Black is the new Black.
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because he was black, he has since dropped somewhere near 30,000 bombs from drones in the last year alone, killing countless civilians along the way. Trump was given the bum’s rush for speaking inconvenient truths.
We were told Trump ‘attacked civil rights icon’ John Lewis, black, when the reality is Trump was responding to Lewis’ attack on him. Lewis is applauded and feted, Trump maligned and slandered.
Women march against Trump and the BBC looks on with tears in its eyes but this is the same BBC that deliberately hid what it knew was going on in Rochdale and Rotherham as 1,400 white girls were raped and abused by mostly Pakistani heritage men, the same BBC that told us that what happened in Cologne was a right-wing conspiracy, the same BBC that ignores what is happening across Europe which makes Norway the rape capital of Europe with Sweden not far behind. Guess the BBC is only interested in women’s rights if they are black or vote Democrat.
And of course if you have a brown skin or a ‘non-white’ religion you have a licence to bomb and shoot white people and the BBC will find excuses for you and make sure people ‘understand’ the grievances that drove you to this violence….you are a victim twice over.
Another open thread for a new week and a new dawn….
Gary O’Donaghue or Brian Taylor / which fat BBC troughing lefty had the biggest jowels?
Germany: A step closer to totalitarianism. Next: Brown Shirts or SS?
That is truly fucking terrifying.
I reported here some months ago that the problem of the Referendum Act is that it was badly drafted and lacked any thoroughness in detail. Caused entirely by Cameron and his cronies who, no doubt left it deliberately vague to give plenty of wriggle room for parliamentarians who wanted to cause mischief, God forbid, if the public voted to leave the EU. No wonder that he made a quick exit. Fact is, the legislation to trigger Article 50 will be what Cameron and Co. should have included (and in more detail than we can expect now) in the Referendum Act.
These Tory f-ckwits, had the opportunity to trigger early virtually straight after the referendum in fact were urged to do so, but with the abject incompetence, and indeed arrogance we ve come to expect, from this lying, self serving bunch, they refused point blank.
We could be on our way, but it would have mean t an exit to benefit ALL,
as it was voted by all, and cross party
… not a tiny minority, of elitist, self serving tossers who want another get rich quick scheme at the expense of our people.
As always with Tories they play our people,the odious, ultimately damaging game of division, for self gain
This neo liberal political class has got to go, the lot of them.
Vote UKIP – Al Beeb just luve em .;)
nogginator, spot on. Cameron said that he would trigger Article 50 within a day or two if Britain won the vote. Britain won and he reneged on his promise (a nasty habit for him). We should by now be well down the road to freedom and democracy but for all this delay crap.
Corblimey said that Labour would not hinder the progress of Article 50 but would make an amendment to the government’s bill. As far as I know the bill hasn’t yet been published so how does he know if he wants to make an amendment? Basically he said we will not hinder Article 50 but we will hinder Article 50.
It’s an indication of how inept our politicians are. I can understand the Remainers in Parliament leaving it sufficiently vague just in case there was a ‘no’ vote, but Eurosceptics like Duncan Smith and Davis – what the hell were they playing at?
Either way, the information given to voters at the time of the referendum was unambiguous i.e. the government would implement our decision. With that in mind, there must surely be scope for someone with enough dosh to bring an action against the government – breach of contract or trust or some such?
Dominic Raab was very good on the Jezza Swine Show today, he was interviewed after Anna Soubrey, who appears to have changed her tune slightly of late – perhaps worried about de-selection by her constituency party? “I never said I would try and stop Article 50 being triggered.” etc etc.
Raab said that he was unconcerned by the judgement, that it had actually made it much more difficult for wrecking amendments to be introduced into the bill when it comes before parliament and that he had the sense that parliament recognized the public just wanted them to get on with it now.
I agree with someone who posted higher up the thread, that this British-Guyuanan has actually strengthened the government’s hand by bringing this legal action, due to the points which Raab made and the fact that Wee Jimmy Krankie, has been shooed out of the way of the grown-ups by this Supreme Court judgement too.
With all the pieces that are falling into place: Brexit; Trump’s election; UK economy performing well; anti-EU political parties strong in Europe and elections in France, Holland and Germany this year. It seems as if the British government could hardly be in a stronger position from which to negotiate with the EUscum in Brussels.
It’s just a shame we couldn’t borrow Trump for a week or two to negotiate on our behalf!
I’m sure Nigel would be willing to negotiate if Trump can’t.
Or alongside him?
Will this stir up the German people to take immediate action to get rid of Merkel? Nah! don’t think so –
We’ll have to wait until September but if a week is a long time in politics?
We’ll have to wait until September but if a week is a long time in politics?
Why isn t the BBC reporting this?, considering they are giving Buraq Hussein the bloody longest wave off in political history, lauding his every move.
“Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking”.
How many Israelli deaths could that fund? you know where that cash is going to go.
Can “The Don” put a stop on that cheque?.
I ask you, Obama eh, its almost a stunt a that a muslim would pull?
why has it always been Islam 1st, 2nd and always with him?
Obama spent some of his formative years in Indonesia, the worlds most populous Muslim country.I think Obama has deep pro-Muslim sympathies but wasn’t prepared to say it for obvious reasons . His actions have been quite revealing however, such as the ineffective nuclear deal with Iran, scuttling out of Iraq too soon when a few US troops could have stopped the ISIS invasion, and now this latest wheeze to fund the Palestinian Authority that in turn gives dole payments to terrorists.
“HSBC to close 62 more branches this year”
These are the guys that are moving to Europe aren’t they?
Teach them a lesson, move your accountants to other banks – that’s the way they treat their loyal customers.
They happen to be Chinese and we have enough Chinese tat in the country.
No government departments; councils; QUANGOs or any other body or organization which receives tax or ratepayer money should hold accounts with HSBC.
The day they said that as a result of BREXIT they would be downsizing their operations here, should have been the last day they had any money from HMG flowing through that bank.
(above)’accountants’ should read accounts.
Gina Miller:
“We Remainers have won in the Supreme Court. Now we demand a proper examination of Brexit in Parliament”
That’s not what you said before Gina? Before it was all about a victory for everyone who believes in parliamentary democracy, bother remain and leave voters? Miller’s (and her backers) real motives are on display for all to see.
I’m not expecting the BBC to cross examine her partisan sentiments anytime soon.
Great news for the economy and business certainty, Gina – not.
If you really can lift a man by building rigging 6 drones together, doesn’t that change
#1 the face of human transportation never mind rescuing people with rubber rings etc.
#2 National security..places aren’t secure anymore.
They must use a hell of lot of energy and be often unfailsafe (you could only have a parachute at high altitude)
2nd video A Norweigen drone just broke the lifting record of 61Kg
At least some aspects of the BBC empire is grounded enough to know what the world really needs to be hearing…
Four times I’ve read that quote and I still can’t fathom it.
I think she’s speaking from the inside looking out and not and not taking into account that others will have no idea of her condition.
There have been some spectacular screw ups caused by surgeons in this field deciding what gender a child with indeterminate gender should be.
Imagine the problem if you are faced with a hermaphrodite with both male and female sex organs, and parents wondering if they had a boy or a girl.
In the past the surgeons would always try to give them a boy, because boys are better – right?
If they couldn’t do this they would make a girl in the belief that the gender was encoded in the upbringing – the nature Vs nurture argument.
Alas the nurture argument is now discredited and our genders are encoded in our brains, despite what extremists left & right might want you to believe (for different reasons!)
Children who grew into adults very often had issues with the genders the surgeons had chosen for them and there have been many suicides as a result, as well as people having to change their gender to that they believed they should have originally been.
What ‘Kimberly’ appears to be trying to say is that IS people should be left as they are until they decide rather than being put into a box which they might not fit.
She does not appear to concede that this is what actually happens today.
Tunisian massacre inquests. bBBC news reports this evening mention a gunman marauding through the resort killing 30 Britons. No mention of the fact that he had been radicalised. No mention that IS have subsequently claimed responsibility for the killing of 38 people, 30 of them British. Oh no, our loyal bBBC are trumpeting claims that this was the fault of the holiday company (Thomson) for not passing on Foreign Office warnings about travel to Tunisia. bBBC do not offer any information or insight on why Tunisia is a risky destination for British tourists. As a news agency (allegedly), is it not the BBC’s responsibility to do so?
” …………is it not the BBC’s responsibility to do so?”
The BBC is not in the business of taking responsibility. It’s only interested in furthering it’s Left Wing agenda. The taking of responsibility is only for those it vilifies and not for itself or it’s buddies.
It has become vile monster and is out of control.
And you agree with the left wing term ‘radicalised’ to distance him from ‘moderate’ Muslims?
Personally I believe he was simply a Muslim carrying out the requirements of his twisted religion. Others are ignorant Muslims because the Madrassahs only taught them to read the Qur’an in its original Arabic, and then only to pronounce it, not understand it.
Those who have read and understood it are the dangerous ones.
The whole of North Africa is becoming more hostile to non Muslims including previously friendly one like Morocco. There is of course a reason for this, and it is the money for the promotion of Wahabism coming from Saudi.
To be honest the best thing the West could do would be to invade Saudi and take over the government, and expelling the more extremist clerics from Mecca. Who would have the balls to do this however is another story.
Just take a look at this video which [indirectly] explains the argument between the Trump camp and the press over attendance at his inauguration. There was no mention in the MSM that Fascist protestors had laid down in front of the security entrances preventing large numbers of people who wanted to attend from entering.
The Fascists are of course nothing more than fruitcakes.
Is reality starting to break out in the BBC?
Listening to Radio 4 Extra last night there was one of those interviews beween mates on the comedy circuit that they fill the gaps with. A young lady with a London accent said that she was having to change her act when she realised post-Brexit that her political views weren’t shared by everyone!
Perhaps she had been watching too much TV where the ‘average’ Briton is Asian, Female or Homosexual, (if not all three), no wonder she is confused.
JimS, that is interesting. I also read an article in ‘Rolling Stone’ by an American comedian who had changed his act also; he’d assumed that anti-Trump material would go down well but it was going down badly and he was being heckled etc.
Top story on the BBC London news is of another young black boy stabbed to death. The usual tired platitudes; he was so young, he was a lovely lad, mounds of flowers, sobbing school girls…
When I still lived in south London we reached epidemic proportions of these young lads being murdered. I became almost inured to the endless ugliness and utterly pointless violence. Always the assailants are black!
How is it the only black boy’s name I can remember, who has lost his life in such a tragic and gruesome fashion, is Stephen Lawrence?
A police spokesman said that these crimes were on the increase. Next week there will be another one, and the week after…
Where are Black Lives Matter?
Perhaps they’re busy.
I understand they’re a bit miffed about Trump…
I’m not sure what the proportion of London’s native whites to BAME/other immigrant population is nowadays but the MurderMap site will give you an idea of the ‘blessings’ of diversity.
Well, Jeff,
“Where are Black Lives Matter? Perhaps they’re busy.”
Or perhaps they are focusing their efforts in Chicago –
Obviously their efforts are spread thinly……….
Watching Fox and feeling envious – Trump steaming along with meetings and executive orders. His Press Secretary swatting away the inane questions like the best tennis match you’ve ever seen.
Lefty Jon Wilson on Radio 4’s ‘Front Row’ (from 19:15) was celebrating the fact that after two hideously White years with no Blacks up for Oscars (shock horror!) some of them were on this year’s nominations list. This news was undermined by his comment that campaigning activism had obviously had an effect, in particular getting more ethnic minorities onto the panel that nominates. In other words, thanks to silly quotas and tokenism, any Black actors getting a nomination are now more likely to be seen as possibly undeserving because beneficiaries of affirmative action.
Meanwhile, in recent episodes of ‘The Archers’, the Scottish Asian lady horse vet (no, me neither!) Anisha Jayakody has been earning rave reviews for saving some horse or other. She even jokingly called White Middle Class English male fellow vet Alastair Lloyd a “sassenach” in some banter between them.
Nae Jock, disnae tally.
MS alB,
I think it was last Sunday afternoon when I turned the tv on to BBC News. Clive Myrie reading the news momentarily before passing over to an Asian reporter babbling about some inconsequential issue. When handed back to Clive he shortly says, ‘over to the Sports Team now’: another black announcer. Immediately turn tv off, not even bothering to explore the diversity of other channels. This sequence is getting to be a habit in my house.
Sidney Poitier likely relieved.
Another of those ‘Blackpool Rock’ moments: Last night Jo Whiley plays the BBC’s favourite caterwauler, David Bowie, (oh come on, you don’t call that singing do you?), with reverence.
An appropriate choice, This Is Not America, she says. What could she possibly have meant by that. Hankerchiefs will be provided.
As an aside, why is it OK for our ‘performing artistes’ to decide who gets to use/play their music but not OK for a B&B owner or Baker to get to choose how to conduct their trade?
So Lord Neuberger sat there today and more or less confessed that Great Britain had lost any rights when they joined the Common Market back in 1973. With no referendum then. Thanks a lot Ted Heath. Us Brits then got a vote in 1975 to stay or leave. I voted leave.
I’ve waited 41 years to reach my dream of now leaving to have it snatched away by an elite group of foreign millionaires who only care about themselves and not the oppressed Brits who work hard for a pittance and have done so for generations. I for one will not be giving in to this fiasco – they are taking the piss and I feel so angry about today.
Our forefathers who gave their lives for this country would be rightly ashamed.
Let us invoke Article 50 asap.
Pyst – Don’t lose heart, machinery was set in motion last June which simply cannot be stopped.
I think the Financial Services Industry have made a major mistake with this court case.
They want London to remain the EU’s financial centre, while France will try to take business for Paris and Germany will do the same for Frankfurt. With Germany and France pushing the EU negotiators to take a hard line London will be disadvantaged unless the British government makes concessions in other areas. But, by bringing this court cases the city has destroyed whatever good will it had among Leavers, and the political pressure will now be to avoid sacrificing anyone else to help “bankers”. The only one left to cry about loss of jobs in the city is the BBC.
Don’t worry the French are good at shooting themselves in the foot too!
Lost in translation? French finance minister’s lack of English baffles US bankers
Sir Bob Geldof has apologised for not taking Syrian migrants into any of his homes as he promised back in September 2015 to us all. He wished us all back then to take Syrian migrants into our homes and follow his example.
Sir Bob Geldof now feels as though he misled the tolerant and kind British public.
Our national broadcaster the BBC must be thanked for placing pressure on Sir Bob in order to obtain his statement of contrition. Sir Bob has now willingly agreed to endorse Donald Trump’s Presidency and contribute financially towards the support of US war veterans.
…I have now woken from my coma….
Yes – two fingers to them all
Give us yer feckin’ money
At the end of WWII unemployment amongst Black youths in America was 9%
At the end of 2016 despite all the Affirmative action and ‘equalities’ nonsense, plus 8 years of the first ‘Black’ President that figure has risen to nearly 60% !
Proof that in yet another field Socialist liberal policies have failed utterly, and that yet again left wing denial means that they cannot admit that failure to themselves.
USA 2016 Black youth (16 to 24) unemployment rate is about 18%. Perhaps you’d like to explain where you got your figures from?
Probably a quote from Trump back in June. gives the official figures. Black unemployment rate (16 – 19) is 25.7% – which is nearly twice that of white unemployment (16 -19) of 13.6%
For accuracy you should mention solely 16 to 19 year olds which is about 39% –
And should you include Hispanics? – roughly 37/38%
Here’s the bBBC idea of balance.
On Newshite there is a feature on the Supreme Court vote.
And to discuss it we have Emily Thornberry and…errr….Alex Salmond.
Pass two sick bags.
Oh to see the viewing figures for this one!
“Oh to see the viewing figures for this one!”
Sluff, you’re being optimistic if your using the plural. I think it will be the viewing figure – and that’s the producer’s mother.
I just heard Evan(The Albert) Davis doing a “plug” for tonight’s Snoozenite.
Alex Salmond & Lady (Emily Thornberry MP) Nugee.
Where’s the remote?????????????????
Immediately time for bed eh, No.7?
Nah. I’ve still got to take the dogs out.
Sorry to disabuse your assumption.
Have I upset you? 🙁
I think @G was inviting you @Number7
Not My Type!!!!!!!!!!!
Mind you, if he fancies a roughy/toughy rugby player! I may able to find him one or two!
The Oscar nominations are out.
Deep joy for all luvvies. One third of the main nominations are to black people. Cue triumphant reporting, rejoicing and backslapping on the bBBC. Trebles all round.
Just one slight snag. Only 13% of Americans are black and (almost never remarked upon) they are outnumbered by Latinos/Hispanics, who get no mention at all in the bBBC coverage.
So can we expect lots of demonstrations because of these blatantly biased and unrepresentative nominations?
Will the left liberals and the luvvies be out campaigning?
No, I thought not.
Funny, that.
Both BBC and ITV 10pm News ended with 2 mins of News-Vert for Lalaland.
…they are so obvious in their bias.
Following suggestions from many US Trump supporters I will not watch the Oscars ceremony and make it clear that Meryl Streep is responsible
Sluff .. One third of the main nominations are to black people
WOW ! ONE THIRD ? where’ve they all come from then ? ok there’s
Morgan Freeman
Denzel Washington
Cuba Gooding
Will Smith
Don Cheadle
Forest Whittaker
Wesley Snipes
Idris Elba
David Oyyellow ???
Chairleg Ejiwaddle – (cant remember, but he’s the go-to black for a lot of roles)
Most of the above are ‘names’, but I struggle to think what roles lately they’ve been in that could warrant an Oscar nomination.
How much more credibility and exposure should the media give to people with mental health issues –
How shocking. Different generation/times.
How strange it is that the alt right should support the views of the Feminazis regarding trans people.
So G are you a big fan of the feminazis as they appear to share your position on this ?
Have we attracted a “new” G?
That hit the spot.
23:10 Just switched on BBC1 and the young British TV reporter is working with her pro-choice activists friends in the streets of California ..Yet when she stops and listens to the arguments of a anti-abortion guys her upset friend comes over and says “on behalf of the group I have to say you don’t do this , you are one of us ! you don’t talk to the other side”
that’s the INtolerance and Groupthink of Leftmob.
Now next scene she goes out to campaign with an anti-abortion group protesting , to try and understand it from the other side.. they are open to her.
except they are taking children with them to actively protest outside an abortion clinic ..Which of course is totally out of order.
That’s very interesting StewGreen.
Perhaps you should watch the programme again from the beginning. The arguments the “young British TV reporter” (Stacy Dooley) was listening to were from a pro-choice guy.
Her “upset friend” who (in your words) says; “on behalf of the group I have to say you don’t do this , you are one of us! you don’t talk to the other side”, was part of the anti-abortion activist group she was trying to get to know.
So by your own reasoning – “that’s the INtolerance and Groupthink of Rightmob.”
Which leaves you in the midst of of a moral dilemma doesn’t it, Stew?
Biggest Birmingham News for 2 days now … “Family of drug dealer ordered to hand over FOUR houses. Alam Zeb Khan was convicted of being part of a £180 million money laundering gang. Khan, of Birmingham, served sentences starting in 2000 for heroin smuggling, in 2012 for a cocaine supply plot and in 2013 for money laundering.
However, following his latest conviction, the National Crime Agency (NCA) went after his family’s assets”.
Hmmm, Is this what the city council mean t by,
“This year, in particular, presents a great opportunity to celebrate the contribution of South Asian culture to Birmingham’s past, present and future?
Well, maybe its the “Balti” or “Morris” bashing, Muslim gangs, no go areas etc
Meanwhile … in Al BBC land, the big news?
BBC News – Row over headscarf ban, does more pushing of Islamic victim narrative
“A school has been accused of breaching anti-discrimination laws after claims a four-year-old Muslim pupil was told she could not wear a headscarf. St Clare’s Catholic Primary School in Birmingham has met with equality leaders at the city council to discuss a complaint from the pupil’s family”
Nogginator, thanks for that. here’s a lot more on that Headscarf story which the bBC isn’t mentioning:
UK: Muslim Father demands Catholic school allows his 4 year to wear the Hijab.
There is indeed no religious requirement for females to cover their hair, although it is a widespread – but not universal – cultural convention in much of the Muslim world. The mainstream interpretation is that it is applicable when sexual maturity is reached i.e. when a girl develops secondary sexual characteristics as a teenager. It is not considered applicable to children. When parents insist on their pre-pubescent girls covering up, what they are saying is that even little girls are sexually alluring, that they are sexual creatures. In most of the world, paedophilia is considered a perversion. In parts of the Muslim world, it is considered normal or at least so common that Muslim men have to be reminded that little girls are ‘off limits’. In the West, it constitutes the blatant sexualisation of children that otherwise enrages the BBC and fake feminists, who are strangely quiet on the matter.
At least he isn’t strapping a vest on her.
…There is indeed no religious requirement for females to cover their hair,……
So why do female reporters drape fabric over their hair, and royalty has also been photographed doing the same ? if its not necessary.
Muslim women’s campaigner says making young children wear the hijab is as bad as them having spray tans and pole dancing lessons following a headscarf row at Catholic primary school
Interesting news, Nog. Pakistanis are heavily involved in drug dealing these days and are heavily involved , too, in cash businesses and buying houses to rent – all perfect vehicles for money laundering . My guess is that the police, HMRC and other authorities do not pursue these people with the correct vigour for fear of the ‘racist’ card being played . The guy in Bradford clearly came to a very sticky end but the police must have known about him for years, plus the taxman should have taken some interest in how he funded luxury cars worth far more than his house. As the case of Al Capone showed , there are more ways to eliminate gangsters than firing guns. Interesting that his father is said to own 100 plus houses . All legitimately purchased , I wonder? At least worthy of investigation .
Good to hear Mishal Husain on sparkling form today (Toady, BBC R4). There she was, giving an American commentator hell over President Trump’s deceitful and treacherous decision to give his voters what they voted for – tougher vetting on wannabe immigrants from some Muslim countries.
It’s hard to understand why this child of Pakistani parents could be so sensitive on the issue of immigration, isn’t it? Still, whatever the reason, she left us in no doubt of her opinions. Good for her! It’s as well to know where BBC broadcasters stand.
It makes the case for closure so much more persuasive.
She leaves her politics at the door.
At least a few paces behind her colleagues.
Mishal was interested to hear about DNA testing today,
“A new guide is being launched to educate people about DNA analysis and address misconceptions about the science. Dr Denise Syndercombe-Court is a reader in forensic genetics in King’s College.”
During this report Dr Syndercombe-Court made the extraordinary claim that Mishals DNA would reveal the “geographical origins of your parents”, to which Mishal replied, “ah, it would reveal my ethnicity, South Asian”, “Yes”, said a relieved Dr Syndercombe-Court who made the proviso that was dependent on both her parents having the same “geographical origin”…relieved that she would not have to explain the non existent phenomenon of “race”.
But there we have it…despite Dr Syndercombe-Courts politically correct explanation, DNA doesn`t demonstrate “geographical origin”….it would not, for example, demonstrate Mishals Northamptonshire birth origin, it would demonstrate her racial or if you prefer, her ethnic origin.
Another misconception corrected, Mishal is “south Asian” erm, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Burmese, Thai?
But she was having to compete with the earlier report by Jon Sopel. Is there anyone who can better him for smugness, contempt & pettiness? Wall or fence is apparently crucial & if a Mexican doesn’t turn up at the border with a truck load of $ bills, then Mexico has not paid for it.
Sopel is a clown, “another beauty”.
I heartily recommend watching the live streaming of the daily White House press briefing featuring Sean Spicer. Unexpurgated coverage of the direct interface between President Trumps administration and the international MSM, without commentary or some beeboid with an agenda trying to spin what you’ve just seen and heard.
Going postal carries these streams, usually around 18.30-1930 UK time.
I watched Sopel yesterday, while in conversation with some blonde colleague, discussing the bias of news reporting. Old Sopel was almost apoplectic as he defended the BBC in their unbiased reporting of Donald Trump. I almost choked on my Weetabix ! He further criticised some of his ‘colleagues’ in the media, and as much as said they would have to ‘grow up and live with it’. Charming.
BBC’s anti-Trump drivel during the night on World Service. A number of interviewees condemning the Orders he as just signed and they were, unchallenged, given the opportunity to tell the listeners Worldwide, how Trumps plans would fail. Pipelines? – all not worthy of the expense etc etc. The ‘Wall’, ditto. And so it goes on and on and on. Like most like-minded objective people here, I await the day the News section of the BBC really takes a positive hammering. I don’t know where or when it will happen but it sure will happen.
I too have listened to this world ‘Service’ which we pay for, and it is certainly full of drivel. If the world want it let them pay for it.
Al Beeb run it very much like our NHS, an “international Health Service”.
It is time it was ‘Trumped’.
I so hope you are right, G. But how would the take-down occur?
Could viewers and listeners be horrified that the once-cherished Biased Broadcasting Company had protected one of their own who was revealed to be a predatory paedophile?
That they had bowed to a mendacious warmongering Labour government over a dodgy sexed-up dossier after neutering one of the best genuine reporters they had, who was on to the truth?
That their news spinners were so keen to smear a Conservative peer with disgusting allegations that they didn’t think it was worth checking the story?
That they are now so sure that they set the agenda that they have called all recent elections wrong and laughably missed the mood of the country because they rarely look further than their tame pool of political titans such as Farron, Clegg, Abbott, Thornberry and Clarke for interviews?
Absolute strangers to the logical question. Wrong, useless and hopelessly biased in every way. Unwatchable, unlistenable. I expect many people are just quietly switching off.
Perhaps what it will take will be the calculated manufacture of Fake News that is so irresistible to them that they fall into an enormous elephant trap…hard to know how it can be bigger than the above, though.
And while we’re at it on the subject of the BBC’s finest, is anyone in the least surprised that yet another BBC presenter has been in court due to a ‘rent boy’ scandal?
We are not allowed to know the name of this ‘celebrity’ but apparently he was spending £2,000 a week (of our money) on ‘rent boys’ and cocaine. Apparently, this led to him being blackmailed. You don’t say…
The BBC actively promotes ‘gay lifestyles’ and yet look how coy some of its presenters become once there’s a danger of people knowing the truth about what those ‘lifestyles’ so often entail and who the ‘stars’ involved might be. It’s almost as if they were ashamed…
The ‘purpose of’ exemption on this one will be interesting: journalism, art or literature.
I guess he could go for a ‘making a doco on Mapplethorpe’ route, or the Marr ‘tired and emotional after a long day in the edit suite’ one.
That’s interesting to know. A presenter at the BBC openly of that persuasion who I quite liked listening to (apolitical), I noticed over the last year he was a shadow of his former self and keeping a much lower profile. I was quietly wondering was he ok.
“A number of Conservatives have joined Labour in asking for a White Paper on negotiating objectives, arguing it will allow for a fuller debate.” OK, lets publish all our negotiating plans before we deal with the EU, you could not make it up . Self Interest ? Delaying tactics to allow more time for media propaganda?
I smell a General Election on the way ? I also see the Tory Party forming a coalition between the Conservatives and UKIP in the preamble. If they jumped into bed with the Libs, they can certainly court UKIP.
I too see a General Election on the way and fear our BBC will be hammering against UKIP like hell. But I do not trust Treezer at all. She may bungle the issue and end up with a protracted debate.
What I never understand is why remoaners, whether Tory, Lab, LibDem or SNP aren’t outraged that the EU don’t publish their negotiating objectives and priorities . We all know why, of course . Remoaners want the UK to get as bad a deal as possible in order for them to whip up public discontent about Brexit and to give them an excuse to vote against the deal that emerges without being seen as ‘enemies of the people’.
The EU has one negotiating priority, shared with Bob Geldof….”Give us your F*****g money NOW!”
The White Paper should read a one line statement ……….
“We want our cake to eat it and not share it with the EU, because we pay for it”.
Minority Report
Gina Miller gives out mixed messages about whether she campaigns for Reamain – she describes herself as ‘neither a Leave nor a Remain campaigner’ but tells Andrew Marr that during the referendum she campaigned for “Remain, reform and review” Her contradictory quotes come from the BBC article here:
Of course it is important for her and her backers to maintain that disinterested front so as to use the courts to further the political aims of the Remainers. At least one of the dissenting Supreme Court Judges made the point that there was danger in the tendency for the law to be used for the purposes of ‘activism’.
I’m afraid her charmless manner in interview this morning on BBC tv will win over few neutrals and her disinterested pose and legalistic arguments will certainly fool no Leavers.
Our Louise Minchin for the BBC asks one lame rather tentative and only vaguely challenging question of Miller, but her general line of approach is more enabling of her interviewee to put her case.
In fact two of five questions put to Miller are seeking for her to tell us about certain abusive messages she has said she has suffered. Two questions because Minchin didn’t get enough of what she was after on first asking. A follow up question here and nowhere else is telling in itself.
The rather hard-faced Miller elicited very little of the sympathy Minchin seemed to be seeking for her guest. Maybe she was tired after a late celebratory night? Minchin, if you’re going to do a ‘victim’ interview the victim has be a sympathetc character.
Gina Miller is an anti Britain activist or a pro-globalist activist, either way “impartial” she isn`t.
Nobody Iv’e spoken to is fooled. Miller is part of the campaign to overturn our vote End of. Likewise Sturgeon is using the vote to push for Scottish independence.
Who do these people think they are kidding?
And I suggest that May knew the result of the Supreme Court when she made her tough Brexit speech, fully aware that the process would be disrupted, but looking as if she really supported it.
Or does anyone think that the executive and judiciary are in any way separate?
Unless there is a large UKIP effort we are going to stay in
Unless the bloody thing implodes.
Typical SJW stuff on The Today programme this morning about women being discriminated against for having to wear high heels by certain employers. Is this really such a big deal? Of all the things happening they have that as one of their leading stories? They interviewed several people about how traumatic the experience of a dress code can be. They do not mention that men are massively discriminated by against for certain jobs where employers just want a pretty woman to meet and greet people. They would never investigate the over-representation of women in cushy receptionist jobs compared to men doing refuse collection, have you ever seen a female refuse collector? They then suggest that employers should be named and shamed over inappropriate comments to women, which is sinister as it effectively means that there can be no humour in the workplace because everyone is so terrified of causing offence and thus losing their jobs. I am sick and tired of the BBC promoting this constant victim mentality. Just toughen up and get on with your job. Think of all the dangerous, degrading and dirty jobs which are predominantly done by men. Having to adhere to a dress code is the least of your worries!
Any of the several include Eddie?
I know Grayson favours flats.
TIME need to learn from the BBC here:
At least six months delay, followed by a ‘what might have happened’ excuse the Trust can fully empathise with.
Anyone get the message from the VD show that it is full of misandry.
If you want to see misandry check out the front page of the BBC Webshite this morning.
As Trump says ‘someone is clearly having their period’
I have no idea, I can’t stand to watch the atrocious woman. And I always wonder, as I switch off, just what it is she has that makes the BBC so determined to employ her.
R5 Live your Call is about Transgender people
So that’s the third BBC VS today
– Womens dress rules *
– Women MPs feeling uncomfortable “A 5 Live surveys says a third have had threats”. .as if 100% of UKIP MEPs had not had death threats.
* Men have work dress codes : ties, no beard, army haircuts.
5live facebook discussion
Expert just said “Well they like womanly things”
Mother replied :”Hangon that’s gender stereotyping : my son might like pink, ballroom dancing and flowers and it worries me youd be telling him he’s awoman inside”
“my son might like pink, ballroom dancing and flowers and it worries me youd be telling him he’s awoman inside”
This is ballet rather than ballroom dancing, but there’s a lot to be said for it even if you’re very sure you’re a bloke.
R5 “coming up we have the head of the Jo Cox foundation”
In the news they subtley adjusted the headline to “50% of women have received threats of violence”
They aired someone saying Trump is wasting so much time on distractions like Inauguration crowd size .
Hey his press guy only mentioned it once it’s the media whobbanged on about it previously.
Further evidence of the cultural ‘diversity’ which is rewarding the German population –
I’m still waiting for the so-called, “Worlds Radio Station” aka the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” to enlighten the British population (and in particular, the Remoaners) about these European benefits.
A little OT, or perhaps not, anyone know much about the ancient Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism AKA fire worship? I’d guess not many, it’s a bit obscure these days unless you happen to have a Parsi colleague, or friend. Anyway, thought this was an interesting account of the extermination of a peaceful and generally benign religion on Wiki.
The section ‘Decline in the Middle Ages’ is of more interest than you might think.
and this:
For comparison, you might like to see the BBC’s effort?
Freddy Mercury was a Parsi, although not apparently a very pious one, they still have a small and very unassuming community here in the UK, but I have been told by a Parsi friend that they’re leaving now for India or the US, and he also told me why, ‘fourteen hundred years of tears’ as he put it.
Not true BBC bias but those who continue to fund the whole rip-off with their Licence Fee may be a little aggrieved that the BBC web-site Home Page has so many out of date items on it today.
You would think that one or two of those thousands at the BBC who are not out there in cyber space investigating fake news could spare just a little time to make sure their own web-site carried up-to-date news, whether fake or true.
Another mesmerising performance from Norman Smith on VD this morning – yes, I know, all I can say is that the TV was on at the time. Anyway, watching our Norm’s exaggerated hand and arm gestures, exhibited throughout his time on camera without a pause, made me realise that it is this that has singled him out from the common herd and lofted him into Assistant Political Editor status. All those waves, flicks and wild flings are massive box ticks for BBC approval.
There’s the signings aspect, which identifies with the disabled community, then a more subtle but meaningful comparison with Plains Indian (Native American) sign language which ticks the ethnic sympathy box and finally there are elements of moves in ‘Strictly’ combined with some of the more dramatic weather forecasting styles, both of which identify with the essential BBC viewer, untroubled by demanding thinking processes.
As an experiment I turned the sound down and, hard though this may be to believe, I found his message every bit as clear to understand. Now that’s BBC professionalism for you.
Or just confirms that BBC opinion formers are really frustrated thespians.
I can think of a hand gesture which describes him perfectly.
Wee Krankie has decided – like any self-respecting totalitarian – to ignore the rules and do exactly what she wants re: Brexit.
Court rejects Scottish government Article 50 argument
Comments are open and – as usual – not really going the way the BBC would hope.
I like this one
“they should fully devolve everything for a time period of 10 years and then hold a Scottish referendum on Independance. If it’s yes they go, if it’s no they lose all but administrative powers”
the scottish nazi parties referendum blackmail threats, should be met with counter promises, as at the moment jimmy krankie has little to lose apart from whats left of her tiny mind.
I suggest the quid pro-quo for indy ref2 is a uk wide referendum on the barnett formula
I have been following Channel 4’s series “24 hours in A & E”, for some time, and have also (grudgingly, because it’s on the BBC) watched the first two episodes of “Hospital” (next one is this evening).
What is striking, comparing the two, is how St. Mary’s, Paddington appears to be permanently in a bed-shortage situation, with delays to procedures (some for life threatening situations ), new patients awaiting the discharge of existing patients, etc., etc. Yet at St. Georges, Tooting, the idea that there may be a shortage of beds, when these poor people are wheeled off to ICU, or wards, NEVER seems to get a mention.
I assume that this is because the BBC has an axe to grind, rather than the two hospitals being on separate planets.
My wife has just returned from the supermarket. She informs me that there is a shortage of broccoli and spinach due to floods in Spain.
For fµck sake, what have we become? Are we a bunch of muppets reliant on some 3rd world country for our economic well-being?
For fµck sake, are we not capable of growing a few vegetables in a heated greenhouse with the technology that is available these days?
I cannot believe the lack of self-belief that some would want to inflict on us under the guise of liberalism. Wake up and stand up for what we are.
Let’s make Britain Great again.
That does have a certain ring to it don’t you think?
Yes – this country is seriously lacking in self esteem – it is embarrassing.
The BBC types continue to work so very hard to convince us that everything we have done was wrong and that we are completely unable to fend for ourselves as a nation.
Globalisation demands that the luvvies in Islington must have their Orgsamic Strawberries and Broccoli all year round. If they were really interested in saving the planet they would learn about seasonal food and crop rotation rather than flying their 5 a day half way around the world.
BBC fails to speak out on sexism in homelessness crisis!
Aside from the really important front page news – like the editor of Vogue magazine stepping down (, the BBC is carrying news of a supposed increase in the number of people sleeping rough ( Of course, it gets in plenty of suitable quotes from the interested parties, such as “We have seen cuts to services as part of the austerity agenda but also a lack of affordable housing, particularly in the south” and “the lack of affordable homes coupled with cuts to welfare”. It does not, of course, mention that a disproportionate number of rough sleepers are ex-servicemen, unable to adapt to civvy life and shamefully abandoned by the government. The comments section at the end of the article – if still available – shows what ordinary people think of all this, such as why are we spending money on foreign aid when we have such problems at home.
One thing which is particularly shocking is that out 4,134 recorded rough sleepers, only 509 are female. The BBC fails to highlight this disgusting sexist imbalance; could we not, for instance, have a sensitive article outlining what needs to be done to encourage more women to sleep rough, such that the ratio becomes 50/50? Is this not a worthwhile goal for an organisation that exists to promote equality? Shame on you, BBC!
Voice of Justice Petition:-
‘What opponents of both Donald Trump and Brexit need to realize is that many of the men and women who cast their vote were not voting for a reality TV star who wants to build a wall or mindless hatred of Europe, but were and are just heartily sick of the growing totalitarianism that is seeking, among other things, to drive Christian belief and values from the public arena. We are all entitled to have opinions. British society is founded on freedom of conscience and belief, and respect for all – values that in themselves derive from Christianity. All, therefore, must be allowed the freedom to speak. Without intimidation, and without coercion.’
Please sign the petition to Prime Minister Theresa May, calling on the government to uphold the UK’s Christian heritage and protect freedom of speech:
TV and radio star ‘was blackmailed for £18,500 by a rent boy who he had paid to TRAMPLE on him in a bizarre sex game’
Must be a BBC ‘star’, although it could be any number of them!
Help stop another load of liberal’s nonsense from taking off –
I am more than happy with that oath to stand as it is presently composed.
A few religious Catholics will be a little inconvenienced but every single Muslim will not be able to swear this oath and remain consistent with their faith !
This sounds right up the Beeboids street. It’s an arty-farty artwork on the seabed (I kid you not!) which concerns itself with climate change and the plight of refugees.
No doubt any further ones will involve Brexit and Trump I would imagine.