Hope you all got the socks you wanted from Santa and may the baby Jesus guide you to the best bargains in the sales. However back to business here and a new year is fast approaching…a new year but same old bias…..The BBC’s new year revolution? No more bias? Guess that’ll be broken day one. If so you know the drill…..
With whom might the BBC side, or indeed promote, one wonders?
Being that they value editorial integrity so highly. Apparently.
And with no sense of irony, the BBC is helpfully running an article that describes how to identify false news:
“a dubious website, an unverified source, and replication and attention through social media. Then larger news organisations report what is happening on social media and add credibility to the story without fact-checking.”
All of which would appear to be a description of how the BBC ‘news’ department operates.
See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-38168792
Via Paul J Watson : Guardian retracts
One for the girls at the BBC. And the women.
The Guardian objectifying men? I personally couldn’t care less, but would the Guardian publish something like this about actresses without attcking it in bonkers opinion pieces? I think not.
Giles set to join Victoria at the BBC high table now?
These people are completely round the bend and in danger of provoking a serious backlash.
They also seem immune, especially from the actual and Twitter police, from the same consequences others can anticipate.
I would take that statement more seriously than foolishly discarded charcuterie.
What they are saying has the approval of our political elite. Just like the Facebook page opened by by the Anti fascists to mock the death of the bacon thrower. Yeah. Cameron is a founding supporter.
They are telling us that offending Islam has consequences, and the law is telling us that Islam is a protected religion, a protected race, a political movement and the BBC tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is a benign charity, whilst the Prime Minister and former Archbishop of Canterbury wants to establish sharia courts.
We have evidence from Tommy Robinson of danger to his life in jail, from those who have failed in their attempt to visit Britain First’s Paul Golding locked up because he encouraged someone to enter a mosque as he was banned from doing so.
And never forget free access to those who want to rape our children
PS. Sources suggest that there was no violence invovled in the bacon thrower’s death. We have to wait and see
People like Coren feel immmune from normal laws of this land. They are for the little people. His tweet was beyond awful. It is offensive and degrades him more than he can realise. Nothing that man says in the future has any merit .
Yes, as I said, round the bend… top Public School then Oxford and still too peabrained to resist imitating islamist propaganda….and, unbelievably…he is Jewish.
Round. The. Bend.
Meanwhile, the dead dastardly bacon wielder has disappeared off the news cycle almost before he got on.
The world really is in a screwed-up place, is it not?
In truth this whole baconophobia thing (actually probably according to BBC its not a phobia cos a phobia is an ir rasher ional fear) Would in real life be quite comical and almost pythonesque in its stupidity.
However it has all turned into something quite unpleasant and worrying as it demonstrates the influence that islam exerts over our politicians and lawmakers and also highlights their craven sycophantic need to appease anyone who makes a complaint on behalf of the “Religion of Peace”
Can you honestly tell me that if they were starving these idiots would refuse a bacon sandwich? I think a lot of this overblown hullabaloo over pork is just another way the religion of peace has us all walking past it in tippytoes in case we offend it -I suppose that is the point, they can act in many antisocial and unpleasant ways but we are afraid to call them out on it in case we get labelled haters, whereas islam appears to feel free to cry foul at every opportunity.
“In truth this whole baconophobia thing (actually probably according to BBC its not a phobia cos a phobia is an ir rasher ional fear) ”
That made me groan out loud. But, to be honest, suits my sense of humour as I like puns.
The whole thing is a con.
Demon – Sorry mate read too many cracker jokes over crimbo!
Oaknash – “they” wouldn’t have to refuse a bacon sandwich if they were starving, in Islam there is the doctrine of necessity which permits them to do things which contravene the tenets of their religion; if they need to do so to survive.
That is another reason (if one were required) why there is no need for halal slaughter to be legal in the U.K.: Muslims can eat meat which has been killed by “People of the book” and can also eat non-halal meat if there is no halal meat available.
Not surprised Al – I have always thought that this whole shock/horror thing regarding muslims and pork in western society was totally confected just so members of the “religion of peace” can claim extra “victim” points.
Just a pity there are so many naive do-gooders in the legal/politics business who see it as a bandwagon to jump onto to demonstrate their social consciences and show their firm stance when dealing with “hate”crime.
Too me a “hate crime” is throwing someone off a building because of their sexuality or thinking its ok to sexually abuse someone because they are a different religion not throwing a piece of pork at a mosque.
Obviously I am in need of some re-education at the Ministry of Love.
Anyone else see the BBC “mockumentary” Cunk on Christmas? file under “so called comedy”, I managed 2-3 minutes.
Can’t wait for the follow up…..Cunk on Ramadan…….won’t be holding my breath!
The BBC, producing toss by the mile, paid for by us.
It’s obvious there will never be any BBC “comedy” that mocks or satirises Islam or any aspect of it. All those edgy, clever-clogs, right-on comedians are just too scared. Yes, they are cowards.
We will call them out their obscene hypocracsy in mocking all all other religions. Until they disappear.
BBC editorial integrity again at its peak:
Downing Street criticises US comments on Israel
Downing Street has criticised US Secretary of State John Kerry for calling the Netanyahu government the “most right-wing in Israel’s history”.
It was “not appropriate” to attack the composition of the democratically-elected government of an ally, PM Theresa May’s spokesman said.
It wasn’t that long ago that “right wing” just meant ‘conservative’ but these days it has been corrupted into meaning anti-Jo Cox, anti-immigration, anti-LGBT, anti-man child refugees questioning etc.
Politics, helped by the BBC, has become left wing or nothing else. ‘There must be change and progression to make the world better’. Ironically the BBC needs to change but they are the most conservative BBC in the BBCs history!
I have noticed that Islamic fundamentalists are usually described as “conservatives”!
Sounds as though some proper diplomat has taken May to one side and had a quiet word.
Voting against Israel was bad enough and I am sure President to be Trump will have noticed.
So ignorant are our media /politicos that they probably think Saudi Arabia is a democracy.
I sincerely hope this is the beginning of a serious reconsideration of Western foreign policy towards Islamic and non Islamic interests.
Obamas poisonous legacy needs rapidly correcting, and some home truths need re stating.
e.g 1)Israel is the Wests only reliable ally in the Middle East, and should be tangibly supported.
2)The “Arab spring” was a disaster that simultaneously strengthened Iran, Shia and Sunni fundamentalists…and that`s some “achievement” by Obama and Kerry.
3) Yemen IS a proxy war between Saudi and Iran., Western policy should be the same as for the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s…fingers crossed that they both can lose.
The many faces of Appeaser May … Which way is the wind blowing?
The way our corrupt Tory government worked to get that resolution too!.
From the Facebook page of Fatah; the party of Mahmoud Abbas.
Posted a day after the resolution, the words at the top of the image say “Thank you!” and then it lists the fourteen countries who voted for resolution 2334.
In the centre of the picture is the Palestine shaped knife stabbing the word “settlement” WITH BLOOD POURING from it. This reaction to resolution 2334 is not praise or condemnation, but incitement of the most explicit type – a call to people to stab and attack Jewish settlers and settlements. Not from a fringe extremist, but from the party of the President of the Palestinian Authority himself.
I don’t think “some proper diplomat has taken May to one side and had a quiet word”. I think it more likely May was betrayed by Arabists at the FCO and our diplomats at the UN when the UK voted against Israel in the UN Security Council. I don’t think May supported that.
Well if she does not support it she should say so and also explain why her grasp of power as PM is so weak.
She should condemn the Resolution and the vote and disassociate herself from it.
Sorry Roland – didnt realise you had already pecked this one up!
Not BBC but relevant to our times.
I expect the “comrades” at the BEEB will be rubbing their hands in glee at this one. Seems like the Mosque Bacon attacker has got his just deserts and died in prison.
Apparently he “attacked” the mosque by draping bacon on the door handle. FFS – is this really assault. I am sure given the choice many of those mown down in the Christmas market would rather have been pelted with bacon or even pork sausages.
What a sad, strange and unbalanced world we live in when our laws are more concerned with severely punishing those who offend the petty prejudices of a vocal minority group rather than dealing with “real” crime!
Makes you wonder if those underage girls raped in Rotherham had worn underwear out of bacon would they also be in jail too?
First Obama upset Israel,now he is expelling Russians,do you get the feeling he is trying to make things difficult for Trump before he leaves?
WB, no doubt about it. He’s poisoning the well for the incumbent.
Well I think that Trump will just reverse Obahmas moves and establish a much better working relationship with Russia and reaffirm total support for Israel. By doing so he will demonstrate that he is a statesman and that Obama wasn’t . Of course he will not receive any credit from the BBC/Guardian axis of evil.
BBC News Page No1 Story
Russia moves to expel US diplomats
The Russian foreign ministry calls for the expulsion of 35 US diplomats in response to US sanctions.
Diplomatic spat goes undiplomatic
Can hack be traced to Russia?
Revelations from hacked email
Tit-for-tat in the Cold War tradition:
Sanction Analysis by Steve Rosenberg, BBC News, Moscow.
Any mention of Obama s deliberate Russia provocation?, of his deliberate provocation over Israel?, of how dangerous he is making world affairs now, after systemically destabilising whole regions through his tenure, his weak stance.
“It also has come to light that Kerry held a meeting in December with senior Palestinian diplomat Saeb Erekat. Documents believed to have been leaked by Egypt confirm that Kerry and Erekat discussed forwarding the resolution, a charge that senior White House officials continue to deny.”
The Obama administration will leave behind a long trial of political weakness, indecision, putting the US population as merely an after thought, a record of utter dishonesty and betrayal.
Now! …as he finally gets kicked out the door, he pokes the hornet s nest
to cause maximum trouble he has no intention of addressing.
The ultimate traitor to the US and so the free world.
Nogginator……….Do you seriously expect the BBC to do serious factual, balanced, researched journalism on such articles as this remember the BBC thinks as a leftard/closet muslim the sun shines out of obama’s backside and he obama and his friends and hangers on are right and every one else who points out the failing of islam, the left or who voted for Trump or Brexit are wrong in the BBC bubbleverse
… NO!
Obama is still following the valedictory script that expected a Clinton win in the elections. Royally piss off the Russians and Israelis to give Clinton and her hawks the excuse to restart the cold war or even WWIII.
Gavin Esler, all round BBC nice guy
– best pal to every anti-British lefty foreign journo who ever appeared on Dateline London [my personal favourite was the five-nil chairman plus panel opinion GB should hand back the Malvinas],
– simpering sychophant sidekick to Mark Kermode’s every leftist movie review agitprop utterance. Leaving aside Kermode’s recent unqualified assumption in his film review of the year that yes, Hollywood is racist against the likes of multi-millionaires Will Smith and Oprah Wimphrey – and gosh you can’t argue against that – if a black chap say’s you is racist then you is…, But my top pick from over the years was our Mark’s declaration that cinema audiences should jolly well get used to lots more multiligual subtitles to the big films – afterall that’s what they have in India! Diversity or die – seems to be the slogan.
Now our nice guy Esler is back to doing his graveyard shift at BBC News Channel. Not quite looking his usual self. His face is a picture of liberal discomfort. Make allowances. He’s suffering some payback with Putin running rings around Obama. The ballot box rebellion of the plebs – it all started with Boaty McBoatface, you know.
WB, it does seem rather like that. It has been a characteristic of British politics for some time and has cost the people dear, political people & parties playing their little games.
The crash of 2007-2009 was in large measure due to attempts at ‘spoilings’ by both the Conservatives and Labour.
Maybe, just maybe, with 23rd June we were seeing the little folk strike back. That’s not to say that Leave voters did not understand what the Referendum was about. Indeed, I think they knew rather better than the Remain campaign what the key issues were.
They are slowly being rumbled, these political chancers and spoilers.
A few threads ago I feared that we could be heading for another world war. Now I hear that Russian diplomats are being expelled from the States, and a headline in the Mail yesterday indicated this could happen, are my worst predications coming true ? Time to stock up on the condensed milk ?
Don t look to No10 for any comfort, oh!, or advice either…
Micheal Fallon ready for war with Russia in 2 years?
B “worzel” Johnson trying to get all to picket the Russian embassy?
Theresa “2 face” May blistering, scathing attack on Russian Pres V Putin, accusing the Russian military of “sickening atrocities” in Aleppo.
If Vladimir Vladimirovich can make the cease-fire hold then I reckon that there are a lot of war-weary people in Syria who are grateful for Russia’s ‘meddling’ tonight. Considerably better than the ‘meddling’ of Dave and O-lame-a. If the Russians can oversee or conduct successful peace talks that lead to some sort of solutions then they really do not need their old Soviet empire back. They will have achieved far more than Britain or the United States have done in international affairs for twenty years.
Talk about squandering the Peace Dividend.
Does HM’s Government know the meaning of the word ‘peace’ apart from a fake bolt-on to their apparently favourite religion after the latest atrocity?
“Time to stock up on the condensed milk ?” – before hiding under the table or in the cupboard under the stairs (as previously recommended) in case of nuclear war?
G… Lol !
Well, if ‘hiding under the table’ was a rule to follow, then most of the population would be stuffed these days; from what I read most families don’t possess a table and eat off their laps in front of the tele ! : ……. as long as we remember to pack the tin opener we should be fine.
Obama expels Russian diplomats and tells the Russians off. Big man Obama towers over puny Putin.
A friend who understands Russian made this observation about the BBC report.
‘I read this article early today and then came home to post it on Facebook. Interestingly, they took one sentence out of the article and replaced it with something benign. The original sentence was a quote from a Russian politician who said that Obama’s action was “The death throes of political corpses.” That seemed like Russian poetry to me.’
BBC, loyal to Bath House Barry until the end.
It seems Obama is determined to start WW III before he leaves office.
(A parting gift to his Allah?)
And where is the leftist media outrage now? The accusations of racism & xenophobia?
It’s alright to hate Russians & Jews. To expel them due to their race/nationality
Deny them the right to build housing on their own land due to their race/religion.
I’m searching for liberal-outrage-boy in the MSM this morning but I can’t find him.
The greatest risk to the Caliphate is an alliance between Trump and Putin to put a stop to the nonsense. Obama is doing his best to prevent the alliance by annoying Russia, but both Putin and Trump are grown-ups.
If the EU chooses the wrong side it becomes the battleground between civilisation and islam. There’s no need to wonder which side the BBC is on.
More on the bacon man who died in prison
Tommy Robinson tweets
Tommy Robinson ✔ @TRobinsonNewEra
The same judge who sentenced a man to 12 months for putting bacon near a mosque only sentenced a Somalian to 24 months for raping a child
9:53 PM – 29 Dec 2016
2,582 2,582 Retweets 1,769 1,769 likes
New Year Quiz. A quick trawl through the “so-called” BBC’s website today reveals the following. What’s the common denominator? A free ice cream to the first person to get it right.
National Parks “have lost millions in government funding”
Zero-hours workers “face pay penalty”
Help to Buy scheme comes to an end
“Invisible” young carers denied support
Child abuse “affects health decades later”
8-year-old transgender boy asked to leave Cub Scout pack |
New Jersey boy says he was kicked out of Cub Scouts …
BBC not running hype on it YET
Well worth a read but no surprise to users of this website
This morning the Today programme had Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, as their guest editor. She is a Government official.
Can you imagine the howls of protest from the left if the BBC invited (say) the Chief of the Defence Staff as guest editor? (So of course they wouldn’t!)
And one guess (you won’t need three) why she was invited?
The BBC – redefining the word ‘predictable’.
Oh noes, Citizen Khan, the BBC’s funniest comedian is pelted by an egg as he films in Ladypool Road, Birmingham. This area of Birmingham is part of the Balti Triangle and virtually 100% Pakistani Muslim, so one can only assume it was a fellow follower of the religion of peace that did the deed because they don’t find him funny.
lol… the Birmingham Mail piece includes… “The BBC Asian Network and 5 Live presenter turned comedy star (Adil Ray) grew up on the Yardley side of Birmingham, but is now settled in the Edgbaston / Harborne area and continues to enjoy city life.”
Edgbaston/Harborne = Middle class and overwhelmingly white (by Brum standards).
Adils choice of residential area tells you all you need to know.
Fortunately it was an egg, not bacon and not thrown by an infidel, otherwise the perp would die in jail
They clearly don’t like the thought of ‘Citizen Khan’ associating with the white Christian folk and even making money out of it.
Apparently the UN is now taking a hand in paying the bribe to the invaders in Germany to voluntarily go home. So much for fleeing war and all the rest of the phoney excuses. Perhaps the UN finally realised that, having supported the invasion, they may have unwittingly be playing a large part in destroying the Governments of the EU and the EU itself as the largest vehicle worldwide absolutely supportive of Globalisation, their, the UN’s, ultimate aim. A swift, “Handbrake turn”?
As we approach the end of the 2016, it is time to appraise Treezer’s performance as Prime Minister. Can anyone tell me of anything which she has actually DONE ?
Something to do with shoes and leather trousers?
But that may be Eddie Izzard and Evan Davis.
Wore a red pop up bra which was photographed in the media and widely discussed on Twitter
Blimey, four tits in one picture!
Osborne is wondering if he can tax two of them !
Skimming through the TV schedule, I saw Kissinger’s name mentioned under the BBC Parliament channel – with 15 mins left of the programme. I thought I’d see what the old man had to say. The final part of his speech to the assembled “great & good” (I’m being sarcastic here) decisively demonstrated his adherence to Bilderberg-Globalism. He lauded the EU, and concluded in a eulogy to his friend Ted Heath, who he described as a statesman whom history would regard as a great man and visionary (I paraphrase a little). The parliamentary meeting was chaired by one, John Major. ‘Nuff said!
Kissinger always was a fake and a fraud and that just confirms it !
Dead right Grant, and with gallons of blood on his hands.
Yes !
Downing Street criticises US comments on Israel
Too late to start back tracking now Mrs May, I can hear the Trump footsteps ‘a comin’.
You silly girl Mrs May. Silly girl.
That stupid cow should have vetoed the Resolution instead of colluding in drafting it. Does she think Bibi is stupid ?
Grant – I used to think the Teezer was quite sly and though weak, she sort of possessed some common sense purely in a self survival role.
I think this vote demonstrates her political judgement is flawed.
As Wronged said the political wind is changing and whilst her decisions may help gain her membership of the Groucho Club and maybe an invitation to speak at next years Tolpuddle event holding hands with Jeremy (and who knows even share a tent with him – that is as long as the Jabbot doesnt mind) – I am afraid she has lost any likelihood to being considered a serious politician and instead her policies will only isolate us as a trading nation to those who we should be doing business with.
Never mind Teezer – perhaps we should stay in the EU – wouldnt you just love that!
LOL ! Treezer, Jeremy and Rabbit sharing a tent . Pass the sick bag.
My point about Treezer would be that I have no idea what , if anything, she stands for and cannot think of a single policy that she has actioned. To me, she seems like a talentless nonentity, but I could say that about most of them , including Cameron.
Grant thinking about it – if the Jabbot was in the tent the Teezer and Jeremy would have to share a sleeping bag outside as there would be little room even if he had an industrial teepee!
Maybe Jeremy is hung like a hoss – hes got to have something going for him!
I agree with you about the Teezer though. She is all image and no substance. From day one when she was banging on about brexit means brexit whilst giving important posts to remainers like Rudd and that slimeball Hammond it was obvious that she either had poor judgement or had little stomach for any meaningful brexit and instead was happy to slow the process up and letting others in the cabinet get the blame for it.
The one thing that you can rely on about her though is that she is unreliable.
I do not even want to think about your first point.
But, agree with you on the second. You mention Amber Rudd. Someone with that appallingly dodgy background in business is not a fit person to be an MP, let alone a minister.
AMBER RUDD ? I spotted her name in the credits after watching 4 Weddings & a Funeral –
Aristocracy Co-ordinator… Amber Rudd
My eyes came out like chapel hat pegs ! Looked up on Wilki and yep, sure enough, it was listed that she did it ! helped out with the casting apparently. So, if a film crew member can become HS, then there’s hope yet for Jude Law taking over as FS and Michael Sheen in charge of Overseas Aid !
Martin are you sure it wasnt the International Mummy Convention which I believe is held in an hidden antechamber in the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza.
It must have been quite entertaining watching these once well dressed man/gods bumping into eachother, treading on bandages and generally shedding embalmed body parts all over the shop!
I heard a rumour that Mum Ra Major was unable to take a certain body part with him into the afterlife because it had already fallen off when he was sleeping with Draculas daughter!
BBC ponders Thatcher’s Poll Tax and the opposition to it.
But they manage a dig at Brexit
They quote Portillo
‘As to the lessons to be learnt from the debacle, he (Portillo) draws a parallel between the decision to introduce the poll tax “without thinking it through” and David Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum on Europe without thinking through the consequences.
“The lesson ought to be, think carefully before you do things. But the chances of prime ministers learning that are, I think, slim.”
That’s it. Draw the inference. The Poll Tax caused riots, and so will Brexit.
Just like Portillo thought through his challenge for the Tory leadership. What a wanker. He should go and stick his Bradshaw where the sun doesn’t shine.
Once again Mr Putin, when given the opportunity, has put the metaphorical boot into his US counterpart.
Breaking news is that he won’t be playing the tit-for-tat game by expelling US diplomats but will, in the true spirit of this holy time of the year, turn the other cheek!
It’ll be interesting to see how the ‘B’BC and its sister rag, the Guardian, will react to this. Calls for an eye-for-an-eye reaction, perhaps?
Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it – you only had a few weeks left in which to preserve your legacy, President Obama, as a man that never put a word wrong and you blew it!
It just proves who is the better man, not that we were in any doubt.
I just hope that Trump invites the expelled diplomats back on January 21st, just to rub the salt in.
Whatever anyone thinks about Putin , he is a very clever man and does “Realpolitik” better than anyone. Little boy Barry is not fit to lick Putin’s , well, let’s say shoes.
Agreed. Trump should announce that now and make a complete fool of Barry !
I think an offer to store the Russian diplomats furniture at Trump Towers for a few weeks is generous enough, Grant.
Free of charge, naturally.
LOL ! Now that would be funny !
There’s nothing what so ever on the BBC about this important political story concerning the huge split in Labour over Immigration:
Jeremy Corbyn REJECTS calls for Labour to back immigration controls despite warnings from his party’s northern councillors that they face being wiped out by Ukip
But in interviews with the Financial Times more than two dozen Labour councillors warned that Labour is heading for disaster at the next general election if Mr Corbyn refuses to back down on his enthusiastic support for immigration.
Kathy Graham, a Labour councillor, told the newspaper: ‘A lot of locals aren’t going to vote for me because of Jeremy Corbyn. Mention Jeremy Corbyn and they all go mad.’ …
Peter Chand, a councillor in Dagenham and Rainham east of London, said: ‘The feeling on the doorstep is mainly about migration.’
It might come as a surprise but Dagenham is NOT in the North of England, even for an isolated out of touch Leftie liberal Islington elite !
Jeremy has always defined himself as a man on the fringe of the Labour party and now is close to realising his life-long dream of turning Labour into a Fringe Party.
“Dagenham is NOT in the North of England,”
But it’s north of the Thames, isn’t that close enough?
Hampstead and Quislington are also north of the river, so Labour is still in touch with its Northern Roots – just don’t ask any of them to live north of Enfield.
I`d like to see Corbyn challenged on this on the BBC….From the left friendly weekly, the New Statesman…
“I like being in the minority as the only man on this panel, just as we will have a majority of women ministers in a Labour government,” he said to loud applause.
“We can’t make a politics for straight, white men,” said one of the panellists, a blonde-haired woman from the Karl Renner Institute, the political academy of the Austrian Social Democratic Party. Corbyn nodded vigorously.
Remember, this gonk wants to be Britains Prime Minister!
It appears nearly all the MSM including BBC the Neoliberal politic, want to gleefully play the pantomime dame, boo hiss! Putin, worst since cold war, relations lowest ebb etc etc.
As for Buraq and his political “dummy spitting”, doesn t he/don t they realise it is all ultimately utterly self defeating? … crooked Hilary s e-mails, whining it should be her, doom/gloom/uncertainty with Russia/Israel, Barry your history baby.
When the Don like him or not, reinvigorates US/Russia relations, as he is almost certain to do, when he meets Bibi and cements a relationship with Israel.
Which is what the US electorate want, Trump will give the image of stability and get a massive thumbs up.
Among the best fun I’ve had all Christmas has been watching the BBC make a corporate idiot of itself as it tries to slavishly defend its hero, Obama, while Mr Putin treats him like the pathetic, tantrum-throwing irritant that he, clearly, is.
This morning our ‘world class’ broadcaster actually ran a fake news story (oops!)which, one can only assume, had been leaked to it and its US opposite number, CNN, claiming that the Russians had closed a Moscow school used by the children of diplomats. Oh, and they were going to reciprocate Obama’s expulsions.
Both stories were completely untrue, apparently. No doubt an apology will be broadcast later today?
The truth is that Putin, showing real aplomb, has now invited diplomats’ children to celebrate New Year at a special party and enjoy the Moscow Christmas tree.
On the whole, it hasn’t been a very good year for the Left in general. and the BBC in particular, has it?
BBC, Obama, Kerry, May, Corbyn, and the others all making assholes of themselves. Putin taking the piss out of all of them. 2017 can only get better, bring it on !
I was trying to think of things which I have enjoyed watching or listening to on al beebus over the last year, whether intentionally or otherwise.
The programme which amazed me the most, both by the fact that al beebus even made it, never mind actually put it on air (albeit, I think, at 10.45pm; midweek on BBC2) was “The Last Whites of the East End”. It was very good and stirred up the Progressives rather nicely.
The second was the interview of the Farage by Andrew Neil in the run-up to the referendum, it was the fairest he has (ever) had on al beebus and convinced me that A.N. is a closet Leaver.
My third would be Justine Webb on Toady, getting his teeth knocked (verbally) out through his @$$hole by an American journalist during an “interview” about Steve Bannon; following Trump’s selection of him for a leading position on his White House team.
Does anyone else have any favourites, they’d like to share, from al beebus’ output this past year?
Only TMS and most of Radio 3 ! Agree with you about AN though, a token bauble and sop to the non-hard Left. Who will replace him ?
Al…That`s easy! the morning I got up at 2 am to watch the Brexit result unfold.
Closely followed by the morning I got up at 2 am to see how the U.S. election was going!
On both occasions the BBC coverage, through their gritted teeth, was a joy to behold and my drive to work full of the joy of listening to the Today programme. Ah memories…..Bwaah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!!
I agree 100% with those two, Dimblebore’s face was a picture when the result of the referendum gradually sank in, however I was thinking of more specific: items; events; cock-ups etc.
Dimblebore is proof that the BBC is not ageist !
O.k Al I give you Emily Maitlis, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Emmett Tyrrell Jr. I watched this live as it was broadcast…
Is Donald Trump racist? Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie v R Emmett …
► 4:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eloHoAvArCo
11 Nov 2016 – 5 min – Uploaded by BBC Newsnight
Bob Harris Country is usually o.k on a Thursday evening on Radio 2, and on Saturday mornings “building a library” on Radio 3 and “from our own correspondent” on Radio 4…even when they try to be PC it never quite comes off!
I watched this exchange with incredulity.
3:00 “If you’re a white man you don’t get to define what racism is, you really don’t.”
A whisker under five minutes long and not one specific example of Trump saying something racist.
Poor, justifiably-exasperated Emmett looked as if he had beamed down onto Planet PC, where different norms of language and logic apply.
Politically, June 24th,2016. The greatest and happiest moment of my life.
A particular highlight for me was the ornamental but useless lead News Presenter of BBC World News America Katty Kay gibbering into the camera as we wondered what she did all day (evidently not “finding out how everyday Americans are likely to vote”).
BTW Katty is married to the step-grandson of Field Marshal Montgomery and former BBC foreign correspondent Tom Carver. The couple live in a Boden catalogue with their four children Maya, Jude, Poppy and Felix.
“Maya, Jude , Poppy, Felix “. FFS. Says it all. Grant and Tom are real names !
Grant – And Lobster is my real name …….
(Actually it’s Dave really, but don’t tell anybody!)
Live in a Boden catalogue – Love it
Here is Justine getting his b@lls handed to him, it’s amusing to hear his nervous chuckles creeping in as the interview goes on.
Webb goes on a fishing trip / ambush and – quite rightly – gets the crap kicked out of him.
There’s a video clip somewhere of Milo doing similar on one of Webb’s colleagues, and Kellyanne Conway doing likewise on Paxman.
Leading alt right US spokespeople are just too smart and lacking in deference for the Beeboids to handle.
Meanwhile, the BBC has Germ Hardy and F-rankie Boyle.
Trump and Putin seem to know what buttons to push to win folk around, whilst Barmy, Treezer, the EU & the BBC simply inspire derision.
Jeremy Hardcase
And Frankly Boiled.
When the BBC Islington BUBBLEWORLD Green-nutters make programmes you end up with BS and spin. So I know not to listen to progs like Costing the Earth, but over on BBC World Service there is a new prog My Perfect Country with Fii Glover
(trying to build it by combining best bits of others)
Today’s listener suggestion : Cut off off public water and adopt mandatory home roof to rainwater tank system used in Bermuda.
The panel voted 2 to 1 for it.
It’s laughable cos the situation in Bermuda is so EXCEPTIONALly built up.
I know There is a reason why most magic shortcuts don’t work out. I can think of 3 problems.
#1 Rainwater isn’t healthy to drink cos it lacks the trace minerals humans get from spring water.
#2 ..rainwater tanks are prone to bacteria and protozoan infections
#3 You need water to flush sh*t out the drains)
Yet in that show it was all hype for the first part and then when asked their expert why its banned in some states his only explanation was it must be to do with the way water rights are owned.
Bermuda gets 150cm of rain/year. Exceptional place the prog failed mention it’s 95% built up.
Only later did they mention the health issues and others but still didn’t take them as problems. eg cleaning roof/tank costs $1000 every 2 years and is mandatory.
– said there are no water taxes, then when I check that I found that it has a problem with beach sewage, cos there isn’t proper sewage treatment.
..and also the drinking water is not SAFE for visitors)
– Prog mentioned that is some areas there is still not enough water so people buy desalinated water. They admitted thats not ecological.
Bottomline : since Bermuda is exceptionally built up it needs exceptional solutions. I’d change toilets to a dry system (pee in a bottle, crap in a box) and put waste water thru a recovery system ..and for drinking water bring it in from US in sea tankers.
R4 Today this morning and other BBBC news bulletins during the day have majored on Russia “hacking the US election”. The implication is that the Russians somehow manipulated the count.
What the Russian (if you believe CIA & FBI) hackers actually did was reveal confidential emails from within the Democratic camp relating to campaign strategy, tactics and finance. For example, Clinton would seek six-figure “donations” from corporate America in return for making a speech, with her substantial entourage travelling by private jet and staying in luxury hotels at the corporation’s expense.
The Democrats have made no claim that said emails are anything other than 100% authentic. Their objection is to the emails, and the truths that they contain, being made public. Surely the hackers – whoever they are – have done the US electorate a favour by offering a voters an insight into what actually goes on behind the political scenes?
I’m sure that many other people must feel the same way. However BBBC’s coverage completely ignores that line of argument and says nothing about the substantive facts that were revealed by the hackers.
Ah Tom you don’t understand.
If leaks are anti ‘the west’ or, in particular, the hated US, then we must analyse the contents of the leaks, and those who leaked them are heroes who ought not be troubled.
If the leaks counter the Global warming hysteria, such as those showing up the UEA ‘tricks to hide the decline’, then we must ignore the contents and concentrate on those who leaked the emails.
So, it follows, if the leaks embarrass Hillary then we must ignore the contents and concentrate on the leakers.
Hope this is helpful for anyone chucking their TVs or radios out of the window in frustration at the BBC’s pathetic sleight of hand.
SS – thank you for enlightening me 🙂
Has this is quite ironic
The Mardy-un’s Tweet hyping BBC success has a twist.
Good or bad following Brexit ?
How to put negative spin on some good news………………”London shares hit year’s high at end of 2016 trading”
“The move upwards was tiny”
As I have posted here so many times, if the FT100 falls by 1% the BBC describe it as a ” crash “. !!!! Where are all the Trolls to discuss this ?
Complete with picture of stockbroker (white of course) contemplating suicide.
Given that most of the City boys (oops and girls wouldn’t want to be thought sexist) are still on their hols I would have thought that would be something to be happy about.
But not for the traitors at the so-called BBC.
Just listened in to Al BBC 5Live News 4.15pm to hear the resident Chimp interview
the newsreader girl from RT re Putin, and Obama Diplomatics
… virtually collapsed laughing as she was accused of “just spouting the view of the Kremlin” Pot/Kettle 😀 .
Quick as a flash, she replied that is not right, and paraphrasing … the BBC is simply a mouthpiece of the Obama administration, everyone knows that. Radio Gold.
The interviewers tone changed immediately, he became almost spiteful, and she was gone in a flash.
No link yet – BBC 5Live Drive
This was an amazing encounter, almost comedy gold. Not only did the BBC presenter (Chris Mason?) allow without demur some complacent windbag masquerading as ‘our diplomatic correspondent’ (Jonathan Marcus?) to dismiss Russia as “a middling power” of no military consequence outside its immediate borders, and then allow him to give a pure piece of opinion on Russia’s possible motivation for interfering in US politics, but then went on to question the journalistic integrity of a Russian female commentator who had give what sounded like a perfectly reasonable – and much more humorous – summary from the Russian point of view! I was laughing out loud. They seem to lose the plot when someone does something (fairly obvious) to make their little Yankee poster boy look like a rank amateur.
I was retuning the radio after Classic FM decided that George’s autopsy showed nothing was top story, and ended up with the BBC.
Some BBC tool in Russia was in full narrative mode, oblivious to the fact that anyone with a brain and access to the internet could grasp he had either no clue or no intention of reporting accurately.
You know I missed the first part, everyone HAS TO LISTEN IN TO THIS!
What a sleazy, forked tongue bunch they are – try at length to set the RT girl up and then start off with :-
… “well, what do you make of what Putin has done”
7 mins 30 secs.
Brilliant nog, thanks for posting.
Shows the BBC pr@t for what he is, a mouthpiece, product of yuni and Beeb Lugenpresse school…..the same tired lines…”you’re a journalist aren’t you?” and, “can you help me out here?”
incapable of any reasonable answer when called out on his bias……
Minced and spat out by the Russkie, and good on her.
BBC 5Live Drivel, surely?
Don’t understand.
All day, the BBC has been explaining to us how weak and pathetic Obama is. Apparently he ‘warned’ the Russians to stop hacking US emails and they carried on doing it, as bullies do against the weak and lily-livered. Apparently, he was unable to prevent it. So, clearly, it is a good thing Obama is leaving office and someone the Russians ‘respect’ is moving in – yes?
I think if Trump says “will you stop interfering in the US or I’ll do something about it, bigly, and it will be great,’ the Russians might think ah, we best stop then.
Yep as if Putin cares what little Barry Obama has to say . Putin has invited all the American diplomatic families to the Kremlin festivities.
So 3 months until Article 50 and the crickets are chirping – I am getting the feeling we are all being ignored. Time for Aaron and Nigel to come back – plenty of pissed off voters all sitting here.
It will be heartbreaking to sit here and watch Trump start to turn things around while Theresa keeps saying ‘ Look squirrel’
May will try to shaft us all but it will backfire on her. The real loser is our nation as the people’s faith in the system , already weak , will fail completely and who knows what will happen then.
Agreed Dave – could be some spectacular stuff this year – they won’t last beyond May (no pun intended) if the do sweet FA
She is a failure, now and in the past, sly, secretive and incompetent, with a bunch of equally sly and underhand cronies in No10.
Almost a mirror to Obama, Power, Clinton and the obstacle to peace himself Kerry, if he cared that much about democracy, he should have pushed it in Iran.
Did anyone hear this on the BBC ?
British trucker raises £165k for family of Polish driver killed in Berlin …
22 Dec 2016 – Yorkshire trucker Dave Duncan is raising money for the family of the Berlin victim.
Newspapers like the Mail and Times.covered it.
BBC covered it but their title “Berlin attack: Crowdfunders donate to driver’s family”
didn’t go against their normal narrative of “Working class Brits are racists who hate Poles.
– Ha the irony, on R4Today this week Michael Gove does an item about how experts slip into Groupthink
…. Then next moment the BBC bullies interviewing him ganged up saying “£350m £350m ! We win, we win”
(hello guys that’s groupthink
After the Berlin attack , a young BBC female commenter said during a World Service discussion “The problem is possible backlash the majority LAW ABIDING migrants”
That’s the BBC normal lack of awareness, cos apart from a few who had come to Germany the legal way, the hordes are not law abiding, cos insteadof staying in Turkey etc. they chose to BREAK immigration laws by not registering in the first Safe Country but chose to cross all the way to wealthy Germany.
Unless you consider the fact that Merkel opened the countries doors to anyone who wanted to come.
Consider though the analogy of the bowl of skittles and one of them in it is poisoned and will kill you. How many of those lefties would take a handful and eat them ?
It’s also known as the Russian Roulette argument one in which they refuse to put the gun to their own heads, but are more than happy, nay insistent that they put it to ours, with no comeback on them for the consequences.
Friday finance update.
FT100 closes at all time high.
Aha, I hear some say. But the pound has crashed.
Yep, its where it was against the Euro in …errrr….2013 !
Don’t hold your breath for a report from the ‘economics correspondent’. Just not enough bad news to tell us about.
The BBC do not do Economics, Finance, Markets , Taxation, Science , Business and much more. But they do “Strictly” , ” Bake-off “, Islam and paedophilia.
They don’t do comedy either. Have not done for years.
BBC also omits to mention:
– Remain said Stock Market would crash
– the dollar is strong since Trump elected.
Radio 4 PM decides to allow Armando Iannucci (BBC so called comedy) as its second commentor on Donald Trump to put the anti side and what an embittered twisted liberal BBC type he proved to be.
every criticism made against the Fascist Left he makes against what he sees as the alt right, even going so far as to call them thin skinned and unable to take a joke! Yeah? Well try making a joke about your brown eyed boys and see what the Fascist left make of you, that’s if the brown eyed boys haven’t got to you first!
Armando Iannucci just about summed up all that is wrong with the BBC and just about every impression of the corporation commentors here perceive.
I heard that item as a BBC employee being interviewed about something way above his pay grade and field of expertise.
Is PM a news and analysis programme or is it a magazine programme in which various BBC employees get to parade their prejudices?…..sorry to say it seems to be the latter.
Presumably all the political scientists and foreign affairs professors are on holiday, so they put up a comedy writer.
‘… a BBC employee beng interviewed about something way above his pay grade and field of expertise..’
That will be all of them then won’t it?
PM is a vehicle for drag queen/pantomime dame Edwina Mair to annoy the nation. He feels obliged to open every programme with what he considers a pithy and profound summary, in one sentence, of what the BBC has decided is that day’s important story.
It appears, certainly as far as the BBC is concerned, the Empire is highly objectionable these days.
I thought the architecture and styling of those old Art Deco cinemas and theatres rather attractive myself.
Self-important low brow celebrity declines an honour for reasons that will be celebrated at the BBC. Still, she did have a knack for saving us from all those razor sharp defects that seemed to be included in all consumer goods. There was a good parody of Watchdog a few years ago that I have been trying in vain to find. If anyone finds it, please post the link.
And another looney leftie, still trying to ingratiate himself with the whingeing Scousers running the ‘revenge for Hillsborough’ campaign. This has been the main ‘news’ on bBBC Radio Merseyside for the last two days.
And now ‘Sir’ Ken Dodd! Radio Merseyside will be ecstatic.
Sir Arthur,
Ken Dodd is one person that I do not begrudge recognition. A wholesome family entertainer who, if you listen to his material, can tell the rudest jokes in a subliminal way. Here is one example, “What a lovely day for sticking a cucumber through the vicar’s letterbox and shouting ‘The Martians are coming!'”
Typicl example of Al Beeb – love every other country’s heritage except their own.
‘Libtards’ hate our heritage and try every means to airbrush it out
She objected to the word “empire” and said the honours system was “unfair”.
“The campaigner went on: “We’re a very backward-looking country at the moment.
“We shouldn’t have lords and ladies and sirs. We should give people honours, yes, because plenty of people deserve them, including, I hope, myself.”
I say, Rule Britannia!
They hate that.
Just heard BBC’s Kermode speaking about a female director and her “Proud Ghanaian heritage”
Funny, we don’t hear Al Beeb talk about ‘Proud British Heritage’ .
The Scots and the Welsh are just about allowed a little bit of leeway by the BBc but the English? No chance . It is as if we do not and have never existed.
About time we had some real identity politics from the English. That would scare the BBc to death.
Its not ‘PC’ to fly the Cross of St George . In your own country ?
It’s British unionism the BBC detests more than anything.
Dividing the UK into regions or devolved entities is the EUs long standing game……Europe of the regions……ruled from Brussels via local assemblies…….assemblies with all the relevance of parish councils.
Brexit has, hopefully, put a stop to such silliness.
Waiting to see the weather, caught a few minutes of a NewsBeat programme on the bBBC news channel.
It featured a voxpop reviewing the year. The scene being a hairdressers shop in Birmingham.
Some jovial people in there, fair enough, but guess what? Not a single white person. Not one.
At the end, I noticed in the credits one for a ‘researcher’.
Yeah right.
‘Research’ in biased BBC la la land clearly has a different meaning from that understood by the rest of us, to wit adherence to the pre-ordained multi-culti narrative.
PM this evening featured a very long Eddie Mair interview with Sharon Shoesmith who was the head of child services on whose watch baby P / Peter Connelly was killed whilst being monitored by that service.
Interesting to listen to the boxes being carefully ticked as two, caring middle class professionals reinforced each other by way of gentle questioning.
Book to promote? But of course….but it’s also a PhD study so nothing so vulgar as money as the motivation…nope it’s “my need to understand, how we got to this place”.
Not angry? Perish the thought, Sharon’s not an angry person to the surprise of the social work professionals she now lectures on social work practice.
Gender? Oh yes…the threatening “successful woman” who was at the wrong end of male politicians and the nasty Murdoch media.
Blame game? Yes, a horrid one involving professionally accountable social work professionals, a less horrid one involving Sharon explaining how the media, Ed Balls, Gordon Brown and David Cameron had all “told untruths” about Sharon.
Cultural Marxist? Not named as such but what are we to make of her repeated line that the real story was of “familial child homicide”. In what world is a single woman, raising a child, living with a male (not the child’s father) whilst the child is frequently in the care of the man’s brother and various friends to whom the child is unrelated, describable as a “family?”
A nuclear family is a mum and dad and their offspring, an extended family includes grandparents, aunts and uncles.
What Shoesmith described as a “family” was actually what used to be termed “a broken family” which used to set alarm bells ringing in the olden days of stable nuclear family units being viewed by professionals as the desirable norm.
No Sharon, the real story was that a child was killed whilst social workers, under your leadership and health service staff including a foreign doctor, failed to identify the danger he was in, and failed to take action. Partly because the mindset taught to at least 2 generations of public service workers and their “service users” is there are no norms, only risks to be managed, and professionals backs to be covered.
As Sharon said, “all I care about is the social work professionals”, who she described as “making life and death decisions as we speak.”
A morality tale for our amoral times. RIP Peter Connelly.
Solid post embolden.
Sharon Smith was useless at her job and a poor baby boy died . End of interview.
Was that bitch Shoesmith never prosecuted ?
Don’t think so mate
Sorry to tell you but she won her case for unfair dismissal.
Truly a sick and twisted Country we have become. Wrong is right and right is wrong.
Oh well back to work and towel head central next week (London) with short-arse Sadiq Khan as the Mayor of London. It is truly tragic.
The wind has changed Lock, the establishments boat is holed, the bulkheads are holding but the leaks are increasing.
Look forward with resolve. Change is coming.
Be ready to seize the opportunities that are coming down the line.
2017’s gonna be yuuuuuge!
And the proof is that the Hard Left Establishment are panicking !
Agreed Gents – we will have fun next year
No she was sacked but not ‘officially’ so she claimed damages and WON bigtime! Things that happened under Ed Balls watch (one of the worst Ministers of Education we’ve ever had), following similar cases under ‘local authority’ Social Services were both under unsurprisingly (Labour direction) for London’s inner slum area as Haringey Council was and still is. Sharon Shoemith was part of this Labour mindset of ‘nothing sticks to me’ should the ‘shit-hit-the-fan’ (which would have reflected badly on Gordon Browns’ flawless administration). Ed Balls was closely allied to Brown and Shoemith was made the scapegoat for it all…
Although she cannot see what ‘all the fuss was about’ (she admits in the BBC interview, she admits to ‘no mistakes’ were made) as she was just following orders she had ‘no-responsibility’ of changing anything. We see this in other ‘well paid’ Labour careererists that take away adopted children from parents from couples who vote ‘Ukip’ (for example) and allow foreign nationals to continue with child / sexual / FGM / Slave, abuses that are usually ‘covered up’ or ignored by the BBC as being too ‘offensive’ and politically ‘sensitive’ to report.
Unfortunately she (Ms Shoesmith) was able to complain unfair dismissal (by Ed Balls at DFES) and was awarded so by the courts for unfair discrimination. By which time Ed Balls and Gordon Brown lost the General Election and the trust of the electorate. So (according to the BBC) Sharon Shoesmith is now the VICTIM of circumstance ‘as she was just following orders’ of the ‘multicultural’ problems of looking the other way – she was not asked to address. In the BBC interview (which was almost reverent) she clearly stated that this was happening on a ‘much wider scale’ and she was aware of far, far worse child abuse but could not public ally reveal it (on the BBC) as it was too awful to reveal on air (or in her defence to being sacked). That is why (she said) she had to write her own book (University Phd (no less) on UK Social Services childcare provision in the UK).
I must admit I felt sorry for her in that she lost her job following the same procedures that any Labour flunky would follow in Rotherham or any other area with foreign child abuse is hidden away. She was ONLY following orders and for that (under usual Labour control) she was to be sacked for a Ministers whim (she claimed without a chance to defend herself). The problem is still there (in Haringey) as it is with many ‘other’ London Boroughs and many of these foreign nationals ‘are actually totally ‘invisible’ as any challenge is immediately called ‘racism’, ‘discrimination’ or anything you like as long as its not called ‘criminality’ by foreigners on drugs or/and benefits. I doubt her new book challenges the ‘liberal-concepts’ of the BBC or her Labour Social care employers. On ending the interview the BBC did make it uncomfortable in repeating in what ‘ED Balls’ had said previously that IF he was in the same position again he would have ‘had to ‘sack’ Ms Shoesmith (again) and she replied that it was NOT her fault and that she was sacked for purely political spite (and not her professional integrity). She will pop up in the BBC again as ‘childcare expert’ I expect but perhaps she’s not great fan of Ed Balls on ‘Strictly Come Dancing! I presume anyway.
If Peter Connelly had grown up he would have almost certainly have been a career criminal probably using extreme violence to gain the ends to his means.
Connelly lost his life, but who knows how many innocents will keep theirs as a consequence.
That’s by no means certain Thoughtful.
I’ve met some pretty solid folks who had tough starts in life.
And that’s before “sure start” centres were even thought of.
Statements like that cannot be allowed to pass . I assume somebody has hijacked your name if not then it is as disgraceful a statement as I have read on this blog and not even the ‘fascist left’ you often mention would go that low.
Dave S – well said.
I too presumed that some creature had managed to write under Thoughtful’s name.
If not, then the post is as shameful as it is unintelligent.
Ah, the Minority Report theory.
“Just listened in to Al BBC 5Live News to hear the resident Chimp interview
the newsreader girl from RT re Putin, and Obama Diplomatic s
… virtually collapsed laughing as she was accused of “just spouting the view of the Kremlin” Pot/Kettle .
Quick as a flash, she replied that is not right, and paraphrasing … the BBC is simply a mouthpiece of the Obama administration, everyone knows that. Radio Gold.
The interviewers tone changed immediately, he became almost spiteful, and she was gone in a flash.
No link yet – BBC 5Live Drive”
Thanks to our friend AaronD … I gave it a second listen
You know I missed the first part, everyone HAS TO LISTEN IN TO THIS!
What a sleazy, forked tongue bunch they are – try at length to set the RT girl up and then start off with :-
… “well, what do you make of what Putin has done”
7 mins 30 secs.
Great piece of BBC “trousers down” embarrassment.
Chris Mason clearly has no clue about Russia, and is reduced to sotto voce laughter and whispers as our RT lady makes mincemeat of him and his warm up man, Marcus.
Even over the holidays, skeleton staff in-is it TOO much to ask for come competence?
And if you MUST telegraph your elephant traps and gin ones too-at least tie a know in your trunk and wear some faity lights so you can find your way home, once your transparent idiocies unravel live on air.
Following on from Kerrys turd in the Red Sea the other night re Israel-is anybody else as unsurprised as I am at Obamas “dramatic expulsions” of Russians today?
After EIGHT Years?…Benghazi?…Tehran?…all that silence, and now a few turds in Trumps jacuzzi for him to fish with?
Pathetic-but it`s typical of the left and how they respond to losing, being seen as a Syrian irrelevance-and not getting yet more time to fcuk the world over under Hillary?
Liberals aren`t used to losing-sense they`ll be able to handle it all better when they `re unelectable and a mere stain on Lewinskys frock once more.
Putin and Trump playing a blinder-but God, they`ve got utter thick petulant nincompoops as oppos.
Reminds me of how Iran treated carter before HE got binned with the US hostages…not that that US history is much in evidence at the BBC and with the idiot left.
Ta nogginator.
Click to access Global_WE_Tabs_221216_11.pdf
Gallup poll of attitudes across Europe.
There’s a great deal of information here, far too much for me to interpret, however it does show people feel by a great majority that the elites are taking their countries in the wrong direction.
They also don’t like the influx of migrants, although for some odd reason they do not wish to leave the EU by & large.
And the reason why we should give any credence at all to polling organisations is…?
Now on R4 : Correspondents Look Ahead
..the one where they all called everything wrong last year
… Waxing lyrical about President Hillary etc.
One just said “Trump is softening a bit on Climate”
Err not that I know Mr Wishful Thinker.
Another just said Trump wont rip up Paris.
(A fake climate deal anyway, cos although it wont reduce CO2 it”s measures can still damage industry
Whereas the opposite of the treaty ie ramping up fracking like the US has done has actually made the US the only country to reduce its CO2)
The female just said “the migration crisis in Europe”
…. Strange cos upto now Beeboids have pretended that immigration is only a benefit.
Apologies if this has already been discussed, but does anyone else see the point in this story – is it to make us think that Swedes are lovely, generous, cuddly warm folk?
Somehow, I don’t believe it as it’s printed. I’m sure earlier it referred to him as homeless – now it says ‘street-beggar’ and that he has a flat. The bit that really rings untrue is that the woman ‘got him a passport’. Did she use the express post office service? Does she have special privileges with the Foreign Office? Did she use someone else’s!! Don’t get me wrong, this is not to do with the poor hardship of some folk, but the story just doesn’t ring true.
Glaringly obvious that the story has real flaws but hey this is our world class BBC with thousands of the world’s best journalists so what do any of us expect?
Probably just more BBC Fake News. You have to assume that all BBC news is fake unless it is independently verified.
Why, yes. And only today we learned that the EU is being urged to give its blessing as to which stories we may safely regard as true.
Or not, of course. Personally, I would regard anything coming from the EU as about as reliable as a broadcast from Radio Pyongyang.
That is interesting there was something on Radio 4 last night about 8ish. A play I think -It was about some bloke who was a comedian in London and he and his pregnant Swedish wife had moved back to Sweden. It was some cock and bull about him getting a job as a comedian over there , her Dad on heart pills and him seeing an elk for the first time. I thought the missus had dropped an acid tab in my tea. It was so juvenile and ludicrous I was transfixed
You were right there is a WaybackMachine archieved page from 1pm which doesn’t mention the word Flat.
Breach of Charter IMHO
Materially altering a news-story without a correction note.
Many such charter breaches per day so Why isn’t Lord Hall in prison yet ?
Thanks for the link Stew – now feel better that I’m not imagining things.
I suspect that it was edited by a junior hack. Although the caption has been changed since earlier today, the body text still refers to ‘homeless’ (sic) rather than SBWAF (Street Beggar With A Flat). Clearly the young Beeboid has not yet mastered the search & replace command on his/her/its word processor.
Absolutely – only a minor adjustment! Article based on extreme charity to a homeless stranger, now extreme charity to a beggar who lives in a flat. They still need to explain how she ‘got him a passport’. Can you actually do that for anyone who isn’t your child or official charge?
Breaking news- Trump praises Putin for not retaliating .
Is this going to herald a new era of détente between Russia and the US ?
If so, Al Beeb will hate it .
Nothing on the biased channel as yet ?
This is hilarious -Little Barry Obama and the BBC vs. Trump/Putin
Its on the main news now.
The little boys and girls at the BBC cannot believe what is happening. It is not the schoolground that they are used to !!
Can’t bear it – quietly imbibing a nice white wine- looking at the wall is preferable.
So they all think we the plebs are going to buy the Russian Bogeyman theme again this Year?
Theresa / BBC / Boris – we ain’t buying your crap anymore. You have one job to do get us out of the EU do hurry up
“The ALLEDGED hacking by the Russians”
… first time I have seen the BBC back down and use the word “alleged”
R4 9pm News
Putin and Trump will just not follow the BBC narrative. How very dare they !!! I am loving every minute of this ! Putin, Trump, Netanyahu all standing up. Obama, May , the BBC and the EU and all just being pissed upon. Great stuff !
Taffman – I wonder whether the penny has dropped with the Teezer yet that shes has been backing the wrong Horse? I think the US horse Trumpbiscuit has already romped home whilst the Luxembourg gelding Junkers dream is still having a committee meeting to see if it is below his/hers dignity to run?
Teezer – Might I suggest that now might be a good time to give Nigel Farage a tinkle? – Something like = I am sorry Nige I may well have been a bit hasty in the past but there is something you can help me with……
Wont happen though -Teezer wouldnt want to upset the Israeli hating lefties. The “Nice” party obviously doesnt “do” jews unless its in the fashion espoused by the delightful Naz Shah!
bBBC will be hiding this story soon – just shows that not everyone plays by the same rules.
The EU has made it’s bed and now has to lie in it…in fact it hasn’t made it at all, it’s left the bedroom door open. And we have to lie in it. I think I’ve milked that analogy enough!
Whats going on ?
May criticises John Kerry…….
And Trump undermines Obama supporting Putin?
Ha ha lets hear what our Nige has to say ?
Obama is trying to sabotage Trump by souring relations with Russia before he leaves.
Putin looked like he was going to take the bait, but it was just saving face. Putin knows what is going on and so is not going through with the threats (which were never made by him directly, they were made through a proxy organisation – the foreign ministry – so he doesn’t look like he has changed his mind.)
Putin was smart enough to realise what Obama is trying to do and not retaliate, hence why Trump has complimented him.
The little girl blouses, Obama and Kerry are playing with the big boys. I guess it turns them on. But , in the long run, it is irrelevant.
Putin learned his diplomacy skills in the KGB. He’s applying spy tradecraft to politics.
Yes , and he is wiping the floor with the rest of them ! Apart from Netanyahu , that is .
Putin is not a feminised man.
This is why the Obama, the BBC and all the other “girly men” (thanks Arnie) cannot compute him.
Edited to add….and Netanyahu…..a leader who has actually fired a shot in anger, never mind just heard one.
Google Operation Isotope or Sabena hijack Tel Aviv.
New Year honours list – Sir Mo but nothing for Sir Nigel. What a surprise.