Haha – EVEN the BBC couldn’t save Diane Abbott from making a complete fool of herself today on the topic of Police numbers. I caught her on the Today programme early this morning where she sounded evasive but John Humphyrs did not quite nail her down. Over on LBC, Nick Ferrari did – and here is the video of it. It’s wonderful to listen to.
But then, when you thought it could get no worse, she popped up on the BBC’s Daily Politics and Jo Coburn got stuck into her, a delight. Not often I enjoy the BBC but Abbott has just provided an epic moment of political incompetence.
The shadow Home Secretary said that the reason she had misspoken about the cost of an extra 10 thousand police officers was because she had done seven interviews in the morning.
I would have thought this excuse fails on a number of grounds such as –
1,ms Abbot is an experienced politician who should know her brief
2. She should know her limitations if 7 interviews are to much for her.
You can make the other failed excuses up yourselves .
I can’t really fault the beeb on this one . They weren’t needed for this politician to look out of her sad depth. It just shows how voters in certain places have no real idea about the ability of their MP as long as they have the correct colour rosette .
Pity such an important issue is undermined by such low calibre fair .,maybe it was a brexit migraine . Again.
The BBC have ‘evolved’ the story on this with the HYS to push the ‘misspeaking’ claim. Only they are not calling it that so much as passing it on uncommented save her ex-beau being gallant and typically grasping reality.
Interesting how ‘misspeaking’ seems the preserve of folk the BBC like, especially wimmin.
Males, especially those the BBC do not like, usually get shredded and passed to BBC SocMed or their ‘satire’ departments to drag the process out over weeks, using terms ranging from ‘dumb’ to ‘liar’.
Ms. Abbott did not misspeak. She had zero clue on her brief, and no amount of huffing, puffing or any other crisis management BS will get around the fact that she would rival a pile of bat guano for brains.
That such a person got into a University, passed a degree and has ‘risen’ to the position of this country’s potential home secretary shows the system is not just rotten but now very, very broken.
Not just any university either but gender discriminating Newnham College Cambridge, beggars belief, using the Hillaryism ‘misspoke’ should be the final nail. Is it really too much to expect our politicians to be brighter than the average bear?
Mini Payne already seems more qualified.
Di seems more BooBoo.
Your batguanoisst comment is not acceptable to me and I would be surprised if the comment is acceptable to the bat community members who read BBBC columns.
Bat guano is, as you should know, highly valuable, extremely useful when spread on the fields. It has been beneficial economically.
By all means compare the planet sized lump of ugliness who is a Labour MP to excrement. Just find a genuinely vile, stinking, useless, nauseating type of excrement.
By all means compare the planet sized lump of ugliness who is a Labour MP to excrement. Just find a genuinely vile, stinking, useless, nauseating type of excrement.
You want a genuinely vile stinking nauseating type of excrement……I give you the BBC its vile, it stinks, its useless, its nauseating and the BBC deffinitely talks and is excrement and it charges us £147 a year for the privlege. So we have the BBC and diane abbopotumus, You will struggle to find two larger festering rancid lumps of excrement that you will ever find in the UK
Seven interviews? Really? Then she should have got it straight by the 8th – i.e. she should have known exactly what the Labour manifesto proposal was, and what the figures were, having had seven attempts to get it right.
To not be up to brief is an oversight (maybe). To not know when to shut up, and simply defer the question, is unforgivable. Car crash indeed. But Corbyn is not embarrassed? How can he (and Diane) not be facepalming after that interview? Not a good start to Labour’s election campaign, but a great start for the Tory campaign. Gifted to the Tories. On a plate.
More of the same please, but from other labour MP’s. Anything to show the electorate in other constituencies how brain dead and clueless they (Labour) really are. Trust them? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahaha ha aha … I wouldn’t trust them to remember their own names.
It probably says much about the quality of those earlier ‘interviews’.
No words are good enough. The Tories should pay LBC for the rights to use this for one of their PPBs. Mind you, it’s about par for Labour on economics..
But my oft repeated bug bear on this type of situation is that the cost of employer NI and especially the massive cost of pension entitlement is ALWAYS ‘conveniently’ omitted. So even taking Ferrari’s best guess scenario of 10000 police earning £30k pa each, making £300m pa, you can add another £150-200m pa to get to the TRUE cost to the taxpayer. The public continually get taken for a ride on this aspect.
Dianenomics, you just shake the money tree and bingo, millions or was that thousands or maybe hundreds, of shiney new coppers on the beat, that was so funny.
Also was it wrong to snigger when Abbott uttered the words “Amply covered”
Obviously she is mentally challenged by simple arithmetic. Mind you this is an inherent weakness of most Labour politicians. This explains why they always bankrupt the country . Would you employ an accountant who couldn’t do simple sums?
Anyway the meat of the issue is that Homicide is on the increase and Labour claims it is due to falling police numbers. I suppose that it has nothing to do with the increasing numbers of third worlders in our country. Of course there will be no data about the ethnicity of murders , at least no data the authorities will release . If you asked for such data you would be locked up for Hate Crime. What a mess has been made of our once peaceful and harmonious country by fifty years of liberalism.
Doublethinker – I don’t know of any figures about the race of those convicted of homicide but I have seen figures for crime in general and in Britain blacks are prosecuted and convicted at three times the rate of whites. In London the majority of those committing street crimes, robberies and gun crime are black.
I wonder if she struggled with the cost calculations when she was paying the private school fees for her offspring?
Or maybe her parents had to run some difficult cost calculations when she was attending Grammar School?
Something very strange has happened at the BBC this week.
On Monday it began with them proclaiming that Labour would increase police numbers by 10,000 but then within hours they were questioning Jeremy Corbyn’s tactics in the election campaign with a big main headline.
Today the ship is truly sinking with the train crash of Diane Abbot and for some reason the BBC are headlining it.
Could it be that they are furious with the mess that Jeremy Corbyn is making of the election campaign?.
“Could it be that they are furious with the mess that Jeremy Corbyn is making of the election campaign?.”
They were really caught on the hop with this election. Labour had their noses so far into the Parliamentary trough (or would that be sand), they never got round to reviewing Labour Policy, thinking it would be another three years before they had to put pen to paper.
I guess they dug out Neil Kinnock’s socialist policies, or Michael Foot’s nationalisation policies, because they sure weren’t going to plunder Tony Blair’s New Labour policies, were they?
Double thinker ,
In my home town [london] I think the vast majority of stabbers are black and the stabbees are blacks too. Mainly male teenagers. Think it’s running at a fatality rate of one every three weeks. This probably means a black male teenager is more likely to be a victim of stabbing than winning the lottery. Just sayin – as guardian types say apparently . For the record -declaration – I am male but not black and not a teenager.
I apologise in advance for anyone who might see me as racist or a hate criminal for these words .
I am sure the Beeb types are pleased that the police have retreated from carrying out stop and search on ‘the community’ but perhaps there is a link between stabbing s and lack of searches. So more coppers might not be the answer.
No doubt there will be an agenda change when the next stabber is white and the stabbee is non white. Then the whole ‘ racist society’ ,’ institutional racism’ ‘ failed investigation ‘ line can be rolled out again. Labour will be much happier on that ground. Spose it depends if such an incident gets public coverage in the next 4 weeks .
Fedup wrote:
“I apologise in advance for anyone who might see me as racist or a hate criminal for these words” .(In my home town [London] I think the vast majority of stabbers are black and the stabbees are blacks too. Mainly male teenagers. Think it’s running at a fatality rate of one every three weeks. This probably means a black male teenager is more likely to be a victim of stabbing than winning the lottery.)
Lee Jasper is Black, a race relations activist, and politician who served as Senior Policy Advisor on Equalities to a former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone when he was the major of London. Here is what he quoted in 2011 (6 years ago)
“The last decade has seen inner city youth violence kill more black youth in the UK than British soldiers killed in Afghanistan…The black community experience over the last decade of serious violence and murder is comparable to that of a country at war. The numbers are compelling.”
“Since 2001 up to the 4th July 2011, a total of 375 British forces personnel or MOD civilians have died while serving in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001. Of these, 331 were killed as a result of hostile action. Over the same period 298 black men and 67 black women were stabbed to death. 228 black men and 14 black women were shot dead. That’s a total of 607 black people murdered over the last decade.”
Here is the link to the above if you wish to reuse it:
Thanks Pounce,
I remember Mr Jasper very well over the years. The Beeb normally gets him on when there are riots and they want to get the blame story right. Thanks for the figures – they are pretty brutal and just reminds me of good old Beeb London news who would have some kid who is obviously a saint and his lawyer or community representative seeking damages for being stopped and searched too many times.
So the senior police told the street police to cut down the searching and now the price is being paid. Goes around comes around. [ I note that damilola taylors’ dad, a good and decent man, is calling for more stop and search . Again. ]
So could the statistics be interpreted as “black lives do not matter – to other blacks”?
So Diane and her cohorts will put an extra 10,000 policemen on the streets at a cost of £300,000,000 to combat the rise in violent crime. The only problem with that ( apart from sourcing the £300,000,000) is that she, as Home Secretary (god save us !) would forbid the police to profile those who are committing violent crime.
Jo Coburn did a good job in confronting Abbotts obvious failings head on but did not dare to suggest the identity of those who are no doubt responsible for violent crime or to suggest any kind of link to the rise in immigration.
Perhaps the cost that Labour should be assessing is the cost of appointing tokens
How sweet of Eddie Mair on PM, R4 tonight, to completely avoid Abbot’s ‘mis-speaking’ and spend 10 minutes on discussing police figures, just like labour wanted.
You’d have thought a news program would be asking how someone as incompetent as that could be representing a political party and what that tel;ls us about the quality of people in the current Labour party.
i wonder if a conservative speaker will be absolved so easily if they *mis-speak” even once, let along continuously.
SS, I think you’ll find it’ll be Ms-speak, not miss-speak..;0)
That Ferrari interview is the funniest I’ve heard for ages, the stupid woman is really out of her depth doing seven, no seventy, no 300,000 interviews in three, no eleven, no – um – sixteen thousand days, no hours, no way Pedro – sorry, Hose…
Can someone get me a KFC next time she’s on, I want to compare notes.
Scrob – Please give a girl a break.
Shes obviously had a very hard week and Nick knowing this unfairly expected her to answer direct questions about her brief!
Maybe if Ferrari had been more of a gentleman and asked more relevant questions, rather than treating her like an arrogant, rent a gob race hustler and maybe used something she understands better like food references, rather than difficult stuff like police numbers. Fatbot might have done a bit better.
Something like – If the taxpayer gives you 8000 bargain buckets to eat in a year at a cost of £10 each How much will it cost before you have had enough!
He could then have converted the correct answer back to coppers and everyone would have been happy.
Another thought just occured to me. Maybe Nick only gave her a hard time cos she is black innit!
Oak, this predilection for buckets of thighs and legs has got to stop…
It’s too early to consider such a fry-up but luckily, dear old Crowbyn will ‘support’ her to the end as he says quite clearly, ‘Bargain buckets are a key issue with our Feminasto, and we should respect ‘Bucketists’ as good examples of highly-paid but woefully stupid people’!
I feel sick now…
Man up Scrob
KFC – What could be better for breccy. Think of it those , spicy salty thighs – just glistening in fat!
Theyre finger likin good!
I feel sick too!
The bBBC have managed to create a big story on Treezer’s meeting with pisshead Juncker the other evening and Laura Kuntsberg is giving it the full treatment. And there are plenty of BBC cameras focussing on a few disgruntled voters in Cornwall talking with the ‘Bloody Difficult Woman’.
All of which neatly keeps Flabbott off the lead story on the bBBC1 6pm news.
So it’s trebles all round in the bBBC offices.
And just to re-inforce the bias, we then quickly get John Piennar interviewing people at a Southampton burger van (????!!!!!) , who are likely to vote Labour.
And then its back over to Laura Kuntsberg raising doubts about Treezer, with no comment at all about Flabbott.
You really cannot make it up.
Now where have I heard that term before? …………..
Of course, when Di was telling it to the Marines at Guadalcanal…
The more we all see of the Abbopotamous, the bigger the Tory landslide.
That old bag surely piles on votes for the Tories every time she opens har flabby gob.
Let`s hope we see plenty more of her, like Natalie Bennett- a dream opponent.
Labour have really produced them eh?…Harman, Hewitt, Roche, MacTaggert and the Eagle boys…let alone Yvette(the Bisto kid) Balls-Cooper.
The Troes truly are blessed in what is being shoveled up for them by way of “opposition”. Is there anybody who could have confected such a shower of weirdy deviants as Labour?
Imagine if Sean Spicer had ‘mispoken’ to such an extent. It would be the story of the century. I imagine this will soon fall down the memory hole.
Sean just speaks and they go nuts
Will be interesting to see if Labour high command ( if there is one ) puts Diane back in her box until hackney re elects her again. Other partys would . But hopefully they’ll have her doing socialist question time and similar stuff again where she can do her jolly funny act again then lay into parents who send their kids to private schools . Oops maybe not
The Big D didn’t make any mention of the cost of the new police officers in the Today interview, so that makes at least 2 or is it three interviews that we know she didn’t quantify them. Have to assume all that £2.7 billion they claim to be getting from capital gains tax is going to the coppers…though another Labour politician admitted in an interview that they didn’t know how much they’d get…the £2.7 bn was a guestimate….so just how credible is that manifesto?
Only heard about the Big D on the radio and the BBC didn’t play any clips of her at all….all I heard was a bit of a whitewash from Labour spokespeople which didn’t really get challenged…nor the fact that they didn’t actually know how much they’d get from capital gains tax…it was all laughed off…all ‘understandable’, all ‘very difficult I’m sure’ type of response from the BBC interviewer….can’t imagine that happening if it had been a Tory, even a Tory who didn’t know the price of a pint of milk let alone a major policy commitment in an election campaign….we’d never hear the end of the clips of a Tory making a fool of themself.
Still, nice to see the Daily Politics holding the fort for proper journalism. Somebody at the BBC has to I suppose.
And as for coppers in short supply….This morning I saw a mob of coppers, armed, riot gear, shields, dogs, lots of vehicles…drugs raid? Terrorist? No…apparently they were evicting one man from his rented house….not even armed or violent. They were there all morning.
Why is it all the commercial stations that are asking the difficult questions?….always love this one…..
The Abbopotamus, what an idiot!
misspeak = “express oneself in an insufficiently clear or accurate way”
No Diane, it’s nowt to do with expressing yourself. It’s because you didn’t do your homework, didn’t know what you were talking about, then thought you could ‘wing it’ with Nick Ferrari. Making up policy on the hoof is for the terminally stupid. How long have you been an MP?
Of course you are going to be insufficiently clear if your brain is made of mushy peas. And if you can’t be bothered to remember your own remit, then don’t expect us to take you seriously.
You can fault Abbott and her pathetic leader on so many levels . Lack of knowledge about funding implications , use of reversal of capital gains tax cut to fund multiple policies so the sums don’t add up, does putting taxes back up really raise revenue , do more police sitting in cars or offices really reduce knife crime, when London is a third world cess pit is it really surprising that knife crime has gone up… One could go on.
At least for once Jo Coburn had to drop her leftie bias . Priceless in itself.
Diane does not come across as a particularly intelligent person at all (dumb as a stump) which begs a number of questions, not least ..how the eff?..Politics looks like a good little game to get into, you know like double glazin’, or solar ‘eatin’ ..it’s not wot you know it’s ‘OO’ you know mate..
The Mother of all Parliaments with perhaps a few dozen truly decent types, and Six hundred or so unprincipled back stabbing chancers…Makes you proud to be British….(typing as an Englishman)
Flabbott says she did 6 or 7 interviews before the car crash one.
Were any of these by any chance with the bBBC?
And the reason she didn’t make any errors about costs in the earlier interviews was because no-one bothered to ask her about them?
Trust the bBBC to lob only soft balls at their Far Left chums.
No doubt, like me, everybody is now totally confused not only about the cost of what Abbott was babbling about but exactly what the are claiming they are going to do regarding police recruitment.
Is anybody clear about the figure Abbott was claiming would be recruited annually for was it four years?
The police lose, for various reasons, about 7,000 serving officers annually and, in order even to retain current numbers, that means at least 7,000 new recruits must be employed.
Amongst all the confusion being spouted by the completely inept and incompetent Abbott is there anything to indicate if those necessary 7,000 new officers are included in Labour’s figures or are the numbers being banded about over and above those basic requirements to even retain current figures.
Labour have form, in all kinds of situations, making grandiose claims about spending and numbers which, when closely examined, something the BBC invariably avoid doing, turn out to be not the additional spending or increases in numbers they initially seem but to quietly include money and numbers already required to maintain current levels or announcing one set of increased figures in several different ways to make it seem that massive improvements are being made when, in effect, nothing of the sort is happening.
Admittedly Labour Spin is nothing like as good as it was in the Blair Years but even their current total lack of skill in that direction is deliberately missed by the bBBC propagandists.
No doubt, like me, everybody is now totally confused not only about the cost of what Abbott was babbling about but exactly what the are claiming they are going to do regarding police recruitment.
Is anybody clear about the figure Abbott was claiming would be recruited annually for was it four years?
The police lose, for various reasons, about 7,000 serving officers annually and, in order even to retain current numbers, that means at least 7,000 new recruits must be employed.
Amongst all the confusion being spouted by the completely inept and incompetent Abbott is there anything to indicate if those necessary 7,000 new officers are included in Labour’s figures or are the numbers being banded about over and above those basic requirements to even retain current figures.
Labour have form, in all kinds of situations, making grandiose claims about spending and numbers which, when closely examined, something the BBC invariably avoid doing, turn out to be not the additional spending or increases in numbers they initially seem but to quietly include money and numbers already required to maintain current levels or announcing one set of increased figures in several different ways to make it seem that massive improvements are being made when, in effect, nothing of the sort is happening.
Admittedly Labour Spin is nothing like as good as it was in the Blair Years but even their current total lack of skill in that direction is deliberately missed by the bBBC propagandists.
That figure plucked from an old exercise book of 68 squillion splonders wouldn’t include: –
– Recruitment
– Training for several years
– Equipment
– Premises
– Vehicles
– Continuous development
– Pensions
and finally, free KFCs all round…
I’d like to call it ‘Abbottgate’, but I rather think that is a ‘gatist’ statement so won’t say it…
I wonder whether the likes of Fatbot and Lammy would have got nearly so far in their careers if they had not been so adept at playing the race card. This as usual plays into the lazy left wing agenda that all blacks are traumatised victims of waycism and therefore should be given special treatment to get on.
This is also insulting for blacks who have got on in life because they are talented. This is because it always leaves the door open to the accusation that they only got on because they played the race card sometime in their career.
If the only role models black kids have are are gangsters and belligerent race hustling ignoramuses this surely is also doing a great disservice to the “community” these politicians pretend to represent.
No institutions these days seriously treats people differently because of the colour of their skin – These battles have been won and it is time for society to move on – not revel in the inequities of the past
Yes there was some nasty racism out there both in the past and now (and this also works both ways!). But but trying to combat it by promoting idiots and bigots is surely not the way.
Extreme racism should always be combatted wherever it is found. But I would suggest that this pair of jokers should look in the mirror first and then perhaps at their own political party before opening their fat mouths in the future!
Oak. Everybody with half a working braincell will concur with you on this. The clowns who continue to raise the issue of racism are empty cans looking for self interest. I also think that; as with everything; if you fixate on an issue it will consume your world view. Those who fixate on racism see it everywhere, as we have seen last week with the micro aggression/racist behavior of not making eye contact.
The thought police are already here.
Call me simple but why is Christian colonisation of Africa and America classed as racist, when Muslim colonisation of the UK isn’t?
Its not colonisation, its “enrichment”. Use correct English in future please.
Oh buqqer, you’ll be mentioning the word ‘diversiteeeee’ next…
Don’t forget Muslim colonisation of Africa, Persia, India, Indonesia, Eastern Europe, Southern Russia & Spanish colonisation of the Americas.
In libworld double standards protect you from any sense of true equality . Historical revisionism has done wonders for the spread of liberal ideology.
Probably since the bbbc started getting ideas above their charter, Lucy.
Lucy Pevensey…..This Sikh could give you a long list of islam’s rampent thuggery in India be it against Sikhs, Hindus, buddhist, christians etc all can be verified but when i try and use that with a beeboid, leftard, guardianista or luvvie the “thats racist/islamophobie” response times can be measured in seconds. Try it for yourself sometime when you confuse a leftard, beeboid, guardianista or luvvie with facts about their beloved muslims and islam and you will acheive similar short response times from the beeboids, leftards, guardianistas and luvvies.
I usually start with “Have you ever heard of the Hindu Holocaust?”
Which has resulted in myself being called a liar & a racist.
The Sikh battles with the Mughal Empire are IMO one of the most interesting periods of Indian history. They won their existence against overwhelming odds didn’t they? I’m not sure Sikhs would exist in India now if they hadn’t had the backbone in centuries past. A lesson to us today. The time comes when you have to stand up for yourself.
Sorry folks. I don’t know quite how I did it but I managed to accidentally post the same thing twice. If I’m lucky and the people running the site are kind to me then hopefully they will remove the
Number 6 – brilliant.best laugh of the day -even better than poor [no gays] Timmy being ambushed by a fellow Brexiteer .
I think you are all being unfair on Abbotomus, it is absolutely clear she has indeed misspoken and got slightly mixed up over police numbers and the amount of chocolate Easter eggs she ate.
I’m not sure where the Corporation Tax is coming from, if they all think that the corporations will have got out of the UK and set up in another country!
Perhaps she means a Corporal Tax – on obese, or diversely fat people, or maybe Corporal Jones Tax-Coupons or perhaps a Corbination Tax, where ‘whooooosh’ they make money fall from heaven?
I rather like the idea of the latter, except that wouldn’t fit the sort of religions we’re supposed to understand…
Let’s wait for the next huge intellectual response from the Shudderome Sickreterry.
Whilst I concede that it’s possible for any politician to slip up in their numbers, as Shadow Home Secretary Dianne really should know what she is talking about when it comes to the police.
Her lack of briefing and knowledge highlights perfectly that it wasn’t a considered policy but one from the camp of ‘promise anything and everything to get into power’.
Let’s hope the shadow Foreign secretary makes another gaffe soon to remind us what a credible powerhouse she is as well.
Dianne Abbot used to appear regularly on the BBB’s flagship current affairs programme This Week along with Michael Porta loo. Despite being regularly mocked by the Host Andrew Neil she never seemed to realize that she was only there to be the butt of the joke. The BBC has form when it comes to mocking large Negresses, do any of you remember the Black female Judge who used to pop up on almost every current affairs programme a few years back, only there for a larf, at least that’s how it looked. It seems to me that maybe not everyone who works for the Corporation is fully on board with the Diversity agenda.
Anyone remember the old bottles of beer called screwtops…….screwtaps here in Scotland.
Well I wouldn’t mind a pair of Abotts old bloomers full of screwtops!!s