On time and ready to go, a new Open Thread on which to detail the bias. With radical Islam causing carnage on our streets, the comrades at the BBC are stretched to keep their “Vote Jeremy” meme going. Detail the bias HERE.

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  1. StewGreen says:

    What’s with all the the extra phon in’s this morning ?
    R5 Live had ongoing phone-in from 6am*
    and then their rgular phonein from 9-10
    and Woman’s hour has a special phone-ine from 9:00 to 10:45
    ..I guess it’s a way they can stuff the air with Labour/anti-Tory voices

    *(We’re joining forces with Breakfast TV and Newsround to bring you an election debate between now and 9 o’clock right here on the piazza outside the 5 live Studios in Salford.
    Do you have a question for our BBC experts on health, education, security or Brexit?)


  2. SpinningReith says:

    Why doesn’t Jezza get rid of the Abbopotamus?

    1) She’s black – box ticked
    2) She’s female (?) – box ticked
    3) He can’t find anyone to replace her – box ticked
    4) She was such a good shag in the 70’s that his box is still ticking.


  3. gaxvil says:

    Following on from Americas, “SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING”, we have, “RUN, HIDE, TELL”.



  4. Beeb Brother says:

    £40 million spent on the Prevent strategy. Money well spent. Projects included teaching computer skills to Muslim women so they can better recognise dangerous internet usage by their children! Grrrrrr! That is getting tough, teaching women how to use the internet!


    • Charlie Martel says:

      So they can better access extremist sites, more like. Then show their kids.


  5. Grant says:

    Not BBC but Daily Express headline today “May ” I shall keep you safe ” “. And there was silly me thinking she had no sense of humour.


  6. G.W.F. says:

    However you look at it, even remove the BBC bias, and the conclusion is that May is not fit to serve this country in any capacity.
    Had someone reported a bacon thrower outside a mosque or a hijab tugger, the cops and magistrates would have ensured a prison sentence and a beating by RoPers in jail and a possible uninvestigated death.

    For this murder in London May must take responsibility.


    • GCooper says:

      Sadly, my conclusion is that none of them are fit to lead the country.

      I cannot recall ever having seen such a dismal parade of liars, imbeciles and deadbeats.


      • Grant says:


        Couldn’t agree more. I hate to bang on about Gambia, but President Barrow, in 6 months, has done more than our lot in their whole “careers” . And he backs up his words with deeds.


    • Grant says:


      Quite agree. And , in her time as Home Secretary, what did she do to make this country safer ? She is so thick she can’t even see the irony of her statement above.


      • ToobiWan says:

        He’s probably not hamstrung by political correctness, Grant, and as he is also of the black persuasion, there cannot be any suggestion that whatever he does or says could be intepreted as him being a racist.


        • Grant says:


          Good points . I hate to say it , but Political Correctness is rearing its ugly head in Gambia but, from personal observation, most adults are not falling for it. Needless to say, there are dark forces working on the schools. Oops , was that racist ?


          • ToobiWan says:

            That’s where it takes root, Grant, give me the child untill he is seven and all that. They play the long game.


  7. ThomasR says:

    If, as we are being led to believe by certain polls, a Progressive Alliance is going to “lock the Tories out of Number 10”, could I make a suggestion.
    Using Corbynomics, we can Nationalise all the PFI hospitals Labour saddled us with (whilst being happy to infer that they had paid for them) The lack of re-payments, going forward, will allow a “Progressive” Government to thus increase spending on the NHS, as they did 15 or so years ago. Another new GP contract, more money for sustainability managers, more money for legal departments, PR, re-branding. (Change the name of NHS Scotland to the Scottish NHS )


  8. KafirHarbi says:

    While there are some encouraging signs of progress in that discussion of the ideology of Islam has actually risen as a matter for debate in the mainstream media in the last few days, the promotion of ‘not enough police’ by labour and the BBC proves we have a long way to go.

    It must be so, otherwise there would be a very obvious retort that all right-minded people would use, and that the conservatives could very quickly put their accusers back in their box with. That would be to refer to what proportion of crime and violent crime in particular was caused by immigrants and particular ethnic groups. And to say that if we want to prevent crime, the first thing we need to do is prevent it arriving on our shores. Just as those who preach diversity ought to be forced to describe what level of diversity is optimum, the ‘not enough police’ chorus should be asked how many police you might need to for instance keep track of the 100,000 Muslims in Britain who broadly sympathise with the Islamic extremists? Man-to-man marking? We keep the borders open to every chancer and terrorist from the third world and deal with it by endlessly ‘investing’ in more police?

    Of course it won’t happen because thinking of crime in terms of immigration and ethnicity is a borderline thought crime (In fact in France it actually is a crime to compile crime statistics along ethnic lines). Even in Britain, I defy anyone to find any crime statistics organised this way – we all know the reality about ‘London knife crime’. Who will be the first politician to say that we wouldn’t need so many policemen if we had less immigration? And we wouldn’t have so much terrorism if we had fewer Muslims? And if we don’t have statistics because they aren’t complied, we do have this – I think it tells the story pretty well:


  9. gaxvil says:

    So now we really need lessons from Israel on how to operate in modern Britain in terms of terrorism.
    They have things sewn up really tight, they don’t ‘accommodate’ Jihadis, citizens carry guns and soldiers ARE on street corners. Even so they don’t stop all the incidents. People need to realise that a state like Israel is the very BEST we can hope for – Isn’t progress marvellous!


    • Guest Who says:

      And where, and who does his global glory all trace back to?


      • Kaiser says:

        Personally I would try BLiar for treason and war crimes, extradite him to any arab country that thought they had a case and then work from there

        all MP’s who colluded in this mess should have their pensions and properties appropriated and used to fund more armed police


        • ToobiWan says:

          Hasn’t Corbyn threatened to do just this if elected,K?


        • Thoughtful says:

          When Blair was in power he allowed so many Islamic terrorists into the country it became known as Londonistan. He allowed them to form terrorist groups such as Al Mujaharoon which later needed to be proscribed.

          Prior to Blair there was not one single Islamic attack in Britain the first one being 7/7 in 2005 while Blair was still PM.

          Why are we the public not better protected from out politicians who can it seems allow anyone they please, regardless of their intentions to settle in the UK without any kind of accountability? Surely BLiar Mandelson and Campbell should be held accountable for the idiocy of their action and the deaths they caused?

          Near to where I live is the father of one of the victims of the 7/7 bombers. At the memorial service he was collected by the Police and taken to a London hotel, from there he was again collected by the Police and taken to St Pauls where he met the liar in chief, and was TOLD they were going to tell the press he had travelled there on the rube in defiance of the bombers when the Police had chauffeured him !

          Once the service was over he had to make his own way back to the hotel where he found that he was expected to settle the entire bill himself and to make his own way back home.

          And that just about sums BLiar up. Using people when it suits for the publicity and then dropping them like a rag when he had done with them. Lying manipulation and duplicity all the way.

          I encouraged him to go to the press with the story but he didn’t want to be in the public eye any more, perhaps understandably.


    • Cranmer says:

      …and Israel is only like that because of 70 years of being under almost constant siege, with its founders coming from countries where they had been subject to harrassment and murder for many years before that. In Britain, by contrast, we have had 50 years of being told we should be ashamed of ourselves, that our culture is stolen and our history a disgrace, that borders are evil and loving one’s country is wrong. Good luck with us getting anywhere near Israel in security terms.


      • Grant says:


        Perfect summing up. Don’t want to be too gloomy , but I think Britain is doomed. It is too late to be saved now.


        • Cranmer says:

          I believe there’s always hope, Grant, and that the course of events can change suddenly and unexpectedly; look at the fall of the Soviet Union or the ending of the Nazi-Soviet pact, for example. I agree however that things have probably gone too far now to change without serious hardship. Things have a way of balancing out by a sort of osmotic process – for example, mass immigration into the EU and UK if left unchecked will eventually cause economic collapse, meaning there are no jobs and no handouts and no reason for immigrants to continue coming; those remaining will have to behave or suffer the consequences because economic collapse will create hardline governments. We can already see this in Hungary; when I lived there a native told me the immigrants don’t avoid Hungary because of Orban’s ‘racism’ (as the west fondly imagines) – they pass through because there are no jobs and no benefits.


          • Grant says:


            Maybe economic collapse is the price Europe will have to pay but it will be pretty unpleasant !


            • Cranmer says:

              I’ve said this before but there’s an old saying, ‘good times create weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men, strong men create good times’, and the cycle continues. We are currently at the weak men/bad times stage of the cycle but it may not always be so. Look at Churchill – famously ‘exiled’ for most of the 1930s due to his unpopular and ‘outdated’ views but then became Britain’s greatest PM – an example of the strong men coming forward.


  10. Thoughtful says:

    The Snowflake evening comic reports that the oldest Kosher restaurant in the city has been attacked by arsonists. Because the snowflake comic are Islamopanderers they don’t speculate on the motives of the attacker, unlike when the Mosque has a door damaged and then they DEFINITELY KNEW it was ISLAMOPHOBIA !


    • Kaiser says:

      hmmmm A kosher restaurant attacked

      hmmmm B Prestwich has become infested with muslims over the past 10 years

      could it just be a coincidence


  11. Lucy Pevensey says:
    So from BBC News we hear that……. Successful Jihad Murderer, Butt

    featured in a Channel 4 documentary last year about Islamist extremists with links to the jailed preacher Anjem Choudary.

    The married father-of-two, who worked for London Underground as a trainee customer services assistant for nearly six months last year, could be seen in the programme arguing with police officers in the street, after displaying a flag used by so-called Islamic State in a London park.

    So would THIS be Sadiq Khan’s answer to there being ‘too many white men’ on London Underground?
    Replace them with Muslim terrorists?


    • Thoughtful says:

      “trainee customer services assistant ”

      Sweet Jesus you can just imagine – You have no Teecket? I Keeell you !


    • Pounce says:

      Now that all three attackers have been identified. Why has nobody put all the dots together and worked out that all were born elsewhere. Meanwhile I keep getting told by Labour, the Liberals, the Greens, The SNP that we our immigration laws are far too harsh . The same people who have gone out of their way to damage any Gov plans to reduce immigration, the same people who love to racial politics when it comes to Muslims and the same people screaming out after each and every Islamic attack that its all the fault of the Government.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Very worrying how many of them work in transport. Last year I was patted down at Edinburgh airport en route to NYC by a ginger convert (presumably Scots) with the fucking beard, crochet hat and dirty white smock.


  12. Kaiser says:

    why no name of the third terrorist??

    what we hiding this time???

    and before ive finished typing its on westmonster

    Italian newspaper reports 3rd #Londonbridge attacker was stopped in Bologna airport, March 2016, from going to Syria

    Open Borders Huh


    • Pounce says:

      Kaiser the bBC have:
      The third London Bridge attacker has been named as Youssef Zaghba, a Moroccan-Italian man.


      • Kaiser says:

        they left off the attempt to get to syria from italy, I wonder why


        • JimS says:

          Italy stopped him going to Syria, a pity they didn’t stop him going to the UK!

          Clegg told us we needed the EU for our security – ‘stronger together’ and all that.

          Couldn’t we bring back the old assisted passage schemes, become a £10 Syrian, (please!)?


  13. gaxvil says:

    English Muslim on Fox said, as tackling the internet just too hard – use the internet to put out an anti Jihad narrative. Sound idea on the face of it, assuming one could steer clear of being branded a hater, Islamophobe etc., etc..

    Just had delivered a voting pamphlet from a Sikh candidate from the Panth Party?


  14. StewGreen says:

    BBC tactic : “Don’t look at Islam and terrorists ..look over there at Trump”
    4pm R4 one item of 3 is
    “following the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate alleged links between Russians and Donald Trump’s election campaign, Joshua finds out what the role of the special counsel involves, how he will go about his work and how the White House will be affected by the probe. ”

    searching BBC website for last 7 days
    Mention of Terrorist 215 times
    Mention of Trump : 2,650 times
    (You have to click the last page of the search to get that ..cos there is a thing where it first tells you there are 14,700 results for terrorist ..I presume it gives you a guess whilst its still calculating)


    • StewGreen says:

      Prof Ken Gormley said …The investigator cannot indite a sitting president, they have to wait until after office.
      Only congress can impeach a president. (he didn’t say that this extremely unlikely, which I hear is the case)
      The investigation will probably be ended within 2 years.

      (I believe Nixon was never impeached ..he resigned himself)

      Next interviewee (a true believer it seems) says ..”Oh the intelligence services will have tapes of these meetings with the Russians”
      …hang on I thought that Trump and team were not being spied upon.


  15. Charlie Martel says:

    The 3rd murderer (sorry, soldier for islam) is Moroccan-Italian apparently.

    I’m surprised beebistan didn’t just shorten it to ‘Giuseppe from Italy’.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I’m quite fond of lasagne and pizza, which I reckon makes me more “Italian” than this murdering bastard.


      • pertelote says:



  16. G says:

    The World at One BBC R4 – Clegg on terrorism. Why oh why do they regularly wheel this loser on? He’s becoming the new, Paddy Ashdown – always a windbag. Let’s just remind ourselves what Clegg said in 2014 about immigration:


  17. Charlie Martel says:

    Our little Sadiq Aga Khan asking for Trump’s visit to be cancelled.
    Getting a bit above himself there our Emir: jeopardising our trade, defence and other relations with an Anglophile superpower in a hissy fit cos he wasn’t treated with the fawning grovelling adoration by inferior kaffirs that he is becoming accostomed to.
    Subtext: I’m more important than the UK’s trade, defence, international relations.
    The supremacist starting to show his colours? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till they get real power through sheer numbers. Terrifying.


    • Lobster says:

      What the jumped-up little shit fails to realise is that President Trump would be on a State Visit to the UK, not just London. Someone should remind him that there is life beyond the M25.


      • Charlie Martel says:

        He’s preparing for when he’s PM of UK, or Emir, or Sultan, or whatever he’ll call himself.

        God help us, we’re screwed.


      • ToobiWan says:

        Keep up Lobbie, London thinks it IS the UK.


        • Lobster says:

          I know Toobi, but the rest of us know better.
          By the way, did you know his dad was a bus driver? I don’t think he mentions it much …..


          • ToobiWan says:

            I did, Lobbie, think of the damage his dad could do to pedestrians on a bridge with his Routemaster!


  18. G says:

    Maybe it is a disease transmittable by simply visiting a mosque and reading the quaran?


  19. G.W.F. says:

    Anyone think that Prevent and counter terrorism efforts are about stopping Moslem bombers? Think again. And note that this is what Treezers proposed anti extremism policies will be about.


  20. dafydd says:

    Another article…Corbyn at his best, a complete bastard..

    Jeremy Corbyn addressed a rally including hundreds of members of the banned extremist group Al-Muhajiroun . In May 2002 Corbyn gave a speech at a highly controversial anti-Israel demo at Trafalgar Square, attended by former terrorists and supporters of Hezbollah. A contemporaneous report by the communist Weekly Worker newspaper says up to 300 members of Al-Muhajiroun were present. The newspaper reported that some were dressed as mock suicide bombers and others chanted “gas, gas Tel Aviv”. This is from the extraordinary Weekly Worker* report:

    “Al Muhajiroun held placards reading ‘Palestine is Muslim’. They chanted, “Skud, Skud Israel” and “Gas, gas Tel Aviv”, along with their support for bin Laden. Two would-be suicide posers were dressed in combat fatigues with a ‘bomb’ strapped to their waists. This section accounted for no more than 200-300, but they made a noise far out of proportion to their numbers… The rally was also addressed by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway.”
    Al-Muhajiroun is a proscribed terrorist organisation which was led by the infamous radical Islamists Omar Bakri Muhammad and the jailed Anjem Choudary. Several of its members have committed terrorist attacks and the group has been linked to the 7/7 bombings, the murder of Lee Rigby as well as dozens of other attacks and plots. London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt was a supporter of Al-Muhajiroun. What was Corbyn doing anywhere near them, let alone addressing an audience which included 300 of their members?

    And we could elect this pile of shit Prime minister…..!!!!!!!


  21. StewGreen says:

    Trump and Paris Climate BS : Clive James writes in support of Trump


  22. StewGreen says:

    Today’s news deception by omission
    “Oh diesel sales fell by 20% in May”
    ..yeh well, they rose the month before cos people advanced their buying due to of road tax changes/rises coming in in May

    Similarly “Bicycle crime rises”

    ..Then policeman explained that bike crime always falls in winter and rises when the sun comes out .due to people using bikes more then


  23. StewGreen says:

    The times. today.

    The Labour leader is part of a left-wing clique which has always celebrated a version of multiculturalism that encourages difference rather than integration. More worried about offending religious sensitivities than gender equality, he turned a blind eye to segregated seating for men and women at party meetings. He campaigned against the Prevent strategy for countering extremism on the grounds that it discriminates against Muslims, while supporting the human rights charity Cage, which has praised the Isis executioner known as “Jihadi John”. One Whitehall source says Mr Corbyn and those around him are driven into strange alliances by their hostility to the West: “Like in the Cold War, it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’,” he explains. “They are quite happy to blame the West rather than standing up to the extremists.”
    Rachel Sylvester pg 33


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      “on the grounds that it discriminates against Muslims,”

      Of course it flippin discriminates against Muslims. Muslims are the origin of Islamic Terrorism.
      How could it ever be possible to defeat terrorists if we don’t discriminate between them & others?

      It’s like suggesting you can’t take action against the IRA because it discriminates against the Irish.
      Of course it effing does! Who should we suspect? Mexicans?


  24. StewGreen says:

    pg 34 Melanie Phillips

    * Terror to continue until Islam reforms *
    The elephant is still in the room…. They are devout and ecstatic Muslim fanatics who are waging a war of religion against us.
    Mrs May correctly referred to “Islamist” terrorism.
    Yet she also said this was a “perversion of Islam”.
    How can it be a “perversion” when it is solidly rooted in religious texts and theological doctrine validated and endorsed by the world’s most powerful Islamic authorities?

    Full article online in Australia

    It the UK on the same page James Kirkup argues we can’t afford the economic negatives of curbing immigration (paywall)

    The normally bonkers Hugo Rifkind argues it’s difficult to find the next terrorist cos they are often driven by the same macho unhappiness that drives American mass shooters
    ..He does have a point this time.


  25. StewGreen says:

    The new female directed Wonder Woman film , isn’t a flop
    .Do you think the BBC will be telling us about that ?


    • Pounce says:

      Disclaimer : Don’t read if you intend to watch the Film
      We went on Saturday to watch it. I was ready to walk out after 30 mins. (not worth the hassle afterwards) If anybody disagrees, could you please explain me to how a sail boat can get from off the Turkish coast to Tower Bridge in one evening.

      I did like how the person who started the entire first world war was….An ******* Man

      And the woman can’t act for toffee . To be honest Lydna Carter leaves her standing and at least she did a twirl for the lads.


      • ToobiWan says:

        The Hollywood version of history, Pounce, knowing their target audience, they have to keep things simple. I’ve lost count of the number of arguments I’ve had with my kids and others over some historical happening, because my “version” differed from what they had seen in a film.


        • Expat John says:

          That’s a really important point, TW – the snowflakes get their ‘history’ and their cultural memes from works of fiction and from narratives that have been changed, either for reasons of dramatic effect or because of the need to show political correctness. It has become almost impossible to have a meaningful and properly informed conversation about history with anyone under 40. Contributors to this site excepted.


          • ToobiWan says:

            Too true, John, I did a spell in junior schools after taking early retirement and saw first hand what passed for the teaching of history. The goto web resource being the BBC and if you think that BBC TV/radio is biased you should see what poison Bytesize, etc., are dripping into children’s minds, white man bad; black/brown good. They were being taught, in effect, to hate this country and all it had acheived over the centuries! The most worrying thing though was how the teaching staff saw nothing wrong regarding the presentation of this informatiion. Hey, it came from the BBC, it must be true and factual, musn’t it, was the reply I usually got.


            • Expat John says:

              Absolutely, TW. Nearly a quarter of a century as a school governor, sometimes in charge, and all I can say is the children are being stripped of all critical faculties, deliberately or as a result of what you say: Hey, it came from the BBC, it must be true and factual, musn’t it.


              • ToobiWan says:

                In an earlier reply to Grant, John, “give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”
                All part of the long march through the institutions.


      • Guest Who says:

        It is windy out.


      • Jeff says:

        “could you please explain to me how a sail boat can get from off the Turkish coast to Tower Bridge in one evening.”
        Think I might have cracked it. They started bailing water when they got a few hundred yards from the shoreline, they immediately claimed “refugee status” and were towed to safety by one of the European rescue boats.
        Council house on its way. Follow the signpost to the dole office, Oh, and here’s your form for the postal vote.
        BTW, vote for the old bloke with the beard.
        He’s one of us…


  26. BRISSLES says:

    Not BBC, but has anyone seen/heard Faisal Islam (Sky) interview one of his own re the atrocities or anything at all where Islam is concerned ? No, me neither. His colleagues are quick to give their opinions, but he is keeping schtum.


  27. NISA says:

    The BBC are are as keen as Khan to display contempt for the President of the United States, e.g. this totally unnecessarily offensive headline.
    Qatar row: Trump wades into Gulf stand-off


  28. theisland says:

    Share this re march in Manchester Sunday 11th


  29. StewGreen says:

    15:14pm Radio 4 item about Tess Asplund a BLACK activist in Stockholm who put up her fist to a “Neo Nazi” demonstration in 2016
    In her view “Nazis should not be allowed to march on the street”
    ” that police had dragged her away almost as soon as she blocked the way of the march.”
    (I don’t know if they were really Nazis)
    Ah it was a mixed party demo against “excessive immigration”
    “The Social Democrat Party, the Left Party and non-profit organisation Dalarna Against Racism, which were also allowed to demonstrate, reportedly outnumbered the neo-Nazi group.” source
    (it’s a prog about famous photos)


  30. gaxvil says:

    As said, the UK has changed and amended the Terror Laws numerous times and the powers are on the statute BUT what Officer will risk having a discrimination case in their file. What politician will risk being call a oppressor, racist, hater?
    Our Jihadi bruv’s know they only have whisper, ‘Islamophobia’ and an army of SJWs will appear.

    BTW what’s happened to all the hijab tugging stories and predicted massive backlash?
    How are the figures for anti Muslim Hate Crimes as ironically the bbc is covering the reading of ‘1984’?


  31. gaxvil says:

    Socialism, Conservatism, Communism, Liberalism?
    Sadly, all we seem to get is, Assholism.


  32. Thoughtful says:

    Looks like another peaceful attack by the RoPpers in Paris at Notre Dame


  33. Tabs says:


    ‘Gunshots’ at Paris’s Notre Dame

    One thing is for sure… the BBC will find some heroes of the day that will be immigrants and the doctors who save lives will be Muslim.


    • Cranmer says:

      ‘Hammer attack’ outside Notre Dame. Nothing to worry about. Probably a stone mason working on the cathedral just dropped his hammer by accident.


    • Tabs says:

      Some video footage of the area


      • G.W.F. says:

        Hammer attack, man shouts this is for Syria.

        Ban hammers


      • Oldspeaker says:

        Somehow the BBC heard what this one was shouting almost immediately after the event
        “The man shouted “This is for Syria” during the attack,”
        Only the sound of tumblweed blowing through the BBCs reporing of events in London. if only the attackers had said something we might have some clue as to why they did it…


  34. DYKEVISIONS says:

    Gay Paris… care of AL Beeb… ‘gunshots and panic’

    ‘just run, hide’ and pray your head remains on your shoulders..
    It goes on and on, which part of the ‘Birmingham Speech’ was wrong?


    • gaxvil says:

      And “Trump puts strain on special relationship” and “Should Trump be barred from the UK?” How these creatures can spew forth their constant, whining criticism of Trump while Muslim hate preachers are not commented on – they must surely be a sub class of ‘nearly humans’?


    • Grant says:


      It is just what you should expect living in a big city. What is the problem ?


  35. StewGreen says:

    Facebook policing : 10 new Harvard students have had their admissions cancelled
    There was a 100 member Private Facebook group for those accepted , and some formed a sub group egging each other to post tasteless memes.
    \\One meme cited by The Crimson called the hypothetical hanging of a Mexican child “piñata time,” while many others targeted minorities and certain ethnicities//


    • Grant says:


      The Fascist Left’s assault on freedom continues. Harvard is notoriously Far Left, but that is still no excuse.


  36. Jo says:

    Breaking news.

    Following her failure to appear on Woman’s Hour, Diane Abbott has finally been tracked down on Hampstead Heath:



  37. StewGreen says:

    BBC “Defend/Dismiss” trick again
    R4 4pm news “Trump’s sons DEFEND anger about his tweets about Mayor of London”
    and then quotes words that show they DISMISSED the anger

    The newsreader said “Trump misunderstood Khan’s statement”
    ..em no he didn’t the sentiment was “no reason to worry” “world’s safest city”

    Russia Today website doesn’t seem to even mention the matter.


  38. KatieH says:

    Call me cynical and i may be very wrong here but since the cox shooting last year a week to go before the EU referendum which didnt turn out the way the powers that be wanted and was politicised by the remain camp to no avail. This election is all about brexit even though the media have been playing it down and making it out to be about social justice which surprise surprise has been championed by corbyn. Brexit is the main and only prize at stake here. 350 million a week is incentive enough for anybody. What if the atrocity on saturday night was another cox moment in the hope of affecting this election. Maybe the manchester one was as well but it was too far out to make a dent so they had to make sure, although the media still weaponised that fully by promoting and sanitising corbyn for all their worth while may was out of the country .

    I wake up this morning and its full on brexit bashing and doom and gloom from all platforms along with bashing may over the cops. All platforms have thrown caution to the wind wheeling on activists lying through their teeth and flooding tv screens with holier than thou labour politicians whining about cuts. Even after that vigil yesterday khan who was praised by may earlier also went on the attack blaming her. We only have another day and a half and they are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at stopping the tories and brexit. The way things are going i am expecting something else to happen between now and polling day. I may be totally wrong but from whats happened in the past year and the way the media are twisting things from Trump to brexit its made me even more cynical.


  39. Mrs Kitty says:

    Today I don’t know weither to laugh or cry

    We all knew the BBBC didn’t care/listen or give a sweet fanny adams but they do run this story made to tug your heartstrings about a low life smuggler who got her scummy boyfriend into the UK, if he loved her that much why didn’t he stay with her

    Today you would think a certain date would be remembered………..06/06/1944 but I’m buggered if I can find anything on the 4 billion load of shit that is run by those weasley loads of lefty scumbags. Rant over


    • Grant says:

      Mrs K,

      But, one of the finest rants I can remember on this site !


    • Kaiser says:

      she didnt do it for money she did it for dick, there are loads of dried up old slappers shagging all the gimmiegrants


    • G.W.F. says:

      Mrs Kitty

      ‘Today you would think a certain date would be remembered………..06/06/1944 but I’m buggered if I can find anything on the 4 billion load of shit that is run by those weasley loads of lefty scumbags.’

      I looked as well, nothing. My son is in Normandy where veterans are being celebrated, and there are lots of human interest stories being told, and lots to report.
      Trouble is the BBC will only cover it if a historian can rubbish our soldiers or find a Moslem hero of the landings.


      • theisland says:


        • Grant says:

          Has there been any coverage of the anniversary or are we meant to be ashamed of D-day ?


          • Mrs Kitty says:

            Just checked and still nothing, Mr Kitty and I will be there in October as it’s quieter and will be able to pay our respects to all those brave men.


          • Tabs says:

            There was a little bit on my local news, BBC South Today at 6:30pm tonight.

            The events of D-Day and today couldn’t be further apart if we tried. D-Day consisted of 100,000s of brave men risking and some giving their lives for our freedom and now today we have Jeremy Corbyn and the BBC willing to hand over every thing that was fought for on a silver plate to anyone who threatens us.


            • Grant says:


              Very true. Thank God we did not have to rely on the likes of Corbyn and Beeboids as they have no balls.


        • Jo says:

          According to some in the US, we didn’t do much anyway:



    • Despairada says:

      Yes, just been talking to a relative who watches a lot of TV and she was disgusted that there had been no mention of the D-Day anniversary today.


  40. Beeb Brother says:

    THEY report on how Trump’s comments ‘spark outrage.’

    You know what sparks my outrage? An 8 year old girl getting blown up at a pop concert.


  41. Thoughtful says:

    After the Fascists have condemned both Israel and Trump for their wall I wonder whether they will be condemning the EU for building a wall with Russia?

    VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) – Lithuania has started building a fence on its border with the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad in an attempt to curb smuggling and illegal immigration and strengthen the EU’s external border.

    State border officials on Monday kicked off construction works of the first segment of the 130-kilometer (80-mile) -long metal fence at the Raminiskiu village in a ceremony attended by the Lithuanian Interior Minister Eimutis Misiunas.

    The installation comes complete with electronic surveillance systems and drones. It will cost some 3.6 million euros ($3.9 million) in total and is to be completed by the end of this year.

    The two-meter (6.5-foot) tall fence will run through two Lithuanian districts to the Nemunas river that serves as a natural barrier between the Baltic nation and Kaliningrad – home to a Russian naval base on the Baltic Sea.


  42. Thoughtful says:

    Here’s yet another story linked to the CNN/BBC fake news story about the so called Muslim demonstration.

    CNN claims that the group was the “London Fatwa Council” It should have started ringing more alarm bells that it seems to have done with a name like that, and once you scratch the surface you can imagine it’s an alarming group.

    London Fatwa Council offers legal advice and counselling in accordance with Islamic law.

    Or in other words it is a Sharia court !

    Our advisory panel, made up of prominent Islamic Jurists deal with a wide range of cases undertaken by the Council.

    All member of the LFC advisory panel, are prominent Islamic Jurists

    It has fast become a prominent think-tank through its deep collaboration and engagement with all sectors of society, ranging from local businesses, schools and organisations to the Home Office, for which London Fatwa Council is a regular point of contact.

    Oh really? So the Tory government is in some kind of collaboration with a Sharia court? NO wonder May is working so hard to give them a proper legal footing.

    You can read about this group here, a parallel legal system operating with the permission of the British government and which the MSM seems extremely reluctant to talk about.


  43. Fol-de-rol says:

    My missus is trawling through the Sky News evidence of how the recent terrorists appear to have strolled around playing the system and have been given an easy ride by the authorities. She’s a normal peace loving individual who is livid with the dereliction of duty by those who take the moral high ground, criminalising the rest of us for minor issues that harm no-one.

    Has the Government or the BBC any idea how angry people are? Stuff the candles and hand-wringing, it’s time to hold the appeasers to account and FIGHT BACK!


  44. Beeb Brother says:

    RE: Hate crime.

    Imagine you followed a religion you genuinely believed to be peaceful and it had inspired the three recent atrocities. Imagine the utter shame and disgust you would feel. If someone pulled your scarf or called you names, wouldn’t you think they were perfectly justified? “It is not nice, but imagine if my daughter had been killed. I can understand their anger.” I would except being abused and spat at all day if killers like this had come from my community. Who wouldn’t? I would hang my head in eternal shame.

    How could you possibly complain about ‘hatred’ when such carnage has been wrought? When these people who have welcomed you into their country and paid for your schooling, hospitals and safety can now never feel safe again – the most basic of human needs. Imagine actually having the shamelessness to call the Police and play the victim even when there are daughters who will never go to school again; brothers who have lost limbs; little boys who will grow up without their daddy.

    That there have been no real reprisals shows what a wonderful and peaceful people we are – the terrible straight, white people who are supposedly the cause of all evil.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Or – it shows how cowed and indoctrinated we are.


    • Dave S says:

      The sheer savagery of the attacks is downplayed. i agree that it is necessary to protect our children from knowledge of these things but to pretend any equivalence between what happened at Bataclan and in London with so called right wing attacks is as others have said not merely dishonest but wicked.


  45. Charlatans says:

    A MUST SEE –

    Please pass around to be viewed BY AS MANY AS POSSIBLE BY THURSDAY -FACEBOOK ETC

    BBC & Manchester terrorism fully exposed big time in this excellent YouTube :

    YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS UP – we been conned


  46. Jerry Owen says:

    BBC South Today
    The education policies of Labour, Tory, Green, LibDem and UKIP on a card in a town centre with the party name hidden on the reverse. People choose which policies they like … one picked the Tory or UKIP polices, indeed they were at pains to enjoy two conservatives picking non tory policy. Just another day in the BBC’s job of promoting anyone other than Tory or UKIP.


    • theisland says:

      Despite the best efforts of the beeb we must all re-focus and remember the election is firstly about Brexit.


      • nogginator says:

        Incorrect, this is GE17 not a referendum … that’s the Liar May narrative
        don t buy the liars B/S, she wants more power for herself and will use Brexit as her next
        “scapegoat” for her consistent failures.
        Her Brexit concern only run to herself and her grasping cronies … the “clown car” of May, Boris, and Davis is a liability, Consistent failures as Home Secretary, U Turns, mistakes, manifesto failure, terrible campaign, cowardice and callous self interest not fit, not fit at all.


        • theisland says:

          I meant it was about getting as many LEAVERS elected as possible (irrespective of party).


  47. nogginator says:

    BBC lavishing time on Tory Baroness Sayeeda Warsi again, yep her of no relevance, arch apologist and pusher of the
    Islamo faux bia dinner table test, no less.
    How not to deal with the growing Islamic problem in one easy lesson, Lots of far right far right all the same as jihadi s
    (who are the far right she doesn t say), UK rep for the despicable blasphemy law pushing IOC in full effect. intolerance of all forms, more interfaith ya da ya da ya da.

    Al BBC intersperses that muslim woman laying flowers again, for the bloody umpteenth time
    BBC News Channel – live at 5 (17 50)


  48. Geoff says:

    Tonight’s BBC Points West headlines “The West falls silent to remember London” ….This is a screen grab of the accompanying footage they used to demonstrate such. (Other West Country school children are available….)



    • Grant says:


      Any i-minute silences or candles to remember the heroes of D-day ?


      • gaxvil says:

        The last thing they want is for anyone to compare then with now.


        • Grant says:


          Yes. Just obliterate that part of history.


          • Grant says:

            Of course , if the Nazis had won the war I don’t suppose we would be having much trouble with muslims today. How ironic !


            • Thoughtful says:

              You don’t know your history Grant. Muslims fought for the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War, and there were so many fighting for the Nazi’s they had to issue them with special Halal ration packs.

              Hitler was a huge admirer of Islam and may even have converted, his Islamic friend Haj Amin Al Husseini is described as one of the architects of the holocaust. He even visited Auschwitz and approved the camp, and the final solution.

              The Testament of Adolf Hitler (1945)

              Under the guidance of the Reich, Europe would speedily have become unified. Once the Jewish poison had been eradicated, unification would have been an easy matter. France and Italy, each defeated in turn at an interval of a few months by the two Germanic Powers, would have been well out of it. Both would have had to renounce their inappropriate aspirations to greatness. At the same time they would have had to renounce their pretensions in North Africa and the Near East; and that would have allowed Europe to pursue a bold policy of friendship towards Islam.

              Does this sound vaguely familiar to what is happening now?

              The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France.




          • gaxvil says:

            As I said before – the irony on this this day when the bbc is covering George Orwell and 1984.


    • pertelote says:

      poor kid! – did they ask his/her permission to use that shot?


    • Dave S says:

      WE know it is propaganda. They know it is propaganda .So what is the point?


  49. Alicia Sinclair says:

    find myself far preferring to clean old ladies bottoms and feed old blokes with pureed banana, than even attempt to listen to the BBC and its appalling Radio4.
    Got two examples today though.
    1. Justin Webb talks to Sarah Churchwell this morning before 7am.
    Bob Dylan gives a speech to the Nobel Prize Committee for his Literature award. Sarah was won-now, how many prizes for anything?
    None. But Webb like priotities hold here. Churchwell needs to know nothing, achieve nothing-but be in with the BBC-and then SHE can tell us all why Dylans speech failed to impress her. Bob will be distraught. She`s the white Bonnie Greer that one. Kind of risen without merit or trace. Tom Paulin did the same.
    2. Karen Armstrong cited as an expert on Islam with Martha Kearney just before 2pm. The ultimate shill and spinner for Allah was cited as some Princess Prize Winner for peace. But we know she`s Allahs carpet bag, Islamophonia preventing Prague from experiencing the delights of Manchester or Cologne, Berlin ,Paris or London being her message to us all. Little Martha could only agree.
    What with Sarah and Karen? Can now see why Goves quote about “enough of experts” really riles the BBC.
    They rely on these hopeless poltroons to mediate the merits of Dylan, to sound clever themselves and to get Islam off the hook for all it`s doing. If you mock an expert , you won`t be slavering at their feet for a REAL opinion as opposed to a mediated one.