The Beeb website gleefully reports at length on the email prankster fooling the White House – it is their main story. Never mind jobs, the stock market or security – a prank is real news. In the age of fake news, thank God we have the ‘reality check’ of the Beeb to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Dear BBC, you still have your own fake far left news on your website which hides migrant being nasty to another migrant from the story, I think it is still misleading people as of September 2015 and should be corrected.
Just sent both links of ‘male migrant pushing a female migrant in Hungary’ to a friend who is gay and used to work at the BBC and supports female Dr Who’s and gender reassignment and Labour.
Will be interesting to see his comments.
My guess his response will be “But that’s only one BBC story.”. To which I will reply that it is still out there for people to be misled (from Sep2015) and has NOT been corrected as of Aug2017 and then I will send another story as per the Andrew Breitbart method.
Break the story into little chunks and keep leaking piece by piece until they give up and think you have an infinite amount of evidence (which you don’t) but they eventually see your side for at least a few minutes. This is what should be happening with the Gary Lineker BBC TV Tax for wages scandal.
I do believe that in the long term we will enjoy much better relations with our European neighbours. We were in fact scrupulous in observing EU regulations, even if we grumbled about them. It was actually a cause of resentment that so many others happily passed these rules and then blithely ignored them.
miker22, me too. I think our whole uneasy relationship with the EEC/EC/EU stems from two aspects of our joining.
The second is Ted Heath’s deception over what we were joining. The EEC/EC/EU is founded on a lie but could have been made honest, especially with a dose of the UK’s post-WW2 realism while western Europe was still partly in a state of shell-shock and under Allied control.
The first was Wilson’s and Heath’s misguided notion that government knew best and should not seek, beyond a vague manifesto mention, the will of the people first. A doubly bad mistake.
“But a few Euro-fanatics, disproportionately prominent on the BBC and at The Financial Times, are acting like doomsday cultists, constantly postponing the date of their promised apocalypse.”
So the blatant bias of the bBBC is even being noted overseas!
Marky there is another account @Lorelei_174 with the name FionaSwann that makes dozens of pro EU tweets per day
Whereas That BBC employee account mentioned above is pretty dormant
(I don’t rule out that this could her activist account or it could be another person who has same name
This account has never mentioned the BBC
It describes Swann’s job “I’m a Brit who works in Europe and might lose my job. Mum-in-law retired to France likely to lose reciprocal healthcare.”)
This account retweeted this
If they're starting to ban things they don't like now, what will they be doing after the great Repeal Bill?
— Brexit Bin ???????? ???????? #FBPE (@BrexitBin) August 1, 2017
They should be allowed to wave the EU flag. Shows the irony of it all. Remember the video of Merkel pulling a German flag from another party member, stopping him waving it. So funny, could be from Brass Eye show.
What a good article by Dan Hannan but it’s a real shame what happened to him. He was a tour de force during the referendum, making excellent points and providing some entertaining rebuttals on the debates (particularly the Spectator one) that I saw him at. As was demonstrated, he was clearly far more in touch with the British people than many others.
But then we won the referendum and he just disappeared. He seemed to lose his nerve right after the victory and back peddled that we could remain in the single market or maintain freedom of movement and because of this watering down, wasn’t contacted for appearances or commentary.
He had a golden opportunity to ride the crest of the wave for something he’d been advocating yet spectacularly hobbled himself (or allowed himself to be hobbled) to revert to becoming an insignificant figure.
Purveyors of the kind of programme that you will never see on the BBC. Last night I watched a documentary I recorded on the making of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road including interviews with Elton John, Bernie Taupin and all the critical participants. In other recent programmes they have covered the Bee Gees, Queen and all sorts.
They’ve had similar programmes on Cinema, Films including biographies of the film stars of yesteryear.
Good, factual, no nonsense stuff. Why can’t the BBC do this kind of programme?
No fan,
I miss sky arts because I cancelled my sky subscription. I had been with them many years. They charged me £55 a month. The box went wrong. They wanted to charge me for that too. So I said I’m leaving. They begged me to stay, said they’d cut subs to £20 a month . I said so I’ve been paying over the odds and got no reward for loyalty.
There are more important things in life that tv or football. So I treat sky the same as albeeb and avoid so no to licencing tax. Each to their own though.
nofano-Not enough diversity in the film stars of yesteryear for the BBC. Yesterday the Londonistan
programme with it’s plethora of ethnic presenters and reporters were rebuking the director of
Holland Park Opera in London . They were putting on a performance for charity for Grenfell Flats
which is near by, of Verdi’s Requiem. The reporter made facetious comments about opera
and the local council. I doubt if hardly any of the reporters and presenters even know who
Joe Green was!
Nofano-Just one more point. I doubt if more than a very few at the BBC even care about
our heritage and culture. My god OPERA!!!!!!! All those European “whities” from the
17th , 18th.19th and 20th centuries composing politically incorrect and lacking in
diversity except for stereotype Japanese and Chinese ladies.
NOW if somebody was to compose an opera about some under privileged boys on
motor scooters mugging people in the street. I reckon we would see a Christmas Special.
Or should I say a winter holiday special. Yes and I know about the Proms. BUT I can even
see the the grubby hands of the BBC diversity department getting on the band wagon here
as well.
“All those European “whities” from the 17th , 18th.19th and 20th centuries composing politically incorrect and lacking in diversity except for stereotype Japanese and Chinese ladies.”
However, black opera singers, mainly female, have been well represented on the world’s opera stages for years: Kathleen Battle, Grace Bumbry, Maria Ewing, Barbara Hendricks, Jessye Norman, Leontyne Price, Shirley Verrett etc.
Opera never gets any credit for it, of course. All we get is whining about how white our orchestras and their audiences are. Black opera singers emerge because black people sing and their talent can be recognised. Same applies in Wales and other places with a choral tradition. Unlike SE Asians, black people are not generally interested in listening to opera or classical music. Relatively few white people are, there’s no evidence of discrimination. I wish the race hustlers would just leave it alone – but then they never leave anything alone,do they?
Clare- I know there is no discrimination in opera NOW. I remember sitting next to Shirley Verrett at
the Theatre Royal Drury Lane around 37 years ago for a concert performance of Andrea Chenier.
It was a busman’s holiday for her. She was singing Princes Eboli in Don Carlos at Covent Garden. But
for her to see Carlo Bergonzi as Chenier was a Master Class for her, she told me.
Carlo Bergonzi has always been my favourite tenor. In fact my username on this website is named after
his restaurant in Busetto , I due Foscari. Dearest Carlo, may he rest in peace told me that he named it
I Due Foscari because it was the only one of Verdi’s 27 operas which didn’t have a restaurant named
after the opera!
My comments were made about the sneering comments the interviewer made to the director
of Holland Park opera last i night.
No criticism of you intended whatsoever. I was just pointing out that the common accusation that opera, and classical stuff generally, is “institutionally racist”, doesn’t really stand up. Apart from the extremely poor who genuinely can’t afford the tickets, people exclude themselves. Their choice, of course.
I believe it was the director of Holland Park Opera who made the point that any mention of the word “opera” presses certain buttons in people in the UK. There’s a strange inverted snobbery where people will listen to watered down “crossover” singers, but avoid like the plague highly gifted singers who’ve spent their whole lives trying to get it right.
Re write the final scene of Don Giovanni, showing him reaching out for his stash and choking to death as he swallows the entire package before a chorus of media hacks
Nofan, have to agree with you. Sadly speak to anyone of the last two generations and they wont have a clue who Burt Lancaster, William Holden, or Bette Davis is. I have Sky Films, and whoever is responsible for choosing the film selection must be about 20 years old. Apart from the rare gem that’s made every couple of years, the films being churned out now are so dire that only the brain dead enjoy them. Comic book heroes and the most awful teenage ‘comedy’ films seem to be the pap that is on offer nowadays. I know within the first 10 minutes whether a film is going to be any good, and 90% of those I’m paying for on Sky are not – and they’re on a 4 months loop, appearing on the varying film channels. Oh, how I would love the job of choosing those films – there are literally thousands to pick from the last 70 odd years – a veritable feast ! yet we are subjected to the same old same old. I did write to Sky to complain, but was fobbed off with jargon about licensing etc etc.
Brissles, agree completely. Sky Cinema is an abomination, they show some really pathetic stuff. Every now and then they create a channel dedicated to the work of some top tier star (Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks are the two most recent), but overall it really isn’t worth the effort.
But my point is that none of this cultural stuff is covered anywhere near satisfactorily by the BBC who would prefer to label it as a blot in our history.
Brissles, I have a few crazy projects going on in my life. One of them is to see every feature film made between 1964 and 1975. They have to be at least 75 minutes long and not TV movies. This started off as part of a historical study but grew into something I find really enjoyable. While I am surprised how much I enjoy the nostalgia I am also shocked at how much better the films were in those days. 1975 was just before the onslaught of political correctness and the advent of roller-coaster action. The women characters were much more believable than they are today and there was generally a feeling of optimism unlike a lot of the films now.
Anyway, I hunt around for DVD’s in charity shops and every week I watch one from this period. It is my 90 minutes of escapism from the madness of the modern world. It is like I have a Tardis and go where Burt Lancaster, Sid James, Ingrid Pitt, Peter Cushing, are all still alive.
LP Hartley said “The past is another country, they do things differently there”
Well they certainly made better films.
Well done Yasser ! but try going back even further and watch some of the film noir classics of the 40’s and early 50’s. The scriptwriting and dialogue are beyond measure – no mumbling with every word articulated perfectly.
As a youngster brought up on Sunday afternoon matinees (in black and white) I didn’t fully appreciate how good cinema was at that time – and one film in particular springs to mind – Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn (1938). I watched it again many years later, and the wit and humour in the writing is beyond brilliant. We tend to think of comedy in those days as slapstick Marx Brothers and the like, but in my humble opinion this film was ahead of its time.
With the money I have saved from not paying the licence fee, I recently treated myself to a projector and a pair of headphones. I can connect this to my laptop and have a ‘home cinema’ any night I choose; I mostly watch old black and white films on Youtube. My favourite era is 1955-1965 when the technical quality improved but the nihilism and leftism had not taken over.
I find LoveFilm a lifeline; they have a huge library of dvds to rent. Lots of other good old films are available on the internet to download or stream. Just think, with the internet we can enjoy what the lucky ones were watching in the 40s and 50s.
Great site G.W.F, I think a lot may be B movies (many names I didn’t recognise) – those that played before the main event, but still a good ‘find’. Thanks.
Netflix has a pretty crap selection of recently released films, most of them are silly CGI action/superhero things for teenagers. But I forgive them because it’s only 6 quid a month subscription, and they do have a fair few quality drama series (American and foreign) which makes up for it. For documentaries there are a few gems, but most are leftist agitprop from the stable of Michael Moore.
As for their BBC back catalog..well there is Blackadder and Yes Minister for the odd laugh. And there’s many a series of wheezy Attenborough filming his animal magic – which I used to like years ago but if I watch an episode now the old patrician lefty just annoys me.
That’s interesting to know about Netflix IMNALY, I know many who rave about it, but I’ve always been a bit suspect about the content of their ‘lists’. Recent offerings – and I mean in the last 20 years, leave me cold. I think I’ll stick with my old dvd collection, – at least I can revel in Fred & Ginger, the Fabulous Dorseys, and the music of Hoagy Carmichael in To Have & Have Not whenever I like.
Isn’t it strange that when we had four tv channels there were far more good films shown than now (unless perhaps you can receive special cinema channels – I don’t know)? We used to have such things as a Bergman or Truffaut season, and all sorts of good things, enabling me to build up an excellent library of videotapes. Now there are scarcely any worth watching – one a week perhaps. Some films are mysteriously shown again and again; are they out of copyright or something, or particularly cheap for some reason?
nfop, they do. Think you may have even been watching programmes made for and originally shown on BBC Four. If not they were similar to some in relatively recent series (2013/2014/2015), of which I watched one or two via iPlayer. I intended to watch more but have got out of the TV habit.
Now that I am disenfranchised from iPlayer, I wander over to YouTube if I feel like watching something. There’s loads of stuff to watch there. Here’s an example, you may enjoy this: . Even the advert before the beginning (for Abbey Road Studios) was interesting! A big thank you to for keeping this Yamaha sponsored item up on YouTube. [Did I get all the menshes right? 🙂 ]
It just goes to show how with their greed for money and their ever narrowing of a dead-end road of their own making, the BBC are playing a very dangerous game.
Hit the brakes, Lord Hall! Apologise profusely. Slash the Licence Fee in half now and again in three years time.
You may just get to keep an operational, reformed BBC for the future.
If not, phew! I wouldn’t want to be sitting where you are sitting.
This thread demonstrates how poorly the Licence fee serves everyone, including the BBC.
The concept of public service broadcasting is dead, an anachronism from the past. With a subscription based model (for instance) the BBC would be able to change its general output from the “Mile wide foot deep” concept it is now to “foot wide mile deep”.
In other words, it would be forced to broadcast stuff that people actually want to see/ hear to a quality that viewers expect. Gone would be the dross that we must put up with now for the sake of public service broadcasting.
Yes, this is a really good point. Even the Marx brothers movies, slapstick though they certainly were, are an important part of cinema history. As a teenager in the late 60s/early 70s I was able to watch them all on the BBC and many other old movies besides, including the film noir classics that Brissles mentions. They were usually on late on a Friday and Saturday evening. Nowadays, little or no chance of seeing these on the BBC, which eschews any kind of history it seems, and is extorting money from the public whilst letting down that public in every way imaginable.
I can’t recall the last time a Chaplin; Laurel & Hardy; Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton film was on Al beebus, yet I can remember them being on there quite a lot as a boy.
I can’t recall the last time a Chaplin; Laurel & Hardy; Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton film was on Al beebus, yet I can remember them being broadcast by them quite a lot as a boy.
Al, same here. As a child in the 70s a lot of the stuff I watched was already decades old but we had no problems identifying with what we saw, whether it was old films, TV or cliffhanger serials. I remember being absorbed by Flash Gordon or The Whirlybirds and I thought that Tom & Jerry was hilarious. In my teens and twenties I well remember watching great old movies like The Naked City and Pursued (Robert Mitchum) that never seem to be on any more.
Like Heisenberg I sometimes wonder if this is deliberate, to disconnect us from the past, or whether a lot of what we watched is now considered too archaic in its attitudes, or too conventional, or maybe – too American?
Agree with everything said above, but I think once again that its the age group of those at the BBC who gear everything we watch to their own age group and younger – just as I said in an earlier post about those who dictate our viewing over at Sky Cinema. Those in charge now did not grow up watching any half decent films as we did.
I rest my case after reading this in the blurb of a certain DVD……………….
“If you don’t think Austin Powers is one of the funniest movies of the 1990s, maybe you should be packed into a cryogenic time chamber and sent back to the decade whence you came.”
Well, that’s my ticket booked in the time chamber then !!
The nonsense of the EU and so-called ‘refugees’ goes on, and on and on….. –
I did chuckle over Macrons quoted statement: ““the whole world an example on how to treat migrants and asylum seekers and offer them a decent abode.”
Surely, it should be shortened to read: (offer) “the whole world a decent abode in France.” Reality: this is what we will have just 20 miles or so from our shore.
Has Emmanuel “Forward!” Macron told everyone when “Enough is Enough!” with regards to housing the World inside France’s borders**?
Apparently the number of immigrants ; refugees ; terrorists pretending to be immigrants ; economic immigrants ; migrants ; child migrants ; anchor migrants with potentially more family to come ; holiday migrants that go back home now and then ; religious migrants who want to spread a religion is forever increasing …
All based on the Nu Liebour vision that ever greater numbers in further education equals some kind of positive progress. We all know that this is nothing more than the Left using universities as a tool to separate children from the influence of their families and to brainwash them into believing left wing idiocy.
Quantity does not equal quality !
Read through the article and you will find just what it is really about, peppered with Leftie buzzwords like
“Andreas Schleicher, the OECD’s education director, says Canada’s “big uniting theme is equity”.”
“He says there is a strong sense of fairness and equal access ”
“Canada’s teachers are well paid by international standards – and entry into teaching is highly selective.”
“Rather than high levels of immigration being seen as a potential drag on results, Prof Jerrim says in Canada’s case, this is likely to be part of its success story.
Migrants coming to Canada, many from countries such as China, India and Pakistan, are often relatively well-educated and ambitious to see their children get into professional careers.”
Typical BBC bias looking at a country with a lunatic Left wing government and selectively picking stories to try to promote it.
BBc breakfast does it’s free advertising bit for Victoria and Abdul. Oh look it’s even got Eddie Izzard as the Prince of Wales I so won’t be watching this
The state pension age for women was 60 rather than 65 for men despite the extra life expectancy of women.
The government announced about 20 years ago that they would sequentially increase that age to 65 in the first instance. A fair settlement you might think. Equal retirement Ges for men and women.
But no. Lots of whingeing on the bBBC that millions of women are ‘losing out’ and were not given enough time to plan. Enough time? It was announced in 1995 FFS. Losing out? Errr I think you’ll find it is men that have been losing out for decades. But that doesn’t count at the bBBC. Obviously.
Even when the facts are on your side, one should be tolerant of dissenting opinion. With the SJWs so often they do not have the facts on their side yet they say anyone who does not agree with them has a mental illness.
How on earth does men working more than women mean women have the raw deal? And how much of their extra earnings are spent on their women? I would much rather have my partner working 80 hour weeks as a CEO and providing for me, but that just is not an option for men. I have known many pretty women who see it as a badge of honour that they never have to pay for anything.
Is Western culture so terrible if everyone in the world wants to come here? Actions speak louder than words. If all these minority cultures are so fantastic how comes nobody wants to go to the cr*pholes where they are prevalent and the people can’t wait to get out of there?
“Is Western culture so terrible if everyone in the world wants to come here?” – This begs a deeper fundamental question: invaders are rarely concerned by the living/social conditions in the invaded nation. They invade simply to impose their power and mindset on the indigenous population. In the current situation, that is, islam.
I personally favour the invasion theory rather than even bothering to consider whether their preference is for experiencing the delights of Western living – they’ll take that anyway – Rochdale et al.
So we have to respect their culture when visiting them, but they stick two fingers up to our culture when they visit us?
Sounds about par for the course.
Perhaps the Italian authorities feared that male Muslims would not be able to contain themselves at the sight of naked ladies , even if they were marble statues, and be driven into a sexual emergency right there and then in the gallery or museum, possibly in front of people who may offended by sight of the erect male member being vigorously manipulated. I think that it will take some years before Europeans grow accustomed to this aspect of the enrichment process that is being foisted on them by their leaders. Having said that there is no doubt that any complaints made about this type of sexual emergency by our migrant friends iare hate crimes and will be treated as such. After all this type of public self abuse is a cultural norm in certain parts of the world. We Europeans must learn to.value such diversity and not to turn away in disgust which is highly racist behaviour.
This actually goes back to a number of court cases, in which, I recall, a sensible woman fought hard for equality with the menfolk in retirement at 65 rather than 60. It was Sally Marshall v Southampton & West Hampshire AHA –
I think it’s great – all those years of screaming for equality and responsibility but when it comes to personal responsibility of pension equality they run off to the government say “it’s not fair” . All those years where men were disadvantaged . Do they get years of pension back pay to achieve equality with women’s earlier retirement age ?
I am wondering if I would be able to change gender when I get to 65 and take my retirement early?
The fact that women don’t have to work as long as men is inequality.
Exactly, as I enjoyed pointing out to ‘WASPY’ group on FB, where were you all at when men retired at 65 and women at 60, and that was going on for decades?
When you think about it, men have always been discriminated against.
Yes, I often mention this as a case of sex discrimination. Can you imagine the outcry if the situation had been the reverse? We would never have heard the last of it – especially by the BBC. Yet, I don’t recall any man ever complaining about this.
6pm bBBC news update. They dredge up a 61 year old woman from Aberdeen (why? How?) who is ‘missing out’ becausevshevis too young to get a pension but too ill to work. Get out the hankies.
They they prominently feature a wimmins’ demo. in Westminster.
Subtext. Unfair penny-pinching Tories.
Funny how the idea of equality goes out of the window when it suits.
The bBBC. Guaranteed to be absolutely pathetic.
Sluff I agree entirely with you. By coincidence I was working for pensions briefly at this period. I remember the court case and (almost) everyone saying well mens retirement ages will come down. Being the cynic I at the time said no they’ll put womens retirement ages up. Since then of course we have had the ever increasing age for all. But I find it hard to believe so many women didn’t know and subsequently have not even bothered to check their pension entitlement. I get a BR19 pension forecast every year to check just as I do with my occupational pensions. As you say men have been losing out a lot longer. They even manage to increase my retirement age to 66 and a half. My school mate who was in the same year has to wait until he is 67.
It wasn’t just the German media. The BBC has been totally supportive as well.
Strange times. The enemies of the people and democracy are being surprisingly quickly, stripped of their camouflage for all to behold and identify.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that the foreign enemy is already on European soil, (and despite ‘Brexit’ of course!), I’ll wager the German people vote in Merkel again shortly.
Well I never !
A whole month gone by and TV Licensing haven’t sent me a threatogram . Why is this ?
Could it be that Beeboids actually do read this site and saw my counter threat last month that they take me to court ( knowing who I am ) . Or they just give up after 18 months , or the postman thinks it’s a waste of time delivering their stupid letters ? Or they’re coming to their senses and see the writing on the wall , the telly tax days are numbered .
Watch this space for the next instalment of … well nothing happening really .
I scrapped my TV when I sold my flat in Edinburgh last year and I informed the TV tax police. Got a semi-threatening letter implying that I was lying and they would check. My response was ” Eff off “. Have not had a reply yet.
R5 now Emma Barnett is doing “casual racism” #BBCPetIssue after 10:30
Cos some sacked-journo she’ll interview dared to suggest that reason 2 top BBC women negotiated better salaries, was because of their Jewish heritage.
And that sounds close to saying that Jews are careful with money.
Now the Labour MP AndyMcDonaldMP is on about the rail electrification delays.
“It’s infinitely better than diesel”
..em no its not you still have an environmental and physical cost of putting in the infrastructure.
“So Lab our has a £250bn 10 year infrastructure plan, so how much is transport ?”
“blah blah”
“You , don’t know you ?”
“No I don’t”
Giving an excuse to repeat generalisations that have been made against any people or nation is dangerous and not something that a national broadcaster should be getting involved in . But of course the BBC did this long ago on the Jimmy Young Show (Radio 2). Jimmy Young would read out blatantly racist views and by airing these racist views , the views were heard and would now clearly be more acceptable for people to say . When I complained I was told I could get my views heard too. But the point was missed – these slanderous generalisations of others should never have been aired in the first place.
She tried a trick of ending the interview with an ambush
by quoting an article which seems to deny the holocaust but doesn’t
he stood his ground so the interview overran
She’d previously ambused him by shouting out “well I am Jewish and I say”
Rather than a random lefty, do your homework with the Jewish Rep Council of Ireland:
— Mr Callen ???????????????????????????????????????????? (@CallenFamily) August 2, 2017
I see what he’s getting at
It’s like saying that Buddhism has a tradition of patience and calmness
..and therefore you can understand that a particular hospital has a high number of Buddhist therapists.
The principle is that people should be able to say even wrong things, without being shouted down.
Difficult discussions should be out in the open, instead of people being forced to self-censor 19840-style.
Currently in the process of acquiring a small business for my sons – one of the prerequisites in the initial negotiations was the provision of audited accounts to back up the financial position claimed.
Can someone explain to me why with regard to any EU ‘settlement’, that we do not insist upon the same from the EU?
More importantly, why do the UK traitors of Farron, Blair, Sturgeon, et al not apply the same level of ‘demand’ in the media for fully audited and approved accounts?
Research commissioned by the BBC……………. (no doubt hoping to bolster their anti-Brexit stance)
“Even the BBC have acknowledged the findings that Brexit was the most important issue for the most amount of people by far, way ahead of the economy and the NHS.” – Really! I’ll look forward to the BBC highlighting this, “Study” as often as Grenfell as it is contrary to everything they and their favoured EU stands for.
How much did the Research cost and ‘what if?’ the results were more favourable to the BBC’s position of anti-Brexit? I’ll wager if that was the case, the research would have been given the Grenfell, Trump, LGBT treatment.
Surely anyone with half a brain has become extremely sceptical whenever the BBC introduce research findings wherever they are from. If the research has been commissioned by the corporation itself it is certain to be at least a distortion of the truth if not an outright fabrication. The best rule of thumb is to disbelieve everything that the BBC tells you and check with sources that are not run by fully paid up members of the liberal elite. This of course eliminates almost all of the MSM for cross checking purposes.
Well said – and never truer than when the Corporation is reporting on matters to do with ‘global warming’. It leaps like a hungry wolf on any scrap that confirms the hypothesis yet runs like quicksilver from anything that shows it for what it is – deeply flawed and widely criticised by eminent scientists, whose views it suppresses ruthlessly.
For example, the fact that Denmark is ‘enjoying’ its first non–summer for many, many years:
Or, perhaps the most damning of all, the claim by former NASA science head, John Bates, who until recently was in charge of NASA’s climate data, exposing ‘flagrant misrepresentation’ (his own words) in NASA’s climate records, as used to prop up the AGW scam:
Some gems in Radio Times this week. Some woman – can’t remember her name – who even in the 1990s was earning £100,000 a year writing scripts for Coronation Street and has a raft of hit drama serials, claims she is discriminated against as a woman!
Also, the letters editor had to admit that the majority of responses to the female Dr Who were negative. Of course, their ‘star letter’ was in favour of the idea, but they published three negative ones as well. Think they might have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
Yes that’s her. She says: “No, I just thought, why haven’t they done this sooner?” she says of the moment she heard Melvyn Bragg would be heading her way. “The South Bank Show did Paul Abbott and Russell T Davies years ago, but I’ve been overlooked.” Why might that be? “I think it’s because I’m a woman.”
Nothing to do with just being big headed and ungrateful then?
Clive James digs into the BBC, as well as a whole heap of others.
In a new essay published by GWPF to promote the UK publication of a new book of similar essays “Climate Change the Facts 2017”
The GWPF page includes a link to a PDF of the essay
but I see it was also published online in the Australian
JoNova has a discussion
Neil’s well-informed list of questions had been a tipping point. But it changed nothing in the short term. It didn’t even change the BBC, which continued uninterrupted with its determination that the alarmist view should not be questioned.
How did the upmarket mass media get themselves into such a condition of servility? One is reminded of that fine old historian George Grote when he said that he had taken his A History of Greece only to the point where the Greeks failed to realise they were slaves. The BBC’s monotonous plugging of the climate theme in its science documentaries is too obvious to need remarking, but it’s what the science programs never say that really does the damage.
Even the news programs get “smoothed” to ensure that nothing interferes with the constant business of protecting the climate change theme’s dogmatic status.
To take a simple but telling example: when Sigmar Gabriel, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor and man in charge of the Energiewende (energy transition), talked rings around Greenpeace hecklers with nothing on their minds but renouncing coal, or told executives of the renewable energy companies that they could no longer take unlimited subsidies for granted, these instructive moments could be seen on German TV but were not excerpted and subtitled for British TV even briefly, despite Gabriel’s accomplishments as a natural TV star, and despite the fact he himself was no sceptic.
Clive on MSM
(I) ” might have remained confined within the misinformation system where any assertion of forthcoming disaster counts as evidence.”
“The print edition of The Independent bored its way out of business when its resident climate nag was allowed to write half the paper.”
I am still waiting for news of a Judicial Review into the BBC,s Climate science censorship policy. With Piers Corbyns help, both Labour and the Tories could unite against the BBC on this corrupt violation of its Charter obligations.
Investigations show that the BBC upholds complaints from uneducated environmental activists to impose its censorship policy. Fraser Steel, head of the BBC complaints unit, is the face of BBC censorship, but Colin Tregear who was once the Project Director at the BBC Weather Centre, is thought to be the main culprit for any Judicial Review.
There have been three serious incidents where the BBC censorship policy has been exposed. Two which involved Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications, Peter Lilley, a Tory and a scientist, has said it shows the BBC is ‘afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes’. His Labour colleague Graham Stringer who is also a scientist has said ‘This is a form of censorship’.
Donald Trumps, Red Team, Blue Team process could put pressure on Parliament to follow up on the Judicial Review into the BBC,s violation of its Charter obligations by censoring causational climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
But it looks like nothing less than invoking a fear for their lives from someone with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics would move the W1A morons at the BBC on this issue.
Now to be fair, I didn’t listen to what Polly Toynbee had to say about subsidies to British Agriculture on the Today programme (Wednesday), as she isn’t known for her interest in Agriculture and I switched off as soon as I heard she was on. (Mr D was impressed with the speed that I managed this!). But over the last couple of days there has been a lot of sneering on the news programmes about how some farm businesses are receiving (gasp) over £1,000,000 in EU subsidy. Shame the BBC don’t realise they are very very few and far between and those businesses must have a huge investment. In spite of their huge investment without subsidies, their profit is likely to be nil. In fact few if any farmers would be making any money at all without EU subsidies (for that read money received from the British tax payer). But what I was thinking was what is the difference between a large business (which is using some of that money to employ people and maintain the great British countryside) and the BBC giving Chris Evans £2,200,000 and Gary Liniker £1,750,000)? If you doubt that British Agriculture maintains the countryside – just look what happens to it, if it is left only to Him Upstairs without any help from man.
To be fair though Deborah, farmers here do have more than a few legal exemptions for things which apply to everybody else and do benefit from our EU membership to a greater degree than many other UK industries, some of which have actually been deliberately damaged by it to promote those same industries in other member states; predominantly Germany.
The bBC and how it treats the British Population as dum-asses : ‘Three Musketeers’ guilty of planning UK terror plot Three men who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers have been found guilty of plotting a terror attack on a police or military target in the UK. Naweed Ali, 29, and Khobaib Hussain, 25, both of Sparkhill, Birmingham, and Mohibur Rahman, 33, of Stoke-on-Trent, were convicted at the Old Bailey. They were arrested in August last year in an undercover police sting using a fake courier firm. A fourth man, Tahir Aziz, 38, from Stoke-on-Trent, was also found guilty.”
As this is the bBC even thou the story is about how these peaceful men who love to live by the sword were all found guity, the bBC makes sure that they may actually be victims of Islamophobia:
They had all denied preparing terrorist acts…The men claimed the incriminating evidence was planted by an undercover officer, known as “Vincent”,
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Alexandre Dumas novels.
Three men who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers … so the BBC uses a name they gave themselves rather than Islamic Terrorists. Why not say French Musketeers to add some more spice and deception?
Please note that headlines in stories matter for internet search engines. The title has a higher weighting than content. ‘Three Musketeers guilty of planning UK terror plot‘ is a side story, a stronger title is ‘Birmingham,UK Islamic Terrorist Plot – 3 found guilty with Pakistani ties‘.
Muslim x 0 ; Islamic x 0 ; Terrorist x 3 ; kafir x 1 ; koran x 0
“They had tried to join an al-Qaeda training camp in Pakistan (tried? how long where they gone? who else went with them?). However, when they arrived back in the UK they were arrested and in 2012 both pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.”
… so trained in Pakistan, then finished their training in the UK prisons? …
“Since they’ve come out of prison, they’ve been inspired by the Daesh ideology. (after prison or in it? Some clarity please.)
“They shared lots of material regarding that ideology (what books? from where? name the books!), lots of very violent material, they were trying to encourage others to join them on that journey. (when in prison? where? how?)”
Your questions within and relating to the text used are brilliant. They are all the questions the traitorous, white man hating, Christian/Jew hating, fucktards at the Al ShabeeBBC should be asking at the absolute minimum….but of course they do not…and the slaughter of the infidels as ordered by the child raping butcher mad mo continues.
Just one point I would like to answer for all the infidels of this world who are still so braindead or overcome with such self-loathing and hatred of everything that makes them who they are, that they are willing to dismiss and ignore the most simple of tasks to get to the truth…to just read Mohammed’s book..
“Since they’ve come out of prison, they’ve been inspired by the Daesh ideology”……No. They have been inspired to carry out these actions since the moment they left their mothers womb, by the unforgiving, unrelenting, unchangeable, intolerant, and utterly violent death cult life instruction that mandates the complete and utter submission of everything and everyone on earth
It`s thatuse of the word “inspired” that gets me.
No they were not inspired, they were contaminated…brainwashed(as if they had brains to wash)…they were peddled with “fake news”, and like all BBC output-it was swallowed whole as if it was true.
Only the BBC choose such language as if we`re talking Anne Frank or something.
Wait for it – it was a security failure because they weren’t stopped early enough.( not said but I was waiting for it) al beeboid sounded quite gloomy about a security success story.
Each time these cases come to conviction one has to ask oneself – where is the death sentence – they are going to try and kill non Muslims anyway where is the loss.
Working from home today I thought I would catch the al Beeb 1 o’clock news – which I normally don’t watch any more. It was the headline story for 3 minutes. I think they had rather been on safe ground slagging of a foreign head of state such as Preseident Trump.
Last nights BBC 4 offering was a documentary about changing attitudes on explorers and discovery.
Explorers: Conquest and Calamity
Reporting on the shift in attitudes and documentation. I distinctly got the impression that this was a somewhat left wing take on the subject. Started off with Christopher Columbus discovering the new world. Celebrated by the USA on Columbus Day, but definitely not by Mexicans, and the indigenous population of America who suffered terribly at their hands. Even though it was 600 years ago
Next on the hit list was Cook’s discovery of the Australia’s. As with the conquistadors in America, Cook also brought massacres and disease to the natives.
Not content with this, Livingstone was next. Having the audacity to set up missionary’s on that continent.
Whatever the right or wrongs of these explorers and the affects of their actions, the BBC managed to put the blame and suffering on empires, colonisation, pillage and plunder. Nothing positive..
I distinctly got the impression that they were trying to imply that we (European’s) should have never interfered in these country’s and the world would have been a much better place for everyone. Typical BBC attitude.
It’s pure hypocrisy that that is the very thing they want now. European interference in our country……
Thanks for that davylars. The BBC are so negative about everything.
They remind me of something I think I read in Douglas Adams ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It went something like “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. This has generally been regarded as a bad move”
The only thing the BBC are very positive about seems to be Islam. A seventh century death cult! Whoopy dooo!
Davy – pretty poor stuff eh? Reheat of a time when al Beeb made intelligent programmes without the need for a third rate celebrity scientist or historian looking meaningfully out to sea. As you say – those they put on now have to be compliant with al beebs political outlook.
BBC TV Tax Payers should be offered a refund if they do not watch or listen to the top earners listed in the wages scandal. I do not listen or watch the likes of Gary “£1.7m + Crisps + BT Sports + Hidden Companies” Lineker or Chris “£2.2m + Top Gear Failure + Adverts + Hidden Companies” Evans, as a TV Tax Payer of £145 per year, I would like a refund please. A retrospective refund, once you’ve worked out how much you have paid them in the last 10 years. Also, I do not condone the behaviour of Jimmy Savile and associated pedophile friends so am waiting for a similar refund.
Whilst I pay the BBC TV License I feel I can moan about this parody of life, but all these posts build up a case to stop paying- every moan will reduce my bill by £1 – until Gary Lineker and Chris Evans have to start paying us back!
I look forward to becoming an Undocumented TV License Payer in a Sanctuary City – might be a socialist dream, but a man has to have dreams!
Not strictly re bbc bias but they would have plenty to say about it……. in one of the newspapers today they ran a biggish article about why Phillip Hammond must be sacked before he derails Brexit….. interesting.
I have posted here a few times that Hammond and Carney should be dropped from the side as I believe both of them to be woeful. Anyone else think so?
There was a good article by Trevor Kavanagh in The Sun on Monday about the damage Hammond is doing / can do in the future, to Brexit and why he needs to be got rid of.
Note the second comment to the article: (the Danes) ‘they got what they voted for so no sympathy’ –
We, on the other hand, do not have a Geert Wilders type politician to vote for so drift on endlessly hoping for that Churchillian character to appear and tackle the mess left by all Governments since 1948 and in particular Bliar.
I fear the only way, now, this country has to correct the ludicrous decisions made by the left (and right) is for the people to collectively demand change – urgently. Or, a military coup. As no political luminary appears to want to stick their head above the parapet to champion the former, the only solution is the latter.
Hmm AFAIK Denmark doesn’t have a leftwing government nor lax immigration rules.
DPP a UKIP like party was the biggest party after the election but doesn’t govern.
” Denmark’s minority three-party rightwing government is loosely backed by the DPP”
Can these Burka clad ladies {bbc3 youtube} reply to the mothers of 15 kids who lost their children because of enforced Islamic dress code? Do they agree of disagree?
Please note this is a trap.
– if they agree then they are saying Islamic dress code overrides the lives of women and children.
– if they disagree then they are saying the Saudi Islamic state should not have morality police and that dress code is not relevant so they don’t have to wear it. In fact the Mutaween are murders.
“Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday .
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.
Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
Is this a snapshot of a future, where enforcing dress codes or practices stops the mind and normal morals from working. But this was only 15 years ago! {biasedbbc post}
I have noticed that the reaction is always the same. Just want to get away and avoid any contact at all. it is the perfect garment for ensuring a complete separation of people and cultures. Personally I am in favour as it is a clear sign of the failure of multiculturalism.
Instead of giving them some “Anti hero” publicity by calling them by the name they called themselves.
“The Three Musketeers”. Why don’t the BBC call them what they are ” Birmingham Islamist terrorist scum”
Though the Trump one just about the best one I`ve seen from the BBC.
Yes, a few cliched drive bys…but the lads employed seemed open enough and were fair and respectful to some impressive American kids who gave cogent reasons for voting for Mr Trump.
If only the BBC couid learn from this showing.
But we`ll not see its like again.
Voting for Trump is as bad as voting for Brexit-and the youngsters interviewed had much the same reasons for what they did as we had for getting out of the EU.
Quickly skimming through, trying to avoid the ‘music’ background, I lighted on the reporter saying “…. the things Trump said about women and about black people…”. An obvious question any interviewee should ask the reporter is ” give me an example, and I will comment on it” – and perhaps some do, though such a question would doubtless be edited out by the fascist BBC. As far as I aware (others may correct me), the only derogatory thing Trump said about women was an off-the-cuff ‘locker-room’ type remark more than 30 years ago. Yes, it was objectionable, but hardly earth-shattering. Likewise, on black Americans; again the only comments I have heard from Trump were about crime, gangs, drug peddling and lawlessness that are rife in many black neighbourhoods, and at the same time pointing out that they were hurting ‘their own people’. These are not derogatory remarks against black members of the community, but a statement of fact. I also note that Trump was very warmly received in black churches during his election campaign, knowing he supports the Christian church and gospel. Do we, by the way, we ever expect the BBC to report on the remarkable and encouraging revival of Bible study in the White House, with many Department heads also attending? (WP article
A terror cell in Birmingham consisting of four ahem bearded Middle Eastern looking people were caught and have been found guilty. This was featured on the 6pm bBBC news. A cache of arms were found including a big knife with the word Kaffir written on one.
But strangely the biased BBC seem to be quite unable to identify whether a certain religion could have been at all influential in their actions. In fact certain words beginning with M or I did not get a single mention in their report.
Perhaps they are an old fashioned IRA cell? Well, you’d never know from the ever–in-denial multiculti biased BBC.
The bBBC. Utter turds.
Don’t know about the BBC, but I imagine they are the same as the radio stations I have on, which carry either Global or Sky rubbish news.
Today they seriously seemed to feel I was going to be upset by junkies suffering poor QC issues, a bad rerun of Four Lions (it was funny) and that RyanAir creep having another hissy fit about something in Europe.
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination as a Muslim must slaughter the animal)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination as a Muslim must recite from the Koran whilst slitting an animal’s throat whilst it can still see the world)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination because pig is unacceptable)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan:
Option 1: Stop Halal – You become a Muslim apostate
Option 2: Keep Halal – a true Muslim with barbaric beliefs and positive employment discrimination.
Every report from animal welfare organizations, such as FAWC, which is composed of veterinarians, agricultural business people, and those with an interest in animal welfare ethics, have expressed objections to both halal and kosher slaughter. It might have been worth a mention.
Does beg the question…”Who the heck are YOU to tell me what I can…(in this case) eat?”
Seems to me that we`ve long given up the right to take the moral police on.
Who the heck is to stop me drawing a cartoon, smoking in a pub or using words like “gay” as I want to ? Because if we don`t bite back and sort them-then they`ll stop me “voting Brexit”, “criticising Mao” or “reading Trumps speeches without the Kuennsberg translation”.
Slippery slope this one, sense we`re near to losing our bearings.
Just apply their same moral high ground and it all collapses – when the Labour MP Keith Vaz can carry on regardless, there is something very wrong with our journalists.
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ” – Nov16
– Keith Vaz – GE17 – (Labour@67%); Votes 35,116; 67%; Change +5.9%
I think I can find out more than the average BBC journalist by using google – this is weird.
“The examples of Peter Brook (unsure of name) are well known. He even told the Royal Commission of the Press that his sole motive of publishing newspapers was, as he put it, and I quote ‘To Make propaganda’. ” – Christopher Hitchens
“Christopher Hitchens on Journalism & International Media Covering Politics Speaks French 1993 2 cl {youtube 1993}”
I have three News articles on the same incident.
1. one mentions hate crime and the rise of it and how Donald Trump needs to help.
2. one mentions that it ‘appears to be the result of a road rage incident’ and then ends with “I think it had to do with the way she was dressed and the fact that she’s Muslim.” .
3. one says there was no evidence of a hate crime, though people wanted it to a hate crime, and is being investigated and the murderer was an undocumented immigrant and gives more information about the event.
Can you guess which overview matches which article/newspaper?
Answers: 1=b {guardian}; 2=c {bbc}; 3=a {nytimes}
Why can’t the BBC just report some facts, we are not asking for much more than that for £3.5bn / £145 per household / £3.9million for two presenters. A phone call to the police, a double check on other sources, phone a local paper, was the murdered illegal immigrant?
But you can only go to Mecca if you are a Muslim. I would have to let Imam Adam (the toy) travel without my to actually see Mecca and tell me afterwards how it went.
New Arrival, The Adventures of Imam Adam takes you on all his adventures to Mecca to perform Hajj????. Available online & in-store
I’m surprised there’s not an animated television series on CBBC already, perhaps it’s in production?
More about Danny and Adam:
‘I look at this doll and I smell taqiyya which is dishonesty in order to promote or protect Islam. This doll will help to teach children both Muslim and non-Muslim, a sanitised version of Islam, a version that has very little to do with the real life Islam as it exists in the world. It will certainly not prepare the Muslim child for the vast amount of violence, hatred and discrimination that the Koran and other Islamic scripture encourages and neither will it help to prepare the non Muslim child to face the ideology of Islam or it’s increasingly violent followers.’
The BBC doesn’t do business journalism. The overwhelming majority of its ‘reporters’ are dyed in the wool Labourites or ‘Greens’, who despise the very idea of capitalism and business. It shows, too.
Yet another case of an Asian doctor charged with assault, although it makes a change that its not an African doctor. The headcount is endless with these bastards. Its reports like this that makes me feel they ought to be up against a wall and shot.
Taken from the Telegraph………..
A doctor from east London has been charged with more than 100 sexual offences including abusing a child, after a major investigation by Scotland Yard detectives.
Manish Shah is accused with a total of 118 counts of assault, the Metropolitan Police said.
His charges include 65 counts of assault by penetration contrary to Section 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
He is also accused of 52 counts of sexual assault contrary to section 3 of the Act.
How do you celebrate diversity like that? Maybe he can make really good curries which would make all the rape and child abuse ok.
“If there is a bit more beheading and sexual assault than there used to be in Europe, then at least we also benefit from a wider range of cuisines.”
Douglas Murray.
Doubtless not coming on the BBC any time soon. The EU has given it’s ultimatum to Poland and Hungary over the forced intake of “refugees’
Can’t see this working out well for Brussels. A collision is inevitable as the Poles and Hungarians will not back down and neither will the EU. Maybe the whole thing will have collapsed long before we officially leave.
It looks like Merkel’s madness is at last coming back to bite her .
I guarantee our quisling BBC will try to demonise Victor Orban and Poland when the reality is that they really believe in Europe and will not accept the Merkel/Brussels view of it’s future.
Radio 4 reports that two conversations Trump reported happening did not actually take place. He said a scout leader called to say the speech he gave was the best ever given, and the Mexican leader called to say how he was loving the new border enforcement!
Ha! Trump is hilarious.
He is so clearly trolling – can they not see this? It is so obviously a pi*s take. They still just don’t get it, do they? They thought they had caught him out but all they do is make themselves look stupid, just like CNN saying the wrestling GIF was inciting violence against journalists, or when he made them all say how good it was to join the military now transgenders were involved. Honestly – Mexico loving the new border enforcement, then they have the big GOTCHA moment when they discover like some modern day Poirot he did not actually say that? No sh*t, Sherlock. Ha ha ha ha. Sarah Sanders said the conversations took place in person and not on the phone!
Well that has made my day. Terrible night’s sleep and long day today, but that will do me.
Our Carol Kirkwood may be disappointing us with what the BBC appears to value most dearly – our summer temperatures…
But not to worry, this morning she looks elsewhere to bring us the revelation that it’s pretty warm in the Mediterranean in August.
“Life Threatening Temperatures” according to our Carol’s script.
Which goes to prove the agenda is more imprortant than the news. If the news doesn’t fit the narrative – in this case global warming – then they go out and look elsewhere for some news that does fit.
Makes you think about other news narratives nurtured by the BBC
When I was a high schooler ‘poofter bashing’ was a sport For the record, I took the tennis option.
The victims is this BBC report are all conveniently White and English. No mention about violence against homosexuals in multicultural Britain either as victims or victimisers. BTW lest this be seen as exclusively as a ‘same-old same-old rant’ about the BBC protecting Muslims, has there ever been a BBC report on violence from other minority communities?
Yet East London had indeed become a Gay Free Zone. In 1991 there were approximately 15 LGBT venues in a radius of about 1 mile: by 2011 that number had dropped to 3 gay bars. In 2 decades, the population of London increased by over 1 million new residents, yet the number of gay bars near Muslims was decimated: no other area of London had seen a decline in the number of gay bars that was anything remotely like this ethnic cleansing in East London. Indeed, those 3 remaining gay bars in the Gay Free Zone of East London are all to be found in areas where there is no mosque in the vicinity and where there is a significantly large ghetto of non-Muslims. Everywhere else, where the Muslims move in, the gays move out.
Around 2011 I spoke to a manager of one of those 3 remaining venues, who told me that his venue frequently came under physical attack by Muslims in religious garb, but that the venue was so secure they could not force their way in. Another pub manager from the area told me that a long-standing gay bar had closed down because when the customers left late at night, they were being attacked by gangs of Muslims. But only a right-wing Little Englander would believe this kind of thing, right? Well, here’s a video of one of those 3 remaining gay bars, with a Latino customer explaining how “they” come out of the surrounding streets and attack the bar.
In that video, the Latino man actually describes what the Muslim gangs have been doing as “terrorising”, and he points out that nothing has been done about it and things can’t go on like this. The solution to this terrorism was that almost all the gay people left East London, and Muslim-dominated East London was a Gay Free Zone in 2011. When the Muslims marked it out in this way, they were simply stating a demographic fact. There may well be gays living in the Muslim-dominated area, but these gay people ensure that no-one can identify that they are gay.
If you don’t believe the reports I’ve been told or the testimony in the above video, then consider the story of Oliver Hemsley. This young gay student was attacked by a gang of Muslims outside that gay bar. The Muslims eviscerated him so badly that he is now paralysed for life from the waist down:
He set off from his home on Arnold Circus, in the heart of London’s fashionable Shoreditch, for the George & Dragon pub a couple of minutes walk away. When he turned on to Boundary Street, a group of about six local teenage boys, aged around 15 and 16, pushed aside the girl he was walking with and attacked him from behind, hitting him on the head with a bottle. Then they started stabbing him. The first knife went in through his back and into his lung. Then they went for his neck, his chest and his heart. Once they had finished, as Hemsley lay motionless and bleeding in the street, one of the attackers returned and jumped on his head. The entire assault, which had taken place just off a busy London thoroughfare in broad daylight, lasted for four-and-a-half minutes.
Here you have an unprovoked and unbelievably savage knifing of a young gay man, just yards away from one of the last remaining gay bars. The attackers broke the bottle of wine he was carrying, and as part of this 5 minutes of evisceration, they stabbed him through the spine, leaving him paralysed for life. How did the British media report this homophobic attack by Muslims outside of one of the few remaining gay bars in East London? Only a few newspapers even bothered to report it, and they said it was “random knife crime”.
To be ‘almost’ fair the Independent mentioned way down the article which focuses mainly on an art auction that a 15-year-old local boy called Nazrul Islam was sentenced to 10 years, for GBH with intent. The judge noted that he [Islam] speaks with a degree of pride about his reputation with the boys, with the local community.
The telegraph today is reporting that for the first time since radio began listening figures are higher for commercial radio than al Beeb. What great news. And people – we all know why – may the decline continue.
Believe of not the lefty guardian presenter doing the albeeb r4 long view is doing a programme about beards. Will they interview a muj from newham, tower hamlets, Luton, Bradford, ?
These may be the most suspect of figures given to support ANYTHING, ANYTIME. Unless electronic monitoring is surreptitiously taking place, there is no way the figures can be substantiated.
BBC TV Tax Payers, what is the real cost of Mr Robert Shennan’s (£271K) massage or sandwich @ £40.50?
BBC Internal Hospitality – if you add all these BBC Hospitality costs up, which are paid for from a BBC TV Tax, enforced by threat of prison, what would the total be?
Should we also add on the cost of BBC administration department, storing and processing the receipts, entering them into a spreadsheet.
So the real cost of the Hospitality will be additional, possibly includes some of these items: Sandwich/Wine/Massage/Foot Rub @ £40.50
+ BBC Expense Administration
+ Uploading to the Website
+ Hosting on the Website
+ Passing onto accounts Department for Tax Calculations and Deductions
Only 4 out of 10 ??? I also wonder if there are still any Asian taxi firms operating there, as I’m told everyone asks for a white driver when ordering a cab.
That would be an excellent way of protesting about the loss of our country. A movement based on taking white driver cabs only. I can see the outraged headlines of the BBC. It would be great fun.
If you lived in Rotherham would you want your daughter picked up by a suspect driver from the Hindu Kush? Surely, nobody in the right mind gets into such a taxi in this country and given past experience.
If BBC presenters like Lineker and Evans use the BBC brand on twitter , can they add where their wages come from as well?
Chris Evans @achrisevans – 2.42Million Followers {twitter}
“Host of the Radio 2 Breakfast Show, creator of CarFest, custodian of 500 Words. But mostly punching way above his weight in marriage department. A Labour socialist on wages of £2.2million from enforced BBC TV Tax, which prosecuted 184,595 undocumented TV License payers in 2017. All comments follow BBC guidelines and represent BBC approved thinking.”
Gary Lineker @GaryLineker – 6.3Million Followers {twitter}
Once kicked a ball about. Now talk about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds. BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers. A Labour socialist on wages of £1.7million from enforced BBC TV Tax, which prosecuted 184,595 undocumented TV License payers in 2017. All comments follow BBC guidelines and represent BBC approved thinking. BT Sport contract £1million*.”
Cant place in now but Farage gave a talk to journalists maybe about 3/4 months ago, (think it was a link from here) in which I distinctly heard him claim that the BBC reporting was balanced during the Referendum period………………….
Why change his tune?
– people feel they are doing some good but in reality are just feeding the Chris “£2.2m from enforced TV Tax, extracted by threat of prison” Evans money making machine promoted by the BBC TV and Radio using children and emotional blackmail to support it. This is what I think anyway.
— Based Tacita [ Тихий ] #120db (@GaiusTacita) August 3, 2017
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination as a Muslim must slaughter the animal)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination as a Muslim must recite from the Koran whilst slitting an animal’s throat whilst it can still see the world)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination because pigs cannot join the slaughter or blessing from the Koran)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan:
Option 1: Stop Halal – You become a Muslim/Sharia apostate
Option 2: Keep Halal – a true Muslim with barbaric beliefs and positive employment discrimination.
The no win situation for a Muslim who is charge of a capital city. Unless I’ve missed something?
When oh when are supermarkets going to grow a pair and label non-Halal meat as such?
That way consumers can have a proper choice.
I wonder if in such a case the bBBC would publish the sales results?
I would like to see some new EU Halal labelling showing a picture and name of the Imam, the passage from the Koran, the version of the Koran, the Muslim sect (Sunni / Shia / Ahmed / Kharijite / Wahhabism etc) a picture of the knife used and the animal before slitting it’s throat and after, to ensure it was all done in the most religious and blessed way.
With EU labels I can ensure that I am in agreement when buying the Halal approved food I am not supporting a version of extreme Islam or sponsoring employment discrimination or animal cruelty.
“When oh when are supermarkets going to grow a pair and label non-Halal meat as such?”
No more so than companies permitting their advertisements to be distorted unjustifiably to portray most of the population to be black, asian or a mixed couple.
‘The Farm Animal Welfare Council (now Committee) (FAWC) report on the ‘Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing’ June 2003 concluded:
The level of restraint of conscious animals required for slaughter without pre-stunning was far greater than for conventional slaughter.
A large cut made across the neck of a conscious animal would “result in very significant pain and distress” before the animal loses consciousness (around 5 to 7 seconds for sheep, 22 to 40 seconds for adult cattle).
“Slaughter without pre-stunning is unacceptable and that the Government should repeal the current exemption”. Until then any animal not stunned before slaughter should receive an immediate post-cut stun.
What is the RSPCA doing?
We’re pressing for law changes to improve animal welfare at slaughter. Until this occurs, we propose:
UK Jewish and Muslim communities review their slaughter practices
Meat produced from animals not stunned before slaughter should be clearly labelled to allow consumer choice.’
Regarding halal slaughter and other forms of animal abuse, such as dog fighting, which is increasing thanks to our enrichers, there is silence from the more radical wings of the animal rights/liberators and hunt saboteurs.
Like the feminists who tacitly support sharia, and the left who tolerate grooming rape gangs, objections to animal cruelty stop at the gates of Islam.
Same here:
It is bizarre and I don’t know why it is but if a report/analysis of some issue is hypothetically apportioned a number, the researcher/journalist always starts at 4/5 not 1. This Gatestone article starts on the premise that we should allocate more necessary resources to deal with the islamicists rather that a headlong attack on why we have to put up with these people in the first place, i.e. No. 1. Its as if the attitude is, ‘well its international so I suppose we have to accept our share of the problem and adjust our approach accordingly’. No, No, No. We should simply clear the a**holes out of the country or help them with their desire to meet allah by stringing them up!
I am disgusted and deeply offended by halal slaughter. I cannot accept that this is legal in our country. I demand that it is banned immediately. If this offends some sections of the population they are free to leave, infact I would be happy for a portion of my taxes to be used to facilitate their leaving . If a few millions folks who currently are present in our country left we would breath a deep sigh of relief and then get on with cleaning up the shit holes they have left behind.
Doublethinker – you must Love Halal not Hate Halal. To Hate is to commit a crime (haram). To Love is not commit a crime (halal). Be more Halal than Haram.
Why am I using Arabic words to describe … hate crime?
Weird on bBBc Breakfast with the androgony twins Naga and Steph on the sofa. The vibrators were on max. settings as they bigged up the Women’s football tonight. Should there be equal pay? Could the game be equal to the men’s game.
A full house of errr 20,000 is expected at the match. At its peak 3 million watched the last match.
I wish the team well, the problem is not their capability but the politically correct bBBC mantra that insists on an utterly deluded vision of equality between men and women’s football and cricket. And presumably equal pay.
How I’d love to see Jmmy Anderton steaming in bowling bouncers at 90mph to the ladies. Or Serena beating Roger in a best of 5 set match. Then let them talk about equal pay!
Yes, Toady was also bragging about the 3 million figure this morning. Amazing how much they can spout before I can reach the Off switch!
Near-monopoly channel gets 3 million viewers after weeks, if not months, of hype. Read all about it (or not).
Surely this can be settled easily, get the two top football teams to compete. Weight the wages based on the final scores e.g. A score of 2/2 would mean an equal split. A score of 100/1 would mean the side what won got 100x wages. Do this every year, an interesting game indeed. *
It is commonly believed that a screw-propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel. Have there been any experiments under properly controlled conditions?
Dominic Lawson in the D/Mail wrote this excellent article – (being the daughter of an ex-pro footballer, and have a bit of an idea what I’m talking about – this is sooo true)
The postperson has just delivered a flier that tells me that Vauxhall motors has joined with the furniture retailers in only wanting to sell to Sir Lenny’s mates.
Of course they are all behind the trend set by our major food retailers who most certainly weren’t hoping for a white 2016 Christmas.
Is it 2040 when the minority white monkeys get to the top of the ‘victim’ tree?
England’s Women Football stories shouldn’t be main news on the Football pages especially when the Championship season is about to start. If you measure it in quality it is like making non-league a big thing, it’s just aggressive egalitarianism.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
The Beeb website gleefully reports at length on the email prankster fooling the White House – it is their main story. Never mind jobs, the stock market or security – a prank is real news. In the age of fake news, thank God we have the ‘reality check’ of the Beeb to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Dear BBC, you still have your own fake far left news on your website which hides migrant being nasty to another migrant from the story, I think it is still misleading people as of September 2015 and should be corrected.
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s | BBC story (notice the flip from video to still photographs!) {biasedbbc post}
Why not tell us how many people visited your BBC page and were taken in by the story?
Markymark, it was the BBC’s reporting of this story that was the last straw for me – I stopped paying my licence fee after this.
Just sent both links of ‘male migrant pushing a female migrant in Hungary’ to a friend who is gay and used to work at the BBC and supports female Dr Who’s and gender reassignment and Labour.
Will be interesting to see his comments.
My guess his response will be “But that’s only one BBC story.”. To which I will reply that it is still out there for people to be misled (from Sep2015) and has NOT been corrected as of Aug2017 and then I will send another story as per the Andrew Breitbart method.
“Saudi Arabia launches girls’ council – without any girls” { mar2017}
“It has been compared to another viral hit – an image of US President Donald Trump, surrounded by men, signing an abortion policy in January.” – but find the original photo and a women is in the shot! {}
Break the story into little chunks and keep leaking piece by piece until they give up and think you have an infinite amount of evidence (which you don’t) but they eventually see your side for at least a few minutes. This is what should be happening with the Gary Lineker BBC TV Tax for wages scandal.
The New York Times is usually just a blinkered as the Biased BBC, so I was shocked to see this common-sense analysis of Brexit – read and enjoy!
Two years from now, in a similar vein, the European Union will have lost a bad tenant and gained a good neighbor.
Daniel Hannan
– from a polygamy marriage (27 countries), to a tenant (sharing decisions under a landlord) , to a home owner (with own responsibilities).
I do believe that in the long term we will enjoy much better relations with our European neighbours. We were in fact scrupulous in observing EU regulations, even if we grumbled about them. It was actually a cause of resentment that so many others happily passed these rules and then blithely ignored them.
Rules like emissions broken by German car manufacturers . Rules on paying tax broken by Juncker. And yes, we’ve not met targets
miker22, me too. I think our whole uneasy relationship with the EEC/EC/EU stems from two aspects of our joining.
The second is Ted Heath’s deception over what we were joining. The EEC/EC/EU is founded on a lie but could have been made honest, especially with a dose of the UK’s post-WW2 realism while western Europe was still partly in a state of shell-shock and under Allied control.
The first was Wilson’s and Heath’s misguided notion that government knew best and should not seek, beyond a vague manifesto mention, the will of the people first. A doubly bad mistake.
“But a few Euro-fanatics, disproportionately prominent on the BBC and at The Financial Times, are acting like doomsday cultists, constantly postponing the date of their promised apocalypse.”
So the blatant bias of the bBBC is even being noted overseas!
A fiona swann is mentioned in the article. Found this Fioan swann and she works for the beeb. Could it be the same person
FFS! What kind of d**k goes to The Proms to wave an EU flag?
One that voted remain!
Is Fiona Swann (BBC TV Director) @FionaSwann allowed to do this with the BBC moniker next to her name?
“I am a BBC TV Director, tweeting in a personal capacity.” – so she shouldn’t mention the BBC then? By using the title “BBC TV Director” she is adding weight to her comments. (44 Followers)
They should not allow the use of the BBC’s name or brands in connection with advertising for a public appearance. There should be no suggestion of a BBC connection or endorsement of the third party event or organisation, unless it is editorially appropriate and has been approved by the relevant head of department. {bbc guidelines 15.4.13}
Fiona Swann @FionaSwann 1 Nov 2012
Replying to @harriethadfield
@HarrietNews so Harriet still saying really stupid things. Well done.
Fiona Swann @FionaSwann 21 Feb 2012
I’m doing a charity walk for the Royal Marsden in memory of my friend Catherine Bennett. Sponsor me here.
Gary “£1.7m + Free Promotions on Red Nose Day” Lineker may have broken these guidelines. ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘. 6.34Million Twitter Ears Waiting to Listen!
Marky there is another account @Lorelei_174 with the name FionaSwann that makes dozens of pro EU tweets per day
Whereas That BBC employee account mentioned above is pretty dormant
(I don’t rule out that this could her activist account or it could be another person who has same name
This account has never mentioned the BBC
It describes Swann’s job “I’m a Brit who works in Europe and might lose my job. Mum-in-law retired to France likely to lose reciprocal healthcare.”)
This account retweeted this
They should be allowed to wave the EU flag. Shows the irony of it all. Remember the video of Merkel pulling a German flag from another party member, stopping him waving it. So funny, could be from Brass Eye show.
Angela Merkel disgusted by German Flag – Throws it away at Victory Celebration of own Party {youtube}
Thanks for posting.
What a good article by Dan Hannan but it’s a real shame what happened to him. He was a tour de force during the referendum, making excellent points and providing some entertaining rebuttals on the debates (particularly the Spectator one) that I saw him at. As was demonstrated, he was clearly far more in touch with the British people than many others.
But then we won the referendum and he just disappeared. He seemed to lose his nerve right after the victory and back peddled that we could remain in the single market or maintain freedom of movement and because of this watering down, wasn’t contacted for appearances or commentary.
He had a golden opportunity to ride the crest of the wave for something he’d been advocating yet spectacularly hobbled himself (or allowed himself to be hobbled) to revert to becoming an insignificant figure.
What a shame and what a waste of talent.
Sky Arts. There, I said it!
Purveyors of the kind of programme that you will never see on the BBC. Last night I watched a documentary I recorded on the making of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road including interviews with Elton John, Bernie Taupin and all the critical participants. In other recent programmes they have covered the Bee Gees, Queen and all sorts.
They’ve had similar programmes on Cinema, Films including biographies of the film stars of yesteryear.
Good, factual, no nonsense stuff. Why can’t the BBC do this kind of programme?
No fan,
I miss sky arts because I cancelled my sky subscription. I had been with them many years. They charged me £55 a month. The box went wrong. They wanted to charge me for that too. So I said I’m leaving. They begged me to stay, said they’d cut subs to £20 a month . I said so I’ve been paying over the odds and got no reward for loyalty.
There are more important things in life that tv or football. So I treat sky the same as albeeb and avoid so no to licencing tax. Each to their own though.
nofano-Not enough diversity in the film stars of yesteryear for the BBC. Yesterday the Londonistan
programme with it’s plethora of ethnic presenters and reporters were rebuking the director of
Holland Park Opera in London . They were putting on a performance for charity for Grenfell Flats
which is near by, of Verdi’s Requiem. The reporter made facetious comments about opera
and the local council. I doubt if hardly any of the reporters and presenters even know who
Joe Green was!
Nofano-Just one more point. I doubt if more than a very few at the BBC even care about
our heritage and culture. My god OPERA!!!!!!! All those European “whities” from the
17th , 18th.19th and 20th centuries composing politically incorrect and lacking in
diversity except for stereotype Japanese and Chinese ladies.
NOW if somebody was to compose an opera about some under privileged boys on
motor scooters mugging people in the street. I reckon we would see a Christmas Special.
Or should I say a winter holiday special. Yes and I know about the Proms. BUT I can even
see the the grubby hands of the BBC diversity department getting on the band wagon here
as well.
“All those European “whities” from the 17th , 18th.19th and 20th centuries composing politically incorrect and lacking in diversity except for stereotype Japanese and Chinese ladies.”
However, black opera singers, mainly female, have been well represented on the world’s opera stages for years: Kathleen Battle, Grace Bumbry, Maria Ewing, Barbara Hendricks, Jessye Norman, Leontyne Price, Shirley Verrett etc.
Opera never gets any credit for it, of course. All we get is whining about how white our orchestras and their audiences are. Black opera singers emerge because black people sing and their talent can be recognised. Same applies in Wales and other places with a choral tradition. Unlike SE Asians, black people are not generally interested in listening to opera or classical music. Relatively few white people are, there’s no evidence of discrimination. I wish the race hustlers would just leave it alone – but then they never leave anything alone,do they?
Clare- I know there is no discrimination in opera NOW. I remember sitting next to Shirley Verrett at
the Theatre Royal Drury Lane around 37 years ago for a concert performance of Andrea Chenier.
It was a busman’s holiday for her. She was singing Princes Eboli in Don Carlos at Covent Garden. But
for her to see Carlo Bergonzi as Chenier was a Master Class for her, she told me.
Carlo Bergonzi has always been my favourite tenor. In fact my username on this website is named after
his restaurant in Busetto , I due Foscari. Dearest Carlo, may he rest in peace told me that he named it
I Due Foscari because it was the only one of Verdi’s 27 operas which didn’t have a restaurant named
after the opera!
My comments were made about the sneering comments the interviewer made to the director
of Holland Park opera last i night.
No criticism of you intended whatsoever. I was just pointing out that the common accusation that opera, and classical stuff generally, is “institutionally racist”, doesn’t really stand up. Apart from the extremely poor who genuinely can’t afford the tickets, people exclude themselves. Their choice, of course.
I believe it was the director of Holland Park Opera who made the point that any mention of the word “opera” presses certain buttons in people in the UK. There’s a strange inverted snobbery where people will listen to watered down “crossover” singers, but avoid like the plague highly gifted singers who’ve spent their whole lives trying to get it right.
Re write the final scene of Don Giovanni, showing him reaching out for his stash and choking to death as he swallows the entire package before a chorus of media hacks
Mike Leigh? Ken Loach?
Nofan, have to agree with you. Sadly speak to anyone of the last two generations and they wont have a clue who Burt Lancaster, William Holden, or Bette Davis is. I have Sky Films, and whoever is responsible for choosing the film selection must be about 20 years old. Apart from the rare gem that’s made every couple of years, the films being churned out now are so dire that only the brain dead enjoy them. Comic book heroes and the most awful teenage ‘comedy’ films seem to be the pap that is on offer nowadays. I know within the first 10 minutes whether a film is going to be any good, and 90% of those I’m paying for on Sky are not – and they’re on a 4 months loop, appearing on the varying film channels. Oh, how I would love the job of choosing those films – there are literally thousands to pick from the last 70 odd years – a veritable feast ! yet we are subjected to the same old same old. I did write to Sky to complain, but was fobbed off with jargon about licensing etc etc.
Brissles, agree completely. Sky Cinema is an abomination, they show some really pathetic stuff. Every now and then they create a channel dedicated to the work of some top tier star (Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks are the two most recent), but overall it really isn’t worth the effort.
But my point is that none of this cultural stuff is covered anywhere near satisfactorily by the BBC who would prefer to label it as a blot in our history.
Brissles, I have a few crazy projects going on in my life. One of them is to see every feature film made between 1964 and 1975. They have to be at least 75 minutes long and not TV movies. This started off as part of a historical study but grew into something I find really enjoyable. While I am surprised how much I enjoy the nostalgia I am also shocked at how much better the films were in those days. 1975 was just before the onslaught of political correctness and the advent of roller-coaster action. The women characters were much more believable than they are today and there was generally a feeling of optimism unlike a lot of the films now.
Anyway, I hunt around for DVD’s in charity shops and every week I watch one from this period. It is my 90 minutes of escapism from the madness of the modern world. It is like I have a Tardis and go where Burt Lancaster, Sid James, Ingrid Pitt, Peter Cushing, are all still alive.
LP Hartley said “The past is another country, they do things differently there”
Well they certainly made better films.
Well done Yasser ! but try going back even further and watch some of the film noir classics of the 40’s and early 50’s. The scriptwriting and dialogue are beyond measure – no mumbling with every word articulated perfectly.
As a youngster brought up on Sunday afternoon matinees (in black and white) I didn’t fully appreciate how good cinema was at that time – and one film in particular springs to mind – Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn (1938). I watched it again many years later, and the wit and humour in the writing is beyond brilliant. We tend to think of comedy in those days as slapstick Marx Brothers and the like, but in my humble opinion this film was ahead of its time.
With the money I have saved from not paying the licence fee, I recently treated myself to a projector and a pair of headphones. I can connect this to my laptop and have a ‘home cinema’ any night I choose; I mostly watch old black and white films on Youtube. My favourite era is 1955-1965 when the technical quality improved but the nihilism and leftism had not taken over.
Brissles have you tried, or run across Talking pictures on Freeview 81 .Some great stuff on there. That is our bolt hole now days.
Thanks Swelter, yes TP is also on Sky, so have been spending a few nostalgic hours viewing.
I find LoveFilm a lifeline; they have a huge library of dvds to rent. Lots of other good old films are available on the internet to download or stream. Just think, with the internet we can enjoy what the lucky ones were watching in the 40s and 50s.
Apologies if this is useless. But it might help your project. They go up to 1969
Brissles, some are earlier and might be of interest
Good grief! I was looking for old, classic, films on YouTube just yesterday (wth dismal results) so that is a very useful lead, thank you!
In case anyone is tempted by Amazon Prime, by the way, don’t waste your money. It’s as bad as Netflix is described below, by Imaynotalwayslove.
If the BBC is as short of money as it pretends, why it doesn’t show old films during the day, that viewers can timeshift, I have no idea.
Come to think of it, it’s probably because they don’t over-represent ‘effniks’ nor come with a Common Purpose stamp of approval.
Thank you G.W.F there’s quite a few there I’ve been looking for.
Great site G.W.F, I think a lot may be B movies (many names I didn’t recognise) – those that played before the main event, but still a good ‘find’. Thanks.
What a wonderful discovery! Thank you.
Netflix has a pretty crap selection of recently released films, most of them are silly CGI action/superhero things for teenagers. But I forgive them because it’s only 6 quid a month subscription, and they do have a fair few quality drama series (American and foreign) which makes up for it. For documentaries there are a few gems, but most are leftist agitprop from the stable of Michael Moore.
As for their BBC back catalog..well there is Blackadder and Yes Minister for the odd laugh. And there’s many a series of wheezy Attenborough filming his animal magic – which I used to like years ago but if I watch an episode now the old patrician lefty just annoys me.
That’s interesting to know about Netflix IMNALY, I know many who rave about it, but I’ve always been a bit suspect about the content of their ‘lists’. Recent offerings – and I mean in the last 20 years, leave me cold. I think I’ll stick with my old dvd collection, – at least I can revel in Fred & Ginger, the Fabulous Dorseys, and the music of Hoagy Carmichael in To Have & Have Not whenever I like.
Go over to LoveFilm rentals. Really, it’s worth it.
Isn’t it strange that when we had four tv channels there were far more good films shown than now (unless perhaps you can receive special cinema channels – I don’t know)? We used to have such things as a Bergman or Truffaut season, and all sorts of good things, enabling me to build up an excellent library of videotapes. Now there are scarcely any worth watching – one a week perhaps. Some films are mysteriously shown again and again; are they out of copyright or something, or particularly cheap for some reason?
nfop, they do. Think you may have even been watching programmes made for and originally shown on BBC Four. If not they were similar to some in relatively recent series (2013/2014/2015), of which I watched one or two via iPlayer. I intended to watch more but have got out of the TV habit.
Now that I am disenfranchised from iPlayer, I wander over to YouTube if I feel like watching something. There’s loads of stuff to watch there. Here’s an example, you may enjoy this: . Even the advert before the beginning (for Abbey Road Studios) was interesting! A big thank you to for keeping this Yamaha sponsored item up on YouTube. [Did I get all the menshes right? 🙂 ]
It just goes to show how with their greed for money and their ever narrowing of a dead-end road of their own making, the BBC are playing a very dangerous game.
Hit the brakes, Lord Hall! Apologise profusely. Slash the Licence Fee in half now and again in three years time.
You may just get to keep an operational, reformed BBC for the future.
If not, phew! I wouldn’t want to be sitting where you are sitting.
This thread demonstrates how poorly the Licence fee serves everyone, including the BBC.
The concept of public service broadcasting is dead, an anachronism from the past. With a subscription based model (for instance) the BBC would be able to change its general output from the “Mile wide foot deep” concept it is now to “foot wide mile deep”.
In other words, it would be forced to broadcast stuff that people actually want to see/ hear to a quality that viewers expect. Gone would be the dross that we must put up with now for the sake of public service broadcasting.
Yes, this is a really good point. Even the Marx brothers movies, slapstick though they certainly were, are an important part of cinema history. As a teenager in the late 60s/early 70s I was able to watch them all on the BBC and many other old movies besides, including the film noir classics that Brissles mentions. They were usually on late on a Friday and Saturday evening. Nowadays, little or no chance of seeing these on the BBC, which eschews any kind of history it seems, and is extorting money from the public whilst letting down that public in every way imaginable.
I can’t recall the last time a Chaplin; Laurel & Hardy; Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton film was on Al beebus, yet I can remember them being on there quite a lot as a boy.
I can’t recall the last time a Chaplin; Laurel & Hardy; Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton film was on Al beebus, yet I can remember them being broadcast by them quite a lot as a boy.
Al, same here. As a child in the 70s a lot of the stuff I watched was already decades old but we had no problems identifying with what we saw, whether it was old films, TV or cliffhanger serials. I remember being absorbed by Flash Gordon or The Whirlybirds and I thought that Tom & Jerry was hilarious. In my teens and twenties I well remember watching great old movies like The Naked City and Pursued (Robert Mitchum) that never seem to be on any more.
Like Heisenberg I sometimes wonder if this is deliberate, to disconnect us from the past, or whether a lot of what we watched is now considered too archaic in its attitudes, or too conventional, or maybe – too American?
Agreed, it is also why old films have to be “re-made” so the past can be re-made to fit with the Progressives’ narrative.
Agree with everything said above, but I think once again that its the age group of those at the BBC who gear everything we watch to their own age group and younger – just as I said in an earlier post about those who dictate our viewing over at Sky Cinema. Those in charge now did not grow up watching any half decent films as we did.
I rest my case after reading this in the blurb of a certain DVD……………….
“If you don’t think Austin Powers is one of the funniest movies of the 1990s, maybe you should be packed into a cryogenic time chamber and sent back to the decade whence you came.”
Well, that’s my ticket booked in the time chamber then !!
I believe the Talking Pictures channel is showing some Laurel & Hardy films later this month.

Absolutely right. The BBC are supposed to promote our culture, but just look at the schedules.
The nonsense of the EU and so-called ‘refugees’ goes on, and on and on….. –
I did chuckle over Macrons quoted statement: ““the whole world an example on how to treat migrants and asylum seekers and offer them a decent abode.”
Surely, it should be shortened to read: (offer) “the whole world a decent abode in France.” Reality: this is what we will have just 20 miles or so from our shore.
Has Emmanuel “Forward!” Macron told everyone when “Enough is Enough!” with regards to housing the World inside France’s borders**?
Apparently the number of immigrants ; refugees ; terrorists pretending to be immigrants ; economic immigrants ; migrants ; child migrants ; anchor migrants with potentially more family to come ; holiday migrants that go back home now and then ; religious migrants who want to spread a religion is forever increasing …
“Want to know what progress in the international demography debate sounds like? Listen to yesterday’s podcast [we would advice the entire show, but if pressed for time, please fast forward to Osotimehin, from 12:49 onwards]: “We should not be talking about population control, because we stopped talking about it in 1994. { may2011}”
If such psychology would apply, Pierce would join a big group of ‘sustainability professionals’ who seem much more comfortable in stressing physical problems than social ones, thereby refraining from taking part in politically incorrect blame games. That is a pity, as blaming is the most efficient route of pinpointing to the core of problems, creating space for solutions. Also lurking geographical, political and economic tensions due to increasingly large regional differences in population growth are seemingly just being ignored by the majority of senior commenters on demography trends. { may2011}
** France’s borders are irrelevant with open borders!
How Canada became an education superpower
All based on the Nu Liebour vision that ever greater numbers in further education equals some kind of positive progress. We all know that this is nothing more than the Left using universities as a tool to separate children from the influence of their families and to brainwash them into believing left wing idiocy.
Quantity does not equal quality !
Read through the article and you will find just what it is really about, peppered with Leftie buzzwords like
“Andreas Schleicher, the OECD’s education director, says Canada’s “big uniting theme is equity”.”
“He says there is a strong sense of fairness and equal access ”
“Canada’s teachers are well paid by international standards – and entry into teaching is highly selective.”
“Rather than high levels of immigration being seen as a potential drag on results, Prof Jerrim says in Canada’s case, this is likely to be part of its success story.
Migrants coming to Canada, many from countries such as China, India and Pakistan, are often relatively well-educated and ambitious to see their children get into professional careers.”
Typical BBC bias looking at a country with a lunatic Left wing government and selectively picking stories to try to promote it.
BBc breakfast does it’s free advertising bit for Victoria and Abdul. Oh look it’s even got Eddie Izzard as the Prince of Wales I so won’t be watching this
Its selective equality time at the biased BBC!!
The state pension age for women was 60 rather than 65 for men despite the extra life expectancy of women.
The government announced about 20 years ago that they would sequentially increase that age to 65 in the first instance. A fair settlement you might think. Equal retirement Ges for men and women.
But no. Lots of whingeing on the bBBC that millions of women are ‘losing out’ and were not given enough time to plan. Enough time? It was announced in 1995 FFS. Losing out? Errr I think you’ll find it is men that have been losing out for decades. But that doesn’t count at the bBBC. Obviously.
Even when the facts are on your side, one should be tolerant of dissenting opinion. With the SJWs so often they do not have the facts on their side yet they say anyone who does not agree with them has a mental illness.
How on earth does men working more than women mean women have the raw deal? And how much of their extra earnings are spent on their women? I would much rather have my partner working 80 hour weeks as a CEO and providing for me, but that just is not an option for men. I have known many pretty women who see it as a badge of honour that they never have to pay for anything.
Is Western culture so terrible if everyone in the world wants to come here? Actions speak louder than words. If all these minority cultures are so fantastic how comes nobody wants to go to the cr*pholes where they are prevalent and the people can’t wait to get out of there?
“Is Western culture so terrible if everyone in the world wants to come here?” – This begs a deeper fundamental question: invaders are rarely concerned by the living/social conditions in the invaded nation. They invade simply to impose their power and mindset on the indigenous population. In the current situation, that is, islam.
I personally favour the invasion theory rather than even bothering to consider whether their preference is for experiencing the delights of Western living – they’ll take that anyway – Rochdale et al.
Italy covers naked statues (sublime art from the Western World) during Iran President Hassan Rouhani’s visit {independent jan2016}
“Plain white boards spotted obscuring sculptures in Capitoline Museum”
Rohani has reportedly refused to dine at the Elysée presidential palace during his visit to Paris if wine is served. { jan2016}
– the beauty and skill of sculptures in Italy are so scary that they have to be hidden from Islamic leaders eyes. Islamic leaders who are married grown men, cannot face naked representation of the human form. Garlic for Vampires?
– Two more (UK/4 in total) government buildings operating under Sharia law have been uncovered by MailOnline after it was revealed MPs could be forced to stop drinking alcohol when they move out of the Palace of Westminster. {dailymail jan2016}
– no art, no alcohol, no room for western ideas.
– ‘There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam‘ – Ayatollah Khomeini (Iran’s former leader), Jan1980
So we have to respect their culture when visiting them, but they stick two fingers up to our culture when they visit us?
Sounds about par for the course.
The Romans would turn in their graves . But the Italians today are not in the same class .
Perhaps the Italian authorities feared that male Muslims would not be able to contain themselves at the sight of naked ladies , even if they were marble statues, and be driven into a sexual emergency right there and then in the gallery or museum, possibly in front of people who may offended by sight of the erect male member being vigorously manipulated. I think that it will take some years before Europeans grow accustomed to this aspect of the enrichment process that is being foisted on them by their leaders. Having said that there is no doubt that any complaints made about this type of sexual emergency by our migrant friends iare hate crimes and will be treated as such. After all this type of public self abuse is a cultural norm in certain parts of the world. We Europeans must learn to.value such diversity and not to turn away in disgust which is highly racist behaviour.
I suspect if Islam had existed at that time, the Romans would have done to the Muslims what they did to the Carthaginians or the Jews.
Rather like Anglican-Free Church ecumenical services.
This actually goes back to a number of court cases, in which, I recall, a sensible woman fought hard for equality with the menfolk in retirement at 65 rather than 60. It was Sally Marshall v Southampton & West Hampshire AHA –
I think it’s great – all those years of screaming for equality and responsibility but when it comes to personal responsibility of pension equality they run off to the government say “it’s not fair” . All those years where men were disadvantaged . Do they get years of pension back pay to achieve equality with women’s earlier retirement age ?
I am wondering if I would be able to change gender when I get to 65 and take my retirement early?
The fact that women don’t have to work as long as men is inequality.
Exactly, as I enjoyed pointing out to ‘WASPY’ group on FB, where were you all at when men retired at 65 and women at 60, and that was going on for decades?
When you think about it, men have always been discriminated against.
what exactly haven’t they planned for ?? I cant get my head around that one.
If the government suddenly announced compulsory retirement at a 5 year earlier age than you were expecting, that might fook up your planning time
Yes, I often mention this as a case of sex discrimination. Can you imagine the outcry if the situation had been the reverse? We would never have heard the last of it – especially by the BBC. Yet, I don’t recall any man ever complaining about this.
6pm bBBC news update. They dredge up a 61 year old woman from Aberdeen (why? How?) who is ‘missing out’ becausevshevis too young to get a pension but too ill to work. Get out the hankies.
They they prominently feature a wimmins’ demo. in Westminster.
Subtext. Unfair penny-pinching Tories.
Funny how the idea of equality goes out of the window when it suits.
The bBBC. Guaranteed to be absolutely pathetic.
Sluff I agree entirely with you. By coincidence I was working for pensions briefly at this period. I remember the court case and (almost) everyone saying well mens retirement ages will come down. Being the cynic I at the time said no they’ll put womens retirement ages up. Since then of course we have had the ever increasing age for all. But I find it hard to believe so many women didn’t know and subsequently have not even bothered to check their pension entitlement. I get a BR19 pension forecast every year to check just as I do with my occupational pensions. As you say men have been losing out a lot longer. They even manage to increase my retirement age to 66 and a half. My school mate who was in the same year has to wait until he is 67.
It wasn’t just the German media. The BBC has been totally supportive as well.
Strange times. The enemies of the people and democracy are being surprisingly quickly, stripped of their camouflage for all to behold and identify.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that the foreign enemy is already on European soil, (and despite ‘Brexit’ of course!), I’ll wager the German people vote in Merkel again shortly.
Well I never !
A whole month gone by and TV Licensing haven’t sent me a threatogram . Why is this ?
Could it be that Beeboids actually do read this site and saw my counter threat last month that they take me to court ( knowing who I am ) . Or they just give up after 18 months , or the postman thinks it’s a waste of time delivering their stupid letters ? Or they’re coming to their senses and see the writing on the wall , the telly tax days are numbered .
Watch this space for the next instalment of … well nothing happening really .
I scrapped my TV when I sold my flat in Edinburgh last year and I informed the TV tax police. Got a semi-threatening letter implying that I was lying and they would check. My response was ” Eff off “. Have not had a reply yet.
Did Gary “£1.7m” Lineker knock on your door to apologise for forcing you, under threat of prison, to pay his and Chris Evans wages? How nice.
R5 now Emma Barnett is doing “casual racism” #BBCPetIssue after 10:30
Cos some sacked-journo she’ll interview dared to suggest that reason 2 top BBC women negotiated better salaries, was because of their Jewish heritage.
And that sounds close to saying that Jews are careful with money.
Now the Labour MP AndyMcDonaldMP is on about the rail electrification delays.
“It’s infinitely better than diesel”
..em no its not you still have an environmental and physical cost of putting in the infrastructure.
“So Lab our has a £250bn 10 year infrastructure plan, so how much is transport ?”
“blah blah”
“You , don’t know you ?”
“No I don’t”
Giving an excuse to repeat generalisations that have been made against any people or nation is dangerous and not something that a national broadcaster should be getting involved in . But of course the BBC did this long ago on the Jimmy Young Show (Radio 2). Jimmy Young would read out blatantly racist views and by airing these racist views , the views were heard and would now clearly be more acceptable for people to say . When I complained I was told I could get my views heard too. But the point was missed – these slanderous generalisations of others should never have been aired in the first place.
She tried a trick of ending the interview with an ambush
by quoting an article which seems to deny the holocaust but doesn’t
he stood his ground so the interview overran
She’d previously ambused him by shouting out “well I am Jewish and I say”
I see what he’s getting at
It’s like saying that Buddhism has a tradition of patience and calmness
..and therefore you can understand that a particular hospital has a high number of Buddhist therapists.
The principle is that people should be able to say even wrong things, without being shouted down.
Difficult discussions should be out in the open, instead of people being forced to self-censor 19840-style.
Alan’s opened up a new post on this topic
Currently in the process of acquiring a small business for my sons – one of the prerequisites in the initial negotiations was the provision of audited accounts to back up the financial position claimed.
Can someone explain to me why with regard to any EU ‘settlement’, that we do not insist upon the same from the EU?
More importantly, why do the UK traitors of Farron, Blair, Sturgeon, et al not apply the same level of ‘demand’ in the media for fully audited and approved accounts?
Research commissioned by the BBC……………. (no doubt hoping to bolster their anti-Brexit stance)
“Even the BBC have acknowledged the findings that Brexit was the most important issue for the most amount of people by far, way ahead of the economy and the NHS.” – Really! I’ll look forward to the BBC highlighting this, “Study” as often as Grenfell as it is contrary to everything they and their favoured EU stands for.
How much did the Research cost and ‘what if?’ the results were more favourable to the BBC’s position of anti-Brexit? I’ll wager if that was the case, the research would have been given the Grenfell, Trump, LGBT treatment.
Surely anyone with half a brain has become extremely sceptical whenever the BBC introduce research findings wherever they are from. If the research has been commissioned by the corporation itself it is certain to be at least a distortion of the truth if not an outright fabrication. The best rule of thumb is to disbelieve everything that the BBC tells you and check with sources that are not run by fully paid up members of the liberal elite. This of course eliminates almost all of the MSM for cross checking purposes.
Well said – and never truer than when the Corporation is reporting on matters to do with ‘global warming’. It leaps like a hungry wolf on any scrap that confirms the hypothesis yet runs like quicksilver from anything that shows it for what it is – deeply flawed and widely criticised by eminent scientists, whose views it suppresses ruthlessly.
For example, the fact that Denmark is ‘enjoying’ its first non–summer for many, many years:
Or Drs. Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller’s newly published paper saying the very greenhouse theory behind alleged AGW is nonsense:
Or NASA confirming that sea levels are actually falling:
Or, perhaps the most damning of all, the claim by former NASA science head, John Bates, who until recently was in charge of NASA’s climate data, exposing ‘flagrant misrepresentation’ (his own words) in NASA’s climate records, as used to prop up the AGW scam:
None of the above, courtesy of the BBC. Of course.
Some gems in Radio Times this week. Some woman – can’t remember her name – who even in the 1990s was earning £100,000 a year writing scripts for Coronation Street and has a raft of hit drama serials, claims she is discriminated against as a woman!
Also, the letters editor had to admit that the majority of responses to the female Dr Who were negative. Of course, their ‘star letter’ was in favour of the idea, but they published three negative ones as well. Think they might have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
was it sally wainwright
She wrote the man hate fest of happy valley.
Yes that’s her. She says: “No, I just thought, why haven’t they done this sooner?” she says of the moment she heard Melvyn Bragg would be heading her way. “The South Bank Show did Paul Abbott and Russell T Davies years ago, but I’ve been overlooked.” Why might that be? “I think it’s because I’m a woman.”
Nothing to do with just being big headed and ungrateful then?
Clive James digs into the BBC, as well as a whole heap of others.
In a new essay published by GWPF to promote the UK publication of a new book of similar essays “Climate Change the Facts 2017”
The GWPF page includes a link to a PDF of the essay
but I see it was also published online in the Australian
JoNova has a discussion
Clive on MSM
(I) ” might have remained confined within the misinformation system where any assertion of forthcoming disaster counts as evidence.”
“The print edition of The Independent bored its way out of business when its resident climate nag was allowed to write half the paper.”
I am still waiting for news of a Judicial Review into the BBC,s Climate science censorship policy. With Piers Corbyns help, both Labour and the Tories could unite against the BBC on this corrupt violation of its Charter obligations.
Investigations show that the BBC upholds complaints from uneducated environmental activists to impose its censorship policy. Fraser Steel, head of the BBC complaints unit, is the face of BBC censorship, but Colin Tregear who was once the Project Director at the BBC Weather Centre, is thought to be the main culprit for any Judicial Review.
There have been three serious incidents where the BBC censorship policy has been exposed. Two which involved Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications, Peter Lilley, a Tory and a scientist, has said it shows the BBC is ‘afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes’. His Labour colleague Graham Stringer who is also a scientist has said ‘This is a form of censorship’.
Donald Trumps, Red Team, Blue Team process could put pressure on Parliament to follow up on the Judicial Review into the BBC,s violation of its Charter obligations by censoring causational climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
But it looks like nothing less than invoking a fear for their lives from someone with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics would move the W1A morons at the BBC on this issue.
Incident with Australia’s ABC vs Fox
Now to be fair, I didn’t listen to what Polly Toynbee had to say about subsidies to British Agriculture on the Today programme (Wednesday), as she isn’t known for her interest in Agriculture and I switched off as soon as I heard she was on. (Mr D was impressed with the speed that I managed this!). But over the last couple of days there has been a lot of sneering on the news programmes about how some farm businesses are receiving (gasp) over £1,000,000 in EU subsidy. Shame the BBC don’t realise they are very very few and far between and those businesses must have a huge investment. In spite of their huge investment without subsidies, their profit is likely to be nil. In fact few if any farmers would be making any money at all without EU subsidies (for that read money received from the British tax payer). But what I was thinking was what is the difference between a large business (which is using some of that money to employ people and maintain the great British countryside) and the BBC giving Chris Evans £2,200,000 and Gary Liniker £1,750,000)? If you doubt that British Agriculture maintains the countryside – just look what happens to it, if it is left only to Him Upstairs without any help from man.
To be fair though Deborah, farmers here do have more than a few legal exemptions for things which apply to everybody else and do benefit from our EU membership to a greater degree than many other UK industries, some of which have actually been deliberately damaged by it to promote those same industries in other member states; predominantly Germany.
There is no reason why the right people should not be supported just as well by our own Government when we are out of the EU.
More Islamic terrorists convicted
No doubt t all three of the self styled “musceteers ” were suffering from mental issues …. see how quickly al beeb buries this one .
David Davies’ position.
You won’t hear this on the BBC or in the MSM – you need the French to tell us what our representatives think and how they are respected in the corridors of EU power!
The bBC and how it treats the British Population as dum-asses :
‘Three Musketeers’ guilty of planning UK terror plot
Three men who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers have been found guilty of plotting a terror attack on a police or military target in the UK. Naweed Ali, 29, and Khobaib Hussain, 25, both of Sparkhill, Birmingham, and Mohibur Rahman, 33, of Stoke-on-Trent, were convicted at the Old Bailey. They were arrested in August last year in an undercover police sting using a fake courier firm. A fourth man, Tahir Aziz, 38, from Stoke-on-Trent, was also found guilty.”
As this is the bBC even thou the story is about how these peaceful men who love to live by the sword were all found guity, the bBC makes sure that they may actually be victims of Islamophobia:
They had all denied preparing terrorist acts…The men claimed the incriminating evidence was planted by an undercover officer, known as “Vincent”,
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Alexandre Dumas novels.
“The meat cleaver had the word Kafir – the Arabic word for non-believer or infidel – scratched on to the blade.”
(Non believer of what?)
“They’ve been inspired by the Daesh ideology ”
No mention of Islam or the relationship between the word “kafir”
and the Quran then!
No nothing to do with Islam of course!
Three men who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers … so the BBC uses a name they gave themselves rather than Islamic Terrorists. Why not say French Musketeers to add some more spice and deception?
I’m certain it was written incorrectly. Surely it’s ‘Mosqueteers’?
Surprised they did not ‘dub’ their nemesis Rochefort. Or perhaps ‘Milady’ at the behest of Cardinal Tone.
Still, the BBC doubtless have the cast ready for the reboot.
Hope Luke, Santiago and Howard are ready for their Ordres de Marche in the P45 envelope.
Meanwhile, in a woods near Salford, a musketballing team prime their weapons as the cameras roll.
When Islamic State named themselves the BBC used ‘So called Islamic State’. Why not ‘Three Little Pigs’ instead? {bbc – muslims offended by three little pigs – jan2008}
Please note that headlines in stories matter for internet search engines. The title has a higher weighting than content. ‘Three Musketeers guilty of planning UK terror plot‘ is a side story, a stronger title is ‘Birmingham,UK Islamic Terrorist Plot – 3 found guilty with Pakistani ties‘.
Muslim x 0 ; Islamic x 0 ; Terrorist x 3 ; kafir x 1 ; koran x 0
“They had tried to join an al-Qaeda training camp in Pakistan (tried? how long where they gone? who else went with them?). However, when they arrived back in the UK they were arrested and in 2012 both pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.”
… so trained in Pakistan, then finished their training in the UK prisons? …
“Since they’ve come out of prison, they’ve been inspired by the Daesh ideology. (after prison or in it? Some clarity please.)
“They shared lots of material regarding that ideology (what books? from where? name the books!), lots of very violent material, they were trying to encourage others to join them on that journey. (when in prison? where? how?)”
Superb post Mark.
Your questions within and relating to the text used are brilliant. They are all the questions the traitorous, white man hating, Christian/Jew hating, fucktards at the Al ShabeeBBC should be asking at the absolute minimum….but of course they do not…and the slaughter of the infidels as ordered by the child raping butcher mad mo continues.
Just one point I would like to answer for all the infidels of this world who are still so braindead or overcome with such self-loathing and hatred of everything that makes them who they are, that they are willing to dismiss and ignore the most simple of tasks to get to the truth…to just read Mohammed’s book..
“Since they’ve come out of prison, they’ve been inspired by the Daesh ideology”……No. They have been inspired to carry out these actions since the moment they left their mothers womb, by the unforgiving, unrelenting, unchangeable, intolerant, and utterly violent death cult life instruction that mandates the complete and utter submission of everything and everyone on earth
Indeed, we now assume the past, present and future of these terrorists is no longer connected.
The following News items might be linked, that’s for you to read and decide.
… Saudi Arabia – November 2016 …
Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad.
Lending credence to al-Sharbi’s charges, the three-month program includes a few hours a day of lessons in Islam from Saudi clerics and “Shariah specialists (can we have recordings please?).”
{nypost nov2016}
… France – February 2017 …
PARIS — A bipartisan report (both political parties) in the French Senate minced no words in describing this country’s efforts to “deradicalize” former and future terrorists.
The French government’s attempt — including the controversial opening of a deradicalization center in the middle of the countryside — was a “total fiasco,” in the words of Philippe Bas, a senator from the center-right Republicans party. {washingtonpost feb2017}
… UK – July 2017 …
Britain’s most notorious Islamist hate preacher (Anjem Choudary spreading hate 1999-2016 : 7 years of hate) has been transferred to a specialist secure unit amid fears he is radicalising fellow inmates.(psychiatrists didn’t see this?)
Anjem Choudary has reportedly become the first known Islamist to be moved to a “separation centre” at HMP Frankland in County Durham.
… prison staff were not able to spot or confront extremism, and in many cases were reluctant to, for fear they would be accused of racism, he said.
{telegraph jul2017}
It`s thatuse of the word “inspired” that gets me.
No they were not inspired, they were contaminated…brainwashed(as if they had brains to wash)…they were peddled with “fake news”, and like all BBC output-it was swallowed whole as if it was true.
Only the BBC choose such language as if we`re talking Anne Frank or something.
“Inspired” seems to mean the same as that euphemism “radicalized”.
Wait for it – it was a security failure because they weren’t stopped early enough.( not said but I was waiting for it) al beeboid sounded quite gloomy about a security success story.
Each time these cases come to conviction one has to ask oneself – where is the death sentence – they are going to try and kill non Muslims anyway where is the loss.
Working from home today I thought I would catch the al Beeb 1 o’clock news – which I normally don’t watch any more. It was the headline story for 3 minutes. I think they had rather been on safe ground slagging of a foreign head of state such as Preseident Trump.
(at least we’ve now moved on from the breastfeeding saga) !!
Last nights BBC 4 offering was a documentary about changing attitudes on explorers and discovery.
Explorers: Conquest and Calamity
Reporting on the shift in attitudes and documentation. I distinctly got the impression that this was a somewhat left wing take on the subject. Started off with Christopher Columbus discovering the new world. Celebrated by the USA on Columbus Day, but definitely not by Mexicans, and the indigenous population of America who suffered terribly at their hands. Even though it was 600 years ago
Next on the hit list was Cook’s discovery of the Australia’s. As with the conquistadors in America, Cook also brought massacres and disease to the natives.
Not content with this, Livingstone was next. Having the audacity to set up missionary’s on that continent.
Whatever the right or wrongs of these explorers and the affects of their actions, the BBC managed to put the blame and suffering on empires, colonisation, pillage and plunder. Nothing positive..
I distinctly got the impression that they were trying to imply that we (European’s) should have never interfered in these country’s and the world would have been a much better place for everyone. Typical BBC attitude.
It’s pure hypocrisy that that is the very thing they want now. European interference in our country……
Thanks for that davylars. The BBC are so negative about everything.
They remind me of something I think I read in Douglas Adams ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It went something like “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. This has generally been regarded as a bad move”
The only thing the BBC are very positive about seems to be Islam. A seventh century death cult! Whoopy dooo!
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.” – Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time {}
Has seems strange they can wall to wall queer propaganda as well,as pro Islam propaganda .
Davy – pretty poor stuff eh? Reheat of a time when al Beeb made intelligent programmes without the need for a third rate celebrity scientist or historian looking meaningfully out to sea. As you say – those they put on now have to be compliant with al beebs political outlook.
BBC TV Tax Payers should be offered a refund if they do not watch or listen to the top earners listed in the wages scandal. I do not listen or watch the likes of Gary “£1.7m + Crisps + BT Sports + Hidden Companies” Lineker or Chris “£2.2m + Top Gear Failure + Adverts + Hidden Companies” Evans, as a TV Tax Payer of £145 per year, I would like a refund please. A retrospective refund, once you’ve worked out how much you have paid them in the last 10 years. Also, I do not condone the behaviour of Jimmy Savile and associated pedophile friends so am waiting for a similar refund.
This story about BBC TV License/Tax being used to pay inflated wages to BBC employees from an enforced payment with threat of prison must continue …
MM, join those of us who have given up watching TV. Save £145. Spend some of it on boxed sets in charity shops.
Whilst I pay the BBC TV License I feel I can moan about this parody of life, but all these posts build up a case to stop paying- every moan will reduce my bill by £1 – until Gary Lineker and Chris Evans have to start paying us back!
I look forward to becoming an Undocumented TV License Payer in a Sanctuary City – might be a socialist dream, but a man has to have dreams!
Not strictly re bbc bias but they would have plenty to say about it……. in one of the newspapers today they ran a biggish article about why Phillip Hammond must be sacked before he derails Brexit….. interesting.
I have posted here a few times that Hammond and Carney should be dropped from the side as I believe both of them to be woeful. Anyone else think so?
only if the side has a really long drop onto something nasty
You are suggesting: “Do a Trump”? – Not one of the chancers we’ve got in Government has the ba**s
There was a good article by Trevor Kavanagh in The Sun on Monday about the damage Hammond is doing / can do in the future, to Brexit and why he needs to be got rid of.
Simple question, in which year/month does the migration:
a) slow down?
b) stop?
c) reverse?
Note the second comment to the article: (the Danes) ‘they got what they voted for so no sympathy’ –
We, on the other hand, do not have a Geert Wilders type politician to vote for so drift on endlessly hoping for that Churchillian character to appear and tackle the mess left by all Governments since 1948 and in particular Bliar.
I fear the only way, now, this country has to correct the ludicrous decisions made by the left (and right) is for the people to collectively demand change – urgently. Or, a military coup. As no political luminary appears to want to stick their head above the parapet to champion the former, the only solution is the latter.
Hmm AFAIK Denmark doesn’t have a leftwing government nor lax immigration rules.
DPP a UKIP like party was the biggest party after the election but doesn’t govern.
” Denmark’s minority three-party rightwing government is loosely backed by the DPP”
It is as clueless as the rest of Scandinavia. Still had it as a country but it might take a bit longer than Sweden and Norway.
More BBC propaganda –
Can these Burka clad ladies {bbc3 youtube} reply to the mothers of 15 kids who lost their children because of enforced Islamic dress code?
Do they agree of disagree?
Please note this is a trap.
– if they agree then they are saying Islamic dress code overrides the lives of women and children.
– if they disagree then they are saying the Saudi Islamic state should not have morality police and that dress code is not relevant so they don’t have to wear it. In fact the Mutaween are murders.
Saudi police ‘stopped’ fire rescue (stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress) { mar 2002}
“Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday .
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.
Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
Is this a snapshot of a future, where enforcing dress codes or practices stops the mind and normal morals from working. But this was only 15 years ago! {biasedbbc post}
I have noticed that the reaction is always the same. Just want to get away and avoid any contact at all. it is the perfect garment for ensuring a complete separation of people and cultures. Personally I am in favour as it is a clear sign of the failure of multiculturalism.
Instead of giving them some “Anti hero” publicity by calling them by the name they called themselves.
“The Three Musketeers”. Why don’t the BBC call them what they are ” Birmingham Islamist terrorist scum”
or “Previously released Muslims in court on their second terrorist offence”
if they do not get lie without parole we know the judiciary has turned as well
Here is the crap the bBC pushes out as News nowadays:
Though the Trump one just about the best one I`ve seen from the BBC.
Yes, a few cliched drive bys…but the lads employed seemed open enough and were fair and respectful to some impressive American kids who gave cogent reasons for voting for Mr Trump.
If only the BBC couid learn from this showing.
But we`ll not see its like again.
Voting for Trump is as bad as voting for Brexit-and the youngsters interviewed had much the same reasons for what they did as we had for getting out of the EU.
Yeah worth a watch.
Quickly skimming through, trying to avoid the ‘music’ background, I lighted on the reporter saying “…. the things Trump said about women and about black people…”. An obvious question any interviewee should ask the reporter is ” give me an example, and I will comment on it” – and perhaps some do, though such a question would doubtless be edited out by the fascist BBC. As far as I aware (others may correct me), the only derogatory thing Trump said about women was an off-the-cuff ‘locker-room’ type remark more than 30 years ago. Yes, it was objectionable, but hardly earth-shattering. Likewise, on black Americans; again the only comments I have heard from Trump were about crime, gangs, drug peddling and lawlessness that are rife in many black neighbourhoods, and at the same time pointing out that they were hurting ‘their own people’. These are not derogatory remarks against black members of the community, but a statement of fact. I also note that Trump was very warmly received in black churches during his election campaign, knowing he supports the Christian church and gospel. Do we, by the way, we ever expect the BBC to report on the remarkable and encouraging revival of Bible study in the White House, with many Department heads also attending? (WP article
A terror cell in Birmingham consisting of four ahem bearded Middle Eastern looking people were caught and have been found guilty. This was featured on the 6pm bBBC news. A cache of arms were found including a big knife with the word Kaffir written on one.
But strangely the biased BBC seem to be quite unable to identify whether a certain religion could have been at all influential in their actions. In fact certain words beginning with M or I did not get a single mention in their report.
Perhaps they are an old fashioned IRA cell? Well, you’d never know from the ever–in-denial multiculti biased BBC.
The bBBC. Utter turds.
Don’t know about the BBC, but I imagine they are the same as the radio stations I have on, which carry either Global or Sky rubbish news.
Today they seriously seemed to feel I was going to be upset by junkies suffering poor QC issues, a bad rerun of Four Lions (it was funny) and that RyanAir creep having another hissy fit about something in Europe.
ryan air the irish airline …. why do we give a fook
the only planes heading for europe will be full of paratroops soon anyway
I do like the way big business thinks the taxpayer should pay europe so they can make more money though
perhaps if the european bill and its social knock on sundries was paid via a levy on companies trading in europe we would have more sympathy
Radio4 Moral Maze now : is vegan personal choice or moral crusade?
They don’t say who the guests are on
Will they mention halal ?
I hope they mention Halal on Radio4 Moral Maze ….
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination as a Muslim must slaughter the animal)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination as a Muslim must recite from the Koran whilst slitting an animal’s throat whilst it can still see the world)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination because pig is unacceptable)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan:
Option 1: Stop Halal – You become a Muslim apostate
Option 2: Keep Halal – a true Muslim with barbaric beliefs and positive employment discrimination.
The no win situation for a Muslim.
Halal is Islamic Kryptonite! {biasedbbc post}
Seems they didn’t mention halal , cos no one tweeted about it.
Every report from animal welfare organizations, such as FAWC, which is composed of veterinarians, agricultural business people, and those with an interest in animal welfare ethics, have expressed objections to both halal and kosher slaughter. It might have been worth a mention.
Does beg the question…”Who the heck are YOU to tell me what I can…(in this case) eat?”
Seems to me that we`ve long given up the right to take the moral police on.
Who the heck is to stop me drawing a cartoon, smoking in a pub or using words like “gay” as I want to ? Because if we don`t bite back and sort them-then they`ll stop me “voting Brexit”, “criticising Mao” or “reading Trumps speeches without the Kuennsberg translation”.
Slippery slope this one, sense we`re near to losing our bearings.
Just apply their same moral high ground and it all collapses – when the Labour MP Keith Vaz can carry on regardless, there is something very wrong with our journalists.
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ” – Nov16
– Keith Vaz – GE17 – (Labour@67%); Votes 35,116; 67%; Change +5.9%
I think I can find out more than the average BBC journalist by using google – this is weird.
“The examples of Peter Brook (unsure of name) are well known. He even told the Royal Commission of the Press that his sole motive of publishing newspapers was, as he put it, and I quote ‘To Make propaganda’. ” – Christopher Hitchens
“Christopher Hitchens on Journalism & International Media Covering Politics Speaks French 1993 2 cl {youtube 1993}”
“Your ambition (in journalism) is for getting a good Press, for a good Press.“
I can’t believe an hour free of BME on the BBC………hang on im watching BME issues here need investigating ……..
I have three News articles on the same incident.
1. one mentions hate crime and the rise of it and how Donald Trump needs to help.
2. one mentions that it ‘appears to be the result of a road rage incident’ and then ends with “I think it had to do with the way she was dressed and the fact that she’s Muslim.” .
3. one says there was no evidence of a hate crime, though people wanted it to a hate crime, and is being investigated and the murderer was an undocumented immigrant and gives more information about the event.
a. Man Charged With Killing Muslim Teenager Entered United States Illegally, Authorities Say {nytimes jun2017}
b. Muslim girl, 17, killed on way home from Virginia mosque {theguardian jun2017}
c. Virginia Muslim girl found dead near mosque { jun2017}
Can you guess which overview matches which article/newspaper?
Answers: 1=b {guardian}; 2=c {bbc}; 3=a {nytimes}
Why can’t the BBC just report some facts, we are not asking for much more than that for £3.5bn / £145 per household / £3.9million for two presenters. A phone call to the police, a double check on other sources, phone a local paper, was the murdered illegal immigrant?
But you can only go to Mecca if you are a Muslim. I would have to let Imam Adam (the toy) travel without my to actually see Mecca and tell me afterwards how it went.
Is Imam Adam allowed a face? So confused … ‘Islamic doll’ for children launched in Britain with no FACE in line with strict Sharia rules on depiction of prophet and his contemporaries {dailymail dev2014}
– It complies with Muslim teachings that living things should not be created
– ‘Deeni doll’ is being sold for £25 and is marketed as ‘Shariah compliant’
adam huh ??? consider the biblical ramifications of calling it that
It looks suspiciously like NODDY with Big Ears’ beard !!
Wait until the computerised robotic version appears in Toys R Us! Programming options will include:
Stoning Barbie dolls for wearing bikinis (and suspected adultery with Ken)
Dismembering Peppa Pig, Lassie and other haram soft toys
Beheading Action Man and G.I. Joe for being soldiers of the infidel west and tools of the Great Satan Trump
I’m surprised there’s not an animated television series on CBBC already, perhaps it’s in production?
More about Danny and Adam:
‘I look at this doll and I smell taqiyya which is dishonesty in order to promote or protect Islam. This doll will help to teach children both Muslim and non-Muslim, a sanitised version of Islam, a version that has very little to do with the real life Islam as it exists in the world. It will certainly not prepare the Muslim child for the vast amount of violence, hatred and discrimination that the Koran and other Islamic scripture encourages and neither will it help to prepare the non Muslim child to face the ideology of Islam or it’s increasingly violent followers.’
Worth a repost

Is time up for plain vanilla flavour ice creams?
By Lucy Hooker Business reporter, BBC News
“Ice cream firms are experimenting with new flavours beyond vanilla”
– – – – –
I think that in the school of life, Lucy Hooker is another BBC journalist who has clearly not been paying any attention whatsoever.
We really need an Alan Sugar or Donald Trump at the BBC to call her in and say “You’re fired!”
The BBC doesn’t do business journalism. The overwhelming majority of its ‘reporters’ are dyed in the wool Labourites or ‘Greens’, who despise the very idea of capitalism and business. It shows, too.
“Ice cream firms are experimenting with new flavours beyond vanilla”
Since as long as I can remember – along while!
Business Reporter? Raspberry Ripple – Mivvi?
oohh oohh rum and raisin bring it back bring it back
Yet another case of an Asian doctor charged with assault, although it makes a change that its not an African doctor. The headcount is endless with these bastards. Its reports like this that makes me feel they ought to be up against a wall and shot.
Taken from the Telegraph………..
A doctor from east London has been charged with more than 100 sexual offences including abusing a child, after a major investigation by Scotland Yard detectives.
Manish Shah is accused with a total of 118 counts of assault, the Metropolitan Police said.
His charges include 65 counts of assault by penetration contrary to Section 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
He is also accused of 52 counts of sexual assault contrary to section 3 of the Act.
How do you celebrate diversity like that? Maybe he can make really good curries which would make all the rape and child abuse ok.
“If there is a bit more beheading and sexual assault than there used to be in Europe, then at least we also benefit from a wider range of cuisines.”
Douglas Murray.
Other doctors will testify to his mental instability and he will bugger off to another country and continue his good work.
Doubtless not coming on the BBC any time soon. The EU has given it’s ultimatum to Poland and Hungary over the forced intake of “refugees’
Can’t see this working out well for Brussels. A collision is inevitable as the Poles and Hungarians will not back down and neither will the EU. Maybe the whole thing will have collapsed long before we officially leave.
It looks like Merkel’s madness is at last coming back to bite her .
I guarantee our quisling BBC will try to demonise Victor Orban and Poland when the reality is that they really believe in Europe and will not accept the Merkel/Brussels view of it’s future.
Radio 4 reports that two conversations Trump reported happening did not actually take place. He said a scout leader called to say the speech he gave was the best ever given, and the Mexican leader called to say how he was loving the new border enforcement!
Ha! Trump is hilarious.
He is so clearly trolling – can they not see this? It is so obviously a pi*s take. They still just don’t get it, do they? They thought they had caught him out but all they do is make themselves look stupid, just like CNN saying the wrestling GIF was inciting violence against journalists, or when he made them all say how good it was to join the military now transgenders were involved. Honestly – Mexico loving the new border enforcement, then they have the big GOTCHA moment when they discover like some modern day Poirot he did not actually say that? No sh*t, Sherlock. Ha ha ha ha. Sarah Sanders said the conversations took place in person and not on the phone!
Well that has made my day. Terrible night’s sleep and long day today, but that will do me.
It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum
Our Carol Kirkwood may be disappointing us with what the BBC appears to value most dearly – our summer temperatures…
But not to worry, this morning she looks elsewhere to bring us the revelation that it’s pretty warm in the Mediterranean in August.
“Life Threatening Temperatures” according to our Carol’s script.
Which goes to prove the agenda is more imprortant than the news. If the news doesn’t fit the narrative – in this case global warming – then they go out and look elsewhere for some news that does fit.
Makes you think about other news narratives nurtured by the BBC
I noticed that this morning weather forecasts they don’t normally weather forecast.
Beaten up for being gay
When I was a high schooler ‘poofter bashing’ was a sport For the record, I took the tennis option.
The victims is this BBC report are all conveniently White and English. No mention about violence against homosexuals in multicultural Britain either as victims or victimisers. BTW lest this be seen as exclusively as a ‘same-old same-old rant’ about the BBC protecting Muslims, has there ever been a BBC report on violence from other minority communities?
The Muslim War Against Gays in the West includes these paragraphs specific to London:
To be ‘almost’ fair the Independent mentioned way down the article which focuses mainly on an art auction that a 15-year-old local boy called Nazrul Islam was sentenced to 10 years, for GBH with intent. The judge noted that he [Islam] speaks with a degree of pride about his reputation with the boys, with the local community.
Pity they can’t both lose.
BBC radio figures overtaken by commercial radio
The telegraph today is reporting that for the first time since radio began listening figures are higher for commercial radio than al Beeb. What great news. And people – we all know why – may the decline continue.
Believe of not the lefty guardian presenter doing the albeeb r4 long view is doing a programme about beards. Will they interview a muj from newham, tower hamlets, Luton, Bradford, ?
Bob seems chipper.
Best not mention Chris Evans and Feltzy, though.
‘..first- class trusted news’.
Excuse me while I throw up!
Mr Robert Shennan (£271K) // Internal hospitality // 19/12/2016 // £40.50 – A sandwich? A drink? A massage? Paid for by people who have to go to prison if they don’t want to pay for his drink or sandwich.
Bob Shennan (with BBC contacts) does not support the arts with his own wages (BBC Tax), because he gets in free – Adele ticket / Garsington Opera ticket / Bruce Springsteen ticket // { – expenses – Gifts and Hospitality Register 2016}
Bob Shennan, BBC Director, Radio and Music – Salary: £271,000 { – expenses}.
These may be the most suspect of figures given to support ANYTHING, ANYTIME. Unless electronic monitoring is surreptitiously taking place, there is no way the figures can be substantiated.
The BBC, suspect? I am shocked, I tell you; shocked!
There is always the chance to ask for back up to the claim via an FO… I forget myself; of course there isn’t.
BBC TV Tax Payers, what is the real cost of Mr Robert Shennan’s (£271K) massage or sandwich @ £40.50?
BBC Internal Hospitality – if you add all these BBC Hospitality costs up, which are paid for from a BBC TV Tax, enforced by threat of prison, what would the total be?
Should we also add on the cost of BBC administration department, storing and processing the receipts, entering them into a spreadsheet.
So the real cost of the Hospitality will be additional, possibly includes some of these items:
Sandwich/Wine/Massage/Foot Rub @ £40.50
+ BBC Expense Administration
+ Uploading to the Website
+ Hosting on the Website
+ Passing onto accounts Department for Tax Calculations and Deductions
Remember that all employees can claim these expense, including Tony Hall, BBC Director-General (450K + Early Pension Withdrawls) | £49 in taxis for BBC’s Lord Tony Hall – March 2017 | Free – 2 x tickets for The Vote at Donmar 2015 (why support the Arts, when they can support your life style?)
BBc North West blessed is the cult. 4 out of 10 “migrants” suffer hate crimes in Rotherham after so much “hate crime. I’m surprised there are enough neo-Nazis to go around spreading that much hate. Meanwhile breakfast runs with the “bearded broz”
It must be difficult to report for the bbbc, are they good citizens doing the public a service or are they strike braking scabs ?
Only 4 out of 10 ??? I also wonder if there are still any Asian taxi firms operating there, as I’m told everyone asks for a white driver when ordering a cab.
That would be an excellent way of protesting about the loss of our country. A movement based on taking white driver cabs only. I can see the outraged headlines of the BBC. It would be great fun.
If you lived in Rotherham would you want your daughter picked up by a suspect driver from the Hindu Kush? Surely, nobody in the right mind gets into such a taxi in this country and given past experience.
“And BBC chairman David Clementi actually taunted MPs, saying the only way to change guidelines would be during a second EU referendum.”
They do it and say it because they CAN.
If BBC presenters like Lineker and Evans use the BBC brand on twitter , can they add where their wages come from as well?
Chris Evans @achrisevans – 2.42Million Followers {twitter}
“Host of the Radio 2 Breakfast Show, creator of CarFest, custodian of 500 Words. But mostly punching way above his weight in marriage department. A Labour socialist on wages of £2.2million from enforced BBC TV Tax, which prosecuted 184,595 undocumented TV License payers in 2017. All comments follow BBC guidelines and represent BBC approved thinking.”
Gary Lineker @GaryLineker – 6.3Million Followers {twitter}
Once kicked a ball about. Now talk about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds. BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers. A Labour socialist on wages of £1.7million from enforced BBC TV Tax, which prosecuted 184,595 undocumented TV License payers in 2017. All comments follow BBC guidelines and represent BBC approved thinking. BT Sport contract £1million*.”
* this is a guess and would need verifying by Gary Lineker – BT Sport contract £1million
* Nearly three-quarters of convicted (BBC) TV Licence (Tax) non-payers are women {theregister jul2017}
Wrong year in above post – TV Prosecutions in 2016 (last year) as per theregister link.
Cant place in now but Farage gave a talk to journalists maybe about 3/4 months ago, (think it was a link from here) in which I distinctly heard him claim that the BBC reporting was balanced during the Referendum period………………….
Why change his tune?
Perhaps the difference between ‘during’ the campaign and ‘after’ the referendum?
Nick Robinson says that the BBC no longer has a responsibility to be impartial post referendum.
Would love to hear Nick chat about that live with various trusted and transparent BBC execs who seem to feel their DNA is inviolable.
Yes I seem to remember that too.
JRM is always saying it was balanced also.
I don’t agree.
Just saw this:
A red dwarf is a kind of ‘star’ I believe, on the way to collapsing under its own gravity.
Chris “£2.2m” Evans creator of CarFest – website links to “BBC Children in Need” and “BBC Radio 2” at bottom of page.
<strongThe largest element is the support that we get from Radio 2. For the first time the station passed the £4 million mark. Chris Evans and his breakfast show team, staged their “once in a lifetime experience” auctions, which alone generated an incredible £2.6 million. In addition the second year of Chris’s “CarFest” events brought in a further £1.1 million (how much did Chris Evans earn? Did he pay BBC to promote himself/company whilst on Radio and TV etc?). We were also delighted that Sir Terry’s gala lunch at the Savoy is now very firmly part of the fundraising calendar. { BBC Children in Need -Annual Report and Accounts – for the year to 30 June 2014}
– people feel they are doing some good but in reality are just feeding the Chris “£2.2m from enforced TV Tax, extracted by threat of prison” Evans money making machine promoted by the BBC TV and Radio using children and emotional blackmail to support it. This is what I think anyway.
Halal is Islamic Kryptonite!
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination as a Muslim must slaughter the animal)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination as a Muslim must recite from the Koran whilst slitting an animal’s throat whilst it can still see the world)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination because pigs cannot join the slaughter or blessing from the Koran)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan:
Option 1: Stop Halal – You become a Muslim/Sharia apostate
Option 2: Keep Halal – a true Muslim with barbaric beliefs and positive employment discrimination.
The no win situation for a Muslim who is charge of a capital city. Unless I’ve missed something?
Halal is Islamic Kryptonite and is Sadiq Khan’s Religious/Discrimination dilemma. {biasedbbc post}
When oh when are supermarkets going to grow a pair and label non-Halal meat as such?
That way consumers can have a proper choice.
I wonder if in such a case the bBBC would publish the sales results?
I would like to see some new EU Halal labelling showing a picture and name of the Imam, the passage from the Koran, the version of the Koran, the Muslim sect (Sunni / Shia / Ahmed / Kharijite / Wahhabism etc) a picture of the knife used and the animal before slitting it’s throat and after, to ensure it was all done in the most religious and blessed way.
With EU labels I can ensure that I am in agreement when buying the Halal approved food I am not supporting a version of extreme Islam or sponsoring employment discrimination or animal cruelty.
Up and coming meat scandal – Halal is positive religious/employment discrimination (Muslim must do slaughtering/reciting pray only) and to be Sharia financed (Which possibly goes to fund terrorism) is a Worldwide concern. {biasedbbc post}
“When oh when are supermarkets going to grow a pair and label non-Halal meat as such?”
No more so than companies permitting their advertisements to be distorted unjustifiably to portray most of the population to be black, asian or a mixed couple.
G ….. yes like bloody Tesco!!
I wonder if they will be slitting animal’s throats live at the festival?
When are the RSPCA going to grow a pair and tackle this horror? I think they must have been shackled by our Government?
Wild Bill
What is the RSPCA doing? Not enough, perhaps, but here it is.
‘The Farm Animal Welfare Council (now Committee) (FAWC) report on the ‘Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing’ June 2003 concluded:
The level of restraint of conscious animals required for slaughter without pre-stunning was far greater than for conventional slaughter.
A large cut made across the neck of a conscious animal would “result in very significant pain and distress” before the animal loses consciousness (around 5 to 7 seconds for sheep, 22 to 40 seconds for adult cattle).
“Slaughter without pre-stunning is unacceptable and that the Government should repeal the current exemption”. Until then any animal not stunned before slaughter should receive an immediate post-cut stun.
What is the RSPCA doing?
We’re pressing for law changes to improve animal welfare at slaughter. Until this occurs, we propose:
UK Jewish and Muslim communities review their slaughter practices
Meat produced from animals not stunned before slaughter should be clearly labelled to allow consumer choice.’
Regarding halal slaughter and other forms of animal abuse, such as dog fighting, which is increasing thanks to our enrichers, there is silence from the more radical wings of the animal rights/liberators and hunt saboteurs.
Like the feminists who tacitly support sharia, and the left who tolerate grooming rape gangs, objections to animal cruelty stop at the gates of Islam.
Same here:
It is bizarre and I don’t know why it is but if a report/analysis of some issue is hypothetically apportioned a number, the researcher/journalist always starts at 4/5 not 1. This Gatestone article starts on the premise that we should allocate more necessary resources to deal with the islamicists rather that a headlong attack on why we have to put up with these people in the first place, i.e. No. 1. Its as if the attitude is, ‘well its international so I suppose we have to accept our share of the problem and adjust our approach accordingly’. No, No, No. We should simply clear the a**holes out of the country or help them with their desire to meet allah by stringing them up!
Interestingly the RSPCA seems to be having some fun on twitter regarding a Panorama.
Neither coming out of it well.
I am disgusted and deeply offended by halal slaughter. I cannot accept that this is legal in our country. I demand that it is banned immediately. If this offends some sections of the population they are free to leave, infact I would be happy for a portion of my taxes to be used to facilitate their leaving . If a few millions folks who currently are present in our country left we would breath a deep sigh of relief and then get on with cleaning up the shit holes they have left behind.
Doublethinker – you must Love Halal not Hate Halal. To Hate is to commit a crime (haram). To Love is not commit a crime (halal). Be more Halal than Haram.
Why am I using Arabic words to describe … hate crime?
Weird on bBBc Breakfast with the androgony twins Naga and Steph on the sofa. The vibrators were on max. settings as they bigged up the Women’s football tonight. Should there be equal pay? Could the game be equal to the men’s game.
A full house of errr 20,000 is expected at the match. At its peak 3 million watched the last match.
I wish the team well, the problem is not their capability but the politically correct bBBC mantra that insists on an utterly deluded vision of equality between men and women’s football and cricket. And presumably equal pay.
How I’d love to see Jmmy Anderton steaming in bowling bouncers at 90mph to the ladies. Or Serena beating Roger in a best of 5 set match. Then let them talk about equal pay!
Yes, Toady was also bragging about the 3 million figure this morning. Amazing how much they can spout before I can reach the Off switch!
Near-monopoly channel gets 3 million viewers after weeks, if not months, of hype. Read all about it (or not).
Surely this can be settled easily, get the two top football teams to compete. Weight the wages based on the final scores e.g. A score of 2/2 would mean an equal split. A score of 100/1 would mean the side what won got 100x wages. Do this every year, an interesting game indeed. *
It is commonly believed that a screw-propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel. Have there been any experiments under properly controlled conditions?
THE event that settled the argument took place in April 1845. The screw-driven Rattler and the paddle steamer Necto , both ships of similar size and power, were joined stern to stern and engaged in a bizarre tug o’war in the North Sea. The winner was the 200 hp Rattler (screw design), which towed the Necto (paddle design) backwards for 5 miles at 2½ knots {theguardian 2011}. – Julian Frost, Leighton Buzzard, Beds
* just a thought experiment!
* Women vs Men regarding football – a good screw verses a beating with a paddle?
Perhaps the BBC should broadcast a ladies match at the same time ITV show a mens match live.
Dominic Lawson in the D/Mail wrote this excellent article – (being the daughter of an ex-pro footballer, and have a bit of an idea what I’m talking about – this is sooo true)
The postperson has just delivered a flier that tells me that Vauxhall motors has joined with the furniture retailers in only wanting to sell to Sir Lenny’s mates.
Of course they are all behind the trend set by our major food retailers who most certainly weren’t hoping for a white 2016 Christmas.
Is it 2040 when the minority white monkeys get to the top of the ‘victim’ tree?
England’s Women Football stories shouldn’t be main news on the Football pages especially when the Championship season is about to start. If you measure it in quality it is like making non-league a big thing, it’s just aggressive egalitarianism.
BBC Today Programme on FB asks if wimmin are playing better than men.
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