Has anyone else noticed that in the last few months the BBC have been using the word “passing”
as a euphemism for dying?
Noticed it first when Nicky Campbell started the trend.
Seems to be in the vocab for other presenters now!!!
Why would that be I wonder???!!!
Ha ! If its true and he’s planning to ditch England and head back to California, where will he go to next, if the missiles from N.Korea start landing within shouting distance of LA ???
So, a Jihadi Jail is to be opened to segregate fanatical extremists (or muslims as they’re sometimes called) and prevent them preaching hate to other crims. (All over the media but strangely under-reported by beebistan).
How reassuring that a mere 16 years after 9/11, our brightest and best have decided it might not be a great idea to lock up hate filled terrorist preaches with other inmates susceptible to conversion and extremism.
“Lee Rigby’s killer and hate preacher Anjem Choudary will be among first inmates of jihadi jail within a prison to stop spread of extremism behind bars
Dangerous jihadists will be locked up in three special ‘prisons within prisons’
Up to 28 Muslim extremists will be caged in specialist ‘separation centres’
It is hoped that putting them together will help tackle radicalisation in jail
Inmates are now housed in a separate centre within HMP Frankland in Durham
Two other centres, which are expected to be at HMP Full Sutton near York and at HMP Long Lartin in Worcestershire, are due to open in the coming months ”
Nearly there – can I suggest a De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists .. young, old, male and female …
A De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists ….
9am Breakfast with different Religion – today we start with one of the 4000 available
11am Snacks with Mark Steyn – “Is this man worried for nothing? He can sing as well!”
1pm Dinner with Douglas Murray – “Some people think he has a point, and is not Alt-Right at all (notice that Alt-Left is hardly mentioned on BBC – found an article here)”
3pm Tea with Thomas Paine – his thoughts during the Revolutions and readings from “The Age of Reason”.
4pm Biscuits with David Starky – Histories – how countries have developed, the good and bad bits kept in
5pm Join Thomas Sowell in a session of “Compared to What?”
9pm Tea and cookies with Carl Sagan – see what else is out there in the real world…
10pm Viewing the world through telescopes and microscopes – germs can kill and are real
11pm To bed with the soft voice of Christopher Hitchens whispering into your ear … same again tomorrow
Kerguelen belongs to France. Plus, the penguins would be entitled to object.
I suggest Rockall. It needs inhabiting to ensure nobody tries to claim it off the UK, no construction is needed, plus all the birds and molluscs there are halal.
The man the Evil Beeb love to mock may yet turn out to be the Saviour of Western Civilisation, or what’s left of it.
(I can’t imagine his useless muslim / Kenyan internationalist predecessor, so beloved of the beebistan, giving such a speech.)
“US President Donald Trump has argued that the future of Western civilisation is at stake in a keynote speech in the Polish capital Warsaw.
Holding up Poland as an example of a country ready to defend Western freedoms, he warned against the threats of “terrorism and extremism”.
Criticising Russia, Mr Trump urged Moscow to “join the community of responsible nations”.
Mr Trump is in Poland ahead of a G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
In Warsaw, he addressed a large, cheering crowd from the monument to the 1944 Uprising in the city, on Krasinski Square.
Poland’s conservative government shares Mr Trump’s hostile view of immigration and strong sense of sovereignty.”
Must upset the pink bunnies to see the President so well received in Poland. Yes it was a quite deliberate snub to this country and it’s awful media stooges of the left .I also hope Mrs Merkel took note.
The President should now announce that he will not come here at all. Poland is proud of it’s past and the role it played in European culture and history.
Monte Cassino and the uprising in Warsaw tells us much about the mettle of these fine people and I for one welcome them here although I am sure their country needs them.
The article you link to is indeed headlined “Trump says Western civilisation at stake in Warsaw speech”.
See it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40515329
A few hours ago that was the article on the BBC front page. I read it from there.
Now, at 4pm, the front page article is headlined “Trump tells Russia to stop ‘destabilising’ Ukraine”
See it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40522296
The former article can be found by direct link, but not on the World or Europe pages.
The former has been effectively disappeared, without actually being erased.
The articles are mostly the same, but the former began :
‘US President Donald Trump has argued that the future of Western civilisation is at stake in a keynote speech in the Polish capital Warsaw.
Holding up Poland as an example of a country ready to defend Western freedoms, he warned against the threats of “terrorism and extremism”.’
Whereas the second breaks up and buries these ideas, instead presenting his “future of Western civilisation” comment in a paragraph mostly about Russia.
It is as if the BBC has decided it doesn’t want its readership to think the “future of Western civilisation” comment had anything to do with “terrorism and extremism”.
It gets worse, because a few minutes back I ventured over to the Telegraph, and the headline there is :
“Donald Trump says West must show ‘the will to survive’ in face of threats from Russia and North Korea ”
whereas if you watch the video of Trump’s speech, highly edited though it is, the “will to survive” comment at 1:25 is in the same passage as “do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders”. From Russia? From NK?
Conclusion… there appears to be a concerted media effort to pretend DT didn’t say what he just said.
I saw that original paragraph Hawk, so i went and watch the full speech, everyone, every man and his dog that listened to the speech knows he is talking about the Islamic marauders, but that speech, broke taboos and liberal glass ceilings, it was the beginning of the end of the Muslim invasion, it will soon be acceptable to start reversing the flow as more eastern bloc countries standfast against their euro-dictators.
It really is hard to accept just how traitorous the bbc has become, not only distorting news to hide the horrors of islam, but down right faking it, how can that have happened in the UK, an organisation funded by the tax payer, it is just so utterly appalling.
The bBC and how it soft soaps everything Jeremy Corbyn says in which to make him more pleasing to the electorate.
Today JC spoke to at a business conference here is how the bBC reports this story: Jeremy Corbyn: UK must embrace technological change
The state should work with business to help the UK maximise the benefits of automation and other technological changes, Jeremy Corbyn has said.
And here is the Guardian version: Jeremy Corbyn: UK firms must pay more tax to fund better education
Jeremy Corbyn has told a business conference that companies must expect to pay slightly more tax if Labour is in power, arguing that using the money to invest in education would hugely benefit Britain in the long term.
BBC and Guardian: I was going to write ‘the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing’, but it would more accurate to say the left hand doesn’t know what the lefter hand is doing.
It will be the death of Germany – literally – when these people get to work as surely they will – http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-security-idUSKBN19P1MY
A similar number of jihadists that the British Security Services have now admitted are in the UK.
Meanwhile, in Sweden – http://dailycaller.com/2017/07/03/number-of-islamist-extremists-in-sweden-grows-tenfold-in-seven-years/
But hey! we must all look on the bright side and ignore the warning voices. We are not at war. We are mistaken in thinking islam is a problem. We are all told that multiculturalism works, despite Migration Watch disclosing it cost £96 BILLION between 1995 and 2011 (£17 BILLION 2014/15). A net loss to the British taxpayer rather than a net gain to the Exchequer. But, hey ho! this is the Conservative “Money Tree” which, in my view, could be better spent elsewhere.
But what about the Marxist Corbyn aka, The (childrens) Pied Piper and his trusty commie sidekick? Take a look at Migration Watch’ views – https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/411
“We spent significant resources (costs? who’s paying for this?) on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims. We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive. In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again.” ( voicemail would be interesting to listen to )
3500 Mosques/contacts with say 200 (underestimate) people = 700,000 Muslims
10 Mosques positive say 200 in each = 2,000 Muslims
2,000 / 700,000 = 0.2% positive response (or 0% rounded, if you want to make it more exciting!)
Jasser stated (Muslim Reform Movement (MRM)) “Our greatest accomplishment to date is our declaration.” (after 2 years of outreach)
“European manhunt for a family of Polish slave masters”
Let me fix that for you:
“Family of Jewsh slave masters follow the tenets of their extremist, medieval religion.”
“And also from the children of the residents that live among you, from them you may acquire slaves and from their family that is with you whom they begot in your land, and they shall become your inheritance.” Vayikra, Leviticus, 25:45
Smith & Jones used to be the most common names in Britain. Now they are as defunct as the 8 track stereo tape ! to be replaced with unpronounceable names with several Zs and Ws, and just beaten into second place by the Ali’s, Patels, Singhs, Khans and Islams. Never thought I’d see this day 40 years ago.
I was amazed to see that one of the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire was 84-year-old Sheila Smith. Alongside scores of foreigners, of course. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40457212
Poor Mrs Smith. She was born in a country with the most powerful navy in the world, which was the centre of the largest empire there has ever been. She ended it as a minority in her own country, surrounded by people from the four corners of the world, who came to Britain but owe us no loyalty. It is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. RIP.
“Smith & Jones used to be the most common names in Britain. Now they are as defunct as the 8 track stereo tape !”
Yeah, right…
Most common surnames 2016:
Smith (more than 400,000 bearers in 1881, 500,000 today)
Jones (more than 300,000 in 1881; currently 400,000)
Williams (just over 200,000 in 1881, nearly 300,000 now)
Brown and Taylor (both just under 200,000 in 1881, now over 250,000)
Johnson (just over 100,000 in 1881, now more than 150,000)
Lee (just under 50,000 in 1881, now nearly 84,000)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
Wimbledon on the bBBC. Not really bias, but yet another example of the disdain with which beeboids treat their taxpayers. Every match, they start showing on one channel, then interrupt to switch it to another channel. BBC1 > BBC2 > Red button … There’s no logic to it so why do they do it?
Having lost virtually every other sport, they like to fiddle with the schedules to make it look as though they’re still a major player. And of course, just like the Chelsea Flower Show and similar significant and nationally popular events, filling both channels for several hours a day at minimum cost frees up loads of dosh for more jollies and creative staff appointments.
Scanning the TV listings just now, by coincidence I also noticed the remarkably high dominance of Wimbledon in the BBC1 and the BBC2 schedules. I’d not realised how much coverage there was. But since I don’t watch it, I don’t mind. Plenty else to do on these wonderful, dry, warm summer days!
Yeah more wimbledon, means less Islam, fortunately i dont watch either, unless their chopping heads off, and the bbc dont really cover that aspect.
A mentally un-stable lorry/bus/car/van plows into predestrians while revving Allahu Akbar, injuring scores, and causing many to pass-away.
3 men in bomb vests have been shot dead but police are not speculating on any connection to the ”lone” Volvo………….. the cause of the accident is unknown, and will probably never be known, but the volvo had NO known service history, due to austerity measures and Tory cuts to services..
BBC Worldwide.com.
Itv news. 6.40pm. Reports that 1/4 of care homes failing elderly. Shows picture of woman carer in Muslim headscarf pulling old lady about, who makes protest sound to no avail. Interesting bbc with similar reporting?
I live in the London Borough of Barnet. I was just wondering if in the rest of the country do you have
a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party for half an hour after the 6PM National news on the BBC?
We have a programme called the Londonistan programme where most of the presenters and reporters are from
the ethnic community. Actually this is OK because there are only about 30% indigenous Londoners now. This probably
the only programme on the BBC where positive discrimination is not used by the BBC, so far as presenters and reporters
are concerned..
Every evening Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed , Jeremy Corbyn’s number one fans OR their script writers churn out
as much praise for Labour as they can . Whilst dishing out as much filth about the Tories as they can. I reiterate do you
have the same kind of programme in your neck of the woods?
BBc london news or as i like to call it the labour party daily news appreciation society. We had 8 years of boris where it was all sad faces and doom and gloom and constant daily attacks on him. Come last may they got their new saviour in the form of a shyster lawyer named sad dick. Since then they have become his pr protection squad. Any problems in london his name is kept well out of it. Promises made about no fare rises on the tube broken but its nothing to do with sad dick. Basically nothing to see here move on you are racist. Even now they are still trying to blame his fuckups on boris. Anytime the twat wants to pontificate the cameras are there for him to spout his pr bollocks and anti tory opportunist shite. There was a spat last week between him and a jewish guy over the march in london where he showed himself to be a real nasty piece of work and nothing on his fave news service.
Don’t watch it anymore – same with ITV London news . I do know , however, what every so often when another promising young black footballer get stabbed to death by another promising young black footballer they get some incoherent community type and an ambulance chaser to say “enough is enough”. What did they expect after police were told not to upset criminals by searching them.
All presenters in the South West Spotlight programme, based in Plymouth, are white. The ‘discrimination’ is very subtle. If showing a class of children for example the one ethnic child is always in centre focus and interviewed first. After a while it is obvious that none of them are Tories this even applies to the local radio output. I always remember the ‘relief’ they exhibited when a local politics professor (American) assured them there was no possibility of Hillary not winning! I find your post quite depressing as I can see the same thing here at some point in the future.
“”Gary Lineker SLAMS Brexit: ‘It’s hard to see a single positive'””
“”GARY LINEKER took to Twitter this afternoon to make his feelings very clear on the country’s decision to leave the European Union. “”
“”The former footballer showed his Remainer colours as he went on a rant on social media at Brexiteers and the referendum that took place in June last year. “”
Gary Lineker should have an interview with Nigel Farage, Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Jacob Rees-Mogg and ask them why they thought it was a good idea to leave? Why they had a difference of opinion, or is that not allowed?
If Gary still lives in Richmond Park Constituency he will be fascinated to know that his MP, Zac Goldsmith, voted to leave the EU so he can go and have a chat at an open doors surgery and take some crisps for the wait in the reception area.
Gary could send one of his researchers here, so rather than looking up who scored what and when they could see what Zac Goldsmith voted for {theyworkforyou.com} and if he agrees with him or not.
Gary could spend some time looking into how the EU Works and that it represents what he believes in.
Gary Lineker is rich, famous and has plenty of time to find the answers to all these things, and should be able to back up his ideas with sound reasons. He can also seek a difference of opinion if he really wanted to.
and it looks like he has adopted 4 illegal “”youngsters” too?..seems like a lot of “young boys” to have around the place? ..even if you were a Swiss football commentator?..are they hispanics?..or middle eastern “sorts”?..
or are they possibly related?..with those big ears and all?
..they simply don’t say and I am confused..being old ‘n’all !..are we supposed to know about these whadya call ’em..”celebs”?!
Dear Mr. Lineker does this help? “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
So imagine discussions about Brexit now – it’s no “divisive” at almost 50/50 like people said – it’s now decisive. Again, see the change in words that cannot be controlled! It’s 65% to Leave the EU! WIN!
But see how the Remain value collapses from 48% to 35%.
It forces a different story. “For the Many (who voted Leave), AND the Few (who didn’t vote, but were happy either way)” = 65%
Coming soon: ‘Coaching with Corbyn!’ – a football instruction DVD starring Jeremy (with Diane Abbott in goal).
Well, that’s the logic of it. If a footballer’s political opinions are considered worthwhile, why shouldn’t the politicians get into sport? I personally would enjoy ‘Boris does Basketball’ or ‘Pole-vault with Prescott’. (If only we still had Monty Python or “Not the nine O’Clock news’ to produce such a thing.)
Given how long this sponger spent sitting on the bench for Grampus 7 out in Japan…bloke clearly knows something about trading outside the EU, and getting rich with only a sore toe.
An utter fake-football probably died with his rise to “glory”.
He has to be shrill, he is greying and there will be ”wimmin experts” on the subs bench and well the axe could fall just on a whim with the fuckwits he works for.
I see over in Hamburg, those peaceful, pacifist, caring, sharing, candle-lighting, hand-holding left wingers are…….errrr……..rioting in the streets!
Anyone would think they wanted to bring down the successful, Western, democratic, market-based economies, so despised by Corbyn, Mcdonnell and the bBBC. Oh, wait……..
Armed with, sling shots, clubs, knives and fire extinguishers converted to flame throwers for, ‘use against the Police’
As you say, what lovely people. They really should shoot a few.
Hmm ….straight out of, Ripley’s Believe it or Not:-
‘Canadian’ ex GITMO scum who killed one US soldier and blinded another gets $1O MILLION in ‘compensation.’
US Trans’ man/woman/man says, men should not be allowed to discriminate against biological males who identify as female.
What a load of cock and bollox.
Can someone explain to me why rightwing governments give a flying f about leftwing and liberal outrage.
Why are they cowed by it, because it is time to start shooting people, petrol-bomb, bang bang, not today abdul.
Sad that this was the only photo Kellie Maloney was offered by way of a look.
This is the very face of a labour MP, and would make the Audrey Wise Miss Lefty Beauty Contest were it to be entered…ooo er missus…mz…ms…whateva!
oops I can’t say what I did originally..which was on the lines that the darkly tanned fellow there was as thick as shit.
To be fair..I am in enough trouble with the law as it is.. and I might be arrested! (for?)..but I’m worried in the current Nazi’esque climate..so..”what a silly little boy that extremely tanned man on the bbc news is?”
“”The UK should stay in the single market and customs union until a final Brexit deal is in force, according to the CBI.””
“”Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the business lobby group, said it was “impossible” that all the details of a new trade deal with the European Union would be in place by March 2019.””
Carolyn Fairbairn was a BBC executive. She also knows which side her bread is buttered. The CBI receives millions from the EU. No bias there, then?
Wiki has this to say about her…
“”In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC. In 2002/3, she created and launched Freeview – a joint venture between the BBC, Sky and Arqiva, which became one of the UK’s most successful new television services.””]
Good rule of thumb.
Whichever cause Fairbairn is on-choose the exact opposite. Whether its joining the Euro or staying in the EU?…she`s ALWAYS wrong. She`ll be married to something similar, the CBI are about as representative of SMEs as Noel Fielding is of comedy.
Manager jailed for stealing £46,000 of school dinner money {bbc.co.uk 6Jul2017}
A finance manager who stole £46,000 of school dinner money has been jailed.
Jacqueline Robb, 54, of Laburnum Avenue, Manchester, used the funds to buy foreign holidays and clothes.
The school where she worked spotted that £952 was missing from its bank account after an audit in autumn 2016. It later identified a loss of £46,011 between April 2012 and December 2016.
So over four years (2012-2016) £46,000 – almost £11,000 per year and nobody notices? No secondary checks? Big arrow going down on the bank spreadsheet? Very strange.
The BBC are going to town on this – they have shifted it to a headlined story on their homepage – a normal looking bespectacled English white face – branded as scum as part of an agenda to promote the idea that the white English are scum. If the face was not white would this story have been headlined on the front page? http://www.bbc.co.uk/
In the meantime billions are spent on expanding “diversity” and finding homes, NHS care, and welfare for migrants. Does anyone remember this story the BBC ran over a year ago? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-35358925
BBC report on G20 protesters tonight.
Peaceful loving left wing protest.
Jenny hill
“Protesters danced but united.
Then after peaceful afternoon police moved in to disperse them
Hard to say who provoked who
But many of the demonstrators armed with improvised weapons.”
Then Sopel steps in
“Lot of tear grass and riot police,
But apparently no riot.”
According to the BBC, All quiet on the western front. Lying bastards
9pm: Hamburg Police have released a statement on the ongoing violence.
It said the ‘black bloc’ of protestors had broken up into smaller factions heading in the direction of the St Pauli and Altona districts.
Demontstrators have continued to attack police and emergency vehicles, and there has been damage reported to construction sites, banks and business premises.
Scores of parked cars have been set alight.
The statement added that seven police officers had been injured as a result of rioters hurling stones, large objects and flares at lawenforcers.
It’s called recycling press releases or churnalism. The BBC pays Left wing hacks to do it all day. Then they lecture everyone else about their high standards
All the BBC have to do is report the facts as they see them at the time and not mess with editing to tell a different story. Three different people will see three different things. But at least you’ve got camera’s and other journalists and crowd’s recording information to get a better story than ever before.
“Residents had also been told their new cladding would be made of zinc. Despite their differences, both types of cladding have the same official fire rating.”
– what rating standard?
– is it plus of minus something value?
– is it the same in all Countries or different in the UK?
Then we get …
“Lord Porter, chairman of the Local Government Association, said fire safety tests on cladding from high-rise buildings were flawed.”
OK, if this is true then change the story title to …
“Grenfell Tower: Cladding safety tests possibly flawed”
Now we chase safety testing, rather than the £300,000 saving that makes it look like the Council cut costs and lost lives all because of Austerity. No! They made a decision on a fire rating – show me the brochure and see if I would make the same decision.
That leads onto “Austerity Kills” placards … next time I see an “Austerity Kills” placard, I want to know how many people it has killed and what can be done about it. If a Labour MP decides to cut the ‘Prevent’ funding – will that kill? Any idea how many it will kill?
Not that anyone will read this, buried in the sequence but……
We have heard that every panel tested across all those tower blocks have failed a fire test.
But what the bBBC have not reported is …was the fire test the correct fire test in line with current regulations?
Or was the fire test concocted randomly, perhaps to a more exacting standard, and thus encouraging a politically expedient test failure?
This important point reveals whether the manufacturers made products which did not meet legislation, or whether in fact the legislation was inadequate. Makes quite a difference.
I suspect it suits the BBC marxists if the story can be “nasty capitalist firms kill people” rather than “public sector shortcomings kill people”
Question Time
3 labour , 2 tory, but maybe only 1 brexiteer ( luckily its JRM).
Well 11/2 tory as Craig Oliver states he is no longer beholden to the tories.
First question bastardises Cameron’s comments about balancing the books.
Caroline Lucas does her finest Rentagobshite.
But then Jacob explains it all to the thickos.
But even he struggles against the avalanche of bias.
Bias clear as day for all to see, in the panel and the audience.
I watched QT due to J R-M being on, he was excellent as usual but I was struck by quite how obviously Richard Burgon (the Labour panelist who looks like a pikey) is as thick as pig s**t.
He had clearly been given a set of talking points and sound bites with which to pepper his inane answers and was constantly looking down at them, because he lacks the wit to hold more than four or five words in his brain at one go; what a complete and utter waste of air and skin.
Burgon’s constituency is the “vibrantly diverse” (i.e. cr@p hole) Harehills area of Leeds.
JRM excellent ?…. f-ck me Al he s nothing but the “soundbite kid”, flopping from one thing to another
Another plummy posh boy, harry potter with egg already on his wand, as a landlord, who voted against the law to ensure housing is ‘fit for human habitation’ … I admit he was helped out by the usual tory plants, to drop in tory central office soundbites.
… it comes to something when even the greens have to point it out to you
The starting pay (minimum) for a nurse outside of London is £22,128
More than most ordinary people.
Pensioners get £6,000 (the second class ones who have paid in about 50 years)
Minimum wage and living wage is well below the nurses pay.
How can nurses be queuing at food banks?
Those that send their money home to foreign lands, knowing they can get their hands on free food ? and don’t forget, we are told these are the ones who are ‘helping’ our economy !
All foodbanks should have a registered nurse at the food bank.
I for one have taken unlabelled tins of “so called Islamic meatballs” from the dock at North Shields , only to find God knows what in them and a chalk sell-by date written in cyrillic script.
The nurses surely knew that food poisoning was an option , as well as it all being cholesterol busting obese-friendly gravy in the said crumpled tin.
More nurses for the foodbanks please-or at least an equine veterinary nurse for the inevitable horse balls available at all EU docking shops since 2013.
Anybody got the claims hotline number…recalling this sad story has made me come over all queer?
Al Beeb is run by Blue Peter – They think that the British people are fools .
The government are the fools to allow Al Beeb to remain in existence .
Jacob Rees-Mogg for PM .
Speaking of barstard questions, the BBC takes its own Propaganda meme, turns it into a tell it often enough ‘fact’ and tries to sell it as such on Twitter, beyond the BBC specially selected audience base.
The at best muted occasional mutterings to such outrageous attempts at rigging perception and hence policy is certainly hard to square with anyone in actual government who understands the principles of democracy.
This one is flat out blatant. As the replies reveal, many know it, and are fed up.
Would the BBC QT Twitter be happier with 65% voted for Leave? Let me help them out – “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
“For the Many (65%), Not the Few (35%)” – Jeremy Corbyn Slogan GE#17
I thought that Jacob got near-Corbyn like applause at times.
The good people of Burton were great-yes, usual old pensioned off lefties, students from Burton Bubbletech and weirdies notwithstanding. Sense the BBC use their Savile vans to move their Guardian gollums all over the country, so we`re never eejit-free on the telly.
Burgon got laughter and scorn from all the right people-and hope the bloke who referred to the “Magic Tree Forest” of Burgon-Lucas fantasy gets his own show! Great line, deserving of the Moggmans benediction!
Well, the World’s Leader has said his piece. No illusions what he was talking about – essentially, the growth of islam in the West. I will be interested to see which politician in the UK steps forward to support the principles enunciated in Pres. Trumps speech. Which worm will appear from its comfortable very cosy burrow. It will be interesting.
Good!..ship the whole family out of UK if they can’t afford to stay here. As a tax payer I do not want to subsidise her or any dependents of hers while she is unemployed. (which I hope is for a long time). These people need to get the message ..you are not needed here..you are not wanted here! I speak for myself of course but I have had quite enough of your breed’s shenanigans!
Speaking personally I would feel much safer if ALL security staff at ALL British airports and seaports were Caucasian..i.e. certainly NOT of Pakistani extraction.. and thus not potentially “open to persuasion” as the authorities clearly feel this “sister” may be.
Mind you I do have to admit that based on life’s experiences I have little time for the Pakistani race!
..and that’s my choice ..’innit!!
p.s I was abducted by aliens from planet “XC-2221”..(well that’s where they said they were from) back in ’89 and I dislike them greatly too.
I belive that the “worm is finally beginning to turn” here in UK too. We are just starting to wake up to what is going on with OUR country…thanks to people like Tommy Robinson, Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray.
As Winnie said “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”
Speakin personally I’d say buy and read “Enemy of the State” – Tommy Robinson:
and Douglas Murray’s:
and I’d suggest that you ask all your friends and relatives to do the same.
Not a BBC story yet – but I am sure they will love it.
I suspect that Grenfell Towers was very much like the Tardis inside – I have been told by someone in the Labour party “who knows” that Grenfell Towers held up to around 1.1 million illegals.
More fake news ……………..
Remember the ‘Marmite Story ‘
“Butter could cost more by Christmas, Arla boss warns” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40506573
We could import more butter from New Zealand , as we always have done .
Blue Peter could have done better
See the HYS .
The butter price strangely increased some time ago, along with some other dairy products such as cheese and ice cream, at a time when the BBC was weeping copiously over the dire situation of UK dairy farmers and the collapsed milk price.
Rather than attacking the middlemen, the collection companies and processors and wholesalers, who had all seen their costs collapse due to the fall in the oil price, the BBC back then was busy suggesting that we (ie. their sweaty listeners and viewers on lower incomes) should all pay a lot more for our milk. They didn’t have the nous to spot the increase in the butter and other milk product prices and ask some journalistic type questions.
The BBC often appear to be out of touch with reality and what is happening in the real world.
Within 10 years? It’s totally unjustifiable now and has been for many years, Lord Hall is delusional. Does anyone know if the poll to raise the licence issue in Parliament has been revived since the last election caused it to be closed?
6am and the radio is switched on. BBC R4 TODAY in full anti-Brexit mode.
It was relentless.
One small bright spark, Martin Sutherland CEO of de la Rue Group. He spoke very well and very firmly on his and his company’s world wide outlook and a ‘read my lips and between the lines’ pro-Brexit reality.
You could almost hear the BBC buttocks clenching and teeth grinding in response. Wonderful!
A typical BBC anti Trump interview this morning with some woman from Canada incapable of seeing reality, and Ex General Sir Richard Danett – former advisor to David Cameron.
The question was put to them, with the answer clearly already known, is the West facing a genuine threat to its culture and position.
The Canadian woman was everything you would expect from Canada. Why should the West be entitled to any position anyway, what’s so good about it’s culture?
Dannett with his head firmly wedged in a bucket of horse sh*t was as wet as Cameron understanding nothing outside of the upper class London bubble he inhabits. All the correct buzz words were used, such as ‘so called’ Islamic State and that we should rejoice about multi culturalism and Islamic terrorism.
I hope to God we don’t ever have to engage in another war, because if we do, our generals will almost certainly have us in the enemies hands within minutes!
“”Jacob Rees-Mogg: The witty Brexiteer who isn’t afraid of saying what he thinks””
“”HE IS the father-of-six Conservative MP who made a fortune in the City, delights his colleagues with his oratory and repartee and is being tipped as a future prime minister – meet The Moggfather.””
“”In an age of career politicians who are schooled in the delivery of vacuous media-trained platitudes, Rees-Mogg makes a refreshing change.””
“”He has also said that he would “almost certainly vote for Donald Trump if I were American”.”” It is this sort of integrity that is fuelling Moggmania.””
“”He is known in Parliament as “The Honourable Member for the early 20th century”, has gained a reputation for his traditional dress sense, cut-glass accent and insistence on the importance of good breeding. “”
“”But this aloof image is delightfully subverted by genuine charm and warmth and now Jacob Rees-Mogg, the 48-year-old MP for North East Somerset, has become the most unlikely social media star since, well, Jeremy Corbyn.””
I can’t see the Tories electing him as PM. It would be another Andrea Leadsom debacle.
She was voted for by the grass roots, but opposed by Tory MPs who are 70% Remainers.
I think you are right. They will be jealous because the Mogginator is head and shoulders above the rest of the dunderheads. They would prefer some thicko like Treezer.
Caroline Lucas the master of recycling money on question time
to paraphrase
“If the government pays the public sector more money, the government will get more tax from the public sector, which it can then spend on other things”
perhaps more public sector pay so it gets even more tax ad infinitum eh caroline
quite how someone with her bizarre stupidity and logic can get to be on the tele , I just can not conceive
“If the government pays the public sector more money, the government will get more tax from the public sector, which it can then spend on other things”
6 Kid’s ….. an Alpha male in beta male’s coat…………..its his beta male persona that makes him acceptable to the left, for now atleast, ….. anyone who shows alpha traits is just displaying yukkie masculine toxicity.
They mock him ofcourse, but within 20 yrs they will wish with every fibre of the heart that they were back in the mid 20th century for a societal reboot, if they dont listen to him.
“”He is known in Parliament as “The Honourable Member for the early 20th century”
One thing I’ve noticed whilst reading the Islamic press, is that they make a huge song and dance when somebody converts to Islam. Well at the bBC, their holy grail is the first verse of ‘Walk on the Wild side”:
Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.
Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
and today the bBC is currently headlining with this story:
1) Is this really news?
2) Who the fuck cares?, its a private matter and yet to the bBC, its worthy of broadcasting to the entire world.
I am sorry that this man had mental health issues which led him to have his genitals surgically removed. It did not make him a woman, it made him a man with no genitals. A very sad thing for him, no doubt, but why is the rest of society expected to join in with his delusional claim that he is now a woman?
Here’s a piece of insidious subliminal bias of the blink and youll miss it kind.
Yesterday we heard a story about poor care in care homes.
On the bBBC news, the first featured part of this story was of mistreatment of a very elderly lady
The second feature was of an excellent care home.
But look deeper…..
In the first story, the elderly lady was very jumbled mentally. How long does a care worker have, within the budget, to ask the lady to do something. The lady may not understand the instruction any longer. What is the care worker to do in that case? Was the lady classed as EMI (elderly mentally infirm)? We were never told. This does not justify mistreatment but the word needs a contextual definition with regard to EMI residents. How for example do you deal with an extremely confused elderly person who has just pooed themselves in the middle of the dining hall at meal time? Do you work ‘against their will’ if they cannot co-operate? These are the harsh realities.
In the second story, the bBBC just had to mention (but knowing them it was deliberately chosen) that the home was ‘not for profit’ (what are the chances of that and why was a comment needed at all?). Needless to say, the furnishings etc were very nice and everything was going swimmingly. But also, and crucially, but again not pointed out, the residents, though frail, were mentally alert and could respond to requests made by staff, and generally communicate capably.
So the biased BBC were not actually comparing apples with apples. Yet to the casual observer, the take away was ‘for profit bad, not for profit good’.
North Korea would be proud of such mind-indoctrination.
During my time in the NHS I worked in an EMI unit, and saw first hand the difficulties the staff deal with on a daily basis. Once gentle beings in another life, the elderly mentally ill through no fault of their own, can become excessively strong, have no sexual inhibitions and behave in an infantile manner. I have seen big male nurses punched in the stomach and spat upon, all of course without retaliation because they know that the real person that once inhabited the ailing body is no longer there.
I do not defend for one instance staff in Care Homes who abuse in any way the elderly and infirm, but sadly Care Homes are run for profit, and pay the lowest wage to those who wipe bums but have no skill set or training to manage the mentally infirm as those I’ve mentioned above. Hence the reason why the residents in such Homes are usually sat in high chairs in a circle around the room, having been coshed with prescriptive medication is to keep them in a ‘calm’ state. My father ended his days in such a Home, but I deliberately visited him several times a week – at odd times, no pattern, so I could keep an eye on him and to how he was being treated. In the main the staff were brilliant but were run off their feet with the high demands that the elderly need. Admittedly staff turnover was very high, some couldn’t cope, minimum wage was an issue, and most just weren’t suited, so until these are addressed, then the outlook for the ageing population is not to be relished !!!
Moving away from my specific biased BBC comments.
Your thoughtful comments (i too make regular visits to an EMI home) just need a little challenge.
First I have no problem with companies wanting to turn a profit. The alternative is ruinous.
Second, care home pay is low but these relatively (not totally) unskilled jobs have replaced other unskilled jobs of yesteryore. We do need some of them. And, the pay is not that bad, depending on where you live. The minimum wage gets you a mortgage to buy a house in say South Yorkshire. But clearly not in say Luton.
As with much public sector pay, national pay grades prohibit a proper market, so a PE teacher in Swansea gets the same pay as a Maths teacher in Amersham. But are the needs and demands really the same? Ditto with care home staff.
As for training, care home work does need some skills (safeguarding, basic first aid, lifting techniques etc) and certainly interpersonal skills such as patience, a caring nature, and a thick skin. The level of training given is very variable of course but it would be simplistic I think to align it solely with fees and pay.
The whole thing is a subject the bBBC do not cover well, looking for a sensational, preferably anti-government headline rather than a sage review. Successive governments have disgracefully tried to kick the ball down the road. Ironically Treezer tried to address it at election time and look where that got her. To coin a phrase, she screwed up, but she wasn’t wrong.
Didn`t he play a blinder last night?
And in so doing, he ensured a civilised QT , just for once. Good audience as well in part, God Bless the good sensible fold of the Mudlands…will go by Burton on my holidays now by way of thanks!
Next time he`s on-may well have a Rees Mogg party where we all get dressed a toffs, bring our nannies in , impregnate willing Catholic gals with nice houses( only if we have to though!)-and speak eminent sense with big words. The man is wasted as PM…much more effective as the REAL Boris(who`s an utter fake by comparison).
Rees Mogg is the real thing. great guy.
Well if I dont get “bias of the week posting award” this week i give in !
Bellow is a cut and paste of the report into Child Abuse by a “Koran Teacher” (Arent they called Imam’s when they do something good?)
As always the story has related topics at the end. So a Muslim accused of and convicted of child molestation is related to the topic of CARDIFF ??? Really…….beyond contempt they really are taking the pi**.
“As a result of the verdict and today’s sentence I believe there may be members of the community who may now feel confident enough to speak to the police or our support agencies,” he added.
A spokesman for the children’s charity NSPCC said: “This was an appalling breach of trust and Sadiq has rightly received a significant prison sentence for these heinous offences.”
“He was told he would have to go back to India and never return (no justice for the child), or the matter would be reported to the police (hidden illegal activity, everyone complicit in the crime) – and that is what the family understood had happened (but came back to the UK anyway),” said Miss Sarginson.
“… who initially denied raping the boy and denied confessing to the mosque elder. Once he was told the family had kept the clothing, he confessed. (only confessed when knew he would not get away with it)”
– 6 year prison sentence, out in 3, on welfare and teaching the Koran – maybe?
– how many other children did he teach or rape hiding behind the Koran?
– where is the Mosque he taught?
– did they check the other children are safe?
– who told the family to ‘send the rapist back to India’ – was it a special council?
– the family of the child let a rapist go back to India, where he was free to come back to the UK and possibly rape again.
– think of the all the children!
R4 12:05 Thursday
#BBCpetIssue “Immigration is a universally good thing”
Tim Harford made an extraordinary claim
“immigration is thought to be usually positive and benefits 4 out of 5 existing residents”
..That is a very big claim to make without any proper substatiation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08wqlmf
– Iain Duncan Smith and Ed Miliband have been taking turns replacing Jeremy Vine on his Radio 2 show. Ed and Iain join Roger the same item took up 5 mins in each of the 2 previous shows
– The BBC has, for the first time, published an annual plan that lays out its commitments for the year ahead.
Colin Browne, Chairman of the Voice of the Listener and Viewer, discusses the strategy and shares some concerns about the BBC’s approach to accountability and transparency.
– Only Artists has replaced Midweek in the schedule. Listeners debate the change.
– R4season – Dangerous Visions, dramas and readings that present an alternative vision of the future.
Radio 4’s commissioning editor explains (I think it’s part of stirring up fear against Trump and May) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08wr9gb
Hi Jennifer, we're keen to hear more on this, can you follow back so we can dm? Thanks!
He claims BBC staff can quickly assess whether peoole caught up in terror incidents will be further traumatised by speaking to reporters 》 https://t.co/0W7WRM5HHG
Ann Coulter calls the knifeman, as a Bernie Sanders supporter
in the May train incident where white people were stabbed by a guy who’d been shouting at 2 Muslim girls ..
Would this really work? …
– work on a farm in North Korea and get paid in praise and adoration over a speaker from Kim Jong-un (you might be able to leave)
– head chopping at the weekends in Saudi Arabia in Deera Square (Muslims only need apply)
– next onto Japan to oil the robots in the robot hotel, where robots vacate whilst the humans work oiling the robots
– help build Mexico’s wall to stop their citizens from leaving and escaping to America
– off to join the Guidance Patrols of Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran (Muslims only need apply)
– then to Africa for a weekend break, which is now completely a national park because everyone has emigrated to Germany
Polish firms employing North Korean ‘slave labourers’ benefit from EU aid {telegraph.co.uk –
As many as 800 North Korean “slave labourers” are working in the shipbuilding and construction sectors in Poland, in some cases for companies that are receiving financial support from the European Union. … The UN estimates that North Korea earns as much as £1.6 billion a year from labourers it sends overseas, with that money used to fund the regime’s nuclear weapons and missile programmes.
– this implies that harder sanctions on North Korea creates more cheap labour in the EU?
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1906419124554674281 [img]https://i.ibb.co/Hpnx3Tbw/parasite.jpg[/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img]https://i.ibb.co/vCgVKcSk/immigrants.jpg[/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Has anyone else noticed that in the last few months the BBC have been using the word “passing”
as a euphemism for dying?
Noticed it first when Nicky Campbell started the trend.
Seems to be in the vocab for other presenters now!!!
Why would that be I wonder???!!!
@HC over the years different forums have made the same observation.
“passed away” would be quite common
the shortening to “passed” that NC used might be a Scottish habit
@HC over the years different forums have made the same observation.
“passed away” would be quite common
the shortening to “passed” that NC used might be a Scottish habit
Cloony the hypocritical loony….
Ha ! If its true and he’s planning to ditch England and head back to California, where will he go to next, if the missiles from N.Korea start landing within shouting distance of LA ???
So, a Jihadi Jail is to be opened to segregate fanatical extremists (or muslims as they’re sometimes called) and prevent them preaching hate to other crims. (All over the media but strangely under-reported by beebistan).
How reassuring that a mere 16 years after 9/11, our brightest and best have decided it might not be a great idea to lock up hate filled terrorist preaches with other inmates susceptible to conversion and extremism.
“Lee Rigby’s killer and hate preacher Anjem Choudary will be among first inmates of jihadi jail within a prison to stop spread of extremism behind bars
Dangerous jihadists will be locked up in three special ‘prisons within prisons’
Up to 28 Muslim extremists will be caged in specialist ‘separation centres’
It is hoped that putting them together will help tackle radicalisation in jail
Inmates are now housed in a separate centre within HMP Frankland in Durham
Two other centres, which are expected to be at HMP Full Sutton near York and at HMP Long Lartin in Worcestershire, are due to open in the coming months ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4669678/Jihadists-locked-prisons-prisons.html#ixzz4m3ce2yD2
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Nearly there – can I suggest a De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists .. young, old, male and female …
A De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists ….
9am Breakfast with different Religion – today we start with one of the 4000 available
11am Snacks with Mark Steyn – “Is this man worried for nothing? He can sing as well!”
1pm Dinner with Douglas Murray – “Some people think he has a point, and is not Alt-Right at all (notice that Alt-Left is hardly mentioned on BBC – found an article here)”
3pm Tea with Thomas Paine – his thoughts during the Revolutions and readings from “The Age of Reason”.
4pm Biscuits with David Starky – Histories – how countries have developed, the good and bad bits kept in
5pm Join Thomas Sowell in a session of “Compared to What?”
9pm Tea and cookies with Carl Sagan – see what else is out there in the real world…
10pm Viewing the world through telescopes and microscopes – germs can kill and are real
11pm To bed with the soft voice of Christopher Hitchens whispering into your ear … same again tomorrow
You forgot the bacon sandwiches.
A British Guantanamo? I trust they will all be clad in orange jumpsuits and ankle/hand chained 26/7
Simpler, surely, would be to put all Muslim prisoners in solitary confinement?
A remote uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere would be preferable.
Just dump them all there and let them get on with it.
Kerguelen. It’s nicely cold and rainy there, and very difficult to escape from.
Kerguelen belongs to France. Plus, the penguins would be entitled to object.
I suggest Rockall. It needs inhabiting to ensure nobody tries to claim it off the UK, no construction is needed, plus all the birds and molluscs there are halal.
Oh just wait for the “yooman rites” lot to kick off
I would suggest the prison service links up with the European Space Agency.
Eject the Jihadis into space.
The man the Evil Beeb love to mock may yet turn out to be the Saviour of Western Civilisation, or what’s left of it.
(I can’t imagine his useless muslim / Kenyan internationalist predecessor, so beloved of the beebistan, giving such a speech.)
“US President Donald Trump has argued that the future of Western civilisation is at stake in a keynote speech in the Polish capital Warsaw.
Holding up Poland as an example of a country ready to defend Western freedoms, he warned against the threats of “terrorism and extremism”.
Criticising Russia, Mr Trump urged Moscow to “join the community of responsible nations”.
Mr Trump is in Poland ahead of a G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
In Warsaw, he addressed a large, cheering crowd from the monument to the 1944 Uprising in the city, on Krasinski Square.
Poland’s conservative government shares Mr Trump’s hostile view of immigration and strong sense of sovereignty.”
Must upset the pink bunnies to see the President so well received in Poland. Yes it was a quite deliberate snub to this country and it’s awful media stooges of the left .I also hope Mrs Merkel took note.
The President should now announce that he will not come here at all. Poland is proud of it’s past and the role it played in European culture and history.
Monte Cassino and the uprising in Warsaw tells us much about the mettle of these fine people and I for one welcome them here although I am sure their country needs them.
Now this is sneaky.
The article you link to is indeed headlined “Trump says Western civilisation at stake in Warsaw speech”.
See it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40515329
A few hours ago that was the article on the BBC front page. I read it from there.
Now, at 4pm, the front page article is headlined “Trump tells Russia to stop ‘destabilising’ Ukraine”
See it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40522296
The former article can be found by direct link, but not on the World or Europe pages.
The former has been effectively disappeared, without actually being erased.
The articles are mostly the same, but the former began :
‘US President Donald Trump has argued that the future of Western civilisation is at stake in a keynote speech in the Polish capital Warsaw.
Holding up Poland as an example of a country ready to defend Western freedoms, he warned against the threats of “terrorism and extremism”.’
Whereas the second breaks up and buries these ideas, instead presenting his “future of Western civilisation” comment in a paragraph mostly about Russia.
It is as if the BBC has decided it doesn’t want its readership to think the “future of Western civilisation” comment had anything to do with “terrorism and extremism”.
It gets worse, because a few minutes back I ventured over to the Telegraph, and the headline there is :
“Donald Trump says West must show ‘the will to survive’ in face of threats from Russia and North Korea ”
whereas if you watch the video of Trump’s speech, highly edited though it is, the “will to survive” comment at 1:25 is in the same passage as “do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders”. From Russia? From NK?
Conclusion… there appears to be a concerted media effort to pretend DT didn’t say what he just said.
I saw that original paragraph Hawk, so i went and watch the full speech, everyone, every man and his dog that listened to the speech knows he is talking about the Islamic marauders, but that speech, broke taboos and liberal glass ceilings, it was the beginning of the end of the Muslim invasion, it will soon be acceptable to start reversing the flow as more eastern bloc countries standfast against their euro-dictators.
It really is hard to accept just how traitorous the bbc has become, not only distorting news to hide the horrors of islam, but down right faking it, how can that have happened in the UK, an organisation funded by the tax payer, it is just so utterly appalling.
The bBC and how it soft soaps everything Jeremy Corbyn says in which to make him more pleasing to the electorate.
Today JC spoke to at a business conference here is how the bBC reports this story:
Jeremy Corbyn: UK must embrace technological change
The state should work with business to help the UK maximise the benefits of automation and other technological changes, Jeremy Corbyn has said.
And here is the Guardian version:
Jeremy Corbyn: UK firms must pay more tax to fund better education
Jeremy Corbyn has told a business conference that companies must expect to pay slightly more tax if Labour is in power, arguing that using the money to invest in education would hugely benefit Britain in the long term.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Labour.
We all know, of course, that Labour would raise the taxes and piss the money up the wall on something else entirely.
BBC and Guardian: I was going to write ‘the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing’, but it would more accurate to say the left hand doesn’t know what the lefter hand is doing.
It will be the death of Germany – literally – when these people get to work as surely they will –
A similar number of jihadists that the British Security Services have now admitted are in the UK.
Meanwhile, in Sweden –
But hey! we must all look on the bright side and ignore the warning voices. We are not at war. We are mistaken in thinking islam is a problem. We are all told that multiculturalism works, despite Migration Watch disclosing it cost £96 BILLION between 1995 and 2011 (£17 BILLION 2014/15). A net loss to the British taxpayer rather than a net gain to the Exchequer. But, hey ho! this is the Conservative “Money Tree” which, in my view, could be better spent elsewhere.
But what about the Marxist Corbyn aka, The (childrens) Pied Piper and his trusty commie sidekick? Take a look at Migration Watch’ views – https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/411
The German’s ‘cunning plan’, predictably, backfires.
Perhaps they need their own, ‘Behavioural Insights Team’ – to study the reactions of those following the cult of islam – http://www.behaviouralinsights.co.uk/
“After countless death threats, the newspapers reached out to Aiman Mazyek, head of the Central Council of Muslims. He shrugged his shoulders…”
Says it all really.
Let’s keep trying though, nudge nudge, Muslim Reform Group Reached Out to 3,000 US Mosques, Got Only 40 Responses (of which only 10 were positive, which is the real figure to show in the title, they used 40 to make it look like more! BBC ‘3 Girls’ etc.) – formed 2015
“We spent significant resources (costs? who’s paying for this?) on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims. We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive. In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again.” ( voicemail would be interesting to listen to )
3500 Mosques/contacts with say 200 (underestimate) people = 700,000 Muslims
10 Mosques positive say 200 in each = 2,000 Muslims
2,000 / 700,000 = 0.2% positive response (or 0% rounded, if you want to make it more exciting!)
Jasser stated (Muslim Reform Movement (MRM)) “Our greatest accomplishment to date is our declaration.” (after 2 years of outreach)
This is in their declaration … “We are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate.“
Open borders meant Polish mafia came here and stuffed people in caravans so they could farm their benefits.
“European manhunt for a family of Polish slave masters”
Let me fix that for you:
“Family of Jewsh slave masters follow the tenets of their extremist, medieval religion.”
“And also from the children of the residents that live among you, from them you may acquire slaves and from their family that is with you whom they begot in your land, and they shall become your inheritance.” Vayikra, Leviticus, 25:45
Smith & Jones used to be the most common names in Britain. Now they are as defunct as the 8 track stereo tape ! to be replaced with unpronounceable names with several Zs and Ws, and just beaten into second place by the Ali’s, Patels, Singhs, Khans and Islams. Never thought I’d see this day 40 years ago.
I was amazed to see that one of the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire was 84-year-old Sheila Smith. Alongside scores of foreigners, of course.
Poor Mrs Smith. She was born in a country with the most powerful navy in the world, which was the centre of the largest empire there has ever been. She ended it as a minority in her own country, surrounded by people from the four corners of the world, who came to Britain but owe us no loyalty. It is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. RIP.
“Smith & Jones used to be the most common names in Britain. Now they are as defunct as the 8 track stereo tape !”
Yeah, right…
Most common surnames 2016:
Smith (more than 400,000 bearers in 1881, 500,000 today)
Jones (more than 300,000 in 1881; currently 400,000)
Williams (just over 200,000 in 1881, nearly 300,000 now)
Brown and Taylor (both just under 200,000 in 1881, now over 250,000)
Johnson (just over 100,000 in 1881, now more than 150,000)
Lee (just under 50,000 in 1881, now nearly 84,000)
Population has almost tripled since 1881. Those names should have proportionally increased. You’ve just shown they are decreasing.
1881 !!!!! why didn’t you go back to 1725 ? or even 1439 ?
Funny how you didn’t compare your numbers to those named Mohammed.
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county – sofeminine.co.uk
Q: Betcha can’t guess how many Patels there were in the 1881 Census….
A: Er – slightly less than one.
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down …. visual.ons.gov.uk/baby-names-since-1904-how-has-yours-performed
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
Wimbledon on the bBBC. Not really bias, but yet another example of the disdain with which beeboids treat their taxpayers. Every match, they start showing on one channel, then interrupt to switch it to another channel. BBC1 > BBC2 > Red button … There’s no logic to it so why do they do it?
Having lost virtually every other sport, they like to fiddle with the schedules to make it look as though they’re still a major player. And of course, just like the Chelsea Flower Show and similar significant and nationally popular events, filling both channels for several hours a day at minimum cost frees up loads of dosh for more jollies and creative staff appointments.
Scanning the TV listings just now, by coincidence I also noticed the remarkably high dominance of Wimbledon in the BBC1 and the BBC2 schedules. I’d not realised how much coverage there was. But since I don’t watch it, I don’t mind. Plenty else to do on these wonderful, dry, warm summer days!
Yeah more wimbledon, means less Islam, fortunately i dont watch either, unless their chopping heads off, and the bbc dont really cover that aspect.
A mentally un-stable lorry/bus/car/van plows into predestrians while revving Allahu Akbar, injuring scores, and causing many to pass-away.
3 men in bomb vests have been shot dead but police are not speculating on any connection to the ”lone” Volvo………….. the cause of the accident is unknown, and will probably never be known, but the volvo had NO known service history, due to austerity measures and Tory cuts to services..
BBC Worldwide.com.
Itv news. 6.40pm. Reports that 1/4 of care homes failing elderly. Shows picture of woman carer in Muslim headscarf pulling old lady about, who makes protest sound to no avail. Interesting bbc with similar reporting?
I live in the London Borough of Barnet. I was just wondering if in the rest of the country do you have
a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party for half an hour after the 6PM National news on the BBC?
We have a programme called the Londonistan programme where most of the presenters and reporters are from
the ethnic community. Actually this is OK because there are only about 30% indigenous Londoners now. This probably
the only programme on the BBC where positive discrimination is not used by the BBC, so far as presenters and reporters
are concerned..
Every evening Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed , Jeremy Corbyn’s number one fans OR their script writers churn out
as much praise for Labour as they can . Whilst dishing out as much filth about the Tories as they can. I reiterate do you
have the same kind of programme in your neck of the woods?
BBc london news or as i like to call it the labour party daily news appreciation society. We had 8 years of boris where it was all sad faces and doom and gloom and constant daily attacks on him. Come last may they got their new saviour in the form of a shyster lawyer named sad dick. Since then they have become his pr protection squad. Any problems in london his name is kept well out of it. Promises made about no fare rises on the tube broken but its nothing to do with sad dick. Basically nothing to see here move on you are racist. Even now they are still trying to blame his fuckups on boris. Anytime the twat wants to pontificate the cameras are there for him to spout his pr bollocks and anti tory opportunist shite. There was a spat last week between him and a jewish guy over the march in london where he showed himself to be a real nasty piece of work and nothing on his fave news service.
Don’t watch it anymore – same with ITV London news . I do know , however, what every so often when another promising young black footballer get stabbed to death by another promising young black footballer they get some incoherent community type and an ambulance chaser to say “enough is enough”. What did they expect after police were told not to upset criminals by searching them.
All presenters in the South West Spotlight programme, based in Plymouth, are white. The ‘discrimination’ is very subtle. If showing a class of children for example the one ethnic child is always in centre focus and interviewed first. After a while it is obvious that none of them are Tories this even applies to the local radio output. I always remember the ‘relief’ they exhibited when a local politics professor (American) assured them there was no possibility of Hillary not winning! I find your post quite depressing as I can see the same thing here at some point in the future.
“I can see the same thing here at some point in the future.” No, Pat, its here already.
Daily Express:
“”Gary Lineker SLAMS Brexit: ‘It’s hard to see a single positive'””
“”GARY LINEKER took to Twitter this afternoon to make his feelings very clear on the country’s decision to leave the European Union. “”
“”The former footballer showed his Remainer colours as he went on a rant on social media at Brexiteers and the referendum that took place in June last year. “”
And he’s paid over a million a year by the anti Brexit BBC.
Well, well… He knows which side his bread is buttered, perhaps?
“He knows which side his bread is buttered, perhaps?”
He doesn’t even know how many sides his slice of bread has.
The man is patently ridiculous,
Gary Lineker should have an interview with Nigel Farage, Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Jacob Rees-Mogg and ask them why they thought it was a good idea to leave? Why they had a difference of opinion, or is that not allowed?
Mr.Lineker can find more names here at the BBC website – where he works – EU vote: Where the cabinet and other MPs stand {bbc.co.uk – 22Jun2016} for a different opinion, if he wants to seek one, he probably passes these people in the BBC halls many times a day.
If Gary still lives in Richmond Park Constituency he will be fascinated to know that his MP, Zac Goldsmith, voted to leave the EU so he can go and have a chat at an open doors surgery and take some crisps for the wait in the reception area.
Gary could send one of his researchers here, so rather than looking up who scored what and when they could see what Zac Goldsmith voted for {theyworkforyou.com} and if he agrees with him or not.
Gary could spend some time looking into how the EU Works and that it represents what he believes in.
He could listen to David Cameron on speaking in the USA (6.5.2014) “..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain.”
Gary can ask Angela Merkel why Greece’s Military spending was protected from Austerity with Germany selling Greece Military Equipment (Industrial)?
Greece’s austerity doesn’t extend to its arms budget – {guardian – 21Mar2012}
Gary Lineker is rich, famous and has plenty of time to find the answers to all these things, and should be able to back up his ideas with sound reasons. He can also seek a difference of opinion if he really wanted to.
Gary Lineker is just another thick footballer whose opinion is worth no more than anyone elses. He is a wanker.
and it looks like he has adopted 4 illegal “”youngsters” too?..seems like a lot of “young boys” to have around the place? ..even if you were a Swiss football commentator?..are they hispanics?..or middle eastern “sorts”?..
or are they possibly related?..with those big ears and all?
..they simply don’t say and I am confused..being old ‘n’all !..are we supposed to know about these whadya call ’em..”celebs”?!
sorry ..after 15 minutes of serious reflection I have decided that I think that Lineker is a bit of a tart!..if you know what I mean 😉
“Gary Lineker is just another thick footballer” … might be true or not, but his opinion carries a lot of weight with a lot of impressionable young people. Now, wouldn’t it be amazing if Gary Lineker did some of his own research to see if there are any positives in leaving the EU, talked to some people and then changed his mind about Brexit?
Think of the (impressionable) children!
“Gary Lineker is just another thick footballer” … might be true or not
It’s not, in fact it’s totally inaccurate.
He’s retired.
oh you mean he’s an emeritus footballer ?
Not really. It was just a poor attempt at humour.
He’s not a footballer any more, but he’s still thick.
Dear Mr. Lineker does this help? “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
So imagine discussions about Brexit now – it’s no “divisive” at almost 50/50 like people said – it’s now decisive. Again, see the change in words that cannot be controlled! It’s 65% to Leave the EU! WIN!
But see how the Remain value collapses from 48% to 35%.
It forces a different story.
“For the Many (who voted Leave), AND the Few (who didn’t vote, but were happy either way)” = 65%
St Gary of walkers is probably angling for a peerage from Labour when they get in – like that other over rich under talented chap – beckam
Personally I fancied the 400 euros meps get for turning up in the afternoon. Perhaps if brexit fails I ll get a chance
Coming soon: ‘Coaching with Corbyn!’ – a football instruction DVD starring Jeremy (with Diane Abbott in goal).
Well, that’s the logic of it. If a footballer’s political opinions are considered worthwhile, why shouldn’t the politicians get into sport? I personally would enjoy ‘Boris does Basketball’ or ‘Pole-vault with Prescott’. (If only we still had Monty Python or “Not the nine O’Clock news’ to produce such a thing.)
The thought of Abbott “making herself big” in the penalty area in the manner of Peter Schmeichel doesn’t bear thinking about so soon after dinner.
Given how long this sponger spent sitting on the bench for Grampus 7 out in Japan…bloke clearly knows something about trading outside the EU, and getting rich with only a sore toe.
An utter fake-football probably died with his rise to “glory”.
He has to be shrill, he is greying and there will be ”wimmin experts” on the subs bench and well the axe could fall just on a whim with the fuckwits he works for.
But BREXIT is a game of two halves!
I see over in Hamburg, those peaceful, pacifist, caring, sharing, candle-lighting, hand-holding left wingers are…….errrr……..rioting in the streets!
Anyone would think they wanted to bring down the successful, Western, democratic, market-based economies, so despised by Corbyn, Mcdonnell and the bBBC. Oh, wait……..
Armed with, sling shots, clubs, knives and fire extinguishers converted to flame throwers for, ‘use against the Police’
As you say, what lovely people. They really should shoot a few.
Hmm ….straight out of, Ripley’s Believe it or Not:-
‘Canadian’ ex GITMO scum who killed one US soldier and blinded another gets $1O MILLION in ‘compensation.’
US Trans’ man/woman/man says, men should not be allowed to discriminate against biological males who identify as female.
What a load of cock and bollox.
Can someone explain to me why rightwing governments give a flying f about leftwing and liberal outrage.
Why are they cowed by it, because it is time to start shooting people, petrol-bomb, bang bang, not today abdul.
ps Gax, the trans obviously aint getting enough.

That photo isn’t real – tell me it’s not real!
Of course the photo’s real. Anyone who knows John Prescott can see that.
it is Tim Healy?..isn’t it?
Yeah, hard as painted nails geordie.
Sad that this was the only photo Kellie Maloney was offered by way of a look.
This is the very face of a labour MP, and would make the Audrey Wise Miss Lefty Beauty Contest were it to be entered…ooo er missus…mz…ms…whateva!
BBC Online News:
“”Donald Trump in handshake trouble… again””
“”Donald Trump’s handshake is in the spotlight again after being inadvertently snubbed by the Polish president’s wife.””
“”Agata Kornhauser-Duda chose to greet Melania Trump before turning to the US president in Warsaw.””
Anti Trump and anti Brexit BBC at it again.
An absolute non story, fake headline which dissolves when you read the context.
Clive Myrie of the BBC arrogantly scoffs at the perfectly valid point that many ‘yuni’ degrees are worthless and a waste of taxpayers’ money;
It was he who said that countless numbers of black men were being killed by American police. Really?
But the BBC would never challenge him because his colour makes him sacred.
oops I can’t say what I did originally..which was on the lines that the darkly tanned fellow there was as thick as shit.
To be fair..I am in enough trouble with the law as it is.. and I might be arrested! (for?)..but I’m worried in the current Nazi’esque climate..so..”what a silly little boy that extremely tanned man on the bbc news is?”
I’m impressed that she kept her temper.
The sort of infantile response I’d expect from a 3rd rate disc jockey.
BBC Online News:
“”CBI urges single market until Brexit deal””
“”The UK should stay in the single market and customs union until a final Brexit deal is in force, according to the CBI.””
“”Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the business lobby group, said it was “impossible” that all the details of a new trade deal with the European Union would be in place by March 2019.””
Carolyn Fairbairn was a BBC executive. She also knows which side her bread is buttered. The CBI receives millions from the EU. No bias there, then?
Wiki has this to say about her…
“”In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC. In 2002/3, she created and launched Freeview – a joint venture between the BBC, Sky and Arqiva, which became one of the UK’s most successful new television services.””]
Good rule of thumb.
Whichever cause Fairbairn is on-choose the exact opposite. Whether its joining the Euro or staying in the EU?…she`s ALWAYS wrong. She`ll be married to something similar, the CBI are about as representative of SMEs as Noel Fielding is of comedy.
Think of the children!
Manager jailed for stealing £46,000 of school dinner money {bbc.co.uk 6Jul2017}
A finance manager who stole £46,000 of school dinner money has been jailed.
Jacqueline Robb, 54, of Laburnum Avenue, Manchester, used the funds to buy foreign holidays and clothes.
The school where she worked spotted that £952 was missing from its bank account after an audit in autumn 2016. It later identified a loss of £46,011 between April 2012 and December 2016.
So over four years (2012-2016) £46,000 – almost £11,000 per year and nobody notices? No secondary checks? Big arrow going down on the bank spreadsheet? Very strange.
Its public money in the public sector, so as usual nobody in the public sector gives a s***
Yet they want more……..
The BBC are going to town on this – they have shifted it to a headlined story on their homepage – a normal looking bespectacled English white face – branded as scum as part of an agenda to promote the idea that the white English are scum. If the face was not white would this story have been headlined on the front page?
In the meantime billions are spent on expanding “diversity” and finding homes, NHS care, and welfare for migrants. Does anyone remember this story the BBC ran over a year ago?
BBC report on G20 protesters tonight.
Peaceful loving left wing protest.
Jenny hill
“Protesters danced but united.
Then after peaceful afternoon police moved in to disperse them
Hard to say who provoked who
But many of the demonstrators armed with improvised weapons.”
Then Sopel steps in
“Lot of tear grass and riot police,
But apparently no riot.”
According to the BBC, All quiet on the western front. Lying bastards
9pm: Hamburg Police have released a statement on the ongoing violence.
It said the ‘black bloc’ of protestors had broken up into smaller factions heading in the direction of the St Pauli and Altona districts.
Demontstrators have continued to attack police and emergency vehicles, and there has been damage reported to construction sites, banks and business premises.
Scores of parked cars have been set alight.
The statement added that seven police officers had been injured as a result of rioters hurling stones, large objects and flares at lawenforcers.
After Breibart German church controversy the BBC’s German correspondent tweeted that he always goes with the German Police story of events.
It’s called recycling press releases or churnalism. The BBC pays Left wing hacks to do it all day. Then they lecture everyone else about their high standards
All the BBC have to do is report the facts as they see them at the time and not mess with editing to tell a different story. Three different people will see three different things. But at least you’ve got camera’s and other journalists and crowd’s recording information to get a better story than ever before.
Grenfell Tower: Cladding ‘changed to cheaper version’ {bbc.co.uk 30Jun2017}
Or should it be …
“Grenfell Tower: Cladding safety tests possibly flawed {bbbc:alternative suggestion}”
“Residents had also been told their new cladding would be made of zinc. Despite their differences, both types of cladding have the same official fire rating.”
– what rating standard?
– is it plus of minus something value?
– is it the same in all Countries or different in the UK?
Then we get …
“Lord Porter, chairman of the Local Government Association, said fire safety tests on cladding from high-rise buildings were flawed.”
OK, if this is true then change the story title to …
“Grenfell Tower: Cladding safety tests possibly flawed”
Now we chase safety testing, rather than the £300,000 saving that makes it look like the Council cut costs and lost lives all because of Austerity. No! They made a decision on a fire rating – show me the brochure and see if I would make the same decision.
That leads onto “Austerity Kills” placards … next time I see an “Austerity Kills” placard, I want to know how many people it has killed and what can be done about it. If a Labour MP decides to cut the ‘Prevent’ funding – will that kill? Any idea how many it will kill?
See a previous post on BBC Reporting with corrupted editing.
Not that anyone will read this, buried in the sequence but……
We have heard that every panel tested across all those tower blocks have failed a fire test.
But what the bBBC have not reported is …was the fire test the correct fire test in line with current regulations?
Or was the fire test concocted randomly, perhaps to a more exacting standard, and thus encouraging a politically expedient test failure?
This important point reveals whether the manufacturers made products which did not meet legislation, or whether in fact the legislation was inadequate. Makes quite a difference.
I suspect it suits the BBC marxists if the story can be “nasty capitalist firms kill people” rather than “public sector shortcomings kill people”
Question Time
3 labour , 2 tory, but maybe only 1 brexiteer ( luckily its JRM).
Well 11/2 tory as Craig Oliver states he is no longer beholden to the tories.
First question bastardises Cameron’s comments about balancing the books.
Caroline Lucas does her finest Rentagobshite.
But then Jacob explains it all to the thickos.
But even he struggles against the avalanche of bias.
Bias clear as day for all to see, in the panel and the audience.
Yes, 52% voted to Leave but 4 remainers on the panel. Very representative.
I watched QT due to J R-M being on, he was excellent as usual but I was struck by quite how obviously Richard Burgon (the Labour panelist who looks like a pikey) is as thick as pig s**t.
He had clearly been given a set of talking points and sound bites with which to pepper his inane answers and was constantly looking down at them, because he lacks the wit to hold more than four or five words in his brain at one go; what a complete and utter waste of air and skin.
Burgon’s constituency is the “vibrantly diverse” (i.e. cr@p hole) Harehills area of Leeds.
JRM excellent ?…. f-ck me Al he s nothing but the “soundbite kid”, flopping from one thing to another
Another plummy posh boy, harry potter with egg already on his wand, as a landlord, who voted against the law to ensure housing is ‘fit for human habitation’ … I admit he was helped out by the usual tory plants, to drop in tory central office soundbites.
… it comes to something when even the greens have to point it out to you
“Another plummy posh boy…..”
That’s your argument, is it?
where are these nurses at food banks, this is a complete myth, Burgon and all other labour twats who repeat this should produce the evidence
The starting pay (minimum) for a nurse outside of London is £22,128
More than most ordinary people.
Pensioners get £6,000 (the second class ones who have paid in about 50 years)
Minimum wage and living wage is well below the nurses pay.
How can nurses be queuing at food banks?
Because the food is free and if there’s a bit of paperwork lacking, who would turn a nurse away, in uniform?
Those that send their money home to foreign lands, knowing they can get their hands on free food ? and don’t forget, we are told these are the ones who are ‘helping’ our economy !
Half the wages go back to their country of origin. One of the dozens of methods used to fleece money from British taxpayers.
All foodbanks should have a registered nurse at the food bank.
I for one have taken unlabelled tins of “so called Islamic meatballs” from the dock at North Shields , only to find God knows what in them and a chalk sell-by date written in cyrillic script.
The nurses surely knew that food poisoning was an option , as well as it all being cholesterol busting obese-friendly gravy in the said crumpled tin.
More nurses for the foodbanks please-or at least an equine veterinary nurse for the inevitable horse balls available at all EU docking shops since 2013.
Anybody got the claims hotline number…recalling this sad story has made me come over all queer?
On this one occasion Sluff I fear I have to disagree with you on the audience,
I thought they were pretty well balanced for once, I put it down to the MP’s complaints.
The panelists however were indeed pro remain by 4 to 1. Well done Jacob.
The BBC take us for fools.
Al Beeb is run by Blue Peter – They think that the British people are fools .
The government are the fools to allow Al Beeb to remain in existence .
Jacob Rees-Mogg for PM .
Speaking of barstard questions, the BBC takes its own Propaganda meme, turns it into a tell it often enough ‘fact’ and tries to sell it as such on Twitter, beyond the BBC specially selected audience base.
Hilarity ensues in the comments.
Guest Who
One has to ask the question , is the Tory Government complicit?
How many of the cabinet are closet Remainers ?
The at best muted occasional mutterings to such outrageous attempts at rigging perception and hence policy is certainly hard to square with anyone in actual government who understands the principles of democracy.
This one is flat out blatant. As the replies reveal, many know it, and are fed up.
Would the BBC QT Twitter be happier with 65% voted for Leave? Let me help them out – “Leave the EU” + “Happy Either Way” @65% // “Remain in the EU” @35%
“For the Many (65%), Not the Few (35%)” – Jeremy Corbyn Slogan GE#17
I thought that Jacob got near-Corbyn like applause at times.
The good people of Burton were great-yes, usual old pensioned off lefties, students from Burton Bubbletech and weirdies notwithstanding. Sense the BBC use their Savile vans to move their Guardian gollums all over the country, so we`re never eejit-free on the telly.
Burgon got laughter and scorn from all the right people-and hope the bloke who referred to the “Magic Tree Forest” of Burgon-Lucas fantasy gets his own show! Great line, deserving of the Moggmans benediction!
Well, the World’s Leader has said his piece. No illusions what he was talking about – essentially, the growth of islam in the West. I will be interested to see which politician in the UK steps forward to support the principles enunciated in Pres. Trumps speech. Which worm will appear from its comfortable very cosy burrow. It will be interesting.
>G..please God that someone, somewhere steps up to the plate! I’ll be dead for sure in 15 years but I worry for the “nippers”.
Good!..ship the whole family out of UK if they can’t afford to stay here. As a tax payer I do not want to subsidise her or any dependents of hers while she is unemployed. (which I hope is for a long time). These people need to get the message ..you are not needed here..you are not wanted here! I speak for myself of course but I have had quite enough of your breed’s shenanigans!
Speaking personally I would feel much safer if ALL security staff at ALL British airports and seaports were Caucasian..i.e. certainly NOT of Pakistani extraction.. and thus not potentially “open to persuasion” as the authorities clearly feel this “sister” may be.
Mind you I do have to admit that based on life’s experiences I have little time for the Pakistani race!
..and that’s my choice ..’innit!!
p.s I was abducted by aliens from planet “XC-2221”..(well that’s where they said they were from) back in ’89 and I dislike them greatly too.
I belive that the “worm is finally beginning to turn” here in UK too. We are just starting to wake up to what is going on with OUR country…thanks to people like Tommy Robinson, Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray.
As Winnie said “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”
Speakin personally I’d say buy and read “Enemy of the State” – Tommy Robinson:
and Douglas Murray’s:
and I’d suggest that you ask all your friends and relatives to do the same.
Not a BBC story yet – but I am sure they will love it.
I suspect that Grenfell Towers was very much like the Tardis inside – I have been told by someone in the Labour party “who knows” that Grenfell Towers held up to around 1.1 million illegals.
Is this real or Fake News news, or is it clutching straws ?
“Donald Trump’s handshake is in the spotlight again after being inadvertently snubbed by the Polish president’s wife.”
Blue Peter could have done better .
More fake news ……………..
Remember the ‘Marmite Story ‘
“Butter could cost more by Christmas, Arla boss warns”
We could import more butter from New Zealand , as we always have done .
Blue Peter could have done better
See the HYS .
The butter price strangely increased some time ago, along with some other dairy products such as cheese and ice cream, at a time when the BBC was weeping copiously over the dire situation of UK dairy farmers and the collapsed milk price.
Rather than attacking the middlemen, the collection companies and processors and wholesalers, who had all seen their costs collapse due to the fall in the oil price, the BBC back then was busy suggesting that we (ie. their sweaty listeners and viewers on lower incomes) should all pay a lot more for our milk. They didn’t have the nous to spot the increase in the butter and other milk product prices and ask some journalistic type questions.
The BBC often appear to be out of touch with reality and what is happening in the real world.
Every time I view Al Beeb’s HYS they take a hammering.
Will we see less of them?
“BBC won’t be able to justify licence fee within 10 years if it doesn’t keep up, Lord Hall admits “…
When are we kicking out Lord Haw Haw ?
Within 10 years? It’s totally unjustifiable now and has been for many years, Lord Hall is delusional. Does anyone know if the poll to raise the licence issue in Parliament has been revived since the last election caused it to be closed?
Yet another anniversary of that evil day. Committed against the innocent by evil Islamic terrorists .
May the dead rest in peace and those grieving receive solace too.
6am and the radio is switched on. BBC R4 TODAY in full anti-Brexit mode.
It was relentless.
One small bright spark, Martin Sutherland CEO of de la Rue Group. He spoke very well and very firmly on his and his company’s world wide outlook and a ‘read my lips and between the lines’ pro-Brexit reality.
You could almost hear the BBC buttocks clenching and teeth grinding in response. Wonderful!
Now they are onto Trump bashing!
A typical BBC anti Trump interview this morning with some woman from Canada incapable of seeing reality, and Ex General Sir Richard Danett – former advisor to David Cameron.
The question was put to them, with the answer clearly already known, is the West facing a genuine threat to its culture and position.
The Canadian woman was everything you would expect from Canada. Why should the West be entitled to any position anyway, what’s so good about it’s culture?
Dannett with his head firmly wedged in a bucket of horse sh*t was as wet as Cameron understanding nothing outside of the upper class London bubble he inhabits. All the correct buzz words were used, such as ‘so called’ Islamic State and that we should rejoice about multi culturalism and Islamic terrorism.
I hope to God we don’t ever have to engage in another war, because if we do, our generals will almost certainly have us in the enemies hands within minutes!
Daily Express:
“”Jacob Rees-Mogg: The witty Brexiteer who isn’t afraid of saying what he thinks””
“”HE IS the father-of-six Conservative MP who made a fortune in the City, delights his colleagues with his oratory and repartee and is being tipped as a future prime minister – meet The Moggfather.””
“”In an age of career politicians who are schooled in the delivery of vacuous media-trained platitudes, Rees-Mogg makes a refreshing change.””
“”He has also said that he would “almost certainly vote for Donald Trump if I were American”.”” It is this sort of integrity that is fuelling Moggmania.””
“”He is known in Parliament as “The Honourable Member for the early 20th century”, has gained a reputation for his traditional dress sense, cut-glass accent and insistence on the importance of good breeding. “”
“”But this aloof image is delightfully subverted by genuine charm and warmth and now Jacob Rees-Mogg, the 48-year-old MP for North East Somerset, has become the most unlikely social media star since, well, Jeremy Corbyn.””
I can’t see the Tories electing him as PM. It would be another Andrea Leadsom debacle.
She was voted for by the grass roots, but opposed by Tory MPs who are 70% Remainers.
I think you are right. They will be jealous because the Mogginator is head and shoulders above the rest of the dunderheads. They would prefer some thicko like Treezer.
Caroline Lucas the master of recycling money on question time
to paraphrase
“If the government pays the public sector more money, the government will get more tax from the public sector, which it can then spend on other things”
perhaps more public sector pay so it gets even more tax ad infinitum eh caroline
quite how someone with her bizarre stupidity and logic can get to be on the tele , I just can not conceive
She needs to stick to playing with Barbie and Ken in their shop.
“If the government pays the public sector more money, the government will get more tax from the public sector, which it can then spend on other things”
You’re joking, she never said that.
Nobody is that stupid.
para phrased but thats what she said from around 9min in during a discussion on public sector pay
So she is that stupid.
She even makes John Prescott look good.
global warming with tax, ”amplification” of tax returns, ”trapped tax”, causing tax volumes to increase, therefore warming the economy.
The more tax we absorb the more we can emit, and re-absorb, soon we ”could” have a runaway tax effect,
Matthew Parris on Today @ 60 – Bemoaning the loss of the family over the sixty years. As a gay man that view seems just a bit incongruous.
6 Kid’s ….. an Alpha male in beta male’s coat…………..its his beta male persona that makes him acceptable to the left, for now atleast, ….. anyone who shows alpha traits is just displaying yukkie masculine toxicity.
They mock him ofcourse, but within 20 yrs they will wish with every fibre of the heart that they were back in the mid 20th century for a societal reboot, if they dont listen to him.
“”He is known in Parliament as “The Honourable Member for the early 20th century”
One thing I’ve noticed whilst reading the Islamic press, is that they make a huge song and dance when somebody converts to Islam. Well at the bBC, their holy grail is the first verse of ‘Walk on the Wild side”:
Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.
Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
and today the bBC is currently headlining with this story:

1) Is this really news?
2) Who the fuck cares?, its a private matter and yet to the bBC, its worthy of broadcasting to the entire world.
I am sorry that this man had mental health issues which led him to have his genitals surgically removed. It did not make him a woman, it made him a man with no genitals. A very sad thing for him, no doubt, but why is the rest of society expected to join in with his delusional claim that he is now a woman?
Here’s a piece of insidious subliminal bias of the blink and youll miss it kind.
Yesterday we heard a story about poor care in care homes.
On the bBBC news, the first featured part of this story was of mistreatment of a very elderly lady
The second feature was of an excellent care home.
But look deeper…..
In the first story, the elderly lady was very jumbled mentally. How long does a care worker have, within the budget, to ask the lady to do something. The lady may not understand the instruction any longer. What is the care worker to do in that case? Was the lady classed as EMI (elderly mentally infirm)? We were never told. This does not justify mistreatment but the word needs a contextual definition with regard to EMI residents. How for example do you deal with an extremely confused elderly person who has just pooed themselves in the middle of the dining hall at meal time? Do you work ‘against their will’ if they cannot co-operate? These are the harsh realities.
In the second story, the bBBC just had to mention (but knowing them it was deliberately chosen) that the home was ‘not for profit’ (what are the chances of that and why was a comment needed at all?). Needless to say, the furnishings etc were very nice and everything was going swimmingly. But also, and crucially, but again not pointed out, the residents, though frail, were mentally alert and could respond to requests made by staff, and generally communicate capably.
So the biased BBC were not actually comparing apples with apples. Yet to the casual observer, the take away was ‘for profit bad, not for profit good’.
North Korea would be proud of such mind-indoctrination.
During my time in the NHS I worked in an EMI unit, and saw first hand the difficulties the staff deal with on a daily basis. Once gentle beings in another life, the elderly mentally ill through no fault of their own, can become excessively strong, have no sexual inhibitions and behave in an infantile manner. I have seen big male nurses punched in the stomach and spat upon, all of course without retaliation because they know that the real person that once inhabited the ailing body is no longer there.
I do not defend for one instance staff in Care Homes who abuse in any way the elderly and infirm, but sadly Care Homes are run for profit, and pay the lowest wage to those who wipe bums but have no skill set or training to manage the mentally infirm as those I’ve mentioned above. Hence the reason why the residents in such Homes are usually sat in high chairs in a circle around the room, having been coshed with prescriptive medication is to keep them in a ‘calm’ state. My father ended his days in such a Home, but I deliberately visited him several times a week – at odd times, no pattern, so I could keep an eye on him and to how he was being treated. In the main the staff were brilliant but were run off their feet with the high demands that the elderly need. Admittedly staff turnover was very high, some couldn’t cope, minimum wage was an issue, and most just weren’t suited, so until these are addressed, then the outlook for the ageing population is not to be relished !!!
Moving away from my specific biased BBC comments.
Your thoughtful comments (i too make regular visits to an EMI home) just need a little challenge.
First I have no problem with companies wanting to turn a profit. The alternative is ruinous.
Second, care home pay is low but these relatively (not totally) unskilled jobs have replaced other unskilled jobs of yesteryore. We do need some of them. And, the pay is not that bad, depending on where you live. The minimum wage gets you a mortgage to buy a house in say South Yorkshire. But clearly not in say Luton.
As with much public sector pay, national pay grades prohibit a proper market, so a PE teacher in Swansea gets the same pay as a Maths teacher in Amersham. But are the needs and demands really the same? Ditto with care home staff.
As for training, care home work does need some skills (safeguarding, basic first aid, lifting techniques etc) and certainly interpersonal skills such as patience, a caring nature, and a thick skin. The level of training given is very variable of course but it would be simplistic I think to align it solely with fees and pay.
The whole thing is a subject the bBBC do not cover well, looking for a sensational, preferably anti-government headline rather than a sage review. Successive governments have disgracefully tried to kick the ball down the road. Ironically Treezer tried to address it at election time and look where that got her. To coin a phrase, she screwed up, but she wasn’t wrong.
taffman July 7, 2017 at 1:03 am
“….. Jacob Rees-Mogg for PM .”
Your chance to vote..
Didn`t he play a blinder last night?
And in so doing, he ensured a civilised QT , just for once. Good audience as well in part, God Bless the good sensible fold of the Mudlands…will go by Burton on my holidays now by way of thanks!
Next time he`s on-may well have a Rees Mogg party where we all get dressed a toffs, bring our nannies in , impregnate willing Catholic gals with nice houses( only if we have to though!)-and speak eminent sense with big words. The man is wasted as PM…much more effective as the REAL Boris(who`s an utter fake by comparison).
Rees Mogg is the real thing. great guy.
Well if I dont get “bias of the week posting award” this week i give in !
Bellow is a cut and paste of the report into Child Abuse by a “Koran Teacher” (Arent they called Imam’s when they do something good?)
As always the story has related topics at the end. So a Muslim accused of and convicted of child molestation is related to the topic of CARDIFF ??? Really…….beyond contempt they really are taking the pi**.
“As a result of the verdict and today’s sentence I believe there may be members of the community who may now feel confident enough to speak to the police or our support agencies,” he added.
A spokesman for the children’s charity NSPCC said: “This was an appalling breach of trust and Sadiq has rightly received a significant prison sentence for these heinous offences.”
Related Topics
Mohammed Haji Sadiq, who was a part-time Imam, sexually assaulted two girls under the age of under 13 by touching, and indecently assaulted two other girls over a decade between 1996 and 2006 at the Woodville Road mosque. {bbc.co.uk 07Jul2017}
10 years in a community in plain sight! Girls are now 23?
In similar news, community try to hide rapes from the law …
A disgraced former imam was banished to India after raping a young boy while giving him religious instruction – only to secretly return to this country. { leicestermercury.co.uk Sep2016}
“He was told he would have to go back to India and never return (no justice for the child), or the matter would be reported to the police (hidden illegal activity, everyone complicit in the crime) – and that is what the family understood had happened (but came back to the UK anyway),” said Miss Sarginson.
“… who initially denied raping the boy and denied confessing to the mosque elder. Once he was told the family had kept the clothing, he confessed. (only confessed when knew he would not get away with it)”
– 6 year prison sentence, out in 3, on welfare and teaching the Koran – maybe?
– how many other children did he teach or rape hiding behind the Koran?
– where is the Mosque he taught?
– did they check the other children are safe?
– who told the family to ‘send the rapist back to India’ – was it a special council?
– the family of the child let a rapist go back to India, where he was free to come back to the UK and possibly rape again.
– think of the all the children!
R4 12:05 Thursday
#BBCpetIssue “Immigration is a universally good thing”
Tim Harford made an extraordinary claim
“immigration is thought to be usually positive and benefits 4 out of 5 existing residents”
..That is a very big claim to make without any proper substatiation.
Certainly not Migration Watchs’ opinion.
4:30pm coming up R4Feedback
– Iain Duncan Smith and Ed Miliband have been taking turns replacing Jeremy Vine on his Radio 2 show. Ed and Iain join Roger the same item took up 5 mins in each of the 2 previous shows
– The BBC has, for the first time, published an annual plan that lays out its commitments for the year ahead.
Colin Browne, Chairman of the Voice of the Listener and Viewer, discusses the strategy and shares some concerns about the BBC’s approach to accountability and transparency.
– Only Artists has replaced Midweek in the schedule. Listeners debate the change.
– R4season – Dangerous Visions, dramas and readings that present an alternative vision of the future.
Radio 4’s commissioning editor explains (I think it’s part of stirring up fear against Trump and May)
Ann Coulter calls the knifeman, as a Bernie Sanders supporter
in the May train incident where white people were stabbed by a guy who’d been shouting at 2 Muslim girls ..
Every one is equal
except some BBCpetIssue Groups get their own special BBC pages and season of progs
BBC Radio 4 – 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, Series 1, Passport
How much might global economic output rise if anyone could work anywhere?
Would this really work? …
– work on a farm in North Korea and get paid in praise and adoration over a speaker from Kim Jong-un (you might be able to leave)
– head chopping at the weekends in Saudi Arabia in Deera Square (Muslims only need apply)
– next onto Japan to oil the robots in the robot hotel, where robots vacate whilst the humans work oiling the robots
– help build Mexico’s wall to stop their citizens from leaving and escaping to America
– off to join the Guidance Patrols of Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran (Muslims only need apply)
– then to Africa for a weekend break, which is now completely a national park because everyone has emigrated to Germany
Polish firms employing North Korean ‘slave labourers’ benefit from EU aid {telegraph.co.uk –
As many as 800 North Korean “slave labourers” are working in the shipbuilding and construction sectors in Poland, in some cases for companies that are receiving financial support from the European Union. … The UN estimates that North Korea earns as much as £1.6 billion a year from labourers it sends overseas, with that money used to fund the regime’s nuclear weapons and missile programmes.
– this implies that harder sanctions on North Korea creates more cheap labour in the EU?
Word is getting around:
That’s good J