Chaos in the White House. We’re destined for a Brexit that keeps us in the EU. Yes, just a few items pushed by the rancid BBC today. Here’s a new Open Thread so please detail the bias here!
‘Trump has been faced with this most damaging accusation amongst countless others since taking office. Many say that the Presidency is in yet further disarray and chaos, as if that was possible.’
‘Trump has refused to comment, thus fuelling speculation that impeachment is close.’
‘The name Trump is Germanic in origin. This could inevitably lead investigators to establishing more damaging revelations via one of the History Channel’s documentaries on Hitler.’
‘The Presidency is viewed in many political quarters as being on the verge of imploding. This revelation could force the troubled Trump administration to reveal not only his Hitler ancestry, but also the truth about Trump’s links with Putin and his conspiracy to deny Clinton her rightful place as President of the USA. ‘
‘Viewed by many observers as a further indictment on his weakened Presidency, Trump has refused to attend any of the Grenfell Tower ceremonies or meet with former residents.’
The BBC did a great public service in stirring things up. Maybe they could do another Duggan and incite some full-scale rioting – it is the summmer holidays, wouldn’t that be vibrant?
It is interesting seeing how negative most of the comments are for the YouTube video about the incident. People are sick and tired of this nonsense: rights without responsibilities. Respect is a two way street – you cannot crap all over our values and still act like it is all our fault. Rule of law is paramount and so many have utter contempt for this most basic part of the social contract – blaming the Police then rioting because the Police would not let him sell illegal drugs. These moped robberies are horrific. We English are decent people, tolerant to a fault. But even our patience is at breaking point.
Beeb Brother- The BBC will more than likely use the Londonistan programme to do their
anarchistic trotskyist bidding. I am surprised they don’t have a statue of Mark Duggan
in the studio the way that they have eulogized over him in the past.
I`m really not worrying about what Trumps team are up to. Let the liberal media press their long noses to the White House pantry and dream of impeachment and Gromyko coming back from the dead to put Hillary in.
This is all fake news, it really is.
Even a simple look at US politics shows that they have a complex political means of getting policy through and all the President can be assured of is hiring and firing his team that will mould minds in Congress/Senate.
Trump is playing a political blinder-he transcends his crap dead party, and all those who want to confound the Republican voters (who chose Trump over all odds, and despite them) will get wiped out next year in the mid-terms. Trump is slowly getting the plug to the swamp, he need only get the leakers sacked and put on trial, drag the Democrats down with the recent scandals of Wasserman etc.
And bring back Benghazi, Fast and Furious and drill into the fake news scum who will soon be ripe for the kicking they so richly deserve.
Let the BBC and CNN go down their own false trails and to the gallows trapdoor.
Bannon surely has factored all this in.
Who REALLY listens to the BBC or CNN in any of this?
He`s doing fine, chaotic, random-but as long as Gorka and Steve are there, it ought to be fine.
Possible future tweets by Donald Trump, in his plan to destroy the Swamp:
(1) Why did the Democrats created a false-flag “Russia hack” narrative that they could use to legally intimidate my people?
(2) Why are the Democrats dragging out their evidence-free “Russia” investigations?
(3) The Deep State wants to impeachment me. But it’s probably going to get something else instead: the most explosive revelations of misconduct and criminality in the history of American politics.
(4) Thanks to his friends, I talked to Mr Rich about the murder of his son.
(5) So, why do the Clintons desperately want to kill Imran Awan?
(6) And why is Debbie Wasserman Schultz so upset about it all?
As you will be seeing or reading very little on the BBC about the “collateral damage ” in Hamburg on the BBC.
I thought I would give you an update. The BBC is of course much more interested in the major sports events
that is happening in the world right now the European Ladies football Championships. To be honest I
don’t know what to watch first , this or 50 years of BLT or whatever it is called. However two nights ago I
plumped instead for watching the pigs hogging on the country farm shows which I have found interesting. The
cheese one from Frome last night was far better than anything you can get from watching the 50 years of BLT
or whatever it is called.
Anyway the gentleman from Hamburg wielding the knife was an Ahmad A a failed asylum seeker from the UAR
who was about to be deported.
The BBC does have a get out clause on actually reporting the news because
Ahmed is apparently mentally unbalanced and has a drug problem. And of course shouting out” Allahu Akbar”
these days as you stick the knife in, doesn’t prove anything so far as the BBC is concerned.
Dear (Mr ?) Foscari,
On behalf of the BBC thank you for your comment about the excellent girls football and excellent Queer Week . We are glad you enjoyed them so much and are happy to reassure you that similar quality programmes will be churned out until everybody goes to Netflix or amazon and certainly isn’t stupid enough to pay the ridiculous fee too watch a load of overpaid smug luvvies of all genders, races and tax brackets
Day 12 … BBC TV Tax Payers Request details of payments made to Anjem Choudry and other known arrested extremists who have appeared on the BBC shows. When and where. Plus show if they were given a free platform or challenged?
Yesterday … Day 11 … BBC TV Tax Payers request information on payments made to all the criminal paedophiles found in the BBC. Jimmy Savile and friends.
Just a word on the BBC’s attitude and tone toward the recent story of the parents who found themselves in the position of having to fight a legal battle with the State in order to attempt to get the medical treatment that they wanted for their child.
Perhaps if one takes nothing else from this story just think about the fact that despite this child having two loving and perfectly functional competent parents our State Authorities still deemed it necessary to appoint a third party ‘Guardian’ of the child.
As for the BBC, the libertarian-minded among us will be little surprised to see that our State Broadcaster took a rather Paternalistic Statist tone. Clearly in choice of words and choice of expert guests the BBC took the paternalistic position. Paternalistic. Whilst amusingly the flavour of the month there at the BBC this silly season is bashing the Patriarchy whenever and wherever possible.
A raw nerve for the BBC apparently instantly deserving our sympathy and support was not the child’s parents but rather the apparent abuse received by NHS hospital authorities – or as the BBC prefers to simplistically put it ‘doctors and nurses’. This morning one tends to contrast their agenda of unqualified BBC support for one group of public sector employees with the rather different attitude to the police officers attempting to do their job faced with a hostile unreasonable mob of drug dealer families, shyster lawyers and professional race-baiters in Hackney. We could digress but there will undoubtedly be more on that story.
And how could we have avoided the situation of dispute between State and parental hopes and wishes? Well, the BBC’s favoured guest expert this morning – despite measured soothing tones – gives the most profoundly anti-libertarian answer to that one. You see the problem here was the media. Meaning not the sainly trust-worthy state owned BBC media but non-approved opinons voiced elsewhere – so the courts should give more ‘protection for those involved’. To translate: keep the case out of the media ie Secret Courts. And does this disturbing notion have our BBC gasping – afterall they are supposed to be independent journalists – truth to power and all that? No, of course not, not a dickie bird is heard from our truth and openess warriors – obviously too busy living it up at our expense.
Contrast the BBC’s words after the baby’s death:
“this very sad news”
with the judge’s:
“set free to die with dignity”.
If you had kept a dog alive by artifical means when it could not see, hear, or even eat for itself and had no chance (according to all the vets) of ever recovering the same BBC would howl for you to be put in prison, and the courts would agree.
The parents have no medical qualifications whatever, but the BBC supports then in their fight against every qualified opinion.
You mean the Great Ormond Street Vets had a view and lots of other Vets around the World held different views? Offers of help from around the World, money available and the state makes the decision? something very very wrong with our society.
“Professor Hirano (“the Professor”), whose laboratory research has an international reputation, is very well known to the experts at GOSH and he communicated with them about NBT treatment for Charlie at the very end of December. In January, GOSH invited the Professor to come and see Charlie. That invitation remained open at all times but was not taken up until 18 July after being extended, once again, this time by the Court.“
A case attracting attention all over the world and he couldn’t be bothered for six months? Much easier to grandstand from the US.
It is a bizarre notion you have that “the BBC supports then [them? meaning the parents] in their fight against every qualified opinion”.
You must have been watching a completely different BBC. Your take is the polar opposite of the BBC’s actual reporting. Please provide some link or reference to where the BBC supported the parents in their battle with medical and or legal authorities.
Perhaps what you really mean is that the BBC gave any coverage to this story at all – when to your taste it ought to have been kept secret allowing State institutions to handle matters – see my concluding point above.
Why the canine analogy? We are talking about humans here.
charmbrights (whatever that means?)”
It has no intrinsic meaning. It is merely a label I apply to myself so that all my contributions can be identified as mine. Your equivalent is clearly intended to be meaningful, mine is used across many sites and is also my email account name. I acquired it quite serendipitously in the early 90s in a totally different context where an unique identifier was needed.
Are you saying that doctors supported by the courts should be able to remove life sustaining therapy and dictate treatment options because the parents are not medically qualified?
There are major ethical and philosophical questions raised in this case.
First, there was disagreement among doctors as to the extent of the child’s illness and the possibility of successful therapy.
Two, the UK doctors appealed to the doctrine of futility whereby a physician should not be compelled to provide therapy deemed to be futile. But futility is not simply a question of medical expertise; it involves philosophical and ethical concepts regarding potential success and ability to cope with a limited outcome. In many UK ethics committees criteria for the concept of futility is often determined on cost benefit terms. Are you satisfied, chanbrights, that a cost benefit assessment is wholly adequate for ethical decision making?
Three, the question of distributitive justice was raised – could resources spent on Charlie Gard be better applied elsewhere? This is not strictly a medical issue. And one response emerging from bioethicists is that the cost of prolonging Charlie’s life in order to fulfill the decision to let him die, could have been alleviated had he gone to the US, even if his chances were 1 in a 1000.
Four, the question of best interests was raised by the courts. Now best interests is often applied in family law where it may be deemed that the best interest of a child is to live with either its mother or father. But it is questionable whether best interests can be applied to a decision whether to die or not. As Wittgenstein said: ‘Death is not an event in life’, and future best or worse interests apply to life, not death.
Five, others here have commented on the political/legal issues which amount to a situation where parents are pitted against a very powerful state apparatus. Ian Kennedy argued in the Guardian that the parents do not own the child and consequently the state should make decisions. Sure they do not own the child, as they would own a car they could modify, put a new engine in it or sell it. But moral obligations to our children are not based on ownership; they embrace a wide network of obligations which include obligations we may have to their children – our grandchildren.
As for the veterinary analogy, it is not secure and in the case of Charlie Gard, medical opinion was not unanimous. I did answer a version of the veterinary analogy in a BBC interview, but predictably it was deleted.
Your final sentence refers to the lack of medical knowledge by the parents. May I point out that for decades I have taught medical ethics to physicians and veterinary surgeons and am aware that initially their knowledge of ethics is no higher than the average layperson.
As for the BBC it is incapable of addressing some of the deep philosophical and ethical issues of our time. Which partly explains the purpose of this site.
‘The parents of five-year-old Ashya King, who were detained after taking him abroad for brain tumour treatment, say their son is now free of cancer. Brett and Naghemeh King were held in prison in Madrid last summer after taking their son from hospital in Southampton against medical advice.’
Hat tip to Mr Nigel Farage speaking on US media for a reminder of this previous case where UK NHS authorities were convinced they knew best.
Yes, let’s look at Ashya King.
A child who was moved to the UK by his parents, specifically so that they would not have to pay for his treatment. The initial surgery – curing the cancer – was also done in Southampton.
The disagreement was over what to do next. Proton beam therapy is already performed on NHS patients – those who are likely to benefit are sent to the USA until the facilities in Manchester and London are ready. Southampton wanted to do conventional radiotherapy because of the lower risk of recurrence compared to Proton beam therapy.
His parents have chosen lower side effects for an increased chance that the cancer will return.
Dear GWF,
Thank you for your sensible comment . Perhaps this really is the limit of journalistic reporting. There are so many overlapping areas of discussion/concern/ decision here with one small child in the middle .
With journalism I suppose emotion will hold the high ground and easier for the public to connect with rather than areas such as quality of life .
It really has been a demonstration of the crushing power of the state and establishment. Doctors are not gods and they don’t know everything .
Its the beaurocrats that run the NHS that drive the narrative.The sick elderly are bed blockers ,and anyone who could be will be put on the Liverpool Care pathway or whatever its replacement is called.
A reasonably well off person ,like many BBC employees are ,would have got a second opinion and taken their baby anywhere in the world many months ago.Maybe the result would have been the same but at least the parents would have tried.
I too noticed the BBCs hushed tones this morning ,total hypocrites that they are. If I remember rightly ,many of them at a certain level got private healthcare as one of their perks ,although that may now be discontinued.
Saturday morning Radio4 Today programme, you would think they were short of news. They spent a long time reporting on a painting of a cuttlefish, discussing a novel and being very excited about Trump sacking somebody and someone, in a personal capacity, saying farmers are addicted to subsidies (doesn’t that apply to the BBC?). But the funny thing is the Daily Mail on line leads with rioting in Tottenham. The Today programme did mention some broken shop windows there in passing at 7.30 but that soon got dropped by the 8am headlines. Maybe they had all be repaired by then? As usual, it is what the BBC is not telling us, is the real news.
John Humphrys on the TODAY Programme, talking to a farmer, Guy Smith, has just suggested that “we might not come out of the EU but that’s a long way off”.
£650000 worth of a view .
I did notice humpheys let a fellow who I think was from the NFU complete a very long sentence without interruption – which I think is a first .
The other bit of the Today programme I like is the end – you know – the 5 to 9 bit where they ask say ” what is the meaning of life ” we’ve got God on a bit of a bad line from heaven …. then waste time upto 0859 and its pips time.ridicuous .
Culprits my arse. These are enemy soldiers committing war crimes.
Elect a government that is willing to assume responsibility for the protection of our people
God gave you a perfect little baby, why would you undo God’s perfect work of art by removing a cliterous or foreskin, possibly causing future urinary problems.
Would you chop peoples hands off to stop them stealing?
Would you chop peoples heads off to stop them thinking?
All that is wrong with Europe
I was in the queue at the coffee place at work in the week and ahead of me was some typically obnoxious Northern European bloke (Spanish , French , Italian not sure one of them ) .
He ordered his coffee and then insisted that he wanted it with lactose free milk – ok fair enough. Then he insisted that the girl warm his lactose free milk before pouring it in his piping hot black coffee .
errrr if you pour cold lactose milk in your piping hot coffee d@ckhead I reckon it will warm up don’t you?
Probably what finally did it for the Dinosaurs eh – no warm lactose milk in their coffee
BBC really pushing this British Airways pilot story – a married couple are flying for British Airways and they are flying together .
Now call me old fashioned but in every place I ever worked for over the last 30 odd years if two people in the same department are known to be in a relationship one of them is immediately moved out. It stands to reason that people in a relationship should not work closely together in a Company environment.
I think it is inherently dangerous to have a flight crew on an Airliner made up of a married couple – of course no mention of that in all of the BBC’s fluffy gushing tosh . Ah but wheel on the decrepit Simon Calder (expert travel correspondent – because he once had a week in Benidorm) to say that the number of female airline pilots is depressingly low – agenda what agenda
My personal experience seems to be that every time I get on an aeroplane these days one of the pilots is a woman .
Are but are the pilots transexing ?( if that’s a term ) from on of 32 genders or another . – some one her told me there were 32 genders cos I admitted I don’t really know what gbmt people actually do and more importantly have no wish to be told about it – particularly from a state broadcaster on the taxpayers dime/penny
My hiding place of 4 extra is basically ” radio queer” at the moment
Here we go again: a drugs dealer dies resisting arrest and swallowing his stash, followed by violent riots and, you guessed it, BLM getting in on the act stoking tensions higher.
I am continually baffled by what constitutes a ‘terror attack’. A muslim man (possibly Saudi) kills and injures half a dozen people in a knife attack in Hamburg, shouting, yep, Allahu Akhbar. Sound pretty terrifying to me, but ‘a police official told the BBC: “We are at an early stage of the investigation… At the moment we can’t rule anything out. We are investigating all avenues.”
Everytime a terrorist act is carried out by a known individual who is on a watch list or had been tracked, the government should sack a member of parliament … in public display … from both sides of the house, until the Government realise looking after the people of the country is quite important.
Ludicrous idea … or enough to make Government act in peoples’ interest.
CM – it’s just their default response setting, I recall watching the machine gun Jihad attacks in Paris reported live on BBC News 24; they were all scratching their heads as to what could be the “possible motive”. WTF?
“The 26-year-old born in the United Arab Emirates .
News website Spiegel Online reported that the individual was named Ahmad A., who arrived in Germany seeking asylum and had contact with the Islamist scene, as well as a history of mental health problems and drug use.”
Why would he be seeking asylum from the UAE, and why would Germany accept or even want immigrants with mental health problems and drug use?
Didn’t see anything about this on the bBBC NEWS this morning?
Not a bBBC matter but, worth reading. Oh, and note one of the comments
(Dubaibanker moimeme Jul 29, 2017 12:18 AM
Thsi should cheer everyone up…..
If you have any bank account in EU countries, then you are being warned to have adequate funds abroad or in cash available.
EU is running out of options and they will freeze all depositors if there is another bank run like there was one on Banco Popular in Spain (last month) or Espirito Santo in Portugal (2014) or 2 Italian banks last month (June 2017) or second largest bank in Cyprus in Mar 2013 – Popular bank! Greece closed ALL it’s bank in mid 2015 to prevent a bank run until a bailout was confirmed and the taxes of the public were given away to the EU!
Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, all have seen bank runs… guess is that next will be in Austria or Italy again…..
Welcome to the EUROPEAN UNION of Bank runs!
EU explores account freezes to prevent runs at failing banks )
A cur by anyone’s definition. A predecessor of his (Nigel Lawson) has suggested that once the formal notice to leave has been submitted, we simply do nothing during the intervening two years and then, literally, close the doors on Europe from that point on. If the EU want to discuss their exports to the UK we will be open to beneficial suggestions. No more –
Time is running out on negotiations and the idea of the government commissioning a report on the effect of EU nations on the UK now is just laughable of how uncontrolled immigrations has been and why we want to leave . Unless the krauts put pressure on the corrupt eu leadership in the next 18 months there won’t be much of prospects of agreed outcomes.
I , for one , welcome this but those with strong personal interests in Europe will push for it. And about 2 ? Years after there’s an election ( in theory )
As an aside – I am on the outskirts of London in a traditional Tory constituency . Today I saw a bunch of badged labour types campaigning door to door. Labour must think there’ll be an election soon and they are still in with a chance.
So we now know, for even the BBC are admitting to it that young Ahmed is a well known Islamist in Germany.
BUT not a Jihadist. The poor man has psychological problems . But in my opinion ALL Islamist’s have
psychological problems. It’s the nature of what they believe in !
It is amazing how quickly these “Transgender” and gender issues have somehow become mainstream.
What ten or fifteen years ago would have been the punchline to a joke is now spoken of in serious tones by the great and the good on al Beebus and elsewhere and studied by front rank politicians and the government.
If a fifty year old man with mental health issues wants to wander around dressed like an eleven year old girl, I’m not supposed to view him in the same way I would if he was wandering around dressed in a Batman costume.
I never cease to be amazed by how far our nation has fallen and wonder what else we have to look forward to on our continuing societal plunge.
Incredible isn’t it Al, a tiny minority wielding power out of all proportion to their true numbers, demanding our unquestioning ‘tolerance’ and offering none in return.
I am amazed that David Walliams only a few years ago got away with that character on Little Britain wandering round saying “I am a lady”, would be a hate crime now?
No, it’s just no longer a suitable subject for an eccentric comic character; as we’re told that now it is perfectly normal for someone to “identify” as whatever they want.
What comes next? Bestiality being accepted and people entering into a civil partnership with their pooch? People “identifying” as animals or as objects? The gradual lowering of the age of consent to allow deviant adults the legal access to abuse children?
All of the above seem crazy and to fall within the “That would never happen!” category, in exactly the same way the idea of two men getting married and adopting children did forty years ago.
The Progressives NEVER stop, whatever concessions that are made to comply with their worldview: there are always, always more which they demand. There is no thin end to the Left’s wedge, which is why they must always be opposed implacably.
Oh perleese Al, Grayson Perry is an immensely gifted and valuable artist, a major asset and a significant part the nation’s fund of talent. Without such examples to us all, and those gifted few who discover and expose them for our benefit, like Alan Yentob, where would we be, eh? Answer me that.
FooC now on R4 : time for another Arctic ice scarestory
Last week Alaska, this week Greenland
… Shukman saying alge is making ice dark COULD cause less sun to be reflected and melt more ice, and raise sea level.
Last week beeboid quoted a phrase of one her contacts, about temperature rising faster in the Arctic
Yet when iI checked the context..she’d missed something very important
That his post began with that phrase, but then pointed out a contradiction.
If the temperature was getting warmer why is this years ice melt so much later than previous years ?
eh up next item was stirring up dobt about Trump again.
I thought there was a complaint that Grenfell charity money wasn’t getting to families
So how come guy with Vietnamese sounding name is on trial for receiving £10,000
Allegation is that Anh Nhu Nguyen claimed almost £10,000, defrauding charities and Kensington and Chelsea Council
— Brexit-SteveD #ByeByeEU (@SteveD4848) July 28, 2017
The evidence shows that the BBC’s Tardis must be very Racist, because it always lands in Europe or North America, with a bias for London before it became a bit like Sub-Saharan Africa. But never Sub-Saharan Africa.
By inserting Black people in these areas, the left-wing BBC must be in a politically correct conflict with the Right-wing realism of the Tardis.
The BBC could collaborate with Nigerian Television by shipping the Tardis to Lagos, and make Dr Who in Nigeria instead of hideously white Wales. Then insert a disabled Black Lesbian Dr Who in the Tardis by forcing a regeneration from white female to disabled black lesbian, Dr Who.
All done as a positive and serious progressive act to make left-wing people happy, and make right-wing people happy to LOL.
So now we know why masterpieces such as I CLAUDIUS will never be repeated on BBC.
I can think up some wonderful parodies on the topic. ” I am SPARTICUS” for one.
Electric Car – false narratives
Times quotes Cambridge Econometrics
“Electric cars” ” will cause annual electricity consumption to rise less than 10% by 2050″
The value of hydrocarbon energy used by today’s vehicles has to be higher than 10% of pure electricity use , surely ?
I would expect it ALONE to about match our current electricity consumption.
So seems like Green wishful thinking.
Everyone getting vexed about Brexit, but soon it won’t matter. We’ll be part of the worldwide Caliphate and our new overlords will have their own ideas on the movements of people. Be sure us second class dhimmis and infidels will be discriminated against.
Stew – yes, they were of the Ahmadi sect, the only moderate muslim sect, who try to assimilate. They also go to demos of mourning and solidarity after some terrorist attacks. Naturally the lying beebistan always omit to mention they are Ahmadis, with headlines such as Muslims protest “Not in my name”, giving the erroneous impression they’re regular muslims.
Naturally they are seen as heretical by mainstream islam, and persecuted down history throughout the muslim world.
Caught a snippet of BBC news channel, Dateline London I believe (just after the advert for my lesbian Mums, about 11:30am) and who should be there AGAIN but Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Just how much licence fee money does this woman pocket? Enough to keep her in ruby slippers it would appear. Along with the lesbian mums and the panel for dateline London I have to wonder just who the feck the BBC is for, not me it would appear. Let those who the BBC caters for fund it, the rest of us should receive a backdated refund, with interest.
She also rakes in appearance money from Sky, as a ‘comment’ giver – normally trashing the Government and what else is wrong with the country who gave her sanctuary when she was kicked out of Kenya. I’m not a violent person, but whenever she is on, the red mist comes down and I want to give her a slap !
Its so noticeable now, that anyone who has a ‘position’ and is asked for a sound bite by the media – are clearly not white British born. Anyone would think that there are only Asians / Indians / and a few Africans, who are authors/columnists/journalists/directors of various ‘think tanks’/ academics – who know what they are talking about when it comes to offering an opinion on anything and everything from the amount of sewage in our rivers, cladding on tower blocks, to the quality of care in our residential homes. I feel suddenly overwhelmed by aliens, when faced with the amount of outside reporters, news readers, sports presenters, talking heads and now cookery ‘experts’, who are not of my culture, upbringing or background.
This was written in 2001, describing the ‘nomenklatura’, the ‘clerisy’, the in-group who run the country, who the writer calls simply The Enemy Class.
“The BBC, however, is wholly controlled by the Enemy Class. In the past few years, it has dropped any pretence of objectivity, and is now openly biased in favour of the Labour Party and the European Union. Its Director General and chief political correspondent are friends of the Prime Minister. Its news coverage has become almost Soviet in its bias. Its discussion programmes are little more than rigged panels talking in front of rigged audiences about matters and on assumptions quite alien to the concerns of ordinary people. But the bias extends far beyond news and current affairs, and far deeper than any merely political networking.
The BBC is fundamentally hostile to freedom and tradition. Its consumer affairs programmes and exposure documentaries universally proclaim the need for the firm but gentle hand of state regulation. Its historical documentaries are overwhelmingly concerned with issues like slavery, colonialism, oppression of women and homosexuals, poverty, and the general nastiness of the old ruling class. Its most popular entertainment programmes preach a daily sermon on the uselessness of individual effort and self-reliance, and encourage intellectual passivity and conformity. In all its activities, the prime function of the BBC is to engineer consent to the hegemonic status of the Enemy Class.
That’s a short extract from Sean Gabb’s long essay How to Destroy the Enemy Class which is well worth a thorough read. It could be a depressing read, given that things have, if anything, only got worse in the interim.
“We should take the BBC permanently off air. I accept that it has existed long enough and been prominent enough to qualify as an historic institution. I also accept that, bias aside, it probably is the best broadcasting organisation in the world. But I see no alternative to shutting it down. Anyone who thinks it can be captured and firmly governed by our people is dreaming. There are not enough of us with the necessary technical and managerial skills. At best, we might put a few of our people at the top—only to see them bypassed or marginalised.”
On this esteemed website I have periodically commented to the scandal of perpetually hiding the true cost of public sector pensions, in this context by the BBC. Thus we hear full coverage of the recent campaign to abolish the supposed 1% pay limit ( not including pay scale increments naturally) but scant information about the public sector pension liabilities.
Well, knock me down with a feather. Today we hear that the Universities pension fund is in deficit to the tune of …..wait for it….£17 Bn !
Forget MPs putting in dodgy expenses, this is the Real McCoy.
Now maybe Jezza will just add £17bn to the £100 bn cost of paying off all student debt and tuition fees.
But really this should be shouted repeatedly from every rooftop. Private sector workers are being absolutely stiffed by the public sector and they are either too gullible or ignorant ot too badly informed by the likes of the bBBC to realise it.
I wonder if, when students learn that tuition fees may have to be increased substantially to plug the black hole they will be clever enough to realise the giant deceit.
More news. Apparently the Universities pension fund deficit increased by £9 bn in ONE YEAR!
That’s £9 bn. Nine billion. In one year.
In context in 2014/15 the Universities cost £33bn to run, but 44% of that came from fees. The government contribution was …..about £9 bn.
So the one year pension deficit is the equal of the total government funding in the sector !!
That’s how big it is. And no-one at the BBC blinks an eye…………….
And while I am on my hobby horse, how about this.
Somone earning £40,000 pa pays about £4000 per annum in National Insurance.
Now the new state pension arrangements provide a pension worth around £160 a week after 35 years of contributions. It is not no doubt strictly hypothecated but pension entitlement is linked to years of NI payments.
So in one year, a pension worth 1/35 of £160 per week is ‘earned’. That equates to around £235 per year. The pension pot equivalent of an inflation protected pension of £235 is around £7000.
From the above it follows that even those earning £40000 are not actually putting in anywhere near enough contributions to pay for their own pension! Therefore it follows that almost no-one is.
Now I like a free lunch just like the next person but when faced with such reckless pretence over future funding, as also shown today by the Universities pension fund black hole, is there any wonder the annual deficit and growing debt is so vast (as we all pay today for the unfunded entitlements ‘earned’ by public sector workers in years gone by)?
I suppose simple Maths like this is beyond the capabilities of the bBBC ‘journalists’.
Sluff …………. It is not no doubt strictly hypothecated but pension entitlement is linked to years of NI payments…
It helps that people like me worked extra years to subside others ! As a woman I had to work 39 years (before all the reshuffling) before I could claim full state pension. In fact I worked 41 years, still paying NI payments, but with no extra benefit, because it stopped 2 years earlier !!! – I wonder what the Government spent my 24 months contributions on ?
Brissles, I believe that under the old system it was necessary to contribute in 90% of the years between age 16 and 65 with I think some credit years for A levels. That’s probably the 39 years you mention. Not sure the rules were different for men and women. The ‘married woman’s stamp’ was at a lower rate but of course did not not create personal pension entitlement. But even you I suspect have not paid in anything like the amount required to compensate for increased longevity, which has gone up about 3 years in the last 10 and yet most people expect to be covered until they die because ‘they have paid in’.
A difficult issue not helped by a total absence of objective discussion from politicians and reporting from the bBBC
Brissles, I believe that under the old system it was necessary to contribute in 90% of the years between age 16 and 65 with I think some credit years for A levels. That’s probably the 39 years you mention. Not sure the rules were different for men and women. The ‘married woman’s stamp’ was at a lower rate but of course did not not create personal pension entitlement. But even you I suspect have not paid in anything like the amount required to compensate for increased longevity, which has gone up about 3 years in the last 10 and yet most people expect to be covered until they die because ‘they have paid in’.
A difficult issue not helped by a total absence of objective, honest, discussion from politicians and reporting from the bBBC
I contributed from age 15-65 every month without fail and retired in 2014.
Lucky to have been in full employment, I know.
I am on the second class pension of around £120 per week as opposed to the £150-155 per week now for I think 15 years fewer NI payments.
I still don’t know how they are getting away with the two tier pension system.
unfortunately for me USS ISNT tax payer backed and has gone from being massively in the black to massively in the red
its gone from final salary to career average for new starters to career average for everyone in 5 years its also gotten progressively more expensive currently around 25%
GORDON BROWN is the main factor in its troubles although there are other smaller factors
such as senior managers doubling their own wages for the last 3 years before retirement
oddly 2 other schemes also used at work have similar benefits dont have the black hole and are cheaper to be in so the USS board should also take a big portion of the blame, but never do, they also pay big numbers for investment advice which would appear to be not very sound .
unfortunately as members we seem to be unable to actually do anything to these useless bastards.
A friend sent me this the other day, and I thought it was worth sharing.
“A young woman was about to finish her first year of university. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be Labour Party minded, and she was very much in favour of higher taxes to support her education and for more government programmes – in other words, the redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch blue-ribbon Conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had attended, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harboured a selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programmes.
The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors must be the truth, and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing at university.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 90% average, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many university friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, “How is your friend Audrey doing?” She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 50% average. She is so popular on campus; university for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.”
Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 20% off your average and give it to your friend who only has 50%. That way you will both have a 70% average, it would be fair and you would both be equal.”
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, “That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the Conservative side of the fence.”
If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Conservative and Labour/Greens, I’m all ears.
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Conservative supporter doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Labour/Green doesn’t like guns, they want all guns outlawed.
If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Labour/Green is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Conservative is gay, he quietly leads his life.
If a Labour/Green is gay, he demands legislated respect.
If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Labour/Green wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.
If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Labour/Green non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)
If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Labour/Green will delete it because he’s “offended.””
Lobbie heard a classic on the radio earlier – apparently the organisation with the highest pension bill /problem in the Country is the Universities – so how are they going to address any shortfalls for all of the final salary pensions that need to be paid to all of those very deserving (useless,sponging) Left wing Professors ?
Yes you have guessed it – raise tuition fees – you could not make this sht up
Hopefully the university nonsense is about to implode. The business model is crap. The teaching is crap and numbers are falling. Reality looms for our academia.
I would say that the posters on this site don’t want it shut down but want the Telly Tax shut down.
If it is so good, it will fund itself and make a profit, so much a profit that can pay Great Britain some tax back for all the years it has misled and robbed us.
Just look at its exorbitant wage bill. I bet you are not on those wages .
Now Maxi, offer us some evidence of Al Beeb right wing bias .
What if it became compulsory to pay for the Daily Mail and it was delivered to every household in the country irrespective of the owners wishes, failure to pay for it is then criminalised. Now there are those who enjoy the Mail and are happy to pay for it, good for them I say, but why should the rest of us be forced to subsidise them? Although I strongly disagree with the BBCs agenda I have no problem with them saying it, however, I do have a massive problem with subsidising it and putting money in the pockets of people who I believe are a corrupting influence.
Yes Lobster its a good post and shows how things can be turned around if the young are presented with something that really affects them.
I learned from my father too .He was a poor working class Conservative. Left school at 14 .He voted Labour only once in 1945 ,after the war and in response to the spin of cheaper utilities etc following Nationalisation .
Of course the opposite happened ,everything increased in price and went downhill in service .I never forgot him telling me this .He was a great believer in working hard and saving to better himself .I really thank god he is no longer here to see what has happened to London.
Good post Lobster. You can also see it in the response to how we did not do as well in the last election as we’d hoped.
We did not accuse Corbyn of being a lying monster who stole the election. Instead you look at what you did wrong and how you can do better next time.
We did not accuse the other side of having a mental illness because they disagree.
We did not report anyone who disagreed with us on social media to the Police.
We did not demand another vote because we lost and the other side lied.
There were no riots. Have you noticed ed how the Left wing rioters never clean up after themselves? The demonstrators against Obama never left any mess!
I watched a few minutes of Newsnight last night, literally en passant. I was left open-mouthed at the bias shown by Kirsty Wark during the piece about European air traffic. Constant interruptions of the obviously knowledgeable (Conservative) MEP culminating in the appalling act of fading her out while giving the final word to the right-on “expert” agreeing with her BBC viewpoint. Disgraceful. Now I know why I rarely watch BBC
“Constant interruptions of the obviously knowledgeable (Conservative) MEP culminating in the appalling act of fading her out while giving the final word to the right-on “expert” agreeing with her BBC viewpoint”
Complete nonsense.
Jacqueline Foster (complete with novelty shop ‘Thatcher Wig & Pearls’) got twice as much speaking time as Peter Morris and was ‘interrupted’ half as much. She also interrupted Peter Morris and was only faded out because she wouldn’t stop talking.
“Its good to see your back”. Please don’t get that wrong but have you drawn the short straw on the night shift draw again?
Now prey tell us why do you post here? What motivates you? Have you set up an “I love Al Beeb” site yet?
Three easy questions that someone of your calibre could easily answer.
Oh and before I finish, do you pay the Telly Tax to help the Al Beeb employees ‘welfare fund’? Money well spent Eh ! “But of course, you know better because…?”
The ADS are a whinging bunch of rent-seeking troughers hoping that the EU honey keeps flowing.
“Not reaching a deal with the EU would have significant commercial consequences for UK industry, raising the costs of doing business, reducing our influence and damaging the UK’s reputation as one of the best places in the world to develop new technology and create high value jobs.”
Yes, it would have consequences, good ones.
Smaller bonuses guys!
Reducing influence and damaging reputation? Typical remoaner bullcrap.
Like many good people here, I click on Google News just to get the headlines.
As I wish to ignore any rubbish from The Guardian, and most of the bbbc, can someone please tell me how I can stop their puerile headlines infesting my screen please?
I’ve managed to get a ‘just for you’ page organised, but still the petulant whining of the lefty press comes up, and I don’t want to waste time looking at such sad ‘reporting’!
I’ll see the occasional bbbc stuff, mainly because I ‘owe’ it to them to get bashed incessantly for my tax, but the fecking Grauniad – no way; it’s absolute crap, and I don’t want to read the stupid tosh they churn up at any time of the day or night!
But why can’t I stop their ‘headlines’ getting in the way of proper stories, Spider?
I just don’t want to see their stuff at all! I would never pay them for a dead tree issue, and squirm at their pleading begging letters , so my BP is better off with leaving them out all the time!
The Guardian is real socialism. Free on line, but one wonders how much it is financially supported by the BBC’s licence payers, as the national broadcaster buys so many copies and has such a cosy relationship with its staff.
Now that is a proper issue – much more than the trash they spurt out in their lefty bubble.
I just don’t want to have anything to do with the bloody Grauniad, it doesn’t mean anything to me, I dislike the smarmy lefties squawking bile at everything they feel they can’t understand, their opposition to anything needed to make my country great, and also, they’re pretty damn weak in their reporting stance, so perhaps the ‘journalists’ need a bit of coaching, maybe even before they leave the crud college they ‘trained’ in.
Maybe I should ask Google if there’s a way – it’s what sane people do isn’t it?
Yes you can block the Guardian from GoogleNews
login to GoogleNews and on clicktop right GEAR ring icon
– The submenu will show a sources option
and there put in block and
Darn Google won’t let you block those sites , only Guardian USA and the BBC
It’s all in the rationale to stop any of the lefty stuff coming to my screen. I don’t mind The Mirror etc, because they have a much more honest business, but the Guardian, oh no, it’s a pitiful little rag to what it once was, back in my father’s day, and he never read it either!
If you want to customise your feed further (again, I’m only speaking for Chrome users), click the gear wheel at the right top of your browser screen, that is the Settings area. From there, you are presented with various options. The one I most use is Sources -> Block, to eliminate fake news sites like MSNBC, CNN and Buzzfeed.
The idea of the cultural Marxists, who have marched through our institutions, is that less successful cultures should be empowered as they have been ‘oppressed.’ Their central premise is nonsense: if you sell crack, don’t work and riot you won’t do as well as if you get a good education, get a job and have a calm and reasoned conversation with someone when they upset you.
There is no ‘oppression’ involved, except the diametric opposite of what they believe. Why should we have to put up with riots because someone thinks he is above the law? If I got caught committing a serious crime I would hang my head in shame, as would my family. To instead lash out like this shows a serious and perhaps irreconcilable conflict of values. This supposed rainbow harmony of multiculturalism is more like a cacophonous war zone. God help the Police what a terrible job they have.
It should be interesting to see which ends up getting the most sympathetic coverage on the BBC:
– Riot in Dalston
– Two people killed in “stampede at a football match in South Africa
– Violence near Stadium of Light in Sunderland before football match with Celtic.
Apparently, Tommy Robinson was also in Sunderland for entirely different reasons, but it won’t be long before somebody creates a link.
Unfortunately, thick white football “fans” seem to have a talent for giving organisations like the BBC just the ammunition they need to tar everyone with the same brush.
If you’re referring to the Transgender Games, my sources tell me that they have recently concluded in Boulder, Colorado.
The weight-lifting event caused some controversy, being won by Trixie Pancakes, with a clean snatch and jerk of 486kg. This would have been a world record for the former Auckland dock labourer, but was disallowed due to wind assistance.
Everybody won prizes, and the games ended with the largest-ever game of Lucky Pierre.
The ‘stone, scissors paper’ event went off pretty well too, Rick!
Nobody was quite sure what to do with the paper, or the stones for that matter, (maybe some of the geezerbirds did), but lots of the blokes eyed the scissors more than somewhat and got timed out…
SWEDEN have a free kick on the half way line after 59 minutes in their 1/4 final ladies 1/4 final
against HOLLAND !!!! You can follow this live on the BBC website !!!! I just can’t wait for the BBC
to cover Women’s rugby live on their website. Does anybody know when the LBT or whatever it
is called, games start? Are the BBC covering it live? What about the 100 meters for people with
no sense of direction or those with weak bladders. At least that finishes next to the toilets!!
The BBC is becoming just like a parody of MONTY PYTHON in it’s obsession with diversity and
positive discrimination !!!
No, I think Beeb might mean the tragic death of Paralympian javelin thrower Abdullah Hayayei whilst he was taking part in a practice session prior to the World Para-athletics Championships that were held in London at the start of this month. I think Channel 4 covered them.
He was struck by ‘a metal pole ‘ but it wasn’t a javelin, it was part of the safety net that fell on him when he was throwing, hammer or shot put I think. I think he threw into the net and it hadn’t been properly secured and came crashing down on top of him.
This is probably what Beeb is thinking of, more likely that than an incident that happened in Germany 5 years ago. The more recent incident is what came to my mind when I read his post, it was reported on the BBC on 12/07/17, day after Abdullahs death.
Paralympian, javelin, death; all the key words are there. Just an unfortunate and easy mistake to make, shows the importance of reading beyond the headlines I suppose.
“He was struck by ‘a metal pole ‘ but it wasn’t a javelin, it was part of the safety net that fell on him when he was throwing, hammer or shot put I think.. This is probably what Beeb is thinking of…”
So, apart from completely misremembering what happened and employing his ignorance to mock disabled athletes, ‘Beeb Brother’ was entirely correct…
Monty Python Upper class twit of the year was funny . Is the Nadiya Christmas Annual out yet?
Doctor Who is about to be consigned to the History books – BBC run by total retards on my tax $ and I don’t want to pay anymore. Lineker £1.6m , Shearer £0.45m do me a fking a favour I don’t watch Match of the Day
“More needs to be done to address this community’s anger.”
BBC News
Obviously nothing should be done to address the anger of victims of crime. We just lie down and get crapped on and if we complain we get arrested for thought crime.
How much does the EU rob us of and how much do they export to Great Britain ?
They need us more than we need them. There is a big world out there and there is the Commonwealth who are jumping up and down to trade Great Britain.
god imagine if we had to trade on wto rules, what a disaster, we wouldnt be able to sell or buy anything
would my tv from that well known eu member japan still work, would i still be able to type on my american laptop, will my korean microwave stop revolving
Thanks for that taff, i dont read the local rags, free one is handy in the summer, rolled up for ruining the odd annoying flies day, but thats it, i’m going to post that on my local politics forum biased bbc thread, advertise the petition,… thats the un-subsidised press giving local bbc subsidised radio a kicking, thats why the government ignore petitions, otherwise it would cost them an extra million, basically the beeb give their station i.e. gov stationa quarter of the licence fee money collected here.
Plus the beeb have to pay a nice fee to use our hills, for their mast’s.
I Could and would personally petition tynwald next tynwald day 5th july 2018, if i had some professional help, they wouldnt be fobbing me off.
You get to have your say personally to parliament, and it is broadcast, a personal petition of redress.
Its for when a government department does you over, you petition for redress and name names and ministers directly to them all, then it goes to committee.
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The Next BBC News Feature? :-
‘Trump Denies Hitler Was His Father.’
‘Trump has been faced with this most damaging accusation amongst countless others since taking office. Many say that the Presidency is in yet further disarray and chaos, as if that was possible.’
‘Trump has refused to comment, thus fuelling speculation that impeachment is close.’
‘The name Trump is Germanic in origin. This could inevitably lead investigators to establishing more damaging revelations via one of the History Channel’s documentaries on Hitler.’
‘The Presidency is viewed in many political quarters as being on the verge of imploding. This revelation could force the troubled Trump administration to reveal not only his Hitler ancestry, but also the truth about Trump’s links with Putin and his conspiracy to deny Clinton her rightful place as President of the USA. ‘
‘Viewed by many observers as a further indictment on his weakened Presidency, Trump has refused to attend any of the Grenfell Tower ceremonies or meet with former residents.’
The BBC is having quite the weekend.
Bunch of drug dealers kicking off is a ‘protest’.
Another man in Germany gets emotional when his robbery attempt goes awry.
Two blokes in the White House exchange looks.
The entire UK will soon be under a no fly zone.
And JK Rowling is to head of the new Fact Checking unit.
The BBC did a great public service in stirring things up. Maybe they could do another Duggan and incite some full-scale rioting – it is the summmer holidays, wouldn’t that be vibrant?
It is interesting seeing how negative most of the comments are for the YouTube video about the incident. People are sick and tired of this nonsense: rights without responsibilities. Respect is a two way street – you cannot crap all over our values and still act like it is all our fault. Rule of law is paramount and so many have utter contempt for this most basic part of the social contract – blaming the Police then rioting because the Police would not let him sell illegal drugs. These moped robberies are horrific. We English are decent people, tolerant to a fault. But even our patience is at breaking point.
Beeb Brother- The BBC will more than likely use the Londonistan programme to do their
anarchistic trotskyist bidding. I am surprised they don’t have a statue of Mark Duggan
in the studio the way that they have eulogized over him in the past.
Just a hard working gangster doing his daily chore of picking up a gun and those evil Police picked on him for no reason.
I`m really not worrying about what Trumps team are up to. Let the liberal media press their long noses to the White House pantry and dream of impeachment and Gromyko coming back from the dead to put Hillary in.
This is all fake news, it really is.
Even a simple look at US politics shows that they have a complex political means of getting policy through and all the President can be assured of is hiring and firing his team that will mould minds in Congress/Senate.
Trump is playing a political blinder-he transcends his crap dead party, and all those who want to confound the Republican voters (who chose Trump over all odds, and despite them) will get wiped out next year in the mid-terms. Trump is slowly getting the plug to the swamp, he need only get the leakers sacked and put on trial, drag the Democrats down with the recent scandals of Wasserman etc.
And bring back Benghazi, Fast and Furious and drill into the fake news scum who will soon be ripe for the kicking they so richly deserve.
Let the BBC and CNN go down their own false trails and to the gallows trapdoor.
Bannon surely has factored all this in.
Who REALLY listens to the BBC or CNN in any of this?
He`s doing fine, chaotic, random-but as long as Gorka and Steve are there, it ought to be fine.
Possible future tweets by Donald Trump, in his plan to destroy the Swamp:
(1) Why did the Democrats created a false-flag “Russia hack” narrative that they could use to legally intimidate my people?
(2) Why are the Democrats dragging out their evidence-free “Russia” investigations?
(3) The Deep State wants to impeachment me. But it’s probably going to get something else instead: the most explosive revelations of misconduct and criminality in the history of American politics.
(4) Thanks to his friends, I talked to Mr Rich about the murder of his son.
(5) So, why do the Clintons desperately want to kill Imran Awan?
(6) And why is Debbie Wasserman Schultz so upset about it all?
As you will be seeing or reading very little on the BBC about the “collateral damage ” in Hamburg on the BBC.
I thought I would give you an update. The BBC is of course much more interested in the major sports events
that is happening in the world right now the European Ladies football Championships. To be honest I
don’t know what to watch first , this or 50 years of BLT or whatever it is called. However two nights ago I
plumped instead for watching the pigs hogging on the country farm shows which I have found interesting. The
cheese one from Frome last night was far better than anything you can get from watching the 50 years of BLT
or whatever it is called.
Anyway the gentleman from Hamburg wielding the knife was an Ahmad A a failed asylum seeker from the UAR
who was about to be deported.
The BBC does have a get out clause on actually reporting the news because
Ahmed is apparently mentally unbalanced and has a drug problem. And of course shouting out” Allahu Akbar”
these days as you stick the knife in, doesn’t prove anything so far as the BBC is concerned.
Dear (Mr ?) Foscari,
On behalf of the BBC thank you for your comment about the excellent girls football and excellent Queer Week . We are glad you enjoyed them so much and are happy to reassure you that similar quality programmes will be churned out until everybody goes to Netflix or amazon and certainly isn’t stupid enough to pay the ridiculous fee too watch a load of overpaid smug luvvies of all genders, races and tax brackets
Regards- outsourced department – n. Korea
Day 12 … BBC TV Tax Payers Request details of payments made to Anjem Choudry and other known arrested extremists who have appeared on the BBC shows. When and where. Plus show if they were given a free platform or challenged?
Yesterday … Day 11 … BBC TV Tax Payers request information on payments made to all the criminal paedophiles found in the BBC. Jimmy Savile and friends.
13 BBC Taxing Days … a bit like the BBC’s “100+ Days” but based on BBC wrong doing rather than Trump’s supposed wrong doing.{biasedbbc post}
Just a word on the BBC’s attitude and tone toward the recent story of the parents who found themselves in the position of having to fight a legal battle with the State in order to attempt to get the medical treatment that they wanted for their child.
Perhaps if one takes nothing else from this story just think about the fact that despite this child having two loving and perfectly functional competent parents our State Authorities still deemed it necessary to appoint a third party ‘Guardian’ of the child.
As for the BBC, the libertarian-minded among us will be little surprised to see that our State Broadcaster took a rather Paternalistic Statist tone. Clearly in choice of words and choice of expert guests the BBC took the paternalistic position. Paternalistic. Whilst amusingly the flavour of the month there at the BBC this silly season is bashing the Patriarchy whenever and wherever possible.
A raw nerve for the BBC apparently instantly deserving our sympathy and support was not the child’s parents but rather the apparent abuse received by NHS hospital authorities – or as the BBC prefers to simplistically put it ‘doctors and nurses’. This morning one tends to contrast their agenda of unqualified BBC support for one group of public sector employees with the rather different attitude to the police officers attempting to do their job faced with a hostile unreasonable mob of drug dealer families, shyster lawyers and professional race-baiters in Hackney. We could digress but there will undoubtedly be more on that story.
And how could we have avoided the situation of dispute between State and parental hopes and wishes? Well, the BBC’s favoured guest expert this morning – despite measured soothing tones – gives the most profoundly anti-libertarian answer to that one. You see the problem here was the media. Meaning not the sainly trust-worthy state owned BBC media but non-approved opinons voiced elsewhere – so the courts should give more ‘protection for those involved’. To translate: keep the case out of the media ie Secret Courts. And does this disturbing notion have our BBC gasping – afterall they are supposed to be independent journalists – truth to power and all that? No, of course not, not a dickie bird is heard from our truth and openess warriors – obviously too busy living it up at our expense.
Contrast the BBC’s words after the baby’s death:
“this very sad news”
with the judge’s:
“set free to die with dignity”.
If you had kept a dog alive by artifical means when it could not see, hear, or even eat for itself and had no chance (according to all the vets) of ever recovering the same BBC would howl for you to be put in prison, and the courts would agree.
The parents have no medical qualifications whatever, but the BBC supports then in their fight against every qualified opinion.
You mean the Great Ormond Street Vets had a view and lots of other Vets around the World held different views? Offers of help from around the World, money available and the state makes the decision? something very very wrong with our society.
“You mean the Great Ormond Street Vets had a view and lots of other Vets around the World held different views?”
From Melanie Phillips:
A cruel and ignorant campaign
“Professor Hirano (“the Professor”), whose laboratory research has an international reputation, is very well known to the experts at GOSH and he communicated with them about NBT treatment for Charlie at the very end of December. In January, GOSH invited the Professor to come and see Charlie. That invitation remained open at all times but was not taken up until 18 July after being extended, once again, this time by the Court.“
A case attracting attention all over the world and he couldn’t be bothered for six months? Much easier to grandstand from the US.
charmbrights (whatever that means?)
It is a bizarre notion you have that “the BBC supports then [them? meaning the parents] in their fight against every qualified opinion”.
You must have been watching a completely different BBC. Your take is the polar opposite of the BBC’s actual reporting. Please provide some link or reference to where the BBC supported the parents in their battle with medical and or legal authorities.
Perhaps what you really mean is that the BBC gave any coverage to this story at all – when to your taste it ought to have been kept secret allowing State institutions to handle matters – see my concluding point above.
Why the canine analogy? We are talking about humans here.
charmbrights (whatever that means?)”
It has no intrinsic meaning. It is merely a label I apply to myself so that all my contributions can be identified as mine. Your equivalent is clearly intended to be meaningful, mine is used across many sites and is also my email account name. I acquired it quite serendipitously in the early 90s in a totally different context where an unique identifier was needed.
Are you saying that doctors supported by the courts should be able to remove life sustaining therapy and dictate treatment options because the parents are not medically qualified?
There are major ethical and philosophical questions raised in this case.
First, there was disagreement among doctors as to the extent of the child’s illness and the possibility of successful therapy.
Two, the UK doctors appealed to the doctrine of futility whereby a physician should not be compelled to provide therapy deemed to be futile. But futility is not simply a question of medical expertise; it involves philosophical and ethical concepts regarding potential success and ability to cope with a limited outcome. In many UK ethics committees criteria for the concept of futility is often determined on cost benefit terms. Are you satisfied, chanbrights, that a cost benefit assessment is wholly adequate for ethical decision making?
Three, the question of distributitive justice was raised – could resources spent on Charlie Gard be better applied elsewhere? This is not strictly a medical issue. And one response emerging from bioethicists is that the cost of prolonging Charlie’s life in order to fulfill the decision to let him die, could have been alleviated had he gone to the US, even if his chances were 1 in a 1000.
Four, the question of best interests was raised by the courts. Now best interests is often applied in family law where it may be deemed that the best interest of a child is to live with either its mother or father. But it is questionable whether best interests can be applied to a decision whether to die or not. As Wittgenstein said: ‘Death is not an event in life’, and future best or worse interests apply to life, not death.
Five, others here have commented on the political/legal issues which amount to a situation where parents are pitted against a very powerful state apparatus. Ian Kennedy argued in the Guardian that the parents do not own the child and consequently the state should make decisions. Sure they do not own the child, as they would own a car they could modify, put a new engine in it or sell it. But moral obligations to our children are not based on ownership; they embrace a wide network of obligations which include obligations we may have to their children – our grandchildren.
As for the veterinary analogy, it is not secure and in the case of Charlie Gard, medical opinion was not unanimous. I did answer a version of the veterinary analogy in a BBC interview, but predictably it was deleted.
Your final sentence refers to the lack of medical knowledge by the parents. May I point out that for decades I have taught medical ethics to physicians and veterinary surgeons and am aware that initially their knowledge of ethics is no higher than the average layperson.
As for the BBC it is incapable of addressing some of the deep philosophical and ethical issues of our time. Which partly explains the purpose of this site.
G.W.F – I couldn’t have put it better.
And lest we forget
‘The parents of five-year-old Ashya King, who were detained after taking him abroad for brain tumour treatment, say their son is now free of cancer. Brett and Naghemeh King were held in prison in Madrid last summer after taking their son from hospital in Southampton against medical advice.’
Hat tip to Mr Nigel Farage speaking on US media for a reminder of this previous case where UK NHS authorities were convinced they knew best.
Yes, let’s look at Ashya King.
A child who was moved to the UK by his parents, specifically so that they would not have to pay for his treatment. The initial surgery – curing the cancer – was also done in Southampton.
The disagreement was over what to do next. Proton beam therapy is already performed on NHS patients – those who are likely to benefit are sent to the USA until the facilities in Manchester and London are ready. Southampton wanted to do conventional radiotherapy because of the lower risk of recurrence compared to Proton beam therapy.
His parents have chosen lower side effects for an increased chance that the cancer will return.
Dear GWF,
Thank you for your sensible comment . Perhaps this really is the limit of journalistic reporting. There are so many overlapping areas of discussion/concern/ decision here with one small child in the middle .
With journalism I suppose emotion will hold the high ground and easier for the public to connect with rather than areas such as quality of life .
Thanks again for such a clear account .
Now it’s back to slagging off the bias !!!
It really has been a demonstration of the crushing power of the state and establishment. Doctors are not gods and they don’t know everything .
Its the beaurocrats that run the NHS that drive the narrative.The sick elderly are bed blockers ,and anyone who could be will be put on the Liverpool Care pathway or whatever its replacement is called.
A reasonably well off person ,like many BBC employees are ,would have got a second opinion and taken their baby anywhere in the world many months ago.Maybe the result would have been the same but at least the parents would have tried.
I too noticed the BBCs hushed tones this morning ,total hypocrites that they are. If I remember rightly ,many of them at a certain level got private healthcare as one of their perks ,although that may now be discontinued.
Saturday morning Radio4 Today programme, you would think they were short of news. They spent a long time reporting on a painting of a cuttlefish, discussing a novel and being very excited about Trump sacking somebody and someone, in a personal capacity, saying farmers are addicted to subsidies (doesn’t that apply to the BBC?). But the funny thing is the Daily Mail on line leads with rioting in Tottenham. The Today programme did mention some broken shop windows there in passing at 7.30 but that soon got dropped by the 8am headlines. Maybe they had all be repaired by then? As usual, it is what the BBC is not telling us, is the real news.
John Humphrys on the TODAY Programme, talking to a farmer, Guy Smith, has just suggested that “we might not come out of the EU but that’s a long way off”.
A personal view?
Or a BBC view?
Or a John Humphrys and BBC view?
‘Tis his own to have.
£650000 worth of a view .
I did notice humpheys let a fellow who I think was from the NFU complete a very long sentence without interruption – which I think is a first .
The other bit of the Today programme I like is the end – you know – the 5 to 9 bit where they ask say ” what is the meaning of life ” we’ve got God on a bit of a bad line from heaven …. then waste time upto 0859 and its pips time.ridicuous .
The end of the good samaritan, who came before Christianity or Islam was formed ….
Culprits my arse. These are enemy soldiers committing war crimes.
Elect a government that is willing to assume responsibility for the protection of our people
Religious freedom – YES. Stopping a child from having a normal life – NO.
Michigan: Lawyers for Muslim doctors charged with performing FGM to use religious freedom as defense { jul2017}
“Defense lawyers have said they will argue a freedom of religion defense – setting the stage for an explosive test of Americans’ religious rights that experts say could ultimately be settled by the Supreme Court. “
Religious freedom – YES. Stopping a child from having a normal life – NO.
Michigan: Lawyers for Muslim doctors charged with performing FGM to use religious freedom as defense { jul2017}
“Defense lawyers have said they will argue a freedom of religion defense – setting the stage for an explosive test of Americans’ religious rights that experts say could ultimately be settled by the Supreme Court. “
No reference to male or female circumcision in the Koran !
It was there, but they cut it out.
God gave you a perfect little baby, why would you undo God’s perfect work of art by removing a cliterous or foreskin, possibly causing future urinary problems.
Would you chop peoples hands off to stop them stealing?
Would you chop peoples heads off to stop them thinking?
All that is wrong with Europe
I was in the queue at the coffee place at work in the week and ahead of me was some typically obnoxious Northern European bloke (Spanish , French , Italian not sure one of them ) .
He ordered his coffee and then insisted that he wanted it with lactose free milk – ok fair enough. Then he insisted that the girl warm his lactose free milk before pouring it in his piping hot black coffee .
errrr if you pour cold lactose milk in your piping hot coffee d@ckhead I reckon it will warm up don’t you?
Probably what finally did it for the Dinosaurs eh – no warm lactose milk in their coffee
Isn’t lactose free milk another name for water?
Not to my knowledge, conveyed by our, ‘envy of the World’ – Another ‘religion of peace’ soldier at work –
BBC really pushing this British Airways pilot story – a married couple are flying for British Airways and they are flying together .
Now call me old fashioned but in every place I ever worked for over the last 30 odd years if two people in the same department are known to be in a relationship one of them is immediately moved out. It stands to reason that people in a relationship should not work closely together in a Company environment.
I think it is inherently dangerous to have a flight crew on an Airliner made up of a married couple – of course no mention of that in all of the BBC’s fluffy gushing tosh . Ah but wheel on the decrepit Simon Calder (expert travel correspondent – because he once had a week in Benidorm) to say that the number of female airline pilots is depressingly low – agenda what agenda
My personal experience seems to be that every time I get on an aeroplane these days one of the pilots is a woman .
Is Simon Calder the only “travel expert” in Britain? If you listen to the BBC, you would think so.
Well, he is the travel editor of the Independent. I can only assume that the Guardian doesn’t have one.
Are but are the pilots transexing ?( if that’s a term ) from on of 32 genders or another . – some one her told me there were 32 genders cos I admitted I don’t really know what gbmt people actually do and more importantly have no wish to be told about it – particularly from a state broadcaster on the taxpayers dime/penny
My hiding place of 4 extra is basically ” radio queer” at the moment
Here we go again: a drugs dealer dies resisting arrest and swallowing his stash, followed by violent riots and, you guessed it, BLM getting in on the act stoking tensions higher.
Where was the banner saying that White Australian Women’s lives matter?
BLM. Reinforcing the belief in the black community that they are the top of the pile in victimhood every time.
And looting, as per usual !!
In certain areas it’s called shopping.
When carried out by People Of Colour it’s called protesting.
I am continually baffled by what constitutes a ‘terror attack’. A muslim man (possibly Saudi) kills and injures half a dozen people in a knife attack in Hamburg, shouting, yep, Allahu Akhbar. Sound pretty terrifying to me, but ‘a police official told the BBC: “We are at an early stage of the investigation… At the moment we can’t rule anything out. We are investigating all avenues.”
Everytime a terrorist act is carried out by a known individual who is on a watch list or had been tracked, the government should sack a member of parliament … in public display … from both sides of the house, until the Government realise looking after the people of the country is quite important.
Ludicrous idea … or enough to make Government act in peoples’ interest.
CM – it’s just their default response setting, I recall watching the machine gun Jihad attacks in Paris reported live on BBC News 24; they were all scratching their heads as to what could be the “possible motive”. WTF?
“The 26-year-old born in the United Arab Emirates .
News website Spiegel Online reported that the individual was named Ahmad A., who arrived in Germany seeking asylum and had contact with the Islamist scene, as well as a history of mental health problems and drug use.”
Why would he be seeking asylum from the UAE, and why would Germany accept or even want immigrants with mental health problems and drug use?
Didn’t see anything about this on the bBBC NEWS this morning?
Not a bBBC matter but, worth reading. Oh, and note one of the comments
(Dubaibanker moimeme Jul 29, 2017 12:18 AM
Thsi should cheer everyone up…..
If you have any bank account in EU countries, then you are being warned to have adequate funds abroad or in cash available.
EU is running out of options and they will freeze all depositors if there is another bank run like there was one on Banco Popular in Spain (last month) or Espirito Santo in Portugal (2014) or 2 Italian banks last month (June 2017) or second largest bank in Cyprus in Mar 2013 – Popular bank! Greece closed ALL it’s bank in mid 2015 to prevent a bank run until a bailout was confirmed and the taxes of the public were given away to the EU!
Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, all have seen bank runs… guess is that next will be in Austria or Italy again…..
Welcome to the EUROPEAN UNION of Bank runs!
EU explores account freezes to prevent runs at failing banks )
A cur by anyone’s definition. A predecessor of his (Nigel Lawson) has suggested that once the formal notice to leave has been submitted, we simply do nothing during the intervening two years and then, literally, close the doors on Europe from that point on. If the EU want to discuss their exports to the UK we will be open to beneficial suggestions. No more –
Time is running out on negotiations and the idea of the government commissioning a report on the effect of EU nations on the UK now is just laughable of how uncontrolled immigrations has been and why we want to leave . Unless the krauts put pressure on the corrupt eu leadership in the next 18 months there won’t be much of prospects of agreed outcomes.
I , for one , welcome this but those with strong personal interests in Europe will push for it. And about 2 ? Years after there’s an election ( in theory )
As an aside – I am on the outskirts of London in a traditional Tory constituency . Today I saw a bunch of badged labour types campaigning door to door. Labour must think there’ll be an election soon and they are still in with a chance.
The western Governments (including ours), the BBC and all our ‘cultural enrichment’ which we have not yet experienced anything like what is coming to us –
So we now know, for even the BBC are admitting to it that young Ahmed is a well known Islamist in Germany.
BUT not a Jihadist. The poor man has psychological problems . But in my opinion ALL Islamist’s have
psychological problems. It’s the nature of what they believe in !
Times : 2,000 % increase in referrals of children to gender identity clinics
now 2,00 kids/year
It is amazing how quickly these “Transgender” and gender issues have somehow become mainstream.
What ten or fifteen years ago would have been the punchline to a joke is now spoken of in serious tones by the great and the good on al Beebus and elsewhere and studied by front rank politicians and the government.
If a fifty year old man with mental health issues wants to wander around dressed like an eleven year old girl, I’m not supposed to view him in the same way I would if he was wandering around dressed in a Batman costume.
I never cease to be amazed by how far our nation has fallen and wonder what else we have to look forward to on our continuing societal plunge.
Incredible isn’t it Al, a tiny minority wielding power out of all proportion to their true numbers, demanding our unquestioning ‘tolerance’ and offering none in return.
I am amazed that David Walliams only a few years ago got away with that character on Little Britain wandering round saying “I am a lady”, would be a hate crime now?
No, it’s just no longer a suitable subject for an eccentric comic character; as we’re told that now it is perfectly normal for someone to “identify” as whatever they want.
What comes next? Bestiality being accepted and people entering into a civil partnership with their pooch? People “identifying” as animals or as objects? The gradual lowering of the age of consent to allow deviant adults the legal access to abuse children?
All of the above seem crazy and to fall within the “That would never happen!” category, in exactly the same way the idea of two men getting married and adopting children did forty years ago.
The Progressives NEVER stop, whatever concessions that are made to comply with their worldview: there are always, always more which they demand. There is no thin end to the Left’s wedge, which is why they must always be opposed implacably.
Oh perleese Al, Grayson Perry is an immensely gifted and valuable artist, a major asset and a significant part the nation’s fund of talent. Without such examples to us all, and those gifted few who discover and expose them for our benefit, like Alan Yentob, where would we be, eh? Answer me that.
FooC now on R4 : time for another Arctic ice scarestory
Last week Alaska, this week Greenland
… Shukman saying alge is making ice dark COULD cause less sun to be reflected and melt more ice, and raise sea level.
Last week beeboid quoted a phrase of one her contacts, about temperature rising faster in the Arctic
Yet when iI checked the context..she’d missed something very important
That his post began with that phrase, but then pointed out a contradiction.
If the temperature was getting warmer why is this years ice melt so much later than previous years ?
eh up next item was stirring up dobt about Trump again.
I thought there was a complaint that Grenfell charity money wasn’t getting to families
So how come guy with Vietnamese sounding name is on trial for receiving £10,000
London is very dangerous
cos of politicians accidentally saying an un-PC word etc
(very interesting Twitter thread)
PJW on BBC typical Roman family which is half black.
“‘We’ve Got To Lie’ – BBC Dr. Who Producer Wants To Insert Black People At Points In History”
Why let the truth get in the way of a good progressive fairy story?, “We’ve Got To Lie”, should be the BBC motto.
The evidence shows that the BBC’s Tardis must be very Racist, because it always lands in Europe or North America, with a bias for London before it became a bit like Sub-Saharan Africa. But never Sub-Saharan Africa.
By inserting Black people in these areas, the left-wing BBC must be in a politically correct conflict with the Right-wing realism of the Tardis.
The BBC could collaborate with Nigerian Television by shipping the Tardis to Lagos, and make Dr Who in Nigeria instead of hideously white Wales. Then insert a disabled Black Lesbian Dr Who in the Tardis by forcing a regeneration from white female to disabled black lesbian, Dr Who.
All done as a positive and serious progressive act to make left-wing people happy, and make right-wing people happy to LOL.
So now we know why masterpieces such as I CLAUDIUS will never be repeated on BBC.
I can think up some wonderful parodies on the topic. ” I am SPARTICUS” for one.
Electric Car – false narratives
Times quotes Cambridge Econometrics
“Electric cars” ” will cause annual electricity consumption to rise less than 10% by 2050″
The value of hydrocarbon energy used by today’s vehicles has to be higher than 10% of pure electricity use , surely ?
I would expect it ALONE to about match our current electricity consumption.
So seems like Green wishful thinking.
Everyone getting vexed about Brexit, but soon it won’t matter. We’ll be part of the worldwide Caliphate and our new overlords will have their own ideas on the movements of people. Be sure us second class dhimmis and infidels will be discriminated against.
Times : “Muslim fly British flag at festival”
..take a guess which sect ?
Stew – yes, they were of the Ahmadi sect, the only moderate muslim sect, who try to assimilate. They also go to demos of mourning and solidarity after some terrorist attacks. Naturally the lying beebistan always omit to mention they are Ahmadis, with headlines such as Muslims protest “Not in my name”, giving the erroneous impression they’re regular muslims.
Naturally they are seen as heretical by mainstream islam, and persecuted down history throughout the muslim world.
Caught a snippet of BBC news channel, Dateline London I believe (just after the advert for my lesbian Mums, about 11:30am) and who should be there AGAIN but Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Just how much licence fee money does this woman pocket? Enough to keep her in ruby slippers it would appear. Along with the lesbian mums and the panel for dateline London I have to wonder just who the feck the BBC is for, not me it would appear. Let those who the BBC caters for fund it, the rest of us should receive a backdated refund, with interest.
IIRC, she was complaining recently about not being invited on enough due to her being a Feisty Lady of Hue.
Clearly the BBC decided to intercept her taking them to wherever such people take the BBC to, to keep the BBC on narrative.
She also rakes in appearance money from Sky, as a ‘comment’ giver – normally trashing the Government and what else is wrong with the country who gave her sanctuary when she was kicked out of Kenya. I’m not a violent person, but whenever she is on, the red mist comes down and I want to give her a slap !
Its so noticeable now, that anyone who has a ‘position’ and is asked for a sound bite by the media – are clearly not white British born. Anyone would think that there are only Asians / Indians / and a few Africans, who are authors/columnists/journalists/directors of various ‘think tanks’/ academics – who know what they are talking about when it comes to offering an opinion on anything and everything from the amount of sewage in our rivers, cladding on tower blocks, to the quality of care in our residential homes. I feel suddenly overwhelmed by aliens, when faced with the amount of outside reporters, news readers, sports presenters, talking heads and now cookery ‘experts’, who are not of my culture, upbringing or background.
This was written in 2001, describing the ‘nomenklatura’, the ‘clerisy’, the in-group who run the country, who the writer calls simply The Enemy Class.
“The BBC, however, is wholly controlled by the Enemy Class. In the past few years, it has dropped any pretence of objectivity, and is now openly biased in favour of the Labour Party and the European Union. Its Director General and chief political correspondent are friends of the Prime Minister. Its news coverage has become almost Soviet in its bias. Its discussion programmes are little more than rigged panels talking in front of rigged audiences about matters and on assumptions quite alien to the concerns of ordinary people. But the bias extends far beyond news and current affairs, and far deeper than any merely political networking.
The BBC is fundamentally hostile to freedom and tradition. Its consumer affairs programmes and exposure documentaries universally proclaim the need for the firm but gentle hand of state regulation. Its historical documentaries are overwhelmingly concerned with issues like slavery, colonialism, oppression of women and homosexuals, poverty, and the general nastiness of the old ruling class. Its most popular entertainment programmes preach a daily sermon on the uselessness of individual effort and self-reliance, and encourage intellectual passivity and conformity. In all its activities, the prime function of the BBC is to engineer consent to the hegemonic status of the Enemy Class.
That’s a short extract from Sean Gabb’s long essay How to Destroy the Enemy Class which is well worth a thorough read. It could be a depressing read, given that things have, if anything, only got worse in the interim.
He continues:
“We should take the BBC permanently off air. I accept that it has existed long enough and been prominent enough to qualify as an historic institution. I also accept that, bias aside, it probably is the best broadcasting organisation in the world. But I see no alternative to shutting it down. Anyone who thinks it can be captured and firmly governed by our people is dreaming. There are not enough of us with the necessary technical and managerial skills. At best, we might put a few of our people at the top—only to see them bypassed or marginalised.”
On this esteemed website I have periodically commented to the scandal of perpetually hiding the true cost of public sector pensions, in this context by the BBC. Thus we hear full coverage of the recent campaign to abolish the supposed 1% pay limit ( not including pay scale increments naturally) but scant information about the public sector pension liabilities.
Well, knock me down with a feather. Today we hear that the Universities pension fund is in deficit to the tune of …..wait for it….£17 Bn !
Forget MPs putting in dodgy expenses, this is the Real McCoy.
Now maybe Jezza will just add £17bn to the £100 bn cost of paying off all student debt and tuition fees.
But really this should be shouted repeatedly from every rooftop. Private sector workers are being absolutely stiffed by the public sector and they are either too gullible or ignorant ot too badly informed by the likes of the bBBC to realise it.
I wonder if, when students learn that tuition fees may have to be increased substantially to plug the black hole they will be clever enough to realise the giant deceit.
More news. Apparently the Universities pension fund deficit increased by £9 bn in ONE YEAR!
That’s £9 bn. Nine billion. In one year.
In context in 2014/15 the Universities cost £33bn to run, but 44% of that came from fees. The government contribution was …..about £9 bn.
So the one year pension deficit is the equal of the total government funding in the sector !!
That’s how big it is. And no-one at the BBC blinks an eye…………….
And while I am on my hobby horse, how about this.
Somone earning £40,000 pa pays about £4000 per annum in National Insurance.
Now the new state pension arrangements provide a pension worth around £160 a week after 35 years of contributions. It is not no doubt strictly hypothecated but pension entitlement is linked to years of NI payments.
So in one year, a pension worth 1/35 of £160 per week is ‘earned’. That equates to around £235 per year. The pension pot equivalent of an inflation protected pension of £235 is around £7000.
From the above it follows that even those earning £40000 are not actually putting in anywhere near enough contributions to pay for their own pension! Therefore it follows that almost no-one is.
Now I like a free lunch just like the next person but when faced with such reckless pretence over future funding, as also shown today by the Universities pension fund black hole, is there any wonder the annual deficit and growing debt is so vast (as we all pay today for the unfunded entitlements ‘earned’ by public sector workers in years gone by)?
I suppose simple Maths like this is beyond the capabilities of the bBBC ‘journalists’.
Diane Abbott might be able to explain it ……
Sluff …………. It is not no doubt strictly hypothecated but pension entitlement is linked to years of NI payments…
It helps that people like me worked extra years to subside others ! As a woman I had to work 39 years (before all the reshuffling) before I could claim full state pension. In fact I worked 41 years, still paying NI payments, but with no extra benefit, because it stopped 2 years earlier !!! – I wonder what the Government spent my 24 months contributions on ?
Brissles, I believe that under the old system it was necessary to contribute in 90% of the years between age 16 and 65 with I think some credit years for A levels. That’s probably the 39 years you mention. Not sure the rules were different for men and women. The ‘married woman’s stamp’ was at a lower rate but of course did not not create personal pension entitlement. But even you I suspect have not paid in anything like the amount required to compensate for increased longevity, which has gone up about 3 years in the last 10 and yet most people expect to be covered until they die because ‘they have paid in’.
A difficult issue not helped by a total absence of objective discussion from politicians and reporting from the bBBC
Brissles, I believe that under the old system it was necessary to contribute in 90% of the years between age 16 and 65 with I think some credit years for A levels. That’s probably the 39 years you mention. Not sure the rules were different for men and women. The ‘married woman’s stamp’ was at a lower rate but of course did not not create personal pension entitlement. But even you I suspect have not paid in anything like the amount required to compensate for increased longevity, which has gone up about 3 years in the last 10 and yet most people expect to be covered until they die because ‘they have paid in’.
A difficult issue not helped by a total absence of objective, honest, discussion from politicians and reporting from the bBBC
I contributed from age 15-65 every month without fail and retired in 2014.
Lucky to have been in full employment, I know.
I am on the second class pension of around £120 per week as opposed to the £150-155 per week now for I think 15 years fewer NI payments.
I still don’t know how they are getting away with the two tier pension system.
unfortunately for me USS ISNT tax payer backed and has gone from being massively in the black to massively in the red
its gone from final salary to career average for new starters to career average for everyone in 5 years its also gotten progressively more expensive currently around 25%
GORDON BROWN is the main factor in its troubles although there are other smaller factors
such as senior managers doubling their own wages for the last 3 years before retirement
oddly 2 other schemes also used at work have similar benefits dont have the black hole and are cheaper to be in so the USS board should also take a big portion of the blame, but never do, they also pay big numbers for investment advice which would appear to be not very sound .
unfortunately as members we seem to be unable to actually do anything to these useless bastards.
A friend sent me this the other day, and I thought it was worth sharing.
“A young woman was about to finish her first year of university. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be Labour Party minded, and she was very much in favour of higher taxes to support her education and for more government programmes – in other words, the redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch blue-ribbon Conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had attended, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harboured a selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programmes.
The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors must be the truth, and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing at university.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 90% average, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many university friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, “How is your friend Audrey doing?” She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 50% average. She is so popular on campus; university for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.”
Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 20% off your average and give it to your friend who only has 50%. That way you will both have a 70% average, it would be fair and you would both be equal.”
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, “That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the Conservative side of the fence.”
If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Conservative and Labour/Greens, I’m all ears.
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Conservative supporter doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Labour/Green doesn’t like guns, they want all guns outlawed.
If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Labour/Green is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Conservative is gay, he quietly leads his life.
If a Labour/Green is gay, he demands legislated respect.
If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Labour/Green wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.
If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Labour/Green non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)
If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Labour/Green will delete it because he’s “offended.””
Lobbie – Solid post.
Excellent. Thank you
Excellent Lobster!
With your OK, I’ll pop it round to a few other like-minded chums!
Brilliant, Lobster. I hope that girl one day realises what a wise father she has. But I’m guessing it could take some time.
Lobbie heard a classic on the radio earlier – apparently the organisation with the highest pension bill /problem in the Country is the Universities – so how are they going to address any shortfalls for all of the final salary pensions that need to be paid to all of those very deserving (useless,sponging) Left wing Professors ?
Yes you have guessed it – raise tuition fees – you could not make this sht up
Hopefully the university nonsense is about to implode. The business model is crap. The teaching is crap and numbers are falling. Reality looms for our academia.
“If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.”
LOL, you’re posting this on a site that wants to shut down the BBC because it’s not right-wing enough for your liking.
I would say that the posters on this site don’t want it shut down but want the Telly Tax shut down.
If it is so good, it will fund itself and make a profit, so much a profit that can pay Great Britain some tax back for all the years it has misled and robbed us.
Just look at its exorbitant wage bill. I bet you are not on those wages .
Now Maxi, offer us some evidence of Al Beeb right wing bias .
What if it became compulsory to pay for the Daily Mail and it was delivered to every household in the country irrespective of the owners wishes, failure to pay for it is then criminalised. Now there are those who enjoy the Mail and are happy to pay for it, good for them I say, but why should the rest of us be forced to subsidise them? Although I strongly disagree with the BBCs agenda I have no problem with them saying it, however, I do have a massive problem with subsidising it and putting money in the pockets of people who I believe are a corrupting influence.
Yes Lobster its a good post and shows how things can be turned around if the young are presented with something that really affects them.
I learned from my father too .He was a poor working class Conservative. Left school at 14 .He voted Labour only once in 1945 ,after the war and in response to the spin of cheaper utilities etc following Nationalisation .
Of course the opposite happened ,everything increased in price and went downhill in service .I never forgot him telling me this .He was a great believer in working hard and saving to better himself .I really thank god he is no longer here to see what has happened to London.
Good post Lobster. You can also see it in the response to how we did not do as well in the last election as we’d hoped.
We did not accuse Corbyn of being a lying monster who stole the election. Instead you look at what you did wrong and how you can do better next time.
We did not accuse the other side of having a mental illness because they disagree.
We did not report anyone who disagreed with us on social media to the Police.
We did not demand another vote because we lost and the other side lied.
There were no riots. Have you noticed ed how the Left wing rioters never clean up after themselves? The demonstrators against Obama never left any mess!
Thoughtful post, Beeb.
Good thinking.
According to the BBC the UK won’t be able to make aircraft and none of us will be able to fly either.
Using the same logic all road traffic will come to a standstill in ‘Europe’ as they are ‘forced’ to remove ‘STOP’ from their red octagonal road signs!
I watched a few minutes of Newsnight last night, literally en passant. I was left open-mouthed at the bias shown by Kirsty Wark during the piece about European air traffic. Constant interruptions of the obviously knowledgeable (Conservative) MEP culminating in the appalling act of fading her out while giving the final word to the right-on “expert” agreeing with her BBC viewpoint. Disgraceful. Now I know why I rarely watch BBC
Others have noticed too:
It is my earnest wish that the Beeb have the word ‘British’ forcibly removed from their title before they are stripped of their funding.
“Constant interruptions of the obviously knowledgeable (Conservative) MEP culminating in the appalling act of fading her out while giving the final word to the right-on “expert” agreeing with her BBC viewpoint”
Complete nonsense.
Jacqueline Foster (complete with novelty shop ‘Thatcher Wig & Pearls’) got twice as much speaking time as Peter Morris and was ‘interrupted’ half as much. She also interrupted Peter Morris and was only faded out because she wouldn’t stop talking.
“Its good to see your back”. Please don’t get that wrong but have you drawn the short straw on the night shift draw again?
Now prey tell us why do you post here? What motivates you? Have you set up an “I love Al Beeb” site yet?
Three easy questions that someone of your calibre could easily answer.
Oh and before I finish, do you pay the Telly Tax to help the Al Beeb employees ‘welfare fund’? Money well spent Eh ! “But of course, you know better because…?”
“According to the BBC the UK won’t be able to make aircraft and none of us will be able to fly either.”
Ignoring your ridiculous exaggeration, erm no. Not “According to the BBC”, but “according to the head of aerospace body ADS.”
But of course, you know better because…?
The ADS are a whinging bunch of rent-seeking troughers hoping that the EU honey keeps flowing.
“Not reaching a deal with the EU would have significant commercial consequences for UK industry, raising the costs of doing business, reducing our influence and damaging the UK’s reputation as one of the best places in the world to develop new technology and create high value jobs.”
Yes, it would have consequences, good ones.
Smaller bonuses guys!
Reducing influence and damaging reputation? Typical remoaner bullcrap.
Like many good people here, I click on Google News just to get the headlines.
As I wish to ignore any rubbish from The Guardian, and most of the bbbc, can someone please tell me how I can stop their puerile headlines infesting my screen please?
I’ve managed to get a ‘just for you’ page organised, but still the petulant whining of the lefty press comes up, and I don’t want to waste time looking at such sad ‘reporting’!
I’ll see the occasional bbbc stuff, mainly because I ‘owe’ it to them to get bashed incessantly for my tax, but the fecking Grauniad – no way; it’s absolute crap, and I don’t want to read the stupid tosh they churn up at any time of the day or night!
The Gaurdian is free online, other papers understand capatilism and charge users to support their business.
But why can’t I stop their ‘headlines’ getting in the way of proper stories, Spider?
I just don’t want to see their stuff at all! I would never pay them for a dead tree issue, and squirm at their pleading begging letters , so my BP is better off with leaving them out all the time!
The Guardian is real socialism. Free on line, but one wonders how much it is financially supported by the BBC’s licence payers, as the national broadcaster buys so many copies and has such a cosy relationship with its staff.
Now that is a proper issue – much more than the trash they spurt out in their lefty bubble.
I just don’t want to have anything to do with the bloody Grauniad, it doesn’t mean anything to me, I dislike the smarmy lefties squawking bile at everything they feel they can’t understand, their opposition to anything needed to make my country great, and also, they’re pretty damn weak in their reporting stance, so perhaps the ‘journalists’ need a bit of coaching, maybe even before they leave the crud college they ‘trained’ in.
Maybe I should ask Google if there’s a way – it’s what sane people do isn’t it?
Yes you can block the Guardian from GoogleNews
login to GoogleNews and on clicktop right GEAR ring icon
– The submenu will show a sources option
and there put in block and
Darn Google won’t let you block those sites , only Guardian USA and the BBC
Also You could block Guardian completely from your browser content by adding the Guardian domain to your Hosts lists
That stops GoogleNews showing Guardian images
Thank you Stew – and Rick, later!
It’s all in the rationale to stop any of the lefty stuff coming to my screen. I don’t mind The Mirror etc, because they have a much more honest business, but the Guardian, oh no, it’s a pitiful little rag to what it once was, back in my father’s day, and he never read it either!
There is an extension (if you’re using Chrome) which blocks the Top Stories from appearing.
It’s called, imaginatively, “Google News Top Stories Section Remover”.
If you want to customise your feed further (again, I’m only speaking for Chrome users), click the gear wheel at the right top of your browser screen, that is the Settings area. From there, you are presented with various options. The one I most use is Sources -> Block, to eliminate fake news sites like MSNBC, CNN and Buzzfeed.
RE: Hackney riots.
The idea of the cultural Marxists, who have marched through our institutions, is that less successful cultures should be empowered as they have been ‘oppressed.’ Their central premise is nonsense: if you sell crack, don’t work and riot you won’t do as well as if you get a good education, get a job and have a calm and reasoned conversation with someone when they upset you.
There is no ‘oppression’ involved, except the diametric opposite of what they believe. Why should we have to put up with riots because someone thinks he is above the law? If I got caught committing a serious crime I would hang my head in shame, as would my family. To instead lash out like this shows a serious and perhaps irreconcilable conflict of values. This supposed rainbow harmony of multiculturalism is more like a cacophonous war zone. God help the Police what a terrible job they have.
I wonder how much this case will cost the tax payer? No doubt there will be a huge inquiry all paid for via legal aid.
It should be interesting to see which ends up getting the most sympathetic coverage on the BBC:
– Riot in Dalston
– Two people killed in “stampede at a football match in South Africa
– Violence near Stadium of Light in Sunderland before football match with Celtic.
Apparently, Tommy Robinson was also in Sunderland for entirely different reasons, but it won’t be long before somebody creates a link.
Unfortunately, thick white football “fans” seem to have a talent for giving organisations like the BBC just the ammunition they need to tar everyone with the same brush.
If you’re referring to the Transgender Games, my sources tell me that they have recently concluded in Boulder, Colorado.
The weight-lifting event caused some controversy, being won by Trixie Pancakes, with a clean snatch and jerk of 486kg. This would have been a world record for the former Auckland dock labourer, but was disallowed due to wind assistance.
Everybody won prizes, and the games ended with the largest-ever game of Lucky Pierre.
The ‘stone, scissors paper’ event went off pretty well too, Rick!
Nobody was quite sure what to do with the paper, or the stones for that matter, (maybe some of the geezerbirds did), but lots of the blokes eyed the scissors more than somewhat and got timed out…
SWEDEN have a free kick on the half way line after 59 minutes in their 1/4 final ladies 1/4 final
against HOLLAND !!!! You can follow this live on the BBC website !!!! I just can’t wait for the BBC
to cover Women’s rugby live on their website. Does anybody know when the LBT or whatever it
is called, games start? Are the BBC covering it live? What about the 100 meters for people with
no sense of direction or those with weak bladders. At least that finishes next to the toilets!!
The BBC is becoming just like a parody of MONTY PYTHON in it’s obsession with diversity and
positive discrimination !!!
Didn’t someone in the Paralympic javelin accidentally kill someone? It is almost as if being disabled makes you less good at physical activities.
Beeb Brother,
“Didn’t someone in the Paralympic javelin accidentally kill someone?”
“A track and field official has died after being accidentally impaled by a 15-year old javelin competitor at a sporting event in Germany.”
Nothing to do with the Paralympics.
It’s almost as if being an ignorant buffoon is a prerequisite for supporting ‘Biased-BBC’.
No, I think Beeb might mean the tragic death of Paralympian javelin thrower Abdullah Hayayei whilst he was taking part in a practice session prior to the World Para-athletics Championships that were held in London at the start of this month. I think Channel 4 covered them.
He was struck by ‘a metal pole ‘ but it wasn’t a javelin, it was part of the safety net that fell on him when he was throwing, hammer or shot put I think. I think he threw into the net and it hadn’t been properly secured and came crashing down on top of him.
This is probably what Beeb is thinking of, more likely that than an incident that happened in Germany 5 years ago. The more recent incident is what came to my mind when I read his post, it was reported on the BBC on 12/07/17, day after Abdullahs death.
Paralympian, javelin, death; all the key words are there. Just an unfortunate and easy mistake to make, shows the importance of reading beyond the headlines I suppose.
“He was struck by ‘a metal pole ‘ but it wasn’t a javelin, it was part of the safety net that fell on him when he was throwing, hammer or shot put I think.. This is probably what Beeb is thinking of…”
So, apart from completely misremembering what happened and employing his ignorance to mock disabled athletes, ‘Beeb Brother’ was entirely correct…
Just how desperate are you, ‘Rich’?
Nice one. BB
The Al Beeb, the ministry of funny walks, political correctness, and hypocrisy.
Monty Python Upper class twit of the year was funny . Is the Nadiya Christmas Annual out yet?
Doctor Who is about to be consigned to the History books – BBC run by total retards on my tax $ and I don’t want to pay anymore. Lineker £1.6m , Shearer £0.45m do me a fking a favour I don’t watch Match of the Day
Of course, there is the MASSIVE news of the day:
Dream Daddy was created for LGBT+ gamers.
It’s topped the best-sellers chart on games store Steam.
Maximum dad points.
(via BBC News)
What’s funny is the gamer community taking the stats apart.
“More needs to be done to address this community’s anger.”
BBC News
Obviously nothing should be done to address the anger of victims of crime. We just lie down and get crapped on and if we complain we get arrested for thought crime.
“More needs to be done to address this community’s anger.”
Just as I feel about the sodding bbbc, and it’s pet ‘publication’, (hardly a newspaper, more like a student rag), the Guardian.
The BBC (Brexit Bashing Corporation) fail to mention that the EU accounts for only 13% of world trade.
Dover Sentry,
“the EU accounts for only 13% of world trade.”
Yes, and the EU accounts for 44% of UK trade. So?
How much does the EU rob us of and how much do they export to Great Britain ?
They need us more than we need them. There is a big world out there and there is the Commonwealth who are jumping up and down to trade Great Britain.
god imagine if we had to trade on wto rules, what a disaster, we wouldnt be able to sell or buy anything
would my tv from that well known eu member japan still work, would i still be able to type on my american laptop, will my korean microwave stop revolving
I don’t know if this story has made it beyond the confines of the Black Country, but for those who don’t know we now have our own flag which, as you might guess, has upset those who are perpetually offended.
This is Doreen’s take on it …..
She’s brilliant. Proper Yam Yam.
That nonsense in the Express & Star made me go out and buy a Black Country flag and put it in my window.
How would you like to advertise this ? …………………….§ionIs=news&searchyear=2017
Thanks for that taff, i dont read the local rags, free one is handy in the summer, rolled up for ruining the odd annoying flies day, but thats it, i’m going to post that on my local politics forum biased bbc thread, advertise the petition,… thats the un-subsidised press giving local bbc subsidised radio a kicking, thats why the government ignore petitions, otherwise it would cost them an extra million, basically the beeb give their station i.e. gov stationa quarter of the licence fee money collected here.
Plus the beeb have to pay a nice fee to use our hills, for their mast’s.
God bless her.
Funny lady.
Thanks, you are welcome . Have a word with the Tynwald.
I Could and would personally petition tynwald next tynwald day 5th july 2018, if i had some professional help, they wouldnt be fobbing me off.
You get to have your say personally to parliament, and it is broadcast, a personal petition of redress.
Its for when a government department does you over, you petition for redress and name names and ministers directly to them all, then it goes to committee.
OT, but has the BBC opened an HYS on this with comments enabled too?
Obviously no one would wish anyone ill at such a time.
She seems to have posted in the last hour. So maybe JK Rowling has taken over the End of the Piers role?