I dont know whether this was commented on in all the Trump excitement – But I must say I do find it highly amusing. Wee Jimmy thought with her impeccable left wing credentials and left wing group hugs she obviously thought she would be immune to the “waycist” label the rest of us who care for our country get smeared with. I am sure the irony of this will be totally lost on her but it may well act as a small wake up call to some of her supporters.
Of course the SNP are racist, they hate the English, I have wondered why the SNP are considered okay by the Liberal Left for their nationalism, but not the BNP?
Miller even had her I pad open on her own photo. The camera zoomed in conveniently and off she set, publicising her latest ‘campaign ‘ curtesy of Marr and the BBC. She utilises money and a supportive media against the wishes of the people . Unfortunately even if she fails this time and the Lords don’t impose an amendment allowing Parliament to force a renegotiation , Miller won’t go away. She’ll be campaigning about every bit of the forthcoming deal that she and her rich globalist chums don’t like. The BBC will continue to give her maximum publicity. Marr’s subsequent questions to McLaughlin showed that Miller and the BBC colluded in an ambush. No way was Miller on the programme to review the papers!
AS the BBC desperately fill their breeches in the wall of loveliness-and the likes of Corbyn and Heseltine are propped up to show solidarity with Jodie Foster or Trayvon Juncker etc….we`ve sailed and are now on the high seas.
Ignore them EE. Bad dudes rehashing yesterdays news.
Let the Lords try eh?
As the BBC said yesterday re “business rates” on “The Week In Parliament”
“There are losers and winners-but all you ever hear from are the losers these days-they`re louder”.
Nuff said m`lud.
Excellent John Gray “Point Of View” as ever earlier.
If the Left refuse to the cleverest of their own tribe like John-they are stuffed.
He`s as good as it gets for their side.
But I digress.
Hope you`ll listen to the Jane Garvey/Mark Mardell puff piece for the World At One.
At the start of B.H a few minutes ago.
Tells you ALL you`ll need to know about BBC arrogance, cynicism and their tactics…their views on the waiters and food at the dinner that Trump is “skipping”.
And why Trump has done us a massive service by revealing the Press hierarchies, rituals and their imagined power and role.
I thank Jane Garvey fof being a woman-Mardell would NOT have been so indiscreet had it been Eddie or Paddy.
Let me just leave you with ONE nugget that he ended with.
This is a total betrayal of the media masons code-but all the better now we know it.
THIS is the Hypocritic Oaf for the liberal lying media in 2017.
“AS we know-it`s not about the answers-but being seen to ask the right questions”.
THAT is the liberal press in one sentence….and thanks to Fatty and Maggie May for revealing this.
Back to Lionel now
Their English is THAT remedial? Their sentences THAT ambiguous and wrong?
Bless `em!
Sense they might need to brings a few hacks back from the USA soon-and then Europe-so we can retrain them in basic grammar.
Yes-checked it, found it eventually!
Talk of fake news eh?
Ah well-Corbyn “vows to finish job”…and the BBC don`t see what THAT reveals, or any sense of comedy in THAT arrangement of words.
They just pile it up don`t they?
More BBC…more!
BBC tell us he is a, “German National”. Perhaps therein lies a story…….
A muslim who has previously been granted status as a German national I ask myself?
I just checked the newspaper reviews on BBC Teletext, and guess what? They are still showing the reviews of FRIDAY’S papers – it’s nice to see that they’re up to speed with the news as usual.
R5 11am Stop the Cancer treatment the NHS needs resources for TRANSGENDER children !
‘as a matter of urgency.’ !
Transgender children say they’re being denied treatment by the NHS because they’ve sought help from private doctors.
Many have resorted to seeking help outside of the health service because they say waiting lists are too long and there are delays in treatment because of lengthy assessments. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust – which runs the gender identity service for under 18’s – says the wellbeing of young people is their prime concern – but they’re not able to provide ongoing clinical supervision for the management of hormone treatments prescribed or accessed outside the service. Referrals to the Tavistock have reached a record high – more than 1,500 in this financial year already. There are currently 1,200 families on the waiting list and it’s taking them between six and seven months to get a first appointment. NHS England says funding has been increased to meet demand. They say they continue to work with clinicians at the Tavistock and Portman to increase capacity and reduce waiting times ‘as a matter of urgency.’.
It seems to me that we shouldn’t be messing around with the hormones of developing children,I am 60 this year and I wouldn’t want my hormones messed with?
He’s still under 60 years old, for goodness’ sake, Emmanuel. He could still easily pass for a ‘babe in arms’ in the minds of so many left-wing SJW’s, never mind a child.
Find yourself a comfy chair, get the popcorn ready, maybe a glass or three of Merlot and put your feet up.
Tonight we can sit back and enjoy that well beloved annual luv fest; the Oscars.
It’s a gathering of the gushing and self righteous. Incredibly privileged, pc luvvies virtue signalling en mass.
Never will you see an ensemble of more gormless, self regarding air heads.
There will undoubtedly be the grotesque sight of massively over paid, self obsessed pea brains preaching to a befuddled public. They will bluster, simper and sob. Most of ’em will give a better performance than they ever do on the big screen.
We all know that we’re in for a real hate fest against The Donald. Jodie Foster has set the ball rolling with a rollicking call to arms to “resist”. She is incensed by The Donald for his “racism” and his “sexism”. He wants to stop illegal immigration and wants to protect his people from terrorism. That’s just what I would want from a president, but it’s a bad thing according to Jodie.
However, this virtuous lady wasn’t above making a film or two with someone who has spectacularly fallen from grace, Mel Gibson. This is the bloke who was recorded calling his wife a xxxxing bitch and using the forbidden “N” word. “I love the man,” cooed Jodie.
Even more astonishingly she made a film with the disgraced director, Roman Polanski, telling anyone within earshot that he was “a delightful man.” Eh? This is the fellow who did time in an American nick for statutory rape of a 13 year old girl back in the 1970’s. He can’t travel to or work in the US. I find it quite incredible that a lesbian feminist is willing to work with a man like Polanski.
Some harsh folk might accuse the sainted Jodie of double standards or hypocrisy. Not me!
So, nice comfy chair, box of popcorn, bottle of wine and…
Sick bucket…
Totally agree Jeff.
I’ve been a ‘movie buff’ all my life – except in the past 20 odd years when the industry decided to go down the unfunny junior high comedies and comic book hero route, with unknown actors for the yoof market. It was said that after the golden years of ‘head of studio’ control, the business was taken over by ‘bean counters’ and the beginning of films going straight to video.
Very much like the pop industry when 40 odd years ago we had a plethora of singers/bands, likewise in the film world we could name off pat a dozen or more old time movie stars without even thinking about it. The Oscars were a joy to watch – old style elegance and sophistication without a hint of political comment (except when Marlon Brando kicked it all off). What do we see now ? a soap opera of tv reality stars, a few faces we recognise, and the media more interested in what is being worn and who designed it !
At some point this political haranguing will backfire, and the public who disagree with the points being made will boycott their films.
Talking of what’s being worn at the Oscars – it appears that stalwart of righteousness Meryl Streep has shown how transparent she really is by kicking designer Chanel / Karl Lagerfeld into touch when she found an alternative designer who would pay her dollars for wearing theirs instead.
I forced myself to watch it years ago when Dustin Hoffman was the host. I cannot find the words to describe just how awful and toe-curling the experience was. The level of sycophancy was beyond vomit inducing. Made to the end I did though through nothing other than a sense of morbid curiosity. Afterwards, I sat in a daze thinking,’What the f*ck have I just done?’.
This ‘Mel Gibson’ character that you mention above, Jeff, couldn’t possibly be the same drunken, DUI, misogynistic, anti-semitic ranting actor many of us remember, could it ? And the lefty and luvvie communities are willing to forgive this guy for that behaviour after about 10 years, but to condemn for ever a Mr Trump cabinet nominee because he made a joke about the KKK over 30 years ago.
Well, that just about sums up this ultra-biased, ‘La-La-Land’ bunch.
But, of course, if and when when he gets his Oscar award later today, don’t expect the BBC to bring up anything of his history outside the silver screen environment (and it will probably airbrush his excruciatingly bad ‘Braveheart’ film.)
I think that Gibson has made some fantastic films, “Apocalypto” and “The Passion of The Christ” amongst them; as for “Braveheart” I loved Patrick McGoohan as Longshanks and always chuckle at this gem, especially the reaction of the guards when they see who has defenestrated the Prince’s “friend”.
BBC Any questions – ‘ Do we misrepresent Islam?’
BBC do you really need to ask yourself that question . Yes for starters you call them all Dave Smith
BBC I am not interested in Islam – you should have a little religious affairs show, maybe fronted by that new Head of Religious Affairs woman ( Gold Medallist in the pie-eating Championships), that is broadcast for half an hour on a Wednesday night. None of us indigenous Brits give a flying toss about Islam – comprendez?
No need to fret Lock, Niks Campbell is clarifying things for us. Apparently, because the Koran is capable of so much ‘interpretation’ fake news like instructions to throw gays from high buildings is either misunderstood or simply poorly translated over the many occasion since 1450 or whenever.
In light of this welcome clarification, perhaps the twin towers were demolished in an attempt to reduce the options for Islam being misunderstood – no towers, fewer homosexual homicides. That seems to make sense.
We can look forward to gay actors, short actors, lanky actors, Irish actors, etc all saying what sort of person they think will make a good new doctor.
personally I think Dr Who should be flushed down the Guardian, soft left toilet, from whence it was reborn.
The BBc has not got much left to try and persuade us it is a player. . Dr Who is an over hyped piece of crap and long past it’s sell by date. I think they should make a robot/android the new Doctor. or a chipmunk /squirrel.
We’ll need to let that one sink in for a moment…. I feel as though we should fill the time with the potter’s wheel. Ok, let’s move on. Who is that teenage-looking asian chap with Andrew this morning – now if he’s not a child refugee then I’m Jimmy Krankie’s funny uncle Kezia from Aberdeen.
Oh wait, that’s not just some young asian techie chap come to install a new app for BBC journo’s to watch remotely what’s going on at POTUS press conferences on their i-phones.
Our Andrew never did quite explain the mobile phone story properly despite giving his guest full opportunity to deny it wholeheartedly.
Our mystery guest turns out to be Andrew Marr attempting to polish the Labour turd with a Shami Chakrabarti leather.
You have to admire the cheek of the Baroness demanding and getting forthwith an invite for her female Labour shadow cabinet members fast tracked onto Andrew’s future BBC shows. Not claasy to that sort of thing screen so we all see it.
I reach for the off switch when Nikki Campbell pops up in a teaser (just me, or is that not the sort of nom de guerre employed by Sun page 3 girls?). Our Nicky is coming from Birmingham surrounded by serious men with beards and quiet women in headscarves (and Peter Tatchel) Nicky says something about Islam – have we got it all wrong and about marriage being the last bastion of the patriarchy. Off switch off switch off switch!
The BBC1 “Religious Flagship” TBQs
I asked before any guesses who would guest?.
Really doesn t matter, “THE PROPHET” gets a continual namecheck
… the BBC really is despicable, whose Prophet? to every other genuine religion the antithesis of what a prophet should be.
Having Tatchell now gobshite for Tell MAMA, as the objective voice?
Yaqoob literally extremist, and Mansoor latest go to guy, as slimy and slippery as they come, so integrated his kids have been taken to private schooling, not Islamic enough apparently. Going to be a apologist taqiya fest.
TBQ’s sole purpose seems to be regressing human knowledge back a few thousand years. My Holy Book him say “Um urg doolali m’gooli”. Problem solved.
Even touched on the supernatural form of transgenderism. Instead of “I am a man trapped in a woman’s body” we have “I am the spirit of a man trapped in a woman’s body”
I was suspicious when I was told about the ‘can you hear me scam’ as a simple one word ‘yes’ would not be sufficient to carry out a fraudulent transaction. Turns out my suspicions were well founded as this ‘scam’ has been outed as fake.
For a fraudster to carry out this fraud they would need all kinds of extra information including bank details, credit card numbers, passwords etc.
It seems a lot of mainstream media who don’t fact check sufficiently have been hoodwinked by this.
It is definitely a, “Wow” moment. How long will it be before the political elite in the UK will be ousted by this breath of fresh air blowing from France?
Oh Gawd, Heseltine has risen from the dead to join his buddy Blair and nullify the democratic will of the people. Like we need yet another multi-millionaire to tell us what to do?
Not much in the article but the it is missing the usual BBC line of “locals don’t think it was a terror attack” so that most likely means this one is just an accident.
Bangkok: The BBC says it will fight allegations against one of its most experienced foreign correspondents in a defamation case in a Thai court that carries a possible five-year prison sentence.
Friends! My latest weekly round-up of my best [Ha! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! It’s bad enough having you butting-in to my Blog – kindly don’t do that here! This is the Hard-Right Biased BBC, after all! – L.] tweets is now – literally – available, here:
(PS: Friend “Cheryl”, which I think may possibly be the nom-de-plume of one of the regulars from B-BBC, is kindly playing the organ for my little end-of-Blog sing-song.)
Ooops – Sir Mohammed now on the backfoot, about is coach’s involvement in doping and the media reporting of it.
Er, didn’t this exile (from how many countries ?) used exactly this ‘media’ to moan about Trump. And if you listen to his latest statement, its amazing how articulate he’s suddenly become (!)
– One is standing straight, the other is stooped in submission.
– One is having a laugh, the other is serious.
– One is taking the piss, the other isn’t.
“Islam is entirely compatible with British values and our national way of life”?
Message: the next MP that is caught with his/her fingers in the till (election expenses issue coming up), experiences May’s justice – Sharia – and a hand is removed. Let’s start one of these ubiquitous petitions to demand this ‘justice’!
Treezer is a moron. Muslims say, openly, that Western values are incompatible with Islam. So the question for her is ” Who is right , are they lying or are you lying ? ” . But no pathetic MSM “journalists ” put the question .
Sunday Politics on the BBC. President Trump and Sweden. Brillo searching for evidence as to whether Trump was right or not. Swedish female MP says its all lies and everything is OK. The MP ignored Brillo when he reported that the Swedish police have said that there are 53 areas in the country where they fear patrolling , i.e. Nascent or real no go areas. Unfortunately he didn’t press her on this astonishing admission by the police. She seemed to think that because the international community praised Sweden for its immigration policy it was great and all the associated issues could be denied or ignored. The liberal left just refuse to accept the facts. Douglas Murray likened the attitude of the Swedish authorities to those in the UK over Rotherham. Sadly Brillo didn’t allow Douglas to do his usual comprehensive demolition job on those advocating open borders . But The Swedish MP was allowed by Brillo to continue with her policy of denial. She was given a very easy ride. This was far, far from Brillo best interview. I have noticed before that his attitude on migrant issues is much closer to the standard BBC line than his attitude on ,for instance , Brexit. I do wish that we in the UK had a counter balance to the liberal left propaganda spewed out 24/7 by the state funded broadcaster.
Ditto with UKIP though Doublethinker.
Paul from Liverpool gave Farage both barrels about what Islam was up to on a recent radio show of his.
Farage was utterly clueless, knows which side his pitta is hummused as they`d say.
Murray is the last man standing at times, UKIP are hopeless re Islam. As opposed to Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. In cases like this-no Koran, no comment wanted….and Neill knows zip about the Koran.
It is impossible to get any sense out of a Swedish progressive ( they all are)and it is a waste of time trying. Sweden has no future as an ethnic Swedish nation. Forget about it. They want it that way so let them get on with it.
Don`t need to Grant.
We`re past demographics.
Islam is taking key areas like Blackburn and Bradford without the need to get a vote.
All but the Muslims remain in key parts where it counts. And they resent paying housing benefits, education precepts and drug counselling services-because they don`t use them, don`t need to.
When they are a critical mass-they pay their own way, knowing that the other side(lawfare and economic jihad) are bleeding the prisons dry, the councils and quangos for every penny, blessed by allah. Sharia and jizya will come with campaigns NOT to pay for the homeless and druggie flip flops,tattoo removals.
Why should they-THEIR kids don`t need these crap servicings, THEIR old won`t be binned in care homes?
That`s how it`s going Grant…so I understand.
One caveat though Grant.
For some reason Jesus will back two old ladies praying quietly in a Worcester parish church over 500 men with their rumps in the air and praying by St Chads NHS Trust in Birmingham.
It`s all there in the Bible…God only knows how it will be achieved-but it will be.
Jesus plus me=majority….don`t ask me how though.
My mum used to say “we all work for the same boss”.
Which is all the theology most of us need.
But Trump can`t be explained to the Womens bible groups without some references in “the Good Book”.
And Jesus never said a word about “climate change” or “refugees”.
The atheists and scientific materialists have PLENTY to say about them-and the stupid church follows THEM and not Jesus the Jew.
God will remove or improve them-at this stage, pretty clear where THAT balance is callibrated towards.
The point I am making is that you can believe what you want . That is freedom of religion. And belief. So long as no-one interferes with me. But Islamists are trying to force me to be part of their perversion . I refuse. By the way , where are the Trolls ?
“Preach the gospel-if necessary use words”
St Francis said that-if we got out of the way of Jesus Himself, we`d move mountains.
The alternative is all around us, if the church REALLY made a difference it would be getting persecuted as the Soviets, Chinese and Muslims have done-are doing even.
But it`s a green prop for do gooding Guardian readers-Giles Fraser and Edward Stourton being the BBC face where once we had CS Lewis and Mary Whitehouse.
The logical extension of this is the partition of England, The new frontiers are getting clearer by the year. London part of the Dar al Islam. Likewise most of the Lancs, Derbys, Yorks, Leics and Notts conurbation block.
Dar al Harb? The West Country and Wales. Most of East Anglia and Lincs/East Yorks and the old Sussex /Wessex lands. Plus The North East and Cumbria. Inevitable now and a real shame.
Hopefully the end result will be achieved by peaceful population transfers but don’t bet on it.
BBC Website ” Farage ” has dinner with Donald Trump ” “. In inverted commas. What do they think it is ? Fake News ?. Wonderful so see the BBC getting so desperate that they are disappearing up their own jacksies.
Nigel has access to Trump and the BBC are banned from press conferences. Wonderful to watch these babies throwing their toys out of the pram.
Can someone please assure me that the disgustingly vile Gina Miller cannot stop us leaving the EU? Are her and her millionaire chums that powerful? I absolutely loathe her. She’s not even British.
Can someone please assure me that the disgustingly vile Gina Miller cannot stop us leaving the EU? Are her and her millionaire chums that powerful? I absolutely loathe her. She’s not even British.
Neither is her husband.
But it looks like a tussle between the Government and the very well financed elites, including the Judges, backed by the MSM. It will come down to the will of the Government and whether their hearts are really in it.
Said it before, if Farage was running it, I would be confident. As it is …………….?
Are we heading for ghetto cities, tribal areas, fiefdoms?
Seems we are heading back to the days of the Dark Ages with a number of disunited kingdoms. Then a King will arise to unite those kingdoms and we’ll have gone full circle.
Oh but when I think of those lads in the two wars who gave everything and look around today – the word betrayal comes to mind.
As an ex serviceman that’s one of the things that sickens me the most. At least two old boys have told me they wish they hadn’t bothered and it brought a tear to my eye.
My late father was a Desert Rat in WW2. I am glad he is not alive today to see that it was all a waste. He would probably have said ” This wouldn’t be happening under Hitler “. Sad to say that .
ditto entirely (including being a Desert Rat). Sorry to say it but its so sad that some of that generation are aware of the nonsense their children now have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I’m considering sending my fathers Campaign Medals to No.10 as I feel sure he would have done by now if still alive.
I still have my Dad’s campaign medals. No point in sending them to No 10. They would not know what they are.
When I was planning to go Africa, many years ago , I asked his advice. He said ” Never stand behind a camel and do not get involved with African girls “. Well I ended up marrying a black African girl. Sometimes wonder if a camel would have been easier !
Two days before my father died he said why did he fight in the war. Many, many of his childhood friends didn’t survive the war.What haunts me was the fact that i couldn’t say anything to make him feel better. He died a broken man in a way.
My grandad was a Desert Rat too. His brother-in-law was sent to the Far East, and lies in a grave in Borneo. His nephew was in Bomber Command, and was lost over the North Sea.
And our governments have seen fit to open our country to mass immigration from people who think we are scum for not following mohammed.
Their sacrifice has been thrown away by people not fit to lick their boots.
A desperate article even by the BBC’s very low standards. Certainly the figures need investigating as peterthegreat says. But where is the context? No mention, for example, of German women who can’t even visit their local swimming pool anymore because of the near certainty of sexual assault. Without investigation and context, this is as good an example as you’ll see of fake news designed to push an agenda. It is also an attack on those decent people in Germany who are forced to live a nightmare.
Heisenberg, I was struck by the difference between the number of recorded attacks and the number of injuries. The latter were quite small, thankfully, in relation to the former. Perhaps many of these so called ‘attacks’ were of the verbal, ‘Yah boo!’ Race Attack variety?
I would guess the BBC consider a woman fighting off a sexual assault from an immigrant is a “hate crime”. She should just let the immigrant “enrich” her.
Comes to something when we have to rely on foreign agencies to get the news.
We don’t have to hide our radios like in wartime Europe because of our technology but they can take lessons from China on internet censoring and blocking – coming soon!
Surely this kind of thing doesn’t happen in Sweden?
Well, at least according to the media and the Swedish Government it doesn’t.
Since the BBC are continuing to repeat (ad infinitum) President Trumps reference to Sweden in a recent speech, perhaps they would enlighten the rest of us that this news is, ‘Fake News’. Perhaps a ‘Fake News’ ‘reality check’ alert would be justified?
News broken by Swedish Police 25.02.17 – https://gatestone.eu/sweden-rape-taxi/
The BBC article about the Swedish riot the day after the Trump speech actually mentioned there had been trouble in Rinkeby exactly a week before. Yes, the BBC actually being honest about immigrant trouble in Sweden. Now, there’s a thing!
However, it immediately brought to mind Hillary Clinton’s integrity and one of her famous occasions when she ‘mis-spoke’. I can imagine that President Trump – in mid-flow – may have intended to say that there had been trouble in Sweden a week before, rather than the day before that actually came out of his mouth. A disconnect between brain & mouth, happens to all of us and the best of us. The new President merely ‘mis-spoke’.
There is a MASSIVE disconnect though. While he BBC is devoting so much to promoting Islam while trashing this country and the West in general – none of them seem to have the slightest clue as where it might lead. Just how in Allah’s name do they think a broadcaster would prosper?
My nephew was 19 when he went to Afghanistan in 2009. He was on the ground, cannon fodder. He is now a young father as luckily he managed his stint without any physical injury. He does have PTSD – he witnessed a lot. God only knows how this Leave thing will pan out but I feel for all our servicemen and women. My nephew as did our forefathers love our country.
It will only get worse now that the head of Religious Affairs is a Muslim.
Most of the programmes now, from debates, soaps, news, adverts (Hijab painting a front door), dramas – we are having the Muslim agenda constantly rammed down our throats.
Is it just me, or is the Christian religion the only one in the world where we can be Christened under the faith, but we can take or leave it ? No-one comes knocking on the door because you haven’t prayed 5 times a day or you’ll grow 2 heads if you eat pig meat. I was born and baptised as such and went to a church school, and I suspect like most in this country – Catholics excepted, we attend church for weddings, funeral and christenings, so our faith is not as fervent as the Jews, the Muslims, Mormons etc etc who actually live their daily lives ritually by theirs.
Amongst others, I think a lot of the animosity us Brits feel towards the likes of Islam is we have never had to be answerable to anyone (again Catholics excepted) re our faith, and now we have in our midst a religion that we only read about in books, and is so dictatorial that it is an anathema to our way of life.
The BBC are building up to a 1-hour programme every friday at ” salat al-jum ah ” for friday prayers. Apologies for being too lazy to switch to Arabic script.
Then it has to be broadcast live in all schools and universities.
And there is no way that the BBC will mess with the timing the way they mess with ” Songs of Praise “.
“It will only get worse now that the head of Religious Affairs is a Muslim.”
Well I for one am happy that Wayne Shaw found another job so quickly, even if it is with the BBC. Sutton United shouldn’t have been so quick to sack him, and having to change his name, wear a frock and eat his pork pies in secret is more then enough punishment.
Hubby says that he`d not eaten the pie(or was it technically a pastie?)
until Sutton Town had made all three substitutions.
So he was officially on his break, was not available for work-and therefore not guilty.
Where`s Phil Shiner?
Grant – they say the Devil has all the best tunes. In which case a Songs of Praise from one of our friendly neighbourhood mosques should be a real rocker.
Click is a bibistan tech programme. They managed to devote 2 items to ‘migrant’ stories, and how great they are (and, at least in one, how bad we are).
I frequented their Facebook page from the beginning and have remonstrated since it stopped being real tech and moved to virtue signalling based around London.
I really don’t think there is single programme type which the BBC doesn’t use as a vehicle for cultural Marxist propaganda. Sport, cookery, farming, history, wildlife, comedy, religion, art, historical drama – can anyone reading BBBC think of an area which hasn’t been subverted in this way? I’m pretty sure that I can’t.
Bristol’s Colston Hall is an affront to a multicultural city. Let’s rename it now David Olusoga
From the Guardian.
In case you are unaware, Olusoga is black.
In case you are unaware. Olusoga is a pretend “historian” who invents the history he prefers. For which he receives much gold from IslamicAlBeeb.
In case you are unaware, Olusoga is a racist of the Younge order given unlimited space by the Guardian to promote blackism and racism. Racism against white people that is.
In case you are unaware, The Guardian has unlimted black racists, peddling their version of reality in print and concomitantly enjoying their turn in the trough.
So no, we will leave Colston Hall named as it is. If anyone has a problem with this my solution is to return it to its former status as a British, white city. If anybody objects they know where the door is. Stick your multiculturalism.
I am mighty sick of my country being invaded. I am even more distressed by the invasion not being carried out by intelligent, civilised, people who might appreciate it, like the Japanese.
I object to this invasion being carried out by organisms who act as cultural pollutants and contaminants.
Let us rename every object in the UK, currently carrying the name of a foreign terrorist, with a genuinely British name. A terrorist who did SFA for the UK; and whose successors are demonstrating their ability to do SFA for South Africa, except plan white genocide that is.
Olusoga almost certainly has ancestors ho killed members of the opposing tribe, hundreds of years ago, but I don’t think he should be ashamed of them, cos they lived in their own cultural context of the time.
Whereas Wilberforces descendants know he and many other white people lived at a time when slavery was acceptable in the Americas ..but they said “this is wrong, people should have equal opportunity” and they brought the first end to slavery of the modern era.
\\Olusoga translates to “the Boss, the Leader, Head. ” in English.
It is common with the yoruba tribe in Nigeria and primarily used by Males//
Interesting bit of asymmetry between German crime stats and Swedish:
In Sweden they STOPPED classifying crimes by ethnicity / religion of perps when it got embarrassing for the lib/left. (So now they can say, with a more or less straight face, that there is no evidence of higher rape/violent crime among ‘newcomers’.)
Just heard Roger Boltons paddy paws “grilling” of the current nomark in charge of Radio 2.(Feedback 8pm 26/2/17).
Scottish of course-but what else?
Not a clue what his justification was in binning Brian Matthew in favour of the useless Dermot O Leary-made no sense whatsoever.
And why Tony Blackburn-who was,at least ,around in the 60s-is getting Anneka Rices “graveyard dawn chorus shift” at 6am.And not the 8am slot as we`d want.
Again-made no sense. But this is the BBC-taking the mick, and speaking prolix junk.
Listen BBC Radio 2!
Brian Matthew is just what the BBC needs if it is to retain its listeners of a certain vintage. Nobody(unless they`re on their meds) wants to hear O Leary play unplugged Howard Jones or interview Nerina Pallot at THAT kind of hour.
See-who knows them? Only the party poppers totally-wired types like Evan Davis. We want Brian-and I bet the BBC are lying about why he`s going.
It`s what they do.
Angel Radio it is then!
Catching up on old recent stuff- Paparazz Scallywag documentary in C4’s FakeNews season
It was uite interesting cos it revealed how News is so linked to PR and faking ..and that the BBC is complicit.
eg. A BBC Poldark security team would do their best to stop him getting photos, he’d get a couple anyway.
he’d make up some BS story about them being taken by some passing old lady ..with another complete BS story about the actor being addicted to cigarettes or something.
– The newspaper would run with that.
And then the BBC PR people would give him the secret thumbs up, having got the publicity they wanted.
The guy was close to being complete scum
Eg at the Britney gig there were masses of rules for the official photographers, like many songs were not allowed to be photo-ed.
He’d sneak in with the dads ..thus get the best photos ..thus get straight into the papers, thus her PR team got the best free publicity.
Sexism : Anyone catch the ITV 7:30 show about sexism ?
They had a woman dress up in skin tight leggings and walk around London for a day
..And thus they got a narrative :
“Look men are horrible, they call out at poor women”
But that is a FALSE narrative , cos she wasn’t “just a woman”.
..No she was a Looker ..and that is quite different ..In normal light 90% of women are not lookers.
Secondly if a MAN put on the same skin tight pants and walked down the street he’d get people calling out at him.
The point is people don’t call out so easily. No it happens when someone is provocative or unusual.
Jeez even in the UK people call out at me 10 times a month for something like if I walk past pub wearing my cowboy hat.
So her being #1 a Looker and #2 dressing in skin tight jogging pants was likely to provoke. If she’d put a hair in a bun and wore baggy jeans it would have been way different.
Surely women are not that naive ?
Maybe cos Eline van der Velden a Dutch born comedian was promo-ing her new BBC3 Provocation series on Phil Williams
In ‘Putting It Out There’ she does stunts in the public and films peoples reactions eg
“The most surprising one was when I stopped men in the street to do market research about washing machines. First no man would speak to me, then I put on a pair of high heels and every man stopped.”
….Jeez she stand in the street with her ass hanging out showing she’s ready for sex, and she’s surprised that all men stopped !”
Aside from the car running into a groups of Romanian car washers, and twitter reporting a RoPer running from the scene there is another terror attack in the capital with a couple of men with meat cleavers running up & down yelling (What exactly we are not told), and then being arrested.
This is on top of other terrorist incident all over the Western world this past few days, but it seems as the usual meme of ‘lone wolf’ mental health issues has become so overused its laughable they have switched to ‘intoxicated’ or drunk driver. Can we trust the media to ever report the truth any more?
BBC “Call The Midwife” goes Islamophile, on FGM
Yes the Al BBC Triple Whammy Sunday gets worse
1/. One of the worst pieces of Islamophile Apologist claptrap even by BBC
standards on TBQs “Islam means Peace”, Apostasy Law? wot dat? etc
2/. Songs of Muslim Praise
2/. Call The Midwife FGM nothing to do with Islam
“Cases of female genital mutilation are skyrocketing in England not because English women are deciding that they wish to be mutilated.
FGM is skyrocketing because the Muslim population is skyrocketing, and since it continues to do so,
FGM is not going to be stopped in Britain. Instead, it will increasingly become the norm.
An NSPCC spokesman said: “FGM or female circumcision is usually carried out for religious, cultural or social reasons. But let’s be clear – it is child abuse and it causes long-lasting physical and emotional damage. The practice must stop.” But it won’t, because stopping it would be “Islamophobic.” Here’s why:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3
BBC – FGM victims need medical attention ‘every hour’ says charity
Al BBC is lying again, promoting Islamic Taqiya as if factual and correct
(even the most cursory glance at google exposes them over all those points raised).
TBQs “Islam means Peace”, Apostasy Law wot dat?, Gay/Lesbian attacks? we re out organising, out protesting, FGM OK 😀 NTDWI
You have to check out Panto literally wetting his knickers over Chris De Bellaigue s new book. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08h0x86
Songs of Praise? Why doesn t the new Hd of Religion just cut the pretence and have the “call to prayer” instead
I endured Call The Midwife as Mrs Mole loves it. The only part I like is seeing the old cars…
The worst aspect of the FGM part of the programme was when an older (wiser?) midwife patiently explained to the naive young midwives, appalled by the sight of a cut Somali woman, that not long ago, such things were done in Britain. Perhaps the message is that these ignorant savages are really no different from us, they just need a few generations of enlightenment in dear old Blighty to set them straight.
It was interesting to see that the writers chose not to completely spin the blame for this abhorrence on the English or even on men. It ended with the cut woman almost proudly claiming it was her duty to be cut to make her an acceptable bride, this as she watched her husband take their pre-pubescent daughter back to Somaliland for the “operation”.
The television in the Wetherspoons this morning was on The Big Questions which was asking Are We Unfair to Islam or something similar. Luckily it was on mute – no doubt it was all about people’s terrible intolerance of a perfect religion. I then put Five Live on around half eleven and they are discussing transgender children. Their investigation into transgender children is also part of news bulletins. I have now put Five Live on and they are discussing diversity at the Oscars! Talk about overkill. If they are fair and impartial I am a banana.
Five Live has increasingly become unlistenable. Whenever the discussion turns to islam, diversity, racism, transgenderism etc etc etc I switch over to Talk Sport. Even the Wickes adverts are worth it not to have to listen to Five Live’s pathetic virtue signalling.
I don’t watch “Call the Midwife”, but I know that the original series were based on books by a lady who wrote about her real experiences in the East End in the 1950s. The BBC have run out of her material, so what they are showing now is fantasy stuff written by someone in 2017, imagining the 1960s through the filter of 21st century political correctness.
I had always thought that the appeal of “Call the Midwife” was that it documented the hard lives of ordinary white working class people in the East End of London. Those people have now gone. Their way of life has gone. All that is left are the memories of people who were there.
If the right-on BBC hive is moving the programme into the 1960s, and the beginning of the displacement of the white working class from the East End, and their population replacement by Bangladeshi and Somali muslims, then I would imagine that viewing figures will plunge.
Luckily for the BBC, because they funded by the threat of prison, viewing figures are only for the little people. The only thing which matters is the amount of virtue signalling in a programme. It is called the Top Gear Paradox.
The BBC are running with a story about how many crimes are being committed against Germany’s migrants, tomorrow why don’t they run a story telling how many crimes in Germany are being committed by migrants?
I guess that doesn’t fit into their “impartial” narrative.
10pm news both ITV and BBC doing more thatn 5 mins on t’oscars.
It’s pure PR ..like it’s a advert to promote them and sneer at Trump
It only becomes NEWS afterwards when the results are announced.
Only last year the Oscare were ripped apart for being too white and racist Now they have the gall to call Trump racist.What short memories these preening prima donnas have .
Any winners this year should be asking themselves did they win for their acting ability.Not that I’m remotely interested in the whole luvvie back slapping jamboree. Just the title La La land puts me off.
Cheer up Deborah – These annual Virtue Signalling and Hypocrisy awards have descended into a well deserved farce when the “wrong” film was announced as the winner! and then after all the luvvies had come up done their crying and thanking bit aparently they were told they had not actually won anything and the Oscar for best picture had to be re-awarded again. (cant tell you who won as I have no interest in it!
I am starting to think that President Trump has a guardian angel.
He mentions Sweden in his press conference, and the leftist media sneer at him for his ignorance. Within days, “Little Mogadishu” in Sweden is in flames.
In the Oscars, the luvvies were all lined up for their left wing virtue fest, a no-mark called Jimmy Kimmel was making all his right-on jokes at the President’s expense, and then it turns out they cannot even open the right envelope. The Oscars descend into absolute farce.
Apparently, the President is wrong about everything, according to people who cannot be trusted to open an envelope and read a name out.
The BBC really is in a parallel universe of its own news. Riots?, Rapes??, No Go Areas???
Germany Nothing to see
Paris Nothing to see
Sweden Nothing to see
and yet! here s the news
Ten attacks a day on Germany migrants http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39096833
It would appear that the attack with the pick up truck on mardi gras party goes in New Orleans by a man called Neilson Rizzuto is not all the press / police are presenting it as.
Yet again we find his facebook page blocked, but I am told by people who can access the cached pages that Rizzuto is another convert to the RoP.
Not that anyone is telling you that of course, and they probably won’t what with the President likely to be proved right yet again.
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS ! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/keir-starmer-ramadan-muslims-iftar-prime-minister-b2709032.html
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
I dont know whether this was commented on in all the Trump excitement – But I must say I do find it highly amusing. Wee Jimmy thought with her impeccable left wing credentials and left wing group hugs she obviously thought she would be immune to the “waycist” label the rest of us who care for our country get smeared with. I am sure the irony of this will be totally lost on her but it may well act as a small wake up call to some of her supporters.
We will see……
Wonder if the Marr coven will discuss this one, or will professional courtesies preclude…?
Not sure, but maybe something to do with ‘unique’ and ‘unaccountable’?
Impartial, Free, and Fair. Another Beauty by the BBC
Of course the SNP are racist, they hate the English, I have wondered why the SNP are considered okay by the Liberal Left for their nationalism, but not the BNP?
Miller even had her I pad open on her own photo. The camera zoomed in conveniently and off she set, publicising her latest ‘campaign ‘ curtesy of Marr and the BBC. She utilises money and a supportive media against the wishes of the people . Unfortunately even if she fails this time and the Lords don’t impose an amendment allowing Parliament to force a renegotiation , Miller won’t go away. She’ll be campaigning about every bit of the forthcoming deal that she and her rich globalist chums don’t like. The BBC will continue to give her maximum publicity. Marr’s subsequent questions to McLaughlin showed that Miller and the BBC colluded in an ambush. No way was Miller on the programme to review the papers!
AS the BBC desperately fill their breeches in the wall of loveliness-and the likes of Corbyn and Heseltine are propped up to show solidarity with Jodie Foster or Trayvon Juncker etc….we`ve sailed and are now on the high seas.
Ignore them EE. Bad dudes rehashing yesterdays news.
Let the Lords try eh?
As the BBC said yesterday re “business rates” on “The Week In Parliament”
“There are losers and winners-but all you ever hear from are the losers these days-they`re louder”.
Nuff said m`lud.
Wait until Gina Miller and chums keep getting never ending Court Injunctions to stop May from starting article 50.
I can see it now, BBC constantly interviewing Miller with Brenden Cox alongside “saving the UK from dividing itself”
What a horrible woman she is.
Nasty petulant bitch taking out her frustrations on we foreigners.
and very suspect business background. Yes, bitch from hell. Menopause ?
Excellent John Gray “Point Of View” as ever earlier.
If the Left refuse to the cleverest of their own tribe like John-they are stuffed.
He`s as good as it gets for their side.
But I digress.
Hope you`ll listen to the Jane Garvey/Mark Mardell puff piece for the World At One.
At the start of B.H a few minutes ago.
Tells you ALL you`ll need to know about BBC arrogance, cynicism and their tactics…their views on the waiters and food at the dinner that Trump is “skipping”.
And why Trump has done us a massive service by revealing the Press hierarchies, rituals and their imagined power and role.
I thank Jane Garvey fof being a woman-Mardell would NOT have been so indiscreet had it been Eddie or Paddy.
Let me just leave you with ONE nugget that he ended with.
This is a total betrayal of the media masons code-but all the better now we know it.
THIS is the Hypocritic Oaf for the liberal lying media in 2017.
“AS we know-it`s not about the answers-but being seen to ask the right questions”.
THAT is the liberal press in one sentence….and thanks to Fatty and Maggie May for revealing this.
Back to Lionel now
BBC Website “Heidelberg car attacker shot by police “.
Their English is THAT remedial? Their sentences THAT ambiguous and wrong?
Bless `em!
Sense they might need to brings a few hacks back from the USA soon-and then Europe-so we can retrain them in basic grammar.
Yes-checked it, found it eventually!
Talk of fake news eh?
Ah well-Corbyn “vows to finish job”…and the BBC don`t see what THAT reveals, or any sense of comedy in THAT arrangement of words.
They just pile it up don`t they?
More BBC…more!
Heidelbergerautophobia is a thing now.
And the Heidelberg Car Community lives in fear of MOT profiling.
He is a German , not immigrant related,not terror related, what is his name then and his motive,a lot seems to be being kept quiet here?
BBC tell us he is a, “German National”. Perhaps therein lies a story…….
A muslim who has previously been granted status as a German national I ask myself?
I just checked the newspaper reviews on BBC Teletext, and guess what? They are still showing the reviews of FRIDAY’S papers – it’s nice to see that they’re up to speed with the news as usual.
The BBC Red Button budget is only about £37m
so that works out at only £100,000 a day so I wouldn’t expect them to work weekends!
R5 11am Stop the Cancer treatment the NHS needs resources for TRANSGENDER children !
‘as a matter of urgency.’ !
It seems to me that we shouldn’t be messing around with the hormones of developing children,I am 60 this year and I wouldn’t want my hormones messed with?
Are you a Syrian child refugee?
He’s still under 60 years old, for goodness’ sake, Emmanuel. He could still easily pass for a ‘babe in arms’ in the minds of so many left-wing SJW’s, never mind a child.
Find yourself a comfy chair, get the popcorn ready, maybe a glass or three of Merlot and put your feet up.
Tonight we can sit back and enjoy that well beloved annual luv fest; the Oscars.
It’s a gathering of the gushing and self righteous. Incredibly privileged, pc luvvies virtue signalling en mass.
Never will you see an ensemble of more gormless, self regarding air heads.
There will undoubtedly be the grotesque sight of massively over paid, self obsessed pea brains preaching to a befuddled public. They will bluster, simper and sob. Most of ’em will give a better performance than they ever do on the big screen.
We all know that we’re in for a real hate fest against The Donald. Jodie Foster has set the ball rolling with a rollicking call to arms to “resist”. She is incensed by The Donald for his “racism” and his “sexism”. He wants to stop illegal immigration and wants to protect his people from terrorism. That’s just what I would want from a president, but it’s a bad thing according to Jodie.
However, this virtuous lady wasn’t above making a film or two with someone who has spectacularly fallen from grace, Mel Gibson. This is the bloke who was recorded calling his wife a xxxxing bitch and using the forbidden “N” word. “I love the man,” cooed Jodie.
Even more astonishingly she made a film with the disgraced director, Roman Polanski, telling anyone within earshot that he was “a delightful man.” Eh? This is the fellow who did time in an American nick for statutory rape of a 13 year old girl back in the 1970’s. He can’t travel to or work in the US. I find it quite incredible that a lesbian feminist is willing to work with a man like Polanski.
Some harsh folk might accuse the sainted Jodie of double standards or hypocrisy. Not me!
So, nice comfy chair, box of popcorn, bottle of wine and…
Sick bucket…
Totally agree Jeff.
I’ve been a ‘movie buff’ all my life – except in the past 20 odd years when the industry decided to go down the unfunny junior high comedies and comic book hero route, with unknown actors for the yoof market. It was said that after the golden years of ‘head of studio’ control, the business was taken over by ‘bean counters’ and the beginning of films going straight to video.
Very much like the pop industry when 40 odd years ago we had a plethora of singers/bands, likewise in the film world we could name off pat a dozen or more old time movie stars without even thinking about it. The Oscars were a joy to watch – old style elegance and sophistication without a hint of political comment (except when Marlon Brando kicked it all off). What do we see now ? a soap opera of tv reality stars, a few faces we recognise, and the media more interested in what is being worn and who designed it !
At some point this political haranguing will backfire, and the public who disagree with the points being made will boycott their films.
Talking of what’s being worn at the Oscars – it appears that stalwart of righteousness Meryl Streep has shown how transparent she really is by kicking designer Chanel / Karl Lagerfeld into touch when she found an alternative designer who would pay her dollars for wearing theirs instead.
The Oscars are not even worth discussing, let alone watching.
The best way to treat the whole nauseating farce is to ignore it completely.
The Tossgers
I forced myself to watch it years ago when Dustin Hoffman was the host. I cannot find the words to describe just how awful and toe-curling the experience was. The level of sycophancy was beyond vomit inducing. Made to the end I did though through nothing other than a sense of morbid curiosity. Afterwards, I sat in a daze thinking,’What the f*ck have I just done?’.
This ‘Mel Gibson’ character that you mention above, Jeff, couldn’t possibly be the same drunken, DUI, misogynistic, anti-semitic ranting actor many of us remember, could it ? And the lefty and luvvie communities are willing to forgive this guy for that behaviour after about 10 years, but to condemn for ever a Mr Trump cabinet nominee because he made a joke about the KKK over 30 years ago.
Well, that just about sums up this ultra-biased, ‘La-La-Land’ bunch.
But, of course, if and when when he gets his Oscar award later today, don’t expect the BBC to bring up anything of his history outside the silver screen environment (and it will probably airbrush his excruciatingly bad ‘Braveheart’ film.)
I think that Gibson has made some fantastic films, “Apocalypto” and “The Passion of The Christ” amongst them; as for “Braveheart” I loved Patrick McGoohan as Longshanks and always chuckle at this gem, especially the reaction of the guards when they see who has defenestrated the Prince’s “friend”.
Al ” Passion of Christ ” ? Not sure that most Jews would agree with that. But, at the end of the day, Mel Gibson is a mentally ill wanker.
Oh, and his latest “Hacksaw Ridge” is very good too.
Can’t wait to see it. But I am a bit busy watching paint dry for the rest of my life.
BBC Any questions – ‘ Do we misrepresent Islam?’
BBC do you really need to ask yourself that question . Yes for starters you call them all Dave Smith
BBC I am not interested in Islam – you should have a little religious affairs show, maybe fronted by that new Head of Religious Affairs woman ( Gold Medallist in the pie-eating Championships), that is broadcast for half an hour on a Wednesday night. None of us indigenous Brits give a flying toss about Islam – comprendez?
No need to fret Lock, Niks Campbell is clarifying things for us. Apparently, because the Koran is capable of so much ‘interpretation’ fake news like instructions to throw gays from high buildings is either misunderstood or simply poorly translated over the many occasion since 1450 or whenever.
In light of this welcome clarification, perhaps the twin towers were demolished in an attempt to reduce the options for Islam being misunderstood – no towers, fewer homosexual homicides. That seems to make sense.
No TVL so no live viewing, but Twitter posts suggesting Shami, Marr and the BBC have concocted the perfect satirical shit storm of the century.
And I shall name it Shamarrbeeb, destroyer of reputations.
David harwood, who is an excellent actor with a great deal of presence, has said “Doctor Who should not be another white man”.
What brought him to this revelation that will benefit the artistic world and advance the progress of humanity?
I don’t know, but here is a picture of David Harwood:
We can look forward to gay actors, short actors, lanky actors, Irish actors, etc all saying what sort of person they think will make a good new doctor.
personally I think Dr Who should be flushed down the Guardian, soft left toilet, from whence it was reborn.
Isn’t Harwood being racist there?
The BBc has not got much left to try and persuade us it is a player. . Dr Who is an over hyped piece of crap and long past it’s sell by date. I think they should make a robot/android the new Doctor. or a chipmunk /squirrel.
Andrew Marr : “The Left always blame the media”
We’ll need to let that one sink in for a moment…. I feel as though we should fill the time with the potter’s wheel. Ok, let’s move on. Who is that teenage-looking asian chap with Andrew this morning – now if he’s not a child refugee then I’m Jimmy Krankie’s funny uncle Kezia from Aberdeen.
Oh wait, that’s not just some young asian techie chap come to install a new app for BBC journo’s to watch remotely what’s going on at POTUS press conferences on their i-phones.
Our Andrew never did quite explain the mobile phone story properly despite giving his guest full opportunity to deny it wholeheartedly.
Our mystery guest turns out to be Andrew Marr attempting to polish the Labour turd with a Shami Chakrabarti leather.
You have to admire the cheek of the Baroness demanding and getting forthwith an invite for her female Labour shadow cabinet members fast tracked onto Andrew’s future BBC shows. Not claasy to that sort of thing screen so we all see it.
I reach for the off switch when Nikki Campbell pops up in a teaser (just me, or is that not the sort of nom de guerre employed by Sun page 3 girls?). Our Nicky is coming from Birmingham surrounded by serious men with beards and quiet women in headscarves (and Peter Tatchel) Nicky says something about Islam – have we got it all wrong and about marriage being the last bastion of the patriarchy. Off switch off switch off switch!
The BBC1 “Religious Flagship” TBQs
I asked before any guesses who would guest?.
Really doesn t matter, “THE PROPHET” gets a continual namecheck
… the BBC really is despicable, whose Prophet? to every other genuine religion the antithesis of what a prophet should be.
Having Tatchell now gobshite for Tell MAMA, as the objective voice?
Yaqoob literally extremist, and Mansoor latest go to guy, as slimy and slippery as they come, so integrated his kids have been taken to private schooling, not Islamic enough apparently. Going to be a apologist taqiya fest.
TBQ’s sole purpose seems to be regressing human knowledge back a few thousand years. My Holy Book him say “Um urg doolali m’gooli”. Problem solved.
Even touched on the supernatural form of transgenderism. Instead of “I am a man trapped in a woman’s body” we have “I am the spirit of a man trapped in a woman’s body”
Heads up on ‘Fake News’
I was suspicious when I was told about the ‘can you hear me scam’ as a simple one word ‘yes’ would not be sufficient to carry out a fraudulent transaction. Turns out my suspicions were well founded as this ‘scam’ has been outed as fake.
For a fraudster to carry out this fraud they would need all kinds of extra information including bank details, credit card numbers, passwords etc.
It seems a lot of mainstream media who don’t fact check sufficiently have been hoodwinked by this.
Wish I stayed in bed. Accidently turned on the TV to startup the PS4 and the freview defaults to BBC1.
‘Big Questions’. The Vauxhall Conference of virtue signalling.
Game on.
Marine Le Pen’s 144 Commitments (in English) –
Click to access a4_144_engagements_eng_bd.pdf
It is definitely a, “Wow” moment. How long will it be before the political elite in the UK will be ousted by this breath of fresh air blowing from France?
Pray that she gets in power.
Oh Gawd, Heseltine has risen from the dead to join his buddy Blair and nullify the democratic will of the people. Like we need yet another multi-millionaire to tell us what to do?
Heseltine always was a cnut.
Five injured after car hits pedestrians (London)
Not much in the article but the it is missing the usual BBC line of “locals don’t think it was a terror attack” so that most likely means this one is just an accident.
Bangkok: The BBC says it will fight allegations against one of its most experienced foreign correspondents in a defamation case in a Thai court that carries a possible five-year prison sentence.
Head pleaded not guilty in a court on the resort island of Phuket on Thursday to charges brought against him by a Thai lawyer over two September 2015 reports into how foreign retirees were allegedly scammed out of their properties.
Friends! My latest weekly round-up of my best [Ha! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! It’s bad enough having you butting-in to my Blog – kindly don’t do that here! This is the Hard-Right Biased BBC, after all! – L.] tweets is now – literally – available, here:
(PS: Friend “Cheryl”, which I think may possibly be the nom-de-plume of one of the regulars from B-BBC, is kindly playing the organ for my little end-of-Blog sing-song.)
Ooops – Sir Mohammed now on the backfoot, about is coach’s involvement in doping and the media reporting of it.
Er, didn’t this exile (from how many countries ?) used exactly this ‘media’ to moan about Trump. And if you listen to his latest statement, its amazing how articulate he’s suddenly become (!)
Spot the difference in these 2 pics.
Answer below.
Answer: If you look closely you’ll see that one has balls, and the other doesn’t.
Other acceptable answers:
– One is standing straight, the other is stooped in submission.
– One is having a laugh, the other is serious.
– One is taking the piss, the other isn’t.
“Islam is entirely compatible with British values and our national way of life”?
Message: the next MP that is caught with his/her fingers in the till (election expenses issue coming up), experiences May’s justice – Sharia – and a hand is removed. Let’s start one of these ubiquitous petitions to demand this ‘justice’!
Treezer is a moron. Muslims say, openly, that Western values are incompatible with Islam. So the question for her is ” Who is right , are they lying or are you lying ? ” . But no pathetic MSM “journalists ” put the question .
Good article by Paul Driessen on Townhall https://townhall.com/columnists/pauldriessen/2017/02/26/gigobased-energy-and-climate-policies-n2290724?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=
Still, it’s preaching to the converted on this blog: it’s the fools and knaves in the HoC who need to engage their tiny minds on this continuing scandal. And I shall not hold my breath waiting for the BBC to address it sensibly and dispassionately.
Sunday Politics on the BBC. President Trump and Sweden. Brillo searching for evidence as to whether Trump was right or not. Swedish female MP says its all lies and everything is OK. The MP ignored Brillo when he reported that the Swedish police have said that there are 53 areas in the country where they fear patrolling , i.e. Nascent or real no go areas. Unfortunately he didn’t press her on this astonishing admission by the police. She seemed to think that because the international community praised Sweden for its immigration policy it was great and all the associated issues could be denied or ignored. The liberal left just refuse to accept the facts. Douglas Murray likened the attitude of the Swedish authorities to those in the UK over Rotherham. Sadly Brillo didn’t allow Douglas to do his usual comprehensive demolition job on those advocating open borders . But The Swedish MP was allowed by Brillo to continue with her policy of denial. She was given a very easy ride. This was far, far from Brillo best interview. I have noticed before that his attitude on migrant issues is much closer to the standard BBC line than his attitude on ,for instance , Brexit. I do wish that we in the UK had a counter balance to the liberal left propaganda spewed out 24/7 by the state funded broadcaster.
Ditto with UKIP though Doublethinker.
Paul from Liverpool gave Farage both barrels about what Islam was up to on a recent radio show of his.
Farage was utterly clueless, knows which side his pitta is hummused as they`d say.
Murray is the last man standing at times, UKIP are hopeless re Islam. As opposed to Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. In cases like this-no Koran, no comment wanted….and Neill knows zip about the Koran.
How many muslims vote UKIP and how many are likely to ?
Re. Islam – I guess Brillo wants to keep his job.
And his head.
Seems odd the BBC, and especially Brillo, would seem to feel the word of any MP, even a female one, was the gold standard to impartial accuracy.
Maybe he was being screamed at down the earwig.
It is impossible to get any sense out of a Swedish progressive ( they all are)and it is a waste of time trying. Sweden has no future as an ethnic Swedish nation. Forget about it. They want it that way so let them get on with it.
Don`t need to Grant.
We`re past demographics.
Islam is taking key areas like Blackburn and Bradford without the need to get a vote.
All but the Muslims remain in key parts where it counts. And they resent paying housing benefits, education precepts and drug counselling services-because they don`t use them, don`t need to.
When they are a critical mass-they pay their own way, knowing that the other side(lawfare and economic jihad) are bleeding the prisons dry, the councils and quangos for every penny, blessed by allah. Sharia and jizya will come with campaigns NOT to pay for the homeless and druggie flip flops,tattoo removals.
Why should they-THEIR kids don`t need these crap servicings, THEIR old won`t be binned in care homes?
That`s how it`s going Grant…so I understand.
I agree. The UK is finished. The muslims are the masters now. They can get anything they want and they know it. UK RIP.
One caveat though Grant.
For some reason Jesus will back two old ladies praying quietly in a Worcester parish church over 500 men with their rumps in the air and praying by St Chads NHS Trust in Birmingham.
It`s all there in the Bible…God only knows how it will be achieved-but it will be.
Jesus plus me=majority….don`t ask me how though.
I am an an atheist , but I tolerate all religions because they do not harm me. There is one exception !
My mum used to say “we all work for the same boss”.
Which is all the theology most of us need.
But Trump can`t be explained to the Womens bible groups without some references in “the Good Book”.
And Jesus never said a word about “climate change” or “refugees”.
The atheists and scientific materialists have PLENTY to say about them-and the stupid church follows THEM and not Jesus the Jew.
God will remove or improve them-at this stage, pretty clear where THAT balance is callibrated towards.
The point I am making is that you can believe what you want . That is freedom of religion. And belief. So long as no-one interferes with me. But Islamists are trying to force me to be part of their perversion . I refuse. By the way , where are the Trolls ?
“Preach the gospel-if necessary use words”
St Francis said that-if we got out of the way of Jesus Himself, we`d move mountains.
The alternative is all around us, if the church REALLY made a difference it would be getting persecuted as the Soviets, Chinese and Muslims have done-are doing even.
But it`s a green prop for do gooding Guardian readers-Giles Fraser and Edward Stourton being the BBC face where once we had CS Lewis and Mary Whitehouse.
The logical extension of this is the partition of England, The new frontiers are getting clearer by the year. London part of the Dar al Islam. Likewise most of the Lancs, Derbys, Yorks, Leics and Notts conurbation block.
Dar al Harb? The West Country and Wales. Most of East Anglia and Lincs/East Yorks and the old Sussex /Wessex lands. Plus The North East and Cumbria. Inevitable now and a real shame.
Hopefully the end result will be achieved by peaceful population transfers but don’t bet on it.
BBC Website ” Farage ” has dinner with Donald Trump ” “. In inverted commas. What do they think it is ? Fake News ?. Wonderful so see the BBC getting so desperate that they are disappearing up their own jacksies.
Nigel has access to Trump and the BBC are banned from press conferences. Wonderful to watch these babies throwing their toys out of the pram.
PS. The BBC make it seem like a crime. I suppose in their twisted little minds it is. By the way, where have all the Trolls gone ?
“By the way, where have all the Trolls gone ?”
…………Pass? 😉
Just listening to Pete Seeger ” Where have all the flowers gone ” Yeah man !
Grant I think the inverted commas means ‘we at the bbc have to quarantine the word Trump with speech marks in case we catch some dreadful disease’.
LOL ! It is so funny. The BBC are in unchartered waters and can’t handle it. They can’t believe that Trump does not give a monkey’s toss about them !
Can someone please assure me that the disgustingly vile Gina Miller cannot stop us leaving the EU? Are her and her millionaire chums that powerful? I absolutely loathe her. She’s not even British.
Can someone please assure me that the disgustingly vile Gina Miller cannot stop us leaving the EU? Are her and her millionaire chums that powerful? I absolutely loathe her. She’s not even British.
Neither is her husband.
But it looks like a tussle between the Government and the very well financed elites, including the Judges, backed by the MSM. It will come down to the will of the Government and whether their hearts are really in it.
Said it before, if Farage was running it, I would be confident. As it is …………….?
May is on side with the remainers. Why do you think she got the job so easily?
Are we heading for ghetto cities, tribal areas, fiefdoms?
Seems we are heading back to the days of the Dark Ages with a number of disunited kingdoms. Then a King will arise to unite those kingdoms and we’ll have gone full circle.
Oh but when I think of those lads in the two wars who gave everything and look around today – the word betrayal comes to mind.
My God – absolutely. Our forefathers would feel it was all for nothing.
As an ex serviceman that’s one of the things that sickens me the most. At least two old boys have told me they wish they hadn’t bothered and it brought a tear to my eye.
My late father was a Desert Rat in WW2. I am glad he is not alive today to see that it was all a waste. He would probably have said ” This wouldn’t be happening under Hitler “. Sad to say that .
It’s a national tradegy mate.
ditto entirely (including being a Desert Rat). Sorry to say it but its so sad that some of that generation are aware of the nonsense their children now have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I’m considering sending my fathers Campaign Medals to No.10 as I feel sure he would have done by now if still alive.
I still have my Dad’s campaign medals. No point in sending them to No 10. They would not know what they are.
When I was planning to go Africa, many years ago , I asked his advice. He said ” Never stand behind a camel and do not get involved with African girls “. Well I ended up marrying a black African girl. Sometimes wonder if a camel would have been easier !
Ooooohhhhhh – incoming !
Can’t comment on African girls but, in my limited experience, the front end of camels is also best avoided.
Mind you, I’m not a great fan of horses either. Too powerful and too stupid – just like the BBC in fact.
Two days before my father died he said why did he fight in the war. Many, many of his childhood friends didn’t survive the war.What haunts me was the fact that i couldn’t say anything to make him feel better. He died a broken man in a way.
There is a theme here.
My grandad was a Desert Rat too. His brother-in-law was sent to the Far East, and lies in a grave in Borneo. His nephew was in Bomber Command, and was lost over the North Sea.
And our governments have seen fit to open our country to mass immigration from people who think we are scum for not following mohammed.
Their sacrifice has been thrown away by people not fit to lick their boots.
An excellent point. True patriots, probably regarded by many of the spotty, half educated kids at the BBC as colonialists and war criminals.
My loathing of the BBC knows no bounds.
“Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on migrants in 2016”
The alarmist BBC headline above probably needs further investigation. The really incedible part follows,
“MP Ulla Jelpke from the leftist Die Linke party…”Do people have to die before the rightwing violence is considered a central domestic security problem and makes it to the top of the national policy agenda?”
Er, what? Do people have to die before an issue is considered a problem?
“Berlin Christmas market attack”
People have died Mz Jelpke, and it’s still not considered a problem.
“BERLIN TERROR ATTACK: Angela Merkel was WARNED of Christmas massacre just WEEKS ago”
I read that particular “piece” even though I could actually feel my blood boiling. The BBC needs to fuck off to Dignitas its way past it’s time.
I’m thinking – leave the EU and be took over by Russia. That is as desperate as it gets!
Those figures really need investigating, for example:
– Who are the ‘attackers’? What percentage of the attackers are fellow migrants?
– Does graffiti on a wall constitute an attack?
– Does a dirty look constitute an attack?
A desperate article even by the BBC’s very low standards. Certainly the figures need investigating as peterthegreat says. But where is the context? No mention, for example, of German women who can’t even visit their local swimming pool anymore because of the near certainty of sexual assault. Without investigation and context, this is as good an example as you’ll see of fake news designed to push an agenda. It is also an attack on those decent people in Germany who are forced to live a nightmare.
Heisenberg, I was struck by the difference between the number of recorded attacks and the number of injuries. The latter were quite small, thankfully, in relation to the former. Perhaps many of these so called ‘attacks’ were of the verbal, ‘Yah boo!’ Race Attack variety?
Sticks & stones, not.
I would guess the BBC consider a woman fighting off a sexual assault from an immigrant is a “hate crime”. She should just let the immigrant “enrich” her.
Comes to something when we have to rely on foreign agencies to get the news.
We don’t have to hide our radios like in wartime Europe because of our technology but they can take lessons from China on internet censoring and blocking – coming soon!
Surely this kind of thing doesn’t happen in Sweden?
Well, at least according to the media and the Swedish Government it doesn’t.
Since the BBC are continuing to repeat (ad infinitum) President Trumps reference to Sweden in a recent speech, perhaps they would enlighten the rest of us that this news is, ‘Fake News’. Perhaps a ‘Fake News’ ‘reality check’ alert would be justified?
News broken by Swedish Police 25.02.17 –
The BBC article about the Swedish riot the day after the Trump speech actually mentioned there had been trouble in Rinkeby exactly a week before. Yes, the BBC actually being honest about immigrant trouble in Sweden. Now, there’s a thing!
However, it immediately brought to mind Hillary Clinton’s integrity and one of her famous occasions when she ‘mis-spoke’. I can imagine that President Trump – in mid-flow – may have intended to say that there had been trouble in Sweden a week before, rather than the day before that actually came out of his mouth. A disconnect between brain & mouth, happens to all of us and the best of us. The new President merely ‘mis-spoke’.
Is that not right, Hillary?
Songs of Praise, right now pushing the muslim agenda. Why not go the whole way and make all religions except Islam illegal in the UK ?
Is there a connection with the BBC’s obsession with Islam and their obsession with Paedophilia ?
“Is there a connection with the BBC’s obsession with Islam and their obsession with Paedophilia ?”
The allternative answer to Scroblene’s question at 9.28 this morning about the meaning of “ROP”
An Islamic UK is maybe the BBC aim – child brides, sex slaves an all.
Yes, Beeboids would love that. But they will only convert to Islam after the UK is Islamic !!!
It can’t be long at this rate but when that might happen, just who would then be the victims?
There is a MASSIVE disconnect though. While he BBC is devoting so much to promoting Islam while trashing this country and the West in general – none of them seem to have the slightest clue as where it might lead. Just how in Allah’s name do they think a broadcaster would prosper?
Don’t give them ideas Grant.
LOL ! I do not think they need me to give them ideas !
My nephew was 19 when he went to Afghanistan in 2009. He was on the ground, cannon fodder. He is now a young father as luckily he managed his stint without any physical injury. He does have PTSD – he witnessed a lot. God only knows how this Leave thing will pan out but I feel for all our servicemen and women. My nephew as did our forefathers love our country.
It will only get worse now that the head of Religious Affairs is a Muslim.
Most of the programmes now, from debates, soaps, news, adverts (Hijab painting a front door), dramas – we are having the Muslim agenda constantly rammed down our throats.
Is it just me, or is the Christian religion the only one in the world where we can be Christened under the faith, but we can take or leave it ? No-one comes knocking on the door because you haven’t prayed 5 times a day or you’ll grow 2 heads if you eat pig meat. I was born and baptised as such and went to a church school, and I suspect like most in this country – Catholics excepted, we attend church for weddings, funeral and christenings, so our faith is not as fervent as the Jews, the Muslims, Mormons etc etc who actually live their daily lives ritually by theirs.
Amongst others, I think a lot of the animosity us Brits feel towards the likes of Islam is we have never had to be answerable to anyone (again Catholics excepted) re our faith, and now we have in our midst a religion that we only read about in books, and is so dictatorial that it is an anathema to our way of life.
The BBC are building up to a 1-hour programme every friday at ” salat al-jum ah ” for friday prayers. Apologies for being too lazy to switch to Arabic script.
Then it has to be broadcast live in all schools and universities.
And there is no way that the BBC will mess with the timing the way they mess with ” Songs of Praise “.
Still puzzled that we hear so little from faiths other than Islam.
Why so silent?
The BBC are covering up their terrorism. And promoting the Religion of Peace. You know it makes sense .
“It will only get worse now that the head of Religious Affairs is a Muslim.”
Well I for one am happy that Wayne Shaw found another job so quickly, even if it is with the BBC. Sutton United shouldn’t have been so quick to sack him, and having to change his name, wear a frock and eat his pork pies in secret is more then enough punishment.
Hubby says that he`d not eaten the pie(or was it technically a pastie?)
until Sutton Town had made all three substitutions.
So he was officially on his break, was not available for work-and therefore not guilty.
Where`s Phil Shiner?
Grant – they say the Devil has all the best tunes. In which case a Songs of Praise from one of our friendly neighbourhood mosques should be a real rocker.
In Islamic terms, I was going to say ” Rock around the cock ” , but that would be impolite.
Click is a bibistan tech programme. They managed to devote 2 items to ‘migrant’ stories, and how great they are (and, at least in one, how bad we are).
I frequented their Facebook page from the beginning and have remonstrated since it stopped being real tech and moved to virtue signalling based around London.
I really don’t think there is single programme type which the BBC doesn’t use as a vehicle for cultural Marxist propaganda. Sport, cookery, farming, history, wildlife, comedy, religion, art, historical drama – can anyone reading BBBC think of an area which hasn’t been subverted in this way? I’m pretty sure that I can’t.
I caught a recent tv episode of Click and expecting to hear about technology instead I had Climate Change shoved down my throat.
Moving on to The Travel Show expecting to hear about holiday options instead I was once again force-fed Climate Change.
Google search is optimized for their own agenda. I’m using Duck Duck Go.
Guess that means that next election we’re back to, best of the worst? Oh, bugger.
Bristol’s Colston Hall is an affront to a multicultural city. Let’s rename it now David Olusoga
From the Guardian.
In case you are unaware, Olusoga is black.
In case you are unaware. Olusoga is a pretend “historian” who invents the history he prefers. For which he receives much gold from IslamicAlBeeb.
In case you are unaware, Olusoga is a racist of the Younge order given unlimited space by the Guardian to promote blackism and racism. Racism against white people that is.
In case you are unaware, The Guardian has unlimted black racists, peddling their version of reality in print and concomitantly enjoying their turn in the trough.
So no, we will leave Colston Hall named as it is. If anyone has a problem with this my solution is to return it to its former status as a British, white city. If anybody objects they know where the door is. Stick your multiculturalism.
I am mighty sick of my country being invaded. I am even more distressed by the invasion not being carried out by intelligent, civilised, people who might appreciate it, like the Japanese.
I object to this invasion being carried out by organisms who act as cultural pollutants and contaminants.
Let us rename every object in the UK, currently carrying the name of a foreign terrorist, with a genuinely British name. A terrorist who did SFA for the UK; and whose successors are demonstrating their ability to do SFA for South Africa, except plan white genocide that is.
Olusoga almost certainly has ancestors ho killed members of the opposing tribe, hundreds of years ago, but I don’t think he should be ashamed of them, cos they lived in their own cultural context of the time.
Whereas Wilberforces descendants know he and many other white people lived at a time when slavery was acceptable in the Americas ..but they said “this is wrong, people should have equal opportunity” and they brought the first end to slavery of the modern era.
\\Olusoga translates to “the Boss, the Leader, Head. ” in English.
It is common with the yoruba tribe in Nigeria and primarily used by Males//
Read more: http://www.onlinenigeria.com/nigeriannames/ad.asp?blurb=2125#ixzz4ZpVRTHPY
Identity Politics and lefty tricks : earlier someone mentioned this from quillette.com
It’s about Clay Routledge a pal of Jonathan Haidt, the psychologist who first exposed snowflake education.
Here’s another piece
Interesting bit of asymmetry between German crime stats and Swedish:
In Sweden they STOPPED classifying crimes by ethnicity / religion of perps when it got embarrassing for the lib/left. (So now they can say, with a more or less straight face, that there is no evidence of higher rape/violent crime among ‘newcomers’.)
In Germany on the hand, they BEGAN classifying crimes against migrants in 2016, also to suit the Lib/left agenda.
Centuwion, we don’t have a cwime pwoblem with wape and wioting do we?
Interesting insights into contradictory beliefs of Islam by apostates.
Just heard Roger Boltons paddy paws “grilling” of the current nomark in charge of Radio 2.(Feedback 8pm 26/2/17).
Scottish of course-but what else?
Not a clue what his justification was in binning Brian Matthew in favour of the useless Dermot O Leary-made no sense whatsoever.
And why Tony Blackburn-who was,at least ,around in the 60s-is getting Anneka Rices “graveyard dawn chorus shift” at 6am.And not the 8am slot as we`d want.
Again-made no sense. But this is the BBC-taking the mick, and speaking prolix junk.
Listen BBC Radio 2!
Brian Matthew is just what the BBC needs if it is to retain its listeners of a certain vintage. Nobody(unless they`re on their meds) wants to hear O Leary play unplugged Howard Jones or interview Nerina Pallot at THAT kind of hour.
See-who knows them? Only the party poppers totally-wired types like Evan Davis. We want Brian-and I bet the BBC are lying about why he`s going.
It`s what they do.
Angel Radio it is then!
Catching up on old recent stuff- Paparazz Scallywag documentary in C4’s FakeNews season
It was uite interesting cos it revealed how News is so linked to PR and faking ..and that the BBC is complicit.
eg. A BBC Poldark security team would do their best to stop him getting photos, he’d get a couple anyway.
he’d make up some BS story about them being taken by some passing old lady ..with another complete BS story about the actor being addicted to cigarettes or something.
– The newspaper would run with that.
And then the BBC PR people would give him the secret thumbs up, having got the publicity they wanted.
The guy was close to being complete scum
Eg at the Britney gig there were masses of rules for the official photographers, like many songs were not allowed to be photo-ed.
He’d sneak in with the dads ..thus get the best photos ..thus get straight into the papers, thus her PR team got the best free publicity.
Sexism : Anyone catch the ITV 7:30 show about sexism ?
They had a woman dress up in skin tight leggings and walk around London for a day
..And thus they got a narrative :
“Look men are horrible, they call out at poor women”
But that is a FALSE narrative , cos she wasn’t “just a woman”.
..No she was a Looker ..and that is quite different ..In normal light 90% of women are not lookers.
Secondly if a MAN put on the same skin tight pants and walked down the street he’d get people calling out at him.
The point is people don’t call out so easily. No it happens when someone is provocative or unusual.
Jeez even in the UK people call out at me 10 times a month for something like if I walk past pub wearing my cowboy hat.
So her being #1 a Looker and #2 dressing in skin tight jogging pants was likely to provoke. If she’d put a hair in a bun and wore baggy jeans it would have been way different.
Surely women are not that naive ?
Maybe cos Eline van der Velden a Dutch born comedian was promo-ing her new BBC3 Provocation series on Phil Williams
In ‘Putting It Out There’ she does stunts in the public and films peoples reactions eg
“The most surprising one was when I stopped men in the street to do market research about washing machines. First no man would speak to me, then I put on a pair of high heels and every man stopped.”
….Jeez she stand in the street with her ass hanging out showing she’s ready for sex, and she’s surprised that all men stopped !”
Aside from the car running into a groups of Romanian car washers, and twitter reporting a RoPer running from the scene there is another terror attack in the capital with a couple of men with meat cleavers running up & down yelling (What exactly we are not told), and then being arrested.
This is on top of other terrorist incident all over the Western world this past few days, but it seems as the usual meme of ‘lone wolf’ mental health issues has become so overused its laughable they have switched to ‘intoxicated’ or drunk driver. Can we trust the media to ever report the truth any more?
BBC “Call The Midwife” goes Islamophile, on FGM
Yes the Al BBC Triple Whammy Sunday gets worse
1/. One of the worst pieces of Islamophile Apologist claptrap even by BBC
standards on TBQs “Islam means Peace”, Apostasy Law? wot dat? etc
2/. Songs of Muslim Praise
2/. Call The Midwife FGM nothing to do with Islam
“Cases of female genital mutilation are skyrocketing in England not because English women are deciding that they wish to be mutilated.
FGM is skyrocketing because the Muslim population is skyrocketing, and since it continues to do so,
FGM is not going to be stopped in Britain. Instead, it will increasingly become the norm.
An NSPCC spokesman said: “FGM or female circumcision is usually carried out for religious, cultural or social reasons. But let’s be clear – it is child abuse and it causes long-lasting physical and emotional damage. The practice must stop.” But it won’t, because stopping it would be “Islamophobic.” Here’s why:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3
An NSPCC spokesman said:
“The Chelsea hooligans smashed the hell out of the West Ham fan for cultural or social reasons.”
…That make it OK ?
BBC – FGM victims need medical attention ‘every hour’ says charity
Al BBC is lying again, promoting Islamic Taqiya as if factual and correct
(even the most cursory glance at google exposes them over all those points raised).
TBQs “Islam means Peace”, Apostasy Law wot dat?, Gay/Lesbian attacks? we re out organising, out protesting, FGM OK 😀 NTDWI
You have to check out Panto literally wetting his knickers over Chris De Bellaigue s new book.
Songs of Praise? Why doesn t the new Hd of Religion just cut the pretence and have the “call to prayer” instead
“Islam means Peace”
Yes, the peace of the grave.
Make that a quadruple, presentation of the News at Ten as well…
I endured Call The Midwife as Mrs Mole loves it. The only part I like is seeing the old cars…
The worst aspect of the FGM part of the programme was when an older (wiser?) midwife patiently explained to the naive young midwives, appalled by the sight of a cut Somali woman, that not long ago, such things were done in Britain. Perhaps the message is that these ignorant savages are really no different from us, they just need a few generations of enlightenment in dear old Blighty to set them straight.
It was interesting to see that the writers chose not to completely spin the blame for this abhorrence on the English or even on men. It ended with the cut woman almost proudly claiming it was her duty to be cut to make her an acceptable bride, this as she watched her husband take their pre-pubescent daughter back to Somaliland for the “operation”.
The television in the Wetherspoons this morning was on The Big Questions which was asking Are We Unfair to Islam or something similar. Luckily it was on mute – no doubt it was all about people’s terrible intolerance of a perfect religion. I then put Five Live on around half eleven and they are discussing transgender children. Their investigation into transgender children is also part of news bulletins. I have now put Five Live on and they are discussing diversity at the Oscars! Talk about overkill. If they are fair and impartial I am a banana.
Five Live has increasingly become unlistenable. Whenever the discussion turns to islam, diversity, racism, transgenderism etc etc etc I switch over to Talk Sport. Even the Wickes adverts are worth it not to have to listen to Five Live’s pathetic virtue signalling.
SE GB tonight on the Beeb during a card game scene ‘I guess the SS are trumps’. It’s getting worse and call the midwife was an Islam lecture
I don’t watch “Call the Midwife”, but I know that the original series were based on books by a lady who wrote about her real experiences in the East End in the 1950s. The BBC have run out of her material, so what they are showing now is fantasy stuff written by someone in 2017, imagining the 1960s through the filter of 21st century political correctness.
I had always thought that the appeal of “Call the Midwife” was that it documented the hard lives of ordinary white working class people in the East End of London. Those people have now gone. Their way of life has gone. All that is left are the memories of people who were there.
If the right-on BBC hive is moving the programme into the 1960s, and the beginning of the displacement of the white working class from the East End, and their population replacement by Bangladeshi and Somali muslims, then I would imagine that viewing figures will plunge.
Luckily for the BBC, because they funded by the threat of prison, viewing figures are only for the little people. The only thing which matters is the amount of virtue signalling in a programme. It is called the Top Gear Paradox.
The BBC are running with a story about how many crimes are being committed against Germany’s migrants, tomorrow why don’t they run a story telling how many crimes in Germany are being committed by migrants?
I guess that doesn’t fit into their “impartial” narrative.
10pm news both ITV and BBC doing more thatn 5 mins on t’oscars.
It’s pure PR ..like it’s a advert to promote them and sneer at Trump
It only becomes NEWS afterwards when the results are announced.
Only last year the Oscare were ripped apart for being too white and racist Now they have the gall to call Trump racist.What short memories these preening prima donnas have .
Any winners this year should be asking themselves did they win for their acting ability.Not that I’m remotely interested in the whole luvvie back slapping jamboree. Just the title La La land puts me off.
Cheer up Deborah – These annual Virtue Signalling and Hypocrisy awards have descended into a well deserved farce when the “wrong” film was announced as the winner! and then after all the luvvies had come up done their crying and thanking bit aparently they were told they had not actually won anything and the Oscar for best picture had to be re-awarded again. (cant tell you who won as I have no interest in it!
Ha ha ha! (lots of ha ha ha s at the moment!)
I am starting to think that President Trump has a guardian angel.
He mentions Sweden in his press conference, and the leftist media sneer at him for his ignorance. Within days, “Little Mogadishu” in Sweden is in flames.
In the Oscars, the luvvies were all lined up for their left wing virtue fest, a no-mark called Jimmy Kimmel was making all his right-on jokes at the President’s expense, and then it turns out they cannot even open the right envelope. The Oscars descend into absolute farce.
Apparently, the President is wrong about everything, according to people who cannot be trusted to open an envelope and read a name out.
I think The Donald had a good night!
The BBC really is in a parallel universe of its own news. Riots?, Rapes??, No Go Areas???
Germany Nothing to see
Paris Nothing to see
Sweden Nothing to see
and yet! here s the news
Ten attacks a day on Germany migrants
It would appear that the attack with the pick up truck on mardi gras party goes in New Orleans by a man called Neilson Rizzuto is not all the press / police are presenting it as.
Yet again we find his facebook page blocked, but I am told by people who can access the cached pages that Rizzuto is another convert to the RoP.
Not that anyone is telling you that of course, and they probably won’t what with the President likely to be proved right yet again.