Jim I think you’re wrong in thinking that the Labour Party , BBC , the Police , civil service , other public bodies and rich un’s like Branson believe in Socialism . I think they believe in corporatism , taxploitation , and enrichment for the new nomenclature .
To take from the many , to give to the few .
The crime figures are a clue to the thinking . Crime in reality has been going up , the figures have been massaged down . But now the police have their budgets cut , they release figures that crime is going up .
The nomenclature answer , give more money to the police , then they will massage the figures again to “show” crime is going down .
At the same time don’t let the plebs , sorry general public look after themselves , as this will show the the judiciary and police as incompetent . The general public must be made to be reliant on public bodies , so the heads of these state institutions can have huge wages .
“,At the same time don’t let the plebs , sorry general public look after themselves , as this will show the the judiciary and police as incompetent” . Or another ‘pleb’, with assault/GBH or anything else the politburo considers to be ‘unreasonable force’.
How have we come to this????
Tonight I watched a member of our enrichers complaining that the judge appointed to investigate Grenfell should stand down because he was ‘white’.
Number 7 – I hoped that wasn’t true because that kind of inverted racist must not stand . There has always been a complaint that by their nature judges have always been out of touch . But pushing colour and class in the ability of a judge to head a public inquiry about a burnt block of flats is an outrage.
Evening all.
Could something as banal as ‘Pointless’ show bias? What do you think?
The show this evening naturally featured a ‘man’. Craig was his name, and very nice make-up, eye liner (with a wave in the style of Amy Winehouse I thought), and long hair he had too. Perhaps he was a fan of Eddie Izzard. Who knows?
In the final round, they had to name Labour or Tory MPs who had become peers.
Their choices? Neil Kinnock and Glenys Kinnock !!!
Oh, and one of the final round runners up was a little chap of Indian subcontinental appearance.
What iS the likelihood of all of the above occurring in the same programme by chance?
I mean, all the bBBC favourite narratives in one place at one time.
One for ‘More or Less’ to consider. LOL.
Caught a few minutes of a prog on R4 at about 1130.
What was heard was an ‘interviewer’ interviewing a left wing polemicist. In the style of a doctor whose patient had a sort of injury or illness caused by being in the proximity of centre- right views and having to endure them. I kid you not.
I didn’t hang around long enough to know if this was a current affairs programme, a piece of attempted melodrama, or a skit attempting satire (in the style of Private Eye’s Dave Spart). But of course none of that matters. The left wing view, and only the left wing view, is the one given the airtime. Yet again. Mission accomplished.
Usual hit pieces on Dead Ringers too.
They are fixated on their David Davis and Brexit stuff, They use the forum to trash the very notion and to smear all aspects and history in order to abuse the Brexit side. But the scripts are weasley “parodies” and not “opinions”.
Lying scum madew even worse that their impression of Davis is crap. Why don`t they stick with Savile eh?
They used to be able to do him…well he did them and got well paid by us for it.
Rather than comedy It was really nasty
– sneering at Davis
– Sneering at Gove
– back to sneering at Davis
– Sneering at men who come from Scunthorpe, cos they are the type that are inarticulate and say Dr Who cannot be played by a woman.
..a few mins later they stuck in Cleethorpes as well..as if to emphasise there is us sophisticated people in #MetroBubble..and then stupid people outside in UKIPland.
With the whole show running joke being on the FALSE narrative that females are paid less than men at the BBC ..no a list of SOME luvvies has been published and some individuals are in higher categories than others.
It is entirely sexist to immediately split that list into 2 sexes.. things’ll be more complicated than that
… and they managed to get their info wrong a couple of times
THe so called comedy prog also included in a “sketch”, the violent murder of David Davies
Yet can you imagine a similar sketch about the death of one of the female Labour MPs ?
(That sketch might have been in the other comedy show called The Pin)
Apologies if anyone has already mentioned this but did anyone notice that the the BBC wimmin are all up in arms about pay differentials between the sexes in in the “oh so right on BBC” Apparently Jane Garvey of the “wimmins hour” said her phone has never been hotter and this was an example of “sisterhood in action”
Forgetting the fact that the whole of this concentration on the pay differentials is a complete red herring to divert attention away from the disgusting amount of money the BBC throws at all their “talent” I just thought that it was a shame that the sisterhood were not so concerned with their “sisters” in Rotherham and similair who were assaulted/gang raped and treated as mere rubbish by their “boyfriends” So much so that for months in certain news reports muslims suddenly became men of asian background. Garvey and her BBC friends being central to this cover up.
Surerly the sistas dont care more about their salaries than the sisterhood.
I think we all know the answer to that one!
Yes, we all know the answer. They are dirty hypocrites. Why should they care about some poor girl being gang-raped when they have their pay packets to worry about. Hearts of ice. Disgusting women.
Apparently Emily Maitlis is up in arms for NOT being on the rich list, while Evan ‘cadaver’ Davis is presumably more ‘talented’.
She might move on to Sky or ITV or some such, in order to be paid according to her……..errr……..’talent’. And thus away from the bBBC.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
It’s not only the salaries.
Like some staff might be paid be zero by the BBC conscious that be paid millions in the future by the firms the seemingly really work for : LibMob political parties and Green Energy hedgefunds etc.
eg Sarah Montague is famous for a SOFT Talk interview with Ed Davey
… and Quite astonishingly bad journalism
“Astonishingly bad journalism”, have they ever done otherwise? All beeboids are only capable of lying and avoiding any facts that conflict with the bBBC agenda!
Oaknash – I think it’s going to be an early Wintervall for them because there is no way albeeb will reduce wages to their giants of broadcasting like lineker plc and that annoying ginger dj plc.
So when the wimmins pay goes up the chaps ( inc g. Norton ) will argue that their differentials need to be maintained to retain ‘talent’. Al Beeb can then round the tv tax up to £200 p.a.
Hopefully Grant they will all mortally wound eachother!
Unfortunately in the meantime we will all have to listen to a running diversity commentary as to how the BBC will right this terrible “wrong” As if any of us in the real world actually gives a flying F##K about any of these overpaid, virtue signalling w#####s male or female!
Oaknash, Jane Garvey?? The same Jane Garvey who let slip that, ” The corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles” after Labour’s win in ’97??
For fun I like to dip into the printed version of albeeb – otherwise known at The Guardian to see what the enemy is up to. Apparently Diane Abbot is celebrating her victimhood in a piece to be published during the weekend. The real fun with that newspaper is guessing whether their comments section is available ‘ I normally guess right. It probably saves their comment control people getting all hot and bothered as decent people try to explain the infantile corbyn readership what the truth is.
There’s an easy way to get parity on BBC salaries. Reduce the wages of the men down to the level of the women ! Simples. But like commented above, that’ll never happen. Its just sickening that they’re all squabbling like kids in a playground, when they just don’t get that the amounts they are paid are obscene. They’re in a bubble of their own, hoping to get pay rises of tens of thousands, when everyone else are lucky to get a few quid extra each week. They should sack the sodding lot of them and replace with the hundreds of out of work ‘media studies’ graduates who would be grateful to earn a crust and put to use the degree they’ve achieved.
The women may be up in arms but they just come across as petulant and greedy.They are all very well paid whichever way you look at it .They all don’t seem to care one iota about tax payers funding their greed. Most of them don’t exactly work long hours .
Imagine your income depending on the threat of a criminal record for the rest of society. It cannot go on surely.
Deborah – HMG are all very quiet on this whole subject. Maybe because they too have been complicit (because of the fudged charter review) in allowing this whole disgusting daylight robbery to continue.
Maybe Theresa will come out with some sort of speech on it including the statement “enough is enough”
That will scare em!
it will be the money that does for them in the end. It always is as our MPs found out the hard way. Al Capone was done on tax evasion.
They must be crapping themselves. Somewhere somebody has done unwise things and it is going to be exposed.
What an unlovely bunch of greedy arseholes.
Public Trust? More like a public pillory for most of them.
Time to get rid of the lot of them and start again.
Where the hell is this going?
“Polyamorous marriage: Is there a future for three-way weddings?” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-40655103
Am I glad I don’t pay the telly tax for this rubbish .
My local newspaper carried a story about a man who has been convicted for being more that emotionally connected to his staffy. I suppose he is being victimised for love too
I have tried to write this with as much discretion as possible
Yes lob
The ever expanding challenge to ‘normality ‘ seems to be in the bloodstream of albeeb and its acolytes. Is it some hand over from some soviet funded 1960s attempt to undermine what is left of the moral fabric of Blighty? Have they noticed that the ussr is something different now?
These beeboids all went through further education and have absorbed the same mindset.
I wonder how they’ll be if true hardship ever comes ? Upto now , to return to the point, they have gone to the dogs.
Me too. Glad you commented on it, cos I read it, did a huge eye roll and thought give it a rest bBBC! Couldn’t be bothered to even comment on it. Are they pulling our collective leg? three way weddings in Columbia? that bastion of liberal society?
Load of bloody rubbish. And yes, it is just one more inch towards acceptability of polygamy so that certain religious practices become the norm.
“Brexit: Cabinet ‘united’ over EU transition deal” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40680738
“Conservative backbencher Peter Bone told BBC Radio 4’s the World at One: “I don’t think for one minute that the government is going to allow free movement after we come out of the EU.”
I am getting concerned that they are dragging their feet ?
The EU has a mass of migrants it wants to lose over here and it needs free movement of people to accomplish it.
Is there treachery afoot ?
How is someone being stopped at an airport news? The Beeb only report on it as she is a Muslim woman which scores maximum SJW points.
The Left relies on narrative over fact, but do they honestly expect us to swallow this one – that all Muslim women are academics into counter extremism? It insults our intelligence.
The lady says she ‘feels’ she was targeted because of her race. F**k your feelings: we are in a state of war. The Paris attackers came via Syria. Better a trillion inconvenienced than one murdered by an extremist. What if she was acting inappropriately? We should try those whose job it is to look out for these things. In a previous case the Beeb cheerleaded for a Muslim who was ‘wrongly questioned’ who went on to commit a sexual offence. Have they heard of Taqiyya? This woman may well be lovely, but as someone once said: war is deceit. I could just imagine them running a similar article about the Manchester bomber: “Salman Abedi was just reading up for his electronics degree when he was wrongly stopped.’
Apparently the woman was offended and ‘demands’ an apology. Typical cry bully. Well I am offended that I cannot take my nephews to London this summer to see the sites in case they get blown up. That is deeply offensive, as is the fact that I can get arrested and have my life ruined for mentioning this fact.
Why do Al Beeb run with this story? Why create this impression that we are persecuting peaceful minorities when that is just not the case? I note today that yet another fraud case has come to court where elderly and vulnerable people were cheated out of their life savings; once again I note that the perpetrators are from a certain ‘community’, as they so often seem to be. The Beeb would not run with this case and perhaps rightly so as it might stir things up. But why stir it up when it is supposedly the other way round? I would rather answer questions to customs officers than be robbed of my life savings. It takes some monster to rob the elderly and vulnerable like that. But of course this woman’s ‘feelings’ trump the actual facts of terrorism, rampant benefit fraud and grooming gangs.
The article refers nobly to an organisation which defends free speech. Ah, remember that long gone but cherished bedrock against tyranny? Write anything ‘objectionable’ on the Beeb website and they will contact your employer. How dare they preach about ‘free speech.’ If only we still had it. People clearly saw Abedi was up to no good but said nothing for fear of PC tyrants who would demand apologies in case you hurt his feelings.
I note how this ‘story’ comes from one of their SJW trougher mates, who is probably paid a fortune from taxpayers to navel gaze in a central London office and perpetuate all this nonsense.
As for being supposedly ‘offended’, this whole thing has made my blood boil. What remedy do I have? None whatsoever,
I always get turned over by airport security . I don’t think they believe the ( huge) size of my feet. I got brave going through Newark once ( the Yankee one -but I guess it’s only a matter of time for our original and best one ). I asked why I was stopped ( bit tired and emotional) . Reply was ” you fit a profile” I nodded and left it – thinking to this day as a white Anglo what the profile was?
Lobbyloo, not quite correct, you are certainly allowed to be as critical as you like when referring to Christianity, the bBBC do it on a regular basis.
That is astonishing. The news is the only genuinely funny stuff the Beeb does these days. It’s like a permanent episode of Brass Eye. Remember the paedophile special?
“A paedophile was blasted into space so he could no longer pose a threat to children. However, it was revealed a six year old boy was onboard the space craft and was trapped alone with the monster.”
You could imagine this in a terrorism special.
“A woman carrying a terrorist manual was wrongfully questioned by Police today. Everyone is up in arms that she would not be allowed in to plot terror. The Police in question have apologised and have been fired as a result.”
Meanwhile things are hotting up in Jerusalem ( Islam’s Gondor) – the very core in this global war by Islam. Israel has installed metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount. The Muslim holy day was then declared a “Day of Rage”. Muslims were told to riot, and they are rioting.
My own opinion is that it is unfair of Israel to prohibit or deter weapons being smuggled in to a mosque. I mean, that is what a mosque is for . Israel is thus deliberately preventing Muslims to carry out their religious obligations.
Article in the Express about BBC license fee.
Thousands CRIMINALISED by BBC licence fee crackdown.
How many people realise this….
“Non-payment of the TV licence fee is the only ‘utility bill’ offence which results in a criminal record – failing to pay electricity or gas bills remains a civil matter.”
The gender pay gap at the BBC must be levelled by reducing the totally outrageous pay packets of BBC staff – all of them. The BBC are not a free market enterprise, but a cushy public sector job that does not involve hardships of any sort. Apart from a few jobs such as accountancy and engineering, most other jobs in the BBC can be done by anyone with moderate intelligence and education.
Uncannily quick resume and hit job on the life and times of Shaun Spicer.
The BBC CAN rush to an opinion when they need to clearly-and this piece was obviously getting tacked up as a low grade poppet sneered at the new bloke called Scaramouche.
All the lowlights as set out for them by CNN…by which they meant “upset CNN”.
Funnily enough, nobody voted for Spicer and their hatred of him will follow him and his family unless he gives CNN what they want.
Fake News huh?
The White House press pack were similarly nasty and obsessed with their own agenda-none of that Obamacare etc, which is never of interest to CNN these days.
Bias-just bias.
The question is unresolved, I think, as to why Sarah Montague is not on the list whereas her colleague, The Machal (a much later addition to the Today programme) is on it. I suppose it must be that the fragrant Montague formed herself into a company. If this is wrong, someone will correct me.
Don’t fall the PR trick of “Look over there at PAYE female TALENT”
Cos remember there are 2 other lists
#2 Umbrella company freelancers ..secret
#3 PAYE Managers where plenty of females earn £180K+ …Huffpo quick list, BBC list,
eg £400-450K category Anne Bulford, deputy director-general
Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, group HR director
Charlotte Moore, director – BBC content
£200K+ Barbara Slater, director – BBC Sport
Anna Mallett, chief operating officer
Lisa Opie, director – factual production
Francesca Unsworth, director – World Service Group
Not to mention all those lovely £10k+ corporate entertainment evenings,which the presenters always seem to have plenty of time to perform, on top of the ‘day job’.
There is something rotten to the core about BBC employees using their visibility and fame gained solely from their TV prescence to become marketable and work on the side.
Seems to me such earnings should have a tax addition which should be put back into the BBC ( without whom such earnings would be impossible) and lead to a reduction in the licence fee.
I wonder if the ‘talent’ give up their time for free at events such as Children in Need/Red Nose fundraisers. Whereas children are coerced at schools to raise funds. There are some who will open village fetes for free but others see them as another payday. Many of these ‘stars’ have gained fame only through BBC patronage.
It is a shame Spicer has gone. I think he took on the leftist bullies with dignity. Imagine being alone in a room against those tyrants spitting at you, knowing that the slightest misplaced word could be wrenched from context and out of proportion to attack you.
All that venom from the side who has lectured us about ‘hate speech’ and ‘micro aggressions.’
This SJW nonsense has a religious element to it: fanaticism; irrational; persecution of heretics; a propensity for violence and aggression when dogmas are questioned.
A nice moment on Jeremy Vine today. A listener originating from New Zealand tells Vine that the British have a lot to be proud of and that we ought to be ‘banging the drum’.
Vine says that it is good to hear someone saying something positive about Brexit for a change. Well that is what happens when you work fot the Brexit Bashing Campaign!
NZ is a fine place with fine people and because it’s a long way from anywhere it’s been able to stay safe. Great place to visit . I hope it never gets infected with our problems – inflicted by politicians and the likes of al beeb .
This about biased state TV in Sweden, Swedish feminism, immigration and where it’s potentially headed, is very interesting on a lot of levels, but if you just want to hear the bit about biased state TV I think it starts around the 12 minute mark.
The gender pay gap is a smokescreen. It get’s everybody off on the wrong journey. They published it they have no problem with publishing it – it was agreed at the highest levels – probably both sides of the fence Liberal-Lefty Government and BBC Senior Exec.
The focus here should be why do we pay anyone on that list? Most of them would struggle to earn £35-40k in the real World.
They are not talent – so what are they?
The gender gap must be levelled by reducing the totally outrageous pay packets of BBC staff – all of them. The BBC are not a free market enterprise, but a cushy public sector job that does not involve hardships of any sort. Apart from a few jobs such as accountancy and engineering, most other jobs in the BBC can be done by anyone with moderate intelligence and education. Almost all jobs in HR, management, and run of the mill broadcasting can be done at salaries no more then £50k. That is the market rate.
The irony of course is that they actively avoid ‘The Market’.
For example, by recruiting ex government minister (Labour naturally) James Purnell at a salary of £295k, without any actual open advertising of the role or competitive recruitment process.
Yep, a Labour government minister was the only person who could possibly fill that role at our fine impartial state broadcaster. Don’t want any of that free market stuff encroaching into the socialist nirvana of the bBBC, do we?
NCBBC – I particularly love the way they keep on wittering on about “the market” as if it is something that actually exists. The only BBC market is in their own imagination. The only achievement of this “market” appears to be the destruction of local newspapers destroyed by their website and the excessive remuneration of legions of talent-less bastards well beyond their dreams or capability in the real world.
Yet again this is another phony attempt to try and justify the unjustifiable . The hosing of money at “celebrities ” who only achievement appears to be a Pavlovian response to bark or drool when requested seems to me a poor bargain when in reality our own kith and kin can no longer afford to buy their own house in the place where they were bought up and even if they can often feel like strangers in their own hometown. Strange days indeed.
Been watching the Open Golf highlights on BBC2.
The anchor presenter used to be one Hazel Irvine. A rather bland but perfectly decent Scottish female presenter with, to be fair, very little side to her.
She has retired and been replaced with……..a Scottish female presenter !!!!!
What are the chances of that?
Golf on the bBBC. Only Scottish female presenters need apply. Tick. Tick.
Here’s a continuity announcement unlikely to be heard on the bBBC any time soon.
“And now, a programme on the BBC about inequalities in society.
Followed by an interview with Jeremy Corbyn about creating a fairer and more equal society.
This will be followed by a news story about the highest paid BBC employees”
10pm radio news, spun the story as Spicer resigns, rather than new boy appointed to head White House communications.
I guess cos if they focus on that new head Anthony Scaramucci
..they have to mention the last famous event.
When 3 CNN staff had to resign.
Stew, I would not put it past President Trump and Sean Spicer to have cooked up this little pas de deux in the Administration in order to lure the LeftMob section of the media into a little trap.
I reckon Trump is using the whole Russian saga to keep the news media and the Democrats in a state of perpetual rage leading to total ineffectiveness on their part in American politics.
10pm I
check BBC2 : Studio full full of sneering lefty comedians
Turn over in disgust
Check Channel 4 : Studio full full of sneering lefty comedians ….with their mate Sadiq Khan doing a cameo appearance
Just been to a kids party for end of term/new school.
A couple of the lads had tea towels on their heads and were running around shouting Alluhah akbaar! These are 11 year olds what is the world coming to.
Saturday R4 8pm :” A Brief History of the Truth
It’s time to travel down the rabbit hole of truth as American satirist Joe Queenan explores a murky world of fake news, prejudice and alternative facts.
With archive contributions from Donald Trump,…………”
Archive Hour is when they invite one of their lefty mates to go thru the archive and make a prog
The trailer showed it’s partially going to be ANOTHER Trump bashing prog
Get ready for A Short History of Truth with A Brief History of The Truth (and consider use of definite article). https://t.co/Br7oGUBpYd
Just checked one of the production team (Mohamed Madi, BBC) on the “Reality Check: Is Brexit inevitable? {bbc.co.uk ju2017}”.
“Brexit negotiations are under way but that hasn’t stopped some people asking if the UK leaving the European Union is inevitable. Ros Atkins reports for BBC Reality Check.”
BBC Production Team Member: Mohamed Madi @m_madi
“BBC News journalist, Arabic speaker, Middle East Focus. Send me your stories at: mohamed.madi@bbc.co.uk”
-I wonder if all the opinions have been verified by the BBC as per their guidelines?
1. “We spoke to One Directioners about queues, Louis Tomlinson and the patriarchy”
2. I did this video on #MuhammadAli and whether his faith (Muslim) is being erased from his legacy.
3. Why does everyone involved with Trump look like a scene-stealer in a Coen brothers movie? – notice word ‘everyone’ and then show three large gentlemen linked to Trump. Generalisation? Over simplification? Sanctioned opinion by the BBC? Is Mohamed sizeist? Do the BBC agree?
4. Six years into the Arab Spring, Gaddafi has been replaced by, er, this guy.
5. Yah this is good – linked to – “The pursuit of white women: Brown actors like Aziz Ansari have reduced brown … women to a punchline”
– in the article ” Why are brown men so infatuated with white women onscreen, BuzzFeed writer Imran Sidiquee …”
6. retweeted “shade level: total solar eclipse” (picture of child pushing cereal around on a table)
7. retweeted “Former Muslim” – for real? > Former Muslim Charged in Islamic Center Bombing Threat
– is the question can you be a former Muslim? Did he renounce his faith? I’m not clear what is being said?
Is it good that he was former and is no longer a Muslim? Confused!
It’s the MetroBubbleworld beeboids who are the weirdos
and they just don’t get it
on BBC R4 Feedback : BBC’s assistant political editor Norman Smith showed he’s the standard beeboid
Asked about complaints of bias from Brexiteers he basically said
‘ Well these poor confused Brexiteers just don’t understand that Brexit is change so it is the one that is questioned rather than the other side
It’s THEIR FAULT for not making a good case’
Actual words direct link to min 4:30
“When you listen to Brexiteers there is a growing perceive as the unfair coverage of the BBC , always nitpicking, carping
I think what they confuse as bias ..is determination to question and challenge
..it is they who have to make the argument and case ”
(See what I mean he’s portraying the Brexiteers as weirdos, whilst people on the street think the beeboids are the weirdos )
Then at the end LibLoony presenter Roger Bolton trailed next week’s show with “Jon Sopel about reporting on Donald Trump’s DISFUNCTIONAL White House”
..when that’s an IMPARTIALbbc word
Norman Smith was an incoherent hypocrite. He said(as you point out) that the BBC is anti-Brexit but we Brexit types fail to see that the BBC is always testing the “change model”. Things were going so well-not newsworthy. Then we chose to leave-and by forcing this change the BBC are rightly testing the robustness of said changes.
We need to factor this in, not see it as serial bias.
New one on me.
When and where then Norman did you ever question multiculturalism, the mass immigration plans of Blair, the need to join the Euro-all of which would ALSO have entailed some “change”?
And what of abortion, gay marriage, legalising homosexuals and divorce, let alone the death penalty-were these not all “changes”?
But who remembers the BBc ever questioning THESE kinds of change?
Good old Norman eh.
Clearly using only the lefty side of his brain, hence the BBCs need for him.
How much is he on I wonder?
More likely what is he on.
Bolton let him get away with this too-he`s similarly monocled and manacled no doubt.
Earlier today the Beeb reported on a story about girls as young as 9 being groomed online, and how the Beebs investigators managed to uncover this. So, were these ‘investigators’ on their lunch break when Harris, Hall & Saville were carrying out their perverse acts under their noses on the Beebs premises for years without being uncovered ? It beggars belief.
…or while the grooming / raping of white British girls by Pakistani muslims was happening up and down the country on an industrial scale for decades – probably still is.
That was sharp Guest Who – where was the Jimmy “BBC yet to reveal how much they paid all these pedophiles with high wages” Savile campervan parked? On BBC premises? Don’t know if it was but … oh, the outrage. Did Savile get parking paid for as well as an expense?
Think of the children!
If only the public could express their outrage by limiting funding to such an organisation? Try and stop future pedophiles hiding in a big organisation by not funding them and face prison!
Jimmy Savile abused some of his victims at the BBC’s studios in Glasgow and also sexually assaulted a Scottish girl who had travelled to London to watch Top of the Pops, a report has found. The Dame Janet Smith review identified a total of 72 victims, including eight who were raped.
… but the public have no way to close down the BBC project, because public has no financial recourse to punish a business that collects its staff wages with threat of a prison sentence. Lord Hall now collects £450K + expenses + early pension, which will be paid by you in the future…
Also on previous page Philip_2 explained at 5:03 pm
how we don’t know what the actual MOST TOP senior talent is paid, cos it’s done thru shell companies ..so Chris Evans and Lineker may not actually be the biggest earners.
(Never mind that they too actually receive extra undeclared money from BBC Worldwide, which is exempt from the transparency rule)
+ “An astonishing 73 per cent of people questioned used the BBC as their main source of information. So that’s all right then”
(BTW of course Evans is paid well, cos he’s worth like £80m thru an old business takeover deal he did with Virgin Radio)
Listening to Talk Sport which I do sometimes as a PC antidote to BBC,the talking heads mainly ex footballers were criticising the press for giving Lineker a hard time.A lot of joking about Shearer,but not one of them made reference of the link to tax payers funding of Lineker and Shearer.
It seems the MSM are really not going to get fully stuck into this issue.Its all very matey.They seemed more impressed that Lineker was splashing our cash in a very high cost hotel and sticking two fingers up.
Five Live reports on the officer who shot an Australian woman in the US. It is mentioned almost as an aside at the end that the officer is of Somali descent. If a white officer had shot an unarmed black woman they would have mentioned race from the beginning, frothing at the mouth with delicious SJW offence.
Is that so hard – maybe not bang on about race all the time? Maybe bad things just happen inevitably sometimes, and it’s not always racial hatred or ‘hate crime’ which is the cause of the problem?
Every single MSM title is banging on about the mayor and police commissioner under the title ‘police shooting’, as if these two white ladies shot a policeman.
Here’s my entry for the ‘hypocrisy of the week’ competition.
From BBC London news yesterday evening.
A little girl aged 5 put a table on the pavement and started selling lemonade at some event in the socialist republic of Tower Hamlets. Two council nobodies promptly fined her father for trading without a licence.
Bad enough you might think. But this is biased BBC.
So they then feature a vox pop and sure enough the people interviewed all think rightly that the little girl had been badly treated. The main, nay unanimous opinion chosen for transmission being how bad it is to stifle creativity and entrepreneurialism. We need to encourage business and people like her, don’t we ???
Yep, that was the line peddled by the statist biased BBC, who with their fellow comrades and travellers constantly stigmatise and criticise businesses who dare to make a profit out of their own efforts as greedy and uncaring. How often for example have we heard the bBBC have a go at drug companies who ‘make a profit out of other peoples’ illnesses and misfortune’? So much easier to have £4bn a year handed to you on a plate.
Sluff, you’ve been conned! This is a BBC fake news story. For a start it isn’t ‘new’ and secondly this wasn’t about a lemonade stand in some little girls’s front garden but a table erected by her father in a public space during a festival, which is most likely why there were council enforcement officers about to protect us from rip-off traders.
The other bit that the BBC hasn’t been shouting about is that the father was none other than Professor André Spicer, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Cass Business School, City University, so not exactly your average ‘white van man’ dad! He also writes for The Guardian where he tells us that, ” On the day of the [Brexit] vote I personally didn’t sleep for about 30 hours.” Definitely a shoe-in for the Brexit Bashing Campaign! Somehow I can’t see Mrs. Meerkat’s trading standards officers being any more understanding of a bit of ‘street enterprise’, but then it is quite common for remaniacs to have a blind spot as to how the EU operates so I guess he’s never thought about that.
Posted before but I suspect the whole thing was a set-up possibly even instigated by the BBC. The BBC often fails to report real news but reports Fake News and often creates ” News” itself. A deeply dishonest organisation which must go.
Sluff – I dont think the BBC is ever bothered about accusations of hypocrisy as it is basically amoral in its approach to all things and basically concentrates on whatever is the “flavour of the week” . I always like to think of this organisation as a blowfly. It is never fussy about what it feeds on – it is just as happy to feed on a warm dog turd as it is on your chicken salad. Unfortunately as it flies around on its business it cant help itself, and ends up tainting everything it touches.
I hope I haven’t put you off your boiled egg and soldiers!
Oaknash, Luckily I had breakfast long before I read your comment. But yours is a very apt analogy. The BBC feeds on anything that will prop up its weak, PeeCee, leftie ideology. The alleged journalists who work for that gigantic turd of an organisation have gone way beyond hypocrisy as they grope for ‘news’ that suits their pathetic agenda.
The blowfly analogy is good but it implies that the BBC has no real purpose. We know that it certainly does have a purpose , it aims to create a Globalist, socialist society in our country. It has been pursuing this strategic aim for decades and has achieved considerable success. Already it has brainwashed large sections of the population into supporting its aims and it has cowed the leadership of any opposition to its strategic aims. It is difficult to see how the aims of the BBC can be thwarted as the screws of liberal left control are being screwed ever tighter and all and any opposition suppressed. But history shows that apparent hegemony can often be overthrown by unexpected events. We can only hope.
1 Trump has new spokesman
2 Trump criticised by retired general (those 2 items took 4 minutes
3 drone registration system
4 labour MPs criticise boots over the morning after tablet
5 councils moaning over 900 ‘children'( presumably clean shaven) who are allegedly homeless each month
6 British cycling will lose tax funding if it don’t come more diverse
7 Michael Jacksons monkeys’ alleged paintings for sale.
This from the greatest broadcaster in the world . I know it’s meant to be the silly season
The problem with newspeak, which the Beeb is fluent in, is that it is designed to restrict the range of possible thoughts and opinions. To talk about the nature of the crime epidemic or anything meaningful is thought crime, so they just prattle on about ‘diversity’ and gender, like a child sticking his fingers in his ears and singing a nice song whilst everything crumbles around him.
Top BBC story is ‘surely’ (Alarm!) about a democratic country being controlled (>50%) by a biased media organisation which is funded by threat of prison?
Day 4 … TV Tax Payers request Gary Lineker responds to all people (200,000 in 2013) who have been charged with not paying his wages, sorry I mean the TV Tax, sorry I mean avoiding the TV License, sorry I mean undocumented TV License usage.
Day 3 … TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on TV screen expressing a one sided view of the World.
Day 2 … TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked) : Lineker BBC + Walkers + BT = is he superman?
Day 1 … BBC reveals inflated pay of it’s employees
Compare and contrast this snippet of news I heard on the 0800 news BBC Radio 4 earlier – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40690191
With, http://www.newobserveronline.com/2017/07/minneapoliss-first-somali-policeman.html
Whilst the BBC’s report contains only the name of the officer involved, in BBC fashion, the broader, important elements of the story are omitted for public consumption – in case the listener should think, quite rightly: ‘it is a erratic unpredictable muslim again’. Fake News by omission. This on the very day that BBC Radio 4 broadcast a programme dedicated to ‘Fake News’ (2000 hrs 22.07.17) – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08ylphn – “A Brief History of the Truth”, in which, no doubt, the ‘holier than thou’ BBC will seek to convince an increasingly sceptic listening population that they do not (and never will) indulge in the shocking practice of broadcasting fake news. No, ‘not me guv’ its all the rest of the broadcasters.
One things for sure, the BBC News team wouldn’t know the truth even if it were four-legged and wandered into the BBC headquarters and bit the programme editor on the leg.
You can take the boy out of the BBC, but you can’t… oh, no, you really can’t take him out of the BBC…
Tonight at 10pm on BBC TWO – watch the Arab Spring + Occupy give way to Trump, Sisi and post-truth politics: Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere pic.twitter.com/CqVcoR4xnH
Preferably Lord Hall after he refuses, having been asked to stop the BBC being a social and political campaigning organisation and to return to working within its Charter obligations by OFCOM.
I think that the more education you have the better you are equipped to be in charge of the legal system and political system. Diane Abbott either proves that this is not so, or that UK schooling, at all levels, is failing its Nation in a most fundamental way.
Blimey look at this story. Women jurors treat terrorist trial as a good opportunity to go on the pull. Remember all that feminist whingeing about undercover coppers entrapping poor defenceless animal rights nutters?
Followed another story by Guardian author Alice Ross …
Birmingham Islamic school’s gender separation unlawful, court told {theguardian.com – Alice Ross – jul2017}
“In the high court hearings, Al-Hijrah school argued that the gender segregation was one of its defining characteristics, and that the policy was clear to parents who wished to send their children there and to previous Ofsted inspectors, who had never raised it as a concern. – no mention of this where it (Al-Hijrah, a state-funded, paid with your taxes, Islamic school in Birmingham) derives its ‘defining characteristics’ from?”
“Some pupils told inspectors they had no problem with the segregation (boys mainly? Alice – please dig for answers!), but others (no number, so hard to see how school views this subject. Would be interesting to see if boys want it and girls don’t?) said they would prefer to be allowed to mix with members of the opposite sex, she told the court.”
Text Summary: Islamic x 2; Muslim x 0; Religious x 1; Allah x 0; Christian x 0 ; Imam x 0; God x 0
p.s the story “Juror forced to leave Old Bailey terror trial after asking if detective was single” was a non-story, it should have been about the court case which was more important – mixing trivia with serious news? TriNews – a mix of Real, Fake and Non-News – TriNews!
OK – this is possibly my last post for the weekend, will keep dipping in to read.
I will leave this parting thought …
Yesterday I gave one of my bosses a book about Andrew Breitbart, and said he was unwilling to read the page I had highlighted because “I’m not reading that, that guy (Breitbart) is shit crazy!”.
I thought that if someone was so crazy, related to millions of people, but had created a successful right leaning website and you were given a free book to see into that person’s mind you’d take the chance. I was wrong.
Marky, your observation highlights the problem the left-wing mindset has, and one of the tactics they will invariably use to avoid justifying or exposing it.
A normal intelligent person would have examined the article you displayed and given the logic and reason to show why they could not agree with it, if that was the case.
But anybody who has a deep inferiority complex will avoid showing how undeveloped their sense of logic and reason is and resort to any number of techniques, which we here are only too well aware, to counter an argument.
Along with Grant I wish you a pleasant and relaxing weekend 🙂
Grant, clearly they are handicapped.
The difficult thing for us is to understand the cause for their deficiency.
It’s clear that our education system, together with less time invested by parents in raising their children, has a lot to do with it. Especially if the parents themselves are not free and independent thinkers to begin with.
Unless we can find the causes, and then the possible solutions, then violence would appear to be the ultimate recourse, as history has shown time and time again.
I really wish and hope we can find a better solution.
11:30am R4 FooC : Clare Marshall (Environment Correspondent for BBC News)
“The Arctic is melting twice as fast as the rest of the planet”
‘Here we are in an Inuit cellar storage area and it’s melting, and it’s never done that before’
The old man says ‘all the old signs we used to read the ice can’t be trust any more’
CM ‘Down the road is a lab, the scientist likens climate change to a runaway car’
Her twitter feed is the usual retweeting of LibMob fantasies
(The first page mentions Cox 25 times)
eg she retweeted this DougParr of Greenpeace tweet
Surely such uncritical retweeting does imply endorsement and is therefore not IMPARTIAL
The linked article then says
“If you wanted to power the entire United States with solar panels, it would take a fairly small corner of Nevada or Texas or Utah; you only need about 100 miles by 100 miles of solar panels to power the entire United States,” Musk said during his keynote conversation on Saturday at the event in Rhode Island. “The batteries you need to store the energy, so you have 24/7 power, is 1 mile by 1 mile. One square-mile.”
Bottomline if such solar projects worked WITHOUT massive subsidies private biz would have already done it
Here we are in the middle of summer and I have just completed my rounds and checks for the shift and noted that the outside temp point indicates a temp. of 11.4 Deg C.
Global warming my @rse.
As we all know George Orwell inspired by his time at the odious BBC wrote “1984” and it seems that George Orwell’s time at the odious BBC must have inspired him to write “Animal Farm” The more the truth comes out about the bloated and unjustified salaries the BBC wastes on its talking head so-called stars it seems so to me.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
I must admit that I was wrong.
I thought that socialism made people poor and that the BBC ruins lives.
I can see now that socialism brings huge rewards to those that sell their soul to the BBC.
Jim I think you’re wrong in thinking that the Labour Party , BBC , the Police , civil service , other public bodies and rich un’s like Branson believe in Socialism . I think they believe in corporatism , taxploitation , and enrichment for the new nomenclature .
To take from the many , to give to the few .
The crime figures are a clue to the thinking . Crime in reality has been going up , the figures have been massaged down . But now the police have their budgets cut , they release figures that crime is going up .
The nomenclature answer , give more money to the police , then they will massage the figures again to “show” crime is going down .
At the same time don’t let the plebs , sorry general public look after themselves , as this will show the the judiciary and police as incompetent . The general public must be made to be reliant on public bodies , so the heads of these state institutions can have huge wages .
You could have a point there.
“,At the same time don’t let the plebs , sorry general public look after themselves , as this will show the the judiciary and police as incompetent” . Or another ‘pleb’, with assault/GBH or anything else the politburo considers to be ‘unreasonable force’.
How have we come to this????
Tonight I watched a member of our enrichers complaining that the judge appointed to investigate Grenfell should stand down because he was ‘white’.
Number 7 – I hoped that wasn’t true because that kind of inverted racist must not stand . There has always been a complaint that by their nature judges have always been out of touch . But pushing colour and class in the ability of a judge to head a public inquiry about a burnt block of flats is an outrage.
I think it was on Sky – hence no link. The enricher involved sounded to be a quite educated feminazi.
Waycism is the accepted response from the likes of the MSM – I won’t hold my breath!
Nibor, really good post.
UK is in serious trouble.
UK has been in serious trouble for decades.
Probably not unique to UK but things for proper governance do not look good.
I think that you are spot on.
Yep good post
It is statism actually – not so much socialism.
But they are incompetent, and have been for several years. But then, that could be said of anything run by government as they are just as bad.
BBC TV License – taking from the many poor to give to the few rich…
Legalised theft. Pure and simple.
Evening all.
Could something as banal as ‘Pointless’ show bias? What do you think?
The show this evening naturally featured a ‘man’. Craig was his name, and very nice make-up, eye liner (with a wave in the style of Amy Winehouse I thought), and long hair he had too. Perhaps he was a fan of Eddie Izzard. Who knows?
In the final round, they had to name Labour or Tory MPs who had become peers.
Their choices? Neil Kinnock and Glenys Kinnock !!!
Oh, and one of the final round runners up was a little chap of Indian subcontinental appearance.
What iS the likelihood of all of the above occurring in the same programme by chance?
I mean, all the bBBC favourite narratives in one place at one time.
One for ‘More or Less’ to consider. LOL.
Never seen that programme but I notice the main quiz people aren’t on the albeeb rich list – suppose it the production company get out.
They work for Endemol.
Thank you Alex – I’m sure they are work every penny of taxpayers money.
Isn’t Endemol a laxative?
Sluff, did you not notice the ‘trans’ bloke was advised he would have done better if he could have named Lib Dem peers?
Caught a few minutes of a prog on R4 at about 1130.
What was heard was an ‘interviewer’ interviewing a left wing polemicist. In the style of a doctor whose patient had a sort of injury or illness caused by being in the proximity of centre- right views and having to endure them. I kid you not.
I didn’t hang around long enough to know if this was a current affairs programme, a piece of attempted melodrama, or a skit attempting satire (in the style of Private Eye’s Dave Spart). But of course none of that matters. The left wing view, and only the left wing view, is the one given the airtime. Yet again. Mission accomplished.
Usual hit pieces on Dead Ringers too.
They are fixated on their David Davis and Brexit stuff, They use the forum to trash the very notion and to smear all aspects and history in order to abuse the Brexit side. But the scripts are weasley “parodies” and not “opinions”.
Lying scum madew even worse that their impression of Davis is crap. Why don`t they stick with Savile eh?
They used to be able to do him…well he did them and got well paid by us for it.
Rather than comedy It was really nasty
– sneering at Davis
– Sneering at Gove
– back to sneering at Davis
– Sneering at men who come from Scunthorpe, cos they are the type that are inarticulate and say Dr Who cannot be played by a woman.
..a few mins later they stuck in Cleethorpes as well..as if to emphasise there is us sophisticated people in #MetroBubble..and then stupid people outside in UKIPland.
With the whole show running joke being on the FALSE narrative that females are paid less than men at the BBC ..no a list of SOME luvvies has been published and some individuals are in higher categories than others.
It is entirely sexist to immediately split that list into 2 sexes.. things’ll be more complicated than that
… and they managed to get their info wrong a couple of times
THe so called comedy prog also included in a “sketch”, the violent murder of David Davies
Yet can you imagine a similar sketch about the death of one of the female Labour MPs ?
(That sketch might have been in the other comedy show called The Pin)
They seem very proud of it. Dead ringers now forming a major part of Radio Four ‘news’ on Facebook.
Drip, drip, drip…
Apologies if anyone has already mentioned this but did anyone notice that the the BBC wimmin are all up in arms about pay differentials between the sexes in in the “oh so right on BBC” Apparently Jane Garvey of the “wimmins hour” said her phone has never been hotter and this was an example of “sisterhood in action”
Forgetting the fact that the whole of this concentration on the pay differentials is a complete red herring to divert attention away from the disgusting amount of money the BBC throws at all their “talent” I just thought that it was a shame that the sisterhood were not so concerned with their “sisters” in Rotherham and similair who were assaulted/gang raped and treated as mere rubbish by their “boyfriends” So much so that for months in certain news reports muslims suddenly became men of asian background. Garvey and her BBC friends being central to this cover up.
Surerly the sistas dont care more about their salaries than the sisterhood.
I think we all know the answer to that one!
Yes, we all know the answer. They are dirty hypocrites. Why should they care about some poor girl being gang-raped when they have their pay packets to worry about. Hearts of ice. Disgusting women.
Apparently Emily Maitlis is up in arms for NOT being on the rich list, while Evan ‘cadaver’ Davis is presumably more ‘talented’.
She might move on to Sky or ITV or some such, in order to be paid according to her……..errr……..’talent’. And thus away from the bBBC.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
And who gives a monkey’s toss about these wasters. Except that it is our money !
It’s not only the salaries.
Like some staff might be paid be zero by the BBC conscious that be paid millions in the future by the firms the seemingly really work for : LibMob political parties and Green Energy hedgefunds etc.
eg Sarah Montague is famous for a SOFT Talk interview with Ed Davey
… and Quite astonishingly bad journalism
“Astonishingly bad journalism”, have they ever done otherwise? All beeboids are only capable of lying and avoiding any facts that conflict with the bBBC agenda!
Oaknash – I think it’s going to be an early Wintervall for them because there is no way albeeb will reduce wages to their giants of broadcasting like lineker plc and that annoying ginger dj plc.
So when the wimmins pay goes up the chaps ( inc g. Norton ) will argue that their differentials need to be maintained to retain ‘talent’. Al Beeb can then round the tv tax up to £200 p.a.
I just love watching ferrets fighting in a sack. They are all such revolting people. Scum of the earth .
Hopefully Grant they will all mortally wound eachother!
Unfortunately in the meantime we will all have to listen to a running diversity commentary as to how the BBC will right this terrible “wrong” As if any of us in the real world actually gives a flying F##K about any of these overpaid, virtue signalling w#####s male or female!
Sham fight by BBC spin department to divert attention from colossal salaries.
Oaknash, Jane Garvey?? The same Jane Garvey who let slip that, ” The corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles” after Labour’s win in ’97??
For fun I like to dip into the printed version of albeeb – otherwise known at The Guardian to see what the enemy is up to. Apparently Diane Abbot is celebrating her victimhood in a piece to be published during the weekend. The real fun with that newspaper is guessing whether their comments section is available ‘ I normally guess right. It probably saves their comment control people getting all hot and bothered as decent people try to explain the infantile corbyn readership what the truth is.
There’s an easy way to get parity on BBC salaries. Reduce the wages of the men down to the level of the women ! Simples. But like commented above, that’ll never happen. Its just sickening that they’re all squabbling like kids in a playground, when they just don’t get that the amounts they are paid are obscene. They’re in a bubble of their own, hoping to get pay rises of tens of thousands, when everyone else are lucky to get a few quid extra each week. They should sack the sodding lot of them and replace with the hundreds of out of work ‘media studies’ graduates who would be grateful to earn a crust and put to use the degree they’ve achieved.
The women may be up in arms but they just come across as petulant and greedy.They are all very well paid whichever way you look at it .They all don’t seem to care one iota about tax payers funding their greed. Most of them don’t exactly work long hours .
Imagine your income depending on the threat of a criminal record for the rest of society. It cannot go on surely.
Get Corbyn in to release the socialism dream on them all … all fully costed in the little red book, nearly type ‘little read book’.
They are certainly paid a lot more than nurses and dustmen and I know which make a greater contribution to society.
Deborah – HMG are all very quiet on this whole subject. Maybe because they too have been complicit (because of the fudged charter review) in allowing this whole disgusting daylight robbery to continue.
Maybe Theresa will come out with some sort of speech on it including the statement “enough is enough”
That will scare em!
it will be the money that does for them in the end. It always is as our MPs found out the hard way. Al Capone was done on tax evasion.
They must be crapping themselves. Somewhere somebody has done unwise things and it is going to be exposed.
What an unlovely bunch of greedy arseholes.
Public Trust? More like a public pillory for most of them.
Time to get rid of the lot of them and start again.
Dave S ,
Spot on. What utterly worthless toerags.
Where the hell is this going?
“Polyamorous marriage: Is there a future for three-way weddings?”
Am I glad I don’t pay the telly tax for this rubbish .
Why stop at 3 people when there are 71 gender pronoun?
Or even a harem ? Are we being conditiond ready for people of a certain ‘culture’?
Except that “culture” will not permit gay marriages, or gays at all.
It permits kiddie marriage, though…
My local newspaper carried a story about a man who has been convicted for being more that emotionally connected to his staffy. I suppose he is being victimised for love too
I have tried to write this with as much discretion as possible
Always wondered what dogging was…
” Dogging ” is watching Diane Fatbot on TV. It is not a crime , but it should be.
That gives a whole new meaning to the term “Shaggy Dog Story.”
Yes lob
The ever expanding challenge to ‘normality ‘ seems to be in the bloodstream of albeeb and its acolytes. Is it some hand over from some soviet funded 1960s attempt to undermine what is left of the moral fabric of Blighty? Have they noticed that the ussr is something different now?
These beeboids all went through further education and have absorbed the same mindset.
I wonder how they’ll be if true hardship ever comes ? Upto now , to return to the point, they have gone to the dogs.
Me too. Glad you commented on it, cos I read it, did a huge eye roll and thought give it a rest bBBC! Couldn’t be bothered to even comment on it. Are they pulling our collective leg? three way weddings in Columbia? that bastion of liberal society?
Load of bloody rubbish. And yes, it is just one more inch towards acceptability of polygamy so that certain religious practices become the norm.
Three Way Weddings in Columbia.
The much anticipated sequel starring Hugh, Andy, John and the gay bloke?
“Brexit: Cabinet ‘united’ over EU transition deal”
“Conservative backbencher Peter Bone told BBC Radio 4’s the World at One: “I don’t think for one minute that the government is going to allow free movement after we come out of the EU.”
I am getting concerned that they are dragging their feet ?
The EU has a mass of migrants it wants to lose over here and it needs free movement of people to accomplish it.
Is there treachery afoot ?
RE: Syrian woman stopped at airport.
How is someone being stopped at an airport news? The Beeb only report on it as she is a Muslim woman which scores maximum SJW points.
The Left relies on narrative over fact, but do they honestly expect us to swallow this one – that all Muslim women are academics into counter extremism? It insults our intelligence.
The lady says she ‘feels’ she was targeted because of her race. F**k your feelings: we are in a state of war. The Paris attackers came via Syria. Better a trillion inconvenienced than one murdered by an extremist. What if she was acting inappropriately? We should try those whose job it is to look out for these things. In a previous case the Beeb cheerleaded for a Muslim who was ‘wrongly questioned’ who went on to commit a sexual offence. Have they heard of Taqiyya? This woman may well be lovely, but as someone once said: war is deceit. I could just imagine them running a similar article about the Manchester bomber: “Salman Abedi was just reading up for his electronics degree when he was wrongly stopped.’
Apparently the woman was offended and ‘demands’ an apology. Typical cry bully. Well I am offended that I cannot take my nephews to London this summer to see the sites in case they get blown up. That is deeply offensive, as is the fact that I can get arrested and have my life ruined for mentioning this fact.
Why do Al Beeb run with this story? Why create this impression that we are persecuting peaceful minorities when that is just not the case? I note today that yet another fraud case has come to court where elderly and vulnerable people were cheated out of their life savings; once again I note that the perpetrators are from a certain ‘community’, as they so often seem to be. The Beeb would not run with this case and perhaps rightly so as it might stir things up. But why stir it up when it is supposedly the other way round? I would rather answer questions to customs officers than be robbed of my life savings. It takes some monster to rob the elderly and vulnerable like that. But of course this woman’s ‘feelings’ trump the actual facts of terrorism, rampant benefit fraud and grooming gangs.
The article refers nobly to an organisation which defends free speech. Ah, remember that long gone but cherished bedrock against tyranny? Write anything ‘objectionable’ on the Beeb website and they will contact your employer. How dare they preach about ‘free speech.’ If only we still had it. People clearly saw Abedi was up to no good but said nothing for fear of PC tyrants who would demand apologies in case you hurt his feelings.
I note how this ‘story’ comes from one of their SJW trougher mates, who is probably paid a fortune from taxpayers to navel gaze in a central London office and perpetuate all this nonsense.
As for being supposedly ‘offended’, this whole thing has made my blood boil. What remedy do I have? None whatsoever,
I always get turned over by airport security . I don’t think they believe the ( huge) size of my feet. I got brave going through Newark once ( the Yankee one -but I guess it’s only a matter of time for our original and best one ). I asked why I was stopped ( bit tired and emotional) . Reply was ” you fit a profile” I nodded and left it – thinking to this day as a white Anglo what the profile was?
Agreed. I am offended that I cannot draw any sort of cartoon that I like, or criticise any religion.
Lobbyloo, not quite correct, you are certainly allowed to be as critical as you like when referring to Christianity, the bBBC do it on a regular basis.
BB, a little more information on that woman:
Muslim woman demands apology for getting stopped by counter terrorism police after returning from Turkey.
That is astonishing. The news is the only genuinely funny stuff the Beeb does these days. It’s like a permanent episode of Brass Eye. Remember the paedophile special?
“A paedophile was blasted into space so he could no longer pose a threat to children. However, it was revealed a six year old boy was onboard the space craft and was trapped alone with the monster.”
You could imagine this in a terrorism special.
“A woman carrying a terrorist manual was wrongfully questioned by Police today. Everyone is up in arms that she would not be allowed in to plot terror. The Police in question have apologised and have been fired as a result.”
Meanwhile things are hotting up in Jerusalem ( Islam’s Gondor) – the very core in this global war by Islam. Israel has installed metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount. The Muslim holy day was then declared a “Day of Rage”. Muslims were told to riot, and they are rioting.
My own opinion is that it is unfair of Israel to prohibit or deter weapons being smuggled in to a mosque. I mean, that is what a mosque is for . Israel is thus deliberately preventing Muslims to carry out their religious obligations.
Mishap chipped in yet?
(I’ll leave that autocorrect in; she’s worth it)
Article in the Express about BBC license fee.
Thousands CRIMINALISED by BBC licence fee crackdown.
How many people realise this….
“Non-payment of the TV licence fee is the only ‘utility bill’ offence which results in a criminal record – failing to pay electricity or gas bills remains a civil matter.”
The gender pay gap at the BBC must be levelled by reducing the totally outrageous pay packets of BBC staff – all of them. The BBC are not a free market enterprise, but a cushy public sector job that does not involve hardships of any sort. Apart from a few jobs such as accountancy and engineering, most other jobs in the BBC can be done by anyone with moderate intelligence and education.
Uncannily quick resume and hit job on the life and times of Shaun Spicer.
The BBC CAN rush to an opinion when they need to clearly-and this piece was obviously getting tacked up as a low grade poppet sneered at the new bloke called Scaramouche.
All the lowlights as set out for them by CNN…by which they meant “upset CNN”.
Funnily enough, nobody voted for Spicer and their hatred of him will follow him and his family unless he gives CNN what they want.
Fake News huh?
The White House press pack were similarly nasty and obsessed with their own agenda-none of that Obamacare etc, which is never of interest to CNN these days.
Bias-just bias.
Yes, I thought their article was a disgusting opportunity to stick the knife in, turn it and gloat.
Scaramouche the film is one of the finest movies by Stewart Granger
Loved it. Eleanor Parker – liked her in Sound of Music.
So too Captain Blood. Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone, and Ross Alexander.
God I loathe their sneering. I hate how they talk down their nose at us.
Vomit inducing?
The question is unresolved, I think, as to why Sarah Montague is not on the list whereas her colleague, The Machal (a much later addition to the Today programme) is on it. I suppose it must be that the fragrant Montague formed herself into a company. If this is wrong, someone will correct me.
Montague tweeted earlier that her work on Hard Talk is covered in salary total.
Don’t fall the PR trick of “Look over there at PAYE female TALENT”
Cos remember there are 2 other lists
#2 Umbrella company freelancers ..secret
#3 PAYE Managers where plenty of females earn £180K+ …Huffpo quick list, BBC list,
eg £400-450K category Anne Bulford, deputy director-general
Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, group HR director
Charlotte Moore, director – BBC content
£200K+ Barbara Slater, director – BBC Sport
Anna Mallett, chief operating officer
Lisa Opie, director – factual production
Francesca Unsworth, director – World Service Group
And there are other pandora’s boxes : that some BBC staff have second outside jobs and family who sell stuff to the BBC
eg Lisa Opie , earning £207,000 a year, who has found the time on the side to establish a coffee chain business.
* Her partner owns a production company selling progs to BBC
BIg Earners in the secret umbrella company list probably include Clare Balding, EsterRantzen and a whole host of actresses etc,
BBC is a nest of corrupt Leftist nomenklatura.
The entire staff, perhaps with the exception of the cleaners and tea ladies, are over payed by a factor of 5 at the least.
Not to mention all those lovely £10k+ corporate entertainment evenings,which the presenters always seem to have plenty of time to perform, on top of the ‘day job’.
There is something rotten to the core about BBC employees using their visibility and fame gained solely from their TV prescence to become marketable and work on the side.
Seems to me such earnings should have a tax addition which should be put back into the BBC ( without whom such earnings would be impossible) and lead to a reduction in the licence fee.
I wonder if the ‘talent’ give up their time for free at events such as Children in Need/Red Nose fundraisers. Whereas children are coerced at schools to raise funds. There are some who will open village fetes for free but others see them as another payday. Many of these ‘stars’ have gained fame only through BBC patronage.
Useful Tweet tool summarizes the daily R4 Thought For The day
It is a shame Spicer has gone. I think he took on the leftist bullies with dignity. Imagine being alone in a room against those tyrants spitting at you, knowing that the slightest misplaced word could be wrenched from context and out of proportion to attack you.
All that venom from the side who has lectured us about ‘hate speech’ and ‘micro aggressions.’
All the hate and violence comes from the Left but they “project ” it on to the Right. They are living a lie.
This SJW nonsense has a religious element to it: fanaticism; irrational; persecution of heretics; a propensity for violence and aggression when dogmas are questioned.
A nice moment on Jeremy Vine today. A listener originating from New Zealand tells Vine that the British have a lot to be proud of and that we ought to be ‘banging the drum’.
Vine says that it is good to hear someone saying something positive about Brexit for a change. Well that is what happens when you work fot the Brexit Bashing Campaign!
The piece on the JV Show today about farm subsidies and Brexit was good and not quite what Vine was intending it to be at all.
NZ is a fine place with fine people and because it’s a long way from anywhere it’s been able to stay safe. Great place to visit . I hope it never gets infected with our problems – inflicted by politicians and the likes of al beeb .
Unfortunately the Chinese are swamping it and beginning to f**k areas up with their…er…”unconventional business practices”.
Al, I didn’t know- that’s sad.
The last Labour government in NZ opened the gates to Muslims.
This about biased state TV in Sweden, Swedish feminism, immigration and where it’s potentially headed, is very interesting on a lot of levels, but if you just want to hear the bit about biased state TV I think it starts around the 12 minute mark.
The gender pay gap is a smokescreen. It get’s everybody off on the wrong journey. They published it they have no problem with publishing it – it was agreed at the highest levels – probably both sides of the fence Liberal-Lefty Government and BBC Senior Exec.
The focus here should be why do we pay anyone on that list? Most of them would struggle to earn £35-40k in the real World.
They are not talent – so what are they?
Quite so.
The gender gap must be levelled by reducing the totally outrageous pay packets of BBC staff – all of them. The BBC are not a free market enterprise, but a cushy public sector job that does not involve hardships of any sort. Apart from a few jobs such as accountancy and engineering, most other jobs in the BBC can be done by anyone with moderate intelligence and education. Almost all jobs in HR, management, and run of the mill broadcasting can be done at salaries no more then £50k. That is the market rate.
So who are they? Nomenklatura comes to mind.
The irony of course is that they actively avoid ‘The Market’.
For example, by recruiting ex government minister (Labour naturally) James Purnell at a salary of £295k, without any actual open advertising of the role or competitive recruitment process.
Yep, a Labour government minister was the only person who could possibly fill that role at our fine impartial state broadcaster. Don’t want any of that free market stuff encroaching into the socialist nirvana of the bBBC, do we?
It’s all part of The BAME Game, Sluff!
Diverting the real story by Bloody Awful Management Executives!
NCBBC – I particularly love the way they keep on wittering on about “the market” as if it is something that actually exists. The only BBC market is in their own imagination. The only achievement of this “market” appears to be the destruction of local newspapers destroyed by their website and the excessive remuneration of legions of talent-less bastards well beyond their dreams or capability in the real world.
Yet again this is another phony attempt to try and justify the unjustifiable . The hosing of money at “celebrities ” who only achievement appears to be a Pavlovian response to bark or drool when requested seems to me a poor bargain when in reality our own kith and kin can no longer afford to buy their own house in the place where they were bought up and even if they can often feel like strangers in their own hometown. Strange days indeed.
Indeed. Entertainment at the level of Butlins of old. Souped up talent and quiz shows.
Been watching the Open Golf highlights on BBC2.
The anchor presenter used to be one Hazel Irvine. A rather bland but perfectly decent Scottish female presenter with, to be fair, very little side to her.
She has retired and been replaced with……..a Scottish female presenter !!!!!
What are the chances of that?
Golf on the bBBC. Only Scottish female presenters need apply. Tick. Tick.
To be fair there is nothing wrong with the Scottish – I am half Scottish .
My cartoon on Spicer and the week’s news:
Here’s a continuity announcement unlikely to be heard on the bBBC any time soon.
“And now, a programme on the BBC about inequalities in society.
Followed by an interview with Jeremy Corbyn about creating a fairer and more equal society.
This will be followed by a news story about the highest paid BBC employees”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .
10pm radio news, spun the story as Spicer resigns, rather than new boy appointed to head White House communications.

I guess cos if they focus on that new head Anthony Scaramucci
..they have to mention the last famous event.
When 3 CNN staff had to resign.
Stew, I would not put it past President Trump and Sean Spicer to have cooked up this little pas de deux in the Administration in order to lure the LeftMob section of the media into a little trap.
I reckon Trump is using the whole Russian saga to keep the news media and the Democrats in a state of perpetual rage leading to total ineffectiveness on their part in American politics.
10pm I
check BBC2 : Studio full full of sneering lefty comedians
Turn over in disgust
Check Channel 4 : Studio full full of sneering lefty comedians ….with their mate Sadiq Khan doing a cameo appearance
The BBC refused to disclose the earnings of their ‘top talent’ in case other channels poached them.
Has Gary Licker been poached yet? Or Graham Nort? Or Jeremy Whine?
Indeed, have any of the obscene lot been poached?
Just been to a kids party for end of term/new school.
A couple of the lads had tea towels on their heads and were running around shouting Alluhah akbaar! These are 11 year olds what is the world coming to.
So far Muslim immigrants in Germany have been targeting Jews. Now they are coming after Christians.
The war is hotting up.
Saturday R4 8pm :” A Brief History of the Truth
It’s time to travel down the rabbit hole of truth as American satirist Joe Queenan explores a murky world of fake news, prejudice and alternative facts.
With archive contributions from Donald Trump,…………”
Archive Hour is when they invite one of their lefty mates to go thru the archive and make a prog
The trailer showed it’s partially going to be ANOTHER Trump bashing prog
Just heard Alastair Campbell on this show. No further questions, no further point.
The BBC is a zombie parody of itself, sheer 24/7 fakery.
A bit of news from my part of the world ………………………
“UKIP AM uses racial slur about black MP Chuka Umunna”
Does anyone care ? We want out of Europe !
Pity the BBC don’t comment on some genuine Welsh news.
How about the abuse of taxpayer funds the Welsh leader uses to watch football matches
The hypocrisy of Welsh Labour increasing student fees. Abolition of student fees my backside!
Time to get rid of the Welsh Assembly as they do not reflect the Welsh people’s call for Brexit.
They dont give up do they ?
“Reality Check: Is Brexit inevitable?”
Just checked one of the production team (Mohamed Madi, BBC) on the “Reality Check: Is Brexit inevitable? {bbc.co.uk ju2017}”.
“Brexit negotiations are under way but that hasn’t stopped some people asking if the UK leaving the European Union is inevitable. Ros Atkins reports for BBC Reality Check.”
BBC Production Team Member: Mohamed Madi @m_madi
“BBC News journalist, Arabic speaker, Middle East Focus. Send me your stories at: mohamed.madi@bbc.co.uk”
-I wonder if all the opinions have been verified by the BBC as per their guidelines?
1. “We spoke to One Directioners about queues, Louis Tomlinson and the patriarchy”
2. I did this video on #MuhammadAli and whether his faith (Muslim) is being erased from his legacy.
3. Why does everyone involved with Trump look like a scene-stealer in a Coen brothers movie?
– notice word ‘everyone’ and then show three large gentlemen linked to Trump. Generalisation? Over simplification? Sanctioned opinion by the BBC? Is Mohamed sizeist? Do the BBC agree?
4. Six years into the Arab Spring, Gaddafi has been replaced by, er, this guy.
5. Yah this is good – linked to – “The pursuit of white women: Brown actors like Aziz Ansari have reduced brown … women to a punchline”
– in the article ” Why are brown men so infatuated with white women onscreen, BuzzFeed writer Imran Sidiquee …”
6. retweeted “shade level: total solar eclipse” (picture of child pushing cereal around on a table)
7. retweeted “Former Muslim” – for real? > Former Muslim Charged in Islamic Center Bombing Threat
– is the question can you be a former Muslim? Did he renounce his faith? I’m not clear what is being said?
Is it good that he was former and is no longer a Muslim? Confused!
I stopped on this final twitter from Mohamed Madi , BBC Production Team Member, but its always interesting to see these tweets …
Islamophobic attacks are on the rise in Britain – my report for BBC News {bbc.co.uk jun2017}
… this all ties to similar views espoused on twitter regards Brexit by Gary Lineker {biasedbbc post}
It’s the MetroBubbleworld beeboids who are the weirdos
and they just don’t get it
on BBC R4 Feedback : BBC’s assistant political editor Norman Smith showed he’s the standard beeboid
Asked about complaints of bias from Brexiteers he basically said
‘ Well these poor confused Brexiteers just don’t understand that Brexit is change so it is the one that is questioned rather than the other side
It’s THEIR FAULT for not making a good case’
Actual words direct link to min 4:30
“When you listen to Brexiteers there is a growing perceive as the unfair coverage of the BBC , always nitpicking, carping
I think what they confuse as bias ..is determination to question and challenge
..it is they who have to make the argument and case ”
(See what I mean he’s portraying the Brexiteers as weirdos, whilst people on the street think the beeboids are the weirdos )
Then at the end LibLoony presenter Roger Bolton trailed next week’s show with “Jon Sopel about reporting on Donald Trump’s DISFUNCTIONAL White House”
..when that’s an IMPARTIALbbc word
Quick link back to the lastpage of the Midweek thread where I discussed the prog
Norman Smith was an incoherent hypocrite. He said(as you point out) that the BBC is anti-Brexit but we Brexit types fail to see that the BBC is always testing the “change model”. Things were going so well-not newsworthy. Then we chose to leave-and by forcing this change the BBC are rightly testing the robustness of said changes.
We need to factor this in, not see it as serial bias.
New one on me.
When and where then Norman did you ever question multiculturalism, the mass immigration plans of Blair, the need to join the Euro-all of which would ALSO have entailed some “change”?
And what of abortion, gay marriage, legalising homosexuals and divorce, let alone the death penalty-were these not all “changes”?
But who remembers the BBc ever questioning THESE kinds of change?
Good old Norman eh.
Clearly using only the lefty side of his brain, hence the BBCs need for him.
How much is he on I wonder?
More likely what is he on.
Bolton let him get away with this too-he`s similarly monocled and manacled no doubt.
Yes @Alicia I took Norman Smith’s explanation as Post Hoc rationalisation for what he actually knows is bias.
..all Viki Pollard
Earlier today the Beeb reported on a story about girls as young as 9 being groomed online, and how the Beebs investigators managed to uncover this. So, were these ‘investigators’ on their lunch break when Harris, Hall & Saville were carrying out their perverse acts under their noses on the Beebs premises for years without being uncovered ? It beggars belief.
…or while the grooming / raping of white British girls by Pakistani muslims was happening up and down the country on an industrial scale for decades – probably still is.
Oops, mis ‘reported’. Sorry.
Seems these ‘investigators’ left their jobs at the door of the lift as they went to the BBC staff car park past that camper van.
That was sharp Guest Who – where was the Jimmy “BBC yet to reveal how much they paid all these pedophiles with high wages” Savile campervan parked? On BBC premises? Don’t know if it was but … oh, the outrage. Did Savile get parking paid for as well as an expense?
Think of the children!
If only the public could express their outrage by limiting funding to such an organisation? Try and stop future pedophiles hiding in a big organisation by not funding them and face prison!
Seems he got about a bit.
A BBC story, so worth checking for accuracy, and extent.
Tony Hall, director general of the BBC, apologised to the victims and said: “The BBC failed you when it should have protected you.” {bbc.co.uk feb2016} …
Jimmy Savile abused some of his victims at the BBC’s studios in Glasgow and also sexually assaulted a Scottish girl who had travelled to London to watch Top of the Pops, a report has found. The Dame Janet Smith review identified a total of 72 victims, including eight who were raped.
… but the public have no way to close down the BBC project, because public has no financial recourse to punish a business that collects its staff wages with threat of a prison sentence. Lord Hall now collects £450K + expenses + early pension, which will be paid by you in the future…
Also on previous page Philip_2 explained at 5:03 pm
how we don’t know what the actual MOST TOP senior talent is paid, cos it’s done thru shell companies ..so Chris Evans and Lineker may not actually be the biggest earners.
(Never mind that they too actually receive extra undeclared money from BBC Worldwide, which is exempt from the transparency rule)
+ “An astonishing 73 per cent of people questioned used the BBC as their main source of information. So that’s all right then”
(BTW of course Evans is paid well, cos he’s worth like £80m thru an old business takeover deal he did with Virgin Radio)
Listening to Talk Sport which I do sometimes as a PC antidote to BBC,the talking heads mainly ex footballers were criticising the press for giving Lineker a hard time.A lot of joking about Shearer,but not one of them made reference of the link to tax payers funding of Lineker and Shearer.
It seems the MSM are really not going to get fully stuck into this issue.Its all very matey.They seemed more impressed that Lineker was splashing our cash in a very high cost hotel and sticking two fingers up.
Five Live reports on the officer who shot an Australian woman in the US. It is mentioned almost as an aside at the end that the officer is of Somali descent. If a white officer had shot an unarmed black woman they would have mentioned race from the beginning, frothing at the mouth with delicious SJW offence.
Is that so hard – maybe not bang on about race all the time? Maybe bad things just happen inevitably sometimes, and it’s not always racial hatred or ‘hate crime’ which is the cause of the problem?
Every single MSM title is banging on about the mayor and police commissioner under the title ‘police shooting’, as if these two white ladies shot a policeman.
Here’s my entry for the ‘hypocrisy of the week’ competition.
From BBC London news yesterday evening.
A little girl aged 5 put a table on the pavement and started selling lemonade at some event in the socialist republic of Tower Hamlets. Two council nobodies promptly fined her father for trading without a licence.
Bad enough you might think. But this is biased BBC.
So they then feature a vox pop and sure enough the people interviewed all think rightly that the little girl had been badly treated. The main, nay unanimous opinion chosen for transmission being how bad it is to stifle creativity and entrepreneurialism. We need to encourage business and people like her, don’t we ???
Yep, that was the line peddled by the statist biased BBC, who with their fellow comrades and travellers constantly stigmatise and criticise businesses who dare to make a profit out of their own efforts as greedy and uncaring. How often for example have we heard the bBBC have a go at drug companies who ‘make a profit out of other peoples’ illnesses and misfortune’? So much easier to have £4bn a year handed to you on a plate.
Sluff, you’ve been conned! This is a BBC fake news story. For a start it isn’t ‘new’ and secondly this wasn’t about a lemonade stand in some little girls’s front garden but a table erected by her father in a public space during a festival, which is most likely why there were council enforcement officers about to protect us from rip-off traders.
The other bit that the BBC hasn’t been shouting about is that the father was none other than Professor André Spicer, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Cass Business School, City University, so not exactly your average ‘white van man’ dad! He also writes for The Guardian where he tells us that, ” On the day of the [Brexit] vote I personally didn’t sleep for about 30 hours.” Definitely a shoe-in for the Brexit Bashing Campaign! Somehow I can’t see Mrs. Meerkat’s trading standards officers being any more understanding of a bit of ‘street enterprise’, but then it is quite common for remaniacs to have a blind spot as to how the EU operates so I guess he’s never thought about that.
Posted before but I suspect the whole thing was a set-up possibly even instigated by the BBC. The BBC often fails to report real news but reports Fake News and often creates ” News” itself. A deeply dishonest organisation which must go.
Yes, was mentioned at.
Weirdly Jim, if what you say is true, then my assessment of hypocrisy is no less, and perhaps even more valid.
Sluff – I dont think the BBC is ever bothered about accusations of hypocrisy as it is basically amoral in its approach to all things and basically concentrates on whatever is the “flavour of the week” . I always like to think of this organisation as a blowfly. It is never fussy about what it feeds on – it is just as happy to feed on a warm dog turd as it is on your chicken salad. Unfortunately as it flies around on its business it cant help itself, and ends up tainting everything it touches.
I hope I haven’t put you off your boiled egg and soldiers!
Oaknash, Luckily I had breakfast long before I read your comment. But yours is a very apt analogy. The BBC feeds on anything that will prop up its weak, PeeCee, leftie ideology. The alleged journalists who work for that gigantic turd of an organisation have gone way beyond hypocrisy as they grope for ‘news’ that suits their pathetic agenda.
The blowfly analogy is good but it implies that the BBC has no real purpose. We know that it certainly does have a purpose , it aims to create a Globalist, socialist society in our country. It has been pursuing this strategic aim for decades and has achieved considerable success. Already it has brainwashed large sections of the population into supporting its aims and it has cowed the leadership of any opposition to its strategic aims. It is difficult to see how the aims of the BBC can be thwarted as the screws of liberal left control are being screwed ever tighter and all and any opposition suppressed. But history shows that apparent hegemony can often be overthrown by unexpected events. We can only hope.
Today watch
Albeeb 0800 news ( 10 minutes long )
1 Trump has new spokesman
2 Trump criticised by retired general (those 2 items took 4 minutes
3 drone registration system
4 labour MPs criticise boots over the morning after tablet
5 councils moaning over 900 ‘children'( presumably clean shaven) who are allegedly homeless each month
6 British cycling will lose tax funding if it don’t come more diverse
7 Michael Jacksons monkeys’ alleged paintings for sale.
This from the greatest broadcaster in the world . I know it’s meant to be the silly season
The problem with newspeak, which the Beeb is fluent in, is that it is designed to restrict the range of possible thoughts and opinions. To talk about the nature of the crime epidemic or anything meaningful is thought crime, so they just prattle on about ‘diversity’ and gender, like a child sticking his fingers in his ears and singing a nice song whilst everything crumbles around him.
Top BBC story is ‘surely’ (Alarm!) about a democratic country being controlled (>50%) by a biased media organisation which is funded by threat of prison?
Day 4 … TV Tax Payers request Gary Lineker responds to all people (200,000 in 2013) who have been charged with not paying his wages, sorry I mean the TV Tax, sorry I mean avoiding the TV License, sorry I mean undocumented TV License usage.
Day 3 … TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on TV screen expressing a one sided view of the World.
Day 2 … TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked) : Lineker BBC + Walkers + BT = is he superman?
Day 1 … BBC reveals inflated pay of it’s employees
Compare and contrast this snippet of news I heard on the 0800 news BBC Radio 4 earlier –
Whilst the BBC’s report contains only the name of the officer involved, in BBC fashion, the broader, important elements of the story are omitted for public consumption – in case the listener should think, quite rightly: ‘it is a erratic unpredictable muslim again’. Fake News by omission. This on the very day that BBC Radio 4 broadcast a programme dedicated to ‘Fake News’ (2000 hrs 22.07.17) – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08ylphn – “A Brief History of the Truth”, in which, no doubt, the ‘holier than thou’ BBC will seek to convince an increasingly sceptic listening population that they do not (and never will) indulge in the shocking practice of broadcasting fake news. No, ‘not me guv’ its all the rest of the broadcasters.
One things for sure, the BBC News team wouldn’t know the truth even if it were four-legged and wandered into the BBC headquarters and bit the programme editor on the leg.
You can take the boy out of the BBC, but you can’t… oh, no, you really can’t take him out of the BBC…
I wonder if they gave him another free iPhone for Christmas?
He claims his pay was “Equity rates for writing and performing”
Someone at the BBC thought that this rubbish will inspire people (youngsters especially?) to engage with a sport and get involved:
Someone at the BBC should be sacked.
Preferably Lord Hall after he refuses, having been asked to stop the BBC being a social and political campaigning organisation and to return to working within its Charter obligations by OFCOM.
I was unaware the BBC had any class at all, much less gaps between.
I think that the more education you have the better you are equipped to be in charge of the legal system and political system. Diane Abbott either proves that this is not so, or that UK schooling, at all levels, is failing its Nation in a most fundamental way.
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}
Could you imagine the uproar if this were Tory councillors? The BBC would be giving it non-stop coverage.
Blimey look at this story. Women jurors treat terrorist trial as a good opportunity to go on the pull. Remember all that feminist whingeing about undercover coppers entrapping poor defenceless animal rights nutters?
Followed another story by Guardian author Alice Ross …
Birmingham Islamic school’s gender separation unlawful, court told {theguardian.com – Alice Ross – jul2017}
“In the high court hearings, Al-Hijrah school argued that the gender segregation was one of its defining characteristics, and that the policy was clear to parents who wished to send their children there and to previous Ofsted inspectors, who had never raised it as a concern.
– no mention of this where it (Al-Hijrah, a state-funded, paid with your taxes, Islamic school in Birmingham) derives its ‘defining characteristics’ from?”
“Some pupils told inspectors they had no problem with the segregation (boys mainly? Alice – please dig for answers!), but others (no number, so hard to see how school views this subject. Would be interesting to see if boys want it and girls don’t?) said they would prefer to be allowed to mix with members of the opposite sex, she told the court.”
Text Summary: Islamic x 2; Muslim x 0; Religious x 1; Allah x 0; Christian x 0 ; Imam x 0; God x 0
p.s the story “Juror forced to leave Old Bailey terror trial after asking if detective was single” was a non-story, it should have been about the court case which was more important – mixing trivia with serious news? TriNews – a mix of Real, Fake and Non-News – TriNews!
OK – this is possibly my last post for the weekend, will keep dipping in to read.
I will leave this parting thought …
Yesterday I gave one of my bosses a book about Andrew Breitbart, and said he was unwilling to read the page I had highlighted because “I’m not reading that, that guy (Breitbart) is shit crazy!”.
I thought that if someone was so crazy, related to millions of people, but had created a successful right leaning website and you were given a free book to see into that person’s mind you’d take the chance. I was wrong.
Have a nice weekend. Lefties little minds are closed and there is no way of opening them. They are trapped and, probably , they know it !
Marky, your observation highlights the problem the left-wing mindset has, and one of the tactics they will invariably use to avoid justifying or exposing it.
A normal intelligent person would have examined the article you displayed and given the logic and reason to show why they could not agree with it, if that was the case.
But anybody who has a deep inferiority complex will avoid showing how undeveloped their sense of logic and reason is and resort to any number of techniques, which we here are only too well aware, to counter an argument.
Along with Grant I wish you a pleasant and relaxing weekend 🙂
Spot on. Lefties never grow up, never mature into adults and are eternally sad with no sense of humour and no sense of irony. They are imbeciles.
Grant, clearly they are handicapped.
The difficult thing for us is to understand the cause for their deficiency.
It’s clear that our education system, together with less time invested by parents in raising their children, has a lot to do with it. Especially if the parents themselves are not free and independent thinkers to begin with.
Unless we can find the causes, and then the possible solutions, then violence would appear to be the ultimate recourse, as history has shown time and time again.
I really wish and hope we can find a better solution.
11:30am R4 FooC : Clare Marshall (Environment Correspondent for BBC News)
“The Arctic is melting twice as fast as the rest of the planet”
‘Here we are in an Inuit cellar storage area and it’s melting, and it’s never done that before’
The old man says ‘all the old signs we used to read the ice can’t be trust any more’
CM ‘Down the road is a lab, the scientist likens climate change to a runaway car’
Her twitter feed is the usual retweeting of LibMob fantasies
(The first page mentions Cox 25 times)
eg she retweeted this DougParr of Greenpeace tweet
Surely such uncritical retweeting does imply endorsement and is therefore not IMPARTIAL
The linked article then says
“If you wanted to power the entire United States with solar panels, it would take a fairly small corner of Nevada or Texas or Utah; you only need about 100 miles by 100 miles of solar panels to power the entire United States,” Musk said during his keynote conversation on Saturday at the event in Rhode Island. “The batteries you need to store the energy, so you have 24/7 power, is 1 mile by 1 mile. One square-mile.”
Bottomline if such solar projects worked WITHOUT massive subsidies private biz would have already done it
In the real world Google’s Ivanpah solar project went so wrong the US gov had to write off a $500million loan to the project.
And it uses an hours worth of natural gas each day to “warm up”
Here we are in the middle of summer and I have just completed my rounds and checks for the shift and noted that the outside temp point indicates a temp. of 11.4 Deg C.
Global warming my @rse.
As we all know George Orwell inspired by his time at the odious BBC wrote “1984” and it seems that George Orwell’s time at the odious BBC must have inspired him to write “Animal Farm” The more the truth comes out about the bloated and unjustified salaries the BBC wastes on its talking head so-called stars it seems so to me.
Seems quite likely the term ‘Big Brother’ was inspired by BB -C
Good writing JF