The BBC continues to fly the flag for the EU reporting every utterance from the undemocratic and corrupt not-so-superstate as if it was the truth set upon tablets of stone whilst anything the British say is treated with scepticism, disdain and mockery…Ed Stourton laughing along with a Eurocrat who was deriding the British stance claiming he just didn’t know what sort of cake you could have and eat it at the same time. The BBC’s interpretation of anything the British negotiators say is entirely negative….the conclusion is usually that our demands are entirely unworkable and unacceptable to the EU…and of course we must shape our demands to suit the EU mustn’t we? Well, according to the BBC we must.
The BBC has always tried to paint the British position as chaotic, unplanned, unprepared and aimless, intransigent and hopelessly simplistic and over-expectant….pretty much how the EU wants it to be seen as. When do you see the EU criticised as unrealistic, untruthful, slow, unwilling to compromise, employing disruptive and delaying tactics meant to ensure Brexit fails or is at least completed on the worst possible terms for Britain. And the real problem is that not ony do we have collaborators working behind the lines, ie the Labour Party amongst many others, we have a BBC that refuses to challenge the EU/Remian narrative and in fact does all it can to promote the idea that Brexit is over and that the best we can hope for is a ‘soft Brexit’…in other words we stay in the EU. Naturally we will be at the mercy of the EU then…something the BBC doesn’t dwell on.
The last week or so we have seen the Position Papers published and the BBC has done its usual hatchet job painting a picture of doom, of the impossibility, naivity and stupidity of the British position….nothing the British want is possible, or sensible it seems. We had Emma Barnett tell us that it was ‘only common sense to stay in the ECJ’ and the BBC’s apparent legal expert, Clive Coleman, tell us we would always be subject to the ECJ…just like Canada….lol.
The BBC seems to be under the impression that the ECJ is some international court that is set above ‘national’ interests when the truth is it is the EU, not ‘European’, Court of Justice…it represents the EU’s interests and is known as a highly political court that takes decisions based as much upon the political effect as the legal….the political effect being beneficial to the EU of course.
When May said the ECJ would have absolutely no direct jurisdiction over British laws the BBC decided this meant it would still therefore be making rulings that governed British law over-riding the British Supreme Court…but that is total nonsense. What May meant, and indeed is the case with all countries, is that if you want to sell goods or services to, for example, the EU, then the manufacturer of those goods must make sure the products comply with the law of the land they are to be exported to…this in no way means the ECJ [or the EUCJ as it should be known] has any jurisdiction in the UK…any court action for breaching local law would be in the EU not in the UK. The BBC began to peddle the idea that this menat May had softened Brexit and that Remainers should be cheering.
The BBC of course set the ECJ scare stories running with an orchestrated little plot in which it organised an interview between the Times’ Sam Coates and the increasingly unhinged Remain fanatic James Chapman…the Times being very pro-Remain…..naturally this was meant to place a bit of distance between the BBC and the interview, the BBC however, as is its way, ‘reported’ on the interview and what was said…and we had weeks of stories about legal apocalypse cumulating in James Chapman’s old boss, George Osborne, printing front page alarmist stories about Brexit causing cancer and the end of Euratom…another part of Chapman’s Brexit scaremongering interview…and of course the BBC gleefully gave that all masses of publicity.
Not surprisingly Sam Coates turned up again this week on the BBC to discuss the ‘news’ that a document had been found at the Home Office that said Britain would be at the mercy of terrorists and criminals if we left the EU….but this had been suppressed during the referendum as it was too much like ‘project fear’ and would be unbelieveable. Hmmmm…this from a Remian campaign that said leaving the EU would end in world war three? Coates was sure we ‘would be more at risk’ if we leave the EU, he added that even if the document wasn’t used [lol] it would still be useful as a checklist to hold the government to account after Brexit….hmmm…so everytime a bomb goes off or a lorry ‘drives itself’ into some pedestrians it’s going to be the fault of Brexit!!?
The narrative that Remain decided not use the scare story just wasn’t true…the Remain campaign used that alarmist tale about terrorism and crime relentlessly as any google will show…perhaps that is why the ‘sensational revelation’ has died a death and we haven’t heard much about it after the first great reveal of its scoop by the BBC….or perhaps because the actual premise of the story is bunkum….one the British intelligence services are much better than the Europeans’ and two…er…we have much better border control… even this BBC report from 2016 points out…
EU referendum: The debate around counter-terrorism
Odd isn’t it how such ‘reality checks’ can be forgotten when convenient by the BBC?
Here’s the Remain camp ‘not’ scaremongering about terror and Brexit…
EU referendum: Leaving EU ‘big gamble’ for UK security
And look, here’s the utterly untrustworthy Remainer Keir Starmer in the Guardian…
Criminals and terrorists will rejoice if we leave the EU
The EU are not negotiating. They have set out their demands and insist that these cannot be changed because they have been agreed by the 27 remaining members. David Davis will go to Brussels for however many meeting have to be scheduled but he will make no progress – the BBC will tell us that it’s his fault. Then in March 2019 we can either accept the EU terms and sign the Articles of Capitulation or we can leave the EU without an agreement. The latter outcome will be in compliance with the result of the Referendum while the former will be a betrayal of British democracy.
The BBC will campaign for capitulation.
Would that be the same AlBeeb who have received millions from the EU specifically to produce lying pro EU propaganda?
More propaganda paid for with our taxes.
Yes it is the same, treasonous, pile of lefty scum, who already get £4,000,000,000.00ish PA of taxes for the same purpose.
Income which is mainly spent on themselves, or fellow traitors like the Guardian.
Or on any other like-minded pervert who they can persuade, with “non-employed” employed status, offshore tax-evading banking deals, or other “creative” accounting schemes, to participate in the treason.
So they can live like lords, just like their heroes Lenin and Stalin, who were living in luxury in Dachas expropriated from the aristocracy. With chefs, chauffeurs, servants etc. While millions died from starvation in the famine that the Bolsheviks had caused.
Which sounds very like the EU, where so much money is wasted, stolen or otherwise misused that nobody, least of all the auditors who are paid to know, knows how much has vanished into the giant EU trough.
I have briefly indicated the Brexit “negotiation” solution on this site several times before.
The BBC is our enemy. The EU is our enemy, and also the enemy of all European people.
Last time I looked in my history books, which was very recently, there were plenty of examples, from which we may learn, of how to deal with problems like the EU and AlBeeb.
At what stage will it be publicly acknowledged (and widely broadcast) that we have internal agencies (the publicly funded BBC chief amongst them) who actively brief against the interests of our nation for narrow idealistic and political gain?
At what stage do we accept that there are individuals within and outside of government who actively promote and support our competitors to this nations huge disadvantage whilst deriding the very people who act under constant intimidation on our behalf.
At what stage do we, as a people, accept that the democratic process, which has stood us in good stead for so long, imperfect as it is, has at last failed us and we have to resort to other means to meet the will of the majority of the voting public?
Jean-Claude Junker has been described, in a British newspaper as a ‘big beast’ who has come to ‘put us back in our box’!
This is beyond parody, it is beyond respect and it is even beyond being anti-patriotic.
There is a word which has fallen out of fashion and for which actions against the British interest should, with all urgency, be restored to common usage, and applied to those people and institutions whose actions would aid those who would do us (economic) harm.
I wonder what the bBBC’s reaction would be if the Government suggested it was thinking of allowing Trump’s US Supreme Court to override decisions made by British Courts regarding US citizens residing in Britain or trade deals made by Britain?
Would the bBBC agree to similar ideas regarding the courts in India, China, South Korea or any of the other nations who may have citizens living here or have trade deals with us?
Why should the EuSSR be any different once we have left the organisation because at that point the EuSSR will be no different to any of those other nations and their courts. In effect what the bBBC and the EuSSR are demanding is that even when we have left the dictatorship that they should still retain control over the running of this country and of complete oversight of it’s legal system.
That is a totally unacceptable demand, as is the insistence that we allow them to blackmail us into handing them an unspecified sum of money or they will not negotiate with us over any other issues. The EuSSR know this full well and are simply using it as a stalling tactic so that they can try to pressurise Britain into a trade deal which is greatly to their benefit and very unfavourable to Britain.
The EuSSR have a long history of using delaying tactics, as the bBBC well knows, to run time out on negotiations in the hope of panicking others into handing them what they demand and that is something we must not allow them to do.
I agree. The EU was meant to be a market place where we bought and sold goods/services etc. That is all it should have been and all it needs to be.
Those seeking to complicate our disentanglement to the extent that we don’t actually leave are federeralists, buying into the political and economic union that was always THEIR ultimate goal.
They have spent half a lifetime coniving, distorting and outright lying to acheive their agenda of a unified federation of states and if we leave the EU, their dreams are shattered.
It is therefore their intent to agitate those of their supporters within our country (traitors all) to ridicule, denigrate and undermine all supporters of seccesion to weaken our negotiations to the point of failure.
If this does not succeed, then their plan B will be to make us suffer financially and economically both to punish us for who we are and to serve as a warning to those nation loving peoples throughout the EU (not their lickspittle politicians) what defiance to the EU God will bring about.
We need to get out and we will need to stand firm – and we may need to do more.
I agree. The EU was meant to be a market place where we bought and sold goods/services etc. That is all it should have been and all it needs to be.
Those seeking to complicate our disentanglement to the extent that we don’t actually leave are federeralists, buying into the political and economic union that was always THEIR ultimate goal.
They have spent half a lifetime coniving, distorting and outright lying to acheive their agenda of a unified federation of states and if we leave the EU, their dreams are shattered.
It is therefore their intent to agitate those of their supporters within our country (traitors all) to ridicule, denigrate and undermine all supporters of seccesion to weaken our negotiations to the point of failure.
If this does not succeed, then their plan B will be to make us suffer financially and economically both to punish us for who we are and to serve as a warning to those nation loving peoples throughout the EU (not their lickspittle politicians) what defiance to the EU God will bring about.
We need to get out and we will need to stand firm – and we may need to do more.
Honestus, I agree. The EU, in the minds of Britain’s progressives if not in reality, has morphed into something much more than a trade bloc and customs union. It has become a supranational body with the potential to destroy the concept of the nation state and establish a borderless, centralist socialist utopia. In this way it has filled the gap left by the collapse of the USSR and communism. How else can we explain the hysterical over-reactions of the Remainers?
C, the irony is that after so many years inveigling their way into our education system, local and national government the Arts and media they must have thought that this last push into federalism was a shoe-in. The Referendum result was their first serious setback and they have been spitting tacks ever since. This withdrawal will become very fraught and very vicious and they will not give ground that they have taken decades to acquire.
I hope I am still around for the next phase – taking back our institutions from those who do not deserve to serve in them and restoring small c conservative equilibrium and common sense to our government and agencies. I’ve hoped before and come up trumps!