Nigel is usually pretty good at predicting EU events.
“What happened in 2016 is the beginning of a great global revolution,” he said, before predicting a similar situation to the Brexit decision arising in the Netherlands, France and Germany.”
TBQ – As usual in such debates the defenders of what’s left of western civilisation are unconvincing, lacking knowledge or courage, usually both, overly eager to meet the invaders half way, desperate not to seem islamophobic or racist. (With a few outstanding exceptions like Douglas Murray)
I’m reminded of Yeats’ The Second Coming:
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
(And it ends badly)
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Haven’t watched Call The Midwife since it became all diverse, namely after the series had exhausted the original book, but I thought I’d quickly skip through tonight’s episode after I’d seen the post above.
Take a look at approx 14.45 the acting is absolutely abysmal, its almost as if the actors/actresses can’t believe the sh1t they’re being asked to portray. The program content is shocking. Remembering that this is well before the watershed the subject will raise a lot of awkward questions of parents, not to mention the absolute lie (fake history) that the early 60’s was as diverse as this propaganda suggests.
Oscars ?
Who gives a SH-One-T ?
A bunch of actors that have never done a real day’s work in their life promoted by another bunch of actors who all come from the the same stable that think they are politicians.
I bet Trump is laughing at them living all in ‘La La land’.
Trump visits this site ? 😀
Is there anyone out there who thinks that Al Beeb is biased to the Right, or even dare I say it, ‘impartial’?
Over to you troll posters ……
Me ? I think that Al Beeb gives too much coverage to Trump and Farage.
😀 !
Horrific scenes from Paris and Nantes today on RT.
Le Pen barely able to get through to her party rally and so called “students”( think Islam calls them “Taliban”) setting fire to Paris for the sixteenth day in a row. Fillon says that Hollande is letting his goons on the Far Left do this, and he certainly is broken backed and unable to do anything.
So where the hell is the BBC then?
Er-bloody Trump not showing up to the Press Corps pig out in late April, and will Meryl Streep wear Gucci whilst reprising her Trump trash live on air?
Can`t wait…none of that sleep business eh?
The BBC are way beyond belief.
Since when did France turn into Beirut or Managua?
And why no peep from the fetid BBC?
And how long before these “students”(have you SEEN then?) start to take American hostages and pretend to be Iran again?
Really creepy-but poor Lily Allen eh?
taff – Beeb will run the French riots eventually, as soon as they can frame it as anti Le Pen, therefore the far right’s fault. They’re working on it now.
There’s little doubt about Marine Le Penn being a classic Fascist. Her policies on the economy are about as barking as Corbyns’ and the only real difference between her and Hollande are the targets of their hate. Plus of course the EU which might be accounted for in the above.
“Horrific scenes from Paris….”
All in a European city not 214 miles from London………….
The BBC? nowhere to be seen as days and days of rioting by Muslims and Africans is not newsworthy.
Coming to a town or city near you shortly.
It would appear that the attack with the pick up truck on mardi gras party goes in New Orleans by a man called Neilson Rizzuto is not all the press / police are presenting it as.
Yet again we find his facebook page blocked, but I am told by people who can access the cached pages that Rizzuto is another convert to the RoP.
Not that anyone is telling you that of course, and they probably won’t what with the President likely to be proved right yet again.
And here too
I’ve been doing a few quick sums cross referencing the stats from both articles and they don’t add up.
May should watch a bit of Fox News. You never know – she might even learn something.
We know she knows Trump is President because she met him! I wonder if anything has permeated or does she see herself as above such ‘vulgarity’? If the latter I guess I’ll just sit in my house, in my country, while she presides over and facilitates this, once great, nation’s dissolution at the hand of immigrants bolstered by a sick and twisted mainstream media.
Farewell Gerald Kaufman then. Useless poltroon and fop who will surely be exposed as something a bit offish very soon.
But sod that-come on UKIP-another chance to get it right.
Hoping that they`ll start to keep a health check on the Remoaners and Remainiacs and try to shout “boo” in the letter boxes to get them gone.
I say this because UKIP will only win when they WANT to as much as the Lefties seek power and seats in Westminger.
Come on UKIP-LOOK and ACT like you`re the Nasty Party that Trump would approve of.
Or else banks will pull the plug and you`ll end us a kitty litter for Anna Soubry.
Cox is gone-Kaufman gives us another chance to run a candidate-only one who has
a) paid his subs
b) not hit anybody
c) not given a nazi salute on twitter
d) not made up crap about his life story and left it up online for five years
e) put his papers in
f) lives in a place where a creep like Crick gets a battering if he sniffs around the littler bin nearby.
Not too much to ask is it?
Kaufmans death has given us a lifeline
a) Get rid of the BBC
b) Brexit NOW-and as hard as possible
c) Get rid of Bercow
d) Get Vaz up on trial
e) Check Heseltine is going to pay his death duties
f) Grammar schools in every town
g) Sod Jo Cox day-but a day off for Nigels Independence Day!
This is the manifesto-keep it simple and viscious so the BBC HATE you-then you`ll storm it!
Sod off Gerald-keep a crypt warm for Corbyn and Skinner-and let UKIP sort the mess.
In every single section of the BBC website there is an anti-Trump story. If one only got the news from the BBC then one would think that Donald Trump was the worst and most evil thing in the world.
Self-regulating BBC to investigate it’s own Capita attack dogs…
With no sense of irony, the BBC has announced it is to investigate Capita, the company employed to collect the Television Poll Tax (aka ‘the Licence fee’). Regular readers will not be surprised to hear that Capita – widely known as ‘Crapita’ in the services industry – has been accused of being somewhat aggressive in its tactics.
But there is a very curious detail in the BBC’s own report of this ( On not one, but two occasions, it states “The maximum penalty for watching BBC channels or iPlayer without a licence is £1,000”. Now, that’s not right is it? The TV Licencing website states that the poll tax is payable if any live television (or iPlayer) is watched i.e. even if you just watch, say ITV or Sky and never look at the BBC filth, you’ve still got to stump up. Something smells decidedly fishy…
Isn’t BBC funding confusing? The government’s response to the petition calling for the licence fee to be scrapped said the LF is paid in order to watch real-time broadcasts not to fund the BBC. If that is the case, why the close BBC involvement in the collection of the LF and the company providing the muscle to carry out the extortion?
The devil is in the detail. A close examination of the changes to the regulations made last year may well suggest that the so-called ‘licence fee’ is actually exclusively for the funding of the BBC and is not required for watching other broadcasters. This is explicitly stated to be the case for the use of iPlayer, as other catch-up and streaming services do not require a licence, and by implication may have relevance to regular broadcasting. The opinion of a legal expert and a challenge in the courts would be very welcome.
Presumably this unbelievable balls-up will have the effect of taking attention away from those tedious luvvies wishing to bore us all with their political gripes. This morning they’ll all be weeping into their granolas.
“I wanna thank my parents, all seven of them, my dog, (sob), my agent and his friend, my friends (sob), my sisters, my other parents, all eight of them (sob, snot), my director and his special friend, and everyone else who knows me, (soooooob)”!
Voice off: – Cheer up Steph, you’re supposed to be the ‘business editor’…
No, not our BBC reporters’ shared take on the first month of the Trump Presidency – this was the much vaunted Oscars show.
Ha Ha Land seems to have been the winner once the dust settled. No, really it was the one about ‘the young gay black man growing up in Miami’ – I’ll make a point of missing that. Our BBC red carpet/red sofa jockeys were doing their bestest this morning to ‘run defense’ (as the Americans might say) some tosh about opening the wrong envelope. No longer the golden envelope chaps – in these diverse days it has to be the pink/black/brown one.
I guess it’s just as well the luvvies don’t have their fingers on the nuclear button or the airport security vetting – oh wait, I think the BBC thinks that’s exactly the job they should have judging by our BBC London’s Asad Ahmad approving take on the Trafalga Square Iranian themed anti-Oscars staged yesterday.
BBC Today programme, just before the weather at 0657 this morning: a “news” item that was designed to achieve two things – 1. continuing to mock Pres. Trump for his reference to Sweden and 2. to reinforce all similar previous broadcasts on this subject in convincing the listener that things are quite normal in Sweden – there are no rapes, no rioting, no crime almost. The added joke line is that any issues are really down to, wait for it, “socio-economic” factors. There, you have it in a nutshell brought to you via some patsy so-called, “Professor” from some uni in Sweden declaring that although migrants have now reached 17% of the population (and still rising), there is no connection.
Take it from me, all the following are ‘fake news’……..Take your pick.
G – and it was the throw-away comment from the Beeboid that lets the cat out of the bag regarding ‘fake news’ at the BBC, when she slid in a comment along the lines of ‘the event in Sweden talked about by Mr Trump that never took place’. Now, the BBC and all of its alt-left commentators know full well that this is untrue, but they still keep bringing it up. Of course, when Mr Obama or Ms Clinton did that, then they had ‘mis-spoken’, and their original comment was never raised again by the BBC. Different treatment for an ‘enemy of the BBC’.
For the BBC, it would appear that, if they keep saying something often enough, then it will become true…so they cannot therefore be guilty of spreading ‘fake news’.
I think there is no mix up at all, it’s all a fake news conspiracy. The academy have converted Jon Snow’s swing-ometer into a divers-o-meter and when the oscars got too white they decided to take control and give the award to some non-white fellows.
PS. Did you see Meryl Streep shying away (but not too much) from the media glare in her dollar-making dress? It’s liberal hypocrisy at its worst. What affinity can these champagne-sipping luvies possibly claim to refugees etc.
Slowly but surely, little by little, the internet replaces the regular media by informing the visitor/researcher of relevant news those co-conspirators who have remained hidden over the years would not wish to become public knowledge. Here’s one such piece of information that merely identifies the UN for what it is –
According to a beebblurb, Start the Week R4 is going to be mulling over how contrary to universal love walls, fences and other impedimenta are. While Trump’s wall is just talk at the momemt, the powers that be in Thuringia constructed 5 km of anti-lorry barriers for Sunday’s Fasching jollities. A bit of a volte-face when the usual suspects in Germany were claiming for months that walls were counterproductive or ineffective in the 21st century.
Just heard it.
Pro EU( Ireland apparently a good example of a border we deserve if we insist on sticking with Brexit)
Pro Palestine/anti-Israel( but at least Banksy brightens it up)
Trump( yes Obama and Clinton HAD a wall-but they never called it so, so that`s OK-and where with Brownsville get its guns and drugs from NOW if her psersist in his campaign promise to build that beautiful wall)
Scotland and Hadrian( well that`s history, you` like this Kirsty!)
So there you are-Brexit, Trump and Israel in a fey 45 minutes with big words and books to plug.
Why do we fund this BBC Bookclub nonsense when the targets are the same all through their days?
Ah well-let Banksy paint a bit of that wall and the BBC will learn to like it I expect.
It got even better. Whilst still defending the embarrassing gaffe at the oscars, on This Morning, we were sent over to Hollywood for a live scoop from our gallant Beeb reporter.
Whilst interviewing some black actor from the pc correct winning movie, Naomi Harris came sweeping past. Realising that somebody the audience back home actually recognises would be a better catch the ignorant reporter abandoned the interview and called out “Naomi,”. Expecting her to stop in her tracks he watched as she drifted past. Anyway as he continued with the interview the ignorant bastard kept looking out for her in the belief she would come scuttling back. No such luck. Again he called out “Naomi, Naomi, its the BBC live” hoping this would bring her back. His expression was priceless as she disappeared into the distance.
Sounds like the scene when Alan Partridge is calling out to his new friend Dan
Wasn’t it last years Oscars where the BBC were shouting out that the Oscars is racist as there were no black actors. Now this year those behind the scenes have made sure the 2 supporting actor/actress awards were black – surely that is even more racist, in the eyes of the BBC, as that shows the blacks are always 2nd place to white skin people?!?
First thing I heard waking up to BBC Radio 4 was “…the first Muslim actor has won an Oscar…”. Classic BBC where the religion is important to ram down our throats when its a positive RoPer story but that same religion never gets a mention if its behind terrorism, riots, rape etc.
Award for Best Acting goes to Emma Stone who, through gritted teeth and forced smile, pretends to be delighted Moonlight won, “we’re so excited for Moonlight… one of the best films of all time… bla bla” Translation: We’re SO pissed off we want to murder them.
I don’t see anything on the horizon, or even beyond, that is going to get me into a cinema. Sermons about disadvantaged minorities? No thanks, had enough of those on the BBC. Got more important things to think about – like whether I need to order an extra pint of milk tomorrow, that sort of thing.
Only reminds me not to let Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson take the reins when we run our whist drive or school sports day awards in June.
At least with Charlton Heston and john Wayne-these things actually RAN properly.
I rest my case.
The other trouble with the Beeb, is that they hardly ever show any older good films any more.
Reading that Speccie article made me realise that I knew none of the names mentioned, and definitely hadn’t watched any of the films, or whatever they’re called these days! (Aren’t they called ‘streams’ or something)?
We have a Kino cinema near here, and the last film we saw was ‘Wilhemina’, but I haven’t a clue if it won anything – except about £14 for Mrs Scroblene and me…
Having wasted a couple of hours watching LaLa Land, I’m staggered Emma Stone won Best Actress, but given the shallow pool of talent in Hollywood these days, my Border Terrier could grin on screen and be given an award for it !
LaLa Land is one of those things that certain people spontaneously select as “cool” for no substantial reason. Lasts about five minutes. A bit like those books that come along from time to time – cool to be seen reading, and discussing in a vapid sort of way at dinner parties. I don’t generally like to bring class into everything, but this is definitely a middle class thing.
Harmless I suppose but, as I said, vapid, and philistine. Many years ago I went out with a lady who announced that she only read “the classics”. Maybe it was the way she said it but I thought at the time that it sounded pretentious, and perhaps it was, but maybe she had a point. Not very different from my own taste in music, if I’m honest, although preferring classical music impresses nobody in the UK, middle class or otherwise.
One of the problems with liking classical music is that R3 keeps putting on the same boring records. Classic FM isn’t much better, but I’d love to know what’s going to be on so I can avoid stuff I know I won’t want to listen to!
Did listen to I Puritani on R3 last Saturday. The only foreboding I had was that some avant-garde director would have turned it into “I Bexitieri”. The English Civil War would be an excellent backdrop for the “we are divided by politics, brother has fought brother, and we need healing” whining and snivelling being pushed by the BBC.
The Oscars?
But it`ll hurt the luvvies and the BBC who`d have already windowed in half an hour to have `em all shafting Trump in turn.
Oh dear. Thank God THEY`RE not building the wall!
Or else they`d give the plans to Islamic State and the Southern Poverty Action Group so they could breach it, get lawyers to stash the narcotics and guns, and get CNN and the BBC to find the one mum wailing with her seven kids.
The Oscars?
Turns out to be Miss TransWorld but without the charming banter of David Vine and Bob Hope.
Should have stumped for Trump to organise it properly-his track record on delivering these “Lovely Girls Contests” in Russia got some publicity recently…and Putin seemed to like them!
Rubber sheets for the luvvies, incontinence pads and damp meters for their handlers and agents…works for me!
Bet Trump swapped the envelopes-the guy`s a master!
Fake News?…not these days, makes more sense than anything coming out of the Blob.
Which is rather cloudy, yellowish and smells these days in their Post Trump Sanitary Diapers (PTSD for the chattering classes), Lots of leaks eh?
Desperate beeboid reporter in Hollywood, to Naomi Harris: “Naomi, Naomi, BBC…”
She completely ignores him.
So, a bit like Trump then.
Are the beeb losing their magic? Let us hope so.
No mention by the beeb this morning of anything on the don just the virtue signalling balls up at the oscars. They were so determined to have a black winner this year it was obvious to a blind man. The way the guy ripped the card out of the envelope at the end to show us moonlight was the winner was done with so much venom it was laughable. I hope they enjoy their diversity virtue signalling but the grenade inscribed ‘ we dont give a shit’ well and truly blew up in their faces. Just glorious. And just to add Jimmy kimmel is another right on self righteous lefty who deserves a good slap and streep is a hypocritical idiot.
I have no idea who most of these people at the Oscars are! All falling over each other in an endless self-congratulatory group hug. Why does this need so much news coverage BBC? I don’t appreciate being lectured about human rights over breakfast by an Iranian bird on an entertainment platform either! These people [whoever they are] are irrelevant to me.
I remember the days when Oscar was so much more refined – and glamorous. No posturing where the dress became more important than the event, and certainly no playground hugs on the stage by everyone involved. Like you (and, I suspect most of the world population watching) I have no idea who they are !!!
The interviewing was more sophisticated, unlike now where like fish wives shrieking in the street the reporters thinking yelling out a name will get them a quote. Just like those in front of No.10 – embarrassing and cringeworthy.
“I remember the days when Oscar was so much more refined – and glamorous.”
Exactly, Brissles. 99% of movies were made to entertain, not to encourage mass suicide.
I don’t think the pedestals have ever been entirely deserved though, with one or two exceptions. Film stars’ families have always had a strong tendency to be broken, dysfunctional, have criminal connections, or have just been downright twisted. I’m thinking of Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra etc. And I wouldn’t have wanted my daughter to date Charlie Chaplin. Still, at least they didn’t lecture their fans.
We need to keep a sense of proportion with celebrities. Satire used to help but it seems to have more or less disappeared.
Luckily, we missed all the Oscar thing, as a) we hardly ever go to the pictures, except to see a film recommended by at least three friends, and b) because we know just about nobody who might qualify for a prize, or whatever they get.
I’m sure President Trump was doing some hard work on keeping the US safe, and not bothering with the thing either, so we have more in common with him than some third-rate actress!
Think we`re building a “Ten Biggest Cockups” live on TV kinda thing for Stuart Maconie and Katie Pukrick to talk about now.
And-great though last nights events will turn out to be-there`s not quite the moment and jaw-dropping pants wetting aspect that-I`m sure you`ll agree-only history and distance provides.
So-can I nominate Madonnas Garrotting at the Brits a few years back? Why so?
Because we all saw it live-but Ant and Dec certainly didn`t. Because the whole incident got NO mention until we on the internet rechecked and saw that-yes-we had NOT been dreaming, But Ant and Dec, all those edgy brave rebels shafting the Royals etc?…well, no who the HELL is going to risk their career by being the first to mention it. Like a fart in a spacesuit-but no smell here, looks a bit misty on the visor I grant you though!
Live TV-online-and THEN the likes of Frankie Boyle find their courage. Fuck em.
AS for Fleetwood and Fox at the Brits in 1989?
Well….means little now, it was a simpler age-but I`ve got an hour to run so it may take some time seeing as its “archive iconic status now”…like PJ Proby splitting his trousers in Wolverhampton in 1965.
9pm BBC1 Crimewatch Special about Child Abuse. (Jeremy Vine)
It will feature talk of historic buse, abuse by football trainers.
I expect as usual there will be some things they forget to report.
The one name they won’t mention is Savile of course!
On a brighter note, there’s a lovely scene in an old TV series called ‘Turtle’s progress’, when Razor Eddie and Turtle sit down to watch Shaw Taylor’s crime programme, and knowing who did every crime mentioned!
That was proper classic comedy from the seventies, and well worth buying on DVD!
8:30pm BBC1 Panorama : Immigrant town Slough
Ten years ago, Panorama’s Richard Bilton reported on how Slough was struggling to cope with its migrant population. Now he’s back. He finds a town with a booming economy and new families arriving every day. However, now white British people are abandoning Slough, and some foreign workers say the dream is over.
The “dream’ for them might be over; however for many Britons the nightmare created by immigration into their country, about which they were never either asked or consulted, continues and worsens.
Much agonising on bibistan about abuse of children sent to Australia.
Mmm, child abuse on an industrial scale… Didn’t something like that happen closer to home and more recently? How about an inquiry into that, with wall to wall coverage by bibistan?
7:30pm BBC1 LONDON area
“In an Inside Out special, reporter Chris Rogers uncovers the shocking stories behind some of the thousands of women from the Indian subcontinent (Do they mean Pak/Bangla ?) who are abandoned by their British husbands.
Some break their silence to reveal how they have been subjected to abuse, domestic slavery and financial exploitation, and have ended up being shunned by their own communities.”
4:30pm R4 : Pakistan : To what extent are the blasphemy laws, adultery punishments and honour killings religious?
And how is the cultural and religious patriarchy of the country being challenged today?
8:30pm R4 Age and Voting
Does age make us become more right wing? Have the main political parties alienated their core vote? And was does this mean for democracy?
Just seen the “disaster”-the “crisis” the “tragedy” of all that happened with the Warren Beatty/Faye Dunaway “catastrophe”…all live on telly with the Oscars “debacle” and “omnishambles”.
Of course, I`m being “temperate and moderate” here, calling for a “time of pause and reflection” whilst we all “consider our options at this point in going forward”,
But this is a race riot in the making-the white film blatantly discriminated against by an affirmative action scheme of a black one.
Did Rodney King suffer in vain?
Or should the whites of Watts rise up at this provocation to their proud heritage?
Just asking…and I myself do not hype up shit for an instant reflex reaction as you see. Nor do I advocate a violent reaction to my shit, but might yet “send a message” that I`m a posturing lefty twat with an agenda and a public sector berth to spout.
But wars have started on less…could make a film about this savage injustice I s`pose!
Let`s make Spike Lee check his privilege as we boycott his crap-and let`s back the useless worthless and pointless crock of crap that is La La Land, because-well it sends a message innit?
From now on in-we `re all La La now!
Note how the BBC have been pushing the Donald Trump is mental line for a while. Perhaps they are being kept informed of plots over the pond to invoke the 25th Amendment.
I have been sitting on this for a while. But the US forces have 15,500 transgenders and their needs are being cared for. In the very near future TGs will be openly recruited. The idea is to repeat what the US forces did for Gays. Sort of progressive like.
MILITARY MEDICINE, 181, 3:193, 2016
Ethics and Transgender Service Members,
Dependents, and Retirees
Edmund Howe, MD, JD
It is estimated that the military currently has approximately
15,500 transgender service members.1 It has indicated it will
soon be accepting openly transgendered members, as it
accepted homosexual members a few years ago. This policy
change will pose new ethical challenges for service members,
military families, clinicians, and policy makers.
This column will discuss several of these ethical challenges
The source is impeccable. This is not BBC journalism, it is an official US military source, and it bothers me.
From the concluding section
As the military changes its policies and accepts transgendered
members, numerous specific practices will have to be
considered. These include how and with whom these members
should shower, which bathrooms they can use, their requirements
for physical training tests, and whether they should
have time off for sex change medical procedures.
Ultimately, for transgender persons to be accepted and
function as productive service members it will be vital that
they be accepted for their skills and abilities, not their gender.
The military has unique capacities to set the highest moral
standards for its members—as well as for the rest of our society.
The equality the military has achieved for members of different
races and ethnicities is an example of that. The military
can and should achieve this too for all transgendered persons.
My understanding is that hormones in the water supply are far more effective in soft water areas such as Thames water area, than in hard water areas such as Yorkshire water area. So if you can find any studies showing transgender and homosexuality is far more common in soft water areas. That would explain why we Yorkshire folk are far more normal than southerners.
I’m not sure I could believe Yorkie water is any harder than it is in Kent. Fake News! 😉 You’ve heard of the white cliffs of Dover no doubt but have you ever seen them in your kettle?
Thames Water, Richard, is not soft water. Its tap water has actually outdone various UK produced, bottled, mineral waters in tests for minerals & topped them on cleanliness, too. This is because some of the supply comes from natural springs and aquifers.
It is not totally comprised of recycled wee from further west in England!
Context : 15,500 transgenders 1.46 Million
“There are a total of 1.46 Million active personnel in the US military”
15.5 in 1,460 that’s 1% transgender
That’s pretty high considering there are only 3% gays in general population and transgender is a fraction of that.
(“There are 21.8 million veterans of the U.S. armed forces as of 2014, according the Census Bureau”)
Now on R5 Mosque child abuse
Is it the “report once and then bury” MO ?
(This interviewees abuse happened 30 years ago
Eventually her abuser was prosecuted and sentenced to 11 half years, he just used his Bangladesh passport and fled there)
Pedant alert! Just to prove that you can’t believe everything you see on the BBC I’ve had two ‘Routemaster’ moments whilst watching SS-GB which I’ve decided to continue with despite the abysmal sound quality.
Last week they had a Spitfire IX parked up on The Mall in November 1941 (the Mark IX entered RAF service in June 1942) and in Part 2 one scene took place in a Hardened Aircraft Shelter which probably would have been built in the 1980s. It will be interesting to see how they can mess up the next one.
Sorry to go back to the Oscars.
But-like the gaggle crap and the boycotting of the hacks trough fest by Trump that they`ve all been bellyaching over since Friday-there`s something big in this for me.
I mean-once a year, all that time and money, rehearsals and camera angles?
And for only three minutes or so -one fatuous airhead seems unable to be able to give another costly airhead the correct envelope.Even when gold coloured and bigger that the Post Office template that means you pay more when posted.
No-Sprint, DPL or GPO-these people are NOT. Bloody hell-even Consignia would have made less mess!
And THESE are the people who want to man the borders. to decide on who comes and who doesn`t?
Maybe they should have tied the envelopes to their mittens instead of declaiming on Trump-who at least WOULD deliver the correct envelope to the correct recipient on a more than once-annual basis. But will the BBC make a joke about it?
Hope Wayne Shaw will give out the Ginster Pastie lifetime achievement awards for Sports Personality Of the Year-he`s already won it!
Most kind Up 2 Snuff.
Lots of fun stateside thanks to the glorious Tucker etc.
THIS was agreat idea-funnily enough, never heard it as a suggestion to “enrich” the refugees in Hollywood.
Just seen the next topic on Sky News – “Will Brexit damage the environment?”. No comment needed – the off switch was the best antidote to rising blood pressure!
The relentless anti-Brexit narrative from the BBC, Sky and others is a scandal, as we all know. It’s a sad observation for me to make on this that you can be sure that even after we have left the EU they will still not let go; their campaigning will continue. Everything that goes wrong after that will be put down to the claim that we cannot manage on our own and Brexit is thus being proved a disaster.
Maybe there was a genuine mix-up at the Academy awards, I think there probably was. However, the sudden explosion of BAME actors and films being nominated, and winning, shows just how much pressure the lib-elites are able to bring to bear upon the Academy.
And so, to the bBBC Breakfast Sofa this morning 08:39. The generous and even handed bBBC have good words to say about Broadchurch, an ITV who-dunnit drama. They wheel on an actress to gush about it and her delight to appear in it. The conversation moves yawningly and predictably to the Academy mix-up. The actress, Julie Hesmondhalgh (who? I hear you ask) says she heard Canadian-American singer Rufus Wankwright on radio this morning, and he had said ‘Aaaah, I wish this is what would happen at the election’, she thought it was a brilliant comment…cue laughs and sniggers around the sofa…how fucking hilarious. Another dig at Mr Trumps presidency smuggled in under the cloak of entertainment. Oh, by the way, Julie Hesmondhalgh just happens to be a Labour Party member and campaigner for our Jeremy Corbyn to be leader, this is not mentioned by our impartial bBBC, of course.
Also starring mr nostrils himself the sanctimonious with a god complex David Tennant and a labour luvvie to boot. Along with the corbynista corrie actress and nostrils whats not to love. No wonder the beeb love it. Never watched broadchurch as i think tennant is an atrocious actor but then thats just me.
” Hush hush BBC, say no more, say no more.” Jurgen Kantner a German tourist was beheaded by the Islamic terrorist group Abu Saylaf in the Philippines. Let’s see if the BBC mention it
on the news or on their website. We don’t want anybody that works at the BBC to be offended
by reporting this atrocity!
I watched an old recorded film last night. The acting was pretty pathetic but the story line/plot intrigued me. It was described as a 1980’s horror and called, ‘They Live’. I had not seen it before but I endured to the bitter end following which, I pondered upon what I had just watched. I occurred to me that the solution to our current distinguishable almost dichotomy of views on World events could be solved if, indeed, there was such a simple solution as portrayed in the film.
We see or hear the leftie/liberal multiculti people daily spouting their incomprehensible bile and lies yet to all intents and purposes, they actually look, well, a bit like thee and I: ‘normal’ but clearly and logically, they aren’t. In fact, they are carrying some form of disease the symptoms of which are only exposed through their actions or speech. In the film, the lead actor’s vision is changed by simply donning a pair of special sunglasses. That act transformed the world viewed by exposing the fact that many of the people were hostile aliens who had been here for a long while. It was impossible to distinguish them without these sunglasses……
I’m just logging in to ebay to see if I can get a pair.
I looked this up. I’m not a movie buff but I see it was directed by John Carpenter, who I’ve actually heard of.
If you don’t find the specs on ebay, just assume that anyone on the BBC is an alien, and anyone totally excluded (eg Mark Steyn, Pat Condell) is a real life Ellen Ripley. You won’t go far wrong.
I’ve often wondered if the old British Sc-Fi classic The Village Of The Damned is somehow relevant today. It would seem that since say 1970 a large majority of our fertile females have been inseminated by some alien force and created weird offspring with weird ideas and attractions intent on destroying us….
My understanding is that hormones in the water supply are far more effective in soft water areas such as Thames water area, than in hard water areas such as Yorkshire water area. So if you can find any studies showing abnormal Remainer disease is far more common in soft water areas. That would explain why we Yorkshire folk are far more normal Brexiteers than southerners.
So, Emir Khan stages his little anti-Trump protest by showing some Iranian B movie in Trafalgar Square (I wonder who’s footing the bill?).
A few useless Slebs come and virtue signal for all they’re worth (not much).
The oh-so PC, metropolitan, metrosexual, metrocultural London Evening Standard are drooling all over it, natch, but here’s the interesting thing: In the ‘comments’ under the article, readers are far from cooing approvingly, in fact they sound like contributors to biasedbbc!! What’s going on? Is the worm turning? A selection below.
– Did not realise that so many stupid people could be in one place at the same time.
– Now Brits are calling Americans racist coz of wanting to screen out terrorists.
– Labour’s stunted stooge showing London’s solidarity with muslims and Iran, a country that hangs gays, flogs and stones women, and is run by religious headbangers.
Khan, the arrogant little gnome, must think he is our new Foreign Secretary.
– These virtue signalling little protests against a democratically elected President IN ANOTHER COUNTRY are beginning to look childish. Yeah we get it, everyone you don’t like is Hitler, anyone who voted Brexit is a xenophobe racist homophobe Islamophobe, and how dare they disagree with you! GROW UP.
– This man is a joke, along with all his ‘celebrity’ mates. The office he holds should be banned. He can then go back to his fun job of ‘so called’ human rights lawyer.
– were was this lot then Obama was Deporting More People Than Any Other President
– fake news
– Junketing in Davos one day, lecturing Scots the next… now indulging in fatuous ‘gesture politics’….. too bad he never seems particularly busy, or interested in, doing the job he was elected to do.
– The TRAVEL ban, which is in suspension, is not a ban on a particular group or religion (…) The persistent view that it’s discrimination against certain groups indicates that people, like the good people here, are reacting emotionally, but not paying attention. And that inattention, combined with a tendency to see other cultures through one prism, is the greatest danger of all.
– A few hundred folk turned out to watch a free movie and feel better about themselves. Trump must be devastated.
– There are far more pressing issues in the world than complaining about the president of an allied nation who we didn’t elect. If that’s your aim, start with Mugabe.
From the article… Mr Khan took to the stage and, after a few microphone issues which prevented him being heard, declared to loud cheers: “President Trump can’t silence me.”
Don`t tell them Tabs-but I rather sense that Donald will be MORE than happy to keep Sadiq singing.
As with Corbyn-he`s OUR choice of Labour leader in the sense that we United fans BEGGED Liverpool F.C to stick with Graeme Souness way back!
That looked like a barrel of laughs freezing there little arses off to look righteous. Khan needs taking down a few pegs. He was elected mayor not the foreign secretary. Whos paying for this twats political posturing. Dont even get me started on the idiots scam of a t charge.
I was being facetious. But , the Islamists are controlling London and many other towns in UK. They have not quite got their grip in Wales, Scotland or NI yet but the inevitable is coming. Fully supported by the elite British establishment. God knows why.
I got out to Gambia many years ago and the new Gambia today is more democratic than any country in Europe. Don’t want to sound smug, but if you can, get out. There is no way of turning the tide back .
Its infuriating getting on a bus and being surrounded by a babble of foreign accents, seeing a Muslim driver refuse to let a Woman on because she has a dog, still queuing at the bus stop despite the inevitable stampede from our recently arrived enrichers…
Argh I would love to live elsewhere but my family, job and home are in London…My Husband hails from Poplar and what has happened there is scandalous, the Muslims have a curfew for non Muslims (9.00 pm) the local Police are well aware of it, and nothing is done.
People (non Londoners or those who no longer live here) look at me as though I’m a liar when I mention it. But it’s happening right now.
Its more a question of outsiders being there after 9.00 (there are very few non Muslims living in that area now)
A Woman had a minor prang in her car with a Muslim man near Wapping High Street, and within minutes things turned ugly and a large crowd of Muslim men were on the scene, surrounding the woman in question, my Husband’s mate, whose sister runs a local pub (one of the few left in the area for obvious reasons), came out and ushered her inside.
When the Police arrived, one of the “Men” stated to the copper “We’ve told you, after nine O’clock no non Muslims” And the Policemen left.
The Publican was so shocked that she didn’t take the Police officers badge number, so it was basically brushed under the carpet.
She should have reported it as a hate crime, but this is happening all the time.
No one believes it, because it really is unbelievable.
I am really shocked by this and it takes a lot to shock me. I have lived in Turkey, Malaysia and in Gambia. I have travelled in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. And I am not talking 5-star Bob Geldof style. How can this be happening in the UK ?
I suppose its a gradual process that’s crept up on us. There are well documented examples of this sort of behaviour but everyone just shrugs their shoulders, because the establishment just don’t want to know.
As we are basically a law abiding society, and law doesn’t seem to care, most people have just given up.
Its profoundly depressing really.
I moved from “Greater” Southeast London about 4 years ago. I escaped to the other side of the M25. I still go back to my old town for work & I can tell you it has changed visibly. It’s looking more like Brixton lately. 20 years ago there were no headbags & it was a very English town. Far too much cultural enrichment now.
IMO, there was a short-lived sign of things to come when the EDL sprung up quite spontaneously in Luton as a reaction against the disgusting behaviour of the invaders. As usual, it was (mainly) working class youth that was prepared to do the heavy lifting. Middle class people looked down on them with disdain, like they always do until a threat becomes critical. The EDL’s reaction might have been crude, but it was heartfelt and direct. It was relentlessly supressed, as I’m sure many here will recall.
Before I actually started commenting here, I recall someone called hippypooter (or something) displaying a similar snotty reaction.
I suspect that many squaddies remember only too well that the EDL effectively sprung up in their defence.
Trying to get anywhere even at the weekends is useless, the pollution caused by the unused bike lanes, which mean cars are crammed into ever smaller spaces, to say nothing of the traffic problems, are enough to make you tear your hair out.
Still never mind here’s a crap film for you to virtue signal over.
Thought Labour and the Greens deliberately set out to force us into diesel cars. Was not the science settled when Gordon Brown and the EU gave diesel the blessing?
Diesel engines are more fuel efficient. The switch to diesel cars means less fuel sold, less fuel tax paid and less VAT collectted on the fuel tax. Government revenue from car drivers has fallen so now we have to be forced back to petrol. Particulates are suddenly more evil than CO2 – coming to a BBC propaganda channel all day and every day.
bBBC web site headline “Labour MP Gerald Kaufman dies at 86”.
No mention anywhere of a resulting new by-election, the rest of the news media do mention it.
I wonder what the bBBC is up to?
Probably worth a screen grab of that Kaufman obit on the BBC at the minute.
Sense it may well need revising before too long, given the Savile Precedents for rewriting their obsequious death guff.
BBC Website’s main headline ” How did the epic Oscars blunder happen ? “. How can the BBC expect to be taken seriously and why should people pay for this horse shit ?
… and have you seen the typesize of the banner headline on their news page? Quite apart from the BBC’s bias, they are becoming like the Daily Star now. All part of the same agenda of course. The dumbing down is designed to create an audience incapable of critical thought.
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People”
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
Nigel is usually pretty good at predicting EU events.
“What happened in 2016 is the beginning of a great global revolution,” he said, before predicting a similar situation to the Brexit decision arising in the Netherlands, France and Germany.”
If the EU/€ lasts that long!
TBQ – As usual in such debates the defenders of what’s left of western civilisation are unconvincing, lacking knowledge or courage, usually both, overly eager to meet the invaders half way, desperate not to seem islamophobic or racist. (With a few outstanding exceptions like Douglas Murray)
I’m reminded of Yeats’ The Second Coming:
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
(And it ends badly)
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Haven’t watched Call The Midwife since it became all diverse, namely after the series had exhausted the original book, but I thought I’d quickly skip through tonight’s episode after I’d seen the post above.
Take a look at approx 14.45 the acting is absolutely abysmal, its almost as if the actors/actresses can’t believe the sh1t they’re being asked to portray. The program content is shocking. Remembering that this is well before the watershed the subject will raise a lot of awkward questions of parents, not to mention the absolute lie (fake history) that the early 60’s was as diverse as this propaganda suggests.
Oscars ?
Who gives a SH-One-T ?
A bunch of actors that have never done a real day’s work in their life promoted by another bunch of actors who all come from the the same stable that think they are politicians.
I bet Trump is laughing at them living all in ‘La La land’.
Trump visits this site ? 😀
taffman, Oscars?
Trump visits this site ? ?
(OK, I’m just being daft but there is sod-all worth watching on telly!)
Captain America
Lucy Pevensey
“OK, I’m just being daft but there is sod-all worth watching on telly!”
I get more fun watching my goldfish bowl.
😀 !
Leg spinner, or off-breaks Taffman?
(Actually off-breaks are nearly joined up when anything comes on bBeeb,and as for spin, well, there you are)!
“…come from the the same stable…”.
or family?
Is there anyone out there who thinks that Al Beeb is biased to the Right, or even dare I say it, ‘impartial’?
Over to you troll posters ……
Me ? I think that Al Beeb gives too much coverage to Trump and Farage.
😀 !
Horrific scenes from Paris and Nantes today on RT.
Le Pen barely able to get through to her party rally and so called “students”( think Islam calls them “Taliban”) setting fire to Paris for the sixteenth day in a row. Fillon says that Hollande is letting his goons on the Far Left do this, and he certainly is broken backed and unable to do anything.
So where the hell is the BBC then?
Er-bloody Trump not showing up to the Press Corps pig out in late April, and will Meryl Streep wear Gucci whilst reprising her Trump trash live on air?
Can`t wait…none of that sleep business eh?
The BBC are way beyond belief.
Since when did France turn into Beirut or Managua?
And why no peep from the fetid BBC?
And how long before these “students”(have you SEEN then?) start to take American hostages and pretend to be Iran again?
Really creepy-but poor Lily Allen eh?
Tactically stupid by the left but then the left is now deranged so what do you expect.
“And why no peep…….
Censorship and media blackout in action.
taff – Beeb will run the French riots eventually, as soon as they can frame it as anti Le Pen, therefore the far right’s fault. They’re working on it now.
As per the Cox murder?
There’s little doubt about Marine Le Penn being a classic Fascist. Her policies on the economy are about as barking as Corbyns’ and the only real difference between her and Hollande are the targets of their hate. Plus of course the EU which might be accounted for in the above.
“Horrific scenes from Paris….”
All in a European city not 214 miles from London………….
The BBC? nowhere to be seen as days and days of rioting by Muslims and Africans is not newsworthy.
Coming to a town or city near you shortly.
It would appear that the attack with the pick up truck on mardi gras party goes in New Orleans by a man called Neilson Rizzuto is not all the press / police are presenting it as.
Yet again we find his facebook page blocked, but I am told by people who can access the cached pages that Rizzuto is another convert to the RoP.
Not that anyone is telling you that of course, and they probably won’t what with the President likely to be proved right yet again.
But the President will tweet it!
‘Look Out Look Out, the Bullies are out’ .
What is our Leader and our Tory MPs doing about it ?
Over to you Tory posters …..
And here too
I’ve been doing a few quick sums cross referencing the stats from both articles and they don’t add up.
May should watch a bit of Fox News. You never know – she might even learn something.
We know she knows Trump is President because she met him! I wonder if anything has permeated or does she see herself as above such ‘vulgarity’? If the latter I guess I’ll just sit in my house, in my country, while she presides over and facilitates this, once great, nation’s dissolution at the hand of immigrants bolstered by a sick and twisted mainstream media.
Farewell Gerald Kaufman then. Useless poltroon and fop who will surely be exposed as something a bit offish very soon.
But sod that-come on UKIP-another chance to get it right.
Hoping that they`ll start to keep a health check on the Remoaners and Remainiacs and try to shout “boo” in the letter boxes to get them gone.
I say this because UKIP will only win when they WANT to as much as the Lefties seek power and seats in Westminger.
Come on UKIP-LOOK and ACT like you`re the Nasty Party that Trump would approve of.
Or else banks will pull the plug and you`ll end us a kitty litter for Anna Soubry.
Cox is gone-Kaufman gives us another chance to run a candidate-only one who has
a) paid his subs
b) not hit anybody
c) not given a nazi salute on twitter
d) not made up crap about his life story and left it up online for five years
e) put his papers in
f) lives in a place where a creep like Crick gets a battering if he sniffs around the littler bin nearby.
Not too much to ask is it?
Kaufmans death has given us a lifeline
a) Get rid of the BBC
b) Brexit NOW-and as hard as possible
c) Get rid of Bercow
d) Get Vaz up on trial
e) Check Heseltine is going to pay his death duties
f) Grammar schools in every town
g) Sod Jo Cox day-but a day off for Nigels Independence Day!
This is the manifesto-keep it simple and viscious so the BBC HATE you-then you`ll storm it!
Sod off Gerald-keep a crypt warm for Corbyn and Skinner-and let UKIP sort the mess.
It is incredible that the odious Kaufman was still an MP at the date of his death. What kind of “democracy” is this ?
In every single section of the BBC website there is an anti-Trump story. If one only got the news from the BBC then one would think that Donald Trump was the worst and most evil thing in the world.
In the Asian – Indian section of their World News the BBC have the following headline: Donkeys and Trump.
Which links to the following crap:
Self-regulating BBC to investigate it’s own Capita attack dogs…
With no sense of irony, the BBC has announced it is to investigate Capita, the company employed to collect the Television Poll Tax (aka ‘the Licence fee’). Regular readers will not be surprised to hear that Capita – widely known as ‘Crapita’ in the services industry – has been accused of being somewhat aggressive in its tactics.
But there is a very curious detail in the BBC’s own report of this ( On not one, but two occasions, it states “The maximum penalty for watching BBC channels or iPlayer without a licence is £1,000”. Now, that’s not right is it? The TV Licencing website states that the poll tax is payable if any live television (or iPlayer) is watched i.e. even if you just watch, say ITV or Sky and never look at the BBC filth, you’ve still got to stump up. Something smells decidedly fishy…
Just mentioned crapita on breakfast. Sofa sloth emphasises it’s a PRIVATE company.
Isn’t BBC funding confusing? The government’s response to the petition calling for the licence fee to be scrapped said the LF is paid in order to watch real-time broadcasts not to fund the BBC. If that is the case, why the close BBC involvement in the collection of the LF and the company providing the muscle to carry out the extortion?
The devil is in the detail. A close examination of the changes to the regulations made last year may well suggest that the so-called ‘licence fee’ is actually exclusively for the funding of the BBC and is not required for watching other broadcasters. This is explicitly stated to be the case for the use of iPlayer, as other catch-up and streaming services do not require a licence, and by implication may have relevance to regular broadcasting. The opinion of a legal expert and a challenge in the courts would be very welcome.
BBc breakfast “top story” mix up at Oscars as Midnight wins
Looks like a pile of steaming poo I won’t be rushing out to watch it
Presumably this unbelievable balls-up will have the effect of taking attention away from those tedious luvvies wishing to bore us all with their political gripes. This morning they’ll all be weeping into their granolas.
“I wanna thank my parents, all seven of them, my dog, (sob), my agent and his friend, my friends (sob), my sisters, my other parents, all eight of them (sob, snot), my director and his special friend, and everyone else who knows me, (soooooob)”!
Voice off: – Cheer up Steph, you’re supposed to be the ‘business editor’…
Chaos Farce Fiasco
No, not our BBC reporters’ shared take on the first month of the Trump Presidency – this was the much vaunted Oscars show.
Ha Ha Land seems to have been the winner once the dust settled. No, really it was the one about ‘the young gay black man growing up in Miami’ – I’ll make a point of missing that. Our BBC red carpet/red sofa jockeys were doing their bestest this morning to ‘run defense’ (as the Americans might say) some tosh about opening the wrong envelope. No longer the golden envelope chaps – in these diverse days it has to be the pink/black/brown one.
I guess it’s just as well the luvvies don’t have their fingers on the nuclear button or the airport security vetting – oh wait, I think the BBC thinks that’s exactly the job they should have judging by our BBC London’s Asad Ahmad approving take on the Trafalga Square Iranian themed anti-Oscars staged yesterday.
BBC Today programme, just before the weather at 0657 this morning: a “news” item that was designed to achieve two things – 1. continuing to mock Pres. Trump for his reference to Sweden and 2. to reinforce all similar previous broadcasts on this subject in convincing the listener that things are quite normal in Sweden – there are no rapes, no rioting, no crime almost. The added joke line is that any issues are really down to, wait for it, “socio-economic” factors. There, you have it in a nutshell brought to you via some patsy so-called, “Professor” from some uni in Sweden declaring that although migrants have now reached 17% of the population (and still rising), there is no connection.
Take it from me, all the following are ‘fake news’……..Take your pick.
G – and it was the throw-away comment from the Beeboid that lets the cat out of the bag regarding ‘fake news’ at the BBC, when she slid in a comment along the lines of ‘the event in Sweden talked about by Mr Trump that never took place’. Now, the BBC and all of its alt-left commentators know full well that this is untrue, but they still keep bringing it up. Of course, when Mr Obama or Ms Clinton did that, then they had ‘mis-spoken’, and their original comment was never raised again by the BBC. Different treatment for an ‘enemy of the BBC’.
For the BBC, it would appear that, if they keep saying something often enough, then it will become true…so they cannot therefore be guilty of spreading ‘fake news’.
I think there is no mix up at all, it’s all a fake news conspiracy. The academy have converted Jon Snow’s swing-ometer into a divers-o-meter and when the oscars got too white they decided to take control and give the award to some non-white fellows.
PS. Did you see Meryl Streep shying away (but not too much) from the media glare in her dollar-making dress? It’s liberal hypocrisy at its worst. What affinity can these champagne-sipping luvies possibly claim to refugees etc.
Slowly but surely, little by little, the internet replaces the regular media by informing the visitor/researcher of relevant news those co-conspirators who have remained hidden over the years would not wish to become public knowledge. Here’s one such piece of information that merely identifies the UN for what it is –
According to a beebblurb, Start the Week R4 is going to be mulling over how contrary to universal love walls, fences and other impedimenta are. While Trump’s wall is just talk at the momemt, the powers that be in Thuringia constructed 5 km of anti-lorry barriers for Sunday’s Fasching jollities. A bit of a volte-face when the usual suspects in Germany were claiming for months that walls were counterproductive or ineffective in the 21st century.
Just heard it.
Pro EU( Ireland apparently a good example of a border we deserve if we insist on sticking with Brexit)
Pro Palestine/anti-Israel( but at least Banksy brightens it up)
Trump( yes Obama and Clinton HAD a wall-but they never called it so, so that`s OK-and where with Brownsville get its guns and drugs from NOW if her psersist in his campaign promise to build that beautiful wall)
Scotland and Hadrian( well that`s history, you` like this Kirsty!)
So there you are-Brexit, Trump and Israel in a fey 45 minutes with big words and books to plug.
Why do we fund this BBC Bookclub nonsense when the targets are the same all through their days?
Ah well-let Banksy paint a bit of that wall and the BBC will learn to like it I expect.
It got even better. Whilst still defending the embarrassing gaffe at the oscars, on This Morning, we were sent over to Hollywood for a live scoop from our gallant Beeb reporter.
Whilst interviewing some black actor from the pc correct winning movie, Naomi Harris came sweeping past. Realising that somebody the audience back home actually recognises would be a better catch the ignorant reporter abandoned the interview and called out “Naomi,”. Expecting her to stop in her tracks he watched as she drifted past. Anyway as he continued with the interview the ignorant bastard kept looking out for her in the belief she would come scuttling back. No such luck. Again he called out “Naomi, Naomi, its the BBC live” hoping this would bring her back. His expression was priceless as she disappeared into the distance.
Sounds like the scene when Alan Partridge is calling out to his new friend Dan
Wasn’t it last years Oscars where the BBC were shouting out that the Oscars is racist as there were no black actors. Now this year those behind the scenes have made sure the 2 supporting actor/actress awards were black – surely that is even more racist, in the eyes of the BBC, as that shows the blacks are always 2nd place to white skin people?!?
First thing I heard waking up to BBC Radio 4 was “…the first Muslim actor has won an Oscar…”. Classic BBC where the religion is important to ram down our throats when its a positive RoPer story but that same religion never gets a mention if its behind terrorism, riots, rape etc.
If you only got information from the BBC, you would think that Islam is the only religion in the world. They are quite deranged.
Award for Best Acting goes to Emma Stone who, through gritted teeth and forced smile, pretends to be delighted Moonlight won, “we’re so excited for Moonlight… one of the best films of all time… bla bla” Translation: We’re SO pissed off we want to murder them.
Luvvies, doncha luv ’em?
Toby Young sums up the freak show very well:
And the Oscar goes to…anyone provided they’re not white, heterosexual or male
I don’t see anything on the horizon, or even beyond, that is going to get me into a cinema. Sermons about disadvantaged minorities? No thanks, had enough of those on the BBC. Got more important things to think about – like whether I need to order an extra pint of milk tomorrow, that sort of thing.
Only reminds me not to let Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson take the reins when we run our whist drive or school sports day awards in June.
At least with Charlton Heston and john Wayne-these things actually RAN properly.
I rest my case.
The other trouble with the Beeb, is that they hardly ever show any older good films any more.
Reading that Speccie article made me realise that I knew none of the names mentioned, and definitely hadn’t watched any of the films, or whatever they’re called these days! (Aren’t they called ‘streams’ or something)?
We have a Kino cinema near here, and the last film we saw was ‘Wilhemina’, but I haven’t a clue if it won anything – except about £14 for Mrs Scroblene and me…
“they hardly ever show any older good films any more.”
No, because for one reason or another, the BBC probably considers them unacceptable.
This not in the listings Freeview channel 81 has lots of older good films.
Having wasted a couple of hours watching LaLa Land, I’m staggered Emma Stone won Best Actress, but given the shallow pool of talent in Hollywood these days, my Border Terrier could grin on screen and be given an award for it !
LaLa Land is one of those things that certain people spontaneously select as “cool” for no substantial reason. Lasts about five minutes. A bit like those books that come along from time to time – cool to be seen reading, and discussing in a vapid sort of way at dinner parties. I don’t generally like to bring class into everything, but this is definitely a middle class thing.
Harmless I suppose but, as I said, vapid, and philistine. Many years ago I went out with a lady who announced that she only read “the classics”. Maybe it was the way she said it but I thought at the time that it sounded pretentious, and perhaps it was, but maybe she had a point. Not very different from my own taste in music, if I’m honest, although preferring classical music impresses nobody in the UK, middle class or otherwise.
One of the problems with liking classical music is that R3 keeps putting on the same boring records. Classic FM isn’t much better, but I’d love to know what’s going to be on so I can avoid stuff I know I won’t want to listen to!
Are you able to tune into internet radio – without sitting with your ear next to a laptop, that is?
If you want to be really clever, you can buy internet radios. Apologies if I’m teaching you to suck eggs.
Various listings on Google:
Did listen to I Puritani on R3 last Saturday. The only foreboding I had was that some avant-garde director would have turned it into “I Bexitieri”. The English Civil War would be an excellent backdrop for the “we are divided by politics, brother has fought brother, and we need healing” whining and snivelling being pushed by the BBC.
It’s called affirmative action Emma. Suck it up.
“ search of the idyllic Paris encountered in Hollywood films and iconic photos…..” –
I reckon a new paragraph is urgently required on the above website. Meanwhile in the ‘real’ Paris –
The Oscars?
But it`ll hurt the luvvies and the BBC who`d have already windowed in half an hour to have `em all shafting Trump in turn.
Oh dear. Thank God THEY`RE not building the wall!
Or else they`d give the plans to Islamic State and the Southern Poverty Action Group so they could breach it, get lawyers to stash the narcotics and guns, and get CNN and the BBC to find the one mum wailing with her seven kids.
The Oscars?
Turns out to be Miss TransWorld but without the charming banter of David Vine and Bob Hope.
Should have stumped for Trump to organise it properly-his track record on delivering these “Lovely Girls Contests” in Russia got some publicity recently…and Putin seemed to like them!
Rubber sheets for the luvvies, incontinence pads and damp meters for their handlers and agents…works for me!
Bet Trump swapped the envelopes-the guy`s a master!
Fake News?…not these days, makes more sense than anything coming out of the Blob.
Which is rather cloudy, yellowish and smells these days in their Post Trump Sanitary Diapers (PTSD for the chattering classes), Lots of leaks eh?
Desperate beeboid reporter in Hollywood, to Naomi Harris: “Naomi, Naomi, BBC…”
She completely ignores him.
So, a bit like Trump then.
Are the beeb losing their magic? Let us hope so.
It’ll be a fine day when people actually go out of their way to avoid the petulant Beeb reporters!
I think the only time a Beeb reporter ever got a laugh, was when he asked a citizen if he’d like to ask Ed Miliband a question.
the citizen replied “No thanks”.
The ‘reporter’ asked why, and the citizen replied, walking away, “Because he’s an idiot”!
I caught a report by Lizzie Phelan on RT this morning about the reality of the Hollywood-endorsed White Helmets.
St Jo’s fund supports the White Helmets. As the truth emerges St Jo won’t be looking o good
No mention by the beeb this morning of anything on the don just the virtue signalling balls up at the oscars. They were so determined to have a black winner this year it was obvious to a blind man. The way the guy ripped the card out of the envelope at the end to show us moonlight was the winner was done with so much venom it was laughable. I hope they enjoy their diversity virtue signalling but the grenade inscribed ‘ we dont give a shit’ well and truly blew up in their faces. Just glorious. And just to add Jimmy kimmel is another right on self righteous lefty who deserves a good slap and streep is a hypocritical idiot.
I have no idea who most of these people at the Oscars are! All falling over each other in an endless self-congratulatory group hug. Why does this need so much news coverage BBC? I don’t appreciate being lectured about human rights over breakfast by an Iranian bird on an entertainment platform either! These people [whoever they are] are irrelevant to me.
I remember the days when Oscar was so much more refined – and glamorous. No posturing where the dress became more important than the event, and certainly no playground hugs on the stage by everyone involved. Like you (and, I suspect most of the world population watching) I have no idea who they are !!!
The interviewing was more sophisticated, unlike now where like fish wives shrieking in the street the reporters thinking yelling out a name will get them a quote. Just like those in front of No.10 – embarrassing and cringeworthy.
“I remember the days when Oscar was so much more refined – and glamorous.”
Exactly, Brissles. 99% of movies were made to entertain, not to encourage mass suicide.
I don’t think the pedestals have ever been entirely deserved though, with one or two exceptions. Film stars’ families have always had a strong tendency to be broken, dysfunctional, have criminal connections, or have just been downright twisted. I’m thinking of Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra etc. And I wouldn’t have wanted my daughter to date Charlie Chaplin. Still, at least they didn’t lecture their fans.
We need to keep a sense of proportion with celebrities. Satire used to help but it seems to have more or less disappeared.
Luckily, we missed all the Oscar thing, as a) we hardly ever go to the pictures, except to see a film recommended by at least three friends, and b) because we know just about nobody who might qualify for a prize, or whatever they get.
I’m sure President Trump was doing some hard work on keeping the US safe, and not bothering with the thing either, so we have more in common with him than some third-rate actress!
“And I wouldn’t have wanted my daughter to date Charlie Chaplin.”
If she was over 13 he wouldn’t have been interested anyway.
Same here,well said Lucy!
Think we`re building a “Ten Biggest Cockups” live on TV kinda thing for Stuart Maconie and Katie Pukrick to talk about now.
And-great though last nights events will turn out to be-there`s not quite the moment and jaw-dropping pants wetting aspect that-I`m sure you`ll agree-only history and distance provides.
So-can I nominate Madonnas Garrotting at the Brits a few years back? Why so?
Because we all saw it live-but Ant and Dec certainly didn`t. Because the whole incident got NO mention until we on the internet rechecked and saw that-yes-we had NOT been dreaming, But Ant and Dec, all those edgy brave rebels shafting the Royals etc?…well, no who the HELL is going to risk their career by being the first to mention it. Like a fart in a spacesuit-but no smell here, looks a bit misty on the visor I grant you though!
Live TV-online-and THEN the likes of Frankie Boyle find their courage. Fuck em.
AS for Fleetwood and Fox at the Brits in 1989?
Well….means little now, it was a simpler age-but I`ve got an hour to run so it may take some time seeing as its “archive iconic status now”…like PJ Proby splitting his trousers in Wolverhampton in 1965.
9pm BBC1 Crimewatch Special about Child Abuse. (Jeremy Vine)
It will feature talk of historic buse, abuse by football trainers.
I expect as usual there will be some things they forget to report.
Have a look at the ‘Wanted’ faces,not many good old English names on there.
The one name they won’t mention is Savile of course!
On a brighter note, there’s a lovely scene in an old TV series called ‘Turtle’s progress’, when Razor Eddie and Turtle sit down to watch Shaw Taylor’s crime programme, and knowing who did every crime mentioned!
That was proper classic comedy from the seventies, and well worth buying on DVD!
8:30pm BBC1 Panorama : Immigrant town Slough
Ten years ago, Panorama’s Richard Bilton reported on how Slough was struggling to cope with its migrant population. Now he’s back. He finds a town with a booming economy and new families arriving every day. However, now white British people are abandoning Slough, and some foreign workers say the dream is over.
The “dream’ for them might be over; however for many Britons the nightmare created by immigration into their country, about which they were never either asked or consulted, continues and worsens.
Much agonising on bibistan about abuse of children sent to Australia.
Mmm, child abuse on an industrial scale… Didn’t something like that happen closer to home and more recently? How about an inquiry into that, with wall to wall coverage by bibistan?
7:30pm BBC1 LONDON area
“In an Inside Out special, reporter Chris Rogers uncovers the shocking stories behind some of the thousands of women from the Indian subcontinent (Do they mean Pak/Bangla ?) who are abandoned by their British husbands.
Some break their silence to reveal how they have been subjected to abuse, domestic slavery and financial exploitation, and have ended up being shunned by their own communities.”
4:30pm R4 : Pakistan : To what extent are the blasphemy laws, adultery punishments and honour killings religious?
And how is the cultural and religious patriarchy of the country being challenged today?
Surely, they ship them over here so we have to put up with their sick ways?
8:30pm R4 Age and Voting
Does age make us become more right wing? Have the main political parties alienated their core vote? And was does this mean for democracy?
Just seen the “disaster”-the “crisis” the “tragedy” of all that happened with the Warren Beatty/Faye Dunaway “catastrophe”…all live on telly with the Oscars “debacle” and “omnishambles”.
Of course, I`m being “temperate and moderate” here, calling for a “time of pause and reflection” whilst we all “consider our options at this point in going forward”,
But this is a race riot in the making-the white film blatantly discriminated against by an affirmative action scheme of a black one.
Did Rodney King suffer in vain?
Or should the whites of Watts rise up at this provocation to their proud heritage?
Just asking…and I myself do not hype up shit for an instant reflex reaction as you see. Nor do I advocate a violent reaction to my shit, but might yet “send a message” that I`m a posturing lefty twat with an agenda and a public sector berth to spout.
But wars have started on less…could make a film about this savage injustice I s`pose!
Let`s make Spike Lee check his privilege as we boycott his crap-and let`s back the useless worthless and pointless crock of crap that is La La Land, because-well it sends a message innit?
From now on in-we `re all La La now!
Note how the BBC have been pushing the Donald Trump is mental line for a while. Perhaps they are being kept informed of plots over the pond to invoke the 25th Amendment.
If Trump had mental health problems, surely they would have been investigated before he reached his 70s, they will probably say he is senile?
I see they’ve let a man onto Woman’s Hour
Today’s line up says
“Caroline Paige, the first openly transgender officer in the British Armed Forces.”
They don`t like it up `em now takes on a weirder meaning.
Was it not a simpler time when things were straighter, simpler-and, yes funnier?
Stew, Chris
I have been sitting on this for a while. But the US forces have 15,500 transgenders and their needs are being cared for. In the very near future TGs will be openly recruited. The idea is to repeat what the US forces did for Gays. Sort of progressive like.
MILITARY MEDICINE, 181, 3:193, 2016
Ethics and Transgender Service Members,
Dependents, and Retirees
Edmund Howe, MD, JD
It is estimated that the military currently has approximately
15,500 transgender service members.1 It has indicated it will
soon be accepting openly transgendered members, as it
accepted homosexual members a few years ago. This policy
change will pose new ethical challenges for service members,
military families, clinicians, and policy makers.
This column will discuss several of these ethical challenges
This sounds absurd as it would imply that transgender is a common thing.
Dave S
The source is impeccable. This is not BBC journalism, it is an official US military source, and it bothers me.
From the concluding section
As the military changes its policies and accepts transgendered
members, numerous specific practices will have to be
considered. These include how and with whom these members
should shower, which bathrooms they can use, their requirements
for physical training tests, and whether they should
have time off for sex change medical procedures.
Ultimately, for transgender persons to be accepted and
function as productive service members it will be vital that
they be accepted for their skills and abilities, not their gender.
The military has unique capacities to set the highest moral
standards for its members—as well as for the rest of our society.
The equality the military has achieved for members of different
races and ethnicities is an example of that. The military
can and should achieve this too for all transgendered persons.
My understanding is that hormones in the water supply are far more effective in soft water areas such as Thames water area, than in hard water areas such as Yorkshire water area. So if you can find any studies showing transgender and homosexuality is far more common in soft water areas. That would explain why we Yorkshire folk are far more normal than southerners.
I’m not sure I could believe Yorkie water is any harder than it is in Kent. Fake News! 😉 You’ve heard of the white cliffs of Dover no doubt but have you ever seen them in your kettle?
Lucy, you are right. Kent is very much a hard water area, more so than Thames Water.
Thames Water, Richard, is not soft water. Its tap water has actually outdone various UK produced, bottled, mineral waters in tests for minerals & topped them on cleanliness, too. This is because some of the supply comes from natural springs and aquifers.
It is not totally comprised of recycled wee from further west in England!
Context : 15,500 transgenders 1.46 Million
“There are a total of 1.46 Million active personnel in the US military”
15.5 in 1,460 that’s 1% transgender
That’s pretty high considering there are only 3% gays in general population and transgender is a fraction of that.
(“There are 21.8 million veterans of the U.S. armed forces as of 2014, according the Census Bureau”)
The main problem is if it wants to become a Labour MP, will it be allowed on to a Women only shortlist?
Now on R5 Mosque child abuse
Is it the “report once and then bury” MO ?
(This interviewees abuse happened 30 years ago
Eventually her abuser was prosecuted and sentenced to 11 half years, he just used his Bangladesh passport and fled there)
it’s this one
“Rahman, a grandfather of 10, was imam of Queens Cross Mosque in Dudley”
Another similar
I wonder what happened to the Madrasa sex abuse investigations
Pedant alert! Just to prove that you can’t believe everything you see on the BBC I’ve had two ‘Routemaster’ moments whilst watching SS-GB which I’ve decided to continue with despite the abysmal sound quality.
Last week they had a Spitfire IX parked up on The Mall in November 1941 (the Mark IX entered RAF service in June 1942) and in Part 2 one scene took place in a Hardened Aircraft Shelter which probably would have been built in the 1980s. It will be interesting to see how they can mess up the next one.
Sorry to go back to the Oscars.
But-like the gaggle crap and the boycotting of the hacks trough fest by Trump that they`ve all been bellyaching over since Friday-there`s something big in this for me.
I mean-once a year, all that time and money, rehearsals and camera angles?
And for only three minutes or so -one fatuous airhead seems unable to be able to give another costly airhead the correct envelope.Even when gold coloured and bigger that the Post Office template that means you pay more when posted.
No-Sprint, DPL or GPO-these people are NOT. Bloody hell-even Consignia would have made less mess!
And THESE are the people who want to man the borders. to decide on who comes and who doesn`t?
Maybe they should have tied the envelopes to their mittens instead of declaiming on Trump-who at least WOULD deliver the correct envelope to the correct recipient on a more than once-annual basis. But will the BBC make a joke about it?
Hope Wayne Shaw will give out the Ginster Pastie lifetime achievement awards for Sports Personality Of the Year-he`s already won it!
I’m gutted I didn’t see this unfold live, all the Trump bashing totally overshadowed by a monumental cock up at the end. Beautiful.
Absolutely loving the monumental Oscars cockup. Looks like that mass anti-Trump Wiccan spell led by Lana Del Rey rebounded on Hollyweird three-fold.
Well done chrisH. You got my ‘like’ for your last sentence alone.
Most kind Up 2 Snuff.
Lots of fun stateside thanks to the glorious Tucker etc.
THIS was agreat idea-funnily enough, never heard it as a suggestion to “enrich” the refugees in Hollywood.
Just seen the next topic on Sky News – “Will Brexit damage the environment?”. No comment needed – the off switch was the best antidote to rising blood pressure!
The relentless anti-Brexit narrative from the BBC, Sky and others is a scandal, as we all know. It’s a sad observation for me to make on this that you can be sure that even after we have left the EU they will still not let go; their campaigning will continue. Everything that goes wrong after that will be put down to the claim that we cannot manage on our own and Brexit is thus being proved a disaster.
Maybe there was a genuine mix-up at the Academy awards, I think there probably was. However, the sudden explosion of BAME actors and films being nominated, and winning, shows just how much pressure the lib-elites are able to bring to bear upon the Academy.
And so, to the bBBC Breakfast Sofa this morning 08:39. The generous and even handed bBBC have good words to say about Broadchurch, an ITV who-dunnit drama. They wheel on an actress to gush about it and her delight to appear in it. The conversation moves yawningly and predictably to the Academy mix-up. The actress, Julie Hesmondhalgh (who? I hear you ask) says she heard Canadian-American singer Rufus Wankwright on radio this morning, and he had said ‘Aaaah, I wish this is what would happen at the election’, she thought it was a brilliant comment…cue laughs and sniggers around the sofa…how fucking hilarious. Another dig at Mr Trumps presidency smuggled in under the cloak of entertainment. Oh, by the way, Julie Hesmondhalgh just happens to be a Labour Party member and campaigner for our Jeremy Corbyn to be leader, this is not mentioned by our impartial bBBC, of course.
Also starring mr nostrils himself the sanctimonious with a god complex David Tennant and a labour luvvie to boot. Along with the corbynista corrie actress and nostrils whats not to love. No wonder the beeb love it. Never watched broadchurch as i think tennant is an atrocious actor but then thats just me.
Trump-Troll Master General!
Don`t tell the BBC though!
Non BBC Yet! – Canada ups its speed in the race to become the next Sweden
“Ontario legislature unanimously passes anti-Islamophobia motion
” Hush hush BBC, say no more, say no more.” Jurgen Kantner a German tourist was beheaded by the Islamic terrorist group Abu Saylaf in the Philippines. Let’s see if the BBC mention it
on the news or on their website. We don’t want anybody that works at the BBC to be offended
by reporting this atrocity!
It takes a very special kind of ‘religion’ to turn the essentially gentle, fun-loving Filipinos into sadistic cut-throats. Very sad.
And there`s more! Enjoy this masterpiece!
Black: tick. Gay: tick. Crack addict single mother: tick. Disadvantaged: tick. Victim: tick.
Give that film an Oscar!
And give the writers a job at bibistan!
I watched an old recorded film last night. The acting was pretty pathetic but the story line/plot intrigued me. It was described as a 1980’s horror and called, ‘They Live’. I had not seen it before but I endured to the bitter end following which, I pondered upon what I had just watched. I occurred to me that the solution to our current distinguishable almost dichotomy of views on World events could be solved if, indeed, there was such a simple solution as portrayed in the film.
We see or hear the leftie/liberal multiculti people daily spouting their incomprehensible bile and lies yet to all intents and purposes, they actually look, well, a bit like thee and I: ‘normal’ but clearly and logically, they aren’t. In fact, they are carrying some form of disease the symptoms of which are only exposed through their actions or speech. In the film, the lead actor’s vision is changed by simply donning a pair of special sunglasses. That act transformed the world viewed by exposing the fact that many of the people were hostile aliens who had been here for a long while. It was impossible to distinguish them without these sunglasses……
I’m just logging in to ebay to see if I can get a pair.
I looked this up. I’m not a movie buff but I see it was directed by John Carpenter, who I’ve actually heard of.
If you don’t find the specs on ebay, just assume that anyone on the BBC is an alien, and anyone totally excluded (eg Mark Steyn, Pat Condell) is a real life Ellen Ripley. You won’t go far wrong.
“The acting was pretty pathetic”
agreed, but the films a cult classic
and oddly relevant to today
I’ve often wondered if the old British Sc-Fi classic The Village Of The Damned is somehow relevant today. It would seem that since say 1970 a large majority of our fertile females have been inseminated by some alien force and created weird offspring with weird ideas and attractions intent on destroying us….
My understanding is that hormones in the water supply are far more effective in soft water areas such as Thames water area, than in hard water areas such as Yorkshire water area. So if you can find any studies showing abnormal Remainer disease is far more common in soft water areas. That would explain why we Yorkshire folk are far more normal Brexiteers than southerners.
So, Emir Khan stages his little anti-Trump protest by showing some Iranian B movie in Trafalgar Square (I wonder who’s footing the bill?).
A few useless Slebs come and virtue signal for all they’re worth (not much).
The oh-so PC, metropolitan, metrosexual, metrocultural London Evening Standard are drooling all over it, natch, but here’s the interesting thing: In the ‘comments’ under the article, readers are far from cooing approvingly, in fact they sound like contributors to biasedbbc!! What’s going on? Is the worm turning? A selection below.
– Did not realise that so many stupid people could be in one place at the same time.
– Now Brits are calling Americans racist coz of wanting to screen out terrorists.
– Labour’s stunted stooge showing London’s solidarity with muslims and Iran, a country that hangs gays, flogs and stones women, and is run by religious headbangers.
Khan, the arrogant little gnome, must think he is our new Foreign Secretary.
– These virtue signalling little protests against a democratically elected President IN ANOTHER COUNTRY are beginning to look childish. Yeah we get it, everyone you don’t like is Hitler, anyone who voted Brexit is a xenophobe racist homophobe Islamophobe, and how dare they disagree with you! GROW UP.
– This man is a joke, along with all his ‘celebrity’ mates. The office he holds should be banned. He can then go back to his fun job of ‘so called’ human rights lawyer.
– were was this lot then Obama was Deporting More People Than Any Other President
– fake news
– Junketing in Davos one day, lecturing Scots the next… now indulging in fatuous ‘gesture politics’….. too bad he never seems particularly busy, or interested in, doing the job he was elected to do.
– The TRAVEL ban, which is in suspension, is not a ban on a particular group or religion (…) The persistent view that it’s discrimination against certain groups indicates that people, like the good people here, are reacting emotionally, but not paying attention. And that inattention, combined with a tendency to see other cultures through one prism, is the greatest danger of all.
– A few hundred folk turned out to watch a free movie and feel better about themselves. Trump must be devastated.
– There are far more pressing issues in the world than complaining about the president of an allied nation who we didn’t elect. If that’s your aim, start with Mugabe.
Standard bloggers, we at BBBC salute you!
From the article…
Mr Khan took to the stage and, after a few microphone issues which prevented him being heard, declared to loud cheers: “President Trump can’t silence me.”
I’m sure Trump can with a Drone strike!
Tabs – Mmmm, Drone strike.
Don`t tell them Tabs-but I rather sense that Donald will be MORE than happy to keep Sadiq singing.
As with Corbyn-he`s OUR choice of Labour leader in the sense that we United fans BEGGED Liverpool F.C to stick with Graeme Souness way back!
That looked like a barrel of laughs freezing there little arses off to look righteous. Khan needs taking down a few pegs. He was elected mayor not the foreign secretary. Whos paying for this twats political posturing. Dont even get me started on the idiots scam of a t charge.
His twitter feed wasn’t going too well either…Plenty of folk asking why he can’t sort out the tube strikes etc and do what he is actually paid for…
The dopey little twunt…
Calm down. It is only London. Who gives a monkey’s ?
“Who gives a monkey’s ?”
Me, I live there….And have watched my home town become ethnically cleansed…
Who do I sue…?
I was being facetious. But , the Islamists are controlling London and many other towns in UK. They have not quite got their grip in Wales, Scotland or NI yet but the inevitable is coming. Fully supported by the elite British establishment. God knows why.
I got out to Gambia many years ago and the new Gambia today is more democratic than any country in Europe. Don’t want to sound smug, but if you can, get out. There is no way of turning the tide back .
Its infuriating getting on a bus and being surrounded by a babble of foreign accents, seeing a Muslim driver refuse to let a Woman on because she has a dog, still queuing at the bus stop despite the inevitable stampede from our recently arrived enrichers…
Argh I would love to live elsewhere but my family, job and home are in London…My Husband hails from Poplar and what has happened there is scandalous, the Muslims have a curfew for non Muslims (9.00 pm) the local Police are well aware of it, and nothing is done.
People (non Londoners or those who no longer live here) look at me as though I’m a liar when I mention it. But it’s happening right now.
Rant over.
That is absolutely terrifying to learn Shelly. I hadn’t realised things were THAT advanced.
Are you seriously telling me that , in Poplar, muslims prevent non-muslims from coming out of their houses after 9 pm ? And the police do nothing ?
Its more a question of outsiders being there after 9.00 (there are very few non Muslims living in that area now)
A Woman had a minor prang in her car with a Muslim man near Wapping High Street, and within minutes things turned ugly and a large crowd of Muslim men were on the scene, surrounding the woman in question, my Husband’s mate, whose sister runs a local pub (one of the few left in the area for obvious reasons), came out and ushered her inside.
When the Police arrived, one of the “Men” stated to the copper “We’ve told you, after nine O’clock no non Muslims” And the Policemen left.
The Publican was so shocked that she didn’t take the Police officers badge number, so it was basically brushed under the carpet.
She should have reported it as a hate crime, but this is happening all the time.
No one believes it, because it really is unbelievable.
I am really shocked by this and it takes a lot to shock me. I have lived in Turkey, Malaysia and in Gambia. I have travelled in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. And I am not talking 5-star Bob Geldof style. How can this be happening in the UK ?
I suppose its a gradual process that’s crept up on us. There are well documented examples of this sort of behaviour but everyone just shrugs their shoulders, because the establishment just don’t want to know.
As we are basically a law abiding society, and law doesn’t seem to care, most people have just given up.
Its profoundly depressing really.
Talking of dogs, Mad Mo had a hatred of them and had them exterminated.
Please don’t stop ranting! It’s still your country, still your London!
Oh I still rant away, but I’m just howling at the moon these days !
I moved from “Greater” Southeast London about 4 years ago. I escaped to the other side of the M25. I still go back to my old town for work & I can tell you it has changed visibly. It’s looking more like Brixton lately. 20 years ago there were no headbags & it was a very English town. Far too much cultural enrichment now.
“People (non Londoners or those who no longer live here) look at me as though I’m a liar when I mention it.”
I know W Yorkshire well. They understand, it’s been going on for decades.
Grant: “There is no way of turning the tide back.”
Yes there is. Spain and S Europe did it. As time passes, it becomes harder but not impossible.
I hope so. But I gave up.
IMO, there was a short-lived sign of things to come when the EDL sprung up quite spontaneously in Luton as a reaction against the disgusting behaviour of the invaders. As usual, it was (mainly) working class youth that was prepared to do the heavy lifting. Middle class people looked down on them with disdain, like they always do until a threat becomes critical. The EDL’s reaction might have been crude, but it was heartfelt and direct. It was relentlessly supressed, as I’m sure many here will recall.
Before I actually started commenting here, I recall someone called hippypooter (or something) displaying a similar snotty reaction.
I suspect that many squaddies remember only too well that the EDL effectively sprung up in their defence.
#IRONY Sadiq Ban Diesel
….. complains about a travel ban.
One thing he could do to reduce pollution is stop having stunts right in the middle of London
Trying to get anywhere even at the weekends is useless, the pollution caused by the unused bike lanes, which mean cars are crammed into ever smaller spaces, to say nothing of the traffic problems, are enough to make you tear your hair out.
Still never mind here’s a crap film for you to virtue signal over.
Thought Labour and the Greens deliberately set out to force us into diesel cars. Was not the science settled when Gordon Brown and the EU gave diesel the blessing?
Diesel engines are more fuel efficient. The switch to diesel cars means less fuel sold, less fuel tax paid and less VAT collectted on the fuel tax. Government revenue from car drivers has fallen so now we have to be forced back to petrol. Particulates are suddenly more evil than CO2 – coming to a BBC propaganda channel all day and every day.
If you were thinking the BBC hasn’t milked the Oscars enough yet here is more quality journalism from the £3.5b a year tax payer funded organisation…
Oscars 2017: What’s up with Nicole Kidman’s hand clap?
Basically it’s a load of utter sh!te of cutting and pasting some Twitter comments.
bBBC web site headline “Labour MP Gerald Kaufman dies at 86”.
No mention anywhere of a resulting new by-election, the rest of the news media do mention it.
I wonder what the bBBC is up to?
Strange . That vermin Kaufman had a massive majority.So it should be a shoe-in for Labour.
Any mention by the BBC of Kaufman’s expenses fraud or his personal life ?
Probably worth a screen grab of that Kaufman obit on the BBC at the minute.
Sense it may well need revising before too long, given the Savile Precedents for rewriting their obsequious death guff.
I think we are on the same lines here !
Gorton Beano Club as I recall!
I could not possibly comment !
In years past Guido would remove any comments about Kaufman or Janner – pour crainte!
BBC Website’s main headline ” How did the epic Oscars blunder happen ? “. How can the BBC expect to be taken seriously and why should people pay for this horse shit ?
… and have you seen the typesize of the banner headline on their news page? Quite apart from the BBC’s bias, they are becoming like the Daily Star now. All part of the same agenda of course. The dumbing down is designed to create an audience incapable of critical thought.
The problem is that Beeboids are so dumbed down they are incapable of critical thought.
Re: BBC Website’s main headline ” How did the epic Oscars blunder happen ? “
I am waiting for them to say “It was the Russians wot dunnit!”