Trevor Philips speech which should ring a few bells here.
A few weeks ago, I observed that Barack Obama’s iconic status as the first African-American U.S. President should not obscure his mixed political record.
For that, I was accused by one Radio 4 commentator of peddling a ‘racist narrative’.
As a black man and former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, you might think I would be surprised to face a charge of racism — but I was not.
For at a time when this country is crying out for frank discussion on issues such as race and sexuality, debate is being closed down because those who find offence in every-thing cry ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’.
The result — as I argue tonight in a TV programme — is that our political and cultural elite seem unable to speak plainly about things that concern many citizens.
While our rulers seem to have all the time in the world to debate who should use which lavatory (in deference to the transgender lobby), they dismiss anxieties about overcrowded schools or doctors’ surgeries as merely a bigoted dislike of migrants.
How has this come about?
Forty years ago, ‘identity’ politics was about trying to end discrimination. It led to revolutionary legislation on gender, disability and race.
But recently the recognition of diversity has grown into a cancerous cultural tyranny that blocks open debate.
In higher education, it has spread like wildfire.
Efforts to keep real racists off university platforms have been perverted so bans are imposed on, for example, speakers with unfashionable views on transsexuals.
Harmless academics are falling prey, too. Sensible people are appalled at the way Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt was hounded out of his post at University College London for a weak joke about women crying in laboratories.
Hardly a day goes by on campuses without a demand for a statue to be removed or for ‘safe spaces’ where sensitive students can be sheltered from robust views in a cultural debate or sexual violence in a classic literary text.
But how is a young person to understand how precious are the freedoms we enjoy today without learning what the world was like before them?
Should I not tell my children about the agony and struggle for liberation of their own ancestors, who were once slaves on sugar plantations?
Unfortunately, this thin-skinned refusal to engage with the challenging realities of life is not restricted to academia.
There is no hiding place from the language police, even if you belong to a ‘vulnerable’ group.
Ten years ago, I suggested Notting Hill Carnival had become an international event and outgrown its roots in the West Indian community — hardly a deeply provocative observation.
In response, the then Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, opined I had become so Right-wing I really belonged in the British National Party.
Sometimes the pressures to conform are subtle and insidious but no less powerful.In 2009, several Labour MPs, including some ministers, mounted a private campaign to get Prime Minister Gordon Brown to dismiss me from the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
My principal sin, I think, had been to support the appointment of a leading black evangelical Christian.
I thought the thousands of black and Asian Christians who are reviving our churches should be represented.
But it happens that many of these evangelicals take a dim view of homosexuality. I don’t agree with them, but I felt the EHRC had to respect and reflect all points of view.
Some government ministers saw things differently. They also wanted to see a black commissioner appointed — but only one whose views echoed their own in every way.
Without the intervention of Harriet Harman, Brown would probably have sacked me.
Yet by striving to appease special interests, even well-intentioned ‘equality warriors’ lay themselves open to the charge that they value diversity only as long as it serves their political purpose.
Take the recent decision by John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, to try to ban President Trump from speaking in the Palace of Westminster because of his supposed Islamophobia.
There is no systematic persecution of American Muslims by their own government, yet in other countries Muslims fear for their lives.
Uyghur Muslims in China are forbidden from practising their religion if they are civil servants.
In Myanmar, thousands of Muslims have fled abroad to escape rape and murder at the hands of the country’s Buddhist majority.
And India’s Supreme Court ordered an investigation into prime minister Narendhra Modi’s complicity in the 2002 Gujarat riots in which more than 700 Muslims died.
Yet China’s president Xi Jinping, Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi and India’s Modi have all been afforded the honour of speaking to both Houses of Parliament.
The new tyranny is also threatening the study of what really makes the world tick, even if that research might help to reduce inequality.
For example, we still have no proper explanation for the stunning academic success of pupils of Chinese heritage across the Western world.
My attempts to promote such research were resisted by academics, who claimed it would belittle other ethnic groups.
The real losers in this refusal to tackle race and gender issues honestly are, ironically, women and ethnic minorities.
A business leaders’ think-tank, the Centre for Talent Innovation, found that many female and minority executives in the U.S. complained their bosses were too afraid of being accused of racism or sexism to talk to them honestly about their performance.
They only found out they had been failing professionally when they were fired.
Hypersensitivity about offending minorities has also stopped us having a grown-up debate about migration.
Last week, Tony Blair, in his speech on Brexit, said ‘immigration is the issue’. Whatever you think of him, most polls show he was right about that.
Yet since last June, most politicians have tried to pretend the Brexit vote had little to do with the cultural impact of immigration.
The Right fear sounding like racists; the Left won’t discuss it because their celebration of multiculturalism as a blessing makes them seem metropolitan elitists.
And when conventional politicians try to tackle the issue, they make a hash of it.
The hapless Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, recently called on Dutch Muslims to ‘be normal or be gone’. And he leads something that describes itself as the Liberal Party!
One Left-wing newspaper has denounced my TV film on political correctness as ‘unhelpful’. Unhelpful to whom, I wonder?
Let us of course remember that, beyond left-wing papers on political correctness, the BBC in the form of Asian Network and a couple of their sorry little regional radio stations inspired the #nothelpful when they were owned by a guest and then waited until they were well clear before hitting the airwaves again to slag them off with no right of reply.
A fascinating if deeply depressing programme – a highlight, if that’s the word, being the students discussing acceptability during which, for example, a ‘Pocahontas costume’ was condemned as racist. If we should think there is a problem with Muslim intolerance, our own home-grown version is doing rather well too – and a fair proportion will graduate to become teachers.
Unusually the young have sided with the entrenched elites all over the West. Either a tribute to the effectiveness of a brainwashed educated or they really have been bodysnatched.
Medium term it is a problem as we need the rebelliousness of the young to function as a society. Long term it does not matter much as the fate of the West will have been decided by then.
Thank you for posting that Thoughtful .. I thought the Trevor Philips programme was good .. it’s the first time I’ve seen this leftist paranoid politically correct hysteria taken to task on freeview TV (I know .. it’s not really free!!) and coming from a black man he was able to take the flack a little more easily perhaps (although maybe he didn’t feel that?) How good it was to see somebody listen and accept other points of view without shouting them down, drowning them out or trying to ban them, and at the same time expose them for what they are. Frightening really. Ok he may be a convert but many of us on here are converts. People see the light sometimes!!
I used to think that Grant but now I’m not so sure. Last year I found to my pleasant surprise that 2 of my apprentices were involved in the ‘Leave’ campaign and were busy leafleting etc at night. They told me that the group was made up of many 20 something year olds and one pointing out that the ‘totty’ quotient was high 🙂
What they both seemed to have learned at school though was that their political views were verboten and that expressing them publicly could cause them grief. Hence they keep their mouths shut unless they detect the person they are speaking to is friendly. I’m sure there were young people in other parts of the leave campaign an UKIP but they aren’t going to be mentioned in the MSN.
That is heartening. Traditionally, young people tend to rebel. I hope that is true of the current ones. As for the “totty quotient “. The Right always have the best totty !!
Is this what is known as Cultural marxism? Sounds like it, but then the once noted Labour party has now morphed into a middle class marxist organisation. No one with an income less than £100000 needed! As to work, an unknown thing amongst them!
Tony Blair: immigration is the issue
He should know. Wasn’t the purpose of Labour’s immigration policy at that time to “rub the right’s nose in diversity”. Unfortunately, Blair did not realise how infuriating this would be for traditional labour voters. Obviously, this was a cardinal sin in the eyes of Rev. Blair and the white working class fell out of favour with Labour.
Seem to remember Trevor doing this shtick a few years ago. Even then he was 10 years behind the times. The damage has alreadh been done
Blair knew very well how much anger his immigration policy would arose right across the political spectrum. That was why he had it all done covertly. Im sure that the BBC where in the know , after all their links to Labour are incestuous, but propagandised on Labours behalf and kept silent whilst immense and irrevocable harm was done to our country and all without any democratic mandate. Never mind the tragedy of the lives lost in Iraq , the bastard Blair should be imprisoned for his immigration policy.
Excellent analogy. The same is true of all the millions of naive and gullible liberals who welcomed multiculturalism and mass immigration with open arms. They swallowed whole the lies told to them by Labour and the BBC et al. Unfortunately the same unpleasant future awaits those of us knew and said from the outset that it was a reckless and dangerous policy that was likely to end in tragedy.
I found the Guardian (obvs) article, didn’t bother reading it. Comments disabled (obvs). I realised that SJW tendencies bear all the hallmarks of religious fanaticism. Not sure who their god is but the hell is definitely the patriarchy. I’d say Trump will become their devil incarnate. A straight white male? Obvs.
Trevor, I`m sad to say: has been made captive to his own grievance hustling in his earlier incarnations.
Like Germaine, like Peter Tatchell and Richard Dawkins-they created these monsters than now eat them-indeed threaten them more than those of us who always scorned that agenda of theirs.
No sympathy-if a Greer can be “no platformed” when she was the very creator of the feminist movement in the UK( say what you like-the Female Eunuch had a seismic effect on us all)-then we`re past satire.
Stockholm Syndrome,Locked-In Syndrome…well deserved cul de sac and no way out, until they can airbrush their pasts online….
Check the fourth line down though & you find that it was a BBC radio 4 commentator who called him a ‘waycist’ for pointing out that the Obamessiah might be less than perfect.
BBC Website reports that the useless Electoral Commission is launching an investigation into the spending returns of the Remain and Leave campaigns. Why suddenly now ? We all know what the result will be. Leave broke the rules, so we have to have a second referendum.
BBC TWATO John Diamond (self destructive Jew?) 100 days of President Trump repeats the Sweden allegation without any reference to the clarification that Trump was referring to the Fox News report of the previous evening.
He then went on to lie that “nothing happened in Sweden last night, last month, or even in the last year, nothing ever happens in Sweden”.
Oh yeah? well tell that to the people who had their cars burned out in the rioting, or were raped, or were physically attacked.
But also to completely ignore the fact that Fox news had run an entire program on the problems in Sweden !
BBC burying its head in the sand yet again over the negative issue migrants cause.
I heard this too. Absolutely amazing bias from start to finish, and as you said, a complete misrepresentation of what the President was saying about Sweden. As if to prove him right, only this week there have been major riots and carbecues in Sweden’s “Little Mogadishu”.
It was just an outrageous piece of biased reporting, no doubt to be justified as a “comment piece” in the answers to complaints.
It reveals the BBC’s hive mind, of course, not that it was ever in doubt. In eight years of the Obama administration, it would never have ocurred to the BBC to have broadcast anything remotely similar. It truly was the nadir of the BBC’s so-called reporting.
All those funny lines and hilarious voices. Give him his own show quick. The man is brilliant – its the way he tells em- HA HA HA! and even more so because all of us right on lefties just know we are all in the right cos obviously if Trump says it it must be wrong! It was really great that he shares his BBC inside info with us so we are all in on the “Trump Joke”
I think he definitely deserves his own stand up routine – because pretty much everything he said was a joke (or is that joke news?)
And as for that Trump, “Cool” (anyone seen my stash) Johnny, certainly showed Trump up for the person he really is – And that is a President doing his job.
Obviously such a talented journalist as this should be treated with respect
The best thing about not having a telly is knowing that I am not directly contributing to the wages of this absolute tosser! – Perfect BBC material though – I am sure he will go far!
I`ve often wondered why the shock jocks are always “right wing”.
Well, I`ve just heard Johnny Dymond on TWATO-and it`s clear that the BBC is the shock jock agent of liberal fascism that WE pay for.(1.30-40pm)
At least Limbaugh and Savage pay their OWN way.
This Dymond assault on Trump and his last week is the most biased, pre-planned piece of crap i`ve heard-if the BBC still had any pretence to standards, rules or neutrality-then they`ve been torched by our wandering drug mule Dymond.
Have a listen-and hear the swivel eyes, balding metrosexual at his most parasitic lying best,,,and wonder what kind of blokes are we who fund this drive by Marxism?
AND-what followed next was some Bicker girlie(apt name) as she selected bits of Steve Bannons talk to C-PAC the other day.
We`ve heard it pet-and we know what bits you chose and why you chose them.
Again-have a listen. Only the BBC would put these two-liberal roastings and Bannons warnings about globalised consensual lies and deciet in the media-right next to each other, albeit the wrong way round in teaching terms. Just reverse the polarity-Bannon says THAT-and then Dymond does THIS, at compulsory license fee expense.
Oh-and Corbyns catheter Ian Lavery( any NUM donations welcome) says that the BBC are pro-Farage and pro-Trump-which is why Labour tangles their nuts in Copeland…and our TWATO man doesn`t even laugh?….
Hope the complaints will fly with this-fuck the BBC!
Id sign this man up for this site!
Support Our Lefty to be our Leader!
Call ourselves The Nasty Party and lets win in 2020….President Trump`s our Preisdent and have already seen a plan to offer him a cream tea in Limpley Stoke Village Hall which is one of our watchposts on the Wessex border….
Yesterday was storm Doris. How did other posters fare? At 1pm, I thought the worst was yet to come, only to hear on Radio 4 that Doris had now blown over. I know a couple of people died and a few trees were blown over. But because of the way the BBC likes to paint a narrative, what I don’t know, is whether Doris was dreadful everywhere else and we got off lightly, or whether they didn’t want to admit they had over-egged the pudding….again.
I saw a lot of people enduring horrific train journeys (4-5 hours for London-Manchester) but then I thought at least they’ll be able to understand what commuters on Southern have had to deal with for the last [forever]
True Grant.
But all the southern softies will see to that in order to escape all those Diesel fumes that the EU/Labour and the Green Genies have made Londoners choke through on the way to their cancelled trains.
So my cunning plan was to put people off from visit the land of Shortbread, and try to keep them thinking that York is Berwick, that Wales is one big sink for the Mancs and Scousers to dunk their offal in.
Will find a pint of Dryborough Heavy as well as a tin of Tennants lager with Yvette Coopers svelte form upon it. Has anybody thought of THAT by way of discouraging binge-drinking?
Barbara Roche and Fiona McTaggart?…I see a collection of tins a coming….
I think it’s all part of the bBeeb’s intention to ‘personalise’ storms Deborah, so that these weather patterns are readily identifiable in the bBeeb’s quest to promote climate change as bad, and their ‘reporters’ and autocue readers as scientists in the know and therefore infallible. (I bet these bBeeb people get paid a damn sight more than real qualified scientists who actually do know what they’re doing, but that’s another subject)!
As the bBeeb assumes that most people are ignorant, and therefore wrong about climate/weather/anything with a fake chart to bung up on a screen, then they try to make us all refer to any storm or high winds with a nice cushy name, as a problem, when it patently isn’t.
As for 1987, we always refer to it as ‘that blasted hurricane’, and leave it at that, while even the Beeb back then had to admit that they got it wrong…
I heard, on yesterdays ‘Today’ programme, some climate zombie (possibly from the Met Office ?) discussing this storm-naming thing. She commented that it was just obviously an extremely good thing, since (gasp) 87,000 people (or some other such number below 100K) had tweeted about it and (double gasp)12,000 people had actually done something to prepare for it. (Must have been 12,000 people with a dreaded relative called Doris who they thought was coming for tea !)
Jeez, more people than that would twat about a zit on Beyonce’s ass, and as for a whole 12,000 people ‘doing something’, well, bigger crowds have been had at an amateur football match – potentially even at a ladies’ amateur football match.
Keerist, if we can’t have people being sensibly warned, and more than 12,000 acting sensibly on a sensible storm warning, then naming storms isn’t gonna cut it !
Why don’t they seem to use many “ethnic names” for storms? Storm Ranjit, Mohammed or Xiao…?
I can’t decide if it is racist that most of the the storms HAVE “white” names, thus not reflecting multi-cultural Britain or if it would be racist to use “more diverse” names because it would equate destruction, death and misery with ethnic minorities.
KafirMe, oddly enough I was thinking this as well.
I would imagine it’s because of the reasons you state. Also that certain Muslims seem to get very hot under the collar about the use of certain names – perhaps you recall the case of the English teacher who named a teddy bear Muhammed?
Kafir at first this picture disturbed me – but for those of us of a certain age this may remind us of Big Ted on BBC play school. In fact this could be “Big Ted” on his first “Muslim Patrol”
On Play School there were two dolls plus various Teds/soft toys one doll was called Looby Loo and the other was called Hamble. I used to hate both of them with a vengeance. Now I realise why. Both of them were improperly/immorally dressed Hamble often showed her uncovered head and Looby Loo even showed her knees too!!!!!
If only Big Ted had taken up jihad I am sure these immodest dolls would never have irritated me as much and so negatively affected my future development and difficulty with women.
Thinking about it the toys should really have all been stoned for adultery as at night time they all went to bed together in a big to basket. I am sure the prophet would not have approved!
What a missed opportunity this was to teach kids real morals and thank Allah that now we only have to look to Londonistan or Luton or even Rotherham to see how things should really be done.
Oaknash, alas it saddens me to say I have to disagree with you over the Profiteer Muhammed. He was quite comfortable wih children’s toys.
Sahih Muslim (8:3311) tells us that Allah’s Apostle married Aisha when she was seven years old, and she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he died she was eighteen years old.
I think there’s a hidden agenda here. ‘Doris’ is a name associated with very old OAP’s, who apparently are causing chaos in every area of life from the NHS to housing to pensions, so seems reasonable to call a destructive ‘wind’ Doris !
Brissles, you’re right – the BBC’s rampant gerontophobia and climate change hysteria are combined here. So I’d take it with a pinch of salt if they threaten you with:
Flash-flood Florrie
Hurricane Hilda
Cyclone Cyril
Maelstrom Mavis
Heatwave Harold
Gale Gladys
Blizzard Basil
Waterspout Winnie
Parky Night Percy
Apocalypse Ada
Could we call a storm Muhammad-or would Allahs Little helpers wave their swords around in the breeze and kill it?
No wonder Daniel Corbett got out before the BBC gave up on weather.
I used to hate him-then came round to his genius.
“And that`s your weather…for now”
That`s what he used to say…sigh!
In Orkney, Doris seemed to be a day early. We had severe gales 60+mph and it never gets a mention on the news! The Churchill barriers were closed, no post, no papers, ferries cancelled.
What really amuses me is seeing folk “doon sooth” trying to use an umbrella in a gale! Coat not buttoned, no hat, handbag flailing in the wind while they do battle with an umbrella????
Folk down south don’t really KNOW what real severe gales or storm-force wind is. However, having said that, I am sorry and concerned when I see that fallen trees do so much damage – and indeed can kill people. (We have few trees in Orkney, so we don’t have that problem.)
Finally, the idea of naming storms is just ridiculous!
D – my takeaway from storm Doris is what a lot of useless people we have in this Country – all a product of the dumbing down and health and safety freakshow we have become. It was windy – I remember it being windy before or maybe I am mistaken. Left work at 4 yesterday got to Kings Cross at about 4.30 crowds queuing out of the station – apparently a warehouse roof had blown off the other side of Hitchin. OK so Lets stop every train in the Country. There appeared to be no management or leadership at Kings Cross what so ever – paralysed. Nobody could offer any information for hours who manages that station he/she should be fired – we all train hopped across various stationary trains – apparently lack of drivers was the reason given. Managed to get home 4 hours later. The tannoy at Kings Cross broadcast repeatedly for 3 hours that it was windy (no shit sherlock) no info about trains which was strange as it is a Railway station. Gawd help us – Generation fffing useless
Reckon that naming these storms only makes them worse.
Like Islam maybe?
Storm-so-called Doris it is then.
I live in the south-way too many moaners round here re the stiff breeze.
Good drying weather I say!
There have been quite a few petitions lately, but I don’t expect to see any publicity for this one on the BBC – unless it’s to tell us how deplorable its supporters are.
“Give immunity against prosecution to armed forces personel who served in NI.
Armed Forces Personnel who served in Northern Ireland should not be prosecuted for alleged crimes that may have been carried out during the Northern Ireland troubles. The IRA and other illegal organisations have been given immunity by the government of this, OUR country. So should our troops.”
Spelling mistake KM. It should have read ‘…this orgasm gasp..’ referring to a potential reduction in harmful CO2, beneficially affecting climate change.
Thanks for the correction. I was going to offer an “orgasm grasp” as an alternative…
It also just struck me how disgustingly transphobic this BBC article is. It talks about heterosexual, bisexual, lesiban and gay men and women – how totally cisgender and non-inclusive. What about the transqueer, gender fluid pan-sexuals? Do they orgasm less if they identify as a woman on Tuesday but more if they orgasm identifying as a man on the Friday?
KafirMe, what you say is particularly poignant, since evil dictator Trump has banned the compulsory provision of Trans lavatories in all government buildings, ensuring they will have nowhere to go ‘cottaging’. Typical BBC right wing bias!!
One thing puzzles me about trannies. They all seem to want to be dolled up like Bet Lynch on a hen night. But are there any men who just want to ‘transition’ to manly looking lesbians? It must make things a lot easier for them. They wouldn’t need to wear makeup, wigs, frocks, or even change their sexual preferences.
Well I found Frank Mahoney quite scary as ‘Kelly’. No matter what transformation takes place, the hands remain the same and totally give the game away; and ‘manly’ men attempting to be a female in all other aspects, look distinctly weird when gesticulating with clearly ape looking mitts !
Comment on Why would The BBC be interested in running the headlined story: “Straight women have fewest orgasms”
I will tell you why – it is another dig at straight men, in particular white straight men – just look at the picture of the white man in the article failing to pleasure his missus – it’s all because the white straight man is selfishly focusing on his own pleasuring – a whopping 95% succeed in their own pleasuring.
But those BBC perverts then suggest the orgasm gap can be reduced by taking it up the ass (“Other behaviours linked to greater orgasms in women were: … Anal stimulation”). Which is precisely what the BBC feckers have been doing to the BBC taxpayers.
Precisely. The survey was in USA. I think that the BBC should organise a similar survey in Arab and Black Africa. Let’s see what African women have to say.
I find it hard to imagine John Snagge or Alvar Lidell reading this out on the Nine O’Clock News. For some reason, back then, how a married couple carried on was considered their private business.
Just wondering if anybody else here has been asked by TVL whether they are going to be “in” on March 6th. The threat-o-gram goes on to say that “it may be the 6th or another day”.
The usual stuff follows about 10101 visits being made seven days a week including weekends and ‘stop a visit before it’s too late’.
The truly bizarre bit (and I know I’ve not had a licence for many years, so I’m not sure what it costs) is “Buy a TV LIcence with payment starting from £5.60 a week” – which by my reckoning is nearly £300 a year. I’m not technologically savvy enough to display the letter here but I can’t be the only visitor to this site to have received such a thing?
King, I don’t know how the whole fascistic license extortion thing works, but if at all possible please string them along as much as possible, waste their time and money, document their stupidity, make appointments you don’t keep etc.
It’s only a small thing but we must harass the enemy in any way we can, guerrilla style, until the day we slay the beast. Hey, it worked against Napoleon in Russia, and for the Resistance in France!
King – Here are 2 sites that will give you the best advice on this matter. Knowing your rights – and that TVL have the same rights as a door to door salesman (none) is empowering. TV Licence Resistance TV Licencing Watch
Good Luck
I think it’s quite touching that TVL and the BBC try to keep in contact with me . They also have opened 10 investigations on my property and finalised 10 investigations so I sleep well knowing there’s no subsidence or water mains problems .
They say they may visit . Does anyone know their favourite biscuits with tea or should I have something a little stronger like a sherry ?
I admit I have been quite busy for the last few decades but have politicians, journalists, various experts and such been talking arrant nonsense for good while or is it a recent phenomena?
I got to wondering if it coincides with the mass take up of mobile phones?
It started in 1965 with Anthony Crosland’s Circular 10/65.
Also it is caused by the censorship of the basics, which means you can waste lots and lots of time reading bullshit.
For instance, I still do not believe that you need a PhD in Atmospheric Physics to realise that the emperor has no clothes, when it comes to calibrating Carbon Dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere, using the Arrhenius method, which is the formula used in all those Computer models.
But apparently, scientists not censored by the BBC can still believe that CO2 must produce some warming, even after negative feedback destroyed hope that CO2 warming was amplified into detectability by positive feedback.
Its why over 300 causational Climate Scientists have written to Donald Trump to ignore his daughter and withdraw from the United Nations Climate Change agency.
In fact there are now two types of Climate Conferences:
(1) Climate Conferences not CENSORED by the BBC, with 10,000 Environmental Activists, Liberal-left Politicians and left-wing Journalists
(2) Climate Conferences CENSORED by the BBC, with a few hundred Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists (also barred from University buildings, by University Administrators)
So you can see that it is Environmental Activists, Liberal-left Politicians and left-wing Journalists who are the enemies of Science, Scientists and Scientific debate.
I reckon it’s because back then, there weren’t any ways to disagree, except by voting, and shouting at the TV every evening.
Now we’re all very lucky! I visit this site more often than any other nowadays, simply because I can! I enjoy the experience and although a new(ish) boy here, I’ve been blogging for exactly ten years, and even in that time, the various ways to give all those people you mention a good literal slapping have vastly improved, and the bBeeb just hate it all, and can do absolutely nothing about it.
I don’t use Twatter or Bookface, and trying to get out of Linkedin is like getting rid of eczema, so I just don’t bother and am still – er – about forty-something, I think… And I only use my mobile phone in an emergency, so only pay peanuts…
Me too. But have a look at You Tube, there is so much repeated on You Tube from the BBC with headings indicating it is bias. Go on You Tube and dial BBC Biased Reporting; there are scores of examples
I note your comment about FB. Yes it is bad. But here is how I use it to expose the BBC. I joined several US discussion groups and share political news and comments. I link what is relevant to them about BBC distortions, especially recent stuff over President Trump. I hope it builds up a true picture of the envy of the world.
And pessimistically it prepares overseas friends for the day when someone like our Treezer stifles criticism of the BBC which seems to be the way our leaders are heading with their investigations into fake news.
I remember the incident, but didn’t know half the facts – a process much required by bBeeb these days!
As for Bookface, that is indeed an interesting take, but during the brief time I signed up, when it was in its infancy, I just got fed up with silly comments and lightweight stuff, unfortunately from some distant family so I chucked it all in.
Is there an equivalent biased press site in the US?
I read somewhere that the next episode will be much better.
There are some big characters being introduced to the story, amongst them: Heydrich Himmler played by Lenny Henry and Magda Goebbles portrayed by Meera Syal.
Pathetic, infantile, petulant Hollywood luvvies want to invite, undocumented, un-vetted immigrants to the Oscars.
In their eyes, it would prove a point.
A point that in our eyes needs no further proof.
Well, thank you Trevor Philips. I’ve just watched his documentary, “Has political correctness gone mad?”
It’s such a relief, as an Englishman, to have you (a foreigner) telling me how out of kilter this form of depressing and bullying oppression of free speech has become. Phew, there was me fretting! I thought I might never be allowed back into polite society but good old Trev’ has put my mind at ease.
Trevor explored pretty much the entire spectrum of “offensive” remarks, thoughts or deeds one might commit. Bloody hell, I think I’ve broken every pc taboo in the book…most of them inadvertently.
There were blacks, Muslims (of course) feminists, trans-genders, gays…oh, you name a moaning minority and they were there. He concluded that by being so harsh on “bigots” society had created Brexit and Donald Trump; clearly two things he absolutely loathed. He passionately disliked Pegida but thought they had the right to be listened to. Thanks Trevor!
I think that before we cheer Mr Philips too loudly for his new found enlightened views, please remember he was the head of the CRE and many other well paid and unelected bodies, all of which we, the often despised and disparaged British public, paid for.
To a very large extent he is the architect of the edifice he now claims he wishes to destroy.
Too little too late Trev’…
Listening to the always interesting Iain Dale in the car on the way home – was struck by the bizzare lead news headline that kept telling us that “Labour Dismisses the Tory By-Election victory, no counter-view just this rather odd lead news item.
I would love to know which organisation provides LBC with it’s news programmes as you would have thought that the Conservatives only won due a local issue (the nearby nuclear plant), surely every party that wins a Parliamentary seat wins it due to a mix of local and national issues?
The fact remains that McDonnell and his party behaved outrageously in making disgusting claims about babies dying if the Conservatives win, however, he would have us believe that they behaved impeccably. Ironically the local maternity unit is not closing down it has in fact just been extended and the A&E department has also just been enlarged.
The stench of “fake news” and a lack of investigation by the BBC and other news outlets into Labour claims is nothing short of a disgrace.
Jeff I agree that it is too little too late. But at least now, some of these “social Frankensteins” who created this monster are now aware that it is totally out of control and now realise that what we need is open debate about these problems and not censorship which merely further incubates resentment and discord.
And I do think that Trevor Phillips should be given a little credit for doing the one thing the PC/BBC/LIBTARD brigade will never do – He in effect has said he was wrong.
This is certainly something we would never hear from Hatty Harmon. Mind you I understand she is very busy these days going around her expensive London townhouse with a white glove making sure hubby has cleaned the bog properly and not kicked any peas under the fridge. Woe betide him if he fails to meet Hatties high standards as I understand that failure means he has to wear a £200 pinny that says “This is what a feeble man looks like”
Anyone from Copeland or Stoke care to come on here and explain WTF they are thinking?
Theresa May looks like a tottering Granny who couldn’t run a cake shop and Jeremy is a loony – so please tell me why you are continuing to vote for either of their parties
AND Lock,
I note the BBC were towing the No10 political establishment line all morning.
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with full BBC influence eyes at the ready was,
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv this morning.
Just waiting for Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, and co, the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual.
The truth the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP stunt failed.
So the emphasis just got changed to Copeland? the Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. Miliband?, the decline continued, I m pretty sure it was a marginal at the last G Election.
The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
… These lying, conniving, position abusing bastards we have in Westminster and No10 have got to go …
Just seen the odious toad Michael Crick hounding Paul Nuttall on Channel 4 News.
Can Fake News BE fat?
Guess so-anyway he looks like Guy Verhofstad…the very kind of puppy slime that a decent political party needs to sort.
Oh dear, the BBC identified as a fake news organisation, researched independently by vast White House resources and banned from attending White House briefings:
I seem to recall saying I hoped this would happen, shortly after President Trump was elected.
He has little to lose by repaying their lies in this way. What are they going to do about it? How can they possible treat him or the Americans who voted for him with any greater contempt?
This is something I have eagerly awaited. Why invite the likes of the BBC whose reports will bear little if anything to do with what has been said? Now the overpaid so called BBC reporters can do what they have always done – make it up.
But note how it is a kick in the teeth for Treezer, a stupid woman who took Laura Kenesberg to the White House meeting and discussed on the plane, woman to woman, what a racist, misogynist the US President is, and then tried to humiliate him with Laura K’s offensive question which had been rehearsed together on the plane journey.
Yes Treezer, you must share in the BBC’s humiliation
GWF….pretty much knew in the end truth would trump, (excuse the pun), fake news and Ali Campbell type spin…I know from reality of all my mates who went to iraq based on that Twats lying spin for Blair.
I suspect the President knows May and Kuensberg colluded. First ban the BBC and then humiliate this government one way or another. WE deserve nothing less. A country that has the effrontery to debate whether another country has a worthwhile leader is so far up itself that it is insane.
“Instead, the press secretary hand-picked news outlets including Breitbart News, One America News Network, The Washington Times, all news organisations with far-right leanings”
…DOH those orgs are not “far-right” so its article is disinformation/spin/fake-news
oh hangon
“Several media outlets including the Associated Press and TIME Magazine declined to attend the briefing to boycott the President’s decision.”
So left leaning orgs were invited but declined.
I’m guessing is that the idea of a “ban” is false-narrative ..when really its a made up excuse ..when the truth is The WH couldn’t invite everyone.
\\ Trump said “I’m against the people that make up stories and make up sources,”//
Sorry Indy I heard “I’m ONLY against the people that make up stories and make up sources,”
so thats moe LibMediaMob spin
Dotun was interviewing Tom DeFrank earlier today. The latter has reported on – I think – nine presidents, so would have seen most shenanigans going on in The White House at some stage.
However, while I’ll always listen to see what comes out of a discussion like this, the mere words ‘distraction from the Russian issues’ are enough to start doubt going, even if there is absolutely no proof! (Well he would say there was proof, wouldn’t he)!
Jonny Dymond took over from John Sopel as ‘Petulant Twat In The USA’ for World At One this lunchtime.
You can hear him joking about the Sweden rape epidemic in the intro at 0:45, then his full sanctimonious drivel at 33:30
I’ve never understood why Mr Dymond is even allowed to enter the USA. In 2008 he was caught with cannabis and arrested as he attempted to take a flight out Lithuania. Later he was fined £230 for possession. This is a matter of record.
Eh up Mastermind contestant now ..special subject Mary Seacole cos (Florence Adelaide is too white)
– Switched to ITV – Oh they are celebrating a mosque in what looks like District 6 , Capetown …these London types love virtue signalling.
Not much discussion on here today about the Stoke by election but I think Katy has pretty much hit the nail on the head with this article.
What seems a shame to me is that in some ways UKIP has never been more needed than it is now with migration highs and Theresa looking decidedly lukewarm about her true brexit commitment.
What seems such a great shame to me is that UKIP had a quality leader (Farage) who in effect appears to have been driven out and the also rejected two high quality potential leaders in the shape of Wolfe and Kassam and instead they settled for the Eddie Hitler look alike!
I suppose when you have a party where your two most high profile politicians are Douglas Carswell and Neil Hamilton decline is assured and I suspect that UKIP will not disappoint.
Unfortunately this appears to be another lost opportunity for UKIP. Who of late seem to have become very proficient at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Still never mind at least they can look forward to a happy future with the likes of Mike Hookem laying people out in pub backrooms.
Its a pity as I think the country deserved better!
I suppose that what I find so frustrating is that UKIP up until recently was the party of the brave souls. But it appears that they are more interested in internal feuding than putting forward their policies.
A glance at the Labour party should surely tell them where disunity will take them. It just seems such a shame that those in positions of power in UKIP seem to treat the efforts of their own members with contempt.
People are looking for a well organised and honest political party to follow UKIP are still potentially in a good position so why can they not take that one further small step to becoming credible – its not selling out its just being a little bit more professional.
I suspected some time ago that UKIP may just be a Panzerfaust (a single use anti-tank weapon), it was created solely to bring about the conditions for the UK to free itself from the EU asylum; that since the result of the referendum (which we would never have had without UKIP) it is struggling to find a place for itself in our political landscape.
I could be wrong and I wish I am, but unless UKIP can attract some quality candidates to replace those who have gone (Farage and Godfrey Bloom among them) I can’t see them doing anything more than what they’ve done already; last June may have been their high-water mark.
There does also seem to be a concerted effort to prevent them, by any means, from winning seats in Parliament – the two “UKIP members” from Liverpool who resigned at the worst possible moment for Nuttall’s campaign in Stoke etc.
Agreed, UKIP could not afford to lose momentum and that is exactly what has happened, in fact I’d say they are now losing ground. And you are right about attracting quality, a city background could easily have alienated Nigel from the very people he needed to win over but it didn’t. There is a genuineness about him that I just don’t see in his successor, neither did he have to make rash soundbites in order to connect with the voting public. Radical action is essential to stop the whole party stagnating, movements like UKIP must seize the moment or risk faltering and fading away.
Farage is a political giant of his time, like Enoch Powell was of his, such men as them (unfortunately) don’t come around very often and are despised by the elite and its creatures in the MSM; yet what they do, Farage’s referendum and Powell’s Birmingham Speech, reverberate politically in perpetuity.
Like the Panzerfaust notion Al Shubtil.
But I`m pretty optimistic.
Yes, Huttall ought to have won this sitting duck of Stoke-and he and his party are naive, dim and clueless.
But they`ll still ensure the end of Labour and the forcing of Tories to either give us Brexit or get THEIR vote divided too.
It`ll be fine.
That`s the political game as it exists, but there`s more.
UKIP now have 5 Star, Wilders, Le Pen, Petry etc to learn from-as well as the obvious killing machine that is Trumps US operation.
And Aaron Banks has a good database from last year were he to back a libertarian British party-the likes of us,Breitbart readers etc are all easy enough to get organised and targeted should we want it.
This is extra parliamentary-but we`ve now got the cultural high ground as the Left are getting evicted.
Know myself it`s going on around me…and enjoying the death of the thinking left…who are nowhere to be found in real life any more.
Dun spire spero, delapsus resurgam…
UKIP has a lot of good people.
Its two main problems are.
– The dirty tricks outside forces play
– Sleepers who seem like they have been planted by Lab/Con etc. to cause trouble…maybe the Like the Liverpool resigners.
It’s “Ukip are truly finished this now folks!” time again. How many times have we heard that? When Diane James pulled out a few months ago it was well and truly over. Now hysteria reigns because they only scored 25% and second place in a by-election that was always going to be difficult to win. The previous by election in Sleafield Ukip moved from third to second place, and that when the party was in a low period.
The trouble with emerging parties is that a lot of people join thinking they are on a roller-coaster to success. The slightest reversal, or in this case just disappointment, produces resignation and despair and recriminations. “Crikey Dick! Get a life” is my response. Five years ago could anyone have stated that Ukip would be as strong as it is now and not be mocked?
The road to political success is rocky and strewn with setbacks. Churchill knew that when he set out. (Thank God he continued.)
Yes there are situations when it’s time to call it a day I’ve seen them down the years. Ukip is not remotely near that stage. I have experienced a party headed towards electoral success abandoned after a unexpected election reversal when still quite strong because they couldn’t take media ridicule along with disappointment.Only to have to start again years later.(with eventual parliamentary success).
And as for looking to Nigel to take back the reins, forget it! It’s time to make steps (and some of the will be faltering) towards being a fully balanced party. A party that can’t take the knocks isn’t fit to be in power.
Taffman, I know you are staunch! I hope others follow your example.
I can agree with most of what you say Yasser but I don’t interpret the election fallout as hysteria and I certainly was not expecting victory. However the circumstances surrounding the result have confirmed my initial gut feeling that the party is now being led by the wrong man.
Whenever I’m talking politics with people I can sense a change in the mood, the time is right for UKIP to be on the ascent, this is not the time for schoolboy errors and a leader on a learning curve. Obviously any party smaller than one man won’t have much of a future (Veritas?), but UKIP don’t have the ‘put a red rosette on a donkey and they’ll vote for it’ support to fall back on. It’s much more important for UKIP to have the right person in the top seat than more established parties.
Oldspeaker, thank you for your response. But are you seriously suggesting that Ukip change leaders again? What would the BBC et al do with that? I shudder to think.
It wasn’t so long ago that Farage was held up to ridicule. His resignation and change of mind, remember. His failure to take Thanet South. His claim to bring another six Tory MP’s into the fold after
Carswell and Mark Reckless. His habit of making policy on the hoof and let’s not forget his recent denunciation of a lot of Ukip members in terms that Matthew Parris would be proud of.
Make no mistake, I am a Farage supporter. Perhaps not a Faragist.
But he was a figure of fun for many and did do stupid things.
It was he who said a win in the Stoke by-election was fundamental to the party’s future. If that had been the case I don’t think Paul Nuttall would have stood. The seat just wasn’t pro-ukip enough to begin with. I think he took a risk standing there anyway, but he would have been criticised for timidity had he not taken it.
Given the political climate and political currents at the moment ie Post-Brexit it is unlikely that Ukip can gain more than a few percentage points in any by-election.Whatever the effort put in (See Oldham). The political arena is like a sea, sometimes you have to sit out a bit of time in the doldrums, but the tides do turn and fresh winds will blow. Throwing the captain overboard is not the answer.
Nuttal is no clown, though he will be depicted as one, he has the backing of most of Ukip’s Euro MP’s. They know something of his abilities. Let’s see how he does over the next couple of years, then we can judge.
At the risk of creating a Yasser oldspeaker thread, I don’t claim the sky is falling in but I think the pace of change is such that it doesn’t leave the luxury of a couple of years. I respect your view and we are probably in agreement on a whole host of issues, the leadership however is not one of them. As for what the BBC might think, hang them I say. At the same time I concede that a ‘gut feeling’ is probably not the best model for assessing a leader.
DS – the Conservatives don’t appear to bleed many votes to UKIP.
It is Labour who have been damaged the most by them: it just might not be enough for UKIP to win seats from them. I think that many Labour voters will simply not vote at the next general election, rather than switch to a party that a vote for whom is perceived as a wasted one.
The other interesting thing, post-referendum, is that whereas before it was the Conservatives who were split on the EU question and Labour were (apparently) united regarding our membership.
The Conservatives now seem rock solid, excepting those such as Fatty Clarke and Madam Soubrey, whereas one could see Labour entering the political abyss; due to the massive difference, thrown into sharp relief by the Brexit vote, between what the Labour Party MPs want our country to be and what its core voters do.
G – There are dangers of corruption; criminality and terrorism if Muslims are employed in any capacity which carries responsibility for others, particularly kaffirs.
And –
a bigger problem, for the future there is no chance of ever reforming the mindset.
Jasser the much lauded US “moderate”, set about with a big media fanfare, this task,(remember in the US Islam is not as ingrained as it is here).
Here we get Islam whining and bleating about the chocolate fireguard of “Prevent” and getting concessions! and T May’s review of sharia courts has been branded a “whitewash” before it has even begun, with more than 200 individuals, women s groups and human rights groups signing an open letter urging her to dismantle the panel chosen to oversee the inquiry.
The Muslim Reform Movement (MRM), published the result of Mr Jasser s endeavours … it is an alarm bell to all.
“We spent significant resources on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims.
We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive.
In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again”.
Mr Jasser is lucky he is in the US, if in Pakistan he d probably be dead already.
Heard a pretty seismic moment on Any Questions tonight.
The panel was asked about Foreign Aid and the need to cut budgets, spend it better etc.
First one asked was Aaron Banks-UKIP donor.
He spoke of the charity work done by himself, money given and projects funded in Lesotho, Africa. Complete silence and indifference…UKIP you see.
Next up were the usual platitudes by McDonnell and some Scottish Muslim comedienne(no, never heard of her either)-both spouted re “our obligation to stump up, not to equate it with hospital closures or social care shortfalls etc.
Both got applauded, and were allowed to glow in their honeyed words.
Yet only Aaron Banks had DONE something, BEEN there, SPENT his OWN money helping re Foreign Aid.
But we find that nobody gives a damn, they just want to hear the words off pat and get the state to dole out what they sure as hell won`t.
Dimbleby presumably not doing anything like Aaron Banks-but , not being UKIP-he`ll get lauded for his platitudes and postures by a similarly-indulged and indifferent audience.
There you go-the lefty libs in action-and don`t they HATE anybody who actually puts their hypocrisy into the limelight?
Well done Aaron Banks,
The Left are always generous with other people’s money, and are very keen on taking a cut for themselves as their reward for their virtue signalling. If they didn’t want people to be poor they wouldn’t be socialists. They are socialists because they see talking about how much the care about the poor as a career. At university I noticed that the only ones doing actual charity work (as opposed to saying how much they care about the poor) were Christians.
I’ve read that surveys suggest conservatives are more likely than leftists to do voluntary work for their communities.
When the Ugandan Asians expelled by Idi Amin arrived in 1972, a reception camp in England was set up for them. My mum (then a Red Cross voluntary worker) went daily to help at the camp for a week or two. The fact she was an Express-reading Tory who admired Enoch Powell did not for an instant deter her from her duty. She’d probably have filled our spare room with needy new arrivals if necessary.
It makes you laugh when virtue-signallers like Bob Geldof probably wouldn’t go near a smelly refugee, never mind open his opulent mansion to them! He’d probably have called her a fascist for worrying about mass immigration. Anyway, she’s no longer with us. She often said she’d love to come back and see Britain’s future. Somehow, I don’t think she approves if she’s managed it!
‘Yeh that Bob Geldof, what does he ever do for charity ?”
…apart from Band Aid, Live Aid , etc.
Bob may well be a git these days but he’s done enough charity work for lifetimes.
Bob Geldorf (a multi-millionaire) organised a pop concert and other people (not multi-millionaires) gave money. The (multi-millionaire) musicians who did the concert promoted their career, and the money went to people starving in Ethiopia because a (multi-millionare) Communist leader pursued Marxist polices (strangely not mentioned). The credit lies with the people who donated the money not with that sanctimonious Leftist.
PS It was not only thought up and organised by Bob Geldorf it was thought up and organised by among others Midge Ure, who when he was asked years later what he thought about the way Sir Bob had taken all the credit just laughed.
I note the BBC were towing the No10 political establishment line all morning.
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with full BBC influence eyes at the ready was,
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv this morning.
Just waiting for Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, and co, the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual.
The truth the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP stunt failed.
So the emphasis just got changed to Copeland? the Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. Miliband?, the decline continued, I m pretty sure it was a marginal at the last G Election.
The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
… These lying, conniving, position abusing bastards we have in Westminster and No10 have got to go …
On Newsnight Emily Thornberry got a good pasting off Kirsty Wark and didn’t like it, but she is shadow foreign secretary, where was Diane Abbott shadow home sec or Jeremy Corbyn, couldn’t they take the pressure?
Kirsty really did lose patience with Emily didn’t she! But who could blame her?
I found it to be a bit concerning that our beloved PM was shown wandering about with a blue scarf around her neck, so convenient for a quick gesture of submission should any brown-eyed boys turn up.
Muslim BBC boss who put an Islamic State backer on a reality show is rewarded with a promotion as she becomes head of religious TV
Since then she has been quietly named commissioning editor for ethics and religion. This puts her in charge of all the BBC’s religious content on TV, including Songs of Praise and An Island Parish.
It is the second time the BBC has put a Muslim in charge of religious television programming.
Yesterday, Professor Anthony Glees, of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, said: ‘If a BBC executive makes a programme that’s notorious and then the BBC promotes them, it tells me that the BBC has in that area lost its moral compass.
‘People will obviously think that this lady is more sympathetic to extremism and was trying to mainstream it in Muslims Like Us.
Birmingham Uni students aim to quash myths about Islam
Muslim students at the University of Birmingham welcomed all to go and learn more about their faith, at Islam Awareness week. They want to quash misconceptions people have of Islam.
ITV News – Muslim girls fence against Islamophobia?
The ‘Muslim Girls Fence’ project at Stockland Green school is run by charity Maslaha and British Fencing and is aimed at tackling negative stereotypes against muslim girls and boosting self-confidence. The project gets girls to paint an alternative picture of themselves and has been praised for engaging girls at a time when anti-muslim hate crime is on the rise.
There is no unicorn of Islamophobia, but if there was virtually all discrimination against muslim women comes from within Islam … this is a complete non-sequitur
…”The classes have been inspired by American fencer Ibtihaj Muhmmad, who made history at the Rio Olympics as the first woman to represent the US (wait for it)
…while wearing a hijab.
“Another beauty” coming up? – BBC Radio 4 everyday next week at 1345 – Another feature on refugees and no doubt by the way, depicting Islam and its adherents in the UK as really all, ‘warm and wonderful’ people.
“The White House has barred several major broadcasters and newspapers from attending an informal press briefing.
The BBC, CNN, the New York Times and others were excluded from an audience with Press Secretary Sean Spicer, with no reason given.”
No comment required, let us take a moment to savour those words…
Is there anyone out there in the wide world of bloggers that can point out the right wing bias of Al Beeb ?
Doesn’t that prove something to us all ?
Well it should do to Tory supporters and the PM.
Why haven’t they not got rid of it ?
They are Frit as Mrs Thatcher would say , and even she did not do much about its left wing tendancies.These have got worse over the years as the education system indoctrinates more with its own lefty bias.
John Whittingdale bottled it and we are stuck with them .The new board look like the usual suspects from Quandoland so don’t expect any hand slapping and Off com …well what can one say.
I have been signing Government petitions recently, its the one way the public can let our elected officials know the depth of feeling .I have started emailing my MP for the first time too .Eventually the outrage will overcome their fear of the BBC.They need to be bombarded.
These people work for us and they need to be reminded of it as often as possible.
The Eastenders racism story is the last straw with me for the BBC .Insulting and patronising .
Trump has barred the BBC and others from his press conference! Oh this is absolutely fantastic. Just listening to it on the World Service- they are having a hissy fit. It just gets better and better. That tosser Sopel can sneer at someone else now, what a smug wanker. Go Trump!
Sopel sneered the other morning about how Trump just watches tv all day and someone is saying he is mentally ill. He is running a country. His press conference began with him detailing all the substantive problems he was dealing with: immigration; law and order; infrastructure. All Sopel can report on is childish digs about his mental health. Sopel is the one doing nothing all day – this is not journalism, it is just pathetic bitching. I have seen better understanding of issues from my seven year old nephew, and he knows it is not ok to just call people names. And this ultra-liberalism is the real mental illness, like AIDS for the mind, eating away at our vital critical faculties like a virus. Trump is the long-awaited cure for this terrible disease which threatens to destroy Western civilisation, which was the aim of the cultural Marxists from the start. He is a hero.
The BBC doesn’t get to barge in and grandstand politically rather than reporting, and the best they can do is say they are ‘fair and impartial’ because they say they are. Bless.
I have just heard the news about the BBC being refused entry to the briefing. The BBC seem baffled! – Im not.
This post is quite similar to the one I posted last week – however so is the situation!
It appears to me that the BBC seems to possess no moral compass and I put it down to being treated like a spoiled indulged brat for the last coupe of decades. Theresa May appears like some over indulgent modern parent and comes across as totally supine when confronted with rantings and rattle throwing of this errant and embarrassing child.
Like some obscene bloated cuckoo chick it was hatched looking like a fairly innocuous public broadcaster but as it has grown fatter and stronger. It seems to have attracted those who view it as a vehicle to bring some sort of distorted “social marxism” to the masses rather than being a news/public broadcaster.
It has pushed out all opposing views (chicks) out of the nest and is constantly fed by an unending guaranteed income from the public by the way of the license fee. A succession of weak and self interested politicians have, instead of bringing this errant child to heel by giving it a slap have caved in and have allowed this spoiled toxic brat to rule the roost demanding (and getting) sweeties, chocolate. cigarettes and alcohol at will and caving in when it shouts and screams, whenever it does not get what it wants.
Rather than being a unbiased and balanced broadcaster. The BBC now seems to want to make the news not report it.
So we now have a situation where the now totally partisan state broadcaster having “lost” the brexit referendum now wants to ruin the relationship we have with the most powerful ally we have.
Consequently it has mocked, thrown insults at Trump – and as usual has expected to get away with it,
Now however it has come across an adult who has said no and given it a slap – and all it can do is look to Mummy. And where will mummy be – why still tickling its feeties and telling it it is still mummies best boy and not to listen to the nasty man.
So Theresa maybe its time you got involved – I am sure you are aware of what is really happening in Sweden and whilst I know you have a duty not to interfere with BBC independence, Surely when it constantly breaks its own main news editorial guidelines all bets are off.
I have included a copy of one of its main guidlines in case if you have forgotten
(BBC Editorial guidlines 4.2.2
News in whatever form must be treated with due impartiality, giving due weight to events, opinion and main strands of argument.)
Besides which, your Government appeared to be quite happy indirectly colluding with the BBC in the brexit campaign when the BBC agreed with the Government policy recommending we stay in the EU.
Since the BBC has ceased to be impartial anymore, and since it is now threatening our business relationship with the most anglophile american president for years – maybe it is time to restore some balance rather than crying in a corner and saying “I cant do anything with him!
In fact Theresa now is your opportunity to look like a “Prime Minister” rather than some sort of weak willed, harrassed, over indulgent mother from a second rate East Enders plot!
“is the reporter an endangered species ?” This from Pravda. Well I can think of at least three jobs in Washington DC which might need some “rationalisation” in the near future.
Amusingly this BBC bleat references George Orwell while trying to suggest that we simple souls are too thick to understand the “threat” from new media channels which cut out Big Brother Corporation. Do read it, its very amusing.
“is the reporter an endangered species ?” This from Pravda. Well I can think of at least three jobs in Washington DC which might need some “rationalisation” in the near future.
Amusingly this BBC bleat references George Orwell while trying to suggest that we simple souls are too thick to understand the “threat” from new media channels which cut out Big Brother Corporation. Do read it, its very amusing.
Having seen the film “Patriots Day” which tells the story of the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing in 2013, I wondered what Al Beeb’s film critic would make of it. Well, the answer was predictable. In yesterday’s Film Review, Jason Solomons didn’t like the movie and clearly hated the “patriotic tone”, and thought the film missed an opportunity to analyse the reasons why two muslim terrorists would want to kill and maim innocent civilians. He also thought the film missed the chance to include some absurdist humour along the lines of that great British film classic Four Lions. Personally, I don’t find terrorism the source of very much humour, absurdist or otherwise, and nor I suspect do the good people of Boston where three were killed and hundreds injured. Sadly I lack the enlightened liberal world view of Mr Solomons.
Oh by the way, if you want to go and see an excellent film, go and see Patriots Day, and just skip the Oscars.
Gunner – Its a pity Jason Solomons didnt like the film – However if he calls me I can tell him why they want to maim and bomb civilians – They just hate us.
Amazing – I came to that answer all by myself and I didnt even need a degree in “modern philosophy” to get the right answer.
Hope your reading this Jason – Maybe now you can relax and enjoy the film!
The eighth most-read story on the BBC news website is ‘McIlroy defends playing golf with Trump.’ Why the fuck should he not play golf with the President if he wants to? ‘He said it was not an endorsement.’ How dare he offend the Thought Police! And who gives a fuck about the political opinions of a bloody golfer anyway? Not offending people and gathering as many celebrity endorsements as possible – that is what the Left look for in a world leader. Pathetic.
The Today prog presenters on Radio 4 are outraged by the Trump Ban on fake news outlets including themselves. Hahaaa it is karma. Been a long time coming. Then the double whammy when Roger Harrabin and John have a weep-in about the US pulling out of the Paris accords. I started my Saturday with a loud ‘yes!!’
Currently CECUTT reckons this is what the public are most concerned about:
24 FEBRUARY 2017
SS-GB, BBC One, 19 February 2017
We received complaints from some viewers who experienced audibility problems after watching episode one.
Radio 2 Logo16 FEBRUARY 2017
Sounds of the 60s, BBC Radio 2
We received complaints from some listeners who are unhappy that from 4 March 2017 the programme is moving in the schedule from 08.00-10.00 to 06.00-08.00 on Saturday mornings.
It is possible those with more tangible questions of concern simply got expedited. Or, in other words, ‘banned’.
Meanwhile BBC DPA refuses nearly every FOI question because the BBC doesn’t have to. Apparently.
And the BBC is getting on a high horse about restrictions to access?
Yes indeedy Chris. The BBC and CNN are like the bad guys in one of those old westerns, scuttling around the saloon bar on main street looking for someplace to hide cos they just heard there’s a new sheriff in town.
Oscars 2017: Do the best films and performances win?
Oh dear, I don’t like the tone of this one, I would stick my neck out and say the bbc have got wind of the oscar winners and they are simply not black enough for their box-ticking, statistical, anti-white, anti-male modus operandi. It would just be too easy to say awards should be based on merit. Not correct, on planet bbc, awards should of course be given to actors based on the colour of their skin. Everyone else is wrong.
So, have the bbc had a little sneak preview and found it not to their liking? Judging by the tirade of abuse they have hurled at the academy process here, I wouldn’t be surprised.
“Of all Academy members, 89% are white and 73% are male. And that’s after the Academy’s recent attempts to make its membership more diverse.
Not to suggest they’re deliberately prejudiced. But it perhaps helps explain why – for example – there were no non-white acting nominees in 2015 and 2016.”
They do seem to have a bee in their bonnet about something, don’t they?
unfortunately for them, the same rule didn’t apply for the EU referendum, as on the ballot paper the “should remain” box came first, bet they were gutted when they checked it.
The clues in the “Stanford University” bit.
This is the home of US libtard B/S…it began in the eighties and has now infected the formerly free west.
Read of it whilst in the US-great book called “Morning In America”.
Coincided neatly with Oxford refusing to recognise Mrs Thatcher.
Thank God for Trump!
It surely comes to something when it is a US administration that has to put the BBC in its place. Only to be expected I suppose when you consider that there is not a politician in the UK with the backbone.
Will I miss the BBC’s scorn, ridicule, mocking, derision of the US President and his administration’s policies? No I won’t. It is a pure scandal the way the BBC has been allowed to get away with it for so long. Long may President Trump reign!
Just when you think Donald Trump has hit the Liberal Richter Scale with a Force 10 Gale…he manages to “do a Nigel” and find that it can actually go up to eleven!
Utter genius-I`ve decided to call the BBC ABC…the “Another Beauty Corporation”!
Watch what he`ll do now-invite the Iowa Bugle, the Richmond Sentinel and all those other local papers in to replace the Fake News Cartel.
Funnily enough on the Red Button, the BBC cite themselves as being equal to CNN, ABC and all those other Network Nonces un the States.
Arrogant fuckers aren`t they?
Listen to Webb grilling the Aussie CEO of the RBS-Webb seems to think that the BBC ought to be told how many staff will lose their jobs-and seems a bit put out that the CEO might prefer to tell his staff first!
Yesterday that was-but to hear a liberal squit like Webb on his Toadyshow presume the right to get RBS commercial data to fill their empty landfill heads was typical.
Come on President-try and find a Twelve next.
Spinal Tap -Sir Nigel Tuffnall…Nigels good-Eds are bad…simple!
Buck your coverage up Sky or you`ll be next-goes without saying that RT will be all we`ll get on Freeview if they don`t….priceless-and as yet, the BBC headlines show they`re speechless…where are all the outraged Pollys, Owens etc decry this?….no analysis yet-or are they all drugged, sexed and lying in-do plenty lying alright.
I delivered the Stretford Journal as a kid-can I get a White House Press pass, seeing as I like my President?
Trump would surely have banned Channel 4 and ITV had he known what THEY`RE up to-will you tell them or shall I?
As if a giant like Sean Spicer would have noted Robert Moore or Kylie Morris-sadly,our press girlies are hardly Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter or Kellyanne Conway are they?
This is killing them.
Poor Charlie Dayt and sofagirl next to him have now to pad out stuff about the need to double up on our fruit and veg from earlier in the week…this is clearly filler, now that there`s no Trump to kick around at the minute.
Oooh!…no forum to signal their virtue to each other?
That is going to HURT!!!
Hope Dr David Bannon is now going to find the main aorta, certainly he`s hit a vein for the lethal injection!
No Trump on the airwaves-watch their ratings plummet!
They are FUCKED if they persist-and sense that Trumps team know it.
Still-more time to tear themselves apart over Corbyn and whether he needs ten-a day.
Finally they`ve found a leader worthy of assasination then…there we were worrying about Trump, but Corbyn needs to avoid umbrellas on London Bridge I`d say.
Maybe Thomas Mair got the wrong meds and confused Cox with Corbyn in his rolodex…could happen to anybody.
If Labour now start pushing for day release for Mair, you`ll know my theory is a good one…Fake News?…or not?
DIY Comedy-thank you my adopted President, Wessex may well be his 51st state=it`s not as if Obama counted them!
Poor sods-they`re reduced to getting Janice Long out of her hammock at the BBC to review the papers now-still in her onesie!
Riotous!-and she`s a marmalade fan so it turns out SOL!
Oh dear-what will become of Katty Kays 100 days of Trump-seems they`ve been pushed out of the helicopter without getting 50!
Now the headlines again-that banana that David Milband had in his gob in 2008-did that count as one of his 5-a day or not?…were you there-do twitter in and tell us!
Next up- Brother Ed and his condiments when eating a bacon sandwich-is Ketchup still classed as tomato as it was in the Reagan era-or have new guidelines changed YOUR shopping habits?
I eat mine off a laminated script you know!
Sopel has got his just desserts for all the sneering at Trump and for his general
air of smug leftie superiority in reporting US politics, only matched by Jon Snow and the Aussie bint on C4. I hope that the BBC is indefinitely banned from White House news briefings until it shows it can change its ways. it could start by removing Sopel, Bicker, O’Donoghue and Kay and the editors who feed them the line to take .
Certainly a step in the right direction. The BBC coverage of Trump has nothing to do with news, hardly anything to do with political analysis but is almost entirely jeering and sneering about “the Donald”. The flippancy with which the BBC refer to the president of the USA, and their obsequious reverencing of failures like, say, Merkel are proof to anyone who watches or listens that the BBC sees itself as a political actor with its own agenda. Even as I write “Saturday Live” is trying to revive the career of Rory Bremner as Trump’s mocker- in-chief. Darling, how can we the BBC defeat Trump? Well, sweetie, a new wave of satire lead by the mega-talented Rory will have Trump quaking in his boots cowed by his clever barbs and funny voices. Ha, ha, giggle. I must switch this dross off before I vomit
What is missing from the analysis on Trump excluding a limited group of media organisations is that his predecessor carried out the same tactic, however, the difference then was the BBC and it’s US partners did not query the decision.
It seems that if you are a Democratic leader you can do whatever you want and will receive zero criticism from MSM, however, if your a Republican leader different standards apply and any temporary restrictions imposed on a news outlet are a direct threat to world peace!
Once again we are seeing the real face of the left exposing itself, they and their fellow travellers are the real threat to the West and they don’t like the fact that this fact is becoming more and more apparent to previously apolitical citizens.
In the immortal words of Corporal Jones “they don’t like it up em”.
Important local news on BBC Radio Humberside at 9am, given entire minute even tho minimal relevance to local listeners.
“Donald Trump has EXCLUDED The BBC and other some other media from a press briefing”
Yeh like @Grant & @DavidVance EXCLUDED..BANNED..BLOCKED me from their birthday parties
….. well actually they just didn’t invite me
So what the fuss as Stevie and Prince once sang?
Didn`t he give them 75 minutes of Press Gold the other day at his LAST Press Conference…and what did they do with THAT?
Certainly not learn a thing, not show any manners or make any attempt to clarify what Mein Prezidente said!
CNN says it`s “unacceptable”.
So CNN clearly will be able to do something about not being invited to a private office in the White House. Does Trump know how much trouble he`s in with CNN and the BBC?
Why I oughta….(shakes fist James Finlayson style). Ah well-they can ask Breitbart for some REAL news this time can`t they?
Hope they`ll not even give the smell of their own shit.
Fuck the Fakirs…Another Beauty Cucks are eating Donalds wigstand!
RT has a report which shines more light.
A gaggle is a normal thing ..a limited pool briefing
That day there was a morning one and afternoon one ..The invited lefty one first attended AM then boycotted PM.
Is Islam the new state religion? Interesting story in the Mail. The BBC’s new Head of Religious TV is called Fatima, yes she’s a Muslim ( the second in succession to fill the role), she commissioned the propagsndast Muslims Like Us series, and she reports to James Purnell. Expect Songs of Praise to be further downgraded to a 3am slot in the early hours of Sunday and for lots more programmes educating us about the RoP.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Trevor Philips speech which should ring a few bells here.
A few weeks ago, I observed that Barack Obama’s iconic status as the first African-American U.S. President should not obscure his mixed political record.
For that, I was accused by one Radio 4 commentator of peddling a ‘racist narrative’.
As a black man and former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, you might think I would be surprised to face a charge of racism — but I was not.
For at a time when this country is crying out for frank discussion on issues such as race and sexuality, debate is being closed down because those who find offence in every-thing cry ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’.
The result — as I argue tonight in a TV programme — is that our political and cultural elite seem unable to speak plainly about things that concern many citizens.
While our rulers seem to have all the time in the world to debate who should use which lavatory (in deference to the transgender lobby), they dismiss anxieties about overcrowded schools or doctors’ surgeries as merely a bigoted dislike of migrants.
How has this come about?
Forty years ago, ‘identity’ politics was about trying to end discrimination. It led to revolutionary legislation on gender, disability and race.
But recently the recognition of diversity has grown into a cancerous cultural tyranny that blocks open debate.
In higher education, it has spread like wildfire.
Efforts to keep real racists off university platforms have been perverted so bans are imposed on, for example, speakers with unfashionable views on transsexuals.
Harmless academics are falling prey, too. Sensible people are appalled at the way Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt was hounded out of his post at University College London for a weak joke about women crying in laboratories.
Hardly a day goes by on campuses without a demand for a statue to be removed or for ‘safe spaces’ where sensitive students can be sheltered from robust views in a cultural debate or sexual violence in a classic literary text.
But how is a young person to understand how precious are the freedoms we enjoy today without learning what the world was like before them?
Should I not tell my children about the agony and struggle for liberation of their own ancestors, who were once slaves on sugar plantations?
Unfortunately, this thin-skinned refusal to engage with the challenging realities of life is not restricted to academia.
There is no hiding place from the language police, even if you belong to a ‘vulnerable’ group.
Ten years ago, I suggested Notting Hill Carnival had become an international event and outgrown its roots in the West Indian community — hardly a deeply provocative observation.
In response, the then Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, opined I had become so Right-wing I really belonged in the British National Party.
Sometimes the pressures to conform are subtle and insidious but no less powerful.In 2009, several Labour MPs, including some ministers, mounted a private campaign to get Prime Minister Gordon Brown to dismiss me from the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
My principal sin, I think, had been to support the appointment of a leading black evangelical Christian.
I thought the thousands of black and Asian Christians who are reviving our churches should be represented.
But it happens that many of these evangelicals take a dim view of homosexuality. I don’t agree with them, but I felt the EHRC had to respect and reflect all points of view.
Some government ministers saw things differently. They also wanted to see a black commissioner appointed — but only one whose views echoed their own in every way.
Without the intervention of Harriet Harman, Brown would probably have sacked me.
Yet by striving to appease special interests, even well-intentioned ‘equality warriors’ lay themselves open to the charge that they value diversity only as long as it serves their political purpose.
Take the recent decision by John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, to try to ban President Trump from speaking in the Palace of Westminster because of his supposed Islamophobia.
There is no systematic persecution of American Muslims by their own government, yet in other countries Muslims fear for their lives.
Uyghur Muslims in China are forbidden from practising their religion if they are civil servants.
In Myanmar, thousands of Muslims have fled abroad to escape rape and murder at the hands of the country’s Buddhist majority.
And India’s Supreme Court ordered an investigation into prime minister Narendhra Modi’s complicity in the 2002 Gujarat riots in which more than 700 Muslims died.
Yet China’s president Xi Jinping, Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi and India’s Modi have all been afforded the honour of speaking to both Houses of Parliament.
The new tyranny is also threatening the study of what really makes the world tick, even if that research might help to reduce inequality.
For example, we still have no proper explanation for the stunning academic success of pupils of Chinese heritage across the Western world.
My attempts to promote such research were resisted by academics, who claimed it would belittle other ethnic groups.
The real losers in this refusal to tackle race and gender issues honestly are, ironically, women and ethnic minorities.
A business leaders’ think-tank, the Centre for Talent Innovation, found that many female and minority executives in the U.S. complained their bosses were too afraid of being accused of racism or sexism to talk to them honestly about their performance.
They only found out they had been failing professionally when they were fired.
Hypersensitivity about offending minorities has also stopped us having a grown-up debate about migration.
Last week, Tony Blair, in his speech on Brexit, said ‘immigration is the issue’. Whatever you think of him, most polls show he was right about that.
Yet since last June, most politicians have tried to pretend the Brexit vote had little to do with the cultural impact of immigration.
The Right fear sounding like racists; the Left won’t discuss it because their celebration of multiculturalism as a blessing makes them seem metropolitan elitists.
And when conventional politicians try to tackle the issue, they make a hash of it.
The hapless Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, recently called on Dutch Muslims to ‘be normal or be gone’. And he leads something that describes itself as the Liberal Party!
One Left-wing newspaper has denounced my TV film on political correctness as ‘unhelpful’. Unhelpful to whom, I wonder?
Many elephants – one room.
Let us of course remember that, beyond left-wing papers on political correctness, the BBC in the form of Asian Network and a couple of their sorry little regional radio stations inspired the #nothelpful when they were owned by a guest and then waited until they were well clear before hitting the airwaves again to slag them off with no right of reply.
A fascinating if deeply depressing programme – a highlight, if that’s the word, being the students discussing acceptability during which, for example, a ‘Pocahontas costume’ was condemned as racist. If we should think there is a problem with Muslim intolerance, our own home-grown version is doing rather well too – and a fair proportion will graduate to become teachers.
Unusually the young have sided with the entrenched elites all over the West. Either a tribute to the effectiveness of a brainwashed educated or they really have been bodysnatched.
Medium term it is a problem as we need the rebelliousness of the young to function as a society. Long term it does not matter much as the fate of the West will have been decided by then.
I find the docility of most young people scary. They accept the Leftie brainwashing, don’t really question much or seem to care .
Thank you for posting that Thoughtful .. I thought the Trevor Philips programme was good .. it’s the first time I’ve seen this leftist paranoid politically correct hysteria taken to task on freeview TV (I know .. it’s not really free!!) and coming from a black man he was able to take the flack a little more easily perhaps (although maybe he didn’t feel that?) How good it was to see somebody listen and accept other points of view without shouting them down, drowning them out or trying to ban them, and at the same time expose them for what they are. Frightening really. Ok he may be a convert but many of us on here are converts. People see the light sometimes!!
I used to think that Grant but now I’m not so sure. Last year I found to my pleasant surprise that 2 of my apprentices were involved in the ‘Leave’ campaign and were busy leafleting etc at night. They told me that the group was made up of many 20 something year olds and one pointing out that the ‘totty’ quotient was high 🙂
What they both seemed to have learned at school though was that their political views were verboten and that expressing them publicly could cause them grief. Hence they keep their mouths shut unless they detect the person they are speaking to is friendly. I’m sure there were young people in other parts of the leave campaign an UKIP but they aren’t going to be mentioned in the MSN.
That is heartening. Traditionally, young people tend to rebel. I hope that is true of the current ones. As for the “totty quotient “. The Right always have the best totty !!
Is this what is known as Cultural marxism? Sounds like it, but then the once noted Labour party has now morphed into a middle class marxist organisation. No one with an income less than £100000 needed! As to work, an unknown thing amongst them!
Far too wordy, you should’ve just posted a link to the programme or part of it.
Tony Blair: immigration is the issue
He should know. Wasn’t the purpose of Labour’s immigration policy at that time to “rub the right’s nose in diversity”. Unfortunately, Blair did not realise how infuriating this would be for traditional labour voters. Obviously, this was a cardinal sin in the eyes of Rev. Blair and the white working class fell out of favour with Labour.
Seem to remember Trevor doing this shtick a few years ago. Even then he was 10 years behind the times. The damage has alreadh been done
Blair knew very well how much anger his immigration policy would arose right across the political spectrum. That was why he had it all done covertly. Im sure that the BBC where in the know , after all their links to Labour are incestuous, but propagandised on Labours behalf and kept silent whilst immense and irrevocable harm was done to our country and all without any democratic mandate. Never mind the tragedy of the lives lost in Iraq , the bastard Blair should be imprisoned for his immigration policy.
Poor Trevor. He bought the cute little puppy. He fed the puppy, he nurtured the puppy and it grew into a German Shepherd American Pit Bull cross.
Now it has bitten his balls off.
Excellent analogy. The same is true of all the millions of naive and gullible liberals who welcomed multiculturalism and mass immigration with open arms. They swallowed whole the lies told to them by Labour and the BBC et al. Unfortunately the same unpleasant future awaits those of us knew and said from the outset that it was a reckless and dangerous policy that was likely to end in tragedy.
I found the Guardian (obvs) article, didn’t bother reading it. Comments disabled (obvs). I realised that SJW tendencies bear all the hallmarks of religious fanaticism. Not sure who their god is but the hell is definitely the patriarchy. I’d say Trump will become their devil incarnate. A straight white male? Obvs.
Thoughtful your post makes for sobering reading. I think the rot is irreversible without some sort of violence, which is on the horizon I feel.
Trevor, I`m sad to say: has been made captive to his own grievance hustling in his earlier incarnations.
Like Germaine, like Peter Tatchell and Richard Dawkins-they created these monsters than now eat them-indeed threaten them more than those of us who always scorned that agenda of theirs.
No sympathy-if a Greer can be “no platformed” when she was the very creator of the feminist movement in the UK( say what you like-the Female Eunuch had a seismic effect on us all)-then we`re past satire.
Stockholm Syndrome,Locked-In Syndrome…well deserved cul de sac and no way out, until they can airbrush their pasts online….
Check the fourth line down though & you find that it was a BBC radio 4 commentator who called him a ‘waycist’ for pointing out that the Obamessiah might be less than perfect.
Would this critic have even BEEN black?
Most of the blacks at the BBC do the cleaning or serve the petit fours.
Lenny Henry said as much.
BBC Website reports that the useless Electoral Commission is launching an investigation into the spending returns of the Remain and Leave campaigns. Why suddenly now ? We all know what the result will be. Leave broke the rules, so we have to have a second referendum.
I hope they don’t forget to mention the £9 million of tax payers money spent by the Cameron/Osborne fraternity to fund their Remain leaflet.
Sky Only News You Need to Know certainly neglected to.
It was all on the accounts of ‘Leave’.
BBC TWATO John Diamond (self destructive Jew?) 100 days of President Trump repeats the Sweden allegation without any reference to the clarification that Trump was referring to the Fox News report of the previous evening.
He then went on to lie that “nothing happened in Sweden last night, last month, or even in the last year, nothing ever happens in Sweden”.
Oh yeah? well tell that to the people who had their cars burned out in the rioting, or were raped, or were physically attacked.
But also to completely ignore the fact that Fox news had run an entire program on the problems in Sweden !
BBC burying its head in the sand yet again over the negative issue migrants cause.
Thoughtful-synchronicity or what?
Oooomm Shanti…Harry Ramsden and all that….
The BBC isnt burying its head in the sand,
its trying to bury ours, in layers of bullshit
I heard this too. Absolutely amazing bias from start to finish, and as you said, a complete misrepresentation of what the President was saying about Sweden. As if to prove him right, only this week there have been major riots and carbecues in Sweden’s “Little Mogadishu”.
It was just an outrageous piece of biased reporting, no doubt to be justified as a “comment piece” in the answers to complaints.
It reveals the BBC’s hive mind, of course, not that it was ever in doubt. In eight years of the Obama administration, it would never have ocurred to the BBC to have broadcast anything remotely similar. It truly was the nadir of the BBC’s so-called reporting.
Nice though that the bBBC have done a totally truthful and unbiased fact check for us on the matter:
What a irritating little S H 1 T he is.
All those funny lines and hilarious voices. Give him his own show quick. The man is brilliant – its the way he tells em- HA HA HA! and even more so because all of us right on lefties just know we are all in the right cos obviously if Trump says it it must be wrong! It was really great that he shares his BBC inside info with us so we are all in on the “Trump Joke”
I think he definitely deserves his own stand up routine – because pretty much everything he said was a joke (or is that joke news?)
And as for that Trump, “Cool” (anyone seen my stash) Johnny, certainly showed Trump up for the person he really is – And that is a President doing his job.
Obviously such a talented journalist as this should be treated with respect
The best thing about not having a telly is knowing that I am not directly contributing to the wages of this absolute tosser! – Perfect BBC material though – I am sure he will go far!
I`ve often wondered why the shock jocks are always “right wing”.
Well, I`ve just heard Johnny Dymond on TWATO-and it`s clear that the BBC is the shock jock agent of liberal fascism that WE pay for.(1.30-40pm)
At least Limbaugh and Savage pay their OWN way.
This Dymond assault on Trump and his last week is the most biased, pre-planned piece of crap i`ve heard-if the BBC still had any pretence to standards, rules or neutrality-then they`ve been torched by our wandering drug mule Dymond.
Have a listen-and hear the swivel eyes, balding metrosexual at his most parasitic lying best,,,and wonder what kind of blokes are we who fund this drive by Marxism?
AND-what followed next was some Bicker girlie(apt name) as she selected bits of Steve Bannons talk to C-PAC the other day.
We`ve heard it pet-and we know what bits you chose and why you chose them.
Again-have a listen. Only the BBC would put these two-liberal roastings and Bannons warnings about globalised consensual lies and deciet in the media-right next to each other, albeit the wrong way round in teaching terms. Just reverse the polarity-Bannon says THAT-and then Dymond does THIS, at compulsory license fee expense.
Oh-and Corbyns catheter Ian Lavery( any NUM donations welcome) says that the BBC are pro-Farage and pro-Trump-which is why Labour tangles their nuts in Copeland…and our TWATO man doesn`t even laugh?….
Hope the complaints will fly with this-fuck the BBC!
Not the result we were all hoping for in Stoke but I’ll pour a glass of wine anyway…
Here’s my cartoon for the week:
Id sign this man up for this site!
Support Our Lefty to be our Leader!
Call ourselves The Nasty Party and lets win in 2020….President Trump`s our Preisdent and have already seen a plan to offer him a cream tea in Limpley Stoke Village Hall which is one of our watchposts on the Wessex border….
Yesterday was storm Doris. How did other posters fare? At 1pm, I thought the worst was yet to come, only to hear on Radio 4 that Doris had now blown over. I know a couple of people died and a few trees were blown over. But because of the way the BBC likes to paint a narrative, what I don’t know, is whether Doris was dreadful everywhere else and we got off lightly, or whether they didn’t want to admit they had over-egged the pudding….again.
I saw a lot of people enduring horrific train journeys (4-5 hours for London-Manchester) but then I thought at least they’ll be able to understand what commuters on Southern have had to deal with for the last [forever]
Great art Scottish Calvin!
And why the rush to go up north anyway?
Fresh air and friendly people !
True Grant.
But all the southern softies will see to that in order to escape all those Diesel fumes that the EU/Labour and the Green Genies have made Londoners choke through on the way to their cancelled trains.
So my cunning plan was to put people off from visit the land of Shortbread, and try to keep them thinking that York is Berwick, that Wales is one big sink for the Mancs and Scousers to dunk their offal in.
Will find a pint of Dryborough Heavy as well as a tin of Tennants lager with Yvette Coopers svelte form upon it. Has anybody thought of THAT by way of discouraging binge-drinking?
Barbara Roche and Fiona McTaggart?…I see a collection of tins a coming….
There were high winds in Norfolk all afternoon, but the worst damage I saw was a shed with its roofing felt torn off.
The lid got blown off my recycling box into my flowerbeds. Curse you, climate change!
I think it’s all part of the bBeeb’s intention to ‘personalise’ storms Deborah, so that these weather patterns are readily identifiable in the bBeeb’s quest to promote climate change as bad, and their ‘reporters’ and autocue readers as scientists in the know and therefore infallible. (I bet these bBeeb people get paid a damn sight more than real qualified scientists who actually do know what they’re doing, but that’s another subject)!
As the bBeeb assumes that most people are ignorant, and therefore wrong about climate/weather/anything with a fake chart to bung up on a screen, then they try to make us all refer to any storm or high winds with a nice cushy name, as a problem, when it patently isn’t.
As for 1987, we always refer to it as ‘that blasted hurricane’, and leave it at that, while even the Beeb back then had to admit that they got it wrong…
I heard, on yesterdays ‘Today’ programme, some climate zombie (possibly from the Met Office ?) discussing this storm-naming thing. She commented that it was just obviously an extremely good thing, since (gasp) 87,000 people (or some other such number below 100K) had tweeted about it and (double gasp)12,000 people had actually done something to prepare for it. (Must have been 12,000 people with a dreaded relative called Doris who they thought was coming for tea !)
Jeez, more people than that would twat about a zit on Beyonce’s ass, and as for a whole 12,000 people ‘doing something’, well, bigger crowds have been had at an amateur football match – potentially even at a ladies’ amateur football match.
Keerist, if we can’t have people being sensibly warned, and more than 12,000 acting sensibly on a sensible storm warning, then naming storms isn’t gonna cut it !
Why don’t they seem to use many “ethnic names” for storms? Storm Ranjit, Mohammed or Xiao…?
I can’t decide if it is racist that most of the the storms HAVE “white” names, thus not reflecting multi-cultural Britain or if it would be racist to use “more diverse” names because it would equate destruction, death and misery with ethnic minorities.
KafirMe, oddly enough I was thinking this as well.
I would imagine it’s because of the reasons you state. Also that certain Muslims seem to get very hot under the collar about the use of certain names – perhaps you recall the case of the English teacher who named a teddy bear Muhammed?
I do. Was this him…?
Kafir at first this picture disturbed me – but for those of us of a certain age this may remind us of Big Ted on BBC play school. In fact this could be “Big Ted” on his first “Muslim Patrol”
On Play School there were two dolls plus various Teds/soft toys one doll was called Looby Loo and the other was called Hamble. I used to hate both of them with a vengeance. Now I realise why. Both of them were improperly/immorally dressed Hamble often showed her uncovered head and Looby Loo even showed her knees too!!!!!
If only Big Ted had taken up jihad I am sure these immodest dolls would never have irritated me as much and so negatively affected my future development and difficulty with women.
Thinking about it the toys should really have all been stoned for adultery as at night time they all went to bed together in a big to basket. I am sure the prophet would not have approved!
What a missed opportunity this was to teach kids real morals and thank Allah that now we only have to look to Londonistan or Luton or even Rotherham to see how things should really be done.
Oaknash, alas it saddens me to say I have to disagree with you over the Profiteer Muhammed. He was quite comfortable wih children’s toys.
Sahih Muslim (8:3311) tells us that Allah’s Apostle married Aisha when she was seven years old, and she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he died she was eighteen years old.
So dolls are fine…
Kafir – who could argue with the “perfect man” Certainly not the BBC!
Not me…or any of my sex slaves.
Spot on. Storms are destructive so must be linked with white christian names.
I think there’s a hidden agenda here. ‘Doris’ is a name associated with very old OAP’s, who apparently are causing chaos in every area of life from the NHS to housing to pensions, so seems reasonable to call a destructive ‘wind’ Doris !
Doris was the word TIR chauffeurs applied to any female , as in ” is that your Doris ” or ” show that Doris your papers ” .
Brissles, you’re right – the BBC’s rampant gerontophobia and climate change hysteria are combined here. So I’d take it with a pinch of salt if they threaten you with:
Flash-flood Florrie
Hurricane Hilda
Cyclone Cyril
Maelstrom Mavis
Heatwave Harold
Gale Gladys
Blizzard Basil
Waterspout Winnie
Parky Night Percy
Apocalypse Ada
How about Frogs Fred and Locusts Leslie…
Clever girl !
Could we call a storm Muhammad-or would Allahs Little helpers wave their swords around in the breeze and kill it?
No wonder Daniel Corbett got out before the BBC gave up on weather.
I used to hate him-then came round to his genius.
“And that`s your weather…for now”
That`s what he used to say…sigh!
People moaning about the wind, I now have 3 sheds, 2 trampolines, 4 wheelie bins and a child’s play house. Not a bad day at all.
Brilliant. Definitely generated a chortle.
In Orkney, Doris seemed to be a day early. We had severe gales 60+mph and it never gets a mention on the news! The Churchill barriers were closed, no post, no papers, ferries cancelled.
What really amuses me is seeing folk “doon sooth” trying to use an umbrella in a gale! Coat not buttoned, no hat, handbag flailing in the wind while they do battle with an umbrella????
Folk down south don’t really KNOW what real severe gales or storm-force wind is. However, having said that, I am sorry and concerned when I see that fallen trees do so much damage – and indeed can kill people. (We have few trees in Orkney, so we don’t have that problem.)
Finally, the idea of naming storms is just ridiculous!
D – my takeaway from storm Doris is what a lot of useless people we have in this Country – all a product of the dumbing down and health and safety freakshow we have become. It was windy – I remember it being windy before or maybe I am mistaken. Left work at 4 yesterday got to Kings Cross at about 4.30 crowds queuing out of the station – apparently a warehouse roof had blown off the other side of Hitchin. OK so Lets stop every train in the Country. There appeared to be no management or leadership at Kings Cross what so ever – paralysed. Nobody could offer any information for hours who manages that station he/she should be fired – we all train hopped across various stationary trains – apparently lack of drivers was the reason given. Managed to get home 4 hours later. The tannoy at Kings Cross broadcast repeatedly for 3 hours that it was windy (no shit sherlock) no info about trains which was strange as it is a Railway station. Gawd help us – Generation fffing useless
And this in the city which survived the Blitz. FFS !
Precisely mate – sickens me
Reckon that naming these storms only makes them worse.
Like Islam maybe?
Storm-so-called Doris it is then.
I live in the south-way too many moaners round here re the stiff breeze.
Good drying weather I say!
There have been quite a few petitions lately, but I don’t expect to see any publicity for this one on the BBC – unless it’s to tell us how deplorable its supporters are.
“Give immunity against prosecution to armed forces personel who served in NI.
Armed Forces Personnel who served in Northern Ireland should not be prosecuted for alleged crimes that may have been carried out during the Northern Ireland troubles. The IRA and other illegal organisations have been given immunity by the government of this, OUR country. So should our troops.”
Now why would this be of such interest to the BBC?
“Straight women have fewest orgasms”
Because the BBC are obsessed with anything to do with sex, to an unhealthy degree.
Only when it suits them, Grant.
Always very quiet about Savile and other nasty old men groping etc…
They must have another word for that, but keep it to themselves maybe!
That’s BBC NewsMonkey’s output for the next week sorted.
I wonder if Jimbo and his unit will be ensuring nothing is… um… ‘faked’?
“The research team said: “The findings, however, indicate that this orgasm gap can be reduced.”
An orgasm gap?!
Spelling mistake KM. It should have read ‘…this orgasm gasp..’ referring to a potential reduction in harmful CO2, beneficially affecting climate change.
Thanks for the correction. I was going to offer an “orgasm grasp” as an alternative…
It also just struck me how disgustingly transphobic this BBC article is. It talks about heterosexual, bisexual, lesiban and gay men and women – how totally cisgender and non-inclusive. What about the transqueer, gender fluid pan-sexuals? Do they orgasm less if they identify as a woman on Tuesday but more if they orgasm identifying as a man on the Friday?
Typical bigoted BBC hate speech.
KafirMe, what you say is particularly poignant, since evil dictator Trump has banned the compulsory provision of Trans lavatories in all government buildings, ensuring they will have nowhere to go ‘cottaging’. Typical BBC right wing bias!!
Don’t worry Cranmer, the BBC is on the case with the world’s most beautiful and bravest transexual™:
Based on new BBC Fiddler on the Rules, should that not be the world’s most beautiful and bravest transexual called ‘Bruce’?
One thing puzzles me about trannies. They all seem to want to be dolled up like Bet Lynch on a hen night. But are there any men who just want to ‘transition’ to manly looking lesbians? It must make things a lot easier for them. They wouldn’t need to wear makeup, wigs, frocks, or even change their sexual preferences.
Well I found Frank Mahoney quite scary as ‘Kelly’. No matter what transformation takes place, the hands remain the same and totally give the game away; and ‘manly’ men attempting to be a female in all other aspects, look distinctly weird when gesticulating with clearly ape looking mitts !
What about Neantherthals ? I’m transpecies .
How do you reduce an orgasm gap ?
“How do you reduce an orgasm gap ?”
Fill it with something.
Like, listen to music, read a book, have a glass of wine, watch the BBC … ?
Come again…?
Force people to publish their average weekly orgasm rates and make sure women find themselves in better positions…?
Kaf M
Always assuming the orgasms are for real, and not Fake news ! (and females are renowned for ‘faking’ it more often than not !!!)
Let’s just cuddle…
Comment on Why would The BBC be interested in running the headlined story: “Straight women have fewest orgasms”
I will tell you why – it is another dig at straight men, in particular white straight men – just look at the picture of the white man in the article failing to pleasure his missus – it’s all because the white straight man is selfishly focusing on his own pleasuring – a whopping 95% succeed in their own pleasuring.
But those BBC perverts then suggest the orgasm gap can be reduced by taking it up the ass (“Other behaviours linked to greater orgasms in women were: … Anal stimulation”). Which is precisely what the BBC feckers have been doing to the BBC taxpayers.
Precisely. The survey was in USA. I think that the BBC should organise a similar survey in Arab and Black Africa. Let’s see what African women have to say.
I find it hard to imagine John Snagge or Alvar Lidell reading this out on the Nine O’Clock News. For some reason, back then, how a married couple carried on was considered their private business.
Just wondering if anybody else here has been asked by TVL whether they are going to be “in” on March 6th. The threat-o-gram goes on to say that “it may be the 6th or another day”.
The usual stuff follows about 10101 visits being made seven days a week including weekends and ‘stop a visit before it’s too late’.
The truly bizarre bit (and I know I’ve not had a licence for many years, so I’m not sure what it costs) is “Buy a TV LIcence with payment starting from £5.60 a week” – which by my reckoning is nearly £300 a year. I’m not technologically savvy enough to display the letter here but I can’t be the only visitor to this site to have received such a thing?
King, I don’t know how the whole fascistic license extortion thing works, but if at all possible please string them along as much as possible, waste their time and money, document their stupidity, make appointments you don’t keep etc.
It’s only a small thing but we must harass the enemy in any way we can, guerrilla style, until the day we slay the beast. Hey, it worked against Napoleon in Russia, and for the Resistance in France!
King – Here are 2 sites that will give you the best advice on this matter. Knowing your rights – and that TVL have the same rights as a door to door salesman (none) is empowering.
TV Licence Resistance
TV Licencing Watch
Good Luck
I think it’s quite touching that TVL and the BBC try to keep in contact with me . They also have opened 10 investigations on my property and finalised 10 investigations so I sleep well knowing there’s no subsidence or water mains problems .
They say they may visit . Does anyone know their favourite biscuits with tea or should I have something a little stronger like a sherry ?
I admit I have been quite busy for the last few decades but have politicians, journalists, various experts and such been talking arrant nonsense for good while or is it a recent phenomena?
I got to wondering if it coincides with the mass take up of mobile phones?
I think it predates that !
It started in 1965 with Anthony Crosland’s Circular 10/65.
Also it is caused by the censorship of the basics, which means you can waste lots and lots of time reading bullshit.
For instance, I still do not believe that you need a PhD in Atmospheric Physics to realise that the emperor has no clothes, when it comes to calibrating Carbon Dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere, using the Arrhenius method, which is the formula used in all those Computer models.
But apparently, scientists not censored by the BBC can still believe that CO2 must produce some warming, even after negative feedback destroyed hope that CO2 warming was amplified into detectability by positive feedback.
Its why over 300 causational Climate Scientists have written to Donald Trump to ignore his daughter and withdraw from the United Nations Climate Change agency.
In fact there are now two types of Climate Conferences:
(1) Climate Conferences not CENSORED by the BBC, with 10,000 Environmental Activists, Liberal-left Politicians and left-wing Journalists
(2) Climate Conferences CENSORED by the BBC, with a few hundred Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists (also barred from University buildings, by University Administrators)
So you can see that it is Environmental Activists, Liberal-left Politicians and left-wing Journalists who are the enemies of Science, Scientists and Scientific debate.
Good post thx info Richard . So sick of this Global Warming bllxs
I reckon it’s because back then, there weren’t any ways to disagree, except by voting, and shouting at the TV every evening.
Now we’re all very lucky! I visit this site more often than any other nowadays, simply because I can! I enjoy the experience and although a new(ish) boy here, I’ve been blogging for exactly ten years, and even in that time, the various ways to give all those people you mention a good literal slapping have vastly improved, and the bBeeb just hate it all, and can do absolutely nothing about it.
I don’t use Twatter or Bookface, and trying to get out of Linkedin is like getting rid of eczema, so I just don’t bother and am still – er – about forty-something, I think… And I only use my mobile phone in an emergency, so only pay peanuts…
This site is one of the best. Your comment about Linkedin is so right. I just can’t get rid of the buggers. Reminds of the BBC.
Thank you – I just love this site.
Me too. But have a look at You Tube, there is so much repeated on You Tube from the BBC with headings indicating it is bias. Go on You Tube and dial BBC Biased Reporting; there are scores of examples
Try this. Fake reporting and then the truth
GWF, it was the BBC’s reporting of that incident in Hungary that prompted me to stop paying the licence fee.
I note your comment about FB. Yes it is bad. But here is how I use it to expose the BBC. I joined several US discussion groups and share political news and comments. I link what is relevant to them about BBC distortions, especially recent stuff over President Trump. I hope it builds up a true picture of the envy of the world.
And pessimistically it prepares overseas friends for the day when someone like our Treezer stifles criticism of the BBC which seems to be the way our leaders are heading with their investigations into fake news.
Incredible, G.W.F.!
I remember the incident, but didn’t know half the facts – a process much required by bBeeb these days!
As for Bookface, that is indeed an interesting take, but during the brief time I signed up, when it was in its infancy, I just got fed up with silly comments and lightweight stuff, unfortunately from some distant family so I chucked it all in.
Is there an equivalent biased press site in the US?
9pm ITV Farage interviewed by Piers Morgan.
It was scheduled a few weeks ago so I’m guessing they thought it would bias yesterdays election.
Why dont you put the Farage radio show in you AmazonEcho or Google calendars to see if it influences their database.
7pm LBC weekdays.
Mumbling ruins SS-drama – Times letter from Steven Berkoff.
I anticipate the reply
‘Dear Mr Berkoff on balance we at the BBC feel we got it about right’
I read somewhere that the next episode will be much better.
There are some big characters being introduced to the story, amongst them: Heydrich Himmler played by Lenny Henry and Magda Goebbles portrayed by Meera Syal.
Pathetic, infantile, petulant Hollywood luvvies want to invite, undocumented, un-vetted immigrants to the Oscars.
In their eyes, it would prove a point.
A point that in our eyes needs no further proof.
I would be really impressed if the luvvies invite the immigrants to live with them in their houses.
Angelina Jolie – takes kids like pets . The BBC thinks she is great . I can just see her cooking the tea every night and putting them to bed
Her staff would do it – no worries.
Just hand a migrant child (30 year olds) to each luvvie as they go on stage.
Check under the jacket first! That ticking might not be a pocket watch.
Well, thank you Trevor Philips. I’ve just watched his documentary, “Has political correctness gone mad?”
It’s such a relief, as an Englishman, to have you (a foreigner) telling me how out of kilter this form of depressing and bullying oppression of free speech has become. Phew, there was me fretting! I thought I might never be allowed back into polite society but good old Trev’ has put my mind at ease.
Trevor explored pretty much the entire spectrum of “offensive” remarks, thoughts or deeds one might commit. Bloody hell, I think I’ve broken every pc taboo in the book…most of them inadvertently.
There were blacks, Muslims (of course) feminists, trans-genders, gays…oh, you name a moaning minority and they were there. He concluded that by being so harsh on “bigots” society had created Brexit and Donald Trump; clearly two things he absolutely loathed. He passionately disliked Pegida but thought they had the right to be listened to. Thanks Trevor!
I think that before we cheer Mr Philips too loudly for his new found enlightened views, please remember he was the head of the CRE and many other well paid and unelected bodies, all of which we, the often despised and disparaged British public, paid for.
To a very large extent he is the architect of the edifice he now claims he wishes to destroy.
Too little too late Trev’…
Yep him and his brother Lenny Henry (who used to be in the Black and White Minstrel show)
Listening to the always interesting Iain Dale in the car on the way home – was struck by the bizzare lead news headline that kept telling us that “Labour Dismisses the Tory By-Election victory, no counter-view just this rather odd lead news item.
I would love to know which organisation provides LBC with it’s news programmes as you would have thought that the Conservatives only won due a local issue (the nearby nuclear plant), surely every party that wins a Parliamentary seat wins it due to a mix of local and national issues?
The fact remains that McDonnell and his party behaved outrageously in making disgusting claims about babies dying if the Conservatives win, however, he would have us believe that they behaved impeccably. Ironically the local maternity unit is not closing down it has in fact just been extended and the A&E department has also just been enlarged.
The stench of “fake news” and a lack of investigation by the BBC and other news outlets into Labour claims is nothing short of a disgrace.
Jeff I agree that it is too little too late. But at least now, some of these “social Frankensteins” who created this monster are now aware that it is totally out of control and now realise that what we need is open debate about these problems and not censorship which merely further incubates resentment and discord.
And I do think that Trevor Phillips should be given a little credit for doing the one thing the PC/BBC/LIBTARD brigade will never do – He in effect has said he was wrong.
This is certainly something we would never hear from Hatty Harmon. Mind you I understand she is very busy these days going around her expensive London townhouse with a white glove making sure hubby has cleaned the bog properly and not kicked any peas under the fridge. Woe betide him if he fails to meet Hatties high standards as I understand that failure means he has to wear a £200 pinny that says “This is what a feeble man looks like”
Anyone from Copeland or Stoke care to come on here and explain WTF they are thinking?
Theresa May looks like a tottering Granny who couldn’t run a cake shop and Jeremy is a loony – so please tell me why you are continuing to vote for either of their parties
AND Lock,
I note the BBC were towing the No10 political establishment line all morning.
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with full BBC influence eyes at the ready was,
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv this morning.
Just waiting for Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, and co, the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual.
The truth the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP stunt failed.
So the emphasis just got changed to Copeland? the Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. Miliband?, the decline continued, I m pretty sure it was a marginal at the last G Election.
The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
… These lying, conniving, position abusing bastards we have in Westminster and No10 have got to go …
Just seen the odious toad Michael Crick hounding Paul Nuttall on Channel 4 News.
Can Fake News BE fat?
Guess so-anyway he looks like Guy Verhofstad…the very kind of puppy slime that a decent political party needs to sort.
Oh dear, the BBC identified as a fake news organisation, researched independently by vast White House resources and banned from attending White House briefings:
Whoever in the world would have ever believed that?
I seem to recall saying I hoped this would happen, shortly after President Trump was elected.
He has little to lose by repaying their lies in this way. What are they going to do about it? How can they possible treat him or the Americans who voted for him with any greater contempt?
This is something I have eagerly awaited. Why invite the likes of the BBC whose reports will bear little if anything to do with what has been said? Now the overpaid so called BBC reporters can do what they have always done – make it up.
But note how it is a kick in the teeth for Treezer, a stupid woman who took Laura Kenesberg to the White House meeting and discussed on the plane, woman to woman, what a racist, misogynist the US President is, and then tried to humiliate him with Laura K’s offensive question which had been rehearsed together on the plane journey.
Yes Treezer, you must share in the BBC’s humiliation
GWF….pretty much knew in the end truth would trump, (excuse the pun), fake news and Ali Campbell type spin…I know from reality of all my mates who went to iraq based on that Twats lying spin for Blair.
Payback time…at last.
Now lets get Alex Blackman out of jail.
I suspect the President knows May and Kuensberg colluded. First ban the BBC and then humiliate this government one way or another. WE deserve nothing less. A country that has the effrontery to debate whether another country has a worthwhile leader is so far up itself that it is insane.
“Instead, the press secretary hand-picked news outlets including Breitbart News, One America News Network, The Washington Times, all news organisations with far-right leanings”
…DOH those orgs are not “far-right” so its article is disinformation/spin/fake-news
oh hangon
“Several media outlets including the Associated Press and TIME Magazine declined to attend the briefing to boycott the President’s decision.”
So left leaning orgs were invited but declined.
I’m guessing is that the idea of a “ban” is false-narrative ..when really its a made up excuse ..when the truth is The WH couldn’t invite everyone.
\\ Trump said “I’m against the people that make up stories and make up sources,”//
Sorry Indy I heard “I’m ONLY against the people that make up stories and make up sources,”
so thats moe LibMediaMob spin
Dotun was interviewing Tom DeFrank earlier today. The latter has reported on – I think – nine presidents, so would have seen most shenanigans going on in The White House at some stage.
However, while I’ll always listen to see what comes out of a discussion like this, the mere words ‘distraction from the Russian issues’ are enough to start doubt going, even if there is absolutely no proof! (Well he would say there was proof, wouldn’t he)!
Jonny Dymond took over from John Sopel as ‘Petulant Twat In The USA’ for World At One this lunchtime.
You can hear him joking about the Sweden rape epidemic in the intro at 0:45, then his full sanctimonious drivel at 33:30
I’ve never understood why Mr Dymond is even allowed to enter the USA. In 2008 he was caught with cannabis and arrested as he attempted to take a flight out Lithuania. Later he was fined £230 for possession. This is a matter of record.
Surely that should preclude a US visa?
Yes I see that is mentioned on a rather long list of BBC staff convictions.
News : The 5 London boys arrested on the 20th have been charged
Five London teenagers charged with terror offences over suspected ‘plan to fight for Isis in Syria and Iraq’
Eh up Mastermind contestant now ..special subject Mary Seacole cos (Florence Adelaide is too white)
– Switched to ITV – Oh they are celebrating a mosque in what looks like District 6 , Capetown …these London types love virtue signalling.
Just like Scottish types then.
Not much discussion on here today about the Stoke by election but I think Katy has pretty much hit the nail on the head with this article.
What seems a shame to me is that in some ways UKIP has never been more needed than it is now with migration highs and Theresa looking decidedly lukewarm about her true brexit commitment.
What seems such a great shame to me is that UKIP had a quality leader (Farage) who in effect appears to have been driven out and the also rejected two high quality potential leaders in the shape of Wolfe and Kassam and instead they settled for the Eddie Hitler look alike!
I suppose when you have a party where your two most high profile politicians are Douglas Carswell and Neil Hamilton decline is assured and I suspect that UKIP will not disappoint.
Unfortunately this appears to be another lost opportunity for UKIP. Who of late seem to have become very proficient at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Still never mind at least they can look forward to a happy future with the likes of Mike Hookem laying people out in pub backrooms.
Its a pity as I think the country deserved better!
If not UKIP – what choice?
Maybe a coalition of brave souls – if there are any?
Gaxvil – Maybe that could be Katies calling!
I suppose that what I find so frustrating is that UKIP up until recently was the party of the brave souls. But it appears that they are more interested in internal feuding than putting forward their policies.
A glance at the Labour party should surely tell them where disunity will take them. It just seems such a shame that those in positions of power in UKIP seem to treat the efforts of their own members with contempt.
People are looking for a well organised and honest political party to follow UKIP are still potentially in a good position so why can they not take that one further small step to becoming credible – its not selling out its just being a little bit more professional.
They need a good ‘slapping’.
I suspected some time ago that UKIP may just be a Panzerfaust (a single use anti-tank weapon), it was created solely to bring about the conditions for the UK to free itself from the EU asylum; that since the result of the referendum (which we would never have had without UKIP) it is struggling to find a place for itself in our political landscape.
I could be wrong and I wish I am, but unless UKIP can attract some quality candidates to replace those who have gone (Farage and Godfrey Bloom among them) I can’t see them doing anything more than what they’ve done already; last June may have been their high-water mark.
There does also seem to be a concerted effort to prevent them, by any means, from winning seats in Parliament – the two “UKIP members” from Liverpool who resigned at the worst possible moment for Nuttall’s campaign in Stoke etc.
Agreed, UKIP could not afford to lose momentum and that is exactly what has happened, in fact I’d say they are now losing ground. And you are right about attracting quality, a city background could easily have alienated Nigel from the very people he needed to win over but it didn’t. There is a genuineness about him that I just don’t see in his successor, neither did he have to make rash soundbites in order to connect with the voting public. Radical action is essential to stop the whole party stagnating, movements like UKIP must seize the moment or risk faltering and fading away.
Farage is a political giant of his time, like Enoch Powell was of his, such men as them (unfortunately) don’t come around very often and are despised by the elite and its creatures in the MSM; yet what they do, Farage’s referendum and Powell’s Birmingham Speech, reverberate politically in perpetuity.
Like the Panzerfaust notion Al Shubtil.
But I`m pretty optimistic.
Yes, Huttall ought to have won this sitting duck of Stoke-and he and his party are naive, dim and clueless.
But they`ll still ensure the end of Labour and the forcing of Tories to either give us Brexit or get THEIR vote divided too.
It`ll be fine.
That`s the political game as it exists, but there`s more.
UKIP now have 5 Star, Wilders, Le Pen, Petry etc to learn from-as well as the obvious killing machine that is Trumps US operation.
And Aaron Banks has a good database from last year were he to back a libertarian British party-the likes of us,Breitbart readers etc are all easy enough to get organised and targeted should we want it.
This is extra parliamentary-but we`ve now got the cultural high ground as the Left are getting evicted.
Know myself it`s going on around me…and enjoying the death of the thinking left…who are nowhere to be found in real life any more.
Dun spire spero, delapsus resurgam…
UKIP has a lot of good people.
Its two main problems are.
– The dirty tricks outside forces play
– Sleepers who seem like they have been planted by Lab/Con etc. to cause trouble…maybe the Like the Liverpool resigners.
Al Shubtill
“unless UKIP can attract some quality candidates to replace those who have gone”
Probably there are candidates , but they would have to very stoic, resolute and brave, because the Media and Press would go for them like a ‘pack of wolves’ as they did with Enoch Powell and Nigel Farage.
Trump is a different matter, as we will see …….
It’s “Ukip are truly finished this now folks!” time again. How many times have we heard that? When Diane James pulled out a few months ago it was well and truly over. Now hysteria reigns because they only scored 25% and second place in a by-election that was always going to be difficult to win. The previous by election in Sleafield Ukip moved from third to second place, and that when the party was in a low period.
The trouble with emerging parties is that a lot of people join thinking they are on a roller-coaster to success. The slightest reversal, or in this case just disappointment, produces resignation and despair and recriminations. “Crikey Dick! Get a life” is my response. Five years ago could anyone have stated that Ukip would be as strong as it is now and not be mocked?
The road to political success is rocky and strewn with setbacks. Churchill knew that when he set out. (Thank God he continued.)
Yes there are situations when it’s time to call it a day I’ve seen them down the years. Ukip is not remotely near that stage. I have experienced a party headed towards electoral success abandoned after a unexpected election reversal when still quite strong because they couldn’t take media ridicule along with disappointment.Only to have to start again years later.(with eventual parliamentary success).
And as for looking to Nigel to take back the reins, forget it! It’s time to make steps (and some of the will be faltering) towards being a fully balanced party. A party that can’t take the knocks isn’t fit to be in power.
Taffman, I know you are staunch! I hope others follow your example.
I can agree with most of what you say Yasser but I don’t interpret the election fallout as hysteria and I certainly was not expecting victory. However the circumstances surrounding the result have confirmed my initial gut feeling that the party is now being led by the wrong man.
Whenever I’m talking politics with people I can sense a change in the mood, the time is right for UKIP to be on the ascent, this is not the time for schoolboy errors and a leader on a learning curve. Obviously any party smaller than one man won’t have much of a future (Veritas?), but UKIP don’t have the ‘put a red rosette on a donkey and they’ll vote for it’ support to fall back on. It’s much more important for UKIP to have the right person in the top seat than more established parties.
Oldspeaker, thank you for your response. But are you seriously suggesting that Ukip change leaders again? What would the BBC et al do with that? I shudder to think.
It wasn’t so long ago that Farage was held up to ridicule. His resignation and change of mind, remember. His failure to take Thanet South. His claim to bring another six Tory MP’s into the fold after
Carswell and Mark Reckless. His habit of making policy on the hoof and let’s not forget his recent denunciation of a lot of Ukip members in terms that Matthew Parris would be proud of.
Make no mistake, I am a Farage supporter. Perhaps not a Faragist.
But he was a figure of fun for many and did do stupid things.
It was he who said a win in the Stoke by-election was fundamental to the party’s future. If that had been the case I don’t think Paul Nuttall would have stood. The seat just wasn’t pro-ukip enough to begin with. I think he took a risk standing there anyway, but he would have been criticised for timidity had he not taken it.
Given the political climate and political currents at the moment ie Post-Brexit it is unlikely that Ukip can gain more than a few percentage points in any by-election.Whatever the effort put in (See Oldham). The political arena is like a sea, sometimes you have to sit out a bit of time in the doldrums, but the tides do turn and fresh winds will blow. Throwing the captain overboard is not the answer.
Nuttal is no clown, though he will be depicted as one, he has the backing of most of Ukip’s Euro MP’s. They know something of his abilities. Let’s see how he does over the next couple of years, then we can judge.
At the risk of creating a Yasser oldspeaker thread, I don’t claim the sky is falling in but I think the pace of change is such that it doesn’t leave the luxury of a couple of years. I respect your view and we are probably in agreement on a whole host of issues, the leadership however is not one of them. As for what the BBC might think, hang them I say. At the same time I concede that a ‘gut feeling’ is probably not the best model for assessing a leader.
Perhaps UKIP keeps the Conservatives in check?
If the Conservatives water down Brexit, they know that votes will flow to UKIP.
What UKIP?
Judging by the Stoke election, they would be happy that voters went for UKIP.
DS – the Conservatives don’t appear to bleed many votes to UKIP.
It is Labour who have been damaged the most by them: it just might not be enough for UKIP to win seats from them. I think that many Labour voters will simply not vote at the next general election, rather than switch to a party that a vote for whom is perceived as a wasted one.
The other interesting thing, post-referendum, is that whereas before it was the Conservatives who were split on the EU question and Labour were (apparently) united regarding our membership.
The Conservatives now seem rock solid, excepting those such as Fatty Clarke and Madam Soubrey, whereas one could see Labour entering the political abyss; due to the massive difference, thrown into sharp relief by the Brexit vote, between what the Labour Party MPs want our country to be and what its core voters do.
They also serve who stand and wait.
The problem with engaging Muslims into the security services –
We’ve not got a Geert Wilders yet, but here are the dangers for any prospective leader.
G – There are dangers of corruption; criminality and terrorism if Muslims are employed in any capacity which carries responsibility for others, particularly kaffirs.
And –
a bigger problem, for the future there is no chance of ever reforming the mindset.
Jasser the much lauded US “moderate”, set about with a big media fanfare, this task,(remember in the US Islam is not as ingrained as it is here).
Here we get Islam whining and bleating about the chocolate fireguard of “Prevent” and getting concessions! and T May’s review of sharia courts has been branded a “whitewash” before it has even begun, with more than 200 individuals, women s groups and human rights groups signing an open letter urging her to dismantle the panel chosen to oversee the inquiry.
The Muslim Reform Movement (MRM), published the result of Mr Jasser s endeavours … it is an alarm bell to all.
“We spent significant resources on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims.
We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive.
In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again”.
Mr Jasser is lucky he is in the US, if in Pakistan he d probably be dead already.
Heard a pretty seismic moment on Any Questions tonight.
The panel was asked about Foreign Aid and the need to cut budgets, spend it better etc.
First one asked was Aaron Banks-UKIP donor.
He spoke of the charity work done by himself, money given and projects funded in Lesotho, Africa. Complete silence and indifference…UKIP you see.
Next up were the usual platitudes by McDonnell and some Scottish Muslim comedienne(no, never heard of her either)-both spouted re “our obligation to stump up, not to equate it with hospital closures or social care shortfalls etc.
Both got applauded, and were allowed to glow in their honeyed words.
Yet only Aaron Banks had DONE something, BEEN there, SPENT his OWN money helping re Foreign Aid.
But we find that nobody gives a damn, they just want to hear the words off pat and get the state to dole out what they sure as hell won`t.
Dimbleby presumably not doing anything like Aaron Banks-but , not being UKIP-he`ll get lauded for his platitudes and postures by a similarly-indulged and indifferent audience.
There you go-the lefty libs in action-and don`t they HATE anybody who actually puts their hypocrisy into the limelight?
Well done Aaron Banks,
The Left are always generous with other people’s money, and are very keen on taking a cut for themselves as their reward for their virtue signalling. If they didn’t want people to be poor they wouldn’t be socialists. They are socialists because they see talking about how much the care about the poor as a career. At university I noticed that the only ones doing actual charity work (as opposed to saying how much they care about the poor) were Christians.
I’ve read that surveys suggest conservatives are more likely than leftists to do voluntary work for their communities.
When the Ugandan Asians expelled by Idi Amin arrived in 1972, a reception camp in England was set up for them. My mum (then a Red Cross voluntary worker) went daily to help at the camp for a week or two. The fact she was an Express-reading Tory who admired Enoch Powell did not for an instant deter her from her duty. She’d probably have filled our spare room with needy new arrivals if necessary.
It makes you laugh when virtue-signallers like Bob Geldof probably wouldn’t go near a smelly refugee, never mind open his opulent mansion to them! He’d probably have called her a fascist for worrying about mass immigration. Anyway, she’s no longer with us. She often said she’d love to come back and see Britain’s future. Somehow, I don’t think she approves if she’s managed it!
‘Yeh that Bob Geldof, what does he ever do for charity ?”
…apart from Band Aid, Live Aid , etc.
Bob may well be a git these days but he’s done enough charity work for lifetimes.
It’s other celebs do need fingers pointing them.
Bob Geldorf (a multi-millionaire) organised a pop concert and other people (not multi-millionaires) gave money. The (multi-millionaire) musicians who did the concert promoted their career, and the money went to people starving in Ethiopia because a (multi-millionare) Communist leader pursued Marxist polices (strangely not mentioned). The credit lies with the people who donated the money not with that sanctimonious Leftist.
PS It was not only thought up and organised by Bob Geldorf it was thought up and organised by among others Midge Ure, who when he was asked years later what he thought about the way Sir Bob had taken all the credit just laughed.
I note the BBC were towing the No10 political establishment line all morning.
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with full BBC influence eyes at the ready was,
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv this morning.
Just waiting for Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, and co, the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual.
The truth the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP stunt failed.
So the emphasis just got changed to Copeland? the Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. Miliband?, the decline continued, I m pretty sure it was a marginal at the last G Election.
The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
… These lying, conniving, position abusing bastards we have in Westminster and No10 have got to go …
On Newsnight Emily Thornberry got a good pasting off Kirsty Wark and didn’t like it, but she is shadow foreign secretary, where was Diane Abbott shadow home sec or Jeremy Corbyn, couldn’t they take the pressure?
Kirsty really did lose patience with Emily didn’t she! But who could blame her?
I found it to be a bit concerning that our beloved PM was shown wandering about with a blue scarf around her neck, so convenient for a quick gesture of submission should any brown-eyed boys turn up.
Muslim BBC boss who put an Islamic State backer on a reality show is rewarded with a promotion as she becomes head of religious TV
Since then she has been quietly named commissioning editor for ethics and religion. This puts her in charge of all the BBC’s religious content on TV, including Songs of Praise and An Island Parish.
It is the second time the BBC has put a Muslim in charge of religious television programming.
Yesterday, Professor Anthony Glees, of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, said: ‘If a BBC executive makes a programme that’s notorious and then the BBC promotes them, it tells me that the BBC has in that area lost its moral compass.
‘People will obviously think that this lady is more sympathetic to extremism and was trying to mainstream it in Muslims Like Us.
Birmingham Uni students aim to quash myths about Islam
Muslim students at the University of Birmingham welcomed all to go and learn more about their faith, at Islam Awareness week. They want to quash misconceptions people have of Islam.
ITV News – Muslim girls fence against Islamophobia?
The ‘Muslim Girls Fence’ project at Stockland Green school is run by charity Maslaha and British Fencing and is aimed at tackling negative stereotypes against muslim girls and boosting self-confidence. The project gets girls to paint an alternative picture of themselves and has been praised for engaging girls at a time when anti-muslim hate crime is on the rise.
There is no unicorn of Islamophobia, but if there was virtually all discrimination against muslim women comes from within Islam … this is a complete non-sequitur
…”The classes have been inspired by American fencer Ibtihaj Muhmmad, who made history at the Rio Olympics as the first woman to represent the US (wait for it)
…while wearing a hijab.
“Another beauty” coming up? – BBC Radio 4 everyday next week at 1345 – Another feature on refugees and no doubt by the way, depicting Islam and its adherents in the UK as really all, ‘warm and wonderful’ people.
“The White House has barred several major broadcasters and newspapers from attending an informal press briefing.
The BBC, CNN, the New York Times and others were excluded from an audience with Press Secretary Sean Spicer, with no reason given.”
No comment required, let us take a moment to savour those words…
Perhaps there is a God… or at least Karma…
Is there anyone out there in the wide world of bloggers that can point out the right wing bias of Al Beeb ?
Doesn’t that prove something to us all ?
Well it should do to Tory supporters and the PM.
Why haven’t they not got rid of it ?
They are Frit as Mrs Thatcher would say , and even she did not do much about its left wing tendancies.These have got worse over the years as the education system indoctrinates more with its own lefty bias.
John Whittingdale bottled it and we are stuck with them .The new board look like the usual suspects from Quandoland so don’t expect any hand slapping and Off com …well what can one say.
I have been signing Government petitions recently, its the one way the public can let our elected officials know the depth of feeling .I have started emailing my MP for the first time too .Eventually the outrage will overcome their fear of the BBC.They need to be bombarded.
These people work for us and they need to be reminded of it as often as possible.
The Eastenders racism story is the last straw with me for the BBC .Insulting and patronising .
Not only frit but mardy as well.
Trump has barred the BBC and others from his press conference! Oh this is absolutely fantastic. Just listening to it on the World Service- they are having a hissy fit. It just gets better and better. That tosser Sopel can sneer at someone else now, what a smug wanker. Go Trump!
Sopel sneered the other morning about how Trump just watches tv all day and someone is saying he is mentally ill. He is running a country. His press conference began with him detailing all the substantive problems he was dealing with: immigration; law and order; infrastructure. All Sopel can report on is childish digs about his mental health. Sopel is the one doing nothing all day – this is not journalism, it is just pathetic bitching. I have seen better understanding of issues from my seven year old nephew, and he knows it is not ok to just call people names. And this ultra-liberalism is the real mental illness, like AIDS for the mind, eating away at our vital critical faculties like a virus. Trump is the long-awaited cure for this terrible disease which threatens to destroy Western civilisation, which was the aim of the cultural Marxists from the start. He is a hero.
The Truth about Sweden from Paul Joseph Watson.
Plus Paris.
The BBC doesn’t get to barge in and grandstand politically rather than reporting, and the best they can do is say they are ‘fair and impartial’ because they say they are. Bless.
I have just heard the news about the BBC being refused entry to the briefing. The BBC seem baffled! – Im not.
This post is quite similar to the one I posted last week – however so is the situation!
It appears to me that the BBC seems to possess no moral compass and I put it down to being treated like a spoiled indulged brat for the last coupe of decades. Theresa May appears like some over indulgent modern parent and comes across as totally supine when confronted with rantings and rattle throwing of this errant and embarrassing child.
Like some obscene bloated cuckoo chick it was hatched looking like a fairly innocuous public broadcaster but as it has grown fatter and stronger. It seems to have attracted those who view it as a vehicle to bring some sort of distorted “social marxism” to the masses rather than being a news/public broadcaster.
It has pushed out all opposing views (chicks) out of the nest and is constantly fed by an unending guaranteed income from the public by the way of the license fee. A succession of weak and self interested politicians have, instead of bringing this errant child to heel by giving it a slap have caved in and have allowed this spoiled toxic brat to rule the roost demanding (and getting) sweeties, chocolate. cigarettes and alcohol at will and caving in when it shouts and screams, whenever it does not get what it wants.
Rather than being a unbiased and balanced broadcaster. The BBC now seems to want to make the news not report it.
So we now have a situation where the now totally partisan state broadcaster having “lost” the brexit referendum now wants to ruin the relationship we have with the most powerful ally we have.
Consequently it has mocked, thrown insults at Trump – and as usual has expected to get away with it,
Now however it has come across an adult who has said no and given it a slap – and all it can do is look to Mummy. And where will mummy be – why still tickling its feeties and telling it it is still mummies best boy and not to listen to the nasty man.
So Theresa maybe its time you got involved – I am sure you are aware of what is really happening in Sweden and whilst I know you have a duty not to interfere with BBC independence, Surely when it constantly breaks its own main news editorial guidelines all bets are off.
I have included a copy of one of its main guidlines in case if you have forgotten
(BBC Editorial guidlines 4.2.2
News in whatever form must be treated with due impartiality, giving due weight to events, opinion and main strands of argument.)
Besides which, your Government appeared to be quite happy indirectly colluding with the BBC in the brexit campaign when the BBC agreed with the Government policy recommending we stay in the EU.
Since the BBC has ceased to be impartial anymore, and since it is now threatening our business relationship with the most anglophile american president for years – maybe it is time to restore some balance rather than crying in a corner and saying “I cant do anything with him!
In fact Theresa now is your opportunity to look like a “Prime Minister” rather than some sort of weak willed, harrassed, over indulgent mother from a second rate East Enders plot!
Dare you?
The bbc’s only apparent response is to claim it is impartial because it says it is, over and over.
Not sure many are convinced.
“is the reporter an endangered species ?” This from Pravda. Well I can think of at least three jobs in Washington DC which might need some “rationalisation” in the near future.
Amusingly this BBC bleat references George Orwell while trying to suggest that we simple souls are too thick to understand the “threat” from new media channels which cut out Big Brother Corporation. Do read it, its very amusing.
“is the reporter an endangered species ?” This from Pravda. Well I can think of at least three jobs in Washington DC which might need some “rationalisation” in the near future.
Amusingly this BBC bleat references George Orwell while trying to suggest that we simple souls are too thick to understand the “threat” from new media channels which cut out Big Brother Corporation. Do read it, its very amusing.
Having seen the film “Patriots Day” which tells the story of the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing in 2013, I wondered what Al Beeb’s film critic would make of it. Well, the answer was predictable. In yesterday’s Film Review, Jason Solomons didn’t like the movie and clearly hated the “patriotic tone”, and thought the film missed an opportunity to analyse the reasons why two muslim terrorists would want to kill and maim innocent civilians. He also thought the film missed the chance to include some absurdist humour along the lines of that great British film classic Four Lions. Personally, I don’t find terrorism the source of very much humour, absurdist or otherwise, and nor I suspect do the good people of Boston where three were killed and hundreds injured. Sadly I lack the enlightened liberal world view of Mr Solomons.
Oh by the way, if you want to go and see an excellent film, go and see Patriots Day, and just skip the Oscars.
Gunner – Its a pity Jason Solomons didnt like the film – However if he calls me I can tell him why they want to maim and bomb civilians – They just hate us.
Amazing – I came to that answer all by myself and I didnt even need a degree in “modern philosophy” to get the right answer.
Hope your reading this Jason – Maybe now you can relax and enjoy the film!
The eighth most-read story on the BBC news website is ‘McIlroy defends playing golf with Trump.’ Why the fuck should he not play golf with the President if he wants to? ‘He said it was not an endorsement.’ How dare he offend the Thought Police! And who gives a fuck about the political opinions of a bloody golfer anyway? Not offending people and gathering as many celebrity endorsements as possible – that is what the Left look for in a world leader. Pathetic.
The Today prog presenters on Radio 4 are outraged by the Trump Ban on fake news outlets including themselves. Hahaaa it is karma. Been a long time coming. Then the double whammy when Roger Harrabin and John have a weep-in about the US pulling out of the Paris accords. I started my Saturday with a loud ‘yes!!’
Currently CECUTT reckons this is what the public are most concerned about:
24 FEBRUARY 2017
SS-GB, BBC One, 19 February 2017
We received complaints from some viewers who experienced audibility problems after watching episode one.
Radio 2 Logo16 FEBRUARY 2017
Sounds of the 60s, BBC Radio 2
We received complaints from some listeners who are unhappy that from 4 March 2017 the programme is moving in the schedule from 08.00-10.00 to 06.00-08.00 on Saturday mornings.
It is possible those with more tangible questions of concern simply got expedited. Or, in other words, ‘banned’.
Meanwhile BBC DPA refuses nearly every FOI question because the BBC doesn’t have to. Apparently.
And the BBC is getting on a high horse about restrictions to access?
Interesting what the BBC sits on, answers or refuses to answer.
Things can only get better eh downboy?
Yes indeedy Chris. The BBC and CNN are like the bad guys in one of those old westerns, scuttling around the saloon bar on main street looking for someplace to hide cos they just heard there’s a new sheriff in town.
Oscars 2017: Do the best films and performances win?
Oh dear, I don’t like the tone of this one, I would stick my neck out and say the bbc have got wind of the oscar winners and they are simply not black enough for their box-ticking, statistical, anti-white, anti-male modus operandi. It would just be too easy to say awards should be based on merit. Not correct, on planet bbc, awards should of course be given to actors based on the colour of their skin. Everyone else is wrong.
So, have the bbc had a little sneak preview and found it not to their liking? Judging by the tirade of abuse they have hurled at the academy process here, I wouldn’t be surprised.
“Of all Academy members, 89% are white and 73% are male. And that’s after the Academy’s recent attempts to make its membership more diverse.
Not to suggest they’re deliberately prejudiced. But it perhaps helps explain why – for example – there were no non-white acting nominees in 2015 and 2016.”
They do seem to have a bee in their bonnet about something, don’t they?
Oscars 2014:
Best picture: 12 Years a Slave
Best supporting actress: Lupita Nyong’o
Best writing adapted screenplay: John Ridley
Oscars 2013:
Best director: Ang Lee
Best actor nominated: Denzil Washington
Best actress nominated: Quvenzhane Wallis
drone drone zzz zzz etc etc
I wonder if Mel Gibson’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ will win any awards. That would undoubtedly
be sneered at by the Brahmin caste BBC reviewers.
Probably the same number “American Sniper” won.
The Beeb still scraping the barrel to find reasons why Trump won the election, this one’s a corker.
unfortunately for them, the same rule didn’t apply for the EU referendum, as on the ballot paper the “should remain” box came first, bet they were gutted when they checked it.
Desperate stuff. But classic BBC SOP, trying to hide advocacy in a ‘Question’ as a pathetic one degree of separation attempt.
The clues in the “Stanford University” bit.
This is the home of US libtard B/S…it began in the eighties and has now infected the formerly free west.
Read of it whilst in the US-great book called “Morning In America”.
Coincided neatly with Oxford refusing to recognise Mrs Thatcher.
Thank God for Trump!
It surely comes to something when it is a US administration that has to put the BBC in its place. Only to be expected I suppose when you consider that there is not a politician in the UK with the backbone.
Will I miss the BBC’s scorn, ridicule, mocking, derision of the US President and his administration’s policies? No I won’t. It is a pure scandal the way the BBC has been allowed to get away with it for so long. Long may President Trump reign!
Just when you think Donald Trump has hit the Liberal Richter Scale with a Force 10 Gale…he manages to “do a Nigel” and find that it can actually go up to eleven!
Utter genius-I`ve decided to call the BBC ABC…the “Another Beauty Corporation”!
Watch what he`ll do now-invite the Iowa Bugle, the Richmond Sentinel and all those other local papers in to replace the Fake News Cartel.
Funnily enough on the Red Button, the BBC cite themselves as being equal to CNN, ABC and all those other Network Nonces un the States.
Arrogant fuckers aren`t they?
Listen to Webb grilling the Aussie CEO of the RBS-Webb seems to think that the BBC ought to be told how many staff will lose their jobs-and seems a bit put out that the CEO might prefer to tell his staff first!
Yesterday that was-but to hear a liberal squit like Webb on his Toadyshow presume the right to get RBS commercial data to fill their empty landfill heads was typical.
Come on President-try and find a Twelve next.
Spinal Tap -Sir Nigel Tuffnall…Nigels good-Eds are bad…simple!
Buck your coverage up Sky or you`ll be next-goes without saying that RT will be all we`ll get on Freeview if they don`t….priceless-and as yet, the BBC headlines show they`re speechless…where are all the outraged Pollys, Owens etc decry this?….no analysis yet-or are they all drugged, sexed and lying in-do plenty lying alright.
I delivered the Stretford Journal as a kid-can I get a White House Press pass, seeing as I like my President?
Trump would surely have banned Channel 4 and ITV had he known what THEY`RE up to-will you tell them or shall I?
As if a giant like Sean Spicer would have noted Robert Moore or Kylie Morris-sadly,our press girlies are hardly Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter or Kellyanne Conway are they?
This is killing them.
Poor Charlie Dayt and sofagirl next to him have now to pad out stuff about the need to double up on our fruit and veg from earlier in the week…this is clearly filler, now that there`s no Trump to kick around at the minute.
Oooh!…no forum to signal their virtue to each other?
That is going to HURT!!!
Hope Dr David Bannon is now going to find the main aorta, certainly he`s hit a vein for the lethal injection!
No Trump on the airwaves-watch their ratings plummet!
They are FUCKED if they persist-and sense that Trumps team know it.
Still-more time to tear themselves apart over Corbyn and whether he needs ten-a day.
Finally they`ve found a leader worthy of assasination then…there we were worrying about Trump, but Corbyn needs to avoid umbrellas on London Bridge I`d say.
Maybe Thomas Mair got the wrong meds and confused Cox with Corbyn in his rolodex…could happen to anybody.
If Labour now start pushing for day release for Mair, you`ll know my theory is a good one…Fake News?…or not?
DIY Comedy-thank you my adopted President, Wessex may well be his 51st state=it`s not as if Obama counted them!
Poor sods-they`re reduced to getting Janice Long out of her hammock at the BBC to review the papers now-still in her onesie!
Riotous!-and she`s a marmalade fan so it turns out SOL!
Oh dear-what will become of Katty Kays 100 days of Trump-seems they`ve been pushed out of the helicopter without getting 50!
Now the headlines again-that banana that David Milband had in his gob in 2008-did that count as one of his 5-a day or not?…were you there-do twitter in and tell us!
Next up- Brother Ed and his condiments when eating a bacon sandwich-is Ketchup still classed as tomato as it was in the Reagan era-or have new guidelines changed YOUR shopping habits?
I eat mine off a laminated script you know!
Twelve more years!
Sopel has got his just desserts for all the sneering at Trump and for his general
air of smug leftie superiority in reporting US politics, only matched by Jon Snow and the Aussie bint on C4. I hope that the BBC is indefinitely banned from White House news briefings until it shows it can change its ways. it could start by removing Sopel, Bicker, O’Donoghue and Kay and the editors who feed them the line to take .
Certainly a step in the right direction. The BBC coverage of Trump has nothing to do with news, hardly anything to do with political analysis but is almost entirely jeering and sneering about “the Donald”. The flippancy with which the BBC refer to the president of the USA, and their obsequious reverencing of failures like, say, Merkel are proof to anyone who watches or listens that the BBC sees itself as a political actor with its own agenda. Even as I write “Saturday Live” is trying to revive the career of Rory Bremner as Trump’s mocker- in-chief. Darling, how can we the BBC defeat Trump? Well, sweetie, a new wave of satire lead by the mega-talented Rory will have Trump quaking in his boots cowed by his clever barbs and funny voices. Ha, ha, giggle. I must switch this dross off before I vomit
Jon Sopel perhaps not the smartest tool of the state broadcaster:
What is missing from the analysis on Trump excluding a limited group of media organisations is that his predecessor carried out the same tactic, however, the difference then was the BBC and it’s US partners did not query the decision.
It seems that if you are a Democratic leader you can do whatever you want and will receive zero criticism from MSM, however, if your a Republican leader different standards apply and any temporary restrictions imposed on a news outlet are a direct threat to world peace!
Once again we are seeing the real face of the left exposing itself, they and their fellow travellers are the real threat to the West and they don’t like the fact that this fact is becoming more and more apparent to previously apolitical citizens.
In the immortal words of Corporal Jones “they don’t like it up em”.
That’s an old item from 2014
But still makes the point : don’t take internet photos at face value
Well, at least the Trust is being replacd by Trust 2, The Empire Rebrands
Important local news on BBC Radio Humberside at 9am, given entire minute even tho minimal relevance to local listeners.
“Donald Trump has EXCLUDED The BBC and other some other media from a press briefing”
Yeh like @Grant & @DavidVance EXCLUDED..BANNED..BLOCKED me from their birthday parties
….. well actually they just didn’t invite me
\\President Barack Obama met privately with liberal reporters and columnists frequently throughout his tenure in office — “more than a dozen” times. //
Media Outrage over White House ‘Exclusion’ is Fake News – Breitbart
At the WH Grisham told the WHCA that “claims that outlets were excluded are not factual.”
“The pool was there, so various media mediums were represented,” she said
BTW Audio of the briefing was posted on Twitter’s not working right now
So what the fuss as Stevie and Prince once sang?
Didn`t he give them 75 minutes of Press Gold the other day at his LAST Press Conference…and what did they do with THAT?
Certainly not learn a thing, not show any manners or make any attempt to clarify what Mein Prezidente said!
CNN says it`s “unacceptable”.
So CNN clearly will be able to do something about not being invited to a private office in the White House. Does Trump know how much trouble he`s in with CNN and the BBC?
Why I oughta….(shakes fist James Finlayson style). Ah well-they can ask Breitbart for some REAL news this time can`t they?
Hope they`ll not even give the smell of their own shit.
Fuck the Fakirs…Another Beauty Cucks are eating Donalds wigstand!
RT has a report which shines more light.
A gaggle is a normal thing ..a limited pool briefing
That day there was a morning one and afternoon one ..The invited lefty one first attended AM then boycotted PM.
#Irony We are talking the BBC which itself EXCLUDES proper voices all the time
… preferring to give free reign to it’s LibMob mates.
Is Islam the new state religion? Interesting story in the Mail. The BBC’s new Head of Religious TV is called Fatima, yes she’s a Muslim ( the second in succession to fill the role), she commissioned the propagsndast Muslims Like Us series, and she reports to James Purnell. Expect Songs of Praise to be further downgraded to a 3am slot in the early hours of Sunday and for lots more programmes educating us about the RoP.
And, no shadow of a doubt, another rare beauty in the Goddess Diane mould.
Still, doubtless the only woman for the job. Danny will be proud.
No veil needed to damp down lusty boys…
Looks to me like she ate them all for breakfast and still has room for buttered toast!