Black is the new Black.
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because he was black, he has since dropped somewhere near 30,000 bombs from drones in the last year alone, killing countless civilians along the way. Trump was given the bum’s rush for speaking inconvenient truths.
We were told Trump ‘attacked civil rights icon’ John Lewis, black, when the reality is Trump was responding to Lewis’ attack on him. Lewis is applauded and feted, Trump maligned and slandered.
Women march against Trump and the BBC looks on with tears in its eyes but this is the same BBC that deliberately hid what it knew was going on in Rochdale and Rotherham as 1,400 white girls were raped and abused by mostly Pakistani heritage men, the same BBC that told us that what happened in Cologne was a right-wing conspiracy, the same BBC that ignores what is happening across Europe which makes Norway the rape capital of Europe with Sweden not far behind. Guess the BBC is only interested in women’s rights if they are black or vote Democrat.
And of course if you have a brown skin or a ‘non-white’ religion you have a licence to bomb and shoot white people and the BBC will find excuses for you and make sure people ‘understand’ the grievances that drove you to this violence….you are a victim twice over.
Another open thread for a new week and a new dawn….
“UK shares fell as the pound gained strength against the dollar following Donald Trump’s inauguration speech.”
When the £ is low, its bad . When the £ is high its bad ?
Lets not blame it on Brexit this time – blame it on Trump. Do our goods in the shop come down in price this time ?
Yes, FT100 now down 0.7 % today. Fairly normal for any monday. The BBC are totally pathetic and ignorant. Just a teenage propaganda machine.
Link for above …
Yes , read it. The BBC are so stupid that they do not know what they believe. ” A stronger pound can hit exports “. But they don’t say that it could make imports cheaper. The whole piece was written by a child. And the BBC think we are stupid !
Most are blissfully unaware of the true range and scale of Muslim criminality as it is hidden by the BBC.
However application of Google shows:-
Location No of Victims
Atherstone 1
Teeside 1
Accrington 1
Coventry 6
Rochdale 66
Rotherham 1701
Carlisle 2
Sheffield 668
Oxford 760
Newcastle 95
Manchester 652
Aylesbury 2
Telford 62
Derby 27
Leicester 12
Birmingham 612
Dudley 2
York 1
Barnsley 15
Stoke on Trent 27
Bradford 2
Bristol 7
Bedford 1
Blackpool 63
Halifax 2
Blackburn 385
Leeds 12
London 1
London (Barking) 4
London (Islington) 61
Keighley 5
Oldham 4
Skipton 1
Nelson 1
Ipswich 1
Nottingham 1
Peterborough 15
Leigh 2
Burton on Trent 11
Banbury 6
Burnley 1
Gillingham 1
Preston 1
Bath 1
Luton 1
Torquay 2
Sikh victims nationally 200
National Total 5505
Underage Victims of Muslim sex abuse gangs.
Thank you for producing this horrendous list. Cameron and May have both said that the UK is the most successful multiracial country on earth. Let them go to Rotherham and say that! Your point is well made but as I am sure you know your total of 5505 is only the cases that have been taken to court. From the heinous behaviour of those in authority in Rotherham we can be sure that there are many other victims who have no been counted and perhaps never will be. Where is the anger from the feminists , from Labour , from the hated BBC and the rest of the MSM. Why didn’t they investigate this years ago, why aren’t they investigating now? We of course know the answer they are scared to reveal the truth that Islam is a disgusting cult that is totally incompatible with Western values. The government is scared that if the truth surfaces so called multicultural Britain will erupt. The leftist BBC and the rest of the MSM willingly play along with this line. Well my view is that the eruption is inevitable and the longer it is delayed the worse it will be. The truth about Islam in the UK will come out sooner or later. Stopping all Muslim immigration is a necessary and sensible first step just as President Trump said.
Only to be expected in a lawless society like Sweden –
Welcome to the Islamic Middle East………..
My take on last week’s news
(part of my ambition this year to get back into cartoons and satire)
Don’t give up your day job. 😉
I just have to re-quote Nick(tennnn hup, Bilko)Robinson, “We’re journalists, we ask questions and test arguments. We don’t do ‘positive’ or for that matter, ‘negative,.”
The term ‘journalist’ can be applied to the wonderful, insightful, questioning, posters on this site but not to him and his mantra chanters. I’m afraid he’s deluded just like his mate Webb accused Trump of being.
Speaking of people protesting their President, the BBC (and msm in general) seem entirely to have forgotten all about this:
A million march to US Capitol to protest against ‘Obama the socialist’
As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving America towards socialism. The size of the crowd – by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January – shocked the White House. Demonstrators massed outside Capitol Hill after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue waving placards and chanting ‘Enough, enough’.
Selective memory – it’s a wonderful thing.
Can we call this “alternative fact” ? I’ll check with James O’Brien and let you all know. His decision will be final as his altruism always trumps our pragmatism.
“Trident: Defence Secretary refuses to give test missile details”
H Y S is running on this one . Highest rated so far …..
“Does Labour really think the Government should have publicised this test failure to the world ? Labour really are an utter disgrace – they seek any opportunity to undermine the UK they can.”
Somethings not right with the HYS on the white man hating Al Shabeeb webshite.
Look at both these propaganda articles and more importantly, the HYS ratings..
The article about Donald Trump is massively against him, hugely in favour of mentally ill, left wing policies, and all the highest rating posts look like they are written in the same format. Even more telling is th very lower numbers of people who have voted, especially when its been on the webshite for over an hour..
Now contrast with this election article about Holland….utterly against the hate filled, lying, devious lunatics that arw ruining the west! The numbers against the left are astronomical, and from an article which is currently showing only 7 minutes old!!
Please check this out quickly people. The results are impossible. Clearly the fake news organization is lying to the people who are forced to fund it…again
There is no way that this will not be hidden by the new age Gestapo when they see this. Its so obvious it takes the piss. Its truly unbelievable.
The war on what information we can see, and how we see it, is truly underway.
pg 18 Times one inch wacky story
about “We can vaccinate public against Climate Misinformation(sic)”
Name of scientist “Sander van der Linden”
..My first thought …bet he’s connected to Lew the Wacky Conspiracy Scientist
Well what a guess !
“Why Misleading Americans about Climate Change is Dangerous. The New York Times. van der Linden, S., & Lewandowsky, …”
and what a surprise ..He’s connected to Grantham Institute (Funded by the Big Green Hedgefund) “Former PhD student”
“The study, published in the journal Global Challenges, was conducted as a disguised experiment.
More than 2,000 US residents were presented with two claims about global warming.
The researchers say when presented consecutively, the influence well-established facts had on people were cancelled out by bogus claims made by campaigners*.
But when information was combined with misinformation, in the form of a warning, the fake news had less resonance.”
(*By campaigners they mean the tiny opposition to Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam and other Huge Green Multinational eco-propaganda networks)
The BBC/MSM packaged the story as Cambridge scientists consider fake news ‘vaccine’
..has open comments
Mail also has the story
In Astronomy, the main issue about Climate science, is Censorship of information, rather than misinformation, whatever that is.
Fear of debate means people do not ask questions, not because of a lack of curiosity, but because they are told that the debate is over. So wide scale ignorance seems unique to this subject. What other scientific subject has almost no debate about its core issues. Who can name the formula used in computer models.
But like all of the BBC,s Climate experts, Sander van der Linden is not a Climate scientist, he is a University Lecturer in Social Psychology at the University of Cambridge, where he directs the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab. He seems to be talking about a brainwashing technique, he thinks can be used to vaccinate the public against any information about Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. “Misinformation” would be Sander van der Linden Psycho babble for “Jewish Science”
I presume this would involve the Psychology department, supplying Doctors surgeries with a vaccine against brain activity, that would reduce the intellectual ability of the general population to the point of being uncritical about the fact that Psychologists are not causational Climate scientists.
Sad news – from the time they did do comedy .
Will they re-run the series? Perhaps not, it may offend the EU especially with Brexit Proces melting the ‘snowflakes’.
The reports concerning the size of the crowd for Trump’s inauguration compared with that for Obama’s, ignore one factor – that some people who turned up to watch were prevented from getting to where they wanted to by protestors.
I have a friend in the U.S. military and he told me of two soldiers he was aware that happened to, there were no cops around and they decided, rather than try and fight their way through, they’d come away.
Can you even begin to imagine the scale of the reaction if protestors against Obama had blocked people trying to watch his inauguration? Especially if they had been blacks who had been from prevented from reaching where they wanted to go. The MSM would have flown into a paroxysm of mania, the authorities would have gone to the ends of the earth to catch any and every one who had been involved and then thrown the book at them once they got them in a courtroom.
A new factor into this bizarre equation is those who didn’t come to something… but were meant to… but opted not to… and are now dead to some, in the minds of such truly barking social media bubbleheads.
Well one remembers the epic logic of a certain Flokker who threw accusations around for folk quietly sidestepping dubious posts, and his/hers/its.
A lot of Trump supporters had to go to work on Friday. It may explain the difference in the size of the crowds at the inaugurations in 2009 and last week.
Up2snuff January 23, 2017 at 9:20 am
“…Can anyone please tell me what the comparable electricity demand is at present for a digital receiver compared to a conventional FM receiver?…”
We had a DAB portable in the bathroom that used batteries faster than the dormitory at Roedean. Now replaced by a small (cheap) FM radio, which is ok but the small speaker makes James O’Brien sound very whiney and grating on the nerves.
A while back we had a ‘Freeplay’ FM/DAB ‘wind-up’ radio for the bathroom but the DAB stopped working and now it’s just Radio 4 – which winds me up.
Quick answer
– The transmitter uses a lot less power ..BBC supposedly green*
– The receiver in your home needs more power to grab the signal and a lot of processing ..that’s why FM is available in tiny devices but DAB are much larger.
The stupid muppets wouldn’t listen to skepticsm about their optimistic rollout schedule they are now running TWO sets of transmitters…How Green is that ?
Thanks, chaps. So, no progress on the ‘greening’ of digital listening. It was the Freeplay radio that provide the original 20x power requirement, but those things are hopeless anyway in my experience.
The manufacture, transport & retailing replacement of a huge number of listening devices also have to be factored into the ‘green equation’ along with the disposal & transport of scrapped FM only receivers as well as dealing with the eventual waste. Might be a good time to run all of that by the DG’s office! 😉
Until China, India, South America and the oil fields of the Middle East do something significant about uncontrolled use of coal, wood, oil and the flaring of natural gas (enough to supply a country every day), Global Warming should be consigned to the back burner – pardon the expression.
Just heard Eddie (night)Mair deploying his most vicious BBC rhetoric as he introduced the first item on PM tonight, on the “malfunctioning” missile. The BBC, now styling itself as Her Majesty’s Official Opposition due to Labour’s weakness, is trying to get Mrs May to blame the American-made missile, rather than the British submarine or its crew. Blaming Lockheed Martin, suppliers of the Trident missiles, in advance of May’s meeting with Trump might, the BBC hopes, just sour the atmosphere between the two.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I sense the same “scorched earth” approach used by Obama in his last few weeks. It’s as if the BBC’s news editors want prospects of important trade deals to be as slim as possible, hence post facto confirming that they were right all along, about Trump and Brexit.
Yes, that is the point – the BBC is now, right out of the closet. So why not be honest and declare themselves the, BBC Party? Instead of the taxpayer funded, anti British, so called broadcaster?
The matters relating to the nuclear submarines of the Royal Navy are amongst the most sensitive British military information there is, far from hunting around for a non-story about what the PM: should have known; didn’t know; should have said or didn’t say; the far more important question is: who revealed this information and by so doing placed it in the public domain?
They should be sought out; prosecuted and if guilty given a sentence with a sufficiently deterrent effect; I think ten years or so should do the trick.
Good idea Al, but I think those sort of sentences are reserved for people who don’t buy a TV licence.
Before I went into the office this morning, the BBC were moaning about Brexit and Trump as ever-and as well as Webb asking for money for EU business.
Webb also slipped in something about Trident.
I had predicted that it would STILL be Brexit, Trump when we came home.
But the BBC surprised me -turns out to be Trident top of Eddies Eggs on PM.
Utter crap.
Ah well, let the BBC bang on about Inauguration figures and Trump cosying up to Corporate conmen.
I KNOW that he was talking to union men and Egypt, welcoming May and Israel.
Not as if the BBC will tell you any of THAT though!
As if the Left give a damn about Trident, yet the BBC emote as if they`re bovvered. Scum.
Surely it’s time the BBC rotated the pixie in as others of heftier aspect are clearly not swinging it on Labour ShadCab lady brainpower.
That said, like many a BBC HYS, the comments could be going a smudge better.
Yvette Cooper is such an odd looking woman.
It would not be a Labour show without mention of Jo
I am sorry but I really dont get what actual feminist issue all these wimmin were protesting about. I saw a picture in one of the Sunday papers of one of the wimmin – walking about dressed as a foam rubber vagina – and I must say I was quite confused!
As another poster on this site said – They dont seem too bothered about Cologne or Rotherham or whats going on in Sweden or the way women in general get treated in countries where Sharia rules hold sway. Yet Trump made a crass sexist comment ten years ago and all these wimmin are now stirring themselves up into some sort of confected anger over what – talking like a pratt ten years ago?
I suppose all I conclude from this is that – talking offensively about a woman ten years ago is a major crime whereas gang rape and multiple sexual assault must be ok as they do not even seem worthy of any of the sistas righteous. anger .
So Rape if you belong to a certain culture and religion must be ok I suppose?
I got to say I will never understand snowflake priorities.
The wimmin’s protests revealed more than ever the hypocrisy of the left. About wimmin’s issues but please don’t mention FGM, rape gangs, the laws upheld by the Saudis, Iranians and so on.
Have a look at this picture expressing a wish that Mary had aborted Jesus.
Now consider what the courts and the BBC would say if you held up a similar banner wishing the a certain prophet of Allah had been aborted.
That is a perfect example of double standards
GWF – They look like they are having fun – Maybe thats it. All this wimmin stuff is just another chapter in the never end snowflake party. A bit like telly tubbies in dungarees, buzzcuts and round wire rimmed glasses!
Very likely. I understand that Top Shop were involved on the day, probably gathering information for clothing trade.
However, having fun for this lot has limits. Having fun about Allah’s prophet would cross the line
A culture that produces people who act like this has real problems. Existential ones.
It should give us an indication of the coming battle and just how important it is going to be and how we must not weaken or show any mercy to those who would destroy our civilisation.
Dave S, good point. To wish that Jesus had not been born, is a sort of cultural self-harming. It’s an expression of such deep shame and disgust with themselves, but it’s also deeply stupid; do they seriously think ‘patriarchy’ (or whatever man hating nonsense they’re protesting about) would not exist without Christ – who by all accounts held quite an enlightened view of women for his time.
Never mind the courts, imagine what the ROPERs would have done to them!
For holding up a banner proclaiming an equally charming event should have happened to Mo (PBUH), they would have been beaten/stabbed/kicked/burned/shot/etc to death on that very spot or they and their families would have to live with a death sentence for the rest of their lives if they were ever identified.
They mispelled the sign. They meant it to say “If Mummy had had an abortion we wouln’t be in this mess.”
I would hazard a guess they are referring to Donald’s mother Mary rather than the immaculate conception and birth of our saviour.
Their priorities are simple. Who’s higher up on the Victim Scale?
White European women have a lower Victim Quotient than Muslim migrants.
And finally:
‘Two applicants declared they were female, one declared they were BAME’
In case the panel missed it?
I also wonder what a ‘media test’ is?
BBC4 – 7PM – 100 days … of Bullshit Broadcasting Constantly.
Or Belittle Britain Constantly, PNPT.
Best way to determine gender
7:30 BBC Regional prog Inside Out
Over-tired Junior doctors falling asleep at the wheel is one issue.
(use a taxi you muppets) ..topic in many areas
Yorks edition : “Paul Hudson looks at the controversial policy of ‘busing’ black and Asian children to school during the 1960s and 1970”
and “Why was a Leeds children’s heart surgeon named Nihal who’s just been struck off not stopped from operating sooner?”
BBC1 West
Terrifying car journeys with love songs and cuddling – more allegations against a former football coach revealed at the Bob Higgins Soccer Academy
NE Cumbria – Top Virue Signalling
Item about Polish TV looking for evidence of increase in hate crime
“Oh only 50,000 local EU immigrants here are only 1.9% population”
“Darlington is pretty looking that they live there” ..#ImpartialBBC
South West
\\Can it be acceptable to ‘black up’ for celebrations like Padstow’s Mummers Day?//
I love the comments section that the BBC stupidly allowed for the current debate about the Dutch PM’s desparate attempt to head off Wilders in the forthcoming election!
Check it out it’s great!!! BBC numpties will be howified.
Colby – Rutte said to the migrants? Act normal or go home.
This all smacks of typical liberal lefty vagueness – which home does he mean Amsterdam? Tunis?
And what does he mean by act normal? enact sharia law, taharrush?
This twat has twigged late in the day that the Dutch too, are starting to get pissed off with their guests. As we all know this is a too late in the day attempt to try and conjure up a few votes from those who still want to hang on to the liberal dream but know things are going badly wrong in their country..
Colby – Rutte said to the migrants? Act normal or go home.
This all smacks of typical liberal lefty vagueness – which home does he mean Amsterdam? Tunis?
And what does he mean by act normal? enact sharia law, taharrush?
This twat has twigged late in the day that the Dutch too, are starting to get pissed off with their guests. As we all know this is a too late in the day attempt to try and conjure up a few votes from those who still want to hang on to the liberal dream but know things are going badly wrong in their country..
They say, with power comes ……… responsibility but not it seems if you’re the BBC.
There are never any consequences for anything they do or say. They are not accountable to their shareholders or customs and there appears to be no effective oversight. They operate with a level of constraint which might be enjoyed in a third world, dictatorship. I realise I may be preaching to the converted but surely there must be something to be done. I do not wish to consume BBC products but have a Sky box therefore need a license. With modern technology it must be possible to block the BBC signal and avoid the TV tax?
The BBC invite me to renew my TV licence thus (email header):
‘You have 14 days to renew your TV licence’.
Not ‘Your TV licence is due for renewal’
or ‘TV licence renewal reminder’
or any other reasonably-worded invitation you typically get from the likes of an insurance company, mobile phone provider etc.
No, they make an invitation sound like a threat, because that’s how they operate – pay up or else.
Arrogant bastards, drunk on their own power.
Thank you BBC.
Having heard what you think of Sean Spicer as Trumps White House spokesman, I made a point of listening in to his Press Conference at 6.30.
Al Jaz, Sky had it-as well as the BBC in part.
1.Only one decided to speak over most of it with THEIR hacks interpreting it all for us. Any idea who it was boys and girls?
2. Sean gives a full (in truth dizzyingly busy) account of what Mr Trump has been doing all day and what his plans are for the week. Bringing in union blokes and women, CEOs of all manner of employers-and all with a a view to bringing jobs back, letting blue collar Americans that their reps are top of the invites from Day 1.
Brilliant politics I`d have thought.
3. But no-listen to the questions from the Press Corps-not ONE directed at what Spicer has just talked about-not at all.
All are about abortion, the lack of Hispanics and Blacks, Obamacare and TTip-and what mandate had he for any of this?
Unbelievable-as if the Press Corps simply have their own agenda and will not listen to ONE WORD raised by Trumps people. Just bang on about their own Obama shibboleths and fag ash, the New York Times, Pulitxer Beeboids screeching at their new irrelevance.
4. Spicer went up a lot in my observing-bloke has the patience of a saint, hope he`ll make them take drugs tests as well as give their places to genuine national journalists, and independent media. Not to Obamas stooges, Clintons handbag chihuahuas like those I heard condemn themselves with every facile insulting and cliched trope of theirs, Rest of us don`t give a stuff about the liberals preoccupations. Hope Trump boots them out, provocateurs and wind up shills for Soros.
Are you seeing people wearing dust masks ?
BBC is just Reporting Defra saying Air pollution ‘very high’ in England
Is it PR or is it news ?
Cos Feels to me that particulate levels in affected areas are still going to be a tiny fraction of Beijing or SE Asia annual smog where people are actually wearing dust masks all day
Twitter is not exactly alight with dust masks trending
BTW Neil Oliver prog about 19C Scottish-American slave owners
just said “On a cold night you would get a slave to lie over the end of your bed, to keep yer feet warm”
m I wrong to think that sounds like complete BS ?
While Oliver is fulminating against the KKK he has taken the precaution of not antagonizing the locals by ditching his usual keffiyeh
Did he mention the close links between the KKK and the Democatic Party?
Or that Lincoln was a Republican?
“On a cold night you would get a slave to lie over the end of your bed, to keep yer feet warm” Am I wrong to think that sounds like complete BS ?”
SG, you’re right, but that’s what the slave owner told his wife the next morning when she found the girl in his bed.
Just looked at CNN’s giga-pixel photo of the inauration and I can’t seem to find all the empty spaces al-Beeb et al have been reproducing.
That is incredible isn’t it ??
but that photo is way different from the sparse crowd ones I saw in the papers Times and Y Post
That does seem to show that pics the media used were False-narrative
either take at less than peak point or from particular angles.
I can only see space at the back of some specific blocks in the Mall.
Claims for a way bigger Obama crowd could be true if they are 800m away, but you can’t be that far back and say you witnesses the inauguration.
This why the bBBC and MSM hate the internet. We can research any subject at the click of a mouse button, and of course pass it on. Their lying ways are open to scrutiny by all and sundry, worldwide.
“Police investigate anti-Semitic hate crimes in north London”
Now I wonder who in London would be doing this ?
It’s probably the EDL. – Source… BBC News.
A special news bulletin from Wales.
Two brave heroes have crossed the, very dangerous, River Severn – managed to journey along the dangerous M4 corridor and then fought their way across the M25 as far as London and Westminster. They also managed to survive a hard fought interview with the capitalist running dogs of the BBC.
They deserve medals from their appreciative population who voted against their ludicrous plans.
The comments are going well (not).
BBC News -Impact of South East Asian migration to feature in exhibition.
“The exhibition is being put on by the Library of Birmingham and the British Library, who have been given £91,700 from the Heritage Lottery fund.
Birmingham City Council has declared 2017 as the Year of South Asian Culture to celebrate the impact of communities from the region.
Vanessa Harbar, head of the Heritage Lottery Fund in the West Midlands, said the “fascinating and timely project” would allow people to “gain a better understanding” of Birmingham’s history”.
A special plot for Muslims to bury copies of the Koran at a city cemetery has been approved.
The area is being set aside at Handsworth cemetery in Birmingham to allow people to ‘respectfully dispose of old, worn out and damaged copies’ of their holy book.
Birmingham City Council have given an assurance that the Korans will only be interred on pieces of land where people do not normally walk, a special burial place was needed because many mosques and homes in inner-city Birmingham lack the space or grounds for it.
Brum s insanity eh! … It loves rubbing everyones nose in diversity, and spending £91,000 of desperately needed cash on it, (shakes head)
If it isn t attacking Morris Men, its finding a revered “safe space” to bury old copies of Mein Koranf?
Mind you, it ll keep the Saudi s laughing as they are busy flooding the UK with 10,000s of copies every few months.
Should n t we erm “save the planet” BBC? and recycle them to loo rolls?
It ll all end in tears.
Will they pay EU landfill tax?
“Writer ‘suspended’ over Barron Trump gag” (in the sidebar)
“Comedy writer Rich ‘suspended’ over Barron Trump jibe” (headline) (an article which somehow features an attack on Donald Trump from Chelsea Clinton)
Interesting choice of words from the BBC. It’s a gag, she’s a ‘comedy writer’
“Paul Gascoigne guilty over racist comment”
So Gazza saying he couldn’t see a black man in the dark is not even described as a joke, even though it obviously was, yet a woman suggesting that a 10-year-old child is a mass murderer is obviously hilarious and definitely a joke.
The BBC scum showing their bias.
I caught an old episode of QI last night on Dave. Whole panel taking the piss on how the Japanese talk, Fry, Davis and Jupetus amongst others, trying to outdo one another on “humourously” swapping L’s for R etc., and the audience< on leave from Question Time, were whooping it up. I wonder what would have been the reaction if they had been mocking "Asian" accents a la "Aint half Hot Mum"?
These are the people who castigated Clarkson for using the word “slope”, whatever that was supposed to mean.
Benny Hill was doing that stuff years ago.
But the big difference is Benny Hill was funny.
That was television pre “BD”, Adrienne, Before Diversity! When one of the UK’s greatest industries/employers wasn’t the Offence Indusry.
ToobiWan, that’s interesting – I wonder if the relatively tiny number of Japanese in the UK means that mockery of them is more acceptable? Also, they have a number of traits which the PC left would dislike – hard working, capitalist, monarchist, very traditional, against mass immigration etc.
@MikeHunt has it been stealth edited now ?
There is no attack from Chelsea
Just this “Chelsea Clinton, a former first child, joined the support for Barron.”
have you read the supposed ‘support’?
Barron Trump deserves the chances every child does-to be a kid. Standing up for every child means opposing @POTUS policies that hurt kids.
It’s an oblique reference to the attack on Barron Trump and an overt attack on Donald Trump for ‘hurting kids’.
Ah cheers, it was within an image
and I browse with images switched off for speed and bandwidth saving.
I spend my time in the UK and in Thailand. I have always been able to see and reply to comments on the BBC news page.
Now – since the media have gone into anti-Trump frenzy (about 2 weeks ago) – I can’t even see the comments now. It just says “Cannot load comments’. Yet if I log in to a UK proxy, everything appears fine.
I wonder if the good old Beeb don’t want all the comments exposing their bias available for the rest of the world to see. They seem to have moved up a gear recently.
If it’s true, I find it absolutely disgusting and this kind of abuse of power belongs in Nazi Germany. I wonder if anyone else has the same trouble.
Well log in to a Japanese proxy
and then you’ll know if it’s Thai gov filter or a BBC filter.
Oscar nominations 2017: What to look out for
Any doubt that the Oscars are a back-patting, self-indulgent, self-obsessed, self-congratulatory, liberal-luvvie masturbatory orgy has been removed.
Apparently the odds on Meryl Streep getting a nomination have shortened after her anti-Trump rant at the Golden Globes.
And there was me thinking Oscars were awarded for merit gained from acting performances in movies – obviously not.
The black actors will never know now whether they can act or just being black is enough.
Oscars? Don’t know about anyone else, but I find it hard to find any new movie that can persuade me to take the trouble and spend the money to enter a cinema these days. Then there’s the uncertainty about whether some selfish idiot will spoil the evening by playing with his/her brightly illuminated smartphone during the performance.
Comic book superheroes from America? Mumbled or inaudible dialogue? Depressing, gritty, worthy, right-on political messages from the UK (probably subsidised)? No thanks.
With alternative sources like Netflix and Amazon producing more and more, and TV definition increasing all the time, I can see the high street cinema heading for another crisis. Or are they all full of noisy teenagers these days?
As for the BBC, it seems to have become a total irrelevance.
I so agree Adrienne. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been to the cinema in the past 15 years ! Very few films have enticed me because, as you say, Directors have a ‘thing’ about comic book superheroes with more noise and effects than dialogue (covers up the mumbling I suppose). Then the seating is so close to the screen that it all becomes a blur, and of course its always picnic time with the slurping, munching and obnoxious smells of God knows what ! I buy the DVD or wait until the film’s on the tele.
AND why are there SO many awful ‘comedy’ films coming out of America that aren’t funny and with teenage ‘actors’ who have no concept of acting at all ??? or is it me.
“AND why are there SO many awful ‘comedy’ films coming out of America that aren’t funny and with teenage ‘actors’ who have no concept of acting at all ??? or is it me.”
I know that “dumbed down” is probably overused but I think it applies here. A high proportion of the young audience seems to be interested less in the drama or the storyline and more in violent action, preferably breaking out every 2.5 minutes, and the celebrities delivering it. As many of them never read books, the quality of the dialogue is largely irrelevant, provided there’s plenty of profanity. Profanity is unstuffy, cool, and shocks the oldies you see (actually, it doesn’t).
The days of well crafted, straightforward, non infantile films that families can enjoy seem to be more or less over (I’m thinking of films like North by Northwest, for instance).
I think also we have reached the stage ‘generation’ wise, where those of who like and remember the artists of our parents time, are now dying out. For instance, I loved all the proper ‘film stars’ my Mum and Dad enjoyed; but my nephews (late 20’s early 30’s) haven’t a clue who Bette Davis, Burt Lancaster, Clark Gable, June Allyson et al are. They only know of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers because their Aunty (me) has been a lifelong fan. Never mind, maybe a turn around is starting to happen, with the success of La La Land perhaps, but I’m not holding my breath.
The trouble with modern cinema is that it has to cater to shortened attention spans and provide more than a widescreen tv at home can provide, hence huge explosions, 3D and 4D etc.
By contrast anything intelligent and well written has to cater to left-wing political sympathies, because anyone with ‘culture’ is automatically assumed to be a leftist/cultural marxist. Hence all sorts of worthy ‘epics’ about slavery, womens’ suffrage etc.
Jon Sopel was on the Today Programme earlier. Crikey, he’s not ever going to let it go about the crowd size is he? Just called Trump a liar basically, at least I think he did but it was a bit difficult to translate the manic petulant sneering.
He needs to put on his DVD of Frozen, sing a long and chill a bit.
Weird thing. In one report, the bBBC showed an Obama versus Trump inauguration photo comparison and then fessed up that the images were taken 45 minutes before it was due to start.
Having been to Twickenham a few times for the rugby I can testify that 45 minutes before kick off the actual stadium is practically empty inside. It is still only about two thirds full 10 minutes before kick off. But by kick off time it is full. Would the bBBC show a picture of Twickenham 45 minutes before kick off and then report that crowds are poor for England v Wales?
So what exactly were the bBBC playing at with their before and after photos?
A rhetorical question if ever there was one.
Listening to Jon Sopel earlier is all the evidence you require to know that he thinks his job is not to report events, but to report opinion and be critical of everything the ‘wrong’ Government does.
Opinion ? No BBC SJW is all about building narrative to get their way
and since they play by Alinsky “By any means necessary” rules, truth doesn’t matter to them.
Weather warnings and alerts, how your morning coffee might increase in price due to Brexit, how the Dutch are so much better parents than we British, news from the upcoming Oscars about which worthy but largely unwatched movie is be to celebrated, half the detail of a little story about a psycho father who killed his children so lets change the law in some unspecified way, local news readers with completely unpronouceable surnames, past-his-sell-by-date Nick Clegg live from Brussels, why-oh-why couldn’t we just have seperate cycle lanes, the nonsequitur conumdrum of a handful of unelected judges to decide whether Ministers or Parliament decides on an issue the Electorate has already decided, in sport the promotion of female boxers…
What else but the BBC Breakfast experience.
Fair and balanced. No agendas.
Why didn’t the BBC show this photo, a high resolution gigapixel image of the inauguration? I can’t count heads, but the National Mall and side streets sure look to be covered with people. Lots of them.
It’s why increasing numbers do not trust BBC be fair honest balanced and truthful!!!
Ever wondered if the trade descriptions act applies to the BBC and MSM…you know..The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 an Act which prevents manufacturers, retailers or service industry providers from misleading consumers as to what they are spending their money on.
Amazing that is on CNN. Blatanst lies, the BBC is the supreme champion of Fake News.
I did post the giga-pixel link further up the page.
I managed to take a screenshot of the back of the crowds so people can instantly see the enormity of the misrepresentation by the world’s least trusted broadcaster.
Much gloom and angst on the Today programme this morning about Trump’s cancelling of the TPP deal. Naturally, it was portrayed as another example of stupidity and short-sightedness from Trump. Naturally, the producers of ‘Today’ decided not to mention that Bernie Sanders is also opposed to TPP, and thoroughly commended Trump on his action. Oh no, that would destroy their whole narrative. Yet another example of selective news: some might call it censorship.
And yet only a year or so ago every Leftie I knew seemed to be warning about these international agreements and how they were going to allow ‘US corporations to take over the NHS’, among other things. Apparently, they were dreamed up by ‘global capitalism’.
Amazing how these halfwits can have such selective memories, isn’t it?
Apparently there are two deals, TTP and TTIP. The latter is the one the left seem to be terrified of (which is why I never paid it much attention) and it’s still on course, but according to the BBC Trump doesn’t like it and may nix it as well as TTP.
The problem for the Left is that their opposition to TTP and TTIP is a false flag operation. The average leftie who, by definition, is not very bright or aware, believes he/she/it is opposing capitalism. However, the people who finance their groups – the George Soros-type foundations – are those who are pushing for these agreements in the first place in order to promote their ‘One World, safe for Global Capitalism’ dream. Those who have studied Marx properly know that he saw global monopoly capitalism as a pre-cursor to eventual world communism and can support TTP & TTIP as ‘necessary evils’.
Yep, I did wonder about this one.
Weren`t Labour and the unions denouncing this TTip deal in that the Americans would gain access to “Their NHS” with a view to “privitising it”?
Or was that in a previous era, before Brexit and Trump?
Hence the BBCs skittish response this morning-Jeremy had not told them what to say.
Thankfully Trump trashed a few Indian burial grounds and bummed the EPA and Sierra Club creeps by wanting oil. Obama wanted them to drive on their own self regard and hot air, mixed with pixie dust and leprachaun dandruff.
One blast a day at the liberal totems-the Fred Dibnah of Liberal Totems is having a great time blasting them all to smithereneens!
Leaving a crapulent Jon Snow to moan that Trump didn`t build his Mexican Wall yesterday on Day One.
Oh no…broken promises-should have voted Bernie eh?
When Snow is reduced to THIS to slate the new President-safe to say the bedwetting class are in meltdown
let`s hope Snow comes home now-he`s had plenty time to splutter his pretzels-we need him HERE to mock him do we not?
Looks like the champagne will be flowing at Al Beeb thanks to the ‘Judges’ – for now…..
Over to democracy.
Get rid of Al Beeb.
I couldn’t bear to watch it. Gina Miller & Co will need to watch their backs now – big time. Bitch can’t stand to look at her face.
Please someone tell me that Brexit will still happen.
I won’t be watching the BBC News for a while now. Where’s democracy??
Is Gina Miller from this country ?
Now, here is a bit of good news 🙂 !
Why not go the whole hog and get rid of the thing ?
No taxation without representation .
Did you not hear Lord Hall talk about how BBCIplayer must increase the number of subscribers ?? Preparing for subscriber payment I guess
One of Mrs May’s more impressive acts, IMO, was to scupper that Supreme Court challenge by having the pre-vote in Parliament on Brexit. It made the whole court case a pointless box-ticking exercise.
Agreed Cranmer.
Eddie Mair himself had lost all heart today, as he said the same.
Well done Mrs May. Now get us out!
I was furious with Gina when she raised her court case in November but I think now that She has inadvertently done us a Leavers a favour. The Supreme Court judgement makes is very clear that the devolved administrations have no say in the Brexit negotiations and that this is a matter for Westminster alone. This is an incontestable unanimous judgement and there is no ability to appeal it .( Well there is the ECJ but would any Remoaner dare to pull that stunt?) Without this judgement the Scottish assembly in particular would be seeking to derail the whole process, now they bluster as much as they like but it means nothing. This judgement also means that the increasingly ridiculous House of Lords will have to put up or shut up. If they try to frustrate Brexit then the government will ennoble as many Tories as is required , pass Brexit and then vote the H of L out of existence. we have much to thank Gina for even if it was not her intention to be so helpful to Brexit.
How will the BBC handle this?
Feminist SJWs have apparently shot someone in a protest against Milo.
The BBC will probably do what it usually does. Ignore the story until it absolutely must run something, then bury it on one of its more obscure pages.
OK it’s not breaking cos it was on Friday night
It’s a bit murky at the moment but no hurry just wait and truth will come out
has a good video
“It is difficult to draw conclusions from one video among a mass of people, but at first glance, it appears that the eventual victim assaulted the shooter before being shot. Though a witness at the scene told KIRO Radio that Yiannopoulos supporters were spraying pepper spray at the crowd”
someone says gives a view
“The man’s Facebook page indicates he is a supporter of Trump, Yiannopoulos and the National Rifle Association.” (OK could be a fake thing)
That is contradicted ” the man who fired the gun claimed he had been assaulted before shooting the other man, whom he believed to be some type of white supremacist. Friends of the Dukes, his attorney and the socialist union he was allegedly part of, however, disputed that characterization.”
If you forced me to say I’d guess that the red cap Trump supporters on the right felt threatened by loud balaclava protesters on the left side. So yellow cap who is with the redcaps started squirting tear gas.
Baldy protester from the left decides to take out yellow cap and moves 6m forward. In the tussle yellow cap draws his weapon and shoots baldy. Yellow cap turns up at the police station the next day, but is not charged.
Jeez what idiot takes a gun to a protest ? Only in America
Over 200,000 have signed this petition:-
The freeze on the present fee ends in March.
The last Government petition, ‘Revoke the BBC Charter’ did just over 10,000 which still means the Government has to respond.
signed and posted on FB
Champagne out for the BBC. Government loses Brexit Appeal. Treezer will be able to claim that she did her best, and now accept the verdict.
This is a page about how to beat the BBC iPlayer ban from foreign countries, and also how to watch it without having to pay a licence fee.
Those ‘men’ again.
“Two men have been arrested over the blast which happened at Bridge Point on Ardleigh Green Road in Hornchurch shortly after 17:00 GMT on Monday”………..
‘ITMA’ used to be a BBC comedy. Nowadays it stands for ‘It’s “those men” again’!
Its ok A spokesman said a “possible cause” of the blast on Monday was the preparation of other types of drugs.
Oh that’s ok then. PS “possible cause”.
The government accepts an 8-3 judgement against it.
The judges unanimously agree 11-0 that there does not have to be consultation with devolved parliaments or assemblies, and predictable whimpering whiney noises are already being heard. As part of the UK parliament, the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MP’s will still have their voices and votes in parliament.
Also, why does MSM give the LibUndems so much air time with only 9 MP’s, with2.4m votes? The bBBC think PR is the bees knees now (Clitoris v Trump), so where is the representation for UKIP who polled 3.9m votes. The VD show is predictably in triumphant full on anti-Brexit mode this morning.
Woman’s Hour and Trump’s blanket ban on US NGOs receiving funding for abortions. But the ban began under Reagan and the UK is not in any way effected and NEITHER is America!
But that doesn’t stop them playing some old archive on back street abortions. They also give out a statistic that 1 in 3 women have an abortion. This figure includes early natural miscarriages which occur and should not be included in procured abortions – though they don’t mention that of course.
This article by the BBC house journal will likely be read by the BBC and its groupies one way, and those with a newer appreciation of the reality of media manipulation another:
10:51am R5 Adrian Chiles made a promise to send Douglas Carswell tapes of all the BBC progs with positive Brexit coverage.
Probably on a 500K floppy disc, Stew.
I’m left reeling this morning.
The UK voted in a particular way during the referendum and now wealthy, powerful groups are seeking to pull the rug from under the people’s feet.
I have no idea if George Soros is behind this high court action, though it looks as though he, or his money, was behind the anti democracy protests against Trump in the states. It maybe that the EU have funds for this High Court action, in the way they fund other pro EU groups such as the IFS, the CBI, the BBC or various politicians. I don’t know and I do not expect the BBC to mount an investigation either.
I’m not convinced Maria Miller is funding this from her own gold plated credit card, as the costs of high court actions are mind spinning.
Not sure where this leaves democracy, but it is scary how the soft left groups like the Guardian and the BBC, who pretend to battle the powers of the wealthy and privileged, are now supporting them
But psycho Nanny knows what’s best for the country.
“Not sure where this leaves democracy, but it is scary how the soft left groups like the Guardian and the BBC, who pretend to battle the powers of the wealthy and privileged, are now supporting them.”
Because the world has spun 180 degrees into illogicality and the progressive march through the education/brainwashing system has finally triumphed over the teaching of logic and reason. It began when I was at school, with “Correct spelling doesn’t matter, it’s the creativity that counts”. (There’s a rich seam of discussion about how, in the long run, that idiocy slashes the chances of the less bright, but I must not digress.) I used to think that at least maths couldn’t be tampered with, but how wrong I was – now numbers can be manipulated to “mean” almost anything.
Trump says he wants to help all Americans, especially those who are struggling – and he is branded divisive and Hitlerian. Rinse and repeat. And again.
Millions of hate-filled ranters march telling the world that “Love trumps Hate”.
Millions of deluded Left-Liberals march against the poor-but-proud in support of the global elitist agenda, patting themselves on the back while posturing their ignorance.
Words change meaning. See “impartial”, “democracy”, “caring”, “educated”, etc etc.
We really have reached the point, thanks largely to the BBC, CNN, NYT axis, where “All animals/wars/opinions/elections are equal but some are more equal than others.”
Totally agree Stella
But at least those who advocate leftie nonsense in state schools don’t have to send their own Tristan and Isoldes to state schools. All writers on the Guardian, most labour MPs and producers high up in the BBC, send their privileged offspring to the same private schools and public schools to which they went.
It’s not just confined to the wealthy. Consider the likes of Carwyn Jones, leader of the Welsh Assembly currently trying to do his best (mischief) to derail Brexit, particularly in view of the absolute majority in Wales voting ‘Leave’. I won’t go on to say anything about Scotland’s Garden Gnome………
G, Carwyn Jones practiced law for over 10 years and has been a member of the Assembly since 1999, so I suspect isn’t raiding the food banks on a Friday night.
I would also consider him to part of the ‘powerful’ who are doing all they can to undermine the views of the people, especially the peoples of Wales.
I’m a Labour supporter but I want Carwyn Jones and Labour voted out of the Assembly as soon as possible. Tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon.
Get rid of the bureaucratic white elephant altogether and spend the money saved on a reformed Welsh health service, education system and rail service . All of which are in dire need of complete audit and scrutiny. In short, they are in mess thanks to the Welsh Assembly……
We in Wales are ‘Lions led by donkeys’.
The comments are going well (not).
Indeed. From health to education, from enterprise to transport, it is a mess in Wales.
I am not concerned. The elite is digging it’s own grave .May will no doubt do what she is there for and that is to fudge the whole thing but having President Trump in the USA changes everything.
Europe is in turmoil now and 2017 is going to be interesting and events will deal with these traitors in our parliament and media.
At least the verdict might help to stop the interference of the celtic fringes.
As you say, the phrase “we live in a representative democracy”, parritted so often by those who want to oppose the people, now has no meaning. What we essentially have is elected oligarchy. The Romans reviled monarchy and only elected dictators for a year in emergencies. Now 2000 years on we elect a privileged clique of dictators who talk about the “tyranny of the majority” and think a referendum is merely another opinion poll. This is hardly progress.
This is also a problem in Germany and Austria. Recent elections in these countries have shown that 80% of the MPs represent the pro-immigration views of just 20% of the population. So essentially MPs are only representing themselves or minority opinions. What is the point of universal suffrage if voters are deemed too stupid to know what is in their own interests. Switzerland seems to have prospered on a referendum-based system of democracy, if our so-called representatives can frustrate the will of 17 million voters, then a more effective system of direct representation is essential.
Friends! My latest Blog, celebrating the result of the Second Referendum held by Our Judges, in which they’ve democratically blocked Brexit by 72.73% on a 100% turnout, is now – literally – available:
The racists at the bBBC were very keen to tell us about the ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ campaign, but don’t seem to have found space to tell us about this hypocrite:
A South African student who campaigned for the Rhodes Must Fall movement has dismissed claims of hypocrisy after accepting a Rhodes scholarship to study law at Oxford.
Joshua Nott, 23, was at the forefront of the drive to have the statue of the British imperialist removed from the University of Cape Town two years ago. He told one interviewer during the campaign: “You wouldn’t see a swastika in Jerusalem.”
He has since quietly shelved his student activism to take up one of the world’s most prestigious scholarships, and taken down his Facebook and Twitter profiles on which he decried cultural imperialism.
Speaking this week, Mr Nott insisted that he would not push for the removal of Cecil Rhodes’s statue at Oriel College, Oxford, when he begins his studies at the university in the autumn, and claimed that the South Africa-born movement had morphed from one focused on “student transformation” to “black nationalism”.
Mr Nott conceded that some of his former fellow campaigners had decried him as a hypocrite but believed that Rhodes himself would be dismayed at his being picked for the award, which is worth almost £40,000. (£)
And whiteboards have replaced blackboards – Blackboards Matter!
Boards-of-colour matter.
As we all know, the BBC often acts in subtle ways to enforce its bias , hoping that some of us won’t notice its devious tactics, or if complaints are made , a defence against bias can be mounted . Today is no different . The BBC heads to Leeds for a vox pop excercise on the Supreme Court verdict and the EU. Leeds voted to remain. Not many areas in the Midlands and North did, generally only those with a high immigrant population or a significant , prosperous element working in universities , other public sector fat cat bodies or sectors like financial services . So Leeds was untypical of the Midlands and North in general . And so the BBC made its choice wisely .
It then found an Iraqi guy who applauded the Supreme Court verdict , voted remain and wanted Europe to ‘stick together ‘. No wonder true Britons find the BBC tactics offensive and feel their country has been taken away from them . No wonder they voted leave.
The Germans don’t want us to leave and goodness, if you’re saying we can’t trust the BBC, we know we can always trust the Germans?
Exactly, EE. But Leave voters throughout Yorkshire in particular – and the UK in general – will see it and think “What the -?” And more pennies will drop about the BBC’s skewed vision of the UK.
The BBC can always pass any “fact check” with flying colours because it avoids deliberate or blatant lies. However, by asking questions based on the same presumptions, How will Brexit damage the ecomony? What rights will British workers lose because of Brexit? Will expats and their families be threatened by Brexit? etc, etc. ad infinitum, they implant an idea in the public mind that Brexit can only be harmful and so nudge a proportion of the electorate in the desired direction.