Hi MarkyMark (or anyone who knows) can you give me a clue as to how you created the link?
I have tried to provide a link to a specific comment on another thread on this same website but I am getting strange results (it is not working). Putting the http address in straight (with no code) – just takes me to the thread start point – but not the actual page nor comment.
I then tried
[url=https://www.bbcode.org/]This be bbcode.org![/url]
but that didn’t work
Then I changed the brackets to angled brackets and that didn’t work either (link inactive)
okay I seem to have worked it out with a bit of googling and trial and error using:
[a href = “http address “] link text [/a]
but with brackets replaced with angle brackets
I am now in pre mod on Guardian comments for making a harmless comment about Owen Jones, yet most Guardian comments are really abusive towards right wing politicians etc., free speech, I don’t think so, not in the Lefty world?
“Q: I have a complaint about moderation, how do I escalate it?
A: Unfortunately, the huge (and growing) quantity of user content on the Guardian website means that we can’t enter into correspondence regarding specific moderation activity, although all correspondence will be read.”
Moderating a forum is a pretty tricky balance that nobody’s solved. If you have an idea then good luck, you’ll be very wealthy! Guido Fawkes is a good example, a story about eg firemen will have loads of responses urging people to urgently click on a link about a unreported race hate crime or something. Even if you manage/force people to stay on topic, that can be a vague area really. The other day I saw an initially interesting Grenfell Tower debate shift from “the inquest” to more broad questions about social housing, council cuts, “the tories” and eventually of course “Thatcher!” because why not. Yet at no point did anyone veer far from the previous entry.
Personally I quite like the balance/split here, there’s the individual stories where people stay on topic, then there’s these open threads which I sometimes ignore and sometimes read in entirety depending on if I have the time like I’m on a train or something.
“We are very sorry that we dropped your paradigmatic, cogent, persuasive, well-informed, germane, logically irrefutable contribution down the memory hole.
Facts are sacred at The Guardian, so sacred that we just cannot allow our cradle to grave inculcated lefty readers to come into contact, however fleetingly, with the truth.
Our readers much prefer the Marxian version of history. We are aware that one hundred million people were killed to maintain this mendacious version of events, but hey ho as Uncle Joe put it “One death is a tragedy, one hundred million deaths is a statistic, a statistic we Communists revel in and celebrate.”
“While you are here any chance of a donation to ensure the perpetuation of Guardian lies?”
I thought I’d post this horrific report, because the BBC hasn’t bothered to even though they conducted the original interview which led to these two horrors conviction.
That however is not the main point. This is a story of more lying murdering Muslims who didn’t even think it was wrong of them to torture and murder their own daughter for failing to adopt the horrible Pakistani culture in front of their other children.
Even that is not the main point though.
In the midst of everything they had done, and when the finger was pointed at them, as well as blatantly lying, they invoked the usual political correctness laws. Meaningless words such as ‘racism’, Islamophbia, negative stereotyping.
It is proof if any more were needed that these words are regularly being misused – not that they have any real meaning, it suggests that even less reliance should be placed on claims made by certain people, however seeming valid they might be. Not that the BBC would want you to know this of course, and don’t forget that the MEN owned by the Mirror Group is probably even more Left wing than the Guardian is.
So true – it’s long made me wonder about your Muslim radical – how they lie and wriggle and go to enormous lengths to get off the hook. Being ‘holy’ warriors with morality and, of course God, on their side you’d think they would stand up and proudly declaim, “Yes, I did it and this is why I did it.”
It is called TAQIYYA – they have a DUTY to lie to the infidel to protect Muslims and their way of life. Once you know this, you know that nothing they ever say has to be the truth, A Muslim can look you in the eye or straight at the camera and say anything they like because they have been instructed thus.
You are right. I worked in Libya (when Gadaffi was there) and that was one of my biggest learning points. Once you understand the culture you start to alter your behaviour which is shame as there are some good Muslims as there are bad Christians – but the overwhelming culture is one of not being honest with non muslims whenever it suits
You’ve missed the point – although your points are indeed valid.
The mere stating of the meaningless bully words was enough to put Lefties off asking any further questions. Now we have even greater levels of oppression from the Fascists with a group at a fancy dress walk being investigated for the pernicious so called ‘hate crime’ because they blacked up for the event as ‘Cool Running’ from the film.
When such tiny infractions are inviting Police attention then what happens when a murdering Paki screams waycism? People as in Rotherham tend to react because of fear, and despite all the promises of the Tories, they have only made matters worse.
So the BBC is now headlining on the BBC homepage and the BBC News Homepage the following story:
‘No concerns’ with mixed faith foster case – concerning what the Times had reported as the fostering of a 5 year old English Christian girl to a Muslim family, that did not speak English, that demanded the girl remove her crucifix necklace and forced her to learn Arabic.
The BBC had earlier been running a propaganda story from a Muslim activist (Esmat Jeraj) about the wonders and benefits of fostering of all children of any faith by Muslim families, avoiding the original story (providing a link to the Times article which was behind a paywall) and inferring the original story was Islamophobic, that Muslim families were underrepresented as fostering parents and that there needed to be MORE of them. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41085638
Now the Family Court Judge has removed the girl from the Muslim foster parents and placed the girl with her grandmother. However the BBC are reporting the Judge as saying there was nothing wrong with the Tower Hamlets original decision to place the girl with the non-English speaking Muslim family but that there was a better option available.
Now the family court judge Tower Hamlets chose to deal with the case was a Khatun Sapnara. Khatun Sapnara has her own Wikipedia page. Why?
Well Khatun Sapnara is a Bangladeshi-born British judge. In 2006, she was appointed as a Recorder of the Crown Court, becoming the first person of Bangladeshi origin in a senior judicial position. In 2014, she was appointed as a Circuit Judge to hear cases in the Crown and Family Court. Her father was involved in Bangladesh politics, and she studied political sciences at University later studying law. She is also a practising Muslim. In 2012, she argued against criminalisation of forced marriage and she appeared on BBC Two’s Newsnight to defend her position.
It seems certain that Tower Hamlets would chose Muslim Judge Khatun Sapnara for the case because she would likely be the most sympathetic to the Council. That is how Islam works nowadays. It develops networks of people in power who are Muslims, or Islamists, or otherwise sympathetic to Islam: teachers, school governors, business people, local councillors, lawyers, judges, journalists, politicians. It is not a coincidence that most council schools in Britain now serve halal food, and that Islamophobia as a crime is part of the political agenda. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41101558 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khatun_Sapnara
Can you even begin to imagine what it’s going to be like for Britons in this country at the end of the century, when they are expected to make up only 20% of the population?
Colonization in reverse? But Britain could point to the advantages of a civil society, rule of law and so on whereas even in the 21st Century, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and so on have less than zero to teach us.
Yet we are constantly told of the richness of their cultures and how much we can, and moreover should, take from them.
Pull the other one, it’s got a rapist guru on the end.
For those interested in the earlier development of this story by the BBC (before this court ruling) – I add a link to a previous comment of mine (& StewGreens below it).
Note there appears to be an issue with this website regarding linking to previous comments – in general you will be taken to the comment but then the webpage shifts upwards several comments (so you have to scroll downwards to get to the comment). Previous comment on the BBC handling of this story
“Theresa May has said she wants to lead the Conservatives into the next general election, telling the BBC she intends to remain in power “for the long term”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41093516
Her track record is not good! Had Corbyn gone for a true Brexit I would have voted for him but he has blown it.
I would certainly vote Tory if Jacob Rees-Mogg was at the helm.
Al Beeb’s amateur propaganda is not working, in fact it is counter productive.
I think Theresa May is a disaster. The handling of the snap election was a disaster – she surrounded herself with her own close people, ignored everyone else, and lost the narrative and message of the election – allowing Corbyn to control the narrative. She just seemed to disappear and go into hiding. Her prostrating herself to Islam (wearing the veil etc) and her claims that Islam is Peace suggests that there is something weak about her. Corbyn only has to make himself look moderately presentable to beat her.
I think her record as Home Secretary was worse. Disgraceful and hugely damaging, like Blair.
I don’t know what the precise legal definition of treason is, but what what they (and others) have done certainly seems akin to treason, changing the essential nature of this country.
Lord Wreath
I believe Bliar watered down what was left of our Treason legislation to suit the EU.
It certainly needs rewriting and re-enacting, especially in this time of WAR.
There are plenty of domestic candidates ripe for prosecution.
GERMANY: More than 1,000 complaints for high treason filed against Angela Merkel. The German Tony Blair? https://t.co/nyGbw9i7Cf
No matter how evil Bliar is perceived to be, he only took the death penalty off the Treason legislation. I’ve checked. The problem with the Treason legislation (1534) is that it is heavily overlaid by case law and there is no updated, codified legislation to consult so it is a nightmare to determine (apart from the very obvious cases) whether any particular act of an individual or group is treasonable. And that case law goes back to, 1330. Yes, the year, 1330! So how does one set about assessing whether a case in, say, 1400 applies? With extreme difficulty (if you can understand the words used).
“No matter how evil Bliar is perceived to be, he only took the death penalty off the Treason legislation.”
Most of us take that as a sign that he was planning to commit treason, and making the ground safe to do so.
Venezuela’s new constituent assembly has unanimously voted to put opposition leaders on trial for treason.
The assembly said it would pursue those it accuses of supporting US economic sanctions against the country.
Washington approved the measures last week in response to what it called the “dictatorship” of President Nicolás Maduro.
Mr Borges reacted by saying that it was time the government stopped looking for others to blame for Venezuela’s economic and political crisis.
“The only one responsible is Maduro and it’s time he takes a look in the mirror and accepts he has ruined Venezuela,” he told reporters.
The BBC’s deliberate failure to report in appropriate detail on events in Venezuela is one of the most shocking episodes in its recent history. This is a country that was recently hailed as an example of socialism at its best by many of the leading figures on the British Left. That is the reason why, as it collapses into the inevitable authoritarian dictatorship that results from socialism, the BBC has remained almost silent.
BBC Search ‘capitalism’ …
1) Best of Today: Executive pay: The ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’?
2) Theresa May attacks ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’
Note: ‘Capitalism on Trial’ is suggested by BBC Search when typing into the search box ‘capitalism’!
People vote for Socialism because they want free things, and want somebody else to pay for it. It is greed and envy (two sides of the same coin – a bottomless sense of entitlement) disguised as a moral crusade.
In a Socialist (centrally directed) society everybody is forced to hand over control of their lives (their very beliefs) to people who think they know better than anybody else how everybody else should live their lives.
Talk to somebody on the Left for more than five minutes and you realise that they have no interest in any reality other than themselves. The very concept of an objective truth offends them. All that matters to them is their feelings. That is what “virtue signalling” amounts to, not giving a shit about anything.
A Leftist politician is somebody who extracts money from everybody else in the form of taxes in order to enrich themselves. Leftism has nothing to do with creating wealth, it never has been, it is about re-distributing wealth created by others to themselves. All Socialism is theft. Without exception.
A BBC panjamdrum is a thick public schoolboy who extorts money via the tax system in return for giving themselves a platform from which to give us lectures about their passion for equality. Their more able siblings go into medicine, law, or business but a BBC executive is utterly talentless. A free society is the enemy. It exposes their abuse of power, their intolerance, their corruption, their sinecures.
If England is about anything it is about a free society. That is why the BBC hate it so much. Everything is better if it is abroad. All Leftists have to contribute is their hatred and profound intolerance. The BBC is a cancer on our national life. That we are forced to pay for it is a national scandal. How much longer?
W You were so nearly there, why stop?
Cancer, yes. How do we treat cancer?
We fill them with poisonous chemicals.
We irradiate them with large doses of sterilizing particles.
We cut large bits off with large knives, in this case blunt, rusty and dirty implements are acceptable.
I am practising already.
The BBC are like leeches who flood the bloodstream of the animal upon which they are feeding with chemicals which make their leeching more effective. In the end these chemicals kill the society which feeds them, but the Left work on the principle in the long run they are dead so why should they care? That is why they are constantly borrowing from future generations. They are narcissists. Nobody who cares about reducing poverty would be a Socialist. If anything they want everybody other than themselves to be poor, because that way they can tell everybody what to do. In a Socialist society some are more equal than others. It is a society in which everybody except themselves become slaves. Ultimately it is anti-human. Hatred of humanity is the default position of all narcissists, because other people frustrate their desire to get their own way.
The new Conservative Party leader (who ever that might be) should make a speech in which they say it would be quite understandable if people who believe the BBC is abusing its power should not pay the License fee. Not a single penny. If everybody who voted Conservative at the last General Election stopped paying that tax, on the grounds that the BBC is a Leftist propaganda outfit, the whole gravy train would grind to an instant halt. All the people who rely on the BBC if they want a job in broadcasting would be suddenly free to express their opinions.
It would be our broadcasting Independence Day. Arguably an event of even greater significance than leaving the EU. People would be given a choice if they want to fund those leeches.
She is a waster…sat on her arse, looking at shoe brochures while at the Home Office, keeping her head down while a million or more illegal migrants flooded in…whose to question that figure? The bloody HO is clueless anyway, those that get caught get to stay instead of being kicked out at once…..Disaster…her and Merkel are of the same mould…with the BBC backing them all the way.
Saw this article yesterday http://brexitcentral.com/jacob-rees-mogg-labours-brexit-stance-metropolitan-cappuccino-drinkers/
“Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has hit out at Labour’s Brexit U-turn, accusing the party of picking “cappuccino drinkers in metropolitan areas” over its more traditional support base.”
“On a post-Brexit immigration policy Mr. Rees-Mogg said the priority was fairness for every country but he also called on the government to tackle illegal immigration. “The Home Office mustn’t try to use Brexit as a way of covering up the long-standing challenges it has faced with immigration rules. “They need to ensure that people who are here illegally are removed and Brexit shouldn’t change that.”
Yes, I think that was “a pre-emptive strike”. A pre-agreed question from a friendly ‘journalist’ to open the door for a planned blustery statement. But she is obviously hearing the voices and feeling the need to tackle it.
It reminded me of every single contestant ever on Pop Idol / XFactor / Strictly, just moments before the votes are in and they are fired, to never be seen again : “I want this more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.” “We have worked so hard to get here.” “I can’t come this far and just leave.” “I want to make it to the finals”. Then they get fired.
Tory MPs sceptical about PM’s ambitions
“Some Conservative MPs (BBC don’t give names or numbers) say they do not believe the prime minister’s claim she could fight the next general election.
… No 10 dismissed the reports as “peak silly season”. {bbc.co.uk aug2017
On the second day of her trip to Japan, Mrs May will hold official talks with her counterpart Shinzo Abe and emphasise the growing security links between the two countries.”
– Of course the alternative heading is ‘Tory MPs ecstatic about the PM’s ambitions’, guess it’s just who you ask. A better title would be like ’20 out of 30 Tory MPs sceptical(made up title)’
Unfortunately, Tories “stand constantly for low taxation” only as far as the high paid and wealthy are concerned.
Their tax cutting record over 47 years is woeful. Labour are not much better. Gordon Brown did at least introduce a 10% Low Rate for pensioners and those on the lowest incomes but only after keeping top Income Tax rates far lower than they should have been and also overseeing a near enough doubling of (a very regressive) Council Tax, all since 1997. Brown also doubled that Low Rate back up in the 2007 Budget (effective April 2008) creating another factor causing the Bank crash that spring. Talk about keeping a constant watch and on top of things and being ‘in touch’.
I think JRM can be very arrogant at times but I would feel much happier with him as PM after October 2017.
I think the Mogginator’s “arrogance ” comes from his knowledge that he is superior to the other politicians and journalists. Personally, I thing he is quite modest. Wish he was PM but he never will be . The dim Establishment will prevent that.
Grant, I was thinking of his expressed view that he should vote in the House ‘for what he thinks best’ for his constituents. He hasn’t quite got the full hang of this representational politics thing yet. Mind you he is not alone in the present House nor any of the others for the past century.
Democracy is reaching maturity very slowly in the UK. I hope it gets a chance to see it through to completion but fear it may not.
At least he is not as bad as Alan Clark who, I gather from his autobiography, was disgusted by, and had only contempt for, his constituents.
Predictably the BBC are promoting Islam yet again to our kids.
On their CBBC News channel they have added a guide to the Islamic Hajj. It seems the ONLY religion the BBC actively promotes to our kids is Islam by the issuing of “guides”. The last story they had explaining a religious event was Ramadan (back in June). They still have the Ramadan quiz on their cbeebies channel (under puzzles and quizzes). http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/24566691 http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround
December 1979: The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.
July 2, 1990: A stampede 1426 deaths
May 23, 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the stoning of the Devil ritual.
April 9, 1998: at least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured
March 5, 2001: 35 pilgrims were trampled to death in a stampede during the stoning of the Devil ritual
February 11, 2003: The stoning of the Devil ritual claimed 14 pilgrims’ lives
February 1, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina.
January 22, 2005: A stampede through the stoning ritual in Mina led to the killing of 3 pilgrims
January 12, 2006: A stampede during the stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more.
September, 2015: Hajj pilgrimage to go ahead despite tragic crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque – killed at least 107 people and injured 238
September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede.
… BBC forget to mention that non-Muslims are not allowed near Mecca during or after the event. Religion of tolerance and peace … 2,236 people crushed to death whilst praying to an all powerful God.
I saw a brilliant production of Hamlet on which the prince was played by a black man. Never mind his superb performance and that he spoke some of the greatest lines ever written, above all I was deeply offended because he should have been white. I can’t enjoy any work of art without refracting it through the lens of race. And obviously I could not empathise with him at all as he had a different skin colour to me; they must have more ‘voices’ from my ethnic group. I even whinged about it on social media and bullied a few people into agreeing with me. God I hate this black washing.
I wonder if the Beeb will make a news story out of this?
New feature on Beeb website copied from New York Times called ‘Here’s what you need to know this morning.’
Second on the list is Kezia Dugdale saying she came out as gay against her will. I do not need to know the sexual preferences of a politician. It is of no importance whatsoever. Why don’t the Beeb just buy out Heat magazine and have that as their news outlet instead?
I’m totally out of step with (what appears to be) the widespread view that colour blind casting is the only permissible approach. IMO, in any production which makes any attempt at realism, I cannot understand how one can argue that the appearance of the leading performers doesn’t matter. A play or a film is visual. If a company wants to stage Henry V in a multi-storey car park, with jeans, motor bikes and baseball bats, fine, I probably wouldn’t go anyway, but horses, armour, longbows and swords with a black Henry V is no more appropriate than a white Zulu chief or, for that matter, a 30 stone tightrope walker. The difference, of course, is that a production company would never cast a white Zulu chief or a 30 stone tighrope walker.
I think colour blind casting is a practice that has been cobbled together solely to appease black people. As usual with race issues, it’s a one way street. You want more roles? So write them.
A Danish prince played by an actor of African heritage – surely this would have the social justice warriors and the BBC in a rage? At least that is what happens when a white actor is playing a fictional character from an “ethnic” background. It doesn’t happen when you have an “ethnic” playing a fictional character from a white European background – then it is called equal rights and artistic licence to reinterpret a role. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41077054 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41080906 http://blacktheatrelive.co.uk
The problem with ‘colour blind casting’ is that theatrical types want it both ways. On the one hand they want us to ignore someone’s colour, eg if it is a black person playing a white person such as Hamlet, but on the other they are constantly having non-colour blind castings where a black person is cast in a role specifically to make a point and be noticed. An example was the BBC play about the first black officer in HM forces. In such a play ‘colour blind casting’ would simply never happen – you would not have a white man playing a black man!
You can either have a totally colour blind society (which was the original goal of racial equality until the mid 1960s) where coldur is never made an issue, or you can have a society of constant grievance mongering and point-scoring over colour, ie with the constant referral to Obama as ‘black’ when he was in fact half black and half white. You can’t have both. What has happened is that racial issues are no longer about race, they are forms of marxist identity politics; of setting up rival groups against each other in a relentless power struggle.
In the Times this morning there is an piece by Jenni Russel about why President Trump’s supporters are so loyal to him despite the non stop attacks on him by the liberal MSM. She exhibits exactly the same snobbery as the BBC does when she says that those who support him are from an under class that craves social recognition which he gives them. Just like the BBC she believes that genuine social status can only be accorded to those on the liberal left and that everyone else is either a facist or a stupid uneducated prole. This quite extraordinary display of arrogance by Jenni Russel is typical of how the BBC and the rest of the MSM treat both the election of the President and the Brexit referendum, a sort of rebellion of the great unwashed . Which in a sense it is , it is a rebellion of those who are sick to death of the sense of entitlement of the liberal left establishment, their arrogance and open contempt for other views, their rejection of democracy when things don’t go their way. We all know that the MSM hostility towards the President and towards Brexit is the reaction of an elite to seeing their power base threatened . I hope that each attack that they make strengthens the hostility felt by ordinary people towards them .
Whatever happens with Trump and Brexit, his attacks on the media will transcend these moments. He exposed how ruthless, sneering and institutionally dishonest the MSM is. Much of it will go the way of the Guardian if they do not change their ways. We have so many other avenues of entertainement and information, why should we choose to watch people who deceive compulsively and hold us in such contempt?
Sadly, most politicians don’t have the balls to say the things Trump is saying. The MSM hate him because he is exposing them for the big fraud that they are.
They are having a collective tantrum. They had/have such a cushy job: high pay; high status; travel the world; get all their family in on it; no accountability. Why bother with minor details like telling the truth when you have such a privileged position? If anyone dared challenge their narrative, they would be bullied into a humiliating apology; it is how they have operated for decades. Someone is finally standing up to their tyranny and they can’t stand it.
I used to be a staunch supporter of the BBC. I remember,as a child, reading in Readers Digest how people all over the world, when there was chaos in their own country, turned to the BBC for the truth. Sadly that is no longer the case, even in our own country. Because the BBC’s bias twists the truth to a point where it has become lies, I no longer have respect for the BBC and not do I think it deserves the taxation that the license fee is.
I don’t see the point of Twitter at all. It the main it appears just to be an extension of Facebook ‘likes’ or ‘dislikes’, i.e. fifth, six. generation ‘information’ or dross.
I especially don’t see the point of its use by so-called journalists. They might have ‘breaking news’, (highly unlikely), but there is a reason why newspapers don’t publish ‘raw’ stories and why there are editors in the process.
I wasted a few minutes of my life looking at what Hugh Sykes had been puting out, (hoping to see him standing up for Mrs. May!), and half of his output would appear to be glorified ‘likes’ of anti-Brexit stories. So what do we learn from that? Hugh Sykes is anti-Brexit and therefore can never be an ‘impartial’ reporter as we know he holds a strong position on the subject. If I was running the BBC I would put an absolute ban on staff and presenters using Twitter, but then they know that there is no-one to hold them to any sort of account.
If Gary Lineker is paid a wage by the BBC £1.75million,payers pay under threat of prison, to talk to the nation and represent the BBC brand (has BBC Sport in twitter title), but then states ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘.
Does Gary Lineker’s twitter break his BBC contract or at least contradict the BBC guidelines?
A future BBC Panorama Story?
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} (old story on bbc guidelines)
“BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) …
In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with:
news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …”
It would seem that Gary ‘£1.75m + Crisps + BT Sport’ Lineker might be guiding his twitter followers in a certain direction, and not telling them these are his own views ….
Gary Lineker’s twitter profile details ….
“Once kicked a ball about. Now talk about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds. BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers, @goalhangerfilms …Instagram garylineker”
Tweets 23.9K; Following 885; Followers 6.48M (6.5 million believer in Gary Lineker’s BBC approved thoughts?); Likes 464
‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘
What makes some thick ex-footballer like Lineker think that anyone is interested in his political opinions ? Does he believe that Brexiteers are going to change their minds just because of him ? Moron. I think it is hard to see a single positive in Gary Lineker.
People are too busy to find out things or read articles … so when a footballer has been reporting football facts and opinion for years on end, then you might just trust their opinion without question (Lineker 6.5m twitter followers) and J.K. Rowling (12.2M young twitter followers).
You might believe in the oracle at Delphi rather than Socrates …
BT Sport spell presenters name Gary ‘£1.75m from prison enforced wages + Labour Supporter + BT Sport + Crisps‘ Lineker incorrectly as ‘Linekar’, they also spell Rooney as ‘Roooney’ when showing top goal scorers.
Maybe, in a effort to secure the safety of staff leaving BBC premises on odd hours during a 24 hr day and not wishing for them to experience the crime related to immigrants in Londonistan and elsewhere, the taxi home is safest. After all, we wouldn’t want BBC staff to mix with the plebs and criminals that we support would we? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4836142/BBC-slammed-500-000-year-TAXIS.html
In Gambia it is traditional at carnivals and other events for some performers to paint their faces white. No-one gives a monkey’s. Oops, I just used a racist word.
A graffiti artist named Miguel de Amorim-Gil, street name of Flexwon, had drawn a huge mural spelling the word “justice” on the side of a building and it’s been painted over.
When interviewed he said “someone came sneakily in the early hours of the morning after the Notting Hill carnival. They left all the other graffiti in the area and they made a point to take this one down.”……”a lot of people are very angry about it”.
Turns out the graffiti was on the side of a privately owned building and it was the owners that removed it.
Anyway, here’s a radical and edgy suggestion for the police – when someone vandalises a building and they tell you they’ve done it, you go round to their house, arrest them and ensure they’re prosecuted. That way it tends to deter others from doing the same.
Question for today: If Theresa May has aspirations to lead the country and her party for several years to come, why does she affect the style, appearance and enthusiasm of one recently deceased?
I recall the her spat with the Police Federation – she seemed quite impressive. Since then she seems to have suffered serious mental decline. As PM she comes over like the kind of teacher that kids would run rings around.
Gaxvil, the last (and only) time I can recall being impressed by Mrs May was when she immediately told some lefty in Parliament that she would employ Britain’s nuclear weapons if required. This was during the time when Corbyn was dithering with his ‘we should have nuclear weapons but not use them’ schtick.
Treezer has some powerful supporters. They own large chunks of London and have bought our universities and the souls of the academics within them. And the BBC and cops are there to enforce this
G.W.F., I was scrolling down fast and saw this flash of white and thought ‘oh no, not another KKK meet photo and someone having a go at Trump – yet again.’ .
Grant, equal LOL! [Word to the wise – apparently, we have to cut down on the !marks. 😉 ]
I cannot believe that the PM – with TWO personal advisors plus someone no-doubt in addition to do hair & make-up – could dress so poorly to ‘appear in public’. Now that Timothy & Hill have gone, perhaps Theresa May could spare some time for a quick internet chat, every now & then, with Alexandra Schulman or someone similar.
Yes , apparently billionnaire, US President Trump is insecure because he uses exclamation marks. God knows what that makes me. I wouldn’t mind some of his financial insecurity. As for Treezer, well she ain’t no Maggie in any sense, including dress.
Didn’t have my reading glasses on, and thought – a curtain call. Must be a new West End musical. Is Cameron Mackintosh putting on The Thief of Baghdad or Kismet or Aladdin or something? Do they do a sand dance? Is there a flying carpet – kids would love that at Christmas. And where’s the band?
Then I put on my glasses and saw May in her M&S raincoat. She wasn’t with Wilson and Keppel after all. Perhaps she needs the large pockets for her brown paper packages tied up with string. Off to Barclays I suppose.
I’d have preferred the musical. Third from the right would look better brandishing a gleaming scimitar though. Cast not very diverse either. And where are the seductive lady dancers with skimpy clothing and sparkly veils?
Never mind, there’s always Les Mis with Jeremy Corbyn.
Would a UK Prime Minister act on their own words from only two years ago?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest (UK), for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference / 06.10.2015
“Enough is Enough” – what is enough and if it happens again will it be “More than Enough”?
Has there been enough freedom of expression on the internet?
Has there been enough immigration?
Over the years I’ve often witnessed situations where people, who supposedly have some power over us, bosses, politicians, the bbc etc., think themselves so ‘clever’.
They miss the fact that people talk and share information. So often they lack the perception or imagination of those they think they’re bamboozling. Regarding the bbc, they are unable to conceive of anyone more ‘clever’ than themselves.
They just ‘know’ we are thick and that children are especially ‘stupid’. They are seriously in error.
Oh the pain and disappointment in every word written is a joy to see! Wooohooo! 🙂
By far the best part of the article is this.. (crowbarred into all the hatred, and bigotry that infests every Islamic-so-called-BBC-State article)
“US President Donald Trump has said he wants to see the US economy increase by 3% for 2017” – take that you death cult loving, white hating leftards!
The defense in this case, as in almost every other Muslim terror case, is mental illness. Wasil had been “hearing voices”. Since a homicidal maniac hearing voices is how Islam was founded, that’s not much of a defense against accusations of Islamic terrorism. If antipsychotics had existed in the 7th century, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the everyday horrors that tourists have encountered this August (2017) would not exist. {frontpagemag aug2017}
Just this weekend, a Muslim from Luton drove up to Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty’s unwilling subject might have been looking for the Queen, but she was over at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. When the police came to have a word with him, he reached for a 4 foot sword and shouted, “Allahu Akbar”. The Bobbies, traditionally unarmed, maced him. He managed to cut up their hands before being arrested.
Earlier, a Somali in Brussels had expressed some praise and appreciation by stabbing Belgian soldiers while shouting, “Allahu Akbar”. They belatedly shot him dead. A Koran was found in his possession
They (BBC – but other media also) always explain that ‘Allahu Akbar” means ‘God is Great’ so as to imply no difference with Christianity – we all worship the same God etc.
I understand that this phrase that accompanies the hacking and slashing actually means something more like ‘Our God is greater than your God’. I think they know this but choose the flabby way.
When this was first reported on the BBC the newscaster simply said the attacker shouted “God is Great”….which I am pretty sure he didn’t. They just didn’t want to say Allahu Akbar . Cowardly and biased reporting
Why is this even a story? Just accept that all whites are racist. All white men are misogynist, homophobic, trans phobic, rapists and all none Muslims are Islamophobic. Live with it and shut the f**k up and give us stories of rescued kittens instead.
Although, I must admit I do struggle with some catophobic sentiments.
Stay calm, take it easy. I have hot news from Scotland . Anas ( check spelling ) Sarwar MSP is having some local difficulties in standing for the Labour leadership. He ticks some boxes, Pakistani origin, muslim, but … wait. He is from a very wealthy family and went to Hutchesons School, private, fee-paying and sends his son there. No-one can ever accuse socialists of being unprincipled hypocrites.
“More than a third of adults are unaware of who funds the corporation’s website, according to a report by Ofcom”
Only half of 16 to 24-year-olds know that the BBC is funded by the licence fee, while over a third of adults are unaware how the corporation’s website is funded.
A new Ofcom report, adults’ media use and attitudes, found that just 52% of 16 to 24-year-olds knew that the BBC TV programmes are funded from the £145.50 annual TV licence fee charged to all UK households that watch live TV.
The media regulator’s annual report also found that 37% of adults did not know that the BBC’s website is also funded by the licence fee.
This is an improvement on the 44% who were not aware how the BBC website was funded in the 2014 Ofcom report.
Of course, the BBC do not want to publicise this. The only reference they make is that, if you don’t pay the TV tax, you will be beheaded. The BBC is evil.
BBC World sends news manipulators to advise Chinese government how to better control it’s media output and promote it’s agenda. Or is it the other way round?
I think I’ve found something worse than the beebistan. It’s called Krishnan Guru-Murthy on something called Channel 4 ‘News’. His entire interview with Gorka was designed not to elucidate or produce answers, but to provoke, grandstand and virtue signal to his pals in the studio.
Still worth it if only for 2 quotes by Gorka: ‘It’s the left that have normalised violence’ and ‘You’re Spinning Left-Wing Wet Dreams’. Delicious.
I saw it, and Seb was his usual combative self, refusing to take any shit from the gurning little leftist. However, the fact is that Seb and Steve Bannon are out of the White House. The rot set in almost immediately when Flynn was forced out over his non-existent ties with Russia. The Deep State is busy establishing control over Trump, and without any help from RINOs in Congress, there is very little he can do about it.
Murthy is a token, and when tokens are employed as tokens they quickly reveal their limitations.
Perhaps his role could be limited to covering ethnic weddings.
I just watched it too. Krish’s voice goes up octaves as he loses. Smug, ignorant, petulent, arrogant, childish. My 10-year old daughter is more mature than that little boy. Gorka puts him back in his pram.
A simple solution would be to gradually reduce the size of the carnival route over, say, three years, then relocate it to a public park, most likely Wormwood Scrubs, where proper crowd control measures can be taken, and admission can be charged which is sufficient to cover the costs of policing the event. Reduced tickets, applied for in advance, could be offered to those who can prove official residence in Notting Hill. Gangs of troublemakers who come in from places like Harlesden can be vetted at the gate. Events like the Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph, which draws huge crowds, already have airport security in place so it is perfectly possible. My guess is that any proposals like this are dismissed as racist and so never happen.
The Notting Hill Carnival no longer makes any sense, and has not done so for a long time.
When it started, Notting Hill was a run down area, where Peter Rachman bought up crumbling property and housed black immigrants in poor conditions for extortionate rents.
Now, Notting Hill is gentrified, and I don’t dare to even think what the houses are worth. If a West Indian carnival is to happen, it should be in a safe place which can be properly policed. However, the chance of a weasel-like politician such as Sadiq Khan actually doing something like this are zero.
How the bBC promotes the image that Muslims can only be victims: Catholic Bishop protecting Muslim refugees in CAR A Catholic bishop in the Central African Republic (CAR) has given refuge to 2,000 Muslim refugees who are living in fear of attacks from a mainly Christian militia. Juan José Aguirre Munoz says that the refugees cannot leave the seminary’s compound in the south-eastern city of Bangassou. He told the BBC that the refugees “risk death” from anti-Balaka militias. The UN’s humanitarian chief warned last week of possible genocide.
A few facts which the bBC doesn’t make clear. Central African Republic (CAR) is predominately Christian, 80%, Muslims make up 15%. In November 2012 Muslim rebels took control of the country by force. They started killing Christians and there was a genocide, so much the UN sent in troops to protect those christians, in response the Christians (Like the Muslim freedom fighters loved by the bBC) have fought back against their Islamic oppressors and the bBC doesn’t like it.
BBC not interested in Hillary Clinton? BBC Search for ‘clinton book tour’ – no book tour results? Why not when the BCC report on Russell Brand and pay for him to appear on shows?
There are cheaper seats in the states with tickets costing between $50 and $350 to see Clinton in Broward, Florida – another state that she lost to now-President Trump.
A man has been charged after an incident near Buckingham Palace where three police officers were injured.
Mohiussunnath Choudhury, 26, of Luton, was charged under the Terrorism Act 2006 for “engaging in conduct in preparation for giving effect to his intention to commit an act or acts of terrorism.”
Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK (in 2013 only 4 years ago), to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.
BBC afraid of words and uses incident rather than terrorist, even though man declared terrorist.
Man charged over Buckingham Palace incident {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
‘A man has been charged after an incident near Buckingham Palace where three police officers were injured.
Mohiussunath Chowdhury, 26, of Luton, was charged under the Terrorism Act 2006 for “engaging in conduct in preparation for giving effect to his intention to commit an act or acts of terrorism”.
It is alleged he drove at police and reached for a 4ft sword last Friday.’
… or the BBC could try ‘Man charged *as terrorist* over Buckingham Palace incident‘.
“…getting all the migrants and get all the refugees here won’t solve the problem … if you say that, you see the comments on facebook, you’re a racist. Whilst what you are only saying is give them support in their own countries.”
“GSTV. Douglas Murray over de zelfmoord van Europa”
MarkyMark, thanks for the clip. Good to see that Mr Murray is appreciated in other countries as well. I find him very interesting to listen to as he is an excellent arguer with a clear and incisive intellect able to run rings round the average bien-pensant media luvvy like Yasmin Aliby-Brown. He has many videos on Youtube which are well worth watching.
Apparently today is the actual 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. I clearly haven’t been paying attention. I was under the impression that she died and was resurrected about 14 times, over a 2 week period.
Thin looking shrine outside Kensington Palace. Perhaps there’s a bigger one outside Asprey’s in Bond Street.
Diana and her two sons were / are the generation of doers as opposed to the takers of the previous generations of royals. God rest her soul and God bless Harry and William. Some of those fools who used to parade uniforms and medals at every opportunity, and who wouldn’t know one end of a gun from the other were a disgrace. Diana, with all her faults, and her offspring, have saved the royal family from extinction. They are a long-overdue wakeup call for the Windsors.
I feel more inclined to believe the “devious, manipulative, troublemaker” description by Private Eye.
Seems to me she only became a “doer” (charity work, as opposed to intensive shopping) when she discovered what an effective weapon it could be. I believe there are far too many reports of her dishonesty to be ignored.
You’re entitled to your opinion, obviously, but I think this makes infinitely more sense:
I didnt dislike Diana, but she wasnt going to be another Fergie, she used her fame more wisely, the emoting Princess, pain in the arris, the ex-wife of ”proper” plumb, you think she married him because she loved him ?…….. she got what she wanted, princes, her princes, and the fame that went with it,….killed her in the end.
In Peter Hitchens “THe Abolition of Britain”, he brilliantly notes and dates our decline from a country with some backbone -and into a jelly roll wobble of emotings and fatuousness that we now are. He compares the Churchill funeral of 65 to the incontinent gloopfest of Sept 6th 1997.
Diana was a bully at school, a vanity project for all of her pointless life-and died pretty much as a vainglorious trophy mother would do, had she been a bimbo Shirley Valentine.
Other people died that year too. Most far more valuable to their families than Di was. But she suits a narrative, so we have to put up with this mawkish tripe.
You can draw a straight line between the Queen Of Heaven horseshit of 97 with The white suited piano man who maudles by the tea lights in Barcelona with his godforsaken version of Imagine.
Her boys lost a mum and that`s sad-but this sanctification of a vacant bully gets my goat.
“Some of those fools who used to parade uniforms and medals at every opportunity, and who wouldn’t know one end of a gun from the other were a disgrace.”
And some like to parade the latest fashion in bomb suits:
If you’re going to draw attention to fakery, at least be consistent.
“Princess Diane was a voluntary member of that Dynasty. She didn’t have to be in it, she joined it. She didn’t behave very well in it – she was a spoilt kid, she didn’t realise there was more to it than being the fair tale princess. She rebelled against the idea that you have to sacrifice anything for duty or tradition. An idea her over gloomy husband overdid … ” The Truth About Princess Diana by Christopher Hitchens
I think Princess Diana married Prince Charles in the naive belief that he would stop shagging a lady he first met in the 1970s, and to whom he is now married.
I think Princess Diana married Prince Charles in the naive belief that he would stop shagging a lady he first met in the 1970s, and to whom he is now married.
On a different subject, it seems the EU might just be beginning to realise who is in the driving seat and who is in the passenger seat on brexit.
The liberal media and the doom-mongers might do well to take notice too.
After it took the British police almost a week to inform the great unwashed over a terrorist incident outside Buckingham place. I wonder how long the bBC will take to report this knife attack on a Policeman in Sweden: Sweden: Policeman stabbed in neck in broad-daylight
So Maxincony why do you post here?
Why do you and your advisors expend so much time and effort?
What motivates you? What are you trying to justify? What are you defending?
You are either an Al Beeb employee or a troll.
Many, many questions but do you have any answers?
IMHO you are a TROLL.
Shwm mae taffman
If you live in Camden you would regard Wales as ‘foreign’.
Mind you, the rest of us have come to regard London as ‘foreign’. Even us sais!
Hi maxincony – Grant has not hidden the fact he doesn’t reside in Britain, he has mentioned he left because he no longer felt comfortable with the cultural changes that were rapidly occurring.
Now I have asked you whether you worked for the BBC before, and you didn’t reply. So what I will do now is ASSUME you work for the BBC.
Now me personally I have no issue with you or your posts – I actually think it would be a good thing to have a critic that sticks to the facts and is (reasonably) civil. I am aware of the dangers of “echo chambers” and I am aware that this site is small and relatively insignificant compared to the BBC’s influence etc, but it does offer an outlet for the “disenchanted” to express their views, and hopefully it can be the start for something bigger.
Agreed. Is Maxiboy really saying that British subjects like me should have no say in the future of Britain because we do not reside there any more ? That seems a bit silly and immature to me. To take Gambia as an example, many Gambians went into forced exile and voluntary exile when Jammeh was President. Now that he has gone, many have returned. Should they have not had any say in the future of their country when they were in exile.
To a large extent the UK is ruled by unelected Fascists in the EU. Get rid of them and some “exiles” may return to Britain.
Over the past thirty years there has been a fairly large scale movement of ordinary native Brits moving out to Europe and beyond. It is not clear why they have moved out but cultural change in Britain cannot be ruled out as a major reason. They form the English / British diaspora, they are likely to have close relatives (children etc) living in England / Britain and may want to return to England / Britain at some time later. The Jews have a well known diaspora, so do the Greeks, so do the Turks …
It always puzzles me that he has long absences between visits and he always posts in the small hours. Perhaps he has sprained his right wrist, and is unable to indulge in his usual night time activity at the moment – hence the posts.
The long absences between visits suggest to me that Maxincony is a professional troll, possibly employed by the BBC, and has a large number of sites that he has to visit on rotation. If his posts here are monitored it may show a regular pattern of visits.
I love how they go into detail about Hollywood changing a fictional character and how ‘racist’ this is, yet someone trying to attack our sovereign with a machete as part of an ongoing civil war is just glossed over.
Who goes out stabbing at the weekend? Could he not think of something better to do? I’m happy with a Chinese and some football.
– biggest gathering the world could ever witness, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
– one destination, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
– one heart beating, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
Welcome to Halal – where only Muslims can do the reading of Koran before a Muslim must slaughter the animals bought with Islamic finances called Sukuk. Positive employment and religious discrimination wrapped up with in a barbaric practise where the animal’s throat is cut whilst still conscious.
I'm presenting a new show on @LBC every Sunday morning from 10am. Opinions, callers and reaction to the biggest stories of the day. pic.twitter.com/CO6oKy9DHg
Now that Brillo has been removed from the Sunday politics I shall certainly listen to NIgel. The voice of sanity admidst the howling of the liberal left on all the other programmes on the MSM.
Think it may be ‘Geevor (Geezer?) Hoffstat’ according to the Beeb, taffman 😉
The looks on some of the faces of those MEPs was a bit of a giveaway at times. I wonder if Verhoftstadt ever reviews his performances on TV late? Guess he would just think ‘They are independent, it doesn’t matter what they think’ but he must realise that the game is up, the EU has been twigged for what it is: a dictatorship.
Up2snuff, I do get a sense of a changing mood towards the EU. The so-called Brexit remorse does not seem to have set in, nor has the predicted economic catastrophe occurred (it is now being pushed ahead to an unspecified point in the future, like the Second Coming had to be indefinitely postponed in the early church) . The events surrounding the separation will be quite telling, I think. If the EU behaves churlishly (with nonsense about divorce settlements, etc) it will simply confirm to people that we were right to leave.
BBC2 8pm Wednesday 30th Worlds Busiest Cities : Hong Kong
I watched this because I used to live and work in Hong Kong and have fond memories of it. As usual it was absolutely shot through with propaganda:
Anti-British: This was a running theme throughout the program but one scene brought it into sharp focus: the presenter (Indian Anita Rani) approached an old fortune teller-type chinese street hawker with a voice-over along the lines of “one tradition which wasn’t destroyed by 150 years of British Rule are these traditional Chinese fortune tellers…”. No mention of the fact that under British Rule Hong Kong became a haven for people fleeing communist oppression and Mao’s cultural revolution which would have seen people like this old fortune teller rounded up and put in camps!!!
Pro-Islam: Muslims are few and far between in Hong Kong but the BBC carefully selected all the incidental VT shots so there was almost always someone walking by in an Islamist supremacist headbag or some pillock in Pastun pyjamas kneeling to Mecca. A very rare sight in Hong Kong – but you wouldn’t think so from watching this propaganda.
Pro-Immigrant: Great long section on Hong Kong’s migrants. No mention of the fact that, unlike London, Hong Kong is 92% Indigenous Han Chinese. And while they may import alot of flip-flop house maids – they are all forced to leave when their work permits expire. They don’t get a free house and £26K bennies like they do over here FFS. They also visited the ChungKing Mansion arcades which just happens to have alot of Muzzie-run shops- and made out like the small shops were unique to immigrant communities – when in fact there are dozens of similar arcades in Hong Kong where the shops are run exclusively by local Chinese.
One enjoyable slip-up occurred when Remainiac ‘historian’ Dan-nepotism-Snow was interviewing a democracy campaigner who explained why he was against being ruled by unelected foreign bureaucrats. Just like the EU!!
The subtle but clear message from the programme was:
-British rule was evil.
-Muslims everywhere is quite normal.
-Immigrants are unquestionably a good thing.
-Little or no factual information about Hong Kong.
Top post ! I was born in HK and , in my 20s, worked there before the Chinese ” Takeaway “. All of the HK Chinese I knew were terrified of their future under mainland China. Don’t expect the cnuts at the BBC to reflect that. Does not fit the narrative .
I don’t remember seeing a single muslim there. Muslims are not faring too well in China. But if you only listen to BBC Fake News you would never know that.
There’s a mosque halfway up Nathan Road on the lefthand side in front of the park. That said, there are a lot of Hindus and sikh (and Sri lankans) to be found.
P.S across the way in Chungkin mansions ground floor and at the back, do not order the chicken curry, as its not chicken.
I saw this too Chilli.
I worked out there myself, so wanted to know how their incredible bamboo scaffolding was done,
Trust the BBC to send an airhead poppet with long orange fake nails to show us all how it`s done.
Ridiculous-and the Chinese workers and training staff really must laugh at our infantile Blue Peter nonsense-we used to do news once.
Wouldn`t you think that the BBC might feel some shame at the case of Nathan Lau?
Locked up within weeks of spouting off to the wheelchair.
Nathan and his heroic fellow prisoners are everyhting that the BBC are not-brave, fearless and will fight for freedom. As opposed to strutting around in Junckers trenchcoat and licking Verhofstads Brylcreemed boots.
I watched bamboo scaffolding rise very quickly around a domestic block opposite my hotel room in HK earlier this year….and noted that all the bamboo was joined together with cable ties – pretty ordinary, 24 inch, black plastic cable ties. The walk boards were not normally locked in. It seemed to work on the 30+ storey building, and soon swarms (I’m not sure that this phrase is ‘kosher’ there days, but what the hell ?) of workers were busy on the external facings and finishings.
Just a few days later, I saw the same scaffolding taken apart in unbelievably quick time. They simply snipped the cable ties, and allowed them to fall, and grabbed the bamboo poles set free, then launched them down a human chain to a waiting truck below.
Would I set foot on such structures ? Not on your nelly ! But it clearly didn’t seem to be a problem for these Chinese workers.
A Nigerian friend of mine (English born) lived and worked in Hong Kong for several years. He experienced some racism. It tended to come from white fellow-temporary worker Aussies and Kiwis!
The HongKong-ese were ready to get along with anyone but the different groups of ‘expats’ tended to stay in their national huddles.
I spent a couple of weeks in HK a few years ago. I don’t recall seeing any Muslims or black people, and only a minority of Europeans. I do recall however, being struck by the large numbers of Filipina servants on their Sundays off, sitting around on the pavements and in parks etc having picnics – in a totally unthreatening way, I might add. Surely this would be of more interest to the Beeb, since I heard from some Europeans that these women are sometimes badly treated by their employers. If they were Muslims on prayer mats I’ll bet the BBC would have creamed itself!
A Nigerian friend of mine (English born) lived and worked in Hong Kong for several years. He experienced some racism. It tended to come from white fellow-temporary worker Aussies and Kiwis!
I didn’t, but did from the Chinese (post handover)
BBC’s Katya Adler on the 1800 news: “….the UK is going to have to pay the one hundred Billion……”. Such a wonderful sleight of hand dontcha think? (I’m really getting into the BBC’s pidgin speech drive). Katya, we are under no obligation to pay much less, 100 Billion. Tell the truth for once……………… BBC ‘Factcheck’ please step in.
bbc announces that UK medics are consulting with Indian medics on the treatment of acid attacks which are so far up to one a day in Britain. Immigration, integration and now medication – marvellously enriching.
I don’t want to spend my time keeping track of how our supposed world class service, the BBC £145/£3.5bn, uses language and ignores news events, but it would seem that the BBC is unwilling to change even after harbouring a pedophile and forcing people to pay for staff wages under the threat of prison to likes of Chris ‘£2.3m Labour Supporter + CarFest’ Evans.
It’s the bbc’s spend on various worldwide agenda pushing initiatives that bugs me. The sponsoring of this, that and the other that is in no way necessary for a broadcaster to operate and certainly not at our expense.
“Once you see how the BBC creates news articles it gets easier to spot the omissions or trickery in the language; [BBC shortfall in victims of 1500 by reporting 717 killed in Hajj/Kaaba at Mecca] .”
The report you link to is from the day it happened and states:
“At least 717 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say”.
You go on to claim…
“even better another BBC article just uses vague terms like [‘Many hundreds (BBC fail to report it was 2,236) of pilgrims were killed in a crush in (Mecca/Kaaba) 2015’] a year after the first report.”
For some reason your link to this article is missing…
Possibly because it actually says:
“Hundreds, possibly thousands, of people – many of them Iranian – were killed in a crush on the third day.” http://tinyurl.com/hddwhon
For some reason you also failed to link to this article:
“Estimates of the death toll vary, with most agreeing that more than 2,000 pilgrims were killed” http://tinyurl.com/joez5vs
Or this one, from just a couple of weeks after the tragedy:
“But there are safety warnings and tighter restrictions in place this year, after last year’s stampede which saw the deaths of more than 2,000 Muslims” http://tinyurl.com/y7mtyafr
Or this one:
“Tensions between the two countries have risen after a crush in last year’s pilgrimage killed at least 2,426 people” http://tinyurl.com/j92fkmk
What was it you were saying about omissions or trickery, MarkyMark?
Here is the missing link … Hajj: Saudis stiffen security after crush deaths {bbc.co.uk sep2016}
As helicopters hovered in the sky above a seemingly endless number of soldiers marching in unison, it looked like Saudi Arabia was bracing itself for war.
It was in fact a show of readiness to host its most important event of the year, the Hajj.
The season lasts for nearly six days, but last year it was disastrous. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of people – many of them Iranian – were killed in a crush on the third day. It was the deadliest accident at the Hajj in more than two decades.
– Image Caption: Many hundreds of pilgrims were killed in a crush in 2015
I am beginning to feel I am alone in making this observation. I do not disagree with this or that criticism of Islam, or fail to understand some of the beliefs, as I would with any other religion, or branch of science for that matter.
I cannot see the entire thing as nothing more than a crock of shit, barmy and meaningless.
That is why there can be no integration or unity of faiths,
The Haj is a medieval practice within a medieval religion, one that failed to conquer Europe although now we seem to be doing our best to reverse that . Why doesn’t the BBC tell the truth?
BBC’s Nawal Al-maghafi (BBC reporters are part of the News rather than independent reporting) , who has gained rare access to rebel-held Yemen in the past months, posted her own photograph with the hashtag.
Perhaps they will use their on the spot reporter – they often have an editor who just happens to llive in the part of the world they are reporting.
I often think they record it all in the Salford studios. Stand by for an interview from Salford Mecca.
Off topic but c4 is just a turbo charged biased BBC. Having rubbished David Davies for the failure of the EU to negotiate, we then have an item from Burma about persecution of Muslims by Buddhists. c4 is just unbelievable in its distortion of the news. Why should every culture in the world bow to Islam? Why should Britain’s EU negotiations be reported from a purely EU perspective?
What I do not understand is why all these asslickers of muslims do not convert to Islam. If I felt the way they do, I would become a muslim. Seems strange to me.
Grant, I may have mentioned this before but I believe most ‘Islamophiles’ do not actually love Islam – they fear it. No other religion is accorded anything like the same respect and reverence in this country by people who are not adherents of that religion.
If Islam had some incredible unique spiritual insight, or some amazing architecture or liturgy or art or music or code of ethics that was not present in other religions, I could understand it, but it does not.
They fear it because of all religions it is the only one which at present is demanding that it be heard. The appeasers have no spiritual grounding and therefore cannot engage with Islam on a spiritual or philosophical level, either to convert to it or to oppose it. All they can do is appease.
Islam has turned itself into a Muhammadan cult, now it has found our pinch points in its war with the west and its values.
When Islam did what it did over the Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo, it reverted from a “religion” to a totalitarian personlaity cult”…one that it alone decided would be the arbiters and judges over.
This is tactics, passive-aggressive excusings of its cultural toxicity. They have long said that Muhammad was only Gods messenger and not to be worshipped. They scorned we Christians for idolatry of an imagined “Son Of God”. But now they`ve decided to bin our Christ , with replacement of Him by Muhammad, as Gods final word and offer to us.
No theologian will say this, no media gobs on sticks would dare say it. That`s how I know it`s true. We really need to tell Muslims they`re heretics, apostates and blaspehemers for putting Muhammad on some parity with God-they never do or did in their own countries.
But its very effective in fatally lancing the “free expression” boast of the west in a key tenet. We now self-censor and cringe, being ungodly and thick-and they`re correct all too often.
So logical, inevitable and clear-but when Russell Brand and Liam Gallagher are your prophets, then Islam is more than right to deal with that.
A few do it all the time, but I say things in relative privacy that I wouldn’t repeat here. I’ve never found it difficult to find people who agree with me and I certainly don’t work in BNP central office, if it even has one these days.
Other than silly student types, their professors, and (in my experience) the sons and daughters of certain liberal professions (the worst, IMO), people in areas all over the country that are becoming unrecognisable are worried, and well and truly pissed off about being forced into that position. They are having to confront possibilties that should never have arisen. Only a few people in areas not yet affected seem to realise that it is only a matter of time unless strong measures are taken. The smugness of the rest, often in rural areas, is dangerous. Wait until white flight has ruined their lifestyle. And of course Jews, the canaries in the immigrant coalmine, are worried more than most. We’ll be losing some very capable people to Israel over the next few years, I think.
My concern is that there are still significant numbers of people who are resigned to their fate, too obsessed with Bake Off to care, too loyal to the existing parties, or just too confused and indecisive to change their voting habits to virtuallly anyone who might stand a chance of shaking up the status quo. We haven’t reached the edge of the cliff yet but alternative routes are being shut off all the time. Sooner or later, it’ll be turn around and fight, or jump.
“…we then have an item from Burma about persecution of Muslims by Buddhists. c4 is just unbelievable in its distortion of the news. Why should every culture in the world bow to Islam?”
Just how, exactly, is reporting that thousands of innocent Rohingya Muslims are fleeing for their lives a “distortion of the news?
Maxi, do you remember the BBC’s coverage of the Karen & their presecution? Or of the conflict in Aceh in Indonesia?
How much on-going interest or follow-up on those is there from the BBC?
Also, what proportion is the overall coverage from the BBC (I’m limited to the web-site & radio) of Islam related items to those of other faiths? Take the recent Indian Independence anniversary: what proportion was accorded to the major participant (non-Muslim India & Sri Lanka) and the minor participant (West and East Pakistan)?
Then there is China. Muslim conflict – from a small part of the nation – gets regular coverage by the BBC. Christianity – increasingly nationwide in China – how much coverage does that receive by the BBC on R4 and on the BBC w/s in comparison?
I think the point is not that it is a distortion of news but a bias slant that paints Muslims as the only targeted group. In fact there is also a big problem for Christians as well. C4 plays to the audience because 4/5ths of the country are Christians and therefore garner few ‘victim’ points, so favoured by the likes of BBC and C4
EuroNews @20:30 31Aug17 – ‘No decisive progress’ On Brexit – Tony Blair turns up to hug Jean Claude Juncker.
“Former PM, Tony Blair was also in Brussels (was he shopping?). The Ex-Labour Leader says there’s a chance to stop BREXIT if a new agreement can be found on controlling immigration. Meanwhile the current Premier, Theresa May, is in Japan to smooth companies about the Brexit process.”
“Neither skin colour nor religion matter anymore in 2017”
These are the words of one Martin Narey, a serial quango collector who ballsed up the Prison Service in a previous manifestation. P2 of todays Telegraph.
He is now “advising” Theresa May on “foster care of children”.
Can only imagine that Jimmy Saviles rotting corpse was not available, or Abdul Ali Akbars Dewsbury Taxi Rankers were up to something else.
Lets hope that BLM and ISIS(Luton) take note of Martin Nareys insight, and thereby pack up and go back to respecting whites and Christian ladies and families.
Martin has ordained it…let MalcolmX and Anjem Choudry quake.
PS. The UN yesterday said that “human rights and democracy” were now barely alive in Venezuela following Maduros fiddling of his new constitution.
Anybody hear our media give us any context or analysis of this?
Still-Alex Thomsons Channel 4 spot moaned about disabled people not getting a bigger basket to put their chips and Stella tinnies in…something like that, UN moaning in some report of theirs. Gor PLENTY on that one eh,Channel 4?
French radio this morning was running interviews with ‘migrants’ camped out in Brussels who, ‘because we speak English’, were keen on moving here.
I expect the BBC have been down-playing accounts of this 600-person ‘jungle’ because it goes against the ‘everyone is leaving because of Brexit’ agenda!
It won`t be a country for very long, surely.
If we were any good we`d be fomenting a civil war over there to smoke Juncker out with his vans and clarets.
Brexit needs a domino revolution and the Euro to fail-we deal only with sovereign nation not a seedy boys club that no one voted for, has no accountant to trust and is in freefall.
I`d deal with the Visegrad Group and put the skids under Merkel-bet Erdogan would help us in return for a trade deal.
BBC news 9.00pm called outside source. Presenter gives a balanced presentation of the EU talks. Then asks a ‘chris morris’; a bit biased. Moves onto other subjects then an entry on the bottom ticker tape, states what Barnier says, but omits what DD has said. They just cannot help themselves when it comes to bias.
Ditto with PM and with Sky News.
Their Brexit sunmmaries inevitably showcase vox pop hipster niche businesses in Shoreditch, or futuristic science park souffle set ups in Cambridge or such. Niche, employ hardly anybody, unfathomably complex or trivial(usually both, actually)-all have EU funding or a contract with Italy or wherever-not a Tim Martin or James Dyson allowed on to say anything other than “Brexit is wrong-it just is.”
Once they`re done(the People are speaking)-we get Cable, Heseltine or Osbornes mates on the box , or helpfully read out to us via the papers or a Twitter feed. Again, no Peter Bones, Redwoods or Lawsons allowed.
And-of course-Barniers Gospel, Verhofstads Olympian pearls sent down with no counter argument, or any effort to speak for Britain about what these unelected charlatans and pond life are doing.
Course not-Davis is always in the dock, as is Trump.
No point in “negotiating” with the EU, as Cameron found. Lets abseil down , float up, up and away straight away. Why May didn`t slip Abe a loyalty bonus card whilst in Japan only shows what a sap she is…we want out and now, Japan and the USA , China and India must wonder why we`re so shit…why do we need the EUs permission to not create our trade agreements for 2019? Weak, weak and weak..to quote Mrs T.
The RAF did pound the German cities relentlessly for three years or more and about 10% of the bombs didn’t detonate so there will be plenty left to keep the German bomb disposal teams in work for a while yet. The benefits of the Strategic Air Offensive against Germany were significant during the war but what is often overlooked is that the whole of Europe is still benefitting today because, having had all of their cities reduced to rubble, the mind set of Militarism that the German state had had for the previous eighty years was removed for the rest of the century.
I fully support what you say. However my post was about how the bBC whilst happy to inform everybody about just who the bomb belonged to when found in Europe, never seems to bother when the bombs ae found in the UK.
Please stop saying the German’s were involved in the second world war.
You should be watching the BBC’s Lily Allen view of history to put you right. It was the Nazi’s who started the second world war, not the Germans. they came from Naziland, a country that no longer exists. And only Nazis carried out any atrocities, invasions, and bombing.
Once the Nazi’s were defeated by dark skinned people from India and the Caribbean, then the Nazi’s were defeated.
You must be mixing up the Germans with the evil, white British who are responsible for all the world’s ills.
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
previous posts …
Hi MarkyMark (or anyone who knows) can you give me a clue as to how you created the link?
I have tried to provide a link to a specific comment on another thread on this same website but I am getting strange results (it is not working). Putting the http address in straight (with no code) – just takes me to the thread start point – but not the actual page nor comment.
I then tried
[url=https://www.bbcode.org/]This be bbcode.org![/url]
but that didn’t work
Then I changed the brackets to angled brackets and that didn’t work either (link inactive)
okay I seem to have worked it out with a bit of googling and trial and error using:
[a href = “http address “] link text [/a]
but with brackets replaced with angle brackets
For external links, which keeps them short and hidden ….
<a href=”http://bbc.co.uk”>Add text to describe link here</a>
For images …
For those that wish to know how to link:
I am now in pre mod on Guardian comments for making a harmless comment about Owen Jones, yet most Guardian comments are really abusive towards right wing politicians etc., free speech, I don’t think so, not in the Lefty world?
“Q: I have a complaint about moderation, how do I escalate it?
A: Unfortunately, the huge (and growing) quantity of user content on the Guardian website means that we can’t enter into correspondence regarding specific moderation activity, although all correspondence will be read.”
Moderating a forum is a pretty tricky balance that nobody’s solved. If you have an idea then good luck, you’ll be very wealthy! Guido Fawkes is a good example, a story about eg firemen will have loads of responses urging people to urgently click on a link about a unreported race hate crime or something. Even if you manage/force people to stay on topic, that can be a vague area really. The other day I saw an initially interesting Grenfell Tower debate shift from “the inquest” to more broad questions about social housing, council cuts, “the tories” and eventually of course “Thatcher!” because why not. Yet at no point did anyone veer far from the previous entry.
Personally I quite like the balance/split here, there’s the individual stories where people stay on topic, then there’s these open threads which I sometimes ignore and sometimes read in entirety depending on if I have the time like I’m on a train or something.
“We are very sorry that we dropped your paradigmatic, cogent, persuasive, well-informed, germane, logically irrefutable contribution down the memory hole.
Facts are sacred at The Guardian, so sacred that we just cannot allow our cradle to grave inculcated lefty readers to come into contact, however fleetingly, with the truth.
Our readers much prefer the Marxian version of history. We are aware that one hundred million people were killed to maintain this mendacious version of events, but hey ho as Uncle Joe put it “One death is a tragedy, one hundred million deaths is a statistic, a statistic we Communists revel in and celebrate.”
“While you are here any chance of a donation to ensure the perpetuation of Guardian lies?”
I thought I’d post this horrific report, because the BBC hasn’t bothered to even though they conducted the original interview which led to these two horrors conviction.
That however is not the main point. This is a story of more lying murdering Muslims who didn’t even think it was wrong of them to torture and murder their own daughter for failing to adopt the horrible Pakistani culture in front of their other children.
Even that is not the main point though.
In the midst of everything they had done, and when the finger was pointed at them, as well as blatantly lying, they invoked the usual political correctness laws. Meaningless words such as ‘racism’, Islamophbia, negative stereotyping.
It is proof if any more were needed that these words are regularly being misused – not that they have any real meaning, it suggests that even less reliance should be placed on claims made by certain people, however seeming valid they might be. Not that the BBC would want you to know this of course, and don’t forget that the MEN owned by the Mirror Group is probably even more Left wing than the Guardian is.
So true – it’s long made me wonder about your Muslim radical – how they lie and wriggle and go to enormous lengths to get off the hook. Being ‘holy’ warriors with morality and, of course God, on their side you’d think they would stand up and proudly declaim, “Yes, I did it and this is why I did it.”
It is called TAQIYYA – they have a DUTY to lie to the infidel to protect Muslims and their way of life. Once you know this, you know that nothing they ever say has to be the truth, A Muslim can look you in the eye or straight at the camera and say anything they like because they have been instructed thus.
You are right. I worked in Libya (when Gadaffi was there) and that was one of my biggest learning points. Once you understand the culture you start to alter your behaviour which is shame as there are some good Muslims as there are bad Christians – but the overwhelming culture is one of not being honest with non muslims whenever it suits
I have lived in 3 muslim countries and many muslims are dishonest with other muslims too ! Never trust them.
You’ve missed the point – although your points are indeed valid.
The mere stating of the meaningless bully words was enough to put Lefties off asking any further questions. Now we have even greater levels of oppression from the Fascists with a group at a fancy dress walk being investigated for the pernicious so called ‘hate crime’ because they blacked up for the event as ‘Cool Running’ from the film.
When such tiny infractions are inviting Police attention then what happens when a murdering Paki screams waycism? People as in Rotherham tend to react because of fear, and despite all the promises of the Tories, they have only made matters worse.
So the BBC is now headlining on the BBC homepage and the BBC News Homepage the following story:
‘No concerns’ with mixed faith foster case – concerning what the Times had reported as the fostering of a 5 year old English Christian girl to a Muslim family, that did not speak English, that demanded the girl remove her crucifix necklace and forced her to learn Arabic.
The BBC had earlier been running a propaganda story from a Muslim activist (Esmat Jeraj) about the wonders and benefits of fostering of all children of any faith by Muslim families, avoiding the original story (providing a link to the Times article which was behind a paywall) and inferring the original story was Islamophobic, that Muslim families were underrepresented as fostering parents and that there needed to be MORE of them.
Now the Family Court Judge has removed the girl from the Muslim foster parents and placed the girl with her grandmother. However the BBC are reporting the Judge as saying there was nothing wrong with the Tower Hamlets original decision to place the girl with the non-English speaking Muslim family but that there was a better option available.
Now the family court judge Tower Hamlets chose to deal with the case was a Khatun Sapnara. Khatun Sapnara has her own Wikipedia page. Why?
Well Khatun Sapnara is a Bangladeshi-born British judge. In 2006, she was appointed as a Recorder of the Crown Court, becoming the first person of Bangladeshi origin in a senior judicial position. In 2014, she was appointed as a Circuit Judge to hear cases in the Crown and Family Court. Her father was involved in Bangladesh politics, and she studied political sciences at University later studying law. She is also a practising Muslim. In 2012, she argued against criminalisation of forced marriage and she appeared on BBC Two’s Newsnight to defend her position.
It seems certain that Tower Hamlets would chose Muslim Judge Khatun Sapnara for the case because she would likely be the most sympathetic to the Council. That is how Islam works nowadays. It develops networks of people in power who are Muslims, or Islamists, or otherwise sympathetic to Islam: teachers, school governors, business people, local councillors, lawyers, judges, journalists, politicians. It is not a coincidence that most council schools in Britain now serve halal food, and that Islamophobia as a crime is part of the political agenda.
Can you even begin to imagine what it’s going to be like for Britons in this country at the end of the century, when they are expected to make up only 20% of the population?
Colonization in reverse? But Britain could point to the advantages of a civil society, rule of law and so on whereas even in the 21st Century, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and so on have less than zero to teach us.
Yet we are constantly told of the richness of their cultures and how much we can, and moreover should, take from them.
Pull the other one, it’s got a rapist guru on the end.
For those interested in the earlier development of this story by the BBC (before this court ruling) – I add a link to a previous comment of mine (& StewGreens below it).
Note there appears to be an issue with this website regarding linking to previous comments – in general you will be taken to the comment but then the webpage shifts upwards several comments (so you have to scroll downwards to get to the comment).
Previous comment on the BBC handling of this story
Did the council get to choose the judge? Surely not! 😯
“Theresa May has said she wants to lead the Conservatives into the next general election, telling the BBC she intends to remain in power “for the long term”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41093516
Her track record is not good! Had Corbyn gone for a true Brexit I would have voted for him but he has blown it.
I would certainly vote Tory if Jacob Rees-Mogg was at the helm.
Al Beeb’s amateur propaganda is not working, in fact it is counter productive.
Jacob Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister.
I think Theresa May is a disaster. The handling of the snap election was a disaster – she surrounded herself with her own close people, ignored everyone else, and lost the narrative and message of the election – allowing Corbyn to control the narrative. She just seemed to disappear and go into hiding. Her prostrating herself to Islam (wearing the veil etc) and her claims that Islam is Peace suggests that there is something weak about her. Corbyn only has to make himself look moderately presentable to beat her.
I think Rees-Mogg could win hands down……………………………..
He doesn’t like Al Beeb either…………………………….
I think her record as Home Secretary was worse. Disgraceful and hugely damaging, like Blair.
I don’t know what the precise legal definition of treason is, but what what they (and others) have done certainly seems akin to treason, changing the essential nature of this country.
Treezer is dreadful, she makes Major look good. Ye, the Mogginator for PM !
Lord Wreath
I believe Bliar watered down what was left of our Treason legislation to suit the EU.
It certainly needs rewriting and re-enacting, especially in this time of WAR.
There are plenty of domestic candidates ripe for prosecution.
No matter how evil Bliar is perceived to be, he only took the death penalty off the Treason legislation. I’ve checked. The problem with the Treason legislation (1534) is that it is heavily overlaid by case law and there is no updated, codified legislation to consult so it is a nightmare to determine (apart from the very obvious cases) whether any particular act of an individual or group is treasonable. And that case law goes back to, 1330. Yes, the year, 1330! So how does one set about assessing whether a case in, say, 1400 applies? With extreme difficulty (if you can understand the words used).
An open and shut case. Guilty as charged. Life. Take him down.
G. Yes it’s impossible to unravel for a layman (oops, layperson). We need an updated version (including the death penalty).
“No matter how evil Bliar is perceived to be, he only took the death penalty off the Treason legislation.”
Most of us take that as a sign that he was planning to commit treason, and making the ground safe to do so.
Venezuela: New assembly approves treason trials for opposition {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
Venezuela’s new constituent assembly has unanimously voted to put opposition leaders on trial for treason.
The assembly said it would pursue those it accuses of supporting US economic sanctions against the country.
Washington approved the measures last week in response to what it called the “dictatorship” of President Nicolás Maduro.
Mr Borges reacted by saying that it was time the government stopped looking for others to blame for Venezuela’s economic and political crisis.
“The only one responsible is Maduro and it’s time he takes a look in the mirror and accepts he has ruined Venezuela,” he told reporters.
The BBC’s deliberate failure to report in appropriate detail on events in Venezuela is one of the most shocking episodes in its recent history. This is a country that was recently hailed as an example of socialism at its best by many of the leading figures on the British Left. That is the reason why, as it collapses into the inevitable authoritarian dictatorship that results from socialism, the BBC has remained almost silent.
Shame on you BBC.
BBC World view …
BBC Search ‘socialism’ …
Does socialism have a future?
BBC Search ‘capitalism’ …
1) Best of Today: Executive pay: The ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’?
2) Theresa May attacks ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’
Note: ‘Capitalism on Trial’ is suggested by BBC Search when typing into the search box ‘capitalism’!
People vote for Socialism because they want free things, and want somebody else to pay for it. It is greed and envy (two sides of the same coin – a bottomless sense of entitlement) disguised as a moral crusade.
In a Socialist (centrally directed) society everybody is forced to hand over control of their lives (their very beliefs) to people who think they know better than anybody else how everybody else should live their lives.
Talk to somebody on the Left for more than five minutes and you realise that they have no interest in any reality other than themselves. The very concept of an objective truth offends them. All that matters to them is their feelings. That is what “virtue signalling” amounts to, not giving a shit about anything.
A Leftist politician is somebody who extracts money from everybody else in the form of taxes in order to enrich themselves. Leftism has nothing to do with creating wealth, it never has been, it is about re-distributing wealth created by others to themselves. All Socialism is theft. Without exception.
A BBC panjamdrum is a thick public schoolboy who extorts money via the tax system in return for giving themselves a platform from which to give us lectures about their passion for equality. Their more able siblings go into medicine, law, or business but a BBC executive is utterly talentless. A free society is the enemy. It exposes their abuse of power, their intolerance, their corruption, their sinecures.
If England is about anything it is about a free society. That is why the BBC hate it so much. Everything is better if it is abroad. All Leftists have to contribute is their hatred and profound intolerance. The BBC is a cancer on our national life. That we are forced to pay for it is a national scandal. How much longer?
W You were so nearly there, why stop?
Cancer, yes. How do we treat cancer?
We fill them with poisonous chemicals.
We irradiate them with large doses of sterilizing particles.
We cut large bits off with large knives, in this case blunt, rusty and dirty implements are acceptable.
I am practising already.
The BBC are like leeches who flood the bloodstream of the animal upon which they are feeding with chemicals which make their leeching more effective. In the end these chemicals kill the society which feeds them, but the Left work on the principle in the long run they are dead so why should they care? That is why they are constantly borrowing from future generations. They are narcissists. Nobody who cares about reducing poverty would be a Socialist. If anything they want everybody other than themselves to be poor, because that way they can tell everybody what to do. In a Socialist society some are more equal than others. It is a society in which everybody except themselves become slaves. Ultimately it is anti-human. Hatred of humanity is the default position of all narcissists, because other people frustrate their desire to get their own way.
The new Conservative Party leader (who ever that might be) should make a speech in which they say it would be quite understandable if people who believe the BBC is abusing its power should not pay the License fee. Not a single penny. If everybody who voted Conservative at the last General Election stopped paying that tax, on the grounds that the BBC is a Leftist propaganda outfit, the whole gravy train would grind to an instant halt. All the people who rely on the BBC if they want a job in broadcasting would be suddenly free to express their opinions.
It would be our broadcasting Independence Day. Arguably an event of even greater significance than leaving the EU. People would be given a choice if they want to fund those leeches.
Brilliantly put, Wild.
She is a waster…sat on her arse, looking at shoe brochures while at the Home Office, keeping her head down while a million or more illegal migrants flooded in…whose to question that figure? The bloody HO is clueless anyway, those that get caught get to stay instead of being kicked out at once…..Disaster…her and Merkel are of the same mould…with the BBC backing them all the way.
I’m a JRM fan, but he is far too polite.
Saw this article yesterday
“Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has hit out at Labour’s Brexit U-turn, accusing the party of picking “cappuccino drinkers in metropolitan areas” over its more traditional support base.”
“On a post-Brexit immigration policy Mr. Rees-Mogg said the priority was fairness for every country but he also called on the government to tackle illegal immigration. “The Home Office mustn’t try to use Brexit as a way of covering up the long-standing challenges it has faced with immigration rules. “They need to ensure that people who are here illegally are removed and Brexit shouldn’t change that.”
Yes, I think that was “a pre-emptive strike”. A pre-agreed question from a friendly ‘journalist’ to open the door for a planned blustery statement. But she is obviously hearing the voices and feeling the need to tackle it.
It reminded me of every single contestant ever on Pop Idol / XFactor / Strictly, just moments before the votes are in and they are fired, to never be seen again : “I want this more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.” “We have worked so hard to get here.” “I can’t come this far and just leave.” “I want to make it to the finals”. Then they get fired.
Tory MPs sceptical about PM’s ambitions
“Some Conservative MPs (BBC don’t give names or numbers) say they do not believe the prime minister’s claim she could fight the next general election.
No 10 dismissed the reports as “peak silly season”. {bbc.co.uk aug2017
On the second day of her trip to Japan, Mrs May will hold official talks with her counterpart Shinzo Abe and emphasise the growing security links between the two countries.”
– Of course the alternative heading is ‘Tory MPs ecstatic about the PM’s ambitions’, guess it’s just who you ask. A better title would be like ’20 out of 30 Tory MPs sceptical(made up title)’
Is this speech comparable with EU demands as part of the EU Referendum exit? … “He is really the first tax martyr. (878 AD) He was called upon to pay the Danegeld, and he took £48,000 to the Danes, then at Greenwich, and handed it over. They said, “Mr Alphege, we would like some more, and if you don’t give us more, we are going to hold on to you as a hostage.” And Alphege replied: “I will not give you more; I will not put higher taxes on my people; I will not have them suffer this imposition.” So they threw ox bones at Alphege until he died. I hope that people will not find it necessary to throw ox bones at me, but as another representative from North East Somerset, I will stand constantly for low taxation.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg /North East Somerset / Con {youtube}
{Full text to speech – Parliament home page – Jacob Rees-Mogg – jun 2010}
Unfortunately, Tories “stand constantly for low taxation” only as far as the high paid and wealthy are concerned.
Their tax cutting record over 47 years is woeful. Labour are not much better. Gordon Brown did at least introduce a 10% Low Rate for pensioners and those on the lowest incomes but only after keeping top Income Tax rates far lower than they should have been and also overseeing a near enough doubling of (a very regressive) Council Tax, all since 1997. Brown also doubled that Low Rate back up in the 2007 Budget (effective April 2008) creating another factor causing the Bank crash that spring. Talk about keeping a constant watch and on top of things and being ‘in touch’.
I think JRM can be very arrogant at times but I would feel much happier with him as PM after October 2017.
I think the Mogginator’s “arrogance ” comes from his knowledge that he is superior to the other politicians and journalists. Personally, I thing he is quite modest. Wish he was PM but he never will be . The dim Establishment will prevent that.
Grant, I was thinking of his expressed view that he should vote in the House ‘for what he thinks best’ for his constituents. He hasn’t quite got the full hang of this representational politics thing yet. Mind you he is not alone in the present House nor any of the others for the past century.
Democracy is reaching maturity very slowly in the UK. I hope it gets a chance to see it through to completion but fear it may not.
At least he is not as bad as Alan Clark who, I gather from his autobiography, was disgusted by, and had only contempt for, his constituents.
Predictably the BBC are promoting Islam yet again to our kids.
On their CBBC News channel they have added a guide to the Islamic Hajj. It seems the ONLY religion the BBC actively promotes to our kids is Islam by the issuing of “guides”. The last story they had explaining a religious event was Ramadan (back in June). They still have the Ramadan quiz on their cbeebies channel (under puzzles and quizzes).
The BBC is happy to inject any poison it can into the collective bloodstream of Britain.
Every year, millions of Muslims travel from around the world to Saudi Arabia to complete the Hajj pilgrimage in the holy city of Mecca. The journey is seen as one of the five pillars of Islam, central to the faith. Pilgrims spend five days praying – both in Mecca and the surrounding desert. It is a spiritual pilgrimage that every adult Muslim must perform at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able. In order to be closer to God, they wear simple clothes, aren’t allowed to argue and perform rituals such as throwing stones at pillars to symbolise rejecting evil. {bbc.co.uk for kids aug2017}
… in the real world news regarding Hajj…. {wiki}
December 1979: The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.
July 2, 1990: A stampede 1426 deaths
May 23, 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the stoning of the Devil ritual.
April 9, 1998: at least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured
March 5, 2001: 35 pilgrims were trampled to death in a stampede during the stoning of the Devil ritual
February 11, 2003: The stoning of the Devil ritual claimed 14 pilgrims’ lives
February 1, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina.
January 22, 2005: A stampede through the stoning ritual in Mina led to the killing of 3 pilgrims
January 12, 2006: A stampede during the stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more.
September, 2015: Hajj pilgrimage to go ahead despite tragic crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque – killed at least 107 people and injured 238
September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede.
… BBC forget to mention that non-Muslims are not allowed near Mecca during or after the event. Religion of tolerance and peace … 2,236 people crushed to death whilst praying to an all powerful God.
If Allah exists, it’s almost as if he is telling them something.
Sticks and stones might break by bones, but stampedes at Mecca will kill me? (2,236 in 2017)
I saw a brilliant production of Hamlet on which the prince was played by a black man. Never mind his superb performance and that he spoke some of the greatest lines ever written, above all I was deeply offended because he should have been white. I can’t enjoy any work of art without refracting it through the lens of race. And obviously I could not empathise with him at all as he had a different skin colour to me; they must have more ‘voices’ from my ethnic group. I even whinged about it on social media and bullied a few people into agreeing with me. God I hate this black washing.
I wonder if the Beeb will make a news story out of this?
New feature on Beeb website copied from New York Times called ‘Here’s what you need to know this morning.’
Second on the list is Kezia Dugdale saying she came out as gay against her will. I do not need to know the sexual preferences of a politician. It is of no importance whatsoever. Why don’t the Beeb just buy out Heat magazine and have that as their news outlet instead?
I’m totally out of step with (what appears to be) the widespread view that colour blind casting is the only permissible approach. IMO, in any production which makes any attempt at realism, I cannot understand how one can argue that the appearance of the leading performers doesn’t matter. A play or a film is visual. If a company wants to stage Henry V in a multi-storey car park, with jeans, motor bikes and baseball bats, fine, I probably wouldn’t go anyway, but horses, armour, longbows and swords with a black Henry V is no more appropriate than a white Zulu chief or, for that matter, a 30 stone tightrope walker. The difference, of course, is that a production company would never cast a white Zulu chief or a 30 stone tighrope walker.
I think colour blind casting is a practice that has been cobbled together solely to appease black people. As usual with race issues, it’s a one way street. You want more roles? So write them.
Exactly. And it doesn’t fit the story – a black Hamlet probably would not even recognise his own father, let alone wreak vengeance for him.
“Colour blind casting” is not a benevolent phenomenon.
It is a specific attack on White culture.
My test for the absurdity of all race politics is to reverse the roles.
In this case…imagine the uproar if a white actor was cast to play Nelson Mandela or a white actress to play Mary Seacole.
A Danish prince played by an actor of African heritage – surely this would have the social justice warriors and the BBC in a rage? At least that is what happens when a white actor is playing a fictional character from an “ethnic” background. It doesn’t happen when you have an “ethnic” playing a fictional character from a white European background – then it is called equal rights and artistic licence to reinterpret a role.
Why can’t black actors ‘white up’ for playing roles associated with white people?
The problem with ‘colour blind casting’ is that theatrical types want it both ways. On the one hand they want us to ignore someone’s colour, eg if it is a black person playing a white person such as Hamlet, but on the other they are constantly having non-colour blind castings where a black person is cast in a role specifically to make a point and be noticed. An example was the BBC play about the first black officer in HM forces. In such a play ‘colour blind casting’ would simply never happen – you would not have a white man playing a black man!
You can either have a totally colour blind society (which was the original goal of racial equality until the mid 1960s) where coldur is never made an issue, or you can have a society of constant grievance mongering and point-scoring over colour, ie with the constant referral to Obama as ‘black’ when he was in fact half black and half white. You can’t have both. What has happened is that racial issues are no longer about race, they are forms of marxist identity politics; of setting up rival groups against each other in a relentless power struggle.
BBC Pigeon Post is proving a winner…
I could see a meme developing.
In the Times this morning there is an piece by Jenni Russel about why President Trump’s supporters are so loyal to him despite the non stop attacks on him by the liberal MSM. She exhibits exactly the same snobbery as the BBC does when she says that those who support him are from an under class that craves social recognition which he gives them. Just like the BBC she believes that genuine social status can only be accorded to those on the liberal left and that everyone else is either a facist or a stupid uneducated prole. This quite extraordinary display of arrogance by Jenni Russel is typical of how the BBC and the rest of the MSM treat both the election of the President and the Brexit referendum, a sort of rebellion of the great unwashed . Which in a sense it is , it is a rebellion of those who are sick to death of the sense of entitlement of the liberal left establishment, their arrogance and open contempt for other views, their rejection of democracy when things don’t go their way. We all know that the MSM hostility towards the President and towards Brexit is the reaction of an elite to seeing their power base threatened . I hope that each attack that they make strengthens the hostility felt by ordinary people towards them .
Yes, the snobbery of the Left is hilarious. But they are too dim to see the irony !
Whatever happens with Trump and Brexit, his attacks on the media will transcend these moments. He exposed how ruthless, sneering and institutionally dishonest the MSM is. Much of it will go the way of the Guardian if they do not change their ways. We have so many other avenues of entertainement and information, why should we choose to watch people who deceive compulsively and hold us in such contempt?
Sadly, most politicians don’t have the balls to say the things Trump is saying. The MSM hate him because he is exposing them for the big fraud that they are.
They are having a collective tantrum. They had/have such a cushy job: high pay; high status; travel the world; get all their family in on it; no accountability. Why bother with minor details like telling the truth when you have such a privileged position? If anyone dared challenge their narrative, they would be bullied into a humiliating apology; it is how they have operated for decades. Someone is finally standing up to their tyranny and they can’t stand it.
In the case of The Guardian people already don’t buy it.
The Guardian is the least read of all the national newspapers, apart from at the BBC where it is by far the most read.
Thus its owners have to pour in £1 million a month to keep it going, and have now set up a charity to help fund the ludicrous rag.
I wouldnt even use the Guardian as toilet paper.
Mainly becuase it is already too wet for such a use.
Here is a really good article – it is about CNN but it applies exactly. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/08/30/cnn-reporter-exits-bubble-discovers-just-how-much-texas-hates-cnn/
I have paraphrased the last paragraph for local conditions :
Brits didn’t start to hate BBC.
Brits are hating BBC back.
There’s a difference.
You started it.
You built that.
That’s exactly right.
The BBC despises the working class, the poor, white males, anyone who votes in a manner that they have discouraged, etc.
So we just hate back, they did start it.
I used to be a staunch supporter of the BBC. I remember,as a child, reading in Readers Digest how people all over the world, when there was chaos in their own country, turned to the BBC for the truth. Sadly that is no longer the case, even in our own country. Because the BBC’s bias twists the truth to a point where it has become lies, I no longer have respect for the BBC and not do I think it deserves the taxation that the license fee is.
Readers Digest! Happy memories, back in the days when children tried to be like adults instead of adults trying to be like children!
JimS, Readers Digest, whatever happened to them?
I think the Internet probably did for them. Shame.
BBC, be aware. The Internet may do for you, too. Reform now before it is too late.
I don’t see the point of Twitter at all. It the main it appears just to be an extension of Facebook ‘likes’ or ‘dislikes’, i.e. fifth, six. generation ‘information’ or dross.
I especially don’t see the point of its use by so-called journalists. They might have ‘breaking news’, (highly unlikely), but there is a reason why newspapers don’t publish ‘raw’ stories and why there are editors in the process.
I wasted a few minutes of my life looking at what Hugh Sykes had been puting out, (hoping to see him standing up for Mrs. May!), and half of his output would appear to be glorified ‘likes’ of anti-Brexit stories. So what do we learn from that? Hugh Sykes is anti-Brexit and therefore can never be an ‘impartial’ reporter as we know he holds a strong position on the subject. If I was running the BBC I would put an absolute ban on staff and presenters using Twitter, but then they know that there is no-one to hold them to any sort of account.
What I don’t understand is where do they all find the time ?
If Gary Lineker is paid a wage by the BBC £1.75million,payers pay under threat of prison, to talk to the nation and represent the BBC brand (has BBC Sport in twitter title), but then states ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘.
Does Gary Lineker’s twitter break his BBC contract or at least contradict the BBC guidelines?
A future BBC Panorama Story?
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} (old story on bbc guidelines)
“BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) …
In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with:
news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …”
Then Gary Lineker continues with ‘Mustn’t groan about Brexit with democracy and all that. Most don’t want to hear it anyway, but this is spot on { @GaryLineker 02jul2017}‘
It would seem that Gary ‘£1.75m + Crisps + BT Sport’ Lineker might be guiding his twitter followers in a certain direction, and not telling them these are his own views ….
Gary Lineker’s twitter profile details ….
“Once kicked a ball about. Now talk about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds. BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers, @goalhangerfilms …Instagram garylineker”
Tweets 23.9K; Following 885; Followers 6.48M (6.5 million believer in Gary Lineker’s BBC approved thoughts?); Likes 464
‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘
What makes some thick ex-footballer like Lineker think that anyone is interested in his political opinions ? Does he believe that Brexiteers are going to change their minds just because of him ? Moron. I think it is hard to see a single positive in Gary Lineker.
Or many other people on our screens.
I think the rot set in decades ago when someone decided that putting records on a turntable was a profession.
People are too busy to find out things or read articles … so when a footballer has been reporting football facts and opinion for years on end, then you might just trust their opinion without question (Lineker 6.5m twitter followers) and J.K. Rowling (12.2M young twitter followers).
You might believe in the oracle at Delphi rather than Socrates …
According to Plato’s Apology, Socrates’ life as the “gadfly” of Athens began when his friend Chaerephon asked the oracle at Delphi if anyone were wiser than Socrates; the Oracle responded that no-one was wiser. Socrates believed the Oracle’s response was not correct, because he believed he possessed no wisdom whatsoever.{wiki}
… went to see how many followers J.K. Rowling has and found her retweeting to a Brexit related article …
“The hard truth is that the voters (EU Referendum) had no firm idea of what they were doing – Retweeted by J.K. Rowling who has 12.2M followers, possibly young followers {twitter 31Aug17}”
Message to J.K.Rowling. We had a very firm idea of what we were doing thank you very much. Patronising woman.
Stupid, arrogant woman. A sort of female Gary Lineker.
Good to see @btsport can’t spell the name of their own presenter. The good news is, you can see @GaryLineker on @BBCMOTD later! – Aug 26
Lineker’s twitter response
BT Sport spell presenters name Gary ‘£1.75m from prison enforced wages + Labour Supporter + BT Sport + Crisps‘ Lineker incorrectly as ‘Linekar’, they also spell Rooney as ‘Roooney’ when showing top goal scorers.
Maybe the Pigeon English employee got into dem wrong studio
dem great Bibbycee, im all buggerup!
Maybe, in a effort to secure the safety of staff leaving BBC premises on odd hours during a 24 hr day and not wishing for them to experience the crime related to immigrants in Londonistan and elsewhere, the taxi home is safest. After all, we wouldn’t want BBC staff to mix with the plebs and criminals that we support would we?
Before I knock off , our Boys are in trouble …………………..
“Aberaeron carnival: Police probe as float ‘considered racist’..”
And our police are ‘stretched’ ?
In Gambia it is traditional at carnivals and other events for some performers to paint their faces white. No-one gives a monkey’s. Oops, I just used a racist word.
“Grenfell Tower survivors outraged after mural for fire victims ‘painted over’ ”
A graffiti artist named Miguel de Amorim-Gil, street name of Flexwon, had drawn a huge mural spelling the word “justice” on the side of a building and it’s been painted over.
When interviewed he said “someone came sneakily in the early hours of the morning after the Notting Hill carnival. They left all the other graffiti in the area and they made a point to take this one down.”……”a lot of people are very angry about it”.
Turns out the graffiti was on the side of a privately owned building and it was the owners that removed it.
Anyway, here’s a radical and edgy suggestion for the police – when someone vandalises a building and they tell you they’ve done it, you go round to their house, arrest them and ensure they’re prosecuted. That way it tends to deter others from doing the same.
Question for today: If Theresa May has aspirations to lead the country and her party for several years to come, why does she affect the style, appearance and enthusiasm of one recently deceased?
I recall the her spat with the Police Federation – she seemed quite impressive. Since then she seems to have suffered serious mental decline. As PM she comes over like the kind of teacher that kids would run rings around.
Gaxvil, the last (and only) time I can recall being impressed by Mrs May was when she immediately told some lefty in Parliament that she would employ Britain’s nuclear weapons if required. This was during the time when Corbyn was dithering with his ‘we should have nuclear weapons but not use them’ schtick.
Treezer has some powerful supporters. They own large chunks of London and have bought our universities and the souls of the academics within them. And the BBC and cops are there to enforce this
– There are huge amounts of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996) {christopherdavidson.net}
– Five Whitehall (UK Government) buildings held by wealthy businessmen (Arab) now operating under Sharia rules (including a ban on alcohol) {independent}
– Cameron admits Saudi Arabia funds extremist schools – so why are they still our allies? {express jan2016}
– what about welfare payments to terrorists – are these the small, anonymous British-based donations? Can I stop paying NI as not to pay for terrorists like Khalid Masood and Anjem Choudary {biasedbbc}
I see 9 men and a sack of potatoes. So much for equality of the sexes.
G.W.F., I was scrolling down fast and saw this flash of white and thought ‘oh no, not another KKK meet photo and someone having a go at Trump – yet again.’ .
LOL !!!!
Grant, equal LOL! [Word to the wise – apparently, we have to cut down on the !marks. 😉 ]
I cannot believe that the PM – with TWO personal advisors plus someone no-doubt in addition to do hair & make-up – could dress so poorly to ‘appear in public’. Now that Timothy & Hill have gone, perhaps Theresa May could spare some time for a quick internet chat, every now & then, with Alexandra Schulman or someone similar.
Yes , apparently billionnaire, US President Trump is insecure because he uses exclamation marks. God knows what that makes me. I wouldn’t mind some of his financial insecurity. As for Treezer, well she ain’t no Maggie in any sense, including dress.
Didn’t have my reading glasses on, and thought – a curtain call. Must be a new West End musical. Is Cameron Mackintosh putting on The Thief of Baghdad or Kismet or Aladdin or something? Do they do a sand dance? Is there a flying carpet – kids would love that at Christmas. And where’s the band?
Then I put on my glasses and saw May in her M&S raincoat. She wasn’t with Wilson and Keppel after all. Perhaps she needs the large pockets for her brown paper packages tied up with string. Off to Barclays I suppose.
I’d have preferred the musical. Third from the right would look better brandishing a gleaming scimitar though. Cast not very diverse either. And where are the seductive lady dancers with skimpy clothing and sparkly veils?
Never mind, there’s always Les Mis with Jeremy Corbyn.
Would a UK Prime Minister act on their own words from only two years ago?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest (UK), for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference / 06.10.2015
“Enough is Enough” – what is enough and if it happens again will it be “More than Enough”?
Has there been enough freedom of expression on the internet?
Has there been enough immigration?
Over the years I’ve often witnessed situations where people, who supposedly have some power over us, bosses, politicians, the bbc etc., think themselves so ‘clever’.
They miss the fact that people talk and share information. So often they lack the perception or imagination of those they think they’re bamboozling. Regarding the bbc, they are unable to conceive of anyone more ‘clever’ than themselves.
They just ‘know’ we are thick and that children are especially ‘stupid’. They are seriously in error.
“Ahhh!! What’s that grinding noise?!! ……..Oh right!……Its the from the teeth of those insufferable, hate filled b#stards at the Islamic Al ShabeeBBC!
Oh the pain and disappointment in every word written is a joy to see! Wooohooo! 🙂
By far the best part of the article is this.. (crowbarred into all the hatred, and bigotry that infests every Islamic-so-called-BBC-State article)
“US President Donald Trump has said he wants to see the US economy increase by 3% for 2017” – take that you death cult loving, white hating leftards!
Looking forward to the BBC refuting this, and whether the brave and fearless Andrew Neil would tackle Tommy over it.
God bless Tommy ! There is a man with balls !
Wasil’s lawyer fought hard to keep jurors from hearing about the “Allahu Akbar” part of the attack because it would play on stereotypes. He brought in a professor to testify that, “Allahu Akbar” is used to “express praise or appreciation.” But the judge made his decision and jurors will hear the grim sound of Allahu Akbar in the courtroom just as Wasil’s victims did.
The defense in this case, as in almost every other Muslim terror case, is mental illness. Wasil had been “hearing voices”. Since a homicidal maniac hearing voices is how Islam was founded, that’s not much of a defense against accusations of Islamic terrorism. If antipsychotics had existed in the 7th century, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the everyday horrors that tourists have encountered this August (2017) would not exist. {frontpagemag aug2017}
Just this weekend, a Muslim from Luton drove up to Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty’s unwilling subject might have been looking for the Queen, but she was over at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. When the police came to have a word with him, he reached for a 4 foot sword and shouted, “Allahu Akbar”. The Bobbies, traditionally unarmed, maced him. He managed to cut up their hands before being arrested.
Earlier, a Somali in Brussels had expressed some praise and appreciation by stabbing Belgian soldiers while shouting, “Allahu Akbar”. They belatedly shot him dead. A Koran was found in his possession
They (BBC – but other media also) always explain that ‘Allahu Akbar” means ‘God is Great’ so as to imply no difference with Christianity – we all worship the same God etc.
I understand that this phrase that accompanies the hacking and slashing actually means something more like ‘Our God is greater than your God’. I think they know this but choose the flabby way.
BBC Search for ‘Allahu Akbar’ reveals … is God so great from BBC point of view?
Buckingham Palace suspect was brandishing 4ft sword, police say
Buckingham Palace arrest: Suspect carried sword in car
Michigan airport knife attacker shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, says FBI
Second arrest over Buckingham Palace ‘terror incident’
Brussels attack: Man shot after stabbing soldier
Newspaper headlines: Barcelona shooting, and Bake Off returns
Frenchman stabbed by couple shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’
Eiffel Tower knifeman held by police amid terror fears
Barcelona attack: Van driver shot dead by police
Paris attack: ‘Algerian-born’ suspect in Lille hospital
Eyewitness describes explosion at Brussels train station
Paris attack: Man held after car rams into soldiers
White House defends its silence on mosque bomb
The JVS Show: Term-time holidays, “Allahu Akbar” row plus the consumer hour.
‘Allahu Akbar’ attacker shot by French police
Suspected suicide bomber shot at Brussels railway station
Brussels bomb suspect was Moroccan and ‘known to police’
Louvre attack: French soldier shoots machete-wielding man
London Bridge attack officer fought ‘to keep people alive’
Men jailed for Rotherham child sexual abuse
… in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were…
… there are plenty more, but I stopped at 20 results when searching on BBC for ‘Allahu Akbar’ ..
When this was first reported on the BBC the newscaster simply said the attacker shouted “God is Great”….which I am pretty sure he didn’t. They just didn’t want to say Allahu Akbar . Cowardly and biased reporting
Beeb website: “Hollywood star slams racist Hollywood.”
A character’s name was changed from something oriental.
More talk of race. Plus a politician talking about being gay! Clearly an excellent day the office for Beeb staff.
Why is this even a story? Just accept that all whites are racist. All white men are misogynist, homophobic, trans phobic, rapists and all none Muslims are Islamophobic. Live with it and shut the f**k up and give us stories of rescued kittens instead.
Although, I must admit I do struggle with some catophobic sentiments.
Stay calm, take it easy. I have hot news from Scotland . Anas ( check spelling ) Sarwar MSP is having some local difficulties in standing for the Labour leadership. He ticks some boxes, Pakistani origin, muslim, but … wait. He is from a very wealthy family and went to Hutchesons School, private, fee-paying and sends his son there. No-one can ever accuse socialists of being unprincipled hypocrites.
BBC funding: only half of young people know about licence fee {guardian apr2016}
“More than a third of adults are unaware of who funds the corporation’s website, according to a report by Ofcom”
Only half of 16 to 24-year-olds know that the BBC is funded by the licence fee, while over a third of adults are unaware how the corporation’s website is funded.
A new Ofcom report, adults’ media use and attitudes, found that just 52% of 16 to 24-year-olds knew that the BBC TV programmes are funded from the £145.50 annual TV licence fee charged to all UK households that watch live TV.
The media regulator’s annual report also found that 37% of adults did not know that the BBC’s website is also funded by the licence fee.
This is an improvement on the 44% who were not aware how the BBC website was funded in the 2014 Ofcom report.
… actual report …
Similarly, just over half of people (54%) are aware that the licence fee is the main source of funding for the i-Player service. Awareness is lower among 16-24s (42%) and over-75s (36%). Those aged 45-54 (61%) and 55-64 (63%) are more likely to give the correct response. {ofcom.org pdf *LARGE DOWNLOAD*}
Of course, the BBC do not want to publicise this. The only reference they make is that, if you don’t pay the TV tax, you will be beheaded. The BBC is evil.
Very telling of the BBC. Search for ‘ofcom media use and attitudes’ and you cannot find the report, all you get back is Tablets ‘replacing TVs in children’s bedrooms’.
So the BBC is to be held accountable by Ofcom, but the BBC don’t report on the Ofcom’s findings? {Ofcom – jun2017 – Adults’ media use and attitudes – BBC mentioned 57 times in the Ofcom report, but BBC don’t report on it!}
BBC World sends news manipulators to advise Chinese government how to better control it’s media output and promote it’s agenda. Or is it the other way round?
I think I’ve found something worse than the beebistan. It’s called Krishnan Guru-Murthy on something called Channel 4 ‘News’. His entire interview with Gorka was designed not to elucidate or produce answers, but to provoke, grandstand and virtue signal to his pals in the studio.
Still worth it if only for 2 quotes by Gorka: ‘It’s the left that have normalised violence’ and ‘You’re Spinning Left-Wing Wet Dreams’. Delicious.
Murthy has a metal statuette of Trump waving, inextricably lodged in his ass – solved!
I saw it, and Seb was his usual combative self, refusing to take any shit from the gurning little leftist. However, the fact is that Seb and Steve Bannon are out of the White House. The rot set in almost immediately when Flynn was forced out over his non-existent ties with Russia. The Deep State is busy establishing control over Trump, and without any help from RINOs in Congress, there is very little he can do about it.
Murthy is a token, and when tokens are employed as tokens they quickly reveal their limitations.
Perhaps his role could be limited to covering ethnic weddings.
Too true -http://www.newobserveronline.com/2017/08/ann-coulter-behind-medias-right-wing.html
Captain Gorka rips the Guru a new one in that interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLZfkM8Da8M
It’s like watching a pub drunk sparring with a martial arts expert.
I just watched it too. Krish’s voice goes up octaves as he loses. Smug, ignorant, petulent, arrogant, childish. My 10-year old daughter is more mature than that little boy. Gorka puts him back in his pram.
“…but if you don’t understand that assassinating or attempting to assassinate Republican Congressmen is actually wrong, then Channel 4 shouldn’t be in the news business”
– Sebastian Gorka
“Are well, we’ll take your advice under consideration. Sebastian Gorka thank you very much indeed.”
– Krishnan Guru-Murthy {youtube @8:50}
Yet more, “Enough is enough”. I doubt whether the Caliph of Londonistan will agree with him – http://www.newobserveronline.com/2017/08/notting-hill-europes-largest-nonwhite.html
Easy, reduce the Notting Hill Carnival to a manageable size … don’t ban it. Everyone is happy.
Notting Hill: Europe’s Largest Nonwhite Festival Ends With 313 Arrests, 31 Police Injured, Acid Attacks {newobserveronline.com aug2017}
“Enough is enough,” he (Metropolitan Police Federation Chairman Ken Marsh) concluded. “Police officers are on the frontline facing this level of violence at the Notting Hill Carnival year on year. Politicians and commanding officers are quick with their platitudes and praise for our members but what we want to see are tangible measures to reduce the number of officers under attack.”
A simple solution would be to gradually reduce the size of the carnival route over, say, three years, then relocate it to a public park, most likely Wormwood Scrubs, where proper crowd control measures can be taken, and admission can be charged which is sufficient to cover the costs of policing the event. Reduced tickets, applied for in advance, could be offered to those who can prove official residence in Notting Hill. Gangs of troublemakers who come in from places like Harlesden can be vetted at the gate. Events like the Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph, which draws huge crowds, already have airport security in place so it is perfectly possible. My guess is that any proposals like this are dismissed as racist and so never happen.
“then relocate it to a public park, most likely Wormwood Scrubs”
I was thinking more along the lines of Gruinard Island.
The Notting Hill Carnival no longer makes any sense, and has not done so for a long time.
When it started, Notting Hill was a run down area, where Peter Rachman bought up crumbling property and housed black immigrants in poor conditions for extortionate rents.
Now, Notting Hill is gentrified, and I don’t dare to even think what the houses are worth. If a West Indian carnival is to happen, it should be in a safe place which can be properly policed. However, the chance of a weasel-like politician such as Sadiq Khan actually doing something like this are zero.
I wonder if they will have a ‘Cool Runnings’ float.
How the bBC promotes the image that Muslims can only be victims:
Catholic Bishop protecting Muslim refugees in CAR
A Catholic bishop in the Central African Republic (CAR) has given refuge to 2,000 Muslim refugees who are living in fear of attacks from a mainly Christian militia. Juan José Aguirre Munoz says that the refugees cannot leave the seminary’s compound in the south-eastern city of Bangassou. He told the BBC that the refugees “risk death” from anti-Balaka militias. The UN’s humanitarian chief warned last week of possible genocide.
A few facts which the bBC doesn’t make clear. Central African Republic (CAR) is predominately Christian, 80%, Muslims make up 15%. In November 2012 Muslim rebels took control of the country by force. They started killing Christians and there was a genocide, so much the UN sent in troops to protect those christians, in response the Christians (Like the Muslim freedom fighters loved by the bBC) have fought back against their Islamic oppressors and the bBC doesn’t like it.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islam
Quite right. But the BBC will never let facts and history interfere with their pro-muslim propaganda .
BBC not interested in Hillary Clinton? BBC Search for ‘clinton book tour’ – no book tour results? Why not when the BCC report on Russell Brand and pay for him to appear on shows?
Hillary – the live show: Clinton to tell audiences her ‘personal, raw, detailed and surprisingly funny story’ in unprecedented nationwide tour with tickets selling for up to $1,200 {dailymail aug2017}
There are cheaper seats in the states with tickets costing between $50 and $350 to see Clinton in Broward, Florida – another state that she lost to now-President Trump.
A man has been charged after an incident near Buckingham Palace where three police officers were injured.
Mohiussunnath Choudhury, 26, of Luton, was charged under the Terrorism Act 2006 for “engaging in conduct in preparation for giving effect to his intention to commit an act or acts of terrorism.”
Luton eh? Sounds like Tommy Robinson was right.
Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK (in 2013 only 4 years ago), to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.
Non-Muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013] {youtube @3:18}
BBC afraid of words and uses incident rather than terrorist, even though man declared terrorist.
Man charged over Buckingham Palace incident {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
‘A man has been charged after an incident near Buckingham Palace where three police officers were injured.
Mohiussunath Chowdhury, 26, of Luton, was charged under the Terrorism Act 2006 for “engaging in conduct in preparation for giving effect to his intention to commit an act or acts of terrorism”.
It is alleged he drove at police and reached for a 4ft sword last Friday.’
… or the BBC could try ‘Man charged *as terrorist* over Buckingham Palace incident‘.
“…getting all the migrants and get all the refugees here won’t solve the problem … if you say that, you see the comments on facebook, you’re a racist. Whilst what you are only saying is give them support in their own countries.”
“GSTV. Douglas Murray over de zelfmoord van Europa”
MarkyMark, thanks for the clip. Good to see that Mr Murray is appreciated in other countries as well. I find him very interesting to listen to as he is an excellent arguer with a clear and incisive intellect able to run rings round the average bien-pensant media luvvy like Yasmin Aliby-Brown. He has many videos on Youtube which are well worth watching.
It’s 2017 – Islam and Gay Zebra Crossings discussed in the same conversation with serious faces … “Rainbow zebra crossings. How does this help? … Does they (Rainbow Zebra Crossing) make you gay? … This is rather charming thing about this country in your suicide, but it’s wonderfully Dutch. ” {youtube @22:04}
Apparently today is the actual 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. I clearly haven’t been paying attention. I was under the impression that she died and was resurrected about 14 times, over a 2 week period.
Thin looking shrine outside Kensington Palace. Perhaps there’s a bigger one outside Asprey’s in Bond Street.
Let her rest in peace, for God’s sake.
Diana and her two sons were / are the generation of doers as opposed to the takers of the previous generations of royals. God rest her soul and God bless Harry and William. Some of those fools who used to parade uniforms and medals at every opportunity, and who wouldn’t know one end of a gun from the other were a disgrace. Diana, with all her faults, and her offspring, have saved the royal family from extinction. They are a long-overdue wakeup call for the Windsors.
I feel more inclined to believe the “devious, manipulative, troublemaker” description by Private Eye.
Seems to me she only became a “doer” (charity work, as opposed to intensive shopping) when she discovered what an effective weapon it could be. I believe there are far too many reports of her dishonesty to be ignored.
You’re entitled to your opinion, obviously, but I think this makes infinitely more sense:
Rod Liddle The royals are done for — and it’s all thanks to Diana
I’m no monarchist but quite how someone can describe HM the Queen as anything but a ‘doer’ baffles me.
She may have been politically inactive (and there are good reasons why) but she has spent her entire life doing what she has seen as her duty.
I didnt dislike Diana, but she wasnt going to be another Fergie, she used her fame more wisely, the emoting Princess, pain in the arris, the ex-wife of ”proper” plumb, you think she married him because she loved him ?…….. she got what she wanted, princes, her princes, and the fame that went with it,….killed her in the end.
In Peter Hitchens “THe Abolition of Britain”, he brilliantly notes and dates our decline from a country with some backbone -and into a jelly roll wobble of emotings and fatuousness that we now are. He compares the Churchill funeral of 65 to the incontinent gloopfest of Sept 6th 1997.
Diana was a bully at school, a vanity project for all of her pointless life-and died pretty much as a vainglorious trophy mother would do, had she been a bimbo Shirley Valentine.
Other people died that year too. Most far more valuable to their families than Di was. But she suits a narrative, so we have to put up with this mawkish tripe.
You can draw a straight line between the Queen Of Heaven horseshit of 97 with The white suited piano man who maudles by the tea lights in Barcelona with his godforsaken version of Imagine.
Her boys lost a mum and that`s sad-but this sanctification of a vacant bully gets my goat.
Did you not like her, then?
“Some of those fools who used to parade uniforms and medals at every opportunity, and who wouldn’t know one end of a gun from the other were a disgrace.”
And some like to parade the latest fashion in bomb suits:
If you’re going to draw attention to fakery, at least be consistent.
I’m sure the summer wear was from the Harvey Nichols “Kevlar” range, Clare.
“Princess Diane was a voluntary member of that Dynasty. She didn’t have to be in it, she joined it. She didn’t behave very well in it – she was a spoilt kid, she didn’t realise there was more to it than being the fair tale princess. She rebelled against the idea that you have to sacrifice anything for duty or tradition. An idea her over gloomy husband overdid … ”
The Truth About Princess Diana by Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens – Diana The Mourning After [1998] – “Why did so many people, from day one, decide to deliver their posies, bouquets and teddy bears to the wrong address, to Buckingham Palace? It seems to have taken, the grieve stricken a little time to accept that their heroine was no longer a member of the Royal Family. Wasn’t even an HRH.”
Why did so many people dump their flowers and candles outside Prince Charles’ house at Highgrove?
Thought that we had laws against fly tipping!
I think Princess Diana married Prince Charles in the naive belief that he would stop shagging a lady he first met in the 1970s, and to whom he is now married.
I think Princess Diana married Prince Charles in the naive belief that he would stop shagging a lady he first met in the 1970s, and to whom he is now married.
LOL ! ” Here you go mate ” !
On a different subject, it seems the EU might just be beginning to realise who is in the driving seat and who is in the passenger seat on brexit.
The liberal media and the doom-mongers might do well to take notice too.
“Man arrested over palace incident.”
Mohiusannath Chowdhury. Beautiful British name.
After it took the British police almost a week to inform the great unwashed over a terrorist incident outside Buckingham place. I wonder how long the bBC will take to report this knife attack on a Policeman in Sweden:
Sweden: Policeman stabbed in neck in broad-daylight
Nigel Lawson has it right: simply walk away from the EU – do nothing, say nothing and pay nothing –
Yes, put them on the spot. They have more to lose than we do.
“Yes, put them on the spot. They have more to lose than we do.”
Grant (who lives in Gambia) agrees with Lawson (who lives in France) that “they” have more to lose than “we” do…
So Maxincony why do you post here?
Why do you and your advisors expend so much time and effort?
What motivates you? What are you trying to justify? What are you defending?
You are either an Al Beeb employee or a troll.
Many, many questions but do you have any answers?
IMHO you are a TROLL.
BTW Maxi, In case you don’t know,
I live in Wales.
Shwm mae taffman
If you live in Camden you would regard Wales as ‘foreign’.
Mind you, the rest of us have come to regard London as ‘foreign’. Even us sais!
Shwmae Rhif Saith
I was just ‘edumacating’ that silly fart who calls himself Maxincony.
London is foreign.
It’s even got a Caliph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cha nel un çhengey dy liooar rieau
LOL ! Someone has to !!!
Hi maxincony – Grant has not hidden the fact he doesn’t reside in Britain, he has mentioned he left because he no longer felt comfortable with the cultural changes that were rapidly occurring.
Now I have asked you whether you worked for the BBC before, and you didn’t reply. So what I will do now is ASSUME you work for the BBC.
Now me personally I have no issue with you or your posts – I actually think it would be a good thing to have a critic that sticks to the facts and is (reasonably) civil. I am aware of the dangers of “echo chambers” and I am aware that this site is small and relatively insignificant compared to the BBC’s influence etc, but it does offer an outlet for the “disenchanted” to express their views, and hopefully it can be the start for something bigger.
Agreed. Is Maxiboy really saying that British subjects like me should have no say in the future of Britain because we do not reside there any more ? That seems a bit silly and immature to me. To take Gambia as an example, many Gambians went into forced exile and voluntary exile when Jammeh was President. Now that he has gone, many have returned. Should they have not had any say in the future of their country when they were in exile.
To a large extent the UK is ruled by unelected Fascists in the EU. Get rid of them and some “exiles” may return to Britain.
Over the past thirty years there has been a fairly large scale movement of ordinary native Brits moving out to Europe and beyond. It is not clear why they have moved out but cultural change in Britain cannot be ruled out as a major reason. They form the English / British diaspora, they are likely to have close relatives (children etc) living in England / Britain and may want to return to England / Britain at some time later. The Jews have a well known diaspora, so do the Greeks, so do the Turks …
Maxi, nice to see you back. Any thoughts on the questions & arguments I posed to you a few days back?
Maxiboy is like a pigeon, flies in, shits, and flies out again.
It always puzzles me that he has long absences between visits and he always posts in the small hours. Perhaps he has sprained his right wrist, and is unable to indulge in his usual night time activity at the moment – hence the posts.
The long absences between visits suggest to me that Maxincony is a professional troll, possibly employed by the BBC, and has a large number of sites that he has to visit on rotation. If his posts here are monitored it may show a regular pattern of visits.
A good thing that pigs cant fly.
Oh I don’t know, it would be amusing to see them buzzing Tower Hamlets after Friday prayers.
I love how they go into detail about Hollywood changing a fictional character and how ‘racist’ this is, yet someone trying to attack our sovereign with a machete as part of an ongoing civil war is just glossed over.
Who goes out stabbing at the weekend? Could he not think of something better to do? I’m happy with a Chinese and some football.
Really ?
The most sacred site in Islam is tweeting
Even immobile things are narcissists and have excessive interest in themselves …
“The Eiffel Tower tweets first-person updates and congratulates Instagram users for great pictures of itself.” {bcc.o.uk – The most sacred site in Islam is tweeting – aug2017}
The biggest gathering the world could ever witness, one destination, one heart beating, reciting the words of Allah #Kaaba {twitter 30aug17}
– biggest gathering the world could ever witness, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
– one destination, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
– one heart beating, if you are non-Muslim then please stay away
It is the home for all. all human being could join the area and their visa is just to say ;”There is no God Except Allah And Mohammad is a Messenger of Allah” {twitter}
– It is the home for all, if you are non-Muslim then stay away
– all human could join, if you are non-Muslim then stay away
ffffuck sake do they never give the muzzie pandering a rest
friday news muslim gets out of bed
It will get worse. This weekend is ” Eid ” so we must all bow down and lick the muslim ass. Expect the full treatment from the BBC.
Dhaka,rivers of blood flow through streets heavy rain turns Eid sacrifice into a nightmare.
Welcome to Halal – where only Muslims can do the reading of Koran before a Muslim must slaughter the animals bought with Islamic finances called Sukuk. Positive employment and religious discrimination wrapped up with in a barbaric practise where the animal’s throat is cut whilst still conscious.
Dhaka flooding: Why are there ‘rivers of blood’ at Eid? {bbc.co.uk sep2016}
If you want to see a vision of the future, a muslim with a machete wading through a street running with blood is probably going to be quite accurate.
You could almost say it was “foaming with much blood”.
Ah well, Allah’s not around when you really want him eh?
BBC Search for ‘Kabba’ …
The most sacred site in Islam is tweeting
Two million Muslims begin Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca
Something Understood: The Divine Feminine
Perfectly Proportioned: The Kaaba at Mecca
Art and the Kaaba
Islamic art and the Kaaba
#BBCtrending: Outcry over shoe on Mecca’s Kaaba
Sana Viner reveals the full impact of seeing the Kaaba for the first time
Words of Faith: The Hajj – Islam – 2
Bangladesh Hindu attacks’ suspect arrested
…interesting , BBC no search results for September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede. .
.. but wait, found with google search ….
Hajj stampede: At least 717 killed in Saudi Arabia {bbc.co.uk sep2015}
At least 717 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say.
– BBC shortfall in victims of 1500 (just like BBC’s programme ‘3 Girls’)) even better another article just uses vague terms like ‘Many hundreds of pilgrims were killed in a crush in 2015’ {bbc.co.uk 2016} a year after the first report.
They’ve been worshipping that black rock for more than 1400 years . It’s about time it said something.
Now that Brillo has been removed from the Sunday politics I shall certainly listen to NIgel. The voice of sanity admidst the howling of the liberal left on all the other programmes on the MSM.
A present for you DT. Nigel & Marine putting Verwotsit in his place.
Diolch Rhif Saith !
“Verwotsit” LOL
Think it may be ‘Geevor (Geezer?) Hoffstat’ according to the Beeb, taffman 😉
The looks on some of the faces of those MEPs was a bit of a giveaway at times. I wonder if Verhoftstadt ever reviews his performances on TV late? Guess he would just think ‘They are independent, it doesn’t matter what they think’ but he must realise that the game is up, the EU has been twigged for what it is: a dictatorship.
Up2snuff, I do get a sense of a changing mood towards the EU. The so-called Brexit remorse does not seem to have set in, nor has the predicted economic catastrophe occurred (it is now being pushed ahead to an unspecified point in the future, like the Second Coming had to be indefinitely postponed in the early church) . The events surrounding the separation will be quite telling, I think. If the EU behaves churlishly (with nonsense about divorce settlements, etc) it will simply confirm to people that we were right to leave.
BBC2 8pm Wednesday 30th Worlds Busiest Cities : Hong Kong
I watched this because I used to live and work in Hong Kong and have fond memories of it. As usual it was absolutely shot through with propaganda:
Anti-British: This was a running theme throughout the program but one scene brought it into sharp focus: the presenter (Indian Anita Rani) approached an old fortune teller-type chinese street hawker with a voice-over along the lines of “one tradition which wasn’t destroyed by 150 years of British Rule are these traditional Chinese fortune tellers…”. No mention of the fact that under British Rule Hong Kong became a haven for people fleeing communist oppression and Mao’s cultural revolution which would have seen people like this old fortune teller rounded up and put in camps!!!
Pro-Islam: Muslims are few and far between in Hong Kong but the BBC carefully selected all the incidental VT shots so there was almost always someone walking by in an Islamist supremacist headbag or some pillock in Pastun pyjamas kneeling to Mecca. A very rare sight in Hong Kong – but you wouldn’t think so from watching this propaganda.
Pro-Immigrant: Great long section on Hong Kong’s migrants. No mention of the fact that, unlike London, Hong Kong is 92% Indigenous Han Chinese. And while they may import alot of flip-flop house maids – they are all forced to leave when their work permits expire. They don’t get a free house and £26K bennies like they do over here FFS. They also visited the ChungKing Mansion arcades which just happens to have alot of Muzzie-run shops- and made out like the small shops were unique to immigrant communities – when in fact there are dozens of similar arcades in Hong Kong where the shops are run exclusively by local Chinese.
One enjoyable slip-up occurred when Remainiac ‘historian’ Dan-nepotism-Snow was interviewing a democracy campaigner who explained why he was against being ruled by unelected foreign bureaucrats. Just like the EU!!
The subtle but clear message from the programme was:
-British rule was evil.
-Muslims everywhere is quite normal.
-Immigrants are unquestionably a good thing.
-Little or no factual information about Hong Kong.
Chilli, really just another normal day at the BBC?
Top post ! I was born in HK and , in my 20s, worked there before the Chinese ” Takeaway “. All of the HK Chinese I knew were terrified of their future under mainland China. Don’t expect the cnuts at the BBC to reflect that. Does not fit the narrative .
I don’t remember seeing a single muslim there. Muslims are not faring too well in China. But if you only listen to BBC Fake News you would never know that.
There’s a mosque halfway up Nathan Road on the lefthand side in front of the park. That said, there are a lot of Hindus and sikh (and Sri lankans) to be found.
P.S across the way in Chungkin mansions ground floor and at the back, do not order the chicken curry, as its not chicken.
I saw this too Chilli.
I worked out there myself, so wanted to know how their incredible bamboo scaffolding was done,
Trust the BBC to send an airhead poppet with long orange fake nails to show us all how it`s done.
Ridiculous-and the Chinese workers and training staff really must laugh at our infantile Blue Peter nonsense-we used to do news once.
Wouldn`t you think that the BBC might feel some shame at the case of Nathan Lau?
Locked up within weeks of spouting off to the wheelchair.
Nathan and his heroic fellow prisoners are everyhting that the BBC are not-brave, fearless and will fight for freedom. As opposed to strutting around in Junckers trenchcoat and licking Verhofstads Brylcreemed boots.
I watched bamboo scaffolding rise very quickly around a domestic block opposite my hotel room in HK earlier this year….and noted that all the bamboo was joined together with cable ties – pretty ordinary, 24 inch, black plastic cable ties. The walk boards were not normally locked in. It seemed to work on the 30+ storey building, and soon swarms (I’m not sure that this phrase is ‘kosher’ there days, but what the hell ?) of workers were busy on the external facings and finishings.
Just a few days later, I saw the same scaffolding taken apart in unbelievably quick time. They simply snipped the cable ties, and allowed them to fall, and grabbed the bamboo poles set free, then launched them down a human chain to a waiting truck below.
Would I set foot on such structures ? Not on your nelly ! But it clearly didn’t seem to be a problem for these Chinese workers.
Great post, Chilli. Solid points.
A Nigerian friend of mine (English born) lived and worked in Hong Kong for several years. He experienced some racism. It tended to come from white fellow-temporary worker Aussies and Kiwis!
The HongKong-ese were ready to get along with anyone but the different groups of ‘expats’ tended to stay in their national huddles.
I spent a couple of weeks in HK a few years ago. I don’t recall seeing any Muslims or black people, and only a minority of Europeans. I do recall however, being struck by the large numbers of Filipina servants on their Sundays off, sitting around on the pavements and in parks etc having picnics – in a totally unthreatening way, I might add. Surely this would be of more interest to the Beeb, since I heard from some Europeans that these women are sometimes badly treated by their employers. If they were Muslims on prayer mats I’ll bet the BBC would have creamed itself!
A Nigerian friend of mine (English born) lived and worked in Hong Kong for several years. He experienced some racism. It tended to come from white fellow-temporary worker Aussies and Kiwis!
I didn’t, but did from the Chinese (post handover)
BBC’s Katya Adler on the 1800 news: “….the UK is going to have to pay the one hundred Billion……”. Such a wonderful sleight of hand dontcha think? (I’m really getting into the BBC’s pidgin speech drive). Katya, we are under no obligation to pay much less, 100 Billion. Tell the truth for once……………… BBC ‘Factcheck’ please step in.
bbc announces that UK medics are consulting with Indian medics on the treatment of acid attacks which are so far up to one a day in Britain. Immigration, integration and now medication – marvellously enriching.
Once you see how the BBC creates news articles it gets easier to spot the omissions or trickery in the language.
BBC shortfall in victims of 1500 by reporting 717 killed in Hajj/Kaaba at Mecca (just like BBC’s programme ‘3 Girls’ to wipe away 1800 raped girls) even better another BBC article just uses vague terms like ‘Many hundreds (BBC fail to report it was 2,236) of pilgrims were killed in a crush in (Mecca/Kaaba) 2015’ a year after the first report.
I don’t want to spend my time keeping track of how our supposed world class service, the BBC £145/£3.5bn, uses language and ignores news events, but it would seem that the BBC is unwilling to change even after harbouring a pedophile and forcing people to pay for staff wages under the threat of prison to likes of Chris ‘£2.3m Labour Supporter + CarFest’ Evans.
It’s the bbc’s spend on various worldwide agenda pushing initiatives that bugs me. The sponsoring of this, that and the other that is in no way necessary for a broadcaster to operate and certainly not at our expense.
“Once you see how the BBC creates news articles it gets easier to spot the omissions or trickery in the language; [BBC shortfall in victims of 1500 by reporting 717 killed in Hajj/Kaaba at Mecca] .”
The report you link to is from the day it happened and states:
“At least 717 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say”.
You go on to claim…
“even better another BBC article just uses vague terms like [‘Many hundreds (BBC fail to report it was 2,236) of pilgrims were killed in a crush in (Mecca/Kaaba) 2015’] a year after the first report.”
For some reason your link to this article is missing…
Possibly because it actually says:
“Hundreds, possibly thousands, of people – many of them Iranian – were killed in a crush on the third day.”
For some reason you also failed to link to this article:
“Estimates of the death toll vary, with most agreeing that more than 2,000 pilgrims were killed”
Or this one, from just a couple of weeks after the tragedy:
“More than 1,480 pilgrims died in the stampede, foreign officials say.”
Or this one:
“independent counts by countries repatriating bodies suggest as many as 2,426 people may have died”
Or this one:
“one unofficial tally put the death toll at more than 2,400”
Or this one:
“But there are safety warnings and tighter restrictions in place this year, after last year’s stampede which saw the deaths of more than 2,000 Muslims”
Or this one:
“Tensions between the two countries have risen after a crush in last year’s pilgrimage killed at least 2,426 people”
What was it you were saying about omissions or trickery, MarkyMark?
Excellent will check out the links. Thanks.
Here is the missing link …
Hajj: Saudis stiffen security after crush deaths {bbc.co.uk sep2016}
As helicopters hovered in the sky above a seemingly endless number of soldiers marching in unison, it looked like Saudi Arabia was bracing itself for war.
It was in fact a show of readiness to host its most important event of the year, the Hajj.
The season lasts for nearly six days, but last year it was disastrous. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of people – many of them Iranian – were killed in a crush on the third day. It was the deadliest accident at the Hajj in more than two decades.
– Image Caption: Many hundreds of pilgrims were killed in a crush in 2015
September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede. No figures given in article that I could find. {biasedbbc post}
maxincony – how did you find the articles you listed above?
Google or BBC search?
BBC Website ” Man charged over Palace incident “. Judging by the name , it would seem he is a Roper. Big surprise.
Another resident of Bury Park, Luton wanting to complain about the plants and food in the palace, I assume!
BBC getting worked over the Moslem Haj at Mecca.
I am beginning to feel I am alone in making this observation. I do not disagree with this or that criticism of Islam, or fail to understand some of the beliefs, as I would with any other religion, or branch of science for that matter.
I cannot see the entire thing as nothing more than a crock of shit, barmy and meaningless.
That is why there can be no integration or unity of faiths,
The Haj is a medieval practice within a medieval religion, one that failed to conquer Europe although now we seem to be doing our best to reverse that . Why doesn’t the BBC tell the truth?
One-eyed unity with injured Yemeni girl {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
“People in Yemen are sharing photos on social media of themselves with one eye closed in solidarity with a young girl injured and orphaned in an air strike.”
BBC’s Nawal Al-maghafi (BBC reporters are part of the News rather than independent reporting) , who has gained rare access to rebel-held Yemen in the past months, posted her own photograph with the hashtag.
Article Text Search: Yemen x 11; Saudi x 3; Houthi x 1; Muslim x 0; Islam x 0; Iran x 0;
Houthis allies are : Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Qatar {wiki}
Why are the BBC not sending a team to Mecca to report this ?
Perhaps they will use their on the spot reporter – they often have an editor who just happens to llive in the part of the world they are reporting.
I often think they record it all in the Salford studios. Stand by for an interview from Salford Mecca.
G.W.F.: “Stand by for an interview from Salford Mecca.”
Probably the Beeboids favourite restaurant for long lunches on expenses.
Off topic but c4 is just a turbo charged biased BBC. Having rubbished David Davies for the failure of the EU to negotiate, we then have an item from Burma about persecution of Muslims by Buddhists. c4 is just unbelievable in its distortion of the news. Why should every culture in the world bow to Islam? Why should Britain’s EU negotiations be reported from a purely EU perspective?
What I do not understand is why all these asslickers of muslims do not convert to Islam. If I felt the way they do, I would become a muslim. Seems strange to me.
Grant, I may have mentioned this before but I believe most ‘Islamophiles’ do not actually love Islam – they fear it. No other religion is accorded anything like the same respect and reverence in this country by people who are not adherents of that religion.
If Islam had some incredible unique spiritual insight, or some amazing architecture or liturgy or art or music or code of ethics that was not present in other religions, I could understand it, but it does not.
They fear it because of all religions it is the only one which at present is demanding that it be heard. The appeasers have no spiritual grounding and therefore cannot engage with Islam on a spiritual or philosophical level, either to convert to it or to oppose it. All they can do is appease.
You are so right. And put it better than I could. It is about fear and appeasement and it never works.
Islam has turned itself into a Muhammadan cult, now it has found our pinch points in its war with the west and its values.
When Islam did what it did over the Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo, it reverted from a “religion” to a totalitarian personlaity cult”…one that it alone decided would be the arbiters and judges over.
This is tactics, passive-aggressive excusings of its cultural toxicity. They have long said that Muhammad was only Gods messenger and not to be worshipped. They scorned we Christians for idolatry of an imagined “Son Of God”. But now they`ve decided to bin our Christ , with replacement of Him by Muhammad, as Gods final word and offer to us.
No theologian will say this, no media gobs on sticks would dare say it. That`s how I know it`s true. We really need to tell Muslims they`re heretics, apostates and blaspehemers for putting Muhammad on some parity with God-they never do or did in their own countries.
But its very effective in fatally lancing the “free expression” boast of the west in a key tenet. We now self-censor and cringe, being ungodly and thick-and they`re correct all too often.
So logical, inevitable and clear-but when Russell Brand and Liam Gallagher are your prophets, then Islam is more than right to deal with that.
“We now self-censor and cringe”
A few do it all the time, but I say things in relative privacy that I wouldn’t repeat here. I’ve never found it difficult to find people who agree with me and I certainly don’t work in BNP central office, if it even has one these days.
Other than silly student types, their professors, and (in my experience) the sons and daughters of certain liberal professions (the worst, IMO), people in areas all over the country that are becoming unrecognisable are worried, and well and truly pissed off about being forced into that position. They are having to confront possibilties that should never have arisen. Only a few people in areas not yet affected seem to realise that it is only a matter of time unless strong measures are taken. The smugness of the rest, often in rural areas, is dangerous. Wait until white flight has ruined their lifestyle. And of course Jews, the canaries in the immigrant coalmine, are worried more than most. We’ll be losing some very capable people to Israel over the next few years, I think.
My concern is that there are still significant numbers of people who are resigned to their fate, too obsessed with Bake Off to care, too loyal to the existing parties, or just too confused and indecisive to change their voting habits to virtuallly anyone who might stand a chance of shaking up the status quo. We haven’t reached the edge of the cliff yet but alternative routes are being shut off all the time. Sooner or later, it’ll be turn around and fight, or jump.
“…we then have an item from Burma about persecution of Muslims by Buddhists. c4 is just unbelievable in its distortion of the news. Why should every culture in the world bow to Islam?”
Just how, exactly, is reporting that thousands of innocent Rohingya Muslims are fleeing for their lives a “distortion of the news?
Odd that AlBeeb have a problem reporting the persecution of Christians in predominantly Islamic States doncha think?
Number 7,
“Odd that AlBeeb have a problem reporting the persecution of Christians in predominantly Islamic States doncha think?”
BiasedBBC, Rule No.1:
When unable to answer a simple question; change the subject.
“When unable to answer a simple question; change the subject.”
You, Kettle – Pot & Black .
Well Maxi Here is one for you ………………
Justify the TV Licence and the high wages paid to your pals
Ignore him taffman – he’s only just got back from the Wine Bar. 😉
Nos da.
Rhif Saith
He does Al Beeb no favours .
Nos da y ti .
Maxi, do you remember the BBC’s coverage of the Karen & their presecution? Or of the conflict in Aceh in Indonesia?
How much on-going interest or follow-up on those is there from the BBC?
Also, what proportion is the overall coverage from the BBC (I’m limited to the web-site & radio) of Islam related items to those of other faiths? Take the recent Indian Independence anniversary: what proportion was accorded to the major participant (non-Muslim India & Sri Lanka) and the minor participant (West and East Pakistan)?
Then there is China. Muslim conflict – from a small part of the nation – gets regular coverage by the BBC. Christianity – increasingly nationwide in China – how much coverage does that receive by the BBC on R4 and on the BBC w/s in comparison?
Do get back with some answers, please.
I think the point is not that it is a distortion of news but a bias slant that paints Muslims as the only targeted group. In fact there is also a big problem for Christians as well. C4 plays to the audience because 4/5ths of the country are Christians and therefore garner few ‘victim’ points, so favoured by the likes of BBC and C4
EuroNews @20:30 31Aug17 – ‘No decisive progress’ On Brexit – Tony Blair turns up to hug Jean Claude Juncker.
“Former PM, Tony Blair was also in Brussels (was he shopping?). The Ex-Labour Leader says there’s a chance to stop BREXIT if a new agreement can be found on controlling immigration. Meanwhile the current Premier, Theresa May, is in Japan to smooth companies about the Brexit process.”
“Neither skin colour nor religion matter anymore in 2017”
These are the words of one Martin Narey, a serial quango collector who ballsed up the Prison Service in a previous manifestation. P2 of todays Telegraph.
He is now “advising” Theresa May on “foster care of children”.
Can only imagine that Jimmy Saviles rotting corpse was not available, or Abdul Ali Akbars Dewsbury Taxi Rankers were up to something else.
Lets hope that BLM and ISIS(Luton) take note of Martin Nareys insight, and thereby pack up and go back to respecting whites and Christian ladies and families.
Martin has ordained it…let MalcolmX and Anjem Choudry quake.
PS. The UN yesterday said that “human rights and democracy” were now barely alive in Venezuela following Maduros fiddling of his new constitution.
Anybody hear our media give us any context or analysis of this?
Still-Alex Thomsons Channel 4 spot moaned about disabled people not getting a bigger basket to put their chips and Stella tinnies in…something like that, UN moaning in some report of theirs. Gor PLENTY on that one eh,Channel 4?
French radio this morning was running interviews with ‘migrants’ camped out in Brussels who, ‘because we speak English’, were keen on moving here.
I expect the BBC have been down-playing accounts of this 600-person ‘jungle’ because it goes against the ‘everyone is leaving because of Brexit’ agenda!
Le Figaro [in French]
Maybe the bBC didn’t want us to know the attitude how the people who run Belgium really think about all these poor children:
Belgian authorities want no part in even a temporary solution for people they say are only interested in reaching Britain.
I wonder why nobody ever screams at Brussels to do the right thing?
It won`t be a country for very long, surely.
If we were any good we`d be fomenting a civil war over there to smoke Juncker out with his vans and clarets.
Brexit needs a domino revolution and the Euro to fail-we deal only with sovereign nation not a seedy boys club that no one voted for, has no accountant to trust and is in freefall.
I`d deal with the Visegrad Group and put the skids under Merkel-bet Erdogan would help us in return for a trade deal.
BBC news 9.00pm called outside source. Presenter gives a balanced presentation of the EU talks. Then asks a ‘chris morris’; a bit biased. Moves onto other subjects then an entry on the bottom ticker tape, states what Barnier says, but omits what DD has said. They just cannot help themselves when it comes to bias.
Ditto with PM and with Sky News.
Their Brexit sunmmaries inevitably showcase vox pop hipster niche businesses in Shoreditch, or futuristic science park souffle set ups in Cambridge or such. Niche, employ hardly anybody, unfathomably complex or trivial(usually both, actually)-all have EU funding or a contract with Italy or wherever-not a Tim Martin or James Dyson allowed on to say anything other than “Brexit is wrong-it just is.”
Once they`re done(the People are speaking)-we get Cable, Heseltine or Osbornes mates on the box , or helpfully read out to us via the papers or a Twitter feed. Again, no Peter Bones, Redwoods or Lawsons allowed.
And-of course-Barniers Gospel, Verhofstads Olympian pearls sent down with no counter argument, or any effort to speak for Britain about what these unelected charlatans and pond life are doing.
Course not-Davis is always in the dock, as is Trump.
No point in “negotiating” with the EU, as Cameron found. Lets abseil down , float up, up and away straight away. Why May didn`t slip Abe a loyalty bonus card whilst in Japan only shows what a sap she is…we want out and now, Japan and the USA , China and India must wonder why we`re so shit…why do we need the EUs permission to not create our trade agreements for 2019? Weak, weak and weak..to quote Mrs T.
Just reading about the British bomb found in Frankfurt. Funny how the bBC which is always keen to report on how the Brits bombed the crap out of Europe never seem to return the favour when its German UXBs found in the UK:
Brondesbury Park WW2 bomb defused
Business feels force of unexploded Aston WW2 bombt
Portsmouth evacuations prompted by WW2 bomb find
Fourth unexploded WW2 bomb found in Sheffield
Experts detonate unexploded WW2 bomb in Ramsey
Even when a bomb turns up and nobody knows who dropped it the bBC will still blame the brits.
Greek WW2 bomb deactivated after mass Thessaloniki evacuation
“Officials said the device was too degraded to tell if it was a German or an Allied bomb. But one resident of the city told the Associated Press that the bomb was dropped by British and US planes targeting German rail facilities on 17 September 1944.”
The bBC, the modern day Lord Ha ha, brainwashing the British public to their way of cock sucking liberalism.
The RAF did pound the German cities relentlessly for three years or more and about 10% of the bombs didn’t detonate so there will be plenty left to keep the German bomb disposal teams in work for a while yet. The benefits of the Strategic Air Offensive against Germany were significant during the war but what is often overlooked is that the whole of Europe is still benefitting today because, having had all of their cities reduced to rubble, the mind set of Militarism that the German state had had for the previous eighty years was removed for the rest of the century.
I fully support what you say. However my post was about how the bBC whilst happy to inform everybody about just who the bomb belonged to when found in Europe, never seems to bother when the bombs ae found in the UK.
Please stop saying the German’s were involved in the second world war.
You should be watching the BBC’s Lily Allen view of history to put you right. It was the Nazi’s who started the second world war, not the Germans. they came from Naziland, a country that no longer exists. And only Nazis carried out any atrocities, invasions, and bombing.
Once the Nazi’s were defeated by dark skinned people from India and the Caribbean, then the Nazi’s were defeated.
You must be mixing up the Germans with the evil, white British who are responsible for all the world’s ills.
I see the BBC has far more work to do yet.