Hope you all got the socks you wanted from Santa and may the baby Jesus guide you to the best bargains in the sales. However back to business here and a new year is fast approaching…a new year but same old bias…..The BBC’s new year revolution? No more bias? Guess that’ll be broken day one. If so you know the drill…..
Just been watching a recording of the Alan Bennett diaries, recently on BBBC 2.
Amid the whimsy and observations I enjoy from him, the edit included lots of left wing propaganda, featuring the benefits of the state, and his hatred of the ‘self serving’ Tory government, post the 2015 election. Strangely the likes of Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Balls were not similarly described. At the end, he was negative about the Brexit vote.
And his brand of socialism appeared to include an expenses paid trip to New York, and first class rail travel between his London and Yorkshire Dales houses. All unremarked on, of course.
Needless to say, I am not holding my breath for an equivalent programme featuring a right of centre personality with his right of centre opinions prominently featured by the bBBC editors.
Bennett is a fully paid up member of the liberal left elite, a luvvie whose talent is inflated by his membership of that elite. His output is so distorted by the need to demonstrate his liberal left credentials that it isn’t worth bothering with. My advice is to treat just as you any other luvvie, ignore him.
Bennett was a Communist who learned to speak Russian during the cold war. He claimed the Cambridge spies (Philby Burgess McClean Blunt) were wholly excusable and not particularly important crime.
He also backed Edward Snowden leaking documents.
Like many of the liberal Left elites, he came from s privileged background where he never learned to value the work of others and the value of self advancement.
No surprise why the BBC likes him so much.
Bennett’s background was only privileged in the sense that he was able to benefit from the grammar school system (which he probably despises) which enabled him to get into Oxford where he met the ‘Fringe’ crowd. His family background was solid respectable upper working class.
I quite like some of his writing. He tends to keep obvious political messages out of his fiction. I read in an article that he says people are often surprised to find he is left wing. I suspect this is why the BBC likes him: he can produce popular fiction with a reassuring sense of nostalgia and middle England, but underneath it he has the full Camden champagne socialist credentials.
He is rather unusual in that by his own confession he has become more lefty as he has grown older, and in fact has become a sort of left wing curmudgeon, again something which probably endears him to the BBC.
I find there’s something irritatingly smug about him.
“At the end, he was negative about the Brexit vote.”
Not surprising, parts of N & E Yorkshire (and Cumbria) voted to remain.
He is quite clever and amusing when writing about trivial matters, but is a rather small-minded, sour creature. Quite irrelevant, really .
Andrew, I am surprised you are saying parts of the East Riding voted Remain. Looking on the Electoral Commission website, all areas seemed to be Brexit, which confirmed my anecdotal experience. Had you particular area in mind?
N of Leeds, and around York.
There are various maps showing results by region.
Andrew, honestly I’m not trying to be pedantic but being a Yorkshire lass I can tell you Leeds is in West Yorkshire. York used to be in North Riding but I think it is now its own city, but what it certainly isn’t is East Riding. In the breakdown I found places like Beverley, Bridlington and Hull (surrounded by the East Riding) all voted out by a long chalk.
I live in Cumbria, I think the only remain voters were the rich who live in the Lib Dem voting areas.
I was in Windermere in July, WB and asked a hotellier how the voting went. He told me that out of the five areas, Cumbria had been divided into, four had voted to stay. He reckoned it was hotelliers and similar businesses who had voted this way, worried about what would happen to their EU staff should we vote to come out.
The BBC’s anti-Trump bias continues:
Donald Trump tells Israel ‘to stay strong’
Since when was it the BBC’s job to decide a President elect’s comments are outbursts? They really hate that he’s doing all his communication on Twitter and bypassing the leugenpresse, don’t they?
Following up my own comment, I checked the BBC’s link to the outburst. To find it merely links to Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Clearly, the BBC thinks that anything he tweets is an outburst.
I think Trump has said somewhere that he will deal with the UN when he takes office. Not sure what he means by that. But, sure, the BBC hate him !
Someone needs to deal with the UN. US friends are signing up to USexit, pronounced U sexit, asking for the US to leave, to defund the UN. From a friend came this piece of fact. Something the state broadcaster here might use to educate our people.
‘The largest voting bloc in the UN is the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), with 56 members (plus Palestine)? There are 196 nations on earth, so the OIC is more than 1/4 of them. Not only is the OIC the largest UN voting bloc, it also includes most of the members of OPEC. In other words, it controls over half of the world’s oil, not to mention having at its disposal the vast sums of money generated by that oil and invested in other countries. That is a lot of political power, and it helps explain the ludicrous, gigantic pile of anti-Israel UN resolutions that keeps growing each year while the UN ignores innumerable, outrageous human rights abuses by OIC countries and others.’
Now consider how they have bought our universities and academics, not to mention our politicians and members of the judiciary
USexit means USexit
Yes, the UN totally ignore the human rights abuses of most of the member states. I hope that Trump will pull the USA out. That will leave the UN meaningless and a good thing too.
Good article gwf – Its good to know that The UN Humans Rights Council is in safe hands, chaired by Saudi Arabia. Its a bit like having democracy loving Gina Millar chairing the Electoral Commission.
Interesting that The Teezer thought it appropriate to support the outgoing US administration on the UN vote. It further confirms what I have always thought about her. She is basically a liberal at heart. She has very little spine and will always support whatever viewpoint she thinks gives her a quiet life in the short term .
Kitten heels never change their spots-Once a lightweight always a lightweight.
BBC report John Kerry’s (alias Lurch) speech as ‘US chides Israel’, and goes on about Israel standing in the way of peace, and the BBC repeats the stuff about settlements on occupied territory.
Shame the poor Arabs have nowhere to live and Israel grabbing all the territory for Jews.
Sometimes a map or picture can explain much. Look for the little orange dot on the map which represents land occupied by Jews, or as they say in the Labour Party ‘Apartheid supporting Zionists’. On the rest of the map is territory in which peaceful and democratic Muslims and Arabs are squeezed into
PS. Just heard that Kerry said:
“The Israeli govt is the most right wing in history. Driven by its extreme elements.”
One reaction on Twitter
‘From admin who won’t say: “Islamic Extremists”
Is it any surprise that the arabs hate Israel with its human rights record. I heard that they dont insist that their woman wear a hijab thus making severe sunburn far more likely – the bastards!
Is it any surprise that the arabs hate Israel with its human rights record. I heard that they dont insist that their woman wear a hijab thus making severe sunburn far more likely – the bastards!
And which ones are democracies ? And what happened to Guinea-Bissau ?
Which are democracies? Er er.
I know. They all abide by the democratic votes taken in the UN when it suits them. Otherwise, they go by the word of Mr Allah
Israel cannot rely on any European nation any more. Maybe this is for the best as false friends are no use to anyone.
President Trump will support Israel as he will understand that Israel is a firm ally of the US and we are not anymore.
The idiot government and the even more stupid media just do not grasp that the rudeness and hostility towards him from Europeans has consequences.
May is part of the problem now regarding US- British relations.
The BBC are going to have to eat a lot of humble pie in 2017.
As is well known, having been informed by A. Newsroom Tealady, the BBC does not stoop to reading anything here, much less move quickly if in the spotlight. Or… does it…?
Good to see it noted elsewhere, as my link now points to a very different story. However, I saved the page in case they did just that. 😀
Yep spin words used to frame the story.
BBC=PNN Propaganda Not News
MMB = Metropolitan Media Bubbleworld
BBC Trending = What MMBSJW missionaries want be Trending
Their annual review of the year shows how out of touch they are
PO-faced = Permanently Offended.
Of course the National Trust PR were back at their desks today and released a Global Warming scare bomb as prepared (but also had to ass cover due to yesterday’s Delingpole article about the NTs LBQT special season)
On R4 Today they complained about change in this decades weather “warmer winters and wetter summers mean less butterflies”
(yes as if weather hasn’t always varied from decade to decade)
\\‘Mild winters and periodically wet summers have seen common wasp numbers apparently slump in many parts of the country, along with common ‘meadowland’ insects like the common blue butterfly.
‘This could have a knock on effect on the invertebrates, birds and bats that eat them. And what affects insects today could well affect us tomorrow.’ //
FT100 closed at a record high of 7106. This is the Brexit effect ! To be fair, the BBC have reported it.
They always report the FTSE 100 be a little obvious if they suddenly stopped!
No, they don’t. You are quite wrong.
They tend to report it when it falls, not when it rises. And , after Brexit , they suddently switched to the FT250 when it underperformed the FT100. I don’t remember the BBC ever reporting the FT250 before that.
It is part of the BBC bias. Your statement is totally incorrect !
Always report it on Radio 4 !
Yes, if the FT100 falls by 1 % it is headline news on Radio 4 and the BBC generally as a ” slump “. If it rises by 1 % it is buried somewhere. Do you get my point ? It is part of the bias !
“To be fair” there is a case to be made that the gains on the markets could be due to the £ falling from its overvaluation and the resulting inflation of International Stocks. The increase in our exports due to the £ may also have an influence.
However, I don’t expect these issues to be discussed by the BBC resident experts (drones), such as 2 Eds Flanders, as it could conflict with the (There’s money left) controller
Germany migrants: Record number opt to leave – most to Balkans
Still appears to be more being shipped in by Merkel than are leaving
Nothing on the BBC about the Afghan woman beheaded for daring to go shopping without a male chaperone, and nothing about the Saudi man jailed for a year after calling to end the Muslim kingdom’s strict male control over women.
I suppose in the hierarchy of so called ‘equality’ some ‘isms’ are more equal than others, and Islamism is top trumps for the Fascist Left.
Even the catastrophe predicted for the City is highly unlikely – as we all knew! From today’s FT –
“Senior City figure upbeat on London role after Brexit
Mark Boleat’s remarks echo Eurosceptic view that risks have been exaggerated
Read next
Mark Boleat, chairman of the policy and resources committee at the City of London Corporation
“London will remain the world’s leading financial centre in spite of Brexit, according to a senior City figure, in remarks that will boost Tory Eurosceptics who say lobbyists have exaggerated the threat.
Mark Boleat, policy chairman of the City of London Corporation, said there was considerable “nervousness” about a possible regulatory cliff-edge when Britain leaves the EU.
But he said: “I have no doubt that whatever happens in 2017, the City of London will remain the world’s leading financial centre.”
Note the ” Tory Eurosceptics ” ! Of course the City of London will remain paramount. Is the rest of the world going to learn French or German ?
A typically soft and fence sitting article by Jim Goad at takimag.com, on who he views as the 16 most annoying people of 2016.
Al Shubtill try this list……
her indoors gets it, she finally gets it.
after months of her worrying that i was going full tin foil hat due to my bbc hatred it finally clicked
and it took just 1 program, hignfy review of 2016 to see thru the total unadulterated biased one sided bollox
we just spent 2 hours of boxing day listening to the secret diaries of nigel farage on lbc whilst creeping round the m25 with her nodding in agreement with the sage sir nige
This is how you handle countries who p**s you off, Treeza should take note re the Brexit negotiations with the EU.
Oh deep joy.
A load of child migrants ex Calais Jungle, are taking legal action against the UK government, They are dispersed currently around that dangerous territory…..errr….France.
Who is paying for this?
Apparently the lawyers providing the support are Duncan Lewis solicitors and their spokesperson is Toufique Hossain.
How I wish someone accountable for wasting taxpayers money would stick Two fingers up to Toufique and the legal gravy train riders playing the virtue cards.
I await the deep in mourning tones of the bBBC news readers covering this issue.
To be fair, Sluff, hounding PTSed soldiers for shouting at insurgents has dried up of late, so they have to find work where they can. What’s the betting it will be settled out of court? Dick the butcher, in Henry VI had the right idea about lawyers.
“Who is paying for this?”
The British tax payer of course.
At the same the NHS needs more funding. Our Prime Minister needs to get a grip !
“…..providing the support….”. I suppose you are referring to our great Legal Aid system are you not? That system that would not support you but is willing to support begging foreigners.
Bring back Guy Fawkes I say…………
BBC News Main Header – US chides Israel over Mid-East peace
The US says Israel is putting the prospect of a peace deal with the Palestinians in grave jeopardy
… Factually Incorrect
oh and … Two-state solution ‘in jeopardy’
and … New settler homes vote postponed
and STILL … Why UN vote matters
Kerry : “It is the only way to ensure Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state … That future is now in jeopardy”
… What!, WHAT!, you tiny minded fork tongued sh-t festering minute wormlike infinitesimal prick you
Is it possible for this crooked Islamophile to get any lower, the arrogance of this mental midget defies belief … this is the man who worked against Israel with Buraq Hussein s collusion from the start, who against all sane advice, was supposed to get some deal with Iran?
18 months? cost the US millions of dollars in airfares and comes back with nothing but a bad foot.
In a statement in English issued by the Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu said: “Like the Security Council resolution that Secretary Kerry advanced in the U.N., his speech tonight was skewed against Israel.” The Israeli leader said Kerry “obsessively dealt with settlements”, which the United States strongly opposes, in the speech. Netanyahu accused Kerry of barely touching upon “the root of the conflict – Palestinian opposition to a Jewish state IN ANY boundaries”.
“UK finance chiefs have become more optimistic about the future, even though uncertainty is now the “new normal” for businesses.”
Optimistic or pessimistic – make your mind up ?
What exactly are they trying to say ?
This is a weird story.
Business has always existed and lived with uncertainty. Where is the next sales order coming from?
As opposed to public sector which is almost exclusively focussed on how to spend money donated ultimately by taxpayers. Compare the uncertainty of the bBBC with the uncertainty of running a Mining business for example, where a sneeze over in China wipes out 20% of share value. Or consider that IBM no longer make Business Machines. Successful businesses in genuinely competitive environments are those able to respond and adapt to change. It was ever thus.
I suppose its all another Brexit Project Fear story really.
Mind you, since the pay of top CEOs and CFOs is virtually unrelated to company performance, this could be a sort of salary justification story as well.
I was about to post the same thing ! And , of course, most big business is pro-EU so this is a Project Fear story rather than a business story, as you say.
The|BBC has for years obsessed with “news” from Israel.Never mind the deaths of up to 400.000
in Syria. Not in a million years do I agree with all the Israeli goverment has done. The
ultra religious parties are the curse of Israeli politics. BUT Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The BBC’S liberal fascists hate Israel beyond belief.There is this scene in ” A few good men” where The Tom Cruise as lawyer Caffy says that Colonel Jessup wants to say ” I ORDERED THE CODE RED” Go on Bowen ,Guerlin and the rest of you have the
guts to admit what you really really feel about the yids in Israel. No hiding behind a semi smokescreen. Just say how much you support Hamas,Hezbollah,Iran and the rest whose
solution to the Israel problem is for the Jews to leave or be thrown into the sea!
The BBC played me a bit of John Kerrys so called “peace offering” of a speech re the Middle East.
Less that three weeks to go-and NOW he decides that he has something to say?
Despite doing nothing but cosy up to Cuba and let Iran go nuclear?
But the BBC have short memories….hopey changey stuff an all.
But did Kerry REALLY say that “Israel can be either Jewish or democratic-but it cannot be both”?
And this gets no analysis? Anti Semitic smearing that ignores all that Israel has managed in nearly 70 years thus far?
Utterly staggering-but seeing as the BBC are Corbyns cones, I am not surprised.
Hope Trump soon becomes the nightmare of the Liberal Left Muzzie hugging types that infest public broadcasting…can`t come soon enough!
Obama and Kerry are both utterly useless anti-semites and racists. Thank God they will be gone soon.
Would Kerry have dared to say ” Arabs can either be Arabs or democrats, but not both “. ?
Not so long ago when Ken Livingstone was in his pomp as the capital’s first Mayor the community-hugging BBC London news outfit appeared to become so enamoured with their left-wing hero that our local news became Livingstone’s unofficial press office. Ken’s every effort at rebellious rate-payer funded posturing and his every half-baked initiative was greeted by the boys and girls at BBC London with unwavering uncritical enthusiasm. This at a time when the grownups at Radio 4 would still tend to grill Blairite ministers – albeit the Today BBC aristocrats most often attacked from a leftist statist standpoint of ‘do you think these measures go far enough, Minister…?’
Now we hear a little less of the word community and rather more of the word diversity. All this BBC wordplay a cover of course for leftist agitprop. Having busily applied their crayons to brightly colour in the margins of the national homework page to their heart’s content the unsupervised boys and girls of the BBC have moved on to the more ambitious project of scribbling across the entire page – to the point where the embellishment may well obliterate the original work. Diversity must be everywhere you see, not just at the colourful margins. That’s the rule now.
Once again this morning the BBC London news team leave us in little doubt that they are acting as press office for their favourite ever incumbent of City Hall – eclipsing even the beloved Red Ken – make way for little man Khan.
A You Gov Poll, no less, sponsored by what organ flush with PR cash we are not told, reckons 58% of us want the Mayor to run our dodgy train services. A BBC vox pop inadvertently captures my mood when a well-spoken young chap sporting an afro hairdo out of classic Starsky and Hutch (call me unhip) says, either intelligently or over-casually “The Mayor, run the trains… it couldn’t be any worse” Quite. But not the job of the BBC to promote this pet policy power grab, surely?
Really enjoyed your painting a picture of the boys and girls at the bBBC playing with their crayons, but feel this is misplaced.
Children can be spontaneous, imaginative, and say things as they see them. Not quite the qualities most readers will associate with our esteemed impartial state news broadcaster.
‘Children can be spontaneous, imaginative, and say things as they see them’
Well said. In contrast the self-selected crop of young journos on local news duty know full well on which side their BBC future career bread is likely to be buttered. A more regimented group think cohort is difficult to imagine. The irony is of course that their thinking is anything but diverse.
Did you or anyone else here, listen to the interview just before 0900 this morning on Today, BBC Radio 4. The focus was on a female boxer who went to Brazil, to the crime-ridden Favela’s with the intent of improving matters for the youngsters by introducing them to, “contact sports”. Seems that when she returned to the UK, she saw similar features in ‘East London’ – crime, hopelessness, living on benefits etc etc. Newham was named. As a shining example of “multicultural diversity” Newham sure stands out. Take a close look at Manchester Uni’s stats. in 2013 – three years ago –
Click to access geographies-of-diversity-in-newham.pdf
Note the charts showing the segregation of the races in particular. Whether “white-flight” or ethnic cleansing of the white population is responsible for their numerical decline is not clear but, nevertheless, the white population is the minority group in this area of the capital city of the UK.
What’s the bet that a little more research would reveal that most of the population of Newham live on benefits?
As an ex-pat, I have seen with my own eyes many of the places where these ethnics come from. They can only be described as the s***holes of the World and they, having arrived, are well on their way to transforming this part of Londonistan, under the Muslim rule of their leader to the way they prefer to live.
As the political elite continually refer to, “….in Our country”. They don’t fool anyone. It is no longer “Our” country.
Multiculturalism? Bring it on! what say you?
Don’t talk to me about female boxers. It’s a bugbear with me. I may be the only one – although back in 2012 there was one bloke writing for the Catholic Herald who was brave enough to stick his head over the parapet.
Now on R4 Interview with sexslave from 15-28
Abductor named Malek and brothers
– called her “white slag”
– Gave birth 4 times but babies all given away after circumcised
– Only broke free when they said they were taking her to Pakistan ..slipped note to social worker
– still refuses to make complaint to police.
Acknowledged another girl had been sucked in when if she’d gone to police that wouldn’t have happened.
R4 report all matter of fact. Didnt mention Pak/Bangla gangs or call it Islamic
(Previously at age 11 had been abused at 11 by stepfather but had escaped to live with grandmother new abuse came suddenly at age 15 when Malek invited her for tea and never let her leave)
Even the Daily Mail report refers to “Asians” but makes it clear that they were muslims without actually using the word.
Yes, also heard that item and noted the careful omissions. It was mentioned that the abuse was not just by “Malik” but also family and friends … that therefore a whole community knew about it and engaged in it wasn’t discussed.
Linked it to “modern slavery”, but couldn’t mention similar events from Rotherham to Coventry and the links between them.
My conclusion is that there was somebody in the BBC who wanted the story to come out but was controlled into releasing only carefully selected details. This is the real worry for me about the BBC – who is supressing the stories and why?
Yes, “control the narrative” trickery.
BBCsuppresses public discussion of Pak/Bangla grooming gangs problem.
Anna Ruston’ writes a book about her 13yrs of abuse from taxi driver.
In.the Mail.
It is fascinating to read what Sean O’Callaghan writes about the usual suspects in his book “The White Slave Trade” first published pre-PC in 1965
“In the Middle East particularly in the case of Arab men and white women the motive is usually a sadistic one. The true Arab considers himself a superior being and looks with contempt on all who are not Arabs. His religion teaches him that Islam is the true faith and in Islam women have very little part to play. True he believes they have souls and may enter heaven, but their souls are of a lower order than a man’s. Women are inferior beings, fit only for procreation and for attending to their lord and master’s sexual needs. If an Arab looks on women of his own race and religion thus, how does he regard the women of the infidel?”
In the 50s and early 60s, the danger for white, British girls was being lured abroad to Saudi Arabia, with its new found oil wealth, Lebanon or Tripoli, Sudan, Egypt.
Now that Muslim communities in Britain have been “Arabized” or “radicalized” in modern parlance, returning to the roots of Islam, it is not surprising that that the same mores have become more prevalent in Britain.
A BBC World Service programme rightly praised the courageous efforts of a Malawian woman in combatting the custom of the “hyena man”, the culturally sanctioned rape, possibly by a male relative, of all the girls in a village when they have their first period. But any native Briton who finds FGM, or any other of the unpleasant tribal practices taking hold in Britain repugnant, will not be lauded by the BBC.
It is not funny , but I can think of no lower forms of humanity than Arabs. They, with a few exceptions, are lower than dogs. No disrespect to dogs meant. But, the BBC and Lefties worship them . I wonder why ?
They are not averse to a little mano e mano either, ID, irrespective of their attempts at man powered flight from high buildings to those who practice it. I think it was in T E lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom where he observed that for the arab, a woman would suffice for “exercise” but for a true meeting of minds, it had to be with a man.
Little wonder voters want immigration which gives us #modernslavery, #fgm, #childmarriage, #forcedmarriage (+costs) & more, properly controlled. #r4today
I heard this myself Stew and was incredulous that the Muslim background of this horrendous family got no mention despite all the hand wringing analysis . The problem of so called modern slavery is restricted to certain religious or racial groups, all of which our biased BBC will not mention. Incidentally non of these groups are white British.
To add to the gravity of all this we have the latest Migrationwatch report that unless we leave the single market, net migration will not fall below 255,000 per annum and our population will rise by 12 million by 2030, 75 percent of which will be due to migrants and their children.
Here’s the introductory framing
“We’ve heard a lot about modern slavery and most people usually associate victims as being victims of people traffickers but occasionally it’s victims can be white . ..the subject of a new book is a white girl”
I paraphrased.
So yes they very much played down the extent of abuse by Pak/Bangla gangs.
You may have noticed the BBC made sure she was interviewed by a muslim reporter. No problem, I expect they made sure only Nazis interviewed victims of the Holocaust.
R5 phone-in #ReasonsToBeCheerful about 2016
Are they suggesting that Brexit and Trump are NOT good things ?
“Are they suggesting that Brexit and Trump are NOT good things” ?
I’m fed of that line as well. All this ridiculous jabber that someone must be BLAMED.
As if the Donald election and the Brexit decision are bad things. They still don’t get it do they? That over half the population are quite happy with those results.
Yes they are so thick – the reasons these things happened BBC is because the majority of people voted for them . The majority of people therefore have had a good outcome in 2016. The BBC however called every darn thing wrong in 2016.
Had a few days off and what utter juvenile dross is served up on Breakfast by Charlie and that girl who is constantly chewing a wasp. Yesterday it was it is getting warmer and wetter and therefore this is bad as the grass is growing and that somehow is bad for bees – nope me neither. Then we had some bloke on today telling us birds are having difficulty migrating because the Sahara desert is getting bigger and they can’t fly over it oh spare me with your 12 year old science and reasoning – last time I looked the deserts were greening.
The fact is that “fake news” is Left-speak for “Anything that doesn’t fit our preferred narrative.”
As long as some statement is “on-message” to the Left, it can’t be fake news, by definition.
Slowly, slowly, the turn of the screw on a daily basis –
And,of course, there would be an outcry if their salaries were reduced for failing to fulfill their contract.
How about some equal rights here. Should the Tesco cashier not be put on trial as were the Christian couple who didn’t want to paint a pro-gay slogan on a cake?
Quite agree. The muslim girl discriminated against the customer on religious grounds. But there is one law for muslims and one for non-muslims. This is one reason that the UK is doomed if there are not big changes.
I’d have gone back round and filled my trolley with pork sausages
…..and lots of bacon
I do confess to accidentally dropping a packet of bacon into the halal section in a local supermarket.
I guess that makes me a racist
It is totally bizarre. In all my time in Turkey and Gambia, I never remember anyone refusing to serve me alcohol or pork products. Turkey may well have changed by now, though. What is it about some “British ” muslims ?
I think that British Muslims are being encouraged by the British looney left who support the cultural relativism of multiculturalism and are working alongside the more reactionary forces in Islam to sustain an identity that is counter to the more saner aspects of our culture. You will see men and women sitting next to each other in Turkey, for example, but the looney left here put them in separate seating places for Labour and indeed Trot meetings.
You’ll find that sometimes some traditional food items are “fermented” (and so have alcohol within them)
That happens cos to many tribes is much more recent than you or they believe..like last 50-100 years.
The conversion to Islam that is.
Same with Nadia on her filmed visit to her homeland – I understand that only one Muslim of all the rest wearing a hijab – guess who?
Yes, all part of the Far Left agenda, supported by their useful idiots in the BBC. I wonder who paid Nadia’s expenses ?
In Singapore a bus pulled up and we were greeted with a cheery ‘Merry Christmas’ by a Malay driver wearing a Santa hat.
Singapore has population of around 5M and about 10% are Malay.
In our time there I saw one woman in a hijab, with her hubs in his jammies.
This whole dress lark is simply to twist inept Western pols around their fingers.
I think Tesco sells bathing suits & bikinis in it’s summer clothing range. And sun-tan lotion. Blatant encouragement of women to insult Islam by publicly exposing their flesh.
Lucy….. that could be said in jest now, but give it another 20 years,,,,,,
It does not take long.
I believe a silent nationwide protest movement could come from yout honest mistake.Imagine supermarkets across the land with their halal section full of pork chops dripping their juices on the Muslims fodder. What a lark. Perhaps they might get the message and bugger off but I doubt it. No doubt the government would instigate halal section patrols with a Muslim only area at least ten feet wide around there fully slaughtered meat. Hope not hate would go bananas and the BBC would mount a full Panorama investigation.
I really think you have hit on something here. We could ramp things up by obtaining, no idea where from, some bog rolls with verses from their nasty book printed on them and smuggling them into loos.A bit like smuggling bibles into Saudi. There are endless possibilities for fun here.
Rather like an evil suggestion I have thought of – to sprinkle Superlorin on certain food products.
I use it on my dogs. Perfectly harmless but one dose will render them incapable of sexual activity for a year. It ought to be modified for human consumption
PS. Suggest Ankela Merkel uses it on her young men
Fun ? With Islam ? Not too many muslim comedians I am aware of !
Come on, Grant, what about the achingly funny Adil Ray in his alter ego, beloved of the BBC, Citizen Khan and then there is is that mouthy, man hating Iranian bint, whose name escapes me at the moment.
Yes, a laugh a minute !
Shaparak “Shappi” Khorsandi
I saw her gig at the Angel, she wasnt funny.
I gather doors opened due to PCness and the fact her father is Iranian satirist Hadi Khorsandi, who may well be genuinely talented.
Trial by BBC, Al-Guardian and the rest of the MSM for a muslim who refused to sell alcohol or pork products to a non muslim? cant see that happening somehow
No problem crucifying the Christian baker though, JosF, who refused to bake a “gay” cake as the requested sentiment went against his beliefs. That Tesco customer was discriminated against, for religious reasons, pure and simple. I thought this was illegal in 21st century Britain, or does it only apply in certain situations? (rhetorical question)
R4 WH now eulogising St Jo Cox
Excuse is she campaigned against lonliness.
St Jo Cox is a bandwagon used by Lefties
..gets Labour MPs free airtime
“Coming up Islamic Art and artist Hussein”
I don’t know if this is true, but Duterte does sound like a bit of a card.
It did get me thinking of a helicopter drop punishment for our politicians – with a soft landing in the Thames or a convenient duck pond.
I am sure it would be more popular than Bake Off if televised.
Never been to the Philippines, but I have Phil contacts there. They all say that Duterte is insane and a brute. He takes pleasure in boasting about how many people he has murdered. He would qualify as a BBC icon if only he was muslim !
More German news for Al BBC Euro News to ignore … after setting alight the homeless at Christmas, and drop kicking women down subway stairs (and filming it).
Oh well, its very nearly New Years Eve … time for the rape-athon?
My intuition is according to media there won t be one … of course there will be, but, how many?, the scale? who knows? … another media malfunction.
“The shocking attack happened at approximately 9pm on Sunday night in Augsburg, one of Germany’s oldest cities. Residents were being evacuated following the discovery of a bomb from the Second World War and some had boarded a replacement night bus when a fight broke out.
Several Syrian migrants erupted with anger because of a pram taking up space on the bus. Migrants hurled abuse at other passengers before a fight broke out, with four of the Syrian men using the handles on the bus to hoist themselves up and attack women and old people to try and drag them into the fighting, according to an eyewitness.
The migrants paid no attention to anyone in their way, at one point kicking a one-year-old in the face. Paramedics were called and arrived on the scene to help the injured but the men began attacking them with belts – not letting up until the police were called.”
Meanwhile … BBC Europe – Guess what? Bradley Wiggins is still retiring, after the news yesterday morning.
Only comment can be: ‘coming to a town or city near you soon’.
And what did the police do ? Probably sweet FA !
My prediction for the New Year rapathon. Total censorship, too risky to publish because of forthcoming elections.
Our BBC will find and report on Moslems dancing happily with German women, thus showing how the migrants are settling down.
Mind you, there might be a few Mancunian accents, as it could be filmed at Salford Quays .
What the EU has loosed on it’s citizens is nothing short of criminal.
Where is the media outrage?
The media is probably funded/owned by the same people who are funding the invasion, Lucy. Don’t bite the hand that feeds and all that.
You will be surprised as to the extent of arab shareholdings in the print and broadcast MSM, It would explain the reason as to why muslim/immigrant attacks and general misbehaviour gets ignored, lied about or at best the bare minimum of reportage the MSM can get away with
The EU-along with George Soros and the whole damned Berliner Lugenpresse as far as I can see-seem to have “loosed” their Godawful “New European” snoozepaper upon the nation.
Loads of copies on every rack-nobody buying.
But , doubtless well-paid up for by the BBC and other “good people” high up in Euroland and here.
Cover to cover slurry, smears and all the usual BBC toads writing in it-Mitch Benn and Bonnie Greer as well as all the lefty luvvies from the broadsheets.
We need to see some accounts here as well as some sales figures-it being the EUs sphincter spasm though, we`ll not be seeing any-the EU “doesn`t do accounts” does it?
R4 now whole show by thevdisabled BBC disability correspondent about how the BBC has failed to meet disability target.
But surely most listeners want the slot used for something entertaining.
There is after all a dedicated weekly show about disabilities.
On radio you wouldn’t know of actors or presenters are disabled.
So far they havent mentioned that the sighted Scots guy in the Archers is played by an actor who iis 100% blind.
“But surely most listeners want the slot used for something entertaining.”
You’re not most listeners, and you don’t speak for most listeners. You speak for yourself, and you don’t even do that too well. I’m not disabled, I listened to the programme, it made me think – and as a result I quite enjoyed it.
“There is after all a dedicated weekly show about disabilities.”
Yes. Let’s stop anybody stepping outside the tiny little box they’ve been allocated, so that idiot men who can’t engage with the real world don’t have to exercise that pea-sized piece of gristle that masquerades as a brain.
“So far they havent mentioned that the sighted Scots guy in the Archers is played by an actor who iis 100% blind.”
There are plenty of actors with disabilities that they didn’t mention. It wasn’t meant to be an encyclopaedia of actors, it was a discussion about issues around casting actors with disabilities, and the casting of able-bodied people in the roles of disabled people.
Thanks I can communicate without throwing out insults.
Im glad you enjoyed the prog.
Tell us what you learnt.
Not exactly sure what this non-story is supposed to be getting at, other than a gratuitous dig at Amazon – who of course are shaping up as one of the so-called BBC’s future competitors.
The thought of police “tussling” with Amazon makes me smile.
Well no-one can accuse the BBC and the British police of not co-operating with each other !
The problem that the BBC face with competitors like Amazon and the others is the competition is far more advanced in terms of management and technology, areas where the BBC are very backward and sluggish. The only advantage the BBC have is a £4 billion annual income stream which they do not have to work for. The BBC would not survive in the open market. They are third rate amateurs.
We are doomed I tell you. Doomed.
A report from BBC sources tell us that Robots and Brexit will change Britain for the worse.
“Brexit is the firing gun on a decade of disruption,” the report said.
“Even as what we do and how we work changes, the UK is likely to remain trapped in a low growth, low interest rate decade driven by demographic shifts, productivity trends, weak investment, weak labour power, high levels of debt, and the headwinds of a slowing global economy.’
Yep, says a Centre Left think tank.
Notice how they don’t go into any detail about the “demographic shift” though.
I would describe the IPPR as a Far Left propaganda organisation. The funniest bit is ” slowing global economy “. Well that is true of the EU and many other parts, but much of the rest of the world is steaming ahead, without applying to join the sclerotic, stagnant EU which is clearly in its death throes.
Do the IPPR get any funding from the EU?
Quick google reveals
Int and EU 5%
Public 42%
Trust Foundation 36 %
Others, the rest
I think that says everything ! IPPR is a stooge !
Do be different!
And their directorate and Al Beeb share revolving doors –
Convenient, eh!
Well spotted ! Not just “revolving doors “. They all inhabit the same orifices ! Or do I mean offices ?
The ippr has been a bugbear of mine for some years now. It started with a link from Guido to a ‘Fake Charities’ site, another of whose targets was the ‘Work Foundation’ whose Leftoid guru boss postulated about workers’ rights and fairness and omitted to fund his own workers’ pension fund. It went bust! The stupid twunt still gets airtime from Al Beeb, of course.
And the “Work Foundation ” guru would be Will Hutton who has never done a day’s work in his worthless life !
And until I just looked it up I had forgotten that said twunt, Will Hutton, is a onetime editor of the Observer. You don’t say, you would say!
‘Convenient’ or ‘Convenience’?
And Table 5.4 of this piece of crap produced by ‘Danny’ Srishkandarajah in 2006 tells you all you need to know about why wage levels are so low for UK born workers – Polish and now Romanian competition for lower paid jobs. It includes the comment/opinion that ‘ Recent empirical studies conducted in the UK and the US seem to confirm that immigrants do not compete with native workers for jobs and that immigration may actually boost native workers’ incomes (see, for example, Manacorda et al 2006, Peri 2007).’
Want to do an update, ‘Danny’?
“Recent empirical studies conducted in the UK and the US seem to confirm that immigrants do not compete with native workers for jobs.”
Thet should tell that to Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn.
A story funnier than any joke they told on The Now Show.
Well spotted “you long range snipers” you lot.
This site gets to the news and places that BBC does not.
I’ve got a long memory for bullshit and bullshitters, and the Left is full of both.
Taffy and Peter,
I get about 100 times more info from this site, including links, than from the BBC. Still waiting for a BBC link to Breitbart !
One they are unlikely to kick off with:
Sounds like Hogmanay in Germany will be a hoot.
Universities are currently receiving miliions and millions of pounds from Saudi Arabia. The net affect of this is the birth of biased left wing pro Muslim indoctrination of young students.
The Saudi’s are also pouring millions of pounds into newly built mosques throughout Europe in order to indoctrinate the indigenous people and to convert them to the Islamic belief system.
It would not surprise me if BBC and other broadcater/newspapers were supplied with Muslim money in order to indoctrinate and shape the minds of the West. I would like to know.
The Saudi’s know only too well that the weakness of the Western nations is,- money. The Saudi’s have it in abundance.
So, whenever I hear of anyone in dispute with the Saudi’s, my immediate gut feeling is to support the ‘anyone’.
So I support the rebel Yemeni army. I support Isreal. (Great post earlier by GWF by the way, showing the size of Isreal relative to the other surrounding countries). I detest muslim loving Obama ( who incidentally wanted to put this country at the back of the trading queue). I supported Trump.
Theresa May voting against Isreal and for Muslims, has confirmed my realisation of what I have known for a long time, that is, she is almost as weak and spineless as was Cameron.
The West needs to understand that it is at war with Muslim indoctrination. Its promulgation needs arresting and a first step would have been to support Isreal irrespective of financial consequences.
Our British values have become enslaved to Saudi money.
Opportunity missed.
It is a total disgrace that the UK voted for the resolution, putting us in bed with such paragons of virtue as Russia, Angola, Venezuela and Uruguay. Treezer must be virtually brain dead, well we all know that anyway.
Can’t wait to see what Trump does !
Treezer the Teezer just doing what she does best – Being just another face in the crowd and always bending with the wind. And that is why she cannot be trusted she has no commitment to anything other than her own political survival.
At least Israel has her number with Netanyahu refusing to play her silly games anymore.
She has honed ambiguity into an art form. And will politically share a bed with anyone she thinks will help her case. She is committed to stringing brexit out as long as possible for short term popularity and will only truly commit herself to anything at the last possible moment.
What she hasnt twigged though is that the political winds have shifted in Europe and America. If she is not careful she will soon be experiencing the rather cold draughts of realisation in the places that any leaderene would rather keep covered!
Superbly put. I used to wonder how a nonentity like Cameron could become PM. Then along comes an even bigger nonentity. Does she have a principled opinion on anything apart from clothes ? Bibi will have her for breakfast .
The times have changed. Conviction politics are back.
Those who realise this will win.
Those who don`t, won`t.
Embolden – Lets hope so! But I do not think it will not be so simple and may take longer than it should.
Certainly Treezer (incidentally The Daily Mails choice for PM) will definitely be out of step on this.
However we must not forget the influence of the mainstream media (and particularly the press) have on peoples political opinions.
Papers like the Mail (in order to maximise readership) like to dance to two (or more) conflicting tunes where possible. (ie reporting stories sympathetic to the “refugees” whilst simultaneously slating increased Islamification in Europe or critiscising Farage all at the same time.
Papers like the Mail like a compromise “feel good” candidate (and this I believe is how David – Piss and wind/hug a hoody Cameron gained support and probably while the Mail loved The Teezer too). Despite both being fairly incompetent at their previous cabinet jobs
Conviction politics are certainly returning but until the inertia of the popular press has been overcome we will still to some extent be knocking our heads against brick walls.
Compromise is just that a compromise but what we need now are firm , cool headed decisions and currently Farage the main propenent of this style of politics has spent the last decade being represented as one step away from Hitler or Pol Pot – (despite most of his predictions on immigration coming true)
Change is certainly acoming but until the press is strong enough to admit to its own faults and adopt a little humility on this, we may have a long wait – trouble is we need change now -not tomorrow!
Appeaser May … She is an abject failure, as Home Secretary, and now as PM, you cannot have these compromised self serving Tory f-ckwits running the EU depsrture, it was the entire nation that voted in the Referendum, cross party … it has to be cross party now.
They had that very chance straight after the vote, they point blank refused … because just as they tried to make the vote a Tory spat, they want Brexit for the few, for their own suck up cronies.
They are totally incompetent, show no leadership at all, drag it all out as a cover for all their failures … the latest fag packet solution appears to be hope that Europe implodes so that, that can be the next failure umbrella.
Sharia May and the Israel UN vote! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
They are all on the petrodollar gravy train, and almost immediately the same Pally agenda – No to recognition of Israel as Jewish state, that’s the root of conflict, not bloody settlements. What’s really more detrimental to peace? Israeli homes or Palestinian incitement, terrorist glorification … the Islamic refusal to end this Israel deathwish? … can t vent anymore, my blood pressure
Leave it to the capable words of M Phillips
Open letter to Theresa May
Mel puts it perfectly but Treezer only has the attention span of a butterfly , albeit without the intellect , so would not be able to read all that.
Morons like Treezer forget that Israel has nuclear weapons and one of the best militaries in the world. If they are pushed too far, they may just decide to flex their muscles.
Obama and Kerry and Treezer’s decision to push through the UN resolution was one of the most stupid political decisions in my lifetime. Pure ignorance .
Grant – Maybe if The Teezer put as much thought into her decision making as she does into her footwear the world would be a safer place – Actually nah – I think her shoes are crap too!
Maggie managed to do both !
Oak/Noggy – It says a lot that we have put so much energy into destroying two of the main countries in the middle East that were/are largely known for being secular and tolerant of other religions.
Namely Syria and Israel.
Are British Aerospace contracts to Saudi really worth the death of thousands of people?
This is a very interesting article about Obama; the Democrats; Trump; the GOP and Israel.
Migrationwatch keeping up the good work in exposing the danger we are in from continuing uncontrolled economic immigration from the EU –
even the Labourgraph picks it up –
Big problem is, Peter, the ‘other half’ i.e. those arriving from outside EU. This is an area where Government immediately has the power to do something about – yet don’t because its all to do the Global Plan to flood the developed World with unskilled from goodness knows where. Clearly Treezer is a adherent to this UN Plan and, long term, I’ll wager, she does nothing to reduce the number. I note even Migration Watch fail to identify this portion.
Still hearing a lot on the BBC about the “2 state solution” and Lurch and Obamas latest actions and inactions at the so called UN.
The difficulty, as always in the Middle East is that concepts like the “2 state solution” mean different things to different audiences…the Palestinian view of the “2 state solution” is a Palestinian Judenrein state side by side with a Jewish state into which so called “Palestinian Arabs” also have a “right of return”.
Lurch and Obama of course know this, and know that it would spell the gradual death of the Jewish state.
They and we also know what a future one state solution Palestinian state will look like…..Gaza.
It seems it is more a health and safety issue.
Kerry and Obama are finished soon. These nasty little kids are just trying to cause trouble before they go. They are irrelevant .
Times Editorial is about how Google should censor extremism lectures instead of suggesting links to it.
The thing is it only talks about Awalaki etc.
It.does not like the BBC run with the false narrative that society is a some major threat from right wing terror and Islamic is just small.
Obviously the BBC have no interest in reporting on stories like this, but from ITV…A Bristol man who was convicted of bacon attack on a mosque dies in jail…I wonder who the guilty parties were..
Population replacement carries on apace…
Prison is a dangerous place for bacon attackers.
These two put bacon on a mosque and were attacked in jail
What was the cause of death and will there be an investigation ?
Grant, Dazed
I did a quick search on Britain First’s Facebook page and on Tommy Robinson’s Twitter.
Tommy Robinson @TRobinsonNewEra 2h2 hours ago
http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2016-12-29/man-convicted-of-bacon-attack-on-mosque-dies-in-jail/ … shocking! It’s the equivalent of going to Jail for leaving a Hamburger on a vegetarians door. He’s now dead
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Tommy Robinson @TRobinsonNewEra 2h2 hours ago
Judges are fully aware of the radical Islamic problem in our prisons, this man was handed a death sentence 4 bacon http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2016-12-29/man-convicted-of-bacon-attack-on-mosque-dies-in-jail/
And somewhat mysterious is the refusal to allow a visitor to Paul Golding, leader of the far far far right Britain First who is languishing in jail for encouraging a follower to enter a mosque.
What is our Government doing? Prisons are widely recognized as being under the control of Moslem gangs.
HMG are doing sweet FA. They are quisling dhimmis, fully supported by the useless British police and judiciary. And Treezer does not give a 4 X. Is there no British politician who has the balls to deal with this ? My God , I wish Putin or Netanyahu were British .
1pm bbc Radio Bristol tweeted the story with the word “exclusive”
There is no further info out so it’s being witheld for some reason.
Death for bacon thrower. Reported in the Metro.
See quote.
Can someone in the legal profession recognise that Islam is not a race, so why was his crime ‘racially aggravated’?
This shit smacks of Government interference.
‘Crehan was sentenced by Bristol Crown Court on 20 July for the racially-aggravated public order offence alongside accomplices Mark Bennett, 48, Alison Bennett, 46, and Angelina Margaret Swales, 31.’
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/12/29/man-who-attacked-mosque-with-bacon-sandwiches-found-dead-in-prison-6350609/#ixzz4UGCvdiEE
It is very disturbing that the UK’s judiciary went along with this nonsensical business about ‘race’. By and large lawyers are not uneducated and are not always stupid. they should have thrown this plastic definition of ‘race’ back in the faces of the Blair junta that so loved it.
Of course, more than a few of them owe their comfortable sinecures to the traitor Blair…
If you read Tommy Robinson’s book “Enemy of the State”, you realize that putting prisoners whom the Establishment view as being part of the “Far Right threat” is passing a State sanctioned, unofficial, potential death sentence on them.
I belive we will see it used increasingly until the other shoe (eventually) drops and the Establishment finally realize who their true enemy really is.
Reeta Chakrabarti settles down after her breif sojourn in the Med with Save the Children when she was busy scooping up boatloads of new europeans on our behalf and returns to her workaday occupation: BBC News Channel anchor.
There’s a pattern emerging in BBC headlines: there’s always an NHS in crisis report. A&E, Social Care, GPs, you name it – there’s some headline-able spokesperson/shock report/BBC investigation howling the word crisis and calling for more funding.
I notice this fresh BBC onslaught because it chimes so well with my local MP (New Labour, Remainer) who appears to have precious little to say about anything very much in his communications with constituents – save for proclaiming his loving devotion to the NHS.
BBC reporter Ben Andow (wonder what his porn nickname might be?) is out and about in Warwickshire visiting concerned GPs and seemingly some apathetic patients. By the way BBC, please please please could we just for once cut out the vox pops. Like Ronnie Corbet, that was a short digression. Anyway, our Ben brings a sound bite from a GP and would you Adam and Eve it… it’s all supply side economics again from the BBC. GPs are emmigrating, retiring and for goodness sake… maybe one of them won the lottery and gave it all up to buy a cheese farm. Not the slightest hint, mind you, that there might be a fast growing NHS-loving population out there.
AsISeeIt – And you can bet your bottom dollar that the “fast growing NHS-loving poplulation” are not the ones who have been paying for it all their working lives.
This NHS ‘funding crisis’ game has been an Al Beeb theme for some years now. Every morning on the Toady programme they set up the ‘funding crisis’ of the day for further intensive broadcast later. It’s the NHS or more money needed for house building. There is NEVER a correlation between a growing, mostly non-contributing in any positive sense, population, immigrants for the most part, and the strain they invariably place on public services.They must think the bleedin’ money grows on trees, as their tax-funded operation is!
A New Year beckons. I intend to list day-by-day Al Beeb’s exhortations for additional funding for this or that worthy cause. I reckon they will add up to our current total benefits budget by about June.
Fox News report that some luvvie called Charlie Sheen ( actor ? ) has tweeted that he wants Trump to die next . Hate crime or not, is that illegal in USA or UK ?
PS, ok, I just checked out Sheen and it seems he is a third rate actor with a history of drug abuse. So should make it to the BBC website !
Sheen was on nortons Friday night show a while back being a very smug prat over the Donald basically calling him cheap. This was before the election. He ain’t so smug now is our Charlie just letting the hate come out. He’s gone through so many drugs he is on the danger list for 2016 and there’s only a few days left. Dropping like flies they are. Don’t forget Charlie’s dAddy is uber lefty Martin sheen also the pres in every dems face politico show the west wing or as I like to call it the left wing utopia show.
I do not know much about him , but he seems a lot less significant than the President elect. Why do all these mouthy , mindless luvvies never stand as politicians ? They should either put up or shut up .
Grant I am still waiting for all those luvvies who said they would leave the UK or the US if we in the UK or the US voted for Brexit or Trump. Anybody know how many luvvies have made good on their promise to leave the UK or US yest
Given Charlie’s history, he is lucky still to be around in 2016 to make such a brave claim. Karma has a knack for delicious irony. At least this year we are spared his devastated dad wondering which aspect of sex, drugs and a roll in the paid hay sector could have hastened his demise.
BBCbusiness has a chronic problem, they have too close a relationship with GreenDream PR people they get enamoured and are unable o challenge them properly
Did anyone catch yesterday’s early morning biz slot on R4Today ?
A bloke banging on about how
– popularism is terrible
– and business is bad cos they just chase profits
..and we are never ging to solve global warming that way”
That was @JimWoodsUK of @theCrowd
former Marxist banker, Yo Sushi manager now GreenPR pusher full background
Asked for examples he mumbled about working with Sainsbury’s. (Great I just stopped shopping with them)
Then BBC WS Business-Matters produced a prog which was like a 30min about solar
(The most important message was hidden in middle : Obama’s PERMANENT oil drilling ban
Bill Clinton also put in ‘PERMANENT’ oil drill bans which then GBush just rescinded.)
Trump vs Obama Standoff On Energy
#1 first half : Massive romanticsm about solar
The US woman journo Nicole Childers (Marketplace Morning Report and Tech Report) seems to act as an activist
First moaning about cuts in subsidies.
Yet a few minutes later quoting fantastic supply prices from solar eg $22-30/MWh
she claims thats better.than gas,
(but NO solar/wind supply for a few minutes then cut out so you can’t compare
– the apples of solar/wind on off
– with the oranges of reliables which you pay for when you want it and turn off when you don’t.
… that is much more valuable to you)
Bottom line solar cannot compete on price today and never will generally, cos oil gas come free out the ground.
Then when they went onto oil and used the sandwich trick : they first had the activist speak
Then a fair 1on1 with the oil biz guy
who pointed out that Bill Clinton also put in ‘PERMANENT’ oil drill bans which then GBush just rescinded.
.. then back to Nicole Childers who made.big scares about fracking without the oil guy being allowed to contest.
The BBC’s very existence is antithetical to free enterprise – look at the way it dominates and squeezes out any competition in UK news coverage.
Its business coverage is, as you say, lamentable. Presented by ‘journalists’ who have no experience of trade and certainly no sympathy for it, all it does is recycle the same tired old ecoloon, globalist and socialist talking points. No one properly in business has taken it seriously since Jeff Randall left.
As for Sainsbury’s, what do you expect from this Labour supporting monolith? Its selling point seems to be (not an original comment I’m afraid) ‘to keep the riff-raff out of Waitrose’. It seems to do this by selling Tesco quality at Waitrose prices.
Here’s something the BBC haven’t reported and no surprise as to why.
Syrian migrant numbers in Germany ‘SET TO DOUBLE’ following family reunification laws
Germany could soon be home to half a million additional Syrian migrants after a senior government figure warned the country’s family reunification laws could place an “extraordinarily great challenge” on local authorities.
Johannes Singhammer, vice president of the Germany’s parliament (known as the Bundestag), warned: “The burden of family members’ immigration could be higher in the immediate future than the burden of newly arriving Syrian refugees.
“According to my information from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees [BAMF], each recognised Syrian refugee will bring at least one family member.”
He claimed this could result in a crisis for German local authorities, adding: “There may not be enough living space, teachers, and educators at some point.” …
Earlier this year, BAMF estimated the rules could bring an extra 500,000 Syrian migrants to Germany.
This raises other questions:
Was Merkel aware of this when allowing so many single males of fighting age ?
Germany allowed 1 million migrants in, this appears to be official recognition that only half are genuine refugees.
One family member for men of this age seems extremely low, and it will more likely be double that at least.
The next question is whether Merkel is going to be expecting to spread the vibrancy over every other EU country because they cannot cope with the consequences of Merkels insane decision.
Obama is so busy before he pisses off. Has now expelled 35 Russian diplomats as revenge for “cyber attacks “. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned ! Obama, little girl !
Ah, yes, Grant, the infamous ‘cyber attacks’ which (even if they were undertaken by the Russians, which remains unproven) served only to inform the US public how bent Hillary and her team actually were.
Meanwhile, how strange it must be to be involved in Wikileaks! One minute the BBC regards you as the saviour of democracy, the next you are a stooge of Vlad and the evil Russians!
And Trump will restore . Obama and his kids just throwing their toys out of their prams .
Not at all!
They are casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election of their nemesis in a way which they would not have done had Clinton won.
True or false, and the chances are most ‘evidence’ will not exist, but be hidden because of the need for secrecy.
You seriously think the BBCs snidey little excuses for comedians aren’t going to pick this up and run with it for the next 4 years?
Nothing to do with throwing toys out of prams, it is cool calculated politicing to undermine the democratic choice of the electorate.
Not only that but it seems to have fooled a lot of people who should know better !
From FoxNews
\\Obama also said that the administration will be providing a report to Congress “in the coming days” about Russian attempts to interfere in the election, as well as previous election cycles.//
The question is : if Obama had strong.evidence during the election as he has previously claimed, then why didn’t he act before the election ended ?
If recent reports about Obama are true, he should take care when dredging around in ‘previous election cycles’. It can’t be beyond the skills of even the currently enfeebled FBI to investigate his past and try to throw some light on all those unanswered questions.
if Obama had strong.evidence during the election as he has previously claimed, then why didn’t he act before the election ended ?
see above, and remember that a lie told often enough becomes the truth – and the BBC will help in repeating it, in every silly biased quiz show and so called comedy program.
Debunk of yesterday’s NT Climate scare story.
The National Trust had obviously prepared their “Global Warming scary scary” report, before Xmas so in the news void after the holiday they could get maximum PR from their mates at the BBC on the Breakfast TV couch and R4Today studio.
But now Paul Homewood has done a point by point debunk :
The National Trust’s Climate Myths
pointing out the NT’s tricks of cherrypicking and spin.
Excellent link. StewGreen, thank you!
Sadly, the National Trust seems to have become a fiefdom of the leftist bien pensant elite, hence the way its current head was appointed. It must be nice to be able to step from being useless in the civil service straight into the well remunerated leadership of a body which is about as transparent and accountable as the North Korean army.
Let’s talk real comedy, not BBC crap. I am just watching, on Youtube, Woody Allen , ” ’65 Stand up rare “. No prisoners in his routine and no PC crap. Hey, Woody, lose the jacket !!
” My analyst died and it was 2 years before I realised it ” . Woody Allen. I am moving on to Lenny Bruce now
BBC – Bacon on mosque offender dies in prison, tucked away in Bristol News
It appears you only get called “man” if the Al BBC needs to hide
the criminal/terrorist/child gang rapist nature of Islamic adherents.
The “offender” … (the Al BBC must be offended too)
racially-aggravated public disorder … what race is etc, more puffed up mickey mouse charges, lets cut the crap they wanted him in jail … did they want him dead?
that’s Sharia law not ours.
Like Tommy Robinson was, or Paul Golding is now,(whatever his politics) the hope with this absurd jailing for offence, to instil the erm “chilling” effect will not work. In fact the outcry will be the opposite, now will the media report that?
Because if they don t, deny that it happens, that’s racially aggravated omission of the facts
The prison service has declined to give any further details of the circumstances of his death.
One of the Antifa groups, so loved by Livingstone, Cameron et al has opened a Facebook site to mock the dead bacon throwing prisoner. Apparently these anarchist anti fascists celebrate the death of those they deem to be fash at the hands of the state
This is, should be and likely will not be massive, unless pushed hard by those currently not in control of establishment levers.
And all complicit, from the arresting officers, the prosecutors, judiciary, prison services and government that oversaw this should hang their heads and consider their positions.
If confirmed as murder, or even sickness, then this was state arranged assassination to appease a psycho sect who laughs at compromise and exploits weakness, and to seek the fickle approval of the likes of the national disgrace.
Watching Al Beeb (just like London, its not British anymore) this week and the message I get is that it is totally Biased against Brexit , Farage and even Trump.
Blatent, unadulterated bias and our Tory Government do nothing.
It would seem that they are complicit.
I have not seen or heard one good positive report about the benefits of leaving the EU from the state broadcaster. It cannot be trusted anymore.
It would be interesting to know if this site has had an increase of new commentators/viewers since the Brexit vote for freedom and independence .
Steady on ! I think that most Brits are sussing this crap now. If someone pushes food down your mouth , you will vomit it up. The BBC and the elite establishment are finished and I think that they know it
Sincerely, I do hope that you are right.
Time will tell. But the history of the world suggests that these people are losers
The bBBC’s image of Obama and Putin shows their hero stern-faced and looking down on a sheepish Putin. Of course, if the photo reflected their political standing and impact on the world, it would be the other way round.
The trouble is, the more the BBC and its pals at the Graduina try to portray Obama as some sort of heroic statesman, the more obvious it is to grown-ups that he is the worst US president since Jimmy Carter (which is saying something).
I’ve a sudden urge to light a candle and add my tribute to a completely impromtu celebrity shrine. Can’t make up my mind which of the star’s multi-million pound properties to trek out to. I think I’ll just leave the soft toy and RIP card outside the local public lavatories – just as appropriate I think.
If you want to virtue-signal, following all this year’s ‘celebrity’ deaths, I’d suggest you offer condolences to the poor people of Colombia, whose economy is crashing as a result.
Thinking of the aggravated race hate crime of throwing bacon at a mosque I recall a friend of my wife who is a staunch vegan. She delivered a stern rebuke to the shop assistant who gave her a five pound note in her change pointing out that the new fiver contained animal products from slaughtered beasts. The vegan was so offended.
As this vegan is a pain in the bum with her strong views I thought it would be fun to shove a couple of fivers through her letter box and pin one on her door.
Could I be prosecuted for racism, aggravated hate crime, and put in jail with angry vegans and some of the violent animal rights activists?
There is a new catch all crime being rushed through the legislature for just this: ‘Handing money with menaces’.
Interesting response to 35 Russian diplomats being expelled by Obama. I guess a juvenile act deserves a juvenile response. As long as it stays that way we are safe for a while. I hope.
Obama is a child ! Putin is a man and I think Trump will cope.
Hope so. Using a duckling rather than a duck pushes the child factor quite well.
Humour is effective. One suspects Barry’s Nokia will create greater impact on the Oval Office wall than did Gord of Old. Maybe Hills is giving him flailing about advice?
BBC Online News:
“”Cunntas as sine air sluagh Hiort ga lorg””
So, Scotland according to the BBC is now an independent country? Does the BBC still accept Scottish BBC Licence Fee funds?
Surprised the filter allowed that headline. Is it about Crankie?
RI Xmas Lecture :
We’ve got a new list of errors and fakery, in addition to the false claims about renewable stats that Paul Homewood’s blogged about.
I’ll type tmw
Odd that Obama has spent 8 years doing sod all, accept make the BBC shiver with joy at having a black president. Yet now, in his last few weeks, he has found the energy to do all he can to screw up Trump’s presidency.
He’s got everything wrong whilst in office, leaving the world burning, Russia in the ascendancy, Israel at the mercy of people who hate it, the middle east in turmoil and at home the rich in the US are vastly more wealthy since he took office whilst the poor have seen pressure on wages and jobs.
Obama is the first president to be spiteful about the handover of power. Bill Clinton actually became good friends with G Bush, and always supported the US President in difficult times.
No doubt the BBC will be discussing this childish tantrum from Obama on all its news programs … As if.