Time for a new one of these. I couldn’t bear to watch the BBC eulogise IRA mss killer Martin McGuinness yesterday and from what I hear from others I was right to stay away from the love-in. Meanwhile, Jihad on Westminster bridge…
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Why does the BBC now use the word ‘Attacker’ instead of ‘Terrorist’?
The Met Police have declared the Westminster Slaughter a Terrorist Incident. They haven’t declared it an ‘Attacker Incident’.
There’s no legal definition of what an Attacker is. There is for a Terrorist.
Perhaps Attacker is one step up from an Activist? The BBC loves Activists. So edgy and Left Wing. The BBC love the word Militant. Another form of Activist.
It all gets so confusing. And dangerously diluting.
Perhaps Saint Bob Geldof of the BBC could help? He’s almost on the verge of taking home the refugees he promised to house back in September 2015. Or perhaps not… Such a disappointment is Sir Rich Bob. He did encourage us all to do the same.
R.I.P. the Police Officer. I hope his death is not in vain. I really do.
Dover Sentry
The BBC and the Prime Minister speak with the same voice. Here is Treezer May initially referring to a terrorist but then follows the BBC in referring to the attacker, this attacker. Is May being scripted by the BBC or does she write the BBC’s script?
But it is great that Treezer now accepts that Islam is ” sick and depraved “.
Your question was rhetorical of course. The whole establishment response is well worn, utterly ridiculous clap trap that we have heard for years. Basically, they say, these terrorists are trying to turn non Muslims against Muslims and we must not let them divide us. But what the establishment won’t acknowledge is that Muslims are already divided from us and Islam does not peacefully coexist with other religions and does not share Western values, indeed it finds them intolerable. Concession after concession has been made to Islam but there is less integration now than there was a generation ago. Having several million of these aliens in our country is a massive problem but having several million more would be a much bigger problem. Stopping all Muslim immigration now is a necessary and urgent step. Then it needs to made clear to the Muslims who are here that they abide by our way of life or they leave. This self defeating appeasement of Islam has to stop. Either we face up to the challenge that has been thrown down by Islam or we will be converted to Islam. The liberal left cosy , multicultural Utopia is a mirage that only a fool could believe in.
After todays terrible loss of life and injuries and the Al BBC reporting , looks like only one thing for it …
BAN automobiles
BAN kitchen knives
BAN the far right (obviously)
Ban mentioning Islam.
Await the candlelight vigils,
The united world leaders, the crawling “je suis charlatan”.
Maybe even the Paris piano player
… and a erm “backlash” that never materialises
… but decisive, meaningful action?
Today our heart goes to those lost, and injured, our deepest heartfelt condolences
It was a small act objectively, but a statement
… going to get the publicity, that ladies and gentlemen is the technique of terror
The right response is what the public will be waiting for, will it come from inept and compromised Appeaer May?, the clueless Fallon??, Khan (shakes head)
What did I say about Sadiq Khan becoming London Mayor eh?
The little man who could have grown in the eyes of some ,
who choose to disappear, and play words instead.
Quick link to Last page of last thread
and to Justin’s 2:55pm comment on page before that
attacker ??
Alleged attacker – puh_leeze….
That’s unless you are viewing the BBC web site from the USofA – in which case the “alleged” *magically* disappears.
Alleged attacker? – really? – you mean somebody’s alleged to have run over 20+ people and stabbed a police constable dead
Great to see that Milo is still around !
He’s still been active on FaceBook. He posted yesterday that he’s just returned from holiday, rested and ready for a big comeback.
I hope so . If Milo did not exist , we would have to invent him. He ruffles more feathers than a cock with hens, so to speak !
We don’t know the circumstances surrounding that photo. To me the woman in the headscarf looks very upset and is rushing along – look at the angle of her right leg – she doesn’t look like a standard smart-phone zombie – we just don’t know what was happening but if you’ve seen the horrific pictures in El Pais, (eg, woman under a bus) it seems there must have been total chaos on the bridge.
It may have been photoshopped. But do we have any examples of muslims coming to the assistance of non-muslims anywhere in the world in history ? I can only think of one. The Ottomans giving sanctuary to the Sephardic Jews from Spain.
Well it would appear that it’s not the first time she’s been in ‘the wrong place at the wrong time’.
Coincidence? I think not!
Only 4 dead? Shit.
Comon Milo it does look like she’s checking the details on the web
She’s frowning rather than smiling.
Stew ,
I think Milo is making a joke here !
Hmm @Grant Maybe
..but them it’s still pretty bad taste to bother to mock up a title like that.
In Muslim countries people help me all the time, (Except for Mr Baksheesh the exploiter, tourist shop owners etc.)
But when it comes to women I wouldn’t trust 9 out of 10 to be alone with my sister. Since the “life in Europe is like a porno movie” myth is so strong in the minds foreign Muslim men .
or why does the BBC still insist people died and not murdered
Just off to lie down in a darkened room. Have just seen Squeak Khan in a TIE !!!!! (at least it was black, clearly someone had a word) giving out the usual platitudes with not much conviction – well, he wouldn’t would he.
Brissles – Wasnt it Khan who said that living with terrorism was all part and parcel of city life (or words to that effect).
Funnily enough I dont think that is normal but it looks as if Khans normality will be coming to London anyway.
Yes he did, Oaknash. But would he say the same if Mosques were bombed?
He was grieving for one of the dead.
Guess which one.
Absolutely !
“…Just off to lie down in a darkened room. Have just seen Squeak Khan in a TIE !!!!! (at least it was black, clearly someone had a word) giving out the usual platitudes with not much conviction – well, he wouldn’t would he.”
One word: Taqiyya.
“… “Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.”
Police scramble to south London tube station as capital is placed on high terror alert. Police have rushed to a London Underground station tonight just hours after a terrorist attack in Westminster.
Crowds have gathered outside Kennington station with around a dozen police cars parked outside.
UK Home Secretary: British people will work to defeat those who would harm “our shared values” of “tolerance”
“To speak about “tolerance” with four dead at the hands of an Islamic jihadist in London is to signal that it will be business as usual in Theresa May’s Britain: nothing will be done to confront the ideology that incites its adherents to violence and hatred. This is clear because “tolerance” is never asked of Islamic supremacists who take to the streets of London to preach the ultimate victory of Sharia; the only people ever accused of “intolerance” are those who speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat”
R Spencer.
“watching al Jazeera live. You wouldn’t believe the number of likes, “well done” and “allah Akbar there were”
They speak the truth. The truth hurts.
Only those who lie.
Reported in Telegraph thus :
They speak much truth, but the presenter would be well advised not to swear. Immediately he started effing, the impact of their message was lost – and I just hit the stop button.
Mr Robinson speaks the truth yet he is made to look like the enemy. I don’t know who that reporter is with the beeny hat on but I don’t like him at all. I’ve been wondering what would have happened if THE ATTACKER (as the BBC continue to call him) would have made it into the chamber and stabbed politicians.
I feel for the those who died and were injured but I’m also sick with despair and angry with rage. It’s being played out exactly as I had predicted. Democracy will survive. Together in solidarity we will go on. We will not be defeated. Still after yet another attack politicians remain weak, the BBC biased and Islam the religion of peace.
Yes, perhaps in Pakistan and Kabul etc.
What we really need to help sort out this unholy mess is an in depth BBC investigation by the likes of Panorama or NewsNight into the activities of dangerous, subversive, terrorist groups….
Like the EDL…
From Our Prime Minister:-
Move on, get on with living, do not hate, love Islam and be sure to have an armoured Jaguar close by like I do.
The selfishness and hypocrisy of politicians is beyond belief. A great leader would have gone out on to the street to try and help , or at least , reassure people , face to face. Just like Churchill in the blitz. Treezer just runs away. No concept of leadership. She is totally useless.
Hmmmmm not a great lover of Churchill. He turned the military on the miners; and it wouldn’t have mattered who the PM was they would have been swept away, as they would Royalty – like it or not.
Geert Wilders is tweeting, in Dutch, that Rutte is shedding crocodile tears over the terrorist murders in London. Good point !
Hours and hours of beebistan ‘coverage’, speeches by The Appeaser, police, etc, and not one mention of the elephant in the room: Islamic terrorism by Muslims.
Motive remains unknown? Try the koran, dummies.
Well said. None so blind….. Idiots .
Apparently the motive was International Terrorism – what the heck is that??
Does anyone know if the policeman who shot the murdering muzzie been arrested yet?
He will be suspended pending an investigation. What makes you think that the poor victim was a muzzie ?
Officer was unarmed , despite the bbc reporting he was armed..
Lone terrorist reported by police despite bbc reporting it was 2.
Plenty of Fake news from the bbc
I has some harsh words for the police yesterday, but in this sort of situation my appreciation for them is high. My heart goes out to the families of the policeman and the two other dead victims (obviously not for the murderer’s family) and to those injured and traumatised by this atrocity.
I have harsh words for the police too. But they are not all the same and hats off to the one who killed the terrorist bastard.
Oh a new Radio4 have a new project
Will it reflect the whole of the UK as required by the BBC Charter
Or will they as usual say “Stuff the charter” and make the project for the MetroBubble LibMob ?
Some good European names there, responding to Europe’s second oldest poem – I hope our culture isn’t being appropriated.
I am not sure it is a good choice for a progressive. Odysseus was one of the most ruthless of men and unforgiving. A realist who calculated the odds and acted only when sure of his people and ground. His treatment of the mistresses of the suitors is without pity- the birds hanging on the wire.
I expect this is just another BBc attempt to influence our thinking and to distort our past , our literature and our achievements. To describe the setting as the western seaboard of Turkey as if the ancient world bore any resemblance to today is risible.
Dave S,
Quite right and how many of them have read it in the original Greek ? At that time, the Turks were still in China , before their migration. Turkey, as a country and the Ottoman Empire did not exist.
I despair !
I like the Chief of Police saying he thinks one of those killed was the attacker. Sheesh nothing to worry about with the best and brightest running the show eh
Senior policemen tend to be thick coppers. Thank goodness some on the ground are a bit brighter !
Senior policemen (and women) become senior to escape the front line.
Research shows that the majority of police officers are not interested in promotion and despise those who do.
And those that want it are usually fast-tracked Uni trash with degrees in bloody Sociology, humanities, media studies and so on…they spend very little time on the beat and are rushed up the ladder….and it shows with their comments….In New York, beat officers , rightly, get paid extremely well, more than specialists in fact, to attract the best, and keep them. All our Chief Cons [ nice name ] are insipid, weak, PC soaked yes men for Govt. ministers…..no Harry Callaghan’s in their number, worst luck…
10:29 p.m. and Met. Officer Mark Rowley expresses his concern for ‘our Muslim community’.

When I check older tweets I can see he has form
“Muslims suffer the most from terrorism”
and KTHopkins pointed out he and the Met were the ones that called the Bloomsbury killer – menatlly ill, at the time they didn’t even know his name.
someone quoted these words from him
The “backlash” shtick never ends. I’ve just heard a German reporter on a German BBC claiming that police resources have been mobilised to protect the Muslim community who often suffer after an attack of this kind. When has the Muslim community ever been pogromised after a Muslim terror attack? The situation in Germany concerning arson attacks on refugee reception centres is far worse. The German media would have liked to have blamed these attacks on Neo Nazis, but they were deeply chagrined as it turned out most of the attacks were down to “concerned citizens” with no far-right associations. The “muslims always suffer most from muslim terror” shtick will no doubt be making the rounds. This is not surprising leftist zealots and religious zealots spend lots of effort eliminating the apostate, heretic and the ideologically impure, whom they often detest more than than those who were never believers.
No doubt Barret, ex-headboy of MI6 world counter terrorism, will be on the Today programme tomorrow to administer the usual soporifics. You have got more chance of being struck by lightening than killed by muslim terrorism. One Labour woman MP who was interviewed was rather keen to leave the House when she heard “shots behind her”. Surely she should have accepted her fate with stoic resignation, after all what does a beheading or two matter in the scheme of things. Instead of mouthing platitudes like “they will not divide us”, they should emulate Churchill who had a revolver at hand to deal with any invading Nazis or IRA types.
Update on LBC from Met Press conference
5 Dead, 40 injured
(Dead officer named as Keith P, RT said female earlier)
Nationalities : won’t mention until embassy liason
Islamist related terrorism, details of perp will not be discussed
Concern level :unchanged, but police will be visible, as ever military is available but has not been used to date
So the Leadership and National Broadcaster of our Country are dealing in obfuscation
We all sit here incredulous knowing exactly what happened and why it will continue to happen.
Don’t any of these people have the Internet ?
Everyone around the Country is looking at the TV with their mouths open at the pure crap being served up to us
Shame about the military, they should be guarding key infrastructure, airports, railways etc allowing more armed police to be patrolling..
Maybe time to arm all police….
I see the bbc slowly starting to blame the security services, I guess to deflect as much gaze from the true reasons of the attack..
Politicians shrink from using the Army….their loyalty is suspect to our politicos, and rightly so…many troops hate muslims for good reason…and hate the Govt. for their treatment of their fellow soldiers post conflict, with many abandoned and on the streets…something is coming…soon i hope…..
BBC Website. The bastards at the BBC are still calling the muslim terrorist an ” attacker “. Beeboids are total cnuts.
They know , but they do not want us to know !
Message to Maxiboy,
Where are you when we need you ?
He’s not on duty yet. Try later .
Let’s all ignore the root cause seems to be the message . Little Sadiq has it all under control.
More bollards was one of the ideas I heard just flouted on the BBC (didn’t know you could speak any more bollards BBC) great idea more bollards that’ll scare ’em eh
You are talking a load of bollards.
hahah no change there then mate
Such perception in this BBC report:
Acting Deputy Commissioner and head of counter terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley, said they were working on the assumption the attacker was “inspired by international terrorism”.
A police officer ha been murdered by a terrorist who is to all extents a Moslem
But Mike Rowley wants to go after the far right.
‘Terrorists want to create fear’
Posted at
Mike Rowley
Mark Rowley, the national lead for Counter Terrorism Policing and the Acting Deputy Commissioner, said: “Terrorists have a clear aim and that is to create discord, distrust and to create fear.
“The police stand with all communities in the UK and will take action against anyone who seeks to undermine society, especially where their crimes are motivated by hate.
“We must recognise now that our Muslim communities will feel anxious at this time given the past behaviour of the extreme right wing and we will continue to work with all community leaders in the coming days.
“It’s essential for us to remain vigilant but to also work together – policing and communities – and unite against those who seek, through violence and extremism, to threaten, intimidate and cause fear.”
That statement by Rowley beggars belief. A fucking muslim murderers one of his police officers and Rowley’s sympathies are with muslims. I think he should go on a basic leadership course. Or , better still, just resign. How can any of his police officers have any respect for him after that statement. He is a wanker.
I look forward to millions marching through London shouting ‘not in our name’! ,’not in our name’!
How about the Britons in their own country, who will “feel anxious at this time” due to the ongoing behaviour of Muslims here?
You hear comments like that from Rowley, it brings home how far we’ve fallen as a country; I don’t recall after, IRA terror attacks, senior police offices bleating out their concerns for the welfare of the “Irish community” here.
What a joke they are, and we are for putting up with it – still voting for either of the two party state and wondering why our society only ever gets worse.
Stick a fork in it, I think this country’s nearly done.
I wonder how much of an atrocity it has to take in this country before Islam is condemned from the top. We’ve had military beheaded in broad daylight, young white girls raped, stabbings at underground stations, Islamic doctors struck off for death by negligence, bombs let off, and now a half arsed attack on Parliament, what more is needed ? Perhaps an attack on the BBC building or one of the Royal homes might sway them.
Totally agree with your comments. I am really in despair today. Thank God I am going home to a civilised country soon. In Gambia , I do not have to worry about all the shit going down in Europe. Might even have a few weeks holiday in Casamance down south in Senegal.
I don’t really give a shit what happens in Europe now. People who will not fight for their land, country and culture deserve no respect. UK RIP.
I think you’re assuming the MSM and our MPs are representative. They’re not.
The MSM seem to think it’s all part of some weird “Islamist” fad which will blow over, and MPs seem to think it’s all about them, in spite of the fact that almost all of the victims were on Westminster Bridge, 40 with injuries which we’ll probably never hear about again.
As far as I can tell on the ground, people are angry, many spitting blood. They know it’s about Muslims, they know that people who want to tell the truth like Tommy Robinson are being sat upon, and they even know a bit of history. Now that the Met has lost one of its own, maybe a few more of them will start to think for themselves. The problem is higher up the chain.
As pointed out before, the EDL arose spontaneously as a result, not of a terrorist attack in the UK, but disrespect shown to British soldiers in Luton. Some people on this site chose to sneer at the EDL because they were the “wrong” sort of people, but it’s always the “wrong” sort of people who stick their necks out and do the heavy lifting, and it will be again.
As for your “civilised country”, I know you’re being facetious but it’s nowhere, and never has been.
We have a real leadership problem in this country and it shows. If they cannot handle it then time to make way. Failing that stay silent and let those that have to cope just get on and do what has to be done.
Mrs May is not the right stuff. Sorry but she is just not.
Dave S
British politicians are total failures. Just headless chickens.
Al Beeb and the rest of the libtard media journalists are jut as bad. Thats the problem .
“given the past behaviour of the extreme right wing ”
What past behaviour specifically? Why doesn’t he provide examples of this behaviour? I can’t ever remember any “right wing” reactions to muslim atrocities except for maybe a few marches.
Trying to make out peaceful marches are worse than indiscriminate murder is a sacking issue. He needs to go forthwith.
“We must recognise now that our Muslim communities will feel anxious at this time given the past behaviour of the extreme right wing”, Yeah, like nailing a bacon butty to a mosque door!
A crime punishable by death, it would appear.
Well this time the Muslim Council of GB did come out quite quickly disowning the attack and the media did report it ..I heard it agin on R5 at 11.30am
The 5Live presenter was better at not pushing for right wing angle
..But Newsnight’s Evan Davis did try that, and also said “Can we say that this guy was mentally ill ?”
I get the impression that the Jo Cox PR team is working over time
Labour MP’s are being careful to mention her name
And Brendan Cox will be on Radio5 tmw morning.
(Just like when she died they invited Pym Fonteyn and Theo Van Gogh’s relatives NOT)
I find media commentators’ invocation of Churchill and the blitz spirit after the Westminster atrocity nauseating. True, he encouraged stoicism. But he didn’t import thousands of German ‘refugees’ in the certain knowledge that a minority would illuminate Coventry during the black-out with ten-foot letters saying, ‘Welcome, Luftwaffe’. Neither did he claim any of the carnage we suffered was the result of radicalised mentally ill lone wolves who’d misunderstood ‘Mein Kampf’.
I often crossed Westminster Bridge when I worked in London years ago, and usually stopped to look at the Queen Boadicea statue. I wonder what she thinks, looking across the road to Theresa’s appeasing government. Not a lot, judging by the grisly revenge she dealt out to the Roman invaders after their ‘grooming’ of her daughters had sparked off the Iceni tribe’s rebellion and the sacking of Londinium!
There is a salient lesson to be learnt from Boudicca. By the time she rebelled the Roman’s were too well established, the Roman’s took there revenge for London and Colchester – bye bye Iceni.
The Romans were a formidable force, the terrorists we are facing are thick as two short planks, 9/ll notwithstanding. Pathetic bunch – losers from 10th rate countries.
Hate to admit it but, by comparison, the IRA were quite professional.
Compare 1940 when the Queen stated being bombed meant the Royal family could “look the East End in the eye”
With this morning Lord Carlile in the BBC radio car talking about how “we in Parliament” were protected from this attack.
The complete inversion of the blitz spirit. The other difference being, no one invited the Germans to enter the country to make it easier to bomb London.
I Agee with every word you have written except ‘thousands’. Millions would be more accurate.
Meanwhile the Muslim prisoners who clog up our prisons will be cheering at the news of 1 Policeman and 3 other civilians murdered plus 40 seriously injured. The same prisoners who cheered when the death of Lee Rigby was announced. The prison officers will do nothing about this as they didn’t before. This is happening in our prisons, Whitemoor being one. A son of a dear friend was an inmate for whatever reason so I can assure you this is fact.
Listening to Toady this morning; Brendan Cox interviewed for his views on the Jihad attack yesterday, because his wife was murdered by a “far right terrorist” – despite neither the police nor prosecutor and judge at Mair’s trial describing him as such.
It would surely have been more appropriate to have interviewed a relative of a victim of a previous Muslim terrorist murder, Lee Rigby’s mother or wife for example, than a man carving out a sinecure for himself as al beebus’ go to: grieving-relative-of-a-“far-right terrorist”-killing.
Cox kept insisting we focused on the plight of the victims and their relatives and ignore the perpetrator. Think good thoughts about them and their lives.
Did he do that? He certainly didn’t stop his interviewer repeatedly describing Mair as a far right terrorist. Mair wasn’t a terrorist – he was a man deranged by injustices he perceived about the way British society was being changed. He lashed out. There are not thousands of other Mairists parading their sick faith, attempting to alarm and frighten anyone in a public place in a random way.
Mair was in no shape or form a terrorist. He singled out one person – terrorists don’t do that.
Al Shubtill- I could of had a bet that the BBC would bring on Brendan Cox. It’s to tell us that although 98% of terrorism is Islam “inspired”, that one cannot just generalize about “the religion of peace” By the way you may know I a a bookmaker. I am running a book on how long it will take the “usual suspects” on the Londononistan Programme to start attacking the Metropolitan Police again. Two days is favourite.
I was appalled that Radio 4 had Brendan Cox on this morning, but not surprised, what do the BBC think they are playing at?
Unfortunately the BBC is not “playing”. Not at all.
It’s a planned response and it is deadly serious for us all that the reasons behind these continuing attacks and murders are buried under a mountain of pure cant from the likes of Cox.
It is sometimes mentioned, but also downplayed, that the security services have prevented numerous attacks. UK is on almost permanent state of high alert, and in France I think it is a permanent state of emergency! But the fact that there is a war on must be permanently buried, unless the people start to ask the “wrong” questions and draw the “wrong” conclusions about who we are at war with and what our political class is doing about it.
Inspired by International Terrorism, what does that mean is this so they don’t have to mention ISLAMIC terrorism
“Islamic persuasion” is as far as they will go.
If the terrorist turns out to be an errant local paintball unit scrum half, won’t that make it very domestic?
And hence this line of dissembling kncorrect as well as pants?
If an import then accurate, and a whole new can of worms for the semantic squad to try and spin away.
Simon Jenkins on Newsshite last night pointed out something the terrorists love is when their deeds are shown wall to wall on the TV channels. Ergo the response should be to mention the attack but not go overboard on it. Clearly not what he was booked for.
Al Beeb of course go on and on and on and do the exact opposite. And worse. This morning on Toady we had St Jo of Cox’s husband telling us to be calm and Frank Gardner doing the same. You know, just in case we conclude that a certain religion may be culpable. Meanwhile Al Beeb are still going to enormous lengths NOT to mention anything about the terrorist and his likely proclivities, even spending much time showing pictures of him on a stretcher but blurring his face.
Real sick-inducing stuff from our appalling leftist in-denial taxpayer funded state broadcaster.
BBc Breakfast the sofa sloths are out in the cold in Westminster have they travelled down from Salford media City? Grief they are talking to Brendon Cox now.
They must actually think, “who can we talk to now?”, then Brendan comes skipping down the street shouting, “I’m here, it’s me Brendan Cox again”. FFS.
The irony for me is that this atrocity has happened after all the usual suspects had spent the day before eulogising “The Butcher of Bogside”.
BBc North West report on increased segregation in schools in the area? Sorry, please enlighten me. Oh no they are not going to.
It’s all ok everybody.
The London Mayor SADIQ KHAN has announced there will be a candlelit vigil held tonight in Trafalgar Square tonight.
I’m off out to buy a teddy bear and a few candles want to get there early.
Oh God!. Please let’s hope that arse with a piano singing ‘imagine’ isn’t there as well.
You can guarantee all the Liberal ‘celebs’ will be drawn to it like flys round shit.
Given the diverse and vibrant mix that is now the population of London, let’s just see who shows up at the vigil. Any predictions?
I predict that the very small number of ‘non native Britons’ will be strategically placed at the front and centre stage for when the photographers and camera crews arrive. Any odds on it being otherwise?
You mean like the usual Question Time audience, Ian.
Lilly Allen , Bob Geldof , Sir Brendan Cox for starters Steve . Elton singing a few verses from the Koran – it will be a joyous occasion Steve
dont forget sting i believe he’s good at opening sets at massacre sites with a bit of arabic, im sure old jug ears will be there as well handing out free halal crisps
It’s all becoming as wearily predictable as a BBC template for reporting or complaint reply.
Vacuous politicians issuing thoughts and prayers and ‘we will not be scared’ chants from their bunkers.
BBC reporters suddenly deciding unarmed coppers are their fallen heroes.
Tabloids zeroing in on a tragic young mother no longer with us.
Senior police and top floor editors deciding the real victims are those in line for a dirty look or an insensitively draped strip of streaky.
Thick as bat guano mayors ordering more coloured spots as a backdrop for the candles.
Perfect Curve issuing a lovely logo and hashtag combo.
But the dead are dead, and RIP.
However, what of the living? The father and children. And the mutilated? And their families?
All soon to be forgotten collateral as the establishment crafts an appropriate message to plaster over the fact it is utterly unwilling, or incapable of doing anything anymore for fear of ‘repercussions’ on Newsnight.
Et… repetez.
Sadiq Khan on The Today programme referred to the problem of ‘charismatic speakers’ inspiring terrorists. Charismatic? Not very reassuring from our commander in chief.
He spouts stale platitudes about not letting this change our way of life. Of course it fucking does; I can’t take my nephews up to see the sites in London in this climate. What should I say to my brother if the boys are mowed down like the French students yesterday?
“If I changed my way of life, it would let the terrorists win! Your boy may be dead leaving you eternally heart-broke , but the important thing is we did not let the terrorists win and make us change our way of life!”
We shall not be cowed, he said. Well I am never going up to London again unless I absolutely have to.
Last time I took my kids to London was two weeks before the London bombs, we were lucky.
It is to be hoped that those in Frankie Howerd are not still debating whether this attack is to be called ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’.
Of course we won’t. Common sense and self preservation plus responsibility for children will soon put an end to visits to London.
In the shires this is now a common policy and has been so for some years.
The answer? Certainly not the current emotional garbage from our so called leaders.
Well don’t get too complacent. People were saying something similar when the IRA was active, then we had Warrington.
Hopefully Philip Hammond will announce a 1% rise in income tax to help fund all the extra emergency services required to treat wounded Islamic terrorists – it’s what St Jo would have wanted
More likely a 1% rise in income tax so that “the security forces have adequate resources to track down so-called international terrorists and the equal threat of home-grown Far Right extremists”.
Do you feel safer with Marine Blackman safely locked away behind bars, or with 3,000 potential murderers on the radar but running free on our streets? Lock’em up or tag’em.
seen elsewhere
After every terrorist attack in Western countries, these are the steps that take place like clockwork by Leftist mass media and Corbyn’s Marxist brigade.
1. An immediate declaration is made that this has nothing to do with Islam and the terrorist does not represent real Islam. White leftist often atheist experts on the Quran and Islamic doctrine suddenly emerge on BBC News to save the day.
2. Muslims claim to be the religion of peace and media outlets and Labour push this agenda hard and fast down your throats.
3. Strong claims that the UK arms and US presence in the Middle East is the cause of this attack.
4. The terrorist is claimed as mentally ill or simply misguided, perhaps poor and desperate without any evidence that suggests that as nobody even knows who he really is yet. Once they know, every effort is made to find a way to place him into one of the justified excuses above which is supposed to somehow give him immunity for their crimes.
5. The terrorist attack is declared as a ”lone wolf attack”.
6. Claims that it’s just part of everyday living in a big city are made.
7 Claims that Christians and Jews do these things too are made but with zero evidence of this.
8. Facebook profiles are changed to the flag of the inflicted country “Pray For (insert country here)”
9. Candles are lit, vigils are held and people go on a peace march to show solidarity with Muslims not with the victims and their families.
10. Claims are made that Muslims are the real victims here.
12. All religions are equated as being a danger to society even though we all know there is only one violent religion on our planet.
13. Israel is blamed especially on Wednesday or Thursday, sometimes Friday.
14. Millions of Muslims worldwide both online and in public rallies including Imaams and political leaders praise the attacks as heroic in the name of Jihad. All media outlets ignore this completely.
15. Random and very irrelevant statistics are brought out about how you have more chance of dying from a shark in your bath than in a terrorist attack.
16. Token Muslims and George Galloway come out to express their disgust at the actions of the terrorist and then somehow blame it on the actions of the country where it took place and Israel too.
17. Token leftist Jews come out to express their feelings about how we need to embrace the Muslim community and not behave like Nazis and also end the occupation in Israel.
18. Token leftist Christians come out to express how we should all just get along and sing Kumbaya together.
19. Those who object to any of the above are called racist, bigots or closed minded Brexiters.
20. Everyone then waits for the next Islamic terrorist attack to happen.
21. Go back to 1. Repeat as needed.
Excellent summary No.6. However, it leaves out the scare-mongering about the ‘right wing backlash’ which is always supposed to happen but never actually does, probably because the vast armies of goose-stepping blackshirts that stalk the nightmares of liberals are actually just a tiny bunch of ageing skinheads drunkenly mumbling the lyrics of some Blood and Honour songs from 1982.
How right you are.
I have just switched on Sky to be utterly nauseated by the ritual uttering of platitudes from the (Mad) House of Commons, obviously still at stage 1. The pasty-faced cunt Angus Robertson Scottish National Socialist Party, oozing moral smugness, claims that “No terrorist outrage is representative of one faith or any faith community”. He may as well say no nazi outrage was represtative of nazism or any form of nazism. Bottomley has even consulted his Imam on the matter. “Communities defeat terrorism” some moron opines. Surely there is one community which has no interest whatsoever in defeating Muslim terrorism.
Hate will not divide us. Attack on our democracy. We will not be cowed. Blah di blah. These people live in their own fantasy world. All they have to offer is delusion about the internal Muslim threat and meaningless blub-fests.
ID, all the platitudes and hand-wringing reminds me of a verse I dimly remember from the book of Isaiah. I looked it up:
‘Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me…the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting…they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.’
The gist is, actions, not pointless appeasing rituals, are required.
Very apt.
Watching BBC. On cue, vibrant MP has just raised the spectre of a so-called backlash.
The Scottish Parliament came under fire yesterday for allowing a debate about independence to run for more than an hour after the Westminster attack.
Calls from MSPs to suspend a debate about a second independence referendum were initially snubbed, before it was finally agreed to suspend business out of respect for the dead.
A senior SNP minister was accused of ‘disgraceful’ behaviour after she launched a furious attack on opposition MSPs when the suspension was confirmed.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4340434/Storm-Scots-carry-happened.html#ixzz4c8kso8XR
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Donald Trump Jr has commented on Sadiq Khan’s view that Londoners will have to get used to terror.
Note how the BBC spin it so that it comes across as a criticism of Trump Jr.
‘President Donald Trump’s son has come under fire for criticising London’s mayor, shortly after a terror attack on the UK capital killed three people.
Donald Trump Jr tweeted an article written last year, in which Sadiq Khan said terror vigilance had become “part and parcel” of life in a global city.
Mr Trump quoted the headline and tweeted: “You have to be kidding me?!”
He angered many Britons who accused him of exploiting the tragedy and implying the quotes were made after the attack.’
Well he did not anger me for I am aware that Khan is an asshole and appeaser.
Hey Sadiq Khan, try this.
Outbreaks of violent Islamophobia will soon become part and parcel of life in cities run by people like you and Jihadist fellow travelers.
Sounds rather like their “But critics say”, line, when they supply no source of criticism.
It probably just means that their staff were saying “Oooooh, do you really think we should publish that?”
Precisely. And if asked to substantiate, the BBC will suddenly become even less trustworthy or transparent.
Sadiq Khan? – his existence is based on the Ballot Box supported only by Tony Blairs democracy: Import millions of the like minded from the third world who will vote for your kind and structurally distort the voting procedure. Hey Ho! and in the process displace those who won’t vote for you aka, ethnic cleansing. Works every time as the country can observe (in a town or city near you {or failing that, coming shortly})!
Mishal has weighed in, as only a pro can:
At least she has stayed clear of moral equivalences this time.
Recommend Pounce’s contribution on the other thread.
That is, how about Al Beeb getting off their arses and challenging Corbyn on his reservations about a shoot-to-kill policy.
Let’s just hope Mother Theresa hasn’t forgotten Brexit .
There’s another one of these ‘Whinge For Europe’ marches on Westminster this Saturday. It’s a shame the Jihadist couldn’t have waited a few days . . . . . (joke)
Looking at their FB page, the sanctimonious c*nts believe that their open-border policy actually helps to stop “The hatred which leads to incidents such as this”!??
“”The 17,410,742 who voted to Leave, voted for a complete & utter “Hard Brexit”.””
Please sign the petition:
So have I.
Responses to islamic terror in Westminster:
The Appeaser: Er, business as usual, that’ll show ’em!
The Police: Our sympathy goes out to the muslim community who are the real victims, and beware the Far Right. That’ll show ’em.
Emir Khan: let’s get together in Trafalgar Square and sing Kumbaya. That’ll show ’em. Anyway it’s just part and parcel of life in a vibrant, diverse capital.
Al Beebistan: Who could possibly have done this terrible thing, and why? We are utterly baffled. It’s not as if it’s in the koran, or islamic state is telling muslims worldwide to do just that, or imams everywhere are relaying that message and the muslim community is tacitly endorsing jihad. That’ll show em.
Now, on to more important news: Isn’t Trump awful?