Just seen a Jennie Price, CEO of Sport England on the Saturday Sofa on BBC just now.
Sound down as I record Brian Matthews last address to a grateful nation. Thought it was yet another trans-fatty moaning on re not being offered Edna Everage specs on the NHS or such.
But no-think she was real-unless they can do voice boxes these days.
Ah well-Football Focus has found itself now with PLENTY time to fill-but only photos of goals between now and tonight-so Ranieris getting asecong autopsy.
V….er….y…..slow….ly, so it seems.
Thanks Trumpwathcing the BBC stretch no news into old news once more is joyous fun…and its all live now!
Who do I report to now re my getting Jennigender all wrong( I think!).
Ladies-cut out the sports I say!
Just seen a Jennie Price, CEO of Sport England on the Saturday Sofa on BBC just now.
Sound down as I record Brian Matthews last address to a grateful nation. Thought it was yet another trans-fatty moaning on re not being offered Edna Everage specs on the NHS or such.
But no-think she was real-unless they can do voice boxes these days.
Ah well-Football Focus has found itself now with PLENTY time to fill-but only photos of goals between now and tonight-so Ranieris getting a second autopsy.
V….er….y…..slow….ly, so it seems.
Thanks Trump.
Watching the BBC stretch no news into old news once more is joyous fun…and its all live now!
Who do I report to now re my getting Jennigender all wrong( I think!).
Ladies-cut out the sports I say!
Can you get institutionalised Post Trump Stress Disorder?…and is it a First World problem only?
Ring in and diagnose us will ya people?
Here`s a counsellor to tell you how to think through the story of Claudio Ranieri-surely next Labour leader!
The bBBC know that Liebour are on course to lose the 2020 general election with Jezzer. Cue the bBBC and other MSM to begin quoting, nudging, promoting, planting the seeds of an idea that David Millipede becomes the next Liebour party leader.
The Oscars? Not really news, couldn’t care who wins….bBBC only really interested in multi-culti winners, and anti-Trump bile in acceptance speeches.
bBBC scratching their heads at how could the worlds premier broadcaster possibly be banned from a WH press event. Maybe they should do one of their famous ‘bBBC investigations’ into their own recent reporting of DT’s presidency, here are some pointers bBBC….
‘To discuss Trumps travel ban from mainly muslim countries, we are joined by ex-democrat senator blah blah blah’
‘To help us understand what is really going wrong in Trumps administration, we are joined on the sofa by ex-democrat ambassador to London Mr blah blah blah.’
‘In the studio to discuss Trump’s building of a wall between the US and Mexico, we talk to the Mexican president, Mr blah blah blah.’
‘We look into the possible worldwide shortage of hand-woven bee-keeping veils. Some people are saying this is due to Trump’s rescinding of transgender bathroom rules. To put us all right on this important subject we have Mx Buggery Bollox’
Mick Whelan-RMT Corbyn backer.
“If you think that Copeland result was bad…ask yourself…how much worse would it have been WITHOUT Jeremy Corbyn as leader”…
Fort For The Day.
Emily and Kirsty were`nt happy on Newsnight were they?
Come on sisters….now`s not the time to fight, stitch a bitch is NOT the way…can Jo Cox be exhumed to stand as their leader I wonder, her maths will surpass Harmans or Jowells anyway?
Maybe not Guest Who.
Think they`re desperate to talk to ANY of us at the moment- reckon Alan Deddicote will be given his own show between 7 and 10pm sometime soon, now that Trumps pulled the plug on their news.
Mr Sinclairs Charles Buchan Scrapbook finally gets the series we`ve ALL been waiting for….
Indian shot in USA: ”Some blame Trump’s Presidency”
Richard Pinder says: “If Clinton had won the Presidency, the BBC would have censored politically incorrect information about this shooting”
Amit Patel was manning the Roseway Liquor Store, in a bad area that has had many Robberies. Several similar incidents have occurred in the area over the past three years, according to local news reports. But I suppose for the BBC, a Black Muslim shooting a Hindu would be a far more important fact than a robbery. Note: Not the three WEEK Trump Presidency, but the three YEAR Obama Presidency.
Other censored shootings are, Black Men shooting Black Men, which becomes:
(1) Clinton Presidency: “Clinton calls for gun control”
(2) Trump Presidency: “Many Black Men shot in USA, BBC blames Trump’s Presidency”
A fearless Swedish government delegation to Iran strike a blow for feminism by, erm, submissively wearing the symbol of oppression (while their country burns).
Caption: “If you want we could give you our underage daughters too, as a gesture of good will. Is 9 too old for you?”
Meanwhile a REAL blow for emancipation was delivered by fearless Marine who refused to cover up for the grand mufti of somewhere.
Caption: “You know what you can do with that rag, don’t you Monsieur Le Mufti?”
I reckon true feminism is a state of being and confidence in oneself as a woman not some fashion accessory to be displayed (a la hattie) in front of the cameras then quickly discarded when a the more important pc issue is encountered.
I think in the first picture what you see are refugees from a defeated nation or maybe even war booty!
I wonder whether Le Pen knew this would happen – The answer is probably yes, but by that one act she has probably done more to highlight the rights of women than years of men hating, dungaree wearing, harpies running around with painted faces, screaming and shouting about supposed rape epidemics on campuses whilst the real sexual crime issues get ignored!
No Peter the Great.
Cant` have that!
Had the Mozzies seen the gorgeous Le Pens, they`d all be heading to France by now?
Blonde, patriotic, fierce thinking and courageous?
Apart from blonde…rest is a Muslim no-no.
But the Swedes?
All those former hotties like Ulrika,George Bests girlfriend?
PS-I apologise if , in fact they were attending the funeral where their nation was buried then burned…because Sweden is a Muslim Labrat control study to the rest of us at the minute.
Islamic fly paper with shit and rotten fruit all over it!
No wonder the Swedes sent their hatchet faced, po-faced booties over there in widows weeds and Lynsey Hilsums cast offs!
The USA has Kellyanne as well as other independent minded stunners…Sebastian Gorka, Ted Malloch and Stephen Miller(see what I did there?). Muslims like that sort of thing these days don`t they?
No wonder Trump won`t let them in-and Swedens efforts to deviate the Muslims from coming over to THAT shower of lefty driftweed probably won`t work.
I apologise if-in fact-the old lefty boots in their widows weeds were-in fact-attending the funeral of their former nation, and not sucking up to Allah as usual.
Buried or burned?…depends if you`re in Malmo or Gothenburg I expect.
Those ‘feminist’ Swedes must have realised that they had sold out to Islam by wearing those hoods,either that or they are all stupid.
Actually both probably.
What a pathetic display of dhimmitude from the so-called feminist sistas.
Marine Le Pen has shown them how a real woman treats these maggots, who are doomed to be forever stuck in the mindset of a 7th century paedophile.
The only answer is to treat them with the same contempt with which they treat you. This is so obvious that there is no way left wing feminist lunatics could ever consider it. They make me puke, the submissive, self-loathing quisling scum.
Is the judge racist, sexist & Islamaphobic for failing to award drunk Muslim woman VICTIM STATUS ?
Erin Hussein was suing Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club for £thousands for her fall down the stairs.
The judge declined saying she was to blame : being drunk, 18 stone, wearing platform heels and not holding bannister.
Sorry, but where do you get the idea that she IS a Muslim ?
Drunk? no Hijab?
Sorry but this might have an Islamic background, and might have been brought up as a Muslim but there’s no way now she could be described as a Muslim any more than I could!
Now if you’d said was an apostate, and therefore likely to attract the death sentence I think I’d agree with you !
I note the Government response to the, ‘Scrap the License Petition’ – ‘it may not the best way of funding the BBC but since we have a BBC that must be funded….. ‘
Like the BBC is necessary for life?
Like the NHS or Police or countless other things that if removed would result in mass suffering?
The Government aren’t getting it, whether by accident or design?
Again we are lacking brave souls to speak out.
BBC News Channel covers the BBC’s exclusion from yesterday’s White House press briefing. Totally unjustified of course. Maxine Mawhinney (with the BBC’s normal practice, lucky still to be in front of the camera given age & cosmetic surgery, but confined to weekends) introduces the item by informing us that Trump at CPAC had delivered a “tirade” (synonyms – rant, harangue etc) against the media. After a week in which the BBC posed questions about Trump’s mental health, one is left to wonder why they still think that they are objective.
Still though Nisa.
They have no news-so now`s the time to look at that classic photo of Billy Bremner swapping shirts with Kevin Pele back at Wembley Parker in 1970 or such.
From Angela Hartnett ten a day tips through to pictures of a goal by Roger Davies under Peter Taylors blanket?…I see a Sports Photographer Pulitzer Prize award coming along to fill the days.
And Angelas meringues looked gorgeous-maybe a prize for THOSE wartime photos in the Great Spelling Bee Off they`re now reheating.
Wish I didn`t have to go out-watching Alwyn Cranshaws painted purple iris by way of a 24/7 test card might really float my boat…who`s got the video of the Onedin Line Sir Tony…Betamax or what?
The BBC, in the midst of the general whining about the exclusion being ‘unacceptable’ (a Leftist word meaning ‘I don’t like it’), says it will continue being “fair and impartial”.
The Thai language has rather a good word for this BBC stance – ‘moha’, the definition of which is given as ‘delusion; ignorance; stupidity; lack of awareness’.
Then the whiny media says that if this continues, they will boycott briefings in future. Good. Perfect. Just what we want to see.
Times pg 9 Amazon profits from (Muslim) Extremist Books
They avoid the elephant in the room
Everything is free-speech except incitement to violence.
But the authorities exempt traditional religious works from that rule.
The Times quotes new works saying
“Capital punishment for apostates”
“Fight against those who don’t believe in Allah”
But those notions are already in Muslim holy books
How come the Times didn’t moan before?
The show today has confirmed my longstanding belief that the show serves no purpose. It’s a good concept, but poorly executed. Instead of interesting debates over political issues, all I saw was a circlejerk. It had fours guests, none of them were British, and they simply agreed on everything. Corbyn is useless, the Blairites should return, UKIP are doomed, Marine Le Pen is bad, Trump is an idiot, Britain was stupid to leave the Euro, etc. It was simply group of people agreeing on a center-ground liberal consensus, something which people across the world are now rejecting.
To make a debating format work, you have to have guests with strong views who disagree with on-another. Unfortunately the BBC as a broadcaster is unable to deliver on this. It is stuck in an outdated liberal mindset. The guests are recurring, and it seems as the though the BBC for pretty much all of its shows, has a list of “safe people” who will appear on their shows and avoid saying anything remotely interesting or controversial, instead they simply just broadly agree with the BBC and the mainstream media’s take on events.
It serves no purpose other than to create an echo-chamber so that the BBC can feel validated in its views.
Looks like we`ll be hearing plenty more of the wonderful Lionel now that the BBC are stuffed.
Lionel was BRILLIANT on RT a few minutes ago, as he pasted the MSM liars as Trump bans them…it`ll be on the live news RT loop for a while yet, but enjoy it.
Get used to this great man-makes Keiser look like Phil Hammond.
He seems to be reprising his bit here after 4 mins…genius….and EVERYTHING that the BBC detest…splendid!
Have put off my shopping until he comes back on a loop at 2pm…just been on at 1.20-brilliant
” A star dies way back-but its light still shines on the earth and we`re daft if we think it`s still alive. It`s yet to know that it`s dead.”
“THAT`S the Mainstream Media” he says.
What a poet-who needs Sir Patrick Moore anyway?
(1) Please desist from using the outdated and mono-cultural example of a dead, White, European, Far Right, chauvinist male in your astronomical metaphors.
(2) Please substitute somebody more contemporary, enriching, vibrant, multicultural, Black and female, such as Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Although Sir Patrick Moore could cope by himself, until he obtained the left-wing privilege of being disabled, and therefore needed the assistance of Chris Lintott. Lintott is not able to cope due to some unknown disability, so the BBC only employs Maggie Aderin-Pocock for the purpose of assisting Lintott. Or it could be the other way around, which would mean that the BBC regards Black females as being disabled.
I hear BBC R4’s Any Answers has a new presenter. He calls himself Amol Rajan and has the accent of a south London minicab driver.
Call me a snob, but is it too much to expect a reasonably educated accent outside of Radio One? It doesn’t have to be RP – there’s much to be said for regional accents – but I fink, dis might be goin’ a bi’ far, innit bruv?
GC, Amol Rajan has stood in for Anita Anand on a few occasions now. He was good at first but today he was rabbiting away just like Anita as well as arguing with callers. Unnervingly, Rajan sounds exactly like Gary Bellamy of ‘Down the Line.’ fame which may be a bonus or a bane for some listeners.
Both Any Questions and Any Answers are losing their former standing and may be in terminal decline. Can they survive the eventual retirement of Jonathan Dimbleby? He is increasingly demonstrating his age and biases.
I have to confess I haven’t been able to listen to either AA or AQ for several years now – so the first I heard of Mr Rajan was the ‘trailer’ for his programme. It doesn’t surprise me to learn (via Going Postal) that he is every bit as biased as the exceedingly nasty Ms Anand.
Radio 4 is now almost completely avoided in my house apart for a few seconds of Toady before I switch off before the onset of right-on induced nausea, meaning almost my only input from the BBC is the occasional programme on BBC Four – and that’s becoming rarer.
Of course, I might be alone in finding the BBC’s endless virtue signalling and Left wing preaching completely unpalatable but somehow I doubt it.
When he stood in for Jeremy Vine recently I thought it WAS the guy who was on ‘Down the Line’ and had to Google to find out if he was. I was surprised to find out he wasn’t.
The failing BBC late Fright Night suddenly became Fight Night with the catch-weight bout pitting Battling Lady Nugee coming out spitting blood from the red corner against a sparring partner from her own home stable – Twisty Wark now dancing around the ring and performing the Ali Shuffle (or should that be soufflé?) anyway, the old one-two in her pinko tartan trunks. Viewers will be unsure which flag to wave in this cross-border billing – we know the St George upsets our Emily.
What next, perhaps cruiser-weight Evan Davies v Chris Bryant competing for a very fetching belt – black leather and studded.
The BBC’s attitude to pugilism proper is definitely equivocal – when the Docs at the BMA take a dim view then that’s what we hear preached – but when there’s a female taking up the sport then the BBC are turned full on promoters.
I tend generally to agree with Tony Hancock : “A good punch up the bracket never did anyone any harm”
But it gets better, today we have feather-weight southpaw Little Man Khan slugging it out rabbit punching away on Twitter with another pinko tartan bruiser – Krankie-brained Nicola Braveheart the Gnat Sturgeon. Neither one of them quite knowing which anthem to stand up for – if any. Perhaps something by Beyonce for Khan and anything by the Proclaimers for Ms Garden Gnome Magazine 1413.
More of this ‘friendly’ red-on-tartan fire please, BBC
Used to like the tag team wrestling.
Used to fancy Bert Royall something rotten, would borrow mums hatpin should Jackie Pallo dare to strut near our faces.
And don`t get me started on bloody Adrian Street will you? This transcrap probably started with him as well as Mick Tucker from Sweet-a builder in a dress, i`d say.
They`d REALLY coin it in on the BBC these days?
Hope Johnny Quango now fears for his life now Trumps got the blowtorch for them all.
Agreed. If your World of Sport is going to pitch camp at Wigan Town Hall of a Saturday afternoon you may as well go full catch-weight all-in tag-team. And nowadays we scoff at LGBTQ – that’s biege compared to the ’70s. I do indeed recall Johnny Kwango-Kwango My Friends (as little Lenny Henry might have said as Opportunity Knocked for him – like we’re told it doesn’t these days and didn’t back then). Now unless Wikipedia is spoofing our Johnny started as a ballet dancer in The Ballet Negres – is that still legal? His mother was a professional strong woman (we now have Harriet Harman) in a German circus (see Angela Merkel). She may possibly have been Europe’s first female professional wrestler. So many questions there: was non-European female wrestling a big thing? If so well done Africa and Asia. Was there previously an underground European amateur ladies’ circuit? If Wiki isn’t sure how on earth will we ever know for sure?
The BBC weren’t keen on the likes of Wrestling or Sports Special One Demolition Derbys even back then – certainly wouldn’t pass the Gary Lineker test now. Not that he was ever much of a passer. By the way hope all at Salford are wearing their ‘What would our Gary think’ rubber bracelets. But all is not lost here – You Tube tell me I can still reminisce with Mark Rocco and Banger Walsh v Big Daddy and (gulp) Kid Chocolate.
As Proust might remark : À la recherche du temps perdu
As Giant Haystacks whispered into my ear as we danced at the Irish Charity Night somewhere northern.
Yes, had a dance with the Great Man-an absolute charming bear of a bloke with a really lovely wife(very small too.
Been downhill ever since-but can now pretend that he quoted Proust to me over the Smithwicks that enchanted evening….
Searching BBC iPlayer this morning for something to “To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.” when I came across this:
Britain’s Secret Seas: 4. The Bustling South
First shown: 8pm 29 May 2011
Programme description:
“Documentary series exploring the seas surrounding Great Britain. The team explores our busy southern seas, which are littered with wrecks.”
All was going reasonably (ahem) ‘swimmingly’ until approx 33:40min. Then we had Tooni Mahto, (Marine biologist, oceanographer and Campaigner) talking about Brighton’s Palace Pier:
“It was built in 1899 at a time when the well-to-do liked to stride out into the ocean, gaze across the sea, decide which small nation to conquer next, all without getting their feet wet”.
AS I await Lionel , am listening to “Today” on iPlayer.
Trumps Press Ban, followed by Roger Harrabin talking of Chinese moral leadership-and a fetching fragrant African lady offers him her kaftan to cry into. Next up-will Trump cast his shadow of the Oscars?
They`re obsessed aren`t they?…yet they say that WE`RE the fruit loops!
Call it transferance, displacement and projection don`t they?
Enjoy it…it may not last long, seeing the death star seems at the dying embers stage.
Yep, even the ‘safe ground’ of documentaries is no longer safe. And as for the quote, “It was built ….” – I guess it would have been far better had we been, conquered, enslaved and ‘disappeared’. Oh, but I’m forgetting, that is their fervent hope for the future, is it not?
Agreed. And, re the quote and the conquer joke/comment, I’m not sure where that fits in, exactly, in their mission statement other than on a comedy show. And, it’s not exactly Galton & Simpson or Chris Morris.
According to the BBC’s proxy opinion-formers, we are the most evil conquering country in history. We must be, as they never go on about any other country with quite the same zeal, if in fact they go on about any other country at all.
And because it’s the BBC and so many people still trust it like ‘a guiding friend’ (to paraphrase Photoshop fake news specialist James Purnell), they believe it.
Roll on ‘Civilisations’ (all cultures are equal, brothers!) – or not, if you value your sanity.
I’m sure that other contributors here would share my concern if the Saudi’s took over the manufacture of vaccines. The West could be held by it’s proverbial, ‘short and curlies’ but almost certainly the Saudi’s will have recognised this. The absolute stupidity of European politicians shows very few limits – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/9979/vaccines-saudi-arabia
Two Muslims in succession have been appointed to head the BBC’s religious output. Were no Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Satanic Worshipers, etc, available?
Anyone would think the BBC is gleefully making a point to the largely Christian population in the UK.
First of all I know that I sound like and may well be a Southern snob. Ok a member of the
London Metropolitan elite. But honestly I get on very well with all my cosmopolitan neighbours regardless of colour, religion or creed.
As an indigenous Londoner I would like to watch a London programme where I had some representation . But as many of you fellow Londoners know all we have is a Londonistan programme whose editors”god” is Trotsky.
So it’s really down to the morning programmes. I am 71 still working 50 hours a week from home. I try and watch the morning programme ,but I just can’t. I cannot stand Steff McGoverns “Coronation Street” barmaids accent. Yes of course I know she is very well educated BUT I find her Mancunian accent so grating. To me it sounds like she is trying to
make herself sound or being told to sound as Mancunian as she can possibly be.
I reiterate she is a real ” Educated Rita” I know this. BUT this morning when the financial expert who looks like my cousin Joel said that we will have to get rid of our old
pound coins by October , she said “what should people do with their old coins?” And my cousin Joel said with a typical North West London sense of humour ” SPEND THEM!!!”
This really flummoxed our Steff. She sounded like the university graduate on Pointless
when asked to name a country ending with two consonants ,bleated out” PARIS!!” Well what do you expect from a barmaid from Coronation Street!!
Celebration of the death of Jo Cox-what about the terrible murder of Lee Rigby shouldn’t his murder be remembered? Shoudn’t those guilty of this poor young man’s death have been vilified as much as the man responsible for Jo Cox’s death?
Anyone else get one of these? Apologies if it has already been posted.
” Dear ToobiWan
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement.”.
Government responded:
A licence is required in order to watch all live or nearly-live television content on any device in the UK or to stream or download any programmes in an on-demand programme service provided by the BBC
The BBC Charter Review, which commenced in 2015, was one of the biggest consultation exercises the government has undertaken. We listened to views of the public and industry (including 192,000 consultation responses), set out detailed policy proposals in the White Paper in May 2016, and worked closely and collaboratively with the BBC and Ofcom to negotiate the new Charter and Framework Agreement.
Throughout the Charter Review, the Government considered the question of funding the BBC’s services, and decided that the licence fee system will be maintained for the coming Charter period.
In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services – although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC and other public service objectives.
While no system of funding meets all the criteria of an ideal funding system, the current system provides the BBC with a sustainable core income paid by all households who watch or receive television, and it commands wider public support than any alternative model. As stated above, revenue from the TV licence fee is also used to fund other services such as Welsh broadcaster S4C and infrastructure projects such as the delivery of superfast broadband.
In line with the recommendations of the TV Licence Fee Enforcement Review, while the current licence fee collection system is in operation, the current system of criminal deterrence and prosecution should be maintained. Whilst the government agrees with the review’s assessment that decriminalisation is not possible under the current system, we believe that it would be preferable in the long term to make changes which reduce the necessity of the criminal sanction, such as exploring the options for conditional access.
The TV licence fee has been frozen since 2010, and the government has agreed to increase the fee in line with inflation for the next five years However, the government also intends to help those on lower incomes by making the licence fee easier to pay through proposals to provide more flexible payment plans.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Click this link to view the response online: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/170931?reveal_response=yes
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
I hope this bit doesn’t mean what I think it does:
‘ … such as exploring the options for conditional access.’
In other words, get rid of our right to deny these goons the ‘implied right of access’ and give them conditional access ie they can come into your home. And the BBC has the nerve to call just about everyone else fascist.
“In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services”
So the Licence Fee is a tax on watching all TV, not a fee for the pleasure of the BBC’s company. Fair enough, except by some weird coincidence, it happens to go to the BBC to pay for their free, fair and impartial broadcasting.
My question is, do the government take us for absolute fools?
It seems that Government and BBC see eye to eye. Don’t expect the Government to tame the BBC or halt its bias. Both Government and BBC must sink together.
Great stuff Lucy!
Noted at the rugby that there were a few Welsh fans in a row all dressed and looking like Trump. Once you`ve gone into the culture like this-there`s now NO way that the BBC will stop him, let alone the CNN snowmen!
Snowflakes?…snowblowers….and now Mt Plow himself!
‘Motive unknown… terrorism not suspected…’ etc etc. The usual excuses are already coming out. Mentally Norwegian, next? Mental health problems has been proffered? Utterly pathetic excuses from the German authorities as usual; I am always amazed at how quickly they can diagnose mental health issues there – must have some excellent psychiatrists/clinical psychologists to hand at short notice. I think, unless I am badly mistaken, we can perhaps guess what motivated this scum to drive into pedestrians…. and I’ll bet it wasn’t to do with Methodism or depression!
The BBC are trying to prove Islam is Peace. According to the BBC Islamic Terrorism is falling while Mental Disturbance Terrorism is rapidly increasing.
Except if the individual can be associated with right wing politics it suddenly becomes a definite case of Right Wing Extremism caused by Brexit or Trump.
Now Donald Trump is banning the BBC it wouldn’t surprise me if Muslim terrorists also ban the BBC from reporting their attacks due to their fake news reporting.
It will be interesting to see who turns up in Cologne this Monday for the Rosenmontag celebrations. Lots of barriers to prevent out of control lorries are in position. After all it’s the “tolle Tage” of Fasching and everyone can join in the craziness.
What else would you expect from the Biased Broadcasting Cresent. They have a new Head of Religious TV is called Fatima Salaria (Islamic), second in line to the “religion” throne at the Al BBC, following on from another Islamic, she commissioned the apologist Muslims Like Us
… very sorry they are not.
I think the BBC is determined to tell us Islam is a religion
… sorry it is not.
If they were like us, and integrated … well lets not even go there, as I can t be bothered to list the plethora of facts showing that 1/.they are not and 2/. is not.
Its not only the BBC either most of the MSM, and the No10 liars are the same, keep pushing their Islamophile narrative.
They couldn`t wait to fix a bake off win and get that mediocre cook, Nadia Hussain, to sign a contract with them, for The One Show, Nadia s travel adventures Christmas Special etc etc for the BBC`s brainwashing agenda.
Sorry BBC sorry No10 Liars, the cats out of the bag Islam is busted,
Aquil Ahmed should have NEVER been given the job, you would never give it to Nick Griffin would you? it faced a backlash over its decision to make him head of religion and ethics across all of the broadcaster’s output.
In 2010 after 100s of complaints Mr Ahmed accused the Church of England of ‘living in the past’ and in 2015 broadcast Songs of Praise from the Calais ‘Jungle’ migrant camp. He erm “left” last year after his job was axed.
He was replaced by an executive team, who then bring in Salaria???
The BBC echo chamber failed, everyone knows what Islam is …
Racism, Terrorism, Supremacism, Fascism, Antisemitism, Cultism, Anti Gay, Anti Minority, Anti Religion, Anti Woman, Anti anyone not Islamic
… haven t got to “a religion” yet, oh or “peace”
Enjoying Liza Tarbuck, had no plans to shoot off yet more twaddle.
But how can some lady rugby player (Victoria something) be given the Man Of the Match award?
They beat Italy-who knew there were fifteen Italian young women who aren`t lookers?
Gumshields and lipstick?…one or the other ladies!!
25 years ago, The Donald on the Oprah Show saying what will happen.
This is very interesting. It is just a short video!
In case you have forgotten the U.S. is almost $20 Trillion in debt. And most of it has happened under the present administration.
Do not forget that this interview was 25 years ago!
VIDEO recently uncovered a Trump interview on the Oprah Show from over 25 Years Ago. This will shock a lot of people and should be played on the national networks in the U.S if they dare !!!!
Ahah, so the latest tack is that all terrorist incidents and terrorist organizations are merely the result of undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.
Just how much is the BBC being paid to disseminate lies OR are they the ones suffering from undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.
Recently I have switched off at least three BBC documentaries about Climate Change because the expert was a left-wing Soviet style Psychiatrist, who was implying that hundreds of Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists are barred from holding Climate Change Conferences in University buildings, by University Administrators, due to the suggestion that causational Climate scientists who disagree with a Psychiatrist on the causes of Climate Change are all Mentally Ill. I think that it has come to the point were the morons at the BBC now only invite Mentally Ill Psychiatrists to talk about Climate science.
Richard, it certainly has been apparent for the last two years that those on the Left automatically now assign to anyone they see as disagreeing with their precise view as being ignorant, uneducated, liars, deniers or insane or any combination of those. It has become a reflex response. I have observed and experienced it first hand too many times now for it to be a tiny fault of a small minority. It’s an almost instantaneous twitch reaction. No consideration of alternative arguments, just straight in there with a label and insults in reply.
A good place to observe it in action is on the BBC Blogs that are open to comments and the other ‘Have Your Say’ items.
Another interesting feature of those interactions, which I am extremely cautious about deriving any firm view from, is that they are increasingly not going the way of either the BBC or ‘the Left’.
I downplayed drawing any real hope from the pre-EU Referendum comments on the BBC web-site for a Leave win in advance of the result. In hindsight, it appears they were a reliable indicator. More reliable than the Opinion Polls! The panic of the world of celebrity and privilege that they are now busy trying to pass on to everyone else may be due to the fact that they perhaps subconsciously feel or even know that the game is up. As someone famously wrote ‘There is no money left.’
Now, those who have accumulated relatively vast sums from everyone else may be about to be handed the bill for everything that they ‘want to be done’ in the future. Gravy trains on various lines are about to hit the buffers in sidings everywhere.
Agreed Richard and Up2snuff.
Fake News may be the cause of the moment.
I`m pretty sure that Fake Science will soon bubble up to get them.
Consider the crap over diesel and London schoolkids.
Remind me again-was it the E.U, The Green Party or Gordon Browns lefty tax regime that turned diesel into a good thing and financially desired?
Answer-it was all three of them.
And-as yet, absolutely NO context, no getting at Sadiq Khan or hauling Ed Miliband or Caroline Lucas, let alone Lord Ed Davey or Sir Chris Huhne before the BBC critics like Harrabin and Shuckman….er, yes….
Soviet Psychology and Science has gone deep into our academic bloodstream-I myself was given it all back in my genetics and psychology courses when up in Newcastle University…so I know.
Just heard ken Livingston and Michael White get minutes of free counselling after Copeland.
Livingston wants to press on as we are-suits me. But Michael White-Guardian loofah brush for Labour since the SDP days-seriously pines for ED BALLS( he did really well on Come Dancing), or at least hopes that Miliband Major will come to his Partys aid.
International Rescue indeed-top banana restored to lefty puree.
Boy-are they stuffed-and the BBC lady listened as if this was SERIOUS-maybe they are?
Back to Liza Tarbuck now -who at least makes me laugh by design.
‘Just heard ken Livingston and Michael White get minutes of free counselling after Copeland’
A precious moment for me was when goofy Ben Brown for the BBC made the intervention (I paraphase just a little) “But comrades, don’t be quite so downhearted, you did beat UKIP”. Even grumpy Red Ken Livingstone almost cracked a grin.
Guardianista Michael White then applied what I take to be the anti-monarchist version of the ‘royal we’ when he pronounced on UKIP’s failure to gain a seat “Of course that’s what we all want”
No let up from the BBC in its feminist agenda and preaching even though it is the weekend.
World Womens Day is coming up. Don’t forget that, all you men! (By the way, is there a World Mens Day? Shurely there musht be shome equality there?)
Sadly there will be one less courageous, proper journalist (as opposed to those who garner their news from other media organs but then, ‘from the safety of their bunkers’, attack other journalists), who just happens to be female, around to celebrate it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-39089148
Meanwhile, in Labour’s little bit of LaLaLalia Land in W1Alia, ‘Loose Ends’ (BBC R4 6.15pm) does an excellent job of revealing a little more of what goes on between the ears of ‘celebrities’ and in their tiny, insecure, terrified minds. Well worth a listen just to hear privileged Miriam Stoppard’s grievances from one so deprived. Poor Miriam. No shrapnel for her. Merely ‘passed over’ for an inferior male. No medals or memorials for that.
Sharon Horgan & Rob Delaney, after a specific invitation from Clive Anderson, share how awful it is to be American, visit America and stay in America to work (and I assume also take time off there, those poor afflicted souls) after the catastrophic election by all those people who voted for Donald Trump. How can anyone exist in this world even with the therapy of overpaid comedians and TV writers now that America has gone from a leading nation in the world to total catastrophe in only five weeks?
I really do wonder whether some of all these people troubled by ‘our turbulent and tumultuous times’ are presenting early signs of dementia, perhaps from or as a result of substance abuse – either their own, or possibly while in the womb or inherited from parents.
Perhaps Dr Stoppard might care to offer an opinion?
It’s mobile phone use I tells ya.
But seriously and it is serious – just what has got into some people. Some of us have an immunity so maybe it’s a virus?
Not just mobile phone use but that total 24/7 inter-connectivity. In the multi-channel world of not just TV but all media output, the user makes a choice of bubble.
In that bubble, they either think for themselves totally or less to varying degree or completely absorb what they are seeing and hearing. They and their (world)views are received, possibly uncritically. In another forum, I have put up that for debate because I do wonder whether I – as well as others – have lost some or even more ability to actually think or are in danger of doing so.
True – It is a fact that if you take your news from Google or Facebook and DO NOT switch off the filtering – you’ll only get stuff that reinforces your view.
I am taking some screen capture records of the BBC to help me understand better the bias within the BBC. I plan to assess them later – but I noticed something weird today. These are headlines appearing in the BBC News Frontpage today:
Screen capture at 1221 Headline: Khan attacks “narrow nationalism”
Screen capture at 1715 Headline: story pulled from the News frontpage
Screen capture at 1943 Headline: Mayor Khan “not calling SNP racists”
So the story is first headlined as “Khan” and that becomes “Mayor Khan”
And “narrow nationalism” becomes “not calling SNP racists”
What do I conclude? I conclude that the Mayor of London’s office keeps a running check on the BBC and the BBC responds positively to any complaints Mayor Khan’s office have over stories run by the BBC and make changes accordingly.
Narrow means “limited in extent”
So “narrow nationalism” must mean English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalism. And “broad nationalism” must mean British nationalism.
So if he was not calling the SNP racists, he must mean English, Irish or Welsh nationalist MP’s are racists. As English nationalists do not have any MP’s, it could be Sinn Fein, but they do not send any MP’s to Parliament. So by deduction it can only mean that Khan attacks the three Plaid Cymru MP’s as racists.
That could make sense to a lefty, by the fact that the Welsh are the most purely indigenous white people in Britain.
Much appreciated B-B-C.
Great to quantify all that they`re doing via all their slimy methods. It IS relentless, and needs logging.
As I write, there`s an Archive on 4 piece on with some Radio 1 DJ getting over to Leningrad(as the BBC doubtless would call it)-Emily Dicks.
It`s all about the lead up to the Russian Revolution and-as yet-gives NO pause to reflect on how a decent intention turned to gulags so quickly.
Just gesturea and sops-feminist marches, snotty toffs and the like. That the Czar had tried in his cack-handed way to engage and compromise in the madness, that Lenin buthcered the Royal family in cold blood as well as the majority party that actually DID the donkey work of revolution is yet to be mentioned.
Just SICK of Lefty slantings like this.
Trump is right to shaft the lying liberals who get away with this doctoring of history.
Can’t wait ’till April when the BBC comes under OFCOM. Apparently they don’t want the job and no one knows what form the oversight will take and who might head it up. Bit like doing a critical appraisal of the Koran while living in a stone quarry.
I’m thinking, a rubber stamp with, “No Evidence of Bias” across it.
Quite why there is such reverence toward and even fear of, the BBC is very hard to understand. No one owes this broadcaster anything – certainly not a meal ticket for life in exchange for nothing better than it’s competitors provide. Longevity alone is not reason enough for survival as all too many, once great, industries can attest. Industries that would have had far greater social benefits than a purveyor of ‘entertainment’ and so called news.
The BBC say “terrorism is not suspected”, but the German BBCs say, quoting the police, “it cannot yet be said if this is a terrorist attack” which is something rather different. The BBC have excluded terrorism as a possibility, but the German police say they still have an open mind and suspect terrorism amongst other things. Wishful thinking leading to fake news from the Font of Truth?
Myths about Islam?, Misconceptions?? get Islamic awareness???
Christ! 😀 anyone would think they ve got a bloody muslim as head of religion
…No Wait! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-39063519
Birmingham Uni students aim to quash myths about Islam
Muslim students at the University of Birmingham welcomed all to go and learn more about their faith, at Islam Awareness week.
They want to quash misconceptions people have of Islam.
Hmmmmm never mind that … Religious Flagship/Sunday Morning/BBC1
Panto Nicky Campbell presents The Big Questions live from Heartlands Academy, Birmingham :- Ah! some talk about REAL religions
…… Do we misrepresent Islam? …. DOH!
ITV News – Muslim girls fence against Islamophobia?
The ‘Muslim Girls Fence’ project at Stockland Green school is run by charity Maslaha and British Fencing and is aimed at tackling negative stereotypes against muslim girls and boosting self-confidence. The project gets girls to paint an alternative picture of themselves and has been praised for engaging girls at a time when anti-muslim hate crime is on the rise.
There is no unicorn of Islamophobia, but if there was virtually all discrimination against muslim women comes from within Islam … this is a complete non-sequitur
…”The classes have been inspired by American fencer Ibtihaj Muhmmad, who made history at the Rio Olympics as the first woman to represent the US (wait for it)
…while wearing a hijab.
BBC1 The Big Questions – Do we misrepresent Islam?
Can anyone guess Panto Nikki s guests?
Citizen Khan or ISIS?
Religion of peace or perversion of religion?
Force for good or personification of evil?
Racist, sexist, homophobic, existential threat or cream puffs?
Oh my! I just can’t decide.
I see that shameless shami, nut case Marxist mason and Gina two face Millar are on Marr tomorrow. Probably to join in the celebrations for the stoke win lol and the second coming of jezza (holds head in hands). Shameless was blaming storm Doris and all those impoverished labour Voters who can’t afford cars in Copeland for the loss, laugh. Millars court shenanigans didn’t succeed so she may be giving it another go. Expect lots of labour pr, patronising and shite aplenty. Protect your TVs the from serious damage
“Probably to join in the celebrations for the stoke win”.
I’ve been out and about today and have been listening to Radio 4 on the car radio. There has been lots of coverage of the Stoke by election and the “disaster” for UKIP. I was left with the impression that in addition to Labour having held the seat there had been a resurgence of Conservative and Liberal support with UKIP probably pushed down from second to fourth place, but no one gave the voting figures.
Now that I’m home I’ve looked on the internet for real information. The most obvious fact is that turnout was much lower than in 2015. This might be because it was a by election, but it might have been because the weather was so bad that the storm was given a name. Strangely no one on Radio 4 had thought to mention the fact that the weather on Thuursday might have influenced voters to stay at home.
I found the figures interesting. With the turnout down from 31,084 to 21,200 I focused on the percentages rather than the numbers of votes. The Labour vote was down by 2.2%, UKIP was up by 2.1% and the Conservatives were up by 1.8%. I was surprised to see that Nuttall, despite the “disaster” reported on the BBC had held on to second place, having polled 79 more votes than the Conservative candidate who was in third place. The Liberal candidate came fourth. A UKIP lead of 79 votes over the Conservatives looked rather slim, but it was better than in 2015, when UKIP were only 33 votes ahead of the Conservatives.
My take on this is that none of the parties “got their voters out”, but that was probably because of the weather. UKIP had a chance to win the seat but they couldn’t pull ahead of the Conservatives to monopolise the Brexit vote – partly because the Conservatives are making all the right noises on Brexit and partly because of the smears against Nuttall and two carefullt timed resignations.
All day the BBC pundits have been pushing the line that UKIP are now irrelevent to British politics, are internally in chaos annd were rejected by the voters of Stoke. This doesn’t match the facts that UKIP’s share of the vote went up and they held on to second place. It was certainly a chance missed and the UKIP organisation needs to improve, but it wasn’t a disaster.
Yet again the internet has provided the facts that undermine the BBC’s biased narrative.
I said this before, the BBC went overboard over Copeland for 24 hrs,
political manipulation … its now a marginal the Tories know that better than anyone they altered the boundaries
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? as so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they, and all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with FULL BBC influence, eyes at the ready was:-
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv that very morning.
I just awaited Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, Millibland and co, plus the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual, with one blip so they simply switched emphasis
The truth, the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP splitter stunt failed.
So the everything just got changed to Copeland
The Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. and Miliband?, the decline continued at the last G Election.
The rotten stinking political/media establishment won in the by election … The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
“Witches cast ‘mass spell’ against Donald Trump”
You lot of tv licence holders are paying for this crap.
Join the licence fee strike .
The spells of that evil Democrat Witch and her coven have already failed, due to the immunity to spells of none believers. That bible used by Trump in his inauguration proves that Trump’s mother made him immune to spells by that evil witch Hilary Clinton and her coven.
This is as good an analysis as I`ve heard-and any church ought to reflect on this.
I well remember the inauguration as having more prayers, more shade of Christian faith as well as Jews and Orthodox etc than ever before.
Melania also began a rally recently with the Lords Prayer…and(of course) got slapped around by the liberal Twatter brigade for so doing.
Mrs Trumps Bible as a Teflon coat that repels liberal liars?….works for me!
Caliphate, I notice they are choosing to do their Satanic ritual on nights of the waning crescent moon. Just in case there was any doubt where their loyalties lie.
I guess they don’t know where they stand as pagans under Sharia.
“Participating witches plan to repeat the spell on days when there is a waning crescent moon, until Mr Trump leaves the Oval Office. The next ritual is set for 26 March.”
Film Review (yawn) looks at new movie about Boston Marathon bombing, without once mentioning the word Islamic. (Were they briefed beforehand not to?)
And so they’re baffled by this ‘out of nowhere’ act by ‘random’,’renegade’ terrorists, bla bla bla.
Or, as all the police forces in the world seem to have been briefed: the motive remains unclear.
Only to you dhimmi dummies. Clear as hell to most people with half a brain.
Bibistan news leading with Kansas shooting which they are trying hard to link to Trump by insinuation. No ‘mental health’ explanation offered for this whitie, despite what a neighbour says: “He was always a drinker but became a “drunken mess” after his father died about 18 months ago, a longtime neighbor said Saturday.
White witchcraft huh? Putting curses on people? Did it occur to them to take a shot at Erdogan or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Or some of the Swedish enrichers? Their hypocrisy clearly identifies them as regressive liberal morons.
Telegraph : Terror chief Max Hill warns risk of attacks in Britain is highest since dark days of IRA
That was #5 on R5s headlines
R4 & local radio led with Lodon propaganda 3 NewsVerts
#1 Stop Corbyn
#2 Sneer at Nuttal.
#3 Sneer at Trump… People of Hull get to hear the crucial news to them that Trump will not be attending the WH Correspondents dinner.
Terror chief Max Hill warns risk of attacks in Britain is highest since dark days of IRA https://t.co/HVMxw0kVZ9
#1 Stop Corbyn
#2 Sneer at Nuttal.
#3 Sneer at Trump… People of Hull get to hear the crucial news to them that Trump will not be attending the WH Correspondents dinner.
… Anyone note which political party (with political clout)
gets a free ride again?
Political establishment … business as usual
7:50am R4 #EverydayLibMobRacism
“To atone for slavery the church should commission an artwork for inside church”
“Yes from a young African or Afro-Caribbean artist”
Isn’t choosing your artists by the colour of their skin…. emmm racist ?
No one in the studio said anything.
I only heard a bit of this, but it’s just part of the same old ploy.
The wicked native Britons enslaved, murdered and robbed persons of tint 300 years ago and are still doing so now. Atonement and compensation, especially compensation, are required to salve our consciences. But what of the consciences of the people of tint? They have disrespectfully flocked in their millions to a country that murdered and cruelly oppessed their ancestors, they enjoy without qualms the wealth supposedly robbed from their ancestral lands.
The false narrative is that slavery is a black vs white thing.
Rather it’s a powerful undemocratic people vs powerless people thing.
Due to the BBC/Libmob kids know about Mary Seacole, but don’t know that African slavery originates with a tradition of enslaving the neighboring tribe..And then later sold slaves to Arabs etc.
Then throughout history people of all races have been enslaved …even it UK we had press gangs reltively recently 200years?
St. Patrick was captured from Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland. Should the Irish pay reparations? The Vikings who settled Iceland were all men. The women were Irish and Scots slaves. Should the Icelanders pay reparations to Ireland and Scotland?
The best introduction I have read is ” A short history of slavery ” by Prof. James Walvin ( white British ). Covers, Ancient Greece, The Romans, Chinese , Ottomans, Africans etc.
Tends to concentrate on the transatlantic trade, but also emphasising that black on black slavery was endemic in Africa and that the Africans sold their own people. The whites bought the slaves , generally did not steal them. And the British led the abolition.
Now, if the BBC want to be serious about this subject, they should do a documentary on the current state of slavery. I would suggest that they start with Africa.
The role of the Ottoman empire in the white slave trade hardly ever gets mentioned. The autobiography of Sir Samuel Baker the Victorian big-game hunter describes his journey through Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Empire (Egypt) and down the main slave route to Khartoum. White and fair-skinned (Circassians) were in great demand by rich and powerful Turks. Baker paid for the release of numerous slaves, both black and white and eventually married a Hungarian woman slave
whose freedom he had also paid for. When travel became more popular after WWII there were many stories about “white slavery” in the press.Typically young west european women/girls would be enticed to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. by offers of marriage or jobs in the entertainment industry. They eventually ended up in domestic servitude or turned into drug addicts who could then easily be forced into prostitution. Ironically, it was the Arab nationalists like Nasser who clamped down on the excesses of this business. It is therefore no surprise that slavery should become an issue in Britain when we allow Islamic culture unfettered access to Britain.
These phenomena seem very difficult to remove from a society or culture once established
The whole subject should be debated by the open and honest BBC.
In the case of the Ottomans, it is very complex. They never had a consistent policy about slavery. Many of their slaves were muslims. They also did not consider themselves to be “Turks”, which they used as a term of abuse.
And they gave sanctuary to many Sephardic Jews from Iberia when the Catholics were committing a Genocide against them . So far as I am aware none of the Sephadic Jews were enslaved by the Ottomans.
Florence figures in the BBC’s excellent 1971 drama ‘Search for the Nile’, which was finally released on DVD last year. But I’ve discovered it wasn’t entirely accurate. Florence is portrayed in Victorian lady rig-out for her African explorations, whereas in practice she was obliged to wear male clothes. Doubtless if the BBC ever remake it, she will be fully transgendered!
Trump’s wrong, it’s ‘quiet and safe’ in Malmo, asserts the headline above beeb clip.
Phew, that’s a relief, let’s watch the vid.
The first 2 interviewees are youngsters of non-Nordic appearance:
– What do you think about what Donald Trump said about Sweden?
– “He’s a Bleep Bleep!” Oops. Clearly echoing the beeb view but hardly a proof of peace and harmony.
Then a beveiled one: “yes here are some problems but not as bad as people write about”. Again, not a ringing endorsement that all is sweetness and light.
Then 2 more ethnic looking gentlemen: there are more probs in US than in Sweden(!)
Finally they find a Swedish looking woman: If I had kids I wouldn’t let them out after dark, it’s very dangerous… cos of ‘newcomers’ (nice euphemism).
Then an admission that Swedish police do not include ethnicity in crime stats (GUESS WHY THEY STOPPED?!) but ‘Malmo police say crime is down’. (There have been lots of posts here about bogus, massaged stats and how they conceal the truth.)
Then some politico admitting that area has more probs than other parts of Sweden, and ‘when there are riots and so on I think the military should help police get control in these areas’. So: there ARE riots during which police LOSE control!
Finally 2 female coppers who admit ‘we have problems’ and ‘we have things to work with’ but ‘overall’ it’s safe. (Off camera: do I get to keep my job now Chief, like you said?)
So the whole vid disproves the headline. Sounds almost like… fake news!
I wonder if the tv crew had police protection throughout filming, or private security to prevent an attack like the one on an Aussie news crew on the clip below by the ever excellent Paul Joseph Watson?
Not, you’ll note, MISS it. SKIP it. The choice of words is quite deliberate, giving the impression of dodging out of something he shouldn’t. The BBC butt hurt shines out clearly from that article.
Dooley is a grade a idiot. Rotherham is a lot closer but no way will she touch that with a barge pole. I have noticed that in the past couple of years the Beeb have been trying to stick their noses into Japan’s business and push their agenda. Islam has t been allowed to gain a foothold there which must upset them and the fact that’s it’s very much a mono culture. I have been there and it’s a great country with some of the most polite and friendly people you are ever to meet. It’s a totally different culture and I am sure some of it would blow the easily offended leftists mind to shreds. I have read some manga comics and had a screeching from a right on lefty telling me how pornographic and sexist those comics are. Don’t read them the.m Was my reply . Maybe the new modern violent batman comics will suit her but I doubt it
7:55am BBC local radio covered visit of Church of England school children to Bridgwater Islamic Centre Mosque
They seemed to say this will be on Songs of Praise but I don’t see it in the progs listing today.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
Just seen a Jennie Price, CEO of Sport England on the Saturday Sofa on BBC just now.
Sound down as I record Brian Matthews last address to a grateful nation. Thought it was yet another trans-fatty moaning on re not being offered Edna Everage specs on the NHS or such.
But no-think she was real-unless they can do voice boxes these days.
Ah well-Football Focus has found itself now with PLENTY time to fill-but only photos of goals between now and tonight-so Ranieris getting asecong autopsy.
V….er….y…..slow….ly, so it seems.
Thanks Trumpwathcing the BBC stretch no news into old news once more is joyous fun…and its all live now!
Who do I report to now re my getting Jennigender all wrong( I think!).
Ladies-cut out the sports I say!
Just seen a Jennie Price, CEO of Sport England on the Saturday Sofa on BBC just now.
Sound down as I record Brian Matthews last address to a grateful nation. Thought it was yet another trans-fatty moaning on re not being offered Edna Everage specs on the NHS or such.
But no-think she was real-unless they can do voice boxes these days.
Ah well-Football Focus has found itself now with PLENTY time to fill-but only photos of goals between now and tonight-so Ranieris getting a second autopsy.
V….er….y…..slow….ly, so it seems.
Thanks Trump.
Watching the BBC stretch no news into old news once more is joyous fun…and its all live now!
Who do I report to now re my getting Jennigender all wrong( I think!).
Ladies-cut out the sports I say!
Can you get institutionalised Post Trump Stress Disorder?…and is it a First World problem only?
Ring in and diagnose us will ya people?
Here`s a counsellor to tell you how to think through the story of Claudio Ranieri-surely next Labour leader!
The bBBC know that Liebour are on course to lose the 2020 general election with Jezzer. Cue the bBBC and other MSM to begin quoting, nudging, promoting, planting the seeds of an idea that David Millipede becomes the next Liebour party leader.
The Oscars? Not really news, couldn’t care who wins….bBBC only really interested in multi-culti winners, and anti-Trump bile in acceptance speeches.
bBBC scratching their heads at how could the worlds premier broadcaster possibly be banned from a WH press event. Maybe they should do one of their famous ‘bBBC investigations’ into their own recent reporting of DT’s presidency, here are some pointers bBBC….
‘To discuss Trumps travel ban from mainly muslim countries, we are joined by ex-democrat senator blah blah blah’
‘To help us understand what is really going wrong in Trumps administration, we are joined on the sofa by ex-democrat ambassador to London Mr blah blah blah.’
‘In the studio to discuss Trump’s building of a wall between the US and Mexico, we talk to the Mexican president, Mr blah blah blah.’
‘We look into the possible worldwide shortage of hand-woven bee-keeping veils. Some people are saying this is due to Trump’s rescinding of transgender bathroom rules. To put us all right on this important subject we have Mx Buggery Bollox’
They just don’t give a damn, do they?!!!!!
Mick Whelan-RMT Corbyn backer.
“If you think that Copeland result was bad…ask yourself…how much worse would it have been WITHOUT Jeremy Corbyn as leader”…
Fort For The Day.
Emily and Kirsty were`nt happy on Newsnight were they?
Come on sisters….now`s not the time to fight, stitch a bitch is NOT the way…can Jo Cox be exhumed to stand as their leader I wonder, her maths will surpass Harmans or Jowells anyway?
BBC Website. Indian shot in USA ” Some blame Trump’s Presidency ” . You couldn’t make it up !
‘Some’ eh?
One could ask the BBC for more detail, but they would probably ban you.
Maybe not Guest Who.
Think they`re desperate to talk to ANY of us at the moment- reckon Alan Deddicote will be given his own show between 7 and 10pm sometime soon, now that Trumps pulled the plug on their news.
Mr Sinclairs Charles Buchan Scrapbook finally gets the series we`ve ALL been waiting for….
Indian shot in USA: ”Some blame Trump’s Presidency”
Richard Pinder says: “If Clinton had won the Presidency, the BBC would have censored politically incorrect information about this shooting”
Amit Patel was manning the Roseway Liquor Store, in a bad area that has had many Robberies. Several similar incidents have occurred in the area over the past three years, according to local news reports. But I suppose for the BBC, a Black Muslim shooting a Hindu would be a far more important fact than a robbery. Note: Not the three WEEK Trump Presidency, but the three YEAR Obama Presidency.
Other censored shootings are, Black Men shooting Black Men, which becomes:
(1) Clinton Presidency: “Clinton calls for gun control”
(2) Trump Presidency: “Many Black Men shot in USA, BBC blames Trump’s Presidency”
Interesting week regarding veils:
A fearless Swedish government delegation to Iran strike a blow for feminism by, erm, submissively wearing the symbol of oppression (while their country burns).
Caption: “If you want we could give you our underage daughters too, as a gesture of good will. Is 9 too old for you?”
Meanwhile a REAL blow for emancipation was delivered by fearless Marine who refused to cover up for the grand mufti of somewhere.
Caption: “You know what you can do with that rag, don’t you Monsieur Le Mufti?”
Pictures say it all Peter
I reckon true feminism is a state of being and confidence in oneself as a woman not some fashion accessory to be displayed (a la hattie) in front of the cameras then quickly discarded when a the more important pc issue is encountered.
I think in the first picture what you see are refugees from a defeated nation or maybe even war booty!
I wonder whether Le Pen knew this would happen – The answer is probably yes, but by that one act she has probably done more to highlight the rights of women than years of men hating, dungaree wearing, harpies running around with painted faces, screaming and shouting about supposed rape epidemics on campuses whilst the real sexual crime issues get ignored!
She probably set it up – good for her.
No Peter the Great.
Cant` have that!
Had the Mozzies seen the gorgeous Le Pens, they`d all be heading to France by now?
Blonde, patriotic, fierce thinking and courageous?
Apart from blonde…rest is a Muslim no-no.
But the Swedes?
All those former hotties like Ulrika,George Bests girlfriend?
PS-I apologise if , in fact they were attending the funeral where their nation was buried then burned…because Sweden is a Muslim Labrat control study to the rest of us at the minute.
Islamic fly paper with shit and rotten fruit all over it!
No wonder the Swedes sent their hatchet faced, po-faced booties over there in widows weeds and Lynsey Hilsums cast offs!
The USA has Kellyanne as well as other independent minded stunners…Sebastian Gorka, Ted Malloch and Stephen Miller(see what I did there?). Muslims like that sort of thing these days don`t they?
No wonder Trump won`t let them in-and Swedens efforts to deviate the Muslims from coming over to THAT shower of lefty driftweed probably won`t work.
I apologise if-in fact-the old lefty boots in their widows weeds were-in fact-attending the funeral of their former nation, and not sucking up to Allah as usual.
Buried or burned?…depends if you`re in Malmo or Gothenburg I expect.
Those ‘feminist’ Swedes must have realised that they had sold out to Islam by wearing those hoods,either that or they are all stupid.
Actually both probably.
What a pathetic display of dhimmitude from the so-called feminist sistas.
Marine Le Pen has shown them how a real woman treats these maggots, who are doomed to be forever stuck in the mindset of a 7th century paedophile.
The only answer is to treat them with the same contempt with which they treat you. This is so obvious that there is no way left wing feminist lunatics could ever consider it. They make me puke, the submissive, self-loathing quisling scum.
Is the judge racist, sexist & Islamaphobic for failing to award drunk Muslim woman VICTIM STATUS ?
Erin Hussein was suing Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club for £thousands for her fall down the stairs.
The judge declined saying she was to blame : being drunk, 18 stone, wearing platform heels and not holding bannister.
And fattist!
Sorry, but where do you get the idea that she IS a Muslim ?
Drunk? no Hijab?
Sorry but this might have an Islamic background, and might have been brought up as a Muslim but there’s no way now she could be described as a Muslim any more than I could!
Now if you’d said was an apostate, and therefore likely to attract the death sentence I think I’d agree with you !
In VirtueSignalling world they don’t differentiate between practising Muslim and ethnic-Muslim
She gets special victim status either way
I note the Government response to the, ‘Scrap the License Petition’ – ‘it may not the best way of funding the BBC but since we have a BBC that must be funded….. ‘
Like the BBC is necessary for life?
Like the NHS or Police or countless other things that if removed would result in mass suffering?
The Government aren’t getting it, whether by accident or design?
Again we are lacking brave souls to speak out.
BBC war reporter hails stem-cell treatment for her MS: Caroline Wyatt, 49, flew to Mexico
BBC News Channel covers the BBC’s exclusion from yesterday’s White House press briefing. Totally unjustified of course. Maxine Mawhinney (with the BBC’s normal practice, lucky still to be in front of the camera given age & cosmetic surgery, but confined to weekends) introduces the item by informing us that Trump at CPAC had delivered a “tirade” (synonyms – rant, harangue etc) against the media. After a week in which the BBC posed questions about Trump’s mental health, one is left to wonder why they still think that they are objective.
Still though Nisa.
They have no news-so now`s the time to look at that classic photo of Billy Bremner swapping shirts with Kevin Pele back at Wembley Parker in 1970 or such.
From Angela Hartnett ten a day tips through to pictures of a goal by Roger Davies under Peter Taylors blanket?…I see a Sports Photographer Pulitzer Prize award coming along to fill the days.
And Angelas meringues looked gorgeous-maybe a prize for THOSE wartime photos in the Great Spelling Bee Off they`re now reheating.
Wish I didn`t have to go out-watching Alwyn Cranshaws painted purple iris by way of a 24/7 test card might really float my boat…who`s got the video of the Onedin Line Sir Tony…Betamax or what?
The BBC, in the midst of the general whining about the exclusion being ‘unacceptable’ (a Leftist word meaning ‘I don’t like it’), says it will continue being “fair and impartial”.
The Thai language has rather a good word for this BBC stance – ‘moha’, the definition of which is given as ‘delusion; ignorance; stupidity; lack of awareness’.
Then the whiny media says that if this continues, they will boycott briefings in future. Good. Perfect. Just what we want to see.
Thought of this song when I heard that the BBC aren`t able to speak to the Landlord anymore!
The BBC – like a very dumb dog who craps on the carpet and wonders why he’s been put out on the yard.
Obamas chihuahua in a Katy Perry handbag maybe?
Thank heavens we`ve finally got a few REAL vets these days over there eh?
No neutering needed mind.
Lionel says the same below in my posting gaxvil-well done you!
Times pg 9 Amazon profits from (Muslim) Extremist Books
They avoid the elephant in the room
Everything is free-speech except incitement to violence.
But the authorities exempt traditional religious works from that rule.
The Times quotes new works saying
“Capital punishment for apostates”
“Fight against those who don’t believe in Allah”
But those notions are already in Muslim holy books
How come the Times didn’t moan before?
Time to scrap Dateline London.
The show today has confirmed my longstanding belief that the show serves no purpose. It’s a good concept, but poorly executed. Instead of interesting debates over political issues, all I saw was a circlejerk. It had fours guests, none of them were British, and they simply agreed on everything. Corbyn is useless, the Blairites should return, UKIP are doomed, Marine Le Pen is bad, Trump is an idiot, Britain was stupid to leave the Euro, etc. It was simply group of people agreeing on a center-ground liberal consensus, something which people across the world are now rejecting.
To make a debating format work, you have to have guests with strong views who disagree with on-another. Unfortunately the BBC as a broadcaster is unable to deliver on this. It is stuck in an outdated liberal mindset. The guests are recurring, and it seems as the though the BBC for pretty much all of its shows, has a list of “safe people” who will appear on their shows and avoid saying anything remotely interesting or controversial, instead they simply just broadly agree with the BBC and the mainstream media’s take on events.
It serves no purpose other than to create an echo-chamber so that the BBC can feel validated in its views.
Come on, it’s simply inline with, Soviet, Chinese and Cuban debate.
One view, one truth, one party.
Looks like we`ll be hearing plenty more of the wonderful Lionel now that the BBC are stuffed.
Lionel was BRILLIANT on RT a few minutes ago, as he pasted the MSM liars as Trump bans them…it`ll be on the live news RT loop for a while yet, but enjoy it.
Get used to this great man-makes Keiser look like Phil Hammond.
He seems to be reprising his bit here after 4 mins…genius….and EVERYTHING that the BBC detest…splendid!
He’s great – Close your eyes, that voice is Joe Pesci.
Have put off my shopping until he comes back on a loop at 2pm…just been on at 1.20-brilliant
” A star dies way back-but its light still shines on the earth and we`re daft if we think it`s still alive. It`s yet to know that it`s dead.”
“THAT`S the Mainstream Media” he says.
What a poet-who needs Sir Patrick Moore anyway?
(1) Please desist from using the outdated and mono-cultural example of a dead, White, European, Far Right, chauvinist male in your astronomical metaphors.
(2) Please substitute somebody more contemporary, enriching, vibrant, multicultural, Black and female, such as Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Thank you.
Although Sir Patrick Moore could cope by himself, until he obtained the left-wing privilege of being disabled, and therefore needed the assistance of Chris Lintott. Lintott is not able to cope due to some unknown disability, so the BBC only employs Maggie Aderin-Pocock for the purpose of assisting Lintott. Or it could be the other way around, which would mean that the BBC regards Black females as being disabled.
“I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown?” I knew I’d seen him somewhere before gaxvil, wow, wind him up and watch him go.
Thanks Alicia, Lionels’ great.
Amusing to hear the BBC describing Trump’s comment as a “mistake”.
Seems that Trump’s “mistakes” are a lot more accurate than predictions from Our Experts …
I hear BBC R4’s Any Answers has a new presenter. He calls himself Amol Rajan and has the accent of a south London minicab driver.
Call me a snob, but is it too much to expect a reasonably educated accent outside of Radio One? It doesn’t have to be RP – there’s much to be said for regional accents – but I fink, dis might be goin’ a bi’ far, innit bruv?
He simply replaces the previous ethnic woman. I fully expect, ‘Any Questions’ panels soon to be 100% ethnic.
“Your BBC – Social Engineering for Mankind and in the Absence of Government”
He seems to have all the necessary qualifications…
I see. So he’s the ex-editor of a failed far-Left newspaper. I suppose that and being an efnik is all it takes to wind up at the BBC these days.
And they wonder why we say they are biased.
GC, Amol Rajan has stood in for Anita Anand on a few occasions now. He was good at first but today he was rabbiting away just like Anita as well as arguing with callers. Unnervingly, Rajan sounds exactly like Gary Bellamy of ‘Down the Line.’ fame which may be a bonus or a bane for some listeners.
Both Any Questions and Any Answers are losing their former standing and may be in terminal decline. Can they survive the eventual retirement of Jonathan Dimbleby? He is increasingly demonstrating his age and biases.
I have to confess I haven’t been able to listen to either AA or AQ for several years now – so the first I heard of Mr Rajan was the ‘trailer’ for his programme. It doesn’t surprise me to learn (via Going Postal) that he is every bit as biased as the exceedingly nasty Ms Anand.
Radio 4 is now almost completely avoided in my house apart for a few seconds of Toady before I switch off before the onset of right-on induced nausea, meaning almost my only input from the BBC is the occasional programme on BBC Four – and that’s becoming rarer.
Of course, I might be alone in finding the BBC’s endless virtue signalling and Left wing preaching completely unpalatable but somehow I doubt it.
When he stood in for Jeremy Vine recently I thought it WAS the guy who was on ‘Down the Line’ and had to Google to find out if he was. I was surprised to find out he wasn’t.
Times pg36 Trump helps Sweden face up to its migrant problems
Pg27 Editorial “60% of welfare goes to migrants”
Too wow to be true?
The failing BBC late Fright Night suddenly became Fight Night with the catch-weight bout pitting Battling Lady Nugee coming out spitting blood from the red corner against a sparring partner from her own home stable – Twisty Wark now dancing around the ring and performing the Ali Shuffle (or should that be soufflé?) anyway, the old one-two in her pinko tartan trunks. Viewers will be unsure which flag to wave in this cross-border billing – we know the St George upsets our Emily.
What next, perhaps cruiser-weight Evan Davies v Chris Bryant competing for a very fetching belt – black leather and studded.
The BBC’s attitude to pugilism proper is definitely equivocal – when the Docs at the BMA take a dim view then that’s what we hear preached – but when there’s a female taking up the sport then the BBC are turned full on promoters.
I tend generally to agree with Tony Hancock : “A good punch up the bracket never did anyone any harm”
But it gets better, today we have feather-weight southpaw Little Man Khan slugging it out rabbit punching away on Twitter with another pinko tartan bruiser – Krankie-brained Nicola Braveheart the Gnat Sturgeon. Neither one of them quite knowing which anthem to stand up for – if any. Perhaps something by Beyonce for Khan and anything by the Proclaimers for Ms Garden Gnome Magazine 1413.
More of this ‘friendly’ red-on-tartan fire please, BBC
Used to like the tag team wrestling.
Used to fancy Bert Royall something rotten, would borrow mums hatpin should Jackie Pallo dare to strut near our faces.
And don`t get me started on bloody Adrian Street will you? This transcrap probably started with him as well as Mick Tucker from Sweet-a builder in a dress, i`d say.
They`d REALLY coin it in on the BBC these days?
Hope Johnny Quango now fears for his life now Trumps got the blowtorch for them all.
Agreed. If your World of Sport is going to pitch camp at Wigan Town Hall of a Saturday afternoon you may as well go full catch-weight all-in tag-team. And nowadays we scoff at LGBTQ – that’s biege compared to the ’70s. I do indeed recall Johnny Kwango-Kwango My Friends (as little Lenny Henry might have said as Opportunity Knocked for him – like we’re told it doesn’t these days and didn’t back then). Now unless Wikipedia is spoofing our Johnny started as a ballet dancer in The Ballet Negres – is that still legal? His mother was a professional strong woman (we now have Harriet Harman) in a German circus (see Angela Merkel). She may possibly have been Europe’s first female professional wrestler. So many questions there: was non-European female wrestling a big thing? If so well done Africa and Asia. Was there previously an underground European amateur ladies’ circuit? If Wiki isn’t sure how on earth will we ever know for sure?
The BBC weren’t keen on the likes of Wrestling or Sports Special One Demolition Derbys even back then – certainly wouldn’t pass the Gary Lineker test now. Not that he was ever much of a passer. By the way hope all at Salford are wearing their ‘What would our Gary think’ rubber bracelets. But all is not lost here – You Tube tell me I can still reminisce with Mark Rocco and Banger Walsh v Big Daddy and (gulp) Kid Chocolate.
As Proust might remark : À la recherche du temps perdu
As Giant Haystacks whispered into my ear as we danced at the Irish Charity Night somewhere northern.
Yes, had a dance with the Great Man-an absolute charming bear of a bloke with a really lovely wife(very small too.
Been downhill ever since-but can now pretend that he quoted Proust to me over the Smithwicks that enchanted evening….
Searching BBC iPlayer this morning for something to “To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.” when I came across this:
Britain’s Secret Seas: 4. The Bustling South
First shown: 8pm 29 May 2011
Programme description:
“Documentary series exploring the seas surrounding Great Britain. The team explores our busy southern seas, which are littered with wrecks.”
All was going reasonably (ahem) ‘swimmingly’ until approx 33:40min. Then we had Tooni Mahto, (Marine biologist, oceanographer and Campaigner) talking about Brighton’s Palace Pier:
“It was built in 1899 at a time when the well-to-do liked to stride out into the ocean, gaze across the sea, decide which small nation to conquer next, all without getting their feet wet”.
Well, that was my viewing pleasure wrecked.
Off switch.
Yes, 2011. The rot had certainly set in by then. The BBC has been being eaten away by the far Left for longer than many realise.
AS I await Lionel , am listening to “Today” on iPlayer.
Trumps Press Ban, followed by Roger Harrabin talking of Chinese moral leadership-and a fetching fragrant African lady offers him her kaftan to cry into. Next up-will Trump cast his shadow of the Oscars?
They`re obsessed aren`t they?…yet they say that WE`RE the fruit loops!
Call it transferance, displacement and projection don`t they?
Enjoy it…it may not last long, seeing the death star seems at the dying embers stage.
Yep, even the ‘safe ground’ of documentaries is no longer safe. And as for the quote, “It was built ….” – I guess it would have been far better had we been, conquered, enslaved and ‘disappeared’. Oh, but I’m forgetting, that is their fervent hope for the future, is it not?
Agreed. And, re the quote and the conquer joke/comment, I’m not sure where that fits in, exactly, in their mission statement other than on a comedy show. And, it’s not exactly Galton & Simpson or Chris Morris.
Taking of Chris Morris – I’m told his stuff is no Gold.
Should of course be, Chris Morris ON Gold.
According to the BBC’s proxy opinion-formers, we are the most evil conquering country in history. We must be, as they never go on about any other country with quite the same zeal, if in fact they go on about any other country at all.
And because it’s the BBC and so many people still trust it like ‘a guiding friend’ (to paraphrase Photoshop fake news specialist James Purnell), they believe it.
Roll on ‘Civilisations’ (all cultures are equal, brothers!) – or not, if you value your sanity.
I’m sure that other contributors here would share my concern if the Saudi’s took over the manufacture of vaccines. The West could be held by it’s proverbial, ‘short and curlies’ but almost certainly the Saudi’s will have recognised this. The absolute stupidity of European politicians shows very few limits –
Two Muslims in succession have been appointed to head the BBC’s religious output. Were no Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Satanic Worshipers, etc, available?
Anyone would think the BBC is gleefully making a point to the largely Christian population in the UK.
I was just going to mention this.
It’s so blatant. Words fail me.
Muslim BBC Boss who Gave Platform to Islamist Extremist Appointed Head of Religion
First of all I know that I sound like and may well be a Southern snob. Ok a member of the
London Metropolitan elite. But honestly I get on very well with all my cosmopolitan neighbours regardless of colour, religion or creed.
As an indigenous Londoner I would like to watch a London programme where I had some representation . But as many of you fellow Londoners know all we have is a Londonistan programme whose editors”god” is Trotsky.
So it’s really down to the morning programmes. I am 71 still working 50 hours a week from home. I try and watch the morning programme ,but I just can’t. I cannot stand Steff McGoverns “Coronation Street” barmaids accent. Yes of course I know she is very well educated BUT I find her Mancunian accent so grating. To me it sounds like she is trying to
make herself sound or being told to sound as Mancunian as she can possibly be.
I reiterate she is a real ” Educated Rita” I know this. BUT this morning when the financial expert who looks like my cousin Joel said that we will have to get rid of our old
pound coins by October , she said “what should people do with their old coins?” And my cousin Joel said with a typical North West London sense of humour ” SPEND THEM!!!”
This really flummoxed our Steff. She sounded like the university graduate on Pointless
when asked to name a country ending with two consonants ,bleated out” PARIS!!” Well what do you expect from a barmaid from Coronation Street!!
I’m closer to her than you are but I can’t stand it either.
Her accent is more North East than Manchester.
Pointless is not the only game show to show up the poor level of general education in this country.
Tipping Point question: Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I came from which Royal House?
Contestant: Buckingham Palace?
Steff’s from the North East, she makes the average Mancunian sound like an Old Etonian in comparison.
Celebration of the death of Jo Cox-what about the terrible murder of Lee Rigby shouldn’t his murder be remembered? Shoudn’t those guilty of this poor young man’s death have been vilified as much as the man responsible for Jo Cox’s death?
He died on May 22, 2013 in Woolwich
jo Cox died 16 June 2016
EVERDAY about 150 migrants drown due to pull factor peole like Cox failed to stem.
Her anniversary hype seems like it’s intended to spoil the UK Independence Day celebrations on June 23 2017 (will it be a national holiday ?)
Anyone else get one of these? Apologies if it has already been posted.
” Dear ToobiWan
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement.”.
Government responded:
A licence is required in order to watch all live or nearly-live television content on any device in the UK or to stream or download any programmes in an on-demand programme service provided by the BBC
The BBC Charter Review, which commenced in 2015, was one of the biggest consultation exercises the government has undertaken. We listened to views of the public and industry (including 192,000 consultation responses), set out detailed policy proposals in the White Paper in May 2016, and worked closely and collaboratively with the BBC and Ofcom to negotiate the new Charter and Framework Agreement.
Throughout the Charter Review, the Government considered the question of funding the BBC’s services, and decided that the licence fee system will be maintained for the coming Charter period.
In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services – although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC and other public service objectives.
While no system of funding meets all the criteria of an ideal funding system, the current system provides the BBC with a sustainable core income paid by all households who watch or receive television, and it commands wider public support than any alternative model. As stated above, revenue from the TV licence fee is also used to fund other services such as Welsh broadcaster S4C and infrastructure projects such as the delivery of superfast broadband.
In line with the recommendations of the TV Licence Fee Enforcement Review, while the current licence fee collection system is in operation, the current system of criminal deterrence and prosecution should be maintained. Whilst the government agrees with the review’s assessment that decriminalisation is not possible under the current system, we believe that it would be preferable in the long term to make changes which reduce the necessity of the criminal sanction, such as exploring the options for conditional access.
The TV licence fee has been frozen since 2010, and the government has agreed to increase the fee in line with inflation for the next five years However, the government also intends to help those on lower incomes by making the licence fee easier to pay through proposals to provide more flexible payment plans.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Click this link to view the response online:
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
I hope this bit doesn’t mean what I think it does:
‘ … such as exploring the options for conditional access.’
In other words, get rid of our right to deny these goons the ‘implied right of access’ and give them conditional access ie they can come into your home. And the BBC has the nerve to call just about everyone else fascist.
That’s ‘BBC’ spelt, S,T,A,S,I.
That’s exactlty what I took it to mean, Steve.
“In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services”
So the Licence Fee is a tax on watching all TV, not a fee for the pleasure of the BBC’s company. Fair enough, except by some weird coincidence, it happens to go to the BBC to pay for their free, fair and impartial broadcasting.
My question is, do the government take us for absolute fools?
It seems that Government and BBC see eye to eye. Don’t expect the Government to tame the BBC or halt its bias. Both Government and BBC must sink together.
At least we know where the TV money goes as bad as that is.
Where does National Insurance or Road Tax go?
You will never find out.
Something fun for the weekend
Great stuff Lucy!
Noted at the rugby that there were a few Welsh fans in a row all dressed and looking like Trump. Once you`ve gone into the culture like this-there`s now NO way that the BBC will stop him, let alone the CNN snowmen!
Snowflakes?…snowblowers….and now Mt Plow himself!
Had to put this up.
‘Motive unknown… terrorism not suspected…’ etc etc. The usual excuses are already coming out. Mentally Norwegian, next? Mental health problems has been proffered? Utterly pathetic excuses from the German authorities as usual; I am always amazed at how quickly they can diagnose mental health issues there – must have some excellent psychiatrists/clinical psychologists to hand at short notice. I think, unless I am badly mistaken, we can perhaps guess what motivated this scum to drive into pedestrians…. and I’ll bet it wasn’t to do with Methodism or depression!
It took me all of 5 mins in which to knock out a much more informative post than the multi billion pound bBC can:
Germany :Three injured in car attack, Driver shot by Police
Prepare for the backlash.
Meanwhile look out for the man with the piano
Bypass the BBC, in other news
Two French Jewish brothers were briefly abducted and abused by a group of men in a Paris suburb in an incident that ended with the brothers being beaten and attacked with a wood saw, the victims’ father told i24NEWS
The BBC are trying to prove Islam is Peace. According to the BBC Islamic Terrorism is falling while Mental Disturbance Terrorism is rapidly increasing.
Except if the individual can be associated with right wing politics it suddenly becomes a definite case of Right Wing Extremism caused by Brexit or Trump.
Now Donald Trump is banning the BBC it wouldn’t surprise me if Muslim terrorists also ban the BBC from reporting their attacks due to their fake news reporting.
It will be interesting to see who turns up in Cologne this Monday for the Rosenmontag celebrations. Lots of barriers to prevent out of control lorries are in position. After all it’s the “tolle Tage” of Fasching and everyone can join in the craziness.
Wolle mese reinlasse?
Not if they are men with Big Beards.
What else would you expect from the Biased Broadcasting Cresent. They have a new Head of Religious TV is called Fatima Salaria (Islamic), second in line to the “religion” throne at the Al BBC, following on from another Islamic, she commissioned the apologist Muslims Like Us
… very sorry they are not.
I think the BBC is determined to tell us Islam is a religion
… sorry it is not.
If they were like us, and integrated … well lets not even go there, as I can t be bothered to list the plethora of facts showing that 1/.they are not and 2/. is not.
Its not only the BBC either most of the MSM, and the No10 liars are the same, keep pushing their Islamophile narrative.
They couldn`t wait to fix a bake off win and get that mediocre cook, Nadia Hussain, to sign a contract with them, for The One Show, Nadia s travel adventures Christmas Special etc etc for the BBC`s brainwashing agenda.
Sorry BBC sorry No10 Liars, the cats out of the bag Islam is busted,
Aquil Ahmed should have NEVER been given the job, you would never give it to Nick Griffin would you? it faced a backlash over its decision to make him head of religion and ethics across all of the broadcaster’s output.
In 2010 after 100s of complaints Mr Ahmed accused the Church of England of ‘living in the past’ and in 2015 broadcast Songs of Praise from the Calais ‘Jungle’ migrant camp. He erm “left” last year after his job was axed.
He was replaced by an executive team, who then bring in Salaria???
The BBC echo chamber failed, everyone knows what Islam is …
Racism, Terrorism, Supremacism, Fascism, Antisemitism, Cultism, Anti Gay, Anti Minority, Anti Religion, Anti Woman, Anti anyone not Islamic
… haven t got to “a religion” yet, oh or “peace”
Re: ‘Muslims Like Us’ Noggs, an equally valid alternative to your ‘very sorry they are not’ would be ‘no they do not’
Fatima Salaria, a face crying out for a burqa!
Enjoying Liza Tarbuck, had no plans to shoot off yet more twaddle.
But how can some lady rugby player (Victoria something) be given the Man Of the Match award?
They beat Italy-who knew there were fifteen Italian young women who aren`t lookers?
Gumshields and lipstick?…one or the other ladies!!
25 years ago, The Donald on the Oprah Show saying what will happen.
This is very interesting. It is just a short video!
In case you have forgotten the U.S. is almost $20 Trillion in debt. And most of it has happened under the present administration.
Do not forget that this interview was 25 years ago!
VIDEO recently uncovered a Trump interview on the Oprah Show from over 25 Years Ago. This will shock a lot of people and should be played on the national networks in the U.S if they dare !!!!
Brilliant, excellent find.
Nice one Brissles!
Blimey, we only had an Amstrad 464 back then – we must have been victims and underdogs..;0)
Great delivery by the future President, and by coincidence, that’s the first ever viewing of Oprah Winfrey I’ve ever done!
Ahah, so the latest tack is that all terrorist incidents and terrorist organizations are merely the result of undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.
Just how much is the BBC being paid to disseminate lies OR are they the ones suffering from undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.
Recently I have switched off at least three BBC documentaries about Climate Change because the expert was a left-wing Soviet style Psychiatrist, who was implying that hundreds of Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists are barred from holding Climate Change Conferences in University buildings, by University Administrators, due to the suggestion that causational Climate scientists who disagree with a Psychiatrist on the causes of Climate Change are all Mentally Ill. I think that it has come to the point were the morons at the BBC now only invite Mentally Ill Psychiatrists to talk about Climate science.
Richard, it certainly has been apparent for the last two years that those on the Left automatically now assign to anyone they see as disagreeing with their precise view as being ignorant, uneducated, liars, deniers or insane or any combination of those. It has become a reflex response. I have observed and experienced it first hand too many times now for it to be a tiny fault of a small minority. It’s an almost instantaneous twitch reaction. No consideration of alternative arguments, just straight in there with a label and insults in reply.
A good place to observe it in action is on the BBC Blogs that are open to comments and the other ‘Have Your Say’ items.
Another interesting feature of those interactions, which I am extremely cautious about deriving any firm view from, is that they are increasingly not going the way of either the BBC or ‘the Left’.
I downplayed drawing any real hope from the pre-EU Referendum comments on the BBC web-site for a Leave win in advance of the result. In hindsight, it appears they were a reliable indicator. More reliable than the Opinion Polls! The panic of the world of celebrity and privilege that they are now busy trying to pass on to everyone else may be due to the fact that they perhaps subconsciously feel or even know that the game is up. As someone famously wrote ‘There is no money left.’
Now, those who have accumulated relatively vast sums from everyone else may be about to be handed the bill for everything that they ‘want to be done’ in the future. Gravy trains on various lines are about to hit the buffers in sidings everywhere.
Agreed Richard and Up2snuff.
Fake News may be the cause of the moment.
I`m pretty sure that Fake Science will soon bubble up to get them.
Consider the crap over diesel and London schoolkids.
Remind me again-was it the E.U, The Green Party or Gordon Browns lefty tax regime that turned diesel into a good thing and financially desired?
Answer-it was all three of them.
And-as yet, absolutely NO context, no getting at Sadiq Khan or hauling Ed Miliband or Caroline Lucas, let alone Lord Ed Davey or Sir Chris Huhne before the BBC critics like Harrabin and Shuckman….er, yes….
Soviet Psychology and Science has gone deep into our academic bloodstream-I myself was given it all back in my genetics and psychology courses when up in Newcastle University…so I know.
Just heard ken Livingston and Michael White get minutes of free counselling after Copeland.
Livingston wants to press on as we are-suits me. But Michael White-Guardian loofah brush for Labour since the SDP days-seriously pines for ED BALLS( he did really well on Come Dancing), or at least hopes that Miliband Major will come to his Partys aid.
International Rescue indeed-top banana restored to lefty puree.
Boy-are they stuffed-and the BBC lady listened as if this was SERIOUS-maybe they are?
Back to Liza Tarbuck now -who at least makes me laugh by design.
Brothers in arms
‘Just heard ken Livingston and Michael White get minutes of free counselling after Copeland’
A precious moment for me was when goofy Ben Brown for the BBC made the intervention (I paraphase just a little) “But comrades, don’t be quite so downhearted, you did beat UKIP”. Even grumpy Red Ken Livingstone almost cracked a grin.
Guardianista Michael White then applied what I take to be the anti-monarchist version of the ‘royal we’ when he pronounced on UKIP’s failure to gain a seat “Of course that’s what we all want”
Six out of seven voters in Stoke did not vote Labour
No let up from the BBC in its feminist agenda and preaching even though it is the weekend.
World Womens Day is coming up. Don’t forget that, all you men! (By the way, is there a World Mens Day? Shurely there musht be shome equality there?)
Sadly there will be one less courageous, proper journalist (as opposed to those who garner their news from other media organs but then, ‘from the safety of their bunkers’, attack other journalists), who just happens to be female, around to celebrate it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-39089148
Meanwhile, in Labour’s little bit of LaLaLalia Land in W1Alia, ‘Loose Ends’ (BBC R4 6.15pm) does an excellent job of revealing a little more of what goes on between the ears of ‘celebrities’ and in their tiny, insecure, terrified minds. Well worth a listen just to hear privileged Miriam Stoppard’s grievances from one so deprived. Poor Miriam. No shrapnel for her. Merely ‘passed over’ for an inferior male. No medals or memorials for that.
Sharon Horgan & Rob Delaney, after a specific invitation from Clive Anderson, share how awful it is to be American, visit America and stay in America to work (and I assume also take time off there, those poor afflicted souls) after the catastrophic election by all those people who voted for Donald Trump. How can anyone exist in this world even with the therapy of overpaid comedians and TV writers now that America has gone from a leading nation in the world to total catastrophe in only five weeks?
I really do wonder whether some of all these people troubled by ‘our turbulent and tumultuous times’ are presenting early signs of dementia, perhaps from or as a result of substance abuse – either their own, or possibly while in the womb or inherited from parents.
Perhaps Dr Stoppard might care to offer an opinion?
It’s mobile phone use I tells ya.
But seriously and it is serious – just what has got into some people. Some of us have an immunity so maybe it’s a virus?
You might be on to something there, gaxvil.
Not just mobile phone use but that total 24/7 inter-connectivity. In the multi-channel world of not just TV but all media output, the user makes a choice of bubble.
In that bubble, they either think for themselves totally or less to varying degree or completely absorb what they are seeing and hearing. They and their (world)views are received, possibly uncritically. In another forum, I have put up that for debate because I do wonder whether I – as well as others – have lost some or even more ability to actually think or are in danger of doing so.
True – It is a fact that if you take your news from Google or Facebook and DO NOT switch off the filtering – you’ll only get stuff that reinforces your view.
I am taking some screen capture records of the BBC to help me understand better the bias within the BBC. I plan to assess them later – but I noticed something weird today. These are headlines appearing in the BBC News Frontpage today:
Screen capture at 1221 Headline: Khan attacks “narrow nationalism”
Screen capture at 1715 Headline: story pulled from the News frontpage
Screen capture at 1943 Headline: Mayor Khan “not calling SNP racists”
So the story is first headlined as “Khan” and that becomes “Mayor Khan”
And “narrow nationalism” becomes “not calling SNP racists”
What do I conclude? I conclude that the Mayor of London’s office keeps a running check on the BBC and the BBC responds positively to any complaints Mayor Khan’s office have over stories run by the BBC and make changes accordingly.
Well done Sir! Or Madam!
A public service rendered by your good self. Thank you, BoBotC.
Narrow means “limited in extent”
So “narrow nationalism” must mean English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalism. And “broad nationalism” must mean British nationalism.
So if he was not calling the SNP racists, he must mean English, Irish or Welsh nationalist MP’s are racists. As English nationalists do not have any MP’s, it could be Sinn Fein, but they do not send any MP’s to Parliament. So by deduction it can only mean that Khan attacks the three Plaid Cymru MP’s as racists.
That could make sense to a lefty, by the fact that the Welsh are the most purely indigenous white people in Britain.
Much appreciated B-B-C.
Great to quantify all that they`re doing via all their slimy methods. It IS relentless, and needs logging.
As I write, there`s an Archive on 4 piece on with some Radio 1 DJ getting over to Leningrad(as the BBC doubtless would call it)-Emily Dicks.
It`s all about the lead up to the Russian Revolution and-as yet-gives NO pause to reflect on how a decent intention turned to gulags so quickly.
Just gesturea and sops-feminist marches, snotty toffs and the like. That the Czar had tried in his cack-handed way to engage and compromise in the madness, that Lenin buthcered the Royal family in cold blood as well as the majority party that actually DID the donkey work of revolution is yet to be mentioned.
Just SICK of Lefty slantings like this.
Trump is right to shaft the lying liberals who get away with this doctoring of history.
It seems the good Burghers of Heidelberg aren’t buying the ‘mental health’ story any more. One tweeted:
Media: There is still no age or origin of the # Heidelberg offender, but already complete psychoanalysis
Medien: Noch gibt es weder Alter oder Herkunft des #Heidelberg-Täters, aber schon vollständige Psychoanalysen
Can’t wait ’till April when the BBC comes under OFCOM. Apparently they don’t want the job and no one knows what form the oversight will take and who might head it up. Bit like doing a critical appraisal of the Koran while living in a stone quarry.
I’m thinking, a rubber stamp with, “No Evidence of Bias” across it.
Quite why there is such reverence toward and even fear of, the BBC is very hard to understand. No one owes this broadcaster anything – certainly not a meal ticket for life in exchange for nothing better than it’s competitors provide. Longevity alone is not reason enough for survival as all too many, once great, industries can attest. Industries that would have had far greater social benefits than a purveyor of ‘entertainment’ and so called news.
The BBC say “terrorism is not suspected”, but the German BBCs say, quoting the police, “it cannot yet be said if this is a terrorist attack” which is something rather different. The BBC have excluded terrorism as a possibility, but the German police say they still have an open mind and suspect terrorism amongst other things. Wishful thinking leading to fake news from the Font of Truth?
Myths about Islam?, Misconceptions?? get Islamic awareness???
Christ! 😀 anyone would think they ve got a bloody muslim as head of religion
…No Wait!
Birmingham Uni students aim to quash myths about Islam
Muslim students at the University of Birmingham welcomed all to go and learn more about their faith, at Islam Awareness week.
They want to quash misconceptions people have of Islam.
Hmmmmm never mind that … Religious Flagship/Sunday Morning/BBC1
Panto Nicky Campbell presents The Big Questions live from Heartlands Academy, Birmingham :- Ah! some talk about REAL religions
…… Do we misrepresent Islam? …. DOH!
ITV News – Muslim girls fence against Islamophobia?
The ‘Muslim Girls Fence’ project at Stockland Green school is run by charity Maslaha and British Fencing and is aimed at tackling negative stereotypes against muslim girls and boosting self-confidence. The project gets girls to paint an alternative picture of themselves and has been praised for engaging girls at a time when anti-muslim hate crime is on the rise.
There is no unicorn of Islamophobia, but if there was virtually all discrimination against muslim women comes from within Islam … this is a complete non-sequitur
…”The classes have been inspired by American fencer Ibtihaj Muhmmad, who made history at the Rio Olympics as the first woman to represent the US (wait for it)
…while wearing a hijab.
BBC1 The Big Questions – Do we misrepresent Islam?
Can anyone guess Panto Nikki s guests?
Citizen Khan or ISIS?
Religion of peace or perversion of religion?
Force for good or personification of evil?
Racist, sexist, homophobic, existential threat or cream puffs?
Oh my! I just can’t decide.
I first read that ad ‘Citizen Khan on Ice’.
Come to think of it….
I see that shameless shami, nut case Marxist mason and Gina two face Millar are on Marr tomorrow. Probably to join in the celebrations for the stoke win lol and the second coming of jezza (holds head in hands). Shameless was blaming storm Doris and all those impoverished labour Voters who can’t afford cars in Copeland for the loss, laugh. Millars court shenanigans didn’t succeed so she may be giving it another go. Expect lots of labour pr, patronising and shite aplenty. Protect your TVs the from serious damage
“Probably to join in the celebrations for the stoke win”.
I’ve been out and about today and have been listening to Radio 4 on the car radio. There has been lots of coverage of the Stoke by election and the “disaster” for UKIP. I was left with the impression that in addition to Labour having held the seat there had been a resurgence of Conservative and Liberal support with UKIP probably pushed down from second to fourth place, but no one gave the voting figures.
Now that I’m home I’ve looked on the internet for real information. The most obvious fact is that turnout was much lower than in 2015. This might be because it was a by election, but it might have been because the weather was so bad that the storm was given a name. Strangely no one on Radio 4 had thought to mention the fact that the weather on Thuursday might have influenced voters to stay at home.
I found the figures interesting. With the turnout down from 31,084 to 21,200 I focused on the percentages rather than the numbers of votes. The Labour vote was down by 2.2%, UKIP was up by 2.1% and the Conservatives were up by 1.8%. I was surprised to see that Nuttall, despite the “disaster” reported on the BBC had held on to second place, having polled 79 more votes than the Conservative candidate who was in third place. The Liberal candidate came fourth. A UKIP lead of 79 votes over the Conservatives looked rather slim, but it was better than in 2015, when UKIP were only 33 votes ahead of the Conservatives.
My take on this is that none of the parties “got their voters out”, but that was probably because of the weather. UKIP had a chance to win the seat but they couldn’t pull ahead of the Conservatives to monopolise the Brexit vote – partly because the Conservatives are making all the right noises on Brexit and partly because of the smears against Nuttall and two carefullt timed resignations.
All day the BBC pundits have been pushing the line that UKIP are now irrelevent to British politics, are internally in chaos annd were rejected by the voters of Stoke. This doesn’t match the facts that UKIP’s share of the vote went up and they held on to second place. It was certainly a chance missed and the UKIP organisation needs to improve, but it wasn’t a disaster.
Yet again the internet has provided the facts that undermine the BBC’s biased narrative.
I said this before, the BBC went overboard over Copeland for 24 hrs,
political manipulation … its now a marginal the Tories know that better than anyone they altered the boundaries
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? as so important etc etc
Hmmm so important that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they, and all the ene-media were virtually camped out in Stoke.
The political rights aim with FULL BBC influence, eyes at the ready was:-
UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual.
It turned into bloody Tory/UKIP tv that very morning.
I just awaited Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, Millibland and co, plus the other Red Tories to put the knife in.
Lets face it they held Stoke but got no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage, yet its all out attack on Corbyn all day.
Yep! … Political establishment business as usual, with one blip so they simply switched emphasis
The truth, the script got ripped up in Stoke, the old Tory UKIP splitter stunt failed.
So the everything just got changed to Copeland
The Labour vote started falling in Copeland under Tony Blair’s leadership In 1997 you know, the party attracted just over 24,000 votes. But by 2005, it had dropped by 43% to around 17,000. and Miliband?, the decline continued at the last G Election.
The rotten stinking political/media establishment won in the by election … The best government hedge funds can buy eh!, with media that is as corrupt and relentless
Shami, Paul & Gina… Together? On Marr?
What… were the odds?
They going to be around a pot, stirring….?
Is it my imagination or are we hearing less from the odious Karen Armstrong, erstwhile beeb rent-an-apologist for the ROP?
Sorry for being thick, but what does ROP stand for please?
Is it ‘Rip off press’ as that’s all I can find…
Bemused, but happy without listening to the bBeeb’s ‘news’ today…
Religion Of Peace…….
Thank you Northern Dreamer, or may I call you ‘Northern’?
Somebody needs to put the BBC feckers out of commission.
There latest anti-trump fecking crap is headlined: Witches cast ‘mass spell’ against Donald Trump
“Witches cast ‘mass spell’ against Donald Trump”
You lot of tv licence holders are paying for this crap.
Join the licence fee strike .
The spells of that evil Democrat Witch and her coven have already failed, due to the immunity to spells of none believers. That bible used by Trump in his inauguration proves that Trump’s mother made him immune to spells by that evil witch Hilary Clinton and her coven.
This is as good an analysis as I`ve heard-and any church ought to reflect on this.
I well remember the inauguration as having more prayers, more shade of Christian faith as well as Jews and Orthodox etc than ever before.
Melania also began a rally recently with the Lords Prayer…and(of course) got slapped around by the liberal Twatter brigade for so doing.
Mrs Trumps Bible as a Teflon coat that repels liberal liars?….works for me!
Where’s Daryl van Horne when clearly needed?
Caliphate, I notice they are choosing to do their Satanic ritual on nights of the waning crescent moon. Just in case there was any doubt where their loyalties lie.
I guess they don’t know where they stand as pagans under Sharia.
“Participating witches plan to repeat the spell on days when there is a waning crescent moon, until Mr Trump leaves the Oval Office. The next ritual is set for 26 March.”
Where’s Matthew Hopkins when you need him?
Al Shubtill
Witchfinder General , Ha Ha Ha 😀
Film Review (yawn) looks at new movie about Boston Marathon bombing, without once mentioning the word Islamic. (Were they briefed beforehand not to?)
And so they’re baffled by this ‘out of nowhere’ act by ‘random’,’renegade’ terrorists, bla bla bla.
Or, as all the police forces in the world seem to have been briefed: the motive remains unclear.
Only to you dhimmi dummies. Clear as hell to most people with half a brain.
Bibistan news leading with Kansas shooting which they are trying hard to link to Trump by insinuation. No ‘mental health’ explanation offered for this whitie, despite what a neighbour says: “He was always a drinker but became a “drunken mess” after his father died about 18 months ago, a longtime neighbor said Saturday.
Andy Berthelsen said his neighbor Adam Purinton, who is charged with murder and attempted murder in Wednesday night’s attack, was very close to his father, who died of pancreatic cancer.”
White witchcraft huh? Putting curses on people? Did it occur to them to take a shot at Erdogan or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Or some of the Swedish enrichers? Their hypocrisy clearly identifies them as regressive liberal morons.
Telegraph : Terror chief Max Hill warns risk of attacks in Britain is highest since dark days of IRA
That was #5 on R5s headlines
R4 & local radio led with Lodon propaganda 3 NewsVerts
#1 Stop Corbyn
#2 Sneer at Nuttal.
#3 Sneer at Trump… People of Hull get to hear the crucial news to them that Trump will not be attending the WH Correspondents dinner.
That dinner is in April
So its urgent news for the people of Hull
#1 Stop Corbyn
#2 Sneer at Nuttal.
#3 Sneer at Trump… People of Hull get to hear the crucial news to them that Trump will not be attending the WH Correspondents dinner.
… Anyone note which political party (with political clout)
gets a free ride again?
Political establishment … business as usual
7:50am R4 #EverydayLibMobRacism
“To atone for slavery the church should commission an artwork for inside church”
“Yes from a young African or Afro-Caribbean artist”
Isn’t choosing your artists by the colour of their skin…. emmm racist ?
No one in the studio said anything.
I only heard a bit of this, but it’s just part of the same old ploy.
The wicked native Britons enslaved, murdered and robbed persons of tint 300 years ago and are still doing so now. Atonement and compensation, especially compensation, are required to salve our consciences. But what of the consciences of the people of tint? They have disrespectfully flocked in their millions to a country that murdered and cruelly oppessed their ancestors, they enjoy without qualms the wealth supposedly robbed from their ancestral lands.
The false narrative is that slavery is a black vs white thing.
Rather it’s a powerful undemocratic people vs powerless people thing.
Due to the BBC/Libmob kids know about Mary Seacole, but don’t know that African slavery originates with a tradition of enslaving the neighboring tribe..And then later sold slaves to Arabs etc.
Then throughout history people of all races have been enslaved …even it UK we had press gangs reltively recently 200years?
St. Patrick was captured from Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland. Should the Irish pay reparations? The Vikings who settled Iceland were all men. The women were Irish and Scots slaves. Should the Icelanders pay reparations to Ireland and Scotland?
The best introduction I have read is ” A short history of slavery ” by Prof. James Walvin ( white British ). Covers, Ancient Greece, The Romans, Chinese , Ottomans, Africans etc.
Tends to concentrate on the transatlantic trade, but also emphasising that black on black slavery was endemic in Africa and that the Africans sold their own people. The whites bought the slaves , generally did not steal them. And the British led the abolition.
Now, if the BBC want to be serious about this subject, they should do a documentary on the current state of slavery. I would suggest that they start with Africa.
Yes, Arabs were / are a great slaving nation. I understand that Arabs were / are predominantly Muslim but I’ll check with Google and the BBC.
The role of the Ottoman empire in the white slave trade hardly ever gets mentioned. The autobiography of Sir Samuel Baker the Victorian big-game hunter describes his journey through Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Empire (Egypt) and down the main slave route to Khartoum. White and fair-skinned (Circassians) were in great demand by rich and powerful Turks. Baker paid for the release of numerous slaves, both black and white and eventually married a Hungarian woman slave
whose freedom he had also paid for. When travel became more popular after WWII there were many stories about “white slavery” in the press.Typically young west european women/girls would be enticed to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. by offers of marriage or jobs in the entertainment industry. They eventually ended up in domestic servitude or turned into drug addicts who could then easily be forced into prostitution. Ironically, it was the Arab nationalists like Nasser who clamped down on the excesses of this business. It is therefore no surprise that slavery should become an issue in Britain when we allow Islamic culture unfettered access to Britain.
These phenomena seem very difficult to remove from a society or culture once established
The whole subject should be debated by the open and honest BBC.
In the case of the Ottomans, it is very complex. They never had a consistent policy about slavery. Many of their slaves were muslims. They also did not consider themselves to be “Turks”, which they used as a term of abuse.
And they gave sanctuary to many Sephardic Jews from Iberia when the Catholics were committing a Genocide against them . So far as I am aware none of the Sephadic Jews were enslaved by the Ottomans.
Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on this !!!
Fascinating biography of Lady Florence Baker
Florence figures in the BBC’s excellent 1971 drama ‘Search for the Nile’, which was finally released on DVD last year. But I’ve discovered it wasn’t entirely accurate. Florence is portrayed in Victorian lady rig-out for her African explorations, whereas in practice she was obliged to wear male clothes. Doubtless if the BBC ever remake it, she will be fully transgendered!
Trump’s wrong, it’s ‘quiet and safe’ in Malmo, asserts the headline above beeb clip.
Phew, that’s a relief, let’s watch the vid.
The first 2 interviewees are youngsters of non-Nordic appearance:
– What do you think about what Donald Trump said about Sweden?
– “He’s a Bleep Bleep!” Oops. Clearly echoing the beeb view but hardly a proof of peace and harmony.
Then a beveiled one: “yes here are some problems but not as bad as people write about”. Again, not a ringing endorsement that all is sweetness and light.
Then 2 more ethnic looking gentlemen: there are more probs in US than in Sweden(!)
Finally they find a Swedish looking woman: If I had kids I wouldn’t let them out after dark, it’s very dangerous… cos of ‘newcomers’ (nice euphemism).
Then an admission that Swedish police do not include ethnicity in crime stats (GUESS WHY THEY STOPPED?!) but ‘Malmo police say crime is down’. (There have been lots of posts here about bogus, massaged stats and how they conceal the truth.)
Then some politico admitting that area has more probs than other parts of Sweden, and ‘when there are riots and so on I think the military should help police get control in these areas’. So: there ARE riots during which police LOSE control!
Finally 2 female coppers who admit ‘we have problems’ and ‘we have things to work with’ but ‘overall’ it’s safe. (Off camera: do I get to keep my job now Chief, like you said?)
So the whole vid disproves the headline. Sounds almost like… fake news!
I wonder if the tv crew had police protection throughout filming, or private security to prevent an attack like the one on an Aussie news crew on the clip below by the ever excellent Paul Joseph Watson?
“President Trump to skip White House correspondents’ dinner”
Not, you’ll note, MISS it. SKIP it. The choice of words is quite deliberate, giving the impression of dodging out of something he shouldn’t. The BBC butt hurt shines out clearly from that article.
Stacey dashes into the production room at W1A:
“Hey guys… I have an idea: an investigation into child abuse….”
“Whoa, there, Stace…. er… not really our thing… er… no budget…”
“In Japan!”
“How much do you need?”
Japan traditionally has a problem with sex crime cos the police don’t take women’s complaints seriously
…. whereas in Rotherham…..
Dooley is a grade a idiot. Rotherham is a lot closer but no way will she touch that with a barge pole. I have noticed that in the past couple of years the Beeb have been trying to stick their noses into Japan’s business and push their agenda. Islam has t been allowed to gain a foothold there which must upset them and the fact that’s it’s very much a mono culture. I have been there and it’s a great country with some of the most polite and friendly people you are ever to meet. It’s a totally different culture and I am sure some of it would blow the easily offended leftists mind to shreds. I have read some manga comics and had a screeching from a right on lefty telling me how pornographic and sexist those comics are. Don’t read them the.m Was my reply . Maybe the new modern violent batman comics will suit her but I doubt it
7:55am BBC local radio covered visit of Church of England school children to Bridgwater Islamic Centre Mosque
They seemed to say this will be on Songs of Praise but I don’t see it in the progs listing today.