So President Trump talks about cutting a really good trade deal with the UK ANNNNND….the BBC wants to talk about chlorinated Chickens. Yup, that bad. So BMW announce a major investment in Mini plant in Oxford and the BBC wheels along an academic hack to tell us that the batteries for said vehicle will be made in Germany! No agenda there folks, no way! Anywhere this is where you detail the BIAS!
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Great to hear the 30 minute advert for electric cars on the Jeremy Swine Show this lunchtime.
Oh yes.
And someone rabbiting on how wonderful his £60,000 Tesla is.
I am sure every working class person in this country will be rushing out to buy one.
Or would that just be reserved for the privileged champagne socialist elitists like Jeremy and his friends.
Lots of publicity on these electric cars (why do I keep picturing Noddy cars ?) , but there is never a mention of how much it is to recharge. I mean, what does a full battery recharge cost ? anyone know ? or is it free. (ha!)
Charging an electric car at home costs about £3.00 for a full charge or 2p per mile. Average overnight electricity rate is 10p per kWh, which means charging your car for as little as 2p per mile. Fully charging a 30kW Nissan LEAF will cost about £3.00 and give you about 150 miles of range. Rapid charging points in more urban locations can cost up to £7.20 for 30 minutes use. The motorway networks have coverage for most journeys. Many locations currently have free charging, but that will most likely change.
With fuel tax revenues possibly falling this looks likely to be a target for tax in the future.
I think a re-charge can be pennies at home on the network, davylars. £3 seems excessive to me in relation to a total bill. I have a notion that 4p or 6p is a ball-park figure (that may be per hour) but I’m fairly sure I got that from a car company brochure. I think a Mandy Rice-Davies-style “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” is appropriate here.
As to taxation, how will you identify electricity used for a car re-charge from electricity used for lighting or the washing machine? Electricity is non-discriminating, is it not?
Vehicle taxation is heading toward zero. It is inevitable. What the change to electric & hybrid vehicles will demonstrate is that a country that does it quickly will find an incredible boost to their economy. Especially the UK, who took it to excess. Vehicle transport taxation has badly damaged the UK’s economic performance and competitiveness over nearly fifty years now. We were stupid to do it but politicians and Civil Servants go for quick fixes without thinking through the full implications.
There is no alternative but to start switching transport taxes back to income, both personal and/or corporate. If the Conservatives are really smart, they will start this autumn but I do not hold out much hope in the current circumstances.
“If the Conservatives are really smart”
I think I have identified a flaw in your argument.
RiC, I think you may have guessed it was a deliberate rider!
I think political strategists would argue that in their current situation, the Conservatives need to demonstrate, EU exit negotiations notwithstanding, that they are capable of government, are thinking carefully about government and what is best for the nation and are in the business of government not for short-term political advantage but for the benefit of everyone.
In a hole, the Conservatives tend to grab for something they think ‘worthy’ but is relatively inconsequential. They have chosen messing around with gender, or, I suspect, that Theresa May has chosen it. It is that, despite some other worthy initiatives, that has grabbed the headlines & my memory. Can’t think of the other thing they announced that WAS worthwhile. It will come back to me.
David Cameron demonstrated this bad Tory habit as well. Big Society? I wonder what happened to that?
Brexit apart, the Tories problems this year started with the Budget and the NI changes & pension triple-lock proposal/rumour. Hammond messed up badly. Or did he? Was it the PM’s back-office that caused it? We may never know. It appears BBC journalists are not at all interested into really digging into what is going on in the Conservative Party.
Then they added more woe with the late manifesto that contained the commitments that cost them their majority. A couple of those were tax related.
Add to all that that the UK tax code is far too large and much too complex and you have a prime candidate for a policy initiative. A sensible measure for the present Government to tackle would be the start of major tax reform. They need it for National Insurance and pensions, they need to find increased NHS funding, it will be needed for Inheritance Tax and end of life care and it is needed now to replace transport taxation which is already and only ever going to be a declining source of revenue in future.
They need a big project that will take them beyond 2022, one where they can quickly demonstrate some credibility and responsibility. This is what John Major failed to find in 1992/1993 and he became a lame duck Prime Minister for a fully elected term.
If Theresa May really wants to be PM and if Philip Hammond really wants to be Chancellor (with a shot at the PM job sometime) they need something like this.
Will it occur to them? I don’t know. Will they listen if advised to take it on? I don’t know.
I suspect the Cabinet is divided, that the plotting will continue, Theresa May will become more determined and desperate and that Hammond will be facing enticements to sabotage Brexit.
They need a unifying ‘project’ to take them out of all that.
On past form, I do not hold out any hope.
I do not have any hope for them either.
They have no mandate for the petrol car ban, yet already the Greens are complaining it does not go far enough. You will never please these people, they are an eternal pressure group, and need their grievances to survive.
A government with a bit of vision might try and reform the tax system, which is grotesque. Why do we have income tax, employees’ NI and employers’ NI? They should be combined, and people should see that their tax rate is in fact 45%, not 20%.
Why do we put up with inheritance tax at 40%? Everybody hates it. In 2007 George Osborne pulled off a political masterstroke (possibly his first and last) when he proposed raising the threshold to £1 million. Yet in all his years as Chancellor, he never did.
A government which genuinely believed in smaller, simpler government would find an energy and popularity it never imagined existed. But the tired bunch of losers at the top of the Conservative Party will never do that. They are dull, unimaginative people who, as the saying goes, are in office, but not in power.
How did a communist lunatic like Jeremy Corbyn get 40% of the vote in the general election? He was fighting mush, and he offered hope. It was false hope, we know that, but at least he gave his supporters a reason to vote for him, however deluded they may have been. Theresa May offered nothing then, and she offers nothing now.
All politicians have a 5 year vision…nothing beyond that. The health of our nation is far too vital to leave to fly-by-night, flitting, prejudiced creatures like them. We need a national body that is non-political and not dominated by big business and other vested interests that can set out a future for us regarding industry, infrastructure etc,,,All politicians must listen to this body, argue out the pro’s and cons and concentrate on essentials. Take the HST nonsense…..i wrote to my MP in 1976, post drought, and proposed a huge, civil engineering project to pipe water from saturated Scotland to all the reservoirs south, a huge pipe with branches off, pumping stations, and all designed to keep our supply topped up. It would take a few years to build, plus new reservoirs….but an essential part of our infrastructure…HST is not, period. Given the absurd and ridiculous increase in population thanks to useless politicians, water shortages are only just round the corner. Will we ever get leaders capable of action and not words?
What conservative party? All I see and hear is socialism with all its flaws. Taxes on everything, even on Insurance, made worse because by Law you must insure any motor vehicle. now we have the gender or not shambles especially from the Greening, is she not minister for education? Perhaps she could go out and get some education herself, it would seem to be important. Then we have my MP burbling on about “mental health” in school children and he an ex primary School teacher. I am not surprised and can think of two or three reasons, lack of discipline at home and in school, sitting around a flat table, no focus on the Teacher and having to write on a flat surface, then being ordered to teach young pupils about sex and gender, two only, male and female end off. In addition, the bright pupils get ignored and so rebel, the poor get little genuine idea of education. All started back in the early 50s by the so called Labour Party.
I’ve spotted three.. Conservative, really, and smart. None of the three aforementioned exist!
I think your confusing the (per hour) with per mile.
Night time electricity is about 10per kw. A Nissan Leaf takes 30kw. Do the maths.
A Renault Zoe takes less, whilst a Tesla can be a whopping 85kw – £8.50
Also as quoted further down “smart meters” are the elephant in the room here.
They know what your doing. It’s in the name.
There is, of course, the monstrous ‘smart metering’ that has the clear objective (but not admitted by government) to allow the control of domestic supply to homes. When our once perfectly managed National Grid finds it cannot supply electricity to everyone from sunshine, windiness, pellets shipped expensively from the US and, ironically, the huge STOR diesel farms, we’ll discover that car charging points frequently cannot be used at times of our choosing.
That is exactly right. So-called “smart meters” are in fact meters which can be run from a central location, and adjusted to suit power output. They are necessary for a future where power is produced by intermittent sources such as so-called renewables.
Smart meters allow Big Brother to control how much electricity you receive, so as to satisfy the demands of the “green” energy lobby. Another reason not to touch them with a barge pole.
RiC, as they (the SMs) consume electricity and require energy & cause emissions in their manufacture, transport AND installation, they are neither green nor smart!
It’s even worse than that. Each kind of appliance creates a unique signature in the way it uses electricity and smart meters can detect everything you are using at any particular time.
That means that your usage can be constantly monitored in every detail.
The ultimate aim of the authorities, using the power companies to carry out what is necessary meaning they take the blame and not politicians, is that when power supply is low the smart meters can be used to switch off appliances which are considered not to be time sensitive.
Washing machine on at teatime, dinner for those who call that their evening meal, cut it’s power to protect the grid and turn it back on after midnight when power usage is low. Those filthy clothes you kids suddenly produced at nine o’clock which they desperately need for school tomorrow, tough, the ecofreaks have decided their demands are far more important than the your family so your kids will just have to suffer the consequences of not having the right clothes ready at school tomorrow.
Even worse there are those in the renewable energy fanatics who are of the opinion that all those electric cars whose batteries are attached to their charging points can be turned into an untapped source of available electricity which can be used to top up the grid at times of peak demand to prevent power cuts.
The car will then continue to be charged overnight ready for you to use it to go to work in the morning.
These morons, living in their own simplistic dream worlds, obviously believe everybody only works from eight to four, Monday to Friday and at no other time. Set off for a night shift at 9 PM, oops, car battery drained to top up the grid for the peak evening power usage, no work for you tonight.
If all that sounds fanciful then think what your reaction would have been if somebody here had said that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars would be banned from 2040. That too would have been ridiculed as pure fantasy.
And these are the things the bBBC push fanatically all because they have decided that “The science is settled” and all this is necessary to save the world.
Not only car battery charging, everything electric will be shut down, an act that a few years ago would have been illegal, as would juggling with the frequency and voltage.
Bet your bottom dollar they will be included in a form of road taxing. With tax revenue on diesel & petrol taking a nosedive revenue will have to come from elsewhere. Take wild guess from where.
It varies from free to not much.
Using the same means that housing becomes ‘affordable’.
Paul Mason can explain.
Last week it was Euratom and the synthesised fears that Christies hospital in Manchester would no longer get radiotherapy drugs etc.
This week its chlorine in the chickens.
When will the powers that be-those who serve democracy and not the global conspiracy creeps like Gina Miller and George Soros, Heseltine and Umunna-realise that what makes the liberal agenda by way of news has GOT to be tagged and looked at?
There are so many stories in the world-and I want balance, a broad range of them. I am sick of Leveson type witch-hunts, and endless efforts to wrap us in bindweed as Islam runs riot and the EU run off with our money and our means of defending ourselves.
We`re beyond BBC Bias although (after the scandals of what we pay these chimps of privilege)- we need to look at how the BBC has infiltrated Sky, RT,ITV-what other reasons are there for this monoculture of non-stories to trash Trump and thwart Brexit?
I myself lob Channel 4 and the Guardian in with the BBC bias checks…add CNN etc and you`ve got the worldwide conspiracy against the chavs, the lower orders who dare to want their country back.
None voted for the bbc unless you count the compulsory ‘vote’ of having a license.
Very much voting in the sense of China or the USSR.
I thought according to the Beeb we wouldn’t be able to trade with Germany after Brexit? Never mind, the Minis could use wind power – or petrol.
Trump is so clever using Twitter as he controls the agenda and the narrative.
Before, the media had the power and all manner of dirty tricks to trap thought criminals like Trump: confection of outrage; selective editing (such as when they made it look like he had insulted a disabled person, when that mocking gesture Trump did he does to all sorts of people); agenda-led questioning. From an hour-long press conference, they would show on the news the moment Trump got angry at reporters to make out he is deranged, when who would not be angry after a lurid and spurious story about urinating prostitutes had been pushed by the media. The BBC journalist at that press conference asked Trump if he would consider his position! Trump’s smacked down the naughty toddler brilliantly. “They can’t so I won’t.”
Now the media have to follow his tweets. You can see them seething with outrage as it has emasculated them. Worse than that, by over-reacting they tend to shoot themselves in the feet – look how CNN reacted to his hilarious wrestling meme. He is confusing and discomforting his opponents. He is using the sort of tricks the left has used for years.
I am pretty sure there is an element of trolling to his transgender Tweet. He knows it will tie the Libtards in knots.
God I love Trump. So great to see the PC bullies finally getting a taste of their own medicine. They do not like it up them.
BBC news …. the economy won’t be the blockbuster we want to see. Another stab at Brexit …. amazing.
Hmm …….. a forecast on bbc WS – The EU will out perform the US and UK. No reasons given but we should prepare to be amazed – or not.
Old Trumpy has done it again, this time lashed out in spite at transgenders, what a bastard, no armed forces trannys. all because of his fued with sessions cos he liked tranny’s when he ran for office, all just to make his populist supporters happier, aren’t ignorant hicks just bastards.some people eh.
Sturgon says its a disgrace, and all highland brigades are staying in skirts.
Funny ”the health care drama” they mean his victory over obarmy care, and theyve gloated over the blocking of his plans for months
Their list of what has trump said he would do, and hasnt done so far, must be fairly short now the smug bastards.
Why now? With the Trump administration being buffeted by the Jeff Sessions political death watch, the ongoing multi-prong investigation into the Trump campaign, the healthcare drama in the Senate and the impending Russian sanctions bill, perhaps the administration decided this was a good time to change the subject and rally conservative forces to his side.
Republicans have long used cultural issues as a wedge to divide Democrats and energise evangelicals. As one White House insider acknowledged, this is straight out of that playbook. While Mr Trump campaigned as sympathetic to LGBT rights, he needs the traditional religious conservatives to stay loyal to him now, more than ever.
His populist supporters won’t consider this a top issue, but the president needs more than just his die-hard loyalists in his corner, particularly if he’s going to stoke intraparty discord by continuing to feud with Mr Sessions.
The Transgender issue in the US forces is a massive one. Costs could be enormous.
This is the opening paragraph of one survey.
MILITARY MEDICINE, 181, 3:193, 2016
Ethics and Transgender Service Members,
Dependents, and Retirees
Edmund Howe, MD, JD
It is estimated that the military currently has approximately
15,500 transgender service members.1 It has indicated it will
soon be accepting openly transgendered members, as it
accepted homosexual members a few years ago.
The report goes on to discuss in detail what is involved and one can conclude that it would involve a massive restructuring of the US military. Not the same as recognising equal rights for gays.
This is not a case of Trump choosing a topic to attract support from traditional Republican sources. It is about the future and functionality of the US military
Very true. For an American transgenderist, joining the armed forces is a good way to get “gender reassignment” without having to pay for it. The American taxpayer might think that they are paying for a strong defence, but if the Democrats have their way, they will be paying for sex changes!
Lots of issues, and not all good. For instance, a ‘proper’ woman in the ‘female’ showers and in walks an extremely well built naked man, but he’s transgenderising, nudge nudge wink wink a few screams, but that’s ok then. A ‘proper’ man in the ‘proper’ male showers and in walks a very shapely naked woman, but she’s transgenderising, er, chaos.
On some things the US are insane: Bradley Manning had a sex change whilst an inmate in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth. WTF!
Exactly and I see that the BBC decided to include a tweet from the very same transgender traitor.
Good on Trump for doing this. This ending of appeasing to mental conditions and latest fads when someone else is having to pay for it makes complete sense. The military needs to concentrate on the defence of the realm rather than playing gender politics.
Having had to work with a transgender person who, once they declared they were transgender, were so obsessed with their own gender issues, they were no longer able to do their job. If even half of the transgenders in the US services are in a similar state, it will affect the US services effectiveness.
A few years back, we took the boy to see the Chinese terracotta army at the BM. Whilst madam and friend went shopping, I took the boy to forbidden Planet before meeting up at the BM. As we walked across the top of Trafalgar square, a man dressed in silver shorts ,fairy wings and silver roller skates was doing his best to be noticed. I had to explain to a 12 year old why a man was virtually naked (The shorts were really short) dressed as a fairy in the middle of London.
Probably worked for the BBC = Artistic Output Director I reckon
Probably worked for the BBC = Artistic Output Director I reckon
Was it Evan Davis by any chance?
If even half of the transgenders in the US services are in a similar state
What, both of them, you mean?
What is the cost, to the tax payer, of a single transgender operation?
How long will a transgender be unable to protect their country, the tax payer, whilst they are transitioning?
What are the common complications after a transgender operation, which will be a future cost to the tax payer?
What other countries have done this with success?
Will this be the new normal in the US Army? …
“Iraqi Soldiers Fleeing ISIS Claim They Were ‘Abandoned’ by Senior Officers” {vice jun2014}
Some of the 30,000 Iraqi soldiers who retreated as a much smaller force of Sunni militants overran Iraq’s second largest city of Mosul last week told VICE News that they fled after being “abandoned” by their commanders.
Many sought refuge in the Iraqi Kurdistan capital of Erbil 50 miles east.
… what will be the final cost or tragedy?
“15,500 transgender service members”; “involve a massive restructuring of the US military”. Can 1.21% of the full time military staff have that effect on the whole? [or, 0.74 if you include reservists]. Don’t think so somehow.
Has anybody on here commented on this yet? I’ve been away for a day or two so I may have missed it.
Lobster ,
No I don’t think it’s been mentioned. Perhaps they could off shore the rest of al Beeb to somewhere like North Korea where they can give propaganda tips.
You have to admit the pure genius – a company which makes a nice profit on top of its compulsory tax funding and furnishes luxury lifestyles, jobs for life and juicy pensions for numerous employees – while using it’s ill gotten funding to drive it’s perverted agenda. Utterly obscene.
But what will our government do about it ?
Let me translate – we are going to fire British workers to free up the cash to overpay our women as much as we overpay our men. TIMETOSTOPTHETVTAX.
Yeah, when they phone you i cant even pronounce your name correctly, they never get the punchline either when you take the piss.
Day 8 …. TV Tax Payers request all expenses and claims for employees above 80K are shown
Tomorrow … Day 9 …. TV Tax Payers request all employees above 80K respond to ‘is it work toy force money out of people to pay your wages?’
all 13 days
I see the bBC has knocked out its daily ‘Muslims can only be victims’ article:
US Muslims: Survey suggests nearly half suffer discrimination
Almost half of Muslims in the US say they have experienced discrimination in the past year, a study by the Pew Research Center suggests.
And how did the Pew come to this conclusion, why they phoned 1001 Muslims up, they reported:
“Half of those they spoke to said it had become harder to be a Muslim in the US in recent years, while 48% said they had personally experienced discrimination in the past year. The most common form of discrimination cited was being treated with suspicion (32% of those the researchers spoke to), followed by being singled out by airport security (19%), being called offensive names (18%), being singled out by law enforcement (10%) and being physically threatened or attacked (6%).”
So 320 people didn’t like getting stopped at the airport, 100 said they had been stopped by Chief Wiggum. and only 60 said they had been physically threatened or attacked (which is 60 too many in my book. Now compare those figures when compared to anti-Semitism:
The Jewish civil rights group’s annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents found 541 reported anti-Semitic incidents in the first four months of the current year, including 380 episodes of harassment, 161 bomb threats to Jewish institutions and 155 cases of anti-Jewish vandalism.
In fact Anti-Semitism is on the rise across the Western world, funny enough the Uk has seen a huge rise, with Scotland showing the highest. That was reported 10 days ago. Anybody see the bBC mention that, nah. Gee I wonder if its because the people who are behind the rise in Anti-Semitism are also the ones whom the bBC promotes as eternal victims. But hey this is the bBC , they can only promote the ‘ROP’™ as responsible citizens who are much better than white trailer trash. so they come out with this:
“Muslims were more likely to condemn terrorism than the general US population.”
why as the bBC is on a roll they even come out with this statement:
“US Muslims’ views on homosexuality have changed in the last decade. This year, more than half (52%) said society should accept homosexuality – up from 27% in 2007.””
Funny, why the bBC doesn’t ask Muslims what should be done with gay people. Maybe they could could get a Muslim to ask Chelsea Manning.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam
Very revealing Moral Maze tonight on the “gender gap”. It was meant to be about the BBCs pay scandal-but the likes of Giles Fraser are well able to steer the hot potatoes into a safe mashup for the comfortable.
So obvious-and I do wonder when I give to Oxfam how and why I`m paying for fake feminists without an original thought in their heads. Clearly these people just have to invent new grievances to keep themselves at the public teat. All the lefties spoke of is “structural gender bias”-like institutional racism I guess.
Why 96 nothings get paid obscene amounts of money hardly cropped up-the Left damp it all down and think we critics are subconsciously sexist or mean.
Classic Lefty tactics-but we know them now.
And all major issues safely parked for another time. I knew it would be a stitch up when Melanie Phillips wasn`t on the panel.
These days Oxfam is like a trust fund for social justice warriors. They get nothing from me.
It’s weird to see parallels on either side of the pond . The anti Trump campaign and the anti brexit campaign . On and on. Both against orthodoxy both looking for a change from the comfortable normal and both in their way seeking to drain the swamp.
Each creates the next threat to their enemy – Russia for Trump and clorinated chicken for brexit.
The other thing these will do is fail .
Al beeb has apologised on air after the head of Pimlico plumbing called Corbyn a “twat” on the world at one.
Now I thought the term “twat” meant “idiot” so why the instant apology and front of The Guardian website . ? Does twat mean something else to al beeb or are they so scared of Corbyn.
Yet when bBC reporters called the Health sec a female sex organ, why its then deemed a slip of the tongue which can be washed away with a titter.
Fedup, I made that mistake when I was a child (thinking that ‘twat’ meant ‘idiot, when I meant to say twit), and used the term in front of my father who severely reprimanded me – this was circa 1958 when I was 10. He didn’t explain to me at the time why it was a rude word, but I discovered years later it was equivalent to the c…… word.
Waiting for the vajazzled twerp that is Nick Robinson to extricate himself from the Labour fundament long enough to go full NaughtieMarr in solidarity with his other senior millionaire colleagues.
Envy of the world.
Well, the one that exists in small room in W1A
The onset of the internet has meant that traditional media is losing control of the masses.
The propaganda promulgated by Al Beeb and the MSM is becoming more transparent. The once trusted Al Beeb with its ‘impartial news’ has now become the present day ‘Comical Ali’ . Just look at its daily pro EU and Anti Brexit stance – its defending the indefensible.
The old media will have to seriously up their game if they do not want to become extinct. They do little more than read out press releases from government and other trusted sources and the amount of things they simply do not report on is obscene. We all know the very clear and present dangers we all face, but watching Al Beeb you’d think we were all holding hands harmoniously dancing around a rainbow and that the only thing we had to worry about was enduring another micro-aggression from Trump. To just ignore all the real issues is not only lazy but outright treachery.
The alternative media is just so much better in almost every way. Anything goes – none of the desiccating straitjacket of political correctness. Look at the fantastic amount of time and effort the people who create these anti CNN memes put in. I just watched one about Hitler/CNN in his bunker shouting about losing a culture war, saying that people would place more trust in a monkey high on bath salts than they would in the MSM. When was the last time I laughed so hard at something on the BBC? Instead we get patronising crap like that abomination Citizen Khan; they have to shoehorn their politics into everything – it must be worse than Stalinist Russia. “Look – Muslims forget to pay the gas bill like everyone else! Everything is going to be ok!” Lo and behold we have three atrocities in as many months. Or that predictably dire ‘Mash Report’, hosted by an annoying comic who got the gig solely based on the colour of his skin, which jokes about the gender pay gap and Trump being a baddie for the seven billionth time. How hilarious!
I also like that on Youtube you are enriching little people who get money through adverts. I don’t want to give those sneering luvvie c**ts a penny. The creators make a real effort and they are normal people without an agenda. The algorithm is brilliant as Youtube knows exactly what videos to recommend. Who would watch some Sunday morning nonsense on BBC 1 called ‘The Big Questions’ – which you just know will be so manipulated and PC it will make your blood boil – when instead you can watch stuff tailored to fit your personal tastes on Youtube? Who’d watch SJWs virtue signal rather than all Messi’s goals from last season? Plus there is no nepotism or jobs for the boys: if your work is crap, nobody will watch it.
It’s like Myspace, which was popular before Facebook came along. Then Facebook landed and MySpace was abandoned because Facebook was so much better. Perhaps a better analogy is a Porsche versus a horse and carriage.
The internet is such a triumph for the people. The ancient Greeks would have loved it as it enables everyone to take part in civic life.
The old media will have to seriously up their game if they do not want to become extinct. They do little more than read out press releases from government and other trusted sources and the amount of things they simply do not report on is obscene. We all know the very clear and present dangers we all face, but watching Al Beeb you’d think we were all holding hands harmoniously dancing around a rainbow and that the only thing we had to worry about was enduring another micro-aggression from Trump. To just ignore all the real issues is not only lazy but outright treachery.
The alternative media is just so much better in almost every way. Look at the fantastic amount of time and effort the people who create these anti CNN memes put in. I just watched one about Hitler/CNN in his bunker shouting about losing a culture war, saying that people would place more trust in a monkey high on bath salts than they would in the MSM. When was the last time I laughed so hard at something on the BBC? Instead we get patronising crap like that abomination Citizen Khan; they have to shoehorn their politics into everything – it must be worse than Stalinist Russia. “Look – Muslims forget to pay the gas bill like everyone else! Everything is going to be ok!” Lo and behold we have three atrocities in as many months. Or that predictably dire ‘Mash Report’, hosted by an annoying comic who got the gig solely based on the colour of his skin, which jokes about the gender pay gap and Trump being a baddie for the seven billionth time. How hilarious!
I also like that on Youtube you are enriching little people who get money through adverts. I don’t want to give those sneering luvvie c**ts a penny. The creators make a real effort and they are normal people without an agenda. The algorithm is brilliant as Youtube knows exactly what videos to recommend. Who would watch some Sunday morning nonsense on BBC 1 called ‘The Big Questions’ – which you just know will be so manipulated and PC it will make your blood boil – when instead you can watch stuff tailored to fit your personal tastes on Youtube? Who’d watch SJWs virtue signal rather than all Messi’s goals from last season? Plus there is no nepotism or jobs for the boys: if your work is crap, nobody will watch it.
It’s like Myspace, which was popular before Facebook came along. Then Facebook landed and MySpace was abandoned because Facebook was so much better. Perhaps a better analogy is a Porsche versus a horse and carriage.
The internet is such a triumph for the people. The ancient Greeks would have loved it as it enables everyone to take part in civic life.
BBC Europe’s summer of elections … mentions employment, left and right parties, democracy but nothing on schengen and immigration.
Was it Douglas Murray said 5000 immigrants turning up everyday on shores of Italy, a number to be forgotten.
Something else that the BBC (& the Western Mail) will ignore.
Rhif Saith- Number 7
Time to get rid of the Great Welsh White Elephant – The Welsh Assembly.
Referendum anyone?
I see the bBC has its knickers in a twist over how President Trump has said no to the trans-formation of the US miltary . Here is a vision from the past on how the bBC saw the where the Army should go:
They must be from the ‘Queen’s Regiment’?
Wonderful the way the MSM is expanding the numbers of transgendered individuals in the US forces: 4000, 6000, 10000, 15000… no, there aren’t. We are talking about 1/2 dozen, max. I bet there aren’t that many in the Russian and Chinese militaries…
Come on Trump. If there were no trannies in the British Army we’d never have had this lot:
The otherday Rashan Jermaine Charles, who died after swallowing his drugs cashe on getting nicked was portrayed as a hero of the resistance by the bBC against the white racist British system. Funny enough they did likewise when Edir Frederico Da Costa died a month befoe for doing the same thing. In the eyes of the bBC, black men can only be victims. and they have no problem promoting that view, Yet when blackmen carry out murders, shootings and rapes, why its just bad luck for the victims:
CCTV shows wife fight off robbers as husband shot
What a ridiculous policy banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in 2040.
Surely the whole diesel debacle where govts encouraged us all to buy them over petrol cars before realising that they were actually worse polluters is proof that cockhanded green pleasing policies don’t always work.
Don’t even get me started on 2040 the only thing is if I’m still alive I will be 80 so not driving very much. No mention of the pollution that will be caused by generating the vast amounts of electricity needed. Capacity that we don’t have. Until then I’m about to buy another V6 car and put a two stroke motorcycle on the Road to put in as much mileage as I can while I still can. I wonder when the hydrogen filled solar powered airships are taking over from conventional aircraft or if it’d just us motorists taking the shite as usual.
Taken for a ride we will be.
2040 ? I’ll be long dead, but we’ll be a Muslim country by then, and it will be camel racing up the weed strewn M1, mark my words.
Perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of this whole farce is the studious avoidance of mentioning aircraft, trains, lorries and vans – but banning cars will solve the problem. Sheesh.
On breakfast the geezer from the AA mentioned Southampton had an issue at the docks with the diesel engines on the cruise ships. So are they going back to sail power? Also does that run to military vehicles. “We can’t advance, or retreat Sir, the vehicle is on a two hour charge.”
Dunkirk 2 – The Twonedin Line
Beltane, you forgot shipping. Shipping is exclusively oil burning, I think, and I cannot provide details but remember news received via the BBC about a study some ten to twelve years ago that shipping emissions are the ‘dirtiest’ on the planet.
Ah, you noticed Up2. I hadn’t forgotten, just studiously avoided mentioning the worst offender in line with government policy.
Beltane, LOL x 3. Some great humour on here the last few days. You are so right on that one.
Danger may come when the in-a-mess LibMob realise their situation and do something desperate (to Brexit?) as a distraction, perhaps.
Why not ban cycles on the road? That would improve traffic flow and reduce pollution and it would stop cyclists self-harming by exercising on the roads. Win-win.
Action in 2040 is just wishful thinking anyway. I wonder where all the electricity will come from, or perhaps only certain people will be allowed to drive, like those on BBC salaries.
Banning technologies like the internal combustion engine is daft and not the ‘modern’ way of setting standards. Instead they should set limits for emissions and leave it to engineers to determine the appropriate technology. For instance a diesel engine running on an oxygen/carbon dioxide mix, (the carbon dioxide acting as a ‘filler’ gas), can’t produce NOx pollutants, no nitrogen in, no nitrogen out. But that is a bit like rocket science!
Jim, cycling should not be discouraged although I am well aware that modernising Asian nations [that is south-east Asian nations not the other sort 😉 ] have had to place restrictions on their use because of the congestion caused. I declare an interest here; I use a bicycle as well as a car.
One of the major problems in London (apologies for being capital-centric but it is the city I know best) is cycle lanes AND bad road surfaces. Both are major disincentives for cycling as well as causing increases in vehicle emissions. The cycle lanes have dangerous layouts and also force faster cyclists onto the road because slower cyclists clog the cycle lanes. Add bus lanes, speed tables/bumps and other road layout changes and congestion you will find is not caused by vehicles but by politicians, Civil Servants and so-called experts.
Government should have made road surfaces a priority to reduce emissions and also to make cycling safe but they listened to the wrong people and acted on poor advice
Quite how an economist could advise government that removing road space while increasing road population would improve traffic flow I will never understand. Being counter-intuitive with some aspects of economics is very important but in this case of actual physical objects, two into one just will not go.
That is why economics is a science as well as an art.
Ending the sale of petrol or diesel cars by 2040 is an absolutely massive thing.
I seem to remember that we had a general election a couple of months ago, and this was not mentioned in any party manifesto. We did not vote on it, there is no mandate for it. It is obviously some sort of Euro stitch-up, because the French have just announced exactly the same policy.
It’s almost as if our Deep State don’t think we will really be leaving the EU. Shame on Michael Gove for allowing himself to be the talking head announcing a policy for which he has no democratic mandate.
Rob, the BBC carried the results recently of a study by a Canadian Professor (Uni of Toronto?) that suggested that oil will no longer be used for vehicle fuel in eight years time. That is not just an end to new diesel & petrol car sales in 2040 (with existing ones carrying on as before) but an end to total petrol or diesel use (other than, I presume, classic car, van, lorry and bus use) in one third of the French and UK Government’s time frame.
I think that estimate might be little on the short side and thirteen to fifteen years might be more likely. In London apparently the recent media interest in diesel emissions plus the utterances of politicians have significantly moved the new car market away from diesel to petrol and hybrid and/or electric cars. The shift has been at least 10% and upward if my memory is correct.
That is before any extra taxes have been applied.
Quite where they will find the money from to convert the bus fleet, I do not know, but UK wide that is a massive undertaking. That’s before taxis and minicabs come into the equation, then there’s the long distant van & lorry fleet to be ‘converted’. Again, if my memory serves me well, cars only account for about a quarter of the emissions in London, if that.
This car move could be the trigger of an economic crash and it may ultimately involve our banks thanks to how new vehicles are currently being purchased.
Payne, I’m not sure that nitrous oxide emissions are the villain here anyway. In London I cannot say I have noticed a deleterious change to air quality over a quarter of a century. Obviously on some days – with particular and relatively unique weather conditions – there would be a noticeable ‘pong’ and some irritation to my bronchial tubes and/or lungs.
If anything, I would say over that time period that the air in London has slightly improved despite the plague of speed tables/bumps, poor road surfaces and other disastrous changes (increasing congestion) that have been made by Local Authorities and the GLA to road layouts which have all increased emissions, whether carbon or nitrogen based.
The fact that fuel is taxed, heavily taxed, means that there is always an incentive for Government, whether local or national, to do everything they can to not reduce vehicle emissions and instead increase road travel.
That gravy train is eventually going to be derailed by the very excuse used by many politicians for the fuel duties.
Panic is, I think, just starting to set in with that realisation.
I would suggest that is possibly or probably why nitrogen based emissions have become a sudden problem. Prior to that, the real concern with diesel and petrol fuels for respiratory health were particulates. These ARE a problem, I have been led to understand, for those who have breathing problems, particularly for those diagnosed with asthma.
Just had a thought. What if research showed it was London’s high levels of cooked spices filling the air doing all the damage. What then?
Beltane, I can remember when the former spice warehouses in Southwark docklands were initially taken over for housing redevelopment. The air around was thick with wonderful smells for months. If I recall correctly, some of the workers inside the buildings were hospitalised with breathing difficulties because the companies they worked for had not fully realised what they were dealing with and how powders infiltrate infrastructure.
Another statistic not reported by the bBC:
‘Muslims make up 42% of population’ at high-security jail
Only when they make up 100% will it be truly ‘diverse’.
What’s that you say, like a French prison? Sir, behave yourself!
Sort of a ‘Go straight to’ zone in Monopoly terms?
Electric cars just might happen, but, it wont happen because of CO2, as co2 wont be on the endangerment list.
Pruitt is quite cute, he successfully un-tangled co2 from climate change, politics has conflated to many issues, and his focus is on understanding the co2 molecule its purpose and effect in our atmosphere.
The science is being scrutinised by a red and blue team panel set-up.
Ofcourse the establishment Mann Trenbreth Jones Schmidt et al think it is insulting the expertise of blind expert peer review which has worked fine for many decades.
Now they claim 9 out of 10 scientists say climate change is real etc etc, and giving science deniers equal weight is just plain wrong, they are smug insulting bastards calling world renowned physicists as as ”science” deniers.
Muddying the waters hand-waving climate change, deliberately obscuring the fact that the science is only focusing CO2 and its reclassification from pollutant to none pollutant, with the rest of the clean air act standing intact,……………..with out co2 being a pollutant, climate change industry really hasn’t a leg to stand on.
Clever, just going after co2 alone, but theres only pretend science behind co2 effecting the atmosphere negatively.
None of it is denying CC is ”real” ………….. but without a greenhouse mechanism, the shysters are stuffed, they have to explain their fraudulent data another way, Indian elephant farts maybe.
It looks like the Hockey (Hookey?) Stick’s M. Mann may have two problem with his court cases and may have to produce his raw data to the courts. My understanding of science is that you have to do this to support your hypothesis instead of continuously lobbying gullible politicians and national broadcasters.
PS. Anybody heard from ‘Professor’ Jones recently, with his ‘the dog ate my homework’ reference to his raw data during the Climategate Enquiry?
Let’s see how that works for Mann in the American and Canadian courts.
Heard some piece of Guardian twaddle that was sneaked into the schedule. Only fifteen minutes, but a pernicious little series. Called “Decoding the Media”.
Got a couple of minutes before You and Yours, incredibly skewed biased PC nonsense.
Usual litany of Trump bashing, Lawrence worship, Brexit smearing nonsense and lies as it “decodes” words like “diversity”.
Guessing the BBC let the likes of this Guardian hack and Adam Gopnik do this drive-by sly filler because it`s only a quarter of an hour. But nasty and full of lies.
Tomorrows is “populism”
Well blow me-who can IMAGINE what the excuses, insinuations and lies will be.
Got my bingo wings set to “Farage” and “Brexit”,”Trump” and “Daily Mail”.
One eternal Red Rag Week at the BBC.
Just watched Maitlis interviewing Trump’s advisor Scaramucci and he was up to her. He answered her every question. Just watch her body language, folded arms, rubbing her nose, pointing her pen and brushing her hair. She bit off more than she could chew. A must see interview. I hope that the useless Tory MPs saw it and the damage it does .
Al Beeb is anti Trump – Full stop, and he knows it. He also knows that Al Beeb does not represent the views of the Great ‘British’ people.
I thought our Emily looked a bit starstruck. A real live handsome Yankee was more than she could handle.
Dave S
Will Al Beeb repeat that entire interview – Unedited?
Dave and Taffy – I think I heard the same interview on R4 first thing. No chance here of Emily doing the fandango! Poor Emily sounded very grumpy and came across as quite rude and aggressive.. Couldnt make my mind up whether it was because she never made the £150,000 pound list or maybe she felt she should have been interviewing someone far more important like Diane Abbot about the cost of doughnuts and how they relate to modern policing. Or just staring into Jess s eyes just purring with pleasure and post interview afterglow.
If it was the money – I sympathise, Not being on the 150 list probably means that all her kids probably sleep under coats in the same bed, and dinner probably consists of a plate of bread and butter if they are lucky. Poor dear how badly we treat true “talent these days!
I have just seen the interview – Loved it ! he totally showed her up for the jumped up right on lefty she so obviously is. He also finished it nicely – by patting her on the bum and sending her on her way with a slightly confused smile on her strained features.
I expect it wont dawn her until the middle of next week that her” ambush” turned into a BBC rout.
Oak and others. Where can I see the interview ?
Grant, you can see it on Yahoo news – but the twitter quotes from the sistas on all the contact and ‘space invasion’ might spoil a late breakfast.
Thanks. LOL !
You can see it here though I’ve not had a chance to watch it myself.
Interesting that the comments would be switched off. Seems like Newsnight don’t like encouraging any form of dissent
Thanks for that. What a rude, nasty, stupid bitch is Maitlis. How many times did she interrupt ? Scaramucci wiped the floor with her. And she is paid £150 k at least ? Not worth a single penny.
the politest bitch slapping ive ever watched
I think he was surprised by her rudeness.
I think she was floored by his attitude – thank you for posting – I don’t watch newsnight any more for obvious reasons. He said things to her which she didn’t understand ‘ I love my country’ -for instance.
How different are smug beeboids when face to face with their enemy as opposed to sitting in front of an autocue playing media games thousands of miles away? What a great interviewer raising chlorinated chicken with the director of White House coms. What a sad light weight. I suppose she got the job to improve genda ratios. On the upside I suppose she’s relatively cheap -compared to chicken.
“What we do here(this city) we manufacture fake scandals so that we can disrupt…”
Ah, just like the BBC then!
Her son could always run a poll at school on how she fared. As you do.
Don’t be silly.
Nick Robbo is already all over Twitter trashing anything American or Trump.
It’s in his DNA.
I’ve been to a BBC prom tonight at the Albert Hall. Scottish symphony orchestra was all white. But so too was all the audience (less three by my count). I am not sure how all this will work with Lord Hall’s aim of 18% BME; never mind that a greater part of those in the arena were male. Please not a reggae night and once the quota of males have got their tickets, then men will have to be stopped at the box office and sales become to women only. But what about transgenders, a special quota perhaps? But then what about those who are gender fluid? I think I will have to sit down with a nice piece of relaxing music……oh no….I think this is where I started.
We took the in-laws to see 42nd st the other month. Other than me, not one non-white person in the theatre
Racist! Sexist! Genderist!
Didn’t you know that we are all immigrants from Africa and therefore Black and chromosonally we are all mostly female? In terms of ‘gender’ we all flow like Elgar’s Enigma variations through the whole gamut from moment to moment!
[It can’t be long before the ‘proms’ are cancelled for failing the ‘inclusivity’ test or being declared haram by Khan.]
Classical music in general,and the Proms in particular, is always ‘hideously white’. Add to that the explicit British patriotism of the Proms, and you have a major source of shame and embarrassment for the BBC and classical musicians (who are usually pretty left wing). But they know that non-whites in large numbers are not interested and any attempt to lure them in would be an obvious sell-out or, worse, some sort of ‘cultural appropriation’ or talking down. This is why they’re always trying to subtly make it more ‘up to date’ and ‘relevant’ with lesbian conductresses in Bond villain jackets, conductors making political speeches, gay pride flags draped around the place etc.
“Trump: Transgender people ‘can’t serve’ in US military”
Question – Do people join the military purely to get free ‘treatments’.
Question – Is the military formed for the purpose of defending the nation or is it for providing free transgender treatments?
Does Al Beeb hate Trump ?
Taffman – Given the renowned generosity of the U.S. armed forces……Medical cover, dental cover, commissary, base exchanges, class 6 (liquor stores), variable housing allowance, cost of overseas living adjustment allowance, base credit unions for (relatively easy) car loans for even the lowest ranks, military discounts in many local businesses, fairly good pay, etc., etc., I think the answer to your question is quite obvious!!!
Join the army like Bradley Manning did. Release a bundle of state secrets, get sent to prison, ‘demand’ to have your gender reassignment be paid for by the very institute that you denigrated by releasing secrets and then get pardoned by the President. Oh and then become a ‘go to’ beacon when the media need some commentary on trans issues.
People flee Londonistan
This year 300K people left ..Recently years the exodus rate has grown to higher than recent past
“Exodus of young families from London reaches five-year high
Leaving crime & dirty streets!”
Peter of Sweden is down in Sicily monitoring the EU NGO taxi service for migrants
and getting hassled for it .
I read that the Mafia are facing competition from African crime gangs coming to the Sicily with the other invaders, so they got out in boats and hole the inflatables the “refugees” are in or take the outboards off the boats and dump them in the sea; doing what the Italian navy and coastguard should be doing and what they probably wish they could.
Al Shubtill, we hear a lot about ‘trafficking gangs’ on the African side but I am pretty sure organisations such as the Mafia are co-operating on the other side.
I suspect mass arrivals will only stop when it no longer becomes possible to make large amounts of easy money from migrants; eg, if migrants set up smuggling routes themselves, the law of competition dictates that prices will drop and it will no longer be worthwhile for Italians to be risking arrest and/or paying bribes to officials to look the other way.
It would be nice to see a BBC programme investigating something like this, but I won’t hold my breath.
What IS it with our international journalists?
Surely our Swedish lad could have stayed in Gothenburg, where he would certainly do a good piece about how the migrants “enrich” his country.
The Italians deserve so much better, but if you elect to stay in the E.U under German conditions-then you`ll be on your own.
I say this because RT showed a Dutch young lad on the Mexico border a few hours ago. Might as well have been Feargal Keane for his emoting, his dumb questions( asking the Mexican guard on the US border if he`s not feeling sad/ashamed at what he`s doing-the Mexican was patient, but said he enters legally, so others ought to-his job is to defend the USA, which confused our Dutch lad). International journalists seem to have all passively inhaled from Clintons bong, no other reason why their agendas and pieces to camera are all the same.
Thats the issue, Taff,all the post op expense, as TG’s were signing up to get a free sex change, ridiculous lefty nonsense having anything other than men in the Army anyway, who hell would want their backs and ass’s by anyone other.
They don’t like it up ’em. Oh, wait….
Only the bBC could come out with this headline:
Does Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk ignore the role of Indian army?
Just for the info, 1/3 of a million troops were brought over from France during Operation Dyanamo , the Indian army had 4 companies in France with the BEF , they were all pack animal handlers, a company is the same size as a squadron roughly 100 men. I’d say a service company is even smaller. So 400 men out of 1/3 of a million and The bBC is demanding why they weren’t given a plumb spot in the film.
I know the book and I’m not surprised that someone at the BBC has tried to shoehorn it into a film which they see as “white”.
The Spectator reviewed it in 2015:
Britain didn’t fight the second world war — the British empire did
And in the interests of balance, let’s remember that the Germans had a little help from the Indian sub-continent and elsewhere:
Bless. And let us not forget who else was helping the Axis
Yep!! They certainly seem to have been heavily involved throughout the entire period of WW2…. I`ve got a picture of all the Medals they could be awarded for outstanding cowardice and ethnic cleansing of thier own populations not just in Europe but wherever there was a need for treacherous religious bigotry and a chance of barbarism and inhumane action, there was always a Waffen SS Force ready and more than willing to carry out the will of Allah… If not a simple request to the Japanese could be made for some of thier volunteers…
Nice work. The support of India during the wars was always used as a ‘fact’ to support hoards arriving in the 70s 80s 90s . It left out the bit about the Indians regions/tribes who signed up for the axis on the promise of independence (as if – under the Reich or the Jap empire) .
I remember – also – that when the brave British public expressed concern about ” all these immigrants changing our country” they were told not to worry – there’s only a few – and this lot will be the last ( e.g. Ugandan Asians). I’d like to know which halfwit gave out British passports like confetti being too thick the world would change and half of it would arrive at Heathrow on a single ticket.
I watched a film earlier this week called the Viceroys House or something like that…. Near to the end Mountbatten gets handed a Top Secret folder regarding the Partition of India complete with borders etc. already drawn up… Apparently it was done in the early part of the War to placate Islamic insurgency especially in the Northern regions where we were fighting along the Burmese front desperately trying to keep open the Burma Road also at the same time doing our best to keep Axis forces gaining a power base in the North Western regions too, bearing in mind that at the time we were in danger of losing the Middle East… Muslims began attempting to drive out of the Sikhs in the Punjab area as approx 50% of the Indian security forces came from that culture and region…. Taking advantage they began burning out the families of Sikh soldiers as the Punjab was rich in resources, it also had excellent infrastructure and the British Government under Churchill agreed to partiton on the condition that the Muslims would stop attacking and destroying critical Administrative assets… For the most part the Indian soldiers who fought alongside us were Hindus and Sikhs…… The majority of Muslims chose to ally themselves with Axis forces…….. at the two major battles Imphal and Kohima they fought Allied Indian troops as part of the Japanese force….. So again yea… for once the BBC got that bit right, although as usual no details were given regarding those who betrayed thier own people and also nearly lost the entire Asian Continent along with the Middle East due to thier duplitous actions…. One last thing surely the ones at Dunkirk would have been logistics troops and not frontline troops so they would have been on the beach before almost everyone else?? I can`t imagine a mule train outrunning a Panzer Mk4 can you??
Hitler did have a Bosnian SS alright-but the experiment was not expanded because Himmler was told by his soldiers that they were utter SHITE. Compromised, cowardly and unable to focus, let alone fight for the Reich.
Gives me hope.
I`m afraid you are incorrect….. There were more than just one Bosnian Waffen SS units…. Himmlers infrmation came from German Commanders who were looking to blame thier heavy losses in Yugoslavian Partizan held regions under Tito who had gained ascendency and had a fearsome reputation in the Mountain regions where they had for decades fought a war of attrition with The Austria=Hungerarians, The Germans, Italians, and especially the infamous Waffen SS Croatian forces who carried out ethnic cleansing of all Communist, Serbian and Bosnian populations as they attempted to assert thier control over the former Yugoslavian sub states…. Also it didn`t help that the Italians had left the entire region in chaos after invading the Balkans and stirring up a hornets nest before they had thier asses handed to them by Titos forces who were able to rearm themselves using captured Italian weapons which were actually in many cases unused and were the same ones the Alpine troops in the Wermacht had…. The entire area in that part of Europe was a battleground… and the Nazis needed the Romanians Oil resources to carry on fighting… Also Himmler was nothing but a pathetic little failed chicken farmer who had a rubber stamp and a hatred of Jews rivalling even the former head of the SS Hiedrych….. The above link has a full ist of Waffen SS units along with a brief description on thier origins….. The original Bosnian Waffen Unit numbered around 26.000 and they were sent the Eastern Front to bolster the Romanian forces and also to Stalingrad…. There were many Muslim SS units in all the areas of conflict after the French and also the Dutch lost control of thier powerbases the Islamic culture of petty tribal blood fueds, and medieval barbarism meant that although vast numbers were recruited into Waffen SS units they were unable to form a cohesive and reliable Islamic battlegroup… Quite a lot of them ended up in North Africa where non Vichey Foriegn Legion forces wiped the floor with them….. others were used to hunt down any remaining Jews or Armenians…… History has shown that wherever any major conflict occurs since the Seventh Century Muslims will be heavily involved…. To the SS thier willingness to carry out the most inhumane acts and worship of death was what the Waffen SS was all about….
I agree. Typical snowflake headline. Read the article and they even admit that it might have numbered only a few hundred soldiers and some mules (mustn’t forget the mules).
Give me a break, the film is about the rescue of nearly 400,000 soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk but the BBC is complaining that the 0.075% weren’t represented.
I enjoyed the film but found myself questioning the swell of patriotism that filled me up towards the end of the film. Is this allowed, is Nolan actually allowed to portray our efforts in a positive, pride inducing light? Surely to do so is pandering to little Englander, xenophobic bigots?
So far I’ve missed out on the minority complaints which might be thrown about by al Beeb. I’m booked to see the film in an imax on Monday. I discussed Dynamo on this site before and joked about not wanting to know how it ended but the joke wasn’t taken. Being a followed of British history I’m fully aware of the ending and the sacrifice – for which I, being too young to kill Germans/ nazis , am very grateful for – despite what the likes of albeeb and others have done to wreck our country .
It’s amazing to see what we were capable of then and see how many now seem to tremble when the EU tries to extort money from us.
The British. In one generation from heroes to zeroes. I really see no hope . In reality Britain lost WW2. The EU fascists won.
If Britain were to send the EU a bill for rescuing them in World Wars I and II, it would come to rather more than £100 billion.
If the EU stick to this, then there cannot be any sort of deal. It’s as simple as that. We are offering them free access to our market, and in return are asking for free access to their market, in other words, the status quo, so hardly a big ask. As ever, all the EU want from Britain is our money, as well as a place to dump their unemployed. The time is coming when we are going to have accept the fact that they have no intention of negotiating in good faith, and just leave.
Why don`t we just see this grubby elite as of having no authority, in comparison to German manufacturers, French farming groups or Hungarian vintners or suchlike? Because no-one has EVER voted for Juncker or Barnier in their current preposterous roles? And they`d better get ready to trade with us , given that the EU cartel is about to crash-and we will remember who was open to trade and who was cowering under Verhofstads upturned bath.
There is NO excuse to bother our arses with this unelected cabal-and the longer we indulge them, the rougher for us.
Surely to God, we know that unless the BBC are howling and Bob Geldof is flecked in spittle-then we have failed to cut the bindweed from this national sacred duty?
Where are the TRUE Tories who know all this?
Get them out and mocking the BBC for their quisling bitchings. We`re going…it`ll be war if we don`t, and that EU Army of theirs can only hold so many druggie pervs…we`ll deal with them.
I’ve just remebered what it is that the BBC Breakfast sofa crew remind me of when they so often get into medical issues. It’s a favourite subject of theirs – I don’t mean the reflexive unthinking campaigning on behalf of the NHS – I mean chewing the fat over health issues with some tame guest GP who is so overworked they can think of nothing better than to spend the morning at Salford with the BBC dumbos.
You’ll recall that scene in Tony Hancock’s The Blood Donor – our Tony is pontificating at length on medical issues as if he knows what it is he is talking about and Hugh Lloyd asks “Are you a doctor, then?”
Hancock blusters “Oh, no, I never bothered”
Was it that junior GP so overworked she could only hold down one other job as MP for Tooting South?
Some bint on breakfast encouraging us to take up a vegan diet for a week or even a couple of days a week in-between saying umm after about every word. You know where you can shove that one love.
Q. Why was the chicken dragged for the third day running, bedraggled and damp, around the Atlantic Ocean?
A. To help the BBC keep on squawking against Brexit.
Can I just remind everyone – we have had chlorine in our water for decades, the chickens are washed with a very mild solution entirely for consumer health benefits. BBBC=liars. Problem is no-one in the MSM ever contradicts them, so your average Joe has no idea….
Ian Katz is flying Emily from the USA (me neither; Katty advised a peroxide ban?) to Passchendale to do an OB in a gas mask as the cloud creeps across no man, woman or trans land towards our noble Tomis.
Tell me you are joking please?
The idea of af an albeeb passchendaleathon really is too much
Don’t they normally hire the Dan Snow production company for him to tell us how his great grand father was one of the ass hold generals who thought it really good to throw 18 year old boys at German machine guns every so often.
I traced my grandfathers experience in the army from1913 to 1919 and am amazed he survived.
I m trying to guess the ethnic angle al Beeb will take, they’ll probababky make nice with the kaisers boys.
I will tell you I was joking.
I suspect I may not have been though.
US chickens washed in weak solutiion of Chlorine, source document:
As for Chlorine in UK drinking water –
RE: Transgenders in army.
One transgender individual caused immeasurable damage to the US military: Chelsea/Bradley Manning. Could his gender issues have in any way contributed to his crime? I can’t imagine it works wonders for your mental health wanting to change gender. Some quite reasonably see transsexuals as having a mental illness so it is at least a strong possibility. It’s not a simple matter of hurt feelings – lives are at stake.
It seems the rights of the minority always trump those of the majority. It’s like that Muslim woman at the school in Chelsea who insists on wearing a veil. She says it hurts her feelings not being able to wear it, but I imagine far more hurt feelings are at stake for children who see her in the playground and like so many Westerners find the veil scary. Everyone has to monitor their language to guard against the tiny number who might take offence; thus there is no free speech and nobody can make jokes anymore. It really is tyranny.
I don’t see why minorities should be the new aristocracy – we all deserve equal treatment. I am absent-minded and have poor spatial awareness so I do not drive. It would be unreasonable for me to insist on driving and demand everyone else accommodate me, even though that would be annoying and dangerous for everyone else. Instead I just use public transport and enjoy reading on the bus. Why not just make minor adjustments so you do not inconvenience everyone else rather than playing the victim?
“I am absent-minded and have poor spatial awareness so I do not drive. It would be unreasonable for me to insist on driving and demand everyone else accommodate me, even though that would be annoying and dangerous for everyone else. “
If you could only put that consideration for others to one side you could be a cyclist!
What happens when their medication runs out whilst fighting, are they able to continue to fight 100%. Are diabetics allowed to fight if not due to medical reasons then it shold be the same for trannys to.
I recently found out that you have to have good eyesight to be a pilot and fly a plane. This is discrimination against the blind.
I also heard you have to be fit to be a infantry solider, this discriminates against the fat and lazy.
The army should cease these discriminations immediately or else it should be de-funded and stop protecting our borders. The blind and fat stand with transgengers in this cause.
Danny La Rue in World War 2!!!
Another example of the BBC normalising sex with children as we would expect from the pedophiles.
Sex on plane Bristol teacher struck off from profession
The title implies she was struck off for having sex on a plane when the title should have been “Sex with pupil Bristol teacher struck off from profession”
Tabs, as the BBC are none too clear with that perhaps you could explain to me who had sex on a flat Bristol teacher, why they were flat (or had had a typographic error woodworking accident) why and what they were struck with and what being ‘off’ means to a profession? Is it the opposite of ‘on’ and what does that mean to a profession? Is it shifts as in the case of a hospital Doctor?
I am sorry but I have read it again.
And again.
And again.
There is no doubt that in the 2015 Referendum voters made their displeasure on immigration clear. But now, the Conservatives propose a way to dilute and/or alter the voters position by opening out the debate to industry and, ‘interested parties’. We all know where this will lead. No critical questioning by Sarah Montague on the BBC Today programme earlier when interviewing the talking head provided by the Government.
If (and that’s a BIG IF) Brexit goes ahead, it will, in BBC fashion, be so adulterated by concessions to ‘interested parties’ it will be barely recognisable. Just like the first Referendum. It is becoming increasingly clear that migration to the UK will not be changing.
G, Agreed.
The Home Office are doing this on the pretext of creating a post-Brexit immigration system (when we allegedly take back control) “that works in the best interests of the country” and is “aligned with a modern industrial strategy”. This system should already be in place.
What they are actually doing is pandering to the big industry lobbyists and donors. We know what they want and what they will say.
I thought the function of the Home Office was to enforce visa/immigration laws – not try to find new ways of softening them. What’s wrong with simple work visas applied for by the employers who can’t possibly find locals or UK citizens to do the job?
More delaying tactics and obfuscation.
Ok, Graun.
Of course, other infamous footage is available, much from the BBC.
Scary … possibly getting to the point where we should listen to the words and decide, rather than just agree with the person, because they are the second messiah …
Software developed at Stanford University is able to manipulate video footage of public figures to allow a second person to put words in their mouth – in real time. Face2Face captures the second person’s facial expressions as they talk into a webcam and then morphs those movements directly onto the face of the person in the original video. The research team demonstrated their technology by puppeteering videos of George W Bush, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. {guardian jul2017}
America: restores McCarthyism ( in respect of the alleged Russian involvement in the US election. But wait, is there another side to the coin which the World is not being told? Check this out –
Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Eric Gill’s statue Prospero And Ariel stands in front of Broadcasting House
Sculptor’s diary revealed he molested two of his daughters and family dog
He also had an incestuous relationship with his younger sister Gladys
This statue typifies what the BBC stand for. Paying huge amounts of money to’ talent’ like Jimmy Saville.
Take down this statue.
Soon on Talk Radio : Lord Green of MigrationWatch with JHB
Before we all go any further, we need to confirm with the Muslim community and other minorities regarding US chlorinated chicken, what their opinions are and if it conforms to Halal. Does it support the following …
Halal Food Authority Halal Definitions extracts from the page …. …
“The Halal food Authority rules for halal are based on Islamic Shari’ah. (Sharia includes death by stoning, forced conversion)”
– a Muslim will recite tasmiya orshahada (can a non-Muslim do this?) …
– a Muslim should perform slaughter (can a non-Muslim do this?)
Halal Food Authority Halal Tradition extracts from the page …. …
No. HFA believes that both methods are Shariah compliant.
… do the Halal (lawful) regulations need to be updated for Chlorinated Chicken, does Sadiq Khan agree? Also LGBT requirements and Transgender considerations.
So now Sadiq has responsibility for London air particulates harm and London stabbing harm
..Now if we think of the black children , which is the bigger harm, I wonder ?
#1 Cars get ever cleaner so road pollution will fall if you just wait.
#2 Isn’t stabbing a higher risk to the average London black kid ?
I wonder : if 1,000 black kids are born in London some all will lose lifespan days due to particulates , and stabbings will mean some will die/ get injured and lose quality life days thru that.
I’m betting that the lifespan days lost dues to stabbing will be worse than particulates.
For a start without counting injuries “Last year 61 people were stabbed to death in London”
Each boy might have lost 60 years of life , so that adds up to 3600 people-years
..That’s 1.3 million/ life days … from say 50,000 boys ie 20 life days lost per boy per year.
And add quality days lost due to injuries.
“Last year knife crime with injury also rose to 4,415” .so about 12 boys/day are injured.
Shock horror! Auntie getting her knickers all in a twist about wicked Trump’s trans-phobic ban on Trannies in the military. Or should that be underpants in a twist? Or non-binary undergarments?
The Absurd Broadcasting Corp devotes an overlong ‘article’ on the matter, promoting transgenderism and attacking Trump from every conceivable angle.
Personally I can see his point: on the battlefield it would be very inconvenient to have to answer “Yes sir, ma’am, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning, asexual, ally, pansexual” to every order given by a man in a dress or bearded female officer.
No doubt they would have preferred an endless and expensive investigation and report reaching the exact same conclusion. Good old beeb, always keen on wasting tax payers’ money.
Tom Neuwirth without make up in 2007 …

Conchita Wurst (also mononymously known as Conchita) is an Austrian pop recording artist and drag queen portrayed by Thomas “Tom” Neuwirth (born 6 November 1988). Wurst came to international attention after winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 as Austria’s entrant with the song “Rise Like a Phoenix”. Neuwirth uses masculine pronouns when referring to himself but feminine pronouns to describe Wurst.{wiki}
Why not just get a different job? I am sure there are all sorts of openings for transgender people – they are very much the victims du jour. I am sure you get all sorts of perks and special treatment. When did common sense become thought crime?
I am sure the number of actual transgender military personnel is absolutely tiny. I have never even met anyone transgender. The way the liberal elite go on about it you would think that everyone had a family member wanting to switch. I guess it’s the perfect pet subject for them as it affects virtually nobody so is a totally safe subject to discuss.
After coming across a transgender person in a work situation, I realise from talking to people there are more people with this problem, than many of the rest of us may realise. Indeed there used to be someone who posted regularly on this site. The person who used to post here, their gender was irrelevant to their postings, but having ‘come out’ after a transgender issue other people were rude to them , I don’t think they post here any more. And that is a pity.
We can all respect someone whatever gender they believe themselves to be. But what I am reading is that some are using the US military to pay for their changes, whilst not contributing to their work. That puts them morally in the wrong. The person I worked with has been milking the system to remain on full pay for several years, whilst anyone else with similar ‘health’ issues working for that organisation would have had their employment ended. Not least because for their last year at work, prior to going off sick, this person’s poor decision making nearly led to the company going bankrupt. HR was advising that transgender issues superseded any other employment law, and they had to be kept on the books. Other people could be going through divorce, bereavement or illness and the policy was adhered to and they had to leave, but transgender allowed that person to do what they liked and destroy the company.
Gender should be irrelevant. The BBC should be judging the likes of Emily Maitliss, Jane Garvey and Fiona Bruce on how well they are doing their job and not their gender. If the BBC thought they were worth X three weeks ago, then they should still be worth X. The fact that out in the real world think their pay excessive, in this context is irrelevant.
But the BBC were the same with the US president. Hillary was robbed because she was a woman and Obama was marvellous because he was black. Perhaps it is time they looked at a person inside when considering employment and pay.
Beeb Brother
As I have pointed out on this site the official number of TGs in the US military is 15,500 and until Trump intervened the plan was to openly enlist more and provide for their medical and other needs.
And the enemy are unlikely to be very sympathetic to trannie POWs
In what is known as the silly season for news (though, frankly that could be all year round really) I thought friends here and newcomers alike might like to be reminded and encouraged about why we damn well knew what we were voting for when we voted to leave!
Brexit: The Movie.
I have only watched it once, at the time of the referendum when some kind soul put it up on a list here. I intend to watch it again in this silly season. Get out the popcorn and enjoy!
“… Mark Steyn said this the other day, this is the conversation (transgenders in the US army. 71 genders.) we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us. Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” @10:34
– Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
“Do you still think Brexit will be a success?” – kid interview
“Oh, I think Brexit will be a triumph!” – Jacob Rees-Mogg
{youtube, a pleasant interview from start to finish. @2:20}
Thanks for that Marky – it was a delight to see JRM treating the youngsters as intelligent beings, and without any trace of condescension or patronising. What an absolute star the man is!
He was great. The kids had obviously been coached by their Leftie teachers but were polite, unlike Beeboid interviewers , and did not interrupt. By their expressions , it seemed they had never heard anyone countering the Leftie propaganda they would be fed at school. TheMogginator also used words , including Latin, which they would not know . But they can ask their teachers , LOL ! JRM is the best !
Grant – I had got a mouthful of coffee when I read “But they can ask their teachers”
I’ve got to clean the bloody screen now!!
At least , as a crustacean, your screen will be waterproof !
Lovely clean vehicles but where does the nice clean power come from?
Jeremy Clarkson called them “remote coal powered vehicles” which very rudely implies the electricity comes from coal powered leccy stations…and his opinion: they’re silly and impractical like lots of good ideas.
Me, I’m wondering why we have the technology for hydrogen powered cars, extracted from the water you fill up with, yet no mention is ever made. All political methinks..
Electric cars might be clean for their local area, but what power loss is there along the delivery system? If it is more than moving tons of fuel around in diesel trucks then it could be a big problem, causing a big waste of energy. Normally one solution will move the problem somewhere else.
Shapster, the problem with hydrogen power is, I think, that it cannot be done in vehicle. The problem then with manufacture in a plant is related to the energy needed to create, condense and transport the hydrogen to retail outlets. In addition everyone also thinks of safety issues around hydrogen and its transport and loading.
Electricity will be the way to go mid to long term (think vehicle body constructed from solar panels) but steam power may be a better as an alternative than hydrogen in the short-term.
Peak oil hasn’t happened, fracking is hugely beneficial for gas and oil. The cost of a barrel of oil has come down. Oil is the future, it is a cheap energy source, it is plentiful, the infrastructure is there already to produce it, there are other by products form oil, cars are becoming cleaner and more efficient.
Man has developed the combustion engine to a fine art now after a hundred years or more and will continue to do so, don’t fall for the green eco fascist diatribe!
The elites would have us back in the dark ages, the wealthy driving cars the rest of us jumping out of the way as they drive past us as we trudge to work on foot!
Jerry, you are right, it is and as Justin rightly pointed out oil could have been used more and more economically while, incidentally, benefiting the car makers rather more than has happened under the emissions scandal. Had government not taken its eye completely of that particular ball. Oil will still be needed for lubrication and by-products but there are good signs in the UK that it is already finished as a transport fuel. JimS has already commented above on the congestion arising from the increasing numbers of cyclists on our roads. That’s Exhibit No.1, M’Lud.
I am not falling for the green eco fascist diatribe. I am just pointing out the obvious distortion, damage and change that taxation brings. All taxes do that but they do it least on income and gains, whether corporate or personal. They do it most when applied specifically to goods. Just check the history of UK taxation for examples. Exhibit No.2, M’Lud.
The politicians and the mental enviros did not realise that when they created this big bogey of Global Warming and then, when they realised that maybe things may not get too hot globally, the threat of Climate Change, that as they were taxing more and more heavily, they would create an ever bigger market distortion. It was obvious though to any thinking economist who had a basic knowledge of taxation.
They cannot now start taxing electricity for transport use but that is what people will be switching to now, maybe with a stop-over with a hybrid vehicle or two. It is already happening in London. Mark Carney opens his mouth on interest rates and on Brexit and the pound moves on the exchange markets. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan spoke about taxing diesel cars punitively to access London and it has already affected the car market. That’s Exhibit No.3, M’Lud.
You cannot buck ‘the market’. Margaret Thatcher did try, accidentally and/or deliberately, on several occasions in the 1980s and came unstuck each time. In the end it did for her career and then also contributed to the Great Crash of 2007-2009. John Major made the same mistake, along with Norman Lamont. Blair & Brown again, exactly the same, although Brown managed to do it all by himself in the end. That’s Exhibit No.4, M’Lud.
The strange thing was that on fuel tax & UK costs, Brown had had a serious warning as Chancellor – the Fuel Tax Protest of 2000/2001 – but he did not think about the full implications or what he might be doing wrong. There was even another example for Brown with Labour’s anti-smoking strategy. They thought it was brilliant idea to improve the lung cancer death rates (as well as stick it to the evil ciggie makers) to go all out against smoking. They had the NHS spending a small fortune per person in nicotine patches, various other therapies including counselling, to get them to give up smoking and stop paying the Treasury about £1200-£1300 a year on average.
The NHS started running out of money to treat other sick people just as Treasury was taking a hit on tobacco tax. That is my final Exhibit, M’Lud.
Now, HMG cannot start taxing electric vehicles – in fact they are still subsiding purchase as they are deemed an economic good – because they are there with that benefit because of the threat of Global Warming and/or Climate Change. HMG cannot now say GW/CC was false because they will have the pants sued off them for all the GW/CC taxes & costs they have charged in the past.
They have carried on. They will really need to start switching the two Fuel Duties onto Income Tax & Capital Gains Tax now so that it is a gradual and gentle change. The longer it is left the bigger the bump will be at some point in the future. It is either increase IT & CGT or cut spending on services. Now, what services would you like to cut in the present climate of 1% pay increases for low paid State employees and the media hoo-hah that a pay increase has caused? What do you think the response will be when you start to further slash State employment?
Bear in mind that at around $135 per barrel, transport taxes in total were bringing in about £45bn-£50bn above the amount spent on the road network & vehicle licensing and that was with VAT at 17.5%. It is rather less now, even with VAT at 20%, because oil is lurking around the $51p/b mark today. If the oil price rocketed upward to the $100p/b mark, let alone $135 and above, that bump I was referring to above will become a mighty big one. Just think what basic rate Income Tax would have to go to if the change was done in one go.
I rest my case, M’Lud. Over to my learned friend.
Several years ago I was invited to attend a Graun Climate Change conference.
One of the GOH speakers was Barrer-boy Rose, who lobbed up in a 6 series Beemer, followed by the hydrogen supply bowser on a diesel truck.
I doubt a vehicle will be powered far even if flying a 100sqm solar kite above it, and may struggle more at night.
I still favour this:
If published 18 days late.
Thanks for the info Up2.
Steam power you say? LOVE the thought of that!!
I hope by sending ‘The Strange Death of Europe:Immigration,Identity and Islam ‘{amazon affiliate} to 10 Downing Street, London will keep the book in the top 10 slot longer and help inform the UK politicians of a potential problem, if they have not seen it already!
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear {biasedbbc post}” – George Orwell
What a pathetic smart arse comment by a pathetic smart arse, Dan Snow. Anyone know how much money he gas got out of the BBC and why ?
Mice, Grant
Yes, yet another entitled opportunist with limited ‘skills’.
I don’t know how much, but I know why – Because he’s part of the BBC dynasty and has the correct political views, nothing more.
or is it the tale of salvaging what you can from the wreckage of a german dominated europe before you lose it ALL
so you can rise again to ultimate victory
Dan Snow pushing Nazi propaganda, how lovely
Production company chap who got a job because his daddy read the autocue at ten. Think he’s married well into aristocracy so no need to worry on the cash status front. I remember doing some research on the Great War when he had been spouting on . He had a relative whose hobby was to send lots of kids to their death in the Great War – I think Snow expressed some regret but still gets the jobs on anniversaries. The armistance anniversary will be a real albeeb treat – a touch of multicultural ‘its a knockout’ with the poor albeeb girls team against the hugely paid boys team – I ll stop now – honest. { I promised I wouldn’t embarrass al Beeb by mentioning Stewart Hall oops}
Dan Snow, a very amateur historian who has never had a job in academia in his life. Third rate BBC trash.
Grant -Hes a patronising W####r as well. I remember at the time of the referendum he came out with a load of half baked pro remain quasi historical bullshit peppered with phrases such as “history tells as etc” History tells me he is another spoilt , elitist rich kid who via daddy and a “good marriage” will never want for anything and has no right to preach to the rest of us what to believe. Especially when we see the evidence with our own eyes.
And ultimate victory and saving the world
You dimwit Snow-flake
Beeboid Adam Rutherford turned up to sling mud,
very classily saying Farage sang Hitler Youth songs
“The best word in the BBC Editorial Guidelines after ‘view my own'” Hislop. I, aged 11 3/4
I checked the context of that
It’s mudslinging based on a chain of he said she said
August 2013 a guy turns up in the Independent saying he was at the same school as Farage he thought Farage was a bit of a facist at school and he’d seen a letter, which said that a teacher thought that too.
That letter turned up mentioned in a Channel 4 report in the September.
They quoted the 1981 letter where that teacher “Chloe Deakin” said she heard another teacher say something
“colleague described how, at a Combined Cadet Force (CCF) camp organised by the college, Farage and others had marched through a quiet Sussex village very late at night shouting Hitler-youth songs.”
Channel 4 then quoted Farage
What about the Hitler Youth Songs? “That’s silly,” Farage said.
“I don’t know any Hitler youth songs, in English or German.”
Channel 4 put up the letter here
It might be genuine, it might be fake.
It is a bit strange that given the easy money media would pay , no schoolmate of Farage has come forward to substantiate the story
That sounds like some piece of fake nonsense that they had in the bank for their killer blow to be dropped just before an election or similar.
That’s the point it’s been in the public domain since 19 SEP 2013, but has gained no traction
cos it’s a heavy accusation with no proper substantiation, when you’d expect it to be easily cooroborated cos there would be dozens of kids in his group.
So Tribe Rutherford shouting ‘oh Farage allegedly said something Nazi as a kid’ so he’s not the right sort, are actually being the childish tribal people
..i.e the same old projection characteristic
..Now they decided to pick on my spelling “coroberation” on my tweet ..of course a sign of their weak argument.
OA’s from that era were and likely are still intrigued by this.
Given one passes from secondary to the next stage of life aged 18, and by most recollections the primary interests were rugby, going to the Woodhouse and JAGS girls.
Also the school letting some dipsy bint air her intolerant, immoderate, politically-charged but detailed ‘recollections’ about students in her and their care did not help their reputation one jot.
Decided to see what happened to Chloe; maybe a nice sinecure with Ch4.
Found this:
There is a counter view. Amazingly though, ‘Anonymous’.
Oh, and this:
Seems to have got as far as Tubbo looking for nurses.
That the likes of Crick are able to lie in wait, fishing through UKIP bins and getting paid for it via the public taxes, tells you all you need to know about how debased and nasty the culture is.
Crick needs a bit of serious counselling-what the hell does he tell his dog in terms of what his job is?
I despise him, any country worthy of the name would not let him on the screens.
No he found her the woman who wrote the letter
and she can’t remember the letter
“We approached Chloe Deakin.
She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter. ”
In his blogpost Patrick Neylan says
Usual PROJECTION from beeboids Dan Snow and Rutherford
#1 First they MISREPRESENT someone as a schoolboy fascist
#2 Then they use that as an excuse to ignore moral rules
and behave like schoolboy fascists themselves
You can imagine in the 1930’s a Docktor Adam von Rutherford saying
“Those Jews they do X, Y, Z allegedly”
Have you noticed how quick the bBC will report when a Muslim feels they are a victim: Be it a Muslim reading a book on a plane, a Muslim denied entry into America, or even how Muslims feel in America. To the bBC these are stories which must be told. However when the shoe is on the other foot, why the bBC will drag its feet while they allow that story to be surpassed by something else, then the bBC will come out with a story which whitewashes the incident in question (The honour killing of that young girl in London, who according to the bbC was loved by her family, ) So on that note has anybody seen the bBC report this race hate story from Liverpool:
UK: Muslims in court over attacking white Non-Muslims. Mohammed cries when jailed
Unfortunately the technology required to produce a viable power source for all electric vehicles doesn`t exist…. Also top scientific researchers have concluded that even Lithium Batteries have thier limitations and unless something at least ten times better is discovered the limitations of using a battery as a power source, its` limited lifespan, the high production costs to make the cells, recharging infrastructure costs to replace petrol pumps, cost to owners when they recharge thier cars, and last but by no means least…. the Carbon Taxes which will hike up the price even more!!!
Then there`s the bit nobody wants to discuss ….. Lithium Battery production along with mass production of electric motors and also the carbon generated by the `fuck knows how many power plants` we will need to build to cope with this nonsense will the exact opposite of whats intended, it will be far more damaging to the environment!!!
We are now developing cleaner burn engines and now that the Western Nations are no longer depending on OPEC for fuel, our scientists are able to fund further research to make even cleaner engines etc… Whereas before OPEC deliberately refused to spend thier profits in this area, we now can…… It is the same with Windfarms, they are not actually `green` at all…. they cannot be relioed upon and even covering the entire british Isles with them will not generate enough to cope with todays power needs…..
All of it is one big scam industry….. They shift data about a bit, and then prices go up yet again…. Ten years later we find out that all they did was move our carbon footprint elsewhere and at the same time increase the costs….. We need to remember that we are still being affected by the last Ice Age….. Reliable records only go back a century or so, however honest scientists have discovered via core samples from glaciers etc and also by looking at historical records that our planet is and has always been subject climate change… The Romans used to grow grapes not far from Hadrians Wall, then in medieval times records show that the temperatures dropped to the extant where the Thames froze over on a regular basis…. To be honest we should go Nuclear and start thinking about dumping the waste from that on the moon or even on a moon of another solar system planet…. Lets face it if we fired the rocket at Venus or Mars it would hardly do much damage would it?? We already spend billions firing probes into deep space why not use the waste rods to power the things as they would be able to send back data far longer than using solar panels sure;ly???
Justin, “Unfortunately the technology required to produce a viable power source for all electric vehicles doesn`t exist”
How do you explain people spending vast amounts of money on a Tesla which, the last time I checked, was an all electric vehicle? They cannot all be unthinking liberal ‘green exhibitionists’ with too much money to spend.
Electric cars have been around for over one hundred years. Yes, you read that right: over 100 years, a common sight on the streets of New York. When I was a child and a young adult, my milk was delivered by an electric vehicle, day after day, week after week, month after month, all year round. A viable long term electric vehicle. On the main railway stations, electric vehicles moved mail and passengers’ luggage and small goods/freight in transit. When I was a teen Americans were routinely mocked for driving electric buggies around their golf courses. Now, they are not only on UK golf courses, but on UK roads and pavements, carrying people who have mobility problems and cannot walk any distance.
I think you may need to catch up with the future. It is here already.
We could have had cleaner burn engines had our governments enforced the rigourous checking of emissions but they did not. Probably somewhere close to the default state that the illegal software on VWs and similar diesel vehicles switched them to when on the rolling road in the lab. Then, in a few years, competition would have improved the breed and fuel economy would have made a further leap forward, perhaps helped along by tightening restrictions.
Why did governments in the UK, EU and USA let us down? Well, we all know why: money.
Now it is too late. Our various Chancellors and other nations’ Finance Secretaries have been too greedy and too lazy and zero tax electric is on its way to really upset the economic apple cart.
You do know how much a Tesla cost
..and how much of that is subsidised by US non-Tesla buyers ?
And that Tesla’s main income is selling ‘permits to pollute’ to other manufacturers.
GW, I have always wanted to have a go in a land yacht. Unfortunately, they require wide open spaces and a good supply of the right sort of wind.
Now, where have I heard of those narrow parameters before?
(Sorry, site software appears to have moved this post in reply to Guest Who @ 12.44pm down here. No. I don’t know why.)
Have a rough idea, Stew, and I did not realise the public subsidy set-up on that side of the Atlantic was so vast. Obama really was giving money away. I always thought the Americans did not like that sort of thing, even if Democrats.
What did he do for a job, before? Academic? Like Gordon Brown, you mean? Ah, that may explain it.
The BBC also told me how much the car that was the basis for ‘The Hamsters’ last accident cost but I have filed it away rather too deeply and without good brain labels. Was it £340,000?
It was 2 million as it was a prototype !
If it were a mere 340k all us working fellas could afford one and hey presto runaway global destruction would be staved off for another few hours…. till the next eco scam.
On the BBC this evening, apparently scientists want to change cows eating habits so they emit less methane that destroys the atmosphere…. yawn! and also so they produce less fatty meat and milk!
How long has man been eating and drinking cow produce with pleasure! This is of course a sickness of the left in that man should suffer his time on this planet.
This is the problem with big government, it equals big control over the populace, an ever increasing totalitarian socialist society.
One thing impressed me about POTUS Trump when he got elected was that government was to big and should be made smaller which in itself means a freer people.
Eeek, Jerry! £2m quid and it allowed The Hamster to crash it!
Wot! No traction control and ABS? “U woz robbed, Ham, bro.”
I would have expected it to be idiot proof for that sort of money, as well as autonomous and self-driving for when I feel a bit tired. Maybe £340K was the projected selling price? More expensive than a Tesla but less than a McLaren Limited Edition, especially a used one.
The best thing they could do on methane would be to start looking for ways to harvest it big time. Maybe save the Germans from mining coal for electricity generation?
Oh, and admit Johnny Ball was right and all the mentalist-enviros were wrong and start eliminating mosquito habitats. That would produce a big extra saving of less people getting malaria and needing to travel to and from doctors and to hospitals for treatment. Their methane emissions are increasing far more than those of cows.
It is interesting that the BBC has not really talked to some good farmers on this latest milk issue, at least not in my hearing on R4. Any dairy and/or beef farmer worth a hint of a subsidy and even without one, truly cares for his animals. Why?
Because at the very least they represent his or her income. Contented animals grow better and produce better meat and milk yields. Not only that, they actually love their animals and care about them. Why else would they stand around in muck, cleaning a shed, or be out on a hillside in cold and rain with an arm up a cow’s backside trying to get a rope on an upside down calf’s leg?
I go for small government every day. I have even got a job promise as Chancellor of the Exchequer on the strength of cutting UK governance to size, lined up for me on the BBC web-site from one of the future Prime Ministers on there!
More seriously, we are getting into an interesting (dangerous?) state now where politicians can be seen to be making things worse but still, both the media and the public, call for more and more government and legislation and control.
It is probably why a significant number of people voted to Remain in the EU Referendum. They no doubt felt good being under its supposed security and vulnerable without it. I need to go and listen to the Dawkins interview on TODAY today, having missed most of it. Be back later.
The whole Green energy industry is nothing but a scammers paradise!!! Those Tesla cars are a complete falsehood…. Thet`re basically an unviable concept as like StewGreen states…. thiier entire profits come from Subsidies and the carbon tax permits they sell….. Same as f**king Windfarms… You should look up the information relating to how much more damage and pollution manufacturing the things does the structures still need to use heavy industry and the iron ore etc used also burns a lot of carbon too….. also again they need consant servicing and again whether you use a fossil based lubricant derived from oil or Lithium grease it still means mining it…. Last thing How much Lithium do you think is there ??? It is a very rare commodity and only a few places have deposits, and guess where they are??? The Mountains of Taliban controlled Afghanistan and Mongolia!!!! Again a resource which we in the West would depend on and in the end be held to ransom by either Opec or the Chinese …. We should develop cleaner burn engines and power the National Grid with Nuclear Power….. Apart from oil the Middle Eastern Countries have nothing of worth to offer us… Fence it off and leave em to either detroy themsellves or finally realise that after 1400 years there is no future in a culture which promotes death and twisted actions like a parent encouring thier own child to die in a suicide bomb attack or the selling of an undergage daughter to one of his siblings or some lecherous `cleric` he met at the Mosque!!! Also if Nasa can`t fire the Waste into outer space we could use the depleted uranium for the inevitable day when we have to wipe out the entire Islamic Population before they try to do likewise to everyone else….. As for the Chinese… if they wanted war they have had the military strength to do it for decades…. They are now the second biggest economy and will soon be the first…… However it`s worth noting that the Chinese have been buying Mineral rights across the entire region of the Hindu Kush, and they already have Mongolia…. Lithium is a finite resource…. This is why we should develop the technolgies we already have…. Renewables are just a means for big business to increase profits, rip off the public and then launder the money using the Carbon Tax markets to hide what they`re doing….
Sorry, Justin, but explain it that way by exchanging milk floats for Tesla. Your argument collapses. It is an obvious technology to move to.
The electric car is inevitable, not just for ‘market’ reasons. The politicians will need them to hide behind if and/or when (I think the latter: ‘when’) the much heralded Global Warming and Climate Change disasters are still not appearing in any quantity by 2040. They will then be able to point to the electric car and say “Those taxes on liquid fuels WERE justified and electric cars were necessary because – look – we have controlled our climate, we have saved the world!”
Those politicians are never going to say “Sorry, we got it wrong.” Neither are the enviro-mentalists. In today’s and tomorrow’s litigious society, they cannot afford to.
My background, by the way, is a life long petrol-head (much to my father’s bicycle & rail based disappointment), engineering enthusiast, science educated and (true) environmentalist. The Arts may have claimed me in working life but part of that was having to pass an Economics exam. I have become more of an economist while observing government at work on transport issues, especially so since the start of the 1990s and the introduction of the Fuel Duty Escalator in 1993.
You and I may not like the disappearance of our favourite petrol cars and may hate the restrictions that an electric vehicle imposes on transport usage but their takeover is inevitable. The mentalist-enviros have sold our politicians a pup. The politicians have fallen for it hook, line and sinker – and swallowed the rod and reel, too.
We, as always, have to suffer the results.
Travelling yesterday and heard various bits of bBBC radio.
Incessant coverage of an issue that some anti- depressants can cause violent side effects. The proponents of this scare story were given huge amounts of airtime with very little questioning. No-one seemed to give a fig about the 99.99%+ equating to many tens of thousands whose lives have been transformed in a positive wasy by the medication. Why is the bBBC deliberately choosing to scare them?
But wait. The major proponent has written a book about it!!!!! How amazing is that ?
And there is a Panorama on the topic tonight!!!
So what we actually have is a giant virtue- signalling advert for a bBBC programme. In other contexts, the biased BBC refers to this sort of thing as fake news.
Yorkshire Post front page is propaganda not news
‘Leeds could be among hardest-hit by Brexit’
Little substance to the story, it could be just an advert for Remain Ltd
One of these sob stories every day for weeks now, everyone a rehash, just change the name of Trumpton’s bigly ”victim”.
Each one containing ‘Russia” and the ”huge” amount of ”controversial” evidence pointing towards the ”almost” certain collusion of the administration, along with demonising his ”populist” ”hardcore” support.
Just change the names and give the paragraphs a shake………never mind the lenght honey, feel that syntax babe.
OK, as soon as you make something affordable or available (transgender operations in army) , then more people want it or use that route. Such as ‘migrate to Germany, everything is free, we won’t do background or health checks on you’ for example.
‘My stomach dropped’: Transgender troops hit hard by Trump ban { jul2017}
Alternative Headline: Transgenders in limbo after US Military convince President to stop funding
“An authoritative 2016 study by the Rand Corporation suggests the concern is unfounded. The study estimated that transgender health care costs would increase the active duty health budget by $2.4m to $8.4m annually – just 0.04% to 0.13%.
By comparison, the Pentagon spends about $84m annually on erectile dysfunction medication, according to a Military Times analysis – 10 times the upper estimate for transgender related costs.”
– now do a x10 increase and you have a similar $84m value, but what if lots of transgender people choose this root (say x100) rather than paying themselves.
The army becomes a means to an end, with people who do not want to be in the army, other than for getting the operation.
Similar approach works for diversity – “I didn’t want to work in the BBC, but the offers and guarantee of a job were to great being in a BME group!”
… in other news ..
Up to 20% Have Regret; Sex Changes Are Not Effective, say Researchers {}
“The review of more than 100 international medical studies of “post-operative” transsexuals finds up to 20% regret transitioning and no conclusive evidence was found that shows gender reassignment surgery improves the lives of transsexuals, with many people remaining severely distressed and even suicidal after the operation, wrote David Batty in the UK Guardian.”
Sex changes are not effective, say researchers { 2004}
“Arif, which advises the NHS in the West Midlands about the evidence base of healthcare treatments, found that most of the medical research on gender reassignment was poorly designed, which skewed the results to suggest that sex change operations are beneficial.”
BBC do not link to any alternative views on research on the transgender subject … so this view must be right …
Delays leave transgender military recruits in limbo 11 July 2017
The secret life of a transgender airman 14 June 2016
Trump rescinds transgender bathroom rules from Obama era 23 February 2017
‘Anti-transgender’ bus is met by protests in Boston 31 March 2017