The Oscars spends the night Trump bashing and has monumental tits-up at the end.
Bibistan spend months Trump bashing and get banned from press briefings.
Could it be… The Curse Of The Donald?
News papers said Lily Allen has left twitter due to bullying about her stillbirth
But she is still there.
And is famous for trolling the entire UK via whatever she has to hand.
Some people may not be aware that the La La Land team were well into their gushing acceptance speeches before the debacle (posh French for cock-up) was announced.
Savour le coque-up in all its slo-mo car crash hilarity here (before it’s taken down). (All the funnier for the Producer’s sanctimonious anti-Trump allusions)
What a sanctimonious pile of bollocks. The best comedy show so far right up there with the don chastising the msm a few weeks back. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of twats.
“‘Islamophobia’ is a manipulative propaganda construct designed to intimidate people into thinking that there is something wrong with restricting Jihad terror”. Sam Solomon.
“Please sign our new petition to the Right Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, calling for urgent investigation into the BBC’s governance and leadership.
Sign here:
“The Perfidy and Contempt of the BBC
In November last year, following complaints of unacceptable Muslim bias and the deliberate marginalization of Christianity by its Muslim Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC announced that it was axing both the role of Head and the department of religion, bringing all religious programming and coverage under the remit of former Labour MP James Purnell, the head of radio and education.”
And I’ve only just seen the Fox News site headlines and no, I don’t think Islam is, misrepresented or misunderstood – it is a barbaric death cult in the guise of a legitimate religion. Stick it up your treasonous arse BBC.
Christians flee IS in Egypt, German beheading video, IS kill 11 in Mosque etc., etc., etc.. It just goes on and on and they are NOT lone wolves or deranged by Gitmo so fuck off BBC.
It requires a serious investigation into this derangement the BBC has. Is it a death wish thing because death and destruction is the only destination for the BBC psycho bus.
In his (mistaken) acceptance speech, a Producer of La La Land calls for diversity.
And, as if by magic, he gets it about 30 seconds later in the form of… Moonlight!
Who says the Oscars have lost their magic?
But seriously, one can only feel sympathy for a bunch of right-on luvvies getting egg all over their faces. And tuxes. And designer dresses. And gigantic egos. You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. Ha ha ha ha.
Returning to the Oscars, and it is – as we used to say in Wales – hard cack for I Daniel Blake from rabid Trot and Left Uniter, Ken Loach, who never got a mention..
Oh. What. Wait. No. What do you mean the winner card was filled in prior to November 9th?
Perhaps DJT could take a red envelope with him to his next press event and invite Jon Sopel to the front to open the envelope and advise who the winner is!
In November last year, following complaints of unacceptable Muslim bias and the deliberate marginalization of Christianity by its Muslim Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC announced that it was axing both the role of Head and the department of religion, bringing all religious programming and coverage under the remit of former Labour MP James Purnell, the head of radio and education.
However, on February 25, the BBC quietly announced that it had appointed another Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as its new Head of Religious Programming.
It would seem therefore that, in clear disregard of their earlier statement, the BBC has not only resurrected this role, but appears to be operating a policy of Islamic prioritization, once again ignoring the pleas of all other religious groups in the UK for proportionate and fair representation.
Ms Salaria’s most notable achievement since joining the BBC in 2015 would appear to have been to commission the TV reality show Muslims like Us, described in the press as ‘Muslim Big Brother’. It may be remembered that in this programme, among the ten Muslim housemates – chosen to reflect the diverse views of Muslims in the UK – was included Abdul Haqq, a Muslim convert, former boxing champion, convicted fraudster … and member of the inner circle of jailed radical cleric Anjem Choudary. But it gets worse, because Mr Haqq reportedly not only supported banned terror group Al-Muhajiroun, but was arrested in 2014 in Dover, and later charged with plotting to go to Syria to fight with Islamic State after spreading terrorist material online.
His inclusion, put forward without comment as merely one view among many, can only have served to ‘normalise’ extremism, and is an affront to all – including moderate Muslims honestly striving to integrate into British culture.
Do we really want someone who commissions programmes like this as head of religion for the BBC? Do we trust her to give proportionate and fair representation to all religious groups? Do we trust the BBC? Or do we share the view of Professor Anthony Glees of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, who told The Mail: “If a BBC executive makes a programme that is notorious and then the BBC promotes them, it tells me that the BBC has in that area lost its moral compass.” (
Ms Salaria is on record as saying the BBC needs to give greater voice to Muslims. It is a view that seems to have been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by dementedly ‘diverse’ Auntie, who seemingly takes every opportunity to undermine and pour derision on those who espouse the traditional Christian beliefs and values upon which our nation is founded. But exactly what voice does Ms Salaria class as authentically ‘Muslim’ and wish to be heard? After all, from the example of Abdul Haqq, she appears to have no problem supporting what the rest of us call extremism,
It goes without saying that there is religious diversity in this country, and all faiths should receive proportionate coverage. But Christianity remains the established faith of the UK and, despite declining church attendance, according to the 2011 census Christians still make up 59.5% of the population ( a clear majority. Given therefore that Christianity is the main faith of this country, surely the head of religious programming should be Christian – or at the very least, as advocated by Conservative MP Bill Cash, the post should be rotated between the different faiths. Which should include Judaism, Hinduism and Sikkhism … as well as Islam.
As it is, this new appointment seems deliberately insulting both to Christians and to followers of other belief systems, and part of an orchestrated attempt to Islamise the UK. Such an attitude displays not just contempt, but is a betrayal of the principles and values on which the UK is founded. For these reasons VfJUK joins those who argue that the BBC is no longer fit for purpose. We call for urgent investigation into the Corporation’s governance and purpose, and for review of the licence fee.
Please sign our new petition to the Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, calling for urgent investigation into the BBC’s governance and leadership.
Sign here:
A quick look at the BBC News website at 3:30pm has
i) a photo of a Muslim woman in a face veil holding a phone promoting a Muslim designed phone app.
ii) a photo of an Oscars dress made by a Muslim designer.
Is the BBC becoming a Muslim Broadcasting Corporation?
The BBC’s mission to mark anything, absolutely anything, remotely positive with the brand “Muslim”, much like a dog pissing on a tree, continues relentlessly:
The Western Enlightenment totally passed Beeboids by. They live in the uneducated past, they wallow in their ignorance. That is fine with me, but I do not want to be dragged down into the gutter with them .
‘As part of the deal, he is understood to have shelled out several million pounds to buy his wife, who co-wrote a book about 10 Downing Street with Cherie Blair, her own home in Hampstead, North London’
Can’t help but notice in the Evening Standard reports Labour Lord Bragg’s children are described as a ‘film-maker’ and a ‘science journalist’. I wonder, of course discounting nepotism, obviously, would our Lord Bragg subscribe to a view of nature or of nurture as the best qualification in the highly sought after realms of employment in the media?
Looking at a BBC news page
The top 3 Featured stories are all incestuous Media people stories
#1 Irish journalist went missing in India 5 years ago
#2 + #3 the Oscars error story
The full list features 21 faces
8 are white people
9 are black people (inc 2-3 mixed race)
4 seem Asian toned (Korean etc)
12 are women
Beeb still posting ‘Quiet and Safe in Malmo’ lie. (Reminds me of All Quiet on The Western Front!)
Dear Swedes, WHY do you lie? I can just about understand the Germans covering up the truth out of a sense of guilt about their past, but Sweden? You have nothing to be ashamed of, you’ve never done anything wrong – apart from Abba maybe – so please, start facing the truth or your country is toast.
JohnCMar 6, 04:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘They try to pitch Muslims against Hindus’. Nobody does that more than the BBC. They hate the Hindus. Every report…
JohnCMar 6, 04:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 One day, three crises and Trump’s free-wheeling foreign policy on display And another outrageously lop-sided from the BBC’s Zurcher.…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 04:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hear tell that down In deepest Windsor in the hall of the muslim King, that the call to prayer…
vladMar 6, 04:07 Midweek 5th March 2025 Dave Rubin: “Sadiq Khan is a Jihadist in sheep’s clothing and Britain is f*cked.” Here’s weasel Khan celebrating ‘diversity’. That’s…
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
The Oscars spends the night Trump bashing and has monumental tits-up at the end.
Bibistan spend months Trump bashing and get banned from press briefings.
Could it be… The Curse Of The Donald?
I cannot believe that Trump didn’t twitter after the Oscars cock-up…
“and you call my Administration a farce !!! ”
How sweet it must have been for him to watch.
News papers said Lily Allen has left twitter due to bullying about her stillbirth
But she is still there.
And is famous for trolling the entire UK via whatever she has to hand.
Some people may not be aware that the La La Land team were well into their gushing acceptance speeches before the debacle (posh French for cock-up) was announced.
Savour le coque-up in all its slo-mo car crash hilarity here (before it’s taken down). (All the funnier for the Producer’s sanctimonious anti-Trump allusions)
What a sanctimonious pile of bollocks. The best comedy show so far right up there with the don chastising the msm a few weeks back. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of twats.
Not sure why this is on the website, looks more like a BBC staff memo
Also it does say it is about honesty.
“‘Islamophobia’ is a manipulative propaganda construct designed to intimidate people into thinking that there is something wrong with restricting Jihad terror”. Sam Solomon.
Voice of Justice UK ‘BBC Muslim BIAS’ Petition:-
“Please sign our new petition to the Right Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, calling for urgent investigation into the BBC’s governance and leadership.
Sign here:
“The Perfidy and Contempt of the BBC
In November last year, following complaints of unacceptable Muslim bias and the deliberate marginalization of Christianity by its Muslim Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC announced that it was axing both the role of Head and the department of religion, bringing all religious programming and coverage under the remit of former Labour MP James Purnell, the head of radio and education.”
And I’ve only just seen the Fox News site headlines and no, I don’t think Islam is, misrepresented or misunderstood – it is a barbaric death cult in the guise of a legitimate religion. Stick it up your treasonous arse BBC.
Christians flee IS in Egypt, German beheading video, IS kill 11 in Mosque etc., etc., etc.. It just goes on and on and they are NOT lone wolves or deranged by Gitmo so fuck off BBC.
I can never work out the psyche of Beeboids. Are they really not aware or are they aware and glorify it ? Strange mentality .
It requires a serious investigation into this derangement the BBC has. Is it a death wish thing because death and destruction is the only destination for the BBC psycho bus.
Yes, and they never seem to be very happy people. Always sad and negative. Definitely a psychological problem .
In his (mistaken) acceptance speech, a Producer of La La Land calls for diversity.
And, as if by magic, he gets it about 30 seconds later in the form of… Moonlight!
Who says the Oscars have lost their magic?
But seriously, one can only feel sympathy for a bunch of right-on luvvies getting egg all over their faces. And tuxes. And designer dresses. And gigantic egos. You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. Ha ha ha ha.
My semi-intellectual take on this is ” a bunch of wankers “.
Yes Grant, I believe that is the technical term for them.
“masturbation ” would be too long a word for them. Can you imagine how long it would take them to rehearse that in their lines ?
Returning to the Oscars, and it is – as we used to say in Wales – hard cack for I Daniel Blake from rabid Trot and Left Uniter, Ken Loach, who never got a mention..
And the winner is …..
Hillary Clinton.
Oh. What. Wait. No. What do you mean the winner card was filled in prior to November 9th?
Perhaps DJT could take a red envelope with him to his next press event and invite Jon Sopel to the front to open the envelope and advise who the winner is!
Wait a minute. I demand a riot! I want this Oscar decision overturned. I’m sure the trophy was awarded “illegally”. Outraged I am! OUTRAGED!
Over to you:
The Perfidy and Contempt of the BBC
In November last year, following complaints of unacceptable Muslim bias and the deliberate marginalization of Christianity by its Muslim Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC announced that it was axing both the role of Head and the department of religion, bringing all religious programming and coverage under the remit of former Labour MP James Purnell, the head of radio and education.
However, on February 25, the BBC quietly announced that it had appointed another Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as its new Head of Religious Programming.
It would seem therefore that, in clear disregard of their earlier statement, the BBC has not only resurrected this role, but appears to be operating a policy of Islamic prioritization, once again ignoring the pleas of all other religious groups in the UK for proportionate and fair representation.
Ms Salaria’s most notable achievement since joining the BBC in 2015 would appear to have been to commission the TV reality show Muslims like Us, described in the press as ‘Muslim Big Brother’. It may be remembered that in this programme, among the ten Muslim housemates – chosen to reflect the diverse views of Muslims in the UK – was included Abdul Haqq, a Muslim convert, former boxing champion, convicted fraudster … and member of the inner circle of jailed radical cleric Anjem Choudary. But it gets worse, because Mr Haqq reportedly not only supported banned terror group Al-Muhajiroun, but was arrested in 2014 in Dover, and later charged with plotting to go to Syria to fight with Islamic State after spreading terrorist material online.
His inclusion, put forward without comment as merely one view among many, can only have served to ‘normalise’ extremism, and is an affront to all – including moderate Muslims honestly striving to integrate into British culture.
Do we really want someone who commissions programmes like this as head of religion for the BBC? Do we trust her to give proportionate and fair representation to all religious groups? Do we trust the BBC? Or do we share the view of Professor Anthony Glees of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, who told The Mail: “If a BBC executive makes a programme that is notorious and then the BBC promotes them, it tells me that the BBC has in that area lost its moral compass.” (
Ms Salaria is on record as saying the BBC needs to give greater voice to Muslims. It is a view that seems to have been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by dementedly ‘diverse’ Auntie, who seemingly takes every opportunity to undermine and pour derision on those who espouse the traditional Christian beliefs and values upon which our nation is founded. But exactly what voice does Ms Salaria class as authentically ‘Muslim’ and wish to be heard? After all, from the example of Abdul Haqq, she appears to have no problem supporting what the rest of us call extremism,
It goes without saying that there is religious diversity in this country, and all faiths should receive proportionate coverage. But Christianity remains the established faith of the UK and, despite declining church attendance, according to the 2011 census Christians still make up 59.5% of the population ( a clear majority. Given therefore that Christianity is the main faith of this country, surely the head of religious programming should be Christian – or at the very least, as advocated by Conservative MP Bill Cash, the post should be rotated between the different faiths. Which should include Judaism, Hinduism and Sikkhism … as well as Islam.
As it is, this new appointment seems deliberately insulting both to Christians and to followers of other belief systems, and part of an orchestrated attempt to Islamise the UK. Such an attitude displays not just contempt, but is a betrayal of the principles and values on which the UK is founded. For these reasons VfJUK joins those who argue that the BBC is no longer fit for purpose. We call for urgent investigation into the Corporation’s governance and purpose, and for review of the licence fee.
Please sign our new petition to the Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, calling for urgent investigation into the BBC’s governance and leadership.
Sign here:
A quick look at the BBC News website at 3:30pm has
i) a photo of a Muslim woman in a face veil holding a phone promoting a Muslim designed phone app.
ii) a photo of an Oscars dress made by a Muslim designer.
Is the BBC becoming a Muslim Broadcasting Corporation?
Change it to MBC Bias.
Tabs – “becoming”??
The BBC’s mission to mark anything, absolutely anything, remotely positive with the brand “Muslim”, much like a dog pissing on a tree, continues relentlessly:
Oscars’ Muslim-designed dress
The Western Enlightenment totally passed Beeboids by. They live in the uneducated past, they wallow in their ignorance. That is fine with me, but I do not want to be dragged down into the gutter with them .
you can tell its a Muslim-designed dress cos it looks like f***in shite
How very civilised
‘As part of the deal, he is understood to have shelled out several million pounds to buy his wife, who co-wrote a book about 10 Downing Street with Cherie Blair, her own home in Hampstead, North London’
Can’t help but notice in the Evening Standard reports Labour Lord Bragg’s children are described as a ‘film-maker’ and a ‘science journalist’. I wonder, of course discounting nepotism, obviously, would our Lord Bragg subscribe to a view of nature or of nurture as the best qualification in the highly sought after realms of employment in the media?
Looking at a BBC news page
The top 3 Featured stories are all incestuous Media people stories
#1 Irish journalist went missing in India 5 years ago
#2 + #3 the Oscars error story
The full list features 21 faces
8 are white people
9 are black people (inc 2-3 mixed race)
4 seem Asian toned (Korean etc)
12 are women
Beeb still posting ‘Quiet and Safe in Malmo’ lie. (Reminds me of All Quiet on The Western Front!)
Dear Swedes, WHY do you lie? I can just about understand the Germans covering up the truth out of a sense of guilt about their past, but Sweden? You have nothing to be ashamed of, you’ve never done anything wrong – apart from Abba maybe – so please, start facing the truth or your country is toast.