I haven’t watched Dr Who for years so I thought I’d give it a watch tonight.
The Tardis is in London 1841 for a Frost Fair on a frozen Thames. Dr Who’s-black-gay-male-named assistant says “…London 1841? the slave trade is still around…. isn’t it a bit dangerous?” whilst pointing to her own face.
Followed by several scenes were about 75%-90% of the next 2 minutes was showing black people.
There was me thinking the slave trade was abolished decades earlier but I must wrong. Come to think of it didn’t the Muslims come to Britain to free the black people from the evil whites? I’ll carry on watching to learn more British history.
Daft even during colonial slavery black slaves within the UK were almost unheard of.
Although Radio 4 in Feb had a doco of black slave owner living in the UK
(His white father had married a slave and owned a planatation himself)
I think I may give up on Doctor Who now. The Doctor has seen all manner of atrocities take place across the Universe, but the only thing that makes him punch someone is a racist remark. I gather the racist bad guy died at the end (of course). Pathetic – the writers don’t care about entertaining, just pushing a PC agenda.
A racist bad guy died in tonight’s Casualty, too. He went largely unmourned by his family, though, because they were white working-class scum more intent on blame and/or violent revenge. Only the gay son was shown as being properly upset. Are we watching a TV programme or being pamphleted?
I mentioned last week all the BBC daytime programmes that had a man of colour presenting (the demise of the white male presenter), – lo and behold another one appeared in the form of an antique dealer/gypsy/part clown …… Danny Sebastian, the like of which has never been on the screen before. And looks like a bloody good wash wouldn’t go amiss.
I see the Great British Menu (starting next week) judging panel, in replacing Prue Leith, has also gone down the ‘diversity’ route by someone who has more of a background of musical performing, rather than performing in the kitchen. Dumbing down at its worse.
Dr Who has been unwatchable for a long time. It is like being slapped around the face with a wet Guardian.
Slavery ended in the UK with the The Slavery Abolition Act 1833. The UK then campaigned and actually fought all over the world to end slavery. Soemthing the BBC doesnt have time to tell us. Dr Who’s black assistant assistant would have been safe in London but not anywhere in the Middle East until after 1935.
I didn’t watch Dr Who but if they were lots of Indian ‘black faces’ in London in mid-19th century that would have been accurate. African faces, rather less so but certainly not unknown.
Before the end of the century, almost exactly half a century later from the 1841 depicted in that Dr Who episode, Dadabhai Naoroji (born in Bombay) was elected to Parliament for the Finsbury Central constituency.
For real accuracy, they should have had some Chinese faces as well as Jews in the crowds on the Thames. As the Victorian era developed, there was a growing Chinese community in London, increased by merchant seamen brought here by growth in global trade.
I think the Tardis is naturally racist: I don’t think it has ever landed in Africa or Asia or any predominantly non-White area of the Earth.
It still lands in the hideously white areas of the past, but which are now teaming with more and more Black people due to the evil influence of the left-wing Master. At this rate, the Tardis will land in a Nazi Germany with a Black Muslim majority population within fifty years, unless the Master’s Multicultural Flux-Capacitor is removed from the Tardis.
I think the Tardis should try and land in Nigeria, to see if the White population has gone there?
Or it could be BBC fiction, with the loony Communist idea that the Actors/Workers are more important than the Viewers/Customers
The BBC seems to have this story. Last week, apparently unnoticed by the BBC and most of the world’s media, Saudi Arabia was elected to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women – with support from at least five EU countries. Saudi Arabia was duly elected for a four-year term with 47 votes out of a possible 54. This was the lowest figure among any of the contenders but more than enough to get it past the finishing post.
Although the ballot was secret suspicion is rife that the United Kingdom was one of the nations who voted in favour.
If this fell on April 1st I would assume this was a joke.
I posted this a while ago “with support from at least five EU countries. ” I think you have missed a 1 from the front of that because it was a least 15 EU countries.
If you have any illusions that UK politicians are being bribed by the Saudis, maybe now is the time to set them aside, otherwise the question comes how much evidence do you need?
Twelve other countries were also elected by the council in Geneva to serve for a four-year term, ending in 2022: Algeria, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Haiti and Nicaragua. How high would they rate for woman’s right?
t was a secret ballot, but the math tells us that at least 15 of the following democratic member states of the U.N. Economic and Social Council voted to elect Saudi Arabia to the U.N.’s women’s rights commission:
Czech Republic
Republic of Korea
South Africa
“Because we know there were at least four other EU nations who voted for Saudi Arabia, today we call on France, Sweden, Norway, and the UK, who are among the other members of the 54-nation U.N. Economic and Social Council. to likewise assume responsibility and express regret if indeed they backed Riyadh.”
Go to twitter and type in : climate march Denver
– Since Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (5280 feet or 1609.3 meters) above sea level
so guess what happened during the march ?
(last week was world science march day
Today is world climate march day)
Stew, I listened to the repeat of Gardeners Question Time (BBC R4 Fri and 2pm today) and they referred to the Royal Horticultural Society report. Peter Gibbs, speaking about the report (he was a BBC representative there at the launch) made a wonderful tongue in cheek remark “Well, the temperature has increased by one degree in forty years.”
I swear I could hear the echo (well, it was a repeat) of a sharp intake of breath from the bosses in W1A.
Midnight news on both R5 and R4 chose to play reports of US Climate demos but only info they gave was that
“Trump said Climate change is a hoax!”
He rolled back some of Obama’s measures and is helping coal.
So why didn’t they report the London marches?
Guess cos they are just doing sneer at Trump.
Wouldn’t the LGBTQWERTY “community” feel better if he remained as a candidate? So that they could field one of their own (whom everyone would vote for because the Tory is so obviously evil) and show how all the folk on the IoW believe how utterly wonderful homosexuality is. I mean it’s not as though anybody might agree with him…is it?
Labour loonies hound a Conservative out of his job for saying he dislikes homosexuality, whilst they insist on ‘multiculturalism’ that means we have to tolerate Muslims murdering anyone they suspect of being ‘gay’.
On R4 now The WatO story of the Syrian refugee family in Gernmany
..ironically end with family splitting up cos the husband can’t handle German culture
gays etc.. and wishes he was back in Syria
One hour omnibus edition
\\They risked their lives in rubber boats and got caught up in riots at border crossings, they slept rough, ran out of money and regularly asked themselves ‘Is it worth it?’//
Something strange : Late Night Woman’s hour was pulled some time on Friday
Radio Times and the website had previously advertised the trailed program about Activism
Yet yesterday they began tweeting that the prog would be About breakups
You know how stroppy SJWs are
..possibly the other guests refused to share space with the Countryside Alliance woman.
can’t be election purdah ?
Still Radio4 is full of activists
Thursdays- Sherwood Forest doco had anti-fracking women talking for 5 mins
Today : Loose End not only had its normal helping of Black singer/actor visiting London
it also had Gaia Vince on about travelling the world on Climate activism.
Although she was over romantic about energy in Costa Rica, some sense has seeped in ncos she talked about not pushing solutions upon people.
It was a promo on Sun 30 Apr, 7pm
Episode 1/4
… Express article mistakenly speaks of Costa Rica being an island
also C4 put out long article
I’ve lived in the region : you have to understand that there is a lot of political fakery in the country so when there claims that is a Green country or peace country take it with a pinch of salt.
I took it, not so much as ‘Timmy is wonderful’, but more as an example of the current style of harrowing questioning undertaken by journalists these days. I’m far from being a Timmy fan, but the way he and other politicians of whatever party are bullied and overtalked by reporters in their quest for ‘the truth’, I find uncomfortable to watch. I’m surprised anyone in their right mind would want to be an MP when faced with the harridans of the journalistic profession.
Not only Jon Snow, but Krishna Gurumurthy (?) is also one of the bullies of interviewing, Laura Kuenssberg is cringeworthy in her technique. Yes there has to be challenging, its all part of the ‘game’, but more often than not it borders on nastiness and ‘sneering’.
VS-watch : Now in the BBC2 film an Irish priest is giving mass and one of the receivers is black..not very likely in rural island.
Now 2 of the characters in the pub are Irish Asians
F-me the garage mechanic is a very sweary Caribbean guy
I’m just waiting for a drama/sitcom whatever, set on the SE Kent coast just after the war, and see how many faces of colour are included ! Just for the record production companies, all corner shops and businesses were run by the white indigenous population, the only fast food was fish and chips, and the first black face any of us become aware of, was when the American Air Force was stationed at Manston airfield, and even then the sighting of them was a rarity ! The summer entertainment was provided by the Freddie Hargraves Band (who?) and regular appearances of Nat Gonella.
We are sadly at a time in our history when our lives before migration is being airbrushed, so that those in our midst who didn’t live here won’t feel excluded.
Brissles – I think you are mistaken. You will find that the corner shop was run by Mr and Mrs Patel, there was a Curry House and a Kebab Shop just down the road, and the USAF base was staffed entirely by BAME service personnel, with the odd token whitey. The entertainment was by a Bob Marley Tribute Band and a troupe of Bhangra Dancers. Your memory is clearly playing tricks …..
(Do you think the BBC brainwashing has worked on me?)
Now come on Lobby, tell the truth, you are clearly a scriptwriter who happens to be of colour, with a severe disability, of unknown gender (cos you cant make your mind up), has a questionable taste in music, and is inundated with work from production companies staffed by a mix of nationalities whose aim is to produce programmes that the rest of us cannot understand because of the lack of lighting, the lack of articulation, and lack of credibility when Indians are portrayed running a Chinese take away in 50’s Britain. TV gold though to the just out of Yuni Commissioning Editors.
Brissles – I am certainly “of colour” – just look at my photo! Orange Pride, and all that!
I do hope you’re not being crustaceanist!
There’s something in my contract to protect me against that – it’s called the Lobster’s Clause ….. (I’ll get me carapace….)
Please Treezer, stay in the BBC studios where you belong.
Don’t pretend to have a conversation with a fellow party worker when you are reciting lines for the camera.
Treezer the Stepford PM
Liar May with a fake interview at someone s shed? , carrying on from fake soap box, fake events, fake crowds not informing journo s of agenda so fake news and fake photo op s
… Strong ROFL! and Stable(is that a horse stable?)
Liar May refuses to debate other leaders, ie face scrutiny on her utter failure and mis-management. She has refused to do the TV debates claiming she does prefer to wait for it 😀 , get out and about and meet the … Tory Party oops erm I mean “voters”
… kneeslapper!
Thanks for posting that link, Number 7. I am unable to do that with my laptop.
I thought it might be of some interest to those on this site.
I’m glad to know that another person does too and that I’m not alone in the universe.
Ref Dr Who and comments from readers around 8pm
Notwithstanding the excessive political correctness and left wing narratives these days, there was an excellent line in tonight’s show.
Quote : I have never had time for the luxury of outrage.
Mmmm. The Luxury of Outrage. An obviously unintentional yet excellent description of the behaviour of time-rich SJWs, snowflakes, and general LeftMob rentagobs and virtue signallers that many of us so often call out on this website.
One I may repeat from time to time………
Are Al Beeb reporters impartial in their reporting?
Are Al Beeb reporters and news staff fully ‘paid up’ card carrying members of the union?
How about this for their flavor then ……….?
“Trump, Brexit, Bowie, Leonard Cohen, cuts, closures – 2016 hasn’t been a good year. But you can join your branch in marking the end of the year with some drinks, chat and networking. All NUJ members, potential members, friends and allies welcome.” https://www.nuj.org.uk/events/end-of-year-party–nuj-london-independent-broadcasting-and-new/
“2016 hasn’t been a good year.” for them ?
No, and its showing . 😀
So do you trust Al Beeb and the ‘impartial’ media ?
Well if you are visiting us here Paul – Congratulations on the BBC stuff seems well thought out – And the BBC for sure will never do UKIP any favours until you embrace the EU and of course unrestricted immigration and all other PC senseless stupidity.
However to help UKIP to be taken more seriously you should also think about cleansing your party of certain parasites such as Neil “Brown Envelopes” Hamilton who will always have a very bad smell associated with them and I reckon will always be causing you trouble.
Until all this is sorted out yours will always be a difficult balancing act. And certainly the MSM interest in questioning whether UKIP is still relevant tells me you very much are! But for the Love of Mike (sorry BBC this is an expression not a gay lover!) – Paul after the election you will still need to sort your own house out. Carswell has gone – good riddance but please dont stop there and bring UKIP back to where it belongs keeping Theresas well manicured toes right next to a very hot fire!
Wasn’t that “brown envelopes” business confected by the Man in the White Suit, Ian Hislop & co., the BBC, and all the usual suspects? Whatever you may think of Hamilton, does it not look as though he has been treated very unfairly?
Al Beeb don’t like ‘The Donald’
“Trump attacks US media at 100-day rally” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39760283
Neither do we !
But will Al Beeb ‘edit’ his speech by tomorrow ?………
“This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.”
I watched it – No doubt my opinion, and some of these on here, ‘could be, according to sources,’ somewhat different to those presented on the nation’s favourite broadcaster.
“We’re going to keep Islamic State Terrorists out of this country.”
Well readers and posters , I can’t find anything wrong with that statement.
Where are all our Al Beeb’s Trolls on this ?
On the World Service , Tim Hartford of the programme More Or Less said the £350 million figure on That bus was a lie .
The analogy he gave was ;
Imagine you are in a shop and a television was £350 , but you got a discount bringing the price down to £282 .
If you don’t buy the television , do you save £350 or £282 .
The correct analogy would be imagine you are a member of the shop’s store club and you had to pay £35 a week , but they gave you a voucher to spend £6.80 , are you saving £35 or £28.20 a week ?
Nibor – the BBC loves playing with figures to show us brexit supporters that as as well as being waycists we are all terminally stupid.
I am afraid we can look forward to lots more weeks of numbers bombing as the EU arguments about our “divorce bill” gather pace. And of course Aunty will be doing sterling duty to remind us how much “we will have to pay”
If Theresa thinks she is going to be able to achieve any sort of meaningful brexit by dealing with these Euro spivs then she is very much mistaken. In yesterdays Telegraph the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis made fairly explicit warnings on this. I would recommend she counts her fingers both before and after any dealings with these conmen and women who have bought Europe to its knees through a combination of greed, vanity, stupidity arrogance and political weakness.
Unfortunately the EU project did not have to end like this but when the madmen run the asylum there can only be one result.
I am hoping against hope that we can trust Theresa on this (though my instincts tell me otherwise). I reckon most people when they voted brexit were concerned about
1 The amount of money we were paying in to an obviously corrupt self serving organisation
2 The fact that that we had little control on our borders meant that “EU residents” and “refugees” could pretty much enter at will.
Most of us voted to preserve our culture and were well aware that when we leave some sort of example will be made of us to discourage others. There really is no such thing as a free lunch but for our long term survival as a nation we have no choice. It is also interesting that the EU is quite happy to try and de-stabilise Gibraltar and Ireland to get their own way. Maybe they would like to see a return to the “troubles”! These are the people we are dealing with!
Is the BBC much interested in this – Obviously not.
So I reckon if Theresa returns with any sort of “deal” from the EU we have been sold down the river. There is a bloody great big world out there to do business with – unfortunately the MSM and the BBC in particular has had years to kid us that we are too weak to deal with them.
Now is the time to be a nation again and stand on our own two feet without the very expensive EU snuggle blanket. Unfortunately it is now on fire but no-one has told them. And if we dont cast it aside we will get burnt too.
Imagine you are in a shop and a television was £350 and you got a discount. Except you had to give the money first and the shop keeper decides you wont get the tv but a bacon sandwich. You “save” what he decides to give you back and have to ask him for the rest of the money as a grant to buy what he decides you can have after taking his profit first.
The more I hear and read about the demands the EU are making and the upcoming two year long “Brexit negotiations”, the more I incline to agree with what George Galloway suggested was the correct way for the UK to conduct itself after the referendum; this was during an interview he did with Peter Oborne on Sputnik, at RT.
The gist of it was: send a letter to the EU informing them that we are leaving; that we wouldn’t be imposing any tariffs on goods coming in from the EU and that we hoped that they wouldn’t impose any on our exports to them.
The implication being that whatever they did to us via tariffs, would be reciprocated.
I believe that we have wasted a lot of time already and could waste even more attempting to deal with these tw@ts at the EU.
More or Less is another great programme which has been infected by the political bias of the Beeb. I wish he could just interrogate interesting claims and statistics like he used to; often now there has to be some social justice warrior angle to it. The analysis of what percentage of actors in Hollywood films were disabled or from ethnic minorities was especially annoying; it’s not showing clever use of statistics, which the show is about, to just count the number of non-white people on films.
On bBBC 1 at 0730.
Andrew Marr trailer for his own show later. In terms he says ” I’ll be interviewing the Prime Minister and asking her some really tough questions like Are You In Favour of Strong and Stable Government”.
Now whether or not you agree with Treezer and whether or not you rhink she sounds like a stuck record ( note to snowflakes- this refers to a repetitive saying) the issue here is why does Marr think it’s OK to take the piss ? Except that he knows he can get away with it.
It’s just another example of the insidious repetitive unenending leftie bias.
On bBBC Breakfast they are covering the Joshua fight result. The presenter in the “tottie” position is bigging up how great the radio 5 Live radio commentary was.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Watch ten minutes of this morning’s 8 o’clock tv news and you get a pretty good feel for our BBC
You catch the tail end of The Travel Show – Ghana looks ok but did we get any useful advice and information for tourists? Sounded a lot like a lecture on Slavery.
Top news headline and the most important news item as judged by our BBC news editors is…. Madeleine McCann
Really? Can’t help but recall how often a BBC presenter or correspondent has snootily slagged off the Tabloid Press.
To the Big Fight. Well, at least it makes a change from the BBC promoting women’s boxing.
Wonder what angle the BBC will take on the fight – ah we ought to have guessed… what did Twitter have to say. But if I want social media I will log onto social media. I tune into tv for something different. For goodness sake, it’s like asking Weetabix all about Cornflakes. That’s a breakfast analogy.
So, inevitably, to the 100 days of Trump bashing.
A nice BBC headline: Trump “defending” his record and “attacking” the media.
Let me rephrase that for you, BBC: The media “attacking” Trump and “defending” themselves.
Laura Bicker is our girl in Washington. Not quite the finishing school article such as the posh rather horsey Jenny Hill our girl in Berlin who sucks up to Merkel. Our Laura is more of a pound shop Kuenssberg – harsh Scots tones from a slightly twisted lip – a touch of the Celtic snark as pioneer by Huw Edwards.
And as far as I can see it’s a win for Trump. The press shunned – no hobnobbing at the Correspondents’ Dinner for The Donald. He holds a rally and the people cheer him on.
How different to Obama. Remember how the journos used to tell him how elegant he was?
Wonder what our Barrack – the man of the people – is up to?
The US press plead “We’re not Fake News”
Meanwhile the BBC is fake by ommission – they forget to us tell us about this beauty :
‘When he was president he called them “fat cats,” but now he’s likely thanking them for a huge payday. Former President Barack Obama, less than 100 days out of office, has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald’
A.L.Kennedy’s ‘Point of View’, R4. Can I stand any more of that tiresome, pointless stream of inconsequential words? I suppose I’ll endure to the end, if only to see if it’s tiresome to the bitter end.
BBC reports on the MP standing down after gay danger remark.
The BBC certainly ran to comfort the children who were shocked, quoting eelings of outrage from IOW Pride and others.
But where is the BBC’s support for diversity?
The MP has beliefs, perhaps not universally held, but they are beliefs.
And he does not support hurling gays from rooftops.
Mishal, One reason why houses are so dear is that your kind persuade councils to give planning permission for mosques which attract your kind to the area so they can pray there umpteen times a day. Hence property prices soar
‘Baby Boomers’ suggest that there were a lot of children post WW2 but Mishal believes they ‘all’ were able to buy houses. Yet this generation have failed to replace themselves, the BBC and others having persuaded lots of them not to get married, not to have children and for the women to take up careers.
That should mean that there would be a surplus of houses and conventional economics suggests that the price should fall. What could have gone wrong?
What a load of bloody rubbish. This woman, born in 1973 is talking out of her a….. Maybe her parentage took it for granted – g/father a 2 star General, and father a doctor – but for a lot of us, like now, we had to rent while saving up a deposit. It was doubly hard because unlike now, our parents didn’t own their own houses so the thought of them ‘helping out’ wasn’t even a consideration ! The generation of today possibly have inherited houses to look forward to, – to the Baby Boomers that really would have been like winning the lottery – but Landlords were a bit funny in loaning the children of their tenants any money !!!!
So, Miss Privileged Husein, put your mouth in gear before you make sweeping statements like that.
11am R5Live White van thefts massive rise
Maybe cos police are busy with : Racist Tweets, so called hate crimes, and anti-fracking demos
“tradesmen who have lost thousands of pounds worth of tools as van thefts have increased by 64% in the last two years. With thieves devising new ways of breaking into vehicles a theft is now said to occur every 25 minutes.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08nrhzq
Ah that’s on now last 15mins of the prog :
“peel and steal” thief leans against door and lifts out locked position.
and “tib key” method ..thieves using a locksmiths masterkey
…First 45 mins were about the problems of district heating systems ..bad billing here in the UK
You are locked into the contract for 40 years, cos PFI based.
Councils are pushing people onto the schemes cos GREEN grants are available.
FakeNews-watch – BBC/MSM saying
“that FakeNews that’s not us it’s over there on Right-wing-Facebook”
then 9:40am R4 Krishnan Guru-Murthy saying “Trump’s MUSLIM ban”
“Channel 4 broadcaster Krishnan Guru-Murthy urges media to challenge ‘slogan-filled’ election campaigns”
then next minute using a fake slogan “Trump’s Muslim ban”
Channel 4 broadcaster Krishnan Guru-Murthy urges media to challenge ‘slogan-filled’ election campaigns https://t.co/Ch73PTdrpU#PRbants
BBC Marr – Liar May
ignore the question – robospeak …
hmmm, but also – robospeak …
but, Andrew – robospeak …
ignore the question – robospeak …
well, yes but – robospeak …
change the question – robospeak …
This underhand crap is actually a disgrace, and debate? there should be no “choice” in the matter.
* SJW-watch * – 9:40am Radio4 Krishnan Guru Murphy and Stuart Murphy (launched BBC3, ran Sky1 & Sky’s Ent Channels..tweets against Brexit)
at least they were BALANCED by UKIP’s @SuzanneEvans1 being on also
… afRadio4 where you are never more than 90 mins from the next SJW voice and msg of doom
* Slogan-Watch *
Theresa May says “Strong and stable leadership” again
Corbynistsa react to a UKIP voice on radio
by tweeting AGAIN : “Why’s far-right party with no MPs is given a national platform”
(Ans they have 438 councillors and it’s the local elections next week)
A Party with NO MPs once again gets preferential access. Just another weekend on the BBC #bbcbh
Socialists never seem to have much self-awareness. They will happily accuse others of being fascists while showing all the traits themselves.
As to a party with NO MPs getting preferential access? Why does she not say party voted for by nearly four million people has no MPs which is the real scandal here.
The left have no compunction about silencing anyone with views different to their own. The Corbyn storm-troopers will shortly be out burning books while shouting “Fascists out” – all whilst convinced they’re doing the world a favour! You couldn’t make it up.
Heard this biased crock this morning.
Lucy Powell(she who ran Milibands campaign in 2015, now bullied out of Corbyns circles for being female I think) was given uninterrupted time to trash the Tories, and with no reply. No Tory to argue, no questions from O Connell.
Didn`t there used to be laws, guidelines and agreements re impartiality?
Biased, partial lies start to finish. But we DID learn that Krishans nickname is “Loverboy” because he used to cuddle everybody-and he wanted to be a ballet dancer.
Let`s now reflect on all this shall we?Urgh.
Anything special going on in France today? You wouldn’t believe it listening to the so-called, “News”. Perhaps all the media are hunkering-down to expect the worst (fingers crossed!)……….
Don’t know about anyone else, but I haven’t got a clue about the negotiating position of any of the main parties save the ostrich like Fib Dems who see Brexit as some form of bad dream which they could stop if only they could wake up, and have no relevance to the debate anyway, I have no clue as to the intentions of any of them.
And that shamefully includes UKIP who have a muppet for a leader who has told voters to back Tory Brexiteers.
There are rumours circulating that Theresa the appeaser wants a big majority so she can sell the country down the river and ignore the harder line Brexiteers in her party. I would not be surprised if these rumours were accurate!
The wider point is that yet again, the media which should have been digging these things out don’t seem to want to even talk about them, more interested in Jeremy’s latest inane jabbering about the racism of the Ethiopian eel worm.
We are being failed yet again, and despite all the criticism of the Media, they are simply carrying on business as usual.
The BBc are at again. Food waste. They have been banging on about this for years. However did you spot where they illustrated food being dumped in the video that it was actually pumpkins. Yes they are using footage from post Halloween for their agenda. What mo one mentioned is that if the best by date is removed. The date shops need to sell it by it’s easier for the shops to hold it in stock for longer and it will therefore be fresh for possibly less time when purchased.
Food is occasionally dumped (say low price), but not for mis-shape reasons.
but when I worked on the farm, misshape grade went into soup mix or bulk buyers like the NHS.
BBC/NUJ have a Love it or Lose it campaign #LoveitorLoseitBBC
A pity they didn’t apply that to their audience: Respect it, or lose it
..Everyday I meet another person weened off the TV licence.
Faking history to show white people are racist, but it’s okay because as the writer claims “It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way”.
ITV Grantchester white posh fellows being beastly racist to Indian visitor players on 1930 cricketfield.
SJW narrative building.
Switched channel
– I turned Gaia Vince off earlier for being a clueless greenie
– then I turned off Portillo cos his prog was stuffing Totnes eco-town in my face.
And don’t forget the man of the cloth/man of colour Archdeacon !
I imagine the scenario at the programming meetings of these channels, going through every programme to ensure they are not wholly white. It doesn’t matter what era the setting, just shove a person of colour in it !
Airing soon* : Three Girls, a new three-part BBC One drama based on the true stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale. …
* talk of the BBC delaying it because it might advantage UKIP http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/three-girls.html?m=1
Three girls. How can the BBC possibly be trusted to do this program?
From The Mail: “Peake was speaking ahead of the controversial new BBC1 drama Three Girls, which is based on the true story of those who were groomed and abused in Rochdale between 2005 and 2012.”
The £3 million drama will be screened over three consecutive nights from May 16 but the BBC is said to have considered delaying it until after the General Election.
“There has been a lot of concern about showing it before the Election because Right-wing groups like the EDL or Ukip may use it to their own advantage,’ said a programme source.”
So already they are shifting attention to “right wing groups” as if they are a problem. “There has been a lot of concern” From who? Muslims rapists perhaps?
I expect a whitewash. As much as they can get away with.
BBC London News reporting on the anniversary of a gay club being bombed; apparently hate crime is up 10% last year. The reporter relished basking in how this was an attack on all communities.
Of course this was a tragedy, but they are just using the anniversary as another excuse to spew out their lefty propaganda. It is not ‘news’. Linking it to the spurious ‘rise in hate crime’ was somewhat shameful.
Has anyone noticed how often past injustices are brought up and basked in as they is just not enough racism to go around these days?
“Hundreds of people twerked their way from the White House to the Trump Hotel in Washington DC on Friday, to …
protest against US President Donald Trump’s stance on LGBT issues, transgender rights and the environment”
Yep! that ll cut it 😀 I can envisage an Al BBC special real soon
With erm “resistance” like that showing them who s boss eh!
… did they stop by the mosque and protest?
… nah! didn t think so
These libtards are brain dead. President Trump doesn’t have a problem with gays. In fact, he is trying to keep out people like the muslim nutter who murdered 49 people at a gay club in Florida. These stupid gay fuckwits should be thanking him, not shaking their stupid arses in the street.
These people are sad exhibitionists who seek a “protest” in order to indulge their perversions and fantasies. They use charity runs for the same.
Within a few years. don`t be too surprised if there are FGM stalls getting driven in convoy, or ottomans/divans where catamites can be openly seen to pleasure charity donors or celebrities. As long as cameras are there, and a charity or politcal cause becomes the pretext for their weirdness.
Exhibitionists. If only they`d fly to Riyadh and not Rio, so they might raise the consciousness of the Wahhabist…as well as other things.
Agreed Alicia – It seems to me that the majority of these freaks would not look out of place as extras on the set of Caligula. The word decadent certainly springs to mind. When I see stuff such as this it makes me think that Western society (as we know it) is slowly but surely – literally disappearing up its own fundament.
What seems most ironic of all is that one of the reasons why millions of allied troops died in WW2 was so that we could have personal freedom and freedom of expression. Yet this has gone so far that those who seem most active in protesting would far rather protest against a Government that is the expression of that freedom rather than protest against those those who would deny them any freedom and in this case would probably give them all free flying lessons off high buildings.
To all intents and purposes these protesters have pretty much won their battles and gained acceptance. So what do they really want? Maybe they dont really want to be accepted at all because if they were, they would not have anything to protest against! Maybe being a “victim” is the new gay “cool”
Or is it that for some weird reason they think that protesting over something crap somehow validates them.
Or maybe it is all just about shaking their arses in public.
These images are indicative of how low society has sunk in the past 50 years. Earlier on here it was mentioned that the 50’s and 60’s weren’t that great, but at least there was humility, dignity and self respect. There isn’t even ‘shame’ now, as anything goes whether its dress, sexual behaviour, language, lack of respect. –
The soaps are the biggest perpetrators in never saying Please or Thank You. I cringe on hearing “have you got…. “I want….. “do you have…….. without so much as a Please. When its heard on the tv then we’re finished as a ‘polite’ society.
Brissles – Much oF Western society (aided and abetted by the MSM) has become fixated by individual rights and entitlement at at expense of any responsibility to communities.
Cohesion within a successful society is always a trade off with the more extreme demands never being granted. However if you have unbridled individual freedom this in the end will inevitably lead to the breakdown of societies as the common beliefs that once knitted society together and enabled it to deal with challenges in concert become forgotten as everyone seeks their own personal goals and gratification without a care for anyone else.
This arse wiggling freakshow think they are celebrating strength when ultimately they are celebrating weakness which if not checked will be the undoing of all that we hold dear.
Strange days! BBC 1 News covers Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, but no mention of the jolly japes provided by Hasan Minhaj at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Not funny enough?
Al Beeb gives Macron 24% and Le Pen 21 % http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39691111
I am afraid the bookies are giving Macron 1/8 and Le Pen 5/1 at present .
Anyway it may be worth a ‘flutter’ ?
Macron is the bankers choice so that will backfire anyway .Le Pen is left wing on social policies so that will backfire as well. France is screwed big time either way.
Add to that the terrorism and unrest and there is no possibility of a good outcome. I still would bet on a military coup .
Twenty minutes I lasted on TWATO(Weekend Mix and Mash). Mardell must have asked nearly EVERY EU suckup about how crap Britain is, how reduced we are,how nuts May is and how much will we have to pay to get the keys to Junckers Minibar. He (or his slimmer foamer self) continued to shout “We`re the BBC” at assorted Estonian taxi drivers and Luxembuggers-and all longing for that killer soundbite to say that we need to stay in the EU-or else.
Twenty minutes of this-why so Mardell?
This is NOT news-this is shoutings. Totally biased BBC drivel-on a apr at shouting through Rudolf Hess`s letterbox, hoping that Hitler would agree to wipe his feet before sticking his boot on Churchills neck. THAT is what the BBC would be craving these days, had we had the same level of treacherous pigmy sucking off our tits in 1939 at the BBC.
If only they`d get their hands out of Saviles boxers and actually thought on what we the majority in this country voted for last June. Riots will be following if they continue to mock and ignore us-at our expense every time too.
I can think of quite a few other things to do than listen to weak bbbc squealings. If it rains today, I may well paint the bathroom windows and have Durufle’s Requiem on as background music – the ‘In Paradisum’ just makes me quiver uncontrollably, so I’d best not be cutting into the glass at that particular moment…
There’s also some potting-on to do in the greenhouse, and that’s always a pleasure, as eighty-four tomato seedlings won’t do much in little three-inch pots!
And I have to clean my electric bicycle – a chum wants to try it out, as she may well buy one, so that’s much better than hearing (not listening to), bbbc drivel.
Then the dog will need a walk, and I have to make sure we have enough tinctures cooling for lunch!
Much better than turning on the television or radio…
Listening briefly to Radio 4 7am news. I dislike the entire presentation, where it begins with Mishal Husain reading the headlines first before the news reader who then repeats everything. Instead of a news reader simply reading the news, we are subjected to being passed over to another correspondent with usually nothing more interesting to say. Often it doesn’t end there and we get yet another ‘expert opinion’ so Instead of a news reader doing their job you get up to 3, 4 or more of opinions and discussion where you are meant to be listening to a news reader READING THE NEWS. As usual the subject matter is Brexit and the French elections where they still refer to Ms Le Pen as far right.
Interestingly they are now playing a clip of Mr Macron speaking in English telling us that he is going to ensure that Brussels reforms the EU. Considering his earlier bellowing this switch seems all too suspicious. Something else which I found disturbing but not surprising was a very brief mention of A MURDER ON TOP OF A DOUBLE DECKER BUS IN MARLEYBONE. Basically that was all we were told. Other stories less deserving got the 1,2,3,4 treatment but a murder on a public bus in central London skipped over and ignored. At the 7.30am headline read it wasn’t even considered worthy of another mention. This is why only a complete shut down of this organisation is the only answer. Too big, too powerful, too arrogant. Close it. We don’t need it.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
I haven’t watched Dr Who for years so I thought I’d give it a watch tonight.
The Tardis is in London 1841 for a Frost Fair on a frozen Thames. Dr Who’s-black-gay-male-named assistant says “…London 1841? the slave trade is still around…. isn’t it a bit dangerous?” whilst pointing to her own face.
Followed by several scenes were about 75%-90% of the next 2 minutes was showing black people.
There was me thinking the slave trade was abolished decades earlier but I must wrong. Come to think of it didn’t the Muslims come to Britain to free the black people from the evil whites? I’ll carry on watching to learn more British history.
I remember the days when Dr Who was a childrens’ program, Tabs and Gay was a female Christian name!
Daft even during colonial slavery black slaves within the UK were almost unheard of.
Although Radio 4 in Feb had a doco of black slave owner living in the UK
(His white father had married a slave and owned a planatation himself)
I think I may give up on Doctor Who now. The Doctor has seen all manner of atrocities take place across the Universe, but the only thing that makes him punch someone is a racist remark. I gather the racist bad guy died at the end (of course). Pathetic – the writers don’t care about entertaining, just pushing a PC agenda.
All BBC drama now takes the form of morality plays, designed to teach the peasantry (us) what we should think.
It is, as a consequence, worthless junk.
A racist bad guy died in tonight’s Casualty, too. He went largely unmourned by his family, though, because they were white working-class scum more intent on blame and/or violent revenge. Only the gay son was shown as being properly upset. Are we watching a TV programme or being pamphleted?
I mentioned last week all the BBC daytime programmes that had a man of colour presenting (the demise of the white male presenter), – lo and behold another one appeared in the form of an antique dealer/gypsy/part clown …… Danny Sebastian, the like of which has never been on the screen before. And looks like a bloody good wash wouldn’t go amiss.
I see the Great British Menu (starting next week) judging panel, in replacing Prue Leith, has also gone down the ‘diversity’ route by someone who has more of a background of musical performing, rather than performing in the kitchen. Dumbing down at its worse.
Dr Who has been unwatchable for a long time. It is like being slapped around the face with a wet Guardian.
Slavery ended in the UK with the The Slavery Abolition Act 1833. The UK then campaigned and actually fought all over the world to end slavery. Soemthing the BBC doesnt have time to tell us. Dr Who’s black assistant assistant would have been safe in London but not anywhere in the Middle East until after 1935.
As for black people in London and the deceit on Dr Who, its right on, leftie writer, Moffat says it’s alright to lie: ““How do we manage to have a diverse cast despite that? …. It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way.”
I’m sure it would be fine for right wingers to bend history “slightly” to advance their causes too.
I didn’t watch Dr Who but if they were lots of Indian ‘black faces’ in London in mid-19th century that would have been accurate. African faces, rather less so but certainly not unknown.
Before the end of the century, almost exactly half a century later from the 1841 depicted in that Dr Who episode, Dadabhai Naoroji (born in Bombay) was elected to Parliament for the Finsbury Central constituency.
For real accuracy, they should have had some Chinese faces as well as Jews in the crowds on the Thames. As the Victorian era developed, there was a growing Chinese community in London, increased by merchant seamen brought here by growth in global trade.
I think the Tardis is naturally racist: I don’t think it has ever landed in Africa or Asia or any predominantly non-White area of the Earth.
It still lands in the hideously white areas of the past, but which are now teaming with more and more Black people due to the evil influence of the left-wing Master. At this rate, the Tardis will land in a Nazi Germany with a Black Muslim majority population within fifty years, unless the Master’s Multicultural Flux-Capacitor is removed from the Tardis.
I think the Tardis should try and land in Nigeria, to see if the White population has gone there?
Or it could be BBC fiction, with the loony Communist idea that the Actors/Workers are more important than the Viewers/Customers
The BBC seems to have this story. Last week, apparently unnoticed by the BBC and most of the world’s media, Saudi Arabia was elected to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women – with support from at least five EU countries. Saudi Arabia was duly elected for a four-year term with 47 votes out of a possible 54. This was the lowest figure among any of the contenders but more than enough to get it past the finishing post.
Although the ballot was secret suspicion is rife that the United Kingdom was one of the nations who voted in favour.
If this fell on April 1st I would assume this was a joke.
I posted this a while ago “with support from at least five EU countries. ” I think you have missed a 1 from the front of that because it was a least 15 EU countries.
If you have any illusions that UK politicians are being bribed by the Saudis, maybe now is the time to set them aside, otherwise the question comes how much evidence do you need?
Twelve other countries were also elected by the council in Geneva to serve for a four-year term, ending in 2022: Algeria, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Haiti and Nicaragua. How high would they rate for woman’s right?
t was a secret ballot, but the math tells us that at least 15 of the following democratic member states of the U.N. Economic and Social Council voted to elect Saudi Arabia to the U.N.’s women’s rights commission:
Czech Republic
Republic of Korea
South Africa
“Because we know there were at least four other EU nations who voted for Saudi Arabia, today we call on France, Sweden, Norway, and the UK, who are among the other members of the 54-nation U.N. Economic and Social Council. to likewise assume responsibility and express regret if indeed they backed Riyadh.”
Saudi Arabia was backed by 47 of 54 nations.
What attracted weapons-selling-nations to vote in favour of the $multi-billion spending Saudi Arabia ?
Go to twitter and type in : climate march Denver
– Since Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (5280 feet or 1609.3 meters) above sea level
so guess what happened during the march ?
(last week was world science march day
Today is world climate march day)
Via Steve Milloy
apparently not photoshopped
Now I know why they are called snowflakes.
Stew, I listened to the repeat of Gardeners Question Time (BBC R4 Fri and 2pm today) and they referred to the Royal Horticultural Society report. Peter Gibbs, speaking about the report (he was a BBC representative there at the launch) made a wonderful tongue in cheek remark “Well, the temperature has increased by one degree in forty years.”
I swear I could hear the echo (well, it was a repeat) of a sharp intake of breath from the bosses in W1A.
Midnight news on both R5 and R4 chose to play reports of US Climate demos but only info they gave was that
“Trump said Climate change is a hoax!”
He rolled back some of Obama’s measures and is helping coal.
So why didn’t they report the London marches?
Guess cos they are just doing sneer at Trump.
The breaking irony meter graphic

Wouldn’t the LGBTQWERTY “community” feel better if he remained as a candidate? So that they could field one of their own (whom everyone would vote for because the Tory is so obviously evil) and show how all the folk on the IoW believe how utterly wonderful homosexuality is. I mean it’s not as though anybody might agree with him…is it?
Labour loonies hound a Conservative out of his job for saying he dislikes homosexuality, whilst they insist on ‘multiculturalism’ that means we have to tolerate Muslims murdering anyone they suspect of being ‘gay’.
On R4 now The WatO story of the Syrian refugee family in Gernmany
..ironically end with family splitting up cos the husband can’t handle German culture
gays etc.. and wishes he was back in Syria
One hour omnibus edition
\\They risked their lives in rubber boats and got caught up in riots at border crossings, they slept rough, ran out of money and regularly asked themselves ‘Is it worth it?’//
Let’s hope they spread the message when they return to Syria.
“…got caught up in riots…”
Funny how those riots just seem to happen.
Something strange : Late Night Woman’s hour was pulled some time on Friday
Radio Times and the website had previously advertised the trailed program about Activism
Yet yesterday they began tweeting that the prog would be About breakups
You know how stroppy SJWs are
..possibly the other guests refused to share space with the Countryside Alliance woman.
can’t be election purdah ?
Still Radio4 is full of activists
Thursdays- Sherwood Forest doco had anti-fracking women talking for 5 mins
Today : Loose End not only had its normal helping of Black singer/actor visiting London
it also had Gaia Vince on about travelling the world on Climate activism.
Although she was over romantic about energy in Costa Rica, some sense has seeped in ncos she talked about not pushing solutions upon people.
It was a promo on Sun 30 Apr, 7pm
Episode 1/4
… Express article mistakenly speaks of Costa Rica being an island
also C4 put out long article
I’ve lived in the region : you have to understand that there is a lot of political fakery in the country so when there claims that is a Green country or peace country take it with a pinch of salt.
Its finally happened ! Channel 4’s uber lefty Jon Snow has been ‘outed’ by Peter Oborne in the D/Mail. Good read and about time too.
Superb article Brissles – thank you for linking it.
First section on Snow – spot on.
The rest of it????????????????????????? – Isn’t Timmy wonderful!
I think you may have missed the point of that part of the article, if that’s what you took from it.
I read past the first section through to the section on ‘religious rights’.
Tell me I’m wrong in my interpretation of said link.
I took it, not so much as ‘Timmy is wonderful’, but more as an example of the current style of harrowing questioning undertaken by journalists these days. I’m far from being a Timmy fan, but the way he and other politicians of whatever party are bullied and overtalked by reporters in their quest for ‘the truth’, I find uncomfortable to watch. I’m surprised anyone in their right mind would want to be an MP when faced with the harridans of the journalistic profession.
Not only Jon Snow, but Krishna Gurumurthy (?) is also one of the bullies of interviewing, Laura Kuenssberg is cringeworthy in her technique. Yes there has to be challenging, its all part of the ‘game’, but more often than not it borders on nastiness and ‘sneering’.
Okay: Number 7, I think you’re wrong in your interpretation of said link.
VS-watch : Now in the BBC2 film an Irish priest is giving mass and one of the receivers is black..not very likely in rural island.
Now 2 of the characters in the pub are Irish Asians
F-me the garage mechanic is a very sweary Caribbean guy
I’m just waiting for a drama/sitcom whatever, set on the SE Kent coast just after the war, and see how many faces of colour are included ! Just for the record production companies, all corner shops and businesses were run by the white indigenous population, the only fast food was fish and chips, and the first black face any of us become aware of, was when the American Air Force was stationed at Manston airfield, and even then the sighting of them was a rarity ! The summer entertainment was provided by the Freddie Hargraves Band (who?) and regular appearances of Nat Gonella.
We are sadly at a time in our history when our lives before migration is being airbrushed, so that those in our midst who didn’t live here won’t feel excluded.
Brissles – I think you are mistaken. You will find that the corner shop was run by Mr and Mrs Patel, there was a Curry House and a Kebab Shop just down the road, and the USAF base was staffed entirely by BAME service personnel, with the odd token whitey. The entertainment was by a Bob Marley Tribute Band and a troupe of Bhangra Dancers. Your memory is clearly playing tricks …..
(Do you think the BBC brainwashing has worked on me?)
Lol !
Now come on Lobby, tell the truth, you are clearly a scriptwriter who happens to be of colour, with a severe disability, of unknown gender (cos you cant make your mind up), has a questionable taste in music, and is inundated with work from production companies staffed by a mix of nationalities whose aim is to produce programmes that the rest of us cannot understand because of the lack of lighting, the lack of articulation, and lack of credibility when Indians are portrayed running a Chinese take away in 50’s Britain. TV gold though to the just out of Yuni Commissioning Editors.
Brissles – I am certainly “of colour” – just look at my photo! Orange Pride, and all that!
I do hope you’re not being crustaceanist!
There’s something in my contract to protect me against that – it’s called the Lobster’s Clause ….. (I’ll get me carapace….)
he! he ! he!
you’re sure its not Orange Aid ????
I am shocked, I tell you; shocked!
Meanwhile, also on the BBC, as ‘news’…
Please Treezer, stay in the BBC studios where you belong.
Don’t pretend to have a conversation with a fellow party worker when you are reciting lines for the camera.
Treezer the Stepford PM
Liar May with a fake interview at someone s shed? , carrying on from fake soap box, fake events, fake crowds not informing journo s of agenda so fake news and fake photo op s
… Strong ROFL! and Stable(is that a horse stable?)
Liar May refuses to debate other leaders, ie face scrutiny on her utter failure and mis-management. She has refused to do the TV debates claiming she does prefer to wait for it 😀 , get out and about and meet the … Tory Party oops erm I mean “voters”
… kneeslapper!
I have just heard that a political party has just announced they will scrap the BBC licence fee. Anybody interested?
Sorry YD
Just posted below.
Thanks for posting that link, Number 7. I am unable to do that with my laptop.
I thought it might be of some interest to those on this site.
I’m glad to know that another person does too and that I’m not alone in the universe.
Ref Dr Who and comments from readers around 8pm
Notwithstanding the excessive political correctness and left wing narratives these days, there was an excellent line in tonight’s show.
Quote : I have never had time for the luxury of outrage.
Mmmm. The Luxury of Outrage. An obviously unintentional yet excellent description of the behaviour of time-rich SJWs, snowflakes, and general LeftMob rentagobs and virtue signallers that many of us so often call out on this website.
One I may repeat from time to time………
Are Al Beeb reporters impartial in their reporting?
Are Al Beeb reporters and news staff fully ‘paid up’ card carrying members of the union?
How about this for their flavor then ……….?
“Trump, Brexit, Bowie, Leonard Cohen, cuts, closures – 2016 hasn’t been a good year. But you can join your branch in marking the end of the year with some drinks, chat and networking. All NUJ members, potential members, friends and allies welcome.”
“2016 hasn’t been a good year.” for them ?
No, and its showing . 😀
So do you trust Al Beeb and the ‘impartial’ media ?
Sorry if this has been posted above.
Not as much of a thick scouser as represented in the MSM.
He must be visiting us here!
Rhif Saith – Number 7
“He must be visiting us here”
You bet he does along with Sir Nigel and ‘The Donald’ .
Etalai – Perhaps.
We can only hope that’s the case.
Well if you are visiting us here Paul – Congratulations on the BBC stuff seems well thought out – And the BBC for sure will never do UKIP any favours until you embrace the EU and of course unrestricted immigration and all other PC senseless stupidity.
However to help UKIP to be taken more seriously you should also think about cleansing your party of certain parasites such as Neil “Brown Envelopes” Hamilton who will always have a very bad smell associated with them and I reckon will always be causing you trouble.
Until all this is sorted out yours will always be a difficult balancing act. And certainly the MSM interest in questioning whether UKIP is still relevant tells me you very much are! But for the Love of Mike (sorry BBC this is an expression not a gay lover!) – Paul after the election you will still need to sort your own house out. Carswell has gone – good riddance but please dont stop there and bring UKIP back to where it belongs keeping Theresas well manicured toes right next to a very hot fire!
Wasn’t that “brown envelopes” business confected by the Man in the White Suit, Ian Hislop & co., the BBC, and all the usual suspects? Whatever you may think of Hamilton, does it not look as though he has been treated very unfairly?
Al Beeb don’t like ‘The Donald’
“Trump attacks US media at 100-day rally”
Neither do we !
But will Al Beeb ‘edit’ his speech by tomorrow ?………
“This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.”
I watched it – No doubt my opinion, and some of these on here, ‘could be, according to sources,’ somewhat different to those presented on the nation’s favourite broadcaster.
It’s on Sky News at the moment. Enjoy!!
“We’re going to keep Islamic State Terrorists out of this country.” c. Donald Trump.
Just now.
“We’re going to keep Islamic State Terrorists out of this country.”
Well readers and posters , I can’t find anything wrong with that statement.
Where are all our Al Beeb’s Trolls on this ?
According to Stephen Sackur (on “Hardtalk” recently) the simple mention of “Islamic terrorism” is unforgivably hatred-inciting.
Al Beeb’s so called Impartiality …………..
One Al Beeb reporter interviewing another Al Beeb reporter.
Shwm Mae Dyn o Gymru – (Saes trying to learn)
Impartiality is a Beeb reporter having a nice chat with a Corbynista or the SNP.
Rhif Saith
“a nice chat”, Iawn ! 😉
Mae’n amser i mi fynd i’r gwaith, nos da.
Butty 😀
The BBC lies , More Or Less .
On the World Service , Tim Hartford of the programme More Or Less said the £350 million figure on That bus was a lie .
The analogy he gave was ;
Imagine you are in a shop and a television was £350 , but you got a discount bringing the price down to £282 .
If you don’t buy the television , do you save £350 or £282 .
The correct analogy would be imagine you are a member of the shop’s store club and you had to pay £35 a week , but they gave you a voucher to spend £6.80 , are you saving £35 or £28.20 a week ?
Nibor – the BBC loves playing with figures to show us brexit supporters that as as well as being waycists we are all terminally stupid.
I am afraid we can look forward to lots more weeks of numbers bombing as the EU arguments about our “divorce bill” gather pace. And of course Aunty will be doing sterling duty to remind us how much “we will have to pay”
If Theresa thinks she is going to be able to achieve any sort of meaningful brexit by dealing with these Euro spivs then she is very much mistaken. In yesterdays Telegraph the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis made fairly explicit warnings on this. I would recommend she counts her fingers both before and after any dealings with these conmen and women who have bought Europe to its knees through a combination of greed, vanity, stupidity arrogance and political weakness.
Unfortunately the EU project did not have to end like this but when the madmen run the asylum there can only be one result.
I am hoping against hope that we can trust Theresa on this (though my instincts tell me otherwise). I reckon most people when they voted brexit were concerned about
1 The amount of money we were paying in to an obviously corrupt self serving organisation
2 The fact that that we had little control on our borders meant that “EU residents” and “refugees” could pretty much enter at will.
Most of us voted to preserve our culture and were well aware that when we leave some sort of example will be made of us to discourage others. There really is no such thing as a free lunch but for our long term survival as a nation we have no choice. It is also interesting that the EU is quite happy to try and de-stabilise Gibraltar and Ireland to get their own way. Maybe they would like to see a return to the “troubles”! These are the people we are dealing with!
Is the BBC much interested in this – Obviously not.
So I reckon if Theresa returns with any sort of “deal” from the EU we have been sold down the river. There is a bloody great big world out there to do business with – unfortunately the MSM and the BBC in particular has had years to kid us that we are too weak to deal with them.
Now is the time to be a nation again and stand on our own two feet without the very expensive EU snuggle blanket. Unfortunately it is now on fire but no-one has told them. And if we dont cast it aside we will get burnt too.
Imagine you are in a shop and a television was £350 and you got a discount. Except you had to give the money first and the shop keeper decides you wont get the tv but a bacon sandwich. You “save” what he decides to give you back and have to ask him for the rest of the money as a grant to buy what he decides you can have after taking his profit first.
The more I hear and read about the demands the EU are making and the upcoming two year long “Brexit negotiations”, the more I incline to agree with what George Galloway suggested was the correct way for the UK to conduct itself after the referendum; this was during an interview he did with Peter Oborne on Sputnik, at RT.
The gist of it was: send a letter to the EU informing them that we are leaving; that we wouldn’t be imposing any tariffs on goods coming in from the EU and that we hoped that they wouldn’t impose any on our exports to them.
The implication being that whatever they did to us via tariffs, would be reciprocated.
I believe that we have wasted a lot of time already and could waste even more attempting to deal with these tw@ts at the EU.
The £350 million per week figure was provided by the Office of National Statistics. Did they mention that on More or Less?
We had a discussion about this on the previous page here
Yes MoL was one of the progs not infected by BBC SJW cancer but now it’s set in
Like why discuss £350m again and not the full exit charge question ?
Another beauty.
Katty Kay interviewing Sarah Silverman once they have sorted out their mascara?
More or Less is another great programme which has been infected by the political bias of the Beeb. I wish he could just interrogate interesting claims and statistics like he used to; often now there has to be some social justice warrior angle to it. The analysis of what percentage of actors in Hollywood films were disabled or from ethnic minorities was especially annoying; it’s not showing clever use of statistics, which the show is about, to just count the number of non-white people on films.
On bBBC 1 at 0730.
Andrew Marr trailer for his own show later. In terms he says ” I’ll be interviewing the Prime Minister and asking her some really tough questions like Are You In Favour of Strong and Stable Government”.
Now whether or not you agree with Treezer and whether or not you rhink she sounds like a stuck record ( note to snowflakes- this refers to a repetitive saying) the issue here is why does Marr think it’s OK to take the piss ? Except that he knows he can get away with it.
It’s just another example of the insidious repetitive unenending leftie bias.
“Mr Marr, are you in favour of stroke patients shuffling around with small steps and with one arm dangling by their side?”
Sluff, you have made my day with that comment!
On bBBC Breakfast they are covering the Joshua fight result. The presenter in the “tottie” position is bigging up how great the radio 5 Live radio commentary was.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Russia Today has watchable totty
..So I’ve heard
(I never notice the exposed thigh, glam hair and heels myself)
Fake by Obama-ommission
Watch ten minutes of this morning’s 8 o’clock tv news and you get a pretty good feel for our BBC
You catch the tail end of The Travel Show – Ghana looks ok but did we get any useful advice and information for tourists? Sounded a lot like a lecture on Slavery.
Top news headline and the most important news item as judged by our BBC news editors is…. Madeleine McCann
Really? Can’t help but recall how often a BBC presenter or correspondent has snootily slagged off the Tabloid Press.
To the Big Fight. Well, at least it makes a change from the BBC promoting women’s boxing.
Wonder what angle the BBC will take on the fight – ah we ought to have guessed… what did Twitter have to say. But if I want social media I will log onto social media. I tune into tv for something different. For goodness sake, it’s like asking Weetabix all about Cornflakes. That’s a breakfast analogy.
So, inevitably, to the 100 days of Trump bashing.
A nice BBC headline: Trump “defending” his record and “attacking” the media.
Let me rephrase that for you, BBC: The media “attacking” Trump and “defending” themselves.
Laura Bicker is our girl in Washington. Not quite the finishing school article such as the posh rather horsey Jenny Hill our girl in Berlin who sucks up to Merkel. Our Laura is more of a pound shop Kuenssberg – harsh Scots tones from a slightly twisted lip – a touch of the Celtic snark as pioneer by Huw Edwards.
And as far as I can see it’s a win for Trump. The press shunned – no hobnobbing at the Correspondents’ Dinner for The Donald. He holds a rally and the people cheer him on.
How different to Obama. Remember how the journos used to tell him how elegant he was?
Wonder what our Barrack – the man of the people – is up to?
The US press plead “We’re not Fake News”
Meanwhile the BBC is fake by ommission – they forget to us tell us about this beauty :
‘When he was president he called them “fat cats,” but now he’s likely thanking them for a huge payday. Former President Barack Obama, less than 100 days out of office, has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald’
AISI; ” For goodness sake, it’s like asking Weetabix all about Cornflakes. That’s a breakfast analogy.”
A.L.Kennedy’s ‘Point of View’, R4. Can I stand any more of that tiresome, pointless stream of inconsequential words? I suppose I’ll endure to the end, if only to see if it’s tiresome to the bitter end.
Smug metro-bubble stuff again
(I’ve met her , so I’ve seen what’s she’s like)
BBC reports on the MP standing down after gay danger remark.
The BBC certainly ran to comfort the children who were shocked, quoting eelings of outrage from IOW Pride and others.
But where is the BBC’s support for diversity?
The MP has beliefs, perhaps not universally held, but they are beliefs.
And he does not support hurling gays from rooftops.
Anybody know the answer to the question posed?
Three part answer a). Trump; b). Brexit; c). Climate Change.
Mishal, One reason why houses are so dear is that your kind persuade councils to give planning permission for mosques which attract your kind to the area so they can pray there umpteen times a day. Hence property prices soar
That is a puzzle, isn’t it?
‘Baby Boomers’ suggest that there were a lot of children post WW2 but Mishal believes they ‘all’ were able to buy houses. Yet this generation have failed to replace themselves, the BBC and others having persuaded lots of them not to get married, not to have children and for the women to take up careers.
That should mean that there would be a surplus of houses and conventional economics suggests that the price should fall. What could have gone wrong?
Perhaps Mishal should look in the mirror?
Shame they did not worry so much about unaffordable housing in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
We might have avoided the sub-prime crisis in 2007 and the bank crash in 2008.
…The Baby Boomer took for granted ” ??????
What a load of bloody rubbish. This woman, born in 1973 is talking out of her a….. Maybe her parentage took it for granted – g/father a 2 star General, and father a doctor – but for a lot of us, like now, we had to rent while saving up a deposit. It was doubly hard because unlike now, our parents didn’t own their own houses so the thought of them ‘helping out’ wasn’t even a consideration ! The generation of today possibly have inherited houses to look forward to, – to the Baby Boomers that really would have been like winning the lottery – but Landlords were a bit funny in loaning the children of their tenants any money !!!!
So, Miss Privileged Husein, put your mouth in gear before you make sweeping statements like that.
11am R5Live White van thefts massive rise
Maybe cos police are busy with : Racist Tweets, so called hate crimes, and anti-fracking demos
“tradesmen who have lost thousands of pounds worth of tools as van thefts have increased by 64% in the last two years. With thieves devising new ways of breaking into vehicles a theft is now said to occur every 25 minutes.”
Ah that’s on now last 15mins of the prog :
“peel and steal” thief leans against door and lifts out locked position.
and “tib key” method ..thieves using a locksmiths masterkey
…First 45 mins were about the problems of district heating systems ..bad billing here in the UK
You are locked into the contract for 40 years, cos PFI based.
Councils are pushing people onto the schemes cos GREEN grants are available.
FakeNews-watch – BBC/MSM saying
“that FakeNews that’s not us it’s over there on Right-wing-Facebook”
then 9:40am R4 Krishnan Guru-Murthy saying “Trump’s MUSLIM ban”
“Channel 4 broadcaster Krishnan Guru-Murthy urges media to challenge ‘slogan-filled’ election campaigns”
then next minute using a fake slogan “Trump’s Muslim ban”
BBC Marr – Liar May
ignore the question – robospeak …
hmmm, but also – robospeak …
but, Andrew – robospeak …
ignore the question – robospeak …
well, yes but – robospeak …
change the question – robospeak …
This underhand crap is actually a disgrace, and debate? there should be no “choice” in the matter.
* SJW-watch * – 9:40am Radio4 Krishnan Guru Murphy and Stuart Murphy (launched BBC3, ran Sky1 & Sky’s Ent Channels..tweets against Brexit)
at least they were BALANCED by UKIP’s @SuzanneEvans1 being on also
… afRadio4 where you are never more than 90 mins from the next SJW voice and msg of doom
* Slogan-Watch *
Theresa May says “Strong and stable leadership” again
Corbynistsa react to a UKIP voice on radio
by tweeting AGAIN : “Why’s far-right party with no MPs is given a national platform”
(Ans they have 438 councillors and it’s the local elections next week)
It is absolutely pathetic isn’t it?
Socialists never seem to have much self-awareness. They will happily accuse others of being fascists while showing all the traits themselves.
As to a party with NO MPs getting preferential access? Why does she not say party voted for by nearly four million people has no MPs which is the real scandal here.
The left have no compunction about silencing anyone with views different to their own. The Corbyn storm-troopers will shortly be out burning books while shouting “Fascists out” – all whilst convinced they’re doing the world a favour! You couldn’t make it up.
They kept saying how unfair it was that Hillary lost the election but won the popular vote. They never apply that argument to UKIP!
Heard this biased crock this morning.
Lucy Powell(she who ran Milibands campaign in 2015, now bullied out of Corbyns circles for being female I think) was given uninterrupted time to trash the Tories, and with no reply. No Tory to argue, no questions from O Connell.
Didn`t there used to be laws, guidelines and agreements re impartiality?
Biased, partial lies start to finish. But we DID learn that Krishans nickname is “Loverboy” because he used to cuddle everybody-and he wanted to be a ballet dancer.
Let`s now reflect on all this shall we?Urgh.
Anything special going on in France today? You wouldn’t believe it listening to the so-called, “News”. Perhaps all the media are hunkering-down to expect the worst (fingers crossed!)……….
Next Sunday…
No negative appraisals of Le Pen by the BBC and/or updates on the campaign?
G, there’s a Roman festival in Nimes. That’s Le Pen country so they’re serious about security.
I wouldn’t argue with him.
Several hundred re-enactors in full armour and carrying swords and javelins should see off anyone with a machete looking for Alan’s snackbar.
I despair.
Increase our border staff NOW.
Don’t know about anyone else, but I haven’t got a clue about the negotiating position of any of the main parties save the ostrich like Fib Dems who see Brexit as some form of bad dream which they could stop if only they could wake up, and have no relevance to the debate anyway, I have no clue as to the intentions of any of them.
And that shamefully includes UKIP who have a muppet for a leader who has told voters to back Tory Brexiteers.
There are rumours circulating that Theresa the appeaser wants a big majority so she can sell the country down the river and ignore the harder line Brexiteers in her party. I would not be surprised if these rumours were accurate!
The wider point is that yet again, the media which should have been digging these things out don’t seem to want to even talk about them, more interested in Jeremy’s latest inane jabbering about the racism of the Ethiopian eel worm.
We are being failed yet again, and despite all the criticism of the Media, they are simply carrying on business as usual.
Mardell being super biased
When I saw the words “black slag” I immediately thought of the name Diane …..
How odd …..
“Looking for a nurse who uses a food bank – anyone out there ?”
Lardell is beneath contempt. It brings to mind the old “anyone here been raped and speaks English?” line.
The BBc are at again. Food waste. They have been banging on about this for years. However did you spot where they illustrated food being dumped in the video that it was actually pumpkins. Yes they are using footage from post Halloween for their agenda. What mo one mentioned is that if the best by date is removed. The date shops need to sell it by it’s easier for the shops to hold it in stock for longer and it will therefore be fresh for possibly less time when purchased.
Food is occasionally dumped (say low price), but not for mis-shape reasons.
but when I worked on the farm, misshape grade went into soup mix or bulk buyers like the NHS.
BBC/NUJ have a Love it or Lose it campaign #LoveitorLoseitBBC
A pity they didn’t apply that to their audience: Respect it, or lose it
..Everyday I meet another person weened off the TV licence.
Faking history to show white people are racist, but it’s okay because as the writer claims “It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way”.
Millions of young minds being manipulated courtesy of our licence fees.
ITV Grantchester white posh fellows being beastly racist to Indian visitor players on 1930 cricketfield.
SJW narrative building.
Switched channel
– I turned Gaia Vince off earlier for being a clueless greenie
– then I turned off Portillo cos his prog was stuffing Totnes eco-town in my face.
And don’t forget the man of the cloth/man of colour Archdeacon !
I imagine the scenario at the programming meetings of these channels, going through every programme to ensure they are not wholly white. It doesn’t matter what era the setting, just shove a person of colour in it !
Airing soon* : Three Girls, a new three-part BBC One drama based on the true stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale. …
* talk of the BBC delaying it because it might advantage UKIP
Maxine Peake, the BBC’s favourite Communist actress. There’s a surprise.
Three girls. How can the BBC possibly be trusted to do this program?
From The Mail: “Peake was speaking ahead of the controversial new BBC1 drama Three Girls, which is based on the true story of those who were groomed and abused in Rochdale between 2005 and 2012.”
The £3 million drama will be screened over three consecutive nights from May 16 but the BBC is said to have considered delaying it until after the General Election.
“There has been a lot of concern about showing it before the Election because Right-wing groups like the EDL or Ukip may use it to their own advantage,’ said a programme source.”
So already they are shifting attention to “right wing groups” as if they are a problem. “There has been a lot of concern” From who? Muslims rapists perhaps?
I expect a whitewash. As much as they can get away with.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4459426/Star-actor-reveals-childhood-friends-targeted-sex.html#ixzz4fltaGRHY
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BBC London News reporting on the anniversary of a gay club being bombed; apparently hate crime is up 10% last year. The reporter relished basking in how this was an attack on all communities.
Of course this was a tragedy, but they are just using the anniversary as another excuse to spew out their lefty propaganda. It is not ‘news’. Linking it to the spurious ‘rise in hate crime’ was somewhat shameful.
Has anyone noticed how often past injustices are brought up and basked in as they is just not enough racism to go around these days?
They wouldn’t mention it if Labour were in power.
All part of their political game
“Hundreds of people twerked their way from the White House to the Trump Hotel in Washington DC on Friday, to …
protest against US President Donald Trump’s stance on LGBT issues, transgender rights and the environment”
Yep! that ll cut it 😀 I can envisage an Al BBC special real soon
With erm “resistance” like that showing them who s boss eh!
… did they stop by the mosque and protest?
… nah! didn t think so
resistance is futile? … ooooh yes!
These libtards are brain dead. President Trump doesn’t have a problem with gays. In fact, he is trying to keep out people like the muslim nutter who murdered 49 people at a gay club in Florida. These stupid gay fuckwits should be thanking him, not shaking their stupid arses in the street.
Leftism truly makes you mad.
These people are sad exhibitionists who seek a “protest” in order to indulge their perversions and fantasies. They use charity runs for the same.
Within a few years. don`t be too surprised if there are FGM stalls getting driven in convoy, or ottomans/divans where catamites can be openly seen to pleasure charity donors or celebrities. As long as cameras are there, and a charity or politcal cause becomes the pretext for their weirdness.
Exhibitionists. If only they`d fly to Riyadh and not Rio, so they might raise the consciousness of the Wahhabist…as well as other things.
Alicia Sinclair
The “Swamp” ?
Agreed Alicia – It seems to me that the majority of these freaks would not look out of place as extras on the set of Caligula. The word decadent certainly springs to mind. When I see stuff such as this it makes me think that Western society (as we know it) is slowly but surely – literally disappearing up its own fundament.
What seems most ironic of all is that one of the reasons why millions of allied troops died in WW2 was so that we could have personal freedom and freedom of expression. Yet this has gone so far that those who seem most active in protesting would far rather protest against a Government that is the expression of that freedom rather than protest against those those who would deny them any freedom and in this case would probably give them all free flying lessons off high buildings.
To all intents and purposes these protesters have pretty much won their battles and gained acceptance. So what do they really want? Maybe they dont really want to be accepted at all because if they were, they would not have anything to protest against! Maybe being a “victim” is the new gay “cool”
Or is it that for some weird reason they think that protesting over something crap somehow validates them.
Or maybe it is all just about shaking their arses in public.
So true Oaknash.
These images are indicative of how low society has sunk in the past 50 years. Earlier on here it was mentioned that the 50’s and 60’s weren’t that great, but at least there was humility, dignity and self respect. There isn’t even ‘shame’ now, as anything goes whether its dress, sexual behaviour, language, lack of respect. –
The soaps are the biggest perpetrators in never saying Please or Thank You. I cringe on hearing “have you got…. “I want….. “do you have…….. without so much as a Please. When its heard on the tv then we’re finished as a ‘polite’ society.
Brissles – Much oF Western society (aided and abetted by the MSM) has become fixated by individual rights and entitlement at at expense of any responsibility to communities.
Cohesion within a successful society is always a trade off with the more extreme demands never being granted. However if you have unbridled individual freedom this in the end will inevitably lead to the breakdown of societies as the common beliefs that once knitted society together and enabled it to deal with challenges in concert become forgotten as everyone seeks their own personal goals and gratification without a care for anyone else.
This arse wiggling freakshow think they are celebrating strength when ultimately they are celebrating weakness which if not checked will be the undoing of all that we hold dear.
Strange days! BBC 1 News covers Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, but no mention of the jolly japes provided by Hasan Minhaj at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Not funny enough?
Al Beeb gives Macron 24% and Le Pen 21 %
I am afraid the bookies are giving Macron 1/8 and Le Pen 5/1 at present .
Anyway it may be worth a ‘flutter’ ?
Macron is the bankers choice so that will backfire anyway .Le Pen is left wing on social policies so that will backfire as well. France is screwed big time either way.
Add to that the terrorism and unrest and there is no possibility of a good outcome. I still would bet on a military coup .
Twenty minutes I lasted on TWATO(Weekend Mix and Mash). Mardell must have asked nearly EVERY EU suckup about how crap Britain is, how reduced we are,how nuts May is and how much will we have to pay to get the keys to Junckers Minibar. He (or his slimmer foamer self) continued to shout “We`re the BBC” at assorted Estonian taxi drivers and Luxembuggers-and all longing for that killer soundbite to say that we need to stay in the EU-or else.
Twenty minutes of this-why so Mardell?
This is NOT news-this is shoutings. Totally biased BBC drivel-on a apr at shouting through Rudolf Hess`s letterbox, hoping that Hitler would agree to wipe his feet before sticking his boot on Churchills neck. THAT is what the BBC would be craving these days, had we had the same level of treacherous pigmy sucking off our tits in 1939 at the BBC.
If only they`d get their hands out of Saviles boxers and actually thought on what we the majority in this country voted for last June. Riots will be following if they continue to mock and ignore us-at our expense every time too.
From the world’s ‘most respected broadcasting org’
Link broken? Or… page removed?
Page removed
Bank holiday tomorrow. Day off for many.
So lay back, relax and enjoy the latest trot a trot meeting of minds from the BBC’s finest presenters, old and still going…
Thank you Guest.
I can think of quite a few other things to do than listen to weak bbbc squealings. If it rains today, I may well paint the bathroom windows and have Durufle’s Requiem on as background music – the ‘In Paradisum’ just makes me quiver uncontrollably, so I’d best not be cutting into the glass at that particular moment…
There’s also some potting-on to do in the greenhouse, and that’s always a pleasure, as eighty-four tomato seedlings won’t do much in little three-inch pots!
And I have to clean my electric bicycle – a chum wants to try it out, as she may well buy one, so that’s much better than hearing (not listening to), bbbc drivel.
Then the dog will need a walk, and I have to make sure we have enough tinctures cooling for lunch!
Much better than turning on the television or radio…
They have kindly highlighted the funniest bit at least:
Political Thinking with Nick Robinson
Nick Robinson talks about what’s really going on in British politics.
Really? As opposed to…?
Listening briefly to Radio 4 7am news. I dislike the entire presentation, where it begins with Mishal Husain reading the headlines first before the news reader who then repeats everything. Instead of a news reader simply reading the news, we are subjected to being passed over to another correspondent with usually nothing more interesting to say. Often it doesn’t end there and we get yet another ‘expert opinion’ so Instead of a news reader doing their job you get up to 3, 4 or more of opinions and discussion where you are meant to be listening to a news reader READING THE NEWS. As usual the subject matter is Brexit and the French elections where they still refer to Ms Le Pen as far right.
Interestingly they are now playing a clip of Mr Macron speaking in English telling us that he is going to ensure that Brussels reforms the EU. Considering his earlier bellowing this switch seems all too suspicious. Something else which I found disturbing but not surprising was a very brief mention of A MURDER ON TOP OF A DOUBLE DECKER BUS IN MARLEYBONE. Basically that was all we were told. Other stories less deserving got the 1,2,3,4 treatment but a murder on a public bus in central London skipped over and ignored. At the 7.30am headline read it wasn’t even considered worthy of another mention. This is why only a complete shut down of this organisation is the only answer. Too big, too powerful, too arrogant. Close it. We don’t need it.