again, the same ones who voted for Brexit, clogging up the hospitals and wasting resources. As one of the posters said on a remoaners march why don’t they just go off and die.
Beeb has a solution to that….it’s called dignitas.
Deborah – I noticed that as well and the bit about the “ageing” population. A couple of years ago I had to spend a week in hospital in the West Midlands following a minor stroke, and I was in a bay of six beds. I didn’t see any “oldies” in there but the other five beds were occupied by people whose first language wasn’t English, shall we say.
Yes, also noted a few weeks back during the run up to Children in Need fest, the so-called bbc ran ads proclaiming to show beneficiaries of the cadh raised….and yes, you’ve guessed it….right down to the last one, they were white.
All of them, as opposed to any schools that they show.
It must be so demoralising for front-line staff in hospitals, who have to deal first with the incompetence of their ‘management’, then have to be put down at every turn by the BBC, as though it’s their fault.
The arbitrary eight minute ‘target’ for ambulance drivers is clearly dreamed up like the spurious ‘five-a-day’ vegetable scenario, and can only lead to delusion in the ranks of drivers and medics paid a pittance, while their fat cats somewhere safe pretend to ‘manage’.
The BBC also takes pains to avoid the issue of bed-blocking by overseas families having children at our expense too.
Charities always use white people in their appeals (other than those that are targeted at the Third World like Sightsavers). Anyone would think BMEs dont donate to charities!
Crisis at Christmas ad on LBC also a very English voice of a nice working class (but not uneducated) man down on his luck. Truly designed to pull on the indigenous heartstrings. Shouldnt it be a homeless ‘migrant’? Theyre th ones stuffing homelessness hostels.
It’s that elephant in the room – again!
Everyone of the “patients” who died from neglect, abuse, malnutrition or just plain starvation in Stafford was also white.
I would expect the same statistics in other hospitals where the NHS payroll has been entriched.
While Mr Samaritan, the consultant, the expert, walked around the wards daily, with their razor-sharp medical mind, and could only patients in the best of health.
Close the NHS.
Deborah, in BBC Land the formula can be encapsulated quite simply:
Anything successful must be linked to ethnic minorities.
Anything negative must appear to be hideously white.
Getting the impression Andrew is the teensiest bit frustrated with his colleagues’ professional integrity…
Well, I learned something tonight. I knew all about the Windrush arrivals from the W.I in the early 50’s, but it was the Black & British prog that enlightened me further.
It appears (yet again) the Government of the day did another massive cock up. Post war Britain decided to open its doors to members of the Commonwealth to shore up the gaps in the employment programmes. Ha ! apparently the idea was to encourage ‘whites’ from Canada, S Africa, Australia and New Zealand to arrive in great numbers, but not for one second did they imagine it would result in thousands leaving the Caribbean to set up home here. Once the flood had started it was impossible to stop, – just like 60 years later when another inept government had a few too many the night before and thought it was a brilliant idea to let the Eastern Europeans in !! And now we reaped what we have sown.
Both times it was a Labour government doing it (quelle surprise).
I think Boris Johnson is possibly going insane:
Boris Johnson has called for illegal immigrants to be granted the right to stay in Britain after Brexit, according to reports.
The Foreign Secretary has suggested that offering amnesty to those who have avoided detection for 10 years would be economically beneficial. …
Mr Johnson first argued for an amnesty in 2008 and he repeated the politically controversial idea during his time as Mayor of London.
He raised the issue again during the referendum campaign and argued that offering amnesty would be “the humane thing to do.”
One senior minister told the Sun: “It’s an insane idea and would make ordinary Brits furious.
“A lot of us round the table couldn’t believe Boris is still going on about this. Privately, Boris is still the most pro-immigration member of the Cabinet.” …
A Home Office spokesman said: “We are not looking afresh at an amnesty for illegal migrants, and will not be”.
Just think: he might now be our PM but for Michael Gove, who has been cast into the wilderness while useless tw@ts like Boris and Hammond occupy the great offices of state.
But, “ordinary Brits” are furious about many things amongst them, since Brexit we’ve seen diddly squat from Theresa on pretty much everything. She’s the Prime Minister – right?
I’d be relaxed on this nonsense if I were you. here is a quote from Sky who broke and pedaled the story without troubling themselves to offer any proof:
“The high-ranking diplomats were speaking under the Chatham House rule, which allows their comments to be reported, but not directly attributed.”
Just days ago the BBC assured us a high ranking government official wrote a memo in 10 downing street, on 10 Downing Street paper, that said the government didn’t have a clue about Brexit. It was actually written by remainer for Deloitte’s, a company that pockets billions form the EU and campaigns for them.
Boris could easily have said he didn’t mind doctors coming here and that those who have been illegal for 10 years BUT can prove they are making a financial contribution to the UK might have a case to stay. Who knows as it is all whispers behind hands.
‘The closer to the target the more the flak’.
The EU are getting desperate .
It has the ring of truth for once. Johnson is not to be trusted any more than Mrs May. Something is building up and as I have always maintained we are going to be shafted. That the price will be the complete loss of confidence in our system does not concern the elite. It is about money and control and putting us back in our box.
The media cannot be trusted. The government cannot be trusted . Listen to Nigel and you can hear his concern.
Why any rational adult would have thought that Mrs May is there to do anything other than the bidding of Goldman Sachs and the EU is insane.
If she were serious she would have activated the leaving process and sacked Carney. By their acts you shall know them.
Dave S
It looks as if this has been ‘kicked into touch’.
Another piece falls into place. When are we going to understand that if we leave the EU collapses and Mrs May is plan B and always was. . That is why it will not happen until chaos comes to Europe and the collapse is inevitable.
Farage here doesn’t quite mention the BBC.
But his style, confidence and ability shines through in this very recent interview by Fox News. The yanks love him it seems.
Farage for PM? I hope so. It could happen.
Farage for Prime Minister.
What say you British People ?
I would vote for Nigel as PM any day. He is head and shoulders above any other British politician.
A Trump/Farage alliance is the dream.
I think Nigel Farage would be an excellent Prime Minister, and a further name in his cabinet would be Jacob Rees-Mogg as Chancellor. He understands economics and talks sense.
To be honest, and much as I admire him, no. I realise I’m going against the grain here, but he’s not good at working with others. Look at the mess UKIP is in because he couldn’t allow talent to rise through UKIP and ensure a succession was in place.
Who would be your choice for PM ?
I have no idea. If the choice was between the current party leaders, it would be Nigel without a doubt, but I’d harbour grave doubts that he could manage not to fall out with everyone.
That is the point. They are all crap to various degrees. It is really a question of the best of a bad lot. But, come on Roland , you know in your heart of hearts it has to be Nicola ? Face it !
I am of the opinion that the NEC was the problem not Farage ?
Here is a bit of propaganda from me. It has been stated that Wales experienced the ‘coldest day’ for ten years.
Here is one bit of the news …..
But what about this as the ‘coldest eva’ for one hundred years ?
I blame it all on Global Warming and Brexit. 🙂
Unprecedented since the last time it happened.
Does anyone really give a S**T ?
Shwmae taffman.
I can see the BBC headline – “original tallow based £5 notes being sold on ebay for £100+”.
noswaith dda Rhif saith
Perhaps they should ensure the use of pork fat instead?
That would upset a few more I would imagine .
We could have a repeat of the Indian Mutiny, but it’s already happening!
On a positive side the ethnics might decide this is a good reason to leave! Or refuse to accept them in their benefits payouts!
We used to be told that every banknote has traces of drugs on it. I’m sure if they looked they would’ve found traces of animal fats too, after all they are touched by ‘animals’ all the time.
Modern analysis techiques are so good that ‘seek and you will find’. Back in my A-level days we conducted ‘semi-micro analysis’ on ‘unkown’ substances. We often concluded that the sample contained nickel ‘wrongly’. It was said that this came from the plating on the little strip off metal that we used for picking up the ‘unknown’ powder. Just imagine techniques hundreds of times more sensitive than that and it is no wonder what can be found now.
CSI:W1A could fun a trace of coke anywhere on a Friday night.
BBC – Trump Condemns Refugee In Ohio Rampage
“Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Wednesday that investigators had found “no direct link” between Artan and any terrorist organisation”
… On WHAT! planet … Yep! almost lost for words
More Trump BOO HISS! garbage from the BBC, relentless.
Oh and wait for it, BBC – London May Seek Own Brexit Deal, Sad Diq Khan strikes again.
Rebel Media puts it best.
‘London’? You mean Londonistan.
As with tonight’s episode of Newsnight’, on the rare occasions when they have a ‘Republican’ guest on the show, that person usually starts by saying ‘I didn’t actually vote for Donald Trump’.
So the BBC’s idea of balance is to find a Republican who didn’t vote for Trump. Over 60 million voted for Trump so it’s not hard to find one (or are they all ‘deplorable’.
If true, that means a lot of Democrats must have voted for Trump. Maybe the BBC should interview one of them.
Radio 4 series last week featured 4 America ? …4 Authors voicing opinion on America under Trump
How many authors did the BBC find who voted for Trump ?
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzero !
BBC Online News:
“”London may seek separate Brexit deal, mayor warns””
“”London could seek a deal to enable firms in the capital to continue recruiting staff from the European Union after Brexit, mayor Sadiq Khan has told business leaders””
So, why hasn’t the BBC challenged this controversial statement by Khan and provided a counter view? The BBC should be objective. Their Charter demands this.
Why would the BBC challenge it? It is on message.
London last time I looked was part of the United Kingdom and subject to it’s parliament and laws. Khan is being absurd.
I visited Holland Park (Ladbroke Grove/Portobello Road) two weeks ago. In the dim, distant past I lived near there.
Would I want to live there now – NO.
It’s a shithole with some nice shops, according to Mrs 7. And that is one of the “nice” areas. e.g. Small two bedroom flat, not enough room to swing a cat, in need of upgrade for a paltry £1,5 million!
”London could seek a deal to enable firms in the capital to continue recruiting staff from the European Union after Brexit”
This must be because the EU is far more hideously white than London, and therefore the quality of people to recruit is higher in the EU, while the indigenous people of London are fleeing the city due to mass immigration.
For instance, after the BBC was puzzled about the people of Clacton-on-Sea voting UKIP, I realised that Clacton is full of retired Londoners, who remember London when it was as hideously white as Clacton is today. The only difference is that London has exchanged the material poverty and cultural wealth of yesterday, with the cultural poverty and material wealth of today. At least Clacton is a better place to live than London, even if the pensioners are not as wealthy as the BBC Journalists who visit the town. But then you would find that the richest people employed by the BBC don’t live in multicultural shitholes in London either.
DS, Khan is full of sh!te as usual. One only has to read that article to see that he goes from unilateral bravado…
“then we will have no choice but to look at a London-specific solution”
and when he remembers that London is part of the UK and, as such, subject to national law and national treaties, he tempers the rhetoric to….
“make the case to the government”
It does not surprise, but still depressing to see a BBC ‘news’ report that gets its favoured terms, ‘may’, ‘warns’ and ‘could’, in the first two lines.
Who does this twat think he is? Who employs him,surely the Government should be having a word with him for trying to overthrow democracy?
Independence for London with a high speed train to independent Scotland – sounds like a plan.
Quite right Seismicboy,
the London remoaners, like Sad dick Khan do indeed spout rubbish. in fact let us not forget some of the rubbish the remoaners said at the referendum. Lies like
1. Every pound given to the EU we receive ten in return. LIE
2. David Cameron said that by being in the EU we retain control of our borders. LIE
3.George Osborne’s dire warnings of an immediate emergency budget, tax hikes, soaring interest rates. LIE
Remoaners keep on about the 350 million pounds a week (180 million pounds net) could be spent on the NHS. Wake up Remoaners, when I last looked we are still currently in the EU so therefore how could the Leave side have lied about this?
Angela Rayner is one of the most ignorant over-promoted front bench politicians I have heard of. This woman was destroyed by Andrew Neil yesterday for ranting off topic about the need to raise capital gains tax when she did not even know the rate and whether it had gone up or down . Now she’s back on Toady ranting on about how we blame immigrants unfairly regarding housing shortages . Again it was not really relevant to the topic ( school places) but it shows the woman’s abject stupidity. According to her, net migration doesn’t contribute to the housing shortage . We simply don’t build enough houses. I wonder how many millions our population has to go up due to immigration before Rayner thinks it impacts on housing shortages ? I hope the voters of Ashton send her packing in 2020.
The calibre of politician, especially senior, and often women, is noticeably poor these days.
I wonder if it is anything to do with various discriminatory policies?
Andrew Neil seems to have realised his only hope is to go full Black Maria.
Labour politicians seem to be at an all time high in terms of stupidity. I cannot recall a time when Labour had such a large number of mentally limited MP’s. David Lammy, Angela Rayner, Emily Thornberry, Diane Abbott, Cat Smith, Chi Onwurah,Dennis Skinner, Keith Vaz the list just goes on and on. Thick, thick,thick. Not even the BBC can mask their unacceptable idiocy.
Another day, another hysterical push from BBC news of their favourite combo – notions of child sexual abuse and association football.
With all the typical fervour of the recently converted, the BBC are set on attacking the FA as an organisation – when they are down – and hopefully, some bigger name clubs than Crewe will be forced into the BBC paedo helicopter searchlight, so as to give the story some real legs.
Ironically the news line to support today’s rehash (to wit – some impressive sounding statistics that are helpfully provided by an interested charity) comes just after a BBC advertising trailer for a televised FA Cup match.
Sorry Shelter, just when you had put out your Xmas homeless stats NSPCC and BBC go and trump you.
All this fuss and paranoia is only likely to result in parents being less keen on their children doing sports.
Just the other day the BBC seemed to endorse girls taking up boxing.
I suppose now we will have to import all our future sports people – over to you Mo Farah. Just like we imported our HIV AIDS patient on the BBC Breakfast red sofa this morning.
Call me a cynical unfeeling b****** but I can’t help noticing the flood of alleged abuse is derived from a sport that is awash with billions of pounds of cash, and second rate players that cannot make the England team walk away with millions.
I wonder if there would be the same level of abuse shown by a phone line for say Basketball or Hockey?
On the other hand, we do know from Operation Midland for instance that certain claimed abuse has no basis in evidence whatsoever. So maybe I’m not quite so cynical after all.
Maybe all those black players that don`t make the grade can now get free or subsidised places on the stage as hoofers for the Motown Musical.
Sarah Montygoo say`s we `ve not enough actors up there.
The BBC may well pay for it too-because the Today Team are ALSO “hideously white”-but seem not to mention this as they berate Wokings Drama School etc for same.
Who`s in the Dock?…anybody but the BBC…that`s who!
The BBC wants its FAME BAMES as house boys and girls for their shows.
The word is SHOW-they want to be SEEN to be creating their beloved Bennetton World of Rainbow kids, all deviances and spectrums covered.
Hence sport, music and entertainments-just as it always was with Joe Louis Armstrong and Kenny Davis Junior…just faces, tick the boxes.
But when it comes to who COMMISSIONS, who EMPLOYS, who EDITS, who SCRIPTS and POLICES…and who of course take the mic of the clever shows, who is on the Boards and Trusts-funnily enough the same Political Corporate Dynasty of Dimblebys and Straws, Kinnocks and Toynbees seem to always end up creaming it in, with a funky urban mix of gig-style house poppets underneath them in every sense.
But not a peep eh?…might upset a few people should we dare to shine a little sunlight on how the BBC creates its news ,follows its star straight to Gramscis Stable.
FA chairman says clubs who bought child sex abuse silence are ‘morally repugnant’
However despite the headline he still thinks that artificial turf is better value than people who have had their lives wrecked.
“every pound that goes out in compensation is a pound that won’t go into an artificial grass pitch ”
What a heartless cµnt.
Those grass stains on his knees almost gave him away?
Anybody else remember the Old school titans?
Bob Lord, Ken Bates, Louis Edwards, Alan HardakerLord Westwood?
REAL scum who never gave a stuff-but they ran the game OK as it was!
Me-I think it was Peter Swales, and bloody Graham Kelly/Ted Croker who fucked football up.
I know we have moved on to the next thread, but just for the record…….
Today programme 8.20 today interviewing actress Gillian Anderson. Second question is about her support for Clinton and her thoughts on Trump – ffs!! Turn on tv and a plug for an upcoming programme on Saint Mo Farrah!!
Luvvie supports the Left. Shock, horror, gasp, whatever next ?
“The narrative is out there”
Shock. Horror. Apoplexy on Toady R4 at about 7.50am.
It turns out last year that Theresa May did not want to give priority to the children of illegal immigrants in our schools! The proposal was canned by Cameron.
Cue howls of indignant anguish. Airtime for Laura Cuntsberg for a detailed review followed by ain depth interview with the Labour shadow education secretary, who amazingly is totally against the policy that never was. Clutching at straws are we, bBBC editors?
I mean. The school system is so awash with cash that it just cannot think of anything more to do to educate our own children, so can play a sort of Global Charity Shop role for everyone elses.
When I heard that, my first thought was that Theresa May as Home Secretary did have one policy I approved of. It is intensely logical and fair that a legal citizen of this country should have priority over someone who entered the country illegally. How can one possibly argue otherwise? Well, it seems Nikki Morgan and D. Cameron did. I rather think that bit of news will cause a lot of people to think better of May – to the chagrin of the BBC. It may not last, however, unless her handling of Brexit (and loose-cannon Johnson) improves.
This was mentioned on Breakfast too with sad eyes from Nagga Muncheti,I immediately thought, “but turn this around, why should kids of illegal immigrants, (or even legal immigrants)get priority for school places over kids that were born here?”.
I honestly can’t think of a reason,I live very close to a primary school and sent my kids there 20 years ago,what if they couldn’t have got in because it was full of illegal immigrants kids, would the BBC have fought my corner?
“The BBC has seen letters that seem to confirm”…
This was the intro to this non-story about May not wishing to promote illegal residencies swamping any school places.
In other words a malevolent leak, or some quangocrat on manoevres.
I myself don`t recall when it was the BBC said that I was to pay for their trawls, going through the bins, bribing, snooping and the like.
May and her party are there by democratic means-so who the hell licenses the BBC to go all gumshoe on behalf of Labour and the LimpDumbs?
The BBC pay for FoI but only when Tories might be embarrassed.As for Rochdale, Rotherham, Cologne, Savile, Mid Staffs, Kriss Donald, Tommy Robinson, Tommy Mair, Clinton Foundations, Juncker or Merkel, Hollande or Shami…well. less so.
Time to put the BBC out of all our misery…sick of their concoctions, connivances and collusions with those we hate like the EU, UN, Castros Cucks like Corbyn and Farron, Sturgeon and Lucas.
The BBC ‘has seen’… something that ‘seems’… ‘to confirm’?
One for the truthiness files. It’s what Jo might have said.
Sluff, “The proposal was canned by Cameron”. Is this the ‘Cameron’ you refer to:
It’s said with anguish and tuts cos it is so obvious to them, they don’t need to explain it ..”Think of the children, it’s not their fault their parents broke the law, so let them into school.”
The problem is that theLeftMob can only 2 feet in front of their nose ….or about as far a Calais maybe.
… Cos it’s not fair on children actually in Somalia, Zaire, Mongolia etc. either that they don’t get to go to British schools paid for by the British taxpayer.
If entire families are illegal then the sooner they are on a plane and back home, then the sooner the kids are back in a school of their own culture, paid for by their own taxpayers.
It’s the same Liberals don’t see that when we use funds to help a queue jumper in Calais, the same funds are no longer available to help a genuine refugee in Africa doing things the proper way.
But that’s not the only open door immigration news priority. Oh no. . Just twenty minutes earlier on ‘Toady Immigration Special’ (on seemingly everyday) we get another heads up from some remote village in Germany where a family of six immigrants are not all getting on equally well in their new country. Oh dear. How sad. Necer mind.
Quite why this is actually newsworthy in the UK is totally lost on me, but then again to Al Beeb the actual news is unimportant. Its’s the narrative that counts.
Football child abuse scandal now running for a week. Shocking enough but compare to the coverage of men of asian origin coverage. Also a headline at north West remember I made a complaint to them about their lack of coverage of men of asian origin in Liverpool high court.
and hey back again to car pollution. Suggestions include a 20mph limit in some places. Well we have one here about 1/4 of a mile to the main roads. In of our cars 3rd gear is too high 2nd gear 2 low so going uphill you are in second running high revs as opposed to the old 30mph limit were it would pull in 3rd gear at low revs.
On to homelessness / slums of course failing to mention that they housed all these “refugees” we just took on
Transgender child: The boy putting his female puberty on hold
BBC continue their obsession with transgender children. In fact they are obsessed with children and sex mentioned in the same article. Nothing has changed since Savile.
At least this child has a job waiting for them at the BBC.
I posted a few days ago that the BBC’s obsession with children and sex is suspiciously unhealthy. I wonder how many paedos are still working there ?
BBC Breakfast today had a report about apprentices from BAE, the first part had 3 girls and one lad,now I have worked for BAE for many years and the vast majority of apprentices are lads but in news articles they always interview or photograph a girl, this annoys me as it is obvious sex discrimination.
And having worked in engineering for a long time I know what happens to these girls,90% of them don’t like or can’t do the job,(sometimes because it is physically too hard), they either get sidetracked to an office job,leave for a job in a cake shop or get pregnant and leave.
They are cheating a young lad out of a trade that he would probably keep for life.
And then they interviewed the token black woman to round things off.
Many years ago I worked across the gangway from a female engineer. She would arrive some time mid-morning looking like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, sit down, light up her first cigarette, then, when she had woken up a bit, she would get up and make her first coffee of the day. Her behaviour was put down to her having a second job working in a pub in the evenings.
Just about every week her boss would call her in, to give her due warning.. .. that she should prepare herself for some photo-shoot or press briefing to demonstrate how ‘female friendly’ we were. Meanwhile the rest of us got on with the job.
The women engineers etc also used to bugger off in little groups to sit in the toilets (yes they had seats in there)and natter,they were allowed to because of ladies problems.
I saw that article Wild Bill where they had obviously been told to go and look busy by something. Why did all the others have overalls on but the one they interviewed.
Just heard a ‘news’ report on Radio 2 moaning about the lack of BAME talent in the entertainment industry. Apparently, due to the large number of shows with a predominant or 100% BAME cast we now have a supply problem with some shows having to be postponed. The finger is firmly pointed at the talent academies admissions policy, and the suggestion is a racist one.
Oh, hang on a minute. I’m willing to bet that talent academies already have a ratio of BAME students far higher than the national average. We have come to the point that as we are being brainwashed into accepting employment practices that discriminate in favour of BAME employees, it’s now a problem if colleges don’t adapt the same discrimination policies.
Lets face it if BAME kids aren’t applying for these academies whose fault is it?
Just reminded me,I live in rural Cumbria and my son about 12 years ago was invited along with kids around the country to partake in a performance in London and I had to go with him,we were amazed that the white kids were in a small minority at the event.
You can’t use “BAME” and “fault” in the same sentence, unless it is blaming white people, preferably Brexit or Trump supporters.
This is a case of the strange unconscious racism of white liberals. They assume that because they live comfortable middle class lives where people can afford to become actors or other arty types full time, that everyone else can.
What they don’t realise is the people from immigrant stock generally want to get on in life – they didn’t come to Britain to ponce about on stage, but to make a better life for themselves and provide for their families. Nobody asks why there aren’t more ethnics becoming doctors or pharmacists, for example. They don’t need to because that is the type of job immigrants aim for, not playing bloody Othello in Glasgow Citizens’.
“They don’t need to because that is the type of job immigrants aim for, not playing bloody Othello in Glasgow Citizens’.”
Another reason might be that they never produced a Shakespeare of their own. Some of our artists might be a royal pain (I’m tired of hearing the word “luvvie”) but the culture they represent is far superior, IMO, than anything to be found in Brixton, Tower Hamlets, Rotherham, Bradford etc.
Not all immigrants aim to become doctors or pharmacists, or even close, as the prison population demonstrates.
Quisquose, same on the Today programme BBC radio 4: the BBC interviews and broadcasts this? Surely they could impart to other organisations just how the BBC circumvents the small matter of discrimination with its bias toward BAME employees? I don’t notice any shortage of black and asian faces in their programmes.
8:55 R4 Today “Oh there are just not enough black actors”
eg Motown the musical
But the UK 3% black is not Detroit city which is 30% black
So of course you won’t find as many black skinned actors
I thought it was not supposed to matter what skin an actor had, a black guy could play King Lear and a white woman could play Othello.
If in China Chinese actors decided to white-up to play something intrinsically White British , then it wouldn’t bother me.
The general rule seems to be that ‘colourblind’ casting is used if no allusion is made to race in the script, eg you can have a black man playing Richard II, but if race is a part of the script, eg in ‘Othello’ it must be a real black man playing Othello not a white man playing a black man, as that would be ‘cultural appropriation’ or something.
To be fair the directors do seem to realise that having lots of blacks and asians in 1920s Britain is a bit unlikely…though they still do appear from time to time. Benjamin Zephania got a shoe-in in ‘Peaky Blinders’ (Birmingham, 1919) as a sort of crazy preacher, which was just about feasible, though the waist-length dreadlocks with a homburg hat was a bit far fetched.
“in ‘Othello’ it must be a real black man playing Othello”
Except that it should be a Moor, not a sub-Saharan black man. Unfortunately, we have the ridiculous situation where black men or women seem to have the God-given right to make up the numbers for all unrepresented ethnic minorities. 99% black is “diverse” in BBC land.
Good to see we in the UK and Europe are not alone in the purposeful slide to Islamification –
Have you noticed how the Islamification is gathering pace apparently everywhere you look? That’s probably due almost entirely to the assistance and support The Cult of Submission received from European Governments and their controlled media such as the BBC.
Can anyone explain why muslim “men” despise women so much ? It seems like a mental illness to me.
They follow a “religion” founded by a man who was a rapist and a paedophile. Some of it has got to rub off.
News just in. Ditto above:
Canada are having big problems, Islamification is one of the reasons Trump got in power.
Trudeau is a big problem for the conservative Canadian.
Cause and effect?
Net immigration reaches record high
“More than 250,000 are homeless in England – Shelter”
The sooner we get out of the ‘useless’ EU the better.
So it really is true what they say about great minds then.
Remember this promise ?
“More than 250,000 are homeless in England – Shelter”
Net immigration reaches record high
Just saying, that’s all.
And around 130,000 families will spend Christmas in one room B&B.
If you think it’s the fault of their parent(s) okay, but British children don’t deserve this.
Not a tactic, just a fact and true, you can doing most anything with numbers but my point remains.
Sorry but I am immune to the tactic of using selective large numbers out of context to justify something.
If we said 99.6% of people in the UK have a home, it sounds a little different.
There is very little homelessness in Gambia , which is one of the poorest countries in the world, with no free medical care or social security. However, most people do not have their own bed, let alone their own bedroom and it is common to see 4 people sleeping on a double mattress on the floor. Many have to sleep in shifts They would dream of one bedroom in a B and B in the UK. Luxury !
Point taken Grant, and every day I give thanks for what we have in this country, we don’t have to look too far back into history to see a very different set of living conditions for the bulk of the population in the UK either, we should not be aspiring to return there as the result of poorly managed social and immigration policy.
Agreed. I wish everyone was aware of that. But, unfortunately there are too many spoilt brats in the UK.
On Chris Evans show this morning, which I usually enjoy, lots of Xmas songs and Xmas talk and then…….Pause for Thought……some muslim woman spouting off that she didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God. It was obviously done on purpose as it was the 1st December.
There is a great debate between Christian and Islamic scholars, even today, about the meaning of “Son of God “. Books and academic papers have been written about the topic. Naturally, an intellect like Chris Evans would be aware of this and would have pointed it out to the muslim placewoman.
Gave up switching on to the Beeb news years ago, preferring Sky instead. Now where do I go ??? Adam Bolton would be out of a job methinks if he didn’t have Brexit or Trump to drone on about in his ‘all about politics’ programme. Every guest receives the same questions from him all with reference to Brexit / Trump. If these two seismic events hadn’t happened this year, what WOULD they have found to talk about ??
They did find something to talk about: it was that those two things were NOT going to happen….oops…
“Gave up switching on to the Beeb news years ago, preferring Sky instead. Now where do I go ???”
Unfortunately, I think we are unlikely to see a “one stop shop” in the near future. Like many people here, I suspect, I am watching very little traditional broadcast TV from the UK and, instead, more and more bits of YouTube, RT, the likes of Pat Condell, various downloads, archive stuff from decades ago etc.
Couldn’t exist without a PC connected to the TV. The PVR is being used less and less. Having to shop around is not very convenient, but the traditional MSM are beyond the pale most of the time.
If you pay for Sky then Fox News is there in the 500’s
I wonder if soon there will be Breibart TV coming ?
Radio – you can listen Andrew Bolt on 2GB in Australia and also watch his TV shows.
The Rebel Media from Canada is good.
But i find Alex Jones of Infowars is an actor playing the part of a Wacko.
Well SG I’ve resorted many times to the more gentle approach of 507, the Japanese news channel interspersed with 30 minutes of interesting documentaries ! and no fatty Bolton filling the screen.
I get CNN China by satellite in Gambia. The news, in english, is far superior to the BBC’s miserable output. There is also a documentary channel, mainly but not exclusively, about China. Again, vastly superior to BBC’s superficial, politically motivated documentaries.
Useful info.
I heard on Today that “the abuse of children is about power and control”
Strange but I distinctly remember being taught about “sexual perversions” in professional training back in the day.
“sexual perversions”….of course, to have a “perversion” we`d have to have a normal…
“normal sexual behaviour”…..the BBC would blow a gasket if asked to discuss that until recently standard proposition.
Sexual abuse of children….nothing to do with sex…all about “power and control”
Could it, just possibly actually be about both?
An interesting and surprising article (with comments) in today’s Guardian that’s well worthy of a read.
Here’s a sample paragraph:
The apostles of identity liberalism have fallen into Mill’s trap. They see authoritarianism in others, but not in themselves. They see discrimination in others, but not their own. In guarding their chosen tribes, they fail democracy’s ultimate test, of tolerance for the concerns of those with whom they disagree. Someone else is always to blame.
The author? Simon Jenkins!
Some are starting to get it.
Thank you nolivetvinmyhouse, pointing to the Grauniad article by the old closet Whig, Simon Jenkins.
I held my nose as I opened the page but the piece was pleasantly informative and well written, as are some of the comments.
Is the tide finally turning?
Unfortunately they let themselves down having a link on the same page to :-
‘Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy’
They will never learn..
The tide is not turning it is just that some of the more enlightened of the liberal elite realise the game is up. The money/political elite is still fully committed to the old way.
Globalisation and it’s effects have enriched a small class that has to go on or risk everything lost.
Three realities dominate our lives as they always have. Security of the nation in which we live. Prosperity of the same and the handing on of our culture to our descendants.
All the rest of the identity politics and liberal obsessions are irrelevant . They always were but for a while seemed to be the new reality.
The wisdom of all of us has led to Brexit and to Trump’s victory.
What on earth are we doing to our children ?
Victoria Derbyshire propagandising for the transgender ‘community ‘in a segment about transgender children ‘pausing puberty’. Several children interviewed. Its beyond belief we are brainwashing young kids like this .
I am paying a tax so that my kids and grand kids can be brainwashed.Grrr.
We’ve heard a lot from the BBC recently about the growing number of children with mental health issues. Do the BBC never consider it a possibility that they, themselves, may be a root cause of or, at very least, a contributory factor towards, some of the problems the children are experiencing?
NameNotNumber, I’m sure that Mary Whitehouse CBE would have had her own views of how the BBC has deteriorated and the effect that deterioration has had on, not just children but adults too. It needs another one like her. She would probably be a ardent follower of this blog were she still with us.
G, I do believe we need individuals with vision, strength of character and courage to counter the culturally destructive narrative pedalled by the BBC. I also agree that the values Mary Whitehouse personified, such as family life, social cohesion and Christian values, are values that the BBC and others of their ilk, seem to despise (witness their treatment of Nigel Farage). During the time when a superficial ‘permissive society’ prevailed (and while its underbelly was giving birth to loathsome creaures such as Jimmy Saville) her ‘old-fashioned’ values became an easy target for what we now term the ‘liberal left’. I have to admit that, at the time, I had a good guffaw too. My mistake!
The sexualisation of children in the UK is a big problem, let alone paedophilia. Thank God my adopted, black African 8-year old daughter is at school in Gambia and not the UK. No transgender brain-washing there and , as a bonus, they teach the children to read, write and do arithmatic.
A few years ago I sat in on a history lesson for 10-year olds, roughly. The subject was the influence of the Romans on Britain and the english language. The teacher, black Gambian, superb. About 50 children in the class all well-behaved and attentive.
If I sound smug it is because I am !
“Arithmetic” . I went to school in the UK !
And I bet she looks beautiful Grant in her spotless uniform !
Yes, of course, blue dress with the “Wulling Kama Lower Basic ” badge. Gambia school reports have a grade for “neatness “. Meaning clothes, hair, cleanliness etc. ” Little Mosseh ” got an A grade. Could you imagine the outcry if if British children were graded on neatness ?
Sadly the British kids themselves cannot be blamed, when you see the state of their mothers at the school gates. Having polished shoes for school was a Sunday night ritual for me, – another time we know, but the Mums did look typically 50’s wearing cotton frocks with flared skirts and neat hair styles, certainly no Croydon face-lifts or flabby bums and bellies wobbling about !!
– Victoria had a long item about Transgender kids with the camera set behind the back of the kid and mother.
I think that it is unethical to show vulnerable children unnecessarily on TV. They could have done it another way.
The whole show is “suffering&anxiety porn” earlier there was another crying interview with an abused footballer who blamed himself for the abuse.
#1 Although historic this abuse all happened under the media’s nose .
#2 The victims of Asian gangs matter, but are not covered.
If ‘transgender’ really was a thing, there would have been people fighting for rights and recognition alongside homosexuals in the 60s and 70s. The fact that it has only become an issue now that homosexuals have legal parity with heterosexuals makes me suspect it is largely a concoction of the media and pressure groups desperate to find new victim-fodder.
“Oxford university” is discriminating against me by not allowing me a place.
They won’t recognise my disability that I am genius trapped inside the body of a fool.
This morning I had the misfortune to listen to the last half-hour or so of ‘Today’. I don’t normally punish myself like that, but I was over at a friend’s house. The topics I vaguely remember in that short time were :
Violence against women on TV
Quango says road pollution is bad
Stigma of HIV sufferers
Prison doesn’t work for violent gang members
Black people can’t get a break in hideously white theatre world
It was like a royal flush of the BBC’s favourite busybody causes. I don’t recall hearing much in the way of dissenting voices either. All through it I’m thinking bad thoughts such as..
‘I’m not interested’, ‘Don’t believe it’, ‘Go away!’, ‘Why am I hearing this?’ ‘It’s their own fault’ etc etc.
Most of it was just your typical ‘Researchers have found..’ crap dressed up as news. You could picture Justin Webb personified as Hyacinth Bouquet peering through the net curtains, looking for suspicious alt-righters sullying the neighbourhood.
After that experience I’m never staying overnight at anyone’s house ever again!
True – much of the BBC’s much vaunted ‘news’ seems to consist of ‘A survey reveals…’ ‘A new report shows…’ ‘A study claims…’ etc, issued by a political think tank, pressure group or NGO with a particular agenda. This would not be so bad if reporters probed the claims made, but often they don’t, and just seem to accept what they’re given as read. I’m often left saying to the radio ‘…but what about…?’
That ‘…but what about…?’ question is what impartial journalists should be asking, and it’s the difference between journalism and simply regurgitating press releases.
“Could… Might… Warning… Expect… Predict… Uncertain… Fears…”
Views, not news. Emotions, not facts. Fear, not events.
It is all a big turn-off. Literally, as Friend Lefty would say, though in this case it’s correct usage. As soon as I hear any of these words in an allegedly headline story, I switch off.
For most of this year, I really haven’t heard many broadcasts from the BBC’s so-called News broadcasts as most of their agenda-driven lead stories start with them.
Worth a wordcount Stella2!
Your hypothesis runs for 90% of “news output” I`d guess…will get onto it soon enough.
I caught the bbbc mentioning today’s record immigration figures and the weasel word they used was that these numbers ‘suggest’ higher immigration.
They just can’t help themselves.
Ta, I maynot…
If I then create a Somali black Muslim woman who lives at the Talgarth Roundabout whose gay son is playing Ike Turner in rehearsals for the Motown Story( ex-Black and White Minstrels not required)?…will that save me opening five files on what The BBC told us all this morning.
And-is the BBC saying that there`s not ENOUGH violence against women on telly? Are our ladies unprepared for the Cologners to come?
Bet the only black faces at the Toady show wipe their Mastermind chairs of tears and blended latte-but that won`t stop them saying that we must get more Black Montessori teachers or punka wallahs for Glyndebourne…
Heres a nice little instructional piece on how to shoe horn progressive crap into just about anything from Jennifer righter on than you Meierhans, remember her ‘Could leaving the EU make British chocolate taste bad?’ No, me neither but you get the picture.
Well now it’s,
This line in particular, “”Although this image depicts heterosexuality and perhaps marriage this is still very much a valid identity.””
‘Although’? As if heterosexuality isn’t the innate sexual orientation of the vast majority of the world population? I’d say it’s about as valid an identity as you can have.
I also read the Keep stairs clear poster totally differently too, carrying a tray makes one a cook does it? ffs.
This does seem to be an exercise into how far one can misinterpret a message if one tries hard enough.
Silly me thought the father was clearing up after his careless children and thereby saving his wife from a nasty fall. But why would his wife and her lesbian lover’s daughter leave her toy engine on the stairs anyway? At least it shows the man rightfully in a subservient position to the superior woman!
Quite fun this delving for ‘the truth’ and rejecting ‘the false’ isn’t it!
That’s much as I saw it too Jim, only without the lesbian twist, amazing what you can see if you don’t approach a subject matter through a thick haze of bias and a preconceived agenda isn’t it? Much like McCarthy checking under the bed for commies I bet Meierhans et al. can’t turn in until they’ve had a look for mysogyny and sexism under their own.
Islamophilia across the BBC – just ain’t natural.
Beef fat in bank notes.
Best to stick to credit cards to avoid contamination.
Credit cards created in clean rooms uncontaminated by living organisms.
Credit cards despatched in totally sealed sterile packaging, not contaminated by contact with living organisms.
To be used exactly once in sterile surroundings with all new equipment.
Transactions to consist of 100% non-organic material, irradiated for nine hours at twenty-one pseudoveggies per sterilearadian in a vacuum.
Vacuum, sterility, uncontaminated by contact with sentient beings, yes that sounds like
VeganSpeak or MegaVeggieBollox as it is alternatively known.
End of anybody giving notes to charity then?
Pre-steamed penny pieces from now on.
I can’t understand why the vegans are so horrified about the content of bank notes. I assume that they started eating the fivers when veganism made them so hungry for real food they just ate the first thing they could find. Of course, once tasting these delectable notes they couldn’t stop themselves until full – after all, anything’s better than tofu! They then had to check why they tasted so good and made this “terrible” discovery so they’ll be beefing about it for a long time now. They ought to relax and have a cow, man.
Net migration 335, 000 in the year to June. Of course these statistics are dodgy , based on estimates and reliant on interviews at major ports and airports . Plus all illegals not included of course. Plus all allegedly on a ‘short stay ‘ not included .
Expect the BBC
To gloat over the Governments failure to bring down numbers never mind miss it’s ludicrously impossible target of under 100k
To show us what useful jobs these immigrants do. Lots of library shots of NHS nurses and cleaners
To infer that all who dispair at these figures and the governments lies and incompetence are racists
The “Government ” have no control over the Immigration “Service” , so how can they control immigration. We have no control over government so we are stuffed !
And ‘net’ is a meaningless figure. Emigration is also up.
Its Gross immigration that counts.
“Immigration to Britain hit its highest ever annual level of 650,000 in the run-up to the Brexit referendum”
Latest figures immigration UP.
Clearly EUers have faith that post Brexit Britain will do well.
What about all those ‘remainers’ that threatened to leave ?
I think that many of the migrants are Europeans getting out of Europe before the continent collapses.
All very depressing. On the one hand its all ‘free movement’ and then we are told over a quarter of a million landed here up to June (so what’s the figure from June to now ?). There’s not much reporting of ‘free movement’ around the rest of the EU is there ? er no, because Europe is arriving on our bloody doorstep. More wanting housing, more using cars on the road, more wanting access to FREE NHS, more wanting their kids in school. The British people (sod the media) will soon be on the streets rioting and chanting Send the Bastards home, this country is full.
350,000 net.
How many houses to house that lot.
How many houses are being built each year.
In London that’s 10,000 1 bedroom flats. People subject to immigration control are barred from overcrowding but it appears the European migrants and illegals can afford low wages and push rents up by overcrowding and denying our young a trade/craft and reasonable standard of living.
Bias in BBC World News? Who’d have thought it?
The comments are interesting.
France: Joins DHL in Germany.
News Bites from Times Thursday
pg 35 Geert Wilders is topping opinion polls polling 18-21% of vote
Prior to his trial his vote had being slipping.
The current PM has 16-19%
Elections are on march 15
pg 38 How come we haven’t heard about the 5 dead miners in Poland after an earthquake ?
They are searching for 3 others
– A US cop was found as justified in shooting a black man after CCTV shown that the victim was armed , despite his family denying that.
– the money losing Guardian is to get a £62m top up by sells some share in Ascential Events.
– London to get hydrogen bus next year – The Times editorial calls again for tax breaks for EVs etc.
It seems highly likely the Times is linked to EV subsidy mafia.
(Beware the irony of a guy puffing on joint is moaning about your diesel car polluting the air
..He’s too spaced out to realise the joint is damaging his lungs more.)
BTW This morning other satellite news networks covered Putin’s state of the nation speech live, but not British networks.
You last point is especially important. Whatever anyone thinks, Putin is a very powerful man globally. I hope that Trump will have a meeting with him early in his presidency.
Whatever Mr Trump’s attitude to Mr Putin, the MSM will put a spin on it. If he’s friendly with Putin, it’s ‘Trump the friend of Syrian child killer Putin’ and if he’s unfriendly he’s ‘Trump the man who wants to start World War 3’.
Yes, but a tricky one for the BBC. They hate Trump, but do they hate Putin ?
What part of ‘Illegal’ don’t they get ?
“Net migration stays near record high”
We will need more houses, hospitals, schools , doctors , transport, teachers , police, benefits, etc etc .
The Tories have failed us in security and border control.
Vote UKIP.
Today is Presidential election day in Gambia. Who cares ? Well I do. To be fair to the BBC, and that sticks in my throat, they report on their website that the evil bastard ( my words, not theirs ) Jammeh has cut all internet and telephone connections with the outside world. I can testify to that today. I can’t get through to anyone in Gambia.
It is a difficult one for the BBC as they love dictators especially black African ones. The last I heard , yesterday, thousands were on the streets. I hope it does not end in a blood bath and that the BBC will follow this story. Freedom for Gambia ! Foroyaa !
Grant I hope it works out for Gambia and for you (although by your post I guess you are not actually there at the moment). Sorry I’m not well versed in African politics, but if Mr Jammeh brutally shuts down all outside communication and unleashes his military on the opposition – I hope any relatives and friends you have there stay safe.
Thank you so much. I am in Scotland right now. My family and friends in Gambia are safe. About 26 opposition people are in prison or disappeared, this year. Jammeh never releases dead bodies to the families. Just part of his perversion.
Jammeh’s military and “security ” people will be his achilles heel. But, this does not have much to do with BBC bias. I have to say that , over the years, the BBC has reported about Gambia pretty fairly. I wish the BBC would report on all countries the same way .
ALERT: Electors Plot to Sabotage Trump
Paul Joseph Watson tackles this surely unlikely event
In a sensational new development, TV host David Pakman says he was told by a high level source that 15 electors in states Trump won will refuse to vote for Donald Trump.
“One elector has already resigned”
“they face only $1,000 fine if they break the law.”
…(Yeh and then what ? Live undercover the rest of their lives ?)
A couple of months ago, a poster offered a list of politicians and commentators who had their heads screwed on. It was more or less politically ecumenical, so Labour MPs such as Frank Field and Kate Hoey were mentioned. As was Michael Gove. And Gove is favourably mentioned up-thread in the context of Boris Johnson’s abiding fondness for immigration amnesties.
Well, possibly. Readers might also like to consider the following, MG’s first speech from the backbenches after Theresa May formed her first cabinet. From the Hansard of 18 July this year, it’s his contribution to the debate on the attack in Nice:
May I welcome my right hon. Friend to her new position [i.e., Amber Rudd] and thank her for her measured, assured and authoritative statement? Does she agree that both the previous Prime Minister and our new Prime Minister have always made it clear that there is a distinction between the ideology of Islamist extremism, which animates organisations such as Daesh and is driven by prejudice and hate, and the great religion of Islam, a religion of peace that brings spiritual nourishment to millions? Is it not vital in the days ahead that while we focus on countering extremism, we also underline the benefits that the faith of Islam has brought to so many?
Gove, dhimmi !
Benefits, that is what they are given, by Blair and other traitors allowed to infect, contaminate and pollute Europe.
Benefits of Islam not one.
Benefits of Islam to the UK, we are in negative numbers.
We do not need or want ANY primitive members of this paleolithic cult within ten light years of the UK.
We seem to be able to get along with those of other beliefs, and they with us.
With one exception, the ******* Muzzies, they are neither use nor ornament, sink the boats bringing them here and fill our boats with those on a one way trip home.
Bye Bye Muzzies Bye Bye.
Record immigration figures announced so BBC and Sky interview pro-immigration experts including Saira Grant of the Immigrants Joint Council who wants more immigrants and says, at length, repeating herself, that immigrants here are dreadfully treated.
The Sky interviewer got one pathetic riposte in after 7 minutes.
Just surprised ‘migration’ expert Jonathan Portes missed out on an interview.
He was probably embarrassed given his ‘predictions’ last year, that Romanians get to top the EU list now with 50,000 arrivals – putting Poles into 2nd place.
Ms Grant says this is because so many Poles are fleeing the UK!
Andrew Neil drilling down an inch into the figures writes that:
“Of 650,000 who migrated here year to June:
176k to a job
127k looking for work
89k accompanying others
164k to study
86K other or no reason”.
We now need another 150,000 homes at two per dwelling average.
Where are they all living currently?
They are all living with Bob Geldof and his fellow luvvies !
So for every one person that we ‘need’, (to do the jobs ‘we’ won’t do), three others come in.
No wonder UK productivity is so low.
Muslims voluntarily come to the West where they suffer ‘Islamophobia’ – which here amounts to name calling and the odd slice of dry cured middle. The media, numerous agencies and institutions wet themselves to indulge Muslims. Are they grateful for refuge in a civil society with all it’s benefits? – I’m afraid not. They just want our resources and us to ‘disappear’ so they can turn Britain into a green and leafy cess pit.
Switch now to Muslim lands – bombs, bullets, death, death and death but that’s called, ‘sectarianism’ because the ones practising ‘Islamoislamophobia’ (my new word) are the ‘other kind’ of Muslims.
Funny old World.
Spot on Gaxvil, although I would have said ‘sandblown and rubble-strewn’ instead of ‘green and leafy’. You can be sure that once the country is majority muslim – with their birth rates the green belt, national parks, water quality and environmental concerns will all be ditched pronto.
So “Donald Trump’s deal with Carrier that will keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana”
Reports Milo
I see BBC have a page on the story, but I haven’t heard it reported on the air. Did anyone notice ?
The next Milo page about an Italian American Artist is worth a view as well”
Guido is running a story about an eye witness account of people celebrating and cheering during the 9/11 attacks in Ken Livingston’s office. Wonder if there were at least a few smiles in the BBC offices on that dark day?
Mary beard, the BBC’s deranged, far left, history presenter once said about 9/11(this is the exact quote), “However tactfully you dress it up, the United States had it coming. That is, of course, what many people openly or privately think.”
She did clarify her comment later on when some thoughtless non BBC types gasped. She spoke of how: Her argument was far from a vicious gloat, she has claimed, and she merely wanted to point out that bullies “even if their heart is in the right place, will in the end pay the price”.
Nasty little woman.
Sorry, reported in error.
Was going to put this on Livingstone’s Twitter but been beat to it.