On time and ready to go, a new Open Thread on which to detail the bias. With radical Islam causing carnage on our streets, the comrades at the BBC are stretched to keep their “Vote Jeremy” meme going. Detail the bias HERE.

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  1. StewGreen says:

    8:30pm Radio 4 has a prog about THEIR bias
    …no silly me … about YOUR IMPLICIT bias

    “unconsciously harbour racist and sexist attitudes”
    “But what happens beneath the conscious level?
    In recent years there has been an explosion in research into what’s called implicit bias.
    On twitters they’ve actually got 2 sets of graphics in promotional tweets

    (wonder if it’s a reworking of the black classical music doco they had on R3 ?)


    • StewGreen says:

      Prog opened with
      “Police believe a young black male is more likely to be carrying a gun,
      than a young white male”
      I don’t think that is true, that would depend on local circumstances
      ..I think in certain pats of South Africa or certain rural areas of the US where it would be more likely white people carry guns than black people.
      I bet the proportion of legally held shotguns in the UK is higher for white people in the UK that black people
      ..Around here , there are loads of pheasant hunts, bet there few black shooters.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Does the BBC ever make a science story that does NOT suit their agenda?
      This of course isn`t even science-its opinion, disguised as research. So guess what -whitey blokey can`t help himself.
      He`s biased against-well, whatever the BBC have accused him of. And a full half hour to rage at our husbands and sons. More so if hideously white.
      Just heard it said that if the subjects are placed behind a screen, then we see no difference in musical abilty whatsoever.
      Makes you wonder why all the pop tarts from last night don`t wear burqas then when they cavort in their undies.
      Will don a burqa tonight once he`s asleeep-and compose that symphony i`ve long thought was my due.
      If and when it`s rubbish-then, you`ll be biased won`t you?


    • StewGreen says:

      Article about prog

      The prog might not be all that bad ..the prog says something about implicit bias theories/test being wrong

      But maker and producer are the normal LibMobsters
      Previous tweet by prog maker

      “The £ fell 20% post-Brexit. Post a Trump victory, the $ will underperform against the Venezuelan Bolivar and the Zambian Kwacha”
      (actually the dollar rose in November ..maybe just heading down to Obama level now )

      Producer retweets masses of ridiculous stuff against Trump


  2. Fedup says:

    Filled with admiration that you could bring yourself to listen to any of that cheap and nasty panel show stuff ( won’t say comedy ) . I have a theory that the clapper audiences are continually recycled to other al Beeb programmes and fill in on QT and Any questions as part of their training. The types who stand gormlessly behind politicians and face the camera to show a multiculural support.

    I was wondering whether this site will be running a 2200 hours election night special to tick box the inevitable extreme bias. …..?


  3. BRISSLES says:

    What will Khan find to do once there are no more vigils to arrange ?
    Perhaps he can have a new title – “Chief Vigil Organiser” with an online business of candles and flowers.


    • G.W.F. says:


      Now that Treezer has had him in COBRA with her there is lots he can do to eliminate extremism. There are many of his kind who would like to see control over the internet identifying blasphemy for starters


    • Jo says:

      Khan is not terribly bright, and certainly no scholar.

      He read that he had 72 vigils to look forward to.


    • Charlie Martel says:

      Don’t worry Brissles, there will always be plenty of vigils thanks to his co-religionists.


  4. Al Shubtill says:

    Compare this interview of Vladimir Putin by American journalist Megyn Kelly and how he handles her, with Theresa May and her ineffectual guff deployed against the al Beebus and C4 drones. I wonder quite how far Mickey Crick would get with Vlad, if he attempted any of his bullshittery with him?


    • chrisH says:

      You do wonder when the likes of Megyn Kelly seem to think that their job is to spout whatever their fellow Washington Bubbleheads chose to print, to speak. It`s as if Putin is a mere backdrop to the career of Megyn Kelly. Classic solipsism from the global priestly class in the “One World/One Love” media.
      Like herself, Maddow and all the other US poppets incandescent that Trump got in without their blessings.
      Trump, Putin-both elected, both representing millions of their citizens.
      Kelly, Dimbleby etal-global gobs on microphone stands with Soros funding their B.S

      Let`s hope Trump isn`t alone in wishing to drain the swamp.
      He needs our help-and knowing the nature of the self righteous, self appointed unaccountable shills for progress? We need to blast these warmongering gnats off our political bodies, before Islam gets yet even more blood.
      The Left-World Lollards only approved of Russia when it was the USSR.
      Gulags, Jew baiting and Permanent Revolutionary postures…and not the USA, Israel or the Free West-despised by the likes of Kelly who parasitically take all the benefits, but leech and bill us for their virtuous pap. But now Putin stands for broders, patriotic nationalism, his own people as well as Christianity-he`s loathed by all the Soviet Unions former idiots.
      He`s doing something right.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      It has crossed my mind a few times lately that I might trust Vlad Putin to run this country more than Dustbyn.


  5. gaxvil says:

    A much vaunted excuse – “they don’t feel accepted as part of UK society.”
    Of the top of my lead – they belong to oppressive, foreign cult which promotes our annihilation, they give support real or tacit to their assassins, they don’t bother to learn English, they live in ghettos, use their own, schools, shops, businesses, wear the national dress of the country they have long left, constantly criticise our way of life, laws and values.
    No, I can’t think why they might not feel ‘accepted’.


    • Charlie Martel says:

      Funny that, cos Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Jews, Zoroastrians, Bhais, Athiests, Agnostics, Shamans, Taoists, Shintoists, Wiccans and Pagans don’t seem to feel excluded, or if they do they don’t go round murdering infidels.


    • Despairada says:

      I think it’s supposed to be ‘religious’ dress, that they wear to show their ‘faith’. I could never have any fellow feeling towards people who wear ‘religious’ dress who aren’t nuns etc.


    • Banania says:

      And half of them don’t work.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Oh they work all right, all on the black. Cash businesses like taxi driving, working in little shops and restaurants, and of course the heroin trade doesn’t run itself you know. But while the dhimmis offer free money, it is the muslim’s obligation to accept it, just as it is the duty of the dhimmi to pay jizya to his muslim overlord.


  6. Charlie Martel says:

    (Reposted because of earlier glitch, sorry) – Once again our finest minds at al beebeera and elsewhere are baffled as to the possible motivation for the London terror attack. If only we could find some common denominator that connected all the terrorist of recent years, we could perhaps find a clue to the above question and maybe begin to find a way to stop future attacks.

    So I researched terror attacks since 9/11 and here are my findings: some were by Muslims with a connection to ISIS or Al Qaeda, others were by Muslims with no links to terror organisations. Some were young Muslims, some were old Muslims. Some were Muslims who were recent migrants to the West, , others were Muslims born and bred here. Some were poor Muslims, some were rich Muslims. Some were ‘good’ Muslims who didn’t drink alcohol and attended their mosque, others were very ‘bad’ Muslims indeed. Some were Muslims who had been in jail while others were Muslims who hadn’t. Some were extremist Muslims, some apparently moderate Muslims. Some were Muslims seemingly well-integrated in Western society, some were Muslims on the margins. Some were Muslims with mental health problems, others were sane Muslims. Some were male Muslims, some were female Muslims. Some were Muslims from Pakistan, some were Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, US, UK, Kirghistan, France, Germany, ‘Norway’… almost every country on Earth.
    So despite my best efforts, I could find no common thread whatsoever. Baffling, isn’t it?
    Perhaps some eagle-eyed readers will be more successful than me in spotting any commonality. If so, please notify the beebistan and the authorities.


  7. Thoughtful says:

    Proof ?

    Tory voter reveals he only got on BBC Question Time after he posed as a left-wing train driver and was rejected SIX times when he told the truth
    David Stoneman, 60, decided to alter his application as an experiment
    He said he had never received a reply from the BBC when he told the truth
    He told them he was a militant trade unionist and received a reply swiftly

    Mr Stoneman, a business consultant, sent an application stating he was a militant trade unionist train driver who was opposed to fracking. To his surprise he soon received an invitation to appear on the programme in Peterborough in January.

    He also received a phone call from the local BBC inviting him to May’s Cambridge shire and Peterborough mayoral Question Time debate – despite not even applying for it. The first email inviting Mr Stoneman to Question Time asked him to call a phone number to discuss his views and what questions he would like to ask the panel.

    This had never been offered when he presented as a Conservative voter.


    • StewGreen says:

      BTW @thoughtful scribblingscribe Already mentioned this on June 4, 2017 at 11:53 am
      And I’d mentioned it June 2, 2017 at 4:36 pm in last weeks Midweek thread when I saw that letter in the Times


    • StewGreen says:

      there is something similar with Ipm
      When it asks it’s listeners to tell them about their week
      “woman whos been helping in refugee camp in Geece” is guaranteed to get called back.
      – I’m guessing anyone who said he’s been helping Tommy Robinson report truth, would not be called back.

      Direct audio link to 18m:37 Maria “There’s a young man, whose caused a lot of trouble in the camp
      … In his papers he’s supposed to be 13, but he’s not 13 obviously he’s about 18.. people have been sent to jail because of him
      .He’s obviously not a child ….the older girls refuse to be in the same class as him”


  8. Beeb Brother says:

    Sopel spewing venom against Trump as normal.

    “His comments belittling Sadiq Khan sparked outrage.”

    ‘Sparked outrage’ is a typical fake news, snowflake term. Outrage amongst whom, useless Lefties like you? It sparked delight amongst most right-thinking people. He is starting to look like Comical Ali during the Iraq war, who declared how well they were doing as everything exploded behind him. London is safe – just don’t go out for any meals or walk on any pavements!


    • Yob says:

      Sopel is correct “Trumps comments belittling Sadiq Khan sparked outrage.”

      The Socialist workers party are absolutely livid. Which of course says more about Sopels mindset and ideology beliefs system than anything else.


      • Beeb Brother says:

        What does ‘sparked outrage’ even mean? Who cares about outrage? Always narrative over fact with the Left.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        Sopel is positively raging whenever he reports on Trump. The medication clearly not working.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Here’s a laugh. Apparently Sopel has tweeted that he thinks Arianne Grande should be awarded a Damehood (honory of course) for what she did on Sunday. I’ll say no more.


  9. Beeb Brother says:

    At 8.30 on Radio 4 tonight there is a programme about ‘unconscious bias’, the secular equivalent of original sin. I must admit that unconscious racism is top of my list of concerns at the moment.


    • Fedup says:

      Whitee gets a beating no doubt


    • Cranmer says:

      Beeb Brother, this has long been a favourite tactic of the left. Orwell wrote about it in ‘1984’: Winston Smith’s neighbour is reported by his own children for thought crime, and he says he is grateful for it because he wasn’t even aware he was committing it.


  10. nogginator says:

    The strategic ineptitude of Theresa May, her failure manifesto, failure campaign and the string of failures as Home Secretary (and the people around her) should concern us all if she is to be leading the Brexit negotiations
    As Home Secretary. she did not act on list of suspected terrorists known to British Intelligence. Now she’s crying enough is enough! Worse than that, she took some off control orders & gave some their passports back (including LIFG), and allowed them to travel too & from Libya, Syria


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Yes, may has been crap-but there again, she`d not actually flood the country with jihadists or refuse to let them be shot.
      As opposed to the deeply sinister Corbynabbott, who actively crave IS to cow us into their Socialist hell hole.
      A “Shining Path” as they`d know it.
      In despair at the likes of Sky News endlessly popping at “Corbyn wants may to resign” nonsense that they found for his office on Twitter. The jackals repeatedly asking May re police numbers in their press packs.
      Basically recording their own “sticking it to the Tory” soundbites in readiness for tonights news.
      This monomaniac press will do anything to defelct from Islam.
      Noted the jihadis on that Channel 4 show with Butt being pixellated out by the selfsame fearless medai(to protect their sources?).
      If only we had a Tory who`d ruthlessly cut the press down to size for us, like Trump does over in America. May is a pawn, but the only chance we`ve got on Thursday. And now Murnaghan has just asked Islam(F) re Khans response to a tweet from Trump FFS.
      Appalling bias, Murdoch must be senile to let this bias go unchecked on his payroll.


    • Grant says:


      Correct. Treezer is not to be trusted on anything .


      • nogginator says:

        This is the real news BBC, not a virtue signalling, celeb weepathon pop concert … not blaming a “bomb” for an “incident”
        last week, or a bloody “van” for an “incident” on London Bridge
        This IS the real news.
        How MI5/6 helped the Manchester bomber in and out of Libya.
        How the government knew Salman Abedi was fighting in Libya as a 16 year old. Theresa May was Home Secretary.
        He had even returned from a three-week trip to Libya shortly before Manchester
        and Liar May and No10 had intel on him, the imminent threat
        ,… and someone in No10 made the decision not to act.

        and this Incompetent Liar May, says “enough is enough”
        enough of you … you devious, self serving horror

        Grant buddy, I don t know about “je suis Charlie” t shirts
        but … Liar May, Amber Dudd and Citizen Khan ought to be lined up
        at that bloody vigil with, “Je Suis Charlatan” T Shirts


        • Thoughtful says:

          Come on nogginator if your going to post that then you need to post some supporting links as well.


        • Grant says:


          Quite agree. I would not trust any of them. But for me that is true of all politicians, with a few exceptions. The same applies to journalists.


        • nogginator says:

          Torygraph, Daily Fail, Independent, facts are now widely available, just look it up there are others
          Oh I nearly forgot he got reported in by concerned folks 5 times too


          • StewGreen says:

            @nogginator You did post “supporting links”, you posted that video
            I’m guessing Thoughtful didn’t spot that.


    • gaxvil says:

      True but she is the least worst that we have. Oh for a leader with military a background because that is what we need at a time like this. And you have to remember the great weight of media and SJWs she operates under. I hate to sound sexist but we really need someone with balls in the job.


  11. Foscari says:

    I have a ” Je suis Charlie” T Shirt. However I am going to the London Bridge vigil gig and want
    to wear ” I am a Muslim T Shirt. I was just watching The BBC’S Londonistan Programme and I
    think they look cool. Should I E Mail the programme to find out where I can get them? Or do you
    think City Hall would be a better bet?


  12. Grant says:

    BBC Website has a photo of the “Vigil”, group of girls with flowers. Muslim girls , that is, of course.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      No group of “spontaneous” demonstration against jihad by Muslims should be accepted as genuine. As we have learned. They are staged. It’s all part of the Taqiyya (Islamic deception). The jihadists know that, that’s why they let “moderate” Muslims get away with it. If it was genuine, they would be killed.
      The Islamic whitewash machine is now even taqiyya-ing the taqiyya. Too many infidels are learning about Islamic deception for the protection & spread of Islam. We now have some in the media trying to gloss over the real meaning & pretend the dirty kaffir are making it up.


  13. Despairada says:

    I am hyperventilating with anxiety at the thought of the traitor Corbyn being PM. What’s almost worse is that it will mean that the electorate don’t care that he’s a traitor as long as they get the free stuff they think is coming their way.


  14. Pete says:

    Just heard Sadiq Khan blaming the lack of spending on the Met for the recent attacks, more bobbies on the beat, blah blah. And here,s me thinking it was the his Muslim brothers and there radical beliefs going around randomly killing innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah who carried out the attacks.


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:



  16. gaxvil says:

    Can’t wait to see what follows on from, “enough is enough”.
    We have the examples of how to get tough from Turkey and Egypt but I reckon we’ll have to reach, “enough of, enough is enough” to, at least the power 10 before anything happens.


    • Cranmer says:

      This is purely anecdotal but from my own observations of social media and real-life interactions:

      1. There’s no doubt this time as to whether it’s Islamic. There’s been very little ‘these people do not represent Islam’ stuff going around, perhaps because the killers made it clear that it was.
      2. Not very much pray for London, hashtag teddy bear vigil nonsense.
      3. Quite a lot of sharing of newspaper items about the men that fought back against the invaders.
      4. Still a lot of twaddle about carrying on as normal etc, but with equal amounts of criticism of this on Facebook etc.
      5. Quite a lot of ‘there’s nothing we can do about it’ sentiments, which at least is an acknowledgement that there IS a problem, which has not always been the case.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        Cranmer, on point 2 about the lack of mass virtue signalling at the London one.
        They’re all probably still doing the last one in Manchester.
        When they have finished there they can bring the teddy bears and tea lights out in London…unless the muzzies get another one in before the snowflakes can get to London and then they might have to skip an atrocity to catch up.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Enough is enough.
      A bit like her Brexit means Brexit.
      She’s good at these short explanations.
      Eggs is eggs.
      Free for you to use Tessie when some egg related crisis comes up.

      Meanwhile, has she actually ever done anything apart from talk about doing things.
      If it wasn’t for the Brexit vote she would lose ‘bigly’


  17. G.W.F. says:

    BBC are angry because Trump continues his attack on Treezer’s Toy Boy Mayor.
    It seems that the objective is to drive a wedge between Treezer and Trump such that she and her Mayor can seek comfort in the arms of their EU comrades.
    Stand by for Treezers defence of her fellow attendee of COBRA meetings and her denunciation of Trump.


    • StewGreen says:

      Vine sportrays a fantasy world in a tweet retweeted by the producer of tonights R4 Bias documentary
      OK Beeb Brother’s got a comment about it above
      But just to show what a fantasy world this LibMob live in
      Trump’s tweet used quotation marks
      That’s cos he was quoting Khan
      A Twitter search shows you it’s from the Kay Burley interview
      Even that BBC article mentions that Sadiq did actually say “no reason for people to be alarmed.”
      first they try to mislead lead us
      but do quote , 2 sentences but OMITS the next ones including “THE safest city in the world”

      But Jeremy VIne is either stupid or devious, by claiming Trump was responding to a Khan tweet


      • StewGreen says:

        Do you get that ?
        You’ve got Vine stating as fact that khan’s phrase came from a tweet.
        You’ve got BBC staff retweeting that as fact that khan’s phrase came from a tweet.
        You’ve got 5.1K people retweeting Vine that khan’s phrase came from a tweet.
        all are WRONG !
        that Sadiq tweet DOESN’T exist
        rather Trump was quoting from Kay Burley interview
        containing those phrases are more
        …. and overall sentiment was also there is no reason to be alarmed
        ..Even then it does not end by saying “by this” Vine added that bit in.


        • Thoughtful says:

          There’s no evidence to support that this was said in a Kay Burley interview, you posted no links and google doesn’t give any either.

          Without them this is just rumour.


        • StewGreen says:

          @Thoughtful That is quite rude of you. I’ve posted them TWICE before : further up the thread and on the W/E thread
          Video Kay’s interview with Trump see min3:00 and min 3:17
          Tweet she sent afterwards , which summizes interview

          ‏Verified account @KayBurley Jun 4
          Mayor: remains safest global city” and Londoners would not be cowed by terrorism.


  18. Al Shubtill says:

    If May really wants to win with a landslide, all she needed to have done was come out of No 10 on Sunday and said that “Enough IS enough. If I am re-elected as Prime Minister:

    All persons within the 23,000 who pose a risk and who are foreign nationals will be immediately deported to their home countries; as will any others who subsequently are ascertained to present a potential danger to us.

    The remainder will be interned until they no longer pose a security risk.

    A moratorium to be imposed on ANY further Muslim immigration, regardless of from where or on what grounds.”

    If she did that, then her victory would be assured and overwhelming: she won’t, so it isn’t.


    • pertelote says:

      spot on Al.


    • GCooper says:

      I can just see the BBC/Guardian headline now: ‘Britain’s Guantanamo’.

      That’s what the politicians are sacred of – our enemy within.


  19. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I have just read that….
    Scotland Yard has named two of the terrorists involved in the London Bridge attack as Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane.


  20. pertelote says:

    the £16,000 barrier has now been broken..stunning response.

    Some 211 “muslims” have contributed (probably 100 muslims and 111 white non-muslim virtue-signalling anonymous snowflakes
    ..update 20.56..oops.. now 212 “muslims” have put their money where their mouths are..brilliant response..go figure!


    • nogginator says:

      Sheesh! some percentage 212 out of 4 million … overwhelmed with the erm, generosity


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      That`s a days pay for any mediocre footy player.
      That might get a few Easyjet trips to Mecca for a healing pilgrimage for those still in hospital. The Saudi NHS might be happy to photograph it all for us as the bus heads for Medina and the ZamZam Pool, where Maryam washed her burqa(I `m making this up, but so do they).
      Come on Muslims-why can`t OUR sick go to Mecca too then?


    • Tabs says:

      Thank Allah for Ramadam month, the month when Muslims give to charity. Hate to think how little that fund would have raised if it wasn’t the Holy month!


  21. Lobster says:

    Just saw this on Guido’s site


    • Fedup says:

      Get out the pop corn. Diane has done another car crash on al sky tonight with murghahan. The new labour mayor commissioned a labour peer to review safety of London against bad terrorists . Diane has read it but have a listen to the car crash replies .

      If she wasn’t the potential home sec in 4 days it would be funny . They’ve either tried to retrain her or she’s on meds. Can’t think why anyone would behave like that in a non confrontational interview. Enjoy.


  22. Diane-abbotts-penis says:

    Apparently we are all racist, even if we aren’t. The tone of the article perhaps suggests its mostly us whiteys though…


  23. DYKEVISIONS says:

    Even Nick Ferrari on LBC has had enough…. careful Nick, you will be expunged from the the station like Katie Hopkins for all this hate speech..


    • StewGreen says:

      Ferrari always has been a bit reasonable
      But as I understand it Katie Hopkins was their top rating show ..certainly in terms of podcast downloads.
      So maybe Nick has been ordered to try to keep that audience


      • Fedup says:

        Nick said what I believe. The British public were never consulted about immigration. It became a forbidden word . It is one of the issues which led us to brexit.

        Liberal guilt about the empire leading to HMG doling out passports to third worlders like confetti. Which leads us to where we are now .
        And no bloody way back except for ” get our borders back” – the evil is already here.


    • nogginator says:

      Its not only him, everyone you talk too, I am furious at the disregard of the nations concerns
      and for what? .. this self obsessed, self serving creatures vanity project

      … believe me, something very nasty will emerge because of such cowardice


      • Cranmer says:

        Nogginator, I’m not sure it will. I’ve heard similar things about the French seething with anger after their attacks – but in the end, they elected Macron instead of the one person who might have acted. I think people look into the abyss, and what they see is so frightening – something that would make the partition of India look like a playground fight – that they desperately embrace anyone who tells them everything is all right.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Goodby Nick, you are on your way out. Treezer will see this as extremism and her toy boy mayor of London will complain about you


  24. Pounce says:

    How the bBC covers for Islamic paedophiles:
    Currently in Cardiff there is a court case regards a former Islamic mosque Mullah and his penchant for little girls:
    So the DM reports this story as:
    Former mosque teacher, 80, is to stand trial accused of indecently assaulting girls as young as five
    In Pakistan they report this story as:
    Former madrassa teacher to stand trial accused of child sex offences in UK
    ITV reports this as:
    80-year-old man charged with several sex offences
    In Wales this story is reported as:
    Mosque leader accused of sexually assaulting children during Koran studies

    From all of the above you know exactly why he is in Court. Here is how the bBC reports this:
    Former Cardiff mosque tutor used ‘physical punishment’

    I wonder why the strange headline?


    • ToobiWan says:

      Former Cardiff mosque tutor used ‘physical punishment’
      In the olden days, Pounce, non PC PC’s would call it “assault with a friendly weapon”.


  25. JimS says:

    What world do our politicians live in? More police ‘on the beat’? They are all apparently shacked up watching Facebook now.

    Actually, to be fair, I expect as a Westminster politician you will see a policeman every day that you turn up at the palace.

    More armed officers! No thanks! It takes eight of them to shoot three ‘alleged’ baddies and one bystander, so if they keep up those odds and they take out the jihaddis there will be 1,000 innocents possibly dead too. Probably best to ‘live with it’ as Sadiq says.

    Fewer Muslims seems a better option than more police I think.


    • Banania says:

      “Fewer Muslims seems a better option than more police…”
      Spot on!


  26. Thoughtful says:

    Just thinking about the mess this country is in and the reason for that is NOT completely the government, but the government of Tony BLiar which wholly politicised the civil service and the Tories unfortunately seem clueless as to how they might undo the damage.
    Civil servants in the justice & prisons so sympathetic to Jihadi prisoners guilty of perpetrating, or attempting to perpetrate the most appalling crimes, that they are resistant to anything the government does which might ‘offend’ them.
    Other civil servants prepared to allow the most disgraceful potentially harmful clerics into the country to preach to Muslims things which would see anyone of any other faith arrested for incitement, yet banning other people simply for criticism of Islam.

    These people who are nearly always in senior positions and have politically cleansed their departments of any kind of diversity of thought, are often union backed, and university educated (in Saudi influenced departments).

    We really do need to drain the swamp back home never mind in America, but Mrs no personality May can’t even manage to summon up the courage to do anything about the Muslim attackers let alone sort the Home Office or wider civil service out !

    Someone tell King Arthur Asleep on Avalon that it’s time to wake up because his country needs him more than ever !


  27. nogginator says:

    BBC Newsh-te … has a completely pointless discussion with a rep from the Cordoba Fnd
    and muslim women against radical something or other
    oh and slipped in a report with … “Islam is peace”



  28. StewGreen says:

    Do they ever flaming stop shoe-horning their SJW propaganda into everything ?
    Just switched on Radio4 prog : Same sex film pushed into schools, (claims it was banned when actually it wasn’t)
    The prog supposed to be about Australian Film, but no a director is telling us her same sex couple film’Gayby Baby’ wasn’t getting on well with the film companies so they CHOSE to try to push it into schools via programme called Proud Schools program with COMPULSORY screenings and of course this brainwashing of kids met with some resistance ..”almost like a ban said the director”.
    That’s funny cos the R4 prog blurb does call it a ban
    “Maya Newell, the director of the documentary ‘Gayby Baby’ that was banned in schools for supposedly promoting same-sex families. ”
    The truth seem to be that they tried to force on children in schools and some parents objected so the minister said you can show out of hours but not in class time.
    \\Last week, NSW education minister Adrian Piccoli directed the state’s schools not to show the documentary in class time. “During school hours we expect them to be doing maths and English//


  29. Moodswing6 says:

    3am and it’s the World Service opinion and propaganda. True to form they are trying to blame the security services. They even have a spokesperson Michael Clark, a security expert saying that this might have been stopped. Oh they have just mentioned the loss of 20,000 police officers over 6 years. Loosing these diminishes the gathering of intelligence because they can’t talk to the local communities. As if!

    Although one of the men was on radar and had been interviewed previously he wasn’t found or deemed to be planning anything, so he was placed into an active bundle of 20,000. What absolutely stinks here is that the security services are well buried under a mountain of Islamic shit and they have their backs constantly on guard from disgusting organisations such as the CBB. Right now because it suits them they can say that the security services failed, they can even have their security expert Michael Clark say, well mostly you can’t stop it but maybe this time they could have. What they fail to do is explain that had MI5 detained under suspicion, the nasty, vile c…s at the CBB would be screaming and hounding the security services for being racist and islamaphobic. They would run to his neighbourhood ( which they have just done) where they interviewed a neighbour. Oh he was lovely, yes he used to play with my children. I was right fooled. Of course she can say that now, but had he been detained before this atrocity the same sound bite would be from her, what are they holding this man for. He ain’t done nothing, he plays with my children. They ain’t doing their job properly. Why don’t these security bastards catch some real criminals.

    It wouldn’t be left there either. We would hear from labour and social justice warriors all condemning MI5 for daring to want to keep a potential security threat locked up. The CBB need to be silenced now and held accountable for their brainwashing lies and deceit. They also need to explain where their loyalities actually lie and why they are so pro Islam. It suits them fine to be slamming anyone who dares to smear a Muslim. But when that same Muslim commits an act of disgusting barbarity it’s the police and security services who failed us. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


    • Scroblene says:

      Unfortunately, the bBBC need to have as much diversionary ‘news’ as possible this week Moods, to keep risible fools like Abbott and Corbyn off the front page, where their antics are plain to see as utterly stupid and more votes slip away from Labour every time they open their gobs.

      Of course you’re absolutely right. We saw that clip on the ‘news’ last evening, and noticed that the residents of the leafy green suburbs of London were being in denial that anyone from there could carry out such a ghastly deed.

      Pull the other one, bBBC; you screeched down there to dredge out the thickos of all shapes, creeds and sizes, and led them to pathetic answers to loaded questions.

      One of the best comments I’ve seen anywhere here, is that we don’t need any more policemen and women, we just need less Muslim fanatics.


      • StewGreen says:

        @Scroblene good point
        BBC/MSM construct False-Narrative to control Public Mood
        is that what you mean ?

        Also, the problem
        is not lack of police NOW
        but lack of BORDER PATROL in the PAST


    • Englands Dreaming says:

      There has also been a lot of talk about the need for more armed police to be available, but I think I’m right in saying that part of the problem is that the police themselves don’t want to become firearm’s officer’ because they will get hung out to dry when things go wrong, as they can do, And when that happens you can bet the BBC will be at the front of the cue denouncing them.


  30. seismicboy says:

    Manchester Emergency Fund: helping people after the attack
    Why are the Red Cross running the Manchester appeal?, I didn’t think they worked in the UK, only in war zones and such like.
    Oh, I see, I think I have answered my own question.


    • Scroblene says:

      It’s either them or Andy Burnham, Seismic, so I suppose you really have answered your own question!

      (It is Manchester where he trousers squillions isn’t it? Not Mid Staffs)?


    • Helena Hand-Basket says:

      Seismicboy, I checked the link and found it’s the British Red Cross at work in Manchester. (I presume there’s an international RC too.) My late mum used to volunteer with the UK Red Cross on various local charitable projects, for example a reception camp in England for the Ugandan Asians in the early seventies. Mind you, seeing that quite a few of these refugees were (I think) Islamic, I wonder if she came to regret her kindness in her later years, when the ROP’s bombathon got going!


      • seismicboy says:

        HH-B, my attempt at sarcasm has failed. I’m sure the Red Cross do a great job both here in the UK and overseas. My inference was that the UK is now a war zone.


  31. Beeb Brother says:

    I managed ten minutes of that programme about implicit bias.

    “Some people are still more likely to expect women to be more nurturing, even if they say otherwise”, we are told finger waggingly.

    What if they are? At uni when you lived with men everything stank and you got nothing but abuse and a punch for your birthday. With girls, it tended to smell nicer and you always got a card and an arranged meal for your birthday. Women naturally gravitate towards caring professions like nursing and primary school teaching. They tend to be better at empathising. Should I be reprogrammed out of those observable facts? There is truth in wine and children. My eight year old nephew tells me how different boys and girls are, and though he is no academic he is a lovely, clever boy who speaks the truth.

    When I meet a man for the first time, I will probably try to talk to him about football; I know women generally do not like football as much, so instead I will ask her lots of questions and compliment her. Is that ‘implicit bias’? Do I need reprogramming out of my evil prejudices? When I take the piss out of a male friend for looking fat should I do just the same to a female friend, even though I know she is more likely to get upset about it? Is that some nefarious ‘implicit bias’ or simply using my god given reason to better navigate a complex world?

    Inevitably he gets into race, with more finger wagging. Well, three terrorist atrocities in the last three months. What do all the perpetrators have in common? Of course we cannot say so in public, but it would go against our most basic survival instincts to ignore these facts at a deeper level. Apparently top firms are spending big money on diversity training to weed out this implicit bias. Sorry – I would rather hang onto it and have a smaller chance of being blown up. That will be this country’s epitaph: we let our children get raped and blown up, but thank god we were never racist. If only the authorities in Rotherham had exhibited some ‘bias’ against rape gangs.

    He does not see that there is often an overlap between certain races and cultures; certain racial groups are more prevalent among certain cultures, and that all cultures are certainly not equal. At StPauls in Bristol there are many yardies from Jamaica – it is the most terrifying place I have ever been; an ultra violent culture which glamourises gangsters, as does so much ‘grime’ music which the Beeb is so keen on. I would ask this snowflake tosser of a presenter to talk a walk through there one night and chat to them about how he is free from ‘implicit bias’, maybe play them his show on his IPad. They would beat the crap out of him and rob him.

    Could they not just give the SJW insanity a rest for one minute? Fifteen stabbings in London in a month, excluding the 8 minute ‘diversity celebration’ in central London. Maybe we need more bias; this insane compulsion to deny reality propagated by these far left lunatics is destroying us.


    • Cranmer says:

      Beeb Brother, I have long since realised that today’s SJWs are the inheritors of the long tradition of English puritanism. It has not gone away with the decline of Christianity, it has simply evolved into reverence for cultural marxism. The word ‘Racism’ is more feared, I would say, by these people than the word ‘sin’ was by the mid-Victorians. What is truly frightening is that they are utterly blind to this and actually think they are somehow more liberated in their minds than people were 150 years ago.


  32. Up2snuff says:

    Some praise for the TOADY Programme this morning for a change. At 7.10am Justin Webb interviewed Richard Burton a Labour spokesman for something or other who was standing in for ‘migraine’ riddled Diane Abbott. The subject was terrorism and Police numbers.

    Justin was trying to get Mr Burton to admit Labour are soft on terrorism and soft on the causes of terrorism. His interviewee was having none of it. Justin toughened his stance. Mr Burton was firmly and politely diplomatic with a hint of ducking and diving, bobbing and weaving, just to encourage the presenter. Justin was now getting gritty and pushed and pushed and then pushed some more. If only they did that more and more often with tougher Labour targets like a former Labour Home Secretary or three, or even the former Labour Minister for State Housing, a certain Mrs Balls.

    Mr Burton side-stepped neatly. Not much sign of wriggling. That was kept below the surface.

    His Party leader will have been proud of him.

    But Justin tried, he really tried.


    • Deborah says:

      Well I have just been listening to a car crash interview with Boris at 8.10 on Tuesday’s Today; but it was Mishal having a terrible time. Every time Boris tried to speak, she would jump in and say, ‘we are not talking about that’. But each time she sounded more desperate and peevish. Mishal, you just keep on providing evidence of your bias and why you are not up to the job.


      • G.W.F. says:

        She is an arch token who has survived by using the sneer in her voice.


    • nogginator says:

      “soft on terrorism and soft on the causes of terrorism”

      .. FFS what is it going to take eh, for people to pull their head out of their arses on here?

      The Tories are a disaster, and completely culpable even complicit in the terror mass murders
      we have had … ever since they conned the public into giving them power.
      The Liar In Chief was wilfully clueless, national liability Home Secretary, and now a lying, turncoat,
      beneath contempt PM.
      MI5 Cut, Security Intel Cut, GCHQ Cut, Police Officer Cut, Firearm Officers Cut.
      We have had 8 viable mass murder attempts in just 70 days, and 3 were successful because of it.
      I can tell you clearly if the London attack was anywhere else the carnage would have been much higher,
      and still they scheme, lie, use sophistry, to avoid their negligence, and dangerous incompetence,
      now they are repressing a Whitehall report on terror funding that exposes they were complicit … so its in the pipe, still to be published.

      You want pointless “gotcha” sound bites, and still waffle bollox about Trident, while these utter corrupt Tory bastards
      line their pockets with Saudi and Qatari cash, at the expense of our people, our children and our security.

      … none are so blind, as those that refuse to see eh.
      and I know less Islam is better than more police, but for 7 years immigration, 7 years!
      has gone up and up, year on year … nothing done about it, and still now they re still f-cking lying to you
      about it …. why? short term gain for a few cronies, and f-ck the nation, its people.


  33. BRISSLES says:

    Well, a lot of us on here said it would happen, and it has !! All those that were arrested in the biff, bash, pow home raids after Saturday’s attack, have now been released !!! very reassuring. No further forward then .

    Khan – London will not be divided
    Burnham – Manchester will not be divided

    Try asking the white population of Dewsbury, Rotherham, Rochester, Luton, Leicester et al, if they live in an integrated or divided community. Then ask them if they would prefer to live say in Sevenoaks, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Virginia Water, Buckingham., or anywhere where there is little or no e/m mix.


    • nogginator says:

      More smokescreen, more election damage limitation Tory spin, thank god for the press gutter eh?

      I told everyone on here, the needless GE17 was to be had before a plethora of
      incompetence mismanagement Tory “chickens come home to roost” and that then
      Brexit is their next cover story, the “scapegoat” for their economic failure.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Why were they arrested? Were they on the list of 3000 or is it 20,000 suspected terrorists, or were they just rounded up to please the media?

      Perhaps these arrests and quick releases support my view that Smiley’s people have no idea as to how many potential Islamic terrorists there are, and do not care, and that the quoted numbers are phony. Basically, security wankers are in tune with government directives to retain and protect the multiculture, and keep pressure on Tommy Robinson, Britain First and other enemies of the great Eurabian project.


    • G says:

      Yet again I have to ask, ‘what makes us so cohesive with the muslim in the UK that the relationship can risk being ‘divided’? I suppose its the child benefits, Council houses, and all the rest of the benefits wot do it.


  34. Charlie Martel says:

    Oh the irony: Hard-Left Corbyn, Flabbott and co lecturing the Tories on security and police cuts. Those friends of every terror group going, those friends of all our enemies. They’re of the generation and political leaning that used to call the police ‘pigs’, that saw the police and army as the oppressors of the masses, the class enemy, now they’re trying to make political capital out of cuts.
    And Flabbott ‘concerned’ that the security services let a terrorist through the net. She and her grizzly ilk are the first to scream racism, homophobia, police brutality, whenever the police get serious about black or muslim crime.

    Beyond belief.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Those two have just announced a tourist scheme whereby any and all Muslim terrorists can get an all expenses paid trip to the UK , with indefinite leave to stay, and can be given a waiver to commit whatever crimes they like, rape, murder etc. It is regarded as a vote winner amongst the burgeoning Muslim community.


  35. Charlie Martel says:

    So beebistan, are we multicultural enough yet?

    We’re certainly all mixed now – even our body parts along Westminster Bridge and Borough Market.

    Or do we need more enrichment to make us less ‘hideously white’.


  36. thirdoption says:

    Next week BBC2 are showing “Jo Cox: Death of an MP”

    The write up includes the line that her killer ………” harboured a secret obsession with Nazism and the extreme right-wing.”

    Immediately after two of the worst terrorist attacks we have seen in the country, carried out in the name of Islam by muslim killers, the BBC think it fit to show a tribute to Jo Cox and bring in the Nazi, far-right narrative.

    I actually thought I couldn’t detest the BBC any more than I did, but I was wrong.


  37. Wild Bill says:

    Interesting stuff about Khan and Corbyn…


  38. Jeff says:

    So, only two days until our election. What an absolutely awful choice. Theresa May, a woman who was one of the most appalling Home Secretaries in history, who while cutting (and lecturing) our police simultaneously increased our population by millions. And in the red corner there’s Jeremy Corbyn…
    This election was supposed to be a shoe in. It’s only Theresa’s utter incompetence that has led to any doubt about the outcome. The woman is hopeless. She introduces a “dementia tax” while at the same time giving away billions of our cash in foreign aid. People work hard for their homes. They want to pass something on to their kids. It’s human nature. What on earth was the gormless woman thinking? Was she thinking?
    Theresa always sounds so good until she’s challenged, then she goes to pieces. She isn’t a conviction politician. She isn’t The Iron Lady mark two, she’s The Plastic Patriot mark one. When the going gets tough she wobbles and melts.
    Like Dave she’s a political weather vane. Whichever way the wind blows. Want me to talk tough on immigration? Want me to believe in the benefits of Brexit? Okidokey, here’s a speech they’ll like. Made to order.
    The only reason for voting for May is the horrific thought of the alternative. Marxist McDonnell looking after our economy and Diane Abbott in charge of our police and immigration policy. Ye gods! This isn’t a joke. The idea that a racist, bigoted idiot like Abbott could hold sway over our immigration policy brings me out in a cold sweat.
    We really deserve so much better.


    • Thoughtful says:

      “What on earth was the gormless woman thinking? Was she thinking?”

      Surely you know that this wasn’t May’s policy? May has no policies, no beliefs, no personality. She’s an empty vessel, a flag which will point whichever way the wind blows.

      This was a design direct from Tory party central office whose greed ridden Eton posh boys saw a large lead and thought they could snatch some money from the plebs while giving away more tax to their already wealthy friends. They were so blind they forgot that their plans would be analysed and that they would come under scrutiny.

      If you were asked to explain what Theresa Mays strongly held beliefs were, would you be able to tell anyone ?


      • Clare says:

        Jeff made some good points.

        You respond with tawdry class prejudice.


    • nogginator says:

      There s the money shot, you re still voting for her
      You ve had Blair Cameron, May all the same, all neoliberal, the utter ruin of our nation
      absolutely clear, sold off to the highest bidder
      Madness is keep doing the same thing eh, and they ve obviously trained you well

      then you can say goodbye to all that is most important, what s left of our infrastructure, for all our people
      support for your health, even now your security for your kids
      None are so blind eh.
      … wave it all off Toryboy
      They ll have such a laugh at you won t they over the champers, as the last cash cow gets milked,
      and their pockets get lined … how they pulled it off, we sold the last of what the nation built
      we did it … that ll be the kneeslapper

      wave on then … and don t cry


      • Jeff says:

        Just to clarify, I’m NOT voting for Theresa. Unfortunately my party stands no chance of winning but I’m voting with my heart and my conscience.
        My point being this is a two horse race. And both horses should be Kennomeat.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I am fully aware that Labour is a bad thing but cannot vote for May and her plans to increase internet surveillance and support for sharia. In the very unlikely event of a Labour victory one can hope that Corbyn will do the Labour thing and ditch his policies.

      But I have discovered that there is a UKIP candidate in my constituency although I have not heard or seen anything of him or her my vote will go there. Shame UKIP had not made a better effort and fought for a position where a few of their MPs would hold the middle ground in a possible hung parliament.

      At least, when Brexit is reversed or watered down, and when the waves of Jihadist immigrants sweep over us in the next couple of years, and the cops arrest those who complain about it, I will not carry the shame of voting for the party that facilitated the destruction of our country


  39. Demon says:

    Last night on Sky, the Poison Dwarf, Kay Burley, was interviewing Emir Khan and said “What do you think about those ridiculous comments from Donald Trump?”. I replayed it as I thought I must have misheard. To be fair Khan gave a measured reply to the effect that he has more important things to worry about. However she persisted with another slander on Trump but Khan would not be drawn.

    I know it’s not BBC but it’s the same “mind”set and the same pool of shallow talent. She’s shown her extreme left-wing partisanship before so my only surprise is the sheer blatantness of her warped opinion. If she’d said something like that about Obama she would have been collecting her p45 within the hour. It’s amazing that the only one I remember losing his job recently is Mark Longhurst when Owen Boy Jones flounced out and Longhurst had done nothing wrong. Jones, however, who should have been taken off our screens for at least five years for that “performance” seems now to be on almost constantly.


    • Guest Who says:

      So, Kay could say that?



    • Beltane says:

      No worries Demon, Charlie ‘My Hair’s In A’ Stayt did the BBC business from the sofa this morning. Khan trotting out unsubstantiated, unchallenged figures to set the scene, followed by the Trump Punch offered on a plate by Stayt.
      And on the subject of bias – if you’ll pardon the suggestion – did anyone see the Jo C’Oburn farce with Green Birtley, unchallenged, virtually uninterrupted, smiley, smiley, and Paul Nuttall UKIP’s beleaguered spokesman. Coburn’s dislike was palpable, her interruptions constant, her bias transparent and her professionalism non-existent. What a performance in front of a Bristolian audience – so no set-ups there then.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I too saw that Demon, and it was so obvious how she was trying to dictate her opinions. All news channel reporters are now offering their opinions within their questioning which is a slippery slope to go down. I would imagine Kay Burley would be wetting herself if she was given an exclusive interview by Trump – not likely to criticise him beforehand then I wouldn’t doubt.

      Anyway, WHY have all news reporters become Left-wing ? its a phenomenon that’s occurred in the past few years. Could it be that this generation of journalists were indoctrinated in the womb of their Universities ? The balance needs to re-addressed.


  40. Fedup says:

    Diane sick again
    Time for more prayers for Abbot people
    Guido is reporting she has pulled out of Wimmins Hour this morning. I programmed as a chap I was desperately looking for to cheer up a dull day.
    Get better soon Diane. Or not.


  41. Beeb Brother says:

    Turns out the killer’s brother was given money by the Police to fight radicalisation. Money well spent. It grows more farcical by the minute. No doubt it is our fault for not giving him enough money to do his job properly.

    Bribing people to not kill you. Celebrate that diversity!


  42. Guest Who says:

    A few interesting ongoing FOis…

    Since when does the BBC DPA act like CECUO?

    I wonder how this will work out? Any bets?


    • Demon says:

      I looked at that link long and hard but I’m clearly missing the point. Would any Welsh speaker on here, e.g. taffman, please tell me what on that is so offensive and why.


  43. theisland says:

    This is sickening in SO MANY WAYS.



  44. G says:

    Professor Tariq Ramadan interviewed by fellow muslim, Michal Husain on BBC ‘Today’ about 0835. Both apologists for islam. Both indulging in breathtaking sophistry. Apparently the weekend’s terrorism was perpetrated by misguided muslims. Well, I say, thats all right then. The victims, had they had chance and time, should have engaged their murderers in debate abut the correct interpretation of the Quaran.
    It was those who did’nt interpret the Quaran correctly wot done it guv. They take things out of context. This is a habit uniquely of the islamic terrorist: to get his/her interpretation wrong despite praying over the Quaran five times a day and endless studying and reading of the passages and not forgetting the instruction of an Iman. Husain put to the learned Prof that the oft used extract from the Quaran i.e.the so-called, “Sword Verse” – “kill the unbeliever wherever you find him…….” was surely there? Ramadan agreed but apparently it related to a time centuries ago when the muslims were under attack. So, I suppose the moral equivalence would be for us to study the Bible or whatever book of fiction you fancy, and hold out the passages of violence as an excuse for conducting murder and mayhem. Well that’s all right then innit? Fact is, that as long as the replete passages of violence remain in the muzzies handbook there will continue to be murders and savagery.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      The problem is that the stories in the Bible are just stories – Christians can learn from them but are never not invited to emulate them. There are also multiple writers which offers real diversity of thought.Muhammad was seen as the perfect man and anything he did should be copied. The Koran is revealed by him alone, and we all know the dangers of letting one person have absolute power. Our whole separation of the executive, legislature and judiciary is based on the dangers of one person having absolute power.

      Why do they keep hijacking the same religion? Why not hijack Buddhism?

      I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence. The emperor is stark naked with an erection and shit running down his legs – someone needs to mention it!


    • GCooper says:

      Why should it be for us to work out who is a ‘good’ muslim and who isn’t? For every ‘professor’ the BBC dredges up to say one thing, rabid islamists can, no doubt, find another who would cheerfully lop of the former’s head for blasphemy.

      The simple, hard fact is that atrocities are being committed worldwide by terrorists in the name of a religion and it is for that religion to sort itself out. The time for equivocation has passed. Weasel words from a BBC presenter and a tame academic are worthless when bearded lunatics are slaughtering innocent people in the name of their ‘god’.

      If muslms are so concerned to protect their reputation as good citizens, let them identify and reject the fanatics so that they can be dealt with. If they will not do this then they have no grounds to complain when the public draws the all too obvious conclusion.


      • G says:

        “….it is for that religion to sort itself out. “. Simply not possible. Alteration of the wording in the Quaran would lead, inevitably, to confirmation that it is purely a book of fiction along with all the other similar books.


      • popeye says:

        GC, very well said – a thousand upticks (I note that the Mail has managed to stop the lefties ACTUALLY doing this lol)


    • Fedup says:

      You are so wrong ” kill the unbeliever wherever you find him ” doesn’t mean that . Errr it means something else completely . They tried to spin it but didn’t really get there. So the religion of peace really isn’t and will take advantage of our apparent weakness.


      • Demon says:

        It’s the classic Good cop, Bad cop routine. “Give us what we want, let us have Sharia, or else the terrorists (who have nothing to do with Islam of course) will keep on killing people.”

        Good cops as portrayed by Michal Hussain and Emir Khan (No, really!). Bad cops as portrayed by the killers and rapists.

        As these killers have NTDWI but are all able to quote from the Quran, all invocate Allah, all pray 5 times a day in their mosques and all listen to Imams, does that mean that the Quran is also nothing to do with Islam, Allah has nothing to do with Islam, mosques have nothing to do with Islam and Imams have nothing to do with Islam?


  45. GCooper says:

    It has been clear all morning that the BBC has decided to run with Labour’s ‘police cuts’ slogan as a final weapon in its attempt to unseat the government. Any pretence of impartiality was thrown aside on Toady and then reinforced in the Corporation’s ‘news’ bulletins, where the ‘police cuts’ meme was pumped for all it is worth.

    But why ‘police cuts’? Surely ‘rampant immigration’? ‘Human Rights Act’, ‘lenient courts’, ‘questionable security practises’, ‘lousy immigration procedures’ and ‘media collaborators’ are all equally pertinent to understanding the mess we are in?

    If, by some chance, Treezer manages to drag her sorry backside across the finishing line ahead of Steptoe and if she doesn’t get to grips with the Quisling Corporation for its treachery and corruption then she, and the Tories, will fully deserve everything they get in the coming years.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      It is like starting a fire then moaning there are not enough fire fighters.


      • GCooper says:

        That’s a really good analogy.


      • StewGreen says:

        Yep LibMob first say
        … “We need open borders”
        next say
        … “Hey we don’t have enough police to deal with all these new terrorists”

        ie They started a fire …now MOAN there are not enough fire fighters.


  46. Despairada says:

    Usually, in the morning in the car, I listen to the Today programme, though more recently Radio Cambridge. Today, even the latter was wall to wall election so I switched to Classic FM and now I feel MUCH better.


    • Guest Who says:

      Best switch off before Global ‘news’ comes on… Oh… Too late…


      • GCooper says:

        Oh, how true! Global ‘news’ is like a carbon copy of the BBC – dire, PC rubbish.


  47. Beeb Brother says:

    May says the terrorists should embrace our ‘pluralistic values.’ What does that mean? If you believe in anything you believe in nothing. It is extremism which fills that void of ‘pluralism.’ People want to believe in something. Most contributors to this website clearly do, but we have been told for so long to have any values whatsoever equates with the cardinal sin of racism, as the likes of Al Beeb have worked so hard to conflate race and culture.


    • gaxvil says:

      To be simplistic – if you’re in a club, party, union or whatever and you fundamentally disagree with all it stands for – would you not simply leave?


    • ID says:

      The concept of “British values” or even “European values”, is simply a linguistic red-herring designed to suggest that a society’s customs and mores are simply a rational, personal choice about behaviour and about what is right and wrong. In the past, these notions have been transmitted from one generation to another. A Roman was a Roman because he had been brought up a Roman. Some Romans may have adopted Stoic values or been Epicurians, but this is irrelevant in determining how most Romans behaved and decided what was right and what was wrong. When you have a large influx of immigrants with traditions radically different from indigenous Britons, you have to pretend that they can “adopt British values” i.e. sign up to a number of vague, abstract principles that supposedly define Britishness and so become British.
      Of course, when an indigenous Briton is asked to define “British values” by a Beeboid, it is impossible to do so. The Beeboid wonders why Britons are so reluctant to accept foreign cultures when their own sense of identity is so weak. It’s like asking a native speaker of a language to explain why he says “I am going home” rather than “me go home”.


  48. KatieH says:

    I see the beeb brekkie crew threw all their toys in the labour box today wheeling out activist after activist in their war against the tories and brexit. Some familiar activist faces in that crapfest in the tent today. one was a black guy who we were told was a student from leeds but is in fact a lib dem activist who they wheeled out last year as well just after the referendum result. No mention at all of his political background. Another lady was on another bbc brekkie hatefest a few weeks back as well and a number of other familiar faces as well. All these guys reading out pre scripted questions and not even trying to hide it and a financial guy lying through his teeth about the money from europe and all doom and gloom about brexit. Minchim and burden should be ashamed of themselves with this one sided biased crapfest


    • Stella2 says:

      Exactly. Katie. That is the most pernicious part of their operation: they are dishonest about who these “typical members of the public” actually are. Utterly unbelievable in every sense.

      And then, they run trailers for something called the BBC “Reality Check” with more honest Joes (er, actors) shrilling that they need the BBC to counteract fake news and alternative realities.

      This is becoming truly sickening and sinister. Better hope more people start waking up soon – and don’t blindly follow the media Corbynistas.


  49. Steve Jones says:

    Any sign of HYS returning to the BBC?


    • Lobster says:

      More chance of Lord Lucan returning.


      • Stella2 says:

        Haha! Talking of which, did anyone see the Lady Lucan interview on ITV last night? Very old-fashioned format but incredibly powerful, just letting her speak, and trusting the viewers to come to their own conclusions. Showed just what can be achieved by simple, focused question and answer, no interruptions, taking time and care to let one side of the story unravel. The result was all mad, bad, dangerous, deluded, insightful, terribly sad – and utterly mesmerising.


  50. gaxvil says:

    Mr. Ramadan on ‘Today’ – again the excuses, the drivel and then the clincher – the Jihadis disagree with UK foreign policy.
    So fundamentally in order the halt such attacks Britain MUST become a Caliphate – Simples!
    Still puzzled as to why they keep coming here, returning here and not removing themselves from this dreadful country?

    Then Montague to Boris, “Stop talking about Diane Abbott!”


    • Thoughtful says:

      Our hopeless politically correct no nothing blowhards at the BBC will not ask the relevant questions such as what the reason for the other 1700 people murders during Ramadan was? It can’t have anything to do with Western foreign policy (paid for by Saudi).


      • Lucy Pevensey says:


        A footnote to this from

        (June 4th) Note : Islamic terrorists killed people in
        17 countries during the first 9 days of Ramadan 2017.

        (Not all attacks are immediately listed)