Labour, Lib Dems offer nothing whatsoever for the ordinary Brit.
The Tories, for the most part, seem to want it all just to go away.
I look forward to the, ‘we didn’t see that coming’, of the ‘Trump Effect’.
And here lies the problem, if parliamentary democracy can’t or won’t deliver the will of the people, the will of the people is expressed ever more insistantly, even by-passing parliament……history is replete with precedents.
Exactly – nature abhors a vacuum – something will fill it. I don’t think the cosy, easy, to-ing and fro-ing between Tory Labour, Labour Tory, taking it in predictable turns to be in power, can go on too much longer.
It no longer matters. The indolence, contempt and gluttony of the current elites has created a pre- revolutionary situation where anything is possible and more to the point probable.
When real change happens it is quick and always unforeseen. That is how the world works and always has done.
Immigration to UK hit record levels in run-up to Brexit vote, latest figures show
Alan Travis
The Guardian, 1 December 2016.
Immigration to Britain hit its highest ever annual level of 650,000 in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, new official figures have revealed.
But the latest official figures show that since the Brexit vote in June new national insurance registrations by workers from the European Union have fallen, with the largest drop – 17% – among workers from Poland and other east European countries.
The latest quarterly figures show that annual net migration to Britain in the 12 months to June 2016 continued at a record level of 335,000, according to the Office of National Statistics.
The figures show that level of net migration from the European Union is also at historically high levels and now matches net migration from outside the EU.
The record 650,000 level of immigration in the year to June 2016 was made up of 284,000 EU citizens coming to live and work in Britain, 289,000 coming from outside Europe and 77,000 Britons returning to live in the UK. The most common reason they came to Britain was to work.
NO mention in either of the 189000 EU immigrants, and the 629000 NI numbers issued to them. The explanation given is that they were issued for short term workers, but no one has said how they know whether benefits payments (child benefit) is actually stopped when they leave the UK – or how this is done.
David Davies MP just tore a strip off Eddie Mair for the BBC “unremitting left wing and pro remain pro EU bias” Very unusual to hear and not really denied by Mair, who just attempted to draw comparison with the Daily Telegraph.
Mair should have been reminded that purchase of a newspaper is a matter of choice whereas paying for the BBC is compulsory for TV owners…….backed by law.
What sort of generation are we lumbered with at the moment ? Just watching Pointless, where the question is to name a word in the first two verses of the National Anthem. (banal I know), but a female 20 something hadn’t a clue, made a guess and then couldn’t stop laughing. I felt embarrassed for her !. Another not so young male also wasn’t sure but stabbed at a correct guess. I suppose if they were to be asked the lyrics to any Gary Barlow or Adele song it would be no problem. Unbelievable.
Radio 4 PM with Eddie Mair again and they’re back on Venezuela that socialist workers paradise the useless fools at the BBC would like the bring to the UK.
They interview some no mark ‘musician’ who has come back from New York – presumable because he thought he’d rather do it voluntarily that get sent back by Trump! And what a fantastic guy. He’s come back to belabour his fellow countrymen with his wailing, and simplistic rhythms. Of course there was no mention of the failure of the Socialist project despite oil wealth beyond the dreams of avarice – Socialists can still manage to f*** it up!
Good point Thoughtful.
Only Socialists could squander their natural bounty like they`ve done.
Ah-but-what about Islam…what of Nigeria?
So my question is it Islam or Socialism that best turns their nations into basket cases best?
One for More or Lisp?
Although the North of Nigeria is Islamic the South is Christian and they are the ones in power.
The problem here comes in the Lefts total inability to recognise other peoples cultures. In Africa the Chief has everything and the people have nothing. That has been the norm for centuries, it’s the same when a politician is elected they have everything, the people nothing, and you can see the pattern repeated all over Africa.
Actually it is very simplistic and quite wrong to say that the North of Nigeria is muslim and the South is christian. It is much more complex than that. It is not a question of geography but a question of history.
For example, Gowon was a christian from Plateau State which is roughly in the middle , and he committed a Genocide against fellow christians, Biafrans , who were mainly , but not all from the Igbo , which he was not !
Anyway, it is great that you are interested in Nigeria . I look forward to further discussions !
PM is a right laugh isn`t it?
They`re moaning on about illegal ciggies from Belarus landing up in Liverpool.
Thought that they enjoyed all that Letter to Brezhnev stuff up there!
But no-no tax paid!
Quelle horreur!
If only they`d brought some horsemeat over and dropped a few quid in Junckers sloshed fund…then Eddie would have been happy I`d guess!
My view- real mens ciggies, very Marlboro…none of that limp Virginia Slims/Rosie Casals. A Northern Fag we can be proud of, full strength-filters are for wimps!
(Northern Fag?…feel free to range from Marc Almond to…well, feel free anyway….)
But the BBC aren`t happy -these are not SAFE ciggies you know…oh dear, the BBC have spent my lifetime telling me there`s no such thing…but these?…even worse!
The EU needs a wall, a big beautiful wall to stop those tax-free Belarusian fags coming into the single market area, those Belarusians, smuggling fags from the “last dictatorship in Europe”…..must. Be. Stopped!!!
On TWATO earlier on Radio 4 , the forensic skills of Martha Kearney were brought to bear on both Oliver Letwin and Iain Duncan Smith.
One says migration will go on for ever, so what can you do?
The other seems to think that we`ll bring it down if we leave the EU and get smarter.
But only one managed to survive until the 5pm and 6pm news-the other was canned.
Can you guess which one the BBC played us?
Give you a clue-useless, f***in Tories, piss up lying Faragistas, NHS bus and £350 Million was the preamble…rearrange to suit-it`s all that the BBC can do thee days.
Not saying he is to be deemed any kind of definitive source more than any other, but interesting one guy has come up with a bunch of stuff I have so far not heard via massive MSM outlets and their trained staff.
And it cost me no more than ten seconds watching an oats commercial. Off now to see if I can derive more facts oddly passed over by some.
Now on 5Live : Hate Crime Special from 6:30pm
With 2 Lefty guests :One from Liberty Shazia@ShaziaAwan
@husain_akhtar @bbc5live agree-unfortunately that debate became about one very bitter man whose hate crime wasn’t even Brexit related
plus a journalist Kevin O’Sullivan who was once fitted up by the police, for “homophobia” when CCTV showed none so spent a day in court and then it was thrown out.
: “Hate Crime is up 41%”
Journo “do you have arrest and conviction stats ?”
Ans : “No we don’t”
oops “@husain_akhtar @bbc5live agree-unfortunately that debate became about one very bitter man whose hate crime wasn’t even Brexit related”
was what @ShaziaAwan tweeted
it accidentally got pasted in when I tried to post her name and then too late to delete it.
I bet it surprises you, that when I checked
That anti-hate crime guy sent a hateful tweet 1 hour ago
@husain_akhtar 1 hour ago
.@LeeJasper Well, he was elected on a race card/ far right ideology and some in the UK are dying to follow/ work with/for him!
Ha the I’ve caused the Lefty ShaziaAwan to apologise
I spotted that anti hate crime woman had sent a hate tweet right after the show
“Blah blah why had they asked Kev Sullivan when his hate ctrime was commited before Brexit”
– Well the whole point was Kev Sullivan didn’t commit any hate crime that’s why as soon as the court saw the CCTV he was found NOT guilty. So I alerted Kev via Twitter and he fired off a barrage of Tweets to ShaziaAwan threaten to sue her.
I’m surprised that the BBC haven’t mentioned this in one of their money advice programmes. Looks ideal if you want to avoid paying bank charges, the only snag being that you might have to change your religion.
Thank you Lefty for complaining . Increasingly the BBC is becoming a far far right mouthpiece. Biased? How can opposing Brexit and Trump be biased? It is as natural as snorting cocaine.
Oh dear, the Questiontime audience is obviously not the one the BBC selected. Even when Dumbledore chose glasses wearing, slightly long haired chap in the dark grey shirt it was obvious that Dumbledore thought this must be one of the few Remainers…..and it wasn’t. But the confidence he had in his selection makes me think that usually he knows exactly who he invites to speak.
Only caught the tail end when Dimbledore announced that Farage would be on next week which was followed by ‘loud boos’ emanating from the audience.
Strange, when you think of the present popularity of the man.
Fixed and planted audience ?
You bet !
I find it absolutely amazing that the present government allows this blatant bias to continue in a nationally funded broadcaster.
Are the Tory Government a bunch of pretenders and actors ?
Why haven’t we enacted article 50?
BBC QT. Alan Johnson says “Nigel Farage is political herpes. He just won’t go away.” The liberal-left, post-Brexit and post-Trump, have revealed themselves to be the real purveyors of hate. Alan Johnson is yesterday’s man with yesterday’s attitudes. Laurie Penny, who declared (in the Guardian) that she checks her privilege every day, is yesterday’s non-binary. Some of her comments tonight were roundly jeered. How times have changed. The Wakefield audience were overwhelmingly pro-Leave and fairly feisty with it, yet even then some groans (and applause) were heard when Dimbleby said Nigel Farage would be appearing next week, along with Will Self and Louise Mensch. Farage has been so thoroughly demonised by the BBC and others that even many of those who voted Leave are reticent in supporting him.
Al Beeb hate Trump and Farage .
A ‘Hate crime’ if ever there was one.
Get rid of Al Beeb.
Where are the Tory voters on this ?
Are there any Tory ‘posters’ on this site ?
How come peter huton on this week, just said word for word the same about ukip , nuttall as the telegraph toff on newsnight. Word for word, unless im imagining things. Ps, the farm!!!!ta ta
The FA chairman, Charles Clarke on this Wednesdays Telegraph Sports (supplement) edition reported on the current police investigation into FA paedophiles (predominantly homosexual predators) it seems. Very similar to the BBC experience and yet it may well be worse!
“A revolution has happened in the past 20 years”, he said. “Was it a good before that? Apparently not. Terrible things were happening. We have to accept that we have to account for what we were doing”. He added: “Prior to [Jimmy] Savile, it was seen as terrible but ‘these things happen’. In the past 20 years, we’ve been on a journey to make it better. But when I look back at some of the these things, they fill you with revulsion and horror that we could let them happen”.
FA Chairman Greg Clark went on to say that (football) clubs who had tried to ‘silence protests’ of child sexual abuse victims were (are) ‘morally repugnant’.
Tracey Crouch, the current sports minister, has contacted the governing body of 40 sports bodies amid concerns that historic child sex abuse is not a problem exclusively for football… (Telegraph includes a UK football clubs map of several clubs around the UK affected with the same paedo problem…
Go Compare! All in sharp contrast with the BBC effort of DENYING any knowledge of Jimmy Savile’s antics! Let’s not forget his official BBC ‘paid’ chauffeur (the BBC said he was paid by Saville – he was not). Also charged with similar sex offences shortly after Savile died. He died too and not charged either. History.
Whilst the BBC has known sexual predators dating back 50 years, Savile was the most recent and ‘persistent’ child abuser known (protected by his cosy establishment) and that included young boys for good measure. He felt immune in the BBC. Comfortable even. Confident as he was. (and still is deceased)
But he was not unique at the BBC. There were many ‘others’ and the most serious was the BBC radio Director of Radio 1 and fomer DJ Chris Denning was charged several times (in different countries) for extensive child abuse of boys (including his step son). By which time even the BBC could cover up child abuse no more.
In turn the BBC encouraged homosexuals to display their unique talent and knowledge of Sport. This predictably happened under the last Labour government who (along with the BBC) campaigned for homosexual to be ‘decriminalised’ and given access to children and teens in Sports so should not be disadvantaged – in any way – or judged unfairly. Its a right they now exploit and parents are none the wiser. David Cameron even went so far to offer them a police and courts ‘pardon’ in 2010. Criminal records were quashed. Clean slate. It’s all History.
So you may wonder what it all has to do with the BBC. Everything it seems. Everything points towards the BBC who have been active campaigners for lowering the age of child consent to 14 (or 8 for Muslims). Prof Aston is a favourite of the BBC swing lefties whenever the age of consent creates a ‘handicap’ for homosexuals in reducing the UK’s child pregnancy levels (he stated) in keeping with the BBC historic advancement of sexual adventures. He of course is ‘disadvantaged’ himself.
One wonders at the BBC. There is an underbelly in the BBC that thinks that the gold medal for winning the last war should be given to Alan Turin. The non informed BEEB presenters even suggested his face should adorn the new £5 note. The problem with ‘that’ is that Police records (not yet destroyed) of that war time episode, clearly show that he was a persistent and dangerous child sex abuser of boys. Not so different to FA approved Sports coaches identified such as Eddie Heath or (another monster) Barry Bennels (1981 to 1985) both acknowledged mass paedophile offences (evidenced by Police). Its not something the BBC would admit responsibility – that would be deemed ‘too offensive’ for such sensitive persons they favor.
Such as Alan Turin who IF he were around today would be re-arrested and charged with sex crimes by the Police (again). The BBC film of Turin (of a wartime spy theme he never had, avoided any ‘offensive’ content and gave a bit of film glamour that was missing in real-life wartime grime. Another recent report said that 40% of it (the Turin film) was entirely made up film fantasy to suit the BBC profile of reporting nothing that might be offensive or historically accurate. History is now just made up Drama (for the BBC).
Finally I give you the reason for an extended broadcast is that Theresa May had to endure many ‘establishment figures’ being given free reign and IMMUNITY from proscecution that when her time came (as PM) she fully supported Alex Jay and the ‘wide-ranging investigation into historic sexual abuses’.
This follows the disclosure that (after operation Yewtree) nobody will face prosecution as the BBC had managed to hide its dirty linen from view once again.
Back to the present; Yes the BBC will interview the star footballers as victims (only) and will not go further than that. There is something rotten at the core of British establishment (and quango stuffed corporations) and that is why the BBC is keen to blame the FA . That exonerates the BBC ‘as they were all at it’ (1980s blamed) and nobody is to blame because (eventually) it will all be quite ‘normal’ practice as they will all be consenting adults – (if we only listens to Prof Aston that child brides make excellent (sex) slaves. Except many end up committing suicide rather than admit to rape by an adult who they thought could be trusted.
‘British government is finally acknowledging that politicians have sexually abused children and that the crimes were covered up….’… ‘British Home Secretary Theresa May told the House of Commons on Monday that her department had for many years helped cover up accusations of child sex abuse against members of Parliament and other senior public figures’. . Well let’s hope she does now.
So will plucky Theresa May root out the problem with the ‘establishment’ ? Many directly connected to the BBC. As far as the FA are concerned, thats enough. Now Lord Hall would never admit to that. That’s the BBC for you! Lets discuss the BBC charter again and how its funded… No Charter required… Your all fired. Along with the FA clubs Directors who chose to look the other way. A nations shame.
Sad to hear of the death of Andrew Sachs this evening. It is on the BBC front page as breaking news. Hopefully, the BBC will still have enough decency to mention the vile abuse this gentle soul suffered, in his dotage, at the hands of those two arseholes Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand.
Steve Jones
Al Beeb would never make that series again or even show the uncut versions, Sadly.
Not PC enough for the present ‘Trustees’ of the ‘so called’ cherished broadcaster.
When I used to think Brand was funny and edgy, I would download the BBC Radio 2 podcast, that is until I heard that execrable piece of broadcasting. Brand and Ross disgraced themselves. RIP Andrew Sachs.
Migration High !
Demand for housing high.
All this despite Brexit . The government sits on its backside and does does sweet FA.
WE in the UK are being stitched up.
Where are the Tory Posters on this ?
Remember this, Following Farage’s warning in 2013 about the huge numbers coming in from Romania etc ………..
“Labour MP Keith Vaz has said he will be at Luton Airport early on New Year’s Day to check how many Romanians arrive in the UK to get work.”
They laughed then.
Well, they are not laughing now ………….
Is that Keith Vaz the washing machine repair man with the predilection for eastern European rent-boys and class A drugs? Now we know why he was hanging around Luton welcoming Rumaniains and Bulgarians.
It hurts to say it, but Chris Mason’s reporting of the by-election tonight was a model of non-bias and good humour. He will obviously be receiving his P45 tomorrow.
I didn’t hear him last night, but if that’s the case Donblob then he certainly made up for it this morning.
Also I noted that the first words on Today were “a stunning victory for the Lib-Dems”, and linked directly to Brexit. Not “remarkable” or “incredible” or “surprising” but “stunning”. They chose the positive description, which for them it obviously was.
Biased BBc The sofa sloths are visibly happy as Lieberals win the Richmond by- election. It changed from the issue of Heathrow to the issue of Brexit we are informed. Lieberals come out with the same old remainder s***e about the majority didn’t vote for a hard Brexit…At the end the presenter does tell us something we already knew that Richmond voted to remain in the referendum.
I think that the people like me who voted out voted to leave full stop.
Channel hopping through so-called bbc so-called news progs, I saw some brainless beeboid all gooey-eyed that a majority of muslims want to integrate with the wider society, according to a recent survey. Apparently 53%. But hang on, doesn’t that mean a whopping 47% DON’T want to integrate, and isn’t that cause for concern?
And what about these stats from the same survey: 31% of muslims believe the US govt were behind 9/11, and only 4% believe al Qaida were responsible!! What kind of parallel universe do they live in?? And over 40% want some aspects of sharia law enforced! And bear in mind that’s just what they SAY to whitey with a clipboard, I wonder what the real numbers are? Bear also in mind Taqiyya (lying is ok in furtherance of Islam). I’m glad the beeboids find all that reassuring – I don’t.
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vladMar 15, 14:09 Weekend 15th March 2025 Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and…
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vladMar 15, 13:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 How heartwarming to see the Church celebrating Iftar with our brothers from Islam – a militant ideology dedicated to the…
Labour, Lib Dems offer nothing whatsoever for the ordinary Brit.
The Tories, for the most part, seem to want it all just to go away.
I look forward to the, ‘we didn’t see that coming’, of the ‘Trump Effect’.
And who exactly are you seeing as the British ‘Trump’ ?
Without an organised party on the right there isn’t going to be anyone to vote for !
And here lies the problem, if parliamentary democracy can’t or won’t deliver the will of the people, the will of the people is expressed ever more insistantly, even by-passing parliament……history is replete with precedents.
Exactly – nature abhors a vacuum – something will fill it. I don’t think the cosy, easy, to-ing and fro-ing between Tory Labour, Labour Tory, taking it in predictable turns to be in power, can go on too much longer.
embolden and gaxvil,
I quite agree.
It no longer matters. The indolence, contempt and gluttony of the current elites has created a pre- revolutionary situation where anything is possible and more to the point probable.
When real change happens it is quick and always unforeseen. That is how the world works and always has done.
Immigration to UK hit record levels in run-up to Brexit vote, latest figures show
Alan Travis
The Guardian, 1 December 2016.
Immigration to Britain hit its highest ever annual level of 650,000 in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, new official figures have revealed.
But the latest official figures show that since the Brexit vote in June new national insurance registrations by workers from the European Union have fallen, with the largest drop – 17% – among workers from Poland and other east European countries.
The latest quarterly figures show that annual net migration to Britain in the 12 months to June 2016 continued at a record level of 335,000, according to the Office of National Statistics.
The figures show that level of net migration from the European Union is also at historically high levels and now matches net migration from outside the EU.
The record 650,000 level of immigration in the year to June 2016 was made up of 284,000 EU citizens coming to live and work in Britain, 289,000 coming from outside Europe and 77,000 Britons returning to live in the UK. The most common reason they came to Britain was to work.
NO mention in either of the 189000 EU immigrants, and the 629000 NI numbers issued to them. The explanation given is that they were issued for short term workers, but no one has said how they know whether benefits payments (child benefit) is actually stopped when they leave the UK – or how this is done.
David Davies MP just tore a strip off Eddie Mair for the BBC “unremitting left wing and pro remain pro EU bias” Very unusual to hear and not really denied by Mair, who just attempted to draw comparison with the Daily Telegraph.
Mair should have been reminded that purchase of a newspaper is a matter of choice whereas paying for the BBC is compulsory for TV owners…….backed by law.
Wasn’t it Peter Bone that tore a strip off Eddie Mair, and mentioned the quite obvious BBC bias too?
What sort of generation are we lumbered with at the moment ? Just watching Pointless, where the question is to name a word in the first two verses of the National Anthem. (banal I know), but a female 20 something hadn’t a clue, made a guess and then couldn’t stop laughing. I felt embarrassed for her !. Another not so young male also wasn’t sure but stabbed at a correct guess. I suppose if they were to be asked the lyrics to any Gary Barlow or Adele song it would be no problem. Unbelievable.
Radio 4 PM with Eddie Mair again and they’re back on Venezuela that socialist workers paradise the useless fools at the BBC would like the bring to the UK.
They interview some no mark ‘musician’ who has come back from New York – presumable because he thought he’d rather do it voluntarily that get sent back by Trump! And what a fantastic guy. He’s come back to belabour his fellow countrymen with his wailing, and simplistic rhythms. Of course there was no mention of the failure of the Socialist project despite oil wealth beyond the dreams of avarice – Socialists can still manage to f*** it up!
Good point Thoughtful.
Only Socialists could squander their natural bounty like they`ve done.
Ah-but-what about Islam…what of Nigeria?
So my question is it Islam or Socialism that best turns their nations into basket cases best?
One for More or Lisp?
Although the North of Nigeria is Islamic the South is Christian and they are the ones in power.
The problem here comes in the Lefts total inability to recognise other peoples cultures. In Africa the Chief has everything and the people have nothing. That has been the norm for centuries, it’s the same when a politician is elected they have everything, the people nothing, and you can see the pattern repeated all over Africa.
Actually it is very simplistic and quite wrong to say that the North of Nigeria is muslim and the South is christian. It is much more complex than that. It is not a question of geography but a question of history.
For example, Gowon was a christian from Plateau State which is roughly in the middle , and he committed a Genocide against fellow christians, Biafrans , who were mainly , but not all from the Igbo , which he was not !
Anyway, it is great that you are interested in Nigeria . I look forward to further discussions !
PM is a right laugh isn`t it?
They`re moaning on about illegal ciggies from Belarus landing up in Liverpool.
Thought that they enjoyed all that Letter to Brezhnev stuff up there!
But no-no tax paid!
Quelle horreur!
If only they`d brought some horsemeat over and dropped a few quid in Junckers sloshed fund…then Eddie would have been happy I`d guess!
My view- real mens ciggies, very Marlboro…none of that limp Virginia Slims/Rosie Casals. A Northern Fag we can be proud of, full strength-filters are for wimps!
(Northern Fag?…feel free to range from Marc Almond to…well, feel free anyway….)
But the BBC aren`t happy -these are not SAFE ciggies you know…oh dear, the BBC have spent my lifetime telling me there`s no such thing…but these?…even worse!
LOL ! Yes, the hypocrisy !
The EU needs a wall, a big beautiful wall to stop those tax-free Belarusian fags coming into the single market area, those Belarusians, smuggling fags from the “last dictatorship in Europe”…..must. Be. Stopped!!!
On TWATO earlier on Radio 4 , the forensic skills of Martha Kearney were brought to bear on both Oliver Letwin and Iain Duncan Smith.
One says migration will go on for ever, so what can you do?
The other seems to think that we`ll bring it down if we leave the EU and get smarter.
But only one managed to survive until the 5pm and 6pm news-the other was canned.
Can you guess which one the BBC played us?
Give you a clue-useless, f***in Tories, piss up lying Faragistas, NHS bus and £350 Million was the preamble…rearrange to suit-it`s all that the BBC can do thee days.
Not saying he is to be deemed any kind of definitive source more than any other, but interesting one guy has come up with a bunch of stuff I have so far not heard via massive MSM outlets and their trained staff.
And it cost me no more than ten seconds watching an oats commercial. Off now to see if I can derive more facts oddly passed over by some.
Two of the BBC less well loved entities in their respective fields. Wonder how the BBC might cover this?
Now on 5Live : Hate Crime Special from 6:30pm
With 2 Lefty guests :One from Liberty Shazia@ShaziaAwan
@husain_akhtar @bbc5live agree-unfortunately that debate became about one very bitter man whose hate crime wasn’t even Brexit related
plus a journalist Kevin O’Sullivan who was once fitted up by the police, for “homophobia” when CCTV showed none so spent a day in court and then it was thrown out.
: “Hate Crime is up 41%”
Journo “do you have arrest and conviction stats ?”
Ans : “No we don’t”
Kevin gave a link
Slogan “No one should live in fear because of who they are.”
So isn’t sacking white workers for colour of their skin like Jon Holmes a hate crime ?
oops “@husain_akhtar @bbc5live agree-unfortunately that debate became about one very bitter man whose hate crime wasn’t even Brexit related”
was what @ShaziaAwan tweeted
it accidentally got pasted in when I tried to post her name and then too late to delete it.
I bet it surprises you, that when I checked
That anti-hate crime guy sent a hateful tweet 1 hour ago
@husain_akhtar 1 hour ago
Ha the I’ve caused the Lefty ShaziaAwan to apologise
I spotted that anti hate crime woman had sent a hate tweet right after the show
“Blah blah why had they asked Kev Sullivan when his hate ctrime was commited before Brexit”
– Well the whole point was Kev Sullivan didn’t commit any hate crime that’s why as soon as the court saw the CCTV he was found NOT guilty. So I alerted Kev via Twitter and he fired off a barrage of Tweets to ShaziaAwan threaten to sue her.
So she sarcastically deleted her Tweet
I am so tempted but where to start! Rotherham, Jimmy Saville, Promoting Snowflakes, Intolerance to British Values?
DONE : stewgreen, thanks for asking your question: “Yes, BBC News own GateKeeping practices which keep off or bury many many issues/sources”
I’m surprised that the BBC haven’t mentioned this in one of their money advice programmes. Looks ideal if you want to avoid paying bank charges, the only snag being that you might have to change your religion.
Click to access ltsb_islamic_faqs.pdf
BBQ Question Time tonight, did I hear correctly that Laurie Penny is on tonight?
Shall I wait until the programme starts or should I put my foot through the TV right now?
Friend Tabs, I have complained to the BBC about their biased panel:
Thank you Lefty for complaining . Increasingly the BBC is becoming a far far right mouthpiece. Biased? How can opposing Brexit and Trump be biased? It is as natural as snorting cocaine.
Oh dear, the Questiontime audience is obviously not the one the BBC selected. Even when Dumbledore chose glasses wearing, slightly long haired chap in the dark grey shirt it was obvious that Dumbledore thought this must be one of the few Remainers…..and it wasn’t. But the confidence he had in his selection makes me think that usually he knows exactly who he invites to speak.
Only caught the tail end when Dimbledore announced that Farage would be on next week which was followed by ‘loud boos’ emanating from the audience.
Strange, when you think of the present popularity of the man.
Fixed and planted audience ?
You bet !
I find it absolutely amazing that the present government allows this blatant bias to continue in a nationally funded broadcaster.
Are the Tory Government a bunch of pretenders and actors ?
Why haven’t we enacted article 50?
BBC QT. Alan Johnson says “Nigel Farage is political herpes. He just won’t go away.” The liberal-left, post-Brexit and post-Trump, have revealed themselves to be the real purveyors of hate. Alan Johnson is yesterday’s man with yesterday’s attitudes. Laurie Penny, who declared (in the Guardian) that she checks her privilege every day, is yesterday’s non-binary. Some of her comments tonight were roundly jeered. How times have changed. The Wakefield audience were overwhelmingly pro-Leave and fairly feisty with it, yet even then some groans (and applause) were heard when Dimbleby said Nigel Farage would be appearing next week, along with Will Self and Louise Mensch. Farage has been so thoroughly demonised by the BBC and others that even many of those who voted Leave are reticent in supporting him.
Al Beeb hate Trump and Farage .
A ‘Hate crime’ if ever there was one.
Get rid of Al Beeb.
Where are the Tory voters on this ?
Are there any Tory ‘posters’ on this site ?
Taffman. Where’s Essexman when you need him? The BBC hate white men. Trump and Farage are white men.
Yes, I miss my pall Essex man , I am sure he had the ‘ear’ of Cameron.
Have to say, Tucker’s guest bookers must be pretty darn seductive…
Tucker Carlson asking the questions al beebus never will.
How come peter huton on this week, just said word for word the same about ukip , nuttall as the telegraph toff on newsnight. Word for word, unless im imagining things. Ps, the farm!!!!ta ta
The FA chairman, Charles Clarke on this Wednesdays Telegraph Sports (supplement) edition reported on the current police investigation into FA paedophiles (predominantly homosexual predators) it seems. Very similar to the BBC experience and yet it may well be worse!
“A revolution has happened in the past 20 years”, he said. “Was it a good before that? Apparently not. Terrible things were happening. We have to accept that we have to account for what we were doing”. He added: “Prior to [Jimmy] Savile, it was seen as terrible but ‘these things happen’. In the past 20 years, we’ve been on a journey to make it better. But when I look back at some of the these things, they fill you with revulsion and horror that we could let them happen”.
FA Chairman Greg Clark went on to say that (football) clubs who had tried to ‘silence protests’ of child sexual abuse victims were (are) ‘morally repugnant’.
Tracey Crouch, the current sports minister, has contacted the governing body of 40 sports bodies amid concerns that historic child sex abuse is not a problem exclusively for football… (Telegraph includes a UK football clubs map of several clubs around the UK affected with the same paedo problem…
Go Compare! All in sharp contrast with the BBC effort of DENYING any knowledge of Jimmy Savile’s antics! Let’s not forget his official BBC ‘paid’ chauffeur (the BBC said he was paid by Saville – he was not). Also charged with similar sex offences shortly after Savile died. He died too and not charged either. History.
Whilst the BBC has known sexual predators dating back 50 years, Savile was the most recent and ‘persistent’ child abuser known (protected by his cosy establishment) and that included young boys for good measure. He felt immune in the BBC. Comfortable even. Confident as he was. (and still is deceased)
But he was not unique at the BBC. There were many ‘others’ and the most serious was the BBC radio Director of Radio 1 and fomer DJ Chris Denning was charged several times (in different countries) for extensive child abuse of boys (including his step son). By which time even the BBC could cover up child abuse no more.
In turn the BBC encouraged homosexuals to display their unique talent and knowledge of Sport. This predictably happened under the last Labour government who (along with the BBC) campaigned for homosexual to be ‘decriminalised’ and given access to children and teens in Sports so should not be disadvantaged – in any way – or judged unfairly. Its a right they now exploit and parents are none the wiser. David Cameron even went so far to offer them a police and courts ‘pardon’ in 2010. Criminal records were quashed. Clean slate. It’s all History.
So you may wonder what it all has to do with the BBC. Everything it seems. Everything points towards the BBC who have been active campaigners for lowering the age of child consent to 14 (or 8 for Muslims). Prof Aston is a favourite of the BBC swing lefties whenever the age of consent creates a ‘handicap’ for homosexuals in reducing the UK’s child pregnancy levels (he stated) in keeping with the BBC historic advancement of sexual adventures. He of course is ‘disadvantaged’ himself.
One wonders at the BBC. There is an underbelly in the BBC that thinks that the gold medal for winning the last war should be given to Alan Turin. The non informed BEEB presenters even suggested his face should adorn the new £5 note. The problem with ‘that’ is that Police records (not yet destroyed) of that war time episode, clearly show that he was a persistent and dangerous child sex abuser of boys. Not so different to FA approved Sports coaches identified such as Eddie Heath or (another monster) Barry Bennels (1981 to 1985) both acknowledged mass paedophile offences (evidenced by Police). Its not something the BBC would admit responsibility – that would be deemed ‘too offensive’ for such sensitive persons they favor.
Such as Alan Turin who IF he were around today would be re-arrested and charged with sex crimes by the Police (again). The BBC film of Turin (of a wartime spy theme he never had, avoided any ‘offensive’ content and gave a bit of film glamour that was missing in real-life wartime grime. Another recent report said that 40% of it (the Turin film) was entirely made up film fantasy to suit the BBC profile of reporting nothing that might be offensive or historically accurate. History is now just made up Drama (for the BBC).
Finally I give you the reason for an extended broadcast is that Theresa May had to endure many ‘establishment figures’ being given free reign and IMMUNITY from proscecution that when her time came (as PM) she fully supported Alex Jay and the ‘wide-ranging investigation into historic sexual abuses’.
This follows the disclosure that (after operation Yewtree) nobody will face prosecution as the BBC had managed to hide its dirty linen from view once again.
Back to the present; Yes the BBC will interview the star footballers as victims (only) and will not go further than that. There is something rotten at the core of British establishment (and quango stuffed corporations) and that is why the BBC is keen to blame the FA . That exonerates the BBC ‘as they were all at it’ (1980s blamed) and nobody is to blame because (eventually) it will all be quite ‘normal’ practice as they will all be consenting adults – (if we only listens to Prof Aston that child brides make excellent (sex) slaves. Except many end up committing suicide rather than admit to rape by an adult who they thought could be trusted.
‘British government is finally acknowledging that politicians have sexually abused children and that the crimes were covered up….’… ‘British Home Secretary Theresa May told the House of Commons on Monday that her department had for many years helped cover up accusations of child sex abuse against members of Parliament and other senior public figures’. . Well let’s hope she does now.
So will plucky Theresa May root out the problem with the ‘establishment’ ? Many directly connected to the BBC. As far as the FA are concerned, thats enough. Now Lord Hall would never admit to that. That’s the BBC for you! Lets discuss the BBC charter again and how its funded… No Charter required… Your all fired. Along with the FA clubs Directors who chose to look the other way. A nations shame.
Sad to hear of the death of Andrew Sachs this evening. It is on the BBC front page as breaking news. Hopefully, the BBC will still have enough decency to mention the vile abuse this gentle soul suffered, in his dotage, at the hands of those two arseholes Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand.
Steve Jones
Al Beeb would never make that series again or even show the uncut versions, Sadly.
Not PC enough for the present ‘Trustees’ of the ‘so called’ cherished broadcaster.
Well said. Ross and Brand, total wankers . Andrew Sachs , a gentleman . RIP
When I used to think Brand was funny and edgy, I would download the BBC Radio 2 podcast, that is until I heard that execrable piece of broadcasting. Brand and Ross disgraced themselves. RIP Andrew Sachs.
Migration High !
Demand for housing high.
All this despite Brexit . The government sits on its backside and does does sweet FA.
WE in the UK are being stitched up.
Where are the Tory Posters on this ?
Remember this, Following Farage’s warning in 2013 about the huge numbers coming in from Romania etc ………..
“Labour MP Keith Vaz has said he will be at Luton Airport early on New Year’s Day to check how many Romanians arrive in the UK to get work.”
They laughed then.
Well, they are not laughing now ………….
Is that Keith Vaz the washing machine repair man with the predilection for eastern European rent-boys and class A drugs? Now we know why he was hanging around Luton welcoming Rumaniains and Bulgarians.
Important – HYS Comments Is still running!……
Lib Dems likely not so thrilled at the timing of this given they are big on symbolism over harsh realities.
It hurts to say it, but Chris Mason’s reporting of the by-election tonight was a model of non-bias and good humour. He will obviously be receiving his P45 tomorrow.
I didn’t hear him last night, but if that’s the case Donblob then he certainly made up for it this morning.
Also I noted that the first words on Today were “a stunning victory for the Lib-Dems”, and linked directly to Brexit. Not “remarkable” or “incredible” or “surprising” but “stunning”. They chose the positive description, which for them it obviously was.
Noted they later changed to “major victory”.
When Fois go ba… pretty well, for once…
Biased BBc The sofa sloths are visibly happy as Lieberals win the Richmond by- election. It changed from the issue of Heathrow to the issue of Brexit we are informed. Lieberals come out with the same old remainder s***e about the majority didn’t vote for a hard Brexit…At the end the presenter does tell us something we already knew that Richmond voted to remain in the referendum.
I think that the people like me who voted out voted to leave full stop.
Sadly for the BBC, other sources of news do exist…
It’s the way they tell ’em, big earn…
Channel hopping through so-called bbc so-called news progs, I saw some brainless beeboid all gooey-eyed that a majority of muslims want to integrate with the wider society, according to a recent survey. Apparently 53%. But hang on, doesn’t that mean a whopping 47% DON’T want to integrate, and isn’t that cause for concern?
And what about these stats from the same survey: 31% of muslims believe the US govt were behind 9/11, and only 4% believe al Qaida were responsible!! What kind of parallel universe do they live in?? And over 40% want some aspects of sharia law enforced! And bear in mind that’s just what they SAY to whitey with a clipboard, I wonder what the real numbers are? Bear also in mind Taqiyya (lying is ok in furtherance of Islam). I’m glad the beeboids find all that reassuring – I don’t.